
2015年中国人民大学社会保障考研历年真题经典试题(2004-2014)目录2004年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (2)2005年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (3)2006年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (5)2007年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (9)2008年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (13)2009年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (16)2010年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (20)2011年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (22)2012年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (25)2013年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (26)2014年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题 (27)2004年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题一名词解释(每题6分,共30分)1社会救济2转移支付3帕累托最优4挤出效应5养老金替代率二简答题(每题15分,共60分)1 生命周期假说的创始人是谁?其主要内容是什么?2 衡量收入差别的方法有哪些?它们各有什么优缺点?3 提高退休年龄会产生哪些影响?4怎样决定社会保障基金的投资组合?三论述题(每题20分,共60分)1 试述我国基本养老保险制度采取统帐结合的模式的内容和原因。
2 试述你对欧洲的“福利国家”政策的看法。
3 请根据经济学理论,论述经济转轨过程中如何协调政府和市场在社会保障改革中的关系。
2005年中国人民大学考研社会保障真题一、名词解释1缴费确定型2企业年金3基尼系数4新凯恩斯主义5职工福利二简答题1 确定最低生活标准的方法有哪些?2 减税是否会导致收入差距的扩大?为什么?3 中国失业保险制度面临的主要问题有哪些?4 简述强制储蓄养老金计划的特点。
5 简述政府间财税支付转移的原因。
三论述题1 试述市场经济条件下社会保障对劳动力供给会产生什么影响。
2 试结合中国实际情况,论述社会保障和经济发展的关系。

历年社会学考研真题名词解释杜克海姆的“集体意识”(南开2000,社会学)s“社会交往形式”(齐美尔)(人大1996,社会学)s“报酬类型”(布劳)(人大1999,社会学)s“权威结构”(达伦多夫)(人大1999,社会学)s“戏剧论”(戈夫曼)(人大1997,社会学)s文化堕距(奥格本)(人大1998,社会学)s“挑战与应战”(汤因比)(人大1999,社会学、人类学)s“精英”(帕雷托)(人大2000,社会学)s需要层次(马斯洛)(人大2000,社会学、人类学)s《群学肄言》(南开2000,社会学;北大2000,社会学、社会保障)s《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》(北大1998,社会学)s米尔斯的“权力”(南开2000,社会学)s费孝通(南开2000,社会学)s卡尔\曼海曼(北大1998,社会学)s吴文藻(北大1997,社会学)s社会掌控(复旦1998,应用领域社会学)s社会掌控的规范性(复旦1997,应用领域社会学)s人际沟通(南开2000,社会学)s社会解组(北大1997、1998,社会学)s角色紊乱(人大1997,社会学)s文化掌控手段(人大1997,社会学)s社会结构分化(人大1997,社会学)s社会资源整合(人大1999,社会学)s社会权力(人大1999,社会学)s社会设置(人大1999,社会学)s社会静力学(北大1998,社会学)s关联主义(吉大2000,社会学)s中轴原理(吉大2000,社会学)s离散数据(人大1997,社会学)s社会唯名论和社会唯实论(人大1998,社会学)s亲属称谓制(人大1997,社会学)晕轮效应(人大1998,社会学)s社会性别与生理性别(人大1998,社会学)s零和博弈(人大2000,社会学、人类学)s跨文化心理学(南开2000,社会学)s目标体系(南开2000,社会学)s福利性物价政策(南开2000,社会学)s大社会学理论体系(南开2000,社会学)s非对抗性阶级冲突(南开2000,社会学)s地位群体(南开2000,社会学)s“中间变量法”(南开2000,社会学)s社会物理学(北大1997,社会学)s交换理论(北大1997,社会学)s精英循环(北大1998,社会学)s群体凝聚力(人大1996,社会学)s拓展家庭(人大1996,社会学)s题器(人大2000,社会学)s同姓圈半径(人大1996,社会学;1999,社会学、人类学)s成婚资金投入(人大1996,社会学)s代偿(人大1997,社会学)s家族(人大1997,社会学)s事实婚姻(人大1997,社会学)s社会经济地位量表(ses)(人大1998,社会学)s症候群(人大1998,社会学)s姻亲(人大1998,社会学)s和泛鬼神信仰(人大1999,社会学、人类学)s隐私屏障(人大1999,社会学、人类学)s不平等指数(人大2000,社会学、人类学)s人口性别比(人大2000,社会学、人类学)s主文化与亚文化(人大1999,社会学)s库拉圈(人大社会学、人类学1999)s组织结构(复旦1997、1998,应用社会学)s文化模式(复旦1997,应用领域社会学)s生活方式(复旦1998,应用社会学)s群体(复旦1998,应用社会学)s地位相悖(北大1999,社会学、社会保障;人大2000,社会学)s“社会人”假设(北大1999,社会学、社会保障;人大2000,社会学)s社会性资源(吉大2000,社会学)s社会唯名论(复旦1997,应用社会学)s人类生态学(复旦1998,应用社会学)s家庭生命周期(复旦1998,应用社会学)s中国社会学恢复重建的方针(复旦1998,应用社会学)s先赋角色与自致角色(吉大2000,社会学)s刚性结构(吉大2000,社会学)s迟发展效果(吉大2000,社会学)s成就动机(人大1996,社会学)s文化相对主义(人大1996,社会学)s图腾崇拜(人大1996,社会学)s认知判断(人大1997,社会学)s制度文化(人大1997,社会学)s地位一致(人大1999,社会学)s内群体(人大1999,社会学)s“天职观”(人大1999,社会学)s正式宣布非政府(人大2000,社会学)s相对褫夺(人大2000,社会学)s机会均等(人大2000,社会学、人类学)s职业声望(人大2000,社会学、人类学)s异化劳动(吉大2000,社会学)s普遍化的他人(吉大2000,社会学)s平等互惠准则(吉大2000,社会学)s群体持续性(吉大2000,社会学)s利他行为(南开2000,社会学)s偏见(南开2000,社会学)s暗示(南开2000,社会学)s自我(南开2000,社会学)s韦伯的“感召权威”(人大1999,社会学史)s韦伯的“权威”(南开2000,社会学)s韦伯的“新教伦理”(人大1997,社会学史)s韦伯的“普遍合理化”(人大1998,社会学史)いs韦伯的“目标合理性”(人大2000,社会学史)s“镜中我”(库利)(人大1999,社会学、人类学)s电邮理论(人大1997,社会学)s标签理论(人大1998,社会学)s帕森斯的“行动”(南开2000,社会学)s模式变量(帕森斯)(人大1998,社会学)s“演化共二者”(帕森斯)(人大1996,社会学)s“反常分工”(杜尔克姆)(人大1996,社会学)s多元分层空间(布劳)(人大2000,社会学)s“反功能”(默顿)(人大1997,社会学;人大1999,社会学、人类学)s安全阀(科塞)(人大1998,社会学)s边陲国家(北大1997,社会学各专业)s世界体系论(吉大2000,社会学)s二元社会结构(人大1996,社会学)s西方中心主义(人大1997,社会学)s晚播发内生型现代化(人大1997,社会学)s社会趋同论(北大1998,社会学各专业)s依附于论(人大1996,社会学)s社会风险(南大1995,社会学;南大1999,社会学)s社会犯罪行为(南大1995,社会学;南大1997,社会学)s性别角色(南大1995,社会学)s文化反哺(南大1995,社会学;南大1996,社会学;南大1997,社会学;南大1999,社会学)s侵害(南大1995,社会学)s参考群体(南大1995,社会学)s社会角色(南大1995,社会学;南开2000,社会学;浙大2000,社会学)s时尚(南大1995,社会学;南开2000,社会学)s民族性格(南大1995,社会学)s边际人(南大1995,社会学;南大1998,社会学)s印象整饰(南大1996,社会学)s旧有固(南大1996,社会学)s挫折―侵犯假说(南大1996,社会学)s认知平衡理论(南大1996,社会学)s角色冲突(南大1996,社会学)s时髦(南大1996,社会学)s代沟(南大1996,社会学;南大1997,社会学;人大2000,社会学)s基本人格结构(南大1997,社会学)s民意(南大1997,社会学)s社会运动(南大1997,社会学)s人口素质逆淘汰(南大1997,社会学)s老龄化社会的指标(南大1997,社会学)s离土不离乡(南大1997,社会学)s标定主义理论(南大1997,社会学)s非现实冲突(南大1995,社会学)s投影法则(南大1995,社会学)s广义互换媒介(南大1995,社会学)s社会安全阀定律(南大1995,社会学;浙大1999,社会学)s炫耀消费(南大1998,社会学)s腐败(南大1998,社会学)s