一、选择题1、设全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6},集合A={2,4,6},则CuA=A{2,4,6} B{1,3,5}C{1,2,3,4,5,6} D Φ2、已知1≤a≤5,则15a a -+- =A6 - 2a B2a-6 C-4 D43、函数)5ln(312x x x y -+-+-=的定义域= A.()()2,33,5⋃ B. [)()2,33,5⋃ C.[)[)2,33,5⋃ D.[)[]2,33,5⋃4、若)2(log log 2121x x -<,则x 的取值范围是A. 0,1B.1,+)∞C.0,2D.1,25、已知向量a=3,-2,b=4,3,则3a - 2b·a=A-21 B3 C27 D516、已知函数()()2123f x k x kx =-++为偶函数,则其单调递减区间为:A-∞,0 B0,+∞C-∞,1 D-∞,+∞7、在数列{an}中,a n+1 = a n +3,a 2 = 2,则a 7 =A11 B14 C17 D208、从4名男生中选1人,3名女生中选2人,将选出的3人排成一排,不同排 法共有:A24种 B35种 C72种 D210种9、袋中装有3个黑球和2个白球,一次取出两个球,恰好是黑、白球各一个的概率为:A 1/5B 3/10C 2/5D 3/510、函数1sin 3x y ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭的最小正周期是: Aπ/6 Bπ/3 C3π D6π11、在△ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c,已知a 2 + b 2 – c 2 = ab, 则C=Aπ/6Bπ/3C5π/6D2π/312、用一个平面截正方体,所得的截面图形不可能是:A 等腰三角形B 直角三角形C 梯形D 矩形13、设a>0,若直线经过点a,0、0,2a 、1,2,则其方程是:A2x + y – 4 = 0 Bx + 2y – 5 = 0C2x - y = 0 D2x + y = 014、已知抛物线y 2 = mx 的准线方程为x = -2,则常数m=A4 B-4 C8 D-815、已知直线1l :2x + y + m = 0,直线2l :x + 2y + n = 0,则:A 1l 与2l 相交但不垂直B 1l 与2l 相交且垂直C 1l 与2l 行D 1l 与2l 的位置关系取决于m 、n 的值二、填空题16、不等式x + 32 <1的解集是__________;17、已知m a = 4,b m = 8,m c= 16m>0,则a b c m +- =_______;18、若复数1+2ik+i 的实部和虚部相等,则实数k=________;19、半径为10的圆中,135°圆心角所对圆弧的长为________;20、已知tanα= 2,则tanπ/4+α________;21、在等比数列{an}中,公比q=3,前n 项和为n s ,则42s s = ___; 三、解答题22、已知二次函数fx = ax 2 + bx 满足:①f2=0;②方程fx=x 有两个相等的实数根,求:Ⅰ函数fx 的解析式Ⅱ函数fx 在区间0,3上的最大值和最小值23、正三棱柱的底面边长为4,过BC 的一个平面交棱AA1于点D,且AD=2,求: Ⅰ二面角A-BC-D 的度数Ⅱ三角形BCD 的面积24、已知椭圆的标准方程为221169144x y +=,双曲线的标准方程为221916x y -=,求: Ⅰ椭圆的焦点坐标Ⅱ双曲线的渐近线方程Ⅲ以椭圆的右焦点为圆心,且与双曲线的渐近线相切的圆的标准方程。
2011—— 2012 第一学期天津春考班期中考试语文试卷题号一二三四五六七总分得分本试题分Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共第Ⅰ卷(选择题150 分。
考试时间共 56分)120 分钟。
本大题共 6 小题,每小题 4 分,共24 分。
(在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的)1、下列词语中加点的字,注音全对的一组是( A .梵婀(ē)玲敛( li ǎn)裙 B .罗绮( qǐ)果脯( f ǔ)C.商贾( ji ǎ)恪( kè)守 D .蝉蜕( tuì)拜谒( yè))孝悌( dì)汜( f àn)南负荷( hè)休憩( qì)义愤填膺( yīng)栖( qī)于会稽国子监( ji ān)锲( qì)而不舍2.下列词语中有错别字的一组是A .缥缈风致缘故C.和睦烦躁蔑视变幻莫测毕恭毕敬B .磨练D .桂冠焕发嬉游悲残树阴至理名言戛然而止()3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()①有这么一条规律,在所有第三世界发展中国家中,工业和农业是互相、互相支援的两大国民经济部门。
A .依靠严重牵连B .依赖严峻牵涉C.依赖严重牵涉 D .依靠严峻牵连4.下列各句画线成语的使用,恰当的一句是()A.投资做生意者,也许今天身无长物,明天却摇身一变而成为暴发户,但商场失意、血本无归、倾家荡产者也不乏其人。
D .中国在渤海湾地区发现储量规模达10 亿吨的大油田,喜讯传来,人们无不拍手称快。
精心整理天津市高等院校春季招生考试《数学》模拟题一、选择题1.集合}4,3,2,1{=A,AB⊆,且)A∈,则满足上述条件的集合B共1B(有的四位数A.12个B.36个C.48个D.72个7.若三角形一个内角α满足1α,则这个三角形一定是+αsin=cosA.钝角三角形B.锐角三角形C.直角三角形D.不确定8.函数kω的图像在一个周期内最高点的坐标为s in(ϕ=)xAy++)1,12(π,最低点的坐标为)5,127(-π,则k A ,,,ϕω的值分别是 A. 3,21,3π,2- B. 3,2,6π,2-C. 3,2,3π,2-D. 3,1,3π,2-9. 已知直线的倾斜角为22arcsin,且过圆9)5()3(22=-++y x 的圆心,得PF PQ +的值最小的点P 的坐标为________________________. 16.在na a)1(324-的展开式中,倒数第三项系数绝对值为45,则展开式中含3a 的项是_______________.三、解答题17.已知61≤≤x ,函数4log 2)(log )(21221-+=x x x f ,当x 为何值时函数有的最大值和最小值,并求出最大值和最小值。
18.已知20πα<<,πβπ<<2,且135)sin(=+βα,54)cos(=-βα,求αcos 、α2cos 。
19.已知等差数列}{n a 的第三项为1,前六项之和为0,又知前k。
天津市高等院校春季招生考试《数学》模拟题一、选择题1.集合}4,3,2,1{=A ,A B ⊆,且)(1B A ∈,则满足上述条件的集合B 共有A. 3个B. 4个C. 5个D. 6个2. 不等式042<++ax x 的解集为φ,则a 的取值范围是3. 已知函数)(x f 是偶函数,)(x g 是奇函数,且11)()(-=+x x g x f ,则)(x g =4. 若32041||-=-→→b a ,4||=→a ,5||=→b ,则=⋅→→b aA. 105.已知函数259log )3(2+=x x f ,则=)1(f A. 16. 由数字1、3、5、7四个数能组成1、3不相邻的没有重复数字的四位数A. 12个B. 36个C. 48个D. 72个 7. 若三角形一个内角α满足1cos sin =+αα,则这个三角形一定是A. 钝角三角形B. 锐角三角形C. 直角三角形D. 不确定8.函数k x A y ++=)sin(ϕω的图像在一个周期内最高点的坐标为)1,12(π,最低点的坐标为)5,127(-π,则k A ,,,ϕω的值分别是A. 3,21,3π,2- B. 3,2,6π,2- C. 3,2,3π,2-D.3,1,3π,2-9.已知直线的倾斜角为22arcsin ,且过圆9)5()3(22=-++y x 的圆心,则直线的横截距、纵截距分别是 A. 8和8B.8-和8 C.8-和8- D. 8和8-10. 以椭圆64422=+y x 的焦点为顶点,一条渐近线方程为03=+y x 的双曲线方程为二、填空题11. 函数)2|3lg(|4)(2-+-=x x x f 的定义域为_______________________.12. 若m =2log 3,则=36log 2______________________.13. 已知ABC ∆中,三边长分别为2,7,3===c b a ,则=∠B ________________.14. 复数z 满足i z z +=+2,则=z ____________________.15.P 为抛物线x y 42=上的动点,F 为抛物线焦点,对于点)2,5(Q 使得PF PQ +的值最小的点P 的坐标为________________________.16. 在na a)1(324-的展开式中,倒数第三项系数绝对值为45,则展开式中含3a 的项是_______________. 三、解答题17. 已知61≤≤x ,函数4log 2)(log )(21221-+=x x x f ,当x 为何值时函数有的最大值和最小值,并求出最大值和最小值。
201 5年天津市高等院校春季招生统一考试模拟试题计算机基础(A卷)本试卷分为第1卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。
考试时间90分钟.第1卷(选择题,共1 20分)注意事项:本卷共两大题,共120分。
i'1.在计算机应用领域中,CAI是指( )A.计算机辅助测试色.计算机辅助制造C.计算机辅助教学D.计算机辅助设计2.一个完整的计算机系统由什么组成( )A.内部设备和外部设备B.软件系统和硬件系统C.主机箱、鼠标、键盘、显示器和打印机D.控制器、运算器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备3.与十六进制数20相等的八进制数是( )A.40 B.16C.32 D.1284.在微型计算机系统中,CPU的组成主要包括( )A.控制器和存储器B.运算器和存储器C.运算器和控制器D.内存储器和高速缓冲存储器5.下列选项中,既是输入设备又是输出设备的是( )A.硬盘B.扫描仪C.CD-ROM D.绘图仪6.下列不属于计算机病毒特征的是( )A.隐蔽性B。
破坏性C.可识别性D.传染性7.计算机能够直接使用高级语言编写的程序执行的方式有两种,它们是( )A.汇编执行和连接执行B.编译执行和解释执行C.机器语言执行和汇编语言执行D.源程序执行和目标程序执行8\DRAM存储器的中文含义是( )A.动态随机存储器C.静态只读存储器B.静态随机存储器D.动态只读存储器9.在Windows XP中,任务栏的“属性”对话框中不能进行的设置是( )A.清除“开始”菜单下“文档”中的内容B.设置任务栏显示方式:总在前或自动隐藏C.安装某些应用程序D.在“开始”菜单中“添加或删除”某些项目10.在Windows XP中,可以用“回收站”恢复其上被误删除的文件的存储设备是( )A.光盘B.硬盘C.内在的D.U盘I 1.在Windows XP系统中,在“资源管理器”中,若误删除了硬盘上的文件,下列不能进行( )恢复操作的是A.在回收站中对此文件执行“还原”B.从回收站窗口中将此文件拖回原位置C.在“资源管理器”窗口中执行“撤消”命令D.在被删文件的原位置右击,在快捷菜单中选择“还原”命令12.在Windows XP系统中,实现窗口切换可按( )A. Ctrl+Esc链B. Alt+Esc键C. Ctrl+ Shifi+Esc键D. ShiR+Esc键13.在Windows XP系统中,“任务栏和[开始]菜单的属性”对话框中不可以设置内容是( ) 。
