丁丁历险记 2012电影 中英文对照台词
丁丁历险记The.Adventures.of.Tintin.2011中英剧本1.马上就好先生Very nearly there,sir.2.看你有点眼熟我以前给你画过像吗I have to say,your face is familiar.Have I drawn youbefore?3.画过几次Occasionally.4.对啊我还在报纸上见过你Of course!I've seen you in the newspaper.5.你是报导新闻的我是写新闻的记者You're a reporter?I'm a journalist.6.别急白雪就好了Be patient,Snowy,not much longer.7.真抱歉I do beg your pardon.8.好了There.9.画得还挺像吧I believe I have captured something of your likeness.10.不错Not bad!11.你看呢白雪What do you think,Snowy?12.白雪Snowy!13.给您钱先生There you are,sir.14.又跑哪儿去了Now where's he run off to?15.有情况吗Anything?16.没有Nothing.17.白雪Snowy!18.你去哪儿了啊Where have you been?19.又去欺负猫咪了Chasing cats again?20.白雪看这个Snowy,look at this!21.三个桅杆Triple masted.22.双层甲板五十门火炮Double decks.Fifty guns.23.多漂亮啊Isn't she a beauty?24.绝对珍稀的船模That's a very unique specimen.25.某位老船长的遗物That is from an old sea captain's estate.26.独角兽号"The Unicorn."27.对独角兽号帆船时代的战舰之王Unicorn.Man o'war sailing ship.28.年代非常久远十六世纪的It's very old,that is th century.29.我记得是十七世纪th,I would think.30.查理一世时代是查理二世Reign of Charles I.Charles II.31.没错是查理二世That's what I said,Charles II.32.驰骋世界的无敌战舰As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.33.小伙子这可是难得一见的东西You won't find another one of these,mate.34.只卖两英镑And it's only two quid.35.我出一镑成交I'll give you a pound.Done!36.拿好了啊Gently does it.37.劳驾Excuse me!38.拿好慢点Here you go.Careful.39.伙计这船多少钱Hey,bud,how much for the boat?40.不好意思刚卖给这个年轻人I'm sorry,I just sold it to this young gent.41.是吗Oh,yeah?42.你出了多少我加倍给你Tell me what you paid and I'll give you double.43.加倍?谢谢可我不卖Double?Thanks.But it's not for sale.44.听着年轻人我是想帮你Look,kid,I'm trying to help you out.45.你不清楚其中利害I don't think you realise this,46.你就要大祸临头了but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger.47.什么祸What kind of danger?48.我警告你别要这船I'm warning you,get rid of the boat49.趁着还不晚别惹麻烦and get out while you still can.50.那帮人不好惹These people do not play nice.51.哪帮人What people?52.真漂亮Wonderful!53.太漂亮了It's just wonderful.54.不用包了我就这么拿走Don't bother wrapping it,I'll take it as is.55.我开支票可以吗Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?56.您要想买得和这小伙子商量If you want to buy it,you'll have to talk to the kid.57.明白了I see.58.那就让他开个价儿吧Well,let the kid name his price.59.随便开价儿"Name his price"?60.我倒腾这些小玩意儿十年了Ten years I've been flogging bricabrac61.结果眼皮底下丢了这种好买卖and I miss"name your price"by one bleedin'minute!62.抱歉我和另一个买主也说了I'm sorry.I already explained to the other gentleman.63.美国佬擦头油还不穿袜子American he was.All hair oil and no socks.64.这东西不卖It's not for sale.65.那就请你帮个忙Then let me appeal to your better nature.66.最近我刚买下马林斯派克别墅I have recently acquired Marlinspike Hall,67.而这条船我想你也知道and this ship,as I'm sure you're aware,68.也是遗物一部分was once part of the estate.69.故去那个船长的Of the late sea captain?70.他们家族时运不济家产折腾得精光The family fell upon hard times.Lost everything.71.此后一蹶不振霉运连连They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.72.这家人代代都酗酒We are talking generations73.而且行为怪异of drinking and irrational behaviour...74.抱歉I'm sorry.75.但我说过了这船不卖But as I told you before,it's not for sale.76.祝您愉快先生Good day to you,sir.77.那年轻人叫什么名字That young man,what's his name?78.他谁都认识他他是丁丁Him?Everybody knows him.That's Tintin.79.这船怎么回事What is it about this ship?80.怎么引起那么多人的兴趣Why has it attracted so much attention?81.到底里面藏着什么秘密呢What secrets do you hold?82.放大镜在哪儿Where is that magnifying glass?83.记着明明放在I could have sworn it was...84.《记者丁丁披露黑帮真相》{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}85.《记者揭幕犯罪团伙》{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}86.能放在哪儿呢Where could it possibly be?87.《丁丁追回博物馆被窃国宝》{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}88.《权杖安然重归陛下》{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}89.白雪你看到没Snowy,you haven't seen the...90.放哪儿了Where is it?91.谢谢Thank you.92.别白雪No,Snowy!93.瞧你干的好事Look what you did.94.你把船弄坏了You broke it!95.臭狗狗Bad dog!96.这船肯定有古怪Something happened on this ship.97.我们去个可能找到答案的地方And we're going to the one place that could have theanswer.98.走吧白雪Come on,Snowy.99.在这里Here it is.100.马林斯派克别墅的主人法兰西斯·阿道克爵士"Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall, 101.厄运缠身的独角兽号最后一任船长the last captain of the illfated Unicorn.102.年该船由巴巴多斯起锚"The ship set sail from Barbados in103.遭遇航海史上最不幸的海难之一"on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history. 104.船只未抵达目的地"Ship never reached destination.105.受到海盗攻击仅一名船员幸存"Attacked by pirates,all hands lost except for one survivor.106.弗朗西斯爵士获救回国后"When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home,107.认为其族姓遭受了诅咒"he was convinced his name had been cursed.108.独角兽号装货单显示"The Unicorn's manifest stated109.船上载有一批"that it was carrying a110.运往欧洲的朗姆酒和烟草cargo of rum and tobacco bound for Europe,111.但一直有人认为船上载有一批神秘货物"But it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo."112.船上装的到底是什么呢白雪What was the ship carrying,Snowy?113.