lec1 nature of organisation




1990年诺贝尔化学奖伊利亚斯·詹姆士·科里1990年10月17日,瑞典皇家科学院授予美国哈佛大学的有机化学家伊利亚斯·詹姆士·科里(Elias James Corey)以1990年的诺贝尔化学奖,表彰他在有机合成的理论和方法学方面的贡献。









lec 6

lec 6

Managing change andinnovationWeek 6L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E1. What is change?Define organisational change.Explain why handling change is an integral part of a manager’s job 2. Forces for changeIdentify the external and internal forces for change.Contrast using internal and external change agents.3. Two views of the change processContrast the calm waters and white-water rapids metaphors of change.Explain Lewin’s three-step model of the change process.Discuss the environment that managers face today.4. Managing changeDescribe the options managers have for changing anorganisation’s structure.Discuss how changing technology influences organisational change.Identify the different organisational development techniques.L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E5. Managing resistance to changeExplain why people are likely to resist change.Describe how the force –field analysis can be used to identify options to deal with resistance.Identify the six techniques for dealing with resistance to change. 6. Contemporary issues in managing changeExplain why changing organisational culture is so difficult and how managers can do it.Identify what is involved in managing a downsized workplace.Describe employee stress and how managers can help employees deal with stress.Discuss what it takes to make change happen successfully.7. Stimulating innovationExplain why innovation is not just creativity.Explain the systems view of innovation.Describe the structural, cultural, and human resource variables that are necessary for innovation.Explain what idea champions are and why they’re important to innovation.1. WHAT IS CHANGE?•Organisational change–Any alterations in the people, structure, or technology of an organisation•Characteristics of change–Is constant yet varies in degree and direction–Produces uncertainty yet is not completely unpredictable–Creates both threats and opportunitiesManaging change is an integral partof every manager’s job.2. FORCES FOR CHANGE•External forces–Marketplace–Governmental laws andregulations–Technology–Labor market–Economic changes •Internal forces–Changes in organisationalstrategy–Workforce changes–New equipment–Employee attitudesThe manager as change agent•Change agents–People who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for changing process are called change agents.•Types of change agents–Managers: internal entrepreneurs–Non-managers: change specialists–Outside consultants: change implementation experts3. TWO VIEWS OF THE CHANGEPROCESS•The calm waters metaphor–Lewin’s description of the change process as a break in the organisation’s equilibrium state•Unfreezing the status quo•Changing to a new state•Refreezing to make the change permanent•White-water rapids metaphor–The lack of environmental stability and predictability requires that managers and organisations continually adapt (manage changeactively) to survive.Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science. New York: Harper & Row.A comprehensive approach to change4. MANAGING CHANGEThree categories of changeOrganisational Development •Organisational development: An effort that is planned, organisation wide and managed from the top. It isintended to increase organisational effectiveness andhealth through planned interventions in theorganisation’s process using knowledge of behavioural science.•Assumptions:–Employees desire to grow and develop.–Employees have a need to be accepted by others.–Organisational design affects employee behaviour. Organisational development techniques5. MANAGING RESISTANCE TO CHANGE•Why do people resist change?–The ambiguity and uncertainty that change introduces–The comfort of old habits– A concern over personal loss of status, money, authority, friendships, and personal convenience–The perception that change is incompatible with the goals and interest of the organisationUsing force field analysis• 2 sets of forces operate in any system (Kurt Lewin) –Driving forces (encourage change)–Resisting forces (discourage change)•Equilibrium is when the forces are balanced against each other.•To make change managers may need to maximise driving forces and minimise resisting forcesLewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science: Selected theoretical papers. New York: Harper & Row.Techniques to reduce resistance tochangecation and communication2.Participation3.Facilitation and support4.Negotiation5.Manipulation6.Coercion6. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES INMANAGING CHANGE •Changing organisational cultures–Cultures are naturally resistant to change–Conditions that facilitate cultural change:The occurrence of a dramatic crisisLeadership changing handsA young, flexible, and small organisationA weak organisational cultureDownsizing•The planned elimination of large numbers of personnel designed to enhance organisational effectiveness.