



An Interpretation of A Rose for Emily from a Feminist Perspective朱丹 1552070434安徽科技学院外国语学院07级本科4班Abstract: The fiction A Rose for Emily is a short story written byWilliam Faulkner. The fiction A Rose for Emily describes a typical southern woman victimized by the conventional system of the South and patriarchy. This essay mainly analyzes the reason why Emily’s life is a tragedy from a feminist perspective. And give a brief account of feminism. The essay is also with the purpose urge women to learn how to construct selfhood and to be a independent woman. The essay has four parts. The first part is the introduction about A Rose for Emily. The second part is the introduction of feminist. The third part is reasons of Emily’s Tragedy. The forth part is the conclusion.Key words: feminism Emily patriarchy tragedy摘要:小说献给艾米丽的玫瑰是威廉·福克纳的一篇短篇小说。


















对 她 的坏 , 不 要 指 望 她 会感 恩 , 她 要 让 学 校 里 所 有 的人 知 道 她 是
如何 虐待她的 , 这辈子她都不会 回来看她一 眼的。 小小年纪的简
却 如 此 的 爱憎 分 明 , 对待不公正 , 她 没 有 妥 协 而 是 选 择 向 阴 暗划
临在她身上 。 桑菲尔德代表着天堂 , 但是她没有 回去 。 后来好心
情。 婚礼 只好不 了了之。简没有时间悲愤 , 她原谅 了罗切斯特 的 欺瞒 , 但她还是不能 当做什么都没发生过 。理智对她说必须走 , 她绝不能呆在这地方 , 不愿成为她所爱 的人堕化的根。 她来到 陌生 的地方 , 没有工作 , 只能去 乞讨 , 苦难再 一次降
简后来病 了, 医生建议 把她送到学校里去 。 而她的舅妈巴不 得把 她赶 陕送走 , 不过在走 之前 , 简告诉她 的舅妈她会记住他们
的人收 留了她 , 生活开始变得安稳起来 , 但简还是会想念罗切斯
十 岁 的 简 到 了 学校 里 , 学 校 是 捐 款设 立 的 , 里 面 的 学 生 多 是
失去 了一切 , 简却重新 回去 了他 孤儿 。 在里面间虽然不会 受到虐待 , 但环境还是差 多了。学校里 特 。最后罗切斯特变成了盲人 , 的跟前 。两年之后 , 罗切斯特 的失 明情况渐渐好转 , 他们拥有 了 也有人说简的坏话 , 简知道后会很生气 。 但这里有一个天使一般 的女孩海伦 , 海伦有着 自己的信仰和信念 , 遇到 什么不公正的待
想等方面饰 演着很重要的 角色。由于社会背景 、 文化差异、 以及性格的不 同, 她们 的命运也截 然不 同。 英 美文 学作品所 塑造 出来的女性人物形形 色色, 如 司汤达的《 红 与黑》 中的德瑞拉 夫人 、 雨果的《 巴黎圣母 院》 中的吉 卜赛女郎艾丝 关拉





关键词:毛姆;《无所不知先生》;女性形象;文体学Abstract: The female images in many of W. S. Maugham’s works could show his underestimation and depreciation of women. This paper, based on Mr Know-All, his masterpiece in his short story creation, tries to probe into Maugham’s viewpoints on women through the analysis of Mrs. Ramsay from the aspect of vocabulary and sentence styles, and it also aims to analyze briefly its Chinese translation and the translation methods in this respect.Key words: Maugham; Mr Know-All; female image; stylistics一、引言毛姆是英国二十世纪一位多产的小说家和戏剧家,成名于戏剧创作,但能代表其成就的是他的短篇小说。





A Feminism Analysis of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry1.0 IntroductionIn the wake of the western feminist movement and feminist ideology, feminist consciousness has gradually pervade in many fields of resarch. Feminist consciousness urges woman to express themselves, get their deserved rights and pursue de eaqulity with man. With different feminism theory, feminists can be classified into many schools, such as ecofeminism, spiritual feminism, radical feminism and so on. As the great development of feminism, Feminist Criticism was come into being. And in recent years, feminism theory citicism is popularly used to analyse many writers’ works and this kind of research has got great achievements. American feminist arose in 1830s. Dickinson won her historical position as the American feminist presursor through her unconvational way of life, and her feminity poetry.As one of the most important woman poets in the nineteenth century, Emily Dickinson made a great impact on America literature. She was outstangding among the contemporary poets for her special language feature, profound ideology and creative images. Athough she remained unknow to people in all her life time, she proved her value and her great geniusin writing poems in the latter days. Now the research about Emily Dickinson is from all kind of perspective. Some schoolars research images in her poems; some schoolars research language features in her poems; and some schoolars research the theme of her poems. The focus of this thesis is to anlysis Dickinson’s poe try in a feminism aspect. Through a good look of her unique life style and a good appriciation of poems that have different themes, a conclusion that Emily Dickinson is a woman poet who has feminism consciousness and feminist tendencies come out. She was a rebelious and anti-tranditional figure.2.0 Emily Dickinson and her life2.1 Emily Dickinson’s Uni que Life Background and Awakening of FeminismAwarenessEnily Dickinson was born on 10th December, 1830, in the town of Amherst Massachusetts. She was the second of three children of Edward and Emily Dickinson, and she was named after her mother. She lives in a prominent family and her father was a successful lawyer. She was educated at Amherst Academy (1834-1847 and Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (1847-1848. Dickinson began to wrote poem around 1850.. Her poems was first in fairly conventional style, but later on she began to give room for experiments. Beginnging at the age 23,she gradually cut off the contact with the others and spent most of her time in her room. Choosing to shut the door, she claims her superiorty to the external world and shows her independent attitudes towards life. She was always dressed in white and indulged herself with long, solitary walks in the countryside around Amherst. From the point of her neighbors, she was very eccentric. She was never married and devoted all her life to writing poems.Modern feminists believe that self-improvement and self-development as a career woman, instead of a housewife, symbolize a woman’s awareness of f eminism. The fear of becoming a wife and a mother reveal some of the feminism consciousness. As a recluse, Dickinson had no interests to be a wife and a mother, but choose to be a poet and contribute her life to poems to persue her spiritual soul. She certainly had possesS some original feminism awareness.2.2 Emily Dickinson’s Literary Career and AchievementDickinson wrote more than 1,775 poems and 1,409 letters in her 30 years of writing. However, only 11 of the poems were published anonymously during her life time. Why she did not publish her poems? Emily Dickinson herself gave us the answer of publication in one of her poem. She wrote such a line “Publication---is the Auction”. From this line ,we can get she wrote poems is not for to be a great poet or get greatfame,she just want to express her self and reaching her spiritual soul. Thus she remained unknown during all her life time. After her death in 1886 and with the help of her sister Lavinia, Dickinson’s poems started to be published. At the beginni ng, the critics criticized her brief and simple lyrics and complained her strange use of language. But the first printing was quickly soldout and further collections were needed. Then the poems were transcribed and published by the poet’s niece in the ear ly decades. Gradually, critics began to recognize Dickinson’s great genius in creating poetry. She had a unique perspective on life, death, love, nature, and friendship. Her different poetic forms, ideological concerns and artistic innovations are unpredent. Nowadays, she was considered to be one of the best poets in America and she is acknowledged as one of the founder of modern American poetry. She has hailed as an equal to such great distinguished men as Bryant, Emerson, Witman and so on. She had a great influence to American literature.3.0 Ecofeminism embodiment in Emily Dickinson’s poem of nature 3.1 Review of EcofeminismWith the development of feminism movement, all kinds of feminiam theories come into being. Ecofminism, or ecological feminism, is one of which. It is a union of feminism and ecological thinking and the term was firsr came up with by French feminist Françoise d'Eaubonne. It held the following primary beliefs:1.Female is more close to nature than male, but male is pitted to against nature.Male treated the nature as a hunting ground, their purpose is to change nature andconquer nature to get what they need. Nature is something a enemy to them.Instead female keep a harmonious relationship with nature, they have the samefeature with nature, they are inclusive and reproductive. In the long human history, especially in the primitive age, men’s work is hunting and cultivation.Whilewomen’s work is to pick fruits and reproduce offsprings, they have the sameessence with “mother nature”.2.The earth is a balanced network. All the life on earth is equal, they cannot beclassified into different classes. But the reality is there is s class system. In thissystem, God is the most pure spirit, while the other kinds are in the second class.In the second class, human beings are superior than animals. As to human beings,men’s position is higher than woman. Ecofeminists are against this class systemand they are trying their best to change the fate of the opposed kind.At the same time, in our daily language use, we also use pronoun “she” to refer to nature. “Mother nature”is also used. This reflect the rationality of the Ecofeminism theory in some degree.3.1Ecofeminist Analysis of Dickinson’s Poem of natureEmily Dickinson keep a deep attachment to nature. She wrote about more than 500 nature poems during her life time. She once wrote in her poem that nature is a gentle mother who treated her children tenderly. Her attitude to nature is just like what the Ecofeminism adhere to.Nature-----the Gentlest Mother isImpatient of no Child-----The feeblest-----or the waywardest-----Her Admonition mild-----…..Incite the timid prayerOf the minutest CriketThe most unworthy Flower-----When all the Children sleep----She turns as long awayAs will suffice to light Her Lamps-----Then bending from the Sky-----And infinite Care-----Her Golden finger on Her lip-----Will Silence-----Eveywhere----(poem 790 (Johnson, 1975 385-386In this poem, Dickinson compare nature to a gentle mother who take her children very patient. No matter the feeblest one, or the waywarddest one, her adonition is mild. No matter the minutest criket and the most unworthy flower, she treated all her children eaqually. When her children sleep, she lightend her lamps and bent from the sky to pray for them. Dickinson’s opinion to nature is the same as the ecofeminist advocate. Her attitudetowards nature reflect from her poem fully proved that she is a good ecofeminist.In another nature poem, Dickinson compare leaves to woman, and bravely list the qulities of woman.The leaves, like woman, interchangeSagacious confidenceSomewhat of nods, and somewhat ofPortentous inferenceThe parties in both casesEnjoining secrecy----Inviolable compactTo notorietyDickinson wrote directly in this poem that woman are sagacious, confident, inviolable. They have a lot of good qualities. The qualities of the leaves is the qualities of woman. They have the same essence. Just like the ecofeminists advocate, nature and woman are close, they possess the same character. Superficially, the auhtor is writing leaveas, but its deep meaning is to eulogize woman. In Emily Dickinson’s mind, woman is purifying and confident. They are as good as man, or even they possess some good qualities that man have not.In the anl ysis of aonther poem, Dickinson as a ecofeminist is unboubted. ”Nature is Harmony” and “Nature is Heaven” are the most striking lines, they are exactly the belief that the ceofeminists hold.“N ature” is What we see----The hill---the Afternoon----Squirrel----Eclipse---the Bumble bee----Nay-----Nature is HeavenNature is what we hear----Tha Bobolink----the Sea---Thunder----the Cricket----Nay---Nature is Hamony---Nature is what we knowYet have no art to say----So impotent Our Wisdome isTo her SimplicityIn the first stanza, by list the detailed object: the hill, squirrel, eclipse and bee, the author portrait a peaceful and energetic outlook of nature. She feel that nature is as beautiful as heaven. This indicates poet’s love of nature. The second sta nza by list sound of the bobilink, the sea, the thunder, the criket, no matter some of the sound is so lound,and some of the sound is so weak, they conposed to a hamonious symphony. In the last stanza, the author express her awe to nature. When we human beings were compared to nature, our wisdom is impotent. We are just one small part of nature. Through the line “what we see”, “what we hear”, “what we know”, the author is feeling nature first by eyes,then by ears, and at last by heart. All this is a good revelation of ecofeminism theory.4.0 Rsisitance to Man’s Dominance over Nature4.1 Emily Dickinson’s Religious BeliefFeminists are against the patriarchal family system, and they believe that God is the foremost representative of patriarchal society. God i s the “Father”, he is the originalsource of patriarchal society, thus he is also the original source of the inequality betwween male and femal. If there is a “female-God”, the things is not like what we see now. So the feminist deny the exit of God, and in the meantime, they revolt to sermons and doctrines which is created in religion syetem.As to Dickinson, religion stood in the mid of her life time. She wrote a great manyof religious poems. Although she was a deeply religious poet, Dickinson was never a pious Christian. Instead she was a non-conformist. We can see it from her lif background first. In 1841, Dickinson attented Anherst Academy, but she was only stay one year. Why she left school in such a short time? A great cause for her departure was that the girls were asked tojoin the church, and Dickinson wanted no part of that. Besides this, we can futher see her revolt and suspect to God by analysing some of her religios poems.4.2 Analysis of Dickinson’s Religious PoemIn Christians’ beliefs, God c reated the world and everything on it. God is the supreme dominator of the world. If you pray to God, God can hear your pray, and salvate you from the defficulities. But in the following poem, Dickinson shows her doubt about it.Of Course----I prayed----And did God Care?He cares as much as on the airA Bird----had stamped her foot----And cried “Give Me”----My Reason -----LifeI had not had----but for Yourself----’Twere better charityTo leave me in the Atom’s Tomb----Merry, and Nought, and gay, and numb----Than this smart Misery.The first two lines explain that the poet prays To God, but God makes no response to her. Then he starts to doubt God for her pray caannot be testified. The following lines express that God care about the bird more than the w oman’s pray. This contrast show us God’s coldness and cruelty. The author is becoming anger to God for his indifference. She began to doubt the exit of God.In the other poem, Dickinson show us the information that she does not believe that people will be saved by going to church or by confessing. She doubted the power of God and she even did not believe the exist of God. So it is meaningless to go to church.Some Keep the Sabbath going to Church----I keep it, staying at home----With a Bobolink for a Chorister---And an Orchard, for a Dome----Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice----I just wear my Wings----And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,Our little Sexton-sings.God presches,a noted Clergyman----And the sermon is never longSo insteaad of getting to Heaven, at least----I’m going, all long (poem 324(Johnson, 1975:153-154Diakinson did not believe the doctrines of Christian. When some people keep going to church on Sabbath, the poet keep staying at home. Birds, orchard, and beautiful scenery is what she needed. In her mind, she didn’t need Choristar, Church and God ang all the things related to religion. The inhabitants of nature is more important than religion. We can easliy observed the authour’s skepticism to the Christian Church and it’sdoct rines. From the first poem to this one, we can find that the author’s attitude towards religion. In the first poem, she pray, but when she found no response, she doubt God’s exsiting. In the latter poem, she began to defy God and his doctrines. She thought that nature’s existing gave her more relief than going to church and ask God for help.In the following poem, Dickinson began to express her rebellious spirist against patrichal religion clomination from rational thought like man. Her feminism consciousne ss grows gardually and her awakeing going deeper. The brain,that is man’s rational thinking is the most inportant things. God is created by people’s thinking.The Brain is wider than the sky---For ---put them side by side----The one the other will containWith ease---and You ----besideThe Brain is deeper than the sea---For---- hold them ---Blue to Blue----The one the other will absorb---As Sponges ----Buckets---do---The Brain is just the weight of God----For---Heft them---Pound for Pound----And they will differ----if they do---As syllable from SoundIn this poem, the author indicate that the barin is “wider than the sky”, ”depper than the sea”, and “just the weight of God”. The brain standard for her rational thingking power. It is the exis of brain--man’s thinking power that created God.The brain is what we thought was God. God is not exit in the real world, it is just the power of our thingking that make the existing of God. In the meantime, the author celebrates the importance and vastness of the brain's abilities.Through this three poems, we can conclude that Emily Dickinson was not a corformist of Christian. She defy God’s holiness and authority, she refuse to obey it. Her deny of God standard for her deny of the patriarchal society.5.0 Femini sm Consciousness in Dickinson’s Love PoemsFeminist think both male and femal have the equal right to express love. Emily Dickinson is such a person who is brave to express her love. ”Wild Nights” is this kind of poem. Thomas Wentworth Higginson once once wrote in his letter when he was edit Dickinson’s poem “One poem only I dread a little to print----that wonder Wild Nights--- lest the malignant read into it more than that virgin recluse ever dreamed of putting there…..” From this letter we can feel Emily Dickinson’s breavity and boldness toexpress her love passion. This is a big challege to the role the society has given to woman at that time. Obviously, it reveal her consciousness of feminism.Wild Nights --- Wild Night!Were I with thee,Wild nights should beOur luxury!Futile the winds---To a heart in port---Done with the compass---Done with the chartRowing in Eden---Ah, the seaMight I but moor---TonightIn thee!The author express love, passion,and sexual desire in this poem. The fist stazaexpl ains two lovers’ passionate encounter. The poet express her love passion in the second and third stanza in an unabashed manner. Obviouly, she long for equal love not the tradtional marriage that man-made law society allots to women without consulting their own will. The first personal pronoun “I” emphasize the author is an independent individual. It is our “luxury”, not man’s luxury only. This is a big transition, in patriarchal society, woman are passive receivers, they have to accept the order that isgiven by men. But Emily Dickinson alters the position between man and womean. She is so fearless to cry out woman’s needs. All in all, her female self consciousness and feminst tendencies is penetrated by this poem.6.0 ConclusionThis paper focuses on the an lysis of Emily Dickinson’s feminity potery. These poems include her love pem, poem of nature and religioous poem. Through her attitude towards nature, religion, and love which reflect in her poems,and by the using of feminiam theory we conclude that Emily Dickinson was a woman who is very different from the traditional one, she is a rebellious and anti-traditional woman who has some feminism consciousness.济南大学毕业论文 Bibliography [1] Farr, Judith. The Passion of Emily Dickinson [M]. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1992. [2] Gaard Greta. Ecofeminism: Woman, Animals, Nature Nunan [Ed]. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993. [3] Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, 1846-1906 [M]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1921. [4] Homas, Margret. Woman Writers and Poetic Identity [M]. 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开题报告Beautiful Women—Analysis of Female Characters in The Merchant of Venice

