ASME SA-20 压力容器用钢板通用要求-已经上传
关于ASME材料应用的若干问题韩肇俊北京巴布料克·威尔科克斯有限公司北京 100043)笔者在日常工作中,接触到我国锅炉及压力容器制造行业关于ASME材料应用的若干问题,这些问题的正确理解对行业中关于ASME材料应用具有普遍意义,笔者为此作了归纳整理,以期对本刊的读者有所帮助。
标 准 GB19189-2003 GB19189-(2010)
板 厚 mm
Rm MPa
ReL (Rp0.2)MPa -20℃ KV2 J
≥490 ≥47
≥490 ≥80
厚度 mm
16MnDR 6~60 ≤0.025
S % ≤0.012
-40℃ KV2 J
≤0.025 ≤0.015
≤0.035 ≤0.035
2. 09MnNiDR钢板
≤0.025 0℃,≥34
0℃,≥41 (-20℃,≥41 )
• PSR=Cr+Cu+2Mo+10V+7Nb+5Ti-2( % )
5. 15CrMoR钢板 (1)钢号简介 (2)磷、硫含量
标 准 GB713-2008 EN10028-2:2003 ASME(2010)
•3. 07MnNiMoDR钢板
标 准 GB19189-(2010) GB19189-(2010)
Ni %
四、20#钢板化学成分,质量分数%(熔炼分析)厚度/mmCSiMnPSCrNiCu不大于3-600.17-0.230.17-0.370.35-0.650.0350.0350.200.300.25>60- 2000.17-0.240.17-0.370.35-0.650.0250.0200.250.250.25备注:1.上表20#钢中残余元素Cr、Ni、Cu含量供方如能保证,可不进行分析;2.成品钢板的化学成分允许偏差应符合GB/T222的规定。
五、20#钢板力学性能厚度/mm交货状态抗拉强度 MPa断后伸长率A/%180°冷弯试验钢板公称厚度a/mm纵向V型冲击吸收能量KV2/J3-60热轧或热处理不小于≤20>20-6020℃-20℃41028d=ad=2a≥34≥27>60-200热轧38022----备注:1.热处理指正火、退火或高温回火;2.当20#钢板以热处理状态交货时,当其伸长率较上表规定提高2%(绝对值)时,厚度在3-60mm的20#钢板允许抗拉强度比上表规定降低40MPa,厚度>60-200mm的20#钢板抗拉强度允许降低20MPa;。
压力容器用钢板通用要求SA-20/SA-20M(与ASTM标准A20/A20M-04完全等同)1 适用围1.1 本标准包括一组通用要求,除专用材料标准中另有规定外,这些要求应适用于下列各项ASTM压力容器用轧制钢板标准:1.1.1 本标准还包括一组补充要求,适用于上列若干个标准中本身已指明的场合。
1.2 附录X1叙述了制造压力容器钢板用卷材的生产及一些特性。
1.3 附录X2提供了关于压力容器用钢板拉伸性能变化性的资料。
1.4 附录X3提供了关于压力容器用钢板夏比V型缺口冲击试验性能变化的材料。
1.5 附录X4提供了包括冷弯时建议的最小弯曲半径在的有关钢板冷弯的资料。
1.6 这些材料仅适于熔焊,熔焊时应采用适合于该钢种级别及使用条件的焊接工艺。
1.7 如本标准与专用材料标准的要求不一致,则以专用材料标准的要求为准。
1.8 买方可以规定不否定本标准或专用材料标准任何条款的附加要求。
1.9 为了确定供应材料是否与标准及材料标准的规定极限值相一致,各数值右面的有效位数应按E29推荐的圆整方法进行圆整。
1.10 以英寸-磅单位或SI单位表示的数值均可作为标准值。
1.11 本标准及所引用的材料标准均采用英寸-磅和SI两种单位,但除非订货单中规定采用“M”标志(SI单位),材料将以英寸-磅单位供货。
2 引用标准3 术语3.1 本标准专用术语说明:3.1.1 封顶钢---因受早期压盖过程而使沸腾作用受到限制的沸腾钢。
3.1.2 卷板—以卷材形式加工为成品钢板的热轧钢。
3.1.3 除外—当应用与围有关时,例如尺寸允许偏差表中厚度的围,本术语表示不包括围中的较大值。
前言政策声明成员名单ASTM委员会成员名单序言按材料分类列出的标准目录删除标准向锅炉及压力容器委员会提出技术询问函的准备ASME锅炉及压力容器规范批准采用新材料的准则许用的ASTM版本材料的多重性标志准则更改一览表原文按数序排列的标准目录(无页码的为未选择标准)SA-6/SA-6M轧制结构钢棒材、钢板、型材和薄板板桩的通用要求SA-20/SA-20M压力容器用钢板通用要求SA-29/SA-29M热加工与冷精整碳钢和合金钢棒材通用要求SA-36/SA-36M碳素结构钢SA-47/SA-47M铁素体可锻铸铁件SA-53/SA-53M无镀层及热浸镀锌焊接与无缝公称钢管SA-105/SA-105M管道元件用碳钢锻件SA-106 高温用无缝碳钢公称管SA-134 电弧熔焊公称钢管(规格不小于NPS 16)SA-135 电阻焊公称钢管SA-178/SA-178M电阻焊碳钢和碳锤钢锅炉及过热器管子SA-179/SA-179M换热器及冷凝器用无缝冷拔低碳钢管SA-181/SA-181M一般管道用碳钢锻件SA-182/SA-182M高温用锻制或轧制合金钢公称管道法兰、锻制管配件、阀门和零件SA-192/SA-192M高压用无缝碳钢锅炉管子SA-193/SA-193M高温用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料SA-194/SA-194M高温高压螺栓用碳钢和合金钢螺母SA-202/SA-202M压力容器用铬锰硅合金钢板SA-203/SA-203M压力容器用镍合金钢板SA204/SA-204M压力容器用铝合金钢板SA-209/SA-209M锅炉和过热器用元缝碳铝合金钢管子。
ASME标准对照表SA-6/SA-6M 结构用轧制钢板、型钢、板桩和棒钢通用要求SA-20/SA-20M 压力容器用钢板通用要求SA-29/SA-29M 热加工与冷精整碳钢和合金钢棒材通用要求SA-36/SA-36M 碳素结构钢SA-47 铁素体可锻铸铁件SA-53/SA-53M 无镀层及热浸镀锌焊接及无缝公称钢管SA-105/SA-105M 管道元件用碳钢锻件SA-106 高温用无缝碳钢公称管SA-134 电弧熔焊公称钢管(尺寸≥NPS 16)SA-135 电阻焊公称钢管SA-178/SA-178M 电阻焊碳钢和碳锰钢锅炉及过热器管子SA-179/SA-179M 换热器及冷凝器用无缝冷拔低碳钢管子SA-181/SA-181M 一般管道用碳钢锻件SA-182/SA-182M 高温用锻制或轧制合金钢管道法兰、锻制管配件、阀门和零件 SA-192/SA-192M 高压用无缝碳钢锅炉管子SA-193/SA-193M 高温用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料SA-194/SA-194M 高温高压螺栓用碳钢和合金钢螺母SA-199/SA-199M 热交换器及冷凝器用无缝冷拔中合金钢管子SA-202/SA-202M 压力容器用铬锰硅合金钢板SA-203/SA-203M 压力容器用镍合金钢板SA-204/SA-204M 压力容器用钼合金钢板SA-209/SA-209M 锅炉和过热器用无缝碳钼合金钢管子SA-210/SA-210M 锅炉和过热器用无缝中碳钢管子SA-213/SA-213M 锅炉、过热器和换热器用无缝铁素体和奥氏体合金钢管子 SA-214/SA-214M 换热器和冷凝器用电阻焊碳钢管子SA-216/SA-216M 可熔焊高温用碳钢铸件SA-217/SA-217M 高温承压零件用马氏体不锈钢和合金钢铸件SA-225/SA-225M 压力容器用锰钒镍合金钢板SA-226/SA-226M 