
乳腺癌常用化疗方案及相尖文献检索1激素治疗以下为供参考的综述文章:HOWELL and DORSETT, Br. Med. J. 315 (1997):863-866 THURLIMANN, Oncology 55(1998):501-5072抗雌激素/选择性雌激素受体修饰剂(SERMS )三苯氧胺2mg/d 针对雌激素受体阳性可手术的肿瘤病人的辅助治疗,与年龄及肿瘤情况无尖。
治 疗持续时间:大约五年。
同时也是对绝经后的雌激素受体阳性的肿瘤进展或转移患者的姑息治 疗。
参考文献:EARLY BREAST CANCER TRIALISTS ' COLLABORATIVE GROUP, Lancet 351 (1998):1451 -1467FISHER et al, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 88(1996):1529-1542 GOLDHIRSCH et al, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 90(1998):1601-1608SWEDISH BREAST CANCER COOPERATIVE GROUP, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 88(1996);1543-1549三苯氧胺60mg/d Droloxifene 20mg/d Raloxifene60mg/d二年(尤其中以预防骨质疏松症)参考文献:DELMAS et al, N. Engl. J. Mde. 337(1997):1641-16473芳香酶抑制剂:尤其是对绝位后的患者在抗雌激素治疗后的二线激素治疗。
CLEMONS et al, Eur. J. Cancer 33(1997):2171-2182, and Eur. J. Cancer 33 (1997):2183- 2193(advaneed disease)CROWN, Eur. J. Cancer 33(Supp1.7):S15-S19(metastatic disease)ELLIS & SMITH, Cancer Treat. Rev. 22(1996):437-450(neoadjuvant therapy) FOSSATI et al, J. Clin. Oncol. 16(1998):3439-3460(metastatic disease)GRADIHAR, Semin. Oncol. 25(Supp1.3)(1998):25-30(neoadjuvant therapy) HONKOOR et al,安鲁米特 250氢化可的松An astrozole 1mg/d P-0 来曲哩 2.5mg/d p.o Vorozole2.5mg/dP-0 4孕激素甲地孕酮(梅格施) 160mg/d P-0醋酸甲疑孕酮400-1200mg/dp.o.参考文献 Miller, Cancer Treat. Rev. 23(1997):1641-1647以下为供参考的综述文章:5化疗Oncology 55(1998):218-227(stage III)6单药化疗:对于那些进展期,有远处转移的乳癌患者,单药的一线或二线姑息性化疗与联合化疗相比,生存率上似,治疗相尖毒性较少且生存质量较高。

• 病史和体检 • 双侧乳房X线摄片,乳腺超声检查 • 病理检查a • 明确肿瘤ER、PR及HER-2状态b • 遗传性乳腺癌高危患者进行遗传学咨询 • 乳腺MRI d (可选),特别对于经X线摄片查出的隐匿性肿瘤c • 必要时进行生育咨询e • 心理评估f 对于临床I-IIB类患者,如果出现症状或体征,应增加检查: g • 全血细胞计数 • 肝功能检查,碱性磷酸酶 • 如果出现局部骨痛或碱性磷酸酶升高,行骨扫描检查 • 如果出现碱性磷酸酶升高、肝功能异常、腹部不适症状或腹部盆腔
切缘状况 e使用MRI并没有显示出增加阴性切缘或者减少转变为全乳切除的可能性。目前缺乏改善长期预后的数据。
任何T N3:同侧锁骨下淋巴结转移伴或不伴腋窝淋巴结转移; 或临床上发现同侧内乳淋巴结转移伴腋窝淋巴结转移; 或同侧锁骨上淋巴结转移伴或不伴腋窝或内乳淋巴结 转移 N3a:同侧锁骨下淋巴结转移 N3b:同侧内乳淋巴结及腋窝淋巴结转移 N3c:同侧锁骨上淋巴结转移 pN3:≥10个腋窝淋巴结转移
IA期: T1、N0、M0
• 每6~12个月进行病情随 访并行体格检查,持续5 年,以后每年1次
• 每12个月进行1次乳房X 线摄片(如果行保乳术, 则在放疗后6-12个月行 乳房X线摄影检查[2B类])
• 如果应用内分泌治疗, 则根据NCCN乳腺癌降低 风险指南进行监测

乳腺癌化疗通用前言范文英文回答:Breast cancer chemotherapy is a common treatment method for patients diagnosed with breast cancer. It involves the administration of drugs that kill or prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. Chemotherapy is usually used in combination with other treatments such as surgery or radiation therapy to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.Chemotherapy drugs work by targeting rapidly dividing cells, which includes cancer cells. These drugs can be given orally or intravenously, and they circulate throughout the body to reach cancer cells in different parts. The goal of chemotherapy is to destroy or shrink the tumor, prevent its spread to other parts of the body, and reduce the risk of recurrence.Chemotherapy is often administered in cycles, with eachcycle consisting of a treatment period followed by a rest period. The duration and number of cycles depend on various factors, including the stage and type of breast cancer, overall health of the patient, and the specific drugs being used. The side effects of chemotherapy can vary from person to person, but common ones include hair loss, nausea, fatigue, and a weakened immune system.Despite the potential side effects, chemotherapy has proven to be an effective treatment for many breast cancer patients. It can significantly improve survival rates and increase the chances of a complete recovery. However, it is important to note that chemotherapy is not suitable for every patient, and the decision to undergo chemotherapy should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional.中文回答:乳腺癌化疗是一种常见的乳腺癌治疗方法。

01 Overview of invasive breast cancer
Definition and Type
Invasive breast cancer is a malignant tumor that has spread from the breast ducts to the surrounding breast tissue.
03 Nursing of invasive breast cancer
Mental Nursing
01 02
Psychological Support
Provide patients with emotional support and counseling to help them cope with the emotional impact of a breast cancer diagnosis.
Diagnosis and Staging
Diagnosis of invasive breast cancer typically involves a physical examination, mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy.
Educate patients about breast cancer, its treatment, and possible side effects to reduce their anxiety and fear.
Mindfulness and Relaxation
Teach patients mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help

