
Anne Bradstreet: "Contemplations (9)"
• Contemplations (9) • I heard the merry grasshopper then sing. • The black-clad cricket (蟋蟀) bear a second part; • They kept one tune and played on the same string, • Seeming to glory in their little art. • Shall creatures abject thus their voices raise • And in their kind resound their Maker's praise, • Whilst I, as mute, can warble (sing in a high voice but not
• Smith says of Pocahontas that she "hazarded the beating out of her owne braines to save mine."
Captain John Smith: Life experiences
• On September 10, 1608, Smith became president of the council in the colony and orchestrated (organize)such improvements as expanding the settlement around the fort and repairing many buildings.
• His importance is more seen in his Puritanical doctrines; a representative of the idealistic aspect of American Puritanism and an emblem of the Calvinist beliefs and tenets.
Anne Bradstreet: "Contemplations (9)"
• Contemplations (9) • I heard the merry grasshopper then sing. • The black-clad cricket (蟋蟀) bear a second part; • They kept one tune and played on the same string, • Seeming to glory in their little art. • Shall creatures abject thus their voices raise • And in their kind resound their Maker's praise, • Whilst I, as mute, can warble (sing in a high voice but not
• Smith says of Pocahontas that she "hazarded the beating out of her owne braines to save mine."
Captain John Smith: Life experiences
• On September 10, 1608, Smith became president of the council in the colony and orchestrated (organize)such improvements as expanding the settlement around the fort and repairing many buildings.
• His importance is more seen in his Puritanical doctrines; a representative of the idealistic aspect of American Puritanism and an emblem of the Calvinist beliefs and tenets.

在1873年,塞丝和她的女儿丹芙住在辛辛那提附近农村地区124号 的一所房子里。由于塞丝过去的经历和她的孤傲,她们受到当地 人的排斥。自从逃出“甜蜜家园”农场后十八年已经过去了。这 个农场由一个被称之为老师的凶残的男人经营着,这个人一边允 许他的侄子们残害塞丝一边做笔录用以科学地研究黑人。因此, 已经怀孕的塞丝逃跑了,逃跑的路上在一个叫做艾米的白人妇女 的帮助下生下了孩子。此时理应陪在塞丝身边的丈夫却消失了。 带着四个孩子逃往辛辛那提后塞丝只享受了28天的自由便被她的 主人追到,塞丝试图把她的孩子全都杀死而不愿让他们沦为奴隶, 但最后只杀死了其中的一个。她的主人因为认为塞丝已不能继续 当仆人而丢弃了她,而塞丝也免于绞刑继续在124号抚养剩下的三 个孩子。死去孩子的灵魂开始出没于她们居住的房子,两个儿子 霍华德和巴尔格两度遇见灵魂后心惊胆战地离开了。祖母贝比"萨 格斯也因此伤心而患病死去。贝比"萨格斯以前在辛辛那提的黑人 社区有着相当大的影响力,被许多人热奉为鼓舞人心的“圣女”。 自从塞丝出事后她便放弃讲道卧病在床。她死后数年里塞丝和丹 芙孤独地继续生活在小房子里,特别是丹芙,虽然已经十八岁, 但还是不敢离开房子半步。
此外,莫里森还荣获下列奖项: 1977年 《所罗门之歌》获全国图书评论界奖(National Book Critics Circle Award) 1977年 或美国艺术与文学学院奖(American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award) 1987-88年 获罗伯特·肯尼迪图书奖(Robert F. Kennedy Book Award) 1988年 《宝贝儿》获美国图书奖(American Book Award) 1988年 《宝贝儿》获安斯非尔德-沃尔夫种族关系图书奖(Anisfield-Wolf Book Award in Race Relations) 1988年 《宝贝儿》获普利策小说奖(Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) 1989年 美国现代语言协会联邦文学奖(MLA Commonwealth Award in Literature) 1993年 获法国艺术及文学司令勋章(Commander of the Arts and Letters ) 1994年 获孔多塞奖章(Condorcet Medal) 1994年 获赛珍珠奖(Pearl Buck Award) 1994年 获雷吉耶姆·朱里文学奖(Rhegium Julii Prize for Literature) 1996年 获全国图书基金美国文学突出贡献奖(National Book Foundation's Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters) 2000年 获全国人文奖章(National Humanities Medal)
美国文学 ppt课件

• Puritan opposition to pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated.
• Religious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a
wrathful GodOf Plymouth Plantation
Anne Bradstreet (安妮·布拉 德斯特里特) (1612-1672)
the first American woman poet
a Puritan poet, once called “Tenth Muse”
• The spiritual life in the colonies during that period was molded by the bourgeois Enlightenment.
2. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790):
• The Autobiography • Poor Richard’s Almanack
the first American writer
A Description of New England 《新英格兰叙事》 (1616)
General History of Virginia《弗吉尼亚通史》 (1642)
• Pocahontas
William Bradford (1590-1657)
• Politics dominated the revolutionary phase of American writing.
• The crisis in American life carried by the Revolution made artists self-conscious about American subjects.