高压锅炉和过热器用电阻焊碳钢管子SA-232/SA-232M 铬钒合金钢阀门弹簧品级钢丝SA-234/SA-234M 中、高温用锻制碳钢和合金钢管道配件SA-240 压力容器用耐热铬及铬镍不锈钢板、薄板和钢带SA-249/SA-249M 锅炉、过热器、换热器和冷凝器用焊接奥氏体钢管子SA-250/SA-250M 锅炉和过热器用电阻焊铁素体合金钢管子SA-263 耐腐蚀铬钢复合钢板、薄板及钢带SA-264 不锈铬镍钢复合钢板、薄板和钢带SA-265 镍和镍基合金复合钢板SA-266/SA-266M 压力容器部件用碳钢锻件SA-268/SA-268M 一般用途无缝和焊接铁素体和马氏体不锈钢管子SA-275/SA-275M 钢锻件磁粉检验SA-278 温度至650°F 承压零件用灰口铁铸件SA-283/SA-283M 中、低强度碳素钢板件SA-299/SA-299M 压力容器用碳锰硅钢板SA-302/SA-302M 压力容器用锰钼和锰钼镍合金钢板SA-307 抗拉强度60000psi碳钢螺栓和螺柱SA-311/SA-311M 有力学性能要求并作应力消除的冷拔碳素钢棒钢SA-312/SA-312M 无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢公称管SA-320/SA-320M 低温用合金钢螺栓材料SA-325 最小抗拉强度120/105ksi的热处理结构钢螺栓SA-333/SA-333M 低温用无缝和焊接公称钢管SA-334/SA-334M 低温用无缝和焊接的碳钢和合金钢管子SA-335/SA-335M 高温用无缝铁素体合金钢公称管SA-336/SA-336M 高温承压件用合金钢锻件SA-350/SA-350M 要求缺口韧性试验的管道零部件用碳钢和低合金钢锻件 SA-351/SA-351M 承压元件用奥氏体、奥氏体—铁素体(双相)铸件SA-352/SA-352M 低温承压件用铁素体和马氏体钢铸件SA-353/SA-353M 压力容器用二次正火加回火9%镍合金钢板SA-354 淬火加回火的合金钢螺栓、螺柱和其它外螺纹紧固件SA-358/SA-358M 高温用电熔化焊奥氏体铬—镍合金钢公称管SA-369/SA-369M 高温用碳钢和铁素体合金钢锻造并镗孔公称管SA-370 钢制品力学性能试验方法和定义标准SA-372/SA-372M 薄壁压力容器用碳钢和合金钢锻件SA-376/SA-376M 高温中央电站用无缝奥氏体钢公称管SA-387/SA-387M 压力容器用铬—钼合金钢板SA-395 高温用铁素体球墨铸铁承压铸件SA-403/SA-403M 锻制奥氏体不锈钢管配件SA-409/SA-409M 腐蚀和高温用焊接大直径奥氏体钢公称管SA-414/SA-414M 压力容器用碳素钢薄钢板SA-420/SA-420M 低温用锻制碳钢和合金钢管配件SA-423/SA-423M 无缝和电阻焊低合金钢管子SA-426 高温用离心铸造铁素体合金钢公称管SA-430/SA-430M 高温用锻造和镗孔奥氏体钢公称管SA-435/SA-435M 钢板超声直射波检验SA-437/SA-437M 高温用特殊热处理合金钢透平用螺栓连接材料SA-449 淬火加回火钢螺栓和螺柱SA-450/SA-450M 碳钢、铁素体合金钢和奥氏体合金钢管子通用要求SA-451 高温用离心铸造奥氏体钢公称管SA-452 高温用离心铸造奥氏体塑性加工钢公称管SA-453/SA-453M 高温用屈服强度为50ksi~120ksi(345MPa~827MPa),膨胀系数与奥氏体钢相近的螺栓连接材料SA-455/SA-455M 压力容器用高强度碳锰钢板SA-476 造纸厂干燥辊用球墨铸铁件SA-479/SA-479M 锅炉和其它压力容器用不锈钢棒材和型材SA-480/SA-480M 不锈和耐热钢轧制钢板、薄板及钢带通用要求SA-484/SA-484M 不锈钢棒材、钢坯及锻件通用要求SA-487/SA-487M 承压用铸钢件SA-508/SA-508M 压力容器用经真空处理的淬火加回火碳钢和合金钢锻件SA-515/SA-515M 中、高温压力容器用碳钢板SA-516/SA-516M 中、低温压力容器用碳钢板SA-517/SA-517M 压力容器用淬火加回火高强度合金钢板SA-522/SA-522M 低温用锻制或轧制8%或9%镍合金钢法兰、配件、阀门和零件 SA-524 常温和低温用无缝碳钢公称管SA-530/SA-530M 专门用途碳钢和合金钢公称管通用要求SA-533/SA-533M 压力容器用淬火加回火锰钼和锰钼镍合金钢板SA-537/SA-537M 压力容器用经热处理的碳锰硅钢板SA-540/SA-540M 特殊用途合金钢螺栓连接材料SA-541/SA-541M 压力容器部件用淬火加回火碳钢和合金钢锻件SA-542/SA-542M 压力容器用淬火加回火铬钼和铬钼钒合金钢板SA-543/SA-543M 压力容器用淬火加回火镍铬钼合金钢板SA-553/SA-553M 压力容器用淬火加回火8% 和9%镍合金钢板SA-556/SA-556M 给水加热器用无缝冷拔碳钢管子SA-557/SA-557M 给水加热器用电阻焊碳钢管子SA-562/SA-562M 搪玻璃或扩散金属层用的压力容器碳锰钛钢板SA-563 碳钢和合金钢螺母SA-564/SA-564M 热轧和冷精整的时效硬化不锈和耐热钢棒材及型材SA-574 合金钢内六角头螺钉SA-577/SA-577M 钢板超声斜射波检验SA-578/SA-578M 特殊用途普通钢板与复合钢板超声直射波检验SA-592/SA-592M 压力容器用淬火加回火高强度低合金锻制配件和零件 SA-609/SA-609M 碳钢、低合金钢和马氏体不锈钢铸件超声波检验SA-612/SA-612M 中、低温压力容器用高强度碳钢板SA-620/SA-620M 特殊镇静深冲用冷轧碳钢薄板SA-638/SA-638M 高温用沉淀硬化铁基超耐热不锈钢棒材、锻件和锻坯 SA-645/SA-645M 压力容器用特殊热处理5%镍合金钢板SA-649/SA-649M 瓦楞纸机器用锻制钢轧辊SA-660 高温用离心铸造碳钢公称管SA-662/SA-662M 中、低温压力容器用碳锰钢板SA-666 奥氏体不锈钢薄板、钢带、钢板和扁钢SA-667/SA-667M 离心铸造的灰、白口铸铁双金属圆筒SA-671 常温和低温用电熔化焊钢公称管SA-672 中温高压用电熔化焊钢公称管SA-675/SA-675M 要求力学性能特殊质量热加工碳钢棒钢SA-688/SA-688M 给水加热器用焊接奥氏体不锈钢管子SA-691 高温、高压用碳素钢和合金钢电熔化焊公称管SA-693 沉淀硬化不锈和耐热钢板、薄板和钢带SA-695 液压用特殊质量热加工碳钢棒材SA-696 压力管道部件用热加工或冷精整特殊质量要求碳钢棒材SA-703/SA-703M 受压零件用钢铸件通用要求SA-705/SA-705M 时效硬化不锈和耐热钢锻件SA-723/SA-723M 受压部件用高强度合金钢锻件SA-727/SA-727M 管道部件用具有内在缺口韧性的碳钢锻件SA-731/SA-731M 无縫及焊接铁素体和马氏体不锈钢公称管SA-736/SA-736M 压力容器用低碳时效硬化镍铜铬钼铌和镍铜锰钼铌合金钢板 SA-737/SA-737M 压力容器用高强度低合金钢板SA-738/SA-738M 中低温压力容器用热处理的碳锰硅钢板SA-739 高温或受压件、或高温并受压件用热加工合金棒钢SA-745/SA-745M 奥氏体钢锻件超声波检验SA-747/SA-747M 沉淀硬化不锈钢铸件SA-748/SA-748M 压力容器用静态铸造激冷白口—灰口铸铁双金属滚筒SA-751 钢制品化学分析方法、实验操作和术语SA-765/SA-765M 