Laboratory information management system




LIS专业名词解释LIS:实验室信息管理系统(Laboratory Information Management System 简称:LIS)。








实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)操作保养规程实验室信息管理系统(Laboratory Information Management System, LIMS) 是现代化实验室信息化管理的基础系统。




LIMS操作规程1. 账户管理1.1 遵守实验室规章制度,严禁将个人账户信息提供给他人使用。

1.2 提供完整真实信息注册账户,一旦注册账户成功不得更改信息,如需更改,请联系管理员。

1.3 密码不得纯数字或字母,应包含字母+数字+特殊字符组成。


2. 数据管理2.1 严格遵守操作规程和实验要求,不得随意更改实验数据信息。

2.2 所有操作记录必须真实、准确、完整。


2.3 在保存数据时,需要进行数据备份。


3. 系统权限管理3.1 根据不同人员岗位,为其分别设置权限。


3.2 对于不同等级的用户,设置不同的安全等级,严格限制操作权限,防止用户误操作。

3.3 系统日志和审计系统应随时记录各种系统操作(包括登录信息、访问信息、修改数据等等)进行跟踪和分析。

4. 数据安全性4.1 LIMS系统数据要进行安全备份,定期备份数据,并检查备份数据是否可用。

4.2 全面的系统安全性检查和更新,包括操作系统、数据库、网络等环节,确保系统稳定安全。

4.3 每日对系统病毒进行杀毒扫描,对查杀到的病毒及时进行处理,防止病毒感染对实验室信息的损害。

实验室信息系统(Laboratory Information System,LIS)

实验室信息系统(Laboratory Information System,LIS)

(一)临床实验业务信息 (二)实验室管理信息
二、发展简史 (一)第一代LIS (二)第二代LIS (二)第三代LIS
1.为病房里的医护人员提供在线信息 2.确保检验结果的可靠性和准确性
(二)更有效地利用人力资源 (三)更有效地发挥检验分析仪的效能 (四)提高管理信息的质量 四、医院实施LIS的意义
第二节 LIS的主要功能与关键技 术
LIS从功能上可以划分为三个层次,依次是 业务信息处理、实验室管理和分析决策 支持。
1.检验申请单的录入及自动处理 2.样本验收及预处理 3.检验任务的安排及样本的自动分析 4.数据获取及结果审核 5.检验报告的发送
三、生化子系统 (一)检验数据处理 (二)查询和报表 (三)统计分析 (四)质量监控 四、微生物检验子系统 (一)检验数据处理 (二)查询统计 (三)质控系统
五、血液子系统 (一)入库管理 (二)出库管理 (三)配血管理 (四)配血和库存查询 (五)统计报表
(一)试剂入库 (二)试剂出库 (三)试剂盘点 (四)计划编制、审批 (五)查询和报表
七、主任管理子系统 (一)工作进度察看 (二)试剂查询 (三)工作量统计 (四)人事、行政管理 (五)科室质控
第四节 LIS系统环境及与医院信息系统的 联系 一、LIS的系统环境 (一)LIS系统环境配置原则
1.网络连接集中 2.服务器专用 3.建立硬软保护机制 4.故障后备措施
1.分析试剂管理 2.检验IS的系统要求及关键技术 (一)设计要求
LIS要求功能强大、界面友好、易于操作。 1.开放性 2.可靠性 3.容错性

LIS 检验

LIS 检验

什么是LIS2012-3-13 网络【字体:大中小】【我来说两句】什么是LIS?LIS是什么意思?医院检验系统(Laboratory Information Management System 简称:LIS)LIS是HIS系统的一个重要的组成部分,其主要功能是将检验的实验仪器传出的检验数据经分析后,生成检验报告,通过网络存储在数据库中,使医生能够方便、及时的看到患者的检验结果,从现在的应用来看,LIS已经成为现代化医院管理中必不可少的一部分。




医学实验室信息系统(LIS)的功能及应用检验科的现状·工作量大,任务繁重·自动化仪器应用比较普遍·报告结果仍处在原始的手工阶段:抄写,登记·报告单丢失后结果难以查询·手工绘制质控图·不能对病人的结果进行动态追踪·不能动态掌握仪器设备使用情况和试剂的消耗情况·手工计费易发生漏收或错收发展趋势检验医学已步入了一个以自动化、信息化、网络化为主要特征的新时期·各种自动化分析仪器在检验医学领域的大量应用·电子计算机技术向医疗部门的广泛渗透·网络信息化建设日益引起重视·以网络化信息系统软件连接各种分析仪器组成的实验室信息系统(Laboratory Information System, LIS)在国内已进入一个蓬勃发展的时期LIS的贡献·高效率处理高速增长的实验数据。