total depravity(人类是完全堕落的,所以
最好以取悦上帝), limited atonement (有
American Puritanism
Features of American Puritan
2. Early American Puritan Writers
• John Smith, one of the founders of the colony of Jamestown: His descriptions about the new world became the source of information for the later settlers.
Colonial period and Revolutionary period Early Romanticism Transcendentalism Late Romanticism
The age of Realism
Irving Franklin Cooper Emerson Hawthorne Twain James Dreiser Melville Thoreau
himself to writing Amh erican subject
2. Evaluation. (Benjamin Franklin1706 – 1790)
1) He was a rare genius in human history. Everything seems to meet in this one man, mind and will, talent and art, strength and ease, wit and grace, and he became almost everything: a printer, postmaster, citizen, almanac maker, essayist, scientist, inventor, statesman, philosopher, political economist and ambassador.

• When he woke up, he noticed that his joints were stiff and that his beard had grown a foot long. Returning to his village, he found it changed almost beyond recognition.
3) What does “this legendary superstition” refer to? (Para. 2) 4) What is “the general purport of this legendary superstition”? (Para. 3—Para. 4)
5) Is the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” the story of the Headless Horseman? If not, what does the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” deal with?
Literary Terms: 1.Protagonist: The leading character in a play or story, originally the leader of the CHORUS in the AGON (“contest”) of Greek drama, faced with the ANTAGONIST, the opposition.
6) How many major characters are mentioned in the “legend”? Who are they? And what’s the relationship between them? Who is the protagonist? And who is the antagonist?
• When he woke up, he noticed that his joints were stiff and that his beard had grown a foot long. Returning to his village, he found it changed almost beyond recognition.
3) What does “this legendary superstition” refer to? (Para. 2) 4) What is “the general purport of this legendary superstition”? (Para. 3—Para. 4)
5) Is the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” the story of the Headless Horseman? If not, what does the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” deal with?
Literary Terms: 1.Protagonist: The leading character in a play or story, originally the leader of the CHORUS in the AGON (“contest”) of Greek drama, faced with the ANTAGONIST, the opposition.
6) How many major characters are mentioned in the “legend”? Who are they? And what’s the relationship between them? Who is the protagonist? And who is the antagonist?

• 1. American literature grew out of humble origins. • 2.Diaries, histories, journals, letters, commonplace books, travel books, sermons, in short, personal literature in its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period.
V. The Survey of Selected Readings in American Literature
• 2. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was at first a faithful follower of Emerson, but alienated himself somewhat from the master later on. • 3. Another of Emerson's contemporaries, Walt Whitman (1819-1892), tried to write poetry describing the native American experience. • 4. Whitman and Dickinson were the two major American poets of the nineteenth century.
American Literature
Foreign Language Department
Tangmerican Literature
V. The Survey of Selected Readings in American Literature
• 2. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was at first a faithful follower of Emerson, but alienated himself somewhat from the master later on. • 3. Another of Emerson's contemporaries, Walt Whitman (1819-1892), tried to write poetry describing the native American experience. • 4. Whitman and Dickinson were the two major American poets of the nineteenth century.
American Literature
Foreign Language Department
Tangmerican Literature

The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature.
>>Romantic writers placed increasing value on the free expression of emotion and displayed increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters.
what influence this situation had on the people’s mind;
what the direct result of this influence was.
A fast-rising America
A tremendous sense of optimism and hope
3) The characteristics of American romanticism
>> opposed neoclassicism; rejected rationalism; appreciated camp-meeting revivalism & New England transcendentalism.
He works aimed to entertain and amuse not to moralize
Vivid and true characters Finished and musical language Strong sense of humor Never shocking but a bit sentimental at
>>Romantic writers placed increasing value on the free expression of emotion and displayed increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters.
what influence this situation had on the people’s mind;
what the direct result of this influence was.
A fast-rising America
A tremendous sense of optimism and hope
3) The characteristics of American romanticism
>> opposed neoclassicism; rejected rationalism; appreciated camp-meeting revivalism & New England transcendentalism.
He works aimed to entertain and amuse not to moralize
Vivid and true characters Finished and musical language Strong sense of humor Never shocking but a bit sentimental at
美国文学现实主义文学 PPT