Mandarin Chinese Translation
Jennifer McKenzie, MSN, RN, OCN, CBCN
总结: 德克萨斯大学 MD Anderson 癌症中心乳腺癌中心和护理专业人员培训部高 级护理讲师 Jennifer McKenzie 在其题为“乳腺癌患者护理管理介绍”的讲座 中讨论了乳腺癌的症状管理。McKenzie 女士介绍了乳腺癌患者常见的症 状,包括疼痛、淋巴水肿、化疗引起的恶心和呕吐、疲乏、认知功能障 碍、潮热和骨质疏松。McKenzie 女性描述了以上每种常见症状的风险因 素、评估、管理和护理意义。 学习目标: 1. 确认乳腺癌患者的常见症状 2. 描述对乳腺癌患者常见症状的管理 3. 识别乳腺癌患者常见症状的护理意义
English Text Introduction to Nursing Management of the Breast Cancer Patient Jennifer McKenzie, MSN, RN, OCN, CBCN Summary: Jennifer McKenzie, Senior Nursing Instructor for the Breast Cancer Center and Nursing Professional Development at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center discusses symptom management of breast cancer in her lecture, “Introduction to Nursing Management of the Breast Cancer Patient.” Ms. McKenzie identifies common symptoms experienced by patients with breast cancer, including pain, lymphedema, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, hot flashes, and osteoporosis. Ms. McKenzie describes risk factors, assessment, management, and nursing implications of each of these common symptoms.

乳腺癌2022年最新英文文献Background Digital breast with 3D images might overcome some of the limitations of conventional 2D mammography for detection of breast cancer.We investigated the effect of integrated 2D and 3D mammography in population breast-cancer screening.Methods Screening with OR standard Mammography(STORM)was a prospective comparative study.We recruited asymptomatic women aged 48 years or older who attended population-based breast-cancer screening through the and Verona screening services(Italy)from August,2011,to June,2012.We did screen-reading in two sequential phases-2D only and integrated 2D and 3D mammography-yielding paired data for each screen.Standard double-reading by breast radiologists determined whether to recall the participant based on positive mammography at either screen read.Outcomes were measured from final assessment or excision histology.Primary outcome measures were the number of detected cancers,the number of detected cancers per 1000 screens,the number and proportion of false positive recalls,and incremental cancer detection attributable to integrated 2D and3D mammography.We compared paired binary data with test.Findings 7292 women were screened(median age 58 years[IQR 54-63]).We detected 59 breast cancers(including52 invasive cancers)in 57 women.Both 2D and integrated 2D and 3D screening detected 39 cancers.We detected20 cancers with integrated 2D and 3D only versus none with 2D screening only(p-0-0001).Cancer detection rates were5.3 cancers per 1000 screens(95%CI 3·8-7.3)for 2D only,and 8.1 cancers per 1000 screens(6·2-10-4)for integrated2D and 3D screening.The incremental cancer detection rate attributable to integrated 2D and 3D mammography was2.7 cancers per 1000 screens(1.7-4-2).395screens(5·5%;95%CI 5-0-6-0)resulted in false positive recalls:181 at both screen reads,and 141 with 2D only versus 73 with integrated 2D and 3D screening(p-0-0001).We estimated that conditional recall(positive integrated 2D and 3D mammography as a condition to recall)could have reduced false positive recalls by 17.2%(95%CI 13·6-21·3)without missing any of the cancers detected in the study population.Interpretation Integrated 2D and 3D mammography improves breast-cancer detection and has the potential to reduce falsepositive recalls.controlled trials are needed to compare integrated 2D and 3D mammography with。

2021年乳腺癌StGallen共识中文版2021年乳腺癌St Gallen共识〔中文版〕早期乳腺癌个体化治疗:2021早期乳腺癌治疗国际专家共识亮点广东省中医院大学城医院乳腺科陈前军翻译在早期乳腺癌局部与区域治疗领域,第13届St Gallen国际乳腺癌会议〔2021〕回忆并认可了重要的新临床证据,这些证据支持更小创伤的腋窝评估手术与更短的放疗周期。
事实上,各项建议都得了专家组成员不同程度的支持,详细情况会表达在下文的文字描述中以及补充附录S1的投票记录中〔可登陆Annals of Oncology online查阅〕。
关键词: 手术,放疗,系统辅助治疗,早期乳腺癌,St Gallen 共识,亚型前言自2021年St Gallen共识[1]以来,早期浸润性乳腺癌不同治疗领域的循证医学证据都涌现出重大进展。
乳腺癌英文教学课件breast cancer

Noninvasive lesions
Lobular neoplasia
Lobular carcinoma in situ
Intraductal proliferative lesions
Usual ductal hyperplasia Ductal carcinoma in situ
Risk factors
Lifestyle factors
- high body mass index (BMI), moderately increases the risk of
post-menopausal breast cancer - physical activity (reduce risk) - alcohol
Risk factors
Family history
Carriers of alterations in either of two familial breast cancer genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 up to an 80% risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer
Breast Cancer
Epidemiology and risk factors Dignosis Prognstic factors Treatments
Epidemiology and risk factors
The most common invasive cancer in women. Comprises 22.9% of invasive cancers in women, 16%
Radiation exposure The effect is strongly related to age at exposure

但是, 在有关胃癌方面没有可利用的数据。
结果—livin mRNA和蛋白质的表达检测40例中有19例(47.5%)有胃癌和SGC-7901细胞。
相关发现在livin基因的表达和肿瘤的微小分化和淋巴结转移一样(P < 0.05)。
其中之一,能有效地减少livin基因的表达,抑制基因不少于70%(P < 0.01)。
当livin基因沉默,胃癌细胞的生殖活动明显低于对照组(P < 0.05)。
研究还表明,IC50上的5-Fu 和顺铂在胃癌细胞的治疗上是通过shRNA减少以及刺激这些细胞(5-Fu proapoptotic和顺铂)(P < 0.01)。