开题报告Beautiful Women—Analysis of Female Characters in The Merchant of Venice
Ⅲ.Research Status
国外,对莎士比亚的这部《威尼斯商人》研究的还是比较多的,但是不同的评论家和学者们都是从不同的视角进行研究。有些学者主要从法律诉讼的角度进行研究,如LyonJohn.在The Merchant of Venice中,描述了一个诉讼将决定生死的问题,提出了一个新的解释,并讨论了莎士比亚的主题和技巧等。
[4].Shakespeare.TheMerchantofVenice[Z].NewYork:Airmont PublishingCompany.1965.
[5].唐建南.From Bondage to Bondage:Analysis of Jessica in The Merchant of Venice[J].海外英语,2011(12)

The Image of Lunatic Woman in the Novel of Jane Eyre(Bertha Mason)

The Image of  Lunatic Woman in the Novel of Jane Eyre(Bertha Mason)

论文摘要《简爱》是世界文坛上的不朽名著, 但多数读者在理解《简爱》的同时对作品中的伯莎---住在阁楼上的疯女人的形象往往忽视和扭曲。




关键词:《简爱》;疯女人;反抗;女性主义AbstractJane Eyre is a famous novel in the world literature. However, whenever readers read it, they usually ignore Bertha Mason---the lunatic woman in the attic. In fact, Bertha is twisted, oppressed, sympathized and misunderstood. As one of the most important parts of the novel, the lunatic woman has an great position in the resistance to men’s oppression and the expression of novel’s theme.This paper describes the reason of Bertha Mason becoming “Lunatic”, and analyzes the logical actions of Bertha Mason from her four times appearances to prove the lunatic woman is not a madness. Then, contacting with the social reality that women were oppressed by men and the popular idea of racial discrimination in the Victorian time, the paper comes to conclude that “Lunatic” woman is a real solider who hides herself in the mask of “Lunatic” to rebel against male-dominated society, and exposes lunatic’s indignantly protests against male’s oppressio ns with her outcry for equality with men.Key words: Jane Eyre; lunatic woman; resistance; feminismI. IntroductionCharlotte Bronte has been considered as an outstanding woman literary figure in the Victorian time. Despite of the largely autobiographical content of her novels,Charlotte Bronte breaks the conventional fictional stereotype of a woman as submissive,dependent,and ignorant in the nineteenth century.Her severe experiences mold her indomitable characters and her works are full of spirit of resistance, exposing the evil phenomenon of the society. Her books are regarded as the classics in the area of feminist literary criticism. She was passionate and rebellious. Some experts commented that Charlotte Bronte’s works had revealed the truth of contemporary politics and society in the world, which was more than what statesmen, political commentators and moralists had contributed.Her masterpiece Jane Eyre describes the heroine searches for an identity as a new woman supported by economic and emotional independence in a world, which is not expected such ambitions in women at that time. The highly acclaimed Jane Eyre best demonstrates the breakthrough: on the one hand, Jane, a woman has her unique thought and personality, dares to struggle with the fate and seeks for independence and equal rights. On the other hand, this work has deeply exposed the harsh reality of Britain and praised the struggle of those women who stood up for equality. Jane Eyre is a novel which is well-known in the world. As soon as it was published, almost every reader was greatly moved. This most acclaimed of novels—“English”, “Gothic”, “romantic”, “female”—is always a surprise, in the very authority, resonance, and inimitable voice of its heroine.With the development of feminism in twentieth century, another character---Bertha Mason has begun to attract more attention and start a new page of feminist research. Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar published The Madwoman in the Attic, a now classic text of early feminist literary criticism (1978). General Speaking, Bertha Mason, who is the insane wife of Mr. Rochester, the counterpart of Jane, is nothing more than one of several trials that Jane must face and overcome; the final test following struggles with her vindictive Aunt Reed and the hypocriticalheadmaster of Lowood boarding school, Mr. Brocklehurst. In fact, Charlotte Bronte put her in an important position where as a resistant solider hide herself in the madness. For instance Bertha Mason uses fire to injure Rochester, which is a symbolism of her feminine consciousness involved with rebellious spirit and hatred of the oppression from male. In a word, Bertha Mason and Jane are sisters from different aspects to protest against the male oppression and seek for feminine freedom and equality.In previous studies, the description of lunatic just serves as a foil to express heroine’s kindness and self-esteem, meanwhile, as a evidence to embody female’s criticism of the patriarchal society at that time. There are few researches of whether Bertha is a real lunatic or not. In Jane Eyre, as a marginal person, Bertha Mason utters no words and all her information comes from a double subjective narration, and it is riddle that Mason’s story is true or not. This paper aims to prove the lunatic woman is not a madness mainly from analyzing the logical actions of Bertha Mason from her four times appearances and concludes that “l unatic” woman is a real fighter who hides herself in the mask of “Lunatic”to rebel against the male-dominated society and exposes lunatic’s indignantly protests against male’s oppressions wit h her outcry for equality with men.Firstly, this paper analyses the appearance of “Lunatic”, and introduces the two main reasons of Mason becoming “Lunatic”, so as to reveal the oppression suffered by Victorian women in marriage, and the racial discrimination in society. Then, mainly from three aspects to interpret feminism image from Mason’s “Lunatic”: first, Mason’s character of self-esteem and rebel makes her can't be a traditional wife of the Victorian era, and Mason’s Creole mongrel makes her suffer discrimination in society, which determine Mason to have the unique experience of being imprisoned in the attic; secondly, analyzes the logical actions of Bertha Mason from her four times appearances to prove the lunatic woman is not a madness; thirdly, concludes Mason’s unique image, namely the female fighter against the male oppression; a victim of marriage, fame and fortune trading. Finally, concludes that Mason is not a really “Lunatic”, Bertha Mason is a soldier who never compromise. Foil character as she is,but Bertha Mason’s high spirit of struggle awakening female to fight for their equal. II. The Reasons for Bertha Mason Seeming to Be “Lunatic”2.1. The Background of Bertha MasonBertha Mason---Mrs Rochester, who has been locked away in the attic of Thornfield Hall for ten years by her husband and the lunatic woman who takes her life as a price, burns down Thornfield at last. Bert ha’s story is related through a double narration: Jane’s memories as a mature narrator, and Rochester’s account of a personal story. Personal stories, memories and temporal distance entangle to provide a portrait of Bertha, whose own voice is never heard except through her outrageous laughter. Mason is exotic beauty and charm and she owns a wealth family arranged marriage, but her husband Rochester states he never loved Bertha because she is mad. She always gives off loudly eerie laugh at night, she will attack others suddenly and she burns the Thornfield at last. It seems that Bertha Mason is an evil lunatic.However, why Bertha Mason just attach her husband and her brother? All her madness aims at the people who makes her life in the gloomy corner. From her actions, it can be seen that she is just a helpless woman who has been abandoned by her family and husband. It may be strange that Bertha Mason’s family does not to rescue their folk. But in that age, female is a price for male to gain more interest. Bertha Mason is not worth the price for her family to cut off the cooperation with Mr Rochester. Ten years of darkness life is like a best tormenting her and nobody cares about her at all, as a consequence, revenge is probable the only meaning for Mason to support her alive.2.2.The Control of Some People on Bertha Mason2.2.1. Bertha Mason’s husband---Mr. RochesterThe lunatic woman--- Bertha Mason is abandoned by her relatives and the society. In Thornfield, she is a secret. Nobody knows she is the mistress and even regards her as a lunatic. How a mistress is reduced to such a low position? Her husband---Mr Rochester is blamed.According to Mr Rochester, the reason why he has imprisoned his wife is thatshe is mad, but it is easy to image an opposite relation of cause and effort, in which years of enforced imprisoned and isolation have made her violently insane or, at least increased her insanity. Even Mason is mad because of her family inheritance, since he marries her, he should take the responsibility for his own choice. The other assumption is that Mr. Rochester can divorce the lunatic woman as soon as he realizes that. But he gives up this plan because of the following lose of wealthy when he divorces with his rich wife. Therefore, he keeps their marriage in secret. In Rochester’s mind, his mad wife has blemished his “honor”and “reputation”and blocked his way to new happiness. So he takes cruel actions:to lock her as a wild beast in the permanent isolation from the outside world. He wants nobody to know the truth so that he can wait for a chance that one day he could realize his plan:bigotry.This is the trick of the sly fox. His action has other purposes: to vindicate his “honor” and “reputation” and to continue his profligate life. To him, a mad wife has far more infamous than his own degradation in morality. Such is his aristocratic bourgeois moral outlook!For Bertha Mason, her husband is the most hated person. The man has married her, but has locked her as an animal in the attic and makes her a “lunatic”. He has secretly kept mistresses outside and even wants to marry Jane. It is truth that Mrs Rochester indeed lives a sinful life before she is insane, but sin is itself a species of insanity. Moreover, when Mr Rochester unfolds the story of his marriage to Bertha, he closely specifies each symptom included in Prichard’s description of moral insanity. Rochester refers to a woman who carries both mental and moral corruption in her blood: a kind of madness. It is important to notice that the description of Bertha’s viciousness and dissolute life is meditated through Rochester, that is, through her afflicted husband who presents himself as a victim of both his father and Bertha’s brother. In Bertha’s mind, her husband---Mr Rochester is a liar who cautiously conceals from Jane the truth of his first marriage by constantly telling lies to her. She must resist for herself which is the common idea for people who is under such a circumstance.2.2.2. Bertha Mason’s FamilyThe Victorian era is the society of patriarchy. Women at that time were supposed to hold back many of their feelings, and self-control may be the most notable mark stamped by the moral norms on Victorian w omen’s psychology. There was little freedom for middle class women at that time. Marriage especially was often a bargain, whereby fortunes were secured by using the female as a pawn. At that time, women are the accessory of men: they have no freedom and chance to choose their lives, women are slaved in life and in spirit by men. A woman's value largely depended on her sexual purity and she was guarded and secured as a property. Men, on the contrary, were potent and free; it was common for them to keep lovers and mistresses. Ironically the women who provided their services were social outcasts as a result. Bertha Mason can not escape from her fate. As a daughter of a wealthy merchant brought up in an atmosphere of tropical sensuality and extravagance, she is devoid of chance to encounter the experiences replete with physical or economica1 frustrations and accepts a family arranged marriage with Mr Rochester which is the burden her family imposed on her. It is a heartache to Bertha, for she knows the truth that her family leave her alone when she is shut off at Thornfield. At that moment, Bertha starts to awake that she is the victim of her family---they expect too much on her husband’s property. To some extent, the Mason’s family has concluded a deal that Rochester should keep their marriage name, and they do not care the status of their daughter.In the novel of Jane Eyre, Bertha Mason is a hybrid, the concept of racial discrimination makes people scorn her. Her husband is a aristocratic bourgeois, he must detest his wife after he abstaining profit from his marriage. Even the tragedy of Bertha is exposed to the society, she will never cause the sympathy from others for women is the weak. In the patriarchal society, a woman with low-blood has no right to claim for herself which is the existence of social rules or patriarchal framework. This is the tragedy of the society.III. The Feminist Interpretation of the “Lunatic”3.1 Particular Life Experience of Bertha MasonThe life of Bertha Mason is a tragedy and her experience is the portraiture of women in Victorian time. But the particular experience of her is for her own characters. Before marriage, life to Bertha is too innocent and tranquil to get ignited her eagerness for social acceptance and self-esteem. Therefore, Bertha’s rebel is a model of Victorian wifehood. She has broken the Victorian belief that a woman is “an angel in the house”,who is supposed to be competent to play the multi-roles as the tender nurse, the patient schoolmistress and the sympathizing and forgiving counselor. What dismays Mr Rochester most is that he finds his newly-married wife shows neither the gift nor the desire for functioning as a traditional wife within the structure of traditional marriage.At the moment of realizing that Bertha is not able to meet his patriarchal gratification but just oversteps the boundaries from time to time,Rochester overrules her qualification to be his wife and mentally abandons her without a delay.That is a durance from the patriarchal society.Bertha’s imprisonment in the attic not only represents the repressive and choking aspects of that time, and also reveals the racial prejudice against Bertha’s racial composition. Rochester, a member from the “racial mainstream”but no fortune matches with Bertha Mason--- a woman with impressive fortune but no decent race. It seems much perfect, but Rochester believes his impressive social credentials are the reason he can marry a rich girl. His interpretation of the marriage reflects the popular attitudes among the British. This racial superiority complex is also revealed when Rochester contends it is Bertha’s Creole blood that is the root of her insanity.As a racial inferior and rebel, Bertha must sense the contempt in the British marriage and its extending social relationships. Bertha tends to express her rage without reserve as an instinctive response once she senses the oppression even she is still locked at the attic no matter whether it derives from patriarchy or racial discrimination.3.2 Four times appearances of Bertha MasonFeminism is a discourse which involves various movements, theories, and philosophies which are concerned with the issue of gender difference. It advocates equality for women and campaigns for females’ rights and interests. Apart from thecriticism of social relationship, many feminists also emphasize the analysis of the inequality between men and women and the promotion of women’s benefits. Feminist theory aims at knowing the essence of inequality and stressing on gender politics and sexuality. The exploring theme of feminism includes discrimination, stereotyped image, materialization of sex, housework distribution, oppression and paternit y.In the Cambridge dictionary, the definition of feminism is the belief that women should be allowed the same rights as men and be treated in the same way, but also when it is used to describe a man that means the behavior of man is similar to women. In Jane Eyre, feminism can be interpreted as the awakening of female consciousness and a struggle for equality. Bertha Mason loses her freedom and equality, all her actions are revenge on the patriarchal society for her own rights.Occupying the dominating status in marriage, Rochester seizes the supreme power and authority to judge and punish Bertha Mason. He creates a life style of imprisonment for her “crime”of aggressive behavior, which runs counter to the request and expectation of the master. Ten years of enforced imprisonment and isolation contribute a lot to Bertha’s“insanity”, and that is performed as a trade-off between the extreme abhorrence of Rochester to Bertha and his hypocrisy of abiding by the vows. Despite the unjust life sentence, Bertha’s rebellion does not stop. Her rage fails to be locked in the third—floor cell, but her demonic laughter becomes the direct outlet for it. She makes horrific sounds and strange laugh in order to disturb the tranquil atmosphere and attract people’s attention, all of which includes some sweeping and retaliate actions in the novel happen three times. Bertha has escaped from the “ prison”several times which is the largest part to prove she is a normal person instead of a lunatic. Every time Bertha slipped out of attic, she never tries to escape from Thornfield, she just revenges on a special person.As Gaskell Elizabeth (1975, 16) put forward “She will not try again and again to retaliate her husband if she is mad. She has no chance and wisdom to escape from that attic at least four times, if she is mad.”One night long after I had gone to bed, I woke up suddenly. It was very early in the morning. I thought that I heard something unusual. Everything was silent, but I listened very carefully, and I heard the sound again. Someone wasmoving about outside my room. 'Is anyone there?' I called. There was no answer. I felt worried and very frightened. But the house was silent again, and after a while, I tried to go back to sleep. But then I heard a laugh. It was a terrible, cruel, sound, which made me quite cold with fear. There was a sound of footsteps walking away, and going up the steps to the attic. I could not sleep after that. I put on my clothes and went to find Mrs Fairfax. I heard nothing now, but suddenly I realized that I could smell smoke. It was coming from Mr Rochester's bedroom. I ran into the room and saw that his bed was on fire. I tried to wake him, but he did not move. I looked around the room, looking for something to put out the fire. I saw a large jug of water on a small table. I picked it up and threw the water onto the burning bed. Then, Mr Rochester woke up. (Jane Eyre, 200)The first time occurs when Jane comes to Thornfield not a very long time, Bertha is in an attempt to burn Rochester in his bed. From the above paragraph, the series actions of Mason are meticulous and logical. She gives off loudly eeriness laugh which makes Jane Eyre surround with trepidation, and also she succeed enters into her husband Rochester’s home and sets a fire in order to kill him. If Bertha is mad, that is impossible for her to get the key to attic and find Rochester’s room exactly. These action should enough to prove that she is clear-minded and conscious.Overview her plan, Mason has the clear aim---to kill her husband, she chose the best moment---at dawn when everyone is at a sound sleep, the best method to revenge---set fire stealth. Without Jane’s help, Rochester must have dead. Facing with the strong power of Rochester in Thornfield, Mason never compromises, and attempts to resist against her freedom.“Soon after we were married, she changed. She became very strange, and then she became mad and dangerous. She attacked me, and anyone who came near her. Last April, she tried to kill her own brother. ”(Jane Eyre, 550) At the second time Mason stabs her brother, who came to visit her, but actually it is he who betrays her, so her action is rightly to explain why she treats her brother badly. This is also can explain she is conscious. From the words provided by Rochester, his wife can attack anyone and the injury of Mr. Mason is the best evidence to prove Mason is a lunatic. However, Jane encounters Mason several times and never be attacked, as well as servants at Thornfield. Those can show Mason is not a lunatic for she never hurts the innocents. Mason’s fight aims at male who deprives her freedom and equality.The third time is about on the eve before the wedding,Bertha Mason suddenly breaks into Jane’s room and tears the wedding veil, a symbol of purity as well as the illusion of the marriage, but she does not hurt Jane. That because Berth Mason suffers more oppression from her husband and her own brother. She has more struggles against male power oppression. The last time, the retaliate action occur in the end of the novel, Bertha Mason sets Thornfield on fire and jumps her death, thus leading Rochester to be blind in eyes, and became a disable. Even in death, Bertha Mason manages to resist her husband’s control for the last time, her final rebellion. This time Bertha Mason has managed to retaliate Rochester. It seems that the half life of Mason is rebellious and with the symbol of male dominance---Thornfield destroyed, she loses her life and gains freedom in another way.3.3 An Image of the Depressive Woman3.3.1 a fighter of feminismThe insane woman---Bertha Mason is regarded as the champion of female rebellion. Faced with oppression of men, she hides herself under the mask of lunatic to protest against the strictures of patriarchal authority until last moment. Although Bertha is imprisoned, she never give up the idea to resistance. She keeps her eyes on Thornfield all time and gets ready to grasp any opportunity to protest against oppression. She is fighting for her own freedom and equality and she has the most important spirit a fighter should own---never give up. Bertha loses her freedom, and she tries to sneak out of attic several times. Mr. Rochester wants to keep her as a secret. She persists in making ogreish laugh to tell others the existence of herself. Bertha’s laugh, has often been interpreted as madness as “a mode of rebellion against the constraints of patriarchy”. At Thornfield, Bertha sets several times fire until burns down Thornfield, the devil place for her, and she loses her life which means she finally finishes her target of revenge. Bertha Mason’s resistance reflects in Victorian,only by using struggle tools woman can win their freedom and equality. Bertha Mason i s not the ugly strange character, is not the heroine Jane’s accompanying and opposite, but is the victim in Victoria time the male power and theunfair family male power oppression object. She is another Jane to against that unfair society, holding the same thinking as Jane has: outcry for equality with men.3.3.2 a victim of marriage, fame and fortune tradingBertha's unfortunate, first to show her the same as Rochester, is the victim of that unhappy marriage many years ago. Rochester's father is a"stinginess"of greedy people who, for the sake of money, begins to design the marriage of her son and Bertha with Mr Mason, who is wealthy planter and merchants. And Mason’s father is pleased with Rochester’s pedigree. Under the pinch of both parents the young people in Spain met, and soon got married. In this marriage, Bertha and Rochester, are innocent victims, similarly subject to their parents who make them to the benefit. After the marriage, men’s purpose has come true. Husbands begin to leave their wives alone, and keep lovers. In such marriages, the victim is the women who have no rights to choose their own path of life. They have to listen to parents at home and accept everything parents arranged for them, they never gain the equal opportunity as male. From this sense Bertha can be said to represent those tragic women in the marriage who have no love with their husbands .IV. ConclusionIn Jane Eyre, Bertha Mason is an unfortunate woman but with the spirit of resistance, brave. Her resistance and struggle in the condition of inhuman show a tragic beauty. It is not dispensable Bertha Mason is the key impersonator in the novel, because her character and every time’s present is an extremely important part to impetus the plot to develop forward unceasingly, and pushes the story to one by one high tide, she plays a status as activator in novel. Bertha promotes Jane Eyre’s plot development, and has in Jane Eyre---the love story. If Jane is famous for added spices, Bertha has the lasting achievements. Jane win happiness and audience’s cheering but Bertha has been misunderstood, all that happen to Bertha are unfair.In fact, if we pay more attention to the social background and think deeply towards Berth a’s action, it will not be diff icult to discover Bertha is not lunatic but a conscious woman in struggle and the real reappearance of Britain feminine socialposition. She is the direct rebellious against the patriarchy society with violence. Despite she is locked in vault-like room, Rochester closes her information of exists in the world, and she has been denied the right to speak, she is never silent: her tragic pierced howling, passes her own existence to the world; just have a moment of negligence by the guards, she rushes out of the cage to show her existence; when the male society completely ignores her cries, her presence and her life, she lights a burning torch and burns the world imprisoning her. Her tragedy, demonstrates Jane’s high spirit in the struggle for the equal rights of men and women. At the time of she hitting back Rochester's arrogance in sharp language, she using her strong spirit of self-esteem scoff at male superiority of Rochester. Because of the tragic history, Jane Eyre gets this reality struggle spirit of feminism. Thornfield is a symbol of male dominance, Bertha’s life to destroy this illustrates this point, Jane’s new life did not take place in Thornfield---Patriarchy society, but began in the bleak fen Ding Manor---a new world of the equal of male and female.BibliographyCharlotte Bronte. (1997). Jane Eyre. Wordsworth Classics.Gaskell Elizabeth.(1975). The Life of Charlotte Bronte. Harmondsworth:Penguin. Glen, Heather. (2003).The Brontes[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.方平,1998,“为什么顶楼上藏着一个疯女人”,《读书》第九期。