环境可靠性实验室LIMS系统的方案设计1. 引言本文档主要描述了环境可靠性实验室LIMS(Laboratory Information Management System)系统的方案设计。



2. 功能需求环境可靠性实验室LIMS系统的主要功能需求如下:2.1 实验室基本信息管理- 实验室人员管理:包括人员基本信息、角色权限管理等。

- 实验室设备管理:包括设备基本信息、设备维护、设备使用记录等。

- 实验室消耗品管理:包括消耗品基本信息、库存管理、消耗品领用记录等。

2.2 样品管理- 样品信息录入:支持批量录入样品信息,包括样品基本信息、样品来源、样品状态等。

- 样品跟踪管理:实现样品从接收、预处理、分析、出库等环节的全程跟踪。

- 样品结果管理:记录样品分析结果,支持结果查询、导出等功能。

2.3 实验项目管理- 实验任务管理:支持实验任务的创建、分配、修改、查询等功能。

- 实验进度管理:实时跟踪实验进度,支持实验延期、终止等操作。

- 实验报告生成:根据实验结果自动生成实验报告,支持报告导出、打印等功能。

2.4 数据管理与分析- 数据录入与修改:支持数据批量录入、修改、查询等功能。

- 数据报表生成:根据需求生成各类数据报表,支持报表导出、打印等功能。

- 数据分析:提供数据挖掘、趋势分析等分析功能,为决策提供支持。

2.5 系统管理- 用户权限管理:实现用户、角色、权限的统一管理。

- 系统设置:支持系统参数设置、界面定制、邮件通知设置等功能。

- 数据备份与恢复:实现系统数据的自动备份与恢复功能。

3. 系统架构+-------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+| 用户端 | <--> | 业务逻辑层 | <--> | 数据层 |+-------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+4. 数据库设计环境可靠性实验室LIMS系统数据库设计主要包括以下几个表:- 用户表:存储用户基本信息,包括用户ID、用户名、密码、角色等。



HIS系统简介HIS(LIS、PACS、RIS、EMR)系统简介一、定义说明医院信息系统(Hospital Information System, HIS),利用电子计算机和通讯设备,为医院所属各部门提供病人诊疗信息和行政管理信息的收集、存储、处理、提取和数据交换的能力,并满足所有授权用户的功能需求。

实验室信息管理系统(Laboratory Information Management System, LIS),是专为医院检验科设计的一套信息管理系统,能将实验仪器与计算机组成网络,使病人样品登录、实验数据存取、报告审核、打印分发,实验数据统计分析等繁杂的操作过程实现了智能化、自动化和规范化管理。


医学影像存档与通讯系统(Picture archiving and communication systems, PACS),是近年来随着数字成像技术、计算机技术和网络技术的进步而迅速发展起来的、旨在全面解决医学图像的获取、显示、存贮、传送和管理的综合系统。

放射信息管理系统(Radioiogy information system, RIS),是优化医院放射科工作流程管理的软件系统,一个典型的流程包括登记预约、就诊、产生影像、出片、报告、审核、发片等环节。

电子病历 (Electronic Medical Record, EMR),是指将传统的纸病历完全电子化,并提供电子贮存、查询、统计、数据交换等管理模式,它是信息技术和网络技术在医疗领域应用的必然产物,是医院计算机网络化管理的必然趋势,目前改领域研究已成为一个新的研究应用热点。

二、概述医院信息系统(HIS)是一个庞大而复杂的现代化信息管理系统,它包含财务、人事、住院、门诊、挂号、医技、收费、分诊、药品管理等多个子系统,经过多年的发展,HIS系统被赋予更多的功能:随着医院内部业务流程的不断梳理和整合,HIS与LIS,PACS,RIS,EMR等外围模块不断融合;随着卫生信息化的内涵与外延不断扩展,HIS 与社保,医保,甚至银行系统的业务及数据交互越来越频繁。



实验室信息管理系统实验室信息管理系统(Laboratory Information Management System 英文缩写LIMS)是将以数据库为核心的信息化技术与实验室管理需求相结合的信息化管理工具。



实验室信息管理系统概念以及介绍实验室信息管理系统(Laboratory Information Management System 英文缩写LIMS)是将以数据库为核心的信息化技术与实验室管理需求相结合的信息化管理工具。

以ISO/IEC17025:2005-5-15《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》(国标为GB 15481)规范为基础,结合网络化技术,将实验室的业务流程和一切资源以及行政管理等以合理方式进行管理。








