
新世纪研究生公共英语教材听说(下)第二版听力原文及答案Table of ContentsLESSON ONE Resources and Energy (1)PART A (1)PART B (2)Passage I: (2)Passage II: (3)Part D (4)Lesson Two Crime and Punishment (4)Part A (4)Part B (6)Passage I (6)Passage II (7)Passage III (8)Part D (8)Lesson Three Computers and the Internet (9)Part A (9)Part B (10)Passage I (10)Passage II (11)Passage III (12)Part D (12)LESSON FOUR Finance (13)PART A (13)Part B (14)Passage I (14)Passage II. Functions of Money (15)Passage III Credit Cards (16)Part D (16)LESSON FIVE Places to See in Britain (17)Part A (17)Part B (18)Passage I: (18)Passage Ⅱ: (19)Part D (20)LESSON SIX Education (20)Part A (20)Part B (21)Passage I SAT Examination (21)PART II Medical Education (22)LESSON SEVEN Business (23)Part A (23)Part B (25)Passage I How to Increase Business Profits (25)Passage Two (26)LESSON EIGHT Aspects of Life (27)Part A (27)Part B (29)PASSAGE I Tax (29)PASSAGE II Religion (30)LESSON NINE College Life (31)PART A (31)PART B (33)PASSAGE I College Search (33)PASSAGE II How to Get a Master's degree (34)LESSON TEN Women (35)PART A (35)PART B (37)PASSAGE I Women in Southern Europe (37)PASSAGE II American Women (38)LESSON ELEVEN Famous People (39)PART A (39)PART B (41)PASSAGE I William Jefferson Clinton (41)PASSAGE II William Shakespeare (42)LESSON TWELVE Culture (44)PART A (44)Part B (45)Passage I Beijing’s Hutongs (45)Passage II The White Wedding Dress (47)LESSON THIRTEEN Science and Technology (48)PART A (48)PART B (50)PASSAGE I Cloning Mount Vernon's Trees (50)PASSAGE II Dinosaur Noses (50)LESSON FOURTEEN Sports (51)PART A (51)PART B (53)Passage I The Famous Bicycle Racer (53)PASSAGE II The Williams Sisters (54)LESSON FIFTEEN Reform and Development (55)PART A (55)PART B (57)Passage I (57)Passage II (58)LESSON 1 Resources and EnergyPART A1.W: Could you mail these letters for me, please?M: More letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you.Q: What does the man imply about the woman?She is written a lot of letters recently2.W: Does Professor Ford always come to class?M: Is ice cold?Q: What do you learn about Professor Ford?She never misses class3.W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me?M: How does tomorrow sound?Q: What does the man mean?They can work together the next day4.M: Hey? John! John!W: Save your breath. He's out of earshot.Q: What is true about John, according to the woman?John is too far away to hear5. W: You only have water to serve your guests?M: This isn't just water. This is imported mineral water.Q: What is the implication of the woman?The guests don’t want to be served water6. M: Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Tuesday?W: You are in luck. I just cashed the check.Q: What will the woman probably do next?Lend the man some money7. M: Jean, didn't you get my messages? I left two on your answering machine.W: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tom. I've been meaning to get back in touch with you. It just slipped my mind.Q: Why didn’t the woman return the man’s calls?She forgot to call him8. W: I'm sorry, sir, but you're allowed only one piece of luggage on the plane. You'll have to check in one of your suitcases at the package counter.M: Actually, one of these belongs to the woman up ahead. I'm just giving her a hand. Q: Why is the man carrying an extra suitcase?The extra suitcase he is carrying belongs to someone else9. W: We need to drive to the city tonight, but the doctor said this medicine might make me drowsy.M: In that case, I'd better drive.Q: What does the man think the woman should do?Avoid driving after taking her medicine10. M: Look at all the pollution going into the air from those factories. Do you think they'll ever get under control?W: With the new laws and social awareness, we'll turn things around.Q: What does the woman predict will happen?The situation will improve with the new changes11. W: Aren't you cold? Why aren't you wearing a jacket?M: I overslept this morning, so I ran out of the house without listening to the forecast.Q: Why isn’t the man wearing a jacket?He did not know it would be cold12. M: prof. Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper that electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do you think I could have another day to retype it?W: I'm sorry, Steven. I’m leaving for a conference tomorrow, and I'll be away for 2 weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there.Q: What will the professor probably allow the student to do?Mail her the paper after the deadline13. W: Do you know if Mary has come by the office this morning?M: I just got here myself, so I'm not the one to ask.Q: What does the woman want to know?She wants to know if mart has come by this morning14. M: I really enjoyed that TV special about "wealth" last night. Did you get to home in time to see it?W: Well, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.Q: What does the woman mean?She fell asleep before the program ended15. W: Take two of these pills three times a day and you shouldn't take them on an empty stomach.M: What if I don't have an appetite?Q: What can be inferred about the man?He may not be able to wake upPART BPassage I:The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. In 10,000 B.C., there were probably 10 million people. In A.D. 1, there were 300 million. It took 1750 years for the population to reach 625 million, a little more than double the A.D. 1 figure. In 1990, there were 5.3 billion people. By the year 2000, the world'spopulation was over 6 billion, and by 2050, it is expected to reach 10 billion. Does the earth have enough natural resources to support this many people? Different scientists give different answers to this question. Some say that there are enough resources to support more than 6 billion people. However, the richest countries, with a small percentage of the world's population, use most of the resources. If these resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enough for everyone. Other scientists say that we must limit population growth because our resources are limited. Only 10 percent of the earth's land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for raising animals. It is possible to increase the amount of farmland, but only a little. Some land in developing countries could be more productive if people started using modern farming methods, but this would not increase worldwide production by much, We all know that there is a limited amount of petroleum. There are also limits to the amounts of metals. There is a limit to the amount of water we can use since most of the earth's water is salt water, and most of the fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. It is difficult to say how many people the earth can support, but it will help everyone if we can limit population growth before serious shortages develop. The problem is how to do it.1.Between 1990 and 2000, what changes did the world population have?It had increased by almost a billion2.According to some scientists, which of the following is true?The world’s resources are adequate but not evently distributed3.Why can't most of the earth's water be used?It is mostly salt or frozen at the North and South Poles4.In developing countries, what does the use of medern farming methods result in?5. According to the author, what can you infer from the passage?II 1.There were probably 10 million people.2.It is expected to be 10 billion.3.If the resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enoueh for everyone.4.Only 10 percent.5. It is how to limit population growth.Passage II:Fresh water, life itself, has never come easy in the Middle East. Ever since the Old Testament when God punished man with 40 days and 40 nights of rain, water supplies here have been dwindling. The rainfall only comes in winter and drains quickly through the semiarid land, leaving the soil to bake and to thirst for next November. The region's accelerating population growth, expanding agriculture, industrialization, and higher living standards demand more fresh water. Drought and pollution limit its availability. War and mismanagement squander it. Nations like Israel and Jordan are swiftly sliding into that zone where they are using all the water resources available to them. They have only 15 to 20 years left before theiragriculture, and ultimately their food security, is threatened. Even amid the scarcity there are haves and have-nots. Compared with the United States, which has a freshwater potential of 10,000 cubic meters a year for each citizen. Iraq has 5,500. Turkey has 4,000, and Syria has little more than 2,800. Egypt's potential is only 1,100. Israel has 460, and Jordan has less than 260. But these are not firm figures, because upstream use of river water can dramatically alter the potential downstream. Scarcity is only one element of the Middle East’s water crisis. Inefficiency is another, as is the reluctance of some water-poor nations to change priorities from agriculture to less water-intensive enterprises. Some experts suggest that if these nations would share both water technology and resources, they could satisfy the region's population, currently 159 million. But in this patchwork of ethnic and religious rivalries, the water crisis is not a clear-cut issue. It is entangled in the politics that keep people from trusting and seeking help from one another. Here, where water, like truth, is precious, each nation tends to find its own water and supply its own truth.1. When does the rainfall come in the Middle East?2. What is the cause of the water crisis?3. How many years are left for Israel and Jordan before their agriculture is threatened?4. What is the current population in the Middle East according to the passage?5. According to some experts' suggestion, what should the nations do in order to avoid a water crisis ?II 1) 10,000 2) 5,500 4) More than 2,8003) 4,000 5) Egypt 6) 460 7) Less than 260 Part D1) award, 3) profit, 5) dedication, 7) moment, 9) physical, 11) conflict, 13)worth, 15) heart, 17) compassion, 19) lust,2) glory, 4) trust, 6) significance, 8) anguish, 10) spirit, 12) alone, 14) room, 16) honor, 18) curse, 20) valueLESSON 2 Crime and PunishmentPart A1.M: Hello?W: Hello. This is Dr. Grey's office. We are calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing you called. I thought it was 4:15 today.Q: Why is the office calling the man?2. W: How wonderful! You won the scholarship. Can you believe it?M: No. It's almost too good to be true.Q: What does the man mean?3. W: Excuse me, Professor Davidson. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come and see me during office hours tomorrow?Q: When will the woman discuss her project with Professor Davidson?4. M: How are you feeling? W: The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped. But it's making me awfully drowsy.Q: What do you learn about the woman?5. M: Bill Smith has volunteered to write a summary of the proposals we've agreed on. W: Will I have a chance to review it?Q: What does the woman want to know?6.M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?W: I'm afraid I just ran out of film.Q: What problem does the woman have?7. W: Excuse me, we're ready to order now.M: I'll be with you in just a minute.Q: What does the man mean?8. W: I think I forgot my umbrella. Did you notice if it is raining outside?M: Yeah, it is. And I just realized I left my car window open.Q: What will the man probably do next?9. W: How does your daughter like her new school?M: Fine. She seems to have made new friends in no time.Q: What can be inferred about the man's daughter?10. W: There's an article here in this magazine you might find interesting. It's about buying running shoes.M: If it's not chemistry and it's not on the final exam, I can't read it now.Q: What is the man probably doing?11. M: You're washing your car even on vacation. It makes me feel guilty.W: You shouldn’t, it’s just that I have nothing better to do at this moment.Q: What do you think of the woman?12. M: My doctor told me I need to go for some expensive treatments for my injured knee.W: Are you sure? Maybe you need a second opinion.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?13. W: Hello. Could you fit me in for an appointment today? I need a stylist who is good at cutting curly hair.M: Julia is good at that. She is the owner. How about noon?Q: What will the woman probably do?14. W: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I've got some spare time.M: I like to read, too. But I prefer non-fiction, history, social commentary and stuff like that.Q: What does the man imply?15. M: I'm not an expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn't sound good. Maybe you should call and have it checked out.W: You're right. And I suppose I've put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?Part BPassage IPurse snatching is an increasingly common crime. There are estimated 50 to 100 purse snatchings each month in the New York City subways, the number often swinging widely because of the depredations of a single teenager. When such a professional is in custody, the snatches can decrease by more than 50 a month. One of the favored techniques is to stand between two subway cars and, as a train starts pulling out of the station, reach out and pull free a woman's purse.Recently, a crime analysis officer for the New York Police Department found that purse stealing in Manhattan's top restaurants was up 35 percent over the previous year. When a woman puts her purse on an empty chair at a table or at her feet beside her chair, she is inviting a purse snatcher to take it. Purse snatchers often work in pairs. When a target in a restaurant is seen, one of them will create some kind of disturbance to gain the victim's attention. While the woman is looking away from her table, the actual snatcher will lift the purse. A popular technique is for the thief to carry an umbrella with the curved handle down. The umbrella handle suddenly hooks the bag and in an instant it is on the thief's wrist, or under the coat over his arm if he is a man, and on its way out of the restaurant. Police advise that women in restaurants keep their purse either on their laps or on the floor between their legs.Other purse snatchers who operate in theaters are called "seat tippers", victimizing women who put their purses down on a neighboring empty seat. Others specialize in snatching purses from ladies' rooms. When a woman is in a toilet stall, her purse should never be placed on the floor or hung on the coat hook on the door. Thieves simply dive under the door and grab the purse on the floor, or stand on the toilet in the next stall and reach over and take the purse off the hook. The snatcher has enough time to escape since the victim can't immediately pursue the thief.I. 1. When does the number of purse snatchings decrease most dramatically?2. Where does a purse snatcher like to commit crimes in subway stations?3. When women are in restaurants, where are they advised to put their purses?4. What does a thief often use to snatch purses in restaurants?5. According to this passage, where does purse snatching not usually occur?II. crime analysis officer; take it; purses; in pairs; top restaurants; an empty chair; to some kind of disturbance; coat hook; snatching never be placed; in the next stall; enough time to escapePassage IIOn the afternoon of July4,1995, Mrs.Beatrice Weinberger brought her one-month old baby back from an outing. She left the pram outside her house and hurried inside to get the baby a clean nappy. When she returned a few moments later, the pram was empty and a scrawled note was lying where her baby had been. The note said: "Attention. I badly need money, and can't get it any other way. Don't tell the police about this, otherwise I will kill the baby." "Just put $2,000 in small bills in a brown envelope, and place it next to the road lamp at the corner of Albamarle Rd. at exactly 10 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning." "If everything goes smooth, I will bring the baby back and leave him on the same corner 'safe and happy' at exactly 12 noon. No excuse, I can not wait! Your baby-sitter." Despite the kidnapper's warning, Mrs. Weinbarger contacted the police. A small parcel containing broken pieces of newspaper was placed on the comer the following morning. But the kidnapper did not show up. He failed to keep two other” appointments" with the Weinbergers, and left a second note signed "Your baby-sitter'. By then, the police felt that the baby was no longer alive. The FBI was called in, and the handwriting experts set to work to try to track down the kidnapper. In both notes an unusual z-shaped stroke was placed at the front of the y in words such as "money" and "baby". Starting with the New York State Police Office, the experts spent the next six weeks carefully going over local records at police offices, factories, hotels, clubs and schools and examining handwriting samples and comparing them with the writing on the kidnapper's notes. Then, in the middle of August, the experts' hard efforts paid off. The handwriting of John Rush Blake matched that of the kidnapper's, especially in the peculiar formation of the y's. Not long after, John Blake was arrested for making illegal alcohol. On being shown the handwriting samples, he confessed to kidnapping the baby. He told the police that he had left the baby alive and well in a nearby park on the day after the kidnapping. But when officers hurried to the place, all they found was the baby's dead body. The criminal was later put into New York's Sing Sing Prison. Even if John Blake had tried to disguise his handwriting he would still have been caught. No matter how hard someone may try to disguise his handwriting characteristics, the "individuality" of the writer shows through, the very angle at which he or she holds a pen, the way a t is crossed and an i is dotted, the height and size of capital and small letters, the amount of space between words, the use (or misuse) of punctuation marks. All these can identify a person as surely as fingerprints.I. 1. What happened to Mrs. Weinberger on the afternoon of July 4th, 1995?2. According to the message left by the kidnapper, on what condition could Mrs. Weinberger have her baby back?3. What did Mrs. Weinberger do after reading the note?4. How did the FBI catch the criminal?5. Which of the following words can best describe people's handwriting characteristics?II. 1. ( T ) When Mrs. Weinberger came back from an outing something terriblehappened to her.2. ( T ) Someone kidnapped her baby because he lacked money.3. ( F ) The kidnapper did not confess to die kidnapping of the baby in the face of the handwriting sample.4. ( T ) It was the handwriting expert that broke the case.5. ( F ) At last, the police found the baby and he was safe and happy.Passage III.Timothy McVaigh placed a powerful bomb near a federal government building in Oklahoma City in 1995. The explosion killed 168 people, including 19 children. Arguments are increasing in the United States both for and against the death penalty. The increasing death penalty debate is caused by the planned execution of convicted murderer McVeigh. He is to be the first person executed by the federal government since 1963. 38 states permit the death sentence. Last year 85 people were executed in the United States. Recent public opinion studies show that more than 75 percent of Americans supper McVeigh's execution. These include many Americans who usually oppose the death sentence. Kent Scheidegger is with the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in Califomia. It is a victim's rights organization that supports the death penalty. Mr. Scheidegger says McVeigh is a perfect example of why there is a need for a federal death penalty. He says anything less than the death of McVeigh would show a complete lack of justice. Groups opposed to the death penalty say the approval of the execution of McVeigh does not show an increase in general public support for the death penalty. Opinion studies show that support for the death penalty has decreased. Studies show 77 percent of Americans supported it five years ago, now only about 63 percent do, Opponents of the death penalty have always argued that it was unfair. They say poor people who can not pay for good legal help receive the death penalty more often than others. And they say courts order the death penalty more often when the accused is a member of a racial minority group.Part D1)generous 2)company 3)hospitality 4)reception 5)reputation6)anniversary7)suspicion 8)mutual 9)vastest10)communication 11)commerce 12)contact 13)1975 14)openness 15)potential 16)secure 17)lure 18)astonish 19)reach 20)confidentLESSON 3 Computers and the Internet Part A1.M: This report is due tomorrow. Would you be able to work on it with me tonight? W: Unfortunately, I have another commitment.Q: What is the woman saying?2. W: I wonder where the books I ordered are. I expected to receive the package several days ago.M: Maybe you'd better check it out with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?3. M: I just have to type this last page and then I'm through.W: By then, I'll be done, too.Q: What can be learned about the woman?4. W: Did you read the editorial in the paper about the mayor's speech?M: I sure did. But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said.Q: What does the man say about the editorial?5. W: Why don't we go to see a movie tonight? A good comedy might cheer you up. M: I would. But the reason that I've been so down is all this work I have to do.Q: What can be inferred about the man?6. W: So, are you going to see the students' play tonight?M: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu.Q: What is true about the man?7. M: Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.W: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus.Q: What does the woman suggest Gordon do?8. W: Mind if I borrow your Spanish workbook?M: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening.Q: What does the man mean?9. W: You don't believe in diets, do you?M: There is nothing wrong with them per se but they have to be combined with exercise to do any good.Q: What is the man's attitude towards diets ?10. W: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown.M: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important.Q: What is the implication of the man?11. W: You know, I've heard that Professor Martin's Introduction to Chemistry class is too demanding for first year students. They say it's the most difficult course for graduate students.M: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell you otherwise. Go talk to anyone who has gone to an advanced course, like Organic Chemistry, or who studied chemistry in graduate school. They're really glad they started out with Professor Martin.Q: What does the man imply about Professor Martin?12. W: Hey, Mark. Have you been able to sell your old piano, yet?M: Hmm, you were right. Just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarkets wasn't enough. I think I'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?13. W: I'm amazed that you still haven't gotten to know your neighbors.M: They tend to keep to themselves.Q: Why hasn't the man gotten to know his neighbors?14. W: Hi! Um, I think something is wrong with the washing machine. It works, and I just did my laundry, but it makes some strange noises. Maybe you should call someone to fix it.M: Oh, don't worry. Someone from the repair shop is already on the way over to take a look at it.Q: What is the implication of the man?15. W: It's so thoughtful of you to offer to drop me off at the train station. Are you sure it's not out of your way?M: Not at all. The station is really close to where I'm going.Q: What can be learned about the man?Part BPassage IThe Application of Computers in Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practise new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating learning. Computer-based communications, or telecommunications, can offer many educational opportunities; therefore, educators will need to adapt current teaching methods to incorporate this new media into the classroom. Computers have made a fundamental impact on most industries, providing a competitive advantage that has come to be essential to many businesses. Therefore, schools must also use technology to improve the educational process. School systems often consider purchasing a computer network, and justify its purchase by applying it to routine administrative tasks, such as attendance records and grading. While these tasks are very important, they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet haveexpanded the ways in which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in "distance education" through the Internet. Distance education involves audio and video links between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring students together from geographic and cultural distances face to face via computer. Not only will the teacher talk to the students, but the students will be able to interact with each other. This will make students more interested in learning.I. 1. According to the passage, what are educators discovering?2. What do schools usually purchase computer networks for?3. According to the author, what should computers be mainly used for?4. Which of the following is NOT a feature of video conferencing?5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?II. fundamental impact; be essential; improve the educational process; justify its purchase; attendance records; what technology can doPassage IIE-Commerce The Internet, as a means for commerce, did not become reality until the 1990s. Before this time, it was mainly a tool for the army, and a research device for some American universities. Its popularity grew when it proved to be a fast and efficient means to conduct long distance transactions, as well as an effective way to distribute information. The first advantage that e-commerce possesses is speed. With increased speeds of communication, the delivery time is expedited and that makes the whole transaction from start to finish more efficient. Also, you can find practically any product available for sale on the Internet. Even more significant is the fact that information appearing on the Internet can be changed rapidly. This gives business owners the ability to inform customers of any changes to the service that they are offering. The second advantage of electronic commerce is the opportunity it offers to save on costs. By using the Internet, marketing, distribution, personnel, phone, postage and printing costs, among many others, can be reduced. You can start doing business in cyberspace for as little as $100. The savings, therefore, are tremendous. These funds can then be diverted to marketing and advertising your product or service. Cyberspace knows no national boundaries. That means you can do business all over the world as easily as you can in your own neighborhood. Since the Internet connects everyone in cyberspace, information is transmitted at the speed of sound or the speed of light, depending on your connection. Either way, distance becomes meaningless, which enables you to link to nearly anyone on the globe, and anyone on the globe can link to you. The ability to establish links makes doing business on the Internet attractive to customers in any part of the world. A potential source of trouble is customer concerns with privacy and security. Anything sent over the Internet is sent through several different computers before it reaches its final destination. The concern regarding Internet security and privacy is that unscrupulous hackers can capture credit card or check account data as it is transferred or break into。