–Workforce reductionA type of downsizing strategy, using a cost-cutting approachemphasising short-term results and redundancies–Organisational redesignRestructuring or delayering of the organisation, with elimination offunctions, layers and work processes–Systemic changeA program of organisational cultural change involving all staffDoes downsizing lead to improvedperformance?•Layoffs–Permanent separations initiated by an organisation and implemented either all at once or phased in over time.•Productivity–An economic measure of efficiency that summarises what is produced relative to the inputs used to produce themHR system ProductivityDownsizingManaging the downsized workplace Zatzick, C. D., & Iverson, R. D. (2006). High-commitment management and workforce reduction: competitive advantage or disadvantage? Academy of Management Journal.49,999-1015.Major reasons for the failure of downsizing•Initial cost savings but long-term negative effects•Loss of people who are ‘irreplaceable assets’•‘Survivor syndrome’: loss of motivation, self-absorption, risk-aversion•‘Survivors’seek new employment•Reputational damageGreenhalgh, L., Lawrence, A. T., & Sutton, R. I. (1988). Determinants of work force reduction strategies in declining organizations. Academy of Management Review, 13,241-254.Handling employee stress•What is stress?–StressThe physical and psychological tension an individual feels whenconfronted with extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunitiesand their associated importance and uncertainties.Functional Stress: Stress that has a positive effect on performance.•How potential stress becomes actual stress–When there is uncertainty over the outcome.–When the outcome is important.Symptoms of stressIssues in managing change•Reducing stress1.Engage in proper employee selection2.Match employees’KSA’s to jobs’TDR’se realistic job interviews for reduce ambiguity4.Improve organisational communications5.Develop a performance planning programe job redesign7.Provide a counseling program8.Offer time planning management assistance9.Sponsor wellness programsIssues in managing change•Making change happen successfully–Embrace change—become a change-capable organisation.–Create a simple, compelling message explaining why change is necessary.–Communicate constantly and honestly.–Foster as much employee participation as possible—get all employees committed.–Encourage employees to be flexible.–Remove those who resist and cannot be changed.How can cultural change beaccomplished?•Conduct a cultural analysis to identify cultural elements needing change•Make it clear to employees that the organisation’s survival is legitimately threatened if change is notforthcoming•Appoint new leadership with a new vision•Initiate a reorganisation•Introduce new stories and rituals to convey the new vision•Change the selection and socialisation processes and the evaluation and reward systems to support the new valuesTypes of Change:(The Dunphy/Stace scale of change)Dunphy, D., & Stace, D. 1990. Under new management: Australian organisations in transition, Sydney: McGraw-Hill.7. STIMULATING INNOVATION•Creativity–The ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make an unusual association.•Innovation–Turning the outcomes of the creative process into useful products, services, or work methodsAdapted from Woodman, R. W., Sawyer, J. E., & Griffin, R. W. 1993. Toward a theory of organisational creativity. Academy of Management Review, 18,293-321.Forms of Innovation•Radical versus incremental innovation.•Technical versus managerial innovations.•Product versus process variations.The innovation processPromoting innovation in organisations•The reward system•The organisational culture•IntrapreneurshipStimulating and nurturing innovation•Structural variables–Adopt an organic structure–Make available plentiful resources–Engage in frequent inter-unit communication–Minimize extreme time pressures on creative activities–Provide explicit support for creativityStimulating and nurturing innovation (cont’d)•Cultural variables–Accept ambiguity–Tolerate the impractical–Have low external controls–Tolerate risk taking–Tolerate conflict–Focus on ends rather than means–Develop an open-system focus–Provide positive feedbackStimulating and nurturing innovation (cont’d)•Human resource variables–Actively promote training and development to keep employees’skills current.–Offer high job security to encourage risk taking.–Encourage individual to be “champions”of change.The failure to innovate•Lack of resources•Failure to recognise opportunities•Resistance to change•Lock-in through complementary assetsL E A R N I N G R E V I E W1. What is change?Define organisational change and why it’s important to managers.2. Forces for changeExternal and internal forces for change and change agents.3. Two views of the change processMetaphors of change, Lewin’s model, today’s environment.4. Managing changeOrganisation’s structure., technology, development techniques. 5. Managing resistance to changeWhy people resist change, the force –field analysis, resistance to change.6. Contemporary issues in managing changeDifficulty of change, downsizing, employee stress, successful change.7. Stimulating innovationInnovation and creativity, the systems view of innovation, variables that necessary for innovation, idea champions.。

