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Unit 13

W ords to note

Column A

Arid (12)buggy (9) cater for (1) coordinate (22) decentralize (17) enhance (3) equitable (11) exploit (5) facsimile (19) feedback (20) homestead (8) in real time (15) infrastructure (2) medium (of delivery) (13) pioneering (18) prohibitive (21) remote (4) rugged (16) sealed road (14) sole (23) sparsity (or sparseness) (10) time lag (6) transmission (7)

Understanding the text

Part A


Broadcasting lessons through the television and radio

Using modern telephone services

Using facsimile machines

Using satellite technology

Using the internet

Trying satellite transmissions

Delivering tapes of the broadcasts

Making face-to-face contact with each student once a year: teachers visit students, or students attend mini-schools.

Part B


Established the correspondence school, school of the air, three regional stations and 19 distance learning centres.

Provided educational services in a more efficient way (than correspondence). Provides quality distance education services and flexible delivery of courses to a wide variety of institutions and clients by employing educational and technological specialists to write, broadcast, distribute, coordinate and market distant education services and materials.

Creates and delivers educational materials to every school in western Australia and to every remote learning area.

Developing your skills

Part A: reporting numerical data

Not surprisingly, four times more is the number of respondents using ICQ for entertainment than for their studies. When asked about its effect on their studies, less than a quarter thought that it had any effect. Slightly fewer people use ICQ for fun than for making friends, and there is a significant difference between those using it for entertainment and those declaring “other” reasons for using ICQ.

Part B:drawing a cconclusion

Students should be encouraged to exchange opinions and give reasons for these opinions.There is

no “correct “answer. Clearly, they will need to draw on information given in the text to support what they say, but they may also add information of their own. Y ou may feel that it is better for the students to work in larger groups rather than in pairs. In this way, they will be exposed to more opinions and arguments. Perhaps several of the groups or pairs might be asked to read aloud their conclusion and the rest of the class can question their findings and ask them to justify what they argue.

Extending your vocabulary

Part A: abbreviations

1 PRC the People’s Republic of China

2 UK the United Kingdom

3 GB Great Britain

4 UN the United Nations

5 USA the United States of America

6 Jap Japan of Japanese

7 Chin China or Chinese

8 Eng English

9 CIA Central Intelligence Agency

10 FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation

11 WHO World Health Organisation

12 Jan January

13 MBA Master of Business Administration

14 PhD Doctor of Philosophy

15 km kilometer

16 kg kilogram

17 YWCA Y oung Women’s Christian Association

18 YMCA Y oung Men’s Christian Association

19 yuppie Y oung Urban Professionals

20 WWW World Wide Web

21 asap as soon as possible

22 ie that is to say

23 eg (for) example

24 btw by the way

25 p page

26 pp pages

27 PTO please turn over

28 cc carbon copy

29 encl enclosed

30 CV curriculum vitae

31 PC personal computer

32 NW northwest

33 SE southeast

34 CD compact disk

35 VD video compact disk