LESSON ONE Resources and EnergyPART A1.W: Could you mail these letters for me, please?M: More letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you.Q: What does the man imply about the woman?2.W: Does Professor Ford always come to class?M: Is ice cold?Q: What do you learn about Professor Ford?3.W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me?M: How does tomorrow sound?Q: What does the man mean?4.M: Hey? John! John!W: Save your breath. He's out of earshot.Q: What is true about John, according to the woman?5. W: You only have water to serve your guests?M: This isn't just water. This is imported mineral water.Q: What is the implication of the woman?6. M: Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Tuesday?W: You are in luck. I just cashed the check.Q: What will the woman probably do next?7. M: Jean, didn't you get my messages? I left two on your answering machine.W: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tom. I've been meaning to get back in touch with you. It just slipped my mind.Q: Why didn’t the woman return the man’s calls?8. W: I'm sorry, sir, but you're allowed only one piece of luggage on the plane. You'll have to check in one of your suitcases at the package counter.M: Actually, one of these belongs to the woman up ahead. I'm just giving her a hand. Q: Why is the man carrying an extra suitcase?9. W: We need to drive to the city tonight, but the doctor said this medicine might make me drowsy.M: In that case, I'd better drive.Q: What does the man think the woman should do?10. M: Look at all the pollution going into the air from those factories. Do you think they'll ever get under control?W: With the new laws and social awareness, we'll turn things around.Q: What does the woman predict will happen?11. W: Aren't you cold? Why aren't you wearing a jacket?M: I overslept this morning, so I ran out of the house without listening to the forecast.Q: Why isn’t the man wearing a jacket?12. M: prof. Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper that electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do you think I could have another day to retype it?W: I'm sorry, Steven. I’m leaving for a conference tomorrow, and I'll be away for 2 weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there.Q: What will the professor probably allow the student to do?13. W: Do you know if Mary has come by the office this morning?M: I just got here myself, so I'm not the one to ask.Q: What does the woman want to know?14. M: I really enjoyed that TV special about "wealth" last night. Did you get to home in time to see it?W: Well, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.Q: What does the woman mean?15. W: Take two of these pills three times a day and you shouldn't take them on an empty stomach.M: What if I don't have an appetite?Q: What can be inferred about the man?PART BPassage I:The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. In 10,000 B.C., there were probably 10 million people. In A.D. 1, there were 300 million. It took 1750 years for the population to reach 625 million, a little more than double the A.D. 1 figure. In 1990, there were 5.3 billion people. By the year 2000, the world's population was over 6 billion, and by 2050, it is expected to reach 10 billion. Does the earth have enough natural resources to support this many people? Different scientists give different answers to this question. Some say that there are enough resources to support more than 6 billion people. However, the richest countries, with a small percentage of the world's population, use most of the resources. If these resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enough for everyone. Other scientists say that we must limit population growth because our resources are limited. Only 10 percent of the earth's land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for raising animals. It is possible to increase the amount of farmland, but only a little. Some land in developing countries could be more productive if people started using modern farming methods, but this would not increase worldwide production by much, We all know that there is a limited amount of petroleum. There are also limits to the amounts of metals. There is a limit to the amount of water we can use since most of the earth's water is salt water, and most of the fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. It is difficult to say how manypeople the earth can support, but it will help everyone if we can limit population growth before serious shortages develop. The problem is how to do it.1. Between 1990 and 2000, what changes did the world population have?2. According to some scientists, which of the following is true?3. Why can't most of the earth's water be used?4. In developing countries, what does the use of medern farming methods result in?5. According to the author, what can you infer from the passage?II 1.There were probably 10 million people.2.It is expected to be 10 billion.3.If the resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enoueh for everyone.4.Only 10 percent.5. It is how to limit population growth.Passage II:Fresh water, life itself, has never come easy in the Middle East. Ever since the Old Testament when God punished man with 40 days and 40 nights of rain, water supplies here have been dwindling. The rainfall only comes in winter and drains quickly through the semiarid land, leaving the soil to bake and to thirst for next November. The region's accelerating population growth, expanding agriculture, industrialization, and higher living standards demand more fresh water. Drought and pollution limit its availability. War and mismanagement squander it. Nations like Israel and Jordan are swiftly sliding into that zone where they are using all the water resources available to them. They have only 15 to 20 years left before their agriculture, and ultimately their food security, is threatened. Even amid the scarcity there are haves and have-nots. Compared with the United States, which has a freshwater potential of 10,000 cubic meters a year for each citizen. Iraq has 5,500. Turkey has 4,000, and Syria has little more than 2,800. Egypt's potential is only 1,100. Israel has 460, and Jordan has less than 260. But these are not firm figures, because upstream use of river water can dramatically alter the potential downstream. Scarcity is only one element of the Middle East’s water crisis. Inefficiency is another, as is the reluctance of some water-poor nations to change priorities from agriculture to less water-intensive enterprises. Some experts suggest that if these nations would share both water technology and resources, they could satisfy the region's population, currently 159 million. But in this patchwork of ethnic and religious rivalries, the water crisis is not a clear-cut issue. It is entangled in the politics that keep people from trusting and seeking help from one another. Here, where water, like truth, is precious, each nation tends to find its own water and supply its own truth.1. When does the rainfall come in the Middle East?2. What is the cause of the water crisis?3. How many years are left for Israel and Jordan before their agriculture is threatened?4. What is the current population in the Middle East according to the passage?5. According to some experts' suggestion, what should the nations do in order to avoid a water crisis ?II 1) 10,000 2) 5,500 4) More than 2,8003) 4,000 5) Egypt 6) 460 7) Less than 260 Lesson Two Crime and PunishmentPart A1.M: Hello?W: Hello. This is Dr. Grey's office. We are calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing you called. I thought it was 4:15 today.Q: Why is the office calling the man?2. W: How wonderful! You won the scholarship. Can you believe it?M: No. It's almost too good to be true.Q: What does the man mean?3. W: Excuse me, Professor Davidson. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come and see me during office hours tomorrow?Q: When will the woman discuss her project with Professor Davidson?4. M: How are you feeling? W: The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped. But it's making me awfully drowsy.Q: What do you learn about the woman?5. M: Bill Smith has volunteered to write a summary of the proposals we've agreed on. W: Will I have a chance to review it?Q: What does the woman want to know?6.M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?W: I'm afraid I just ran out of film.Q: What problem does the woman have?7. W: Excuse me, we're ready to order now.M: I'll be with you in just a minute.Q: What does the man mean?8. W: I think I forgot my umbrella. Did you notice if it is raining outside?M: Yeah, it is. And I just realized I left my car window open.Q: What will the man probably do next?9. W: How does your daughter like her new school?M: Fine. She seems to have made new friends in no time.Q: What can be inferred about the man's daughter?10. W: There's an article here in this magazine you might find interesting. It's aboutbuying running shoes.M: If it's not chemistry and it's not on the final exam, I can't read it now.Q: What is the man probably doing?11. M: You're washing your car even on vacation. It makes me feel guilty.W: You shouldn’t, it’s just that I have nothing better to do at this moment.Q: What do you think of the woman?12. M: My doctor told me I need to go for some expensive treatments for my injured knee.W: Are you sure? Maybe you need a second opinion.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?13. W: Hello. Could you fit me in for an appointment today? I need a stylist who is good at cutting curly hair.M: Julia is good at that. She is the owner. How about noon?Q: What will the woman probably do?14. W: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I've got some spare time.M: I like to read, too. But I prefer non-fiction, history, social commentary and stuff like that.Q: What does the man imply?15. M: I'm not an expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn't sound good. Maybe you should call and have it checked out.W: You're right. And I suppose I've put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?Part BPassage IPurse snatching is an increasingly common crime. There are estimated 50 to 100 purse snatchings each month in the New York City subways, the number often swinging widely because of the depredations of a single teenager. When such a professional is in custody, the snatches can decrease by more than 50 a month. One of the favored techniques is to stand between two subway cars and, as a train starts pulling out of the station, reach out and pull free a woman's purse.Recently, a crime analysis officer for the New York Police Department found that purse stealing in Manhattan's top restaurants was up 35 percent over the previous year. When a woman puts her purse on an empty chair at a table or at her feet beside her chair, she is inviting a purse snatcher to take it. Purse snatchers often work in pairs. When a target in a restaurant is seen, one of them will create some kind of disturbance to gain the victim's attention. While the woman is looking away from her table, the actual snatcher will lift the purse. A popular technique is for the thief to carry an umbrella with the curved handle down. The umbrella handle suddenly hooks the bag and in an instant it is on the thief's wrist, or under the coat over his arm if he is a man,and on its way out of the restaurant. Police advise that women in restaurants keep their purse either on their laps or on the floor between their legs.Other purse snatchers who operate in theaters are called "seat tippers", victimizing women who put their purses down on a neighboring empty seat. Others specialize in snatching purses from ladies' rooms. When a woman is in a toilet stall, her purse should never be placed on the floor or hung on the coat hook on the door. Thieves simply dive under the door and grab the purse on the floor, or stand on the toilet in the next stall and reach over and take the purse off the hook. The snatcher has enough time to escape since the victim can't immediately pursue the thief.I. 1. When does the number of purse snatchings decrease most dramatically?2. Where does a purse snatcher like to commit crimes in subway stations?3. When women are in restaurants, where are they advised to put their purses?4. What does a thief often use to snatch purses in restaurants?5. According to this passage, where does purse snatching not usually occur?II. crime analysis officer; take it; purses; in pairs; top restaurants; an empty chair; to some kind of disturbance; coat hook; snatching never be placed; in the next stall; enough time to escapePassage IIOn the afternoon of July4,1995, Mrs.Beatrice Weinberger brought her one-month old baby back from an outing. She left the pram outside her house and hurried inside to get the baby a clean nappy. When she returned a few moments later, the pram was empty and a scrawled note was lying where her baby had been. The note said: "Attention. I badly need money, and can't get it any other way. Don't tell the police about this, otherwise I will kill the baby." "Just put $2,000 in small bills in a brown envelope, and place it next to the road lamp at the corner of Albamarle Rd. at exactly 10 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning." "If everything goes smooth, I will bring the baby back and leave him on the same corner 'safe and happy' at exactly 12 noon. No excuse, I can not wait! Your baby-sitter." Despite the kidnapper's warning, Mrs. Weinbarger contacted the police. A small parcel containing broken pieces of newspaper was placed on the comer the following morning. But the kidnapper did not show up. He failed to keep two other” appointments" with the Weinbergers, and left a second note signed "Your baby-sitter'. By then, the police felt that the baby was no longer alive. The FBI was called in, and the handwriting experts set to work to try to track down the kidnapper. In both notes an unusual z-shaped stroke was placed at the front of the y in words such as "money" and "baby". Starting with the New York State Police Office, the experts spent the next six weeks carefully going over local records at police offices, factories, hotels, clubs and schools and examining handwriting samples and comparing them with the writing on the kidnapper's notes. Then, in the middle of August, the experts' hard efforts paid off. The handwriting of John Rush Blake matched that of the kidnapper's, especially in the peculiar formation of the y's. Not long after, John Blake was arrested for making illegal alcohol. On being shown the handwriting samples, he confessed to kidnapping the baby. He told the police thathe had left the baby alive and well in a nearby park on the day after the kidnapping. But when officers hurried to the place, all they found was the baby's dead body. The criminal was later put into New York's Sing Sing Prison. Even if John Blake had tried to disguise his handwriting he would still have been caught. No matter how hard someone may try to disguise his handwriting characteristics, the "individuality" of the writer shows through, the very angle at which he or she holds a pen, the way a t is crossed and an i is dotted, the height and size of capital and small letters, the amount of space between words, the use (or misuse) of punctuation marks. All these can identify a person as surely as fingerprints.I. 1. What happened to Mrs. Weinberger on the afternoon of July 4th, 1995?2. According to the message left by the kidnapper, on what condition could Mrs. Weinberger have her baby back?3. What did Mrs. Weinberger do after reading the note?4. How did the FBI catch the criminal?5. Which of the following words can best describe people's handwriting characteristics?II. 1. ( T ) When Mrs. Weinberger came back from an outing something terrible happened to her.2. ( T ) Someone kidnapped her baby because he lacked money.3. ( F ) The kidnapper did not confess to die kidnapping of the baby in the face of the handwriting sample.4. ( T ) It was the handwriting expert that broke the case.5. ( F ) At last, the police found the baby and he was safe and happy.Passage III.Timothy McVaigh placed a powerful bomb near a federal government building in Oklahoma City in 1995. The explosion killed 168 people, including 19 children. Arguments are increasing in the United States both for and against the death penalty. The increasing death penalty debate is caused by the planned execution of convicted murderer McVeigh. He is to be the first person executed by the federal government since 1963. 38 states permit the death sentence. Last year 85 people were executed in the United States. Recent public opinion studies show that more than 75 percent of Americans supper McVeigh's execution. These include many Americans who usually oppose the death sentence. Kent Scheidegger is with the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in Califomia. It is a victim's rights organization that supports the death penalty. Mr. Scheidegger says McVeigh is a perfect example of why there is a need for a federal death penalty. He says anything less than the death of McVeigh would show a complete lack of justice. Groups opposed to the death penalty say the approval of the execution of McVeigh does not show an increase in general public support for the death penalty. Opinion studies show that support for the death penalty has decreased. Studies show 77 percent of Americans supported it five years ago, now only about 63 percent do, Opponents of the death penalty have always argued that it was unfair. They say poor people who can not pay for good legal help receive thedeath penalty more often than others. And they say courts order the death penalty more often when the accused is a member of a racial minority group. Lesson Three Computers and the Internet Part A1.M: This report is due tomorrow. Would you be able to work on it with me tonight? W: Unfortunately, I have another commitment.Q: What is the woman saying?2. W: I wonder where the books I ordered are. I expected to receive the package several days ago.M: Maybe you'd better check it out with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?3. M: I just have to type this last page and then I'm through.W: By then, I'll be done, too.Q: What can be learned about the woman?4. W: Did you read the editorial in the paper about the mayor's speech?M: I sure did. But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said.Q: What does the man say about the editorial?5. W: Why don't we go to see a movie tonight? A good comedy might cheer you up. M: I would. But the reason that I've been so down is all this work I have to do.Q: What can be inferred about the man?6. W: So, are you going to see the students' play tonight?M: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu.Q: What is true about the man?7. M: Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.W: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus.Q: What does the woman suggest Gordon do?8. W: Mind if I borrow your Spanish workbook?M: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening.Q: What does the man mean?9. W: You don't believe in diets, do you?M: There is nothing wrong with them per se but they have to be combined with exercise to do any good.Q: What is the man's attitude towards diets ?10. W: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown.M: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important.Q: What is the implication of the man?11. W: You know, I've heard that Professor Martin's Introduction to Chemistry class is too demanding for first year students. They say it's the most difficult course for graduate students.M: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell you otherwise. Go talk to anyone who has gone to an advanced course, like Organic Chemistry, or who studied chemistry in graduate school. They're really glad they started out with Professor Martin.Q: What does the man imply about Professor Martin?12. W: Hey, Mark. Have you been able to sell your old piano, yet?M: Hmm, you were right. Just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarkets wasn't enough. I think I'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?13. W: I'm amazed that you still haven't gotten to know your neighbors.M: They tend to keep to themselves.Q: Why hasn't the man gotten to know his neighbors?14. W: Hi! Um, I think something is wrong with the washing machine. It works, and I just did my laundry, but it makes some strange noises. Maybe you should call someone to fix it.M: Oh, don't worry. Someone from the repair shop is already on the way over to take a look at it.Q: What is the implication of the man?15. W: It's so thoughtful of you to offer to drop me off at the train station. Are you sure it's not out of your way?M: Not at all. The station is really close to where I'm going.Q: What can be learned about the man?Part BPassage IThe Application of Computers in Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practise new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating learning. Computer-based communications, or telecommunications, can offer many educational opportunities; therefore, educators will need to adapt current teaching methods to incorporate this new media into the classroom. Computers have made a fundamental impact on most industries, providing a competitive advantage that has come to be essential to many businesses. Therefore, schools must also use technology to improve the educational process. School systems often consider purchasing a computer network, and justify its purchase by applying itto routine administrative tasks, such as attendance records and grading. While these tasks are very important, they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet have expanded the ways in which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in "distance education" through the Internet. Distance education involves audio and video links between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring students together from geographic and cultural distances face to face via computer. Not only will the teacher talk to the students, but the students will be able to interact with each other. This will make students more interested in learning.I. 1. According to the passage, what are educators discovering?2. What do schools usually purchase computer networks for?3. According to the author, what should computers be mainly used for?4. Which of the following is NOT a feature of video conferencing?5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?II. fundamental impact; be essential; improve the educational process; justify its purchase; attendance records; what technology can doPassage IIE-Commerce The Internet, as a means for commerce, did not become reality until the 1990s. Before this time, it was mainly a tool for the army, and a research device for some American universities. Its popularity grew when it proved to be a fast and efficient means to conduct long distance transactions, as well as an effective way to distribute information. The first advantage that e-commerce possesses is speed. With increased speeds of communication, the delivery time is expedited and that makes the whole transaction from start to finish more efficient. Also, you can find practically any product available for sale on the Internet. Even more significant is the fact that information appearing on the Internet can be changed rapidly. This gives business owners the ability to inform customers of any changes to the service that they are offering. The second advantage of electronic commerce is the opportunity it offers to save on costs. By using the Internet, marketing, distribution, personnel, phone, postage and printing costs, among many others, can be reduced. You can start doing business in cyberspace for as little as $100. The savings, therefore, are tremendous. These funds can then be diverted to marketing and advertising your product or service. Cyberspace knows no national boundaries. That means you can do business all over the world as easily as you can in your own neighborhood. Since the Internet connects everyone in cyberspace, information is transmitted at the speed of sound or the speed of light, depending on your connection. Either way, distance becomes meaningless, which enables you to link to nearly anyone on the globe, and anyone on the globe can link to you. The ability to establish links makes doing business on the Internet attractive to customers in any part of the world. A potentialsource of trouble is customer concerns with privacy and security. Anything sent over the Internet is sent through several different computers before it reaches its final destination. The concern regarding Internet security and privacy is that unscrupulous hackers can capture credit card or check account data as it is transferred or break into computers that hold the same information. Making a customer feel safe is important when doing business on the Internet. Even though no one can guarantee 100% security when transferring financial information over the Internet, e-commerce is still safer than using credit cards at an actual store or restaurant, or paying for something with the use of a 1-800 number."I. l. Before being used for commerce, what was the Internet mainly used for?2. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that can make transactions more efficient on the Internet?3. Why does distance become meaningless in e-commerce?4. What do customers worry about in e-commerce?5. What is the main idea of this passage?II. source; privacy; security; destination; credit card; transferred; feel safe; guarantee; safer than; paying forPassage IIIComputerized SystemsIt was pointed out by a computer wag that a computerized system consists of three subsystems: hardware, software, and jellyware. Hardware is the computer itself -- the collection of slightly impure chunks of silicon dioxide and other metal oxides that sometimes conduct electricity and sometimes don't, but never conduct it very well. Basically, hardware is mostly sand with some metal and some organic plastic material to hold it together. Software consists of the instructions necessary in order for the hardware to do things. The instructions are nothing more than signals indicating that certain pieces of hardware are to turn themselves on or off in specific sequences at specific times in specific areas of the hardware. The basic instructions are written or given in binary terms -- on or off-- and other software elements translate this to and from the more complex language used by the next element in the system. Jellyware is the human being who tells the hardware what to do, who gives the hardware its data, who utilizes the output of the hardware, who writes the software, and who uses the output of the software. Jellyware itself is a computer consisting of hardware and software. Jellyware is mostly water with specific and small amounts of impurities in certain locations. The jellyware's software is mostly preprogrammed with some RAM that is inputted as a result of experience. Hardware and jellyware differ only in the fact that hardware is made up of crystalline structures while jellyware consists of colloidal structures. The jellyware's operating systems appear to function in the parallel mode while those of the hardware operate in a series mode. However, the output of jellyware is one-channel sequential and series in form. Like hardware, jellyware can do only one thing at a time.。
研究生公共英语听说(下)原文LESSON 5(B)

LESSON FIVEPlaces to See in Britain1. W: How is your paper coming along?M: My typewriter's broken.Q: What does the man mean?2. W: Have you tried Susan's apple pie?M: I got the last piece and it was out of this world.Q: What does the man mean?3.W: If you're staying late, Will you be sure to lock up the officewhen you leave?M: OK. I hope I won't be more than an hour.Q: What does the man mean?4. W: Nancy really wants to ski on Thursday.M: Yes. But she can't, can she?Q: What does the man say about Nancy?5. M: Let me help you with those packages.W: Thanks. But it's only three quarters of a block.Q: What does the woman tell the man?6. W: You know, Sally was supposed to meet us here an hour ago.Maybe we should give her a ring. After all, she is the onewho organized the study session.M: You're right. I'll do it.Q: What will the man probably do?7. M: Forgive the mess in here. You see, we had a party last night.There were a lot of people. They all brought food, and theleftovers were all over the place.W: Yeah, I can tell. Well I guess it's pretty obvious what you'll be doing most of today.Q: What does the woman imply?8. W: I'm worried about my jewelry business, I really thought Icould do better.M: At least, you broke even. That’s better than most people do in their first year.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?9. W: I need to get in touch with Bill about tomorrow's presentation,but his phone has been busy for the longest time.M: I usually have dinner with him in the cafeteria. Why don't I ask him to give you a call later?Q: What will the man probably do?10. M: Care for some more dessert? There's plenty of cake left.W: If I had any more, I'd be overdoing it.Q: What does the woman mean?11. M: This scarf is nice, but Debbie really wanted a sweater forher birthday.W: I know, but I didn't know her size.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?12. M: Think you'll be able to finish sketching out the plans for theelection campaign by tomorrow or do you need some help?W: Well, there's so quite a bit to do but I'll be able to pull everything together.Q: What does the woman mean?13. W: About the concert tonight, it's unlikely I'll be able to pickyou up before seven.M: Well, we could just get together there instead.Q: What does the man suggest they do?14. M: Ah-oh, l burned your toast. I'll put in a couple more slices.W: No, don't waste the bread. Just scrape off the burned part.It'll be fine.Q: What does the woman mean?15. M: Weren't you going to find out from the registrar if you haveenough credits to graduate next semester?W: You're right. I'd better get over there. Their hours are limited and they can get pretty busy.Q: What will the woman probably do?Passage I:The drive from England to Scotland provides the traveler with many pleasant changes of scenery. As it is a fairly long journey, it is good to be able to travel with a friend who can take turns with you at the wheel.A patriotic Scotsman traveling with English friends may tellthem they are going to see, in the Highlands, the finest scenery in the world. This may sound exaggerated, but on arriving in the Highlands most people readily agree that the scenery is indeed magnificent.The Highlands are, as the name implies, the hilly or mountainous region of the country; they form the greater part of the western half of Scotland.On the first night in Scotland tourists may choose to put up at a hotel in the little town of Callander, which is known as one of "the Gateways to the Highlands". On the following day they can set out to see the various lakes, or rather "lochs", in the neighborhood, and will be delighted with the wild and romantic aspect of the countryside. When they return to their hotels they will be glad to eat a copious "high tea". This is a meal which, in Scotland and many parts of northern England, takes the place of tea and dinner: It consists of one substantial course, such as one would have at dinner, followed by bread and butter, with jam or honey, and some kind of cake or cakes; tea is drunk with the meal, which is taken at about six o’clock in the evening. One has a light supper late in the evening.The next morning many tourists journey on to the west coast.The road twists and turns, dips and climbs, but is not dangerous. The greatest hazard is the black-faced sheep: these animals are as active and impudent as goats, and frequently wander recklessly into the road. The tourists may also see a herd of long-haired Highland cattle, which look savage but are no more so than ordinary cattle. Eventually the road runs parallel with the sea, along a coastline fringed with little islands and made ragged with rocky bays and the deep inlets that are also called "lochs".1.What kind of region are the Highlands?2. Where might tourists stay on their first night in Scotland?3. What is meant by "high tea"?4. What is the road to the west coast like?5. What other animals does a tourist see on the way to the west coast?Passage Ⅱ:On the western side of Britain lies one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles: the Principality of Wales. The Welsh mountains have a beauty which is rugged and forbidding, but the slopes are as green and fertile as the valleys and provide rich pasture for sheep and cows.In central and north Wales, farming is the main occupation,but the valleys of south Wales are very heavily industrialized. Here the wealth of the land lies below the surface in rich coal seams, and the mining villages grew into busy towns around iron and steel foundries, chemical works and oil refineries.Wales is very popular for holidays. Every year, thousands of people spend their summer holidays at the seaside resorts on the North Wales coast or, if they prefer it, enjoy undisturbed peace and quiet in isolated villages remote from town life. Those who like to be energetic will probably choose Snowdonia. This part of the country round Snowdon, the highest peak in the Welsh mountains (and the second highest in Britain), is ideal for climbing and walking holidays.Wales has been called "The Land of Song". The Welsh people are famous for their good voices and it is rare to find a village without at least one choir competing in an "eisteddfod" or arts festival. The biggest festival of all is the International Eisteddfod held every year in Llangollen in Clwyd. Singers, dancers, musicians and poets come from all over the world to compete for the awards, often wearing colorful national costume. The Welsh girls contribute to the festival gaiety with their national dress-a tall black hat, a scarlet skirt and a starched white apron. Thestreets of this small country town bustle with the comings and goings of visitors speaking many languages, One of the foreign languages heard will be English, for in North Wales many of the local people speak Welsh as their native tongue. Today, only about a quarter of the Welsh population speak this ancient language as their first language, although many more who use English can understand Welsh as well, and encourage their children to learn it at school. The Welsh people are proud of being Celtic, with an ancient language and a heritage of their own.1. Where does Wales lie?2. Which of the following can describe the Welsh mountains?3. Which place is ideal for a climbing and walking holiday?4. Why is Wales often called "The Land of Song"?5. What percentage of the population of Wales speaks Welsh?Part D1) state, 2)the will, 3)imagination, 4)freshness,5)courage over timidity, 6) deserting, 7) wrinkle the skin, 8) enthusiasm, 9) soul, 10)heart, 11)spirit 12)wonders, 13)what's next, 14)game of living, 15)beauty, 16)infinite, 17)down, 18)pessimism, 19) optimism,20) young。