---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 《小妇人》中女性形象的分析_英语论文摘要路易莎•梅•奥尔科特是美国十九世纪最有影响力的女作家之一。




1 / 16关键词:女性形象;性格分析;成长;人生观;价值观AbstractLouisa May Alcott is one of the greatest nineteenth-century American female writers. Little Women is one of the most famous works of hers. The novel has made the bestseller list since it was published in 1868. It attracts readers generation by generation. Set in the American civil war, in the background of the nineteenth century American society perspective personalities , ideals and aspirations of four sisters,step by step to start a lively ,interesting description .In the thesis, it focuses on female image analysis, by means of the analysis of characters’ portraits, languages, movements and behaviors; characters in specific situation and the comparison and contrast between characters. It states the March sisters’ different characteristics and different outlooks on life and values .It shows women ought to be independent and continuously improve and go beyond themselves, adopting positive---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------attitudes to life, loving others as yourself and helping others to realize self-value.4.2.2 Amy in the Eyes of Aunt March154.3 Amy’s Growth and Change . .15Ⅴ.The Common qualities of the Little Women. . 155.1 The Value of Self-reliance205.2 The Love for the Family.205.3 The Loyalty of Love.21Ⅵ.Conclusion21Bibliography223 / 16Acknowledgements23I. IntroductionLouisa May Alcott is one of these greatest nineteenth-century American female writers. Little Women is one of the most famous works of her. The novel has made the bestseller list since it published in 1868. It attracts readers generation by generation. Set in the American civil war, the novel presents March sisters’ progress of growing up, which describes the life of the poor March during the civil war in its first part and presents that the four sisters are seeking independence and self-improvement achieving happy ending in the second part.The critical response to Little Women between 1868 and 1869 was as favorable as the readers’ response, and Alcott was among the most popular children’s authors to be taken seriously by literary critics. A review in---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------Nation declared Little Women an “agreeable” story that appeals to juvenile readers as well as adult readers. In fact, Alcott’s contemporaries and modern critics agree that the novel is remarkable for its reality and depth, compared with the too-sweet, overly didactic stories available to children at that time. Besides, “Jane Gabin in Reference Guide to American Literature deemed Little Women “markedly superior to other books of its genre” because of its unobtrusive “sermonizing” and its well-rounded characters. She added that the villains and the heroes were clearly identified in other books of that time, but in Alcott’ s book, even the heroes have flaws and make mistakes. (DiaoWeiyang 4) So the characters are real and natural.Eager for an inkstand, a stable full of Arabian steeds, and rooms piled with books, Jo hopes to be a famous and rich writer and do something heroic or wonderful that5 / 16won’t be forgotten after she is dead. At that time, she is unwilling to grow up and scorn love and romance which is just accepted in books for her. That is her castle in the air.2.2 Jo in the Eyes of OthersJo is a girl who makes different impressions on different people. In the eyes of her parents, she is a rebellious daughter whose clothes, behavior and thoughts are like boys.In her sisters’s eyes, Jo is more like a brother. She never cares about what she looks like and admires all boys could do. Besides, she has a gift for writing. Bad temper as she is, she is so helpful, when others get caught in sticky situations. In the eyes of males, Jo is a special girl. Compared with other girls, she is independent, frank, longing for freedom and has strong wills.2.2.1 Jo in the Eyes of her ParentsJo is a “son” in her parents’ eyes, whose clothes behavior and thoughts are similar to boys.---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------She is so independent and tough that she could work to support the family and handle most of her own things. So filial she is that she buys mom a pair of slippers as the Christmas present while she gets noting for herself. Though it is difficult for a girl, she prefers to sell her beautiful long hair for her father when Mr. March is sick. She tries her best to comfort her parents and undertake everything in the family when Beth is dead, though she is also extremely distressed on Beth’s death.Besides, she is reliable for her parents to share her sister’s secrets and to stay with and look after them after Meg is married, Amy goes abroad and Beth is dead. Being a bookworm, their Jo spends her most of time in reading books and on writing in her leisure. She is so optimistic, humorous and frank that she brings a lot of joy to the family and friends. What’s more, she has her own vision of love. For her, marriage must be based on love, so she could not marry someone just for money.7 / 162.2.2 Jo in Sisters’ EyesJo is a “brother” in her sisters’ eyes. She hopes to be a boy. But “all that she could do are just to make her name boyish and to play brother to her sisters.”(Louisa May Alcott 5) She likes boy’s games, work and manners. Dressed in flyaway clothes, she often puts her hands in her pockets and begins to whistle. Being very popular among boys, she is regarded as the best friend by Laurie. She does not love to take part in balls and calls like her sisters. Receiving the invitation from Mrs. Gardiner, Meg is very excited and thinking about what to dress, while Jo does not care about it very much and the poplins with the burn and the tear is her only choice. In order to hide the burn and behave properly, she has to sit quietly in corner. The ball is boring for her until she comes across Laurie. And once she promises to make half a dozen calls with Amy which upset her.Jo is enthusiastic and hospitable but careless, so she is always screwing things up. When sisters are getting ready---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------for a party, she helps Meg with a few curls. However, curls don’t appear but a row of little scorched bundles. In spite of her poor cooking skills, Jo is to cook the dinner and invite Laurie to come, one day during the experiment time. She cooks it in her own way. The dinner is turned out to be a failure ended gaily with bread and butter, olives and fun.Despite of many demerits, Jo has more merits. She is called “a regular Shakespeare (by Beth) who could write and act splendid things.”(Louisa May Alcott 8) She is so crazy about literature that staying in the garret stairs, reading or writing with a pet rat was her favorite. Nobody dares to interrupt her, when her writing does not go well. And Jo is very helpful. For Meg, It is Jo that accompanied her to the party and takes her home after her feet gets hurt, though Jo does not loved party. For Beth, Jo is her dearest sister, who she could talk about everything with. And it is Jo that attends to her when she is ill, pays for her to go seaside for being healthier and accompanies her to the end of her life and makes her comfort. For Amy,9 / 16It is Jo that helps her to end her humility at school and free from the unfair treatment she faces in Mrs. Chester’s fair. So as for her sisters, nobody could replace Jo.The second biggest thing in her growth is that Beth has scarlet. After Mrs. March goes to look after Mr. March, the sisters (except Beth) go back to the idle state of life. It is Beth that does all the little duties to make things right. She does not forget that her mother asks them to go and see the Hummels. As one of the Hummels’ babies is sick, Beth doesn't know what to do and hopes someone to go with her. Jo and Meg promise to go but they both make excuses not to go. It is Beth that goes alone. Unfortunately, the baby is dead and she gets scarlet, which makes Jo very guilty. She thinks if she went to the Hummels, Beth might not get scarlet. Realizing her selfishness, she is so remorseful and determines to get rid of her selfishness. Fortunately, though Beth is a little weak, she is recovering from scarlet, under the care of Jo. After---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------that Jo indeed overcomes her selfishness. Once, in order to make Beth healthier, she spends all her contribution on Beth’s tip to seaside.The last thing is that she and Mr. Bhaer get married. Getting acquaintance with Mr. Bhaer, she learns not only a lot of knowledge, but also modesty, kindness, and lofty character from him. It makes it clear for her to set up the right outlook on life. After Beth dies, Meg has children, and Amy and Laurie marry happily, Jo rethinks about her life and changes her idea on love. She believes that Mr. Bhaer is the one she appreciates and shares her life with. It is him that makes Jo changes her mind on being single all her life. Besides, she and Mr. Bhaer set up a school for boys, which makes her realize her own value and keep her independence as a lady. Despite of hard work, much anxiety, and a perpetual racket, Jo is a happy woman with her boys at school. “She enjoys it heartily and finds the applause of her boys more satisfying than any praise of the world.” (Louisa May Alcott 451)11 / 16Although her castle is so different from the past, the ending is good. She has a happy family of her own with a learned professor and a lovely son. Besides, the couple owns their own career and lives a happy life, though they are not rich.3.2 Meg and Beth in the Eyes of Others3.2.1 Meg in the Eyes of OthersMeg is so different in the eyes of different persons. She is a beautiful and lovely daughter in parents’ eyes; she is the oldest sister in her younger sisters’ eyes; she is a good wife and mother in her husband’s and children’s eyes.Meg is a beautiful and independent girl, which makes her parents be proud of her. Though she is the oldest sister who could take good care of her sisters, she is always a child needed caring for and helping in the eyes of her---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------parents. On one occasion Meg gets back from Annie’s party, she feels uneasy and confused, and confesses all happened in that party to her mother. Her mother does not blame her but also comforts her and removes the doubts she has that mother doesn't marry her daughters just for money and social status.On another occasion Laurie makes mischief between Meg and Brooke. She doesn't know what to do just crying sadly with face hid in her hands. It’s her mother and Jo that help her to deal with it properly. After mother talks to Laurie, he is so regretful that Meg accepts his humble apology. “She is much comforted by the assurance that Brooke knows nothing of the joke.” (Louisa May Alcott 194)Also once, Meg does not know how to deal with the relationship between her and her husband after Daisy and Demi is born. She thinks that she isn't beautiful so that John does not love her any more. At this time her mother comes to give her advice, according to her own13 / 16experience, which helps her a lot. “Their home grows homelike again, and John has no wish to leave it, unless he takes Meg with him.” (Louisa May Alcott 371) Even both the Scotts and Sallie Moffat like to come to the Brookes’, for everyone finds the little house a cheerful place. Meg and John find the key to the household happiness with the help of Mrs. March.In Mr. Brook’s eyes, Meg is a beautiful wife and their children’s good mother. She tries to make everything at home right and give all her love to her husband and children. Though, sometimes, she is a little vain and shortsighted. John believes she is the one loves him and he loves. As love cover s a multitude of sins.3.2.2 Beth in the Eyes of OthersIn her parents’ eyes, Beth is their little tranquility, who is kind and gentle; In sisters’ eyes, she is a shy and helpful sister.---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------Beth is a kind and gentle girl. She never loses temper and hardly complains anything. Being a housewifely little creature, she helps Hannah to keep home neat and comfortable for the workers. She is so unselfish that she helps others, never thinking of any reward but to be loved. And she is so considerate. It is Beth that suggested buying a pair of new slippers for her mother, when she sees the old ones; it is she who made Mr. Laurence a pair of nice shoes to express her thanks; and it is she that goes and sees the Hummels, after her mother goes away for her father. So obedient she is that she goes faithfully on study by herself and does the best she could, when her father goes away and her mother is called to devote her skill and energy to Soldiers’ Aid Societies. Besides she loves music very much. Though the old piano isn't in tone with her, she thinks that “she would get her music some time, if she is good.” (Louisa May Alcott38)However, she is so shy that “she seems to live ina happy world of her own, only venturing out to meet the few whom she trusts and loves.” (Louisa May15 / 16Alcott 6) Thus, Beth is that little tranquility. She is so kind that she helps others without any reward. 《小妇人》中女性形象的分析(7):。