历史学家几经努力"Historians have tried and failed114.仍无法查清那趟死亡之旅中发生了什么to discover what happened on that fatal voyage, 115.但弗朗西斯爵士的遗言称"but Sir Francis'last words,116."唯真正阿道克族人可洞悉独角兽号之隐秘""'only a true Haddock will discover the secret of the Unicorn."'117.我肯定忽略了什么白雪I've missed something,Snowy.118.我们得仔细看看那艘船模We need to take a closer look at that model.119.肯定不在了Of course it's gone!120.我怎么这么蠢How could I be so stupid?121.你怎么进去的How'd you do that?122.真聪明Clever boy.123.一面族徽A coat of arms.124.怎么看着有点眼熟Why does that look familiar?125.等一下Hang on a minute.126.里面的鱼That fish!127.阿道克就是黑线鳕鱼的意思It's a haddock.128.对啊马林斯派克别墅是阿道克家族的祖业Of course!Marlinspike Hall is the old Haddock estate.129.白雪Snowy!130.好样的白雪Well done,Snowy!131.好狗狗Good boy.132.这下好了Well,well,well.133.看来找到窃贼了It seems we've caught our thief.134.欢迎来到马林斯派克别墅Welcome to Marlinspike Hall.135.我看到你溜进来I see you let yourself in.136.我来取回自己的东西I came to retrieve my property.137.抱歉听不懂你说什么I'm sorry,I'm not sure I follow you.138.你自己明白I think you do.139.不到一小时前这条船在我家被盗This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.140.恐怕你弄错了丁丁先生I'm afraid you're mistaken,Mr.Tintin.141.怎么会错这船是我的There's no mistake.It belongs to me.142.你肯定吗Are you sure?143.当然肯定Of course I'm sure.144.我买回家后放在起居室的柜架上I took it home,I put it on a cabinet in the living room, 145.后来白雪追猫时又把它碰翻and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over,146.掉在...地上and it fell.147.这不是我那条船This isn't my ship.148.当然不是No.Indeed.149.对不起I'm sorry.150.看着一模一样眼见也未必为实It looks identical.Well,looks can be deceiving. 151.是这样可我弄不明白Yes,indeed.But I don't understand!152.为什么法朗西斯爵士要做两条一模一样的船Why did Sir Francis make two ships exactly alike?153.你都有一个了干嘛还要另一个And you have one already.Why do you want another? 154.船模里有什么会招来窃贼呢What is it about this model that would cause someone to steal it?155.天哪怎么这么多问题Goodness me,why so many questions?156.职业习惯It's my job.157.这里可能藏着故事我的职业就是这个There could be a story here.That's what I do,you see.158.这里没什么秘密可言Well,it's no great mystery.159.法朗西斯·阿道克爵士嗜酒成性是个不可救药的无赖Sir Francis Haddock was a drunkard and a hopeless reprobate.160.他注定失败He was doomed to fail,161.而且把这悲剧传给了子嗣and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.162.那是真的了阿道克家族被诅咒了So it's true!The Haddock line is cursed.163.你还发现什么了有什么值得发现吗What else have you found out?What is there to find?164.那得看你要找什么That depends what you're looking for.165.我要找到答案萨卡林先生I'm looking for answers,Mr.Sakharine.166.你找错地方了You're looking in the wrong place.167.不早了It's late.168.你该回去了I think you should go home.169.这边请先生This way,sir.170.真遗憾先生It's a pity,sir.171.什么I'm sorry?172.您那只船模上断掉的桅杆先生That the mast broke on your model ship,sir.173.希望您找齐了所有的零件I hope you found all the pieces.174.有些东西很容易丢Things are so easily lost.175.内斯特你去哪儿了Nestor!Where are you?176.晚安先生Good night,sir.177.有些东西很容易丢Some things are easily lost.178.他说这个什么意思白雪What did he mean by that,Snowy?179.他想告诉我什么What was he trying to tell me?180.有些东西很容易丢Some things are easily lost.181.白雪Snowy!182.天啊Great snakes!183.怎么了白雪What is it,Snowy?184.这是什么What's this?185.原来是桅杆里的东西This was in the mast!186.好狗狗白雪Good boy,Snowy.187.三兄弟联手"Three brothers joined.188.三艘独角兽号同行"Three Unicorns in company189.扬帆于正午太阳将揭示一切"sailing in the noonday sun will speak.190.因这得自于光而光将破晓"For'tis from the light that light will dawn.191.照耀鹰之十字"And then shines forth the Eagle's Cross."192.这些符号什么意思What are these markings?193.某种密文吗Some kind of secret language or code?194.讲不通It makes no sense.195.不过这正说明了屋子为什么被翻个遍But it does explain why they ransacked the flat. 196.他们想找这个却没找到They were looking for this,and they didn't find it.197.也就是说Which means198.他们还要再来they'll be back.199.不知道他在哪里大概出去了吧No,I don't know where he is,dearie.I think he's gone out.200.而且已经很晚了And anyway,it's after dark,201.丁丁先生从来不愿and Mr.Tintin is most particular202.过了睡觉时间会见访客about not admitting visitors after bedtime.203.我要回去喝热巧克力I have to go back to my cocoa.204.一本好书加上一杯热巧克力I've got a very good book and a cup of cocoa.205.真是太棒了It's really lovely!206.谢谢您芬奇太太我来吧Thank you,Mrs.Finch.I can look after this.207.小伙子是你吗开开门Hey,kid,is that you?Open the door.208.你想干嘛What do you want?209.听着没办法了那人马上就回来Look,the game is up.He's gonna be back.210.我知道他要找那几条船可我发誓Now,I know he wanted those boats,but I swear to God,211.我真没想到他会为此杀人I never thought he'd kill anyone over it!212.谁你说这人是谁Who?Who are you talking about?213.我是想告诉你你现在处境危险I'm trying to tell you that your life is in danger.214.说那人是谁Answer me!Who?215.芬奇太太门口有人中枪Mrs.Finch!A man's been shot on our doorstep!216.怎么又这样快叫救护车Not again.Call an ambulance!217.不白雪No,Snowy!218.能听到吗Can you hear me?219.你能...Can you...220.被害人名叫巴纳比·道斯The victim's name was Barnaby Dawes.221.国际刑警组织资深探员He was one of the top agents at Interpol,222.但其调查对象尚不清楚but we haven't got a clue what he was working on.223.没错汤普森完全不清楚Quite right,Thompson.We're completely clueless.224.