国际贸易案例分析论文 英文版

国 际 经 济 与 贸 易 论 文The contribution of foreign trade to China's economic growth analysis Summary: Although in recent years, China's exports continued strong growth,rapid expansion of trade surplus, rising position in international trade, import andexport commodity structure further optimize. But our economy still shows four uncoordinated: uncoordinated, uncoordinated merchandise trade and trade inservices, foreign trade of the eastern and western uncoordinated, uncoordinatedtrade and industrial s peed and efficiency. These uncoordinated has seriouslyaffected China's foreign trade growth in the quality and efficiency of foreign trade$ 2 trillion by 2020, by the number of goals, the traditional mode of growth isdifficult to achieve. This paper analyzes the status of China's trade from the start, to clarify the new situation adhere to quality realistic options strategies to improve the quality awareness of products and services, changes in competitive strategy of lowprices, and strive to build the core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises, China's manufacturing to China from the realization of create change.Keywords: international trade, our manufacturing, our creationFirst, the current development of China's foreign tradeChina's foreign trade has made remarkable achievements. China's current tradegrowth mode presents the following characteristics:(一)To expand the number of typeSince the reform and opening up, China's foreign trade developed rapidly, with anaverage annual growth over the same period the average annual growth rate in theworld of international t rade. Scale to promote the export of China's ranking inworld exports(二)the processing tradeAfter China's reform and opening up, the development of processing tradevery quickly, once reached more than 50 percent of China's total imports and exports, up 56.9 percent. In the 21st century, the processing trade has beengradually replaced by general trade, became the dominant position in China's foreign trade. And the concern is the rapid rise of China's processing trade and foreign direct investment behavior is closely related.(三)"three capital" enterprises have become the main exportSince the reform and opening up, China's foreign trade by guiding policy and industrial policy, foreign direct investment continues to grow. Foreigninvestment in China is mainly to fancy our huge market and low labor costs.Foreign-invested enterprises to adopt the great quantities of production,procurement of raw materials in foreign countries, domestic processing, production and export of products. Foreign exports accounted for more than 50% of the country's exports.(四) the export market structure is relatively simpleWith the development of economic globalization and regional economicintegration, China and neighboring countries and regions and regionaleconomic cooperation with other trade partners booming marketdiversification to achieve greater development. However, the proportion of the top ten trading partners of China's total imports and exports, total exports andtotal imports are still relatively l arge, top ten trading partners trade has accounted for more than 80% of China's total imports and exports, have declined until 2011 . The United States remained China's largest export market, Japan is still the largest source of imports.Second, the contribution of foreign trade to economic growth and the main problem of the existence of(一)Contribution of the Foreign Trade and Economic Growth1 imported factors of production can directly increase the supply of factors ofa country, for most countries, due to differences in resource endowments, the production can not completely have all the elements required for production, then the imports of production factors become a prerequisite for economic growth; for most developed countries, in the course of its economic take-off, without exception, have obtained through imports from less developed countries stable and cheap industrial raw materials, importing large quantities of these factors of production, on the one hand make up the lack of domestic supply of relevant elements, it also greatly increased the production of corporate profit margins, which is to maintain the level of domestic investment and thus promote economic growth played a significant role in promoting; for most developing countries, not only with the Like developed countries, the need to import some domestic scarce natural resources, and more importantly, developing countries generally lack the ability to produce modern machinery and equipment, advanced equipment imported by obtained from thedeveloped countries, its economic development played a crucial role.China's foreign trade in the process of rapid development, someenterprises lack of scientific management, the overall strength is weak; single means to participate in international competition; product non-pricecompetitiveness is not strong, the lack of its own brand and marketing network;low export levels, many products are still in the low end of the international division of the value chain links, the added value is not high. Extensive trade growth mode has not changed fundamentally, economic and social benefits tobe further improved.2 export development can be "driven" to increase domestic and foreign investmentFactor income of a country's export sector factor income is much higher than import-competing sectors. That is, the average profit margin of the export sector level higher than the average profit margin of import-competing sectors.Thus, it will have a substantial increase in domestic investment, "cause" part of the domestic export sector inflows factor in domestic factor mobilitymechanism is relatively smooth conditions, a large number of elements of theinflow means export sector. In addition to the increase driven by domesticinvestment outside the rapid development of the export sector will a ttractsome foreign investors to enter. As an important component of the foreigndemand for capital formation, which directly affects the formation of capital, which is directly related to the speed of economic growth. Coupled with the operation of foreign capital into the domestic counterpart funds, so active inthe entire national chain and become an incentive for economic growth.3 can be driven by the expansion of exports to increase domestic employmentForeign trade impact on a country's domestic employment levels, especiallyas our country such a large developing country with rich labor resources, the significance is undoubtedly a far-reaching and significant. American economist Anne. Kruger has made a study of this system. Professor Kruger that the choice of open trade strategy will also help job growth in developing countries. 30 years of reform and opening up, China's foreign trade to GDP growth rate higher than therate of rapid development, while the export commodity structure has also undergone major changes, from the export of primary products to manufacturedgoods into the main productive labor time intensive products industry has developed rapidly. Exports increased requirements to increase production, increase production and thus increasing employment needs. Professor Kruger believes compatible with different trading strategies trade policies will directly affect technology choice for all i ndustries, thus affecting the industrial c apital / labor ratio.4 Foreign trade can promote the formation of economies of scaleTraditional international t rade theory usually assumes constant returns to scale, that foreign trade does not exist economies of scale. In practice, however, the reality is assumed that the development of international trade is not consistent. U.S. economist Paul Krugman · R · believes that countries are increasingly similar, more imperfect market competition today, instead of the economies of scale factorendowments differences have become the main reason for the promotion of trade development. We know that many industry only reach a certain size in order to reduce costs, relying solely on the size of a small domestic market often can not be achieved. And one country to vigorously promote exports, expand the international market, the domestic industry can be formed that economies of scale to create the conditions.(二) At present the problems of China's foreign trade1. A low price competition caused by the gradual increase in anti-dumpinginvestigationAccording to China's Ministry of Commerce statistics, in June 2011, China's state-sponsored by other anti-dumping investigations has reached more than 600 since. In 2010 alone, China's anti-dumping investigation of 51 cases, involving 1.79 billion U.S. dollars, h as for 13 consecutive years as the world's anti-dumping investigations than any other country. Anti-dumping is for dumping purposes, theso-called dumping refers to the export price of a product at a price lower than the normal value of the market into another country. Dumping appeared, some countries are considered to be unfair trade practices and to be resisted by the legislative anti-dumping measures to protect the domestic industry. According to "Anti-Dumping Agreement," the implementation of anti-dumping measures musthave three basic elements: dumping, the causal link between the damage, dumpingand injury.Because our products generally have a clear price advantage, making international competitors and trading partners to take defensive or offensive trademeasures against Chinese products, and anti-dumping measures is most likely tobe used. Also according to "Anti-Dumping Agreement" provides for products fromnon-market economy countries, the normal price in determining the dumping, the importing countries generally use the price "alternative country" as the base price. Many trading partner of our products, as a non-market economy country, in determining the margin of dumping of the product is often deviated from WTOrules, select the price of other "alternative country" as determined in accordance with the normal price of the product. As the "alternative country" system flexibility so as to abuse of the importing country, "cut right amount ofand irrationality,freedom" in determining the dumping country when looking for an alternative toopen the door.2.Economies of scale and social imbalanceCurrently, there are 172 kinds of commodity production in the world, "China's manufacturing" has been in many countries around the world, penetrated intoevery corner of life, many countries consumers irresistible products. The scale of China's manufacturing expanded rapidly in the rapid increase in the share of world manufacturing the same time, there is a lot of regret: product exports nearly 30% share in total exports, the common feature of these products is the lowvalue-added, the price is very low , net of costs, the profit is very low, some products even price gains of only a few cents. U.S. exports equivalent to a Boeing airliner of 200 000 -30 million color TV sets exports.China's economic development is still stuck on to consume natural resources atthe expense of environmental quality development model. Rely on putting in a lotof natural resources and social resources in many areas has made the world'smarket share, but also caused a rather severe environmental problems. Environmental pollution and ecological destruction is increasingly becoming theimpact of global economic and social development issues, and to become the focusof people's attention.Third, adhere to the "quality win" strategyImprove the quality of trade growth quality and efficiency of export goods is a signof the national spirit, not only related to the efficiency o f enterprises, b ut alsorelated to the international image of our products. To better implement the "quality win" strategy, companies must the consumer's point of view, the product selectivityin durability, aesthetics, functionality, reliability, service, compliance, reputation and other aspects of comprehensive improve product and service quality, and increasethe added value of export products, and further optimize the export structure, tocreate its own brand of high-value and enhance the international competitivenessof export enterprises.(一)increase the export of non-price competitivenessProvided to meet the needs or desires of the target consumer products is the key to successful operation. Products are anything to offer to the market tomeet the needs and desires in the market include physical goods, services,experiences, events, people, places, property, organization, information andideas. Non-marketing guru Philip. Kotler believes Products include coreproduct, expected product, additional p roducts and potential interests, basicproducts five levels, e ach level adds more customer value, customer value hierarchy constituted. From the essence of today's product competitiveness isnot what companies in factory production, but other than that they increasethe plant in the form of other values, such as packaging, services, advertising, customer advice, financing, delivery arrangements and people seriously. Consumers generally from the factor characteristics and quality of products, product mix and quality of service, product prices and other judges he contacted products.1.Grasp customer price psychology, clever set commodity pricesAs the product information asymmetry, as well as non-professional consumers to buy, consumers in the purchase of goods, especially in the less familiar items to buy their own, always consciously or unconsciously, with the price and quality of goods intrinsic value linked to the price of goods as an important yardstick to measure the quality of the merits and value of size. They tend to believe that commodity prices are high, it means that the product is good quality, g reat value; low commodity prices, t hen the difference in the quality of goods, small value. Enterprises in the correct pricing strategy, t heprice must be in-depth study of the psychological impact on consumers, their prices grasp the psychological characteristics and can not take the low-price strategy.2 manufacturing customer perceived valueConventional wisdom is that as long as the price of the product is lower than competitors can seize more market . Reflect changes in the market price is the most sensitive factor for competitive products on the market position and market share has a direct impact . However, this effect is only limited in the industrial economy era , when corporate mission is to manufacture productsand sell products , but in the knowledge economy era , the task has become a manufacturing enterprise value and transfer value to the enterprise market competition into energy consumer competitive price competition rather thanthe value created by the product . The key goal of marketing is to correctly determine the customer's needs and desires , and more effective than competitors better target customers transferred the desired product or service , these products or services to meet consumer needs or solve the problems theyface tool. If the competition between enterprises blindly stuck in price competition stage , it will not only damage the interests of enterprises , and consumers are not necessarily derive a higher value because of price competition is necessarily accompanied by low-quality products and servicesand may also undermine the corporate image. With differentiated products ,high value-added services , such as core technical capabilities to compete , the benefits accruing to compete more generous than the low bleed . Companiescan earn huge profits , but also to compete for market share is more than the low significance. With the success of the enterprise should be a strength , corporate profits s hould be derived from the value of the market, but neveragainst opponents should be the purpose of business .Combined with the status quo of China's specific n ational conditionsand development of enterprises, the paper argues that treat green, technical barriers and trade friction from abroad, to calmly. On the one hand shouldchange their concepts, trade friction is clearly in the process of rapid economic development, a normal phenomenon, it i s difficult to avoid, and objectivelyrational measure friction, the impact of barriers to trade and the economy. On the other hand should take this as an opportunity to improve the capability of independent innovation, enhance scientific and technological content ofproducts. In addition, from the perspective of consumer psychology, low price competition for corporate branding strategy with hazards, Chinese enterprises should make full sense of urgency and mission, and strive to improve the value of the products, attention to technology investment, enhance productdevelopment and management, led export products.References:1.LiYushi.Changes in China's foreign trade2.LiJiaqin:On the Realization of Foreign Trade both a fundamental shift several issues3.YiShuoxiang:Changes in the competitive and comparative advantage ofthe growth mode4.JianXinghua:On China's foreign trade growth mode transformation5.LongGuoqiang:Foreign trade growth mode where to start6.ZhaoShuiqin:Reflections transformation of foreign trade growth mode 7.LiJunsheng:China's foreign trade and economic growth8.LiYuju:Accelerate the transformation of China's foreign trade growth 9.GuoKesha:The contribution of foreign trade to China's economic growth analysis10.XuJianbin: the current development of China's foreign trade。

