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1.名词The ambulance is arriving.

2.介词短语To Beijing is not far.

3.形容词Old and young are being taken care of.

4.不定式To find the truth is very difficult.

5.动名词Smoking is bad for your health.

6.过去分词The disabled are being carefully taken care of.

7.代词He lent me a new bike.

8.数词Three is enough.

9.连词Whenever you come will be fine.

10.直接引语“How are you” is a greeting.

1.The earth moves around the sun.

2.Where did you go just now?

3.Will you be at home at seven this evening?

4.I haven't received his letter for almost a month.

5.We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't. 以上是主要时态。

1.I smiled.

2.I fell happy.

3.I clean the blackboard.

4.I paid him 20 yuan.

5.I made hem repeat the story.

6.I found the homework difficult.

7.He can speak French.

8.He didn’t go to school yesterday.


1.名词We planted the trees last week.

2.形容词In short, we should help the old.

3.副词Nothing has happened since then.

4.不定式He wants to join the army.

5.动名词I enjoyed watching TV.

6.分词He never did the unexpected.

7.代词I love you.

8.数词One and one is equal to four.

9.从句I wonder why our teacher hasn’t arrived.

10.直接引语“Are you smith?” he asked.



2.感官动词:feel, smell, taste, sound, look

3.变化结果:go, turn, fall, get, grow

4.状态样子:seem, appear, look

5.状态:prove, remain, stay, keep, stand, lie

1.名词Today is Monday.

2.介词及短语Who is on duty today?

3.形容词She is beautiful.

4.副词Class is over.

5.不定式To see is to believe.

6.动名词His work is training animals.

7.分词A tiger’s eyes look surprising. He is so excited.

8.代词It’s me.

9.数词This is two.

10.从句Is that why you had a few days off?

1.名词(前置)The hospital has twelve men nurses.

2.介词及短语(后置)The boy in blue is Mike.

3.形容词(前/后置)The present situations is not clear.

The students present are Chinese.

4.副词(后置)The best boy here is Tom.

5.不定式(后置)The last one to go close the lights.

6.动名词(前置)He bought some sleeping pills.


He gave an inspiring speech yesterday.

There is a boy standing under the tree.

You had better drink boiled water.

The pen bought by her is made in China.

8.代词(前置)His bike needs repairing.

9.数词(前置)Thirty students attended the party.

10.从句(后置)He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.

11.冠词(前置)There is a book on the desk.

1.名词Serve the people heart and soul.

2.介词及短语I’ve been feeling slightly ill for a week.

3.形容词Tired and unhappy, he went home.

4.副词Suddenly the door opens.

5.不定式I come here only to say good-bye to you.

6.分词Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.