国际刑警组织那边没别的线索吗Interpol doesn't have any other leads?225.别急丁丁我们还在处理文书Steady on,Tintin.We're still filling out the paperwork. 226.警察工作又不全是惊险刺激Police work's not all glamour and guns.227.还有很多的文书工作There's an awful lot of filing.228.那我可能有些线索Well,I might have something for you.229.道斯失去意识前试图告诉我什么事Before he lost consciousness,Dawes tried to tell me something,230.我看他是在拼一个单词and I think he was spelling out a word.231.{\fn方正综艺_GBK}{\fs}{\b}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&HFFF&}{\c&H&}bou"...b ou232.{\fn方正综艺_GBK}{\fs}{\b}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&HFFF&}{\c&H&}djan"djan.233.卡拉布朗"Karaboudjan."234.卡拉布朗Karaboudjan!235.你知道什么意思吗Does that mean anything to you?236.天啊太不可思议了Great Scotland Yard!That's extraordinary!237.怎么了What is?238.沃辛顿在搞礼帽半价促销Worthington's have a halfprice sale on bowler hats!239.搞什么汤姆森案子要紧Really,Thomson!This is hardly the time.240.天啊怎么样Great Scotland Yard!What is it?241.手杖也半价啦Canes are halfprice,too!242.你俩到底想不想要这物证了Are you going to take charge of this evidence?243.当然要Positively.244.别担心丁丁放心交给我们Never fear,Tintin,the evidence is safe with us!245.汤姆森你在哪儿Thomson?Where are you?246.我已经下楼了你赶紧跟上Well,I'm already downstairs.Do try to keep up.247.等等你们忘了拿这个Wait!You dropped this.248.天哪汤姆森小心物证Good heavens,Thomson!Look after the evidence,man. 249.抱歉汤普森我想别的事来着Sorry,Thompson.My mind is on other things.250.对二指窃贼Yes.Our lightfingered larcenist.251.什么就是扒手What?The pickpocket.252.他可料不到我会有这手He has no idea what's coming.253.来丁丁掏我的钱夹Go on,Tintin,take my wallet.254.没错超强橡皮筋Yes,industrial strength elastic.255.真有办法Very resourceful.256.恰恰相反只是小孩子把戏On the contrary.It was childishly simple.257.没错小孩子把戏Simply childish,I agree.258.丁丁丁丁Tintin.Tintin.259.两位慢走Gentlemen.260.说真的我认为他已经跑远了Mind you,I expect he's miles away by now.261.你是说小偷吗I presume you're referring to the pickpocket?262.对我是说他感觉到我们就要抓到他了Yes.I mean,knowing we're just a few steps behind him.263.白雪怎么了看到什么了Snowy,what is it,boy?What do you see?264.估计你不太想喝茶吧I don't suppose you'd fancy a cup of tea?265.正相反我很想喝You're quite mistaken.I'd love one.266.我请My treat.267.可逮住你了你个混蛋I've got you now!You devil!268.站住警察Stop,in the name of the law!269.抓住了Got you!270.那边怎么了What's going on down there?271.来白雪Come on,Snowy!272.真对不起抱歉先生I do beg your pardon.Sorry,sir!273.小偷丁丁贼跑了The pickpocket,Tintin!He's getting away!274.我的钱包My wallet!275.被偷了It's gone!276.快白雪追上他Come on!Snowy,after him!277.别跑Stop!Wait!278.好了别着急Got you!Steady on.279.人不见了I've lost him!280.你们必须找到我钱包You must find my wallet.281.非常重要我必须把钱包拿回来It's very important.I have to get it back.282.放心吧交给我们这样的专业人士And you will.Leave it to the professionals.283.虽然纸条丢了We've lost the scroll.284.可题材还在But we haven't lost the story.285.卡拉布朗"Karaboudjan."286.这是个亚美尼亚词那就是线索白雪It's an Armenian word.That's our lead,Snowy. 287.巴纳比·道斯说我们身处险境时What was Barnaby Dawes trying288.究竟想告诉我们什么to tell us when he said our lives were in danger?289.丁丁先生我是Mr.Tin...Tin?Yes.290.你的包裹我什么也没订啊Delivery for you.But I didn't order anything.291.因为要运的就是你Well,that's because it's you that's getting delivered!292.快弄进车里Quick,get him in the van!293.滚开你这条疯狗Get off me,you confounded mutt!294.它咬我He bit me!295.快Quick!296.甩开它Get him off!297.甩下去碾死它Shake him off,then run him over!298.码头方向{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}299.放在右舷I want this on the starboard side!300.没有搜你那边Not here.Look your side.301.等等Hang on.302.没有搜那个口袋汤姆Nothing.Well,check that pocket,Tom.303.这个我搜过了的确没有No,I've looked in this one already,I'm sure of it.304.看看他袜子里Well,have a look in his socks.305.找到了吗他身上没有Have you found it?He doesn't have it.306.不在他身上头儿不在这儿It's not on him,boss.It's not here.307.不在这儿那在哪儿什么在哪儿Not here?Then where is it?Where's what?308.没工夫和你玩我要独角兽号里的纸条I am tired of your games.The scroll,from the Unicorn.309.像这样的纸片A piece of paper like this!310.你是说那首诗You mean the poem?311.是Yes.312.古英语写的诗对The poem written in Old English.Yes.313.装在小管子里的没错It was inside a cylinder.Yes.314.藏在桅杆里那个就是那个Concealed in the mast.Yes!315.我没有I don't have it.316.你肯定知道纸条的价值不然拿走干嘛You know the value of that scroll.Why else would you take it?317.两条船两张纸都是谜题的一部分Two ships and two scrolls,both part of a puzzle. 318.你已经得到一个了但你还要另一个You have one,you need the other.319.但你要的不是纸条是别的But that's not it.There's something else.320.无论你帮不帮我我都会找到I will find it,with or without your help.321.你得好好想想你对我到底有多大用处You need to think about exactly how useful you are to me.322.我们先起航再收拾他是先生We'll deal with him on the way.Ayeaye,sir.323.把事情办好Hold this course.324.白雪Snowy!325.看见你我也高兴It's good to see you,too.326.你能把这些绳子咬断码See if you can chew through these ropes.327.他在撒谎纸条一定在他身上He's lying!He must have the scroll.328.现在问题是他把纸条藏哪了The question is,what has he done with it?329.我们搜遍了他全身老大We searched him all over,boss.330.你们给我回去想办法让他开口I want you to go back down there and make him talk.331.