家户(南大1998,社会学)s失业、待业与下岗工人(南大1999,社会学)s亚当\斯密问题(南大1999,社会学)s“离土不离乡”与“离土又离乡”(南大1999,社会学)s市场性流动方式(南大1999,社会学)s集群行为(南大1999,社会学)s城市人口集中度及其测量指标(南大2000,社会学)s基尼系数(南大2000,社会学;人大1996,社会学)s人缘(南大2000,社会学)s家族企业及其转化(南大2000,社会学)s交易(南大2000,社会学)s血缘关系(北师大2001,民俗学)s文化丛(北师大2001,民俗学)s城市化(北师大2001,民俗学)s社会流动(北师大2001,民俗学;复旦1998,应用社会学)s社会保障(北师大2001,民俗学;浙大2001,社会学)s去个性化(南开2001,社会学;人大2001,社会学)s刻板印象(南开2001,社会学)s流言(南开2001,社会学)s冒险性迁移(南开2001,社会学)s类语言(南工2001,社会学)s韦伯的“理想类型”(南开2001,社会学)s杜克海姆的“社会事实”(南开2001,社会学)s科层制(南大1995,社会学;浙大2000,政治学理论)s社区发展(南大1996,社会学;复旦1998,应用领域社会学)s中间阶层(南大1996,社会学)s未非政府的集团(南大1996,社会学)s社会学想像力(南大1996,社会学)s功能普遍性(南大1997,社会学)s社层流动(南大1997,社会学;浙大2001,政治学理论)s情境文化(南大1997,社会学)s剧本期望(南大1997,社会学)s社会有机体论(南大1998,社会学)s社区效率(南大1998,社会学)s单面社会(南大1998,社会学)s生活世界(南大1998,社会学)自控性社会(南大1998,社会学)s符号价值(南大1999,社会学)s反社会化(南大1999,社会学)s现实性冲突(南大1999,社会学)s《江村经济》(南大1999,社会学;南开2001,应用社会学)s权力精英(南大1999,社会学)s社会(南大2000,社会学)s“白领阶层”(南大2000,社会学)s社会结构(南大2000,社会学;北大1997,社会学;北大1999,社会学、社会保障;吉大2000,社会学)s模式变项(南大2000,社会学)s功能替代(南大2000,社会学)s后工业社会(南大2000,社会学)s失业人员(南大1998,社会学)s资本主义精神(南大1998,社会学)s社会化(浙大2001,政治学理论)s“蓝领”(浙大2001,政治学理论)s心理上断乳(浙大2001,政治学理论)s社会事实(北大1997,社会学;南开2001,应用领域社会学)s参与观察(南开2001,应用社会学;人大1997,社会学)s参考群体(南开2001,应用领域社会学)s默顿(robentk.menton)(南开2001,应用社会学)s社会心理(浙大2000,社会学)s制度化(浙大2000,社会学)s《社会学年鉴》(浙大2001,社会学)s托马斯的“情境定义”(浙大2001,社会学;南开2000,社会学)s“agil”功能图式(浙大2001,社会学;浙大2000,社会学)s贝尔的“中轴原理”(浙大2001,社会学)s社区(浙大2000,政治学理论;浙大1999,政治学理论)s社会变迁(浙大2000,政治学理论)s芝加哥学派(北大1999,社会学;浙大2000,政治学理论;浙大1998,政治学理论) s兴趣(浙大1999,政治学理论)s初级群体(浙大1998、1999,政治学理论;北师大2001,民俗学)s集体意识(浙大1999,政治学理论)s经济制度(浙大1999,政治学理论)s社会阶层(浙大1998,政治学理论)s社会制度(浙大1998,政治学理论;复旦1997、1998,应用领域社会学)s社会静力学和社会动力学(浙大2000,社会学)s形式社会学(浙大2000,社会学)s首属群体(浙大2000,社会学)s社会指标(浙大1999,社会学)s参照群体(浙大1999,社会学)s米德的“主我”与“客我”(南开2001,社会学;人大2001,社会学)s默顿的“正功能”与“负功能”(南开2001,社会学)s米尔斯的“权力精英”(南开2001,社会学)。


(人大1996,社会学) 简述在观察中如何控制观察者和被观察者的社会距离。
(人大1996,社会学) 简述什么是层次谬误。
(人大1996,社会学) 什么是理论、假设、概念、变量、指标以及它们之间的相互关系。
(复旦1996,应用社会学)效度测定的三种类型是什么?内在联系如何?(复旦1996、1997,应用社会学)整群抽样与分层抽样有什么区别(分类原则有何不同)?为什么?(复旦1996、1997,应用社会学;北大1997,社会学各专业) 挑选访问员的标准是什么?(复旦1996,应用社会学) 理论分析与统计分析有什么关系和区别?(复旦1996,应用社会学) 试说明研究课题具体化与操作化的主要内容。
(人大1997,社会学) 简述深入访谈的基本类型。
(人大1997,社会学) 简述概率抽样的随机化原则。
(人大1997,社会学) 举例说明三维列联表有几个二维边缘表。
(人大1997,社会学) 简述毛泽东对社会调查研究方法的贡献。
(复旦1997,应用社会学) 设计一个调查研究方案主要应考虑哪些方面?(复旦1997,应用社会学)现代社会调查方法有哪些特点?(复旦1997,应用社会学) 理论分析的一般步骤是什么?(复旦1997,应用社会学) 什么叫统计推论?其特点是什么?(复旦1997,人口经济学、应用社会学、人口学)什么叫非参数检验方法?其适用范围和优缺点?(复旦1997,人口经济学、应用社会学、人口学)进行总体参数的点估计时,衡量估计值好坏的标准有哪几条?(复旦1997,人口经济学、应用社会学、人口学) 简述科学研究的一般程序。
(北大1998,社会学各专业) 分层抽样与配额抽样有何异同?(北大1998,社会学各专业) 简述分类体系建立的原则。
(人大1999,社会学) 为调查某地高校毕业生的求职意向,从中抽查了200名应届毕业生,问总体、个体、样本、样本容量各指什么?(北大1998,社会学各专业) 如何理解访谈方法中的“人为性”?(人大1999,社会学) 简述目标量的基本类型和相互关系。


目 录2015年中国人民大学社会与人口学院845社会理论考研真题(回忆版)2014年中国人民大学社会与人口学院845社会理论考研真题(回忆版)2013年中国人民大学社会与人口学院845社会理论考研真题(含部分答案)2012年中国人民大学社会与人口学院845社会理论考研真题(含部分答案)2011年中国人民大学社会与人口学院811社会理论考研真题(含部分答案)2010年中国人民大学社会与人口学院社会理论考研真题2009年中国人民大学社会与人口学院845社会理论考研真题(回忆版)2008年中国人民大学社会与人口学院845社会理论考研真题(回忆版)2007年中国人民大学社会学理论考研真题及详解2006年中国人民大学社会学理论考研真题及详解2004年中国人民大学社会学理论考研真题及详解2015年中国人民大学社会与人口学院845社会理论考研真题(回忆版)一、名词解释(12选8,每题5分,多选本大题判为0分)1.意会2.生育模式3.日历年龄4.拟像秩序5.年龄中位数6.间接标准7.无时间之时间8.族群9.文化适应10.继嗣群11.规划性认同12.文化路向二、简答题(8选4,每题15分,多选本大题判为0分)1.帕森斯是怎样论述“非逻辑行为的逻辑化”?2.米尔斯是如何论述“社会学的想象力”的,基本观点有哪些?3.布迪厄是如何论述“惯习”和“策略”之间的关系的?4.怎样理解鲍德里亚关于消费社会的运行逻辑是差异逻辑的论述?5.简述“田野工作”作为社会研究方法的特点和价值?6.人口学中有些指标是“率”,但实际上却不是“率”,请列举5个此类指标并予以说明。

人大社会学真题试题编号:845一、名词解释(12选8,8×5=40’)1.日历年龄2.社会认同3.年龄中位数4.人口红利5.东方学6.社会行政7.蝴蝶效应8.集体表象9.文化相对主义10.剩余物11.抚养系数12. 代表型公共领域二、简答题(6选4,4×15=60’)1相对古典进化论而言,新进化论“新”在何处。
试题编号:601一、名词解释(10选7,7×6=42’)1.民族志2.残存法3.自然试验4.扎根理论5.事后解释6.整群抽样7.原则分8.科学旳范式9.原则效度 10.(不好意思忘掉了)二、简答(5选3个,3×16=48)1简述社会研究中问卷调查措施旳长处。
中国人民大学硕士生入学考试试题招生专业:社会学、人口学、人类学、民俗学、老年学、社会工作考试科目:社会理论考试时间:-1-16日下午试题编号:811一:名词解释(12选8,每题5分,合计5*8=40分,多做按0分计)1:助人自助2:人口老龄化3:同批人(cohort)4:文化唯物主义5:平均寿命预期6:剩余物7:网络助燃8:交往理性9:互动典礼链10:传递性经验11:详细叙事12:人力资本二:简述题:(7选4,每题15分,合计15*4=60分)1:马尔萨斯旳《人口原理》基本思想2:怎样理解格尔茨所论述旳“深描”?3:简述优势视角旳重要观点4:简述人口老龄化旳决定性原因5:哈贝马斯怎样论述公共领域旳历史形式?6:怎样理解布迪厄有关“惯习”旳论述?7:怎样理解丹尼尔.贝尔有关中轴原理旳措施论意义,为何说它超越了相对主义?三:论述题:(6选2,每题25分,合计25*2=50分)1:中国历次人口普查特点是什么?在新时期展开人口普查旳意义和难点是什么?2:结合实例论述人类学民族志写作旳特点与意义3:试论社会工作对增进精神健康旳意义4:试论老年人对社会服务旳多方面需求和发展老年社会服务旳对策思绪?5:试论制度建设与组织建设旳本质联络及其在构建友好社会中旳重要意义?6:怎样理解常人措施学实现了社会学思维方式旳革命?研究措施:一、名词解释(10选7,每个6分)1. 分层抽样2. 观测记录3.非介入性研究4.第一类错误5.区位谬误6.中介变量7.原则差 8.编码9.个人生活史研究10.参与研究二、简答(5选3,每个16分)1、定量研究旳局限有哪些?2、列举定性资料旳搜集措施。