我国国际贸易的作文英文Title: The Role of International Trade in China。
International trade plays a pivotal role in the economic development of China, serving as a catalyst for growth, innovation, and global integration. This essay delves into the significance of international trade for China, its impact on the economy, and the strategies employed to enhance competitiveness in the global market.First and foremost, international trade has been instrumental in propelling China's economic growth over the past few decades. Since the implementation of economic reforms and the opening up policy in the late 1970s, China has experienced unprecedented expansion in its trade volume. By leveraging its abundant labor force, natural resources, and strategic geographical location, China has emerged as a global manufacturing hub and a major player ininternational trade.One of the primary benefits of international trade for China is the influx of foreign capital and investment. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has poured into various sectors of the Chinese economy, fueling industrialization, technological advancement, and infrastructure development. This influx of capital has not only stimulated economic growth but also facilitated the transfer of knowledge, skills, and technology, contributing to China's capacityfor innovation and industrial upgrading.Moreover, international trade has played a crucial role in diversifying China's export markets and reducing its dependence on any single market. By expanding its trade relations with countries across the globe, China has mitigated the risks associated with regional economic fluctuations and geopolitical tensions. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), for instance, has provided new avenuesfor trade and investment, enhancing connectivity between China and its trading partners along the ancient Silk Road routes.Furthermore, international trade has enabled China toaccess a wide range of goods and services from foreign markets, fostering consumer welfare and enhancing the quality of life for its citizens. Through trade, China has gained access to advanced technologies, machinery, and raw materials that are crucial for sustaining its industrial production and meeting the demands of a growing domestic market.In addition to its economic benefits, international trade has also contributed to China's diplomatic and geopolitical objectives. By actively participating in regional and multilateral trade agreements, such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has positioned itself as a responsible stakeholder in the global trading system. This has enhanced China's soft power and influence on the international stage, paving the way for greater cooperation and mutual understanding among nations.Despite its numerous advantages, China faces challenges in the realm of international trade, including trade tensions with major trading partners, protectionistmeasures, and geopolitical uncertainties. To navigate these challenges and sustain its economic momentum, China has adopted a multifaceted approach that includes diversifying its export markets, enhancing domestic consumption, promoting innovation-driven development, and pursuing economic diplomacy.In conclusion, international trade occupies a central place in China's economic development strategy, driving growth, innovation, and global integration. By capitalizing on its comparative advantages and embracing the opportunities offered by globalization, China has emerged as a leading player in the international trade arena. Looking ahead, China remains committed to further opening up its economy, deepening cooperation with its trading partners, and contributing to a more inclusive and prosperous global economy.。

国际贸易英文案例及解析1. A Chinese exporter signed a CFR contract with an importer in American on canned meat for an amount of US$50000,with payment by D/P at sight. On the morning of May 5,2006,the goods were all loaded onto the named vessel. The Chinese salesperson in charge of this contract was so busy that he forgot to send the buyer the shipping advice until the next morning. Unexpectedly, when the American importer went to the local insurance company to insure the goods, the insurance company had already learned that the ship suffered a wreck on May 6 and refused to insure the shipment. The American importer immediately sent a fax to the Chinese exporter saying "owing to your delayed shipping advice, we are unable to insure the goods. Since the vessel has been destroyed in a wreck, the loss of goods should be for your account. At the same time, you should compensate our profit and expense losses which amount to US$50000."Soon all the shipping documents sent through the collecting bank were returned to the Chinese exporter ,for the reason that the importer refused to take up the shipping documents. Who should be responsible for the loss and why?The Chinese should be responsible for the loss. As per the clause of CFR term, the exporter is responsible for notifying the shipping details ASAP and the importer can arrange the insurance in time. If the notify delayed and cause the loss without insurance covering, the exporter must bear the loss.2.A Chinese international trade company exported a batch of walnut to England on the basis of CIF London.As it was a seasonal commodity,it was stipulated in the contract that the covering L/C should reach the seller before the end of September.The seller guaranteed that the vessel would reach the port of destination not latter than December 2.If the vessel reached the port of destination later than that day,the buyer was entitled to cancel the contract.In case the payment had been made,the seller should return the payment to the buyer .Then,where do you think the crux lies in this case?In this case, the crux lies is the date of reaching the destination.Because it is normal for vessel delay on sea shipment. The seller cannot control the shipping times on the sea. So the L/C should amend for the reach time, instead of the departure time.。