乳腺癌相关英文单词转移性乳腺癌metastatic breast cancer (MBC)early menarche 初潮nulliparity 未经产late age at first birth 头胎生育年龄大mutations of tumor suppresser genes 抑癌基因突变BRCA1 and BRCA2 乳腺癌易感基因1和2 radiation exposure 射线暴露contiguityenvironmental and lifestyle factors 环境和生活方式的因素solitary 孤立(病灶)unilateral 单侧nonmobile 活动性查nipple changes 乳头改变prominent skin edema 皮肤水肿严重redness 皮肤发红warmth 皮温升高induration 硬结bone pain 骨痛difficulty breathing 呼吸困难abdominal pain or enlargement 腹痛或腹胀jaundice 黄疸mental status changes. 精神状态改变routine screening mammography 常规乳腺钼靶筛查asymptomatic women. 无症状的患者Initial workup 初始的检查localized lesion 局限的病灶suggestive symptoms 具有提示意义的症状breast imaging techniques 乳腺成像技术ultrasound 超声magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 核磁共振Breast biopsy 活检a palpable mass on physical examination 体格检查可触及肿块indicated for a mammographic abnormality (预示)乳腺异常the size of the primary tumor extent 原发灶大小presence and extent of lymph node involvement 是否存在淋巴结转移及数目presence or absence of distant metastases 是否存在远处转移assists with treatment decisions 协助治疗方案决策Simplistically stated 简单来说basement membrane 基底膜Involvement of regional lymph nodes 区域淋巴结受侵extensive nodal involvement 淋巴结广泛受侵fixed to the chest 固定于胸壁inflammatory breast cancer 炎性乳腺癌rapidly progressive 进展迅速preinvasive 转移前adenocarcinomas 腺癌ductal 导管的lobular 小叶的maximize quantity and quality of life 延长生存期,提高生活质量axillary lymph nodes 腋窝淋巴结the risk for breast cancer recurrence 乳腺癌复发的风险disease characteristics 疾病特点provide prognostic information 提供预后信息histologic subtype 组织学亚型nuclear or histologic grade 核分级及组织分级lymphatic and vascular invasion 淋巴或血管侵犯转移proliferation indices 增殖指数The estrogen receptor (ER) 雌激素受体progesterone receptor (PR) 孕激素受体predict response to hormone therapy 预测对激素治疗的反应HER2/neu (HER2) overexpression HER2过表达transmission of growth signals that control aspects of normal cell growth and division 控制正常细胞生长分裂的生长信号的传递increased tumor aggressiveness 肿瘤侵袭性增加rates of recurrence 复发率mortality 死亡率favorable prognostic features 好的预后因素cure 治愈prolong survival 延长生存rapidly evolving 快速发展the most promising interventions 最具希望的干预措施in the primary literature 在原始文献中combination regimen 联合治疗方案appropriate references should be consulted. 查找适宜的参考文献Breast-conserving therapy (BCT) 保乳术modified radical mastectomy 改良根治术cosmetically superior results 效果更美观lumpectomy 乳腺肿瘤切除术radiation therapy (RT) 放疗prevent local recurrence. 预防局部复发Reddening and erythema of the breast tissue 乳腺组织红肿Simple or total mastectomy 简单或全乳切除术dissection of underlying muscle or axillarynodes切除下方肌肉及腋窝淋巴结carcinoma in situ 原位癌Lymphatic mapping with sentinel lymph nodebiopsy前哨淋巴结活检了解淋巴结定位及受侵invasive phases 广泛转移期Local-Regional Therapy 局部治疗preferable to 更优于subsequent shrinkage 治疗后缩小minor complications 轻微的并发症definitive local therapy 精准局部治疗reflect the trend toward the use ofchemotherapy倾向于化疗menopausal status 月经状态decision-support tools 决策辅助工具distant recurrence 远处转移at a time of low tumor burden 肿瘤负荷小emergence of drug-resistant tumor cell clones 耐药的肿瘤细胞出现Selected Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimens 优选的辅助治疗方案Anthracycline-containing regimens 含蒽环类的治疗方案doxorubicin 多柔比星epirubicin 表柔比星taxanes 紫杉类docetaxel 多西他赛paclitaxel 紫杉醇Dose intensity 剂量强度Dose density 剂量密度Dose-dense regimens 剂量密集方案serotonin-antagonist 5-羟色胺拮抗剂substance P/neurokinin 1–antagonist P物质/神经激肽1拮抗剂colony-stimulating factors 集落刺激因子ADJUVANT BIOLOGIC THERAPY 辅助生物治疗adjuvant trastuzumab 辅助曲妥珠治疗optimal concurrent chemotherapy 适宜的同时应用的化疗方案Tamoxifen 他莫昔芬toremifene 托瑞米芬oophorectomy 卵巢切除术ovarian irradiation 卵巢放疗luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists 促黄体生成激素释放激素(LHRH)激动剂aromatase inhibitors 芳香化酶抑制剂adjuvant hormonal therapy of choice 最佳辅助内分泌治疗premenopausal women 未绝经女性estrogenic 雌激素的antiestrogenic properties 抗雌激素的特点estrogen withdrawal 雌激素撤退hot flashes 潮热vaginal bleeding 阴道出血decrease in frequency and intensity over time 频率和强度随着时间推移而下降hip radius 髋关节半径spine fractures 脊柱骨折stroke 中风pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞deep vein thrombosis 深静脉血栓endometrial cancer 子宫内膜癌ovarian ablation with LHRH agonists 应用LHRH激动剂使卵巢去势goserelin 戈舍瑞林anastrozole 阿那曲唑letrozole 来曲唑exemestane 依西美坦bone loss 骨量丢失osteoporosis 骨质疏松myalgia 肌痛arthralgia 关节痛rendering inoperable tumors resectable 使不可切除肿瘤降级为可切除increasing the rate of BCT 保乳率提高extend survival 延长生存The choice of therapy 治疗方案的选择hormone receptor–positive metastases 转移灶激素受体阳性soft tissue 软组织pleura 胸膜viscera 腹腔sequentially treated with endocrine therapy 逐一内分泌治疗cease to respond 不再获益circulating and target organ estrogens 循环中及靶器官的雌激素blocking peripheral conversion from an抑制外周雄激素转化androgenic precursorprototype 原型aminoglutethimide 氨鲁米特lower incidence of thromboembolic events 较低的血栓时间发生率Fulvestrant 氟维司群progressed on tamoxifen 他莫昔芬应用后进展Medical castration 药物去势reserved for third-line therapy 作为三线治疗方案weight gain 体重增加fluid retention 液体潴留leuprolide 亮丙瑞林triptorelin 曲普瑞林The choice of treatment depends on the个体化治疗individualtime to progression 至进展时间sequential single agents 序贯单药化疗recommended over 相比于**,推荐objective responses 客观应答The median duration of response 中位应答持续时间unequivocal evidence of progressive disease 疾病进展的可靠证据cardiotoxicity 心脏毒性unacceptably high 不可接收地高doublet/triplet combinations 二药/三药联合方案Trastuzumab 曲妥珠单抗an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor 口服酪氨酸激酶epidermal growth factor receptor 表皮生长因子受体rash 皮疹diarrhea 腹泻painful bone metastases 骨转移致骨痛brain and spinal cord lesions 脑和脊柱的病灶Pain relief 疼痛缓解retinoids 类视黄醇raloxifene 雷洛昔芬therapeutic end point 治疗重点objective assessment 客观评价The least toxic therapies 毒性最低的疗法in a sequential manner 序贯治疗significantly compromise quality of life 严重影响生活质量。