研究生英语听说教程1-3单元听力原文ercise 1Student: Excuse me.Counselor: Yes?Student: Do I need to make an appointment to register for an ESL class?Counselor: No, but you first have to take a placement test.Student: A test?Counselor: We need to find out what your ESL level is.Student: Oh, Okay. Where do I go to take the test?Counselor: We will be giving the test tomorrow at 3 o?clock in room 303. Can you come then?Student: Yes.Counselor: Good. Now, let me give you some forms to fill out so we can begin the registration process. Please write your name and address here, and your ID number here.Student: Okay. What do I write under teacher and section?Counselor: You can leave those blank. We?ll fill it in tomorrow.Exercise 2Student A: I didn?t really understand what Ms. Smith was saying about the id, the superego and the ego.Student B: Oh, that?s easy. Look here on page 53. The id is the part of our personality that wants instant gratification. The ego tries tohelp the id get what it wants, but in a logical and practical way. The superego is like the personality?s police force. It monitors the id and the ego.Student A: Oh, I think I?m getting it. You mean the id, ego and superego are all partof our personality?Student B: Right. They are all interacting.Student A: Do you think we?ll need to give definitions?Student B: I don?t know. We may just have to match the names withthe definitions. But we?d better study this some more just to be safe.A: I can?t believe it?s closed. I?ve got a class from 7 o?clock to10 o?clock. What am I going to do?B: Well, there are some food machines in the Student Union. Youcould always go there.A: No way! I tried that once last semester and I got as sick as a dog. There?s got to besomething better.B: Well, we can go down to Main Street. There are a couple of places that I?m sure are open.A: We?d never make it back in time. It?s already 6:40. I think I?ll pass out if I don?t get something. I came here right from work. I didn?t have time to stop by my apartment.B: I think there?s a stand in front of Smith Hall. You can at least get something warm there.A: Well, I guess we don?t have any other choice.B: Yeah, it?s either the canteen or three hours of listening to your stomach growl.Teacher: Good evening class. Before we begin tonight?s lesson. I want to remind you about next Thursday?s midterm. Remember to review chapters one through eight in the book. You will be responsible for knowing all of the information in the chapters plus all of the other topics we have discussed in class. This test will include multiple choice, True/False, and essay questions. You will not be able to use any books, notes or dictionaries.Now, last week, I spoke about the importance of using note cards and visual aids to prepare your speeches. Tonight I?m going to talk about specific things that will helpyou with your speech delivery. Please take careful notes so you can use those techniques to improve your speech delivery.The first and perhaps the most important element of good speech delivery is eye contact. It is extremely important, especially in the English-speaking world, to make eye contact with your entire audience. This may be very difficult for you if you come from a culture where making direct eye contact is a sign of disrespect. But, you really need to practice this skill until you are comfortable looking directly at all of your audience members when you are speaking to them. Please note that you need to look at the entire audience. Please don?t direct yourattention to just one person or one side of the room, and really be sure not to stare into the eyes of anyone for too long of a period.Next, you need to make sure that when you talk to your audience, you are enthusiastic about your topic and excited to share it with your audience. Vitality is a way of maintaining the audience?s attention and indicating to them that you firmly believe in what you are saying. Volume, intonation, facial expressions, and gestures all add to the vitality of your speech. Think abut a speaker you really liked. Did he or she just stand there and read words from a piece of paper? No, of course not. Probably the speaker was full of life and his or her energy forced you into becoming involved in caring about the topic of the speech.4.Dr. Stevens: Ted, can I speak to you a minute?Ted: Yes, Doctor Stevens?Dr. Stevens: I finished reading your essay and before I return it to you, I was hoping you might be able to come in and speak with me about it.Ted: Oh, uh, okay, sure.\Dr. Stevens: Can you come during my office hours?Ted: I think so. When are they again?Dr. Stevens: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 o?clock until 4:30.Ted: That?s no problem Oh, wait a minute, I have football practice every day from 2o?clock until 5 o?clock.Dr. Stevens: Hmm. Well, how about if we get together tomorrow right before class?Ted: Sure.5. You have reached the Student Union Activity Hotline. Thefollowing is a list of information and events for Thursday, September 18.The Student Union is open from 7:00 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. Thecafeteria will be serving breakfast from 7 o?clock until 8:30, lunchfrom 11 o?clock until 1 o?clock, and dinner from 5 o?clock until 7o?clock, The snack bar will be open from 9:00a.m.—8:00 p.m.Assembly member Car ole Berg will be speaking on the topic: “Paritypay for Women: It?s Still Not Here.” Assembly woman Berg will speak in the Oak Room from 9 o?clock. Admission is free, and a question/answer period will follow.The Student Council will meet in room 27 from noon until 1:30. Elections will be held for all major offices. All students are welcome.The campus folk dance club meets in the Green Room from 2 o?clockuntil 5 o?clock today. All are welcome to attend; dance experience isnot necessary.Bette Milder will be performing live in the Campus Corner Cabaret.The show begins at 8 o?clock. Tickets are available at the Ticket Office. All seats are $7.00.Tonight?s movie, the experimental “Dial Tones,” will be shown inthe Union theaterat 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Tickets for both shows are $5.00 and are available at the ticket office.If you have missed anything on this recording, please press thepound key for the message to repeat. Thank you for calling the Student Union.6. A: Let?s exchange phone numbers. That way, if one of us is absent, we can call each other for the homework assignments.B: That?s a great idea. My number is 555---A: Wait a second, this pen just died. Let me get another one.B: Here, take my pencilA: Thanks. Okay, what was it?Exercise 2A: Who?s your history professor?B: I?m in Dr. Leydorf?s class.A: Oh, How is he?B: The class is interesting and I really like him, but he?s a real stickler. If you?re more than fifteen minutes late, he marks you absent, and you have to hand in every assignment on time or he lowers your grade.A: Ooh! He sounds really tough.2.A: How did you do on your composition?B: Oh, you won?t believe it. I hadn?t worked on it very long and I didn?t have time to check it over. When the teacher returned it to me with an “A” on it, you could have knocked me over with a feather!A: Wow. That?s great. You must be really smart.B: Or else just lucky.3.A: Let?s go to a movie tonight.B: Sorry, I?ve got to cram for a test tonight. I haven?t had achance to study before now.A: Well, how about going to the late show?B: No, I?m going to need a good night?s sleep. I want to make sure that I?m ready for the test.4.A: All right. We promised each other we?d get this report done today. Let?s get cracking.B: Aw, it?s such a beautiful day. Can?t we go for a walk and do this later?A: No, we?ll need to return these books to the library by fiveo?clock. We really haveto do this now.5.A: Gee. It?s already a quarter after ten. Maybe Ms. Hughes is absent today. B: Fat chance. She?s never been absent a day in her life. I wasin her class last yearand she even came in when she had the flu.A: Well I guess she really loves teaching. Oh, here she comes now.1. I?m taking Biology 101 this semester.2. I?m going to the Student Union at 7:00.3. We?re discussing parapsychological phenomena.4. We are you returning to the computer lab?5. We?re meeting with Dr. Stevens at the end of the lesson.1. I am transcribing my sociology notes.2. John is defending his dissertation on Tuesday.3. We are forming a study group on the first day of class.4. I?m applying for financial aid to help pay my tuition and expenses.5. Ms. Wilson is correcting our essays over the weekend.1. The professor is coming.2. The professor is coming in a little while.th3. The Sahkespeare Theater Group is performing Romeo and Juliet on the 17. 4. 4. The Shakespeare Theater Group is performing Romeo and Juliet.5. The campus bookstore is having a big sale on all college sweatshirts.6. The campus bookstore is having a big sale on all college sweatshirts during Spring Break.Using Intonation Clues1. I really wanted the new David Sedaris book. The professor in my contemporary lit class praised it all last semester. The bookstorehasn?t been able to get a single copy for the last month. Oh, well. Maybe I can find a copy on .2. I used the new computer registration system to charge my tuition on my credit card, and they totally messed it up. They were supposed to charge me $500 for the two art classes, and instead, it says that I?m enrolled in three history classes to the tune of $900. This isridiculous!3. Today is my graduation day. I am done! Now, I can finally spend my weekends doing something other than cramming for exams and writing term papers. Yippee!4. This schedule is baffling. It says that English 90 is offered at both the midtown and downtown campuses, but the times are vague. Look here; does this nine mean AM or PM? Hmm, I?m stumped.5. Oh yeah. I absolutely recommend professor Ponz. She?s a real dilly, let me tell you. If you enjoy writing endless term papers on meaningless subjects, participating in class activities that have zero relevance to the topic of the course, she?s the teacher for you!2单元Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BART?Stranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it?s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more.Tom: We?re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare is?Stranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in?Denise: Oh, gee, I?m not sure. We?re from out of town. We?revisiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone?s throw from the UC Berkeley campus. Whichstation is that?Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I?m sure that?s the one you want.Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down?Tom: What is there to write down, Denise? The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley?Stranger: Let?s go take a look at the map over there. You see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents.Tom: Two sixty-five? That?s highway robbery for such a short distance!Denise: You think that?s expensive? Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that.Tom: Yeah, but that?s an hour ride. You really get your money?s worth.Stranger: Yeah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to take?Tom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, right?Stranger: Well, no actually. That?s just one stop on the Richmondline. Here, let me show you on this map. Here we are a t Powell Streetin San Francisco, and it?sbasically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtownBerkeley station.Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn?t have to change trains.Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is it?Denise: It?s 8:15.Stranger: You can?t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04.Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catch?Stranger: Don?t worry. You can take the Pittsburg line. Look here,take the Pittsburgthline to the 12 Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. TheRichmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtownstation. From there you can walk to your sister?s house.Denise: We want to be there by 9 o?clock. If we have to transfer, we might be late. Do you think we?ll make it in time?Stranger: It doesn?t take that long. Let?s see; there?s a train from here at 8:18. Ittharrives at the 12 Street Oakland station at 8:34. You can get a Richmond train right away at 8:34, and you?ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46.Tom: Let?s see if I?ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmondtrain to Berkeley. That should be a snap.Stranger: Yeah, you?ll have no trouble.Tom: Thank you very much for your help, Miss. You?re a very kind young lady.Denise: And so pretty and smart, too! Tell me dear, I notice you?re not wearing a ring.Stranger: Well, no, uh…Denise; You know, my sister?s son is very handsome. I think you two would like each other…Stranger: Uh, well; oh! I think I hear your train coming! You?dbetter hurry so youdon?t miss it!Part ThreeExercise 3AThe BART system is a modern metro that links thirty-nine stations throughout Northern California?s San Francisco Bay Area. The trains are operated by computers and the BART station platforms have electronic signs that light up with information about trains that will be arriving.Exercise 3C1. How long does it take to get from JFK Boulevard to Town Plaza? That?s JFK Boulevard to Town Plaza.2. What is the fare from Oxford Avenue to College Avenue? That?s Oxford Avenue to College Avenue.3. How much does it cost an dhow long does it take to go from Fifth Street/Florida to Grove Street? Again, that?s both the fare and time from Fifth Street/Florida to Grove Street.th4. How much is a round-trip ticket from 75 Street to Kentucky Street? That?stha round-trip ticket from 75 Street to Kentucky.th5. How much time does it take to travel from Kansas Street to 20 Street?thAgain, how much time does it take to travel from Kansas Street to 20 Street?6. You are at the Alabama Street station. It?s twelve noon and you just got on the train. What time will you arrive at the Madrid Avenue station? Again, it?s twelve noon and you?re going from Alabama Street to Madrid Avenue. What time will you arrive at the Madrid Avenue station?7. What time does the 4:07 PM train from Yonkers arrive at Grand Central Terminal? Again, what time does the 4:07 PM train from Yonkers arrive at Grand Central Terminal?8. What time does the 6:20 AM train from Grand Central Terminalarrive in Yonkers? That?s the 6:20 AM train from Grand Central Terminal arrive in Yonkers.9. 9. How many trains are there from Grand Central Terminal to Yonkers from 4:20PM until 7:53 Pm? Again, how many trains are there from Grand Central Terminal to Yonkers from 4:20PM until 7:53 PM?10. How long is the trip from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal? Again, that?s the time from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal.th11. Which trains from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal do notstop at 125thStreet? Again, which trains do no stop at 125 Street going from Yonkers to GrandCentral Terminal?12. Look at your watch. What time is it right now? What time willthe next trainthfrom Grand Central Terminal arrive at 125 Street? Again, using the time now, whenthwill the next train from Grand Central Terminal arrive at 125 Street?Part FourExercise 11. Was her flight from New York on time?2. Did you get the rental car information?3. Which bus do I take to go downtown?4. Is Alice meeting us at the train station?5. Why was the man yelling at the stranger?6. Are you going to call the travel agent today?7. How long do we have to wait forthe next bus? 8. Where are you going after the meeting? 9. What did youdo with your extra ticket? 10. Were you going to go to the airport alone?Exercise 21. What time did the plane arrive?2. How often do you take the bus?3. Did someone meet them at the airport?4. Why didn?t she tell us she would be late?5. Who will pay for the extra ticket?6. Were you at the bus station yesterday?7. How far is it from here to New Jersey?8.Which bus do you think we should take? 9. Whose purse was left on the bus? 10. Are you meeting your brother at the bus station? Part Five Exercise 11. How much is the fare to Kansas ST.?2. When is the next Yonkers train?3. Does this bus go to City Hall?4. How long does it take to get to Park Lane?5. Which line do I need to take to get to the Macarthur Station?6. Can you tell me how far the trip from Boston to San Diego is?7. What?s the fastest way to get to Grand Central Terminal from here?8. Do you know where the train for Atlanta stops?Exercise 2:1. The 12:20 train to Seattle will leave in two minutes.2. The next train to Yonkers will leave from Grand Central Terminalin ten minutes.3. A round-trip ticket from JFK Boulevard to Kansas St. is $2.90.4. We?re sorry, but the 12:10 train Riverdale will be six minutes late.5. The bus from Los Angles to Burbank leaves every fifteen minutes at that time of the day.6. The next Fremont train will leave from platfor number 4 in half an hour.Exercise 31. Question: Where does this person want to go?A: Pardon me, how much does it cost to go to the Jefferson Auditorium?B: That?s $1.80 one way, but you can?t go directly there after 6:00 PM. You?ll have to take a Lenox train at that hour and then transfer to a Hastings train at the Portsmouth station.2(Question: What time will the next bus for Chicago leave?A: Excuse me, when does the next bus to downtown Chicago leave?B: Let?s see. One just left at 8:00. The schedule says that that bus leaves every fifteen minutes, so…A: Uh-oh;it?s already 8:10. I?d better hurry.B: Ooh, I hope you make it.2. Question: What is the total round-trip fare for the children? A: May I help you?B: Yeah, we?d like to get tickets from Portland to Long beach.A: When are you planning on going?thB: We were thinking of going the week of June 15.A: Gook. That?s far enough in advance to take advantage of our supersaver fares. Ifyou purchase your tickets thirty days in advance, it will only cost $240 round trip. B: $240. That sounds good.A: How many people are in your party?B: There?s my wife and me, plus our two kids.A: Ooh, we have a special discount available for our young travelers. Let?s see, kidsunder twelve fly for half price and those under three can go for free. B: Well, Evelynne is six and Renee is one.A: Very good. Let me check the computer to see which flights areopen the week ofththe 15.Exercise 41. It?s really easy to get to school from my house by bus.2. Greenwich is very close to London.3. I take a 20-minute bus ride from home to work every day.4. Ileave my house each day at 8 am.5. WE?re going to Hawaii for our next vacation.6. According to this, the train to Vancouver will arrive in ten mnutes.7. Do I need a Bakerloo or a Victoria train to get to Picadilly Circus?8. How much is a ticket to Baltimore an then back again?9. You need to take a #5 bus to the Berman Station. Then, catch a#12.10. This bus is too crowded between 7am and 9am.Lesson 3Part Two Main DialogueExercise 1 Scanning for the Main IdeaRuth: Good morning, David, Wow, what happened to you?David: Hey, Ruth. Boy, do I need coffee. I was up till 2:30 last night for the second night in a row.Ruth: More trouble with the lovebirds?David: Yeah, good ole Michael and Betty were at it again all night.Ruth: Were they breaking dishes again?David: No, I don?t think they have any dishes left after the last fight. They were yelling about his old girlfriend.Ruth: Haven?t you spoken to them/ I mean, don?t they know they?re keeping you up all night?David: I think when they?re fighting, they don?t care about anything else. I banged on the ceiling with a broom for about five minutes and they kept yelling.Ruth: They sound like very selfish people.David: You?ve got that right, Ruth.Ruth: Why don?t you just call the landlord?David: He doesn?t care if I?m unhappy. He wants me to move! I?velived in the building the longest, and with rent control, I pay half as much as they do. If I move, he can jack up the price.Ruth: What about the other neighbors? Can?t you all get together and complain?David: Are you kidding? I have had problems with everybody in that building! Rob and Steve, the people who live next door to Michael and Betty, crank-up the volume of their stereo at all hours of the night.Ruth: That?s terrible.David: yeah, those two guys are so busy throwing parties that they probably never even hear the fighting.Ruth: Well, there has to be someone in your building who you like.David: There is Mrs. Anderson, the woman who lives below me. She?s87 years old, as sweet as can be with a heart of gold. Unfortunately, she?s a little deaf and I?m sure she never hears any of the noise in the building. Actually, as much as I like her, she?salso a problem.Ruth: How so?David: Her niece phones from out of state every Sunday morning at6:30 to check on her. The trouble is because she?s deaf, she screamsinto the phone, and it wakes me up.Ruth: Every Sunday?David: Yes, and the sound of her voice goes right up through thefloor “Hello? Yes, dear. It?s so good to hear your voice.” She?s more reliable than an alarm clock!Ruth: Wow, that sounds like a real nightmare!David: It?s not her fault, poor old thing. She?s just very old and her health isn?t good.Ruth: I?m pretty lucky. The biggest problem I have is the garbage collectors waking me up at 5:30 in the morning three times a week when they empty the cans. But, I can usually fall asleep again after they leave.David: At least your neighbors put their garbage into the cans! Art, the guy who lives next door to Mrs. Anderson, is sometimes such a pig. He ever seems to throw away his garbage. Whenever I walk by his door I have to hold my nose.Ruth: Maybe you just need to start looking for a new place to live.David: And give up my book?Ruth: Book? What book?David: I told you about my book, didn?t I? I?m writing a book about a guy who lives in an apartment building with a bunch of crazy people. I hope it?ll be a big Hollywood movie someday.Ruth: That sounds fantastic, but can?t you write the book in a nice quiet apartment in another building?David: No way! Every week I get a new idea for a chapter from somebody in the building. If I move now, I?ll never be able to finish the book!Exercise 4 Vocabulary in ContextNarrator: 1. SENTENCEDavid: Yeah, good …ole Michael and Betty were at it again all night.Narrator: CONTEXTDavid: Yeah, good …ole Michael and Betty were at it again all night.Ruth: Were they breaking dishes again?David: No, I don?t think they have any dishes left after the last fight. They were yelling about his old girlfriend.Narrator: SENTENCEDavid: Yeah, good …ole Michael and Betty were at it again all night.Narrator: 2. SENTENCEDavid: If I move, he can jack up the price.Narrator: CONTEXTTom: He doesn?t care if I?m unhappy. He wants me to move! I?ve lived in the building the longest, and with rent control, I pay half as much as they do. If I move, he can jack up the price.Narrator: SENTENCEDavid: If I move, he can jack up the price.Narrator: 3. SENTENCERuth: How so?Narrator: CONTEXTDavid: Actually, as much as I like her, she?s also a problem.Ruth: How so?David: Her niece phones from out of state every Sunday morning at6:30 to check onher. The trouble is because she?s deaf, she screams into the phone, and it wakes meup.Narrator: SENTENCERuth: How so?Narrator: 4. SENTENCEDavid: She?s more reliable than an alarm clock!Narrator: CONTEXTDavid: The trouble is because she?s deaf, she screams into the phone, and it wakes me up.Ruth: Every Sunday?Narrator: SENTENCEDavid: Yes, and the sound of her voice goes right up through the floor. She?s morereliable than an alarm clock!Narrator: 5. SENTENCEDavid: Poor old thing.Narrator: CONTEXTDavid: It?s not her fault, poor old thing. She?s just very old andher health isn?t good.Narrator: SENTENCEDavid: Poor old thing.Narrator: 6. SENTENCEDavid: Art, the guy who lives next door to Mrs. Anderson is sometimes such a pig.Narrator: CONTEXTDavid: At least your neighbor put their garbage into the cans! Art, the guy who livesnext door to Mrs. Anderson is sometimes such a pig. He never seemsto throw awayhis garbage. Whenever I walk by his door I have to hold my nose.Narrator: SENTENCEDavid: Art, the guy who lives next door to Mrs. Anderson is sometimes such a pig.Part Three ExpansionSection 1: Household FurnishingsExercise 1D1. Husband: Honey, I think it?s time we redid this room.Wife: Gee, I kind of like it the way it is.Husband: Oh, come on. Look at this floor—it?s totally scratched. It needs to be refinished or carpeted.Wife: Yeah, and while we?re at it, we might as well paint the wall around the fireplace.There are smoke stains all over it from last year?s Christmas party.Husband: Now you?re talking! Why don?t we wallpaper the other three walls in here too? Then if we get some new drapes and maybe a couple of lamps—Wife: Wait a second. This is getting out of hand. Why don?t we just move the armchair over to cover the scratched floor and save ourselves a lot of money and trouble.2. Painter: Good morning. I?m from Daniel?s Paint-O-Rama.Woman: Oh, good. Com on in. Would you like some coffee?Painter: Maybe later. Now, have you decided on the color?Woman: I was thinking white might be nice.Painter: I wouldn?t have white in this room. It would get dirtypretty quickly.Woman: Couldn?t we use enamel paint? It?s easy to clean, right?Painter: But it smells horrible and takes a long time to dry. You wont? be able to use this room until tomorrow.Woman: Oh, my. Well, I guess we could go to a restaurant…Painter: Why don?t you choose a color that goes with your linoleum?I could nix up a shade of latex semi-gloss that matches this blue.Woman: What about the latex semi-gloss in white? Couldn?t I washthat down if it gotdirty?Painter: Yes, you could, but you?ll still have to do it more often than if you choose another color. And if you clean it too often, the finish will start to rub off.Woman: Maybe we?d better stick with the enamel then.3. Tenant: Look at the ceiling; it?s cracked and peeling over here; there?s a big water stain on the wall in the corner, and—Landlord: Okay, why don?t you get some paint and fix it up and I?ll pay for it.Tenant: I don?t think that?s going to fix the problem. It?s happened before and I don?t feel like wasting my time and energy covering up problem that?s just going to happen again.Landlord: Well, I?m not sure what else you want me to do. I said I?d pay to fix it.Tenant; I want you to find out what?s causing this!Landlord: Well, I?ll talk to Steven upstairs and warn him to be more careful in the future.Tenant: I don?t think Steven is the problem. The last time this happened he wasn?t even home. Besides, he?s always been a considerate neighbor.Landlord: Maybe you steam up the room yourself. That can cause a lot of chipping and peeling. A small room like this full of steam can do a lot of damage.Tenant: Look, don?t try to turn this around on me. I always leavethe window and door open so it doesn?t steam up. Either you send someone over to repair this, or else I?ll get somebody and deduct the cost from the rent. It?s up to you.4. Meg: Tony? Tony? Tony!。

新世纪研究生公共英语教材听说(下)第二版听力全文主编:李玉璞上海外语教育出版社Table of ContentsLESSON ONE Resources and Energy (1)PART A (1)PART B (2)Passage I: (2)Passage II: (3)Part D (4)Lesson Two Crime and Punishment (4)Part A (4)Part B (6)Passage I (6)Passage II (7)Passage III. (8)Part D (8)Lesson Three Computers and the Internet (9)Part A (9)Part B (10)Passage I (10)Passage II (11)Passage III (12)Part D (12)LESSON FOUR Finance (13)PART A (13)Part B (14)Passage I (14)Passage II. Functions of Money (15)Passage III Credit Cards (16)Part D (16)LESSON FIVE Places to See in Britain (17)Part A (17)Part B (18)Passage I: (18)Passage Ⅱ: (19)Part D (19)LESSON SIX Education (20)Part A (20)Part B (21)Passage I SAT Examination (21)PART II Medical Education (22)LESSON SEVEN Business (23)Part A (23)Part B (24)Passage I How to Increase Business Profits (24)Passage Two (26)LESSON EIGHT Aspects of Life (27)Part A (27)Part B (29)PASSAGE I Tax (29)PASSAGE II Religion (30)LESSON NINE College Life (31)PART A (31)PART B (32)PASSAGE I College Search (32)PASSAGE II How to Get a Master's degree (34)LESSON TEN Women (35)PART A (35)PART B (36)PASSAGE I Women in Southern Europe (36)PASSAGE II American Women (38)LESSON ELEVEN Famous People (39)PART A (39)PART B (41)PASSAGE I William Jefferson Clinton (41)PASSAGE II William Shakespeare (42)LESSON TWELVE Culture (44)PART A (44)Part B (45) (45)Passage I Beijing’s HutongsPassage II The White Wedding Dress (47)LESSON THIRTEEN Science and Technology (48)PART B (48)PASSAGE I Cloning Mount Vernon's Trees (48)PASSAGE II Dinosaur Noses (49)LESSON FOURTEEN Sports (50)PART B (50)Passage I The Famous Bicycle Racer (50)PASSAGE II The Williams Sisters (51)LESSON FIFTEEN Reform and Development (52)PART B (52)Passage I (52)Passage II (53)KEYS TO EXERCISESUnit 1 (54)Part A (54)Part B (54)Part D (54)Unit 2 (54)Part A (55)Part B (55)Unit 3 (55)Part A (55)Part B (55)Unit 5 (57)Part A (57)Part B (57)Part C (58)Part D (58)Unit 6 (59)Part A (59)Part B (59)Unit 7 (60)Part A (60)Part B (61)Part D (62)Unit 8 (62)Part A (62)Part B (63)Part D (63)Unit 10 (64)Part A (64)Part B (64)Unit 11 (65)Part A (65)Part B (65)Unit 12 (67)Part A (67)Part B (67)Part D (67)Unit 14 (68)Part A (68)Part B (68)Part D (69)LESSON ONE Resources and EnergyPART A1.W: Could you mail these letters for me, please?M: More letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you.Q: What does the man imply about the woman?She is written a lot of letters recently2.W: Does Professor Ford always come to class?M: Is ice cold?Q: What do you learn about Professor Ford?She never misses class3.W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me?M: How does tomorrow sound?Q: What does the man mean?They can work together the next day4.M: Hey? John! John!W: Save your breath. He's out of earshot.Q: What is true about John, according to the woman?John is too far away to hear5. W: You only have water to serve your guests?M: This isn't just water. This is imported mineral water.Q: What is the implication of the woman?The guests don’t want to be served water6. M: Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Tuesday?W: You are in luck. I just cashed the check.Q: What will the woman probably do next?Lend the man some money7. M: Jean, didn't you get my messages? I left two on your answering machine.W: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tom. I've been meaning to get back in touch with you. It just slipped my mind.Q: Why didn’t the woman return the man’s calls?She forgot to call him8. W: I'm sorry, sir, but you're allowed only one piece of luggage on the plane. You'll have to check in one of your suitcases at the package counter.M: Actually, one of these belongs to the woman up ahead. I'm just giving her a hand. Q: Why is the man carrying an extra suitcase?The extra suitcase he is carrying belongs to someone else9. W: We need to drive to the city tonight, but the doctor said this medicine might make me drowsy.M: In that case, I'd better drive.Q: What does the man think the woman should do?Avoid driving after taking her medicine10. M: Look at all the pollution going into the air from those factories. Do you thinkthey'll ever get under control?W: With the new laws and social awareness, we'll turn things around.Q: What does the woman predict will happen?The situation will improve with the new changes11. W: Aren't you cold? Why aren't you wearing a jacket?M: I overslept this morning, so I ran out of the house without listening to the forecast.Q: Why isn’t the man wearing a jacket?He did not know it would be cold12. M: prof. Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paperthat electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do you think I couldhave another day to retype it?W: I'm sorry, Steven. I’m leaving for a conference tomorrow, and I'll be away for 2 weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there.Q: What will the professor probably allow the student to do?Mail her the paper after the deadline13. W: Do you know if Mary has come by the office this morning?M: I just got here myself, so I'm not the one to ask.Q: What does the woman want to know?She wants to know if mart has come by this morning14. M: I really enjoyed that TV special about "wealth" last night. Did you get tohome in time to see it?W: Well, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the wholething.Q: What does the woman mean?She fell asleep before the program ended15. W: Take two of these pills three times a day and you shouldn't take them on anempty stomach.M: What if I don't have an appetite?Q: What can be inferred about the man?He may not be able to wake upPART BPassage I:The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. In 10,000B.C., there were probably 10 million people. In A.D. 1, there were 300 million. Ittook 1750 years for the population to reach 625 million, a little more than double theA.D. 1 figure. In 1990, there were 5.3 billion people. By the year 2000, the world'spopulation was over 6 billion, and by 2050, it is expected to reach 10 billion. Doesthe earth have enough natural resources to support this many people? Different scientists give different answers to this question. Some say that there are enough resources to support more than 6 billion people. However, the richest countries, with a small percentage of the world's population, use most of the resources. If these resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enough for everyone. Other scientists say that we must limit population growth because our resources are limited. Only 10 percent of the earth's land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for raising animals. It is possible to increase the amount of farmland, but only a little. Some land in developing countries could be more productive if people started using modern farming methods, but this would not increase worldwide production by much, We all know that there is a limited amountof petroleum. There are also limits to the amounts of metals. There is a limit to the amount of water we can use since most of the earth's water is salt water, and most of the fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. It is difficult to say how many people the earth can support, but it will help everyone if we can limit population growth before serious shortages develop. The problem is how to do it.1.Between 1990 and 2000, what changes did the world population have?It had increased by almost a billion2.According to some scientists, which of the following is true?The world’s resources are adequate but not evently distributed3.Why can't most of the earth's water be used?It is mostly salt or frozen at the North and South Poles4.In developing countries, what does the use of medern farming methods result in?5. According to the author, what can you infer from the passage?II 1.There were probably 10 million people.2.It is expected to be 10 billion.3.If the resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there wouldbe enoueh for everyone.4.Only 10 percent.5. It is how to limit population growth.Passage II:Fresh water, life itself, has never come easy in the Middle East. Ever since the Old Testament when God punished man with 40 days and 40 nights of rain, water supplies here have been dwindling. The rainfall only comes in winter and drains quickly through the semiarid land, leaving the soil to bake and to thirst for next November. The region's accelerating population growth, expanding agriculture, industrialization, and higher living standards demand more fresh water. Drought and pollution limit its availability. War and mismanagement s quander it. Nations like Israel and Jordan are swiftly sliding into that zone where they are using all the water resources available to them. They have only 15 to 20 years left before theiragriculture, and ultimately their food security, is threatened. Even amid the scarcitythere are haves and have-nots. Compared with the United States, which has afreshwater potential of 10,000 cubic meters a year for each citizen. Iraq has 5,500.Turkey has 4,000, and Syria has little more than 2,800. Egypt's potential is only1,100. Israel has 460, and Jordan has less than 260. But these are not firm figures,because upstream use of river water can dramatically alter the potential downstream.Scarcity is only one element of the Middle East’s water crisis. Inefficiency is another, as is the reluctance of some water-poor nations to change priorities from agricultureto less water-intensive enterprises. Some experts suggest that if these nations wouldshare both water technology and resources, they could satisfy the region's population,currently 159 million. But in this patchwork of ethnic and religious rivalries, thewater crisis is not a clear-cut issue. It is entangled in the politics that keep peoplefrom trusting and seeking help from one another. Here, where water, like truth, isprecious, each nation tends to find its own water and supply its own truth.1. When does the rainfall come in the Middle East?2. What is the cause of the water crisis?3. How many years are left for Israel and Jordan before their agriculture isthreatened?4. What is the current population in the Middle East according to the passage?5. According to some experts' suggestion, what should the nations do in order toavoid a water crisis ?II 1) 10,000 2) 5,500 4) More than 2,8003) 4,000 5) Egypt 6) 460 7) Less than 260Part D1) award, 3) profit, 5) dedication, 7) moment, 9) physical, 11) conflict, 13)worth, 15)heart, 17) compassion, 19) lust,2) glory, 4) trust, 6) significance, 8) anguish, 10)spirit, 12) alone, 14) room, 16) honor, 18) curse, 20) valueLesson Two Crime and PunishmentPart A1.M: Hello?W: Hello. This is Dr. Grey's office. We are calling to remind you of your 4:15appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing you called. I thought it was 4:15 today.Q: Why is the office calling the man?2. W: How wonderful! You won the scholarship. Can you believe it?M: No. It's almost too good to be true.Q: What does the man mean?3. W: Excuse me, Professor Davidson. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come and see me during office hours tomorrow?Q: When will the woman discuss her project with Professor Davidson?4. M: How are you feeling? W: The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped. But it's making me awfully drowsy.Q: What do you learn about the woman?5. M: Bill Smith has volunteered to write a summary of the proposals we've agreed on. W: Will I have a chance to review it?Q: What does the woman want to know?6.M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?W: I'm afraid I just ran out of film.Q: What problem does the woman have?7. W: Excuse me, we're ready to order now.M: I'll be with you in just a minute.Q: What does the man mean?8. W: I think I forgot my umbrella. Did you notice if it is raining outside?M: Yeah, it is. And I just realized I left my car window open.Q: What will the man probably do next?9. W: How does your daughter like her new school?M: Fine. She seems to have made new friends in no time.Q: What can be inferred about the man's daughter?10. W: There's an article here in this magazine you might find interesting. It's about buying running shoes.M: If it's not chemistry and it's not on the final exam, I can't read it now.Q: What is the man probably doing?11. M: You're washing your car even on vacation. It makes me feel guilty.W: You shouldn’t, it’s just that I have nothing better to do at this moment. Q: What do you think of the woman?12. M: My doctor told me I need to go for some expensive treatments for my injured knee.W: Are you sure? Maybe you need a second opinion.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?13. W: Hello. Could you fit me in for an appointment today? I need a stylist who is good at cutting curly hair.M: Julia is good at that. She is the owner. How about noon?Q: What will the woman probably do?14. W: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I've got some spare time.M: I like to read, too. But I prefer non-fiction, history, social commentary and stufflike that.Q: What does the man imply?15. M: I'm not an expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn't sound good. Maybe you should call and have it checked out.W: You're right. And I suppose I've put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?Part BPassage IPurse snatching is an increasingly common crime. There are estimated 50 to 100 purse snatchings each month in the New York City subways, the number often swinging widely because of the depredations of a single teenager. When such a professional is in custody, the snatches can decrease by more than 50 a month. One of the favored techniques is to stand between two subway cars and, as a train starts pulling out of the station, reach out and pull free a woman's purse.Recently, a crime analysis officer for the New York Police Department foundthat purse stealing in Manhattan's top restaurants was up 35 percent over the previous year. When a woman puts her purse on an empty chair at a table or at her feet beside her chair, she is inviting a purse snatcher to take it. Purse snatchers often work in pairs. When a target in a restaurant is seen, one of them will create some kind of disturbance to gain the victim's attention. While the woman is looking away from her table, the actual snatcher will lift the purse. A popular technique is for the thief to carry an umbrella with the curved handle down. The umbrella handle suddenly hooks the bag and in an instant it is on the thief's wrist, or under the coat over his arm if he is a man, and on its way out of the restaurant. Police advise that women in restaurants k eep their purse either on their laps or on the floor between their legs.Other purse snatchers who operate in theaters are called "seat tippers", victimizing women who put their purses down on a neighboring empty seat. Others specialize in snatching purses from ladies' rooms. When a woman is in a toilet stall,her purse should never be placed on the floor or hung on the coat hook on the door. Thieves simply dive under the door and grab the purse on the floor, or stand on the toilet in the next stall and reach over and take the purse off the hook. The snatcher has enough time to escape since the victim can't immediately pursue the thief.I. 1. When does the number of purse snatchings decrease most dramatically?2. Where does a purse snatcher like to commit crimes in subway stations?3. When women are in restaurants, where are they advised to put their purses?4. What does a thief often use to snatch purses in restaurants?5. According to this passage, where does purse snatching not usually occur?II. crime analysis officer; take it; purses; in pairs; top restaurants; an empty chair; to some kind of disturbance; coat hook; snatching never be placed; in the next stall; enough time to escapePassage IIOn the afternoon of July4,1995, Mrs.Beatrice Weinberger brought her one-monthold baby back from an outing. She left the pram outside her house and hurried insideto get the baby a clean nappy. When she returned a few moments later, the pram wasempty and a scrawled note was lying where her baby had been. The note said: "Attention. I badly need money, and can't get it any other way. Don't tell the policeabout this, otherwise I will kill the baby." "Just put $2,000 in small bills in a brownenvelope, and place it next to the road lamp at the corner of Albamarle Rd. at exactly10 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning." "If everything goes smooth, I will bringthe baby back and leave him on the same corner 'safe and happy' at exactly 12 noon.No excuse, I can not wait! Your baby-sitter." Despite the kidnapper's warning, Mrs. Weinbarger contacted the police. A small parcel containing broken pieces of newspaper was placed on the comer the following morning. But the kidnapper did notshow up. He failed to keep two other” appointments" with the Weinbergers, and left a second note signed "Your baby-sitter'. By then, the police felt that the baby was nolonger alive. The FBI was called in, and the handwriting experts set to work to try totrack down the kidnapper. In both notes an unusual z-shaped stroke was placed at thefront of the y in words such as "money" and "baby". Starting with the New York StatePolice Office, the experts spent the next six weeks carefully going over local recordsat police offices, factories, hotels, clubs and schools and examining handwritingsamples and comparing them with the writing on the kidnapper's notes. Then, in themiddle of August, the experts' hard efforts paid off. The handwriting of John RushBlake matched that of the kidnapper's, especially in the peculiar formation of the y's.Not long after, John Blake was arrested for making illegal alcohol. On being shownthe handwriting samples, he confessed to kidnapping the baby. He told the police thathe had left the baby alive and well in a nearby park on the day after the kidnapping.But when officers hurried to the place, all they found was the baby's dead body. Thecriminal was later put into New York's Sing Sing Prison. Even if John Blake had triedto disguise his handwriting he would still have been caught. No matter how hardsomeone may try to disguise his handwriting characteristics, the "individuality" of thewriter shows through, the very angle at which he or she holds a pen, the way a t iscrossed and an i is dotted, the height and size of capital and small letters, the amountof space between words, the use (or misuse) of punctuation marks. All these canidentify a person as surely as fingerprints.I. 1. What happened to Mrs. Weinberger on the afternoon of July 4th, 1995?2. According to the message l eft by the kidnapper, on what condition could Mrs. Weinberger have her baby back?3. What did Mrs. Weinberger do after reading the note?4. How did the FBI catch the criminal?5. Which of the following words can best describe people's handwriting characteristics?II. 1. ( T ) When Mrs. Weinberger came back from an outing something terriblehappened to her.2. ( T ) Someone kidnapped her baby because he lacked money.3. ( F ) The kidnapper did not confess to die kidnapping of the baby in the face of the handwriting sample.4. ( T ) It was the handwriting expert that broke the case.5. ( F ) At last, the police found the baby and he was safe and happy.Passage III.Timothy McVaigh placed a powerful bomb near a federal government building in Oklahoma City in 1995. The explosion killed 168 people, including 19 children. Arguments are increasing in the United States both for and against the death penalty. The increasing death penalty debate is caused by the planned execution of convicted murderer McVeigh. He is to be the first person executed by the federal government since 1963. 38 states permit the death sentence. Last year 85 people were executed in the United States. Recent public opinion studies show that more than 75 percent of Americans supper McVeigh's execution. These include many Americans who usually oppose the death sentence. Kent Scheidegger is with the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in Califomia. It is a victim's rights organization that supports the death penalty. Mr. Scheidegger says McVeigh is a perfect example of why there is a needfor a federal death penalty. He says anything less than the death of McVeigh would show a complete lack of justice. Groups opposed to the death penalty say the approval of the execution of McVeigh does not show an increase in general public support for the death penalty. Opinion studies show that support for the death penalty has decreased. S tudies show 77 percent of Americans supported it five years ago, now only about 63 percent do, Opponents of the death penalty have always argued that it was unfair. They say poor people who can not pay for good legal help receive the death penalty more often than others. And they say courts order the death penalty more often when the accused is a member of a racial minority group.Part D1)generous 2)company 3)hospitality 4)reception 5)reputation6)anniversary7)suspicion 8)mutual 9)vastest10)communication 11)commerce 12)contact 13)1975 14)openness 15)potential 16)secure 17)lure 18)astonish 19)reach 20)confidentLesson Three Computers and the Internet Part A1.M: This report is due tomorrow. Would you be able to work on it with me tonight? W: Unfortunately, I have another commitment.Q: What is the woman saying?2. W: I wonder where the books I ordered are. I expected to receive the package several days ago.M: Maybe you'd better check it out with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?3. M: I just have to type this last page and then I'm through.W: By then, I'll be done, too.Q: What can be learned about the woman?4. W: Did you read the editorial in the paper about the mayor's speech?M: I sure did. But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said.Q: What does the man say about the editorial?5. W: Why don't we go to see a movie tonight? A good comedy might cheer you up. M: I would. But the reason that I've been so down is all this work I have to do.Q: What can be inferred about the man?6. W: So, are you going to see the students' play tonight?M: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu.Q: What is true about the man?7. M: Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.W: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus.Q: What does the woman suggest Gordon do?8. W: Mind if I borrow your Spanish workbook?M: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening.Q: What does the man mean?9. W: You don't believe in diets, do you?M: There is nothing wrong with them per se but they have to be combined with exercise to do any good.Q: What is the man's attitude towards diets ?10. W: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown.M: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important.Q: What is the implication of the man?11. W: You know, I've heard that Professor Martin's Introduction to Chemistry class is too demanding for first year students. They say it's the most difficult course for graduate students.M: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell you otherwise. Go talk to anyone who has gone to an advanced course, like Organic Chemistry, or who studied chemistry in graduate school. They're really glad they started out with Professor Martin.Q: What does the man imply about Professor Martin?12. W: Hey, Mark. Have you been able to sell your old piano, yet?M: Hmm, you were right. Just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarkets w asn't enough. I think I'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?13. W: I'm amazed that you still haven't gotten to know your neighbors.M: They tend to keep to themselves.Q: Why hasn't the man gotten to know his neighbors?14. W: Hi! Um, I think something is wrong with the washing machine. It works, and I just did my laundry, but it makes some strange noises. Maybe you should call someone to fix it.M: Oh, don't worry. Someone from the repair shop is already on the way over to take a look at it.Q: What is the implication of the man?15. W: It's so thoughtful of you to offer to drop me off at the train station. Are yousure it's not out of your way?M: Not at all. The station is really close to where I'm going.Q: What can be learned about the man?Part BPassage IThe Application of Computers in Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practise new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating learning. Computer-based communications, or telecommunications, can offer many educational opportunities; therefore, educators will need to adapt current teaching methods to incorporate this new media into the classroom. Computers have made a fundamental impact on most industries, providing a competitive advantage that has come to be essential to many businesses. Therefore, schools must also use technology to improve the educational process. School systems often consider purchasing a computer network, and justify its purchase by applying it to routine administrative tasks, such as attendance records and grading. While these tasks are very important, they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet have。

研究生学术英语视听说教程听力原文《研究生学术英语视听说教程听力原文》Unit 1 Lecture 1Good morning everyone, and welcome to our first lecture on academic listening and note-taking. In this course, we will focus on developing your listening skills in an academic context, as well as improving your note-taking abilities.Today, we will start by discussing the importance of effective listening in an academic setting. As graduate students, you will be expected to attend lectures, participate in discussions, and conduct research in English. Therefore, it is crucial to be able to understand and process complex academic language.To improve your listening skills, it is important to actively engage with the speaker. This means maintaining eye contact, staying focused, and avoiding distractions such as texting or browsing the internet. It is also helpful to use strategies such as predicting the main points, identifying key vocabulary, and noting down any questions or uncertainties you may have.In addition, effective note-taking is essential for retaining and recalling the information presented during lectures. We will be discussing various note-taking methods throughout the course, but for now, I encourage you to practice writing down the main ideas and supporting details as you listen to the lecture.Finally, I would like to emphasize the importance of self-reflection and feedback in improving your listening skills. After each lecture, take some time to review your notes and identify any areas for improvement. Additionally, seek feedback from your peers and instructors to further enhance your listening abilities.I hope you find this lecture helpful, and I look forward to exploring various listening and note-taking strategies with you in the upcoming sessions. Thank you for your attention, and I wish you all the best in your academic pursuits.。

Take on Listening:Listening and Speaking StrategiesLesson 2Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BARTStranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it’s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more.Tom: We’re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare isStranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in Denise: Oh, gee, I’m not sure. We’re from out of town. We’re visiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus. Which station is thatStranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want.Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down Tom: What is there to write down, Denise The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown BerkeleyStranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. You see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents.Tom: Two sixty-five That’s highway robbery for such a short distance!Denise: You think that’s expensive Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that.Tom: Yeah, but that’s an hour ride. You really get your money’s worth. Stranger: Yeah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to takeTom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, rightStranger: Well, no actually. That’s just one stop on the Richmond line. Here, let me show you on this map. Here we are a t Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtown Berkeley station. Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change trains.Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is itDenise: It’s 8:15.Stranger: You can’t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04. Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catchStranger: Don’t worry. You can take the Pittsburg line. Look here, take the Pittsburg line to the 12th Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. The Richmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtown station. From there you can walk to your sister’s house.Denise: We want to be there by 9 o’clock. If we have to transfer, w e might be late. Do you think we’ll make it in timeStranger: It doesn’t take that long. Let’s see; there’s a train from here at 8:18. It arrives at the 12th Street Oakland station at 8:34. You can get a Richmond train right away at 8:34, and you’ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46.Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap.Stranger: Yeah, you’ll have no trouble.Tom: Thank you ve ry much for your help, Miss. You’re a very kind young lady. Denise: And so pretty and smart, too! Tell me dear, I notice you’re not wearing a ring.Stranger: Well, no, uh…Denise; You know, my sister’s son is very handsome. I think you two would like each other…Stranger: Uh, well; oh! I think I hear your train coming! You’d better hurry so you don’t miss it!Part ThreeExercise 3AThe BART system is a modern metro that links thirty-nine stations throughout Northern California’s San Francisco Bay Area. T he trains are operated by computers and the BART station platforms have electronic signs that light up with information about trains that will be arriving.Exercise 3C1. How long does it take to get from JFK Boulevard to Town Plaza That’s JFK Bo ulevard to Town Plaza.2. What is the fare from Oxford Avenue to College Avenue That’s Oxford Avenue to College Avenue.3. How much does it cost an dhow long does it take to go from Fifth Street/Florida to Grove Street Again, that’s bot h the fare and time from Fifth Street/Florida to Grove Street.4. How much is a round-trip ticket from 75th Street to Kentucky Street That’s a round-trip ticket from 75th Street to Kentucky.5. How much time does it take to travel from Kansas Street to 20th Street Again, how much time does it take to travel from Kansas Street to 20th Street6. You are at the Alabama Street station. It’s twelve noon and you just got on the train. What time will you arrive at the Madrid Avenue station Again, it’s twelve noon and you’re going from Alabama Street to Madrid Avenue. What time will you arrive at the Madrid Avenue station7. What time does the 4:07 PM train from Yonkers arrive at Grand Central Terminal Again, what time does the 4:07 PM train from Yonkers arrive at Grand Central Terminal8. What time does the 6:20 AM train from Grand Central Terminal arrive in Yonkers That’s the 6:20 AM train from Grand Central Terminal arrive in Yonkers.9. 9. How many trains are there from Grand Central Terminal to Yonkers from 4:20PM until 7:53 Pm Again, how many trains are there from Grand Central Terminal to Yonkers from 4:20PM until 7:53 PM10. How long is the trip from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal Again, that’s the time from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal.11. Which trains from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal do not stop at 125th Street Again, which trains do no stop at 125th Street going from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal12. Look at your watch. What time is it right now What time will the next train from Grand Central Terminal arrive at 125th Street Again, using the time now, when will the next train from Grand Central Terminal arrive at 125th StreetPart FourExercise 11. Was her flight from New York on time2. Did you get the rental car information3. Which bus do I take to go downtown4. Is Alice meeting us at the train station5. Why was the man yelling at the stranger6. Are you going to call the travel agent today7. How long do we have to wait for the next bus8. Where are you going after the meeting9. What did you do with your extra ticket10. Were you going to go to the airport aloneExercise 21. What time did the plane arrive2. How often do you take the bus3. Did someone meet them at the airport4. Why didn’t she tell us she would be late5. Who will pay for the extra ticket6. Were you at the bus station yesterday7. How far is it from here to New Jersey8. Which bus do you think we should take9. Whose purse was left on the bus10. Are you meeting your brother at the bus stationPart FiveExercise 11. How much is the fare to Kansas ST.2. When is the next Yonkers train3. Does this bus go to City Hall4. How long does it take to get to Park Lane5. Which line do I need to take to get to the Macarthur Station6. Can you tell me how far the trip from Boston to San Diego is7. What’s the fastest way to get to Grand Central Terminal from here8. Do you know where the train for Atlanta stopsExercise 2:1. The 12:20 train to Seattle will leave in two minutes.2. The next train to Yonkers will leave from Grand Central Terminal in ten minutes.3. A round-trip ticket from JFK Boulevard to Kansas St. is $.4. We’re sorry, but the 12:10 train Riverdale will be six minutes late.5. The bus from Los Angles to Burbank leaves every fifteen minutes at that time of the day.6. The next Fremont train will leave from platfor number 4 in half an hour.Exercise 31. Question: Where does this person want to goA: Pardon me, how much does it cost to go to the Jefferson AuditoriumB: That’s $ one way, but you can’t go directly there after 6:00 PM. You’ll have to take a Lenox train at that hour and then transfer to a Hastings train at the Portsmouth station.2.Question: What time will the next bus for Chicago leaveA: Excuse me, when does the next bus to downtown Chicago leaveB: Let’s see. One just left at 8:00. The schedule says that that bus leaves every fifteen minutes, so…A: Uh-oh;it’s already 8:10. I’d bette r hurry.B: Ooh, I hope you make it.2. Question: What is the total round-trip fare for the children A: May I help youB: Yeah, we’d like to get tickets from Portland to Long beach.A: When are you planning on goingB: We were thinking of going the week of June 15th.A: Gook. That’s far enough in advance to take advantage of our supersaver fares. If you purchase your tickets thirty days in advance, it will only cost $240 round trip.B: $240. That sounds good.A: How many people are in your partyB: There’s my wife and me, plus our two kids.A: Ooh, we have a special discount available for our young travelers. Let’s see, kids under twelve fly for half price and those under three can go for free.B: Well, Evelynne is six and Renee is one.A: Very good. Let me check the computer to see which flights are open the week of the 15th.Exercise 41. It’s really easy to get to school from my house by bus.2. Greenwich is very close to London.3. I take a 20-minute bus ride from home to work every day.4. I leave my house each day at 8 am.5. WE’re going to Hawaii for our next vacation.6. According to this, the train to Vancouver will arrive in ten mnutes.7. Do I need a Bakerloo or a Victoria train to get to Picadilly Circus8. How much is a ticket to Baltimore an then back again9. You need to take a #5 bus to the Berman Station. Then, catcha #12.10. This bus is too crowded between 7am and 9am.。