22Feministliterature女性文学Part Four Modern American Literature(1910-) Chapter8American Literature after WWⅡFeminist literature女性文学1.women images in American literature男性文学中女性形象2.feminist writer女性作家3.feminism女性主义运动ⅠWomen Images in American literature男性文学中女性形象1.Traditional Women Image in literatureThe stereotyped women images of fairy tales/works in patriarchal society;Twisted, suppressed,biased歪曲,压抑,歧视1)monster:example:pandora in Greek Mythology;Eve in Bible,Queen in Snow WhiteFeatures:evil,powerful,self-assertive,independent,creativeActive,try to hold their fate into their own handsFate:Punished and killedFunction:An image created by male to show their hatred and fear t oward female’s creativity and power over them;a threat;also the victim in thepatriarchal society表现男性对女性生命力和创造力的压抑,厌恶和恐惧2)angels:example:Snow White,Little mermaid,Cinderelle,sleepy beauty…Features:beautiful,submissive,virtuous,modest,ignorant and selflessPassive;need protections from othersFate:Be praised,pursued and rescued by maleFunction:the image created by male in order to satisfy male’s fantasy on an ideal woman满足男性对理想女性的幻想2.Women Images Created by male writers in American literature男性文学中女性形象The women images is changing and improving.1)Washington IrvingMrs.Walker in The Devil and Tom WalkerMrs.Winkle in Rip Van WinkleKatrina in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow---traditional women images.2)Nathaniel HawthorneHester in Scarlet Letter---When Hester returns to traditional social and moral standard,she becomes and angel.3)Henry JamesDaisy Miller in Daisy MillerIsabel in The Portrait of a Lady---new women images but all end in tragic4)Theodore DreiserCarrie in Sister Carrie---naturalistic,true to life woman image but also end in tragedy.5)Sherwood AndersonElizabeth in Mother----spiritual explooration of woman images.6)FitzgeraldDaisy in Great Gatsby---Daisy is materialized,a flower being viewed,an objectrather than a subject,is reduced to a property,a plant and an anmial.7)HemingwayCatherine Barkley in Farewell to Arms8)FaulknerEmily in A Rose for Emily---more complicatedⅡ.Feminist Writer女性作家1.Kate Chopin凯特·肖班---The Awakening。



The Portrait of a Lady--- Henry JamesThe Portrait of a Lady is a novelabout the failure fate of a Lady whosedream did not come true. It is aboutthe contrast between wish and failure,the hope and disillusion. The maincharacter Isabel Archer, a young,clever, quick , decent and charming American girl, across the Ocean of Atlantic escorted by her aunt who wanted to present Isabel a noble, classy and old English world. Her aunt thought she was the kind of clever girls who just need hope and opportunity.Isabel is that kind of girl full of imagination as well as longing for knowledge. Her intimate friend Miss Stackpole is a correspondence of the Interview, a modern type of woman, who had great influence on Isabel. No sooner Isabel came to England than an English noble man Lord Warburton and another rich American man Casper Goodwood who followed Isabel to England had both proposed to Isabel out of pure love, however, Isabel refused their proposes, she wanted to see more of her life. She wanted to surf in itherself. She was so charming that her cousin Ralph also fell in love with here, but he got a disease and his life was limited. He hided his secret love and wanted to make Isabel an independent girl, so that she could choose her own life free. He suggested his father to give a large mount of surplus property to Isabel, thus, he made Isable, a rich woman. But to his disappoint, his selfless pure love of his cousin had brought a disaster to the inexperience innocent girl, she became a prey of a pair of greedy inscrutable fortune-hunters. Madame Merle, Isabel’s new friend, seeming charming and decentful, made the union of Isabel and Bilbert Osmond, who appeared charming and individual. In fact, Merle and Osmond had an illegal daughter pansy, then Isabel became the stepmother of pansy. Not long after her marrying, Isabel realized Osmond had no inner beauty at all, he lived in envious and prejudice. He was nothing but a narcissist. She had not supposed her own free choice is the worst. She lived in a world of darkness, a world of dumbness, a world of suffocation. It’s not in the end of the novel did Isabel know the secret of her inheriting money and the evil deeds ofMadam Merle and Osmond. Yet her life had changed greatly, though Lord Warburton and Casper Goodwood still loved her, she chose to went back to her husband out of her deep love for her stepdaughter Pansy .The fate of Isabel is so miserable in a desperate way, her cousin’s love had ruined her, which surely made Ralph feel regret and pain. Her wanting of seeing life had punished her.Perhaps we all want us or even the character in a novel can have a happy ending. We want to see the brightness of the world and life, so we are accustomed to see the hopeless destiny of Isabel, anyhow, at the end of the novel, we can assume another hope, Isabel’s rescuing of another pure, decent spirit.一位贵妇的画像《一位贵妇的画像》(1881)是亨利·詹姆斯的早期代表作,也是他的杰作之一。

Female Images in the Works of Dapher du Maurier

Female Images in the Works of Dapher du Maurier

Female Images in the Works of Dapher du Maurier中文摘要英国女作家达夫妮·杜穆里埃一生著作颇丰,她的小说作品充满着神秘和悬念的色彩,多以女性作为主要描述对象,对女性的生存、婚姻状况进行了详细的描写,塑造了众多形象生动、个性鲜明的女性形象。