有强制性韧性要求的压力容器部件用碳钢和低合金钢锻件SA-770/SA-770M 特殊用途钢板板厚方向拉伸试验SA-781/SA-781M 一般工业用钢和合金铸件通用要求SA-788 钢锻件通用要求SA-789/SA-789M 一般用途无缝和焊接铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢管子SA-790/SA-790M 无缝及焊接铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢公称管SA-803/SA-803M 给水加热器用焊接铁素体不锈钢管子SA-812/SA-812M 焊接多层压力容器用低合金高强度热轧薄板SA-813/SA-813M 单面或双面焊奥氏体不锈钢公称管SA-814/SA-814M 冷加工焊接奥氏体不锈钢公称管SA-815/SA-815M 塑性加工成型铁素体、铁素体/奥氏体及马氏体不锈钢管配件 SA-832/SA-832M 压力容器用铬钼钒合金钢板SA-836/SA-836M 搪玻璃的管道和压力容器使用的加钛稳定碳钢锻件SA-841/SA-841M 用热机械控制工艺(TMCP)生产的压力容器用钢板SA-905 压力容器缠绕钢丝SF-568 碳钢和合金钢公制外螺纹紧固件SA-941 与钢,不锈钢,相关合金和铁合金有关的术语SA-960 锻轧钢管道用管件的共同要求SA-961 管道用钢法兰、锻造管件,阀门及阀门零件通用要求SA-962/SA-962M 在低温到蠕变温度范围的任意温度使用的钢紧固件或紧固件材料或两者的通用要求SA-995 承压元件用奥氏体—铁素体(双相)不锈钢铸件SA/CSA-G40.21 结构用品质钢SA/EN 10028-2 受压用钢制平板制品SA/JIS G3118 中温和常温压力容器用碳钢板SB-26/SB-26M 铝合金砂型铸件SB-42 标准尺寸无缝铜公称管SB-43 标准尺寸无缝锡锌黄铜公称管SB-61 铜镍基合金或阀门青铜铸件SB-62 复合青铜或高铜黄铜铸件SB-75 无缝铜管子SB-96 一般和压力容器用铜-硅合金板、薄板、带材和轧制棒材SB-108 铝合金永久模型铸件SB-111 铜和铜合金无缝冷凝器管子和压盖坯料SB-127 镍-铜合金(UNS N04400)板材、薄板和带材SB-135 无缝黄铜管子SB-148 铝青铜砂模铸件SB-150 铝青铜棒材、条材和型材SB-151 铜-镍-锌合金(镍银)和铜-镍杆材和棒材SB-152 铜薄板、带材、板和轧制棒材SB-160 镍杆材和棒材SB-161 镍无缝公称管和管子SB-162 镍板材、薄板和带材SB-163 无缝镍和镍合金冷凝器及热交换器管子SB-164 镍-铜合金杆材、棒材和线材SB-165 镍-铜合金(UNS N04400)无缝公称管和管子SB-166 镍-铬-铁合金(UNS N06600,N06601,N06690,N06025和N06045)和镍-铬-钴-钼合金(UNS N06617)杆材,棒材和线材SB-167 镍-铬-铁合金(UNS N06600,N06601,N06690,N06025和N06045)无缝公称管和管子SB-168 镍-铬-铁合金(UNS N06600,N06601,N06690,N06025和N06045)和镍-铬-钴-钼合金(UNS N06617)板材、薄板和带材SB-169 铝青铜板、薄板,带材和轧制棒材SB-171 压力容器、冷凝器和热交换器用铜合金板材和薄板SB-209 铝和铝合金薄板和板材SB-210 铝和铝合金拉制无缝管子SB-211 铝合金棒材、杆材和型材SB-221 铝和铝合金挤压棒材、杆材和型材SB-234 冷凝器和热交换器用铝和铝合金拉制无缝管子SB-241/ SB—241M 铝和铝合金无缝公称管和无缝挤压管子SB-247 铝合金模锻和手工锻锻件SB-248 轧制和冷拔铜和铜合金板、薄板、带材和轧制棒材的通用要求 SB-249 轧制和冷拔铜和铜合金棒材、条材和型材的通用要求SB-251 轧制和冷拔铜和铜合金无缝管子通用要求SB-265 钛和钛合金带材、薄板和板材SB-271 铜基离心浇注铸件SB-283 铜和铜合金模锻件(热压)SB-308/SB-308M 铝合金6061-T6标准结构型材SB-315 无缝铜合金公称管和管子SB-333 镍-钼合金板、薄板和带材SB-335 镍-钼合金杆材SB-337 无缝和焊接的钛和钛合金公称管SB-338 冷凝器和热交换器用无缝和焊接的钛和钛合金管子SB-348 钛和钛合金棒料和坯料SB-359 带内鳍的铜和铜合金无缝冷凝器和热交换器管子SB-363 无缝和焊接的非合金钛和钛合金焊接连接配件SB-369 铜-镍合金铸件SB-381 钛和钛合金锻件SB-395 “U”型弯头无缝铜和铜合金热交换器和冷凝器管子SB-407 无缝镍-铁-铬合金公称管和管子SB-408 镍-铁-铬合金杆材和棒材SB-409 镍-铁-铬合金板材、薄板和带材SB-423 镍-铁-铬-钼-铜合金(UNS N08825和N08221)无缝公称管和管子SB-424 镍-铁-铬-钼-铜合金(UNS N08825和N08221)板材、薄板和带材SB-425 镍-铁-铬-钼-铜合金(UNS N08825和UNS N08221)杆材和棒材SB-434 镍-钼-铬-铁合金(UNS N10003,UNS N10242)板材、薄板和带材SB-435 UNS N06002,UNS N06230,UNS N0 12160和UNS R30556板、薄板和带材 SB-443 镍-铬-钼-铌合金(UNS N06625)板材、薄板和带材SB-444 镍-铬-钼-铌合金(UNS N06625)公称管和管子SB-446 镍-铬-钼-铌合金(UNS N06625)杆材和棒材SB-462 耐腐蚀高温使用锻制或轧制(UNS N08020,UNS N08024,UNS N08026和UNS N0836)合金管道法兰、锻制配件、阀门和零件SB-463 UNS N08020,UNS N08026和UNS N08024合金板材、薄板和带材SB-464 焊接的UNS N08020,UNS N08024和UNS N08026合金公称管SB-466 无缝铜-镍合金公称管和管子SB-467 焊接的铜-镍公称管SB-468 焊接的UNS N08020,UNS N08024和UNS N08026合金管子SB-473 UNS N08024,UNS N08026和UNS N08024镍合金棒材和线材SA-494/SA-494M 镍和镍合金铸件SB-505 铜基合金连续浇注铸件SB-511 镍-铁-铬-硅合金棒材和型材SB-514 焊接的镍-铁-铬合金公称管SB-515 焊接的UNS N08800和UNS N08810合金管子SB-516 焊接的镍-铬-铁合金(UNS N06600)UNS N06025和UNS N06045管子SB-517 焊接的镍-铬-铁合金(UNS N06600),UNS 6025和UNS 6045公称管SB-523 无缝和焊接的锆和锆合金管子SB-535 镍-铁-铬合金(UNS N08330和UNS N08332)无缝公称管和管子SB-536 镍-铁-铬-硅合金(UNS N08330和UNS N08332)板材、薄板和带材SB-543 焊接的铜和铜合金热交换器管子SB-548 压力容器用铝合金板的超声波检查SB-550 锆和锆合金棒材和线材SB-551 锆和锆合金带材、薄板和板SB-564 镍合金锻件SB-572 UNS N06002,UNS N06230,UNS N12160和UNS R 30556杆材SB-573 镍-钼-铬-铁合金(UNS N10003)杆材SB-574 