



PROJECT:REPRESENTATIVE:ENGINEER:CONTRACTOR:UNIT TAG:TYPE OF SERVICE:SUBMITTED BY:APPROVED BY:ORDER NO.:QUANTITY:日期:日期:日期:注意!产品图片可能与实际产品不同CR 20-17立式多级离心泵HP2NPSH [米]5152043143524 x13.513017690G 1/2300G 1/2G 1/2215256652012516518.112044565465454a654544a910a 8102718100373765525676626b 26c 64c 64b 44b 64d 47a 64a6426a 369603838a8022849c 49113105625161材料:泵壳:铸铁EN-JL1030ASTM A48-30 B 叶轮:不锈钢DIN W.-Nr. 1.4301AISI 304材料代码:A 橡胶代码:E传真:-日期:-位置号数量描述1CR 20-17 A-F-A-E-HQQE注意!产品图片可能与实际产品不同产品号码:96500337吸入和排泄口在同一高度(平齐)的多级立式离心泵可方便地安装到水平的单管系统中。




管道的连接是通过 DIN 法兰实现的。

水泵上安装了一台 3 相位带冷却扇的异步电动机。

更多的产品信息该产品贴有格兰富 Blueflux 标签。


格兰富 Blueflux 系列解决方案达到或超过了 EuP IE3 等法规规定的质量水平。


CED 是一种高质量浸漆涂覆工艺,通过在工件周围形成电场让工件的表面沉积一层薄而均匀的油漆颗粒。




☆ SY、WSY、FSY 系列玻璃钢液下泵 性能参数表
流量Q m3/h L/s
扬程 H m
转速 n
电机 液下 功率 长度 kW mm
4.4 1.22 21 SY40×32-20 6.3 1.75 20

DN D D 1 D 2 b n d DN D D1 D2 b n d
1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 H Hl n2 n1 d1
S25×25-12.5 25 115 85 65 16 4 14 25 115 85 65 16 4 14 437 180 180 140 150 244 60 200 94 23 4 14
L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 H H1 n1 d1
DN D D1 D2 b n d DN D Dl D2 b n d
S50×32-32 50 160 125 100 18 4 18 32 135 100 75 18 4 18 945 319 420 310 370 80 435 250 4 24 4
S65×50-25 25 25 2900 6l 3
S65×50-32 25 32 2900 60 3 5.5/7.5
S80×65-32 50 32 2900 69 4 7.5/11
S100×80-50 100 50 2900 73 5



注;1、设计时以20℃的清水为介质其粘度υ=1mm2/S; 2、对于不同粘度及磨损特性的介质应选择不同的运转速度(见选泵指南)上表所列转速为参考转速; 3、输出流量的变化规律同转速及压差有关。
SCGG 型泵外形安装图及其尺寸表
ShangChuan, Shanchuan Pump Industry,water flowing ceasingly
SCGG 型泵结构图、材料表及工作原理与结构说明
ShangChuan, Shanchuan Pump Industry,water flowing ceasingly
1 出 料腔
10 轴 承座
2 拉杆
11 轴 承盖
SCGG70-1 15kW
SCGG85-1 18.5kW

Q ( m 3/ h)
SCGG 型泵性能参数表
ShangChuan, Shanchuan Pump Industry,water flowing ceasingly
联轴 器 HT2 00
填 料座
HT200 1Cr18 Ni9Ti
联 节轴
1 Cr18 Ni9Ti
无缝 钢管