2021.03.09 欧阳法创编2021.03.09新世纪研究生公共英语教材听说(下)第二版听力全文主编:李玉璞上海外语教育出版社Table of ContentsKEYS TO EXERCISES 2021.03.09 欧阳法创编LESSON ONE Resources and EnergyPART A1.W: Could you mail these letters for me, please?M: More letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you.Q: What does the man imply about the woman?She is written a lot of letters recently2.W: Does Professor Ford always come to class?M: Is ice cold?Q: What do you learn about Professor Ford?She never misses class3.W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me?M: How does tomorrow sound?Q: What does the man mean?They can work together the next day4.M: Hey? John! John!W: Save your breath. He's out of earshot.Q: What is true about John, according to the woman?John is too far away to hear5. W: You only have water to serve your guests?M: This isn't just water. This is imported mineral water.Q: What is the implication of the woman?The guests don’t want to be served water6. M: Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Tuesday?W: You are in luck. I just cashed the check.Q: What will the woman probably do next?Lend the man some money7. M: Jean, didn't you get my messages? I left two on your answering machine.W: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tom. I've been meaning to get back in touch with you. It just slipped my mind.Q: Why didn’t the woman return the man’s calls?She forgot to call him8. W: I'm sorry, sir, but you're allowed only one piece of luggage on the plane. You'll have to check in one of your suitcases at the package counter.M: Actually, one of these belongs to the woman up ahead. I'm just giving her a hand.Q: Why is the man carrying an extra suitcase?The extra suitcase he is carrying belongs to someone else9. W: We need to drive to the city tonight, but the doctor said this medicine might make me drowsy.M: In that case, I'd better drive.Q: What does the man think the woman should do?Avoid driving after taking her medicine10. M: Look at all the pollution going into the air from those factories. Do you think they'll ever get under control?W: With the new laws and social awareness, we'll turn things around. Q: What does the woman predict will happen?The situation will improve with the new changes11. W: Aren't you cold? Why aren't you wearing a jacket?M: I overslept this morning, so I ran out of the house without listening to the forecast.Q: Why isn’t the man wearing a jacket?He did not know it would be cold12. M: prof. Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper that electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do you think I could have another day to retype it?W: I'm sorry, Steven. I’m leaving for a conference tomorrow, and I'll be away for 2 weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there.Q: What will the professor probably allow the student to do?Mail her the paper after the deadline13. W: Do you know if Mary has come by the office this morning? M: I just got here myself, so I'm not the one to ask.Q: What does the woman want to know?She wants to know if mart has come by this morning14. M: I really enjoyed that TV special about "wealth" last night. Did you get to home in time to see it?W: Well, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.Q: What does the woman mean?She fell asleep before the program ended15. W: Take two of these pills three times a day and you shouldn't take them on an empty stomach.M: What if I don't have an appetite?Q: What can be inferred about the man?He may not be able to wake upPART BPassage I:The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. In 10,000 B.C., there were probably 10 million people. In A.D. 1,there were 300 million. It took 1750 years for the population to reach 625 million, a little more than double the A.D. 1 figure. In 1990, there were 5.3 billion people. By the year 2000, the world's population was over 6 billion, and by 2050, it is expected to reach 10 billion. Does the earth have enough natural resources to support this many people? Different scientists give different answers to this question. Some say that there are enough resources to support more than 6 billion people. However, the richest countries, with a small percentage of the world's population, use most of the resources. If these resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enough for everyone. Other scientists say that we must limit population growth because our resources are limited. Only 10 percent of the earth's land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for raising animals. It is possible to increase the amount of farmland, but only a little. Some land in developing countries could be more productive if people started using modern farming methods, but this would not increase worldwide production by much, We all know that there is a limited amount of petroleum. There are also limits to the amounts of metals. There is a limit to the amount of water we can use since most of the earth's water is salt water, and most of the fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. It is difficult to say how many people the earth can support, but it will help everyone if we can limit population growth before serious shortages develop. The problem is how to do it.1.Between 1990 and 2000, what changes did the world populationhave?It had increased by almost a billion2.According to some scientists, which of the following is true?The world’s resources are adequate but not evently distributed3.Why can't most of the earth's water be used?It is mostly salt or frozen at the North and South Poles4.In developing countries, what does the use of medern farmingmethods result in?5. According to the author, what can you infer from the passage?II 1.There were probably 10 million people.2.It is expected to be 10 billion.3.If the resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enoueh for everyone.4.Only 10 percent.5. It is how to limit population growth.Passage II:Fresh water, life itself, has never come easy in the Middle East. Ever since the Old Testament when God punished man with 40 days and 40 nights of rain, water supplies here have been dwindling. The rainfall only comes in winter and drains quickly through the semiaridland, leaving the soil to bake and to thirst for next November. The region's accelerating population growth, expanding agriculture, industrialization, and higher living standards demand more fresh water. Drought and pollution limit its availability. War and mismanagement squander it. Nations like Israel and Jordan are swiftly sliding into that zone where they are using all the water resources available to them. They have only 15 to 20 years left before their agriculture, and ultimately their food security, is threatened. Even amid the scarcity there are haves and have-nots. Compared with the United States, which has a freshwater potential of 10,000 cubic meters a year for each citizen. Iraq has 5,500. Turkey has 4,000, and Syria has little more than 2,800. Egypt's potential is only 1,100. Israel has 460, and Jordan has less than 260. But these are not firm figures, because upstream use of river water can dramatically alter the potential downstream. Scarcity is only one element of the Middle East’s water crisis. Inefficiency is another, as is the reluctance of some water-poor nations to change priorities from agriculture to less water-intensive enterprises. Some experts suggest that if these nations would share both water technology and resources, they could satisfy the region's population, currently 159 million. But in this patchwork of ethnic and religious rivalries, the water crisis is not a clear-cut issue. It is entangled in the politics that keep people from trusting and seeking help from one another. Here, where water, like truth, is precious, each nation tends to find its own water and supply its own truth.1. When does the rainfall come in the Middle East?2. What is the cause of the water crisis?3. How many years are left for Israel and Jordan before their agriculture is threatened?4. What is the current population in the Middle East according to the passage?5. According to some experts' suggestion, what should the nations do in order to avoid a water crisis ?II 1) 10,000 2) 5,500 4) More than 2,8003) 4,000 5) Egypt6) 460 7) Less than 260Part D1) award, 3) profit, 5) dedication, 7) moment, 9) physical, 11) conflict, 13)worth, 15) heart, 17) compassion, 19) lust,2) glory, 4) trust, 6) significance, 8) anguish, 10) spirit, 12) alone, 14) room, 16) honor, 18) curse, 20) valueLesson Two Crime and Punishment Part A1.M: Hello?W: Hello. This is Dr. Grey's office. We are calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing you called. I thought it was 4:15 today. Q: Why is the office calling the man?2. W: How wonderful! You won the scholarship. Can you believe it? M: No. It's almost too good to be true.Q: What does the man mean?3. W: Excuse me, Professor Davidson. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come and see me during office hours tomorrow?Q: When will the woman discuss her project with Professor Davidson?4. M: How are you feeling? W: The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped. But it's making me awfully drowsy.Q: What do you learn about the woman?5. M: Bill Smith has volunteered to write a summary of the proposals we've agreed on. W: Will I have a chance to review it?Q: What does the woman want to know?6.M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?W: I'm afraid I just ran out of film.Q: What problem does the woman have?7. W: Excuse me, we're ready to order now.M: I'll be with you in just a minute.Q: What does the man mean?8. W: I think I forgot my umbrella. Did you notice if it is raining outside?M: Yeah, it is. And I just realized I left my car window open.Q: What will the man probably do next?9. W: How does your daughter like her new school?M: Fine. She seems to have made new friends in no time.Q: What can be inferred about the man's daughter?10. W: There's an article here in this magazine you might find interesting. It's about buying running shoes.M: If it's not chemistry and it's not on the final exam, I can't read it now. Q: What is the man probably doing?11. M: You're washing your car even on vacation. It makes me feel guilty.W: You shouldn’t, it’s just tha t I have nothing better to do at this moment.Q: What do you think of the woman?12. M: My doctor told me I need to go for some expensive treatments for my injured knee.W: Are you sure? Maybe you need a second opinion.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?13. W: Hello. Could you fit me in for an appointment today? I need a stylist who is good at cutting curly hair.M: Julia is good at that. She is the owner. How about noon?Q: What will the woman probably do?14. W: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I've got some spare time.M: I like to read, too. But I prefer non-fiction, history, social commentary and stuff like that.Q: What does the man imply?15. M: I'm not an expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn't sound good. Maybe you should call and have it checked out.W: You're right. And I suppose I've put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?Part BPassage IPurse snatching is an increasingly common crime. There are estimated 50 to 100 purse snatchings each month in the New York City subways, the number often swinging widely because of the depredations of a single teenager. When such a professional is in custody, the snatches can decrease by more than 50 a month. One of the favored techniques is to stand between two subway cars and, as a train starts pulling out of the station, reach out and pull free a woman's purse.Recently, a crime analysis officer for the New York Police Department found that purse stealing in Manhattan's top restaurants was up 35 percent over the previous year. When a woman puts her purse on an empty chair at a table or at her feet beside her chair, she is inviting a purse snatcher to take it. Purse snatchers often work in pairs. When a target in a restaurant is seen, one of them will create some kind of disturbance to gain the victim's attention. While the woman is looking away from her table, the actual snatcher will lift the purse. A popular technique is for the thief to carry an umbrella with the curved handle down. The umbrella handle suddenly hooks the bag and in an instant it is on the thief's wrist, or under the coat over his arm if he is a man, and on its way out of the restaurant. Police advise that women in restaurants keep their purse either on their laps or on the floor between their legs.Other purse snatchers who operate in theaters are called "seat tippers", victimizing women who put their purses down on aneighboring empty seat. Others specialize in snatching purses from ladies' rooms. When a woman is in a toilet stall, her purse should never be placed on the floor or hung on the coat hook on the door. Thieves simply dive under the door and grab the purse on the floor, or stand on the toilet in the next stall and reach over and take the purse off the hook. The snatcher has enough time to escape since the victim can't immediately pursue the thief.I. 1. When does the number of purse snatchings decrease most dramatically?2. Where does a purse snatcher like to commit crimes in subway stations?3. When women are in restaurants, where are they advised to put their purses?4. What does a thief often use to snatch purses in restaurants?5. According to this passage, where does purse snatching not usually occur?II. crime analysis officer; take it; purses; in pairs; top restaurants; an empty chair; to some kind of disturbance; coat hook; snatching never be placed; in the next stall; enough time to escapePassage IIOn the afternoon of July4,1995, Mrs.Beatrice Weinberger brought her one-month old baby back from an outing. She left the pram outside her house and hurried inside to get the baby a clean nappy. When she returned a few moments later, the pram was empty and a scrawled note was lying where her baby had been. The note said: "Attention. I badly need money, and can't get it any other way. Don't tell the police about this, otherwise I will kill the baby." "Just put $2,000 in small bills in a brown envelope, and place it next to the road lamp at the corner of Albamarle Rd. at exactly 10 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning." "If everything goes smooth, I will bring the baby back and leave him on the same corner 'safe and happy' at exactly 12 noon. No excuse, I can not wait! Your baby-sitter." Despite the kidnapper's warning, Mrs. Weinbarger contacted the police. A small parcel containing broken pieces of newspaper was placed on the comer the following morning. But the kidnapper did not show up. He failed to keep two other” appointments" with the Weinbergers, and left a second note signed "Your baby-sitter'. By then, the police felt that the baby was no longer alive. The FBI was called in, and the handwriting experts set to work to try to track down the kidnapper. In both notes an unusual z-shaped stroke was placed at the front of the y in words such as "money" and "baby". Starting with the New York State Police Office, the experts spent the next six weeks carefully going over local records at police offices, factories, hotels, clubs and schools and examining handwriting samples and comparing them with the writing on the kidnapper's notes.Then, in the middle of August, the experts' hard efforts paid off. The handwriting of John Rush Blake matched that of the kidnapper's, especially in the peculiar formation of the y's. Not long after, John Blake was arrested for making illegal alcohol. On being shown the handwriting samples, he confessed to kidnapping the baby. He told the police that he had left the baby alive and well in a nearby park on the day after the kidnapping. But when officers hurried to the place, all they found was the baby's dead body. The criminal was later put into New York's Sing Sing Prison. Even if John Blake had tried to disguise his handwriting he would still have been caught. No matter how hard someone may try to disguise his handwriting characteristics, the "individuality" of the writer shows through, the very angle at which he or she holds a pen, the way a t is crossed and an i is dotted, the height and size of capital and small letters, the amount of space between words, the use (or misuse) of punctuation marks. All these can identify a person as surely as fingerprints.I. 1. What happened to Mrs. Weinberger on the afternoon of July 4th, 1995?2. According to the message left by the kidnapper, on what condition could Mrs. Weinberger have her baby back?3. What did Mrs. Weinberger do after reading the note?4. How did the FBI catch the criminal?5. Which of the following words can best describe people's handwriting characteristics?II. 1. ( T ) When Mrs. Weinberger came back from an outing something terrible happened to her.2. ( T ) Someone kidnapped her baby because he lacked money.3. ( F ) The kidnapper did not confess to die kidnapping of the baby in the face of the handwriting sample.4. ( T ) It was the handwriting expert that broke the case.5. ( F ) At last, the police found the baby and he was safe and happy. Passage III.Timothy McVaigh placed a powerful bomb near a federal government building in Oklahoma City in 1995. The explosion killed 168 people, including 19 children. Arguments are increasing in the United States both for and against the death penalty. The increasing death penalty debate is caused by the planned execution of convicted murderer McVeigh. He is to be the first person executed by the federal government since 1963. 38 states permit the death sentence. Last year 85 people were executed in the United States. Recent public opinion studies show that more than 75 percent of Americans supper McVeigh's execution. These include many Americans who usually oppose the death sentence. Kent Scheidegger is with the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in Califomia. It is a victim's rights organization thatsupports the death penalty. Mr. Scheidegger says McVeigh is a perfect example of why there is a need for a federal death penalty. He says anything less than the death of McVeigh would show a complete lack of justice. Groups opposed to the death penalty say the approval of the execution of McVeigh does not show an increase in general public support for the death penalty. Opinion studies show that support for the death penalty has decreased. Studies show 77 percent of Americans supported it five years ago, now only about 63 percent do, Opponents of the death penalty have always argued that it was unfair. They say poor people who can not pay for good legal help receive the death penalty more often than others. And they say courts order the death penalty more often when the accused is a member of a racial minority group.Part D1)generous 2)company 3)hospitality 4)reception 5)reputation6)anniversary7)suspicion8)mutual9)vastest10)communication 11)commerce 12)contact 13)1975 14)openness 15)potential 16)secure 17)lure 18)astonish 19)reach 20)confidentLesson Three Computers and the InternetPart A1.M: This report is due tomorrow. Would you be able to work on it with me tonight?W: Unfortunately, I have another commitment.Q: What is the woman saying?2. W: I wonder where the books I ordered are. I expected to receive the package several days ago.M: Maybe you'd better check it out with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?3. M: I just have to type this last page and then I'm through.W: By then, I'll be done, too.Q: What can be learned about the woman?4. W: Did you read the editorial in the paper about the mayor's speech? M: I sure did. But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said. Q: What does the man say about the editorial?5. W: Why don't we go to see a movie tonight? A good comedy might cheer you up.M: I would. But the reason that I've been so down is all this work I have to do.Q: What can be inferred about the man?6. W: So, are you going to see the students' play tonight?M: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu.Q: What is true about the man?7. M: Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.W: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus.Q: What does the woman suggest Gordon do?8. W: Mind if I borrow your Spanish workbook?M: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening. Q: What does the man mean?9. W: You don't believe in diets, do you?M: There is nothing wrong with them per se but they have to be combined with exercise to do any good.Q: What is the man's attitude towards diets ?10. W: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown.M: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important.Q: What is the implication of the man?11. W: You know, I've heard that Professor Martin's Introduction to Chemistry class is too demanding for first year students. They say it's the most difficult course for graduate students.M: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell you otherwise. Go talk to anyone who has gone to an advanced course, like Organic Chemistry, or who studied chemistry in graduate school. They're really glad they started out with Professor Martin.Q: What does the man imply about Professor Martin?12. W: Hey, Mark. Have you been able to sell your old piano, yet? M: Hmm, you were right. Just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarkets wasn't enough. I think I'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?13. W: I'm amazed that you still haven't gotten to know your neighbors. M: They tend to keep to themselves.Q: Why hasn't the man gotten to know his neighbors?14. W: Hi! Um, I think something is wrong with the washing machine. It works, and I just did my laundry, but it makes some strange noises. Maybe you should call someone to fix it.M: Oh, don't worry. Someone from the repair shop is already on the way over to take a look at it.Q: What is the implication of the man?15. W: It's so thoughtful of you to offer to drop me off at the train station. Are you sure it's not out of your way?M: Not at all. The station is really close to where I'm going.Q: What can be learned about the man?Part BPassage IThe Application of Computers in Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practise new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating learning. Computer-based communications, or telecommunications, can offer many educational opportunities; therefore, educators will need to adapt current teaching methods to incorporate this new media into the classroom. Computers have made a fundamental impact on most industries, providing a competitive advantage that has come to be essential to many businesses. Therefore, schools must also use technology to improve the educational process. School systems often consider purchasing a computer network, and justify its purchase by applying it to routine administrative tasks, such as attendance records and grading. While these tasks are very important, they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet have expanded the ways in which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in "distance education" through the Internet. Distance education involves audio and video links between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring students together from geographic and cultural distances face to face via computer. Not only will the teacher talk to the students, but the students will be able to interact with each other. This will make students more interested in learning.I. 1. According to the passage, what are educators discovering?2. What do schools usually purchase computer networks for?3. According to the author, what should computers be mainly used for?4. Which of the following is NOT a feature of video conferencing?5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?II. fundamental impact; be essential; improve the educational process; justify its purchase; attendance records; what technology can do Passage IIE-Commerce The Internet, as a means for commerce, did not become reality until the 1990s. Before this time, it was mainly a tool for the army, and a research device for some American universities. Itspopularity grew when it proved to be a fast and efficient means to conduct long distance transactions, as well as an effective way to distribute information. The first advantage that e-commerce possesses is speed. With increased speeds of communication, the delivery time is expedited and that makes the whole transaction from start to finish more efficient. Also, you can find practically any product available for sale on the Internet. Even more significant is the fact that information appearing on the Internet can be changed rapidly. This gives business owners the ability to inform customers of any changes to the service that they are offering. The second advantage of electronic commerce is the opportunity it offers to save on costs. By using the Internet, marketing, distribution, personnel, phone, postage and printing costs, among many others, can be reduced. You can start doing business in cyberspace for as little as $100. The savings, therefore, are tremendous. These funds can then be diverted to marketing and advertising your product or service. Cyberspace knows no national boundaries. That means you can do business all over the world as easily as you can in your own neighborhood. Since the Internet connects everyone in cyberspace, information is transmitted at the speed of sound or the speed of light, depending on your connection. Either way, distance becomes meaningless, which enables you to link to nearly anyone on the globe, and anyone on the globe can link to you. The ability to establish links makes doing business on the Internet attractive to customers in any part of the world. A potential source of trouble is customer concerns with privacy and security. Anything sent over the Internet is sent through several different computers before it reaches its final destination. The concern regarding Internet security and privacy is that unscrupulous hackers can capture credit card or check account data as it is transferred or break into computers that hold the same information. Making a customer feel safe is important when doing business on the Internet. Even though no one can guarantee 100% security when transferring financial information over the Internet, e-commerce is still safer than using credit cards at an actual store or restaurant, or paying for something with the use of a 1-800 number." I. l. Before being used for commerce, what was the Internet mainly used for?2. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that can make transactions more efficient on the Internet?3. Why does distance become meaningless in e-commerce?4. What do customers worry about in e-commerce?5. What is the main idea of this passage?II. source; privacy; security; destination; credit card; transferred; feel safe; guarantee; safer than; paying for。

上册U1WDo you remember your favorite hobbies when you were a child? What do those mean to you? Luther , Sarah , and William are discussing their childhood hobbies。
Luther: My hobby is stamp collecting. I started at the age of six, and I’ve been collecting stamps ever since. Stamps are tiny but amazing. They're miniature works of art, covering just about every subject you can think of. Sometimes stamps are worth more as they get older, and I guess that's one of the reasons they are treasured by many collectors.Sarah: When I was a little girl, my friends were fond of dolls or cartoons, but I just loved yard work. My house had a big yard, which I regarded as my fantasy world. I helped my grandmother mow the lawn and spread fertilizer. Actually was a little bit lazy in my schoolwork but never in yard work. Some of my friends said it was an activity that only retired people took up. I didn’t mind. I enjoyed making my yard beautiful and I enjoyed sweating after a whole days work. It's good for my health. Maybe I’ll spend most of my time in the yard after I retireWilliam: Transformers! Optimus Prime and Megatron! Those robots from the 1980s that would turn into cars and planes. That’s why I became a mechanical designer. Few people can claim to be as big a fan of Transformers as I am. I have an entire room in my house dedicated to them, over 700 Transformers from every generation, as well as many posters and tons of other collectible items. Transformer collecting is not just a hobby to me--they're a way of life.U1PThe other morning, I overheard a nine-year-old boy complain: “We don’t want that nerd in our soccer team. We are so ashamed that he doesn’t know a goal-kick from a head-shot. As it happens the "nerd" was my son. I'm sorry, Son, I guess I blew it. My son didn’t receive serious instruction as other boys did. In my day, when we played baseball, it didn’t matter if any of us played terribly; we weren’t out to slaughter the other team. To us, sports were just a way of having a good time.I enjoy singing badly and drawing badly. I'm not ashamed of my incompetence in these areas.I do one or two other things well, but I'd always like to try something new which I don’t have to be good at. Unfortunately, doing things badly has gone out of style. In today’s competitive world we have to be experts even in hobbies.if you pull on your gym shoes and jog around the block once in a while, you' l be laughed at by the so-called "serious runners" -the ones who run 20 miles or more a week in their 50-dollar jogging suits and fancy shoes. As far as they are concerned, if you don’t have the latest shoes, you are embarrassing yourself. And going dancing no longer means putting on a pretty dress and doing a few turns on Saturday night. Nowadays, dancing means squeezing into tights sweating through five hours of ballet and four hours of jazz classes and then dance like a beautiful swan to make others obsessed. It seems that we pay too much attention to self-improvement, even with hobbies. I don’t think hobbies bring as much fun as they used to.Let's draw for drawings sake. Let's sing for singings sake. We are talking about recreation and the activities we enjoy. We take up those because they are for our pleasure.上册U3WWe usually think that school is the only place where people get an education. However, what we get from school is just a small part of what we learn. Education includes both formal learning at school and informal learning in society. So education is much broader than schooling.Education can take place anywhere, whether in the street or at a party. Likewise, educators can be anyone, ranging from an elderly woman in the neighborhood to a young reporter on TV.The general patterns of teaching at school always remain relatively the same. Students arrive at school at the set time and take the assigned courses. The learning materials and the tests used at school are limited. We know what we can get from school education, but we can never give a full picture of what we can expect from education. For instance, while travelling if you have a chat with a local shopkeeper, you may discover more about local culture.Education starts from the moment a person is born. It lasts for a lifetime and becomes part of his / her life.上册U3PLike most students at Fort Hays State University, Nola Ochs plans to spend some time reading and studyi ng during this week’s fall break. But she’ll take time out on Wednesday to celebrate her 95th birthday.Ochs is living on campus while pursuing her degree in theology at the university. She has about 15 hours of classes to take next semest er to get her bachelor’s degree. If she does it, Ochs will beThe Guinness Book of World Records oldest college graduate. But it will also be the culmination of a lifetime of learning. She started at Fort Hays in 1930, when it was known as Kansas State Teachers College. In the 1970s, she took classes part-time at a community college and completed a few virtual classes on the Internet before deciding to attend classes this semester.On Friday, her family and fellow classmates will throw her a birthday party. Her son, Alan Ochs, flew in from Jetmore for the occasion. Her granddaughter, Alexandra Ochs, didn’t have to travel as far--she's in the same class as her grandmother. After the party Alan Ochs will take his mother home for Thanksgiving break. We’re happy to get her back home for a while, he said. "We missed having her out there, especially through the fall harvest.”Though Nola is amused by her potential status as the world's oldest graduate, she said she’s more excited about getting to walk at the graduation ceremony with her granddaughter.上册U5WIn my recent travels to West Africa, I came to see how much in need so many people are in this part of the world. Infectious disease and poverty kill more people than those who die in the continuing bloody conflicts. We live in a world filled with conditions that cry out for others to help.What can you do in a world that needs such help? Serving and volunteering, whether in your community or in a developing country overseas, is a wonderful way to fill real human needs. Being involved in serving others and true humanitarian causes can offer you experience and contact with others that will help you through the rest of your life. The biggest benefit is that you have a direct impact on helping other human beings.We should remember that serving the needs of the despondent of this world is a very worthy cause. Doing good, one act at a time, one person at a time, is an important part of being a light in a world of darkness and preparing for a greater cause in the future.U5PI was being interviewed by a senior manager for a major insurance company. I honestly said that the principal reason for my interview with them was my need to keep my family in Boston. My wife of 26 years had recently died. A job in Boston would help me reduce the extreme pain of the loss for my 16-year-old daughter, since it's important to keep her in her present school.I could still barely talk about the loss of my wife. Bruce, the interviewer, was politely empathetic, but he didn’t probe any further. He acknowledged my loss and, with great respect, moved on to another subject.After the next interview Bruce took me to lunch and asked me to take a walk with him. He told me that he, too, had lost his wife of 20 years. In his sharing, I realized that he had experienced the same pain as mine-a pain almost impossible to explain to someone who had not lost a loved one. He offered his business card and home phone number and suggested that, should I need someone to talk to. I should feel free to call him.Whether I got the job or not, he wanted me to know that he was there if I ever needed help.From that one act of kindness, when he had no idea if we would ever see each other again, he helped our family deal with one of life’s greatest losses. He turned the normally cold business interview process into an act of caring and support for another person in a time of extreme need.