低碳镍-钼-铬、低碳镍-铬-钼和低碳镍-铬-钼-钨合金杆材SB-575 低碳镍-钼-铬、低碳镍-铬-钼、低碳镍-铬-钼-铜、低碳镍-铬-钼-钽和低碳镍-铬-钼-钨合金板材、薄板和带材SB-581 镍-铬-铁-钼-铜合金杆材SB-582 镍-铬-铁-钼-铜合金板、薄板和带材SB-584 一般用途铜合金砂型铸件SB-599 镍-铁-铬-钼-铌稳定化合金(UNS N08700)板材、薄板和带材SB-619 焊接的,镍和镍-钴合金公称管SB-620 镍-铁-铬-钼合金(UNS N08320)板材、薄板和带材SB-621 镍-铁-铬-钼合金(UNS N08320)杆材SB-622 无缝镍和镍-钴合金公称管和管子SB-625 UNS N08904,UNS N08925,UNS N08031,UNS N089032,UNS N08926和UNSR20033合金板材、薄板和带材SB-626 焊接的镍和镍-钴合金管子(tube,换热管)SB-637 高温用沉淀硬化镍合金棒材、锻件和锻坯SB-649 低碳Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu合金(UNS N08904)和低碳Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu-N合金(UNS N08925,UNS N08031和UNS N08926)棒材和线材SB-658 无缝的焊接的锆和锆合金公称管SB-668 UNS N08028无缝管子SB-672 镍-铁-铬-钼-铌稳定化合金(UNS N08700)棒材和线材SB-673 UNS N08904,UNS N08925和UNS N08926焊接公称管SB-674 UNS N08904,UNS N08925和UNS N08976焊接管子SB-675 UNS N08366和UNS N08367焊接公称管SB-676 UNS N08366和UNS N08367焊接管子SB-677 UNS N08904,UNS N088925和UNS N08926无缝公称管和管子SB-688 铬-镍-钼-铁合金(UNS N08366和UNS N08367)板材、薄板和带材SB-690 铁-镍-铬-钼合金(UNS N08366和UNS N08367)无缝公称管和管子SB-691 铁-镍-铬-钼合金(UNS N08366和UNS N08367)杆材、棒材和线材SB-704 焊接的UNS N06625和UNS N08825合金管子SB-705 镍合金(UNS N06625和N08825)焊接公称管SB-709 铁-镍-铬-钼合金(UNS N08028)板材、薄板和带材SB-710 镍-铁-铬-硅合金焊接公称管SB-729 无缝的UNS N08020,UNS N08026和UNS N08024镍合金公称管和管子 SB-751 镍和镍合金无缝和焊接管子的通用要求SB-755 镍和镍合金无缝和焊接公称管的通用要求SB-804 UNS N08367 和UNS N08926焊接公称管SB-815 钴-铬-镍-钼-钨合金(UNS R31233)杆材SB-818 钴-铬-镍-钼-钨合金(UNS R31233)板材、薄板和带材SB-824 铜合金铸件通用要求SB-829 镍和镍合金无缝公称管和管子用通用要求SB-858M 用氨蒸汽试验测定铜合金应力腐蚀裂纹敏感性的试验方法SB-861 无缝钛和钛合金公称管SB-862 钛和钛合金焊接公称管。
压力容器在制造过程中进行冷卷、冷冲压加工的零部件 要求钢材有良好的冷加工成型性能和塑性,其断后伸长 率δ5应在15~20%以上。为检验钢板承受弯曲变形能 力,可根据钢板的厚度,选用合适的弯心直径,在常温 下做弯曲角度为180º的弯曲实验。试样外表面无裂纹的 钢材方可用于压力容器制造。
而机械产品通常希望提高材料的 屈强比,压力容器对材料力学性能的要求 重视钢材的韧性,重视钢材的塑性储备量。
韧性是材料在断裂前吸收变性能量的能力,是 衡量材料对缺口敏感性的力学性能指标,尤其能反 映材料在低温或有冲击功作用是对缺口的敏感性。
夏比V型缺口冲击吸收功AKV,与断裂韧 性有较好的数值联系,能较好地反映材料 的韧性,钢制压力容器一般采用焊接制造, 设计时应当要求焊接接头在低温冲击试验 时的冲击功不低于其母材在规定的相应设 计值,否则容器的最低使用温度应高于低 温冲击试验温度。
磷(P):在一般情况下,磷是钢中有害 元素,增加钢的冷脆性,使焊接性能变坏, 降低塑性,使冷弯性能变坏。因此通常要 求钢中含磷量小于0.045%,优质钢要求 更低些。
硫(S):硫在通常情况下也是有害元素。 使钢产生热脆性,降低钢的延展性和韧性, 在锻造和轧制时造成裂纹。硫对焊接性能 也不利,降低耐腐蚀性。所以通常要求硫 含量小于0.055%,优质钢要求小于 0.040%。在钢中加入0.08-0.20%的 硫,可以改善切削加工性,通常称易切削 钢。
铬(Cr):在结构钢和工具钢中,铬能显 著提高强度、硬度和耐磨性,但同时降低 塑性和韧性。铬又能提高钢的抗氧化性和 耐腐蚀性,因而是不锈钢,耐热钢的重要 合金元素。
硅(Si):在炼钢过程中加硅作为还原剂 和脱氧剂。如果钢中含硅量超过0.500.60%,硅就算合金元素。硅能显著提 高钢的弹性极限,屈服点和抗拉强度,故 广泛用于作弹簧钢。硅和钼、钨、铬等结 合,有提高抗腐蚀性和抗氧化的作用,可 制造耐热钢。含硅1-4%的低碳钢,具 有极高的导磁率,用于电器工业做矽钢片。 硅量增加,会降低钢的焊接性能。
压力容器用钢板通用要求SA-20/SA-20M(与ASTM标准A20/A20M-04完全等同)1 适用范围1.1 本标准包括一组通用要求,除专用材料标准中另有规定外,这些要求应适用于下列各项ASTM压力容器用轧制钢板标准:1.1.1 本标准还包括一组补充要求,适用于上列若干个标准中本身已指明的场合。
1.2 附录X1叙述了制造压力容器钢板用卷材的生产及一些特性。
1.3 附录X2提供了关于压力容器用钢板拉伸性能变化性的资料。
1.4 附录X3提供了关于压力容器用钢板夏比V型缺口冲击试验性能变化的材料。
1.5 附录X4提供了包括冷弯时建议的最小内弯曲半径在内的有关钢板冷弯的资料。
1.6 这些材料仅适于熔焊,熔焊时应采用适合于该钢种级别及使用条件的焊接工艺。
1.7 如本标准与专用材料标准的要求不一致,则以专用材料标准的要求为准。
1.8 买方可以规定不否定本标准或专用材料标准任何条款的附加要求。
1.9 为了确定供应材料是否与标准及材料标准的规定极限值相一致,各数值右面的有效位数应按E29推荐的圆整方法进行圆整。
1.10 以英寸-磅单位或SI单位表示的数值均可作为标准值。
1.11 本标准及所引用的材料标准均采用英寸-磅和SI两种单位,但除非订货单中规定采用“M”标志(SI单位),材料将以英寸-磅单位供货。
2 引用标准3 术语3.1 本标准专用术语说明:3.1.1 封顶钢---因受早期压盖过程而使沸腾作用受到限制的沸腾钢。
3.1.2 卷板—以卷材形式加工为成品钢板的热轧钢。
压力容器用钢板通用要求标准规范 1
A20/A 20M-07
本标准是基于 A20/A 20M 标准的基础上提出的;标号后面的数字表示初始
宽度 英寸[mm]
≥0.179[≥4.6mm] 讨论——可以得到不同厚度、宽度和长度的钢板,这取决于不同生产方
MIL-STD-163:准备用于海运和存贮的钢产品 6
2.4 美国联邦标准:
2.5 汽车工业集团标准:
B1 Bar 代码标准 7
注:5、可以从美国机械工程师协会(ASME)获得,ASME 国际总部地址:Three Park
Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, .