Apoptosis induced by a human milk protein人乳蛋白诱导细胞凋亡Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 92, pp. 8064-8068, August 1995ABSTRACT To the breast-fed infant, human milk is more than a source of nutrients; it furnishes a wide array of molecules that restrict microbes, such as antibodies, bactericidins, and inhibitors of bacterial adherence. However, it has rarely been considered that human milk may also contain substances bioactive toward host cells. While investigating the effect of human milk on bacterial adherence to a human lung cancer cell line, we were surprised to discover that the milk killed the cells. Analysis of this effect revealed that a component of milk in a particular physical state-multimeric a-lactalbumin- is a potent Ca2+-elevating and apoptosis-inducing agent with broad, yet selective, cytotoxic activity. Multimeric a-lactalbumin killed all transformed, embryonic, and lymnphoid cells tested but spared mature epithelial elements. These findings raise the possibility that milk contributes to mucosal immunity not only by furnishing antimicrobial molecules but also by policing the function of lymphocytes and epithelium. Finally, analysis of the mechanism by which multimeric a-lactalbumin induces apoptosis in transformed epithelial cells could lead to the design of antitumor agents.对母乳喂养婴儿来说,母乳不仅是营养来源,而且也提供着丰富的分子用以抵御微生物体,如抗体和细菌素,并限制细菌粘附。

乳腺癌英文版Breast Cancer: Understanding and Overcoming the ChallengeIntroductionBreast cancer is a prevalent and life-changing disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide, regardless of gender. In recent years, there have been significant advancements in medical research and treatment options, improving survival rates and overall quality of life for patients. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of breast cancer, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.Understanding Breast CancerBreast cancer refers to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the breast tissue. While the exact cause remains unknown, certain risk factors have been identified. These include age, gender, family history, genetic mutations, hormonal factors, and environmental influences. It is essential to highlight that men can also develop breast cancer, although it is relatively rare compared to women.Symptoms and DiagnosisDetecting breast cancer at an early stage plays a vital role in successful treatment. While symptoms may vary, common signs include a lump or thickening in the breast or underarm area, changes in breast size or shape, nipple discharge, or skin changes, such as redness, dimpling, or puckering. Regular self-examinations and mammograms are recommended as essentialtools for early detection. Diagnostic procedures may involve imaging tests, biopsies, or genetic testing to determine the presence and stage of cancer.Treatment OptionsThe treatment of breast cancer depends on several factors, including the stage of cancer, overall health, and personal preferences. Treatment modalities often include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these. Surgery may involve a lumpectomy (removal of the tumor) or a mastectomy (removal of the breast). Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells, while chemotherapy employs drugs to kill or prevent the growth of cancer cells throughout the body. Hormonal therapy and targeted therapy specifically target hormone receptors or specific genetic mutations within tumor cells.Support and RehabilitationCoping with breast cancer can be physically and emotionally challenging for patients and their loved ones. Alongside medical treatment, support from healthcare providers, family, friends, and support groups is crucial. The availability of psychotherapy, counseling, or support services can empower individuals to manage the psychological and emotional aspects of the disease. Additionally, rehabilitation programs and post-treatment care can help patients regain physical strength, manage side effects, and adapt to the changes brought about by their diagnosis.Importance of Awareness and PreventionEducating oneself about breast cancer is essential for early detection and prevention. Engaging in a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise,maintaining a balanced diet, limiting alcohol consumption, and refraining from smoking, can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Additionally, individuals should be aware of their family history and consider genetic counseling if necessary. While breast cancer cannot always be prevented, early detection significantly improves outcomes.ConclusionBreast cancer affects individuals globally and warrants attention from both individuals and healthcare systems. Understanding the risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and prevention strategies is essential for effective management of the disease. With advancements in medical technology and ongoing research, the prognosis for breast cancer patients continues to improve, bringing hope to those affected. By promoting awareness, supporting research, and fostering a supportive environment, we can collectively combat breast cancer and help individuals lead fulfilling lives beyond their diagnosis.。