关于外贸英文作文英文:As an experienced international trade professional, I have encountered various challenges and opportunities in the field of foreign trade. One of the most common challenges is the language barrier. When dealing with clients and suppliers from different countries, it is essential to have a good command of the English language. For example, when negotiating a contract with a Chinese supplier, I had to ensure that the terms and conditions were clearly understood by both parties. This required me to use simple and concise language to avoid any misunderstandings.Another challenge in foreign trade is the cultural differences. Different countries have different business etiquettes and customs, and it is important to be aware of these differences in order to build strong relationships with clients and suppliers. For instance, when working withJapanese clients, I had to be mindful of their strong emphasis on respect and formality. This meant addressing them with proper titles and using polite language in all communications.On the other hand, foreign trade also presents numerous opportunities for growth and expansion. By tapping into new markets, businesses can increase their customer base and boost their sales. For example, when I helped a client enter the European market, they were able to diversifytheir customer base and increase their revenue significantly. This not only benefited the company financially but also enhanced their reputation as a global player in their industry.In conclusion, foreign trade is a dynamic and challenging field that requires a deep understanding of language, culture, and business practices. By overcoming these challenges and seizing the opportunities, businesses can thrive in the global marketplace.中文:作为一名经验丰富的国际贸易专业人士,我在国际贸易领域遇到了各种挑战和机遇。

国际贸易策略英语作文Title: International Trade Strategies: Promoting Global Prosperity。
In today's interconnected world, international trade plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth andfostering global prosperity. Countries worldwide formulate various trade strategies to capitalize on opportunities, mitigate challenges, and maximize benefits. This essay explores key components of effective international trade strategies and their significance in promoting economic development.Firstly, a robust international trade strategy involves fostering bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. These agreements facilitate the flow of goods and services across borders, reduce trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas, and create a conducive environment for businessesto thrive. For instance, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the European Union's Single Market are prime examplesof successful trade agreements that have enhanced economic integration and competitiveness among participating countries.Secondly, an effective trade strategy emphasizes the importance of diversification in export markets. Relying heavily on a single market exposes economies to vulnerabilities arising from geopolitical tensions, economic downturns, or policy changes in that particular market. By diversifying export destinations, countries can mitigate risks and ensure a more stable revenue stream. China's Belt and Road Initiative, aimed at enhancing connectivity and trade among Asia, Europe, and Africa, exemplifies the significance of diversification in promoting sustainable economic growth.Furthermore, a comprehensive trade strategy incorporates measures to address trade imbalances and promote fair trade practices. Persistent trade deficits can strain domestic industries and lead to job losses, undermining economic stability. Countries employ various tools such as currency manipulation monitoring, anti-dumping regulations, and trade remedy mechanisms to rectify imbalances and ensure a level playing field for domestic producers. The World Trade Organization (WTO) serves as a platform for resolving trade disputes and upholding the principles of free and fair trade among member states.Moreover, an effective trade strategy embraces innovation and technology as drivers of competitiveness in the global marketplace. Embracing digitalization, investing in research and development, and promoting technological advancements empower businesses to enhance productivity, streamline supply chains, and create high-value-added products and services. Silicon Valley in the United States and Shenzhen in China are exemplars of innovation hubs that have revolutionized industries and propelled economic growth through technological innovation.Additionally, sustainable development lies at the core of a forward-looking trade strategy. Environmental degradation, resource depletion, and climate change pose existential threats to humanity's future. Therefore, trade policies should prioritize sustainability by promoting eco-friendly practices, renewable energy sources, and green technologies. Initiatives like the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underscore the importance of integrating environmental considerations into trade policies to ensure long-term prosperity for present and future generations.In conclusion, international trade strategies are indispensable tools for fostering economic growth, enhancing global cooperation, and addressing shared challenges. By embracing openness, diversification, fairness, innovation, and sustainability, countries can unlock the full potential of international trade and create a more prosperous and inclusive world. It is imperative for policymakers to adopt holistic approaches that prioritize the collective well-being of humanity while harnessing the opportunities presented by globalization.。

关于国际贸易的英语小作文International Trade。
International trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between countries. It has become an important aspect of the global economy and has facilitated the growth of many businesses worldwide. In recent years, the volume of international trade has increased significantly, thanks to the advancement of technology and the liberalization of trade policies.The benefits of international trade are numerous. It allows countries to specialize in the production of goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. This leads to increased efficiency and lower costs, which ultimately benefits consumers. International trade also promotes competition, which encourages firms to innovate and improve their products and services. In addition, it provides access to a wider range of goods and services, which can improve people's quality of life.However, international trade also has its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is protectionism, which is the practice of imposing tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Protectionism can lead to a reduction in trade flows, higher prices for consumers, and a decrease in overall economic welfare. Another challenge is the issue of labor standards and environmental regulations, which can vary significantly between countries. This can lead to concerns about unfair competition and the exploitation of workers in countries with weaker labor standards.To address these challenges, countries have established international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) to promote free and fair trade. The WTO sets rules and regulations for international trade and provides a forum for resolving trade disputes. In addition, many countries have entered into regional trade agreements, such as the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which aim to promote trade and economic integration among member countries.In conclusion, international trade is an important aspect of the global economy, providing numerous benefits to countries and consumers alike. However, it also poses challenges that need to be addressed through international cooperation and the establishment of fair trade rules and regulations. By promoting free and fair trade, we can create a more prosperous and sustainable global economy.。