2023年天津市春季高考模拟检测语文试题语文模拟试卷本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共150 分。
考试用时120 分钟。
1. 下列各组词语中加点字的读音,完全正确的一项是()A. 青荇(xìng)渗透(sèn)泅水(qiú)自惭形秽(huì)B. 放肆(sì)愚氓(méng)流岚(lán)前仆后继(pū)C. 亢旱(kàng)扼要(è)纶巾(lún)战战兢兢(jīng)D. 引擎(qíng)家眷(juàn)百舸(kě)杞人忧天(qī)【答案】B【解析】【详解】本题考查学生识记现代汉语常用字字音的能力。
A.“渗透”的“渗”应读shèn;C.“纶巾”的“纶”应读guānD. “百舸”的“舸”应读gě;“杞人忧天”的“杞”应读qǐ故选B。
2. 下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是()A. 汲取陶醉衣锦还乡出神入画B. 澄澈国萃莫名其妙哗众取宠C. 取缔亲昵怨天由人更胜一筹D. 瞭望吝啬众说纷纭面面相觑【答案】D【解析】【详解】本题考查学生识记现代汉语常用字字形的能力。
3. 依次填入下面句中横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是()①发展与壮大文化产业,就要盯着市场做文章,_____文化生产部门的自我生存能力,最大限度地让文化产品增值。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共75分)注意事项:1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上,并将本人考试用条形码贴在答题卡的贴条形码处。
2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答案卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 考试结束,监考员将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。
1.设集合M={x x-1=0},A ={1,2},则M ∪N= A.{1,1,2} B.{2} C.{1,2} D.{-1,1,2}2.设K 为常数,若函数y=(2k+1)x+b (-∞,﹢∞)内是增函数,则>21 B. K<21>- 21 D. K<-213.不等式(3x+4)(5-x)<0的解集是A.{x x<-34或x>5}B.{x -34<x<5}C.{-34<x<5}D.{x<-34或x>5}4.若f(x)是偶函数,当0≤x≤1时,f(x)=2x(1-x),则f(-21)=21 B.41-C.41D. 21第一页5.已知sin α=-21(21≤x ≤23π),则cos2α= A. 21B.23C. -2123 (-213π)=A. 21B.23C. -21 237.已知向量=−→−−→−=−→−=−→−m m ba b a 则若,//),8,4(),,3( 23 B.238.双曲线4x 2-9y=1的渐近线方程式A. Y=x 23±B. Y=x32±C. Y=x 49±D. Y=x94±第二页2015年天津市高等院校春季招生统一考试数学A第二卷(非选择题)注意事项;1.答第II 卷前,考生须将密封线内的项目填写清楚。
天津春考综合考试题及答案一、单项选择题(本题共30分,每题2分)1. 下列关于天津春考的描述中,哪一项是正确的?A. 天津春考是天津市每年举行的一次重要考试B. 天津春考只针对高中毕业生C. 天津春考的考试科目与全国高考相同D. 天津春考的成绩不计入高考总分答案:A2. 天津春考的考试科目包括哪些?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 物理、化学、生物C. 政治、历史、地理D. 以上都是答案:D3. 天津春考的考试时间通常安排在什么季节?A. 春季B. 夏季C. 秋季D. 冬季答案:A4. 天津春考的主要目的是什么?A. 选拔优秀学生进入大学B. 评估学生的综合素质C. 提供学生提前进入大学的机会D. 以上都是答案:D5. 下列哪项不是天津春考的报名条件?A. 具有天津市户籍B. 具有天津市学籍C. 必须是应届毕业生D. 必须通过高中会考答案:C6. 天津春考的考试形式是什么?A. 笔试B. 口试C. 实验操作D. 上机考试答案:A7. 天津春考的考试内容主要依据什么?A. 全国高考大纲B. 天津市教学大纲C. 高中课程标准D. 大学入学要求答案:B8. 天津春考的成绩如何使用?A. 仅用于春季高考录取B. 可以作为高考加分项C. 可以作为大学录取的参考D. 以上都是答案:C9. 天津春考的报名流程包括哪些步骤?A. 网上报名、现场确认、缴费B. 现场报名、网上报名、缴费C. 网上报名、缴费、现场确认D. 现场报名、缴费、网上报名答案:A10. 天津春考的考试地点通常设在哪里?A. 考生所在学校B. 指定的考试中心C. 考生户籍所在地D. 考生学籍所在地答案:B二、多项选择题(本题共20分,每题4分)11. 天津春考的报名资格包括哪些条件?A. 具有完全民事行为能力B. 遵守中华人民共和国宪法和法律C. 身体健康,符合体检要求D. 具有天津市户籍或学籍答案:ABCD12. 天津春考的考试科目中,哪些科目是必考科目?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 物理答案:ABC13. 天津春考的考试科目中,哪些科目是选考科目?A. 政治B. 历史C. 地理D. 化学答案:ABCD14. 天津春考的报名材料通常包括哪些?A. 身份证复印件B. 学生证复印件C. 近期免冠照片D. 报名费答案:ABCD15. 天津春考的考试结果如何公布?A. 通过官方网站公布B. 通过短信通知C. 通过电话查询D. 通过邮件通知答案:AB三、判断题(本题共20分,每题2分)16. 天津春考的成绩可以用于全国高考的加分。
第I 卷(选择题,共56分)—、本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分。
1. 下列各组词语中加点字的注音,完全正确的一项是()A.搭讪.(shàn)敕.造(chì)提纲挈.领(xié)烟熏火燎.(liáo)B.迷惘.(wǎng) 真谛.(tì)摇曳.生姿(yè)睚眦.必报(zì)C.苑囿.(yòu) 圭臬.(niè)言简意赅.(gāi)浅尝辄.止(zhé)D.怅.然(chàng)潜.伏(qián)封妻荫.子(yīn)愤世嫉.俗(jí)2. 下了各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )A. 脉膊度假貌合神离坐收鱼利B. 凋敝谍血既往不究金碧辉煌C. 辖制勘误层峦叠嶂墨守成规D. 悚然幅员人才倍出即景生情3. 下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )A. 长夜难眠, 思前虑后, 她感到自己简直是一只徜徉..歧路的羔羊。
B. 这个剧本改了几次, 效果仍然不好, 依我看,症结..就在于主题不明确。
C. 他处事谨慎,善于思考,很有主见,对别人的意思从来不随便苟同..。
D. 在晴朗的夏天,西边天上最亮的那颗星斗..叫做金星。
4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是()A. 阅读优秀的古典文学作品可以帮助我们了解古代人民的生活,但它们是用文言文写成的,所以比起白话文来要深刻的多。
B. 奉劝那些利欲熏心者,莫要为了蝇头小利而弄虚作假,借助虚假广告蒙骗消费者,其结果是很可怕的。
第1页C. 多媒体电子门票,这种过去从未听说过的东西,今天正在走进我们的日常生活。
D. 这种抗病毒口服液的主要成分是板蓝根、生地黄、广藿香、连翘等配制而成的。
)1.下列词语中加点的字,注音全对的一组是A. 惩.(chěng)罚谋.(móu)面恐吓.(xià) 庇.(bì)佑B.曲.(qǔ)直绿.(lù)林忖.(cǔn)度差.(chà)错C. 咀嚼.(jué) 累.(lěi)积弹劾.(hé) 殷.(yīn)红D. 拓.(tà)片供.(gōng)给青荇.(xìng) 弥撒.(sa)2.下列各组词语中,有错别字的一组是A. 长歌当哭脍炙人口百无聊赖礼上往来B.觥筹交错众口铄金不胫而走观其大略C.哗众取宠一筹莫展言简意赅按部就班D. 断章取义别出心裁刚愎自用自惭浅薄3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是①极光不仅是个光学现象,而且是个无线电现象,可以用雷达进行探测研究,它还会出某些无线电波。
天津市2020年春季高考语文模拟试卷A第 I 卷(选择题,共56分)—就像文明发展中,出现了一种规律,促使武力统治者之后,出现精神统治者一样。
第I 卷(选择题,共56分)—、本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分。
1. 下列各组词语中加点字的注音,完全正确的一项是()A.搭讪.(shàn)敕.造(chì)提纲挈.领(xié)烟熏火燎.(liáo)B.迷惘.(wǎng) 真谛.(tì)摇曳.生姿(yè)睚眦.必报(zì)C.苑囿.(yòu) 圭臬.(niè)言简意赅.(gāi)浅尝辄.止(zhé)D.怅.然(chàng)潜.伏(qián)封妻荫.子(yīn)愤世嫉.俗(jí)2. 下了各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )A. 脉膊度假貌合神离坐收鱼利B. 凋敝谍血既往不究金碧辉煌C. 辖制勘误层峦叠嶂墨守成规D. 悚然幅员人才倍出即景生情3. 下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )A. 长夜难眠, 思前虑后, 她感到自己简直是一只徜徉..歧路的羔羊。
B. 这个剧本改了几次, 效果仍然不好, 依我看,症结..就在于主题不明确。
C. 他处事谨慎,善于思考,很有主见,对别人的意思从来不随便苟同..。
D. 在晴朗的夏天,西边天上最亮的那颗星斗..叫做金星。
4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是()A. 阅读优秀的古典文学作品可以帮助我们了解古代人民的生活,但它们是用文言文写成的,所以比起白话文来要深刻的多。
B. 奉劝那些利欲熏心者,莫要为了蝇头小利而弄虚作假,借助虚假广告蒙骗消费者,其结果是很可怕的。
C. 多媒体电子门票,这种过去从未听说过的东西,今天正在走进我们的日常生活。
D. 这种抗病毒口服液的主要成分是板蓝根、生地黄、广藿香、连翘等配制而成的。
第I 卷(选择题,共56分)—、本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分。