检测申请管理 检测任务管理
样品管理 进度管理
报告管理 绩效管理 分包管理 设备管理
预警管理 电子签章管理
④内部公开 请勿外传
④内部公开 请勿外传
④内部公开 请勿外传
④内部公开 请勿外传
④内部公开 请勿外传
பைடு நூலகம்
• 产品介绍 • LIMS解决方案及价值
④内部公开 请勿外传
实验室管理者: 项目进度?测试员产能?合理公正分配任务?测试员各尽其能? 测试员: 业绩考核核算芜杂? 委托部门: 如何快速了解项目进度?提高委托部门的满意度?
④内部公开 请勿外传
④内部公开 请勿外传
④内部公开 请勿外传
可对任何时间点、 任何审批阶段、进 行交叉预警;不是 您找事情,是事情 主动找你;每天打 开系统即可知道你 要干那些事情;工 作模式变被动为主 动;经营风险大幅 降低;
④内部公开 请勿外传
Lims(Laboratory Information Management System)即实验室信息管理系统,是把实验室科学管理思路和发放通过程 序实现的智能ERP。它通过测试申请管理、任务管理、报告管理、知识管理、应收管理、设备管理、进度管理、电子 签章、样品管理、CEO门户等模块在内的强大功能将全面覆盖您的业务,灵活的自定义功能以及图文并茂的界面更能 让您感受到LIMS系统带来的便捷;在技术上Lims系统采用纯B/S架构设计,通过浏览器即可完成所有业务操作,让您 尽享轻松办公带来的乐趣!



LIMS系统一、什么是LIMS系统?LIMS(Laboratory Information Management System)是实验室信息管理系统的缩写,是一种用于管理实验室数据和流程的软件系统。






















1.医院信息系统(HIS)全称Hospital Information System。



2.检验信息系统(LIS)全称Laboratory Information Management System。


3.影像归档和通信系统(PACS)全称Picture Archiving and Communication Systems。



4.放射科信息系统(RIS)全称Radiology Information System。



5.临床信息系统(CIS)全称Clinical Information System。

实验室资讯管理系统 Laboratory

实验室资讯管理系统 Laboratory

實驗室資訊管理系統Laboratory Information Management System 製作人:陳正修鑫聯網國際股份有限公司※樣品目前的狀態※樣品屬於那個部門※分析的數據為何※分析數據是否合於規範※數據是否曾經修改※修改的人、時間、原始值、為什麼※實驗室人員工作量統計※儀器使用量統計※分析成本統計(操作成本及人力成本)※實驗室人員是否定期訓練※實驗儀器是否定期校正、維護※藥品是否過期、廢棄藥品是否依規定處理※儀器連線自動擷取數據※例行性樣品自動登錄※分析結果報表自動分班列印※超規範報表自動列印※Certificates of Analysis 報表製作※整合E-Mail及Web服務GLP 與GALP優良實驗室規範(Good Laboratory Practice)各國政府有責任保護其公民及其所屬環境免遭危險物品的毒害,這需要有充份的分析數據,並可追蹤數據來源,從而對產品安全性做出正確的評估……….GLP就是基於這種需要而產生。

優良自動化實驗室規範(Good Automatic Laboratory Practice)而GALP更是因應檢驗環境高度電腦化的事實,進一步衍生出來的規範。

LIMS與ISO 9000的關係提供追溯的記錄※數據資料的審計記錄※基本資料的審計記錄※人員訓練的記錄※儀器校正或維護的記錄※完整的權限管制措施LIMS應用軟體的目的※提高檢驗工作效能※縮短內部業務整合時間※提升檢驗數據及QA/QC水準※符合GLP/GALP對於原始數據及運算處理的規範※提升實驗室對所屬裝置、設備、人員、方法、實施、記錄、控制、標準操作方法、最終報告(有關數據的完整性)以及歸檔等管理普,均符合GLP/GALP法規要求※提升實驗室對所屬化學試藥及廢棄樣品等管理均符合GLP法規要求LIMS應用軟體的目的※提升檢驗文書(包括原始數據及運算處理的結果)多年貯存及查證的能力※提供電腦化標準作業流程,縮短新進人員培訓時間※自動化系統減輕繁瑣文書業務,縮短報告產生時間※自動化系統提供儀器連線,減少人工重複輸入及可能錯誤※自動化系統提供統一檢驗業務管理,提升代理人、檢驗業務跟催,及移交的業務功能※提供一自動化系統,以有效儲存、編輯、並管理SOP及品質手冊實驗室內作業包括:※收樣與確認樣品屬性※指定檢驗作業與分析人員※實驗準備與進行分析實驗※實驗數據抄寫記錄※實驗數據驗算及品管統計※分析結果審核※分析結果繕打並製作報告※報告審核LIMS節省實驗室內作業項目如下:※直接電腦收樣並輸入樣品屬性,節省紙張※直接電腦分派檢驗作業及人員,可避免錯誤並節省行政往來時間※實驗數據直接輸入電腦,立即範圍及格式檢查,可減少抄寫錯誤;由電腦立即運算,更可節省規範判斷及品管統計的時間。

