REVIEWDepression,quality of life and breast cancer:a review of the literatureM.Reich ÆA.Lesur ÆC.Perdrizet-ChevallierReceived:17July 2007/Accepted:17July 2007/Published online:3August 2007ÓSpringer Science+Business Media,LLC 2007Abstract Depression is misdiagnosed and undertreated among breast cancer population.Risk factors for depres-sion in the 5years after diagnosis are related more to the patient rather than to the disease or its treatment.The breast cancer stage (early and advanced)is not statistically sig-nificant in terms of rates of psychosocial distress except for recurrence.Risk factors of depression might impair quality of life such as fatigue,past history or recent episode of depression after the onset of cancer,cognitive attitudes of helplessness/hopelessness,resignation.Body image impairment from mastectomy and sexuality aftermath generates higher rates of mood disorders.The link between increased risk of breast cancer and depression is contro-versial among the literature.Some studies suggest a protective factor,others find a relation between stress,immunity and cancer occurrence or even mortality.Breast cancer survivors report a higher prevalence of mild to moderate depression with a lower quality of life in all areas except for family functioning.Treatment of depression in breast cancer women improves their quality of life and may increase longevity.Antidepressant medications remain thecornerstone of depression treatment.The hypothetical link between their prescription and increased breast cancer risk is not supported by literature’s data.Keywords Breast cancer ÁDepression ÁMood disorders ÁQuality of lifeIntroductionBreast cancer is one of the most important cancer in Occidental countries in terms of incidence and mortality rates.In Europe,breast cancer incidence is about 28.9%of all cancer cases and responsible of 7.8%of all death in 2006[1].Nowadays,its treatment is offering to the patients high rates of survival.These survivors will be at high risk of developing psychological distress and therefore poten-tial mood disorders [2,3].Psychological discomfort among breast cancer patients is related with depression and depressive disorders,anxiety and anxiety disorders,anger and low self-esteem and low emotional support [4].Importance of fears and concerns regarding death and disease recurrence,impairment of body image,alteration of femininity,sexuality and attractiveness are factors that can precipitate psychological distress [5]even years after diagnosis and treatment [6].Prevalence of mood disorders in breast cancer The spectrum of psychiatric disorders and psychological distress in cancer has been assessed for many years and among several studies [7–10].One of the most classical studies was done by Derogatis et al.[7].They collectedThis work was presented during the Fifteen European Congress of Psychiatry at Madrid,March 19–21,2007in the following workshop:Anxiety and Mood Disorders and Gynecologic Cancer Patients.M.Reich (&)Psycho-oncology Unit,Centre Oscar Lambret,3rue Fre´de ´ric Combemale,59020Lille,France e-mail:m-reich@o-lambret.frA.LesurSenology Department,Centre Alexis Vautrin,54511Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy,FranceC.Perdrizet-ChevallierIHPACCA-CMP Exelmans,55000Bar Le Duc,France123Breast Cancer Res Treat (2008)110:9–17DOI 10.1007/s10549-007-9706-5data from three cancer centers with a pool of215patients. They looked at the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and reported that50%of patients will have a normal response to cancer in terms of day to day stress or response to crisis. Thefifty other percentages will present adjustment disor-ders with depressed or anxious symptoms and among these 50,20%of patient will have major depressive episode.For Harter et al.[8],through a cross-sectional design,among 517patients(75%female patients)recruited from two acute inpatient care clinics,two rehabilitation clinics and nine specialized practices for oncology,the prevalence rates of mental disorders was estimated to56.5%for the lifetime periods.Interestingly,they found that the current rates of affective and anxiety disorders were approximately 25–33%higher than prevalence rates found in general population.The most prevalent current disorders were affective(9.5%),and anxiety disorders(13%)especially among the female population[8].Prevalence of depression among early breast cancer women is twice as many than seen in the general female population,especially during thefirst year after diagnosis [11].First breast cancer recurrence is an extreme difficult time and is often associated with psychological distress which include higher rates of anxiety and depressive dis-orders(>40%)[12].The highest rates of prevalence for depression are classically found among the following localization:head and neck,lung and pancreas.Neverthe-less,prevalence of depression in breast cancer is estimated around52.65%by Zabora et al.[9]in a large sample of cancer patients(n=4,496).In227advanced breast cancer,Grabsch et al.[10]found a 42%rate of psychiatric disorders and35.7%of these had depression or anxiety or both.Minor depression was found in 25.6%,major depression in7%and anxiety disorder in6.2%.Around a quarter of all breast cancer patients have co-morbid depression:estimation between20and30%in earlier breast cancer[13]with increased rates during advanced and palliative stage(more than50%)[14]. Table1summarizes the main studies assessing the preva-lence of depressive disorders among early and late breast cancer stage.Diagnosis of depression among breast cancerIn order to make a diagnosis of depression among this specific population,several parameters have to be taken into account such as the diagnosis system used which mean what kind of criteria might be the more relevant regarding the nosography used:DSM,CIM10[15]and the time of evaluation which is an important factor since psychological disturbance changes in the course of time[16,17].Moreover,incidence of depression,appears to be dependent of the following parameters:disease severity, level of patient disability and physical impairment,per-formance status and past history of depression[18–20].Paradoxically,major depression and depressive symp-toms are underrated and undertreated in women with breast cancer[21].One explanation could be that women with breast cancer are generally reluctant to disclose their affective concern [22].Another reason could be that oncologists are not so familiar with depressive symptoms screening[23].Diag-nosis failure of mood disorders can be problematic because depression and its associated symptoms diminish quality of life,affect compliance with medical therapies and might reduce survival[21].Besides clinical classical symptom-atology of depression such as sadness,anhedonia,guilt, helplessness,hopelessness,suicidal ideation’s,the follow-ing risk factors of depression among breast cancer patients must be looked for:•past history of psychiatric illness[24],•the nature and more than four cancer-related concerns(e.g.,pain)[25],•a lack of confiding relationship[26],•a personality characterizes by neuroticism[27],•a minority status from a racial and ethnic point of view[27].Relation between depression and breast cancerWhen we consider an hypothetical relation between breast cancer and depression,several questions might be raised:•Is depression a risk factor for breast cancer?•Is depression a prognostic factor for breast cancer mortality?•Is there a correlation between depression and disease severity(breast cancer advanced stage)?•Is depression a protective factor for breast cancer?•Is breast cancer a risk factor for depression?•What is the impact of depression on quality of life among breast cancer patients?Depression as a risk factor for breast cancer Considering women with a depressive state at high risk of developing breast cancer is not a fanciful question.In the Geek Antiquity,Galien had already noticed that women with melancholy mood due to‘‘an increase rate of black bile’’were prone to develop breast cancer[28].Several metaanalysis tried tofind a link between mood disorders123and breast cancer.One of them has been done by McKenna et al.[29].These authors have assessed46studies with the following criteria:•anxiety/depression,childhood family environment, conflict-avoiding personality,denial/repression coping, anger expression,extraversion–introversion,stressful life events,separation/loss,•significant effect sizes for denial/repression coping, separation/loss experiences and stressful life events. Their results overall support a modest association between specific psychosocial factors and breast cancer occurrence, specially when considering denial/repression coping and separation and loss experiences[29].Since years,female patients had the fantasy that stress and special life events could be linked with the develop-ment of breast cancer.Studies examining the relationship between stressful life events and breast cancer risk have produced conflicting results.A metaanalysis done by Duijts et al.[30]have assessed several studies between1966and2002.They evaluated the relationship between stressful life events and breast cancer risk with the following criteria:•stressful life events such as death of spouse,death of relative or friend,personal and non personal health difficulties,change in marital,financial and environ-mental status.They found a statistically significant effect for stressful life events especially for death of spouse,death of relative or friend.The conclusion of their work does not support an overall association between stressful life events and breast cancer risk.Regarding all the parameters studied,only a modest association could be identified between death of spouse and breast cancer risk[30].A biological hypothesis through disturbances of various areas of the immune systems predisposing to cancer could be an explanation of this association[31].Moreover,there is no evidence that severely stressful life experiences occurring5years before breast cancer diagnosis negatively affect survival among women with non metastatic breast cancer[32]or increase the risk of recurrence[33].Depression and risk factors in breast cancerAmong a breast cancer population,depressive disorder can be correlated with the following factors:ethnic minority women(e.g.Southern California),low-income women, pain,anxiety and health related quality of life[34].Poor social and cultural environment among these disadvan-taged sections of the population can be a cause of depression.Being depressed,these patients are not prone to seek earlier consultation for screening when a breast lump appears.But still,cancer stage and treatment status are not cor-related with depression[34].Other factors can be related with increased depression and anxiety during breast cancer disclosure:speaking about life expectancy and survival speaking about disease after-math’s and treatment outcomes on quality of life,speaking about importance of being involved in cancer treatment decision process,using the word cancer which remains for the majority of patients synonym of inescapable death[35].In a study done by Gallo et al.[36]among2,017persons with203new cases of cancer,the aims was to demonstrate a relationship between major depression and new onset of cancer at thirteen year follow-up.If mainly for all type of cancer,no overall association of depression(RR=1,95%Table1Prevalence of depressive disorders and breast cancerAuthors Tumoral site breast DSM Mood disorders(%)Major depression(%)Minor depression(%)Grabsch et al.[10]227BC(AS)DSM-IV35.7725.6Hegel et al.[94]236BC(ES)DSM-IV6011Not mentioned Mehnert et al.[95]127BC(ES)DSM-IV16 4.7 3.1Burgess et al.[11]222BC(ES)SCID504020Okamura et al.[57]50BC(AS)(recurrence)DSM-IV22220Ell et al.[34]250BC(stage0-III)PHQ-930.43865Kissane et al.[58]503BC303ES200AS DSM-IV ES:36.7AS:31ES:9.6AS:6.5ES:27.1AS:24.5Okamura et al.[12]55AS(recurrence)DSM-III-R AS:42AS:7AS:35 Kissane et al.[96]3O3ES DSM-IV ES:42ES:9.6ES:27.1BC breast cancer,ES early stage,AS advanced stage123CI)or dysphoric episode(RR=1.3,95%CI)was found with increased risk of cancer at follow-up,except an increased risk of breast cancer among women with major depression(adjusted RR=3.8,95%CI).Jacobs et al.[37]studied among1,273women with29 breast cancer hospitalized psychosocial variables that pre-dicted increased risk of breast cancer with an occurrence 20years prior to breast cancer diagnosis.Although the number of breast cancer patients is small regarding the population studied,they found that maternal death in childhood(OR=2.56,P<0.001)and chronic depression with severe episodes in adulthood(OR=14.0, P<0.001)could be considered as psychosocial variables that would predict increased risk of breast cancer[37].Neither relatively recent life events nor other recent depressive and anxiety disorders were associated with increased risk of breast cancer.Other prospective studies are needed to confidently establish these variables as risk factors.In another study done by Lokugamage et al.[38],among 2,253women with83breast cancer hospitalized,the same psychosocial variable were studied by Cox proportional hazards models:parental death or parental divorce in childhood before age16and psychiatric disorders between 15and32years.Interaction between these psychosocial variables was non-significant(P=0.1)even if both of these events had an increased breast cancer risk compared with those who experienced neither(Hazard Ratio=2.64,95%Confidence interval).This study does not provide strong support for the hypothesis that early loss or adult psychiatric disorders are associated with breast cancer risk.In an other control and randomized study,Montazeri et al.[39]comparing breast cancer(N=243)versus benign tumor(N=486),suggested that depression (P<0.0001)and related symptoms such as hopelessness (P<0.001),loss of interest and pleasures(P<0.001) could be considered as a factor for breast cancer risk.Regarding recent metaanalysis,depression cannot be considered as a risk factor for breast cancer although depression may predispose individuals to behavioural risk factors(alcohol consumption,smoking)[40]and delay for screening mammography when confronted to a breast lump [41]that would lead them at higher breast cancer risk.Another explanation for a possible link between depression and breast cancer risk could be the psycho-neuroimmunology pathway.Nunes et al.