关键词:达夫妮·杜穆里埃;传统;叛逆;善良坚强;女性形象AbstractDaphne du Maurier, a British writer, who was good at describing love, intrigue and adventure, has numerous works. Her novels are always full of mystery and suspense, which focused on the lives and marriages of women. She successfully created many women with vivid and distinctive personality.In this paper, the female characters in Du Maurine’s work are the main research object. The author just took Daphne.Du Maurier’s classical novel Rebecca, Jamaica Inn and The King’s General as examples, through describing the plight of women under the patriarchal system and the exploration of their marriage lives, to analyze the female images in these works. These works express the women’s pursuit of freedom. And the realities in these works have far-reaching significance in the fate of women and the exploration of women's liberation.In this paper, the author just analyze from the treason, tradition and strong female images in Daphne. Du.Maurier, classify the female images to above 3 types. The author described the change or their individualisms under the background of wars, political changes or the society chaos. Under the bad conditions, some of them were still traditional, still showing their kindness as mothers and wives, however, some others just began to leave their doomed rails and became traitorous when shocked by the lives. Toward this phenomenon, there once to be praises or blames in literature area, there were also literature masterpieces alike these, just like <Gone with the wind>. Thorough the research of this paper, the author also gains the conclusion that, the change of the female images from timid to treason, strength and so on, was because of the social background then, this was the normal reflection of the female individualism senses, which should be respected by the society, it also means the respect toward personality and human rights from the modern cultivated society.]Key Words: Daphne du Maurier; traditional;rebellion; female imageContentsIntroduction (1)1 Traditional Female Images (3)1.1 The Heroine “I” in Rebecca (3)1.2 Aunt Patience in Jamaica Inn (4)2 Rebellious Fe male Images with “Evil Behavior” (4)2.1 Rebecca (5)2.2 The Servant Mrs. Danvers in Rebecca (7)3 Strong Female Images with Self-Consciousness (8)3.1 Anna Harris in The King’s General (8)3.2 Mary Yellan in Jamaica Inn-Pursuing the Right to Make a Choice (9)4. Conclusion (10)References (12)IntroductionDaphne du Maurier began to make an attempt at writing in the late 1920s. However, it is due to Rebecca that Daphne got a meteoric rise to fame. And her reputation was enhanced by Alfred Hitchcock’s namesake film version of the novel Rebecca and she won the international reputation afterwards. Among Maurier’s works, Rebecca(1938) and Jamaica Inn (1935) have been regarded as the most famous Gothic romance novels. But we can never ignore one of the representative works in it, which is The King’s Gener al.So the paper takes her classic novel Rebecca, Jamaica Inn and The king’s general as example to analyze female images.In this paper, the female images were profiled with the mode of tradition, strength and rebellion.Rebecca described the heroine "I", who was influenced by the shadow of Maxim’s deceased wife Rebecca and the servant Mrs. Danvers. She felt inadequate and incomplete after comparing with Rebecca.After she knew the deformity marriage between Maxim and the Rebecca, she decided to stand up again to help Maxim elute the suspect.Jamaica Inn was set in Daphne’s hometown Cornwall, which described an orphan Mary went to Jamaica Inn and seek refuge with her aunt. Unexpectedly, Jamaica Inn was the gangsters’ secret stronghold. In the process of struggling against gangsters, she fell in love with a rustler named Jam and chose to go anywhere with him resolutely. The heroine Anna Harris in The King’s General was the youngest daughter in the Lester manor, she fell in love with a young military officerthey separated. Just this time, the England civil war took place; was thus involved in the storm of cruel wars.1 Literature ReviewFor a long time, people have paid attention to the famous novel Rebecca, whereas few people know another novel Jamaica Inn and The king’s general written by Daphne. On these novels, the England famous novelist and the critic Forster, E.M just commented like this, “There isn’t any one of the novelists that can be like Maurier to break out the limitations between popular novels and pure literatures and fit their works for both of the requests of the literature modes.”Daphne’s novels will be full of contents about social lives, she p ut figures in certain kind of living environments and social relationships, personalities will be exhibited and tested in the scene that is composed of money, reputations and feelings. This paper is aimed to analyze the female images in her classic novel Rebecca Jamaica Inn and The king’s general.1.1 The Development of Female ImagesFor thousands of years, the human society just take the male as the social main body, thus the female images were all created by the male principles, they can just mode, fake, imagine or create female images as they wish, but as the social background changes, the situation also changed, the war, the political situations all pushed the females, push them to become tough, stronger, push them to go against the social traditions, t hus, Daphne’s works just told us this kind of trend, her pen, just molded the female images of her own wishes, her own principles, that just told us, the whole society, began to change, began to change the situation that the whole society just took the male as the social main body.The female images in the novels, should originally be timid, soft and gentle, that was based on the peaceful situation, in fact, female images in some novels are really like this, and in these stories, their won’t be wars, chaos and other unlucky anecdotes. Why do their images change? That will be because of some unlucky things, just like the war, we can find that all their destinies were in relation with politics, wars and social situations, they were the weaker group in these ba ckgrounds because in that time, women won’t have too much rights to change their lives , they couldn’t just to take part in the war like the males, nor can they just try to struggle and try to do other things obviously to show their angers, they could only bear theses, thus, from the Victoria times to the second war, the females have experienced so much unlucky things, their images are becoming stronger and stronger, they should be timid, happy, gentle, this is their moral virtues, but the cruel reality just beat all of these, they have to react to these, or they would have to be destroyed without even being noticed by others. Just in the peaceful age just like the Victorian time, the images of the females are beautiful, just because of the war, these kind of themes were used in literatures more and more, thus there were also female hero like “Joan of Arc”, these female images can also attend the war or even lead the war, their images are given more and more strength contents just because of the change of the social situations.At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, the first England female women revolution took place, feminisms just developed with a rapid speed, then the female subject senses became more and more significant, then the women at that age were all given the new minds and senses. Thus they began to maintain different kinds of senses, some of them became traitorous, and some of them became tough in mind, while others were still traditional. So the females images that were reflected in Daphne du Maurier’s works, just showed the process of the change of the female images, their hearts, their minds, and their personalities.1 Traditional FemalesThe traditional female images just showed the aesthetics standards of the males, the men like this kind of females, so they just praise it, recommend it. Traditional female are devoted to her family and they attached to her husband. They had not the abandoned loyalty to their husband. The common feature is that the wife should be subordinate to her husband in every way. The traditional female images under Maurier’s works can be represented by the heroine “I” in Rebecca and Aunt Patience in Jamaica Inn, we can analyze it in detail as below:1.1 The Heroine “I” in RebeccaThe heroine “I” was a traditional woman. As an orphan, she didn’t have property and social status, so she had to work as the young traveling companion to a wealthy woman.In the novel Rebecca, “I” imagined that Maxim and “I”could live a happy life, but in fact, “I” had been living in the shadow of Rebecca for a long time. In Manderley, I trembled step by step for her lack of confidence and “I” even didn’t look like the mistress of the manor at all. In daily life, the housekeeper Mrs. Danvers and the servants always talks about Rebecca. Rebecca’s presence tormented the heroine “I”. She is tormented b y the question that everyone was comparing her with Rebecca. She also felt that she could never be compared favorably to Rebecca and she felt lost and helpless in comparison. As she said, “I daresay I’ve been stupid, but every day I realize the things she had and that I lack……beauty-and wit-and intelligence-and all the things that are so important in a woman.”(Daphne,2003:183)When “I” accidentally broke the vase, because “I” was afraid of being scolded, “I” dare not tell the truth to Mrs. Danvers. In front of her, “I”just like a little kid and still had to apologize to her, which made Mrs. Danvers just despised“I” more. From this performance, we can know that “I” had not already regarded myself as the manor hostess.The heroine attempted to escape the dead wife’s shadow, she was eager for the people in Manderley including her husband to attach great importance to her presence. Thus she ordered Mrs. Danvers to remove all things about Rebecca and asked Maxim to hold a costume party. She wanted to make people feel that Manderley is the same as before. However, Mrs. Danvers suggested she wear the same dress that Rebecca wore at the ball thus Maxim is horrified and scolded her for wearing the clothes. The heroine suspected that her husband still loved her first wife Rebecca and her husband married her just because there could never be any gossip about her, thus they could have a peaceful life.Compared with Rebecca, “I”was just a traditional girl in the low position. What she seeks for was not the love from Maxim but staying around to take care of him, and she was just a humble weak woman. Until the boat with Rebecc a’s body come up, Maxim has toconfess everything to the heroine and she knows the mysterious death of Rebecca. She knows the marriage between Maxim and Rebecca is a deal, they don’t love each other.This truth helps the heroine to regain her faith and restores their marriage. It is because of the existence of Rebecca that let their marriage have withstood the test, and let the couple know that the marriage is established on the basis of equality and mutual assistance. The couple should be faithful to each other.1.2 Aunt Patience in Jamaica InnIn the novel Jamaica Inn, when Patience married with Joss, she already known that he was not a kind guy, but she still married him without turning back. In the ten years of marriage life with Joss, she also experienced a variety of thrilling that nobody knows how much time she saw those rob and kill scenes. Perhaps at the beginning she had also persuaded her husband to give up this kind of life but it did not work. Joss certainly had warned her to do not interfere like what he warned Mary, and asked her to keep her duty of wife at home and take care of the family, besides, he must use means to discipline her. Aunt Patience, who loved her husband, just try to obey, to forgive, to bear, just to maintain her husband’s lov e. Time by time, she was tamed into a faithful dog and dictated to her husband to live under her husband's control and domination. Patience, who was a beautiful and elegant woman, has now become the hotel hostess with tattered skirts and aging face. After the arrival of Mary, Patience became more uneasy, fearing if Mary discovered the truth and angered Joss to bring Mary fatal disaster, so Patience had advised Mary to be reclusive and do not intervene anything. After her husband’s things brought to light, Patience was still staying with her husband at the end till both of them were killed in the inn. But I think even before Patience’s dying, she had no regrets, because she only wanted to be an obedient and well-behaved wife staying with her husband. As the poem says: Passion to dream long lives, even though body fades.In patriarchal societies, women did not have their own status and the right to speak; they were just accessories of men who only required to be virtuous Shukutoku and shall not interfere in the lives of men. To a certain extent, the novel exposed that the British legal system is weak and smuggling is severe in remote areas, it also revealed the capitalist system brings women to misfortune.2 Rebellious Females with “E vil Behavior”“F eminist critics emphasized that a woman who has been accused of "evil behavior" is not necessarily an absolute evil, it is called "evil behavior" just because the mannishcharacteristic are embodied in the body of a woman.” (康正果,1994:49) We regard these women as rebellious female images. Their common feature was that they were not only smart and shrewd, but also unwilling to obey men, the things what they believed true they would firmly do and would completely ignore other people's eyes, through these they became more powerful in order to have the ability to pursue freedom and equality, and to create strong shock to the patriarchal society.2.1 RebeccaTo a great extent, Rebecca was regarded as the famous Gothic suspense novel, it depends on the shaping of the Rebecca’s characters. At the beginning of the novel, Rebecca is dead and never really appeared in the novel. But she makes an impression upon all the servants, it seems that her soul are still stay at Manderley and she controls all of the things in Manderley through her faithful follower, Mrs. Danvers. Through the description of Rebecca's life experience, the novel expresses her criticism of the patriarchal society at that time. The image of Rebecca in the novel mainly formed by the memories of the multitude: Rebecca was a women of noble birth and intelligence. She was rebellion. She excelled in wisdom, and twisted people round her finger.Rebecca also is a highly competent woman, she presides over the business of the Manor from morning till night by herself and everything arranged in perfect order. All the things of beauty and grace in Manderley belong to her perfect masterpiece, including the wonderful garden, magnificent Manor, the blood-red rhododendrons on either side, the splendid household decoration, the minst rel’s gallery, as well as some valuable portraits. Rebecca enables Manderley to become a Celebrated Manor, just like a fairyland which is tantalizing for people.R ebecca is damnably clever, and she is good at watching the people’s every mood and guessing their thought. As Maxim said: “she knew exactly what to say to different people, how to match her mood theirs”. (Daphne, 2003:429)Also is to say, she can talk to people and do everything exactly to their liking. She tries to be all things to all people so that everyone adore her. Every person is convinced that she is most generous and most gifted woman in the world, but she laughs the people behind their back.In some way, she charms you into doing what she wants. As Mrs. Danvers said: “No one got the bett er of her; she did what she liked, she live as she liked……She went at life all the time”. (Daphne, 2003: 385)When she was sixteen years old, she tamed a hot horse by slashing it until the horse was trembling all over. Thus it can be seen that Rebecca is a strong-willed women with the deep-rooted desire to conquer all people. Five days after Rebecca marriedMaxim, Rebecca makes a bargain with Maxim. She runs the Manderlry for Maxim and makes it become most famous show-place in the county, and everyone envy their happy life. But Maxim could not interfere in the private life of Rebecca. She enjoys the material life of luxury without many restrictions. She treats the man as toys to play, and entice other men including the servant Frank and Giles who is Maxim’s b rother-in-law.Maxim accused Rebecca of being a vicious and damnable woman. Rebecca looked quite insight into the people, knowing that with her noble birth, Maxim dare not to divorce with her even for face. After marriage she continued completely informal life, and often met with her cousin privately or enjoyed drinking and fun with friends at the beach hut. She had not only both man’s tough and decisive, and woman's gentle and meticulous, but also she could make different performance according to circumstances. In psychology, this behavior is called androgyny. (Toril Moi, 1992:2)When Rebecca learned that she was terminally ill, she was still reluctant to show her weakness and deliberately provoke Maxim to kill herself. She wanted that Maxim could not escape his life of her, and let him carry a heavy psychological guilt without comfortable life.For many people, it seems like that Rebecca is a dissolute woman with chaotic private life and she seduces men flagrantly, faced with the accusations from Maxim, she still goes her own way without any sense of shame and just looks like an evil woman. But if there is no connivance from Maxim, how could Rebecca have such a wild life after marriage. We can’t judge Rebecca's behavior with general concept of right and wrong, even we can’t define her with good or bad simply. Finally, she enraged husband to kill her and ended her life, she was also a victim under patriarchy and her marriage was doomed to be a tragedy from the start. In the patriarchal society, no matter how powerful, rebellious and intelligent, you would always be subject to unfair treatment, what you need to do was playing the role of virtuous wife at home and that was enough. This unfortunate marriage brought the couple to suffering, Rebecca could not get true love as well as the careful attention from her husband, and her heart was lonely, and she hided the inner emptiness through dissolute lifestyle. She was also eager to be respected and cared, while as a woman, she could not enjoy equal rights as men, what she could do was to strengthen her own power and stand in the highest place to get attention and worship from others, and she figured to a seemingly happy marriage to enhance her position. After marriage, she was assertive everywhere and fought against traditional marriage with her own behavior, although the outcome was miserable, she still got rid of the shackles of patriarchy and brought shadow to Maxim, which made him not so full of confidence for marriage, as a result, his second marriage was filled with the crisis. Rebecca's presence made Maxim realize that: marriage was built on the basis of understanding and lovefor each other and it was not a trading or barely maintained only for face, the two lovers should support and frankly pay for each other and spend their lives together. There was no equality in marriage under the shackles of patriarchy, they were dominated by their husbands and bounded in marriage. As a result, they could not get freedom and ruined a lifetime happiness. The novel affirmed Rebecca and expressed substantial critique of marriage in patriarchal society in that time, pursuit of equal and sincere marriage and praise for seeking independence. As many feminist critics gave the devil type positive feedback, Rebecca is no longer disgusted by readers, who has become a symbol of rebellion and revolt.Rebecca gathered both rebellion and evil temperament, and she was quite attached to herself. Behind her seemingly absurd life, the reality was her indignation for injustice living conditions of women under the patriarchal system. Her conquest of things was also a kind of blatant resistance and retaliation to patriarchal society, which brought great frustration to men.2.2 The Servant Mrs. Danvers in RebeccaIn the novel Rebecca, although the author has little description on Mrs. Danvers, she is an important clue in the whole story. Author described the female image with great originality, making the characters vivid, and showing vividly to every reader, like a ghost hunting around the heroine. We found that it is not a simple relationship of master and servant between Mrs. Danvers and Rebecca. In Rebecca's childhood, Mrs. Danvers served beside her, giving Rebecca meticulous care, just like a faithful patron saint. In addition, in Manderley, no one will call her name directly, instead, they respectfully called her Mrs. Danvers, which shows that her identity and status is unusual. In the plantation, every servant has to obey the Mrs. Danvers's command, and Mrs. Danvers's domineering even makes the host Maxim give her away. The management ability of Mrs. Danvers is beyond doubt. In the preparation of masquerade, she commands by easy stage, and also arranges the layout in person. Here, we can see that Mrs. Danvers is capable and shrewd like Rebecca, so, the host Maxim can be assured to make his manor under her arrangement.Mrs. Danvers holds that Rebecca is a perfect woman, the embodiment of beauty and wisdom, so she adored Rebecca as if has been bewitched. After Rebecca passed away, she maintains the original appearance, even maintains the dietary habit of Rebecca. In Mrs. Danvers’s eyes, Rebecca is the only manor hostess, any other people do not deserve this position. Mrs. Danvers hated the heroine deeply, because she thought that the heroine has taken her mistress's place. She declared to the heroine in a provocative attitude that Rebecca was the only hostess in Manderlay. During the first meeting, she deliberately called all the servants in the courtyard waiting for the heroine. Such a grand welcoming ceremony that hasmade the heroine at a loss, and let Mrs. Danvers knew that I was a timid and shy. In the later days, she knew that she can use various means to embarrass the heroine without any care. She gives people a cold and hostile feeling. From the beginning to the end, she was hostile to heroine, and she would peep at the heroine at any time. In many conversations, Mrs. Danvers often praised Rebecca, and specifically mentioned all the rules in Manderley set by Rebecca, which made the heroine feel more incompetent and lost the right to speak. Finally, Mrs. Danvers was in charge of manorial rights and let me give up the position of manor hostess successfully. In the masquerade of Manderley, Mrs. Danvers let heroine put on the dress that Rebecca had dressed before, which made the heroine lose face in front of everyone. She seduced the heroine to leave Manderley, even pushed the heroine to the window and urged her to jump.In fact, Mrs. Danvers is the spokesperson and the embodiment of Rebecca, she appreciated Rebecca’s wisdom, self-confidence and rebellion, and she had the spirit against patriarchal oppression in the bottom of heart. She takes Rebecca as example, and molds the female image of rebellion with “evil behavior” like Rebecca. When the true cause of Rebecca’s death came out, Mrs. Danvers can't accept this fact, she felt painful, helpless and envy, so she set fire in the manor. Even though she also died in the fire, she used the fire fight against the patriarchal society and expressed her anger at her suffering.3 Tough Female Images with Self-ConsciousnessUnder the oppression, women began to realize that they should be given right to do anything they want. The reorganization of their self-value reflected the awakening of female consciousness. When it was the time to protect their rights, they would start without any hesitation and try to fight, to argue, to struggle, this showed us a female image with courageous, which were no longer gentle. We regard them as the strong female images. Even though the patriarchy still existed, their effort of resistance was not in vain. They fought against the patriarchy and pursued feminism in victory.3.1 Anna Harris in The King’s GeneralAnna Harris , who was only 18 years old and still not married, her experience give us feelings of desperate, god, the nature, will always be so unfair toward humans, However, she still refused to be defeated and full of fighting spirit. At last, she got her own success, which is greater than she has ever known. The god is too strong and powerful for Anna, he just defeated Anna several times with one by one unlucky anecdotes, but she still doesn’t lose heart. In the army, she fought with god, with enemies, with her destiny. Anna endures thegreat pain in her heart by losing relatives and friends, with little sleep or food; And so, when Anna looks back, the god is just like a buffoon, he tried to tease Anna, but Anna just fought back with her insisting, her treason spirits.War is cruel, just because of it, many women have to lose their husbands, just like Anna, it will be so uneasy for her to find her true love all over his life, she has found it, she can have someone who really loved her, and that time, her family, her hometown, even his country is in peace, she was really a princess that time, just like a star just shinning above the clouds. However, just because of the war, all these ended, his husband was recruited to the army, and she couldn’t even know whether her husband was alive or not. They have spent a short period of sweet month and even plan their wedding together, the beautiful life was just stretching its hands toward them, but at this time, just because of the war, all these were ended.I n my opinion, the female image, Anna, in The King’s General is the one that maintained the most female senses. All over the novel, the writer was showing her admiration and praises to Anna, from the primary female senses in her girlhood to the experiences in the war, in the selection of love and in the injure of both physics and mentality, Anna has molded her independent personality, strong and courageous image, on her body, we can see the perfect combination of both males and females.3.2 Mary Yellan in Jamaica Inn-Pursuing the Right to Make a ChoiceAfter the death of parents, the heroine Mary Yellan had to go to Jamaica Inn for her aunt Patience. When she had arrived Jamaica Inn, what she could only feel was that here was filled with the atmosphere of ghastly and terror. As the innkeeper, her uncle Joss Merlyn warned her to be dutiful; otherwise, he would deal with her with means like dealing with her aunt to let her instill obedience. Although Mary was scared, she still screwed up her courage and told her uncle that, since she was living here, she would not let him bully her aunt. In the memory of Mary, her aunt was a beautiful and elegant woman, but now she has become the hotel hostess with tattered skirts and aging face, she was dictated to her husband and acted carefully. Mary concluded in heart that, it must be the violent persecution of uncle that put uncle into this situation; therefore, she not only gained more contempt, abomination and fear to her uncle, but also was puzzled by aunt’s foolish decision to marry this man. Until one night, Mary found her uncle was meeting with visitors in the inn, what shocked her was that here was actually a gathering place for a group of pirates and they did rob and kill people, besides, her uncle was the leader of this gang of pirates. She was afraid but did not know how to handle this, she also wanted to get away of here but still she worried about her aunt. She wanted to find evidence of uncle’s crime let him executed, so she could safely get rid of the control of。

On Images of Women in Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair 论飘和名利场中的女性形象

On Images of Women in Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair  论飘和名利场中的女性形象