3、元社会学 从哲学层次上对社会学理论前提、概念假设、方法前提等作研究。齐美尔:哲学社会学 研究社会的认识论和形而上学问题,即揭示社会学研究的条件、前提和基本概念,对个别研 究进行形而上学的综合。 4、参数 反映总体某个变量的综合描述,有平均数、方差等,可由样本统计值来估计。 5、抽样单位 抽样单位和个体是有区别的,个体是收集信息的基本单位,即分析单位。个体与抽样单 位在有研究中是相同的,但在实际抽烟中抽样单位往往是多层次的。 6、估计量 即样本统计值。是调查样本中某一变量的综合描述。 二、简答题(每题 10 分,共 40 分) 1、简述实验方法中的社会伦理问题。 (1)社会研究研究的对象是人,因而实验能操纵的自变量常受到现实生活中的伦理或法 律的限制。 (2)实验对象:自愿、知情同意、避免强迫特殊群体; (3)对实验对象的蒙蔽:通常情况不允许蒙蔽,但是不得已的时候可以蒙蔽; (4)不能强迫参与者:生理上,心理上,法律上; (5)实验对象的匿名、对其信息保密; (6)其他:比如对实验对象的补偿。
一、名词解释(6 选 5,每题 4 分,共 20 分) 1、社会事实(《社会学研究方法》64) 杜尔克姆将社会层次上特有的现象统称为社会事实,并将其界定为:任何对个人施以
外在强制作用的,固定的或不固定的行为方式,或在社会总体中普遍出现的,不依赖于个人 而独立存在的任何行为方式。社会事实具有:外在性、强制性、普遍性和独立性四个特点, 可以分为社会物质事实和社会精神事实。
右一行以及最下一行次数的合计称为边缘次数,分布状况称为边缘分布,由边缘分布组成的 表称为边缘表。


中国人民大学社会学考研试题Renmin University of China Graduate School of Sociology (Sociology Theory)1996Admissions: sociology, theories and methods, Applied SociologyExamination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a historyof SociologyI.explain the following concepts (4 points per subject, 40 points each)1, leading role and self role 2, group cohesion 3, extended family 4, rigid structure 5, late development effect 6, title device7, "social fornT (Qi Meier) 8, ^abnormal division of labor?,(Toure J M) 9, ''evolutionary universals” (Parsons)10, "type of reward” (Blau)Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)1.Briefly describe the basic characteristics and social functions of primary social groups.2, a brief description of Webb's "social action type" and its theoretical function.Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)1,try to analyze the great changes and social significance of China's real life from the point of view of "rationality”.2,compare and analyze the different characteristics of Parsons' s theory and symbolic interaction theory in the premise of theory, participation in observation and research orientation.1997Examination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a historyof Sociology-Exp lain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 40 points each)1, Role Imbalance 2, anonymous theory 3, cultural control means4, discrete data 5, Protestant Ethics (Weber) 6, anti function (Merton) 7, authority structure (Dahrendorf)8. The theory of dramaTwo, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)1, a brief overview of "elite cycle theory" and its significance. The control of the 2, Durkheim advocated a,z comparative method”in empirical sociological role and significance in the study of.Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)1,try to contact the characteristics of China,s social transition period, and discuss how to predict, guide and control the''collective behavior”.2,try to enumerate and compare several major paradigms in western sociological theories, and analyze the causes and significance of the multiple paradigms.1998Admissions: sociology, theories and methods, Applied SociologyExamination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a historyof SociologyI.explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 40 points each)1, 2, 3 social integration of social power and social reality, social realism on the 4, 5 label theory and culture lag (Ogburn)6, the safety valve (7, universal rational cosse) (Weber), 8 model variables (Parsons)1,briefly describe the relationship between social status and social role.2, a brief account of Spencer,s theory of evolution of organic society on Western sociology.Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)1,try to analyze the changes of social stratification system in the process of social transformation in china.2,try to compare the difference between the 〃Webb paradigm” and "Durkheim paradigm" methodology and theoretical purport.1999Admissions: sociology, anthropologyExamination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a historyof SociologyI.explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 40 total points) bda73b774e1, the status of consistent 2, the main culture and subculture3,the inner group 4, social settings 5, miss ion view”6, 〃the authority of authority z,(Weber), 7, "counter function” (Merton) 8, "type of reward7' (Blau)Two, a brief title (10 points per subject, 20 points)1,briefly describe the characteristics of socialization in social transition.2,the "social form" on SimmeT s thoughts.Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)1,combined with the actual situation, we discuss the manifestations, causes and solutions of the contradiction between fairness and efficiency in the period of social transformation in china.2,discuss Webb's basic thinking of macro comparative study of eastern and Western culture and its influence on contemporary sociology.2000Admissions: sociology, anthropologyExamination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a historyof SociologyI. explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 40 points each) 1, the position is contrary to 2, generation gap 3, formal organization 4, relative deprivation 5, target rationality (Weber) 6, elite (Pareto)7, multi layered space (Blau) 8, label theoryTwo, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)1,briefly describe the relation and difference between right and authority.2, a brief description of the similarities and differences between Marx and Dahrendorf in analyzing social conflicts.Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)1,using sociological theories to analyze the characteristics and trends of interpersonal changes in the period of social transformation in china.2,combined with Toure J W s research on suicide, summed up the empirical sociological research methods and the basiccharacteristics of the theoretical form.2001Admissions: sociology, anthropologyExamination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a history of Sociology-First, the noun interpretation (5 points per subject, 40 points) 1, symbol 2, cultural capital 3, go personalized 4, cooperation5,z,legal authority z, (Wei Bo)6,z,action system” (Parsons) 7, ''impression management/,(Goffman) 8, 〃Lord 1〃 and 〃guest 1〃 (Mead)Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)1, a brief description of the unique perspective of social networks.2, a brief account of the social exchange theory on the generation of group structure and power.Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)1, different paradigms in the study of world social stratification.The difference between the 2, on "social realism" and "social realism7' and the resulting research orientation differences.2002Examination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a historyof SociologyFirst, the noun interpretation (5 points per subject, 40 points)1, poverty culture, 2, cultural cluster 3, social capital 4, reference group 5, ''dimension model” (Parsons)6, z,latent function” (Merton) 7, z,front desk and backstage” (Goffman) 8, "selfish suicide” (Toure J M):Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)1.The main reasons for informal structure in formal organizationare briefly introduced.2,briefly describe the meaning and cognitive function of Weber2 3 4 5 s ideal type.Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)1,discuss the trend of the evolution of social stratification structure in contemporary china.1,emergency norms 2, public opinion group 3, collective unconscious, 4, cultural centralism5,6, 7, obey the stereotype of value relevance (Weber), 8 non realistic conflicts (cosse)9, universalism (Parsons) 10, the pattern of difference sequence (Fei Xiaotong)Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 40 points)1,briefly describe the significance of "tradition" in the process 2 the opposition of sociological methodology of "integration” and "individualisnT (between the representatives of their respective lists and specific points), and talk about your views. 2003Recruitment major: sociology, anthropology, folkloreExamination subjects: Sociological TheoryI. explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 50 points each)of modernization2,Briefly describe the different characteristics of political capital, human capital and social capital in social status attainment3, a brief account of positivism's scientific view4,the Durkheim about "causal analysis" point of viewThree, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 60 points)1,try to explain the connotation and significance of moderate social control.2,try to describe the research ideas and practical significance of Protestant Ethics and the spirit of capitalism3,try to combine the actual situation to explain the theory of social anomie and its significance.2004Examination subjects: Sociological TheoryI.explain the following concepts (4 points