[42]have found that immune and hormonal measurements differed significantly between a depressed group(N=40)versus a non-depressed group(N=34).In the depressed group control,they found a significant lower proliferation of lymphocyte in response to a mitogen and a significant decreased production of cytokines,which nor-mally activate the immune system and specially Natural Killer cells.Specific neuroimmunology pathway might link depres-sion and breast cancer-related morbidity and mortality due to dysregulation of cortisol secretion(reduced diurnal variability)and lower lymphocyte proliferation and decreased production of cytokines and therefore natural killer cell activity[43].Metastatic breast cancer that exhibited a reduced diurnal variability in cortisol secretion had diminished NK cell function and earlier mortality[43].At this point,we still agree with the conclusion of Bernard Fox almost twenty years ago in his editorial published in JAMA in1989[44],looking at the association between depression and cancer morbidity and mortality:‘‘Nevertheless,the combined evidence is…not consistent with a strong relationship between depressive symptoms and cancer among major segments of the population’’[44]. Depression as a prognostic factor for breast cancer mortalityCould depression be a risk factor for breast cancer evolu-tion?Regarding the literature,there are some positive arguments supporting this assertion.First,major depression decreases motivation and redu-ces compliance with treatment such as chemotherapy[45].Secondly,major depression could be an important pre-dictor of late-stage breast cancer diagnosis because patients when confronted to a lump will delay seeking for medical consultation[46].Thirdly,considering the two previous points,major depression might have a detrimental effect on outcome in breast cancer patient[47].Can depression being considered as a possible prog-nostic factor for breast cancer mortality?The answer to that question remains unclear.Some studies suggest a link between depression and breast cancer mortality[35,47,48].Watson et al.[47]in a prospective study among578 early breast cancer found that depressive symptoms and hopelessness are linked with a significantly reduced chance of survival at5years follow-up(HR=3.59,CI95%).Hjerl et al.[48]made an analysis of data from breast cancer central registers in a retrospective cohort Danish study comparing early stage(N=10,382)and late stage (N=10,211).In this study,they found that breast cancer with depression had a modestly but significantly higher risk of mortality,depending on stage of cancer and time of depression.123When women are confronted to advance and even to palliative or terminal stage,they can have suicidal ideation or even suicide attempts that can hasten death[49,50].Depression can also affect compliance with medical cancer therapies(chemotherapy,surgery and radiotherapy) and give the possibility to the cancer to run by itself[21]. Depression and disease severityIs there a correlation between depression and breast cancer advanced stage?Here also,it is very difficult to give a clear answer.They might be an unclear support for such a correlation due to multiple bias[51].Side effect of treatment(chemotherapy or radiotherapy) such as nausea,fatigue and pain are often associated with depressive symptoms[52,53]but are not necessarily induced by depression and low self esteem and loss of autonomy are commonly seen in advanced breast cancer.Depressive symptoms among young women with breast cancer are not predictors of disease severity[51].Regarding literature,studies remain contradictory to find a link between depression and breast cancer recurrence or depression and breast cancer advanced stage. Depression as a protective factor for breast cancer? Two prospective studies one Dutch and the other one Finnish conclude that women with depressive symptoms might have a lower risk of developing further breast can-cer.In the Dutch study[54],a cohort of5,191women was followed during5years.Depression screening was made by Edinburgh Depression Scale.Two years after the questionnaire screening, 1.1%(58women)developed breast cancer.Women with depressive symptoms had a lower risk for breast cancer(OR=0.29,95%CI=0.09–0.92,P=0.04).In the Finnish study[55],a cohort of 10,892women were followed during6–9years with a breast cancer incidence estimated1.15times the average in age group50–59.There was no evidence of depression being significant predictor of increasing breast cancer incidence.Breast cancer as a risk factor for depressionCould breast cancer be considered as a risk factor for depression?In other words,are women with breast cancer more at risk to develop depression than healthy women?Morasso et al.[56]tried to detect depression among132 breast cancer patients with several stage of disease(stage I–III).Using screening tools for detecting mood disorders such as Psychological Distress Inventory,HADS and DSM-III-R criteria,they found a prevalence of psychiatric disorders near 38%with a classical rate of depression(major episode, adjustment disorder)near25:9.8%had Major Depressive Disorder during the follow-up,10.6%had adjustment dis-orders with depressed mood,4.5%had adjustment disorders with mixed anxiety and depressed mood.Increased age among breast cancer population was predictive of mood disorders during follow-up but not the type of surgery(mastectomy/conservative surgery).One could expect that women treated with mastectomy would develop more depression than women treated by lumpec-tomy(conservative surgery).Depression,quality of life and breast cancerRisks factors of depression might impair quality of life such as fatigue,past history or recent episode of depression after the onset of breast cancer,cognitive attitudes of helplessness/hopelessness and resignation[57,58].Considering the problematic of quality of life and its measurement,the following parameters need to be taken into account:attractiveness,body image impact,sexuality, importance of menopausal symptoms such as hotflashes burden and presence of lymphedema[10].During breast cancer disclosure,quality of information delivered by doctors and communication about disease concerns and feelings are two important parameters to preserve quality of life[59].Depression can have a detrimental impact on quality of life in breast cancer patient.Many studies have clearly demonstrated that depression and its associated symptoms such as dysphoria diminish quality of life,affect compli-ance with medical therapies and reduce survival.This is due to the fact that depression affects interpersonal rela-tionships,occupational performance,stress and perceptions of health and physical symptoms.Therefore,it impacts patients’overall quality of life[3,21,60,61].Two studies[62,63]found that depression is correlated with lower quality of life.Weitzner et al.[62]studied60long-term stage I-III breast cancer survivors(disease-free for5years)versus93 low risk breast cancer screening patients.Depression was assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory Scale.Among breast cancer survivors and low risk breast cancer patients, respectively,29and15%had depression.In both groups, increased depression is correlated with lower quality of life functioning except for family functioning.Breast cancer survivors report a higher prevalence of mild to moderate depression with a lower quality of life in all areas (e.g.sexual activity)[64]except family functioning[65].123Quality of life among breast cancer population needs assessment and treatment of mood disorders.In a population of691old women(>65-years old)with breast cancer,Ganz et al.[63]assessed psychosocial adjustment at15months after surgery.They showed a decline in mental health scores at the MHI-5(Mental-Health-Inventory)and noticed that physical,emotional and social dimensions impact their quality of life but cancer specific psychosocial quality of life improved over time(15months).Another point is that depressed breast cancer patients are frequently more interested and users of alternative medi-cine[66].Even if for some patients,complementary medicine could alleviate side effects of classical breast cancer treatment and so increases their quality of life,it might also be the sign of depressed and hopelessness behavior.The thoughts of these patients can be deciphered as‘‘regular medicine cannot save me anymore,so let us turn to unproved medicine’’.Quality of life can be impaired by the number of stressful life events,body image problem,sexual inter-course,financial problems,anxious preoccupations and of course depression[67].Depression burden which has a negative impact,influences severity and number of side effects from medical treatment(surgery,chemotherapy, radiotherapy,hormonotherapy)by increasing digestive inconvenient(nausea),sense of fatigue and decreasing cognitive function(difficulty concentrating)[5,68]which can lower quality of life.But medical variables such as tumor stage or sociode-mographic data(education,marital status)except younger age do not have an adverse impact on quality of life[69].Breast cancer treatment can be traumatic for women who can develop afterwards different patterns of depres-sion that might worsen quality of life[3].Deshields et al.[3]among84women assessed depression3and6months after completion of treatment for breast cancer.Depression and quality of life were measured,respectively by two scales CES-D(center for epidemiological studies-depres-sion scale)and FACT-B(functional assessment of cancer therapy breast).The following results showed:•never depressed:51(61%):better quality of life •become depressed:3(4%):poorer quality of life •recover:8(9%):better quality of life•stay depressed:10(12%):poorer quality of life •vacillate(variable patterns):12(14%):worse quality of life.Antidepressant medications and Breast Cancer risk Treatment of depression in breast cancer women improves their quality of life and may increase longevity[21].Antidepressant medications remain the cornerstone of mood disorders treatment.The possible link between the prescription of antide-pressant medications and the later development of breast cancer remain controversial.Is there a risk using psycho-tropic medications such as antidepressant and breast cancer occurrence?This is an important issue for the medical community who is used to give frequently to depressed patients these types of drugs.So far,epidemiological data have shown conflicting and inconsistent results for any association between antidepressant use and breast cancer [70].There is controversial hypothesis due to methodo-logical limitation bias case control studies,lack of accounting for potential confounding factors and multiple statistical comparisons[71].Some studies suggested the possible implication of antidepressant such as sertraline[72],paroxetine[73]and tricyclics if used greater than two years’duration[73,74] and breast cancer risk occurrence by an increased rate of prolactin[75].In a recent paper[76],a large population-based case-control study among women enrolled in Group Health Cooperative was done between1990and2001with 2904primary breast cancer diagnosed andfive controls were selected for each case(N=14,396).Women of34% had used antidepressants up to one year,20%hadfilled two prescriptions for tricyclic antidepressants(TCAs)and6% for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs)or atypical antidepressants.No patterns of increased risk were seen sincefirst use or time since last use of these several antidepressants.This result was confirmed in others studies [77–79].Studies do not support a specific link between antide-pressant medications and increased breast cancer risk regardless of duration of use,daily dose,specific drug used (SSRIs,TCAs)[77–82].The possibility of an association has not been excluded, although further studies are needed before the body of scientific evidence can be definitively conclusive[82].In order to take care of breast cancer patients with depressive disorders,pharmacological treatment must be combined with psychosocial interventions.Psychosocial interventions improves the well-being of cancer patients by decreasing emotional distress and depression in women diagnosed with breast cancer but not necessarily survival[83–86].In a recent randomized controlled trial among485women with advanced breast cancer,Kissane et al.[87]have compared the impact of supportive-expressive group therapy(SEGT)versus relaxation ther-apy on survival.These authors did notfind a significant prolong survival from these therapies(median survival 24months in SEGT and18.3in controls)[87].But SEGT improved quality of life and treatment and protection against depression.123Many psychotherapeutic interventions for this particular population can be implemented such as individual psy-chosocial support[88],adjuvant psychological therapy [89],cancer support group[90],online support for adjuvant psychological treatment[91],cognitive-behavioral stress management intervention[92].All these psychosocial interventions can be used to treat depression and will also improve the range of coping strategies and therefore quality of life[93].ConclusionComorbid depression significantly increases the burden of distress and dysfunction for patients with breast cancer.Diagnosis,surgery and recurrence of breast cancer are important period for clinical psychological distress and depression screening in order to manage them appropri-ately and to prevent recurrence of psychiatric disorders [57].Unidentified and untreated depression among breast cancer patients significantly compromises women’s quality of life[51].A psycho-oncologist is required to treat these mood disorders and to 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乳房主要由腺体、 导管、脂肪组织 和纤维组织等构 成。其内部结构 有如一棵倒着生 长的小树。
1. Introduction
Western countries
>100/100,000 stable incidence declined mortality
The choice of the tracer
Combination of radioactive isotopes and chemical dyeing agent can significantly improve the detection positive rate and accuracy . The effect of the radioactive isotope is better than that of chemical stain
3. Pathological typing
一、Noninvasive breast carcinoma 二、Early invasive breast carcinoma 三、Special types of invasive breast cancer 四、Ordinary types of invasive breast cancer--most special type: 1. Inflammatory breast cancer 2.Paget’s carcinoma of the breast
Inflammatory breast cancer
high malignant degree, fast development, poor prognosis younger women