哪怕把他身上每根骨头都打断Break every bone in his body if you have to!332.太狠了点吧That's nasty.333.你清楚其中利害你清楚我们在干什么You know the stakes.You know what we're playing for.334.叫你干什么你就干Just do it!335.萨卡林先生先生不好了Mr.Sakharine!Mr.Sakharine!All hell has broken loose! 336.出大事了船长醒了It's a disaster!The captain has come around.337.什么他醒了What?He's conscious.338.他指控您叛变He's accusing you of mutiny.339.他说是您让全体船员都背叛他He says you turned the crew against him.340.听起来他又醒酒了Sounds like he's sobered up again.341.别傻站着再给他拿一瓶酒Well,don't just stand there.Get him another bottle.342.是先生Aye,sir!343.好了Okay.344.晃一下就行卡住了晃Jiggle it a bit,it's just stuck.Jiggle?345.这样Here.346.干嘛呢让开What are you doing?Get off!347.不是卡住了你个白痴It's not stuck,you idiot.348.他从里面把门闩上了He's bolted it from the inside!349.你想跟我们玩玩是吧丁丁So you want to play like that then,do you,Tintin?350.去拿炸药来Get the TNT.351.破板条箱绳子香槟Broken crates.Rope.Champagne.352.还能找到什么白雪What else do we have,Snowy?353.肯定有别的招能打开这门There are other ways to open this door.354.抓到你就用你的肠子擦甲板They'll be swabbing the decks with your innards when we're done with you.355.给我Give it here.356.别动什么Don't move.What...357.咱们上Let's go!358.我来抓住他Let me have him!359.他有枪He's got a big shooter!360.他打中我了He got me!361.停火Hold your fire.362.他不在逃跑了He ain't here.He's vanished.363.他藏起来了He's hiding.364.搜船马上Search the ship.Quickly!365.苏门答腊大老鼠A giant rat of Sumatra!366.你以为你能偷偷溜进来So,you thought you could sneak in behind me367.趁我不备偷袭我吗and catch me with my trousers down,huh?368.我更希望你有所防备I'd rather you kept your trousers on,369.对你来说都一样if it's all the same to you.370.我知道你玩什么把戏你跟他们一伙的I know your game.You're one of them.371.什么Sorry?372.他们派你来杀我They sent you here to kill me,huh?373.听着我根本不认识你Look,I don't know who you are!374.他就打算这么杀死我That's how he's planned to bump me off.375.派一个娃娃脸刺客让我横死在床Murdered in my bed by a babyfaced assassin!376.刺客听着你完全搞错了Assassin?Look,you've got it all wrong.377.我是被一伙强盗绑架来的I was kidnapped by a gang of thugs.378.那个猪猡The filthy swine.379.他策反了我所有的水手He's turned the whole crew against me!380.谁Who?381.一个起了个嗲名的苦瓜脸A sourfaced man with a sugary name.382.他把我所有的水手都收买了所有的He's bought them all off,every last man.383.是萨卡林Sakharine!384.没人能抢走我的船Nobody takes my ship!385.你是船长吗You're the captain?386.我当然是船长我还能是谁Of course I'm the captain.Who else could I be?387.我被锁在这个屋子里好几天了I've been locked in this room for days388.只有威士忌来抚慰我受伤的灵魂with only whisky to sustain my mortal soul.389.我以为门锁了Well,I assumed it was locked.390.显然没有Well,it's not.391.失陪了Now,you must excuse me.392.他们要是找到我肯定会杀了我If they find me here,they'll kill me.393.我得继续逃跑I have to keep moving.394.努力从这个酒气冲天行驶缓慢的破船里逃出去Try and find my way off this drunken tub. 395.破船破船"Tub"?Tub?396.他敢管这叫"破船"Tub?397.多谢不谢Thanks.Pleasure.398.顺便说一下我叫丁丁I'm Tintin,by the way.399.我叫阿切博尔德·阿道克Haddock.Archibald Haddock.400.在甲板上面有一艘大艇跟我来There's a longboat up on deck.Follow me.401.等一下Hang on a second.402.你说你姓阿道克吗Did you say"Haddock"?403.你怎么让他们跑了How could you let them escape?404.找到他们找到他们俩Find them.Find them both.405.不用担心长官我们一定宰了他们Don't worry,we'll kill them,sir.406.不行No.407.你可以干掉那个男孩阿道克必须活着You can kill the boy.Not Haddock.408.什么他就是个一无是处的老醉鬼What?He's just a hopeless old soak.409.我们早就该杀了他We should've killed him long since.410.你以为我选择You think it's an accident411.阿道克的船阿道克的船员that I chose Haddock's ship,Haddock's crew,412.和阿道克这靠不住的大副是巧合吗Haddock's treacherous first mate?413.没有什么是巧合Nothing is an accident.414.我和阿道克船长渊源很深We go back a long way,Captain Haddock and I.415.我们有一笔账没算清We've unfinished business.416.这次我要让他付出代价And this time,I'm going to make him pay.417.在这条走廊头上We have to reach a locked door at418.有一扇上锁的门很棘手the end of this corridor.This is gonna be tricky.419.你不会碰巧跟住在马林斯派克别墅的You wouldn't happen to be related420.阿道克家族有亲戚关系吧to the Haddocks of Marlinspike Hall,would you?421.你为什么问这个Why do you ask?422.这是我报导的第一个故事It's for a story I've been working on.423.一艘在巴巴多斯沿岸的古老沉船An old shipwreck that happened off the coast of Barbados.424.一艘军舰A man o'war.425.三桅杆五十门炮Triple masted.Fifty guns.426.关于独角兽号你都知道什么What do you know of the Unicorn?427.知道得不多所以我才问你Not a lot.That's why I'm asking you.428.只有我们家族的人才知道这艘船的秘密The secret of that ship is known only to my family! 429.这秘密被一代一代的传下来It's been passed down from generation to generation. 430.我的祖父在临死之前亲自告诉我那个传说My granddaddy himself,with his dying breath, told me the tale.431.然后呢And?432.没了Gone.433.什么叫"没了"What do you mean,gone?434.他挂掉的时候我太难过了I was so upset when he kicked the bucket,435.只好借酒浇愁I had no choice but to drown my sorrows.436.等我早上醒来的时候When I woke up in the morning,437.什么都没了什么都忘了it was gone!I'd forgotten it all.438.全忘了一干二净Everything?Every last word.439.你家里还有其他亲人吗Well,is there somebody else in your family?440.没准他们知道Maybe they would know.441.弗朗西斯爵士有三个儿子Sir Francis had three sons.442.除了我这一支都没有后代All but my bloodline failed.443.我是阿道克家族最后的血脉I am the last of the Haddocks!444.你刚刚说三个儿子Did you say three sons?445.