per subject, 40 points each)1, cultural material 2, group cohesion 3, role conflict 4, personality 5, sexual existence6,organic unity (Toure J M) 7. (Cooley) 8 I look in the mirror. Situation definition (Thomas)9,diffusion - specificity (Parsons)10,authority structure (Dahrendorf)Two, Jane answer (title 15 points). A total of 60 points1.briefly describe the characteristics of social stratification structure changes since China,s reform2.briefly describe the general characteristics of collective behavior and the basic conditions of its form3., a brief analysis of the relation between Marx' s class theory and Pareto's theory of elitism4.briefly describe the basic features of Blau's concept ofsocial exchange and its differences with economic exchangeThree, discussion questions (25 points per subject). A total of 50 points1,enumerate the main manifestations of the phenomenon of "social deviance" in china. And the appropriate theory is used to explain the causes2,try to analyze the main manifestations and problems of''rational growth" in the process of modernization through thesociological theory2005Admissions: SociologyExamination subjects: Sociological TheoryI.explain the following concepts (4 points per subject, 40 points each)1, cultural lag from 2, role 3, social anomie4, self concept 5, conformity 6, "appeal authority” (Weber)7,〃AGIL framework(Parsons) 8, type of reward (Blau)9, communicative rationality (Habermas) 10, field (Bourdieu) Two, Jane answer (15 points per game, a total of 60 points)1.Briefly describe the relationship between formal structure and informal structure2,briefly describe the differences between the two concepts of 〃class〃 and ''professional group" in the study of social stratification.3,what does Webb think about the relationship between valueaction and goal action?4,briefly describe the significance of model variables (Parsons) in the study of modernizationThree, discussion questions (25 points per subject, 50 points)Taking urban migrant workers as an example, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the process of urbanization in ChinaThis paper tries to illustrate the relation between "culture” and "social structure'' by using relevant theories2006First, the noun explanation1, 2, 3 functional sex role, culture lag 4, 5, 6 sets of behavior Taylor, labeling theory7, late development effect 8, social interpretation group (Toure J M) 9, empirical (Kong De) 10, value rationality actionTwo. Brief questions1,the positive function and negative function of bureaucracy2,briefly describe the manifestations and causes of social anomie in China3,sociological views on the nature and function of power.4,the respective characteristics and representatives ofmethodology, individualism and holism.Three. Discussion questions1,using the relevant theories to analyze the relationship between material civilization construction and spiritual civilization construction in china.2,using relevant theories and examples to analyze therelationship between modern risk society and building a harmonious society in China3,Explain the difference between the interpretation of the relation between "structure" and "action" by the theory of structural functionalism and symbolic interaction, and discuss your views.2007I. noun: 10 * 41,cultural shock; 2, the trunk family; 3, social indicators;4,virtual communities; 5, risk society: 6, Hawthorne effect;7,elite circle; 8, drama theory; 9, public sphere; 10. Social economic status index.Answer: two, 15 x 41,briefly describe the meaning and types of social control:2,briefly describe the main contents of social capital;3, a brief description of Webb's ''authority type" thought;4,the functional theory of social stratification and thedifferent explanations of the theory of conflict.Three. Discuss: 25 * 21,using sociological theory to analyze the widening gap between rich and poor in china.2,analyze the theory and structure of the theory of suicide.2008First, noun interpretation (5*8) 1 character structure 2 3 set 4 position contrary to social behavior 5 (Cooley) in my 6 collective representation (ToureJ M) 7 types of action (Weber) 8 social safety valve (cosse)Two, brief answer (15*4)1, a. brief account of sociological theories of social deviance.2,it briefly introduces the basic characteristics of bureaucratic organization