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There will be a football match in our school
2)一般疑问句把will提到there的前面。例如: Will there be a robot in every home? 将来每个家庭都会拥有一个机器人吗? 3)否定句在will后面加not。例如: There won’t be a film in the meeting room this afternoon.今天下午会议室里不放电影。 【注意】there will be句型只表示物体所处的地 点, 存在的人或物并不属于某个地方, 所以句中不 能出现表示拥有关系的have或has; 句中的be只能 使用原形, 不能变化成它的具体形式。
12. It looks as if it ________ tomorrow. C A. will rain B. rains C. is going to rain D. will be raining 13. The minute he________, I'll tell him the news. A A. arrives B. will arrive C. is going to arrive D. is to arrive D 14. ________, the more progress you'll make. A. If you study hard B. However hard you study C. The harder you'll study D. The harder you study
7. How much________, I won't buy it. D A. does the watch cost B. is the watch cost
C. the watch will cost
8. —Joan, you are late!
D. the watch costs
B —Sorry, I________ next time.
I _______ Macao next year and______ will _______to go visit
lots of places.
1. (1)C 本题考查时态。由next month可知, 应用将
来时, will后面应跟动词原形, B不对; 由句意可知,
此事并非计划要做的事, 故应选C。
A. don't
C. am not
B. won't
D. haven't
9. If you don't go to the meeting tomorrow, _____. B A. he will, too B. he won't, either C. he does, too D. he doesn't, either 10. "Would you tell me where ________ go? " he C asked. A. I will B. will I C. I should D. am I to 11. —Did you visit Greece last summer? B —No, but ________ her this summer. A. I'll be seen B. I'll be seeing C. I'll be to seen D. I shall have seen
Leabharlann Baidu
(2)will go, visit
4.行为动词一般将来时用法口诀 动词一般将来时, 表示将要发生事。
时间状语表将来, 要变一般疑问句,
一般情况离不开。 will主语前面移。
如: 肯定式: They will finish the work next week.
1.单项选择 (1)He________fifteen years old next month. C A. is B. will is C. will be D. is going to be (2)There won't be any paper money in about 20 A years, __________? A. will there B. is there C. won't there D. isn't play (3) —What will you do tomorrow afternoon? —I ________ basketball with Jim. D A. play B. is playing C. is going to play D. will play
(4) —Do you think there will be a car that can run
in the sea?
B — ______. I think we can go to America by car.
A. I'm afraid not
C. I hope not
B. Yes, there will be
(3)否定句是在will/shall后加not。例如: We won’t leave before nine. 九点以前我们不离开。 【注意】be going to do sth.表示“将来要发生的 动作或情况”,也是表示将来的一种方式。be going to do sth.主要用于以下两种情况。 (1)表示事先经过考虑、安排要做的事情。 例如: I’m going to watch that football match this evening. 我今天晚上打算看那场足球赛。 (2)表示根据目前某种迹象判断,某事非常有可能 发生。例如:
The sun will rise at 6:30 tomorrow morning.
3. there be句型的一般将来时
(1)用法:there be句型的一般将来时表示将来某地
(2)构成:1)肯定句是“there will be+名词+介词短
Grammar Focus
一、一般将来时 1. 用法:一般将来时表示要发生的动作或存在的 状态, 或将来反复发生的动作或习惯性的动作。 2. 构成: (1)肯定句是“will/shall+动词原形”, shall一般用 于 第一人称,will可用于各种人称。例如: We will see a film tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午我们将去看一场电影。 (2)一般疑问句是将will/shall提到主语前。例如: Will you come to school tomorrow?
I think it will rain. 我认为会下雨。 【注意】以下几种情况用will, 不用be going to。 (1)表示“带意愿色彩的将来”时。例如: We will help him if he asks us. 只要他提出, 我们乐意帮助他。 (2)在问对方是否愿意做某事或表示客气的邀请或 命令时。例如: Will you please lend me your rubber? 请把你的橡皮借给我好吗? (3)客观事物的发生与主观愿望和判断无关,即表
2.在主句表示将来意义的时间或条件状语从句中, 从句用一般现在时表示将来的动作或状态。 如: We will go hiking if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. 如果明天不下雨, 我们将去徒步旅行。 She will call you when she gets to Beijing. 她到达北京后会给你打电话。
C. plant
D. will plant
4. There ______ a League meeting the day after B tomorrow. A. don't B. will be C. be D. have C to visit the History Museum next week. 5. We____ A. don't go B. doesn't go C. won't go D. not go 6. —Sorry, I forgot to post the letter for you. —Never mind. _____ it myself tonight. C A. I am not going to post B. I'd better post C. I'll post D. I'd rather post
(2)A 本题考查反意疑问句。此句前面为否定句,
所以后面应用肯定; 助动词形式应一致, 故应选A。
(3)D 本题考查时态。问答句中助动词形式应一
致, 故选D。
(4)B 本题考查简答形式。由后面一句可知 应对从句作肯定回答,故应选B。 2. (1)will there, be句中有助动词will, 可将其 提前。
1. 表示按计划、规定将要进行的动作, 多用于某
些瞬间动词, 如: come, leave, start, arrive等, 或表
示按时刻表、日程表将要发生某事。如: The new term starts tomorrow. 新学期明天开始。 Tomorrow is Christmas Day.
Look at the clouds! It’s going to rain. 看那些云! 快要下雨了。 【辨析】be going to与will (1)be going to与will都可能用来表示意图,有时两 者可以互相替换。例如: I am going to/will play football this afternoon. 今天下午我将踢足球。 (2)be going to和will也用于表示预测,前者表示根 据目前迹象,事情非常有可能发生;后者则表示 说话者认为或相信会发生某事。 Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain. 看那些云!快下雨了。
They won’t finish the work next week. 疑问式:
Will they finish the work next week?
答语: Yes, they will. /No, they won’t.
Exercises: 1. Hurry up! The train________ in five minutes. B A. leaves B. will leave C. leave D. leaving A 2. She________ to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening. A. will go B. goes C. went D. go D 3. All the students________ trees next week. A. are planting B. planted
D. I think possible
II. 句型转换 (1)There will only be one country. (改为一般疑 问句) Will _______ there only ________ be _______ one country? (2)I went to Macao last year and visited lots of places. (把last year改为next year 作时间状语)