ITUR BOMBAS中低压离心泵N系列N-NormablocElectrobomba centrífuga monobloc basada en DIN-24255.Impulsor cerrado.Sellado por cierremecánico. motor normalizado I.E.C.Para bombeo defluidos limpios o ligeramente agresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículas sólidas.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-150-20032-1504409910-5 +90300050-20032-1505109910-15 +1403600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-2501Mixta02Mistinox 03Bronce21ImpbronIN系列INBomba centrífugasegún DIN-24255, y extensión de gama contamañoscomplementarios.Impulsor cerrado.Sellado por cierremecánico o empaquetadura. Parabombeo de fluidos limpios o ligeramente agresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículas sólidas. Diseño de tipoPrestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-150-35032-300160010510-5 +90300050-35032-300160010510-15 +1403600proceso que permite sacar el impulsor sin soltar las tuberías ni elmotor.Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 GG-2501Mixta02Mistinox03 Bronce 21Impbron 22EjenoxINVSP 系列INVCP Bomba centrífuga, vertical con caña y placa base, diseñadapara fosas oPrestaciones máximas concepto ejecución estandar otrasejecucionesDNs mm 50-350 50-350depósitos. Permite impulsor cerrado o semiabierto. Puede suministrarse con tubo de impulsión hasta el exterior de la placa base (INVCP), o sin tubo de impulsión (INVCN). Para fluidos limpios, o agresivos, o con ligeras partículassólidas.DNd Q H p t n mm m 3/h m bar ºC min -132-300 1500 100 10 -5 +120 300032-300 1600 100 10 -15 +150 3600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 GG-2502Mistinox 05AISI-31612 Mistibras立式管道离心泵 IL 系列:ILBomba centrífuga vertical In-Line, con las bocas deaspiración e impulsión en línea. Impulsor cerrado. Sellado porcierre mecá0nico. Versión autocebanteILS que incorporabomba auxiliar de cebado. Para fluidos limpios o ligeramente agresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículas sólidas. Diseño de tipo proceso que permite sacar el impulsor sin soltar las tuberías ni elmotor.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-150-25032-2007509510-5 +90300050-25032-2008759510-15 +1403600Ejecuciones Normalizadas 00GG-2501Mixta03BronceILC系列:ILCElectrobombamonobloc centrífuga vertical In-Line, con las bocas de aspiración e impulsión en línea.Impulsor cerrado.Sellado por cierre mecánico. Versión autocebante ILCS que incorpora bomba auxiliar de cebado. Motor normalizadoI.E.C. Para fluidos limpios o ligeramente agresivos, sinPrestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-150-15032-1253509510-5 +90300050-15032-1253509510-15 +1203600abrasivos ni partículassólidas.Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 GG-2501Mixta 03BronceCS/CD 系列:CSCD Electrobomba centrífuga In-Line.Serie CS deelectrobomba simple, o serie CD deelectrobomba doblePrestaciones máximas concepto ejecución estandar otrasejecucionesDNs DNd Q H mm mm m 3/h m 32-200 32-200 420 75 32-200 32-200 420 75(twin). Impulsor cerrado. Para bombeo de fluidos limpios, sin abrasivos ni partículassólidas.p t n bar ºC min -116 -15 +130300016 -15 +130 3600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-25CP 系列:CP Bomba centrífuga horizontal de Cámara Partida axialmente,con las bocas dePrestaciones máximasconcepto ejecución estandar otrasejecucionesDNs mm 150-600 150-600aspiración e impulsión en línea. Impulsor cerrado de doble flujo. Sellado por empaquetadura. Para fluidos limpios o ligeramente agresivos,sin abrasivos ni partículas sólidas.DNd Q H p t n mm m 3/h mbar ºC min -1125-500 3300 140 16 -5 +90 3000125-500 3600 160 20 -15 +160 3600Ejecuciones Normalizadas 00GG-2521ImpbronIR/MSH 系列:IR Prestaciones máximasMSH Bomba centrífuga multicelular horizontalde alta presión. Serie IR-44 hasta 15 bar. Series IR-46 y MSHhasta 40 bar.Impulsores cerrados.Sellado porempaquetadura o cierre mecánico. Para bombeo de fluidos limpios o ligeramenteagresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículassólidas.concepto ejecución estandar otrasejecucionesDNs DNd Q H p t n mmmm m 3/h m bar ºC min -140-150 32-125 220 360 40 -5 +90 3000 40-150 32-125 240 360 40 -5 +120 3600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 GG-25 01Mixta 03Bronce 21 ImpbronHP/HPW 系列:HPHPWBomba centrífuga multicelular horizontalde alta presión. Serie HP hasta 30 bar. Serie HPW hasta 60 bar con compensación hidráulica del empuje axial mediante platillo y contraplatillo. Impulsores cerrados.Sellado por cierremecánico o empaquetadura. Parabombeo de fluidos limpios o agresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículassólidas.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-150-20040-15070058060-5 +150300050-20040-15080058060-5 +2303600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-2503Bronce 05 AISI-31621ImpbronBH系列:BHBomba centrífugamulticelular horizontalde proceso, para altaspresiones ytemperaturas, con apoyo "Centerline".Compensación hidráulica del empuje axial mediante platillo y contraplatillo. Impulsores cerrados.Sellado por cierremecánico o empaquetadura. Parabombeo de fluidos limpios o agresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículasPrestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-1806567780100-5 +1403000806580780100-15 +2303600sólidas.Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 GG-2505AISI-31607CA6NMVL 系列VLElectrobomba centrífuga multicelular vertical en acero inoxidable estampado.Impulsores cerrados. Sellado por cierre mecánico. Motores normalizados I. E. C. Para bombeo dePrestaciones máximas conceptoejecución estandar otrasejecucionesfluidos limpios o ligeramente agresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículas sólidas. DNs DNd Q H p tmm mm m 3/h m bar ºC 100 10075 24025-15 +120100100 75 390 40-15 +120Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 Cuerpo, tapa, células, difusores, impulsores y camisa exterior en AISI-304 estampado.Eje en AISI-303.05Cuerpo, tapa, células, difusores, impulsores, camisa exterior y eje en AISI-316.IRV/MSV 系列:IRV MSV Electrobomba centrífuga multicelular vertical. Impulsorescerrados. Sellado por cierre mecánico.Motores normalizadosI. E. C. Para bombeode fluidos limpios oligeramente agresivos,sin abrasivos ni partículas sólidas.Prestaciones máximas concepto ejecución estandar otrasejecucionesDNs DNd Q H p t n mmmm m 3/h m bar ºC min -132-150 32-125 220 190 25 -5 +90 3000 32-150 32-125 240 220 25 -15 +90 3600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 GG-25 01Mixta 03Bronce 21 Impbron66系列:66 Electrobombacentrífuga sumergible para pozos profundos.Multicelular de impulsores cerrados. Motor sumergible con cojinete axialampliamente dimensionado. Para bombeo de fluidos limpios o ligeramente agresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículassólidas.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-1-40-20045035040+5 +203000-40-20050035040+5 +303600Ejecuciones Normalizadas 21Impbron03BronceBEV系列:BEVBomba centrífugamulticelular vertical detransmisión por eje para pozos profundos. Impulsores cerrados, columnas con cojinetes guías, ejes con camisa, cabezal de descarga sellado por empaquetadura y acoplamiento para motor eléctrico, diesel o tractor. Para bombeo de fluidos limpios oagresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículasPrestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-1-80-400220035040+5 +503000-80-400260035040-15 +1403600sólidas.Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 GG-2503Bronce 21Impbron09 AISIS-316LEP 系列:EPS-EPI Sistemas y Equipos Automáticos de Agua a Presión formadospor módulo debombeo con una ovarias bombas,válvula, colector,Prestaciones máximas concepto ejecución estandar otrasejecucionesDNs DNd Q H mm mm m 3/h m - 40-150 120 90 - 40-300 600 160cuadro de arranque y control, y módulo de acumulación, con acumulador de membrana o calderagalvanizadapresurizada medianteinyectores o compresor. Para bombeo de agua limpia, dulce o salada. EPS con BombasSILEN.EPI con Bombas VL.p t n bar ºC min -110 +5 +50 300020 +5 +50 3600Ejecuciones Normalizadas* Según los tipos de bombas que componen el equipoEPV 系列:EPV Sistemas y Equipos Automáticos de Agua a Presión con Variadorde velocidad formados por una o varias bombas (en estándar de acero inoxidableserie VL, opcionalmente con otras series), válvulas,colector, pequeñoacumulador, transductor de presión, cuadro de arranque, convertidor de frecuencia y unidad de control integrada. Para bombeo de agua limpia, dulce o salada.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-1-40-100809510+5 +503000-40-30060016020+5 +503600Ejecuciones Normalizadas* Según los tipos de bombas que componen el equipo.化学和API泵泵NL系列:NLBomba centrífuga de proceso, según ISO-2858 (EN-22585).Impulsor cerrado.Sellado por cierremecánico oempaquetadura.Rodamientos autolubricados por vida. Para bombeo de fluidos limpios oPrestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-140-20025-15060010010-5 +110300040-20025-15070011016-15 +1403600agresivos, sinabrasivos ni partículassólidas. Diseño deproceso que permitesacar el impulsor sinsoltar las tuberías ni elmotor.Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-2501Mixta02Mistinox03Bronce04Nodular05AISI-316NM系列:NMBomba centrífuga deproceso("medium duty"), según ISO-2858(EN-22858). Impulsor cerrado. Sellado por cierre mecánico o empaquetadura con diversos planes API.Rodamientos lubricados por aceite. Para fluidos limpios o agresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículas sólidas. Diseño de proceso que permite sacar el impulsor sin soltar las tuberías ni elmotor.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-140-20025-15060010010-5 +110300040-20025-15070015616-15 +2003600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-2501Mixta02Mistinox 03Bronce04Nodular05AISI-316 06Acero07CA6NM08AISI-329 09AISI-316L10CN7MINP系列:INPBomba centrífuga deproceso("medium duty"), según ISO-2858y tamañoscomplementarios. Impulsor cerrado o semiabierto, permite inductor para mejorarel NPSHr.Rodamientos lubricados por aceite.Sellado por cierremecánico oPrestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-1100-35080-300160015016-5 +1103000100-35080-300160015016-15 +2003600empaquetadura condiversos planes API.Fluidos limpios, oagresivos, o conpartículas sólidas.Diseño de proceso quepermite sacar elimpulsor sin soltar lastuberías ni el motor.Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-2501Mixta02Mistinox03Bronce04Nodular05AISI-31606Acero07CA6NM08AISI-32909AISI-316L10CN7MNQ系列:NQBomba centrífuga de proceso, según ISO-5199 " upgraded medium duty". Serie NQ con dimensionesISO-2858. Para alta temperatura, versiónNQT "centerline". Impulsor cerrado o semiabierto, permite inductor para mejorarel NPSHr.Rodamientos lubricados por aceite.Sellado por cierre mecánico con diversos planes API. Fluidos limpios, o agresivos, o con partículas sólidas. Diseño de proceso,permite sacar el impulsor sin soltar las tuberías ni el motor.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-140-15025-12530015016-40 +250300040-15025-12540015025-40 +3503600Ejecuciones Normalizadas04Nodular09CF3M16CD4MCu 23ImpinoxNP8系列:NP8Bomba centrífuga según API-610 "heavy duty", con apoyo "centerline".Impulsor cerrado o semiabierto, permite inductor para mejorar el NPSHr. Rodamientos lubricados por aceite. Cierre mecánico con todo tipo planes API de refrigeración-circulación. Para fluidos limpios, o agresivos, o conPrestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptninch.inch.m3/hmbarºCmin-111/2"-8"1"-6"60015640-28 +350300011/2"-8"1"-6"72015640-28 +3503600partículas sólidas.Diseño de proceso.Permite sacar elimpulsor sin soltar lastuberías ni el motor.Ejecuciones Normalizadas41S1(API)42S3(API)47S5(API)43S6(API)44S9(API)07C6(API)05A8(API)RW系列:RWBomba centrífuga de proceso. Permiteimpulsor vortex,semiabierto o de dos o tres canales. Sellado por cierre mecánico o empaquetadura con diversos planes API.Rodamientos lubricados por aceite. Para fluidos limpios, o agresivos, o con un importante contenido de sólidos. Diseño de tipo proceso quepermite sacar el impulsor sin soltar las tuberías ni el motor.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-165-20050-20070010016-5 +120300065-20050-20080014016-15 +2503600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-2501Mixta02Mistinox 03Bronce04Nodular05AISI-316 07CA6NM08AISI-32909AISI-316L 10CN7M12Mistibras21Impbron 22 EjenoxRWCP系列:RWCPBomba centrífuga, vertical con caña y placa base, diseñadapara fosas odepósitos. Permiteimpulsor de tipovortex, canal o semiabierto. Puede suministrarse con tubo de impulsión hasta el exterior de la placa base (RWCP), o sintubo de impulsiónPrestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-165-20050-2008006010-5 +90300065-20050-2008008016-15 +2003600(RWCN). Versiónsemicompacta serieIFV con impulsorVortex. Para fluidoslimpios, o agresivos, ocon un importantecontenido de sólidos.Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-2502Mistinox05AISI-31612Mistibras自吸泵:EZ-MZ-MA系列:EZ – MZ MABomba centrífuga multicelularautoaspirante de anillo líquido. Sellado porempaquetadura ocierre mecánico. Serie EZ de construcciónmonobloc. Series MZ y MA con eje libre. Serie MZ con rodamiento lado accionamiento y cojinete de apoyo. La serie MA incorpora rodamientos en ambos extremos del eje. Parabombeo de fluidos limpios o ligeramenteagresivos, sin abrasivos ni partículassólidas.Prestaciones máximasconcepto ejecuciónestandar otras ejecuciones DNs DNd Q H p t nmm mm m 3/h m bar ºC min -120-50 20-50 21 140 16 -5 +90 1500 20-50 20-50 24 140 16 -5 +120 1800Ejecuciones Normalizadas01Mixta 03BronceAU 系列:AUBomba centrífugaautoaspirante horizontal. Impulsorabierto o semiabierto de amplio paso, con placa de ajuste. Sellado mediante cierre mecánico. Para fluidos limpios, o agresivos, o con partículas sólidas.Prestaciones máximasconceptoejecución estandar otras ejecuciones DNs DNd Q H p t n mm mm m 3/h m bar ºC min -140-200 40-200 600 56 10 -10 +80 3000 40-200 40-200 680 56 10 -10 +120 3600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 GG-25 01Mixta 03Bronce 05 AISI-316AUBomba centrífuga autoaspirante horizontal. Impulsor abierto o semiabierto de amplio paso, con placa de ajuste.Prestaciones máximas concepto ejecución estandar otras ejecuciones DNs DNd Q mm mm m 3/h40-200 40-200 60040-200 40-200 680Sellado mediante cierre mecánico. Para fluidos limpios, o agresivos, o con partículas sólidas.H p t n m bar ºC min -156 10 -10 +80 300056 10 -10 +120 3600Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 GG-25 01Mixta 03Bronce 05 AISI-316螺杆泵RC 系列:RCBomba de engranajeshelicoidales,autoaspirante, conválvula by-pass incorporada.Posibilidades de disposición monobloc, horizontal o vertical. Sellado por cierre mecánico o empaquetadura. Para bombeo de líquidos limpios y viscosos, sinpartículas en suspensión.Prestaciones máximasconceptoejecución estandar otras ejecucionesDNs DNd Q H p t n mm mm m 3/h m bar ºC min -120-100 20-100 80 100 10 +5 +90 1500 20-100 20-100 90 100 10 +5 +90 1800Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-252Y32 y3 husillos Bomba autoaspirante de tornillos de dos otres husillos. De disposición horizontalo vertical. Bornemann, series V y W de dos husillos, para bombeo de fluidos limpios y viscosos, ligeramente agresivos o con algunas partículas ensuspensión. Kral, series N, K, M y CK de tres husillos, para bombeo de fluidoslimpios, viscosos(hasta 104 cst) ylubricantes, sinpartículas ensuspensión.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-140-50040-5002701000100-50 +180300040-50040-50027001000100-50 +1803600Ejecuciones Normalizadas* Ampliamente variada en función de las características del bombeo.EH/EL系列:EHELBomba autoaspirantede rotor excéntricoBornemann. De construcción sobrebancada (EH) omonobloc (EL), incorpora una cajareductora de engranajes. Estator de elastómero en diferentes materiales (Perbunan, vitón, etc), con camisa exterior de acero. Para bombeo de fluidos limpios,Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptnmmmmm3/hmbarºCmin-125-20020-20027580080+0 +180150025-20020-20033080080+0 +1801800ligeramente agresivos,con partículas sólidas,altamenteconsistentes conviscosidades de hasta106 cst.Ejecuciones Normalizadas* Ampliamente variada en función de las características delbombeo.活塞往复泵:IPR系列:IPRBomba volumétrica de pistones alternativos. De disposición vetical, incorpora una caja reductora deengranajes de forma que el cigüeñal delpistón gira entre 140 y 240 rpm. Parabombeo de fluidoslimpios, ligeramenteagresivos, o con algunas partículas sólidas no abrasivas.Prestaciones máximas concepto ejecución estandar otrasejecucionesDNs DNd Q H p t n mm mm m 3/hm bar ºC min -1100-20080-150 150 70 10 +5 +50 1500 100-200 80-150 17870 10 +5 +50 1800Ejecuciones Normalizadas 00 GG-2501Mixta 03Bronce电动泵和游泳泵 D 系列D Electrobombacentrífuga sumergible para pozos profundos de 4" o 6". Multicelular de impulsores cerrados con camisaexterior de aceroinoxidable. Motorsumergible concojinete axialampliamente dimensionado. Para bombeo de fluidos limpios, sin abrasivos ni partículas sólidas.Prestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptn"gas"gasm3/hmbarºCmin-1-11/4"-3"2731536+4 +303000-------Ejecuciones Normalizadas00Carcasa motor, eje y camisa exterior bomba en acero inoxidable.Cuerpos de aspiración e impulsión en latón. Impulsores, células y difusores en noryl.HABITAT系列:HABITATPequeñaselectrobombas y equipos automáticos de agua a presión para uso doméstico. Incluye bombas centrífugas, multicelulares,periféricas, autoaspirantes, depiscinas,dosificadoras, etc.Sellado por cierrePrestaciones máximas conceptoejecuciónestandarotrasejecuciones DNsDNdQHptn"gas"gasm3/hmbarºCmin-11/2"-2"1/2"-2"489210+4 +903000-------mecánico. Para bombeo de agualimpia.Ejecuciones Normalizadas00GG-25DREX 系列:DREX Electrobomba sumergible para achiques de sótanos,garajes, etc,construida en acero Prestaciones máximas concepto ejecución estandar otrasejecucionesDNs DNd "gas "gas - 1"-11/2"- -inoxidable. Los modelos monofásicos incorporan boya de nivel. Sellado por cierre mecánico o retén según modelo. Para bombeo de fluidos limpios o con algunas partículas sólidas no abrasivas.Q H p t n m 3/h m bar ºC min -118 14 4 +4 +50 3000- - - - -Ejecuciones Normalizadas00 Cuerpo de bomba, carcasa motor, tapa, eje rotor y filtro base en acero inoxidable. Impulsores de acero inoxidableo noryl según modelo de bomba.。



