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[整理版]2012年北京大学留学生入学考试英语试卷2012年北京大学留学生入学考试英语试卷 to ______ what he had said.

试卷使用说明 A. convince B. confirm C. confess D. convey

1( 第一部分、第二部分和第三部分的section A(即1-65题)为客观题,答题

请用“标准化考试答题卡”12. The new law says that part-time, _____ workers will be granted the same social provisions as

即“Answer Sheet I”。 full-time employees.

2( “标准化考试答题卡”即“Answer Sheet I”上的试卷类型不填。 13.

_____assurances from government officials that an investigation is in progress, his 3( “标准化考试答题卡”即“Answer Sheet I”必须用铅笔填

写。 whereabouts remain unknown.

4( 第三部分的Section B和第四部分为主观题,答题请用“Answer Sheet II”。 A. Despite B. Amid C. Due to D. By

5( “Answer Sheet II”必须用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔书写。 14. The

_____of private health insurance mean that many elderly people may not

be 6( 答题请用“标准化考试答题卡”即“Answer Sheet I”和“Answer Shee t II”,做在试题册上无效。comprehensively covered under its terms.

A. intuitions

B. circumstances

C. Limitations

D. Instruments

Part I Vocabulary and Structure (25%)

Directions: There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices 15. The purpose of our organizations to give care to those ____by AIDS and help prevent its marked A, B, C and D.

Choose ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the spreading.

corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I. A. upset B. affected C. grabbed D. handicapped

1. This incident _______the need for better safety measures.

A. exposes

B. Involves

C. illustrates

D. infers 16. The last bus

____ , we had to walk home.

2. You should not _____ the peace of others by speaking so loudly. A. going B. having gone C. has gone D. had gone

A. prohibit

B. ban

C. collapse

D. disturb

3. Ruth should have been here three hours ago so she?s ____decided

not to come after all.17. ____I am concerned, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to


A. occasionally

B. evidently

C. barely

D. constantly A. For one

thing B. For what C. As long as D. As far as

4. I do not agree with what Mary said just now, but she?s a quite good speaker _____.

18. This is _____ a good chance ______ none of us wants to miss it.

A. whatsoever

B. moreover

C. nevertheless

D. furthermoreA.

such …that B. so…that C. too…to D. /…such that

5. Mike _____to be the wrong man for the job. 19. It?s a terrible thing, living with the knowledge _____the doctors are not able to save his life.

A. turned over

B. turned on

C. turned in

D. turned out

6. I plan to _____some time to visit my parents this weekend. A. what B. that C. which D. where

A. set aside

B. set back

C. set out

D. set on

7. Information is sometimes _____ from patients when it is thought

it might hurt them.20. You used to take piano lessons, ____ you?

A. do

B. don?t

C. did

D. didn?t

A. held up

B. held on

C. held back

D. held out

21. Steve proposed that the report ______ by fax.8. I could barely _____the traffic sign through the rain.

A. make up

B. make out

C. make of

D. make for A. sending B. is sent

C. be sent

D. being sent

9. I ______ everything I said about George—he?s been really nice to me recently.

22. It ______ 30 years since I got to know him in Hangzhou.

A. take over

B. take off

C. take back

D. take on A. is B. was C. had been D. being

10. Nobody could _____ a satisfactory explanation of the accident.

A. come up with

B. come through

C. come upon

D. come into23.

________ my grandma taught me has become a very important part of my life.

11. The visitor told me things about Mary which I didn?t believe, but still I nodded my head as if A. What B. That C. Which D. For