下册U1WEdmund inspects houses for a living. His job is to find hidden problems in houses that are being sold.Once when he was inspecting a property In New Hampshire, he came across some old papers--and four bank deposit bags in a drawer.Edmund unzipped a bag and found several $ 100 bills. He opened the second bag, and there were still more 100 bills. He didn’t bother unzipping the third or fourth. He called out to the property agent. He had us come in and get it. He didn’t want anything to do with it said Lewis, the agent. He could just as well have put it in his pocket.Lewis finally got in touch with the previous owner. The grand total in the drawer was right at $ 20, 000.One of the heirs to the estate sent Edmund a $ 50 reward. But he honest inspector immediately said that money would go to a charity. When people asked him if it crossed his mind to take the money, he said he never even thought about it. That’s the nature of my business, he said. You're in people’s houses. There’s no room for crooks there.下册U1PI had a teacher in high school many years ago whose husband unexpectedly died suddenly ofa heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insight with us. With a gentle look of reflection on her face , she paused and said , Before class is over , I would like to share with you a thought that is unrelated to class , but which I feel is very important. Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves. And none of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. It can be taken away at any moment. So we must make the most out of every single day.”Her eyes began to water, she went on, “So I would like you all to make me a promise. From now on, on your way to school or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn’t have to be something you see. It could be a scent, or a sound of the breeze. Please, look for these things, and cherish them. These things are the stuff of life. We must make it important to notice them, for at any time, it can all be taken away.”The class was completely quiet. Then we filed out of the room silently. That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home than I had that whole semester. Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and remember what an impression she made on all of us and I try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all overlook. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn’t do.下册U2PYou’ve heard the expression , " What you see is what you get My grandfather used to say : " If you looked at a tree long enough , it will move . " We see what we want to see. Psychologists tell us that nothing controls our lives more than our self-image. We live like the person we see in the mirror. We are what we think we are. If you don’t think you‘ll be successful, you won’t. Your life is limited to your vision. If you want to change your life, you must change your vision of your life.Arnold Schwarzenegger was not that famous in 1976 when he met with a newspaper reporter. The reporter asked Schwarzenegger Now that you’ve retired from bodybuilding, what do you plan to do next? Schwarzenegger answered I’m going to be the No.1 movie star in Hollywood. The reporter was shocked and amused at Schwarzenegger’s plan. At that time, it was very hard to imagine how this muscle-bound bodybuilder, who was not a professional actor and who spoke poor English with a strong Austrian accent could ever hope to be Hollywood's movie star.When the reporter asked Schwarzenegger how he planned to make his dream come true, Schwarzenegger said: “I’ll do it the same way I became the No.1 bodybuilder in the world. What I do was create a vision of who I want to be, then I start living like that person in my mind as if it were already true. Sounds almost childishly simple, doesn’t it? But it worked! Schwarzenegger becomes the No.1 highest paid movie star in Hollywood Remember: "If you can see it, you can be it.A successful businessman I kn ow wears a shirt with these words on it: "Don’t just pursue your dreams. Chase some down and tackle them! "You only get one life to live, so why not live the best life possible? So you can be fully satisfied at what you see and get.下册U10WAmericans are working longer and longer hours. The result is the record levels of burnout, stress, and depression. We have the shortest vacations in the industrialized world. With laptops and cell phones, the workplace barges into your home, your weekends, and even your vacations.Joe Robinson established the Work to Live campaign to change things for the better. And in his book Take Back Your Time, he shows what you can do to make a change in your life--so that you’ve actually got one.Negotiate a longer vacation and less overtime.Set clear boundaries between work and home and get more time for persona life.Resist pressure from the company and the culture to overwork.Rediscover the outside world and enjoy friends, family, hobbies and travel.Create your Personal Life List.Businesses give their equipment "downtime “for maintenance rest, and refueling. Why notthe same for you? It's time to stand up for your rights and claim a happy, healthy balance between your work and your life.下册U10PDoes this scenario sound familiar to you? You love your work and are responsible for multiple tasks assigned to you. Or you own your own business. Your work hours are long, your at-home hours short and your sleep hours few. Vacations and visits with friends are a distant memory. Your only hobby is your job.It's pretty likely that you're a workaholic. Workaholics live for their work, often spending many extra hours at work, and often taking work home to complete. Americans are typically a work-hard culture but when work becomes the sole reason for one's existence the issue becomes critical.Part of the matter is societal. Americans are working more hours per week than in years past. With all the downsizings, more and more workers are putting in extra hours to complete the work and don’t even bother to take vacations for fear that they may lose the job if they do.Part of the matter is technological. We live and work in a connected environment--e-mails, fax machines, and cell phones making it hard for workers to get time away from their work.Part of the matter is financial. Whether it is how more and more of us mistakenly define success in financial terms or the fact that many Americans must work multiple jobs simply to earn a living wage and keep their families out of poverty, we are working more and more for money.Regardless of the reasons, workaholism can be a serious condition that can lead to the decline and destruction of families. as well as to serious stress-related health problems . When work becomes the sole reason for being, when it becomes the only thing that truly makes us happy, it is time for intervention. And do not confuse hard work for workaholism. Hard workers know the boundaries between work and personal times and can function normally when not at work, while workaholics have no personal time and can’t function well outside of work.So, are you a workaholic? A workaholic probably would not take the time to enjoy this article.。

研究生公共英语听说(下)原文LESSON5(B)LESSON FIVEPlaces to See in Britain1. W: How is your paper coming along?M: My typewriter's broken.Q: What does the man mean?2. W: Have you tried Susan's apple pie?M: I got the last piece and it was out of this world.Q: What does the man mean?3.W: If you're staying late, Will you be sure to lock up the officewhen you leave?M: OK. I hope I won't be more than an hour.Q: What does the man mean?4. W: Nancy really wants to ski on Thursday.M: Yes. But she can't, can she?Q: What does the man say about Nancy?5. M: Let me help you with those packages.W: Thanks. But it's only three quarters of a block.Q: What does the woman tell the man?6. W: You know, Sally was supposed to meet us here an hour ago.Maybe we should give her a ring. After all, she is the onewho organized the study session.M: You're right. I'll do it.Q: What will the man probably do?7. M: Forgive the mess in here. You see, we had a party last night.There were a lot of people. They all brought food, and theleftovers were all over the place.W: Yeah, I can tell. Well I guess it's pretty obvious what you'll be doing most of today.Q: What does the woman imply?8. W: I'm worried about my jewelry business, I really thought Icould do better.M: At least, you broke even. That’s better than most people do in their first year.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?9. W: I need to get in touch with Bill about tomorrow's presentation,but his phone has been busy for the longest time.M: I usually have dinner with him in the cafeteria. Why don't I ask him to give you a call later?Q: What will the man probably do?10. M: Care for some more dessert? There's plenty of cake left.W: If I had any more, I'd be overdoing it.Q: What does the woman mean?11. M: This scarf is nice, but Debbie really wanted a sweater forher birthday.W: I know, but I didn't know her size.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?12. M: Think you'll be able to finish sketching out the plans for theelection campaign by tomorrow or do you need some help?W: Well, there's so quite a bit to do but I'll be able to pull everything together.Q: What does the woman mean?13. W: About the concert tonight, it's unlikely I'll be able to pickyou up before seven.M: Well, we could just get together there instead.Q: What does the man suggest they do?14. M: Ah-oh, l burned your toast. I'll put in a couple more slices.W: No, don't waste the bread. Just scrape off the burned part.It'll be fine.Q: What does the woman mean?15. M: Weren't you going to find out from the registrar if you haveenough credits to graduate next semester?W: You're right. I'd better get over there. Their hours are limited and they can get pretty busy.Q: What will the woman probably do?Passage I:The drive from England to Scotland provides the traveler with many pleasant changes of scenery. As it is a fairly long journey, it is good to be able to travel with a friend who can take turns with you at the wheel.A patriotic Scotsman traveling with English friends may tellthem they are going to see, in the Highlands, the finest scenery in the world. This may sound exaggerated, but on arriving in the Highlands most people readily agree that the scenery is indeed magnificent.The Highlands are, as the name implies, the hilly or mountainous region of the country; they form the greater part of the western half of Scotland.On the first night in Scotland tourists may choose to put up at a hotel in the little town of Callander, which is known as one of "the Gateways to the Highlands". On the following day they can set out to see the various lakes, or rather "lochs", in the neighborhood, and will be delighted with the wild and romantic aspect of the countryside. When they return to their hotels they will be glad to eat a copious "high tea". This is a meal which, in Scotland and many parts of northern England, takes the place of tea and dinner: It consists of one substantial course, such as one would have at dinner, followed by bread and butter, with jam or honey, and some kind of cake or cakes; tea is drunk with the meal, which is taken at about six o’clock in the evening. One has a light supper late in the evening.The next morning many tourists journey on to the west coast.The road twists and turns, dips and climbs, but is not dangerous. The greatest hazard is the black-faced sheep: these animals are as active and impudent as goats, and frequently wander recklessly into the road. The tourists may also see a herd of long-haired Highland cattle, which look savage but are no more so than ordinary cattle. Eventually the road runs parallel with the sea, along a coastline fringed with little islands and made ragged with rocky bays and the deep inlets that are also called "lochs".1.What kind of region are the Highlands?2. Where might tourists stay on their first night in Scotland?3. What is meant by "high tea"?4. What is the road to the west coast like?5. What other animals does a tourist see on the way to the west coast?Passage Ⅱ:On the western side of Britain lies one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles: the Principality of Wales. The Welsh mountains have a beauty which is rugged and forbidding, but the slopes are as green and fertile as the valleys and provide rich pasture for sheep and cows.In central and north Wales, farming is the main occupation, but the valleys of south Wales are very heavily industrialized. Here the wealth of the land lies below the surface in rich coal seams, and the mining villages grew into busy towns around iron and steel foundries, chemical works and oil refineries.Wales is very popular for holidays. Every year, thousands of people spend their summer holidays at the seaside resorts on the North Wales coast or, if they prefer it, enjoy undisturbed peace and quiet in isolated villages remote from town life. Those who like to be energetic will probably choose Snowdonia. This part of the country round Snowdon, the highest peak in the Welsh mountains (and the second highest in Britain), is ideal for climbing and walking holidays.Wales has been called "The Land of Song". The Welsh people are famous for their good voices and it is rare to find a village without at least one choir competing in an "eisteddfod" or arts festival. The biggest festival of all is the International Eisteddfod held every year in Llangollen in Clwyd. Singers, dancers, musicians and poets come from all over the world to compete for the awards, often wearing colorful national costume. The Welsh girls contribute to the festival gaiety with their national dress-a tall black hat, a scarlet skirt and a starched white apron. Thestreets of this small country town bustle with the comings and goings of visitors speaking many languages, One of theforeign languages heard will be English, for in North Wales many of the local people speak Welsh as their native tongue. Today, only about a quarter of the Welsh population speak this ancient language as their first language, although many more who use English can understand Welsh as well, and encourage their children to learn it at school. The Welsh people are proud of being Celtic, with an ancient language and a heritage of their own.1. Where does Wales lie?2. Which of the following can describe the Welsh mountains?3. Which place is ideal for a climbing and walking holiday?4. Why is Wales often called "The Land of Song"?5. What percentage of the population of Wales speaks Welsh?Part D1) state, 2)the will, 3)imagination, 4)freshness,5)courage over timidity, 6) deserting, 7) wrinkle the skin, 8) enthusiasm, 9) soul, 10)heart, 11)spirit 12)wonders, 13)what's next, 14)game of living, 15)beauty, 16)infinite, 17)down, 18)pessimism, 19) optimism,20) young。

新世纪研究生公共英语教材听说(下)第二版听力全文主编:玉璞外语教育Table of ContentsLESSON ONE Resources and Energy (4)PART A (4)PART B (5)Passage I: (5)Passage II: (6)Part D (7)Lesson Two Crime and Punishment (7)Part A (7)Part B (9)Passage I (9)Passage II (10)Passage III. (11)Part D (11)Lesson Three Computers and the Internet (12)Part A (12)Part B (13)Passage I (13)Passage II (14)Passage III (15)Part D (16)LESSON FOUR Finance (16)PART A (16)Part B (18)Passage I (18)Passage II. Functions of Money (19)Passage III Credit Cards (20)Part D (20)LESSON FIVE Places to See in Britain (20)Part A (20)Part B (22)Passage I: (22)Passage Ⅱ: (23)Part D (24)LESSON SIX Education (24)Part A (24)Part B (26)Passage I SAT Examination (26)PART II Medical Education (27)LESSON SEVEN Business (28)Part A (28)Part B (29)Passage I How to Increase Business Profits (29)LESSON EIGHT Aspects of Life (32)Part A (32)Part B (34)PASSAGE I Tax (34)PASSAGE II Religion (35)LESSON NINE College Life (36)PART A (36)PART B (38)PASSAGE I College Search (38)PASSAGE II How to Get a Master's degree (39)LESSON TEN Women (41)PART A (41)PART B (42)PASSAGE I Women in Southern Europe (42)PASSAGE II American Women (44)LESSON ELEVEN Famous People (45)PART A (45)PART B (47)PASSAGE I William Jefferson Clinton (47)PASSAGE II William Shakespeare (49)LESSON TWELVE Culture (50)PART A (50)Part B (52)Passage I Beijing’s Hutongs (52)Passage II The White Wedding Dress (53)LESSON THIRTEEN Science and Technology (55)PART B (55)PASSAGE I Cloning Mount Vernon's Trees (55)PASSAGE II Dinosaur Noses (55)LESSON FOURTEEN Sports (56)PART B (56)Passage I The Famous Bicycle Racer (56)PASSAGE II The Williams Sisters (57)LESSON FIFTEEN Reform and Development (59)PART B (59)Passage I (59)Passage II (60)KEYS TO EXERCISESUnit 1 (61)Part A (61)Part B (61)Unit 2 (61)Part A (62)Part B (62)Unit 3 (62)Part A (62)Part B (62)Unit 5 (64)Part A (64)Part B (64)Part C (65)Part D (65)Unit 6 (66)Part A (66)Part B (66)Unit 7 (67)Part A (67)Part B (68)Part D (69)Unit 8 (69)Part A (69)Part B (70)Part D (71)Unit 10 (71)Part A (71)Part B (71)Unit 11 (72)Part A (72)Part B (72)Unit 12 (74)Part A (74)Part B (74)Part D (74)Unit 14 (75)Part A (75)Part B (75)Part D (76)LESSON ONE Resources and EnergyPART A1.W: Could you mail these letters for me, please?M: More letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you.Q: What does the man imply about the woman?2.W: Does Professor Ford always come to class?M: Is ice cold?Q: What do you learn about Professor Ford?3.W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me?M: How does tomorrow sound?Q: What does the man mean?4.M: Hey? John! John!W: Save your breath. He's out of earshot.Q: What is true about John, according to the woman?5. W: You only have water to serve your guests?M: This isn't just water. This is imported mineral water.Q: What is the implication of the woman?6. M: Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Tuesday? W: You are in luck. I just cashed the check.Q: What will the woman probably do next?7. M: Jean, didn't you get my messages? I left two on your answering machine.W: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tom. I've been meaning to get back in touch with you. It just slipped my mind.Q: Why didn’t the woman return the man’s calls?8. W: I'm sorry, sir, but you're allowed only one piece of luggage on the plane. You'll have to check in one of your suitcases at the package counter.M: Actually, one of these belongs to the woman up ahead. I'm just giving her a hand.Q: Why is the man carrying an extra suitcase?9. W: We need to drive to the city tonight, but the doctor said this medicine might make me drowsy.M: In that case, I'd better drive.Q: What does the man think the woman should do?10. M: Look at all the pollution going into the air from those factories. Do you think they'll ever get under control?W: With the new laws and social awareness, we'll turn things around. Q: What does the woman predict will happen?11. W: Aren't you cold? Why aren't you wearing a jacket?M: I overslept this morning, so I ran out of the house without listening to the forecast.Q: Why isn’t the man wearing a jacket?12. M: prof. Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper that electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do you think I could have another day to retype it?W: I'm sorry, Steven. I’m leaving for a conference tomorro w, and I'll be away for 2 weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there.Q: What will the professor probably allow the student to do?13. W: Do you know if Mary has come by the office this morning? M: I just got here myself, so I'm not the one to ask.Q: What does the woman want to know?14. M: I really enjoyed that TV special about "wealth" last night. Did you get to home in time to see it?W: Well, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.Q: What does the woman mean?15. W: Take two of these pills three times a day and you shouldn't take them on an empty stomach.M: What if I don't have an appetite?Q: What can be inferred about the man?PART BPassage I:The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. In 10,000 B.C., there were probably 10 million people. In A.D. 1, there were 300 million. It took 1750 years for the population to reach 625 million, a little more than double the A.D. 1 figure. In 1990, there were5.3 billion people. By the year 2000, the world's population was over6 billion, and by 2050, it is expected to reach 10 billion. Does the earth have enough natural resources to support this many people? Different scientists give different answers to this question. Some say that there are enough resources to support more than 6 billion people. However, the richest countries, with a small percentage of the world's population, use most of the resources. If these resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enough for everyone. Other scientists say that we must limit population growth because our resources are limited. Only 10 percent of the earth's land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for raising animals. It is possible to increase the amount of farmland, but only a little. Some land in developing countries could be more productive if people started using modern farmingmethods, but this would not increase worldwide production by much, We all know that there is a limited amount of petroleum. There are also limits to the amounts of metals. There is a limit to the amount of water we can use since most of the earth's water is salt water, and most of the fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. It is difficult to say how many people the earth can support, but it will help everyone if we can limit population growth before serious shortages develop. The problem is how to do it.1. Between 1990 and 2000, what changes did the world population have?2. According to some scientists, which of the following is true?3. Why can't most of the earth's water be used?4. In developing countries, what does the use of medern farming methods result in?5. According to the author, what can you infer from the passage?II 1.There were probably 10 million people.2.It is expected to be 10 billion.3.If the resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enoueh for everyone.4.Only 10 percent.5. It is how to limit population growth.Passage II:Fresh water, life itself, has never come easy in the Middle East. Ever since the Old Testament when God punished man with 40 days and 40 nights of rain, water supplies here have been dwindling. The rainfall only comes in winter and drains quickly through the semiarid land, leaving the soil to bake and to thirst for next November. The region's accelerating population growth, expanding agriculture, industrialization, and higher living standards demand more fresh water. Drought and pollution limit its availability. War and mismanagement squander it. Nations like Israel and Jordan are swiftly sliding into that zone where they are using all the water resources available to them. They have only 15 to 20 years left before their agriculture, and ultimately their food security, is threatened. Even amid the scarcity there are haves and have-nots. Compared with the United States, which has a freshwater potential of 10,000 cubic meters a year for each citizen. Iraq has 5,500. Turkey has 4,000, and Syria has little more than 2,800. Egypt's potential is only 1,100. Israel has 460, and Jordan has less than 260. But these are not firm figures, because upstream use of river water can dramatically alter the potential downstream. Scarcity is only one element of the Middle East’s water crisis. Inefficienc y is another, as is the reluctance of some water-poor nations to change priorities from agriculture to less water-intensive enterprises. Some experts suggestthat if these nations would share both water technology and resources, they could satisfy the region's population, currently 159 million. But in this patchwork of ethnic and religious rivalries, the water crisis is not a clear-cut issue. It is entangled in the politics that keep people from trusting and seeking help from one another. Here, where water, like truth, is precious, each nation tends to find its own water and supply its own truth.1. When does the rainfall come in the Middle East?2. What is the cause of the water crisis?3. How many years are left for Israel and Jordan before their agriculture is threatened?4. What is the current population in the Middle East according to the passage?5. According to some experts' suggestion, what should the nations do in order to avoid a water crisis ?II 1) 10,000 2) 5,500 4) More than 2,8003) 4,000 5) Egypt 6) 460 7) Less than 260Part D1) award, 3) profit, 5) dedication, 7) moment, 9) physical, 11) conflict, 13)worth, 15) heart, 17) compassion, 19) lust,2) glory, 4) trust, 6) significance, 8) anguish, 10) spirit, 12) alone, 14) room, 16) honor, 18) curse, 20) valueLesson Two Crime and PunishmentPart A1.M: Hello?W: Hello. This is Dr. Grey's office. We are calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing you called. I thought it was 4:15 today. Q: Why is the office calling the man?2. W: How wonderful! You won the scholarship. Can you believe it?M: No. It's almost too good to be true.Q: What does the man mean?3. W: Excuse me, Professor Davidson. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come and see me during office hours tomorrow?Q: When will the woman discuss her project with Professor Davidson? 4. M: How are you feeling? W: The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped. But it's making me awfully drowsy.Q: What do you learn about the woman?5. M: Bill Smith has volunteered to write a summary of the proposals we've agreed on. W: Will I have a chance to review it?Q: What does the woman want to know?6.M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?W: I'm afraid I just ran out of film.Q: What problem does the woman have?7. W: Excuse me, we're ready to order now.M: I'll be with you in just a minute.Q: What does the man mean?8. W: I think I forgot my umbrella. Did you notice if it is raining outside? M: Yeah, it is. And I just realized I left my car window open.Q: What will the man probably do next?9. W: How does your daughter like her new school?M: Fine. She seems to have made new friends in no time.Q: What can be inferred about the man's daughter?10. W: There's an article here in this magazine you might find interesting. It's about buying running shoes.M: If it's not chemistry and it's not on the final exam, I can't read it now.Q: What is the man probably doing?11. M: You're washing your car even on vacation. It makes me feel guilty. W: You shouldn’t, it’s just that I have nothing better to do at this moment.Q: What do you think of the woman?12. M: My doctor told me I need to go for some expensive treatments for my injured knee.W: Are you sure? Maybe you need a second opinion.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?13. W: Hello. Could you fit me in for an appointment today? I need a stylist who is good at cutting curly hair.M: Julia is good at that. She is the owner. How about noon?Q: What will the woman probably do?14. W: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I've got some spare time.M: I like to read, too. But I prefer non-fiction, history, social commentary and stuff like that.Q: What does the man imply?15. M: I'm not an expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn't sound good. Maybe you should call and have it checked out.W: You're right. And I suppose I've put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?Part BPassage IPurse snatching is an increasingly common crime. There are estimated 50 to 100 purse snatchings each month in the New York City subways, the number often swinging widely because of the depredations of a single teenager. When such a professional is in custody, the snatches can decrease by more than 50 a month. One of the favored techniques is to stand between two subway cars and, as a train starts pulling out of the station, reach out and pull free a woman's purse.Recently, a crime analysis officer for the New York Police Department found that purse stealing in Manhattan's top restaurants was up 35 percent over the previous year. When a woman puts her purse on an empty chair at a table or at her feet beside her chair, she is inviting a purse snatcher to take it. Purse snatchers often work in pairs. When a target in a restaurant is seen, one of them will create some kind of disturbance to gain the victim's attention. While the woman is looking away from her table, the actual snatcher will lift the purse. A popular technique is for the thief to carry an umbrella with the curved handle down. The umbrella handle suddenly hooks the bag and in an instant it is on the thief's wrist, or under the coat over his arm if he is a man, and on its way out of the restaurant. Police advise that women in restaurants keep their purse either on their laps or on the floor between their legs.Other purse snatchers who operate in theaters are called "seat tippers", victimizing women who put their purses down on a neighboring empty seat. Others specialize in snatching purses from ladies' rooms. When a woman is in a toilet stall, her purse should never be placed on the floor or hung on the coat hook on the door. Thieves simply dive under the door and grab the purse on the floor, or stand on the toilet in the next stall and reach over and take the purse off the hook. The snatcher has enough time to escape since the victim can't immediately pursue the thief.I. 1. When does the number of purse snatchings decrease most dramatically?2. Where does a purse snatcher like to commit crimes in subway stations?3. When women are in restaurants, where are they advised to put their purses?4. What does a thief often use to snatch purses in restaurants?5. According to this passage, where does purse snatching not usually occur?II. crime analysis officer; take it; purses; in pairs; top restaurants;an empty chair; to some kind of disturbance; coat hook; snatching never be placed; in the next stall; enough time to escapePassage IIOn the afternoon of July4,1995, Mrs.Beatrice Weinberger brought her one-month old baby back from an outing. She left the pram outside her house and hurried inside to get the baby a clean nappy. When she returned a few moments later, the pram was empty and a scrawled note was lying where her baby had been. The note said: "Attention. I badly need money, and can't get it any other way. Don't tell the police about this, otherwise I will kill the baby." "Just put $2,000 in small bills in a brown envelope, and place it next to the road lamp at the corner of Albamarle Rd. at exactly 10 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning." "If everything goes smooth, I will bring the baby back and leave him on the same corner 'safe and happy' at exactly 12 noon. No excuse, I can not wait! Your baby-sitter." Despite the kidnapper's warning, Mrs. Weinbarger contacted the police. A small parcel containing broken pieces of newspaper was placed on the comer the following morning. But the kidnapper did not show up. He failed to keep two other” appointments" with the Weinbergers, and left a second note signed "Your baby-sitter'. By then, the police felt that the baby was no longer alive. The FBI was called in, and the handwriting experts set to work to try to track down the kidnapper. In both notes an unusual z-shaped stroke was placed at the front of the y in words such as "money" and "baby". Starting with the New York State Police Office, the experts spent the next six weeks carefully going over local records at police offices, factories, hotels, clubs and schools and examining handwriting samples and comparing them with the writing on the kidnapper's notes. Then, in the middle of August, the experts' hard efforts paid off. The handwriting of John Rush Blake matched that of the kidnapper's, especially in the peculiar formation of the y's. Not long after, John Blake was arrested for making illegal alcohol. On being shown the handwriting samples, he confessed to kidnapping the baby. He told the police that he had left the baby alive and well in a nearby park on the day after the kidnapping. But when officers hurried to the place, all they found was the baby's dead body. The criminal was later put into New York's Sing Sing Prison. Even if John Blake had tried to disguise his handwriting he would still have been caught. No matter how hard someone may try to disguise his handwriting characteristics, the "individuality" of the writer shows through, the very angle at which he or she holds a pen, the way a t is crossed and an i is dotted, the height and size of capital and small letters, the amount of space between words, the use (or misuse) of punctuation marks. All these can identify a person as surely as fingerprints.I. 1. What happened to Mrs. Weinberger on the afternoon of July 4th, 1995?2. According to the message left by the kidnapper, on what condition could Mrs. Weinberger have her baby back?3. What did Mrs. Weinberger do after reading the note?4. How did the FBI catch the criminal?5. Which of the following words can best describe people's handwriting characteristics?II. 1. ( T ) When Mrs. Weinberger came back from an outing something terrible happened to her.2. ( T ) Someone kidnapped her baby because he lacked money.3. ( F ) The kidnapper did not confess to die kidnapping of the baby in the face of the handwriting sample.4. ( T ) It was the handwriting expert that broke the case.5. ( F ) At last, the police found the baby and he was safe and happy.Passage III.Timothy McVaigh placed a powerful bomb near a federal government building in Oklahoma City in 1995. The explosion killed 168 people, including 19 children. Arguments are increasing in the United States both for and against the death penalty. The increasing death penalty debate is caused by the planned execution of convicted murderer McVeigh. He is to be the first person executed by the federal government since 1963. 