下面是店铺带来的关于国际贸易的英语文章,欢迎阅读!关于国际贸易的英语文章1ON THE JOB: FACING BUSINESS CHALLENGES AT BLACK & DECKERPower- Tool Maker Has a Remodeling Project of Its Own Nolan Archibald had a bit of a mess on his hands. He had recently been promoted to chairman and CEO of Black & Decker,a multibillion-dollar power-tool manufacturer that was having profit problems and losing market share. Most troublesome,the company was generally annoying many of the wholesalers and retailers it relied on to sell products to consumers and construction professionals.The company had developed a reputation for being arrogant,to put it mildly. In the words of a former Black & Decker employee,referring to Archibald's predecessors: "Management seemed to think it had the answer to every question and would generously impart its wisdom to the masses:' Such an attitude nearly got Black & Decker kicked out of Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the United States. Not the best plan for selling products, to say the least.In addition, inventory shortages plagued retailers. If a Black & Decker product turned out to be popular with the public,retailers had a pretty good chance of running out of it because Black & Decker put a lot of emphasis on meeting its internal financial goals. The company restrained production toward the end of the year to make sure its inventory levels dropped quite low. This practice made Black & Decker's financial statementslook good, but it was driving retailers away.To make matters worse,Archibald's predecessors had recently purchased General Electric's entire line of small household appliances (at the time, the biggest brand transfer in history), and although the new line of products provided a strong stream of revenue, it gave Black & Decker yet another distribution headache. Before the acquisition,most Black & Decker products were sold through hardware stores,home-improvement centers,mail-order retailers,and discount stores. To be successful,small appliances had to be sold through department stores as well,and Black & Decker had little experience in this area. Unfortunately the company tried to use the same approach it had used with power tools,which served only to alienate the department stores that had grown used to good treatment from General Electric.How could Nolan Archibald repair the bad reputation that Black & Decker had gained with wholesalers and retailers? How could he combat the pressure from competitors who were trying to push Black & Decker off the shelf? How could he handle the new small appliances, given the company's lack of experience? In short, what steps could he take to ensure Black & Decker's survival and continued success?Meeting Business Challenges at Black & DeckerIt's hard to say which is more impressive: the speed at which Nolan Archibald and his colleagues turned around the corporate culture or the thoroughness of the results. Black & Decker used to be a manufacturer driven by financial measurements; it is now well on its way to being Archibald's vision of a worldwide marketing powerhouse. The company's approach to managing its marketing channels is a central component of the new Black& Decker.The change started with strategic planning, as it should. In Archibald's own words:"You analyze the problems that are unique to the company and the industry and then determine what the strengths and weaknesses are. Then you develop a plan to leverage the strengths and correct the weaknesses." Archibald and his colleagues made sure that marketing channels were a part of that strategic plan. Moreover,the new approach manages channels as a vital marketing resource,rather than simply as a pipeline for pumping products to customers.The analysts who have observed Black & Decker's remarkable turnaround point out several aspects of channel management that have been a vital part of the success. The first change was simple but most important:more respect for marketing intermediaries. Black & Decker had a tough act to follow when it acquired General Electric's small-household-appliance line. Known as "Generous Electric" in some circles, GE went out of its way to be a good supplier. This effort included ample support of retailer promotions,deep inventories to prevent product shortages in the stores, and a general level of respect for the people and organizations on the front line. Black & Decker's efforts to improve relations started by emulating this regard for retailers. Out of this new respect flowed assistance. Black & Decker took several important steps to help its channel partners. One of these was implementing a segmented channel strategy that focuses specialized sales assistance on the company's two major groups of customers:industrial or professional customers and retailers. This channel strategy allows Black & Decker to give each kind of intermediary the unique help it needs. Another key step was to train its sales force thoroughly,not only in mastering product performance but also in helping retailers with inventory management,purchasing,and in-store product displays. Also,the promotional budget was beefed up to help pull customers into retail stores.Giving assistance is now mutual. Black & Decker established a number of dealer advisory panels, which retailers can use to give the company feedback on new products customers would like to see. By using its channel as a source of marketing-research information, Black & Decker benefits by getting a better picture of customer needs, and the retailers benefit by being able to deliver the right products.Coordinated physical distribution is another change that helps both the company and its intermediaries. T o better mesh its delivery systems with the needs of distributors and retailers,Black & Decker changed virtually every aspect of its physical distribution. This overhaul included new locations for distribution centers, modified transportation policies, and more powerful systems for managing and coordinating information.Increasing the number of products held in inventory is another important step. Maintaining a deeper inventory gives retailers the confidence that they'll be able to keep up with demand, particularly during the Christmas shopping season,when many tools and small appliances are purchased.Yet another element in Black & Decker's strategic plan is growth through acquisition,which has been tied closely to marketing channel management. The $2.8 billion purchase of Emhart is a good example. Some observers criticized the move,which gave Black & Decker a big presence in hardware. However,the logic was clear after a second look:Some of Emhart's products (like lawn and garden tools, sprinkler systems, locks,and faucets) fit in perfectly with Black & Decker's existing consumer goods channels; other Emhart products mesh well with the industrial channels. The units of Emhart that didn't align with the existing marketing channels were put up for sale.Black & Decker's dramatic turnaround is convincing evidence of the importance of managing marketing channels effectively. Its sales are growing in every channel of distribution it uses. In fact,the company is starting to be praised as a strong marketing organization that helps create demand for its retailers.关于国际贸易的英语文章2ON THE'JOB: FACING BUSINESS CHALLENGES AT IKEAOpening the Door to Sales on Two CoastsWhat's yellow and blue, as large as seven football fields,and filled from floor to ceiling with furniture? The answer, as millions of shoppers from Budapest to Burbank have learned, is an Ikea store. Based in Denmark, Ikea operates more than 139 warehouse-sized furniture stores in 28 countries. The retailer opens between five and ten outlets every year,and no two grand-opening advertising campaigns are exactly alike,because no two audiences are exactly alike. For instance, when Ikea opened stores in Elizabeth, New Jersey; Burbank; California; and Manhattan, New York; Ikea president Anders Moberg knew that the markets for each of these stores were as different as Coney Island hot dogs and avocado salad.Ikea's international success has been anything but an overnight phenomenon. Founder Ingvar Kamprad came up with the company name in 1943 by combining his own initials with the first letter of his farm, Elmtaryd, and the first letter of his native parish,Agunnaryd (similar to a county in the United States)。

国际贸易的论文国际贸易英语论文国际贸易的论文——国际贸易英语论文Introduction:In today's globalized world, international trade plays a vital role in the economic development of nations. As businesses expand beyond domestic boundaries, the ability to communicate and conduct transactions in English becomes increasingly important. This paper aims to explore the significance of English in international trade and its impact on global business.Section 1: Importance of English in International TradeEnglish as the Lingua Franca:English has emerged as the lingua franca of international trade. It serves as a common language for various stakeholders, including exporters, importers, shipping agents, international organizations, and policymakers. The prevalence of English facilitates effective communication, negotiation, and collaboration among these parties.Cross-Border Communication:Proficiency in English enables individuals to overcome language barriers and effectively communicate with international partners. The ability to express ideas, negotiate terms, and understand business requirements in English enhances the efficiency of international trade activities. Clear and accurate communication is essential to building trust and fostering successful trade relationships.Access to Information and Resources:English is the primary language used in international trade literature, market research reports, and industry publications. A strong command of English provides individuals with access to a wealth of information and resources that are crucial for market analysis, identifying potential business opportunities, and staying updated with global trends. Without English proficiency, individuals may face difficulties in leveraging these resources.Section 2: English Skills Required for International TradeBusiness English:Proficiency in business English is essential for international trade professionals. This includes a strong grasp of business vocabulary, grammar, and usage. Business correspondence, such as emails, letters, and contracts, needs to be written clearly and accurately to avoid misinterpretation or misunderstandings. Additionally, the ability to give presentations, negotiate deals, and participate in meetings effectively requires a high level of English proficiency.Intercultural Communication:International trade involves working with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Understanding cultural nuances and norms is crucial to building successful relations and avoiding potential conflicts. English proficiency enables individuals to navigate through cultural differences and promotes effective intercultural communication.Section 3: English Training and Development in International TradeEnglish Language Courses:To meet the growing demand for English proficiency in international trade, many educational institutions and language training centers offer specialized courses focusing on business English. These courses aim to enhance participants' language skills, develop industry-specific vocabulary, and improve presentation and negotiation skills.Corporate Training:Many companies invest in English language training programs for their employees engaged in international trade. These programs are designed to improve employees' English proficiency, enabling them to communicate effectively with international partners and clients. Tailored training programs address specific industry requirements and equip employees with the necessary language skills.Conclusion:English proficiency is a crucial factor in the success of international trade. It facilitates effective communication, enables access to information and resources, and promotes intercultural understanding. Proficiency in business English and intercultural communication skills are necessary for individuals engaged in international trade. To meet the increasing demand for English proficiency, specialized courses and corporate training programs are available to enhance language skills. As international trade continues to grow, the importance of English in this domain will only increase further.。

国际贸易壁垒的英语作文In the globalized economy, international trade plays apivotal role in the growth and development of nations. However, trade barriers often impede the free flow of goods and services across borders. This essay will explore the various types of trade barriers, their impacts on the global market, and propose potential solutions to mitigate their effects.Types of International Trade Barriers1. Tariffs: These are taxes imposed on goods as they cross international borders. Tariffs can protect domesticindustries but also lead to higher prices for consumers and retaliatory measures from trading partners.2. Quotas: Quantitative restrictions that limit the number or value of goods that can be imported during a certain period. Quotas can protect domestic jobs but also lead to inefficiencies and lost opportunities for consumers.3. Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs): These include regulations, standards, and procedures that can indirectly restrict trade. Examples include sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade, and licensing requirements.4. Subsidies: Financial support given by governments to domestic producers can distort trade by making their productsartificially competitive in the global market.Impacts of Trade BarriersTrade barriers can have several negative impacts on the global economy:1. Reduced Market Access: They limit the ability of businesses to sell their products in foreign markets, which can hinder economic growth and job creation.2. Increased Prices: Tariffs and quotas can lead to higher prices for consumers, reducing their purchasing power and potentially leading to inflation.3. Trade Wars: Retaliatory measures can escalate into trade wars, where countries impose tit-for-tat tariffs, damaging economies on both sides.4. Stifled Innovation: Without competition, domestic industries may become complacent and less motivated to innovate and improve their products and services.Solutions to Trade BarriersTo address these challenges, several strategies can be employed:1. Negotiations and Agreements: Countries can engage in trade negotiations to reduce tariffs and quotas, as seen in various trade agreements like the World Trade Organization (WTO) andregional trade pacts.2. Harmonization of Standards: International cooperation to harmonize standards and regulations can reduce the need for NTBs and facilitate trade.3. Transparency and Fairness: Ensuring that trade practices are transparent and fair can help prevent the misuse of subsidies and other protectionist measures.4. Capacity Building: Strengthening domestic industries through capacity building can make them more competitive without resorting to protectionist measures.In conclusion, while international trade barriers are often erected with the intention of protecting domestic economies, they can have far-reaching negative consequences. Through international cooperation, policy reform, and a commitment to fair trade practices, it is possible to reduce the reliance on trade barriers and foster a more open and equitable global trading system.。