1. 下列各组词语中加点字的注音,完全正确的一项是()A.搭讪.(shàn)敕.造(chì)提纲挈.领(xié)烟熏火燎.(liáo)B.迷惘.(wǎng) 真谛.(tì)摇曳.生姿(yè)睚眦.必报(zì)C.苑囿.(yòu) 圭臬.(niè)言简意赅.(gāi)浅尝辄.止(zhé)D.怅.然(chàng)潜.伏(qián)封妻荫.子(yīn)愤世嫉.俗(jí)2. 下了各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )A. 脉膊度假貌合神离坐收鱼利B. 凋敝谍血既往不究金碧辉煌C. 辖制勘误层峦叠嶂墨守成规D. 悚然幅员人才倍出即景生情3. 下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )A. 长夜难眠, 思前虑后, 她感到自己简直是一只徜徉..歧路的羔羊。
B. 这个剧本改了几次, 效果仍然不好, 依我看,症结..就在于主题不明确。
C. 他处事谨慎,善于思考,很有主见,对别人的意思从来不随便苟同..。
D. 在晴朗的夏天,西边天上最亮的那颗星斗..叫做金星。
4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是()A. 阅读优秀的古典文学作品可以帮助我们了解古代人民的生活,但它们是用文言文写成的,所以比起白话文来要深刻的多。
B. 奉劝那些利欲熏心者,莫要为了蝇头小利而弄虚作假,借助虚假广告蒙骗消费者,其结果是很可怕的。
第1页C. 多媒体电子门票,这种过去从未听说过的东西,今天正在走进我们的日常生活。
D. 这种抗病毒口服液的主要成分是板蓝根、生地黄、广藿香、连翘等配制而成的。
若把两线圈视为理想变压器,则下列说法正确的是( )A.快速充电时受电线圈两端的电压为42.5VB.ab间输入的交变电流方向每秒变化50次C.与送电线圈相连的电阻R上的电压为5VD.流过送电线圈的电流为10A第(2)题下图所示的“饮水鸟”是一种神奇的玩具,只要面前放一杯水,小鸟就可以不停地“喝水”。
下列说法不正确的是( )A.饮水鸟体内应该填充液体甲B.饮水鸟处于直立状态时,头部温度一定低于腹部C.饮水鸟做功所需的能量主要来源于面前水的内能D.饮水鸟“喝水”时,颈部液体回流,重心降低,使得小鸟重新直立起来第(3)题如图所示,一根轻质弹簧与质量为m的滑块P连接后,穿在一根光滑竖直杆上,弹簧下端与竖直杆的下端连接,一根轻绳跨过定滑轮将滑块P和重物Q连接起来。
图中O、B两点等高,线段OA长为L,与水平方向的夹角,重物Q的质量,把滑块从图中A点由静止释放后沿竖直杆上下运动,当它经过A、B两点时,弹簧对滑块的弹力大小相等,不计滑轮的摩擦,在滑块从A到B的运动过程中( )A.滑块P的速度一直增大B.滑块P在位置B的速度C.轻绳对滑块P做功D.P与Q的机械能之和先减小后增大第(4)题如图所示,有界匀强磁场的宽度为d,一带电荷量为q、质量为m的带负电粒子以速度垂直边界射入磁场,离开磁场时的速度偏角为,不计粒子受到的重力,下列说法正确的是( )A.带电粒子在匀强磁场中做圆周运动的轨道半径为3dB.带电粒子在匀强磁场中做圆周运动的角速度为C.带电粒子在匀强磁场中运动的时间为D.匀强磁场的磁感应强度大小为第(5)题2023年8月29日,华为最新款手机Mate60Pro开始发售,该手机搭载了我国自主设计和研发的5G芯片,引起了全世界的瞩目。
2023天津春考语文试题及答案2023年天津春季高考语文试题及答案一、选择题(共30分)1. 下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是:A. 恣意妄为桀骜不驯一诺千金一视同仁B. 旁征博引博古通今博闻强识博采众长C. 偃旗息鼓偃武修文偃旗息鼓偃旗息鼓D. 礼尚往来礼贤下士礼义之邦礼崩乐坏答案:A2. 下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的一项是:A. 春天来了,万物复苏,大地一片生机勃勃。
B. “春天来了,万物复苏,”他说,“大地一片生机勃勃。
”C. “春天来了,万物复苏,大地一片生机勃勃。
D. “春天来了,万物复苏,”他说,“大地一片生机勃勃。
”答案:B3. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 经过这次事件,他深刻地认识到了自己的错误。
B. 他不仅学习优秀,而且品德高尚,是我们学习的榜样。
C. 这篇文章的论点明确,论据充分,结构严谨,语言流畅,是一篇好文章。
D. 他因为生病,所以没能参加这次活动。
答案:C二、填空题(共20分)4. 请填写下列古诗词中的空白部分。
”(李商隐《锦瑟》)答案:(1)举头望明月(2)东临碣石(3)此情可待成追忆5. 请根据所给成语或词语,填写反义词。
文段一:(节选自某篇古文,内容略)6. 文段一中作者表达了什么样的情感?答案:作者表达了对家乡的思念之情和对时光流逝的感慨。
7. 文段一中提到的“故国”指的是什么?答案:故国指的是作者的故乡或祖国。
文段二:(节选自某篇现代文,内容略)8. 文段二中,作者通过什么方式来表达主题?答案:作者通过对比和描写人物的内心活动来表达主题。
2023天津春考英语模拟试卷全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12023 Tianjin Spring Exam English Mock ExamPart I. Reading Comprehension (共30分)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.Passage 1Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack who lived with his mother in a small village. Jack was a very adventurous boy and loved exploring the nearby forests.One day, Jack’s mother asked him to go to the market to buy some fruits and vegetables. On the way to the market, Jack saw a deep, dark forest and couldn’t resist the temptation to explore it. As he entered the forest, he saw a beautiful unicorn grazing in a clearing. The unicorn spotted Jack and approached him cautiously.1. What did Jack’s mothe r ask him to do?A. Go to school.B. Buy some fruits and vegetables.C. Explore the forest.D. Play with the unicorn.2. What did Jack see in the forest?A. A dragon.B. A unicorn.C. A tree.D. A house.3. Why did the unicorn approach Jack cautiously?A. It was hungry.B. It was afraid of Jack.C. It was curious.D. It wanted to play.Part II. Vocabulary and Structure (共30分)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one which best completes the sentence.4. I wish I ____ more time to spend with my family.A. haveB. hasC. hadD. having5. The teacher asked us to ______ the homework by tomorrow.A. finishB. finishedC. finishingD. finishes6. The dog _______ the bone.A. buriedB. buryingC. buriesD. buriesPart III. Error Correction (共20分)Directions: There are 10 sentences in this part. Each sentence has one mistake. You should find out the mistake and correct it.7. He isn’t come to the party last night.8. I’m looking forward to going on vacation next summer.9. There are two many people in the room.Part IV. Writing (共20分)Directions: Write an essay of about 200 words on the following topic.Do you agree or disagree with the statement: "Money can buy happiness?" Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.Overall, the 2023 Tianjin Spring Exam English Mock Exam is designed to test students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills. Students who prepare well for this exam will be better equipped to succeed in their English studies. Good luck to all the participants!篇22023 Tianjin Spring Exam English Mock PaperPart I Listening Comprehension (30 points)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.1. A) Blue. B) Red. C) Green. D) White.2. A) At 5:30. B) At 6:00. C) At 6:30. D) At 7:00....Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Politics is one of the most important aspects of modern society. It's such a crucial part of our lives that we can't ignore it. However, for some reason, many people choose to or (61)_______from politics. They think politics is (62) ________ for the elite or the rich, and they don't see any reason to get involved. But the truth is, politics affects all of us, no matter where we live or who we are. That's why we should all (63) _______ a good understanding of politics.Section BDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions45. John is interested in __________.A) cooking and gardeningB) modeling and actingC) sports and actingD) cooking and sports46. How does acting make Emily feel?A) Excited.B) Depressed.C) Stressed.D) Relaxed.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Computers were invented by people for a variety of purposes. They can be used for doing calculations, playing games, gathering information, and communicating with others. Now people use computers for almost everything in their daily life.1. Mention one of the purposes that computers were invented for.______________________________________________________________Part III Writing (30 points)Earth Day is an annual event celebrated worldwide on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Many people plant trees, clean up their communities, and participate in educational events to help raise awareness about the importance of taking care of our planet. Write an essay discussing the significance of Earth Day and what individuals can do to make a difference in protecting the environment.篇32023 Tianjin Spring Exam English mock testListening SectionPart A1. What is the man’s suggestion?A. Going to the moviesB. Going to a caféC. Going to the park2. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a restaurantB. In a hotelC. In an office3. What is the woman’s problem?A. She lost her walletB. She missed her flightC. She couldn’t find her keys4. What is the man’s occupation?A. A teacherB. A doctorC. A journalist5. Why does the woman want to meet the man?A. To discuss businessB. To plan a trip togetherC. To ask for directionsPart B6. Where is the woman most likely?A. At the gymB. At a sports eventC. At a music concert7. What is the weather like today?A. SunnyB. CloudyC. Rainy8. What time is the train leaving?A. 4:00B. 5:30C. 6:159. How does the man feel about his new job?A. StressedB. ExcitedC. Bored10. What is the woman looking for?A. Her phoneB. Her keysC. Her purseReading SectionPart ARead the passage and answer the questions that follow.Japan is known for its beautiful cherry blossoms, which bloom in the spring. Many people travel to Japan during this time to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom. The cherry blossom season is short, usually lasting only a week or two. During this time, there are many festivals and events celebrating the cherry blossoms.1. What are people traveling to Japan to see?A. SunflowersB. DaffodilsC. Cherry blossoms2. How long does the cherry blossom season usually last?A. A monthB. A week or twoC. Several months3. What do people do to celebrate the cherry blossoms?A. Hold festivals and eventsB. Plant more cherry treesC. Pick the blossomsPart BRead the passage and answer the questions that follow.Do you enjoy watching movies? If so, you may be interested in the upcoming film festival in Tianjin. The festival will feature a wide variety of movies from different countries, including the latest blockbusters and independent films. There will also beQ&A sessions with directors and actors, giving you the chance to learn more about the films and the people behind them.4. What is the festival in Tianjin featuring?A. MusicB. BooksC. Movies5. What will you have the chance to do at the festival?A. Meet famous singersB. Attend Q&A sessionsC. Buy booksWriting SectionPart AWrite a short paragraph about your favorite season and explain why you like it.Part BWrite an email to a friend inviting them to join you at the upcoming film festival in Tianjin.Dear [Friend’s Name],I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to invite you to join me at the upcoming film festival in Tianjin. The festival will feature a wide variety of movies from different countries, including the latest blockbusters and independent films. There will also be Q&A sessions with directors and actors, giving us the chance to learn more about the films and the people behind them. I think it would be a great opportunity for us to spend some time together and enjoy some good movies. I hope you can make it!Best,[Your Name]---This mock test is designed to help students prepare for the upcoming Tianjin Spring Exam. Good luck with your studies!。