下去搜搜Let's check below!446.谁找到阿道克就赏一瓶朗姆酒There is a bottle of rum for the man who finds Haddock. 447.还得杀了那个男孩希望我先找到And kill the boy.Hope I find him first.448.什么声音What's that?449.你又出现幻听了You're hearing things.450.闭嘴阿里Quiet,Ali.451.那什么都没有There's nothing there.452.上去看看Let's go up.453.我知道萨卡林在找什么了I know what Sakharine's looking for.454.你念叨什么呢What are you raving on about?455.是写在纸条上的东西It was written on the scroll.456."三兄弟联手"Three brothers joined.457."三艘独角兽号同行"Three Unicorns in company458.扬帆于正午太阳将揭示一切"sailing in the noonday sun will speak."459.真的吗Really?460.弗朗西斯爵士不只制作了两个模型Sir Francis didn't make two models of the Unicorn. 461.而是三个He made three!462.每个儿子都有一艘船Three ships for three sons.463.太对了Excellent!464.萨卡林在找第三艘模型船Sakharine's after the third model ship.465.真麻烦有人把门锁上了Barnacles!Someone's locked the door!466.有钥匙吗钥匙Well,is there a key?A key?467.没错关键是找到钥匙Yes,now,that would be the problem.468.凿子客先生Mr.Jaggerman!469.中间那张床的上铺他负责保管钥匙Top bunk in the centre.Keeper of the keys.470.当心他不幸地没了眼皮Careful,mind.He's a restless471.睡觉的时候也不安宁sleeper on account of the tragic loss of his eyelids.472.他眼皮没了对He lost his eyelids?Aye.473.那次玩纸牌真是很难忘Now,that was a card game to remember.474.你真该亲眼看到You really had to be there.475.丁丁我本想自己去I'd do this myself,Tintin,476.但是你脚步更轻不容易弄醒这帮小子but you've a lighter tread and less chance of waking the boys.477.你确定这主意行得通吗Are you sure this is a good idea?478.只要他们都没醒You've nothing to worry about.479.你就没什么可担心的Provided they all stay asleep.480.别离霍布斯先生太近I wouldn't get too close to Mr.Hobbs.481.他的手从不离剃刀He's very handy with a razor.482.离吉契先生也远点And I'd steer clear of Mr.Gitch.483.以前做羊倌的因为他所谓的畜牧学被解雇了Sacked as a shepherd on account of his "Animal husbandry."484.别去咬三明治Not the sandwich.485.去叼钥匙The keys!486.你是个勇敢的小伙子丁丁You're a brave lad,Tintin.487.我跟你说我的心都提到嗓子眼了My heart was in my mouth,I don't mind telling you. 488.那个那个要是我的心的话Well,that is,if it was my heart.489.按我的胃口来说在嗓眼的指不定是什么Judging by my stomach,it could've been anything,really.490.快点船长我们没时间了Hurry up,Captain!We've no time to lose.491.好咧Bingo!492.就拿点必需品Just the necessities,of course.493.去救生艇那To the lifeboats.494.挪进来Ease it in!495.好好干活Put your back into it!496.让它停在那稳住Hold her there,steady!497.看见他了吗大块头Any sign of him,Jumbo?498.还没小心点Nothing yet.Watch yourself.499.老大说他挺棘手The boss says he's a handful.500.这边来Come on.501.那是阿兰It's Allan.502.那是驾驶台吗Is that the bridge?503.是就在发报房的另一边Aye,on the other side of the radio room.504.发报房Radio room?505.在这等着船长有人来就发警报Wait here,Captain.Sound the alarm if anyone comes. 506.小心点丁丁Careful,Tintin.507.我什么都看不着I can't see a thing!508.别抱怨了找到那男孩Quit your whining and find the kid!509.我不是干这个的I didn't sign on for this!510.继续找Keep searching!511.刚有消息过来了老大Message just come through,boss.512.什么消息What's it say?513."米兰妮丝·南丁格尔已到达"The Milanese Nightingale has landed.514.准备就绪等待行动"Waiting in the wings for action."515.米兰妮丝·南丁格尔"Milanese Nightingale"?516.希望这消息能让他高兴Now pray this cheers him up.517.百佳"Bagghar."518.这是什么What's this?519.百佳的领土"The Sultanate of Bagghar520.由奥玛·本·萨拉德酋长统治"Ruled over by Sheikh Omar Ben Salaad,521."他热爱音乐文化"Whose love of music and522.尤其钟爱..."culture is matched only by his love of..."523.我的天哪Great snakes!524.百佳Bagghar.525.百佳港The Port of Bagghar.526.在摩洛哥Morocco.527.丁丁Tintin!528.你举起手来Hey!Put your hands up!529.这下可给你个教训And let that be a lesson to you!530.救命Help me!531.在这他在这In here!He's in here!532.他在这在救生艇这Here!By the lifeboats!533.滚开Out of the way!534.去追他抓住他After him!Get him!535.快快在这呢Quick,quick,in here!536.在那边Over there!537.怎么回事你个小...Why,you little...538.他在上面上He's up there!Go!539.我看见他了I can see him now!540.别让他跑了Don't let them get away!541.救命啊Help me!542.掉头是长官Turn this ship around!Aye,sir!543.给我一个照明弹Get me a flare!544.船长躺下快躺下Captain,get down!Get down!545.他在那给我让开There he is!Get out of the way!546.全速前进全速前进Now!Full ahead!Full speed!547.你们死定了Got you now.548.躺下Stay down.549.看看下面Look!Down there!550.蠢货一群蠢货你们都干了什么Idiots!You idiots!What have you done?551.我们把他们杀了老大如您所愿We killed them,boss,like you wanted!552.不才不如我所愿我要阿道克活着No!Not like I wanted!I needed Haddock alive! 553.等一下老大有两艘长艇不见了Wait a minute,boss!There are two boats missing! 554.那被毁的这艘肯定是伪装的So,that one must have been a decoy.555.他们对我们很了解知道我们的目的地They're onto us,and our destination.556.找到他们确保他们决不会到达百佳Find them!Make absolutely certain they never reach Bagghar!557.是老大Yes,boss.558.上来Get up there!559.我们得赶在萨卡林之前赶到百佳We have to get to Bagghar ahead of Sakharine.560.我知道我知道I know.I know.561.为什么Why?562.因为他知道第三个模型的下落Because he has the third model ship.563.你怎么知道How do you know?564.酋长收集古老的船只The Sheikh collects old ships.And this565.而这个是他收藏中的精品is the prize of his collection.566.我的天老爷啊这是独角兽号Blistering blue barnacles,that is the Unicorn!567.船长你发现图片上模型四周有点失真吗Captain,do you see the distortion around the model?568.嗯Aye.569.这说明本·萨拉德把它放在一个It means that Ben Salaad exhibits570.