Friatec Pump Typical Application: !"#$%&'()*
Basic Chemical Application: Chloralkai electrolysis Caustic soda, Phosphoric Acid, Melt urea, Ammonium nitrate, Fiber, Lime slurry waste Incineration plant, Nitric acid, hydrochloric acid
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. The individual groups consist of Rheinhütte’s own developed materials, more than 60 kinds of matericals are available.
RPROF 200 500 2800 12300 6 20 +200
RSU 250 500 2000 8800 5 16 +150
RSP 400 2400 10560 50 164 +200



当温度低于-25°C时须用丁腈橡胶轴密封圈(允许温度范围: 01
增加吸油口S的出口压ዡ力ၠpabዹs或让෗V‫ڇ‬g ≤ᇮVg mĂax时ۨ允ଉ许的ԭ转Ă速ՎଉԭĂ
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A11VO | RC 92 500/06.04
项目开始前,有关液压油的选择和应用条件请参见本公 司的样本活页RC 90220(矿物油),RC 90221(环保液压 油)和RC 90223(HF难燃液压油)
按 ISO 4406的20/18/15级
液压油处于高温时(90°C至最高115°C),最低的清洁度 等级为
温度在-25°C至-40°C,应当采取特殊措施,请与我公司 联系。低温操作时的详细信息,请参见RC 90300-03-B。
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Company brief introductionThe magnetic-driving pump is new type non-leakage pump which is researched by shanghai Chemical Institute and is manufactured in our company. The first product of CSB fluoride plastic magnetic driving pump has been finished in 1982. It has been technically appraised and awarded third price in science and technology by the Ministry of Chemical Industry in1983. Our company has kept technical cooperation with Shanghai Chemical Industry since 1984. Our products are produced under the supervision of quality control center under the Ministry of Chemical Industry and are designated products used by China National Gold Administration. It was as an entry recorded in the Designing Books of Chemical Engineering、Pharmaceutical Industry Machinery & Electric Engineering、Heating Equipment and Chinese English Dictionary of China’s products respectively and so on. Our company has passed the quality system authentication of ISO 9002 in 2000.The following is our main products:1.IMC magnetic driving pumps(conforming to HG/T2730-95 standard) of both metal and plastics in suspension and vertical types with flow capacity of 3-200m3/h and high lift 10-125m.2.CGB metal magnetic pumps with flow capacity of 2.8-20m3/h and high lift 10-20m which can be used under the temperature of 250℃ and 450℃if it is specially designed.3.CSH metal magnetic gear pumps with flow capacity of 0.037-3m3/h and it’s pressure 0.2-0.6MPa.4.CKW metal or plastic magnetic eddy pumps with flow capacity of 0.2-6.4m3/h and high lift 15-130m.5.CSB plastic magnetic pumps with flow capacity of 1-30m3/h and high lift 3-25m.6.Sepecially designed magnetic pumps and magnetic driving coupling for cauldron use.7.PTFE、HDPE rotomolding pipes.We use sliding bearings made of silicon carbide、tungsten carbide and rare earth magnetic material to make the pump durable.In accordance with various desires, 304,304L、316, 316L, , Ti-alloy, F2, F3, F46,PPS,PES, PEEK and so on. Can be selected as material of overflow component. They have good resistance.概述磁力驱动离心泵是上海化工研究院研究,太仓市磁力驱动泵公司制造的一种无泄漏泵,已经通过化工部鉴定。