lec 4

lec 4

Individualism versus collectivism
• ‘Employees will benefit from the enhanced choice and flexibility available when agreeing with their employer about workplace pay and conditions beyond the minimum standards’. • ‘There is an inexorable historical process under way…it will sweep away the insufferably arrogant assumption made by the present industrial relations system that men and women in Australia are too stupid to be trusted with the responsibility of deciding what is good for them.’
The human resource management process
Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., & Coulter, M. (2006). Management 4th Edition. French Forest, Australia: Pearson Prentice Hall.
– – – – –
Human Resources Human Capital Personnel Management People and Culture (NAB) Talent Department (Deloitte)

lec 7

lec 7

The Nature of International Business
Our daily lives are strongly influenced by business from around the world. No organisation is insulated from the effects of foreign markets and competition.
Dealing with the external environment The nature & meaning of international business. Recent trends in international business. Managing internationalisation. Managing in an international market. Structure of the global economy. Environmental challenges of international management. Management challenges in a global economy.
MGMT1001 Fundamentals of Management
Managing External Pressures on the Organisation
Lecture content
The external environment
Specific environment General environment
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internationalisation Approaches



生理学智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下南开大学南开大学绪论单元测试1.The regulation mode and characteristic of three physiological functions inhuman body?答案:All of the above three.第一章测试1.The AV node, which normally exhibits the fastest rate of autorhythmicity isknown as the pacemaker of the heart.答案:错2.Bulk flow occurs because of differences in the hydrostatic and colloidosmotic pressures between the plasma and interstitial fluid.答案:对3.Which of the following correctly ranks pressures during isovolumetriccontraction of a normal cardiac cycle?答案:aortic > left ventricular > left atrial4.When the radius of the resistance vessels is increased, which of the followingis increased?答案:Capillary blood flow5. What is mainly responsible for the delay between the atrial and ventricularcontractions?答案:slow action potential conduction velocity of AV node cells第二章测试1.Cholesterol is found within the lipid bilayer答案:对2.The greater the difference in concentration, the slower the rate of netdiffusion.答案:错3.Opposite charges attract each other.答案:对4.Cholesterol contributes to the fluidity and stability of the membrance,Between which molecules is cholesterol found?答案:phospholipids.5.Membrane potential is measured in these units答案:millivolts第三章测试1.These filaments are arranged in cylindrical bundles called myofibrils.答案:对2.T tubules store calcium.答案:错3.In skeletal muscle, magnesium must be attached to ATP before myosinATPase can split the ATP答案:对4.Which of the following is the functional unit of a skeletal muscle?答案:sarcomere5.Which of the following ions binds to calmodulin in smooth muscles?答案:calcium第四章测试1.The major element of whole blood is __________.答案:plasma2.Which of the following blood components provide the major defense for ourbodies against invading bacteria and viruses?答案:white cells3.When blood clumps or forms visible islands in the still liquid plasma, it iscalled:答案:Agglutination4. Antigens are:答案:found on the surface of red cells5.Most of the volume of normal human blood is composed of:答案:plasma第五章测试ing the equation PV = constant; if the volume of the thoracic cavityincreases (in other words, the size of the thoracic cavity increases), the pressure inside the thoracic cavity will __________.答案:decrease2.When the pressure within the thoracic cavity increases compared toatmospheric pressure, air will __________ the lungs.答案:Exit3.After a person inhales normally and then forces himself to inhale some more,this is called the __________ volume.答案:inspiratory reserve4.Which of the following increases the ability of oxygen binding to hemoglobin?答案:an increase in partial pressure in oxygen5.Which of the following pO2 values results in more saturation of hemoglobin?答案:80 mm Hg第六章测试1.The posterior pituitary dose not actually produce any hormones.答案:对2.Thyroid hormone decreases the body’s overall metabolic rate.答案:错3.Adequate nutrition and good health are the primary environment factorsinfluencing growth.答案:对4.Which of the following hormones is associated with acromegaly?答案:growth hormone5.Hormones are classified into 3 distinct classes according to their biochemicalstructure:答案:amines;peptides and proteins;steroids第七章测试1.Amylase is a digestive enzyme that will digest __________.答案:carbohydrates2.When lipids are digested, they form __________.答案:glycerol and fatty acids3.The major functions of the digestive system are to digest food and to absorbnutrients into the __________.答案:bloodstream4.Which of the following is considered to be an accessory organ of digestion?答案:pancreas5.Which of the following digestive hormones stimulates the pancreas to releasebuffers to stabilize the pH within the duodenum?答案:secretin第八章测试1.The afferent arteriole delivers blood to the glomerular capillaries.答案:对2.Sodium is passively reabsorbed in the proximal tubule.答案:错3.The creatinine clearance (CCr) is commonly used to approximate the GFR.答案:对4.Which of the following substances is a hormone of the adrenal gland答案:aldosterone5.The functional unit of the kidney is答案:the nephron第九章测试1.There are two kinds of chemical synapses—excitatory and inhibitory.答案:对2.The magnitude of the resting membrane potential in neurons is generally inthe range of −40 to −90 mV.答案:对3.EPSP has local potential properties and can be summed up.答案:对4.When a nerve cell is excited, the first step action potential is generated by答案:axon initial segment5.The correct statement about the production of inhibitory postsynapticpotential is :答案:Hyperplasia of the postsynaptic membrane。