38 states permit the death sentence. Last year 85 people were executed in the United States. Recent public opinion studies show that more than 75 percent of Americans supper McVeigh's execution. These include many Americans who usually oppose the death sentence. Kent Scheidegger is with the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in Califomia. It is a victim's rights organization that supports the death penalty. Mr. Scheidegger says McVeigh is a perfect example of why there is a need for a federal death penalty. He says anything less than the death of McVeigh would show a complete lack of justice. Groups opposed to the death penalty say the approval of the execution of McVeigh does not show an increase in general public support for the death penalty. Opinion studies show that support for the death penalty has decreased. Studies show 77 percent of Americans supported it five years ago, now only about 63 percent do, Opponents of the death penalty have always argued that it was unfair. They say poor people who can not pay for good legal help receive the death penalty more often than others. And they say courts order the death penalty more often when the accused is a member of a racial minority group.Part D1)generous 2)company 3)hospitality 4)reception5)reputation6)anniversary7)suspicion 8)mutual 9)vastest10)communication 11)commerce 12)contact 13)1975 14)openness 15)potential 16)secure 17)lure 18)astonish 19)reach 20)confidentLesson Three Computers and the InternetPart A1.M: This report is due tomorrow. Would you be able to work on it with me tonight?W: Unfortunately, I have another commitment.Q: What is the woman saying?2. W: I wonder where the books I ordered are. I expected to receive the package several days ago.M: Maybe you'd better check it out with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?3. M: I just have to type this last page and then I'm through.W: By then, I'll be done, too.Q: What can be learned about the woman?4. W: Did you read the editorial in the paper about the mayor's speech? M: I sure did. But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said. Q: What does the man say about the editorial?5. W: Why don't we go to see a movie tonight? A good comedy might cheer you up.M: I would. But the reason that I've been so down is all this work I have to do.Q: What can be inferred about the man?6. W: So, are you going to see the students' play tonight?M: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu.Q: What is true about the man?7. M: Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.W: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus.Q: What does the woman suggest Gordon do?8. W: Mind if I borrow your Spanish workbook?M: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening. Q: What does the man mean?9. W: You don't believe in diets, do you?M: There is nothing wrong with them per se but they have to be combined with exercise to do any good.Q: What is the man's attitude towards diets ?10. W: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown.M: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important. Q: What is the implication of the man?11. W: You know, I've heard that Professor Martin's Introduction to Chemistry class is too demanding for first year students. They say it's the most difficult course for graduate students.M: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell you otherwise. Go talk to anyone who has gone to an advanced course, like Organic Chemistry, or who studied chemistry in graduate school. They're really glad they started out with Professor Martin.Q: What does the man imply about Professor Martin?12. W: Hey, Mark. Have you been able to sell your old piano, yet?M: Hmm, you were right. Just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarkets wasn't enough. I think I'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?13. W: I'm amazed that you still haven't gotten to know your neighbors. M: They tend to keep to themselves.Q: Why hasn't the man gotten to know his neighbors?14. W: Hi! Um, I think something is wrong with the washing machine. It works, and I just did my laundry, but it makes some strange noises. Maybe you should call someone to fix it.M: Oh, don't worry. Someone from the repair shop is already on the way over to take a look at it.Q: What is the implication of the man?15. W: It's so thoughtful of you to offer to drop me off at the train station. Are you sure it's not out of your way?M: Not at all. The station is really close to where I'm going.Q: What can be learned about the man?Part BPassage IThe Application of Computers in Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunityto practise new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating learning. Computer-based communications, or telecommunications, can offer many educational opportunities; therefore, educators will need to adapt current teaching methods to incorporate this new media into the classroom. Computers have made a fundamental impact on most industries, providing a competitive advantage that has come to be essential to many businesses. Therefore, schools must also use technology to improve the educational process. School systems often consider purchasing a computer network, and justify its purchase by applying it to routine administrative tasks, such as attendance records and grading. While these tasks are very important, they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet have expanded the ways in which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in "distance education" through the Internet. Distance education involves audio and video links between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring students together from geographic and cultural distances face to face via computer. Not only will the teacher talk to the students, but the students will be able to interact with each other. This will make students more interested in learning.I. 1. According to the passage, what are educators discovering?2. What do schools usually purchase computer networks for?3. According to the author, what should computers be mainly used for?4. Which of the following is NOT a feature of video conferencing?5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?II. fundamental impact; be essential; improve the educational process; justify its purchase; attendance records; what technology can doPassage IIE-Commerce The Internet, as a means for commerce, did not become reality until the 1990s. Before this time, it was mainly a tool for the army, and a research device for some American universities. Its popularity grew when it proved to be a fast and efficient means to conduct long distance transactions, as well as an effective way to distribute information. The first advantage that e-commerce possesses is speed. With increased speeds of communication, the delivery time is expedited and that makes the whole transaction from start to finish more efficient. Also, you can find practically any product available for sale on the Internet. Even more significant is the fact that information appearing on the Internet can be changed rapidly. This gives business owners the ability。

欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01新世纪研究生欧阳引擎(2021.01.01)公共英语教材听说(下)第二版听力全文主编:李玉璞上海外语教育出版社Table of ContentsKEYS TO EXERCISES 欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01LESSON ONE Resources and Energy PART A1.W: Could you mail these letters for me, please?M: More letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you.Q: What does the man imply about the woman?She is written a lot of letters recently2.W: Does Professor Ford always come to class?M: Is ice cold?Q: What do you learn about Professor Ford?She never misses class3.W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me? M: How does tomorrow sound?Q: What does the man mean?They can work together the next day4.M: Hey? John! John!W: Save your breath. He's out of earshot.Q: What is true about John, according to the woman?John is too far away to hear5. W: You only have water to serve your guests?M: This isn't just water. This is imported mineral water.Q: What is the implication of the woman?The guests don’t want to be served water6. M: Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Tuesday?W: You are in luck. I just cashed the check.Q: What will the woman probably do next?Lend the man some money7. M: Jean, didn't you get my messages? I left two on your answering machine. W: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tom. I've been meaning to get back in touch with you. It just slipped my mind.Q: Why didn’t the woman return the man’s calls?She forgot to call him8. W: I'm sorry, sir, but you're allowed only one piece of luggage on the plane. You'll have to check in one of your suitcases at the package counter.M: Actually, one of these belongs to the woman up ahead. I'm just giving her a hand.Q: Why is the man carrying an extra suitcase?The extra suitcase he is carrying belongs to someone else9. W: We need to drive to the city tonight, but the doctor said this medicine might make me drowsy.M: In that case, I'd better drive.Q: What does the man think the woman should do?Avoid driving after taking her medicine10. M: Look at all the pollution going into the air from those factories. Do you think they'll ever get under control?W: With the new laws and social awareness, we'll turn things around.Q: What does the woman predict will happen?The situation will improve with the new changes11. W: Aren't you cold? Why aren't you wearing a jacket?M: I overslept this morning, so I ran out of the house without listening to the forecast.Q: Why isn’t the man wearing a jacket?He did not know it would be cold12. M: prof. Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper that electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do you think I could have another day to retype it?W: I'm sorry, Steven. I’m leaving for a conference tomorr ow, and I'll be away for 2 weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there.Q: What will the professor probably allow the student to do?Mail her the paper after the deadline13. W: Do you know if Mary has come by the office this morning?M: I just got here myself, so I'm not the one to ask.Q: What does the woman want to know?She wants to know if mart has come by this morning14. M: I really enjoyed that TV special about "wealth" last night. Did you get to home in time to see it?W: Well, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.Q: What does the woman mean?She fell asleep before the program ended15. W: Take two of these pills three times a day and you shouldn't take them on an empty stomach.M: What if I don't have an appetite?Q: What can be inferred about the man?He may not be able to wake upPART BPassage I:The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. In 10,000 B.C., there were probably 10 million people. In A.D. 1, there were 300 million. It took 1750 years for the population to reach 625 million, a little more than double the A.D. 1 figure. In 1990, there were 5.3 billion people. By the year 2000, the world's population was over 6 billion, and by 2050, it is expected to reach 10 billion. Does the earth have enough natural resources to support this many people? Different scientists give different answers to this question. Some say that there are enough resources to support more than 6 billion people. However, the richest countries, with a small percentage of the world's population, use most of the resources. If these resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enough for everyone. Other scientists say that we must limit population growth because our resources are limited. Only 10 percent of the earth's land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for raising animals. It is possible to increase the amount of farmland, but only a little. Some land in developing countries could be more productive if people started using modern farming methods, but this would not increase worldwide production by much, We all know that there is a limited amount of petroleum. There are also limits to theamounts of metals. There is a limit to the amount of water we can use since most of the earth's water is salt water, and most of the fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. It is difficult to say how many people the earth can support, but it will help everyone if we can limit population growth before serious shortages develop. The problem is how to do it.1.Between 1990 and 2000, what changes did the world population have?It had increased by almost a billion2.According to some scientists, which of the following is true?The world’s resources are adequate but not evently distributed3.Why can't most of the earth's water be used?It is mostly salt or frozen at the North and South Poles4.In developing countries, what does the use of medern farming methods result in?5. According to the author, what can you infer from the passage?II 1.There were probably 10 million people.2.It is expected to be 10 billion.3.If the resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enoueh for everyone.4.Only 10 percent.5. It is how to limit population growth.Passage II:Fresh water, life itself, has never come easy in the Middle East. Ever since the Old Testament when God punished man with 40 days and 40 nights of rain, water supplies here have been dwindling. The rainfall only comes in winter and drains quickly through the semiarid land, leaving the soil to bake and to thirst for next November. The region's accelerating population growth, expanding agriculture, industrialization, and higher living standards demand more fresh water. Drought and pollution limit its availability. War and mismanagement squander it. Nations like Israel and Jordan are swiftly sliding into that zone where they are using all the water resources available to them. They have only 15 to 20 years left before their agriculture, and ultimately their food security, is threatened. Even amid the scarcity there are haves and have-nots. Compared with the United States, which has a freshwater potential of 10,000 cubic meters a year for each citizen. Iraq has 5,500. Turkey has 4,000, and Syria has little more than 2,800. Egypt's potential is only 1,100. Israel has 460, and Jordan has less than 260. But these are not firm figures, because upstream use of river water can dramatically alter the potential downstream. Scarcity is only one element of the Middle East’s water crisis. Inefficiency is another, as is the reluctance of some water-poor nations to change priorities from agriculture to less water-intensive enterprises. Some experts suggest that if these nations would share both water technology and resources, they could satisfy the region's population, currently 159 million. But in this patchwork of ethnic and religious rivalries, the water crisis is not a clear-cut issue. It is entangled in the politics that keep people from trusting and seeking help from one another. Here, where water, like truth, is precious, each nation tends to find its own water and supply its own truth.1. When does the rainfall come in the Middle East?2. What is the cause of the water crisis?3. How many years are left for Israel and Jordan before their agriculture is threatened?4. What is the current population in the Middle East according to the passage?5. According to some experts' suggestion, what should the nations do in order to avoid a water crisis ?II 1) 10,000 2) 5,500 4) More than 2,8003) 4,000 5) Egypt6) 460 7) Less than 260Part D1) award, 3) profit, 5) dedication, 7) moment, 9) physical, 11) conflict, 13)worth, 15) heart, 17) compassion, 19) lust,2) glory, 4) trust, 6) significance, 8) anguish, 10) spirit, 12) alone, 14) room, 16) honor, 18) curse, 20) valueLesson Two Crime and PunishmentPart A1.M: Hello?W: Hello. This is Dr. Grey's office. We are calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing you called. I thought it was 4:15 today.Q: Why is the office calling the man?2. W: How wonderful! You won the scholarship. Can you believe it?M: No. It's almost too good to be true.Q: What does the man mean?3. W: Excuse me, Professor Davidson. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come and see me during office hours tomorrow?Q: When will the woman discuss her project with Professor Davidson?4. M: How are you feeling? W: The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped. But it's making me awfully drowsy.Q: What do you learn about the woman?5. M: Bill Smith has volunteered to write a summary of the proposals we've agreed on. W: Will I have a chance to review it?Q: What does the woman want to know?6.M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?W: I'm afraid I just ran out of film.Q: What problem does the woman have?7. W: Excuse me, we're ready to order now.M: I'll be with you in just a minute.Q: What does the man mean?8. W: I think I forgot my umbrella. Did you notice if it is raining outside?M: Yeah, it is. And I just realized I left my car window open.Q: What will the man probably do next?9. W: How does your daughter like her new school?M: Fine. She seems to have made new friends in no time.Q: What can be inferred about the man's daughter?10. W: There's an article here in this magazine you might find interesting. It's aboutbuying running shoes.M: If it's not chemistry and it's not on the final exam, I can't read it now.Q: What is the man probably doing?11. M: You're washing your car even on vacation. It makes me feel guilty.W: You shouldn’t, it’s just that I ha ve nothing better to do at this moment.Q: What do you think of the woman?12. M: My doctor told me I need to go for some expensive treatments for my injured knee.W: Are you sure? Maybe you need a second opinion.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?13. W: Hello. Could you fit me in for an appointment today? I need a stylist who is good at cutting curly hair.M: Julia is good at that. She is the owner. How about noon?Q: What will the woman probably do?14. W: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I've got some spare time.M: I like to read, too. But I prefer non-fiction, history, social commentary and stuff like that.Q: What does the man imply?15. M: I'm not an expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn't sound good. Maybe you should call and have it checked out.W: You're right. And I suppose I've put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?Part BPassage IPurse snatching is an increasingly common crime. There are estimated 50 to 100 purse snatchings each month in the New York City subways, the number often swinging widely because of the depredations of a single teenager. When such a professional is in custody, the snatches can decrease by more than 50 a month. One of the favored techniques is to stand between two subway cars and, as a train starts pulling out of the station, reach out and pull free a woman's purse.Recently, a crime analysis officer for the New York Police Department found that purse stealing in Manhattan's top restaurants was up 35 percent over the previous year. When a woman puts her purse on an empty chair at a table or at her feet beside her chair, she is inviting a purse snatcher to take it. Purse snatchers often work in pairs. When a target in a restaurant is seen, one of them will create some kind of disturbance to gain the victim's attention. While the woman is looking away from her table, the actual snatcher will lift the purse. A popular technique is for the thief to carry an umbrella with the curved handle down. The umbrella handle suddenly hooks the bag and in an instant it is on the thief's wrist, or under the coat over his arm if he is a man, and on its way out of the restaurant. Police advise that women in restaurants keep their purse either on their laps or on the floor between their legs.Other purse snatchers who operate in theaters are called "seat tippers", victimizing women who put their purses down on a neighboring empty seat. Others specialize in snatching purses from ladies' rooms. When a woman is in a toilet stall, her purse should never be placed on the floor or hung on the coat hook on the door.Thieves simply dive under the door and grab the purse on the floor, or stand on the toilet in the next stall and reach over and take the purse off the hook. The snatcher has enough time to escape since the victim can't immediately pursue the thief.I. 1. When does the number of purse snatchings decrease most dramatically?2. Where does a purse snatcher like to commit crimes in subway stations?3. When women are in restaurants, where are they advised to put their purses?4. What does a thief often use to snatch purses in restaurants?5. According to this passage, where does purse snatching not usually occur?II. crime analysis officer; take it; purses; in pairs; top restaurants; an empty chair; to some kind of disturbance; coat hook; snatching never be placed; in the next stall; enough time to escapePassage IIOn the afternoon of July4,1995, Mrs.Beatrice Weinberger brought her one-month old baby back from an outing. She left the pram outside her house and hurried inside to get the baby a clean nappy. When she returned a few moments later, the pram was empty and a scrawled note was lying where her baby had been. The note said: "Attention. I badly need money, and can't get it any other way. Don't tell the police about this, otherwise I will kill the baby." "Just put $2,000 in small bills in a brown envelope, and place it next to the road lamp at the corner of Albamarle Rd. at exactly 10 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning." "If everything goes smooth, I will bring the baby back and leave him on the same corner 'safe and happy' at exactly 12 noon. No excuse, I can not wait! Your baby-sitter." Despite the kidnapper's warning, Mrs. Weinbarger contacted the police. A small parcel containing broken pieces of newspaper was placed on the comer the following morning. But the kidnapper did not show up. He failed to keep two other” appointments" with the Weinbergers, and left a second note signed "Your baby-sitter'. By then, the police felt that the baby was no longer alive. The FBI was called in, and the handwriting experts set to work to try to track down the kidnapper. In both notes an unusual z-shaped stroke was placed at the front of the y in words such as "money" and "baby". Starting with the New York State Police Office, the experts spent the next six weeks carefully going over local records at police offices, factories, hotels, clubs and schools and examining handwriting samples and comparing them with the writing on the kidnapper's notes. Then, in the middle of August, the experts' hard efforts paid off. The handwriting of John Rush Blake matched that of the kidnapper's, especially in the peculiar formation of the y's. Not long after, John Blake was arrested for making illegal alcohol. On being shown the handwriting samples, he confessed to kidnapping the baby. He told the police that he had left the baby alive and well in a nearby park on the day after the kidnapping. But when officers hurried to the place, all they found was the baby's dead body. The criminal was later put into New York's Sing Sing Prison. Even if John Blake had tried to disguise his handwriting he would still have been caught. No matter how hard someone may try to disguise his handwriting characteristics, the "individuality" of the writer shows through, the very angle at which he or she holds a pen, the way a t is crossed and an i is dotted, the height and size of capital and small letters, the amount of space between words, the use (or misuse) of punctuation marks. All these can identify a person as surely as fingerprints.I. 1. What happened to Mrs. Weinberger on the afternoon of July 4th, 1995?2. According to the message left by the kidnapper, on what condition could Mrs.Weinberger have her baby back?3. What did Mrs. Weinberger do after reading the note?4. How did the FBI catch the criminal?5. Which of the following words can best describe people's handwriting characteristics?II. 1. ( T ) When Mrs. Weinberger came back from an outing something terrible happened to her.2. ( T ) Someone kidnapped her baby because he lacked money.3. ( F ) The kidnapper did not confess to die kidnapping of the baby in the face of the handwriting sample.4. ( T ) It was the handwriting expert that broke the case.5. ( F ) At last, the police found the baby and he was safe and happy.Passage III.Timothy McVaigh placed a powerful bomb near a federal government building in Oklahoma City in 1995. The explosion killed 168 people, including 19 children. Arguments are increasing in the United States both for and against the death penalty. The increasing death penalty debate is caused by the planned execution of convicted murderer McVeigh. He is to be the first person executed by the federal government since 1963. 38 states permit the death sentence. Last year 85 people were executed in the United States. Recent public opinion studies show that more than 75 percent of Americans supper McVeigh's execution. These include many Americans who usually oppose the death sentence. Kent Scheidegger is with the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in Califomia. It is a victim's rights organization that supports the death penalty. Mr. Scheidegger says McVeigh is a perfect example of why there is a need for a federal death penalty. He says anything less than the death of McVeigh would show a complete lack of justice. Groups opposed to the death penalty say the approval of the execution of McVeigh does not show an increase in general public support for the death penalty. Opinion studies show that support for the death penalty has decreased. Studies show 77 percent of Americans supported it five years ago, now only about 63 percent do, Opponents of the death penalty have always argued that it was unfair. They say poor people who can not pay for good legal help receive the death penalty more often than others. And they say courts order the death penalty more often when the accused is a member of a racial minority group.Part D1)generous 2)company 3)hospitality 4)reception 5)reputation6)anniversary7)suspicion8)mutual 9)vastest10)communication 11)commerce 12)contact 13)1975 14)openness 15)potential 16)secure 17)lure 18)astonish 19)reach 20)confidentLesson Three Computers and the Internet Part A1.M: This report is due tomorrow. Would you be able to work on it with me tonight?W: Unfortunately, I have another commitment.Q: What is the woman saying?2. W: I wonder where the books I ordered are. I expected to receive the package several days ago.M: Maybe you'd better check it out with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?3. M: I just have to type this last page and then I'm through.W: By then, I'll be done, too.Q: What can be learned about the woman?4. W: Did you read the editorial in the paper about the mayor's speech?M: I sure did. But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said.Q: What does the man say about the editorial?5. W: Why don't we go to see a movie tonight? A good comedy might cheer you up. M: I would. But the reason that I've been so down is all this work I have to do.Q: What can be inferred about the man?6. W: So, are you going to see the students' play tonight?M: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu.Q: What is true about the man?7. M: Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.W: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus.Q: What does the woman suggest Gordon do?8. W: Mind if I borrow your Spanish workbook?M: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening.Q: What does the man mean?9. W: You don't believe in diets, do you?M: There is nothing wrong with them per se but they have to be combined with exercise to do any good.Q: What is the man's attitude towards diets ?10. W: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown.M: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important.Q: What is the implication of the man?11. W: You know, I've heard that Professor Martin's Introduction to Chemistry class is too demanding for first year students. They say it's the most difficult course for graduate students.M: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell you otherwise. Go talk to anyone who has gone to an advanced course, like Organic Chemistry, or who studied chemistry in graduate school. They're really glad they started out with Professor Martin.Q: What does the man imply about Professor Martin?12. W: Hey, Mark. Have you been able to sell your old piano, yet?M: Hmm, you were right. Just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarkets wasn't enough. I think I'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?13. W: I'm amazed that you still haven't gotten to know your neighbors.M: They tend to keep to themselves.Q: Why hasn't the man gotten to know his neighbors?14. W: Hi! Um, I think something is wrong with the washing machine. It works, and I just did my laundry, but it makes some strange noises. Maybe you should callsomeone to fix it.M: Oh, don't worry. Someone from the repair shop is already on the way over to take a look at it.Q: What is the implication of the man?15. W: It's so thoughtful of you to offer to drop me off at the train station. Are you sure it's not out of your way?M: Not at all. The station is really close to where I'm going.Q: What can be learned about the man?Part BPassage IThe Application of Computers in Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practise new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating learning. Computer-based communications, or telecommunications, can offer many educational opportunities; therefore, educators will need to adapt current teaching methods to incorporate this new media into the classroom. Computers have made a fundamental impact on most industries, providing a competitive advantage that has come to be essential to many businesses. Therefore, schools must also use technology to improve the educational process. School systems often consider purchasing a computer network, and justify its purchase by applying it to routine administrative tasks, such as attendance records and grading. While these tasks are very important, they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet have expanded the ways in which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in "distance education" through the Internet. Distance education involves audio and video links between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring students together from geographic and cultural distances face to face via computer. Not only will the teacher talk to the students, but the students will be able to interact with each other. This will make students more interested in learning.I. 1. According to the passage, what are educators discovering?2. What do schools usually purchase computer networks for?3. According to the author, what should computers be mainly used for?4. Which of the following is NOT a feature of video conferencing?5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?II. fundamental impact; be essential; improve the educational process; justify its purchase; attendance records; what technology can doPassage IIE-Commerce The Internet, as a means for commerce, did not become reality until the 1990s. Before this time, it was mainly a tool for the army, and a researchdevice for some American universities. Its popularity grew when it proved to be a fast and efficient means to conduct long distance transactions, as well as an effective way to distribute information. The first advantage that e-commerce possesses is speed. With increased speeds of communication, the delivery time is expedited and that makes the whole transaction from start to finish more efficient. Also, you can find practically any product available for sale on the Internet. Even more significant is the fact that information appearing on the Internet can be changed rapidly. This gives business owners the ability to inform customers of any changes to the service that they are offering. The second advantage of electronic commerce is the opportunity it offers to save on costs. By using the Internet, marketing, distribution, personnel, phone, postage and printing costs, among many others, can be reduced. You can start doing business in cyberspace for as little as $100. The savings, therefore, are tremendous. These funds can then be diverted to marketing and advertising your product or service. Cyberspace knows no national boundaries. That means you can do business all over the world as easily as you can in your own neighborhood. Since the Internet connects everyone in cyberspace, information is transmitted at the speed of sound or the speed of light, depending on your connection. Either way, distance becomes meaningless, which enables you to link to nearly anyone on the globe, and anyone on the globe can link to you. The ability to establish links makes doing business on the Internet attractive to customers in any part of the world. A potential source of trouble is customer concerns with privacy and security. Anything sent over the Internet is sent through several different computers before it reaches its final destination. The concern regarding Internet security and privacy is that unscrupulous hackers can capture credit card or check account data as it is transferred or break into computers that hold the same information. Making a customer feel safe is important when doing business on the Internet. Even though no one can guarantee 100% security when transferring financial information over the Internet, e-commerce is still safer than using credit cards at an actual store or restaurant, or paying for something with the use of a 1-800 number."I. l. Before being used for commerce, what was the Internet mainly used for?2. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that can make transactions more efficient on the Internet?3. Why does distance become meaningless in e-commerce?4. What do customers worry about in e-commerce?5. What is the main idea of this passage?II. source; privacy; security; destination; credit card; transferred; feel safe; guarantee; safer than; paying forPassageIIIComputerized SystemsIt was pointed out by a computer wag that a computerized system consists of three subsystems: hardware, software, and jellyware. Hardware is the computer itself -- the collection of slightly impure chunks of silicon dioxide and other metal oxides that sometimes conduct electricity and sometimes don't, but never conduct it very well. Basically, hardware is mostly sand with some metal and some organic plastic material to hold it together. Software consists of the instructions necessary in order for the hardware to do things. The instructions are nothing more than signals indicating that certain pieces of hardware are to turn themselves on or off in。

LESSON ONE Resources and Energy1. W: Could you mail these letters for me, please?M: More letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you.Q: What does the man imply about the woman?2. W: Does Professor Ford always come to class?M: Is ice cold?Q: What do you learn about Professor Ford?3. W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me?M: How does tomorrow sound?Q: What does the man mean?4. M: Hey? John! John!W: Save your breath. He's out of earshot.Q: What is true about John, according to the woman?5. W: You only have water to serve your guests?M: This isn't just water. This is imported mineral water.Q: What is the implication of the woman?6. M: Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Tuesday?W: You are in luck. I just cashed the check.Q: What will the woman probably do next?7. M: Jean, didn't you get my messages? I left two on your answering machine.W: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tom. I've been meaning to get back in touch with you. It just slipped my mind.Q: Why didn’t the woman return the man’s calls?8. W: I'm sorry, sir, but you're allowed only one piece of luggage on the plane. You'll have to check in one of your suitcases at the package counter.M: Actually, one of these belongs to the woman up ahead. I'm just giving her a hand.Q: Why is the man carrying an extra suitcase?9. W: We need to drive to the city tonight, but the doctor said this medicine might make me drowsy.M: In that case, I'd better drive.Q: What does the man think the woman should do?10. M: Look at all the pollution going into the air from those factories. Do you think they'll ever get under control?W: With the new laws and social awareness, we'll turn things around.Q: What does the woman predict will happen?11. W: Aren't you cold? Why aren't you wearing a jacket?M: I overslept this morning, so I ran out of the house without listening to the forecast.Q: Why isn’t the man wearing a jacket?12. M: prof. Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper that electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do you think I could have another day to retype it?W: I'm sorry, Steven. I’m leaving for a conference tomorrow, and I'll be away for 2 weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there.Q: What will the professor probably allow the student to do?13. W: Do you know if Mary has come by the office this morning?M: I just got here myself, so I'm not the one to ask.Q: What does the woman want to know?14. M: I really enjoyed that TV special about "wealth" last night. Did you get to home in time to see it?W: Well, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.Q: What does the woman mean?15. W: Take two of these pills three times a day and you shouldn't take them on an empty stomach.M: What if I don't have an appetite?Q: What can be inferred about the man?PART B Passage I:The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. In 10,000 B.C., there were probably 10 million people. In A.D. 1, there were 300 million. It took 1750 years for the population to reach 625 million, a little more than double the A.D. 1 figure. In 1990, there were 5.3 billion people. By the year 2000, the world's population was over 6 billion, and by 2050, it is expected to reach 10 billion. Does the earth have enough natural resources to support this many people? Different scientists give different answers to this question. Some say that there are enough resources to support more than 6 billion people. However, the richest countries, with a small percentage of the world's population, use most of the resources. If these resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enough for everyone. Other scientists say that we must limit population growth because our resources are limited. Only 10 percent ofthe earth's land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for raising animals. It is possible to increase the amount of farmland, but only a little. Some land in developing countries could be more productive if people started using modern farming methods, but this would not increase worldwide production by much, We all know that there is a limited amount of petroleum. There are also limits to the amounts of metals. There is a limit to the amount of water we can use since most of the earth's water is salt water, and most of the fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. It is difficult to say how many people the earth can support, but it will help everyone if we can limit population growth before serious shortages develop. The problem is how to do it. 1. Between 1990 and 2000, what changes did the world population have? 2. According to some scientists, which of the following is true? 3. Why can't most of the earth's water be used? 4. In developing countries, what does the use of medern farming methods result in? 5. According to the author, what can you infer from the passage?II 1.There were probably 10 million people. 2.It is expected to be 10 billion.3.If the resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enoueh for everyone. 4.Only 10 percent. 5. It is how to limit population growth.Passage II:Fresh water, life itself, has never come easy in the Middle East. Ever since the Old Testament when God punished man with 40 days and 40 nights of rain, water supplies here have been dwindling. The rainfall only comes in winter and drains quickly through the semiarid land, leaving the soil to bake and to thirst for next November. The region's accelerating population growth, expanding agriculture, industrialization, and higher living standards demand more fresh water. Drought and pollution limit its availability. War and mismanagement squander it. Nations like Israel and Jordan are swiftly sliding into that zone where they are using all the water resources available to them. They have only 15 to 20 years left before their agriculture, and ultimately their food security, is threatened. Even amid the scarcity there are haves and have-nots. Compared with the United States, which has a freshwater potential of 10,000 cubic meters a year for each citizen. Iraq has 5,500. Turkey has 4,000, and Syria has little more than 2,800. Egypt's potential is only 1,100. Israel has 460, and Jordan has less than 260. But these are not firm figures, because upstream use of river water can dramatically alter the potential downstream. Scarcity is only one element of the Middle East’s water crisis. Ineffici ency is another, as is the reluctance of some water-poor nations to change priorities from agriculture to less water-intensive enterprises. Some experts suggest that if these nations would share both water technology and resources, they could satisfy the region's population, currently 159 million. Butin this patchwork of ethnic and religious rivalries, the water crisis is not a clear-cut issue. It is entangled in the politics that keep people from trusting and seeking help from one another. Here, where water, like truth, is precious, each nation tends to find its own water and supply its own truth.Part D 2) glory, 4) trust, 6) significance, 8) anguish, 10) spirit, 12) alone, 14) room, 16) honor, 4) More than 2,800 6) 460 7) Less than 260 1) award, 3) profit, 5) dedication, 7) moment, 9) physical, 11) conflict, 13)worth, 15) heart, 17) compassion, 18) curse, 19) lust, 20) valueLesson Two crime and punishment1. M: Hello?W: Hello. This is Dr. Grey's office. We are calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing you called. I thought it was 4:15 today.Q: Why is the office calling the man?2. W: How wonderful! You won the scholarship. Can you believe it?M: No. It's almost too good to be true.Q: What does the man mean?3. W: Excuse me, Professor Davidson. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come and see me during office hours tomorrow?Q: When will the woman discuss her project with Professor Davidson?4. M: How are you feeling?W: The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped. But it's making me awfully drowsy. Q: What do you learn about the woman?5. M: Bill Smith has volunteered to write a summary of the proposals we've agreed on.W: Will I have a chance to review it?Q: What does the woman want to know?6.M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?W: I'm afraid I just ran out of film.Q: What problem does the woman have?7. W: Excuse me, we're ready to order now.M: I'll be with you in just a minute.Q: What does the man mean?8. W: I think I forgot my umbrella. Did you notice if it is raining outside?M: Yeah, it is. And I just realized I left my car window open.Q: What will the man probably do next?9. W: How does your daughter like her new school?M: Fine. She seems to have made new friends in no time.Q: What can be inferred about the man's daughter?10. W: There's an article here in this magazine you might find interesting. It's about buying running shoes.M: If it's not chemistry and it's not on the final exam, I can't read it now.Q: What is the man probably doing?11. M: You're washing your car even on vacation. It makes me feel guilty.W: You shouldn’t, it’s just that I have nothing better to do at this moment.Q: What do you think of the woman?12. M: My doctor told me I need to go for some expensive treatments for my injured knee.W: Are you sure? Maybe you need a second opinion.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?13. W: Hello. Could you fit me in for an appointment today? I need a stylist who is good at cutting curly hair.M: Julia is good at that. She is the owner. How about noon?Q: What will the woman probably do?14. W: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I've got some spare time.M: I like to read, too. But I prefer non-fiction, history, social commentary and stuff like that.Q: What does the man imply?15. M: I'm not an expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn't sound good. Maybe you should call and have it checked out.W: You're right. And I suppose I've put it off long enough.Q: What will the woman probably do?Passage IPurse snatching is an increasingly common crime. There are estimated 50 to 100 purse snatchings each month in the New York City subways, the number often swinging widely because of the depredations of a single teenager. When such a professional is in custody, the snatches can decrease by more than 50 a month. One of the favored techniques is to stand between two subway cars and, as a train starts pulling out of the station, reach out and pull free a woman's purse. Recently, a crime analysis officer for the New York Police Department found that purse stealing in Manhattan's top restaurants was up 35 percent over the previous year. When a woman puts her purse on an empty chair at a table or at her feet beside her chair, she is inviting a purse snatcher to take it. Purse snatchers often work in pairs. When a target in a restaurant is seen, one of them will create some kind of disturbance to gain the victim's attention. While the woman is looking away from her table, the actual snatcher will lift the purse. A populartechnique is for the thief to carry an umbrella with the curved handle down. The umbrella handle suddenly hooks the bag and in an instant it is on the thief's wrist, or under the coat over his arm if he is a man, and on its way out of the restaurant. Police advise that women in restaurants keep their purse either on their laps or on the floor between their legs. Other purse snatchers who operate in theaters are called "seat tippers", victimizing women who put their purses down on a neighboring empty seat. Others specialize in snatching purses from ladies' rooms. When a woman is in a toilet stall, her purse should never be placed on the floor or hung on the coat hook on the door. Thieves simply dive under the door and grab the purse on the floor, or stand on the toilet in the next stall and reach over and take the purse off the hook. The snatcher has enough time to escape since the victim can't immediately pursue the thief. I.Passage II On the afternoon of July4,1995, Mrs.Beatrice Weinberger brought her one-month old baby back from an outing. She left the pram outside her house and hurried inside to get the baby a clean nappy. When she returned a few moments later, the pram was empty and a scrawled note was lying where her baby had been. The note said: "Attention. I badly need money, and can't get it any other way. Don't tell the police about this, otherwise I will kill the baby." "Just put $2,000 in small bills in a brown envelope, and place it next to the road lamp at the corner of Albamarle Rd. at exactly 10 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) morning." "If everything goes smooth, I will bring the baby back and leave him on the same corner 'safe and happy' at exactly 12 noon. No excuse, I can not wait! Your baby-sitter." Despite the kidnapper's warning, Mrs. Weinbarger contacted the police. A small parcel containing broken pieces of newspaper was placed on the comer the followi ng morning. But the kidnapper did not show up. He failed to keep two other” appointments" with the Weinbergers, and left a second note signed "Your baby-sitter'. By then, the police felt that the baby was no longer alive. The FBI was called in, and the handwriting experts set to work to try to track down the kidnapper. In both notes an unusual z-shaped stroke was placed at the front of the y in words such as "money" and "baby". Starting with the New York State Police Office, the experts spent the next six weeks carefully going over local records at police offices, factories, hotels, clubs and schools and examining handwriting samples and comparing them with the writing on the kidnapper's notes. Then, in the middle of August, the experts' hard efforts paid off. The handwriting of John Rush Blake matched that of the kidnapper's, especially in the peculiar formation of the y's. Not long after, John Blake was arrested for making illegal alcohol. On being shown the handwriting samples, he confessed to kidnapping the baby. He told the police that he had left the baby alive and well in a nearby park on the day after the kidnapping. But when officers hurried to the place, all they found was thebaby's dead body. The criminal was later put into New York's Sing Sing Prison. Even if John Blake had tried to disguise his handwriting he would still have been caught. No matter how hard someone may try to disguise his handwriting characteristics, the "individuality" of the writer shows through, the very angle at which he or she holds a pen, the way a t is crossed and an i is dotted, the height and size of capital and small letters, the amount of space between words, the use (or misuse) of punctuation marks. All these can identify a person as surely as fingerprints. Part D 1)generous 5)reputation 9)vastest 13)1975 2)company 6)anniversary 10)communication 14)openness 3)hospitality 7)suspicion 11)commerce 16)secure 4)reception 8)mutual 12)contact 17)lure 15)potential 20)confident 18)astonish 19)reachLesson Three Computers and the Internet1. M: This report is due tomorrow. Would you be able to work on it with me tonight?W: Unfortunately, I have another commitment.Q: What is the woman saying?2. W: I wonder where the books I ordered are. I expected to receive the package several days ago.M: Maybe you'd better check it out with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?3. M: I just have to type this last page and then I'm through.W: By then, I'll be done, too.Q: What can be learned about the woman?4. W: Did you read the editorial in the paper about the mayor's speech?M: I sure did. But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said.Q: What does the man say about the editorial?5. W: Why don't we go to see a movie tonight? A good comedy might cheer you up.M: I would. But the reason that I've been so down is all this work I have to do.Q: What can be inferred about the man?6. W: So, are you going to see the students' play tonight?M: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu.Q: What is true about the man?7. M: Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.W: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus.Q: What does the woman suggest Gordon do?8. W: Mind if I borrow your Spanish workbook?M: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening.Q: What does the man mean?9. W: You don't believe in diets, do you?M: There is nothing wrong with them per se but they have to be combined with exercise to do any good.Q: What is the man's attitude towards diets ?10. W: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown.M: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important.Q: What is the implication of the man?11. W: You know, I've heard that Professor Martin's Introduction to Chemistry class is too demanding for first year students. They say it's the most difficult course for graduate students. M: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell you otherwise. Go talk to anyone who has gone to an advanced course, like Organic Chemistry, or who studied chemistry in graduate school. They're really glad they started out with Professor Martin.Q: What does the man imply about Professor Martin?12. W: Hey, Mark. Have you been able to sell your old piano, yet?M: Hmm, you were right. Just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarkets wasn't enough. I think I'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?13. W: I'm amazed that you still haven't gotten to know your neighbors.M: They tend to keep to themselves.Q: Why hasn't the man gotten to know his neighbors?14. W: Hi! Um, I think something is wrong with the washing machine. It works, and I just did my laundry, but it makes some strange noises. Maybe you should call someone to fix it.M: Oh, don't worry. Someone from the repair shop is already on the way over to take a look at it.Q: What is the implication of the man?15. W: It's so thoughtful of you to offer to drop me off at the train station. Are you sure it's not out of your way?M: Not at all. The station is really close to where I'm going.Q: What can be learned about the man?Passage IThe Application of Computers in Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practise new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating learning. Computer-based communications, or telecommunications, can offer many educational opportunities; therefore, educators will need to adapt current teaching methods to incorporate this new media into the classroom. Computers have made a fundamental impact on most industries, providing acompetitive advantage that has come to be essential to many businesses. Therefore, schools must also use technology to improve the educational process. School systems often consider purchasing a computer network, and justify its purchase by applying it to routine administrative tasks, such as attendance records and grading. While these tasks are very important, they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet have expanded the ways in which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in "distance education" through the Internet. Distance education involves audio and video links between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring students together from geographic and cultural distances face to face via computer. Not only will the teacher talk to the students, but the students will be able to interact with each other. This will make students more interested in learning.II. fundamental impact; be essential; improve the educational process; justify its purchase; attendance records; what technology can doPassage IIE-Commerce The Internet, as a means for commerce, did not become reality until the 1990s. Before this time, it was mainly a tool for the army, and a research device for some American universities. Its popularity grew when it proved to be a fast and efficient means to conduct long distance transactions, as well as an effective way to distribute information. The first advantage that e-commerce possesses is speed. With increased speeds of communication, the delivery time is expedited and that makes the whole transaction from start to finish more efficient. Also, you can find practically any product available for sale on the Internet. Even more significant is the fact that information appearing on the Internet can be changed rapidly. This gives business owners the ability to inform customers of any changes to the service that they are offering. The second advantage of electronic commerce is the opportunity it offers to save on costs. By using the Internet, marketing, distribution, personnel, phone, postage and printing costs, among many others, can be reduced. You can start doing business in cyberspace for as little as $100. The savings, therefore, are tremendous. These funds can then be diverted to marketing and advertising your product or service. Cyberspace knows no national boundaries. That means you can do business all over the world as easily as you can in your own neighborhood. Since the Internet connects everyone in cyberspace, information is transmitted at the speed of sound or the speed of light, depending on your connection. Either way, distance becomes meaningless, whichenables you to link to nearly anyone on the globe, and anyone on the globe can link to you. The ability to establish links makes doing business on the Internet attractive to customers in any part of the world. A potential source of trouble is customer concerns with privacy and security. Anything sent over the Internet is sent through several different computers before it reaches its final destination. The concern regarding Internet security and privacy is that unscrupulous hackers can capture credit card or check account data as it is transferred or break into computers that hold the same information. Making a customer feel safe is important when doing business on the Internet. Even though no one can guarantee 100% security when transferring financial information over the Internet, e-commerce is still safer than using credit cards at an actual store or restaurant, or paying for something with the use of a 1-800 number."II. source; privacy; security; destination; credit card; transferred; feel safe; guarantee; safer than; paying forPart D 1)members of the House; 2)the politics; 3)personal destruction; 4)values; 5)worthy and good and honorable; 6)our political system; 7)reconsider; 8)government of man; 9)elected leaders; 10)lie empty; 11)cast out of; 12)living up to the standards; 13)life imitates farce;14)resignation; 15)intolerance; 16)downward spiral; 17)this healing; 18)healing our nation;19)respect and fairness and decency; 20)the wisdom and the courage and the goodnessLESSON FOUR Finance1. W: I see a new bookstore has just opened on Main Street.M: It may be a new store, but the books are far from new.Q: Which one of the following is true according to the man?2. W: Alice has been spending a lot of time at the library lately.M: Well. She's got a paper due and two final exams next week.Q: What has Alice probably been doing?3. W: It's going to cost a fortune to get my car fixed.M: Why don't you just trade it in for a new one?Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?4. M: Winter is over at last. Time to pack up my gloves and boots.W: I've been waiting for this for months.Q: How do you interpret what the woman said?5. W: How did the game go the other night? Did your team win?M: Are you kidding? That would be a first.Q: What does the man say about his team?6. M: The tickets for that rock concert will go on sale next Saturday at five o'clock.W: I heard that anyone who wants one had better get there sooner than that.Q: What is the implication of the woman?7. W: Your train will be ready for boarding in 15 minutes, Sir. Breakfast will be offered in the dinning car.M: Good. I'll have just enough time to send a fax before leaving.Q: What does the man plan to do next?8. W: Shall I cut your hair for you?M: No way. Last time you almost made me bald.Q: What can be known from the conversation?9. M: So my advisor wants me to take the creative writing class that meets on Wednesday instead of the Monday class, because the instructor for the Wednesday class is supposed to be great. But that means I have to spend a whole day on campus, every Wednesday.W: Well, but…especially in creative writing, the instructor can make a big difference in how much you get out of the class.Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?10. M: Would you like to try the new sea food restaurant tonight? I hear it's very good.W: I have to give a presentation tomorrow, and I need to do a trial run.Q: What will the woman probably do tonight?11. W: Ah-oh. Somebody left his wallet here.M: See if there is some kind of identification in it.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?12. W: Dr. Smith asked us to watch that special on the Civil War on TV this weekend. Do you want to come over Saturday night?M: Oh, I'm supposed to help my cousin move then. It's being rebroadcast on Sunday afternoon, though. Is that OK for you?Q: Why does the man suggest they should watch the TV programme on Sunday?13. M: I don't know how I managed to break that platter. I'll be more than happy to buy you a new one.W: Forget about it. Some things just can't be helped.Q: What can be inferred about the woman , concerning the platter?14. W: I wonder if there's a bus that goes by the museum.M: The history museum on Main Street? Take one of these with 8-A on the front.Q: What does the man mean?15. M: It's pouring. We are never gonna make our flight if we don't leave soon.W: Oh, don't worry so much. I'm sure we'll get there in plenty of time.Q: What information can you get from the woman?Part B Passage I The GoldRush One day in 1848, a remarkable discovery was made by a carpenter named Marshall. He happened to pick up some bright yellow particles from the water near his sawmill. Not knowing what they were, he took them to his master Mr. Suffer. Sutter immediately realized the importance of the discovery and sent a man to San Francisco to inform the govemor of it so that he could get permission to found a settlement on both banks of the river. Unfortunately in the beginning, the man did not believe it. Only after a reporter from a weekly newspaper went to Sutter's sawmill to make a report, did the news spread all over the USA, and even to Europe. Within a month, thousands and thousands of people hurried towards California to search for the valuable metal. Soldiers deserted the army, sailors left their ships and all sorts of people gave up their jobs so as not to miss the chance of becoming rich. Large number of Europeans joined in the search, too. Crowds of people, ships and wagon trains rushed to the same destination. This was the California Gold Rush. While this went on, families were broken up, husbands were taken away from their wives and children from their parents. On their way to。