科研实验室信息管理系统外文翻译科研实验室信息管理系统(Research Laboratory Information Management System,简称RLIMS)是一种用于管理科研实验室数据和操作的信息技术系统。





















LIMS在分析检测及计量测试过程中的应用LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System,实验室信息管理系统) 是一种用于管理实验室的实验数据、样品信息和工作流程的软件系统。
























环境可靠性实验室LIMS系统实施计划1. 项目背景环境可靠性实验室 LIMS(Laboratory Information Management System)系统是一款专门为实验室设计的信息管理系统。


为了更好地提升环境可靠性实验室的工作效率和服务质量,我们计划引入并实施 LIMS 系统。

2. 项目目标本项目的主要目标是建立一套完整的环境可靠性实验室 LIMS 系统,实现实验室各项工作的信息化、智能化管理。

通过 LIMS 系统的实施,提高实验室的工作效率,降低实验成本,保证实验数据的准确性和可靠性,为环境可靠性研究提供有力支持。

3. 项目范围本项目范围包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. LIMS 系统的采购、安装、配置和调试2. 实验室信息数据的迁移和录入3. 实验室工作人员的培训和指导4. LIMS 系统的维护和升级5. 项目实施过程中的沟通和协调4. 项目实施步骤4.1 前期准备1. 成立 LIMS 项目组,明确项目成员的职责和任务2. 进行需求分析,确定 LIMS 系统的功能和性能要求3. 选择合适的 LIMS 供应商,进行商务谈判和合同签订4. 准备 LIMS 系统实施所需的硬件设备和网络环境4.2 系统安装与配置1. 安装 LIMS 系统软件,配置服务器和客户端环境2. 根据实验室需求,对 LIMS 系统进行定制化开发和配置3. 进行 LIMS 系统与实验室现有系统的集成测试4.3 数据迁移与录入1. 制定数据迁移计划,确保数据的安全和完整性2. 进行数据迁移和录入,检查数据的一致性和准确性3. 对迁移后的数据进行清洗和整理,确保 LIMS 系统数据的准确性4.4 系统培训与指导1. 组织 LIMS 系统培训,提高实验室工作人员的操作技能2. 提供 LIMS 系统使用指导,解答实验室工作人员的疑问3. 编写 LIMS 系统操作手册,方便实验室工作人员查阅4.5 系统运行与维护1. 监控 LIMS 系统的运行状态,确保系统的稳定和可靠2. 定期对 LIMS 系统进行维护和升级,提高系统的性能和功能3. 建立 LIMS 系统故障应对机制,及时解决实验室工作人员的问题5. 项目时间计划1. 前期准备:1 个月2. 系统安装与配置:2 个月3. 数据迁移与录入:1 个月4. 系统培训与指导:1 个月5. 系统运行与维护:长期进行6. 项目风险与应对措施1. 风险:LIMS 系统实施过程中出现技术难题应对措施:与 LIMS 供应商技术支持团队密切沟通,寻求解决方案2. 风险:数据迁移和录入过程中出现数据丢失或错误应对措施:进行数据备份,确保数据安全,对迁移后的数据进行严格检查3. 风险:实验室工作人员对 LIMS 系统操作不熟悉,影响工作进度应对措施:加强培训和指导,提供操作手册,及时解答疑问4. 风险:LIMS 系统运行不稳定,影响实验室工作应对措施:建立故障应对机制,定期进行系统维护和升级7. 项目预算1. LIMS 系统软件采购费用2. 硬件设备采购和升级费用3. 培训和指导费用4. 系统维护和升级费用注:具体预算根据实际情况进行调整。



实验室信息管理系统综述实验室信息管理系统概述实验室信息管理系统(Laboratory Information Management System,简称LIMS)是一种针对实验室数据管理和分析的软件系统。



