生物英语测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?A. ReproductionB. ResponsivenessC. GrowthD. Inertia2. What is the basic unit of life?A. CellB. TissueC. OrganD. Organ system3. What is the process by which organisms convert sunlight into chemical energy?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. FermentationD. Digestion4. What is the term for the study of the structure of organisms?A. PhysiologyB. AnatomyC. PathologyD. Embryology5. Which of the following is not a kingdom in the classification of life?A. PlantaeB. AnimaliaC. FungiD. Crystallia6. What is the function of chlorophyll in plants?A. To store waterB. To store foodC. To absorb lightD. To release oxygen7. What is the process by which organisms break down food into energy?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. FermentationD. Digestion8. What is the term for the genetic material found in the nucleus of a cell?A. DNAB. RNAC. ProteinD. Enzyme9. What is the term for the study of the classification of organisms?A. TaxonomyB. AnatomyC. PhysiologyD. Ecology10. Which of the following is not a type of tissue in plants?A. Meristematic tissueB. Vascular tissueC. Connective tissueD. Protective tissue二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The process by which organisms use oxygen to break down glucose is called ________.2. The largest organ in the human body is the ________.3. The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment is known as ________.4. The basic unit of heredity in all organisms is the________.5. The process by which plants produce food is called________.三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the difference between mitosis and meiosis in terms of their roles in cell division.2. Describe the role of mitochondria in a cell and why they are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. Discuss the importance of biodiversity and how human activities can affect it.2. Explain the concept of natural selection and provideexamples of how it has shaped species over time.答案:一、选择题1. D2. A3. A4. B5. D6. C7. B8. A9. A10. C二、填空题1. Respiration2. Skin3. Ecology4. Gene5. Photosynthesis三、简答题1. Mitosis is the process of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. It is essential for growth, repair, and asexual reproduction. Meiosis, on the other hand, is a type of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half, resulting in four non-identical daughter cells. This process is crucial for sexual reproduction, as it allows for the combination of genetic material from two parents, resultingin genetic variation in offspring.2. Mitochondria are organelles found in the cells of eukaryotic organisms and are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell because they generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used as a source of chemical energy. Mitochondria are unique among organelles because they contain their own DNA and can replicate independently of the cell.四、论述题1. Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and for the health of the planet. It provides a variety of services, such as pollination, water purification, and climate regulation. Human activities, such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change, cansignificantly reduce biodiversity. These activities can lead to the loss of species, disruption of ecosystems, and a decrease in the services that nature provides to humans.2. Natural selection is the process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. Over time, this leads to the evolution of species. For example, the peppered moth in England underwent a change in coloration due to industrial pollution, where darker moths became more common because they were less visible to predators against the soot-darkened trees. This is a classic example of how natural selection can lead to changes in species over time.。