Part IV The Literature of Realism
美国现实主义文学 (1860-1914)
I. Historical Introduction II. Literary Movements between the Civil
War and the First World War III. The Establishment of American
Features of Realism
Emphasizes objectivity and offers an objective rather than an idealistic view of human nature and human experience. Realists seek truth that is verifiable by experience and have practical consequences. They expressed the concern for the world of experience, of the commonplace, and for the familiar and the low. Realism is embedded in a mimetic theory of art. Realists believe that literature imitates reality.
Local Colorism
❖ Local colorism is dependent upon a specific geographical location. Local colorists give emphasis to the local details by tapping into its folklore, history, mannerism, custom, beliefs and speech. Dialects peculiarities are the defining characteristic of local color writings. They tend to idealize and glorify, but they never forgot to keep an eye on the truthful color of local life.
Part IV The Literature of Realism
美国现实主义文学 (1860-1914)
I. Historical Introduction II. Literary Movements between the Civil
War and the First World War III. The Establishment of American
Features of Realism
Emphasizes objectivity and offers an objective rather than an idealistic view of human nature and human experience. Realists seek truth that is verifiable by experience and have practical consequences. They expressed the concern for the world of experience, of the commonplace, and for the familiar and the low. Realism is embedded in a mimetic theory of art. Realists believe that literature imitates reality.
Local Colorism
❖ Local colorism is dependent upon a specific geographical location. Local colorists give emphasis to the local details by tapping into its folklore, history, mannerism, custom, beliefs and speech. Dialects peculiarities are the defining characteristic of local color writings. They tend to idealize and glorify, but they never forgot to keep an eye on the truthful color of local life.
美国文学 PPT课件

➢ Chapter II Revolutionary Period
Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
➢ Chapter III American Romanticism
Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper William Cullen Bryant Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brief Outline of American literature
1. Colonial period (1607-1775)
Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor
2. Revolutionary period
(1775-1783) Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
The early settlers
❖ Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492.
❖ Captain John Smith reached Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.
❖ Puritans came the New England area, by Mayflower in 1620.
❖ Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.
2. Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, ts, novelette, etc.
Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
➢ Chapter III American Romanticism
Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper William Cullen Bryant Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brief Outline of American literature
1. Colonial period (1607-1775)
Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor
2. Revolutionary period
(1775-1783) Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
The early settlers
❖ Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492.
❖ Captain John Smith reached Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.
❖ Puritans came the New England area, by Mayflower in 1620.
❖ Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.
2. Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, ts, novelette, etc.

Influence of the Civil War
• The civil war had a profound influence on Whitman and other writers at the time. • Whitman’s lifetime saw both the Civil War and the rise of the United States as a commercial and political power. He witnessed both the apex and the abolition of slavery. • His poetry is thus centered on ideas of democracy, equality, and brotherhood. • "O Captain! My Captain!" – famous poem about Abraham Lincoln
Democratic Poetry
• He imagined democracy as a way of interpersonal interaction and as a way for individuals to integrate their beliefs into their everyday lives. • “Song of Myself” notes that democracy must include all individuals equally, or else it will fail. • The stated mission of his poetry was, in his words, to make “an attempt to put a Person, a human being (myself, in the latter half of the 19th century, in America) freely, fully, and truly on record.”
《美国文学》教学课件Literature of the Eighteenth Century

• Poor Richard’s Almanack • An almanack is a book that gives vital
information for the years, the seasons, the sunrise and the sunset, accurate information on tides, as well as information on how to plant certain crops , how to cure hens, etc. all are practical information important to farmers.
The History and the Influence of Enlightenment
2.Newtonian ideas:
a. The universe is seen as a mechanism operating by a rational formula or by unchanging laws available to intelligent humans.
3.The Influence of the Newtonian ideas:
C. Americans believed that more reasonable political and social orders should be established.
D. Americans also learned to take actions to resist oppressive power and to criticize and reform government.
• C. The Autobiography is also an eloquent education of the ideas of the 18th.c. Using his life story as a shining example, Franklin eloquently demonstrated all the major principles of the enlightenment in America.
information for the years, the seasons, the sunrise and the sunset, accurate information on tides, as well as information on how to plant certain crops , how to cure hens, etc. all are practical information important to farmers.
The History and the Influence of Enlightenment
2.Newtonian ideas:
a. The universe is seen as a mechanism operating by a rational formula or by unchanging laws available to intelligent humans.
3.The Influence of the Newtonian ideas:
C. Americans believed that more reasonable political and social orders should be established.
D. Americans also learned to take actions to resist oppressive power and to criticize and reform government.
• C. The Autobiography is also an eloquent education of the ideas of the 18th.c. Using his life story as a shining example, Franklin eloquently demonstrated all the major principles of the enlightenment in America.
Mark_Twain美国文学 ppt课件

《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》(1867)、《傻子 国外旅行记》(1869)、《艰苦岁月》(1872)、 《镀金时代》(1873,与查尔斯·达德利·沃纳合 写)、《汤姆·索耶历险记》(1876)、《国外流浪 汉》(1880)、《王子与贫儿》(1882)、《密西西 比河上》(1883)、《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》 (1884)、《亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人》 (1889)、《傻瓜威尔逊》(1894)、《贞德传》 (1896)。他去世后出版的作品有:《神秘的来 客》(1916)、《马克·吐温的笔记本》(1935)和 《自传》(1959)
Mark_Twain美 国文学
Mark Twain died of illness on April 21, 1910. When he passed away, newspapers around the country declared, “The whole world is mourning.” By then, Samuel Clemens had long since ceased to be a private citizen. He had become Mark Twain, a proud possession of the American nation.
Life experience
Mark Twain was born at Florida, Missouri, a little town in Mississippi.At the death of his father in 1847, Twain ,11 years old ,had left school to be an apprentice to a printer. Then a brief but glorious career as a Mississippi River steamboat pilot ended when the river was blockaded at the beginning of the Civil War.
美国文学F·Scott Fitzgerald ppt课件