1 资料和方法1.1 资料挑选我院乳腺癌外科的2009年12月到2013年12月期间的乳腺癌患者病例80例,她们都将接受乳腺癌的手术治疗。
1.2 实验方法在实验中,我们对对照组的乳腺癌患者在围手术期进行常规的护理,在手术治疗期间进行的护理有:术前的访视,也就是在手术的前一天,护士到病房对患者进行病情的大概评估和术前的一些指导;术中配合:各手术人员进行手术时的各项配合工作;术后的回访:在手术后的两到三天到病房去了解患者身体恢复的情况。
1.3 舒适护理1.3.1体位的舒适护理体位的舒适护理步骤:在做手术的侧肢垫个软枕,减少水肿现象。
①环境:要调节好手术室的环境温度湿度,医护工作人员的护士对乳腺癌患者实施舒适护理的效果探讨张 宇 宋美琳 齐 佳吉林省肿瘤医院 吉林省长春市 130012【摘 要】目的:意在讨论和研究出对乳腺癌患者在做手术期间实施舒适护理的应用效果。
护理外文文献汇报 PPT

1 2 3
文献的摘要组成 文献正文部分
Author:Emiko Kohno1, Saori Murase2 Author corporat: 1.Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Kansai Medical University Takii Hospital, 10-15 Fumizono-cho, Moriguchi, Osaka 570-8507, Japan 2.Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mukogawa Women’s University, 11-68 Koshien-Kyuban-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8179, Japan Journal:International Journal of Medical Sciences
1 vinorel bine 2 phlebit is 3 rabbit ear vein
infusio n rate 4
solutio n concent ration 5
In order to identify methods for preventing phlebitis caused by intravenous administration of vinorelbine (长春瑞滨)(VNR), we established a procedure for estimating the severity of phlebitis in an animal model.