关键词LEC1;结构;生物学功能AbstractLEC1whichencodesHAP3subunitoftheCCAATbindingfactorisanimportanttranscriptionalreg ulatorrequiredforplantembryodevelopment.Recentprogressonthediscovery,structureandbiologica lfunctionofLEC1wasreviewedsoastoprovidereferenceforbetterresearch.KeywordsLEC1;structure;biologicalfunction作为植物学的重要分支,植物的胚胎发育一直是研究的热点课题。







lec 3

lec 3

• •
Taylorist methods
• Task subdivisand motion studies’); • Incentive payments
Taylor’s assumptions about workers
Weber and bureaucracy
• Weber was the great theoretician of organisations and of the development of bureaucracy as organisational form. • Top down, multiple level, hierarchical structures are the prevailing organisational form in most complex organisations. • ‘Bureaucracy’ is not confined to the public sector. • Despite its pejorative tone bureaucratic structures are remarkably successful and persistent
Two management traditions
This lecture will concentrate on two traditions: • Management as a ‘science’; • Management as creators of ‘moral order’ in organisations
MGMT1001 Fundamentals of Management
The Development of Management Theory



生物学英语复试题及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of living organisms?A. Growth and developmentB. ReproductionC. ResponsivenessD. Inertia2. What is the basic unit of life?A. CellB. TissueC. OrganD. Organ system3. What is the process of photosynthesis?A. The conversion of light energy into chemical energyB. The conversion of chemical energy into light energyC. The conversion of heat energy into chemical energyD. The conversion of chemical energy into heat energy4. What is the primary function of chlorophyll in plants?A. To absorb light energyB. To store chemical energyC. To release oxygenD. To produce water5. What is the main component of the cell membrane?A. ProteinsB. LipidsC. CarbohydratesD. Nucleic acids二、填空题6. The genetic material of all living organisms is either__________ or __________.7. The process by which organisms adapt to their environment is called __________.8. In eukaryotic cells, the organelles that are responsible for energy production are __________.9. The basic structural and functional unit of a protein is the __________.10. The process of an organism developing from a fertilized egg into a mature individual is known as __________.三、简答题11. Explain the role of DNA in the cell.12. Describe the process of cellular respiration.13. What are the main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?四、论述题14. Discuss the importance of biodiversity and the threats itfaces.五、翻译题15. Translate the following sentence into English:“细胞分裂是生物体生长和发育的基本过程。





















Plants are an integral part of our ecosystem,playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance of life on Earth.They provide us with oxygen,food,and a variety of other benefits that are essential for our survival.The Importance of Plants1.Oxygen Producers:Through the process of photosynthesis,plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen,which is vital for the respiration of all living organisms.2.Food Source:Plants are the primary source of food for both humans and animals.They provide a wide range of nutrients,including carbohydrates,proteins,vitamins,and minerals.3.Habitat:Plants create habitats for numerous species of animals and insects.Forests,for example,are home to a diverse range of wildlife.4.Erosion Control:The roots of plants help to hold soil together,preventing erosion and maintaining the fertility of the land.5.Climate Regulation:Plants absorb carbon dioxide,a greenhouse gas,which helps to regulate the Earths climate.Types of Plants1.Angiosperms:These are flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed within a fruit. They are the most diverse group of plants on Earth.2.Gymnosperms:These plants,such as conifers,produce seeds that are not enclosed in a fruit but are exposed,often on the scales of cones.3.Ferns:These are nonflowering plants that reproduce via spores.They are ancient plants that have been on Earth for hundreds of millions of years.4.Mosses and Liverworts:These are small,nonvascular plants that require moist environments to survive.5.Algae:These are simple,aquatic plants that can be found in freshwater and marine environments.They are photosynthetic and contribute significantly to oxygen production.Caring for Plants1.Watering:Different plants have different water requirements.Its important to understand the specific needs of each plant to ensure it thrives.2.Sunlight:Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis.Some plants prefer direct sunlight, while others thrive in shade.3.Soil:The type of soil is crucial for plant health.Some plants prefer acidic soil,while others need alkaline conditions.4.Pruning:Regular pruning helps to maintain the shape of the plant and encourages new growth.5.Pest Control:Keeping an eye out for pests and diseases is essential for the health of anic methods of pest control are often preferred to minimize environmental impact.Conservation of Plants1.Endangered Species:Many plant species are endangered due to habitat loss and climate change.Conservation efforts are necessary to protect these species.2.Sustainable Practices:Using sustainable practices in agriculture and forestry can help to preserve plant diversity and health.3.Replanting and Reforestation:Initiatives to replant and reforest areas can help to restore habitats and biodiversity.cation:Educating the public about the importance of plants and how to care for them is a key part of conservation.In conclusion,plants are not just beautiful additions to our landscapes they are essential to the health of our planet and our own wellbeing.By understanding and appreciating their importance,we can take steps to protect and preserve them for future generations.。