3.1.3 热处理术语——见 3.1.8 及术语 A941。
3.1.4 热成形——在钢板被加热至使晶粒细化所要求的温度后执行永久变形的成
3.1.5 生产方——是采用热轧方法直接控制钢锭、板坯轧制成热轧钢板或板卷;
设计温度:部件在设计时所采用的最高温度不应低于部件在运行状态下 预期的金属温度。在铭牌上标志的 MDMT(最低设计金属温度)应对应于 等于 MAWP (最大许用工作压力)。见 UG-20 本设计温度为 55℃=55×9/5+32=131° a. 腐蚀裕量 C: 0.039 在 (1.0mm) b. 设计压力:1.0MPa=145PSI 见 UG-21 c. 最大许用应力:根据封头和壳体的材料 SA-516 Gr.70 以及法兰和接管材 料 SA-105 查 ASMEⅡ-D 性能可得到最大许用应力 S=20000psi d. 壳体最小壁厚计算 按UG-16(b)(4),用于压缩空气的壳体的最小厚度应为3/32 in(不包括腐蚀 裕量)。 环向应力 (纵缝) 根据UG-27(c)(1) 0.385SE=0.385×20000×0.85=6545 psi 注意: P=145psi
Cr- Mo (AISI 4140,4142,4145,4140H 和 4145H)
第Ⅷ卷-第 1 册-压力容器 第Ⅷ卷-第 2 册-另一规则 第Ⅷ卷-第 3 册-高压容器建造另一规则 第Ⅸ卷 焊接和钎焊评定
第Ⅹ卷 纤维增强塑料压力容器
GB3531-1996 GB3531-2008
厚 度 mm
-70℃ KV2 J
标 准 GB3531-2008 EN10028-4:2003 ASME(2010)
厚度 mm
四、GB24511-2009 《承压设备用不锈钢钢板及钢带》
1. 钢号 本标准共列入17个钢号。 铁素体型3个钢号:S11306、S11348、S11972。 奥氏体型11个钢号:S30408、S30403、S30409、
S31008、S31608、S31603、S31668、S31708、 S31703、S32168、S39042。
•4. 12MnNiVR钢板
标准 钢号
Ni% P% S% Pcm%
GB19189-2003 GB19189-(2010)
0.15~0.40 0.15~0.40
压力容器专用钢板标准 简介
一、GB713-2008 《锅炉和压力容器用钢板》
1. Q345R钢板
厚 度 mm
压力容器用钢板通用要求SA-20/SA-20M(与ASTM标准A20/A20M-04完全等同)1 适用范围1.1 本标准包括一组通用要求,除专用材料标准中另有规定外,这些要求应适用于下列各项ASTM压力容器用轧制钢板标准:1.1.1 本标准还包括一组补充要求,适用于上列若干个标准中本身已指明的场合。
1.2 附录X1叙述了制造压力容器钢板用卷材的生产及一些特性。
1.3 附录X2提供了关于压力容器用钢板拉伸性能变化性的资料。
1.4 附录X3提供了关于压力容器用钢板夏比V型缺口冲击试验性能变化的材料。
1.5 附录X4提供了包括冷弯时建议的最小内弯曲半径在内的有关钢板冷弯的资料。
1.6 这些材料仅适于熔焊,熔焊时应采用适合于该钢种级别及使用条件的焊接工艺。
1.7 如本标准与专用材料标准的要求不一致,则以专用材料标准的要求为准。
1.8 买方可以规定不否定本标准或专用材料标准任何条款的附加要求。
1.9 为了确定供应材料是否与标准及材料标准的规定极限值相一致,各数值右面的有效位数应按E29推荐的圆整方法进行圆整。
1.10 以英寸-磅单位或SI单位表示的数值均可作为标准值。
1.11 本标准及所引用的材料标准均采用英寸-磅和SI两种单位,但除非订货单中规定采用“M”标志(SI 单位),材料将以英寸-磅单位供货。
2 引用标准3 术语3.1 本标准专用术语说明:3.1.1 封顶钢---因受早期压盖过程而使沸腾作用受到限制的沸腾钢。
3.1.2 卷板—以卷材形式加工为成品钢板的热轧钢。
ASTM A20&A20M-2004a 压力容器用钢板材通用要求
Designation:A20/A20M–04aStandard Specification forGeneral Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A20/A20M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This general requirements specification2covers a groupof common requirements that,unless otherwise specified in theapplicable product specification,apply to rolled steel plates forpressure vessels covered by each of the following productspecifications issued by ASTM:Title of SpecificationASTM Designation3Pressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Chromium-ManganeseSiliconA202/A202MPressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Nickel A203/A203M Pressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Molybdenum A204/A204M Pressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Manganese-Vanadium A225/A225M Pressure Vessel Plates,Carbon Steel,Low-and Intermediate-Tensile StrengthA285/A285M Pressure Vessel Plates,Carbon Steel,Manganese-Silicon A299/A299M Pressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Manganese-Molybdenumand Manganese-Molybdenum-NickelA302/A302MPressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,9Percent Nickel Double-Normalized and TemperedA353/A353M Pressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Chromium-Molybdenum A387/A387M Pressure Vessel Plates,Carbon Steel,High Strength Manga-neseA455/A455MPressure Vessel Plates,Carbon Steel,for Intermediate-andHigher-Temperature ServiceA515/A515MPressure Vessel Plates,Carbon Steel,Moderate-and Lower-Temperature ServiceA516/A516MPressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,High-Strength,Quenchedand TemperedA517/A517MPressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Quenched and TemperedManganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-NickelA533/A533MPressure Vessel Plates,Heat-Treated,Carbon-Manganese-Silicon SteelA537/A537MPressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Quenched and TemperedChromium-MolybdenumA542/A542MPressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Quenched and TemperedNickel-Chromium-MolybdenumA543/A543MPressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Quenched and Tempered8and9Percent NickelA553/A553MPressure Vessel Plates,Carbon Steel,Manganese-Titaniumfor Glass or Diffused Metallic CoatingsA562/A562MPressure Vessel Plates,Carbon Steel,High Strength,for Mod-erate and Lower Temperature Service A612/A612MPressure Vessel Plates,Five Percent Nickel Alloy Steel,Spe-cially Heat TreatedA645/A645MPressure Vessel Plates,Carbon-Manganese,for Moderate andLower Temperature ServiceA662/A662MPressure Vessel Plates,Carbon Steel,Quenched and Tem-pered,for Welded Layered Pressure VesselsA724/A724MPressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel and High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel,Quenched and TemperedA734/A734MPressure Vessel Plates,Low-Carbon Manganese-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Steel,for Moderate and LowerTemperature ServiceA735/A735MPressure Vessel Plates,Low-Carbon Age-Hardening Nickel-Copper-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy SteelA736/A736MPressure Vessel Plates,High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel A737/A737MPressure Vessel Plates,Heat-Treated,Carbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel,for Moderate and Lower Temperature ServiceA738/A738MPressure-Vessel Plates,Quenched and Tempered,Manganese-Chromium-Molybdenum-Silicon-ZirconiumAlloy SteelA782/A782MPressure Vessel Plates,Alloy Steel,Chromium-Molybdenum-VanadiumA832/A832MPressure Vessel Plates,Produced by the Thermo-MechanicalControl Process(TMCP)A841/A841MPressure Vessel Plates,9%Nickel Alloy,Produced by theDirect-Quenching ProcessA844/A844M1.1.1This general requirements specification also covers agroup of supplementary requirements that are applicable toseveral of the above product specifications as indicated therein.Such requirements are provided for use if additional testing oradditional restrictions are required by the purchaser,and applyonly if specified individually in the purchase order.1.2Appendix X1provides information on coil as a sourceof plates for pressure vessels.1.3Appendix X2provides information on the variability oftensile properties in plates for pressure vessels.1.4Appendix X3provides information on the variability ofCharpy-V-Notch impact test properties in plates for pressurevessels.1.5Appendix X4provides information on cold bending ofplates,including suggested minimum inside radii for coldbending.1.6These materials are intended to be suitable for fusionwelding.When the steel is to be welded,it is presupposed thata welding procedure suitable for the grade of steel and intendeduse or service will be utilized.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel, Stainless Steel,and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.11on Steel Plates for Boilers and Pressure Vessels.Current edition approved May1,2004.Published May2004.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2004as A20/A20M–04.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications,see related Specifi-cation SA-20/SA-20M in Section II of that Code.3These designations refer to the latest issue of the respective specification which appears in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol01.04.