WARMAN®Centrifugal Slurry PumpsHorizontal Slurry PumpsSpecialists in delivering and supporting slurry and dewatering equipment solutions for global mining and mineral processing, the power sector, and general industry.Weir Minerals DivisionWeir Minerals is a world leader in the design andmanufacture of pumps, mill liners, hydrocyclones,slurry valves, screens, and rubber products for themining and minerals processing, dewatering, sulfurchemical and general industries. Based on advanced,and often patented, materials and designs, ourproducts are designed to add value to virtually anyaggressive, corrosive process.Superior wear life, low cost of operationIn slurry pumping, processing and control applications- where the cost of ownership often outweighscapital cost as a priority - we help our customersaddress issues such as longevity, capacity, efficiency ofoperation, and maintenance.Product strength lies in the superiority of our advancedhydraulic designs and our high performing wear andcorrosion resistant materials. Our leading research andmaterials scientists, plus our state of the art materialproduction facilities, support our world class productsand materials with a focus on superior wear life andlow cost of operation.Weir Minerals North AmericaLocated in Madison WI, Weir Minerals North Americais one of the many Weir Minerals facilities aroundthe world. These facilities include foundries, rubbermolding shops, and machining centers.1:A state-of-the-art hydraulic test laboratory is located in Madison, Wisconsin2:A Warman® 600 HTP pump being prepared for hydraulic testing. The massive rib reinforced casing and 102,000 lb (46,260 kg) bare weight illustrate the robust design and inherent safety of this 580 psi(4,000 kPa) rated pump 1: World class manufacturing facilities are part of Weir Minerals on six continents of the world2: A 20 ton fixture enables Weir Minerals to produce the largest slurry pumps in the world2New 4-vane Warman® WRT® impeller and matching throatbush is designed to improve wear performance, and assist our customers in reducing total ownership cost12Warman® horizontal slurry pump models include adiverse range of designs for the toughest duties.Warman® pumps deliver exceptional performanceThe Warman® horizontal slurry pump range is one of the world’s mostcomprehensive range of centrifugal slurry pumps for use in mining, chemical andindustrial applications. These horizontal slurry pumps are designed for ultra heavyduty applications such as mill discharge, process plant and tailings, high pressurepipelines, as well as other specialty applications.Typical applications and Warman® pump models most suitable for theseapplications are shown below. For special applications not listed, contact WeirMinerals North America or your local Weir Minerals representative. Since particlesize, concentration and abrasivity may affect your final selection, please consultWeir Minerals for final pump selection.Warman® AHP pumpWarman® horizontal pump models3servicesThe Warman® AH® pump is the world’s standard for the most difficult mill duties.A wide variety of impellers and shaft seals provide a perfect fit for a wide range of applications. The AH® pump provides excellent wear life while maintaining efficiency during the wear cycle, resulting in low total operating costs. The AH® pump, together with the Warman® MC™ pump series, provides a complete selection for most duties in the mill. From cyclone feed to regrind, flotation and tailings, the AH® pump is the best choice.4•Heavy duty construction with through-boltdesign provides ease of maintenance and minimaldowntime•Ductile iron fully lined casing provides durability,strength, safety, and long service life•Large diameter, slow turning, high efficiencyimpellers designed to achieve maximum wear lifeand low operating costs•Large, open internal passages designed to reduceinternal velocities, maximize wear life and loweroperating costs•Thick elastomer or alloy bolt-in liners providesuperior corrosion resistance plus offer ease of linerchange-out and interchangeability to reduce overallmaintenance costs and maximize wear life•Minimal shaft/impeller overhang reduces shaftdeflection and increases packing life•Cartridge-style bearing assembly allows formaintenance in a clean environment withoutremoval of the pump, resulting in reliable operationand prolonged bearing life•Grease or oil lubrication bearing assembly optionsoffer ease of maintenance and reduced downtime•Optional dry running shaft seal reduces or eliminatesflush water requirements•Effective expeller prolongs packing life whilereducing or eliminating flush water requirement Warman® AH®Warman® WRT®The new Warman® WRT®throatbush and impellercombination is a superiorupgrade for your existing pump,and is designed to enhanceefficiency and improve wearperformance5servicesThe Warman ® WBH ® slurry pump range offers more than 20 enhancements to the already state-of-the-art Warman ® AH ® slurry pumping technology, including a fully adjustable and rotatable throatbush to more evenly spread the wear and maintain the pump in tip-top performance for longer periods.Boasting a revolutionary one-piece frame for correct alignment of bearings, seal and impeller to front liner; as well as easier access for impeller adjustments, the WBH ® pump was built with enhanced efficiency and operational savings in mind.• One-point adjustment allows for adjusting the throatbush both rotationally and axially while the pump is in operation, overcoming localized wear• One-piece bearing frame design ensures correctalignment of bearings, seal and impeller • New hydraulics were shown to increase efficiency and lower energy consumption by up to 12% in the pump trials at CSA, Australia, compared with Warman ® AH ® pump in same duty • Large diameter expeller seals against high intake pressures without the need for gland seal water • Quick and easy impeller gap adjustments to maximize performance without shutdown • Fully lined design minimizes the risk of catastrophic failure with safety features including standard leak detection, optional vibration, temperature and wear monitoring, and the ability to add pressure relief and thermal cut-out devices • Warman ® Wear Reduction Technology (WRT ®) throatbush and four-vane impeller design with vanelets for extended wear life and reduced NPSH requirements • Large diameter shaft with short overhang combined with a robust and rigid one-piece bearing frame keeps the bearings aligned, which minimizes shaft deflection and vibration, as well as distortion from external piping loads • The one-piece bearing frame ensures goodcomponent alignment and concentricity through the seal area to reduce wear and extend seal lifeWarman ® WBH ®Warman ® WRT ®The new Warman ® WRT ® throatbush and impeller combination is a superiorupgrade for your existing pump and is designed to enhance efficiency and improve wear performanceWarman® MCR™/MC™ Metal/MCU™Severe duty lined pump designed for the most aggressive applications, such as mill circuitThe Warman® MC™ pump series is for the most aggressive wear applications. The Warman® MC™ pump easily manages large size particles in dense abrasive slurries and offers the right combination of ruggedness, durability, hydraulics and materials. From the most difficult mill discharge to water flushed crusher, the Warman® MC™pump series is the best choice.When paired with the Warman® AH® pump, virtually all the duties in your mill can be satisfied.•Ductile iron fully lined casing provides durability,strength, safety, and long service life•Large diameter, slow turning, high efficiencyimpellers designed to achieve maximum wear lifeand low operating costs•Large, open internal passages designed to reduceinternal velocities, maximize wear life and loweroperating costs•Unique, easily centered stuffing box reduces glandseal maintenance and extends packing life•Adjustable side liner maintains efficiency andextends service life (adjustable while running)•Quick wet end exchange minimizes downtime•Thick elastomer liners with alloy impellers providesuperior wear life on the most difficult cyclone feedand screen feed services•Interchangeable elastomer and alloy bolt-inliner offer ease of liner change-out and reducedmaintenance costs•Heavy duty construction with through-boltdesign provides ease of maintenance and minimaldowntime•Minimal shaft/impeller overhang reduces shaftdeflection and increases packing life•Cartridge-style bearing assembly allows formaintenance in a clean environment withoutremoval of the pump, resulting in reliable operationand prolonged bearing life•Separate fully removable suction cover on Warman®400 MCR™ pump facilitates access and replacementof the impeller, throatbush, and shaft sleeve withoutdisturbing coverplate or discharge piping•Left or right hand operation availableWarman® MCR™/MC™ Metal/MCU™WARMAN®Centrifugal Slurry Pumps6Warman® HTPFully lined pump for severe multi-stage applications which offers numerous ease of maintenance featuresThe Warman® HTP pump range represents the highest pressure-rated, large, lined pumps available from Weir Minerals with priority given to increased safety, wear life, and reliability.The Warman® HTP pump is rapidly establishing itself as the dominant pump in the Canadian oil sands, providing an efficient and durable solution to long distance hydro-transport and tailings duties.•Specifically designed hydraulics emphasize solidpassing capability, head generation, wear life,and efficiency to deliver overall outstandingperformance•Multi-stage high pressure operation to 580 psi•Major components designed with lifting pointslocated with respect to center of gravity andspecialized lifting tools enable rapid pumpmaintenance and turnarounds•Ductile iron fully lined casing provides durability,strength, safety, and long service life•Separate fully removable suction cover facilitatesaccess and replacement of impeller, throatbush,and shaft sleeve without disturbing coverplate ordischarge piping•Unique, easily centered stuffing box reduces glandseal maintenance and extends packing life•Grease or oil lubrication bearing assembly optionsoffer ease of maintenance and reduced downtime•Cartridge-style bearing assembly allows formaintenance in a clean environment withoutremoval of the pump, resulting in reliable operationand prolonged bearing life•Liner design reduces operating costs by allowingreplacement of individual components•Erosion and corrosion resistant elastomers or alloysare available to handle solids-laden and/or corrosiveslurriesWarman® HTP7 WARMAN®Centrifugal Slurry Pumps8Warman ® AHP/AHPPFully lined high pressure pump for multi-stage applicationsBased upon the popular Warman ® AH ® series pump, the Warman ® AHP/AHPPseries high pressure pump offers the same features and benefits as the AH ® pump, including identical hydraulics at up to 1000 psi.The high pressure capability allows the user to operate several pumps in series all consolidated into one pump house, saving the expense of supporting systems like gland water supply systems in an alternative design of several pump houses along the transport line.