lims中专业单词 -回复

lims中专业单词 -回复

lims中专业单词-回复LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) is a software-based system that plays a crucial role in managing and organizing data in laboratories. It involves various specialized fields and encompasses a wide range of professional terminology. In this article, we will explore and understand these specialized terms and how they contribute to the effective functioning of a LIMS.1. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS):LIMS is a computerized software system that serves as a data management tool in laboratories. It helps in the collection, organization, and analysis of laboratory data. LIMS ensures accuracy, traceability, and compliance with regulatory standards. It enhances workflow efficiency and provides a centralized database for laboratory information.2. Sample Management:Sample management refers to the process of tracking and managing samples within a laboratory. It involves tasks like sample registration, allocation, storage, and disposal. LIMS provides the necessary tools for recording sample metadata, tracking their movement, and generating sample labels.3. Chain of Custody:The chain of custody is a crucial concept in forensic and clinical laboratories. It involves documenting the movement of samples and maintaining a record of everyone who has handled the sample. This documentation ensures the integrity and traceability of the sample throughout its entire lifecycle, from collection to disposal.4. Quality Control (QC):Quality Control is an essential aspect of any laboratory operation. It refers to the processes and procedures employed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of analytical results. LIMS facilitates QC checks by providing tools for defining control limits, performing statistical analysis, flagging out-of-range results, and generating electronic QC reports.5. Instrument Integration:Instrument integration involves connecting laboratory instruments to the LIMS system. This integration enables the direct transfer of data from instruments to LIMS, eliminating manual data entry and reducing the risk of transcription errors. LIMS supports various integration methods, such as file import/export, direct APIintegration, and data parsing.6. Workflow Management:Workflow management involves streamlining laboratory processes for increased efficiency. LIMS provides features like automated scheduling of tasks, tracking samples through predefined workflows, and generating worklists for laboratory personnel. It helps avoid bottlenecks, reduces turnaround times, and ensures efficient use of resources.7. Electronic Data Capture (EDC):EDC refers to the process of capturing and storing electronic data in a LIMS. Traditionally, laboratory data was recorded manually on paper, but LIMS systems have transformed this process by digitizing data capture. This electronic capture eliminates transcription errors, improves data integrity, and enables real-time data availability.8. Compliance and Regulatory Reporting:Compliance plays a significant role in laboratory operations. LIMS systems adhere to regulatory standards and facilitate compliance by generating reports for regulatory bodies, managingdocumentation, and ensuring data traceability. These reports help laboratories demonstrate compliance and meet legal obligations.9. Sample Tracking and Traceability:LIMS enables the tracking and traceability of samples throughout their lifecycle. Each sample is assigned a unique identifier, allowing easy retrieval and tracking of information related to sample collection, testing, and analysis. This traceability ensures data integrity, facilitates audits, and supportsdecision-making processes.10. Data Management and Analysis:LIMS offers robust data management capabilities, including data storage, retrieval, analysis, and reporting. It can handle large volumes of data and provide tools for data mining, trend analysis, and generating custom reports. LIMS systems integrate with various analytical software and enable seamless data exchange.In conclusion, LIMS is a comprehensive system that encompasses various specialized fields, each with its own set of professional terminology. Understanding these specialized terms is crucial forprofessionals working with LIMS, as it helps them utilize the system's capabilities to the fullest. The effective implementation of LIMS contributes to enhanced laboratory efficiency, data integrity, and regulatory compliance.。

