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第一节 植物的矿质营养学说与无土栽培
Section 1 The Theory of Mineral Nutrition and Hydroponics
植物究竟需要什么作为其营养? Question: What nutrients are required for plant growth??
The reasons that the yields and quantities of hydroponic products are higher than that of soil production are the environmental conditions of hydroponic production such as water supply, nutrients supply, light, temperature and humidity, are better than that of soil production. Understanding the influences of nutrients, water and other environmental conditions on the growth of plants in hydroponics is the foundation of successful hydroponic production.
b.双子叶植物根立体结构图 The solid structure of dicotyledon’s root
• 从根的横切面从外向根内观察,可分为表皮、(外)皮层、内 皮层和中柱这4个部分 • Epidermis, cortex (exodermis), endodermis, stale (central cylinder) can be observed from the surface of a root to the center.
Chapter 2 The Basic Principles of Soilless Culture
无土栽培作物之所以能够取得高产优质,是因 为它提供给作物生长的水分、养分、光照、温 度、湿度等环境条件比作物千百年来生长的土 壤环境要来得优越。了解作物在无土栽培条件 下养分、水分和温度等对作物生长的影响是成 功 进 行 无 土 栽 培 的 基 础 。
a.须根系 fibrous root system
b.直根系 Tap root system
The sketch map of taproot system and fibrous root systems
(二) 根系的结构/ Root’s Structure
• 从根尖向根基部分为根冠、分生区、伸长区和成熟区(根毛区)这五个部分
The adaptability of roots to water flooding (inundation)
可按植物生长的生态环境及根系对淹水适应性的不 同分为:
According to the eco-environment of plant growth, there are 3 types of plants can be divided as follows:
4、根系的代谢功能/ metabolism function 5、根系的贮藏功能/ storage function 6、根系与其它微生物共生的功能
/intergrowth function with other microorganisms
7、根系的繁殖功能/propagation function
Section II Plant Roots and their Functions
根系是植物吸收养分和水分主要的器官,它的 生长状况与植物地上部的生长息息相关。 Root is the main organ of absorbing nutrients and water. The status of plant growth is related on the growth of roots.
一株植株所有的根的总体称为根系。植物从种子萌 发开始,胚根从种皮中伸出并向下生长,这种从胚中 长出的根称为主根,随着生长过程的进行,又会在主 根上长出侧根,而当侧根长到一定的时候又会长出次 一级的侧根,这样不断生长就形成了一个植物的根系。 The root system is the total roots of a plant. From the beginning of germination, radicle spread out and down from the seed capsule. The root grown from the embryo is called main root. There are many root will grow from the main root, that is lateral root. And the next level of lateral roots will grow from the lateral roots. And all the root system will be formated.
•Glauber thought that the essentials for plant growth was saltpeter (KNO3) other than water. •约在1755年Francis Home指出植物的营养要素不是一 种,而是多种,可能包括空气、水、土、盐、油和火 等。 •In 1755, Francis Home present that the nutritional essentials were more than one kind, including air, water, soil, salts, oil and fire, et al. •Thaer1809年提出腐植质营养学说
•In 1809, Thaer advanced the theory of humus nutrition.
• 1840年德国的李比希(Liebig)创立了植物的矿质营养学 说 • Liebig, a scientist from Germany, established the theory of mineral nutrition in 1840. • 1858年Knop和Sachs用盐类制成的人工营养介质栽培植物 成功,有力地证明了矿质营养学说的正确性。 • Knop and Sachs used artificial nutritional media to grow plants successfully and that improved that the right of the theory of mineral nutrition. • 人们对植物营养的本质有了较为清晰的认识。 • After that, people had a relative clean know about the essence of plant nutrition.
• 5 parts will be divided from root tip to base, calyptra (root cap), mitogenetic zone, elongation zone and maturation zone (root-hair zone).
பைடு நூலகம்
a.大麦根尖纵切面 The longitudinal secton of barley’s root
无土栽培的显著优越性之一就表现在植物的根 际环境要比土壤的易于控制。 One of the significant advantages of soilless culture is that the root environment is easy to be controlled.
一、根系的形态和结构 I. The conformation and structure of roots (一)根系的形态 (一) The conformation
•In 1563, Palissy thought that the nutrient for plant growth was plant ash.
•Van Helmont的柳条试验:得出水是植物营养的结论 •The earliest recorded scientific approach to discover plant constituents was in 1600 when Belgian Jan van Helmont showed in his classical experiment that plants obtain substances from water. He planted a 5-pound willow shoot in a tube containing 200 pounds of dried soil that was covered to keep out dust. After 5 years of regular watering with rainwater he found the willow shoot increased in weight by 160 pounds, while the soil lost less than 2 ounces. His conclusion that plants obtain substances for growth from water was correct.
c.大麦(Hordeum vulgare)种子根的横断面
The cross section of seed root of Hordeum vulgare
1、根系的支撑功能/Supporting 2、根系的吸收功能/Absorption 根系吸收的物质包括水分、无机盐类的分子或离子、 简单的小分子有机化合物以及气体等 Roots can absorb water, molecules or ions of inorganic salts, simple small molecules of organic compounds and gases. 3、根系的输导功能/Transportation 是指根系将其吸收的水分、无机盐类和其它物质以及 根系代谢形成的物质输送到地上部供其生长所需,同时 也可将地上部生产的有机物质运送到根部。 (双向运输) Roots can transport water, inorganic salts and metabolites generated in roots from roots to shoot, at the same time, the organic matters can also transported from shoot to roots.
植物矿质营养学说的创立具有划时代的意义。 无土栽培技术在一百多年前是作为验证植物营 养学说而被使用的,它充分证明了李比希矿质营 养学说的正确性,充实和丰富了矿质营养学说的 内容。可以说,没有无土栽培技术的应用,就难 以证明矿质营养学说的正确性,其内涵也不可能 得以充实和完善。 反过来,日趋完善的植物营养学说又进一步推 动了无土栽培技术的发展,使得最初用于验证矿 质营养学说正确性的无土栽培技术从实验室走向 大规模商业化应用,并发展成为一种高产优质高 效作物生产的先进农业生产技术。 可见,植物的矿质营养学说是无土栽培的理论 基础。