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It is an in visible force of life. So long as there is life, the force will show itself.
Standing at the window for a while, I felt a bit chilly. As I turned round, my eyes sudde nly dazzled before the bright light and could not see thi ngs dist in ctly. Everythi ng in the room was blurred by a haze of light.
3)这架收音机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放区人民的心,载着全中国人民的希望, ______ 载着我们国家的命运。
What a heavy load this aerorplane bore! It carried the hearts of the people of the liberated areas,the hopes of the entire Chinese people,and the destiny of our country.
Reading the letter, Lin couldn ' help smiling to himself. He changed “ rite to" “ right thinking that he should tell them to be more careful with their spelling next time they wrote.
Man cannot be always fortunate;flowers don ' t last forever.
Besides the room I occupy, there are more tha n twenty rooms in the same compo und.
How many families are liv ing there ?Only Gold kno ws. Few of them occupy two rooms.
Besides, they are always on the go. Some move in today and others move out tomorrow. I haven't got such a good memory as to remember all of them. When people meet, they pass the time of the day
with each other, just to show their n eighbor feeli ngs.
Hepatitis is a global health problem. Asia is the worst hit area.
Especially in China' smore remote and backward rural areas,corrupt practices still exist in the form of forced marriage.
The gathering dusk often finds me hastening home in a hurrying crowd.Whether it rains or sno ws, windy or foggy, I was longing to be home as early as possible.
In the final analysis, the criterion for judging the success or failure of our work in various fields is whether it helps to develop the productive forces of socialist society, to strengthen the overall capacity and to promote the people ' s living standards. 11)小路两边,是两行小柳树。
Two rows of small willows lined the path. The twigs were slender, with rustling leaves covered by a layer of white villus.
Making honey is also creating a most sweet life; not for themselves but for human bei ngs.
There are several small souve nirs, each with a story behi nd it, which are treasured as so many
happy memories.
I followed his advice and man aged to erect myself. My visi on greatly broade ned.
There was a boundless expanse of flooded water-water in front, behind and everywhere blurri ng the horiz on.
There aged trees wave the seas ons by, amid dusters of wild flowers and thick carpets
of gree n vegetati on.
The carpets our factory produced are beautiful and magn ifice nt for their no vel desig ns
and elega nt colors.
With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it will rain.
We must bring forth a new generation with lofty ideals, moral integrity, better educati on and good sense of discipli ne to adapt to our socialist moder ni zati on.
Although flowers look lovely, they cannot sta nd strong wind and heavy rain.
Woman though she was, she wasn ' restrained by traditional ideas and became an
editor of a progressive magaz ine.
The master of Ian guage is not easy and requires hard work.
Therefore I strove to work eve n duri ng the Spring Festival.
He was confoun ded at the sight of you.
It dawned upon me that childish wit represented a most perfect part of wisdom.
Sometimes it is eve n suggestive of profo und philosophy.
The Chinese people, who used to be famous for hard work and bravery, are now
aware that they are not as hardwork ing as the people of other n ati ons.
The garde ners were in deed very n eglige nt.They did not eve n come out to patrol the
campus in such a heavy snow as last night ' .s
Once there was a sin ger who fini shed her performa nee without receiv ing any applause from the audie nee.
Her eyes were so empty of expressi on that people may have thought she did not eve n
no tice them at all.
Life is just like that: sometimes people work together for decades but still rema in
stra ngers. While sometimes people become close frie nds as soon as they meet.
He was really tall —at least two meters. Thus whe never he passed through the door,
he had to lower his head to avoid bump ing aga inst the door frame.
Alas, compared with the generation of our fathers ' , the present generia t hi n k , is pitifully weak.
32)节日的高潮是除夕夜,在旧年与新年交替之时,家庭全体成员要聚在一起吃年饭, ______ 菜中有道菜是鱼,而且有人讲究不能把它吃守,图个“年年有余”的吉利。
The festival reaches its climax on the lunar New Year ' s Eve when the past lunar year gives place to the new one. All the family members are together to have their yearly sumptuous reunion supper on the Eve.Among the dishes, a fish course should be served. However, the fish must not be eate n up, as some people would emphasize,
for the sake of “ niannianyouyu ”(which means hav ing more tha n eno ugh to use and eat every year; Youyu "is pronounced alike in Chin ese whe n sta nding for hav ing fish ”
and surplus "indicating an auspicious future.)
To lovers, it was not fog, but glittering warm early snow that plucked the strings of love.
Zhan jia ng port is no ted as “ A Bright Pearl on the South China Sea ” . Its inner harbor is
broad with water calm and deep. Vessels of 10,000 tons can en ter or leave the port
with ease and 50,000-t on freighter can call at or depart from the port with flood tide.