Why is the man with owl-eyed spectacles impressed with the fact that the books in the libraries are real? What does he expect?
What does the fact that he has been drunk for one week indicate?
• His novels such as The Great Gatsby (1925), Tender Is the Night (1934), and The Last Tycoon (1941), amplify详述 the melancholy he discovered beneath the glitter灿烂 of Americanstyle success.
美国文学F·Scott Fitzgerald
Jay Gatsby— rags-to-riches success story makes him an
embodiment of the American dream, idealistic, naïve,
Daisy Buchannan Tom Buchannan Nick Carraway
• through the haze薄雾 of alcohol, it seems to become steeped使…充满 in meaning. Fitzgerald offers candid率直的 commentary into life in the Jazz Age. He is offering harsh social criticism, by suggesting that the only way in which a sense of meaning is to be found in this time is through altering one's sense of consciousness. Through the partying, people were able to bring meaning (regardless of the fact it may be false meaning) into their otherwise meaningless lives. For them, drinking was an escape, allowing them to exit the mundane平凡的 world and take part in something bigger, something more meaningful.
Why is the man with owl-eyed spectacles impressed with the fact that the books in the libraries are real? What does he expect?
What does the fact that he has been drunk for one week indicate?
• His novels such as The Great Gatsby (1925), Tender Is the Night (1934), and The Last Tycoon (1941), amplify详述 the melancholy he discovered beneath the glitter灿烂 of Americanstyle success.
美国文学F·Scott Fitzgerald
Jay Gatsby— rags-to-riches success story makes him an
embodiment of the American dream, idealistic, naïve,
Daisy Buchannan Tom Buchannan Nick Carraway
• through the haze薄雾 of alcohol, it seems to become steeped使…充满 in meaning. Fitzgerald offers candid率直的 commentary into life in the Jazz Age. He is offering harsh social criticism, by suggesting that the only way in which a sense of meaning is to be found in this time is through altering one's sense of consciousness. Through the partying, people were able to bring meaning (regardless of the fact it may be false meaning) into their otherwise meaningless lives. For them, drinking was an escape, allowing them to exit the mundane平凡的 world and take part in something bigger, something more meaningful.
美国文学及其特色 PPT课件

• 经常出现的“美国梦”主题 • 作品主题或文学体裁往往和美国的
地理、历史有关 • 个人和社会的冲突和矛盾、社会进
步毁坏了大自然和人的天性 • 少年成长的故事(initiation story) • 开放性结尾
美国梦American Dream
菲兹杰拉德/F. Scott Fitzgerald 《了不起的盖茨比》
第一讲 美国文学及其特色
第二讲 马克·吐温的 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记
第三讲 20世纪亚裔美国文学 的兴起
• 美国诺贝尔文学奖得主 • 美国文学的特色 • 美国文学的共性 • 理解、欣赏美国文学应具备的背景知识 • 学习方法 • 推荐书目 • 参考书 • 思考题
马克·吐温 Mark Twain 《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
克莱恩 Crane 《红色英勇勋章》 The Red Badge of Courage
塞林格 Salinger 《麦田的守望者》
The Catcher in the Rye
Huckleberry Finn, 1884)
西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser) 《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie, 1900)
司各脱·菲兹杰拉德 (F. Scott Fitzgerald) 《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby, 1925) 厄纳斯特·海明威 (Ernest Hemingway) 《太阳照样升起》(The Sun Also Rises, 1926) 《永别了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms, 1929) 《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea, 1952) 托妮·莫里森 (Toni Morrison) 《宠儿》(Beloved, 1987) 汤亭亭(Maxine Hong Kingston) 《中国佬》(China Men, 1980)