and management.3briefly describe the main points of social exchange theory.4give an example of what is the definition of a situation”.Three, discussion topic (25*2)1,try the basic paradigm of social stratification theory to analyze the changes of social stratification structure in China since the reform and opening up.2,select sociological theories to analyze the current social injustice in China and its causes.2009First, the noun explains: (5*8)Cultural characteristics, organizational structure, Gini coefficient, globalization, Webb: goal, reasonable behaviorParsons: action unit Habermas: Communicative Rationality: Bruno,s theory of symbolic interactionTwo, Jane answer: (15*4)1, the connotation and relationship of social status and role.2 briefly describe the formation and function of emergency-regulations.3, a brief description of Mead's classification of self, and the development of self4 Goff man ''impression management" theory connotation.Three, discussion Title: (25*2)1,from the perspective of functional analysis, the main problems of building a harmonious society are analyzed.2.Discuss the differences between empirical sociology and sociology in methodology and research, and point out your point of v i ew.Renmin University of China graduate entrance examination (comprehensive examination of Sociology)Note: the social comprehensive examination was an examination course for the graduate entrance examination of sociology 02 years ago, but it has been cancelled 02 years later. Still, print out the questions and leave them for reference.1996First, explain the following concepts (5 points per subject). A total of 40 points1,achievement motivation 2, cultural relativism 3, totem worship 4 and two yuan, social structure 5, dependency theory6,marriage circle radius7,marriage investment 8, Gene coefficientTwo, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 30 points)1,briefly explain the relation and difference between individual psychology and group psychology.2,The historical contribution of cultural anthropology to social psychology.3,briefly describe the significance of model variables (Parsons)in the study of modernization.Three, discussion questions (15 points per subject, 30 points)1,discuss the unique obstacles and overcoming methods in the investigation and study of marriage and family sociology.2,how to understand the social stratification in the "status contrary7' phenomenon.1997First, explain the following concepts (4 points per subject). A total of 40 points1, cognitive judgment 2, compensation 3, family 4, fact marriage 5, kinship name system 6, participate in observation method7, western centralism 8, premature endogenous modernization 9, social structure differentiation 10, institutional cultureTwo, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 30 points)1,the similarities and differences between the family and thegeneral social group are briefly described.2,Briefly describe the characteristics of fieldwork in cultural anthropology.3,the basic content of the theory of human modernization is briefly introduced.Three, discussion questions (15 points per subject, 30 points)1,try social stratification theory to analyze the change of social stratification since China,s reform.2,discuss the psychological and behavioral characteristics of migrant workers in China during the reform period.1998First, the noun interpretation (5 points per subject, 25 points)1, the social economic status scale (SES) 2, 3, 4, stress the halo effect in 5, gender and sexTwo, a brief title (10 points per subject, 30 points)1, a brief description of Benedict5 s cultural model concept.2,briefly describe the nature, characteristics and elements of the relationship within the family.3,briefly describe the similarities and differences of〃〃〃1u,・〃刀〃」・u_・〃progress , evolution and modernization .Three, discussion questions (15 points per subject, 45 points)1,starting from the interactive relationship between the investigators and the respondents, the characteristics offie1dwork in anthropology are analyzed.2,using sociological poverty theory to explain how to correctly deal with poverty in rural areas of china.3,try the new evolution theory in sociology to analyze the current social transformation in china.1999First, explain the following concepts (5 points per subject).A total of 30 points1, Kula ring 2, a 〃(Cooley) 3, 〃challenge and response 〃(Toynbee 4), Fan Ling faith5, intermarriage circle, radius 6, privacy barrierTwo, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 30 points)1.Briefly describe the significance of invention in the change of modern society.2,briefly describe the form of exchange marriage and its social significance.A brief account of Freud,s theory of human structure.Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)1,discuss the fate and significance of "rationalization" in the process of modernization.2,from the perspective of social stratification theory, this paper expounds the characteristics of social structure change since the reform2000I. explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 30points each) 1, equal opportunities2 zero sum game3,professional reputation4,hierarchy of needs (Maslow)5,inequality index6,population sex ratioTwo, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 30 points)1,try to describe the basic structure of marriage.2,try the cognitive equilibrium theory of hyde.3,What are the characteristics of anthropology in China?.Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)1,try the 〃late development" theory to analyze thecharacteristics of China,s modernization.2,try to use different class concepts to analyze and evaluate the social status of migrant workers in Chinese cities.2001First, the noun interpretation (5 points per subject, 40 points)1, the cultural model (Benedict) 2, the difference order pattern 3, deconstruction 4, parent-child joint system 5, nuclear family6, three yuan crime reason said (Fei Li) 7, face 8, Hawthorne experimentTwo, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 30 points)1,briefly describe the significance of ''challenge challenge” paradigm in the modernization research.2,it briefly introduces the characteristics and limitations of''bureaucracy system”.3, a brief description of Allport,s attitude, the four stage said.Three, discussion questions (15 points per subject, 30 points)1,the influence of "globalization" process on China's modernization.2,try to describe the elements, process and social psychological function of the formation of public opinion.2002First, the noun interpretation (5 points per subject, 30 points) 1, national character 2, follow the 3, 〃DINK〃family 4, organizational goals replacement 5, human capital 6, sustainable developmentTwo, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 40 points)1, a brief description of Davies - Moore's functionalstratification view”.2.Briefly describe the factors that influence interpersonal attraction.3.Briefly describe the characteristics of developing countries' modernization.4, a brief description of Harris' s cultural materialism.Three, discussion questions (15 points per subject, 30 points)1,try social psychology theory to explain the rebellious behaviorand behavior of some teenagers in the society.2,how to understand the cultural diversity in the context of globalization?2007 sociological examination for the people,s Congress (written examination)1.,some people say that our country exists polarization, how do you view this view?;During the 2.2007 year of the Spring Festival, a real name system is applied to buy a train ticket. Please analyze it with sociological theories3.,please use Collins's "diploma theory" to analyze the phenomenon of College Students' employment difficulties4.try to explain the social function of the middle class5.,combining with practice, the sociological significance of community construction is analyzed6. qualitative and quantitative studies are often used in social research methods. Please describe an optimal combination model you expect and illustrate with examples.(6, 4, two hours. January 2007 19、20 day preliminary test, the first test results in March 12th, re examination in March 26th2008 sociological examination for the people,s Congress (writtenexamination)1,apply the theory of "risk society" to analyze the freezing disaster in the south of China this year2,try to analyze the significance of Bourdieu,s 〃field〃 concept in sociological analysis.3,try to analyze the challenges of globalization to China,s economic and social development.4,try to analyze the social causes of urban poverty in china.5,talk about your views on the changing trend of social stratification structure in China's transition period.6,talk about your understa nding of "social construction”.(6, 4, two hours. January 2008 20〜21, first test,March 12th results, re examination in March 28th。