浅析国际贸易实务英文版IntroductionInternational trade plays a crucial role in today’s global economy. It involves the exchange of goods and services between countries, enabling nations to specialize in the production of certain goods and benefit from comparative advantages. Understanding the practical aspects of international trade is essential for businesses and professionals engaged in this field. In this document, we will provide a brief analysis of international trade practices, focusing on key concepts and considerations.International Trade BasicsDefinitionInternational trade refers to the exchange of goods and services across national borders. It encompasses both imports (products purchased from foreign countries) and exports (products sold to foreign countries). The main objective of international trade is to enhance economic growth and prosperity by taking advantage of global market opportunities.Comparative AdvantageThe concept of comparative advantage is fundamental to understanding international trade. It suggests that countries should specialize in producing goods and services in which they have a lower opportunity cost compared to other countries. By doing so, countries can produce goods at a lower cost and trade them for goods that they cannot produce as efficiently.Tariffs and Trade BarriersTariffs and trade barriers are often used by countries to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods, making them more expensive for consumers. Other trade barriers include quotas, which limit the quantity of imported goods, and subsidies, which provide financial support to domestic industries, making them more competitive.Trading Blocs and AgreementsRegional Trading BlocsRegional trading blocs are groups of countries that have entered into a regional trade agreement with the objective of reducing trade barriers and increasing economic cooperation. Examples of regional trading blocs include the EuropeanUnion (EU), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). These blocs promote the free movement of goods, services, and capital across member countries.Bilateral and Multilateral AgreementsBilateral agreements are trade agreements between two countries, focusing on reducing trade barriers and increasing market access between the involved nations. Multilateral agreements involve multiple countries and promote trade liberalization on a broader scale. The World Trade Organization (WTO) plays a crucial role in facilitating and overseeing multilateral trade negotiations.International Trade DocumentsCommercial InvoiceA commercial invoice is a document provided by the exporter to the importer, detailing the goods being exported, their prices, and other relevant information. It serves as proof of the transaction and is used for customs clearance purposes.Bill of LadingA bill of lading is a document issued by the carrier that acknowledges receipt of goods for shipment. It serves as a contract between the shipper and the transportation company and provides detailed information about the goods being transported.Certificate of OriginA certificate of origin is a document that validates the origin of goods being exported. It is issued by the relevant authorities and may be required for customs clearance and tariff purposes.IncotermsIncoterms (International Commercial Terms) are a set of standardized trade terms created by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). They define the responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade, including the allocation of costs and risks associated with the transportation of goods.ConclusionUnderstanding the practical aspects of international trade is essential for businesses and professionals engaged in global commerce. This document has provided a brief analysis of international trade practices, including key concepts and considerations. By grasping these fundamental concepts and having knowledge of important trade documents, individuals and organizations can navigate thecomplexities of international trade more effectively and maximize the opportunities it presents.。

国际贸易英文作文英文:International trade is an essential aspect of theglobal economy. As a business owner, I have had the opportunity to engage in international trade and have experienced both its benefits and challenges.One of the biggest advantages of international trade is the access to a larger market. By selling products or services to customers in other countries, businesses can increase their revenue and expand their customer base. For example, my company sells handmade crafts and jewelry, and we have been able to reach customers in Europe and Asia through online marketplaces. This has allowed us to growour business and increase our profits.However, international trade also comes with challenges. One of the biggest challenges is navigating cultural differences. Different countries have different customs,traditions, and business practices, and it is important to understand and respect these differences. For example, when negotiating with a business partner in Japan, it is important to understand their emphasis on building relationships and showing respect. This may involve exchanging gifts or engaging in small talk before getting down to business.Another challenge is dealing with language barriers. It is important to have translators or language experts on hand to ensure effective communication with business partners. Misunderstandings can lead to costly mistakes and damage relationships. For example, my company once had a miscommunication with a supplier in China due to a language barrier, which led to delays in production and a loss of revenue.中文:国际贸易是全球经济的重要方面。
国际贸易 英语作文

国际贸易英语作文English Answer:International trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between countries. It is a complex network of interconnected economic activities that have a profound impact on the global economy. International trade has along history, dating back to ancient times when early civilizations traded with each other. In the modern era, international trade has become even more important as countries have become increasingly interconnected and specialized.There are many different types of international trade, including the exchange of raw materials, manufactured goods, and services. International trade can also take place through different modes of transport, such as shipping, air transport, and rail transport. The volume and compositionof international trade is determined by a variety of factors, including economic conditions, political factors,and technological developments.International trade can have a positive impact on the global economy. It can lead to increased economic growth, job creation, and improved living standards. International trade can also promote competition, innovation, and the dissemination of knowledge. However, international trade can also have negative consequences, such as the loss of jobs in certain industries, environmental degradation, and the spread of diseases.One of the most important benefits of international trade is that it can lead to increased economic growth. When countries trade with each other, they can gain access to goods and services that they would not otherwise be able to produce or produce efficiently. This can lead to increased productivity and economic growth. International trade can also lead to job creation as new industries are created to meet the demand for imported goods and services.Another benefit of international trade is that it can improve living standards. When countries trade with eachother, they can gain access to a wider variety of goods and services. This can lead to improved living standards as people have more choices and can purchase goods and services that they would not otherwise be able to afford. International trade can also lead to lower prices for goods and services as countries compete with each other to sell their products.International trade can also promote competition and innovation. When countries trade with each other, they are forced to compete with each other in order to sell their products. This can lead to lower prices for consumers and to improved quality. International trade can also lead to innovation as countries seek to develop new and better products and processes in order to gain an edge over their competitors.However, international trade can also have negative consequences. One of the most significant concerns about international trade is that it can lead to the loss of jobs in certain industries. When countries import goods from other countries, they may no longer need to produce thosesame goods domestically. This can lead to job losses and economic hardship for workers in the affected industries.Another concern about international trade is that itcan lead to environmental degradation. When goods are produced in one country and then shipped to another country, this can lead to air and water pollution. Additionally, the extraction of raw materials for use in manufacturing canalso damage the environment.Finally, international trade can also lead to thespread of diseases. When people travel and trade with each other, they can unknowingly carry diseases with them. This can lead to the spread of diseases to new areas, where they may not have been present before.In conclusion, international trade can have asignificant impact on the global economy. It can lead to increased economic growth, job creation, and improvedliving standards. International trade can also promote competition, innovation, and the dissemination of knowledge. However, international trade can also have negativeconsequences, such as the loss of jobs in certain industries, environmental degradation, and the spread of diseases. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and costs of international trade carefully before making decisions about trade policy.中文回答:国际贸易是指国家之间商品和服务的交换。
国际贸易 英语作文

国际贸易英语作文Title: The Role of International Trade in Global Economy。
International trade plays a pivotal role in shaping the global economy, serving as a cornerstone for economic development and prosperity worldwide. This essay delvesinto the significance of international trade, its impact on economic growth, and the challenges it faces in the contemporary world.Firstly, international trade fosters economic growth by promoting specialization and efficiency. Through trade, countries can capitalize on their comparative advantages, allocating resources to produce goods and services in which they have a competitive edge. This specialization leads to increased productivity and output, driving economic expansion. Moreover, international trade facilitates access to a wider variety of goods and services, enabling consumers to enjoy greater choices and better qualityproducts at competitive prices.Furthermore, international trade fosters innovation and technological advancement. The exposure to foreign markets encourages businesses to innovate in order to remain competitive. This innovation not only enhances productivity but also drives overall economic growth. Additionally, international trade facilitates the transfer of technology and knowledge across borders, enabling developing countries to leapfrog stages of development by adopting advanced technologies from more advanced economies.In addition to economic benefits, international trade promotes global cooperation and interdependence. By engaging in trade relations, countries establish diplomatic ties and foster mutual understanding. Trade agreements and treaties promote peace and stability by creating economic interdependencies that discourage conflict. Moreover, international trade encourages cultural exchange andfosters a sense of global interconnectedness, promoting tolerance and cooperation among nations.However, international trade also faces various challenges and criticisms. One significant challenge is the issue of protectionism, where countries impose trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas to shield domestic industries from foreign competition. While protectionist measures may provide short-term benefits to certain industries, they often lead to inefficiencies, higher prices for consumers, and retaliatory measures from trading partners, ultimately hampering overall economic growth.Another challenge is the imbalance in trade relations between developed and developing countries. Developing countries often face structural barriers and unequal terms of trade, limiting their ability to fully benefit from international trade. Addressing these disparities requires concerted efforts to promote inclusive and equitable trade policies that support the development objectives of all nations.Furthermore, international trade is often criticizedfor its environmental and social impacts. Increased trade can lead to environmental degradation through greaterresource extraction, pollution, and transportation emissions. Moreover, trade liberalization may exacerbate income inequality within countries, leading to social unrest and political instability. Addressing these challenges requires integrating environmental and social considerations into trade policies and promoting sustainable development practices.In conclusion, international trade is a driving force behind global economic growth and development. By promoting specialization, efficiency, and innovation, trade enhances productivity and fosters prosperity worldwide. Moreover, trade promotes cooperation, peace, and cultural exchange among nations. However, to fully harness the benefits of international trade, it is essential to address challenges such as protectionism, trade imbalances, and environmental and social impacts. Through collaborative efforts and inclusive policies, international trade can continue to serve as a catalyst for economic development and global prosperity.。