Laboratory information management system

Laboratory information management system

Laboratory information management system.Laboratory management concept.Laboratory information management system concept.Laboratory information management system function.Modern laboratory management, with quantitative management relation mode LIMS is.The current college lab management present situation, problems and countermeasures.summaryLaboratory management conceptLaboratory management object is and lab about things, information and the funds, so laboratory management mainly includes: laboratory, human resources management, quality management, instrumentation, and reagent management, environment management, security management, information management, and laboratory setting mode and management system, management organization and function, construction and planning etc.Laboratory information management system conceptLaboratory Information Management System (Laboratory Information Management System abbreviations LIMS is) is to by database as the core of the Information technology and the Laboratory Management requirements of combining the informationization Management tools. WithISO/IEC17025:2005-5-15 the testing and calibration laboratory ability the general requirements for "(GB standard GB 15481) as the foundation, combining network technology, the laboratory of business processes and all resources such as well as management at a reasonable way to carry on the management. Through the analysis of data system coordinated with LIMS is the automatic data collection and analysis, greatly improving the laboratory testing efficiency, Reduced the lab operation cost and embodies the rapid traceability and trace, make the traditional laboratory manual exercises exist in the maladies of the smooth solution. Currently laboratory information management system in western developed countries application relatively mature, our country through years of development, many laboratories also gradually began to realize informationization in management role in succession start introducing LIMS is. Laboratory information management system also unceasingly industries for continuous improvement and ascend. Believe as technology advances, andproduct function to the continuous improvement in the laboratory information system will be completely realized various virtualization online lab may.Laboratory information management system of basic features include: business process management, all kinds of resource management, administration and all kinds of customers need personalized definition function.Laboratory information management system reference standards:21 CFR 'ts 11 from the Drug under the preserved and United States) (ISO 15189ISO/IEC 17025:1999ISO/IEC 17025:2005ISO 9001:2000ASTME 1394 Specification for Transferring Information Between Clinical Instruments and Computer Systems2E 1578 Standard and Laboratory Information Management by telephone under 0120-2714540 seas (LIMS is)E1580 Standard and Surveillance of Laboratories Accredited seasE 2066 Standard and Validation of Laboratory Information Management. Systems1Laboratory information management system function Laboratory information management system (LIMS is that laboratory information management system is laboratory management science development achievements, is the laboratory management science and the modern information technology with the product, is the use of computer network technology, data storage technology, fast data processing technology, etc, to laboratory all-round management of computer software and hardware systems. The specific function has the following aspects:1. Improve sample test efficiency: testers can at any time in LIMS after completion; they need information query Analysis results, automatically collect input LIMS is generating the final analysis report.2. Improve the reliability analysis: analyzing personnel may prompt understanding and samples related comprehensive information, System self-check error function can reduce theprobability of error. In addition, LIMS is to provide the data to upload function, specific calculation and self-checking function, eliminating the man-made factors, also can ensure the reliability analysis results.3. Improve for complex analysis problem of processing power: the laboratory LIMS is organically integrate various resources together, the staff can be conveniently for lab had done all analytical sample and results the query. Therefore, based on the historical data storage LIMS is detection of fault, likely to get some of the actual problem dealt with valuable information.4. Coordinate laboratory all kinds of resources: management personnel may through LIMS is platform, real-time understand lab equipments and personnel working condition and different post influenza virus sample number and other information, can coordinate the relevant aspects strength dissolve analysis process appear "bottleneck" link, shorten the sample to detect cycles; Adjust the laboratory in different departments surplus resources, minimize waste of resources.5. Realize quantitative management: can provide to the entire lab LIMS is a statistical analysis of the various information, such as the utilization ratio of the equipment, maintenance get rate,different posts workers workload, error rate, entrusted sample testing project distribution characteristics, laboratory year-round various tasks of time distribution state, agents or funds consumption law and other information. Executives can quantitatively evaluate laboratory each link working condition, well realize experimental work of the comprehensive quantitative managementModern