2023天津春考英语模拟试卷全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12023 Tianjin Spring Examination English Simulation PaperInstructions:1. This paper consists of four sections: Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary and Grammar, Writing, and Listening.2. Total scores: 100 points. Time: 120 minutes.3. Answer all questions in English.Section 1: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions below.Passage:Technology has transformed the way we communicate with each other. With the rise of social media platforms, it has become easier to connect with people from all over the world. However, this convenience has created some challenges as well. People are becoming increasingly reliant on digitalcommunication, and we are losing the art of face-to-face interactions.Questions:1. What has transformed the way we communicate with each other?2. What are some challenges that have arisen due to the rise of social media platforms?3. How has digital communication affected face-to-face interactions?Section 2: Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.1. I ____ a new job next month.A. startB. will startC. am startingD. have started2. The movie was so ______ that I fell asleep.A. interestingB. boredC. boredD. boring3. She ____ her keys in the car.A. has leftB. leaveC. leftD. leavesSection 3: Writing (20 points)Write an essay of at least 300 words on the following topic: "The Impact of Social Media on Society."Section 4: Listening (20 points)Listen to the following audio and answer the questions:Audio:Question 1: What is the speaker talking about?Question 2: How many people are in the speaker's family?Question 3: Where is the speaker planning to go on vacation this year?This is just a sample simulation paper to help you prepare for the 2023 Tianjin Spring Examination. Make sure to practice regularly and seek help if needed. Good luck!篇22023 Tianjin Spring English Test Simulation PaperInstructions:1. This test paper contains three parts: Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Writing.2. Answer all questions in the answer sheet provided.3. Write your answers clearly in English.4. Do not use any electronic devices during the test.Part 1: Reading ComprehensionRead the passage below and answer the questions that follow."Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action. The Earth's temperature is rising at an alarming rate, leading to more frequent natural disasters such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods. It is essential for governments, businesses,and individuals to come together to combat climate change and protect our planet for future generations.One way to address climate change is to reduce our carbon footprint. This can be done by using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, cutting down on single-use plastics, and planting more trees. Another important step is to raise awareness about the impact of climate change and the importance of sustainability.It is crucial for everyone to take responsibility for the environment and make changes in our daily lives to mitigate the effects of climate change. By working together, we can create a better future for our planet."Questions:1. What are some examples of natural disasters mentioned in the passage?2. How can individuals reduce their carbon footprint?3. Why is it important to raise awareness about climate change?Part 2: VocabularyChoose the correct word from the options given to complete the sentence.1. The ______________ of plastic bags is harmful to the environment.a) disposalb) advantagec) productiond) solution2. Solar ______________ is a renewable source of energy.a) powerb) plantc) plated) paint3. We need to ______________ our efforts to combat climate change.a) decreeb) decreasec) distractd) dedicatePart 3: WritingWrite an essay of at least 300 words on the following topic: "The Role of Youth in Addressing Climate Change."In your essay, you should:1. Discuss the importance of youth involvement in combating climate change.2. Provide examples of how young people can make a positive impact on the environment.3. Share your ideas on how schools and communities can support and encourage youth initiatives for sustainability.Remember to organize your ideas logically and support your arguments with relevant examples and evidence.---This simulation paper is designed to test your English skills and critical thinking abilities. Good luck!篇32023 Tianjin Spring Exam English Mock PaperReading ComprehensionDirections: There are three reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A , B , C , and D . You should decide on the best choice.Passage 1It’s a common scenario: you’re driving along the road and the car in front of you suddenly stops for no apparent reason. As you hit the brakes to avoid a collision, do you ever wonder why that driver suddenly stopped?Researchers at MIT have been studying this phenomenon and have come up with an interesting finding: the “phantom traffic jam” is often caused by just one driver tapping the brakes. When this driver brakes, the cars behind them also brake, creating a ripple effect that can stretch for miles. The driver who started it all may not even realize the chaos they’ve caused.To better understand this situation, researchers used simulations to recreate the effects of one driver tapping the brakes. They found that this small