防弹玻璃箱里然后陈列在他的宫殿里it in a bulletproof glass case in his palace.571.萨卡林准备把它偷走And Sakharine is going there to steal it!572.对他有秘密武器Yes,he has a secret weapon.573.就是米兰妮丝·南丁格尔The Milanese Nightingale.574.但光有这些无法解谜But that won't be enough to solve the mystery,575.所以萨卡林还需要你and that is why Sakharine needs you.576.所以他把你囚禁起来That's why he made you his prisoner.577.他需要你记忆中的某些东西There is something he needs you to remember.578.我不明白I don't follow you.579.我在一本书上读到过I read it in a book.580.只有真正的阿道克家族的人才能解开独角兽之谜That only a true Haddock can discover the secret of the Unicorn.581.我一丝一毫都不记得I don't remember anything about anything.582.但是你一定了解你的祖先吧But you must know about your ancestors,583.弗朗西斯爵士这是你的家族传统Sir Francis.It's your family legacy!584.我的记性不比以前了My memory is not what it used to be.。
今天小编整理了电影泰坦尼克号经典台词中英文供大家参考,一起来看看吧!电影泰坦尼克号经典台词中英文1. All life is a game of luck.生活本来就全靠运气。
2. I figure life is a gift and I dont intend on wasting it. You never know what hand youre going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。
3. I love waking up in the morning not knowing whats gonna happen… or who Im gonna meet… where Im gonna wind up.我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。
4. he hard part isn’t making the decision. It’s living with it.做出决定并不困难,困难的是接受决定。
5. God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying,neither shall there be any more pain,for the former world has passed away.上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪。
I'm looking for answers, Mr Sakharine.
You're looking in the wrong place.
It's late.
I think you should go home.
This way, sir.
Isn't she a beauty?
That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate.
"The Unicorn."
Unicorn. Man o'war sailing ship.
It's very old, that is. th century.
the last captain of the ill-fated Unicorn."
"The ship set sail from Barbados in "
"on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history."
"Ship never reached destination."
What secrets do you hold?
Where is that magnifying glass?
I could have sworn it was...
Snowy, you haven't seen the...
Where is it?
世界末日 80 心舍
我们认识吗? -Adrian: Sorry sir, my name is Dr Adrian Helmsley. I'm a deputy geologist at the office of science and technology policy. deputy: 代理人,代表 geologist: 地质学家,地质学者 science: 科学 technology: 技术 打扰你了先生,我是 Adrian Helmsley 博士,是科技部地质方面的副研究员。 -Mr Anheuser: Excuse me, fellows. 失陪一下,各位。 You know that this is a fund-raiser, not a frat party, right? fund-raiser: 募捐者 frat: 兄弟会 你应该知道这是个资金筹集酒会,不是什么兄弟会。 -Adrian: It's extremely important, sir. extremely: 极度地,非常地 important: 重要的 是非常重要的事。 -Mr Anheuser: You know what, It always is. Here is what I want you to do. Make an appointment or even better, appointment: 约定,约,约会 总是这样,你看看这样行不行,你约个时间, Have your boss bring it up at the Quarterly science briefing, okay? There's a good plan. briefing: 简报,情况的简要介绍,简要汇报 或者让你的上司在本季度科学报告会上再和我说,这主意不错! -Adrian: I just traveled 20 straight hours to get here, sir. I haven't slept in two days. You need to read this, sir. You need to read it now! straight: 直的,连续的 我连着坐了 20 个小时的飞机过来,先生,我有两天没睡了,你必须得看看这个,现在就看。 -Mr. Anheuser: Let me guess. National geology crisis? Excuse me. national: 国家的 crisis: 危机 我看看,是国家地理危机,失陪一下。 -Mr Anheuser: Who do you report to? report: 报告,报道 你的上司是谁? -Adrian: Lico Vasos Lico Vasos 。 -Mr Anheuser: Not anymore. Al, bring the car around. You may wish you took a shower. around: [口语]在附近,在近处 shower: 淋浴 以后不是了,Al,备车,你最好洗个澡。 -Adrian: Sir? 什么? -Mr Anheuser: You're about to meet the president. president: 总统 我等会儿带你去见总统。 -Secretary: What's going on? 怎么了? -Adrian: Get that to the office. 把这些拿到我办公室去。
荒岛余生中应对照台词[Wind Blowing Softly]? [Elvis Presley On Radio ]Mrs. Peterson!彼得森太太!Ramon, hey! How's it goin'?雷蒙,嗨!你好How you doin'? There it is, right there on the desk.—你好—在那儿,在桌子上- Where's she headed? - She's snowbound, Ramon. —要送到哪儿? —送到冰天雪地,雷蒙- See you went with the pink. - Yeah, yeah. —你这次挑了粉红色—对,对It's kind of a pink day today.今天是粉红色的日子I'm gonna have another pickup for you on Thursday.我星期四还有东西要寄- All right. We'll see you then. - All right. Thanks, Ramon.—好,星期四见—好,谢谢? Bless my soul What's wrong with me ?? I'm itchin'like a man on a fuzzy tree ?? my friends say I'm actin' wild as a bug? ? I'm in love ?? [ Humming ][ Speaking Russian ]? [ Singing In Russian ][ Man Shouting In Russian ]? [ Singing Continues ]- [ Doorbell Rings ] - Peterson! Peterson! 彼得森先生!- Peterson. - [ Russian ]彼得森- [ Russian ] - [ Russian ]- Mr. Cowboy, da? - Da.—牛仔先生,是吗? —是- ? [ Humming ] - [ Russian ]Mmm, it's pretty. [ Russian ]嗯,好美Mmm. It's from my wife.我太太寄来的[ Horn Honking ]? [ Singing In Russian ]- [ Russian ] - [ Russian ][ Russian ][Whistle Blows ][man] Time...时间无情地支配着我们- rules over us without mercy, - [Man Translating From English To Russian ]not caring if we're healthy or ill, hungry or drunk,不管我们健康还是生病,饥饿还是醉饱Russian, American, beings from mars.