laboratory management, with quantitative management relation mode LIMS is1. The lab is to acquire data and to scientificly analyse data sites, laboratory of workflow standardization in an organization is better, so for lab for informatization construction and quantitative management offers the potential and the foundation.2. To adapt to new period laboratory examination work demand and market environment, must improve the laboratory management level. To improve the laboratory management level, it is necessary to establish modern organization management system, adopting the modern management techniques and tools. Quantitative management also known as the ultimate management, it is all sorts of modern management theory, fusion product, is the scientific management of actual application. LIMSis a form of modern management techniques and tools. So quantitative management and LIMS is management level, can improve the laboratory upgrade traditional laboratory management for modern laboratory management.3. Quantitative management requirements in under the goal, and consult with the target task decomposition evaluation task execution, to control the implementation process, near and achieve the goal. Quantitative management keywords are decomposed, evaluation and control. Decomposition and control can be in management will and system implementation, evaluation is management of difficulty, and promote quantitative management effectiveness evaluation is the inner mechanism. Any management means is to improve work efficiency and achieve the goal, stopover all is to improve the people's enthusiasm and creativity. But must improve people's enthusiasm and creativity, only fitted in performance management can be achieved. Assessment is performance management of the key. Only fair and reasonable evaluation to make system has the execution. Third-party evaluation is to solve the effective way of assessment fair question. The role of LIMS is on the whole is one can provide information of all kinds of statistical analysis of the laboratory for fair appraisal, thusprovide a dependable basis, so LIMS is conducive to the realization of quantitative management.Thus, quantitative management helps to promote modern laboratory management, and LIMS is conducive to the realization of quantitative management with quantitative management, so LIMS is the combination of modern laboratory management can be realized. The relationship model shown in figure:Current university of lab management present situation and the existing problems(a) the opening experiment contents and single. The opening experiment content is single, lack of multi-disciplinary comprehensive and its multi-discipline, laboratory according to the curriculum attached to the classroom teaching, lack of innovation.(2) opening time lack of institutionalization. Open time not too clear, the current laboratory is often in the teachers' teaching ofthe course content related topics only temporary decided to inform managers of laboratory opening laboratory.(3) laboratory easily lost property. Some comsumption of small articles, often because of lack of management norm, sometimes by some students ShunShouQianYang, so in a certain extent caused laboratory property loss.(4) instrument maintenance low efficiency. Due to the lack of lab management institution and funds difficult wait for a reason, laboratory management personnel with limited(5) laboratory funds investment is less.(6) laboratory evaluation mechanism being short of.Reform of the laboratory management countermeasures(a) improving normalizing laboratory management regulations and strictly observe, realization management of institutionalization. Any kind of management should be based on the system construction, laboratory management is no exception. Must establish a set of accords with every university characteristics of everybody strictly abide by the management system, causes the laboratory management scientific, reasonable and regulate efficient operation.(2) change the education idea, set up the education management concept of innovation. Modern college education from elite education to mass already education transformation from traditional exam-oriented education to pay more attention to training students' abilities and skills of quality education transformation.(3) seriously and strengthen the laboratory specialized technical personnel of teacher team construction, realizes the laboratory management personnel's specialization. For academic laboratory management is concerned, laboratory management and technical personnel are most important. Because of their business level, education level, management ability size and working attitude and enthusiasm, which directly influences the laboratory construction and management level.summary1. Laboratory informatization construction is the trend of The Times, can significantly improve the LIMS is lab management level,2. LIMS is is information technology and advanced management theory fusion of the product, therefore LIMS is not but system implementation, and is the use of advanced management theoryof practice. Therefore, only the fitted with corresponding management system construction, be implemented successfully LIMS is,3. LIMS is and quantitative management is the modern laboratory management symbol, LIMS is can realize laboratory quantitative management, can raise laboratory, and quantitative management informationization level can improve the laboratory management efficiency and level, so is the foundation, and quantitative management LIMS is is support, with quantitative management LIMS is complementary, joint propulsion laboratory of modern management.。