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.1.7In case of any conflict in requirements,the requirements of the applicable product specification prevail over those of this general requirements specification.1.8Additional requirements that are specified in the pur-chase order and accepted by the supplier are permitted,provided that such requirements do not negate any of the requirements of this general requirements specification or the applicable product specification.1.9For purposes of determining conformance with this general requirements specification and the applicable product specification,values are to be rounded to the nearest unit in the right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting values in accordance with the rounding method of Practice E 29.1.10The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents.Therefore,each system is to be used independently of the other.1.11This general requirements specification and the appli-cable product specification are expressed in both inch-pound units and SI units;unless the order specifies the applicable “M”specification designation (SI units),the plates are to be furnished to inch-pound units.2.Referenced Documents42.1ASTM Standards:A 202/A202M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,Chromium-Manganese-SiliconA 203/A203M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,NickelA 204/A204M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,MolybdenumA 225/A225M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,Manganese-Vanadium-NickelA 285/A285M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Car-bon Steel,Low-and Intermediate-Tensile StrengthA 299/A299M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Car-bon Steel,Manganese-SiliconA 302/A302M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-NickelA 353/A353M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,9Percent Nickel,Double-Normalized and Tem-peredA 370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA 387/A387M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,Chromium-MolybdenumA 435/A435M Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel PlatesA 455/A455M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Car-bon Steel,High Strength ManganeseA 515/A515M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Car-bon Steel,for Intermediate-and Higher-Temperature Ser-viceA 516/A516M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Car-bon Steel,for Moderate-and Lower-Temperature Service A 517/A517M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,High-Strength,Quenched and TemperedA 533/A533M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,Quenched and Tempered Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-NickelA 537/A537M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Heat-Treated,Carbon-Manganese-Silicon SteelA 542/A542M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,Quenched and Tempered,Chromium-Molybdenum,and Chromium-Molybdenum-Vanadium A 543/A543M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,Quenched and Tempered Nickel-Chromium-MolybdenumA 553/A553M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,Quenched and Tempered 8and 9Percent Nickel A 562/A562M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Car-bon Steel,Manganese-Titanium for Glass or Diffused Metallic CoatingsA 577/A577M Specification for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Examination of Steel PlatesA 578/A578M Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special ApplicationsA 612/A612M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Car-bon Steel,High Strength,for Moderate and Lower Tem-perature ServiceA 645/A645M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Five Percent Nickel Alloy Steel,Specially Heat TreatedA 662/A662M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Carbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel,for Moderate and Lower Temperature ServiceA 700Practices for Packaging,Marking,and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Domestic ShipmentA 724/A724M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Carbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel,Quenched and Tem-pered,for Welded Layered Pressure VesselsA 734/A734M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel and High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel,Quenched and TemperedA 735/A735M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Low-Carbon Manganese-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Steel,for Moderate and Lower Temperature ServiceA 736/A736M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Low-Carbon Age-Hardening Nickel-Copper-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium and Nickel-Copper Manganese-Molybdenum-Columbium and Alloy SteelA 737/A737M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,High-Strength,Low-Alloy SteelA 738/A738M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Heat-Treated,Carbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel,for Mod-erate and Lower Temperature Service4For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTMwebsite.A 751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel ProductsA 770/A770M Specification for Through-Thickness Ten-sion Testing of Steel Plates for Special ApplicationsA 782/A782M Specification for Pressure-Vessel Plates,Quenched and Tempered,Manganese-Chromium-Molybdenum-Silicon-Zirconium Alloy SteelA 832/A832M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,Al-loy Steel,Chromium-Molybdenum-VanadiumA 841/A841M Specification for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels,Produced by the Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP)A 844/A844M Specification for Steel Plates,9%Nickel Alloy,for Pressure Vessels,Produced by the Direct-Quenching Process 4A 941Terminology Relating to Steel,Stainless Steel,Re-lated Alloys,and FerroalloysE 21Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic MaterialsE 29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with SpecificationsE 112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size E 208Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic SteelsE 709Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination2.2American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code:ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section IX,Weld-ing Qualifications 5itary Standard:MIL-STD-163Steel Mill Products Preparation for Ship-ment and Storage 62.4U.S.Federal Standard:Fed.Std.No.123,Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)62.5Automotive Industry Action Group Standard:B 1Bar Code Symbology Standard 73.Terminology3.1Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1capped steel —rimmed steel in which the rimming action is limited by an early capping operation.Capping may be carried out mechanically by using a heavy metal cap on a bottle-top mold or it may be carried out chemically by an addition of aluminum or ferrosilicon to the top of the molten steel in an open-top mold.3.1.2coil —hot-rolled steel in coil form for processing into finished plates.3.1.3exclusive —when used in relation to ranges,as for ranges of thicknesses in the tables of permissible variations in dimensions,the term is intended to exclude only the greater value of the range.Thus,a range from 60to 72in.[1500to1800mm]exclusive includes 60in.[1500mm],but does not include 72in.