俄国人、美国人还是火星人It's Iike a fire. It could either destroy us or keep us warm.时间就像火,既能杀人也能救人That's why every FedEx office has a clock. 所以,每个联邦快递办公室里都有钟Because we live or we die by the clock.因为我们以时间为中心生活We never turn our back on it.永远不可对时间置之不理永远不允许自己犯下失去时间观念的罪行!the sin of losing track of time!现在是当地时间1点56分That means we've got three hours and four minutes...这表示我们还有3小时4分钟before the end-of-the-day's package sort.就可以结束今天的邮件分类- That's how long we have. That's how much time we have... - [ Translating ]在那令人心惊、无情的监工before this pulsating[pʌl'seɪtɪŋ], accursed[əˈkɜ:sɪd], relentless taskmaster [ˈtɑ:skmɑ:stə(r)]...试图令我们失业之前tries to put us out of business.我们只有这么多时间Hey, Nicolai. Hey. Nicolai, good to see you. 喂,尼古拉How are you, kid? Look what you did.你好,见到你真高兴You just delivered your very first FedEx package.你刚发送了你的第一件包裹That deserves something special, like a Snickers bar...这值得特别鼓励and a C.D. player.朱古力条,CD唱机And something to listen to-- a C.D. There. CD唱片,猫王的Elvis Presley. Fifty million fans can't be wrong.五千万歌迷的选择不会错的You all recognize this, don't you?你们还记得这个吧?I took the liberty of sending this to myself. 这是我寄给我自己的I Fed Ex'd it before I left memphis.我离开孟菲斯前用快递寄的You're probably wondering what could be in here.你们都想知道里面是什么吧?What could it possibly be? Is it architectural [ˌɑ:kɪˈtektʃərəl] plans?是建筑蓝图还是技术图纸?maybe technical[ˈteknɪkl] drawings?是浴室的新墙纸吗?Is this the new wallpaper for the-- for the bathroom?[Translator Continues ]这是…It is... a clock,一个钟,寄时我将它调到零which I started at absolute zero...and is now at 87 hours, 22 minutes and 17 seconds.现在已过了87小时22分17秒From memphis, America to Nicolai in Russia, 87 hours.从美国的孟菲斯到俄罗斯的尼古拉,87小时Eighty-seven hours is a shameful outrage.87小时是个可耻的纪录This is just an egg timer这只是个煮蛋计时器! What if it had been something else? Like your paycheck?如果是别的呢?比如支票- Or fresh boysenberries[ˈbɔɪznbəri]? Or adoption papers? - [ Translating ] The cosmos[ˈkɑ:zmoʊs]was created in less time! Wars have been fought and nations toppled[ˈt ɒpl] in 87 hours!鲜草莓或者领养文件呢?87小时太长了,开天辟地也不用这么长87小时可以推翻国家Fortunes[ˈfɔ:tʃu:n]madeand squandered.[ˈskw ɒndə(r)]发了财又破了产What?什么?What are you saying about me?—你在说我什么? —我说,你会怎么办I tell them, what do they expect?货车坏了,他会偷儿童自行车去送This man, when his truck broke down, he stole a boy's bicycle to do his delivery[dɪˈlɪv əri].我借的,我借了辆儿童车I borrowed it! I borrowed a kid's bike.我把包裹送到了,这就是你要做的And I got my packages delivered, and that is what you people are gonna[ˈgɔ:nə] have to start doing.You have to start doing whatever it takes, because in three hours and two minutes...你要不择手段,因为3小时2分钟后every one of these packages has to be on the big truck...这些包裹就要装上大货车and on its way to the airport.运往机场- [Bell Rings ] - Fifteen minutes!15分钟!- Crunch[krʌntʃ]time! Crunch time! - Crunch time!—时间紧急!时间紧急! —时间紧急!Let's go! Every package on the airport truck. 快!所有包裹都要装上货车Go! Crunch, crunch, crunch!快!赶快!赶快!- We have a big problem. - What?—出了大问题了—什么?- The truck in Red Square is stuck[stʌk]. - What do you mean?—货车卡在红场了—什么?- It's stuck. - Stuck how? In snow? In ice? —被卡住了—卡住了?是雪还是冰?It's stuck! The most important truck-- the Kremlin[ˈkremlɪn] truck! many packages.那是最重要的货车,克里姆林宫的包裹!All right, all right, all right. Let's put the table right here.好,把桌子放在这里,我们分类We'll just do the sort.Ah, yeah, a clamp[klæmp]. That would make us stuck.轮胎锁,这当然会卡住货车Let's go. Unload-- Get him out of there.快,卸货…让他出来Right here. Two lines, two lines.在这里,排两行一行去机场,一行去莫斯科One to the airport truck, one to the moscow truck.Got it?法国、远东、中东孟菲斯的装车,其余的放那边C.D.G., F.E., m.E, memphis on the airport truck. Everything else right there.Nicolai! Tick-tock, tick-tock. Four minutes. 尼古拉!快,只剩4分钟了[ Ringing ][ Answering machine ] Hi, this is Kelly. If you're calling for Chuck, press one.嗨,我是凯莉,要找察克请按一Otherwise leave a message after the tone电话提示音. Thanks.否则请留言,谢谢- [ Beeps ] - [ Chuck] Hello, Kelly. Are you there?凯莉,你在吗?请接电话,你不在Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. You're not there. You're not gonna believe this. I'm doin' the sorts in the middle of Red Square...我在红场的列宁墓旁给包裹分类in the shadow of Lenin's tomb.? I miss you?我想你? I miss you I really wanna kiss you ?我想你,真的好想吻你I'm outta“out of”的简写体here in two minutes and I'm pickin' up the sweep through Paris, 我将在巴黎转机so I should be back in memphis about 18 hours or so.好消息是18个小时后我就会回到孟菲斯That's the good news. The bad news is...坏消息是,本周我要去看牙医I gotta go to the dentist[ˈdentɪst]this week.I got something in there that's hurting我的牙好痛啊I love you and I'm gonna see you soon, and you know what that means.很快就要见面了你知道这意味着什么,再见Bye-bye. Nicolai! Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock!尼古拉!滴答,滴答![ Speaking French ]- [ Knocking ] - I absolutely, positively[ˈp ɒzətɪvli] have to get to memphis tonight. 我绝对、必须今晚回到孟菲斯Can’t help you.try u.p.s.