On Images of Women in Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair摘要:《飘》和《名利场》这两部有名的作品都描写了在当时的社会背景下几个女主角的形象和性格。







关键字:飘,名利场,分析比较Abstract: These two famous masterpieces Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair have described several images of women under the social background of that time. The American novel Gone with the Wind eulogizes the two main female characters whose kidneys are completely different in diligence, pertinacity as well as positive attitude towards life when they encounter difficulties. Especially, the pain-staking strive of the indomitable and unyielding Scarlett shakes our hearts and inspires our spirit. Compare to Scarlett and Melanie, The actresses of England masterpiece Vanity Fair Rebecca and Amelia were considerably influential female characters in Thackeray’s age. The thesis makes a comparison between them: first, their background, education and appearance; second, their attitudes toward society; third, their attitudes towards difficulties in life and fate. By these in detail comparison, we get bright images of these women in these two novels.Keywords:Gone with the Wind, Vanity Fair, comparisonContents1. Introduction (1)2. Comparison of the two female heroines in Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair (2)2.1 Comparison between Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O’Hara (2)2.1.1 Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O’Hara’s background and appearance (2)2.2.2 Scarlett O’Hara and Rebecca Sharp’s attitudes towards society (4)2.2.3 Scarlett O’Hara and Rebecca Sharp’s attitudes towards difficultiesand fate (6)3. Disproval of the wrong understanding about Rebecca Sharp a nd Scarlett O’Hara (7)3.1 Disproval of the wrong understanding about Scarlett O’ Hara (7)3.1.1 On her attitude towards man (7)3.1.2 On her attitude towards money (8)3.2 Disproval of the wrong understanding about Rebecca Sharp .. 93.2.1 On her living skills (9)3.2.2 On her marriage plan (10)4. Conclusion (10)Bibliography (12)1. IntroductionGone with the Wind is always considered as a romantic love story runs parallel with the descriptions of the realistic American Civil War. The readers always sighed with emotion not only about the complicated and touching love of entanglement among Scarlett, Ashley and Butler, but also the historical panorama of the crisscross and soul-stirring Civil War and postwar reconstruction, just as a powerful and magnificent epic poem, especially, the pain-staking strive of the indomitable and unyielding Scarlett who dares to face reality and never bows to fate and unceasing attempt of timid and shy but determined Melanie who makes no compromise with difficulties shake the readers’ hearts and inspire their spirit.(Cai Yangyu, 2008: 183) All commentators find V anity Fair a powerful moral novel which is also regarded as one of the greatest critical realistic works in Victorian Age. In their point of view, Vanity Fair reflects the relationship between people in capitalistic society, hierarchy of social rank along with the advantageous and disadvantageous relationship between feudatorial nobles and petty capitalists in the society as well as their corruption.As we all know, both of these two novels have two main female characters. The writers of these two novels focused their energy on narrating the stories happened around their two main female characters in their novels, and the similarities of these heroines astonished me very much. It is not difficult for us to find that there is something in Scarlett that we can also find in Rebecca This thesis will make a comparison of these two characters, and find out the difference and common ground between them and then summarize the common advantages of them. By comparing the main characters in these two works. We may have a better understanding of these women. Although these characters are so famous and vivid and a great number of reviewers had once written reviews on them, there are still some wrong understandings about them and the thesis will disprove them in order to reemphasize how strong the women are. For one’s growing experiences, surroundings andbackground exert great effects on the formation of one’s characters.2. Comparison of the two female heroines in Gone with the Wind and Vanity FairAs has been mentioned in the introduction, the female characters in these two works have a lot of resemblance. So in this chapter, further and detailed comparisons will be made to show the commonness and dissimilarity of these female characters. The thesis will analyze these women from five aspects: their backgrounds which contain their parentage, education and growing circumstance, their appearance, their attitudes toward society and the difficulties in life and fate.2.1 Comparison between Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O’HaraFirstly, let us compare Scarlett O’Hara with Rebecca Sharp on these three aspects mentioned before. While reading these two novels, we may aware that both Rebecca and Scarlett are non-traditional women and very strong in mind when they struggled with the hardships and difficulties in life. So, in the following Paragraphs, the thesis will analyze Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O’Hara to see whether their growing experience are similar or not and what influence them to form their attitudes towards society and difficulties in life and fate.2.1.1 Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O’Hara’s background and appearanceScarlett O’Hara’s background is goods enough to be one of the positive elements which allow her to possess a comparatively higher position in social class. The facial features of Scarlett are not out of ordinary. But she has sharp feature which makes her very sexy. Scarlett came from a rich family in the southern part of America. The union of her father and mother is no less than a miracle. For when they married, Mr. O’Hara was only a poor man with nothing of family recommended him while his wife was“the daughter of one of the wealthiest and proudest families”. (Mitchell, Margaret, 2002: 32) Scarlett’s father was a loud-voiced and red-faced man with little education. He had no good background and descendent money from his relatives to support him and built up his property from nothing but the assistance of his stamina and diligence. He is easy to be angry and often roars to his slaves and his daughters, except his wife. Unlike Scarlett’s father, Scarlett’s mother was a fair, noble and gentle well- educated woman who was incredibly strict with her daughters. Although Scarlett can get a high education, she didn’t like study. In her point of view, the courses for learning knowledge are useless for girls while the most important course for a girl to learn is how to seize men’s heart, which she has already mastered expertly. Scarlett had a good figure and a better lineament. Just as the first chapter of Gone with the Wind described, “It was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly back lashes and slightly titled at the end. Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting a startling oblique line in her magnolia-white skin.”(Margaret Mitchell, 2002:1)Rebecca Sharp had a humble background which she took as one of her great humiliation. She came from a lower class family and didn’t have a decent identity. Her father was an artist and had given lessons of drawing at Miss Pinkerton’s school. He was a clever man, a peasant companion, a carless student, with a great propensity for running into debt. When he was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter. (William Thackeray, 1994:16)Rebecca’s mother is a French woman who was by profession an opera-girl.(William Thackeray, 1994:17) Unfortunately, Rebecca’s mother died when she was less than eight years old. And she passed her childhood under the care of her rude and bad-mannered father. However, her humble parentage did not form an insurmountable obstruction for her to receive good and formal education. The language ability she inherited from her mother provided a precious opportunity for her to study in Miss Pinkerton’s school. Different from Scarlett, Rebecca appreciated study. Although Rebecca’s studying condition was much worse than the other careless girls, she can take advantage of every means that the school offered her, and she was very diligent and speedily went through the little course of study which is considerednecessary for ladies in those days. By mentioning Rebecca’s appearance, we must admit she was just an ordinary looking woman. “She was small and slight in person; pale, sandy-haired, and with eyes habitually cast down; when they looked up they were very large, odd and attractive”. “By the side of many tall and bouncing young ladies in the establishment, Rebecca Sharp looked like a child”.(William Thackeray, 1994:17) Her lineament did not make her extraordinary from the other girls, so it gives no distinct aid to her successes she got in life.2.2.2 Scarlett O’Hara and Rebecca Sharp’s attitudes towards societyScarlett’s attitude toward society was too strong and bolshy for the people of that time to accept. Most of the time, Scarlett’s behavior can not get the consent of the society. She is a woman who had strong personality, so she had her own ideas or viewpoint about everything. When Scarlett was a little girl, it is very hard for her mother to let her understand the social rules related to women. When she gradually grew up, she began to learning these rules which can conquer men and master them much more proficiently than any other girls. After learning that only to be obedient and tender to the men could a girl capture men’s heart, Scarlett started to pretend to be the right girl who possesses the two virtues. (Zhang Chengguo, 2007: 41) Although it is not difficult for Scarlett to put these manners skillfully into practice, it is not easy for her to understand why the society made such rules to women. And she embarked to suspect whether these rules are correct or not. Even though at first Scarlett tries her best to obey these unnecessary and unfair rules for the sake of her family, she can not restrict herself to follow them for a long time. Scarlett feels extremely disgusting with these strict and useless social rules and she hopes eagerly that the people could abolish these odd and non-humanitarian rules one day. Maybe Scarlett does not realize that she has already become a strong opponent of the society, but, in fact, she does. The pressure from the social rule protectors domesticated Scarlett’s habit, if these social requirements do not damaged her benefits and had no clash with her nature, she’d like to act as a social rule protector. But once the rules are incongruouswith her natural character, she would not car about them. (Zou Chanjuan, 1998: 72)If she was still obedient to the rules under that kind of situation, it was because that she wanted to achieve her certain goals.Although Rebecca had the rebellious spirit continuously existed in her mind. She never shows it in public. So apparently, she is very obedient to the society. But in her mind, she always plans unconventional plots and tries to make them not run counter to the social regulations. Being born in a family of lower class, Rebecca had more chances to contact with various kinds of people as well as the ugly society and had never missed all the ugly and filthy things in the society. At first, she is strongly opposed to this unjust hierarchical regulation and shows her dissatisfaction with society without reservation. She is bored with her school. In her opinion, it is unfair that she cannot share the equal rights as her rich classmates. Envy and grumble are the two manners to console her discontent feeling.(Lin Qing, 2006: 481) However, along with the crease of her age as well as her social experiences, Rebecca became mature and began to realize that there is no use to revolt the society by her personal hatred. Then, she accepted all the unjust rules and embarks on learning to master skills of how to live in this dark society which she thought is the most practical thing that a person should learn at present. So she made a plan the things she ought to do from now on are to arrange her future well and climb as high as she can on the social status by using the despicable manners which she has already learnt. When she found Amelia’s brother would be suitable to be her husband, she immediately decides to put her cap on him without hesitation. Because she knew clearly that to marry a rich man is the only way for a girl like her to improve her life and make her social status higher than before. She was also clear that sometimes it is impossible for her to obey all these rules if she still hoped that her dream would come true one day. So Rebecca weighted the importance of each of the social rules when there was a conflict between to social rules, and then she would stand by some of the important ones for her dream and disobey other for more benefits.(Pang Bo, 2009:28)2.2.3 Scarlett O’Hara and Rebecca Sharp’s attitudes towards difficulties and fateBrave Scarlett has never been beaten down by any difficulties; she can tackle any trouble in the end. She did not yield to any misfortune which her fate brings to her. To struggle against unfair fate with all efforts is the way she treated fate. When confronting the challenges of the difficulties, Scarlett did not wince. Although she was young, she has already undergone lots of hard experience. When her first husband died, she became a widow. At first, Scarlett owns no experience of solving this kind of problems, she did not know how to deal with them, the only thing she intends to do is to remove these heavy burdens forever to have an eternal rest. But Scarlett was not a coward. She persuaded herself with the firm belief that her shoulders were strong enough to bear anything. Hence, after primary struggle of puzzle headedness, Scarlett decides to take her responsibility and to accept this big challenge arranged by fate. Scarlett convinced that future would be better if she insisted on trying her best. At last, she overcame all the difficulties and realized her great ambition.Just like the other rational people, Rebecca did not permit her personal feeling to be an obstacle in the process of dealing with difficulties in life. Based on her explanation, these difficulties were only some problems which were harder than the common ones for her to solve and no matter how hard or unsolvable they are; she will not be stumped by them. (Lin Qing, 2006:481)She laughed at any difficulty she meets. For every time, she can successfully sole these thorny problems. As to fate, Rebecca tries her best to change it. Rebecca is smart and calm at solving tough problems. She had solved numerous problems. No matter how inextricable these problems are to the other people, it would be easy to her. After entering society, she met the first problem that her humble parentage would be a great obstacle to her ambitious plan to become a member of upper class. Then she decided to marry a handsome and high-born husband to get what she wanted. Another precious characteristic which Rebecca had when she is in trouble is her optimistic attitude toward difficulties. In practice, it was her optimistic attitude which gave her endless energy to take positive actions whenever she got chances and never gave up.Sometimes, even men lack such optimistic spirit when they were facing the same situations.3. Disproval of the wrong understanding about Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O’HaraAs we all know, Vanity Fair and Gone with the Wind are two celebrated novels. So there are a large numbers of critiques about these two books, and the heroines of these two books also became the centre of discussion. But some of the reviews do not evaluate these two female characters correctly. Hence, the thesis selects several representative extracts from some of the typical critiques in which the critics hold negative attitudes towards these two women. The thesis disproves the former understanding about these two female characters.3.1 Disproval of the wrong understanding about Scarlett O’HaraIn the book of Gone with the Wind, the other people always consider Scarlett as a bad woman who likes corrupting public morals. It is because they use a simply negative way to comment her and her behaviors. So, basing on a new point of feminist view, this thesis will give a totally new and fair comment on Scarlett.3.1.1 On her attitude towards manAt the barbecue which is held at Twelve Oaks, Scarlett’s behaviors incur Honey Wilkes’unsatisfying reprehension. He said, “I think Scarlett acted as fast as a girl could act today……. Well, you saw how she was carrying on with every man she could get hold of. I never saw the like…….”Honey’s indignation on Scarlett is unreasonable. Scarlett is extremely charming and sociable. So it’s normal that she could attract many men’s attention. At that time,whether a woman is popular or not depends on the number of the beaux surrounding her. (Yang Renjing, 2001: 134)This was the only way to prove her charm. Scarlett was trained to attract men by her mother when she was a still girl. In addition, Scarlett likes to be the central person no matter where. Therefore, what she did was just based on her hobby and the aesthetic standard of the society but not only for satisfying her vanity. It was her fault to lure the other girl’s beaux. However, if we only put her as our target, it is not correct and fair. These men should also be blamed, too. Because those men who cannot be strong=willed enough to refuse Scarlett’s flirt are not faithful to their girl friends. In this case, Scarlett’s behavior has its reason and is understandable.3.1.2 On her attitude towards moneyRhett always holds prejudice when surveying Scarlett’s problems and he always look down on Scarlett’s passion for money. E.g.: “Good lord!”he (Rhett) cried impatiently. “Don’t you ever think of anything but money?”(Margaret Mitchell,2002: 110)Scarlett had showed a great zeal for land and money, but she is not as bad as Rhett has said. Before the Civil War, Scarlett had no interest in land and money. When her father reveals his intention that he will bequeath Tara to her, Scarlet does not appreciate and even refuse to accept the gift. However, the war and the hard life which went after the war torture her nerves and open a door of her insecure feeling. After the Civil War, how to survive under a totally ruined and changed environment is a very hard thorny problem. Scarlett had to take care of the whole family, so there is no extra energy for her to car more about people’s benefit under such difficult age. Money, Scarlett realized is the only thing that can prevent people from starvation and being defeated by the insecure and unstable age. Thus she endeavors to earn money. She made up her mind to gain sufficient money which could insure her against the needy and tough life which she has once experienced and engraved deep and painful memory on her heart. In order to ensure a better life for the whole family, she exertedthe utmost strength to seize the land and money. Therefore, Scarlett’s aspiration for land and money is only the concretion of her insecure feeling.3.2 Disproval of the wrong understanding about Rebecca Sharp3.2.1 On her living skillsFor Rebecca seldom pays her bills to the poor servants and never stops to gain extra advantage unfairly from them, the w riter is so angry about Rebecca’s modus operandi. He expresses his soreness and indignation: “I wonder how many families are driven to roguery and to ruin by great practitioners in Crawley’s way... But who pities a poor barber who can't get his money for powdering the footmen's heads; or a poor carpenter who has ruined himself by fixing up ornaments and pavilions for my lady’s” (William Thackeray, 1994:152)Egoism is not an abnormal phenomenon in this society. On the contrary, it is the essential element for the people in this society to get success, happiness, property and prosperity. The things which Rebecca has done are just the same as the other filthy things which have been done by the others. She is forced to be the woman who is cunning and fraudulent. It is not her fault. The author of the thesis profoundly understands Rebecca and agrees with her. There is no falsity in her speculations— it is only a question of money and fortune which makes the difference between her and an honest woman. Thackeray also approves of Rebecca's thought. He gives us a persuasive instance: “An alderman coming from a turtle feast will not step out of his carriage to steal a leg of mutton; but put him to starve, and see if he will not purloin a loaf.” (William Thackeray, 1994:164) It is unfair for Rebecca alone to be charged with all these accusation. For no one can deny that Rebecca S harp’s living skills have close relation with the essence of the society. “Money worship” was a evident proof.3.2.2 On her marriage planRebecca's marriage is another target that people like to attack. “I doubt, ma'am, we shall have some trouble with him yet. Here is Emmy's little friend making love to him as hard as she can; that’s quite clear; and if she does not catch him some other will.……”()William Thackeray, 1994:217The above conversation and interior monologue reflect Mrs. Sedley’s great dissatisfaction with Rebecca's intention to marry her son. But it is not Rebecca's fault. It was because that sexual discrimination existed in that society. As universally accepted, Rebecca was the cleverest person in this novel. Her wit could be compared with anyone, even the men. But she was just a woman with no property. She cannot even provide herself a proper job because of the social discrimination. Well then how can a poor and young girl who had no one to depend on, survive in this cruel world and also climb up into the upper stratum of society? The answer was to marry a rich man. Because marriage is a perfect solution for such kind of woman in such kind of society and materialization of marriage is a very natural phenomenon in the society of that age. Therefore, Rebecca’s definite aim to marry a noble and then become a noblewoman is a sensible choice of the smart people in Vanity Fair and is also a short cut to ascend the high social class. This aim is acceptable.4. ConclusionTo conclude, the women's images in both Vanity Fair and Gone with the Wind are very great. Though the two novels are separated in time about ninety years and the writers are from different countries, they are akin to each other in the critical import. Each work has two main female characters. In this paper, we made a comparison between Scarlett and Rebecca from each work. From the comparison, it was easy to get the conclusion that although these two female characters belonged to different kinds and own disparate backgrounds, they have the same advantage that was no matter how hard their lives were, they can use different ways to adjust themselves tohad an optimistic attitude towards life. And they rarely complain about the fate, for they knew it was of no use and a waste of time.There are some former wrong comments on Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O'Hara. The people around them or the authors criticize them seriously. Some are furious on Scarlett's manful style when she does things; some of them can not accept the way which Rebecca lives by. The reasons why these women are misunderstood by people and deserve such kind of unjust comment are that those people neglect a lot of elements which should be taken into consideration when they commented on these women, such as the background of the society which these women exist in and the limitation of these unfair traditional attitudes towards women which the society holds and so on. This thesis analyzes these incorrect comments, defenses these wrong comments from the women's point of view and emphasizes the advantage of women. Through the analysis we can conclude that the spirit and courage which the women show when they are facing the hardships are great and respectable and should be learnt by people.Bibliography⑴Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind, Nowadays China Press,2002⑵William Thackeray, Vanity Fair, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1994,⑶柴阳玉,斯佳丽的执着,[J]安徽文学2008(3)⑷陈嘉,《英国文学史》,[M]商务出版社,1982年⑸霍胜杰,《名利场》中女性命运解读,[J]人文社科,2005,3⑹李沙沙,《论<名利场>和<飘>中的女性形象》,[D]东北林业大学,2006⑺林青,试析萨克雷的《名利场》中女主人公的性格特征,[J]文学研究,2006.2⑻庞博,《名利场》主要人物性格之间的对照叙述,[J]文本研究/电影文学,2009(5)⑼萨克雷著,杨必译.《名利场》, [M]人民文学出版社,1978年⑽杨仁敬,《20世纪美国文学史》,[M]青岛出版社,2001年⑾张成国,真实的个性,迷人的魅力———《乱世佳人》中的女主人公斯佳丽赏析,[J]作家杂志,2007(12)⑿邹婵娟,一半是海水,一半是火焰———试析斯佳丽性格的二元对立性,[J]四川三峡学院学报1998(4)。