注:S:《社会学概论新修》W:《外国社会学史》D:《同等学历大纲》X:《数据属性分析》Y:《社会学研究方法》(袁方)个人总结,仅供参考1996年96年社会学理论一、名词解释:(4’*10)1、先赋角色与自致角色(S 109)先赋角色又称归属角色,指建立在血缘、遗传等先天的或者生理的因素基础上的社会角色。
4、刚性结构(S232 D90)指社会成员在社会空间的分布具有很强的地位相关性,或形象地说,社会成员在多元分层空间的分布呈现集束状态。
5、迟发展效果(S346 D455)由于发展中国家社会历史传统和历史条件的制约,它们的现代化起步大大晚于那些先发展起来的工业化国家,正是由于起步比较晚,又面临不同的制约条件,就形成了它们特殊的发展过程。
7、“社会交往形式”(齐美尔)(S86 D170)在齐美尔看来,人们在历史和现实中的种种相互作用、联系和行为,其中都存在着一种基本上相类似的相互作用模式,即社会交往的形式。

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中国人民大学2014年硕士生入学考试试题2014年中国人民大学社会理论真题(完整版)一. 名词解释(12选8)1. 过滤仪式2. 符号价值3. 总和生育率4. 缺场交往5. 外婚制6. 社区脱域7. 老年抚养比8. 剩余物29. 公众家庭10. 脱离理论11. 惯习12. 人口倍增时间二. 简答题(8选4)1. 什么是标准化技术?为什么要进行标准化?请举例说明如何进行年龄标准化。
2. 曼瑟尔奥尔森说:“有理性的、寻求自我利益的个人不会采取行动以实现他们共同的或集团的利益。
”你怎样理解他的观点?3. 简述传统社会和现代社会中年龄歧视的不同特点。
4. 梁漱溟怎样论述中国文化路向和西方文化路向的区别?5. 如何评价米德—弗里曼之争?6. 利奥塔是怎样论述宏大叙述合法性危机的?7. 编制生命表的主要原理和作用是什么?8. 简述卡斯特关于集体认同三种构件形式的基本观点。
三.论述(6选2)1. 为什么互联网的快速发展引起了社会空间分化?其表现形式和产生的影响如何?2. 阐述社会发展过程中家庭养老方式变化及其影响因素。
3. 怎样理解鲍德里亚关于消费社会的运行逻辑是差异逻辑的论述?4. 请对关系论社会资本理论和集体论社会资本理论之间的区别与联系进行比较分析。
5. 结合中外学者的研究成果,谈谈你对中国汉人社会的认识。
6. 你认为应该“严格控制特大城市人口规模”吗?请结合世界经验及中国的城镇化道路,谈谈你的认识。
2014年中国人民大学社会研究方法真题(完整版)一、名词解释1、信度与效度2、标准差与标准误3、抽样误差4、同序对与异序对5、文化圈6、口述史7、实验民族志8、命题与假设9、“简化论”错误10、“Kish选择法”二、简答题1. 请简述众数、中位数和均值的区别与适用性。
2. 试述什么是问题研究与过程研究。
3. 什么是社会科学研究中的“科学环”,请给出说明与阐释。
4. 什么是分层抽样和配额抽样,请说明它们之间的异同。
5. 社会地位是指个体在一个社会等级体系或分层系统中的登记位置,通常用社会经济地位来度量。
三、论述1. 说明并解释社会研究中四中研究方式的基本内涵、主要特点、适用范围与议题,并做出比较。
2. 试述在问卷设计中问题与答案的表现形式,并对在问题与答案设计中应注意的问题,谈谈你的认识。
3. 如何理解人类学田野工作的理论预设?4. 请阐述人类学文化撰写的三种模式,并谈谈你的看法。
5. 假设单变量均值检验中的统计量满足正态分布,讨论如何确定双边检验和单边检验中的临界值,接受域和拒绝域,需要给出图示并注明。
6. 下表给出了某人口受教育程度和户口类型的各种分布信息,包括频次分布、行百分比、列百分比和格百分比。
受教育程度农业人口非农业人口总计小学或者以下 2466 800 326675.51 24.49 100.0049.82 15.51 32.2024.31 7.89 32.20初中 187 **** ****54.23 45.77 100.0036.91 29.69 33.2218.01 15.20 33.22高中 560 1728 228824.48 75.52 100.0011.31 33.28 22.565.52 17.04 22.56大专或以上 97 1123 12207.95 92.05 100.001.96 21.63 12.030.96 11.07 12.03总计 4950 5193 1014348.80 51.20 100.00100.00 100.00 100.0048.80 51.20 100.00中国人民大学2013年硕士生入学考试试题考试科目2:社会理论考试时间:1月6日下午一、名词解释(12选8,每题5分,共40分)1.人口城镇化2.主观定义3.现实主义民族志4.底部老龄化5.家庭户6.更替水平7.实践感8.符号消费9.社会资本的密集性10.文化圈11.民族中心主义12.选择亲和性二、简答(8选4,每题15分,共60分)1.说明队列分析和时期分析结合的必要性2.说明人力资本和社会资本的区别与联系3.简述解释生育率的财富流理论4.贝克是怎样论述社会风险产生的原因的?5.说明老年学研究对象;长期照料保险和养老保险的区别(not sure)6.为什么说常人方法学引发了社会学的革命?7.网络化发展与社会脱域的关系。
8.什么是非物质文化遗产,以及……(not sure)三、论述(6选2,每题25分,共50分)1.有人说“中国污染严重的原因是人口增长过快。
4.为什么现在同时出现了全球化和个人主义两种趋势?5.谈谈影响我国社会养老制度的因素,以及对家庭养老的看法(not sure)考试科目1:社会研究方法考试时间:1月6日上午一、名词解释(10选7,每题6分,共42分,多做本大题记为0分)1.系统抽样2.结构式问卷3.4.深描5.跨文化并置法6.自由度7.科学环8.量表9.定距测量10.回归直线的拟合优度二、简答题(5选3,每题16分,共48分。
WkhrtModel SS df MS Num. of Obj. 4855Regress. 90000+ 1 ?? F(df1=1,df2=4854) 27.xxResidual 180+ 4854 ?? R Square 0.0057Total 90000+ 4855 ?? Adj R Square 0.0057??? ???------------------------------------------Model Coef. Std.Err beta ? 95% Confidence IntervalAge -0.0802 ? -5.xx ? -0.11xx -0.01xxCons. 52.14xx ? 72.xxx ? 51.xx 53.xx三、论述题(6选2,每题30分,共60分)1.说明社会研究中的测量层次及其特点,以及如何选用2.定量研究和定性研究的异同,地位和作用3.设计一份问卷,包含多个指标,操作化“幸福感”(not sure)4.根据表格画直方图并根据直方图分析其分布特点。
表格内容是10000名参加成人高考的年龄分布情况年龄18-19 20-21 22-24 25-39 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49百分比(%) 2 37 30 18 6.5 2.5 2.5 1.52012年人大社会学真题试题编号:845一、名词解释(12选8,8×5=40’)1.日历年龄2.社会认同3.年龄中位数4.人口红利5.东方学6.社会行政7.蝴蝶效应8.集体表象9.文化相对主义10.剩余物11.抚养系数12. 代表型公共领域二、简答题(6选4,4×15=60’)1相对古典进化论而言,新进化论“新”在何处。
中国人民大学2011年硕士生入学考试试题招生专业社会学、人口学、人类学、民俗学、老年学、社会工作考试科目:社会理论考试时间:2011-1-16日下午试题编号:811一:名词解释(12选8,每题5分,共计5*8=40分,多做按0分计) 1:助人自助2:人口老龄化3:同批人(cohort)4:文化唯物主义5:平均寿命预期6:剩余物7:网络助燃8:交往理性9:互动仪式链10:传递性经验11:具体叙事12:人力资本二:简述题:(7选4,每题15分,共计15*4=60分)1:马尔萨斯的《人口原理》基本思想2::如何理解格尔茨所论述的“深描”?3:简述优势视角的主要观点4:简述人口老龄化的决定性因素5:哈贝马斯怎样论述公共领域的历史形式?6:怎样理解布迪厄关于“惯习”的论述?7:怎样理解丹尼尔·贝尔关于中轴原理的方法论意义,为什么说它超越了相对主义?三:论述题:(6选2,每题25分,共计25*2=50分)1:中国历次人口普查特点是什么?在新时期展开人口普查的意义和难点是什么?2:结合实例阐述人类学民族志写作的特点与意义3:试论社会工作对促进精神健康的意义4:试论老年人对社会服务的多方面需求和发展老年社会服务的对策思路?5:试论制度建设与组织建设的本质联系及其在构建和谐社会中的重要意义?6:如何理解常人方法学实现了社会学思维方式的革命?研究方法:一、名词解释(10选7,每个6分)1. 分层抽样2. 观察记录3.非介入性研究4.第一类错误5.区位谬误6.中介变量7.标准差8.编码9.个人生活史研究10.参与研究二、简答(5选3,每个16分)1、定量研究的局限有哪些?2、列举定性资料的收集方法。
3、根据一个实例(略)计算几率比(odds ratio)4、研究设计的基本要素有哪些?5、问卷调查时访谈员应注意的问题有哪些?三、论述(选2个,每个30分)1、PPS抽样的应用。