部 分 转 化成 真 叶 , 生 了 胎 生胚 。 一 步研 究 发现 , 变 体 产 进 突
幼胚 在 鱼雷 期 过 后提 早 成 熟进 入 萌发 途 径 , 获得 了 只 有 并 植 物 营 养组 织 具 有 的特 点 , 暗示 这 些基 因在 胚 胎发 生 过 程 中起着 重要 的作 用 。 在被 l 1发现 之 前 。 e e 科学 家 已通过 遗传 学方法 获得 了许
Re e r h P o r s n Tr n c i t n F c o f LEC1 n Pl n s a c r g e s o a s rp i a t r o o i a t HoU Lu
( o e e f i oi l c n e n eh o g , e ig oet nvr t , e ig 0 0 3 C l g o g a S i c d cn l y B in r r U i s y B in 0 8 ) l oB l c e a T o j F sy ei j 1
的 热点 课题 。0世纪 8 2 0年 代 以来 , 因工 程技 术 的迅 速发 基 展和 应用 。 科学基 因组 水 平 上 了解 植 物 细胞 胚 胎 的发 生机 制 , 已有 现
没 有分 离得 到 C F复 合 体 , 已经 有一 系 列 的证 据 表明 它 B 但 的存 在 ,E 1可能 是 以一 个转 录 因子 亚基 的身份 通 过调 控 LC 胚 胎发 育相 关基 因 的活 性来 调节胚 胎发 生 的 。 HA 3包 括 3个 结构 域 : P N端和 C端 分 别有 一个 不保 守
( E ) 胚 胎发 生 发 育过 程 中关键 调 控 因子 , 制胚胎 发 L C1 是 控
育过 程 中的多 个方面 。




















药学英语Unit two-text A

药学英语Unit two-text A
• DNA的信息以DNA核苷酸单位的线性(一维)序列编码,但 这种信息的表达结果是三维的细胞
biological macromolecules.
• The identity of each organism is preserved by its
possession of distinctive sets of nucleic acids and of proteins. • 所有的生命有机体都具有相同种类的单聚体;在 生物大分子的构成上采用基本的模式;每一种生
• enzyme 酶
• The molecules of which living organisms are composed conform to all the familiar laws of chemistry. • 组成生命有机体的分子都遵循着熟知的化学规律 • ,but they also interact with each other in accordance with another set of principles, which we shall refer to collectively as the molecular logic of life. • 但是这些分子却按照另一套规律相互作用,就是 我们将提到的生命的分子逻辑学的全部原理
Unit Two
Text A Foundation of Biochemistry
biochemistry 生物化学
• carbon 碳
• hydrogen 氢



无锡2024年06版小学6年级上册英语第五单元测验试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:100)B卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 选择题:How many eyes does a typical person have?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four2. 填空题:I enjoy making new adventures with my toy ________ (玩具名称).3. 选择题:What do we call the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. KilimanjaroC. EverestD. Denali4. 听力题:The ______ is known for its beautiful song.5. 选择题:What is 6 x 2?A. 12B. 10C. 8D. 146. 填空题:A __________ (无机化合物) does not primarily contain carbon.What do you call the study of living organisms?A. AstronomyB. BiologyC. ChemistryD. Physics答案: B8. 听力题:The elephant is a large ______ (animal).9. 填空题:During family gatherings, we share funny _______ (故事). It always makes us laugh.10. 填空题:My __________ (玩具名) is my trusty __________ (名词).11. 听力题:The chemical formula for selenium dioxide is _____.12. 听力题:What do you want for ________?13. 选择题:What is the opposite of 'light'?A. BrightB. HeavyC. DarkD. Clear答案:C14. 选择题:What do we call the process by which plants make their own food?A. DigestionB. PhotosynthesisC. RespirationD. Fertilization答案:B为下列对话选择相符的图片。