纪伯伦小说中的女性形象研究IntroductionKahlil Gibran, a Lebanese-American poet, writer, and artist, iswell-known for his novel, The Prophet, which contains profound reflections on life and spirituality. However, his lesser-known works, including his novels, are also worth exploring. Gibran's novels are characterized by their poetic language and lyrical descriptions of characters and settings. Among his novels, The Broken Wings, A Tear and a Smile, and The Garden of the Prophet, are notable for their exploration of female characters. This report aims to analyze the female characters in Gibran's novels and their representation of the feminist ideology.Female Characters in Gibran's Novels1. Characterization of Female CharactersGibran's female characters are often portrayed as complex individuals who have a unique perspective on the world. They are shown to have their strengths and weaknesses, and they are often depicted as being able to pursue their goals despite the social and cultural constraints that they face.2. Relationship with MenIn his novels, Gibran explores the relationship between men and women, portraying it as one that is often fraught with tension and misunderstanding. The female characters in his novels are shownto struggle with the patriarchal system and its prejudices, whichoften work against them.3. Love and RelationshipsGibran's female characters are often depicted as being in love or involved in romantic relationships. He portrays the intensity of their feelings, depicting them as emotional beings who are not afraid to express themselves.4. Society and CultureGibran's female characters reflect the cultural constraints and societal expectations that they face. They are depicted as struggling to reconcile their own desires and dreams with the expectations of their families and society.5. Freedom and EmpowermentGibran's female characters are often portrayed as seeking freedom and empowerment. They reject the traditional roles that have been assigned to them and seek to become independent, pursuing their own interests and passions.6. Spirituality and MysticismGibran's exploration of spirituality and mysticism in his novels often involves the female characters. He portrays them as seekers of spiritual enlightenment and wisdom, depicting their journey towards self-discovery and self-realization.7. Beauty and AestheticsGibran's use of poetic language and lyrical descriptions of the natural world often involves the female characters, who are shown to appreciate beauty in all its forms. They reflect the author's own appreciation of beauty and his belief in its transformative power.8. Motherhood and Maternal InstinctGibran's female characters are also shown to possess strong maternal instincts, and motherhood is often depicted as a central theme in his novels. The female characters are shown to struggle with the responsibilities of motherhood, and their experiences are depicted with sensitivity and empathy.9. Wisdom and IntelligenceGibran's female characters are also characterized by their wisdom and intelligence. He portrays them as individuals with a unique perspective on the world and its complexities, and their insights are often profound and thought-provoking.ConclusionIn conclusion, Gibran's novels provide a rich and nuanced portrayal of female characters, often depicting them as strong and independent individuals who are not afraid to challenge the patriarchal system. The female characters in his novels reflect the feminist ideology, celebrating the power and agency of women. Gibran's exploration of spirituality, beauty, and wisdom involvesthe female characters, adding depth and complexity to their portrayal. His novels are a testament to the author's sensitivity and empathy towards women, providing a powerful and inspirational representation of the female experience.1. Characterization of Female CharactersGibran's female characters are often portrayed as multi-dimensional and complex individuals. He depicts women as having their own perspective on the world with strengths and weaknesses that humanize them. By portraying them with such depth, Gibran breaks away from the traditional portrayal of women as one-dimensional and binary.2. Relationship with MenGibran explores the relationship between men and women and depicts the tension and misunderstandings that arise. He shows the struggle that many women face in navigating their relationship with men in a patriarchal society. This portrayal emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and understanding in relationships.3. Love and RelationshipsThe female characters in Gibran's novels are often involved in romantic relationships and intensely experience their feelings. By depicting female characters with such depth, Gibran demonstrates that women have their own perspectives on love, and their emotions are as valid as men's.4. Society and CultureGibran's exploration of the cultural constraints and societal expectations that affect women demonstrates the difficulties that women face in pursuing their own goals and desires. The portrayalof these constraints shows the significance of empowering women to define their own paths and make their own choices.5. Freedom and EmpowermentGibran shows the importance of female empowerment in his novels. He depicts women who reject traditional roles and seek to pursue their interests and passions. These portrayals emphasize women's independence and agency and challenge the patriarchal expectations imposed on them.6. Spirituality and MysticismGibran's exploration of spirituality involves female characters. He portrays them as seekers of spiritual enlightenment and wisdom, enhancing the depth and complexity of his characters. These depictions challenge the traditional portrayal of women as solely nurturers and caregivers and represent women as intellectual, spiritual beings.7. Beauty and AestheticsGibran's depiction of female characters who appreciate the beauty in all its forms reflects his own appreciation of beauty and its transformative power. He shows that women possess an aesthetic sensibility that is not incompatible with their intellectual pursuits.8. Motherhood and Maternal InstinctGibran's depiction of motherhood emphasizes the responsibility and challenges faced by mothers in a patriarchal society. The portrayal of maternal instinct shows that motherhood is not merely a natural function but a complex role that requires emotional labor and responsibility.9. Wisdom and IntelligenceBy portraying female characters with wisdom and intelligence, Gibran challenges patriarchal norms that view women as inferior. These depictions also contribute to a more complex portrayal of women rather than one-dimensional characters portrayed by traditional culture.Kahlil Gibran, a Lebanese-American writer, wrote extensively about the female experience in his poetry, essays, and novels. His writings provided a unique perspective on the complexities of being a woman, particularly in a patriarchal society. Through his characters' experiences, Gibran explored various themes, including characterization of female characters, relationship with men, love and relationships, society and culture, freedom and empowerment, spirituality and mysticism, beauty and aesthetics, motherhood and maternal instincts, and wisdom and intelligence.The characterization of female characters in Gibran's novels is multi-dimensional and complex. He portrays women as having their perspective on the world with strengths and weaknesses that humanize them. By depicting them with such depth, Gibran breaks away from the traditional portrayal of women as one-dimensional and binary. Gibran's female characters are also not confined to limiting societal roles. Instead, they are portrayed as individuals who have ambitions, desires, fears, and flaws, just like any other human being. For instance, in his novel "The Broken Wings," Gibran presents Selma Karamy, who is depicted as a young woman who defies societal expectations, as she chooses to follow her dreams and passion for singing. Her character is complex and dynamic, which is a significant departure from traditional femaleroles.Gibran explored the relationship between men and women and depicted the tension and misunderstandings that arise. He shows the struggle that many women face in navigating their relationship with men in a patriarchal society. This portrayal emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and understanding in relationships. He highlighted these themes in his poem, "On Love." The poem is an illustration of the complexities of love, with its many ups and downs. Gibran emphasizes the importance of self-love and mutual respect in romantic relationships, which is an essential message even in contemporary times.Love and relationships are a recurring motif in Gibran's writings. His novels portray women as complex individuals who experience intense romantic relationships. He explores the challenges and triumphs of love by demonstrating how love is often transformative, teaching the characters about themselves and the world. Gibran's portrayal of women's emotions in romantic relationships challenges the societal notion that women should not experience intense emotions, especially in intimate relationships. For instance, in his novel "The Prophet," Gibran explores the depth of love, which he personifies as a living entity that unites and guides individuals.Gibran explored the cultural constraints and societal expectations that affect women in his novels. Through his stories, he demonstrates the difficulties that women face in pursuing their goals and desires in a patriarchal society. Additionally, it highlights the significance of empowering women to define theirown paths and make their own choices. For instance, in his novel "The Garden of the Prophet," Gibran portrays Almitra, a woman who wishes to be more than just a wife and mother. The character is complex, and the author portrays her as having the desire and capability to transform society at large, challenging the traditional societal constraints placed upon women.Freedom and empowerment are essential themes in Gibran's novels, which emphasize the significance of female empowerment. He portrays women who reject traditional roles and seek to pursue their interests and passions. These portrayals emphasize women's independence and agency and challenge the patriarchal expectations imposed on them. Gibran's strong female characters not only challenge societal norms but also support the empowerment of women worldwide. In his novel "The Prophet," the character Almustafa advises the women of his society to "be free to find your own truth."Gibran explored spirituality and mysticism in his novels, and female characters were often seekers of spiritual enlightenment and wisdom. Through these characters, Gibran enhances the depth and complexity of his characters. These depictions challenge the traditional portrayal of women as solely nurturers and caregivers and represent women as intellectual, spiritual beings. For instance, in his novel "The Garden of the Prophet," Gibran portrays a female character Ora, who forms a unique and spiritual connection with nature. Her connection to nature serves as a symbol of her spirituality and connection to higher forces.The theme of beauty and aesthetics is another significant theme inGibran's works. Gibran's depiction of female characters who appreciate the beauty in all its forms reflects his own appreciation of beauty and its transformative power. He shows that women possess an aesthetic sensibility that is not incompatible with their intellectual pursuits. For instance, in his novel "The Broken Wings," Selma, the lead female character, is a highly talented singer who appreciates beauty in music. Her character demonstrates how women can appreciate the aesthetics of life without detracting from their intellectual abilities.Motherhood and maternal instinct are critical themes in Gibran's novels. His depiction of motherhood emphasizes the responsibility and challenges faced by mothers in a patriarchal society. The portrayal of maternal instinct shows that motherhood is not merely a natural function but a complex role that requires emotional labor and responsibility. In "The Prophet," Gibran shares an insight into the complexities of motherhood, which has a profound impact on a person's life, both women and men alike. Gibran's depiction of motherhood is complex, and he highlights the importance of acknowledging the emotional labor that goes into parenting. Finally, Gibran explores the theme of wisdom and intelligence in his novels. By portraying female characters with wisdom and intelligence, Gibran challenges patriarchal norms that view women as inferior. These depictions contribute to a more complex portrayal of women as multi-dimensional individuals. For instance, in his novel "The Garden of the Prophet," Gibran portrays a lead female character, Almitra, as a wise and intelligent woman, who has strong opinions and views on her society's issues. The character exemplifies the significance of the intellect andemphasizes the need to challenge society's stereotype of women as intellectually inferior.In summary, Gibran's works portrayed women as multi-dimensional and complex individuals with their perspectives on the world. His novels explored various themes, including freedom, empowerment, spirituality, mysticism, beauty, and aesthetics, and wisdom and intelligence, among others. Through these themes, Gibran challenged the traditional societal constructs that confined women to predetermined roles, advocating for female empowerment and emancipation. Gibran's legacy remains relevant in contemporary times, where female empowerment remains a significant issue. His works continue to inspire individuals advocating for women's rights and recognition worldwide.。



英国文学Mrs.Dalloway简析英文版Today I want to talk about the Mrs. Dalloway. First I will give a brief introduction about the author Virginia Woolf. Virginia Woolf was an English writer and one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century.Her most famous works include the novels Mrs. Dalloway(1925), To theLighthouse(1927) and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929), with its famous dictum, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." Woolf is considered a major innovator in the English language. In her works she experimented with stream of consciousness and the underlying psychological as well as emotional motives of characters.Woolf suffered from severe bouts of mental illness throughout her life, thought to have been the result of what is now termed bipolar disorder, and committed suicide by drowning in 1941 at the age of 59.Then, let’s move to the excerpt of Mrs. Dalloway.This is the beginning part of the whole story about Mrs. Dalloway walking to the street. It made her remind the past time with her previous lover Mr. Walsh. Some simple sentences about cabbages. Then she walked beside the busy street and thought that how fool people were because they never knew how to enjoy the life. Then the Big Ben strikes brings us to the present life out of her memory.Differ from the other traditional technique of writing, Woolf began the article with the heroine’s inner feeling. Recover ing from the illness, Mrs. Dalloway felt the morning was so beautifulthat makes her go back to her 18-year-old generation which she had a wonderful vacation. Then the time goes back to when she fell love with Mr. Walsh. In my opinion, she said all the things had utterly vanished, in fact, they are all in her mind, never go away.Then Woolf uses the third person’s eye to describe Mrs. Dalloway. ‘a touch of the bird about her, of the jay, blue-green, light, vivacious, though she was over fifty, and grown very white since her illness’And the next part moves again to Mrs. Dalloway’s thoughts about the feeling that even you are in the busy street or late night you still feel solemnity. But the Big Ben represent the real life. Making readers clearly differentiat e the Mrs. Dalloway’s memory and the real life.After reading this part, I think, in our whole life, we will make a lot of decision. Like Mrs. Dalloway chose Mr. Dalloway, in her later life, she, more or less regretted not choosing Peter. Because the dream didn’t defeat the reality. We should choose what we suit for, not what we like.。