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Laboratory information management system.Laboratory management concept.Laboratory information management system concept.Laboratory information management system function.Modern laboratory management, with quantitative management relation mode LIMS is.The current college lab management present situation, problems and countermeasures.summaryLaboratory management conceptLaboratory management object is and lab about things, information and the funds, so laboratory management mainly includes: laboratory, human resources management, quality management, instrumentation, and reagent management, environment management, security management, information management, and laboratory setting mode and management system, management organization and function, construction and planning etc.Laboratory information management system conceptLaboratory Information Management System (Laboratory Information Management System abbreviations LIMS is) is to by database as the core of the Information technology and the Laboratory Management requirements of combining the informationization Management tools. WithISO/IEC17025:2005-5-15 the testing and calibration laboratory ability the general requirements for "(GB standard GB 15481) as the foundation, combining network technology, the laboratory of business processes and all resources such as well as management at a reasonable way to carry on the management. Through the analysis of data system coordinated with LIMS is the automatic data collection and analysis, greatly improving the laboratory testing efficiency, Reduced the lab operation cost and embodies the rapid traceability and trace, make the traditional laboratory manual exercises exist in the maladies of the smooth solution. Currently laboratory information management system in western developed countries application relatively mature, our country through years of development, many laboratories also gradually began to realize informationization in management role in succession start introducing LIMS is. Laboratory information management system also unceasingly industries for continuous improvement and ascend. Believe as technology advances, andproduct function to the continuous improvement in the laboratory information system will be completely realized various virtualization online lab may.Laboratory information management system of basic features include: business process management, all kinds of resource management, administration and all kinds of customers need personalized definition function.Laboratory information management system reference standards:21 CFR 'ts 11 from the Drug under the preserved and United States) (ISO 15189ISO/IEC 17025:1999ISO/IEC 17025:2005ISO 9001:2000ASTME 1394 Specification for Transferring Information Between Clinical Instruments and Computer Systems2E 1578 Standard and Laboratory Information Management by telephone under 0120-2714540 seas (LIMS is)E1580 Standard and Surveillance of Laboratories Accredited seasE 2066 Standard and Validation of Laboratory Information Management. Systems1Laboratory information management system function Laboratory information management system (LIMS is that laboratory information management system is laboratory management science development achievements, is the laboratory management science and the modern information technology with the product, is the use of computer network technology, data storage technology, fast data processing technology, etc, to laboratory all-round management of computer software and hardware systems. The specific function has the following aspects:1. Improve sample test efficiency: testers can at any time in LIMS after completion; they need information query Analysis results, automatically collect input LIMS is generating the final analysis report.2. Improve the reliability analysis: analyzing personnel may prompt understanding and samples related comprehensive information, System self-check error function can reduce theprobability of error. In addition, LIMS is to provide the data to upload function, specific calculation and self-checking function, eliminating the man-made factors, also can ensure the reliability analysis results.3. Improve for complex analysis problem of processing power: the laboratory LIMS is organically integrate various resources together, the staff can be conveniently for lab had done all analytical sample and results the query. Therefore, based on the historical data storage LIMS is detection of fault, likely to get some of the actual problem dealt with valuable information.4. Coordinate laboratory all kinds of resources: management personnel may through LIMS is platform, real-time understand lab equipments and personnel working condition and different post influenza virus sample number and other information, can coordinate the relevant aspects strength dissolve analysis process appear "bottleneck" link, shorten the sample to detect cycles; Adjust the laboratory in different departments surplus resources, minimize waste of resources.5. Realize quantitative management: can provide to the entire lab LIMS is a statistical analysis of the various information, such as the utilization ratio of the equipment, maintenance get rate,different posts workers workload, error rate, entrusted sample testing project distribution characteristics, laboratory year-round various tasks of time distribution state, agents or funds consumption law and other information. Executives can quantitatively evaluate laboratory each link working condition, well realize experimental work of the comprehensive quantitative managementModern laboratory management, with quantitative management relation mode LIMS is1. The lab is to acquire data and to scientificly analyse data sites, laboratory of workflow standardization in an organization is better, so for lab for informatization construction and quantitative management offers the potential and the foundation.2. To adapt to new period laboratory examination work demand and market environment, must improve the laboratory management level. To improve the laboratory management level, it is necessary to establish modern organization management system, adopting the modern management techniques and tools. Quantitative management also known as the ultimate management, it is all sorts of modern management theory, fusion product, is the scientific management of actual application. LIMSis a form of modern management techniques and tools. So quantitative management and LIMS is management level, can improve the laboratory upgrade traditional laboratory management for modern laboratory management.3. Quantitative management requirements in under the goal, and consult with the target task decomposition evaluation task execution, to control the implementation process, near and achieve the goal. Quantitative management keywords are decomposed, evaluation and control. Decomposition and control can be in management will and system implementation, evaluation is management of difficulty, and promote quantitative management effectiveness evaluation is the inner mechanism. Any management means is to improve work efficiency and achieve the goal, stopover all is to improve the people's enthusiasm and creativity. But must improve people's enthusiasm and creativity, only fitted in performance management can be achieved. Assessment is performance management of the key. Only fair and reasonable evaluation to make system has the execution. Third-party evaluation is to solve the effective way of assessment fair question. The role of LIMS is on the whole is one can provide information of all kinds of statistical analysis of the laboratory for fair appraisal, thusprovide a dependable basis, so LIMS is conducive to the realization of quantitative management.Thus, quantitative management helps to promote modern laboratory management, and LIMS is conducive to the realization of quantitative management with quantitative management, so LIMS is the combination of modern laboratory management can be realized. The relationship model shown in figure:Current university of lab management present situation and the existing problems(a) the opening experiment contents and single. The opening experiment content is single, lack of multi-disciplinary comprehensive and its multi-discipline, laboratory according to the curriculum attached to the classroom teaching, lack of innovation.(2) opening time lack of institutionalization. Open time not too clear, the current laboratory is often in the teachers' teaching ofthe course content related topics only temporary decided to inform managers of laboratory opening laboratory.(3) laboratory easily lost property. Some comsumption of small articles, often because of lack of management norm, sometimes by some students ShunShouQianYang, so in a certain extent caused laboratory property loss.(4) instrument maintenance low efficiency. Due to the lack of lab management institution and funds difficult wait for a reason, laboratory management personnel with limited(5) laboratory funds investment is less.(6) laboratory evaluation mechanism being short of.Reform of the laboratory management countermeasures(a) improving normalizing laboratory management regulations and strictly observe, realization management of institutionalization. Any kind of management should be based on the system construction, laboratory management is no exception. Must establish a set of accords with every university characteristics of everybody strictly abide by the management system, causes the laboratory management scientific, reasonable and regulate efficient operation.(2) change the education idea, set up the education management concept of innovation. Modern college education from elite education to mass already education transformation from traditional exam-oriented education to pay more attention to training students' abilities and skills of quality education transformation.(3) seriously and strengthen the laboratory specialized technical personnel of teacher team construction, realizes the laboratory management personnel's specialization. For academic laboratory management is concerned, laboratory management and technical personnel are most important. Because of their business level, education level, management ability size and working attitude and enthusiasm, which directly influences the laboratory construction and management level.summary1. Laboratory informatization construction is the trend of The Times, can significantly improve the LIMS is lab management level,2. LIMS is is information technology and advanced management theory fusion of the product, therefore LIMS is not but system implementation, and is the use of advanced management theoryof practice. Therefore, only the fitted with corresponding management system construction, be implemented successfully LIMS is,3. LIMS is and quantitative management is the modern laboratory management symbol, LIMS is can realize laboratory quantitative management, can raise laboratory, and quantitative management informationization level can improve the laboratory management efficiency and level, so is the foundation, and quantitative management LIMS is is support, with quantitative management LIMS is complementary, joint propulsion laboratory of modern management.。