美国威尔康奈尔医学癌症中心John Blenis研究团队采用年轻和老年健康供体10%的人血清(HS)分别培养人A549和HCC1806癌细胞,对其进行代谢组学、转录组学和分子生物学验证等分析,发现随着年龄的增长而发生的代谢改变可产生有利于肿瘤的系统微环境,与衰老有关的代谢产物甲基丙二酸(MMA)促进了肿瘤生长和侵袭,相关成果发表于《Nature》。






接下来作者分别用磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸、喹啉酸和甲基丙二酸(MMA)处理A549细胞以探讨其对癌细胞的诱导侵袭作用,发现只有MMA诱导了完全的前侵袭性EMT(epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition,EMT,上皮细胞向间充质细胞转化)样表型,钙黏蛋白下降的同时纤维连接蛋白和波形蛋白升高。



Maபைடு நூலகம்bub Hassan
A Simple Three Layer Model
The whole communication system can be broken up into three relatively independent layers:
Network Transport Application
Mahbub Hassan
Mahbub Hassan
Local Area vs Wide Area Networks
Local Area Networks (LANs) are limited to a small area, usually within a campus or boundary of an organisation. Example: Ethernet networks Wide Area Networks (WANs) cover a vast area, usually the entire country. Example: telephone network
Mahbub Hassan
Seven Layer OSI Model
The standard model for designing computer network systems stipulates seven layers!
The name of the model is Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)
Mahbub Hassan
Layered Architecture
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Competitors Directors Government
Community / Trade unions
Financial institutions
Look after the affairs of the organisation. Establish vision, mission and values Delegate authority to management, and monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies, strategies and business plans.
• •
To continue to sell profitably to the business. To be paid promptly & fully for goods supplied.
• buying at the right time, in correct quantities and at the right prices to gain competitive edge
Definitions: •An individual or group with an interest in an organisation. •Any individual or group who can affect or are affected by the achievement of a firm’s objective.
• Firms depend on banks, insurance companies, etc to finance activities • To be paid back in full when repayments are due. • To receive interest on the loan when due.

Mission Statement
Is a formal short written statement of the purpose of a company or organisation. Mission statement should have the following elements: Purpose Why does the business exist? What is our business? Strategic Scope The products or services it offers. Strategic scope defines the boundaries of its operations.
• Directors,
Suppliers, Competitors, Community / Trade unions, Government, and Financial institutions are known as the firm’s stakeholder groups because of their close links with the organisation.
To compete by all lawful means. To differentiate its products from those of other businesses. To compare & contrast performance with other businesses.
To receive a ‘fair’ wage. To ensure good working conditions. To secure their jobs through the survival & expansion of the business.
Financial Institutions
• •Βιβλιοθήκη To receive tax revenue from profitable firms. To direct the operations of the business for the benefit of the community/nation. Establish and enforce the rules and procedures under which firms must operate
Examples of Mission Statement
• Google: To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. • NIKE Inc: To Bring Inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. • eBay’s: To provide a global trading platform where practically anyone can trade practically anything • McDonald: To be the world's best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile.
Vision • What do we want to become? • An encompassing explanation of where the organisation trying to head. Goals • The broad, long term accomplishments an organisation wishes to attain. • Needs to be mutually agreed by workers and management.
To share in the success/profitability of the business. To receive dividends from after-tax profits. Voting to elect the directors

To obtain ‘good value for money’ from the goods & services purchased. To receive high levels of customer service

• More aware of their right, firms need to maintain good rapport with their customers

Specific statements detailing how to achieve the organisation’s goals.
Objectives need to conform to the SMART criteria.
Specific Measurable Achievable Be precise about what you are going to achieve. Quantify your objectives. Be realistic given the circumstances in which it is set and the resources. Relevant Time Relevant to the people responsible for achieving them. Set with a time-frame. State when you will achieve the objective (within a month? By February 2012?).
Successful students will be able to:
• Discuss the principles that underpin objectives, mission statement, vision statement and organisational goal. Identify the organisation. stakeholder’s role within & outside the
Community / Trade unions
To benefit from the employment the business creates. To be free from environmental disadvantages the firm may generate. Collective bargaining power to negotiate wages, work conditions, work hours, and other aspects of work environment