乳腺癌护理中英文对照外文翻译文献乳腺癌护理中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 翻译:宗教信仰在应对乳腺癌患者以后生活中的作用目的:识别并检查新诊断为乳腺癌的老年患者中是否存在宗教和精神应对策略现象。
在这些老年人中,宗教经常可以帮助她们缓解生理疾病中的固有压力,比如那些伴随着医师会诊、治疗及其它事件所产生的相关压力(包括罗斯,1982;考恩威博士(1985 - 1986);曼弗雷德和皮克特,1987)。
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在这些老年人中,宗教经常可以帮助她们缓解生理疾病中的固有压力,比如那些伴随着医师会诊、治疗及其它事件所产生的相关压力(包括罗斯,1982;考恩威博士(1985 - 1986);曼弗雷德和皮克特,1987)。
数据分析:面谈内容被不同理论背景的研究人员(一位在宗教中培养的社会学家,一个家庭医生和老年医学专家,一位医科学生研究助理) 独立鉴定了循环主题审核并且进行了文本分析。
现在的工作中值得注意的是, 虽然每个研究员都会在她们的训练中给出特定的敏感性分析,但是共识却是在宗教和精神的主题中达成的。
结果这33个人的平均年龄是74.4岁,受访者年龄范围为65 - 86岁。
大多数的被调查者(n = 20)接受肿瘤切除和辐射。
那些感觉能够明确回应(n = 3),以确定她们在健康危机中的信心是否结束,或者削弱,有一半的人说,她们的信心保持不变,另一半的人则在报告中表现为加强了。
这些主题有许多的次级主题将在下文进行讨论, 具体罗列在表2中。
另一种方法中,当一些受访者(n = 3)谈论到上帝时,她们觉得是上帝在指导和帮助外科医生照顾好她们。
换句话说,医生只是一种被神用来操作的工具,上帝操纵着医生;“上帝是医生c 1以及医生d,或者是医生c”。