国际贸易英语作文In the contemporary globalized world, international trade has become an integral part of the economic growth and development of nations. It involves the exchange of goods, services, and capital across borders, which has led to a significant increase in the interconnectedness of the global economy. This essay aims to explore the various facets of international trade and its profound impact on the world.Firstly, international trade has been a catalyst for economic growth. By allowing countries to engage in the exchange of goods and services, it has enabled them to specialize in the production of goods for which they have a comparative advantage. This specialization leads to increased efficiency and productivity, which in turn boosts economic output and creates new job opportunities.Secondly, trade has facilitated the dissemination of technology and knowledge. As companies from different countries interact, they share and learn from each other's technological advancements and business practices. Thiscross-pollination of ideas and innovation accelerates the development of new products and services, which can benefit consumers worldwide.Moreover, international trade fosters cultural exchange and understanding. The exchange of goods often comes with an exchange of cultural practices and ideas. This culturaldiversity can enrich societies and promote tolerance and respect among nations.However, international trade is not without its challenges. One of the major issues is the potential for economic imbalances. Countries that rely heavily on a single export product can be vulnerable to fluctuations in global demand. Additionally, there are concerns about the environmental impact of increased production and transportation of goods.To address these challenges, international trade agreements and organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), have been established to regulate trade and promote fair practices. These entities work to reduce trade barriers, resolve disputes, and ensure that trade is conducted in a manner that is beneficial to all parties involved.In conclusion, international trade is a powerful engine for global economic growth and cultural exchange. While it presents certain challenges, the benefits of increased efficiency, technological advancement, and cultural understanding far outweigh the drawbacks. It is crucial for nations to continue engaging in international trade whilealso working to mitigate its negative effects and ensure that it is conducted in a sustainable and equitable manner.。

国际贸易的道路英语作文International Trade: Opening Doors to Global Prosperity。
International trade plays a crucial role in the global economy, serving as a pathway for countries to exchange goods, services, and capital. This exchange not onlyfosters economic growth and development but also promotes cultural exchange and mutual understanding among nations.In this essay, we will explore the significance of international trade, its benefits, challenges, and the role it plays in shaping the world economy.First and foremost, international trade opens doors to global prosperity by allowing countries to specialize inthe production of goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. This leads to increased efficiency, lower production costs, and higher quality products, benefiting both producers and consumers. For example, countries like China and India have become global manufacturing hubs, producing a wide range of goods atcompetitive prices, which are then exported to markets around the world.Furthermore, international trade promotes economic growth by expanding markets and creating new opportunities for businesses to grow and expand. By tapping into foreign markets, companies can increase their customer base, generate higher revenues, and create more jobs. This not only benefits the companies involved but also contributes to the overall economic development of the countries involved in the trade.Moreover, international trade fosters innovation and technological advancements by encouraging competition and knowledge sharing among countries. When companies are exposed to different markets and technologies, they are more likely to invest in research and development to stay competitive. This leads to the creation of new products, processes, and technologies that drive economic growth and improve living standards.Despite its numerous benefits, international trade alsopresents challenges that need to be addressed. One of the major challenges is protectionism, which refers to the imposition of trade barriers such as tariffs, quotas, and subsidies to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. While protectionism may provide short-term benefits to certain industries, it ultimately hinders economic growth, limits consumer choice, and leads to inefficiencies in the global economy.Another challenge is the issue of trade imbalances, where some countries run large trade deficits while others run large surpluses. This imbalance can lead to tensions between trading partners, currency fluctuations, and global economic instability. To address this challenge, countries need to work together to promote balanced and sustainable trade that benefits all parties involved.In conclusion, international trade is a vital engine of global economic growth and prosperity. By opening doors to new markets, promoting innovation, and fostering cooperation among nations, international trade has the power to transform economies and improve the lives ofpeople around the world. However, to fully realize the benefits of international trade, countries need to work together to address challenges such as protectionism and trade imbalances, and create a more inclusive and sustainable global trading system. Only then can we truly harness the full potential of international trade to create a more prosperous and interconnected world.。

The everevolving landscape of international trade has always been a subject of great interest to me. As a high school student with a keen eye on global affairs, I have observed the intricate dance of economies and the pivotal role trade plays in shaping our world. This essay is an exploration of my understanding of international trade, its forms, and the impact it has on our daily lives.Growing up in a family of entrepreneurs, I was exposed to the world of business from a young age. My parents, who run a small exportimport business, often discussed the challenges and opportunities of international trade around the dinner table. These conversations sparked my curiosity, leading me to delve deeper into the subject.One of the most fascinating aspects of international trade is its diversity. There are various forms of trade, each with its own set of rules and benefits. For instance, bilateral trade, which occurs between two countries, is a common form. It can be seen in agreements like the United StatesMexicoCanada Agreement USMCA, which has significantly impacted trade relations in North America.Another form is multilateral trade, which involves multiple countries and is often governed by international organizations like the World Trade Organization WTO. The WTO plays a crucial role in setting global trade rules and ensuring fair competition among nations. Its existence has been instrumental in reducing trade barriers and promoting free trade, which in turn has led to economic growth and job creation worldwide.The impact of international trade is not limited to economic gains alone. It also fosters cultural exchange and understanding. When countries trade goods and services, they also exchange ideas, values, and traditions. This cultural intermingling enriches societies and promotes a more harmonious global community.However, international trade is not without its challenges. One of the most pressing issues is the trade imbalance, where one country exports more than it imports from another. This can lead to economic tensions and even trade wars, as seen in the recent disputes between the United States and China. Such conflicts can have farreaching implications, affecting not only the economies of the countries involved but also global markets.Moreover, the sustainability of international trade is a growing concern. The environmental impact of transporting goods across the globe cannot be ignored. As a generation that is increasingly aware of our environmental footprint, it is crucial that we find ways to make trade more sustainable. This could involve promoting local production, reducing packaging, and using cleaner transportation methods.Technology also plays a significant role in shaping international trade. The advent of ecommerce has revolutionized the way we buy and sell goods across borders. Platforms like Amazon and Alibaba have made it easier than ever for businesses to reach international customers. This has opened up new opportunities for small businesses to compete on a global scale, but it also presents challenges in terms of regulation and consumer protection.In conclusion, international trade is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has a profound impact on our world. It drives economic growth, fosters cultural exchange, and is constantly evolving with technological advancements. However, it also presents challenges that require thoughtful solutions. As a high school student, I am excited to continue learning about this dynamic field and hope to contribute to its future development in a meaningful way.。

贸易问题的英文作文英文:Trade issues have been a hot topic in recent years, with many countries engaging in negotiations and disputes over various trade policies and agreements. As someone who is interested in international trade, I have been following these developments closely and have some thoughts on the matter.Firstly, I believe that free trade is generally beneficial for all parties involved. By removing barriers and allowing for the free flow of goods and services, countries can specialize in what they are best at and achieve greater efficiency and productivity. This leads to lower prices for consumers and increased economic growth overall.However, I also recognize that there can be negative consequences to free trade, particularly for certainindustries and workers within a country. For example, if a country's manufacturing sector is unable to compete with cheaper imports from abroad, it may lead to job losses and economic hardship for those workers. In such cases, it may be necessary for the government to provide support and assistance to affected individuals and industries.Another issue that has been in the news recently is the use of tariffs and trade barriers as a tool for negotiation. While I understand the rationale behind using these measures to protect domestic industries and gain leveragein trade negotiations, I believe that they should be used sparingly and with caution. In many cases, the cost oftariffs and trade barriers is ultimately borne by consumers in the form of higher prices, and can lead to retaliatory measures from other countries.Overall, I believe that a balanced approach is needed when it comes to trade issues. While free trade can be beneficial in many cases, it is important to also consider the potential negative consequences and take steps to mitigate them. Additionally, the use of tariffs and tradebarriers should be carefully considered and used only when necessary.中文:贸易问题近年来一直是热门话题,许多国家就各种贸易政策和协议进行谈判和争端。