[1800mm].3.1.4heat treatment terms —see 3.1.8,3.1.12,and Termi-nology A 941.3.1.5hot forming —a forming operation producing perma-nent deformation,performed after the plate has been heated to the temperature required to produce grain refinement.3.1.6killed steel —steel deoxidized,either by addition of strong deoxidizing agents or by vacuum treatment,to reduce the oxygen content to such a level that no reaction occurs between carbon and oxygen during solidification.3.1.7manufacturer —the organization that directly controls the conversion of steel ingots or slabs,by hot rolling,into plate-as-rolled or into coil;and for plates produced from plate-as-rolled,the organization that directly controls,or is responsible for,one or more of the operations involved in finishing the plates.Such finishing operations include leveling,cutting to length,testing,inspection,conditioning,heat treat-ment (if applicable),packaging,marking,loading for shipment,and certification. —The finishing operations need not be done by the organization that did the hot rolling of the plate.For plates produced from coil,see also —a heat treating process in which a steel plate is reheated to a uniform temperature above the upper critical temperature and then cooled in air to below the transformation range.3.1.9plate-as-rolled —the unit plate,as hot-rolled,prior to subdividing (if applicable)or any finishing operation. —It does not refer to the surface condi-tion or heat treatment state of the plate.3.1.10plate identifier —the alpha,numeric,or alphanumeric designation used to identify the plate.3.1.11plates —flat hot-rolled steel,ordered to thickness or weight and typically to width and length,commonly available by size as follows:Width,in.[mm]Thickness,in.[mm]Over 8[200]Over 48[1200]over 0.229[6.0mm and over]over 0.179[4.6mm and over] —Steel plates are available in various thickness,width,and length combinations dependent upon equipment and processing capabilities of various manufactur-ers and processors.Historic limitations of a plate based upon dimensions (thickness,width,and length)do not take into account current production and processing capabilities.To qualify any plate to a particular product specification requires that all appropriate and necessary tests be performed and that the results meet the limits prescribed in that product specifi-cation.If the necessary tests required by a product specification can not be conducted,the plate can not be qualified to that specification.This general requirements specification contains permitted variations for the commonly available sizes.Permit-ted variations for other sizes are subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer or processor,whichever is applicable.3.1.12precipitation heat treatment —a subcritical tempera-ture thermal treatment performed to cause precipitation of5Available from ASME,345E.47th St.,New York,NY 10017.6Available from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting office or from Standardization Documents Order Desk,Bldg.4Section D,700Robbins Ave.,Philadelphia,PA 19111-5094,Attn:NPODS.7Available from Automotive Industry Action Group,26200Lahser Road,Suite 200,Southfield,MI48034.submicroscopic constituents,and so forth,to result in enhance-ment of some desirable property.3.1.13processor—the organization that directly controls, or is responsible for,operations involved in the processing of coil intofinished plates.Such processing operations include decoiling,leveling,cutting to length,testing,inspection,con-ditioning,heat treatment(if applicable),packaging,marking, loading for shipment,and certification.—The processing operations need not be done by the organization that did the hot rolling of the coil. If only one organization is involved in the hot rolling and processing operations,that organization is termed the manu-facturer for the hot rolling operation and the processor for the processing operations.If more than one organization is in-volved in the hot rolling and processing operations,the organization that did the hot rolling is termed the manufacturer and the organization that does one or more processing opera-tions is termed a processor.3.1.14rimmed steel—steel containing sufficient oxygen to give a continuous evolution of carbon monoxide while the ingot is solidifying,resulting in a case or rim of metal virtually free of voids.3.1.15semikilled steel—incompletely deoxidized steel con-taining sufficient oxygen to form enough carbon monoxide during solidification to offset solidification shrinkage.4.Ordering Information4.1Orders should include the following information,as necessary,to adequately describe the desired product.4.1.1Quantity(weight[mass]or number of plates),4.1.2Dimensions,4.1.3Name of product(for example,plates,carbon steel; plates,alloy steel),4.1.4Specification designation(including type,class,and grade as applicable)and year-date,4.1.5Condition(as-rolled,normalized,quenched and tem-pered,etc.If heat treatment of plate is to be performed by the fabricator,this is to be stated.Also,if purchaser specifies a heat-treatment cycle,this is to be stated),4.1.6Impact test requirements,if any(see Section12).(For Charpy V-notch test,include test specimen orientation,testing temperature,and acceptance criteria.For drop-weight test,give testing temperature),4.1.7Exclusion of either plates produced from coil or plates produced from plate-as-rolled,if applicable.(See5.4and Appendix X1.)4.1.8Limits for grain refining elements other than alumi-num,if applicable(see8.2.4),4.1.9Paint marking(see13.2.1),4.1.10Supplementary requirements,if any(test specimen heat treatment,special impact test requirements,etc.),and4.1.11Additional requirements,if any.5.Materials and Manufacture5.1The steel shall be made in an open-hearth,basic-oxygen, or electric-arc furnace,possibly followed by additional refining in a ladle metallurgy furnace(LMF),or by another method;or secondary melting by vacuum-arc remelting(V AR),electro-slag remelting(ESR),or another method.5.2The steel may be strand cast or cast in stationary molds.5.2.1Strand Cast Slabs: heats of the same nominal chemical composition are consecutively strand cast at one time,the heat number assigned to the cast product(slab)may remain unchanged until all of the steel in the slab is from the following heat. two consecutively strand cast heats have different nominal chemical composition ranges,the manufac-turer shall remove the transition material by any established procedure that positively separates the grades.5.3The ratio of reduction of thickness from a strand-cast slab to plate shall be at least3.0:1,except that reduction ratios as low as2.0:1are permitted if all of the following limitations are met:5.3.1The purchaser agrees to the use of such reduction ratios.5.3.2The applicable product specification is A299/A299M, A515/A515M,A516/A516M,A537/A537M,A662/A 662M,or A737/A737M5.3.3The specified plate thickness is3.0in.[75mm]or more.5.3.4One or more of the following low hydrogen practices are used:vacuum degassing during steelmaking;controlled soaking of the slabs or plates;or controlled slow cooling of the slabs or plates.5.3.5The sulfur content is0.004%or less,based upon heat analysis.5.3.6One or more of the following practices are used: electromagnetic stirring during strand casting;soft reduction during strand casting;heavy pass reductions or other special practices during plate rolling;or combined forging and rolling during plate rolling.5.3.7The plates are ultrasonically examined in accordance with Specification A578/A578M,Level C based on continu-ous scanning over100%of the plate surface.5.3.8The plates are through-thickness tension tested in accordance with Specification A770/A770M.5.4Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order,plates shall be produced from plate-as-rolled or from coil.5.5Coils are excluded from qualification to the applicable product specification until they are decoiled,leveled,cut to length,and tested by the processor in accordance with the specified requirements(see Sections9,10,11,12,13,14,15, 16,and20.)5.5.1Plates produced from coil shall not