• Multi-stage high pressure operation to 1000 psi • Heavy duty construction with through-boltdesign provides ease of maintenance and minimal downtime• Ductile iron fully lined casing provides durability, strength, safety, and long service life • Large diameter, slow turning, high efficiencyimpellers designed to achieve maximum wear life and low operating costs • Large, open internal passages reduce internalvelocities, maximize wear life and lower operating costs • Thick elastomer or alloy bolt-in liners providesuperior corrosion resistance plus offer ease of liner change-out and interchangeability to reduce overall maintenance costs and maximize wear life • Minimal shaft/impeller overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases packing life • Grease or oil lubricated bearing options offer ease of maintenance and reduced downtime • Cartridge-style bearing assembly allows for maintenance in a clean environment withoutremoval of the pump, resulting in reliable operation and prolonged bearing lifeWarman ® AHPWARMAN ®Centrifugal Slurry PumpsWarman ® XUHeavy duty slurry pumpThe Warman ® XU pump range is Weir Mineral’s most recently released all metalunlined pump range that integrates newly designed wet end wear components with the long proven Warman ® mechanical end. Casing, impeller and liner have been optimized to provide low wear while delivering outstanding efficiency over a wide range of medium to heavy slurry applications such as coal, sand and gravel. With many unique features, the Warman ® XU pump is easy to maintain and is designed to offer the lowest cost of ownership in its class.Warman ® XU9• Configured volute casing distributes material at point of maximum wear to extend life when pumping large solids• Low V cutwater design reduces slurry velocities and wear in the casing, allowing operation over a wide range of flows • Five-vane, thick sectioned, high efficiency impellers offer maximum wear life and low operating costs • Patented impeller wear ring profile reduces wear on impeller and throatbush area by restricting recirculation • Unique “tear drop” shaped frame plate liner insert insures any localized side wall wear occurs on liner and not on casing • Wet end components constructed from abrasion resistant solid chrome iron, providing excellent wear life in most slurry applications • Multiple shaft sealing configurations are available to best suit application requirements and are easily converted from one to another without expensive mechanical end changes • Compact cartridge-style bearing assemblies offer reduced shaft/impeller overhang and minimize shaft deflection resulting in increased packing life and the ability to accept a range of mechanical seals • Exceptional dry gland sealing performance due to improved expeller/impeller ratios reduces flush water requirements and lowers operating costs • Full and low flush gland sealing options allow precise matching of seal water consumption to application needs • Grease or oil lubrication bearing assembly options offer ease of maintenance and reduced downtime • Quick release clamping collar design facilitates impeller removal • Hydraulically interchangeable with long proven Warman ® AH ® pump designsWARMAN ®Centrifugal Slurry PumpsWarman® AHF/LF/MFHeavy duty froth pump for tough flotation froth duties Designed to handle heavy froth, the Warman® horizontal froth pump has a unique inlet and impeller design that is very successful where others fail.A large oversized inlet with a unique impeller inducer blade handles heavy froth and higher viscosity dense slurries with ease. The Warman® AHF/LF/MF line of horizontal froth pumps has proven valuable for very dense slurries where viscosity starts to become a pumping issue for the standard slurry pump.10•Heavy duty construction with through-boltdesign provides ease of maintenance and minimaldowntime•Ductile iron fully lined casing provides durability,strength, safety, and long service life•Large diameter, slow turning, high efficiencyimpellers designed to achieve maximum wear lifeand low operating costs•Large, open internal passages designed to reduceinternal velocities, maximize wear life and loweroperating costs•Unique impeller design for most difficult frothapplications•Thick elastomer or alloy bolt-in liners providesuperior corrosion resistance plus offer ease of linerchange-out and interchangeability to reduce overallmaintenance costs and maximize wear life•Minimal shaft/impeller overhang reduces shaftdeflection and increases packing life•Cartridge-style bearing assembly allows formaintenance in a clean environment withoutremoval of the pump, resulting in reliable operationand prolonged bearing life•Standard Warman® AH® pump and Warman® Lpump can be converted by replacing cover plate,throatbush and impeller•Full flush, low flow or dry running centrifugal sealsminimize water usage and operating costsWarman® AHF/LF/MF*Lower light blue areas: recommended maximum operating range on aerated slurriesWARMAN®Centrifugal Slurry PumpsWarman ® Series 1000General purpose slurry pumpThe Warman® Series 1000 pump is a long proven horizontal end suction centrifugalpump that will reliably and economically handle abrasive and corrosive medium duty services.Several unique features make the Series 1000 pump ideal for handling stringy/fibrous slurries, low NPSHA applications and services that require minimum dilution due to gland seal water.• Heavy duty construction with through-bolt casing design provides ease of maintenance and minimal downtime • Erosion and corrosion resistant elastomers or metal alloy liners are available to handle solids-laden and/or corrosive slurries • Semi-open impeller easily passes large or stringy particles and is well suited for froth-laden slurries • Unique impeller hydraulic design allows operation in systems with low NPSHA • Cartridge-style bearing assemblies offer a compact reliable design that reduces shaft/impeller overhang, decreasing deflection for improved packing life and allows for easy rebuilds • Multiple shaft sealing configurations are available to best suit application requirements including standard wet and dry glands as well as mechanical seals • Effective expeller prolongs packing life while reducing or eliminating flush water requirement • Casing drain plug allows for component wearinspection as well as draining slurry from the pump to prevent freezing or corrosion after flushing • Grease or oil lubricated bearing assemblies offer ease of maintenance and reduce downtime11Warman ® Series 1000WARMAN ®Centrifugal Slurry PumpsWarman® HH/H/HRMHeavy duty high head lined slurry pumpThe Warman® HH/H/HRM pump lines were designed to produce high heads per stage at high pressures.Commonly used for long distance transport lines, the Warman® HH/H/HRM pump lines can often satisfy application duties with a single pump where others require multiple pumps in series.12•Ductile iron fully lined casing provides durability,strength and long service life•Multi-stage high pressure operation to 750 psi(Warman® H pump to 1000 psi)•Heavy duty construction with through-boltdesign provides ease of maintenance and minimaldowntime•Large diameter, slow turning, high efficiencyimpellers designed to achieve maximum wear lifeand low operating costs•Large, open internal passages designed to maximizewear life and lower operating costs•Thick elastomer and alloy liners provide superiorcorrosion resistance and maximum wear life•Full flush gland, low flow, and dry runningcentrifugal seals reduce flush water usageminimizing pump operating costsWarman® HH/HRMWARMAN®Centrifugal Slurry PumpsWarman ® LRugged heavy duty slurry pump for medium to lower headsThe Warman ® L series pumps incorporate the same design points as the Warman ® AH ® pump plus higher efficiency impellers at an attractive initial cost.Designed for rugged duties while offering higher efficiencies, the Warman ® L series is a combination of the proven Warman ® AH ® pump’s unique features. The Warman ® L series provides the widest range of hydraulics from the 3/4” to a 26” discharge pumps. The 3/4” is perfect for the laboratory or in demonstration plants.• Heavy duty construction with through-boltdesign provides ease of maintenance and minimal downtime • Ductile iron fully lined casing provides durability, strength, safety, and long service life • Large diameter, slow turning, high efficiencyimpellers designed to achieve maximum wear life and low operating costs • Large, open internal passages designed to reduce internal velocities, maximize wear life and lower operating costs • Thick elastomer or alloy bolt-in liners providesuperior corrosion resistance plus offer ease of liner change-out and interchangeability to reduce overall maintenance costs and maximize wear life • Designed for rugged duties while offering excellent efficiencies • Minimal shaft/impeller overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases packing life • Cartridge-style bearing assembly allows for maintenance in a clean environment withoutremoval of the pump, resulting in reliable operation and prolonged bearing life • Grease or oil lubrication bearing assembly options offer ease of maintenance and reduced downtime • Full flush gland, low flow, and dry running centrifugal seals reduce flush water usage minimizing pump operating costs • Mechanical seals reduce flush water usage, minimizing pump operating costs13Warman ® LWARMAN ®Centrifugal Slurry PumpsWarman® GSLAbsorber recycle pumpSince the introduction of the first Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) systems in the 1970s, Weir Minerals has supplied more than 4,000 specially designed FGD pumps worldwide.Warman® GSL pumps have the highest efficiencies in the industry achievable throughout the life of the impeller.14Warman® GSL•Ductile iron fully lined casing provides durability,strength, safety, and long service life•Cartridge-style bearing assembly allows formaintenance in a clean environment withoutremoval of the pump, resulting in reliable operationand prolonged bearing life•High efficiency design minimizes energyconsumption and reduces operating costs•Liner design reduces operating costs by allowingreplacement of individual components•Back pull design affords easy maintenance•Mechanical seals reduce flush water usageminimizing pump operating costs• Warman® GSL pump design incorporates thelatest material development, hydraulic designimprovements and modern manufacturingmethods of the Warman® L pump WARMAN®Centrifugal Slurry PumpsNew Warman® GSL polymer castceramic components available.Contact your local Weir Minerals salesrepresentative for more information.®Warman ® WGR ®Medium duty slurry pumps for sand and aggregate applicationsThe streamlined design allows easy access to all parts of the pump and theinternal components, making servicing easier and reducing downtime. When this is combined with the long service life of our parts and the proven wear life of our proprietary Linatex ® premium rubber, Weir Minerals provides pumping solutions that are designed to achieve the lowest total cost of ownership in operation.Warman ®WGR ®pump - quick selection chart• Our new patented Warman ® WRT ® throatbush and impeller designs minimize turbulence and cavitation for extended wear life and maintenance performance • Impeller and gland assembly can be replaced through the suction side of the pump• Replaceable Linatex ® rubber liners provide superiorabrasion resistant performance in fine slurry applications • Patented flexible discharge adaptor is the same size as the inlet and positioned so the pump can be fully serviced without removing the discharge piping • Loose swivel flanges are offered to match mating pipe orientations • Adjustable impeller with release collar can beadjusted externally to achieve optimum clearance between the impeller and the throatbush for the full working life of the wear components • Newly designed larger impeller allows for lower speeds which results in longer wear life • Incorporation of the removable suction cover in the cover plate means that the throatbush can be replaced without incurring the cost of removal of the cover plate • New design gives increased durability, resulting in lower overall lifetime costsWarman ® WGR ®1001000 10000Flowrate ( usgpm )351008050250200150T o t a l h ea d (f e e t )US gallons per minute (gpm)0 20406080100120 14016010H e a d ( f t ) Warman ® WRT ®The new Warman ® WRT ®throatbush and impeller combination is a superiorupgrade for your existing pump, and is designed to enhance efficiency and improve wear performanceCubic meters per hour (m /hr)Total head (meters)15For further information on any of these products or our support services contact your nearest sales office or visit:WARMAN ® Centrifugal Slurry Pumps GEHO ® PD Slurry PumpsLINATEX ® Rubber Products VULCO ® Wear Resistant Linings CAVEX ® HydrocyclonesFLOWA Y ® PUMPS Vertical Turbine Pumps ISOGATE ® Slurry ValvesMULTIFLO ® Mine Dewatering Solutions HAZLETON ® Specialty Slurry PumpsLEWIS ® PUMPS Vertical Chemical Pumps WEIR MINERALS SERVICES™Copyright © 2008, 2012 Weir Slurry Group, Inc.. All rights reserved. WARMAN is a registered trademark of Weir Minerals Australia Ltd and Weir Group African IP Ltd; CAVEX, HAZLETON, AH, WRT, WBH, WGR and MULTIFLO are registered trademarks of Weir Minerals Australia Ltd; LEWIS and LEWIS PUMPS are registered trademarks of Envirotech Pumpsystems Inc; GEHO is a registered trademark of Weir Minerals Netherlands bv; FLOWAY is a registered trademark of Weir Floway Inc.; VULCO is a registered trademark of Vulco SA; ISOGATE is a registered trademark of Weir do Brasil Ltda.; LINATEX is a registered trademark of Linatex Ltd; SENTINEL is a registered trademark of Weir Slurry Group, Inc.; MC, MCR and MCU are trademarks of Weir Slurry Group, Inc.; WEIR is a registered trademark of Weir Engineering Services Ltd. Certain features of some of the products featured in this publication are protected worldwide by patents pending and registered.The Weir Minerals Services ™ Sentinel ® program is a team concept providing lower Measured Total Ownership Cost (MTOC) throughimproved reliability, lower power consumption and reduced maintenance cost.Our menu approach allows each customer to select the level of commitment and participation they feel best meets their needs.Weir Minerals Services ™ Sentinel ® Program Pump users enter into formal agreements with Weir Minerals with the aim of benefiting from ongoing reductions in operating costs.WEIR MINERALS SERVICES ™Weir Minerals Services ™ Sentinel ® Program modules include:• Cooperative cost focus groups • Pump audits• Equipment maintenance monitoring • Wear life monitoring• Performance based agreements • Spare parts supply agreements • Customized training programs • Equipment rebuild services • Pump exchange services •Tailored maintenance packages。



