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1.Give a formal or descriptive definition for each of the following terms.

(1)、ITRS:International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor.

(2)、Gate-Equivalent:It’s used to measure the basic unit of the complexity of the digital circuit, and based on to complete a circuit function, the number of logic gates are independent of each other.A gate equivalent stands for a unit of measure which allows specifying manufacturing-technology-independent complexity of digital electronic circuit.

(3)、Technology Nodes:A Technology Nodes is defined as the ground rules of a process governed by the smallest feature printed in a repetitive array.

(4)、Feature size:A single graphic minimal size.The minimum scale in integrated circuit devices.roughly half the length of the smallest transistor.

(5)、IC design complexity sources:It contains chip size, power dissipation, heterogeneity, variability and reliability.

(6)、Behavioral representation:It represents a design as a black box and describes its outputs in terms of its inputs and times.It indicates no geometrical information or structural information and takes the forms of textual,mathematics,or algorithmic description.

(7)、Abstraction hierarchy:Abstraction hierarchies are a human invention designed to assist people in engineering very complex systems by ignoring unnecessary details.

A set of interrelated representation levels that allow a system to be represented in varying amounts of detail.

(8)、IC design:A design is a set of transformations from one representation of a system to another until a representation that can be fabricated exists.Integrated circuit design involves the creation of electronic components, such as transistors,resistors,capacitors and the metallic interconnect of these components onto a piece of semiconductor, typically silicon.

(9)、Synthesis:The process of transforming one representation in the design abstraction hierarchy into another representation.

(10)、Refinement:The process of transforming functional representation in the design abstraction hierarchy into geometrical representation.Refinement is a generic

term of computer science that encompasses various approaches for producing correct computer programs and simplifying existing programs to enable their formal verification.

(11)、System-level synthesis:It deals with the transformation of an abstract model of behavior into a model consisting of standard functional units and System-Level Synthesis deals with the concurrent design of electronic applications,including both hardware and software.

(12)、logic synthesis:Translation from data flow representation to a structural logic gate representation.

(13)、Layout synthesis:Translation from logic gate representation to layout representation.The aims at computing the geometric data, especially the mask layout, from a circuit description in form of a netlist.

(14)、Partial design tree:A design has the form of a partial tree. Its behavior is specified at different levels. This situation is encountered become one frequently wants to evaluate the relationships between system components before they have all been completely designed.

(15)、Design window:We mean a range of levels over which the designer works in developing a design-tree structure.

(16)、Digital design space:Partitioning was carried out in order to meet some objective criteria.These criteria are the major factors one has to consider in arriving at a design.

(17)、Static timing analysis:Static timing analysis is a simulation method of computing the expected timing of a digital circuit without requiring a simulation of the full circuit.

(18)、Behavioral simulation:also called agent-based simulations, are instrumental in tackling the ecological and infrastructure challenges of our society. These simulations allow scientists to understand large complex systems such as transportation networks, insect swarms, or fish schools by modeling the behavior of millions of individual agents inside the system