Langston Hughes
(February 1, 1902 – May 22, 1967)
• Born : February 1, 1902, Joplin, Missouri • Died : May 22, 1967 (aged 65), New York City, New York • Occupation : poet, columnist, dramatist, essayist, lyricist, novelist • Nationality : American • Ethnicity : African American, White American and Native American
• Don't ever give up on goals and dreams in your life. Keep it strong and it will help you, instead of suffer. • Keep fightinBy Langston Hughes • Hold fast to dreams • For if dreams die • Life is a broken-winged bird • That can never fly. • • • • Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen only with snow
紧紧抓住梦想, 紧紧抓住梦想, 梦想若是消亡 生命就象折了翅膀的鸟儿 再也无法飞翔。 再也无法飞翔。 紧紧抓住梦想, 紧紧抓住梦想, 梦想若是消失 生命就象贫瘠的荒野 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长。 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长。
Why Did Langston Hughes Write Dreams? Langston Hughes wrote "Dreams" because he had known that dreams can come here and there, but he also knew that dreams can never be let go or taken from as of in his image. What is Dreams by Langston Hughes saying? In the poem Dreams by Langston Hughes, the narrator is advising the reader to never stop dreaming and to never give up on a dream. The reason for this is because he/she feels that the world is a very depressing place, but dreams can make it wondrous and exciting ("Life is a broken-winged bird/ That cannot fly"). What is the tone of dreams by Langston Hughes? Inspirational Motivating What is Dreams by Langston Hughes about? It is about chasing your dreams and trying to keep up with it and be tenacious with it. Otherwise it will leave you and you may not get another chance, since life is hard.
(February 1, 1902 – May 22, 1967)
• Born : February 1, 1902, Joplin, Missouri • Died : May 22, 1967 (aged 65), New York City, New York • Occupation : poet, columnist, dramatist, essayist, lyricist, novelist • Nationality : American • Ethnicity : African American, White American and Native American
• Don't ever give up on goals and dreams in your life. Keep it strong and it will help you, instead of suffer. • Keep fightinBy Langston Hughes • Hold fast to dreams • For if dreams die • Life is a broken-winged bird • That can never fly. • • • • Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen only with snow
紧紧抓住梦想, 紧紧抓住梦想, 梦想若是消亡 生命就象折了翅膀的鸟儿 再也无法飞翔。 再也无法飞翔。 紧紧抓住梦想, 紧紧抓住梦想, 梦想若是消失 生命就象贫瘠的荒野 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长。 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长。
Why Did Langston Hughes Write Dreams? Langston Hughes wrote "Dreams" because he had known that dreams can come here and there, but he also knew that dreams can never be let go or taken from as of in his image. What is Dreams by Langston Hughes saying? In the poem Dreams by Langston Hughes, the narrator is advising the reader to never stop dreaming and to never give up on a dream. The reason for this is because he/she feels that the world is a very depressing place, but dreams can make it wondrous and exciting ("Life is a broken-winged bird/ That cannot fly"). What is the tone of dreams by Langston Hughes? Inspirational Motivating What is Dreams by Langston Hughes about? It is about chasing your dreams and trying to keep up with it and be tenacious with it. Otherwise it will leave you and you may not get another chance, since life is hard.
美国文学第一讲introduction PPT

Periods of American Literature
1. The early A. literature (Colonial period & early national and revolutionary period ) (1607-1783)
2. The age of Romanticism (1783-1865) 3. The age of Realism & Naturalism (1865-
Literature Root and Flower, Foreign
Language Teaching and Research Press,
Shared mailbox
Code: 20090214
5. Walt Whitman & His poems (Week 11) 6. Emily Dickinson& Her poems (Week 12) 7. Nathaniel Hawthorne & The Minister’s
Black Veil (Week 14) 8. Herman Melville & Moby Dick (Week 15) 9. Edgar Allan Poe & His Works (Week 17)
Week 14 The Minister’s Black Veil Week 15 Herman Melville Week 16 Edgar Allan Poe Week 17 To Helen
Requirement of the course
You are supposed to do your HOMEWORK Final marks: class performance (40%)+ final
美国文学第一章课件 American_History.ppt 2

▲ late:
1. The literature of colonial America (1607 mid-18th)
◆American Puritanism: Puritanism is the practices and beliefs
of the puritans. Quite a few of the early British settlers were Puritans. They were members of the Church of England, who aimed at reforms in its doctrines and strictness in religious disciplines and were persecuted. To avoid the religious Persecution, some of them managed to escape to the New world and became known as Puritan Fathers.
• Pilgrim Fathers
In 1620, a tiny ship called the “May flower” sailed from England for the New world, with 102 passengers. 50% were Pilgrims. Landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.
亚美瑞格. 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇号是意大利海军的一 艘高桅横帆船, 艘高桅横帆船,她的名字来源于探险家 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇(伟大的航海家 航海家, 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇(伟大的航海家, 1497年到1504年 年到1504 从1497年到1504年 Amerigo Vespucci 曾四次到南美洲进行探险航行。 曾四次到南美洲进行探险航行。他对于 所到达的国家做了非常细致的描述。 所到达的国家做了非常细致的描述。这 些文字在欧洲流传甚广并给他带来极大 的声誉: 的声誉:人们认为他是真实的美洲的发现者
▲ late:
1. The literature of colonial America (1607 mid-18th)
◆American Puritanism: Puritanism is the practices and beliefs
of the puritans. Quite a few of the early British settlers were Puritans. They were members of the Church of England, who aimed at reforms in its doctrines and strictness in religious disciplines and were persecuted. To avoid the religious Persecution, some of them managed to escape to the New world and became known as Puritan Fathers.
• Pilgrim Fathers
In 1620, a tiny ship called the “May flower” sailed from England for the New world, with 102 passengers. 50% were Pilgrims. Landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.
亚美瑞格. 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇号是意大利海军的一 艘高桅横帆船, 艘高桅横帆船,她的名字来源于探险家 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇(伟大的航海家 航海家, 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇(伟大的航海家, 1497年到1504年 年到1504 从1497年到1504年 Amerigo Vespucci 曾四次到南美洲进行探险航行。 曾四次到南美洲进行探险航行。他对于 所到达的国家做了非常细致的描述。 所到达的国家做了非常细致的描述。这 些文字在欧洲流传甚广并给他带来极大 的声誉: 的声誉:人们认为他是真实的美洲的发现者