本科生毕业论文(设计)册学院XXX学院专业英语教育班级XXXX级英语教育X班学生XXX指导教师XXXXXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编号:论文(设计)题目:分析《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中的女性形象学院: XXX学院专业:英语教育班级: XXXX级英语教育X班学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:XX1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是对《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中的女性人物进行分析。





4、主要参考文献Edward, W. Said. 1994. Culture and Imperialism. Vintage Press.Jane, Austen. 1816. Mansfield Park. London: Greenwich ParkXia, Yanhua 夏延华. 《情人誓言背后的真情与假意──〈曼斯菲尔德庄园〉的复调解析》(《长春理工大学学报》2010年第6期)Zhang, Danan张丹丹.《倔强的灵魂-略论奥斯丁的女权主义思想》(《当代文坛》2001年第3期)教师:年月日教研室主任:年月注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书Literature reviewMansfield Park was written by Jane Austen after she had published Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Pride and Prejudice (1813). It did improve Jane’s progress.The studies of Jane Austen loom so large in west literature. As early as in 1812, when Jane first put her work in public, study about her work had sprung. At that time, Scott wrote the first counted critical paper, An Unnamed about Emma, which gave an impersonal comment. Since then studies about Jane Austen came in a throng. In the research perspective, the western scholars had a variety of opinions and constantly developed a multi-level connotation of Jane’s work. Those who from the perspective of feminism and ecological criticism, considered that Jane’s work showed a distinctive view of feminism and worry and concern of ecology; who from the perspective of post-colonialism analyses the influence of English colonial expansion upon Jane’s work and reflect in her writing; who from the perspective of psychology unscrambled Jane’s theme of the works; who from the perspective of creative techniques discussed Jane’s irony in her productions; who from the perspective of reality and nature analyses Jane’s creative techniques. All of that made contributions to a more deep understanding of Jane’s works.Attentions from Chinese Literary Translation and Foreign Literature Studies rose at about in 1980s. Before 1980s, lots of critics commented that Jane’s life was narrow and theme was trivial, so Jane didn’t get a due attention. Zhu Hong is China’s earlier attention to Austen scholar, who compiled Austen Research in 1985, which did a comprehensive introduction of Austen and her works and opened a window for Chinese scholars to understand and study of Austen. Meanwhile, Kong Haili, Jin Guojia, Lou Chenghong had also translated some foreign critics of Austen’s article in Literary Theory. All of that had made the 1980s became a little climax for study of Austen. In 1990s, especially since 2000, Jane Austen and her works had become a hotspot in the literature translation and foreign literature research. Jane Austen's work has been made into movies, TV drama,The domestic press, such as the Yilin press, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, Nanjing University press, launched the JaneAusten's novels, essays, comments set, research results are more and more.Kong Zhili seriously and comprehensively translated all the works of Jane Austen. There are also other translators who have made a great contribution to the spread of Austen's works in China. There are Zi Pei, Xiang Xingyao, Kong Zhili, Xi Yuqing, Su Dan, Li Yeyi and Zhang Yunlu who have translated Mansfield Park.The Jane Austen researchers think, Mansfield Park got a major breakthrough in the psychological description and narrative skill, and it is “a milepost” in the history of the British novel.This work was written after Jane Austen had experienced two major historical changes. In the works reflected the old aristocratic territory gradually invaded by the new bourgeoisie nobility.This is also Jane Austen’s first work reflecting the times background at that time.It makes Austen become a more mature female writer.Researches on the Mansfield Park were mainly from fine cut-in point such as the study of language features, the image of Fanny, the structure and spirit connotation, imperialist feelings, moral value judgment, connotation of location, post-colonial cultural criticism, temporal and spatial extension, drama in the novel, , social and historical connotation, polyphony performance, absence of narrative to talk about. Papers about this novel includes Fu Wenping’s ‘analyze Jane Austen’s art of fiction in Mansfield Park’, which focused on the grasp of the value of Austen characters, plot in the works, up to the whole structure, shape a perfect moral world. Lei Yun’s ‘Fanny Price’s spiritual image: woman’s self - shaping and self-realization in Mansfield Park, which adopted the perspective of feminism, through the analysis of woman’s self - shaping and self-realization in Mansfield Park, put up with that Fanny, the heroine in the novel, as a female image with rich spiritual, condensate Jane Austen’s unique insights on the value of women and female influence. Then it pointed out that this novel got enlightenment significance to the contemporary women seeking self-liberation. Song Xiaohan’s ‘the new female image in Mansfield Park’,through the analysis of Fanny,proved that Jane Austen air the voice of feminism in the works and deeply questioned that British social prejudice against women at that time. Zheng Ke’s ‘Definition and mood variation identity─the analysis of Fanny in Mansfield Park’, through the definition of Fanny's identity to analyze her mood variation,further explained that Fanny's ethics code and language expression is affected by the different identity. Lin Wenchen’s ‘as I read Mansfield Park’, by Fanny and Mary’s contradictory love and marriage consciousness,reproduced the rational and emotional consciousness in love and the extremely contradictory condition to reveal the significance and value. She thought that Jane Austen was an artist who wrote life from description of life, and her novel value lies in its perceptual representation of the contradictions of life which the writer are most concerned about.So far, feminist research on Mansfield Park is mostly on her marriage, money concept in the work, while it is still a blank about the female consciousness reflected by the female characters in Mansfield Park. In shaping the image of women, what role does female consciousness play? What areas did the unique female consciousness embody in?This article will analyze Mansfield Park from the perspective of female consciousness in order to answer the above questions.编号:本科生毕业论文题目:分析《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中的女性形象姓名:XXX班级:XXXX级X班指导老师:XXX专业:英语教育院系:XXX学院英语系完成日期:XXXX年5月8日On Female Image in Mansfield ParkBYXXXXProf. XXXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Department of EnglishLanguage and Literature in PartialFulfillment of theRequirements for the Degree of B.A in EnglishAt XXXXX UniversityMay 8th, XXXXAbstractMansfield Park, as a work in the transition period of Jane Austen, has a great effect. This novel had complex plots. There were a lot of unexpected events in it. It had a heavy irony in the lines. It represented the artistic thought and achievement of Jane Austen.Through a close reading of Mansfield Park, explore the female characters in the novel embodied in the female consciousness; learn about the contribution of Jane Austen to establish a tradition of female writing.Besides "Introduction" and "conclusion", the body of the paper is divided into three parts.The introdu ction part introduces Jane Austen’s status in the history of literature; the social environment and her psychological state when she wrote Mansfield Park; the purpose and significance of the research. The main part analyzes different women embodied in the female consciousness in the novel from three aspects as the image of the old orthodox comic female, the image of the young open citizen and the image of the maverick heroine. The conclusion part summarizes the analysis the female consciousness of the female image in the novel, highlight the Mansfield Park role.Key words: female image orthodox open maverick摘要《曼斯菲尔德庄园》作为简·奥斯丁转型时期的作品,有着很大的作用。

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文献出处: Allison D. The research on female image in British and American literature [J]. Feminist Formations, 2016, 1(5), 62-76.原文The research on female image in British and American literatureAllison DAbstractBritish and American modern literary works created many images of women, in America and Britain in the gallery of modern literature and art, become the one unique. These female characters in literary works have different background and experience of the writer, present a different spirit and personality characteristics. At the same time, on each of the characters, also with the cultural background of the era and social customs. Through reading the female image of modern British and American literature, for us to better understand that an era and the modern American and British women is of great significance. Modern British and American literary works created a large female image give time characteristics, unique as a female image of the period.Keywords: Modern times; British and American literature; Female image1 The evolution of the female imageWe can trace the origin of the earliest women's literature image back to ancient Greek and Roman literature, then, have a medieval knight love, from the proud lady to up-to-datedness or oppression of women, the pursuit of individuality liberation from the Renaissance to the romantic period new female independent personality, the pursuit of equality, to the period of realism emphasizes self-awareness of women, the whole is also a history of women's development and growth. In these literary works, with the development of the society and ideological progress, female image more and more rich, also more and more independent personality. Interpretation of women in literary history, it is in a better understanding of the female's woes, history of the growth and maturity.1.1 The renaissance periodThe Renaissance is British and American literature history a great liberation ofhuman thought. During this period, people's self-consciousness awakening, especially women, thousands of years in the discipline of the shackles of feudal ideas, finally got a personality the great liberation of thought. Therefore, women in this period, simple is good, loyal to love, has strong against tradition, theological ideology, and even many senators, miss also brave enough to break the bondage of family to pursue their own ideal love.The feminine features of this period, has a good performance in Shakespeare's works. In Shakespeare's works, his basic shape on the front of the image of women is kind, sincere, and beautiful and other characteristics, in order to love, can give up everything, boldly with social, family resistance. The most typical example is for the people of the world are familiar with "Romeo and Juliet”. In order to pursue their own love, Juliet can put your own family feuds aside, can give up his life for his lover. On Juliet, reflected the typical European Renaissance period women pursuit of freedom of marriage the personality characteristics of love, so much so that many years later, when Juliet's image, is still standing in the world as another name for young men and women love literature and art gallery. Women in this period, however, are not pure, beautiful, such as Juliet loyalty to the new woman of love. As a typical form of opposite, the Renaissance liberated humanity, also make some people go to the extreme desire to indulge. Performance in Shakespeare's works, which is the lady Macbeth, Macbeth general in King Lear. These women have high social status and great freedom, their behavior rather than the pursuit of free love, but a kind of human nature, even under the huge ambition, under the drive of the greedy desire, they will be very ugly in human nature and immortality. They use their own rights and status, to indulge oneself follow one's inclination sly, to drown in the sea of desire, cannot extricate oneself, also do not want to extricate themselves.1.2 The romantic periodExperienced a Renaissance humanism thought liberation, to enter at the end of the 18th century early 19th century, the bourgeoisie to rise on the European continent, profoundly affected the change of humanistic thought. The emergence of a large number of independent women writers, add a series of rich image three-dimensionalliterature for literature of women. Among them, the most typical is the British writer Jane Austen; her most famous women pursue independent writing consciousness, the novel "pride and prejudice", successfully recorded at the time the humanities state of female independent self-esteem, learn about life planning thought, the condition of existence.Jane Austen's pride and prejudice, the middle-class women's image on behalf of Elizabeth. The heroine Elizabeth was born in the town of the landlord class society, miss family not very rich, but also the general working people family appears high. Due to birth class surfaces, her mother and sister to hold the class of typical chasing vanity mentality. Elizabeth grew up under such environment, the pursuit of the arrogant rich Darcy, showed clearly alienation. And Elizabeth image contrast, Elizabeth's sister and mother of rich kids Darcy are very warm. And Elizabeth for Darcy arrogance he filled with prejudice. Later, with the help of the Darcy, Elizabeth through the test of time, for their own like of the person as well as Darcy changed consistently arrogance, and two people finally happy marriage. In the novel of Jane Austen, shaped the life Elizabeth successfully in bourgeois emergence period of female image, and Elizabeth, the female image has strong representative. On her body, vividly reflects the independence of the values, marriage, they opposed to money matter and concluded the marriage relationship, but they also objected to a marriage without material foundation. It shows the social ideology when the rise of the bourgeoisie, has strong characteristics of pragmatism. "Pride and prejudice" of the heroine Elizabeth has marriage independent consciousness, she opposed marriage, love based marriage mansion, and is always stressed the importance of marriage for women. In marriage relationship, Elizabeth has always insisted on his independence, women's status of self-esteem; require equality in marriage love relationship. But, we can also see, Elizabeth is still not women's economic independence, in the love based marriage, Elizabeth on the economy is in the attachment. And economic independence or not, it will directly affect the status of women in the social family.1.3 The realism periodThe 18th and 19th century British and American society, along with the growingstrength of the bourgeoisie, the change of the social and political power, also affects the deep development of the humanities. Among them, the American and British to the prosperity of historical materialism, dialectics, has a great influence for literature. Women in this period, under the impetus of the bourgeois ideology, also have a strong sense of self, they from European Renaissance period of the "people" to the enlightenment of "female", from the power of the spirit world as the essence of the women, have a qualitative leap. Strong times breath infection the ideology of the female, they went through the agonies of ideological fission, finally new women appeared as an independent self-esteem, self-improvement and self-reliance in the history of Britain and the United States.Changes of The Times, with the changes is in the social consciousness of women is bound to affect the literary works of the change of aesthetic values. Among them, the women image to represent the period characteristic of the most typical literature is charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre was born is quite low, and looks ordinary, there is no general literature in the literary beauty of external image. She is just a humble weak without any external characteristics of ordinary woman. But that is how it is, a woman looks no survival advantage, on the way to grow on your own, but always adhere to the clear goal in life. Her self-respect, independence, in the face is stronger than his many Mr. Rochester; she also displays a strong independence. She never thought of marriage by relying on men to change their living conditions. In love with Rochester, Jane Eyre, maintained distinct independence from beginning to end, from the personality independence to economic independence, she bear with their weak life bravely to bear all, maintained his humble but independent self-esteem, it is in this strong sense of independent self-esteem, Jane Eyre become the early nineteenth century at the end of the eighteenth century realism, the female image in literary works.2 Female image shaping in British and American literatureAnalysis of English and American literature works of the humanities image creation, through modern literary works of British and American women's image comparison, we to more deeply understand the modern British and American femaleimage in literary works.2.1 Women appearance shapeBecause of the influence of the traditional history and culture, British and American cultural environment, aesthetic interest has a big difference. Therefore, characters reflected in literary works, the British and American literature and art aesthetics focus on simulations of the external form and representation for something, so characters in the works of British and American literature appearance description also focus on the description of its external appearance. Such as Dumas la dame aux camellias, for appearance, La Travolta is specific to her eyes. The nose did very figurative description form appearance, and so on. Traditional aesthetic imagery in Anglo-American culture, shaping the characters, the focus is on "and" external characters, therefore, in shaping the character image, is focused more on details of the characters.2.2 Women image language differencesExperienced a Renaissance, enlightenment individuality liberation thoughts flushing of British and American women, had a bold personality and emotional expression, independent directness and so on the personality characteristics of directly, therefore, manifested in literary works, is more than women in the form of opera direct displays of emotion, the inner world. The traditional Oriental culture has always been Investigate implicative. Therefore, performance in the literature on the characterization of how much is the emotional expression of the characters and inner monologue by euphemism scene foil, such as environment description way to express.3 ConclusionsTo sum up, through the female images in the modern American and British and American literature works reading in depth, we more deeply feel the Anglo-American cultural traditions, for American and British women's personality, also have a more profound understanding. They have experienced the zeitgeist of influence, is reflected in their body. For eastern female image shaping the contrast of English and American literature works, has enabled us to more deeply understand the British and American culture, the influence of the formation for humanities character role.译文英美文学作品中的女性形象研究Allison D摘要英美近代文学作品中塑造了诸多的女性形象,在英美近代文学艺术的长廊中,成为独特的那一个。