110 140 180 108 133 160 205 280 324 198 268 310 180 245 290 216 280 351 180 245 290 216 280 342 180 245 290 360 485 612 300 420 500
30.6 39 50 30 36.9 44.4 57 78 90 55 74.5 86 50 68 80.5 60 78 97.5 50 68 80.5 60 78 95 50 68 80.5 100 134.5 170 83.3 116.5 138.9



7.50 2.08 13.2 0.77 IH65-40-200A 1450 12.5 3.47 12.5 0.92
15.0 4.17 11.8 1.02
35.0 2.0 1.1 46.0 2.0
47.5 2.5
15.0 4.17 82.0 9.85
34.0 2.0
2900 25.0 6.94 80.0 11.84 15 46.0 2.0
30.0 8.33 2900 50.0 13.9
60.0 16.7
15.0 4.17 1450 25.0 6.94
30.0 8.33 30.0 8.33 2900 50.0 13.9 60.0 16.7
扬程 (m)
功率(KW) 轴 电机 功率 功率
效率 (%)
21.0 1.54
20.0 1.75 2.2 39.0
扬程 (m)
21.0 20.0 18.8 128 125 123 32.5 32.0 31.5 24.0 20.0 16.5 6.00 5.00 4.00 36.0 32.0 28.0 9.20 8.00 6.80 54.0 50.0 47.0
功率(KW) 轴 电机 功率 功率
效率 (%)

(r/min) (m3/h) (L/S)
3.80 1.04 1450 6.30 1.74
7.50 2.08 7.50 2.08 2900 12.5 3.47 15.0 4.17 3.80 1.04 1450 6.30 1.74 7.50 2.08 15.0 4.17 2900 25.0 6.94 30.0 8.33 7.50 2.08 1450 12.5 3.47 15.0 4.17 15.0 4.17 2900 25.0 6.94 30.0 8.33 7.50 2.08 1450 12.5 3.47 15.0 4.17 15.0 4.17 2900 25.0 6.94 30.0 8.33



带比例电磁铁 无 供 油 过 滤
顺时针 逆时针
丁 腈 橡 胶( N B R ), 氟 橡 胶 油 封( F K M )
01 R L N
轴伸 花键轴 DIN 5480
温度范围 氟 橡 胶 轴 密 封 圈 适 用 于2 5 0C至+ 1 1 5 0C的 壳 体 温 度 范 围
H P 2 V C系 列 变 量 柱 塞 泵
数据表 (理论值)
规格 排量
变量泵 补油泵(p=2MPa时) 转速 Vg max 时的最大值 限制最大值1) 间歇最大值 最小值 流量 nmax continuous和Vg max时 功率3) nmax continuous和Vg max时 扭拒2) Vg max时
为了正确选择液压油,必须知道与环境温度有关的工作 温度。闭式回路中指回路温度。 液压油应这样选择,即在工作范围内粘度处于最佳范围 ( V opt)内(见 选 择 图 的 阴 影 部 分)。 我 们 推 荐 在 同 种 条 件 下选择较高粘度等级。 示例:X℃ 的环 境 温 度 下,回 路 中 的 工作 温 度 为6 0℃。在 最 佳 工 作 粘 度 范 围( V opt; 阴 影 部 分)内 , 对 应 着 粘 度 等 级 VG46或VG 6 8, 应 选择VG 6 8。



材料 碳化钨(U)/ 碳(B) 碳化硅(Q)/ 碳化硅(Q) 碳化钨(U)/ 碳化钨(U)
TM01 8936 0900
示例 型号
CHI 4 - 50 - A - W - G - BUBE
CHI 12
CHI 15
CHI 20
TM02 6720 1503
CHI 和 CHIU 主要为各种工业用途设计:

14 转子外包体 15 转子罐体
O 形环
材料 不锈钢 不锈钢 不锈钢 不锈钢 不锈钢 不锈钢 碳 MY 106 不锈钢 钢 铝 不锈钢 陶瓷 Al2O3/SiC 1- 相:黄铜 3- 相:铜 不锈钢 不锈钢 EPDM 或 FKM
DIN W.-Nr. 1.4401 1.4401 1.4401 1.4401 1.4401 1.4401
单相 三相
397 142 229 229
437 142 229 229
437 142 229 229
500 142 259 229
500 178 259 230
净重 [kg]