contain splice welds,unless approved by the purchaser.6.Heat Treatment6.1If plates are required to be heat treated,the heat treatment shall be performed by the manufacturer,the proces-sor,or the fabricator,unless otherwise specified in the appli-cable product specification.6.2If the heat treatment required by the applicable product specification is to be performed by the purchaser or the purchaser’s agent,and the plates are to be supplied by the manufacturer or processor in a condition other than that required by the applicable product specification,the order shall sostate.6.2.1If plates are ordered without the heat treatment re-quired by the applicable product specification,heat treatment of the plates to conform to the requirements of the applicable product specification shall be the responsibility of the pur-chaser.6.3If heat treatment is to be performed,the plates shall be heat treated as specified in the applicable product specification. The purchaser may specify the heat treatment to be used, provided it is not in conflict with the requirements of the applicable product specification.6.4If normalizing is to be performed by the fabricator,the plates shall be either normalized or heated uniformly for hot forming,provided that the temperature to which the plates are heated for hot forming does not significantly exceed the normalizing temperature.6.5If no heat treatment is required,the manufacturer or processor shall have the option of heat treating the plates by normalizing,stress relieving,or normalizing and then stress relieving to meet the requirements of the applicable product specification.6.6If approved by the purchaser,cooling rates faster than those obtained by cooling in air are permissible to achieve specified mechanical properties,provided that the plates are subsequently tempered in the temperature range from1100to 1300°F[595to705°C].7.Chemical Composition7.1Heat Analysis7.1.1Sampling for chemical analysis and methods of analysis shall be in accordance with Test Methods,Practices, and Terminology A751.7.1.2For each heat,the heat analysis shall include determi-nation of the content of carbon,manganese,phosphorus,sulfur, silicon,nickel,chromium,molybdenum,copper,vanadium, columbium;any other element that is specified or restricted by the applicable product specification for the applicable grade, class,and type;aluminum,if the aluminum content is to be used in place of austenitic grain size testing of the heat(see;and any other austenitic grain refining element for which limits are specified in the purchase order(see8.2.4).7.1.3Heat analyses shall conform to the heat analysis requirements of the applicable product specification for the applicable grade,class,and type.In addition,for elements that are listed in Table1but are not specified or restricted in the applicable product specification for the applicable grade,class, and type,heat analyses shall conform to the applicable heat analysis limits given in Table1.7.2Product Analysis:7.2.1Sampling for chemical analysis and methods of analy-sis shall be in accordance with Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology A751.7.2.2For each plate-as-rolled,the purchaser shall have the option of chemically analyzing a broken tension test specimen or a sample taken from the same relative location as that from which the tension test specimen was obtained.7.2.3For elements that are specified or restricted by the applicable product specification for the applicable grade,class, and type,product analyses shall conform to the product analysis requirements of the applicable product specification for the applicable grade,class,and type.7.2.4For elements that are listed in Table1but are not specified or restricted by the applicable product specification for the applicable grade,class,and type,product analyses shall conform to the applicable product analysis limits given in Table1.7.3Referee Analysis—For referee purposes,Test Methods, Practices,and Terminology A751shall be used.8.Metallurgical Structure8.1If coarse austenitic grain size is specified,the steel shall have a carburized austenitic grain size number in the range from1to5,inclusive,as determined by the McQuaid-Ehn Test. Determinations shall be in accordance with Test Methods E112,Plate IV,by carburizing for8h at1700°F[925°C].At least70%of the grains in the area examined shall conform to the specified grain size requirement.One test per heat shall be made.8.2Fine Austenitic Grain Size:8.2.1Iffine austenitic grain size is specified,aluminum shall be used as the grain refining element,except as allowed by8. austenitic grain size is specified,except as allowed by8.2.2.1,the steel shall have a carburized austenitic grain size number of5or higher(finer)as determined by the TABLE1Limits on Elements(see7.1.3and7.2.4)Copper,max%A Heat analysisProduct analysis0.400.43Nickel,max%A Heat analysisProduct analysis0.400.43Chromium,max%A,B Heat analysisProduct analysis0.300.34Molybdenum,max%A,B Heat analysisProduct analysis0.120.13Vanadium,max%C Heat analysisProduct analysis0.030.04Columbium,max%D Heat analysisProduct analysis0.020.03Titanium,max%E Heat analysisProduct analysis0.030.04A In addition for each heat,based upon the heat analysis,the sum of copper, nickel,chromium,and molybdenum shall not exceed1.00%,unless one or more of those elements are specified or restricted by the applicable product specification for the applicable grade,class,and type.B In addition for each heat,based upon the heat analysis,the sum of chromium and molybdenum shall not exceed0.32%,unless one or both of those elements are specified or restricted by the applicable product specification for the applicable grade,class,and type.C By agreement between the purchaser and the supplier,the heat analysis limit for vanadium is permitted to be increased to a value not higher than0.10%,and the product analysis limit for vanadium is permitted to be increased to a value not higher than0.11%.D By agreement between the purchaser and the supplier,the heat analysis limit for columbium is permitted to be increased to a value not higher that0.05%,and the product analysis limit for columbium is permitted to be increased to a value not higher than0.06%.E By agreement between the purchaser and the supplier,the heat analysis limit for titanium is permitted to be increased to a value not higher than0.04%,and the product analysis limit for titanium is permitted to be increased to a value not higher than0.05%.。
钢 号 15CrMoR
13CrMo4-5 SA387Gr.12
P % ≤0.025
S % ≤0.010
6. 12Cr2Mo1R钢板 (1)钢号简介 (2)磷、硫含量
标 准 GB713-2008 EN10028-2:2003 ASME(2010)
GB19189-2003 GB19189-(2010)
厚 度 mm Rm MPa ReL MPa -40℃ KV2 J
12~60 610~730
≥490 ≥47
10~60 610~730
≥490 ≥80
•3. 07MnNiMoDR钢板
标 准 GB19189-(2010) GB19189-(2010)
Ni %
Mo %
P% S%
≤0.018 ≤0.008
≤0.015 ≤0.005
Pcm %
厚 度 mm
KV2 -40℃ 6~36mm,≥24 6~60mm,≥34 J -30℃ >36~100mm,≥24 >60~120mm,≥34
压力容器用钢板通用要求SA-20/SA-20M(与ASTM标准A20/A20M-04完全等同)1 适用范围1.1 本标准包括一组通用要求,除专用材料标准中另有规定外,这些要求应适用于下列各项ASTM压力容器用轧制钢板标准:1.1.1 本标准还包括一组补充要求,适用于上列若干个标准中本身已指明的场合。
1.2 附录X1叙述了制造压力容器钢板用卷材的生产及一些特性。
1.3 附录X2提供了关于压力容器用钢板拉伸性能变化性的资料。
1.4 附录X3提供了关于压力容器用钢板夏比V型缺口冲击试验性能变化的材料。
1.5 附录X4提供了包括冷弯时建议的最小内弯曲半径在内的有关钢板冷弯的资料。
1.6 这些材料仅适于熔焊,熔焊时应采用适合于该钢种级别及使用条件的焊接工艺。
1.7 如本标准与专用材料标准的要求不一致,则以专用材料标准的要求为准。
1.8 买方可以规定不否定本标准或专用材料标准任何条款的附加要求。
1.9 为了确定供应材料是否与标准及材料标准的规定极限值相一致,各数值右面的有效位数应按E29推荐的圆整方法进行圆整。
1.10 以英寸-磅单位或SI单位表示的数值均可作为标准值。
1.11 本标准及所引用的材料标准均采用英寸-磅和SI两种单位,但除非订货单中规定采用“M”标志(SI单位),材料将以英寸-磅单位供货。
2 引用标准3 术语3.1 本标准专用术语说明:3.1.1 封顶钢---因受早期压盖过程而使沸腾作用受到限制的沸腾钢。
3.1.2 卷板—以卷材形式加工为成品钢板的热轧钢。