action, when repeated over time, can lead to huge traffic jams. The key to preventing thesedisruptions, they say, is to try and keep an even pace while driving, even if the road is busy.1. According to the passage, what causes a “phantom traffic jam”?A. The road is too narrow.B. The cars are too close together.C. One driver taps the brakes.D. There is an accident.2. What did researchers find from their simulations?A. Drivers should always maintain a high speed.B. Tapping the brakes can prevent traffic jams.C. A small action can lead to a major traffic jam.D. Keeping an even pace is not important.3. How can we prevent phantom traffic jams according to the researchers?A. Speed up when driving.B. Tap the brakes often.C. Maintain an even pace.D. Drive very slowly.4. What is the main idea of this passage?A. How to drive better.B. The dangers of driving.C. MIT research on traffic jams.D. Phantom traffic jams.Passage 2The benefits of exercise are well-known, but new research suggests that how you exercise may also be important. Recent studies have found that moderate exercise like walking or cycling may be more beneficial for health than intense workouts like running or weightlifting.One study, published in the journal Circulation , looked at over 300,000 adults and their exercise habits. The researchers found that those who engaged in moderate physical activity, such as walking or cycling, had lower risk factors for cardiovascular disease compared to those who did intense exercise, such as running or weightlifting. The study suggests that moderate exercise may be more sustainable for long-term health benefits.Another study, published in the journal Stroke , found that men who walked briskly for at least three hours a week had a lower risk of stroke than those who did more intense workouts. The researchers believe that moderate exercise may have more positive effects on the body over time.5. What does recent research suggest about exercise?A. Intense exercise is better for health.B. Moderate exercise is more beneficial for health.C. Walking or cycling has no benefits.D. Running is the best form of exercise.6. What did the study published in Circulation find?A. Walking and cycling have no effect on health.B. Intense exercise is better for cardiovascular health.C. Moderate exercise is better for cardiovascular health.D. Weightlifting is the best form of exercise.7. According to the passage, what is true about moderate exercise?A. It is not sustainable for long-term health.B. It may have more positive effects on the body.C. It can increase the risk of stroke.D. It is not as effective as intense exercise.8. What can be inferred about moderate exercise from the passage?A. It is only beneficial for men.B. It is not important for health.C. It has long-term health benefits.D. It is only done by older adults.Passage 3Many people dream of traveling to exotic destinations, but the reality can be quite different. Traveling can be stressful and tiring, especially for those who are not used to it. To make your journey more enjoyable, it’s important to plan ahead and be prepared for any obstacles that may arise.One common issue travelers face is jet lag. When you travel to a different time zone, your body’s internal clock can become disrupted, leading to fatigue and other symptoms. To combat jet lag, try to adjust to the new time zone as quickly as possible bygoing to bed and waking up at the local time. It’s also important to stay hydrated and avoid alcohol, as these can make jet lag worse.Another challenge for travelers is staying healthy while on the road. It’s easy to indulge in unhealthy foods or neglect your exercise routine when you’re away from home. To stay healthy while traveling, try to eat nutritious meals, stay hydrated, and get some exercise each day. It’s also wise to pack any necessary medications and items to keep yourself healthy while away.9. What is one common issue travelers face according to the passage?A. Not finding exotic destinations.B. Jet lag.C. Packing too many items.D. Running out of money.10. What is jet lag and how can it be combated?A. It is fatigue from traveling. Go to bed and wake up at the local time.B. It is anxiety from traveling. Drink alcohol to relax.C. It is indigestion from traveling. Overeat to feel better.D. It is a fever from traveling. Don’t drink any liquids.11. How can travelers stay healthy while on the road according to the passage?A. Eat unhealthy foods and neglect exercise.B. Eat nutritious meals, stay hydrated, and get some exercise.C. Avoid drinking water and stay indoors.D. Pack too many medications and items.12. What is the main idea of this passage?A. How to travel to exotic destinations.B. The benefits of traveling.C. The challenges of traveling.D. How to pack for a trip.