节能、环保、节水产品认证企业获证信息公告二〇一〇年第三十一期(总第164期)节能产品认证获证企业信息:计算机制造商:Dell Inc.获证规格型号:PP13S 19.5Vdc,3.34A/4.62A证书编号:CQC10701049832生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:戴尔制造商:Dell Inc.获证规格型号:P05G, Latitude E4310 19.5Vdc, 3.34A/4.62A1.型号:LA65NE0-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:20090109073489892.型号:LA65NE1-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:20090109073489883.型号:LA65NS2-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.6A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090728672020090109073847694.型号:HA65NE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:高效电子股份有限公司CCC证书号:20080109072743225.型号:HA65NE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:20080109072743326.型号:HA65NS5-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.7A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:群光电能科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:20090109073749747.型号:FA65NE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:Flextronics Sales&Marketing(A-P)Ltd.CCC证书号:20090109073280048.型号:FA65NE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:Flextronics Sales&Marketing(A-P)Ltd.CCC证书号:20090109073280019.型号:FA065LS1-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.7A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:Flextronics Sales&Marketing(A-P)Ltd.CCC证书号:200901090736397110.型号:DA90PE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:台达电子工业股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090726491811.型号:HA90PE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:高效电子股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090727830112.型号:HA90PE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:高效电子股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090727828213.型号:LA90PE0-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090727152514.型号:DA90PE3-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:台达电子工业股份有限公司CCC证书号:200901090737409115.型号:EA90PE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:雅达电子国际有限公司CCC证书号:200901090736615016.型号:FA90PE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:Flextronics Sales & Marketing (A-P) Ltd.CCC证书号:200801090726909417.型号:FA90PE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:Flextronics Sales & Marketing (A-P) Ltd.CCC证书号:2008010907269097证书编号:CQC10701044494生效日期:2010-08-24有效期至:2013-05-05品牌:戴尔制造商:Dell Inc.获证规格型号:P05G, Latitude E4310 19.5Vdc, 3.34A/4.62A18.型号:LA65NE0-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:200901090734898919.型号:LA65NE1-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:200901090734898820.型号:LA65NS2-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.6A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:2008010907286720200901090738476921.型号:HA65NE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:高效电子股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090727432222.型号:HA65NE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090727433223.型号:HA65NS5-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.7A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:群光电能科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:200901090737497424.型号:FA65NE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:Flextronics Sales&Marketing(A-P)Ltd.CCC证书号:200901090732800425.型号:FA65NE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:Flextronics Sales&Marketing(A-P)Ltd.CCC证书号:200901090732800126.型号:FA065LS1-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.7A,输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A 制造商:Flextronics Sales&Marketing(A-P)Ltd.CCC证书号:200901090736397127.型号:DA90PE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:台达电子工业股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090726491828.型号:HA90PE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:高效电子股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090727830129.型号:HA90PE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:高效电子股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090727828230.型号:LA90PE0-01规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:200801090727152531.型号:DA90PE3-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:台达电子工业股份有限公司CCC证书号:200901090737409132.型号:EA90PE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:雅达电子国际有限公司CCC证书号:200901090736615033.型号:FA90PE0-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:Flextronics Sales & Marketing (A-P) Ltd.CCC证书号:200801090726909434.型号:FA90PE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A,输出:19.5Vdc,4.62A 制造商:Flextronics Sales & Marketing (A-P) Ltd.CCC证书号:2008010907269097证书编号:CQC10701044495生效日期:2010-08-24有效期至:2013-05-05品牌:戴尔制造商:Dell Inc.获证规格型号:PP15S,Latitude E4200: 19.5VDC 3.34A/2.31A电源适配器:1.型号:FA45NE1-00规格:输入:100-240V~,50/60Hz, 1.3A,输出:19.5VDC, 2.31A制造商:Flextronics Sales & Marketing (A-P) Ltd.CCC证书号:20100109073899122.型号:HA45NE1-00规格:输入:100-240V AC 50-60Hz 1.3A输出: 19.5VDC 2.31A制造商:群光电能科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:2010010907395149节能证书号:CQC107010435613.型号:LA65NS2-01规格:输入: 100-240V AC,50-60Hz,1.6A; 输出: 19.5VDC,3.34A制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司(生产厂:东莞利通电器二厂)CCC证书号:2008010907286720节能证书号:CQC097010372424.型号:LA65NS2-01规格:输入: 100-240V AC,50-60Hz,1.6A; 输出: 19.5VDC,3.34A制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司(生产厂:光宝科技(常州) 有限公司)CCC证书号:2009010907384769节能证书号:CQC097010405815.型号:FA065LS1-01规格:输入100-240V AC, 50-60Hz, 1.7A 输出: 19.5VDC, 3.34A制造商:Flextronics Sales & Marketing (A-P) Ltd.CCC证书号:20090109073639716.型号:HA65NS5-00规格:输入: 100-240V AC, 50-60Hz, 1.7A; Class I;输出: 19.5VDC, 3.34A制造商:群光电能科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:2009010907374974节能证书号:CQC09701038898本次增加:7.型号:DA90PE3-00规格:输入: AC100-240V,1.5A,50-60Hz;输出:DC19.5V,4.62A制造商:台达电子工业股份有限公司CCC证书号:2009010907374091节能证书号:CQC097010383358.型号:LA65NE0-00规格:输入: 100-240Vac, 50-60Hz, 1.5A 输出: 19.5Vdc,3.34A制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:2009010907348989节能证书号:CQC0870*******9.型号:LA90PE0-00规格:输入:1.5A,AC100-240V,50-60Hz,输出:4.62A,DC19.5V制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司(生产厂:东莞利通电器二厂)CCC证书号:2008010907271525节能证书号:CQC0870*******10.型号:LA90PE0-00规格:输入:1.5A,AC100-240V,50-60Hz,输出:4.62A,DC19.5V制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司(生产厂:光宝科技(常州) 有限公司)CCC证书号:2009010907381274节能证书号:CQC0970104058211.型号:LA90PE1-00规格:输入:1.5A,AC100-240V,50-60Hz,输出:4.62A,DC19.5V制造商:光宝科技股份有限公司CCC证书号:2010010907386589节能证书号:CQC1070104106612型号:EA90PE1-00规格:输入:100-240V AC 50-60Hz 1.5A, 输出:19.5VDC 4.62A制造商:雅达电子国际有限公司CCC证书号:2009010907366150节能证书号:CQC0970103720213.型号:FA65NE1-00规格:输入:100-240Vac,50-60Hz,1.5A;输出:19.5Vdc,3.34A制造商:Flextronics Sales & Marketing (A-P) Ltd.CCC证书号:200901090732800114.型号:HA65NE1-00规格:输入: 100-240V AC,50-60Hz,1.5A; 输出:19.5VDC,3.34A制造商:高效电子股份有限公司CCC证书号:2008010907274332节能证书号:CQC0870*******15.型号:DA65NS3-00规格:输入: 100-240V AC, 1.5A, 50-60Hz 或11-16VDC, 8A ; Class II输出: 19.5VDC 3.34A,制造商:台达电子工业股份有限公司CCC证书号:2006010907207709节能证书号:CQC09701029699证书编号:CQC10701047486生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-06-24品牌:DELL制造商:Dell Inc.获证规格型号:P01L: 3.34A, 19.5Vdc [电源适配器: 1.HA65NE1-00;2.FA65NE1-00;65NE1-00;4.DA45NM104-00;5.HA45NE1-00;6.FA45NE1-00]证书编号:CQC09701031277生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2012-05-07品牌:Dell Inc.制造商:索尼公司获证规格型号:PCG-21111T, PCG-21112T 10.5VDC, 2.9A(电源适配器: VGP-AC10V5)证书编号:CQC09701035455生效日期:2010-08-24有效期至:2012-09-04品牌:SONY制造商:联想(北京)有限公司获证规格型号:启天A7000; 启天A7010; 启天A7020; 启天A7030; 启天A7040; 启天A7050; 启天A7060; 启天A7070; 启天A7080; 启天A7090: 100-240VAC 50/60Hz 2-1A证书编号:CQC10701046305生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-05-27品牌:lenovo打印机和打印/传真一体机制造商:三星电子(山东)数码打印机有限公司获证规格型号:SF-565PR,SF-565PRC:220-240VAC, 50/60Hz, 2.5A证书编号:CQC10701049645生效日期:2010-08-26有效期至:2013-08-26品牌:SAMSUNG制造商:日本冲信息株式会社获证规格型号:N35001B: 220-240VAC 50/60Hz 4.4A证书编号:CQC10701049791生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:OKI制造商:日本冲信息株式会社获证规格型号:N35000B: 220-240VAC 50/60Hz 4.4A证书编号:CQC10701049790生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:OKI制造商:精工爱普生株式会社获证规格型号:B441A,220-240VAC 50-60Hz 0.2A证书编号:CQC10701049781生效日期:2010-08-24有效期至:2013-08-24品牌:爱普生/EPSON数字式多功能办公设备制造商:精工爱普生株式会社获证规格型号:Epson Stylus Photo TX720WD: 220-240VAC 50-60Hz 0.4A 证书编号:CQC10701049563生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:爱普生、 EPSON显示器制造商:Dell Inc.获证规格型号:E1911c 100-240VAC 50/60Hz 1.6A证书编号:CQC10701049782生效日期:2010-08-24有效期至:2013-08-24品牌:DELL制造商:Hewlett-Packard Company获证规格型号:LE2001wl 100-240Vac,50/60Hz,1.5A证书编号:CQC10701049835生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:惠普制造商:捷联电子股份有限公司获证规格型号:TFT19W80PS 100-240VAC 50/60Hz 1.5A证书编号:CQC10701049833生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:AOC制造商:福建捷联电子有限公司获证规格型号:220LM00001,220LM00002 100-240VAC 50/60Hz 1.5A 证书编号:CQC10701049834生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:AOC制造商:福建捷联电子有限公司获证规格型号:190LM00002: 100-240VAC 50/60Hz 1.5A证书编号:CQC10701049890生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:AOC制造商:福建捷联电子有限公司获证规格型号:190LM00001 100-240VAC 50/60Hz 1.5A证书编号:CQC10701049775生效日期:2010-08-23有效期至:2013-08-23品牌:AOC风机、泵类负载变频调速节电装置制造商:北京锐驰瑞德电气工程有限公司获证规格型号:Zn-ⅠP=16~22KW Ue=380V 50Hz IP20 水泵类负载证书编号:CQC10701049850生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:/清水离心泵制造商:上海凯泉泵业(集团)有限公司生效日期:2010-08-23有效期至:2013-08-23品牌:凯泉清水离心泵制造商:上海凯泉泵业(集团)有限公司获证规格型号:证书编号:CQC10701049693生效日期:2010-08-23有效期至:2013-08-23品牌:凯泉制造商:上海凯泉泵业(集团)有限公司证书编号:CQC10701049695 生效日期:2010-08-23有效期至:2013-08-23品牌:凯泉制造商:大连冷冻机股份有限公司获证规格型号:LSBLG175证书编号:CQC10701049517生效日期:2010-08-24有效期至:2013-08-24品牌:冰山房间空气调节器制造商:上海三菱电机·上菱空调机电器有限公司获证规格型号:KF-36GW/L证书编号:CQC10701042564生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-03-02品牌:三菱制造商:乐金电子(天津)电器有限公司获证规格型号:LS-E2613DDR [KFRd-26GW/E13DR], LS-E2613DDW [KFRd-26GW/E13DW] 证书编号:CQC09701032670生效日期:2010-08-26有效期至:2012-06-08品牌:LG制造商:乐金电子(天津)电器有限公司获证规格型号:LS-E2615DDW [KFRd-26GW/E15DW], LS-E2615DDR [KFRd-26GW/E15DR] 证书编号:CQC09701036986生效日期:2010-08-26有效期至:2012-06-08品牌:LG制造商:乐金电子(天津)电器有限公司获证规格型号:LS-E3213DDW [KFRd-32GW/E13DW], LS-E3213DDR [KFRd-32GW/E13DR] 证书编号:CQC09701032673生效日期:2010-08-26有效期至:2012-06-08品牌:LG制造商:乐金电子(天津)电器有限公司获证规格型号:LS-E3215DDW [KFRd-32GW/E15DW], LS-E3215DDR [KFRd-32GW/E15DR] 证书编号:CQC09701036984生效日期:2010-08-26有效期至:2012-06-08制造商:广东科龙空调器有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-32GW/VD-1,KF-32GW/VD-1,KFR-32GW/UG-1,KF-32GW/UG-1,KFR-32GW/UQ-1,KF-32GW/UQ-1,KFR-32GW/VP-1,KFR-32GW/VG-1,KFR-32GW/VB-1,KFR-32GW/VL-1,KFR-32GW/VK-1,KFR-32G W/VMJ-1证书编号:CQC10701049807生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:科龙华宝制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KF-26GW/Y-JD(R2), KF-26GW/Y-JE2(R2), KF-26GW/Y-JE3(R2),KF-26GW/Y-JM5(R2), KF-26GW/Y-JM6(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049862生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:美的制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KF-23GW/Y-JD(R2);KF-23GW/Y-JE2(R2);KF-23GW/Y-JE3(R2);KF-23GW/Y-JM5(R2);KF-23GW/Y-JM6(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049859生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:美的制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-72LW/DY-JM3(R2), KFR-72LW/DY-JM4(R2), KFR-72LW/DY-JM5(R2), KFR-72LW/DY-JM6(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049864生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:美的制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-51LW/DY-JE3(R2),KFR-51LW/DY-JE4(R2),KFR-51LW/DY-JM3(R2),KFR-51LW/DY-JM4(R2) ,KFR-51LW/DY-JM5(R2), KFR-51LW/DY-JM6(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049867生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-26GW/DY-JD(R2), KFR-26GW/DY-JE2(R2), KFR-26GW/DY-JE3(R2), KFR-26GW/DY-JM5(R2), KFR-26GW/DY-JM6(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049870生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:美的制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KF-36GW/Y-JD(R2);KF-36GW/Y-JE2(R2);KF-36GW/Y-JE3(R2);KF-36GW/Y-JM5(R2);KF-36GW/Y-JM6(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049863生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:美的制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-33GW/DY-JD(R2);KFR-33GW/DY-JE2(R2);KFR-33GW/DY-JE3(R2);KFR-33GW/DY-JM5(R2);KFR-33GW/DY-JM6(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049860生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:美的制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-23GW/DY-JD(R2);KFR-23GW/DY-JE2(R2);KFR-23GW/DY-JE3(R2);KFR-23GW/DY-JM5(R2);KFR-23GW/DY-JM6(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049858生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:美的制造商:广州华凌空调设备有限公司获证规格型号:KF-23GW/H9(R2),KF-23GW/HV12(R2),KF-23GW/HV13(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049873生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:華凌制造商:广州华凌空调设备有限公司获证规格型号:KF-35GW/H9(R2),KF-35GW/HV12(R2),KF-35GW/HV13(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049871生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-05-07品牌:華凌制造商:广州华凌空调设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFRd-75LW/H9(R2),KFRd-75LW/HV12(R2),KFRd-75LW/HV13(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049866生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:華凌制造商:广州华凌空调设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFRd-72LW/HV12SN(R2),KFRd-72LW/HV13SN(R2)证书编号:CQC10701049865生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:華凌制造商:广州华凌空调设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFRd-23GW/H9(R2),KFRd-23GW/HV12(R2),KFRd-23GW/HV13(R2) 证书编号:CQC10701049872生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:華凌制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-120LW/(12533S)Ca-2, KF-120LW/(12333S)Ca-2证书编号:CQC10701049230生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-35GW/K(35556)A3-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Ac-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)A3-N1,KF-35GW/(35356)Ac-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)B2-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Bb-2,KF-35GW/K(35356)B2-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Bb-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)C1-N1,KFR-35GW/(35556)Ca-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)C1-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ca-2,KFR-35GW/K(35556)C2-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Cb-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)C2-N1,KF-35GW/(35356)Cb-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)E2-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Ee-2,KF-35GW/K(35356)E2-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ee-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)E1-N1,KFR-35GW/(35556)Ef-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)E1-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ef-2,KFR-35GW/K(35556)H1-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Ha-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)H1-N1,KF-35GW/(35356)Ha-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)I1-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Ia-2,KF-35GW/K(35356)I1-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ia-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)I2-N1,KFR-35GW/(35556)Ib-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)I2-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ib-2,KFR-35GW/(35556)KaC-2, KFR-35GW/(35556)EdC-2证书编号:CQC10701049826生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-72LW/(72568)Aa-2, KF-72LW/(72368)Aa-2, KFR-72LW/(72568)Da-2, KF-72LW/(72368)Da-2, KFR-72LW/(72552)Aa-2, KF-72LW/(72352)Aa-2证书编号:CQC10701049822生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-72LW/(72561)Aa-2, KF-72LW/(72361)Aa-2证书编号:CQC10701049825生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-72LW/(72561)Aa-2, KF-72LW/(72361)Aa-2证书编号:CQC10701049824生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-72LW/(72561)Aa-2, KF-72LW/(72361)Aa-2证书编号:CQC10701049823生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-72LW/(72568)Aa-2, KF-72LW/(72368)Aa-2, KFR-72LW/(72568)Da-2, KF-72LW/(72368)Da-2, KFR-72LW/(72552)Aa-2, KF-72LW/(72352)Aa-2证书编号:CQC10701049820生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-72LW/(72568)Aa-2, KF-72LW/(72368)Aa-2, KFR-72LW/(72568)Da-2, KF-72LW/(72368)Da-2, KFR-72LW/(72552)Aa-2, KF-72LW/(72352)Aa-2证书编号:CQC10701049821生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-35GW/K(35556)A3-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Ac-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)A3-N1,KF-35GW/(35356)Ac-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)B2-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Bb-2,KF-35GW/K(35356)B2-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Bb-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)C1-N1,KFR-35GW/(35556)Ca-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)C1-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ca-2,KFR-35GW/K(35556)C2-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Cb-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)C2-N1,KF-35GW/(35356)Cb-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)E2-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Ee-2,KF-35GW/K(35356)E2-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ee-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)E1-N1,KFR-35GW/(35556)Ef-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)E1-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ef-2,KFR-35GW/K(35556)H1-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Ha-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)H1-N1,KF-35GW/(35356)Ha-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)I1-N1, KFR-35GW/(35556)Ia-2,KF-35GW/K(35356)I1-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ia-2, KFR-35GW/K(35556)I2-N1,KFR-35GW/(35556)Ib-2, KF-35GW/K(35356)I2-N1, KF-35GW/(35356)Ib-2,KFR-35GW/(35556)KaC-2, KFR-35GW/(35556)EdC-2证书编号:CQC10701049827生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-35GW/(35555)Aa-1, KF-35GW/(35355)Aa-1, KFR-35GW/(35555)Ba-1, KF-35GW/(35355)Ba-1, KFR-35GW/(35559)Aa-1, KF-35GW/(35359)Aa-1,KFR-35GW/(35559)Ba-1, KF-35GW/(35359)Ba-1, KFR-35GW/(35560)Aa-1,KF-35GW/(35360)Aa-1, KFR-35GW/(35560)Ba-1, KF-35GW/(35360)Ba-1,KFR-35GW/(35562)Aa-1, KF-35GW/(35362)Aa-1 220V~ 50Hz R22证书编号:CQC10701049025生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:珠海格力电器股份有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-50LW/(50561)Aa-1, KF-50LW/(50361)Aa-1, KFR-50LW/(50561)Ba-1, KF-50LW/(50361)Ba-1证书编号:CQC10701048993生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:格力制造商:青岛海尔空调器有限总公司获证规格型号:KFR-72LW/61SDG11(卡萨帝),(内机型号:KFR-72L/SDG11(卡萨帝),外机型号:KFR-72W/6111(卡萨帝))证书编号:CQC10701049811生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:卡萨帝制造商:青岛海尔空调器有限总公司获证规格型号:KFR-50LW/61SDG11(卡萨帝),(内机型号:KFR-50L/SDG11(卡萨帝),外机型号:KFR-50W/6111(卡萨帝))证书编号:CQC10701049810生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:卡萨帝制造商:青岛海尔空调器有限总公司获证规格型号:KFR-33GW/01PBF12(内机型号:KFR-33G/PBF12,外机型号:KFR-33W/0112)KFR-33GW/01JDF12(内机型号:KFR-33G/JDF12,外机型号:KFR-33W/0112)证书编号:CQC10701046995生效日期:2010-08-25有效期至:2013-08-25品牌:海尔转速可控型房间空气调节器制造商:乐金电子(天津)电器有限公司获证规格型号:LS-E2512APW [KFR-25GW/E12PWBp]证书编号:CQC09701034435生效日期:2010-08-26有效期至:2012-08-03品牌:LG制造商:乐金电子(天津)电器有限公司获证规格型号:LP-A7233ADW [KFRd-72LW/A33WBp], LP-A7213AAW [KFRd-72LW/A13WBp] 证书编号:CQC10701043277生效日期:2010-08-26有效期至:2013-03-11品牌:LG制造商:乐金电子(天津)电器有限公司获证规格型号:LS-E3512APW [KFR-35GW/E12PWBp]证书编号:CQC09701034434生效日期:2010-08-26有效期至:2012-08-03品牌:LG制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-26GW/BP2DN1Y-JD(2), KFR-26GW/BP2DN1Y-JE1(2),KFR-26GW/BP2DN1Y-JE3(2), KFR-26GW/BP2DN1Y-JM5(2), KFR-26GW/BP2DN1Y-JM6(2)证书编号:CQC10701049878生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:美的制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-35GW/BP2DN1Y-JD(2),KFR-35GW/BP2DN1Y-JE1(2),KFR-35GW/BP2DN1Y-JE3(2),KFR-35GW /BP2DN1Y-JM5(2),KFR-35GW/BP2DN1Y-JM6(2)证书编号:CQC10701049879生效日期:2010-08-27有效期至:2013-08-27品牌:美的制造商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司获证规格型号:KFR-51LW/BP2DN1Y-JM2(2);KFR-51LW/BP2DN1Y-JM5(2);KFR-51LW/BP2DN1Y-JM6(2);证书编号:CQC10701049868生效日期:2010-08-27。