国际贸易的英语⽂章 随着改⾰开放,国际贸易专业迅速发展,在⼀定程度上满⾜了社会发展的需要。
下⾯是店铺带来的国际贸易的英语⽂章,欢迎阅读! 国际贸易的英语⽂章1 SUPERB AIM (HONG KONG) LTD. WESTERN DISTRICT BILLS CENTER 128 BONHAM STRAND E. H.K I.C.ISAACS & CO.,LTD. 3840 BANK STREET, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21224, U.S.A. Dear Smith, thWe are very pleased to receive your inquiry of May 15 and enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for. Also by separate post we are sending you some samples and feel confident that when you have examined them you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. On regular purchase in quantities of not less than 300 dozen of individual items we would allow you a discount of 2%. As to the payment terms, we do business on the basis of L/C. We invite your attention to our other products, details of which you will find in the catalogue, and look forward to receiving your first order. Your sincerely SUPERB AIM (HONG KONG) LTD. thWe thank you for your enquiry of September 10 and enclose our quotation for wall paper. 1. We have made a good selection of patterns and sent them to you today by separate post. 2. Their fine quality, attractive designs and the reasonable prices at which we offer them will convince you that these materials are really of good value. 3. There is a heavy demand for our supplies from house furnishers in various districts and regions, which we are finding difficult to meet, but provided that we receive your order within the next ten days, we will make you a firm offer for delivery by the middle of December at the prices quoted. 4. On orders for one hundred rolls or more we allow a special discount of 2%. 5. We require payment by L/C to reach us one month before the time of shipment. 6. We look forward to receiving your order. 1. We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29 to May 4 at the above address. Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week. We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend. 2. Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Green’s visit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Ed, our manager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June. He would, however, be pleased to see Mr. Green any time after his return. We look forward to hearing from you. 3. We are much concerned that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably. At first we thought this might be due to a slack market, but on looking into the matter more closely, we find that the general trend of trade during this period has been upwards. It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware. If so, we would like to know what we can do to help. We, therefore, look forward to receiving from you a detailed report on the situation and suggestions as to how we may help in restoring our sales to their former level. 4. Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. 5. Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 1997 International Fair. As we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time,we are sorry that we shall not be able to come. We hope to see you on some future occasion. 6. We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle Eastern market. Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now, we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. 7. In reply to your letter of 21st November, We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation for bathroom showers. Besides those advertised in the newspaper, our illustrated catalogue also enclosed shows various types of bathroom fittings and the sizes available. Most types can be supplied from stock. 45-60 days should be allowed for delivery of those marked with an asterisk. Building contractors in Hong Kong and Taiwan have found our equipment easy to install and attractive in appearance. Naturally all parts are replaceable, and our quotation includes prices of spare parts. We can allow a 2% discount on all orders of US$6,000 in value, and a 3%on orders exceeding US$20,000. Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly. 8. I am a senior at the Department of Computer Science,Southeast University,expecting to graduate in July this year.I am writing to inquire about the possibility of being enrolled in your university as a graduate student of September,1994. In the past three years,I have majored in Computer Science.Presently,I am doing my graduation project.Enclosed is the transcript of all the subjects which I have so far completed at my university.I received an excellent score in the College English Test Band-Six(CET-6)sponsored by the Educational Commission of China and therefore my knowledge of English is adequate for me to continue my studies in the U.S.A. Please send me information on admission to your university.As I have no relatives in the U.S.A.,I would also like to know about the procedures for applying for financial aid. Thank you very much.I look forward to hearing from you soon. 9. Thank you for your letter of March 20 inviting our corporation to participate in the 1997 International Fair. We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years. Mr. Li will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance. 10. Thank you for your fax of 17 January. We are extremely sorry to learn that an error was made in carton 13 of the above order. The missing 9,000 ball pens were sent this morning by Cathay Airways and the documents have already been forwarded you. We greatly regret the inconvenience caused by this and the previous two errors and offer ore sincere apologies. We can assure you that every effect will be made to ensure that similar errors do not occur again. 11. We thank you for your fax of September 27, together with your orders G.697 and G.698. G.697 has been added to your Christmas order and G.698 is being made ready for immediate dispatch. We regret that we are still unable to supply "Luxury" champagne glasses, but we are sending you "Bliss", the alternative marked on your order. We were very gratified to learn of the success you are having with our glassware , and we shall be pleased to discuss your request for more favorable terms. When our representative, Mr. Zhao, calls on you in the new year, he will make you an offer which we feel sure will meet with your approval. We send you our warmest congratulations on your increased business with us and look forward to further increases to our mutual benefit. 12. This is to confirm your telex of 16 January 2004, asking us to make you firm offers for rice and soybeans CFR Singapore. We telexed you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of polished rice at A$2,400 per metric ton, CFR Singapore,for shipment during March/April 2004. This offer is firm,subject to the receipt of your reply before 10 February 2004. Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer. With regard to soybeans, we advise you that the few lots we have at present are under offer elsewhere. If, however, you were to make us a suitable offer, there is a possibility of our supplying them. As you know, of late, it has been a heavy demand for these commodities and this has resulted in increased prices. You may,however,take advantage of the strengthening market if you send an immediate reply. 计算题 1. 中国⼤连粮油进出⼝公司对英出⼝罐头⼀万箱,每箱体积49cm*32cm*19cm。