in American literature
Whitman • Position
A part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism
He believed the American poets would create both new forms and new subject matter for poetry.
我赞美我自己,歌唱我自己, 我所讲的一切,将对你们也一样适合, 因为属于我的每一个原子,也同样属于你。 我闲游,邀请我的灵魂一起, 我俯首下视,悠闲地观察一片夏天的草叶。
—— Song of myself
My tongue, every atom of my blood,
Form’d from this soil, this air,
Major Works
Whitman • Works
Leaves of Grass《草叶集》
nine editions,from 95 pages,12 poems to 400 pages,401 poems
the first American genuine epic poems
Worked as an office boy, a printer's apprentice, schoolmaster, printer, editor (of eight successive newspapers ), and journalist.
Whitman • Life Experience
Whitman • Position
A part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism
He believed the American poets would create both new forms and new subject matter for poetry.
我赞美我自己,歌唱我自己, 我所讲的一切,将对你们也一样适合, 因为属于我的每一个原子,也同样属于你。 我闲游,邀请我的灵魂一起, 我俯首下视,悠闲地观察一片夏天的草叶。
—— Song of myself
My tongue, every atom of my blood,
Form’d from this soil, this air,
Major Works
Whitman • Works
Leaves of Grass《草叶集》
nine editions,from 95 pages,12 poems to 400 pages,401 poems
the first American genuine epic poems
Worked as an office boy, a printer's apprentice, schoolmaster, printer, editor (of eight successive newspapers ), and journalist.
Whitman • Life Experience
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豪威尔斯 乡土文学与马克· 吐温 心理分析小说家亨利· 詹姆斯
道格拉斯 邓巴 切斯纳特
诗歌 (艾米莉· 迪金森;庞德 ;H.D.希尔达· 杜利
特尔 ;艾· 洛威尔;威· 卡· 威廉斯;桑德堡; 沃· 斯蒂文斯;艾· 李· 马斯特斯;玛· 莫尔 ) 戏剧(奥尼尔 ) 小说 (格· 斯泰因;舍· 安德森 ) 迷惘的一代(海明威 ;菲茨杰拉尔德 )
The Revolution War and The Civil War
The forming of national literature
托马斯· 杰弗逊 本杰明· 富兰克林 菲利普· 弗瑞诺
Early Romanticism
欧文 库珀 布莱恩特
Stephen Crane Theodore Dreiser
3. 4.
Democratic Period (17831802) Romanticism (1820-1861)
Washington Irving Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Howthorne William Whitman * Transcendentalism * (New England Renaissance) Ralph Waldo Emerson Fillip Thoreau
The Post-war Scene
Saul Bellow Salinger
American Drama
Eugene O’Neill Arthur Miller Tennessee Williams
Poetry: Confessional Poetry Black Mountain Poets San Francisco Renaissance The Beat Generation The New York Poets
独立革命至南北战争时期 南北战争到第一次世界大战 两次世界大战之间 第二次世界大战后
Culture Pro-immigration culture (Cotton Mather、Jonathan Edwards) Poetry creation (迈克尔· 威格尔斯沃思 、 安妮· 布拉兹特里特 、爱德华· 泰勒 )
美国文学的历史不长,它几乎是和美国自由资本主义 (non-monopoly capitalism)同时出现,较少受到封建贵族文 化(feudal aristocratic culture)的束缚。美国早期人口稀 少,有大片未开发的土地,为个人理想的实现提供了很大的可 能性。 美国人民富于民主自由精神,个人主义、个性解放的观念 较为强烈,这在文学中有突出的反映。美国又是一个多民族的 国家,移民不断涌入,各自带来了本民族的文化,这决定了美 国文学风格的多样性和庞杂性(multi-cultural)。美国文学发 展的过程就是不断吸取、融化各民族文学特点的过程。许多美 国的特点是开朗、豪放。内容庞杂与色彩鲜明是美 国文学的另一特点。
小说(德莱塞 ;辛· 刘易斯 ;薇拉· 凯瑟 ) “哈莱姆文艺复兴” (休斯;卡伦;理查德· 赖特 ) 左翼文学与反法西斯文学 (约翰· 里德 ;多斯· 帕索
斯 ;斯坦贝克 ;海明威;海尔曼 ) “南方文艺复兴” (威廉· 福克纳 ) 戏剧的“黄金时代” (奥尼尔 ) “新批评” (注重对文学作品本身进行精密分析, 在现代诗歌的分析上有其独到之处,他们摆脱了过 去仅仅介绍背景知识与发挥个人印象的批评方式。 但这一流派总的倾向是忽视文学作品的社会意义, 割断作品与历史、社会背景的关系)
Chapter III American Romanticism
Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper William Cullen Bryant Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brief Outline of American literature
Table of Contents
Brief Outline of American Literature Chapter I Colonial Period
Chapter II Revolutionary Period
Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492. Captain John Smith reached Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Puritans came the New England area, by Mayflower in 1620. The first settlement was established in Plymouth in 1620. Massachusetts Bay Colony was established in 1630.
Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, sermon, (auto) biography, travel accounts, novelette, etc.
一、Colonialism殖民时期(about1607—1765) 二、Enlightenment and the Revolutionary War启蒙时期和独立 革命(1765—18世纪末) 三、Romanticism浪漫主义时期(1865—1918) 四、Realism现实主义时期(1865—1918) 五、Modernism现代主义时期(1918—1945) 六、Contemporary Literature当代文学(1945— )
American Literature
American Literature
Teaching Materials:
Survey of American Literature, 《美国文学简史》(第二版),常耀信, 南开大学出版社。
Further Reading:
李宜燮,常耀信, Selected Readings in American Literature《美国文学选读》(上 册)。 李宜燮,常耀信,
Chapter One
Colonial Period (1607-1775)
definition of literary terms
Literary Scene
Historical background
first permanent English settlement in North America at James town, Virginia in 1607. In 1630 the puritans established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Independent War (1776-1783); the foundation of a Federative bourgeois democratic republic—the United States of America.
战争文学 (梅勒 ;詹姆斯· 琼斯 ) “垮掉的一代” “黑色幽默” (海勒 ;冯内古特;阿尔比-荒诞派戏剧) “非虚构小说” (卡波特的《凶杀》(1966)与梅勒的《刽子手之 歌》 ) 犹太人文学 (贝洛 ;辛格 ;马拉默德;罗斯 ) 黑人文学(拉尔夫· 艾列森 ;鲍德温 ;关德琳· 布鲁克斯 ;洛伦· 亨 斯伯利 ;勒鲁伊· 琼斯 ) 南方作家 (福克纳;波特;威尔蒂;斯泰伦;奥康诺;麦柯勒斯; 威廉斯 ) 纽约作家 (利· 特里林;玛· 麦卡锡;约翰· 契弗;厄普代克) 个性化的诗歌 (“垮掉派”、“黑山派”、“纽约派”、“具体 派”、“自白派”和“新超现实主义派”) 理论与批评
Transcendentalism and Post-Romanticism
爱默生 梭罗 霍桑 梅尔维尔 朗费罗 洛威尔 霍姆斯
The literature of Abolition Movement (斯托夫人 ) Poetry(民主诗人惠特曼)
Selected Readings in American Literature《美国文学选读》(下册)。
A Guide to a Survey of American Literature,《<美国文学简史>(第 二版)学习指南》,赵红英,中国传媒大学出版社。 《牛津文学术语词典》,上海外语教育出版社。 《漫话英美文学》.常耀信. 天津:南开大学出 版社,2004.
The 1920s
T.S. Eliot William Faulkner Ernest Hemingway (Lost Generation) Imagism: Ezra Pound
Brief Outline of American literature
The 1930s
豪威尔斯 乡土文学与马克· 吐温 心理分析小说家亨利· 詹姆斯
道格拉斯 邓巴 切斯纳特
诗歌 (艾米莉· 迪金森;庞德 ;H.D.希尔达· 杜利
特尔 ;艾· 洛威尔;威· 卡· 威廉斯;桑德堡; 沃· 斯蒂文斯;艾· 李· 马斯特斯;玛· 莫尔 ) 戏剧(奥尼尔 ) 小说 (格· 斯泰因;舍· 安德森 ) 迷惘的一代(海明威 ;菲茨杰拉尔德 )
The Revolution War and The Civil War
The forming of national literature
托马斯· 杰弗逊 本杰明· 富兰克林 菲利普· 弗瑞诺
Early Romanticism
欧文 库珀 布莱恩特
Stephen Crane Theodore Dreiser
3. 4.
Democratic Period (17831802) Romanticism (1820-1861)
Washington Irving Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Howthorne William Whitman * Transcendentalism * (New England Renaissance) Ralph Waldo Emerson Fillip Thoreau
The Post-war Scene
Saul Bellow Salinger
American Drama
Eugene O’Neill Arthur Miller Tennessee Williams
Poetry: Confessional Poetry Black Mountain Poets San Francisco Renaissance The Beat Generation The New York Poets
独立革命至南北战争时期 南北战争到第一次世界大战 两次世界大战之间 第二次世界大战后