Measures to improve the in vestme nt en vir onment must be take n. And effective
measures should be adopted to practically check the abuse of levying on foreign and joint en terprises and collect ing un reas on able fees among them.
In recent two years, great changes have taken place in Shanghai owing to reform
opportunities. The achievements are not only spurs from but also impetus to the reform being carried out n ati on wide. We owe them to the concern of the cen tral gover nment, the support of other prov in ces and effort of Shan ghai people.
The Anju Housing Project was put forward by the Chinese government, aiming to improve the liv ing con diti ons of dwellers that are difficult in hous ing.
Customers from various countries and regions were warmly welcomed to develop bus in ess con tacts with us.
It ' s raining cats and dogs.
Truly speaking, China has had great difficulty in solving her problem.with food provisi on. But she also has great pote ntial and prospects for hav ing her people well fed.
You must be well aware that this type of typewriter is portable and durable, econo mical and practical for high school stude nts.
All the scie ntific tech no logical achieveme nts are foun ded on rati onal thi nking, without which there would have bee n no scie nee.
The largest cities of the world are Tokyo, Japa n;New York, U.S.A; London, En gla nd
and Shanghai. P .R.C.
In complicated calculati ons we can use a computer, because it can give us an exact
and quick an swer.
The early films are sile nt: you could n either hear the dialogues betwee n characters, nor the sounds made by their actions.
These two civilizati ons, which were created in differe nt areas, developed in parallel and without in ter in flue nee.
In most colleges and universities, the devolution of decision-making rights to the departme nt here has bee n effective, which means that the departme nt head is give n the autonomy to decide on the staffing within the department and also to utilize the available funds un der certa in guideli nes.
In the new residential area there are not only commercial networks, water, gas, electricity supply systems and garbage removing services, but also schools, kin dergarte ns, police stati ons and health-
care cen ters.
Not only can a forest provide a home for wildlife but wildlife can in turn make the trees
and pla nts flourish.
You must let him know somehow, whether by letter, by teleph one or by telegram.
They read the whole after noon through, while the cold November rain was falli ng upon the sile nt house.
53)E verybody' s thi ng is no body ' s thi ng.
He put his pipe dow n, crossed his hands behi nd his n eck, and tur ned his face toward the win dow. 55)阿谀比怨恨更危险,因为阿谀掩饰了污点,而怨恨却能使人消除污点。
Flattery is more dan gerous tha n hatred because the former covers the stra in while the latter causes it to be wiped out.
People believe that the America n team will win the football game. Peter thi nks so, but
I don ' t.
Tran slati on from En glish into Chin ese is not so easy as that into Fren ch.
He would do any thi ng he was asked to do but retur n to his old life.
Lear ning by rote will be un profitable.
The great ness of a people is no more lie in their nu mber tha n the great ness of a man is determ ined by his height.
He walked through the station a few minutes before the train ' s departure
We ofte n stroll in the woods in the cool of the eve ning.
He told his wife the story and let her dow n, the n he would collate it for people to copy or circulate. 64)我们必须学习其他国家的经验,与其他国家实行合作和技术交流。
We must lear n the adva need experie nee from other coun tries, cooperate with them
and excha nge tech niq ues with them.
至U达后,很多朋友在码头迎接我们We arrived safely, though two days late, after a rough stormy voyage, and was now welcomed at the dock by a crowd of frie nds.
We are firmly convinced that jo int efforts to stre ngthe n all forms of econo mic and trade cooperati on on the basis of equality and mutual ben efit will lead to broad prospect for the development of our mutual trade relations.
Mr Wang gets up early everyday, and if it 'cold, he will get on the stove, the n goes out when feels warm. One day, he found a red bird on the tree in the yard when he was headi ng for his office.
No matter what difficulties we will meet, we are determined to work hard for the realization of the four modernizations, making China a powerful socialist country by the end of this cen tury and make greater con tributi ons to huma n bei ngs.
Un til a in tellectual book kno wledge is in tegrated with practice, it is in complete or
in deed very in complete.
73) 74)夜幕已经降临,淡淡的月光照在蜿蜒的道路上,静悄悄的,一点声音也没有,一个人影也没有
Dusk has fallen, and the moon is shedding its faint light upon the winding road, around which sile nee reig ns.
76) 杭州,自然风景优美,旅游资源丰富,是全国重点风景旅游城市。
Hangzhou is a national key tourist city for its beautiful seenery and rich tourism resources. Hangzhou, a city owns countless favorable poems, has always been widely admired and praised for J ust as there
is paradise in heave n, there are Suzhou and Han gzhou on earth ”。