4、PBG 型屏蔽泵系统最高压力 1.6Mpa,即水泵的吸入压力+泵扬程≤1.6Mpa。 材质(材质设计也可按照用户需求,特殊配置)
6、吊环 12、定子组件 18、下屏蔽压盘

☆ 泵型谱图 PBG 型立式屏蔽管道泵型谱图
PBGD 型低转速立式屏蔽管道泵型谱图

82 80 74
效率 T1 (%)
25 34 35
19 25 23
34 42 41
28 36 35
27 35 34
24 32 33
24 31 29
40 44 42
31 43 42
48 54 53
41 52 49
41 46 43
40 45 41
35 40 40
34 39 39
34 38 37
26 33 32
-30℃-+90℃。特别适用于工业和城市给排水,消防增压,高层建筑增压送水,园林喷灌,远距离 输送,暖通制冷循环,浴室等冷暖水循环增压及设备配套。
2、PBGR 热水型屏蔽泵供输送介质温度较高场合,适用介质温度-30℃-+160℃。主要适用于能 源、冶金、化工、纺织、造纸及宾馆、饭店、浴室等部门。
3、PBGH 防腐型屏蔽泵供输送不含固体颗粒,适用于石化、化工、冶金、电力、造纸、食品、 制药、科研院校和合成纤维等部门。



3GFBW45,3GF45 型 法兰式泵外形及安装尺寸
泵规 机座

AD L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 B B1 B2 H D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
34 370 260 220 160 308
Y90S 155 260
30x4-40 Y90L
105 140 73 285
33 400 220 185 120 267
30x3-52 Y100L 180 320
30x2-54 Y112M 190 30x3-54
34 407 260 220 160 308
105 148
Y9Байду номын сангаасL
23.5 425
45x4-27 Y100L 180 325
280 235 120 160 ¢50 ¢110 ¢140 ¢40 ¢110 ¢150
115 158 114 115 24 436 Y112M 190 340 45x2-36
泵规格 机座号



泄油口(外径 ×壁厚) φ8×1 φ10×1 φ10×1 φ10×1 φ10×1 φ12×1 φ12×1 φ12×1 φ14×1
2.5*CY(M) 5*CY(M) 10*CY(M) 16*CY(M) 25*CY(M) 32*CY(M) 40*CY(M) 63*CY(M) 80*CY(M) 108*CY(M) 160*CY(M) 250*CY(M) 400*CY(M)
一、概述 CY14-1B 系列泵是采用缸体旋转,靠变量头(斜盘)变量的轴向柱塞泵。由于滑靴和变量头之间、配
油盘和缸体之间采用了液压静力平衡的最佳油膜厚度设计,使上述两对运动面之间处在纯液体磨擦下运 转,并省去了重型推力轴承,因而与其它类型的泵相比,具有结构简单、体积小、效率高、重量轻、噪音 低、寿命长、自吸能力强等优点,它适用于锻压机械、机床、船舶、航空、冶金机械、塑料机械、工程机 械和矿山机械等液压设备。
图 2-2 表示 YCY 变量特性曲线,其阴影表示特性调节范围。AB 的斜率是由外弹簧刚度决定的,BC 的斜率是由外弹簧和内弹簧的合成刚度决定的,CD 的长短取决于限位螺钉的位置。调节流量特性时,如 需按 A1B1C1D1 规律变化,可先将限位螺钉拧至上端,然后调节弹簧套使其流量刚发生变化时的压力与 A1 点的压力相符,再调节限位螺钉,使流量不再变化时的高压流量与 D1 点的流量相符,其中间压力与流量 的变化关系是预先设计好的,不需要调整,只要 A1 和 D1 两点的流量、压力调好了,该泵就自动地按 A1B1C1D1 特性曲线变化。这种变量形式的特性曲线在一定范围内近似地按恒功率曲线变化。
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