---End of Reading Comprehension---WritingWrite an essay of about 200-300 words on the following topic:The advantages and disadvantages of social media.In your essay, you should:1. Explain what social media is and its popularity.2. Discuss the advantages of social media.3. Discuss the disadvantages of social media.4. Offer your opinion on whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa.---End of Writing---Listening ComprehensionPassage 1Listen to the passage and answer the following questions:1. What are the benefits of exercise according to the speaker?2. How can you combat jet lag when traveling to a different time zone?3. What is one challenge for travelers according to the speaker?Passage 2Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question:1. What can cause a phantom traffic jam according to researchers?A. The road is too narrow.B. Tapping the brakes.C. Speeding up.D. Having an accident.2. How was the “phantom traffic jam” phenomenon studied?A. By observing real traffic.B. By interviewing drivers.C. By using simulations.D. By testing cars.3. What is the key to preventing disruptions on the road?A. Tapping the brakes often.B. Speeding up.C. Maintaining an even pace.D. Driving very slowly.---End of Listening Comprehension---Answer Key:Reading Comprehension:1. C2. C3. C4. C5. B6. C7. B8. C9. B10. A11. B12. CWriting: (Sample essay not provided)Listening Comprehension:Passage 1:1. They help improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of stroke.2. By adjusting to the new time zone and staying hydrated.3. Jet lag is a common issue for travelers.Passage 2:1. B2. C3. CThis mock exam is designed to help you practice your English skills and prepare for the 2023 Tianjin Spring Exam. Good luck!。
Every year, people all around the world celebrate New Year's Eve on December 31st. Some people stay at home with their families, while others go out to parties or watch fireworks displays. Here are some interesting New Year's Eve traditions from different countries.1. Scotland: In Scotland, New Year's Eve is called Hogmanay. People celebrate by first cleaning their houses to start the year fresh. At midnight, they form a circle, join hands, and sing a traditional song called "Auld Lang Syne". Then, they visit their friends and neighbors to wish them a Happy New Year.2. Spain: In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight. Each grape represents good luck for each month of the year. It's a fun and tasty tradition!3. Brazil: In Brazil, people dress in white and go to the beach to celebrate NewYear's Eve. They jump over seven waves while making seven wishes for the New Year. Some people also throw flowers and small boats into the ocean as an offering to the goddess of the sea.4. Japan: In Japan, people celebrate New Year's Eve with a special tradition called "Joya no Kane". At the stroke of midnight, Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times to symbolize the 108 human sins. People believe that the ringing bells will cleanse them of their sins and bring them good luck in the coming year.5. South Africa: In South Africa, people celebrate New Year's Eve by throwing old furniture out of their windows. It is believed to symbolize getting rid of the old and welcoming the new. It's a loud and lively way to start the New Year!1. What do people do in Scotland to celebrate Hogmanay?People in Scotland celebrate Hogmanay by cleaning their houses and singing a traditional song called "Auld Lang Syne". They also visit their friends and neighbors to wish them a Happy New Year.2. What is the significance of eating 12 grapes in Spain?In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Each grape represents good luck for each month of the year.3. How do people in Brazil celebrate New Year's Eve?In Brazil, people dress in white and go to the beach to celebrate New Year's Eve. They jump over seven waves while making seven wishes for the New Year. Some people also throw flowers and small boats into the ocean as an offering to the goddess of the sea.4. What is the special tradition in Japan to celebrate New Year's Eve?In Japan, people celebrate New Year's Eve with a tradition called "Joya no Kane". Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times at the stroke of midnight to symbolize the 108 human sins. It is believed that the ringing bells will cleanse people of their sins and bring them good luck in the coming year.5. How do people in South Africa celebrate New Year's Eve?In South Africa, people celebrate New Year's Eve by throwing old furniture out of their windows. It symbolizes getting rid of the old and welcoming the new. It is a loud and lively way to start the New Year.二、完形填空阅读下面的短文,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
1.小明从小就有着什么习惯?A. 运动习惯B. 阅读习惯C. 写作习惯D. 听音乐习惯2. 小明通过阅读做到了什么?A. 丰富知识面B. 提高语言能力C. 进行文章表达D. A、B、C都对答案:D(2)春天是大自然的恢复和生机焕发的季节,在大自然的怀抱中,我们可以看到许多美丽的事物。
3. 春天给屋子里的一切披上了什么颜色的光晕?A. 金色的B. 红色的C. 白色的D. 粉色的4. 文中提到的小鸟歌唱的目的是什么?A. 传递春的信息B. 找寻食物C. 寻找伴侣D. 演奏音乐答案:A二、写作篇阅读以下材料,根据要求完成写作。
内容要点如下:1. 换个学习方式,避免单一的记忆;2. 制定合理的学习计划,合理安排时间;3. 运动和休息的重要性;4. 相信自己,积极进取。