Culture Pro-immigration culture (Cotton Mather、Jonathan Edwards) Poetry creation (迈克尔· 威格尔斯沃思 、 安妮· 布拉兹特里特 、爱德华· 泰勒 )
美国文学的历史不长,它几乎是和美国自由资本主义 (non-monopoly capitalism)同时出现,较少受到封建贵族文 化(feudal aristocratic culture)的束缚。美国早期人口稀 少,有大片未开发的土地,为个人理想的实现提供了很大的可 能性。 美国人民富于民主自由精神,个人主义、个性解放的观念 较为强烈,这在文学中有突出的反映。美国又是一个多民族的 国家,移民不断涌入,各自带来了本民族的文化,这决定了美 国文学风格的多样性和庞杂性(multi-cultural)。美国文学发 展的过程就是不断吸取、融化各民族文学特点的过程。许多美 国的特点是开朗、豪放。内容庞杂与色彩鲜明是美 国文学的另一特点。
小说(德莱塞 ;辛· 刘易斯 ;薇拉· 凯瑟 ) “哈莱姆文艺复兴” (休斯;卡伦;理查德· 赖特 ) 左翼文学与反法西斯文学 (约翰· 里德 ;多斯· 帕索
斯 ;斯坦贝克 ;海明威;海尔曼 ) “南方文艺复兴” (威廉· 福克纳 ) 戏剧的“黄金时代” (奥尼尔 ) “新批评” (注重对文学作品本身进行精密分析, 在现代诗歌的分析上有其独到之处,他们摆脱了过 去仅仅介绍背景知识与发挥个人印象的批评方式。 但这一流派总的倾向是忽视文学作品的社会意义, 割断作品与历史、社会背景的关系)
Chapter III American Romanticism
Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper William Cullen Bryant Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brief Outline of American literature
Table of Contents
Brief Outline of American Literature Chapter I Colonial Period
Chapter II Revolutionary Period
Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492. Captain John Smith reached Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Puritans came the New England area, by Mayflower in 1620. The first settlement was established in Plymouth in 1620. Massachusetts Bay Colony was established in 1630.
Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, sermon, (auto) biography, travel accounts, novelette, etc.
一、Colonialism殖民时期(about1607—1765) 二、Enlightenment and the Revolutionary War启蒙时期和独立 革命(1765—18世纪末) 三、Romanticism浪漫主义时期(1865—1918) 四、Realism现实主义时期(1865—1918) 五、Modernism现代主义时期(1918—1945) 六、Contemporary Literature当代文学(1945— )
American Literature
American Literature
Teaching Materials:
Survey of American Literature, 《美国文学简史》(第二版),常耀信, 南开大学出版社。
Further Reading:
李宜燮,常耀信, Selected Readings in American Literature《美国文学选读》(上 册)。 李宜燮,常耀信,
Chapter One
Colonial Period (1607-1775)
definition of literary terms
Literary Scene
Historical background
first permanent English settlement in North America at James town, Virginia in 1607. In 1630 the puritans established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Independent War (1776-1783); the foundation of a Federative bourgeois democratic republic—the United States of America.
战争文学 (梅勒 ;詹姆斯· 琼斯 ) “垮掉的一代” “黑色幽默” (海勒 ;冯内古特;阿尔比-荒诞派戏剧) “非虚构小说” (卡波特的《凶杀》(1966)与梅勒的《刽子手之 歌》 ) 犹太人文学 (贝洛 ;辛格 ;马拉默德;罗斯 ) 黑人文学(拉尔夫· 艾列森 ;鲍德温 ;关德琳· 布鲁克斯 ;洛伦· 亨 斯伯利 ;勒鲁伊· 琼斯 ) 南方作家 (福克纳;波特;威尔蒂;斯泰伦;奥康诺;麦柯勒斯; 威廉斯 ) 纽约作家 (利· 特里林;玛· 麦卡锡;约翰· 契弗;厄普代克) 个性化的诗歌 (“垮掉派”、“黑山派”、“纽约派”、“具体 派”、“自白派”和“新超现实主义派”) 理论与批评
Transcendentalism and Post-Romanticism
爱默生 梭罗 霍桑 梅尔维尔 朗费罗 洛威尔 霍姆斯
The literature of Abolition Movement (斯托夫人 ) Poetry(民主诗人惠特曼)
Selected Readings in American Literature《美国文学选读》(下册)。
A Guide to a Survey of American Literature,《<美国文学简史>(第 二版)学习指南》,赵红英,中国传媒大学出版社。 《牛津文学术语词典》,上海外语教育出版社。 《漫话英美文学》.常耀信. 天津:南开大学出 版社,2004.
The 1920s
T.S. Eliot William Faulkner Ernest Hemingway (Lost Generation) Imagism: Ezra Pound
Brief Outline of American literature
The 1930s