An FOB contract stipulated, “The shipment will be effected in March 2008. If the vessel fails to arrive at the port of shipment on time, the seller agrees to set aside the goods for additional 27 days, and the buyer will bear all costs of delay.” It turned out that under the seller ’s repeated requests, the vessel named by the buyer finally arrived at the port of shipment on May 1. As a result, the seller refused to make the shipment. a. Was the seller entitled to compensation for the warehouse rent, insurance and interest due to the delay? b. If the seller had sold the goods to a third party on April 25, should the buyer pay for the delay? c. If If the the the seller seller seller had had had sold sold sold the the the goods goods goods to to to a a a third third third party party party on on on May May May 1 1 1 with with with a a a better better better price, price, price, was was was he he entitled to any compensation? Case 2 A Chinese import and export company concluded a Sales Contract with a Holland firm on August 5, 2000, selling a batch of certain commodity. The contact was based on CIF Rotterdam at USD 2500 per MT. The Chinese company delivered the goods in compliance with the contract and obtained a clean-on-board Bill of Lading. During transportation, however, 100 metric tons of the goods got lost because of rough sea. Upon arrival of the goods, the price of the contracted goods went went down down down quickly. quickly. quickly. The The The buyer buyer buyer refused refused refused to to to take take take delivery delivery delivery of of of the the the goods goods goods and and and effect effect effect payment payment payment and and claimed damages from the seller. How would you deal with this case? Case 3 A contract to sell grain used a CFR term. The grain was officially certified as Grade One at the time of being delivered on board at the port of shipment. After making the shipment, the seller gave gave the the the buyer buyer buyer timely timely timely notice. notice. notice. However, However, However, due due due to to to the the the long long long voyage, voyage, voyage, some some some grain grain grain went went went bad. bad. bad. At At At the the destination, the grain could only be sold as “Grade Three ”. Consequently, the buyer claimed compensation for the damage. Should the seller pay? Case 4 Under a CIF contract, the goods had been loaded on board the vessel according to the terms of the contract. Then the vessel departed. An hour later, the vessel struck on a rock and sunk. The next day the seller ’s bank presented the shipping documents, insurance policy and invoices to the buyer, and demanded payment. a. Should the buyer pay? b. Which party would have to take the loss? Case 5 Dee Dee Co. Co. Co. signed signed signed a a a large large large export export export contract contract contract stipulating, stipulating, stipulating, “Shipment “Shipment “Shipment will will will be be be made made made during during during August August August of of 2008”. But d ue to the problems with the vessel, the shipment was not made until September 13. due to the problems with the vessel, the shipment was not made until September 13. Upon Dee ’s request, the carrier antedated the B/L to August 31. (1) What could be the consequence of antedating? (2) What would be the right thing to do in case of a possible shipment delay? A Chinese exporter signed a CIF contract with a foreign importer. Payment was to be made by irrevocable sight L/C. Both the contract and the L/C prohibited transshipment. Within the validity of of the the the Credit, Credit, Credit, the the the exporter exporter exporter shipped shipped shipped the the the cargo cargo cargo on on on board board board a a a liner liner liner sailing sailing sailing direct direct direct to to to the the the port port port of of destination, and presented the direct B/L for negotiation. Later the foreign issuing bank also made payment against the direct B/L forwarded by the negotiation bank. However, in order to collect some some other other other cargos, cargos, cargos, the the the carrying carrying carrying vessel vessel vessel unloaded unloaded unloaded the the the cargo cargo cargo at at at an an an intermediate intermediate intermediate port port port without without authorization. authorization. The The The cargo cargo cargo was was was instead instead instead reloaded reloaded reloaded on on on to to to an an an old old old vessel, vessel, vessel, and and and thus thus thus arrived arrived arrived at at at the the destination destination two two two months months months late. late. late. As As a result, result, the the the buyer buyer buyer lodged lodged lodged a a a claim claim claim against against against the the the Chinese Chinese Chinese side side side for for fraud, since the cargo was actually transshipped even though the direct B/L was issued. Finally the exporter exporter accepted accepted accepted the the the claim claim claim and and and made made made compensation compensation compensation as as as requested, requested, requested, as as as he he thought thought that that that he, he, he, as as as the the person booking the vessel, should be liable for the carrier ’s unauthorized transshipment. (1) Do you think the settlement of this case appropriate? (2) Who should bear the loss? Why? (3) Who should be liable for the damage? Why? (4) What should the seller do? Case 7 On September 1, X company signed a contract to export goods to the U.S. on September 30, City Bank sent an irrevocable L/C with an amount of USD 30,000. The L/C stipulated shipment during October, and Bank of Tokyo to be the reimbursing bank. On October 2, Bank of China advised X of the L/C. But ten days later, X learned that the importer was near bankruptcy. How should X deal with the situation? Case 8 A A Chinese Chinese Chinese company company company exported exported exported food food food products products products to to to Rotterdam Rotterdam Rotterdam under under under L/C. L/C. L/C. The The The L/C L/C L/C stated stated stated that that that the the exporter should provide Sanitary Inspection Certificate in which the wording “The food products are free from illness and are up to standards for eating ” was required. After shipment, when the exporter negotiated for payment, the negotiating bank found that the certificated presented by the exporter exporter didn didn ’t t show show “The The food food food products products products are are are free free free from from from illness illness ” required required in in in the the the L/C. L/C. L/C. The The negotiating bank deemed it a discrepancy and the exporter had to ask the inspection body to issue another another certificate certificate certificate that that that was was was in in in line line line with with with the the the requirement requirement requirement of of of the the the L/C. L/C. L/C. As As As a a a result, result, result, the the the exporter exporter suffered losses resulted from the 20 day ’s delay in the settlement for payment. What lesson should the exporter learn from this case? Case 9 Company A signed a contract with a foreign importer, exporting agricultural products. The date for signature signature was was was September September September 1 1 1 and and and the the the time time time for for for shipment shipment shipment stipulated stipulated stipulated in in in the the the contract contract contract was was was October, October, November and December. However, after the mid-September, the domestic price of the contracted product product was was was rising rising rising to to to a a a significant significant significant extent. extent. extent. Company Company Company A A A found found found it it it would would would suffer suffer suffer great great great loss loss loss if if if it it exported the goods according to the contract. Upon investigation, the reason for the rising of the price was the serious flood took place in the producing area in mid-July. Can Company A resort to force majeure clause for the avoidance of its contractual obligations? Why? 。
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Contents1.Introduction (1)2. The gains of International trade to the involved countries………………….……1.3.The effect of international trade (2)4.Negative impacts of International trade (3)5.Conclusion (3)6.Reference (4)1.IntroductionTo start with the issue, it’s necessary to know what is International trade at the very first beginning. International trade refers to those transactions that including the exchange of any kinds of sources among nations. The most possibly trading content is those what a country did not produce while its citizens have the demand of it .The demand for such goods has finally becomes a big net all over the world. It’s called International trade in modern society. Ancient people tried many ways to exchange from others, and till now International trade is still one of the main form of communications.2.The gains of International trade to the involved countriesAs the case showed, it’s easier to get touch with other country’s leader in nowadays. People have more opptunity to communicate with others outside nationwide. In order to cater the citizens’ demand for goods, governing class has th e responsibility to find the right international trade partners to bring benefits to it’s own people. The case said that with the increasing investment in Cambodia, both side were pleased about the result, such as a decreasing percentage of unemployed (for Cambodia, the exporting country), a movement of domestic economy and a better social life environment (for Singarpore, the importing country). (Ecological Economics,2012)The gains from international trade were not only in economy, but also in culture area. The exchange of goods brings the communications of different lifestyle. People from both sides could have a better understanding of each other that could strengthen the relationships between countries.In addiction, the exchange of service and technology accelerates the less developed countries to become more competitive in the world. On the other hand, those technologies could be transferred into resources for the exporting countries in theaction of trading. This relationship could be easily revealed in the case.3.The effect of international tradeInternational trade is not a politic issue, it reveals in people’s everyday life. Try to imagine that you could buy a tasty American fruit just in a nearby supermarket, or use a advanced computer you just see in a Japanese movie. It is even impossible to get an iPhone if there is no International trade! In order to get those goods outside the country, it is important to develop domestic industries so that the country could get things that its citizens want. By trading to other countries, the opportunities of self-development becomes easier than before. Numerous resources could be imported, in the process; citizens could get a better education environment and catch up new technologies just by a click. One has more choices in life and work. The world was connected as a whole.GDP, a numbers shows the income of production in nation, is an effective way to evaluate a nation’s competitive power. While a country was involved into International trade, the creation of national output and income is defiantly important to it. This could directly influence the sense of citizens’ happiness and satisfaction. (Journal of Cultural Economics, 1999) A country develops its main industries could exchange more valuable source from other countries.International Trade also influences the relationships over countries. Cooperation was placed in the first stage. The import and export actions shows the how the relationships between areas. It contributes to world peace and area development, solves the shortage and surplus problems. The case tells that Singapore’s investment increase causes a corresponding raising import from Cambodia, so the investment in Cambodia is worth doing for Singapore.4.Negative impacts of International tradeIn many aspects, International trade plays a key role in social life, otherwise, there were negative impacts to a country .The most remarkable phenomenon is protectionism. Many countries charges a high tariff to the imported, as a result, the price of imported goods would be raise. When citizens were choosing what to buy, the cheaper home goods would possibly be their choice, and the International trade would be restricted, though domestic industries have got protected, it is harmful to the free market. At this point, Singapore has little protectionism and most import goods were duty-free in nation. Trading protection is not only a disaster in political communication, but also a disaster for the domestic industries. The development of native industries would be slow down or stopped. The consequence could separate in many fields.As mentioned above, protectionism is not fit to the principle of comparative advantages, while a phenomenon called dumping is also remarkable. Governments noticed that this phenomenon should be controlled in a rational level, many countries even set laws to punish those companies which dumping goods in others areas. Dumping would cause the importing country suffer from the unfair economic competition, many native labors would lie out from their positions, GDP may decrease and the development of the country would be limited (Smith Thomas, 1998) The negative impacts sometimes hide behind short-time benefit. Some laws works only in a very short period and then cause big problems. Refer s to Singapore’s attitude towards trade policy, there was little possibility to cause such negative result. An open market is always welcomed and safe in any situations.5.ConclusionHaving been pointed out so many views about International trade, and connecting tothe case given above, it is obviously to see that Mr. S.Iswaran’s trip to Cambodia would works well on strengthening two sides’ business ties. With a more frequent communication and an increasing investment in Cambodia, this kind of International trade could bring both economic and cultural benefits to the people from each side. As the statement said in the case, the rising data showing that two countries were enjoy the achievement from International trade. Singapore’s trade policy should be an example to other countries. Over International trade, a less development country could become a unit that dependent on itself. (Advanced International Trade, 2001). On the long run, it is believed that two countries would develop their advantages in the process as the business ties becoming more and more tight.ReferencesSmith, Thomas (1998)“The Addiction to Culture”. Paper presented on the biannual meeting of the Association for Cultural Economics International in Barcelona, June14–17,1998.Harken, P. (2010). The ecology of commerce: A declaration of sustainability. Harper Business.7(1),43-1Throsby, David (1999) Cultural Capital. Journal of Cultural Economics 23: 3-12(this issue).Tinbergen, Jan (1962)Shaping the World Economy: Suggestion for an International Economic Policy. Twentieth Century Fund, New York.Robert C. Fenestra (2001), Advanced International Trade.。