注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
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201 5年天津市高等院校春季招生统一考试模拟试题计算机基础(A卷)本试卷分为第1卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。
考试时间90分钟.第1卷(选择题,共1 20分)注意事项:本卷共两大题,共120分。
i'1.在计算机应用领域中,CAI是指( )A.计算机辅助测试色.计算机辅助制造C.计算机辅助教学D.计算机辅助设计2.一个完整的计算机系统由什么组成( )A.内部设备和外部设备B.软件系统和硬件系统C.主机箱、鼠标、键盘、显示器和打印机D.控制器、运算器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备3.与十六进制数20相等的八进制数是( )A.40 B.16C.32 D.1284.在微型计算机系统中,CPU的组成主要包括( )A.控制器和存储器B.运算器和存储器C.运算器和控制器D.内存储器和高速缓冲存储器5.下列选项中,既是输入设备又是输出设备的是( )A.硬盘B.扫描仪C.CD-ROM D.绘图仪6.下列不属于计算机病毒特征的是( )A.隐蔽性B。
破坏性C.可识别性D.传染性7.计算机能够直接使用高级语言编写的程序执行的方式有两种,它们是( )A.汇编执行和连接执行B.编译执行和解释执行C.机器语言执行和汇编语言执行D.源程序执行和目标程序执行8\DRAM存储器的中文含义是( )A.动态随机存储器C.静态只读存储器B.静态随机存储器D.动态只读存储器9.在Windows XP中,任务栏的“属性”对话框中不能进行的设置是( )A.清除“开始”菜单下“文档”中的内容B.设置任务栏显示方式:总在前或自动隐藏C.安装某些应用程序D.在“开始”菜单中“添加或删除”某些项目10.在Windows XP中,可以用“回收站”恢复其上被误删除的文件的存储设备是( )A.光盘B.硬盘C.内在的D.U盘I 1.在Windows XP系统中,在“资源管理器”中,若误删除了硬盘上的文件,下列不能进行( )恢复操作的是A.在回收站中对此文件执行“还原”B.从回收站窗口中将此文件拖回原位置C.在“资源管理器”窗口中执行“撤消”命令D.在被删文件的原位置右击,在快捷菜单中选择“还原”命令12.在Windows XP系统中,实现窗口切换可按( )A. Ctrl+Esc链B. Alt+Esc键C. Ctrl+ Shifi+Esc键D. ShiR+Esc键13.在Windows XP系统中,“任务栏和[开始]菜单的属性”对话框中不可以设置内容是( ) 。
B.自动稳藏任务栏A.窗口外观C.锁定任务栏D.显示时钟14.在WindowsXP中,以下不能建立快捷方式的是( )B.文件A.文件夹c.剪贴板 D.打印机15.在“我的电脑”窗口中,所有文件都看不到文件扩展名,可能的原因是( )· A.所有文件都被设置了“只读”属性B.所有文件都被设置了“隐藏”属性c.在“查看”菜单中选中了“缩略图”方式D.在“文件夹选项”对话框中做了相关设置16\.在Windows XP系统中,‘‘显示属性”对话框不可进行的设置是( ) A.设置屏幕分辨率B.设置屏幕颜色质量c.桌面图标的大小D.更新显示卡的驱动程序17.在Windows XP系统中,可以实现中文输入和英文输入之间的切换的组合键是( ) .‘ B. Ctrl+空格A.Ctrl+ShifiC. Shifi+空格D. Alt+Shift18.在Windows XP中,下列操作不能实现文件重命名的操作是。
( )A.按F2键B.选择“文件”菜单中的“重命名”C.双击需重命名的文件名D.选择文件后再次单击需要重命名的文件名19.在Windows XP中,将一个文伴从当前位置复制到另一个硬盘上的正确方法是( ) A.按住Tab键用鼠标左键拖放B.直接用鼠标左键拖放c.按住Alt键用鼠标左键拖放D.按住Shift键用鼠标左键拖放20.在Windows XP中,附件中通常不包含的应用程序是( )B.公式A.记事本D.录音机C.计算器21.在Word 2003中,以下的操作不能建立新文档的是( )A.双击桌面的“WORD”的图标B.双击桌面的“WORD”类型的文档C.单击“文件”一“新建”D.CTRL+N22.在Word 2003中,分页符有自动分页符和人工分页符,下列关于分页符的说法错误的是( )A.自动分页符可以删除B.自动分页符不能删除c.人工分页符可以删除 D.人工分页符会自动调整位置23.在Word 2003中,纵向选定一个矩形文本区域操作方法乒拖动鼠标的同时按住( )B.Ctrl键A.Shift键.C. Alt键D. Esc键24.在Word 2003中,下面关于文档窗口的说法正确的是( )A.可打开多个文档窗口,只有一个文档是活动的B.只能打开一个文档C.可打开多个文档窗口,被打开的文档都是活动的D.可打开多个文档窗口,只有一个窗口是可见的25.在Word 2003中,要将某文档中所有“计算机”的内容修改为华文行楷、小四、红色,正确的操作是执行( )A. “格式”菜单中的“字体”命令B.“工具”菜单中的“自动更正选项”命令C.“格式”菜单中的“样式和格式”命令D.“编辑”菜单中的“替换”命令26.在Word 2003中,“插入”菜单申的“书签”命令是用来( )A,快速复制文档B.快速定位文档c.快速浏览文档 D.快速移动文本27.在Word 2003中,创建一个表格式简历表最简单的方法是( )A.用绘图工具进行绘制.B.用插入表格的方法C.在新建中选择简历向导中的表格型向导D.在“表格”菜单中选择表格自动套用格式28.在Word 2003编辑状态下,在一段文档内双击鼠标左键,结果是( )A.选择一行B.选择所在段落c.选择一个句子 D.选择一个字或一个词29.在Word 2003编辑状态下,英文单词下面有红色波浪下划线表示( )A.已修改过的文档B.可能是语法错误C.对输入的确认 D.可能是拼写错误30.在Word 2003中,插入剪贴画的默认方式为( )A.浮动式B.四周型环绕式C.上下型环绕式 D.嵌入式31.在Word 2003中,不能选中整个表格的操作是( )A.用鼠标拖动B.双击表格的某一行C.单击表格左上角的表格移动手柄图标D.Ctrl+A32.在Word 2003中,默认情况下,页脚所在区域位子页面的( )A.上面边距与正文之间B.正文与下边距之间C.下页边距 D.上页边距33.在Excel 2003中,公式“=l+2&3+4”的值为( )A.1+23+4 B. 37 C.10 D.1+2+3+434.在Excel 2003中,在公式中输入.‘=$c3+$D4”表示( )A.对C3和D4的行地址绝对引用B.对C3和D4的列地址绝对引用C.对C3和D4的行、列地址绝对引用D.对C3和D4的行、列地址相对引用35.在Excel 2003中,公式“=B3*Sheet!A2”功能为( )A.计算当前工作表中B3单元格乘以A2单元格的乘积B.计算机Sheet3工作表中B3单元格乘以A2单元格的乘积C.计算当前工作表中B3单元格乘以Sheet3工作表中的A2单元格的乘积D.显示出错信息36.在Excel 2003中,嵌入图表是指( )A.工作簿中只包含图表的工作表B.包含在工作表中的工作簿C.置于工作表薄中的图表 D.置于工作表中的图表37.在Excel 2003中,要显示“成绩单”中各科成绩中任何一门成绩低于60分的所有记录应使用( )A.高级筛选B.分类汇总‘C.自动筛选 D.条件格式38.在Excel 2003中,能使公式中引用的单元格不会随着目标单元格与原单元格相对位置的不同而发生变化的操作是( )A.复制公式B.移动公式C.修改公式D.删除公式39.在Excel 2003中,若删除工作表中的某一数据系列,则对应的图表( )A.变为无效,必须重新创建图表 B.不会发生任何变化C.对应的数据系列被隐藏D.、对应的数据系列被删除40.在Excel 2003数据清单中,包括姓名、职称和工资三个字段,要分别统计出不同职称的平均工资,正确的操作是( )A.选择“数据”/“自动筛选”命令B.选择“数据”/“高级筛选”命令C.使用A VERAGE函数 D.选择“数据”/“分类汇总”命令41.在Excel 2003中,下列可以删除工作表的操作是( )A.选择“文件”/“删除”命令B.选择“编辑”/“剪切”命令C.选择“编辑”/“删除”命令D.选择“编辑”/“清除”命令42,在Excel 2003中,$A1:A$4,被称为( )A.相对引用B.混合引用C.直接引用D.绝对引用43.在Excel 2003中以下主要显示数据变化趋势的图表类型是( )A.折线图B.柱形图C.圆锥图D.饼图44在Excel 2003中,以下不能用撤销命令来撤销删除操作的是( )A.单元格删除B.工作表删除C.列删除D.行删除45.在PowerPoint 2003中,下面关于创建PowerPoint相册的操作正确的是( ) .A.选择“幻灯片放映”/“自定义放映”命令B.选择“文件”/“新建”命令C.选择“插入”/“图片”/“新建相册”命令D.选择“插入”/“相册”命令46.在PowerPoint 2003中,“格式”菜单可以用来改变某一幻灯片的布局命令是( ) A.背景B.幻灯片设计C.幻灯片版式D.配色方案47,在PowePoint2003中,占位符的实质是( )A.含有提示信息的对象框B.一种普通的文本框C.一种特殊符号D.在所有幻灯片版式中都有的对象48.在PowerPoint2003中,对于演示文稿中不准备放映的幻灯片,可用“隐藏幻灯片”命令将其隐藏。
“隐藏幻灯片”命令所在的菜单是( )A.“视图”B.“工具”C.“编辑”D.“幻灯片放映”49.在浏览器的地址栏中输入的httw( )A.文件B.域名C. IP地址D.邮箱50. OSI参考模型将计算机网络进行了层次划分,最高一层是( )A.表示层B.应用层C.会话层 D.网络层51.IPV4规定IP地址的字节长度为( )A.4Byte B.8Byte C. 16Byte D. 12Byte52.在组建计算机局域网中,下列不是局域网必备设备的是( )A.网卡B. HubC.传输介质D.路由器53.电子邮箱地址为:username@hostname,其中,hostname为( )A.用户主机名B.用户地址名C.邮件服务器名 D. ISP公司名54.用IE浏览器浏览网页,在地址栏中输入网址时,通常可以省略( )C.www55.连接到Internet上的计算机中必须安装的协议是( )A.双边协议B. TCP/IP协谈C. SPSS协议D. NetBEUI协议56.下列软件中,可以查看www信息的软件是( )A. FTPB. BBS C.浏览器 D. HTTP ·57.超文本的结构属于( )A.线性的层次结构B.随机的链式结构C.非线性网状结构D.顺序的树型结构58.静态图像通常采用的压缩标准是( )A.USB B.A VI C.MPEG D. JPEG59.视频信息的最小单位是( )A.帧B.赫兹C.比特D.波特60.在音频数字化过程中,决定数字化音频录制精度的是( )A.采样B.量化C.编码D.音色二、双项选择题:本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分,每小题给出的五个选项中,有两项是符合题目要求的(多选、少选、错选均不得分)。