帮不了你,试试联合邮包服务With this extra head wind, are we gonna be able to push it and make the sort?我们加把劲儿可以吗?- We'll do our best. - "Our best," huh?—我们尽力而为—尽力而为Gwen, is there something wrong with our doctors that Jack keeps getting certified[ˈsɜ:tɪfa ɪ] to fly?格文,公司医生怎么会批准杰克飞行?- Aren't you concerned? - I'm terrified.[ˈter ɪfaɪd]你不担心吗?我害怕,但女人该做女人应该做的事But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do? That's the spirit. Relentless[rɪˈlentləs]is our goal. Relentless!这就是精神,无情是我们的目标What do you expect from the guy who stole a crippled['krɪpld] kid's bicycle...偷跛脚孩子自行车的人能有什么好的?- when his truck broke down? - I borrowed it. 我是借的,但我很高兴那孩子变跛了But I love that the kid's now crippled.So you missed the last truck by two minutes? 你差两分钟没赶上卡车?Two minutes. Actually, it was less than that. 两分钟,实际上不到两分钟The plane wasn't that heavy. You could've added some fuel,飞机不重,你可以加点油,提提速picked up the speed and made up the time.是关于货车,今天货车晚了两分钟It's about the trucks. Today's truck was two minutes late.Tomorrow's will be four minutes late, and then six minutes and eight minutes late.明天就会晚4分钟,然后6分钟- Next thing you know, we're the U.S. mail. - Yeah, well--不久我们就会变成美国邮政局了但如果所有的货车都准时到达All I'm sayin' is, If you'd gotten all those trucks on the plane,those Russkies would be walking on water right now.那对俄国人来说简直是奇迹Hey, don't-- Don't gimme that look.别这样看我,察克,这只是柚子汁- It's just grape juice. Right, Chuck? - Yeah. 就像1992年的浓缩柚子汁It's like a 1992 full-bodied grape juice.I see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. 非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言We'd offeryou some but, you know, somebody's got to fly the plane.我们想请你喝,但飞机得有人开啊Yeah, well, I "just say no," right? 好,我就说“不喝”,对吧?Listen, Stan, I've been meaning to ask you. 史丹我一直想问你,玛丽怎么样?Oh. Uh, well,哦,嗯…- we really don't know anything yet. - Mm-hmm. 我们现在还不清楚Uh, she went to the doctor yesterday, and, uh, 她昨天去看过医生…it hasn't meta-- metastasized...[mɪ'tæstəsa ɪz]目前癌细胞还没有…转移as far as they can tell right now.目前只知道这些It's just kind of wait and see.现在只有静观其变I'm so sorry.我很难过Tell her I'm gonna come by and see her on my next layover.告诉她,我下次经过时会去看她I want you to know, Stan, we are all thinking about her and you.史丹,我们都很关心你们俩- And just blessings. - Thank you, Gwen. —只有祷告—谢谢,格文[Answering machine ] Hi, this is Kelly. If you're calling for Chuck, press one.嗨,我是凯莉Otherwise, leave a message after the tone. Thanks.要找察克请按一,否则请留言Stan.史丹…Listen. Uh, I heard about this--我听说…I heard about this doctor down in Emory, in Atlanta.[ætˈlæntə]在亚特兰大的艾莫雷有个医生Uh, he's supposed to be the absolute best. 听说很棒,医治过杜法兰太太He worked on Frank Toretta's wife.Frank Toretta is a systems analyst.杜法兰是系统分析员是我们的中场运动员He played center field for us. You know him. 你认识他,去年劳动节垒球巡回赛In the softball tournament last Labor Day. Anyway, beside the point.不管怎么样Uh, what I was thinking is, is that I could get his number--我想我可以找到他的电话号码the doctor-- and, uh,医生,还有…You know, put you all together and--你们联系…You know, you could get this thing fixed.你们可以解决这个问题的You could beat it.你们可以战胜它Thanks, Chuck. [ Sighs ]谢谢你,察克So, I'll get his number.那我去找电话号码[Elevator Bell Dings ]—为什么是那个? —当化学…[ Knocking ]- Is Kelly Frears around? - She's copying her dissertation.[ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn]—凯莉·费里斯在吗? —她在复印她的论文[ Laughs ]- You're home. - Home indeed.—你回来了—是回来了I love that you're home.你回来我真开心[ Laughs ][tv, Female Newscaster] Just days before Santa [ˈsæntə]departs [dɪˈpɑ:t] on his annual [ˈænjuəl]gift-giving venture,[ˈventʃə(r)]再过几天圣诞老人就要开始送礼了He's been declared[dɪˈkleəd]physically[ˈfɪzɪkli]fit to fly.他身体健康,适合飞行Santa got checked out by doctors at the V.A. Hospital in Augusta, Georgia.圣诞老人在乔治亚奥嘎斯特医院检查过After they declared the jolly old elfin[ˈelf ɪn]tiptop['tɪptɒp] shape,在医生宣布老圣人身体极佳之后Santa Claus took off in to the wild blue yonder [ˈjɒndə(r)]for an early start.他冲入蓝天,提前出发In Sarajevo[ˌsærəˈjeivəu,he spent the day with children,在撒拉热窝,他跟孩子们共度了一天Handing out presents and even helping them decorate[ˈdekəreɪt]...分发礼物the special Christmas tree.甚至帮助装饰特别的圣诞树[ Bell Clanging ]Santa and a sea of elves[elvz] took over the floor...他和助手去了香港期货交易所at the Hong Kong Futures Exchange.market traders bought Santa hats, donating-- 交易所经纪买了圣诞帽…The turkey's a Iittle dry, isn't it?—火鸡有点干吧? —火鸡好极了!- [ Al I ] No. - The turkey is perfect.[ Indistinct [ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋkt Chattering ] - How many did you do last night? - Last night?2.9 million.—昨晚你做了多少? —昨晚?290万Now you've got to be in the market for more of these candied yams.现在你应该去市场多吃几个甜薯Here you go.—290万一定破纪录了—看看这些糖汁2.9 has got to be the record.Look at those marshmallows.[ˌmɑ:ʃˈmæləʊ] When I was there, we did two million.我们那时200万就不少了- We thought that was a big deal. - The glory days.光荣的日子- What'd they do the first night? - The very first night?—第一天晚上送出了多少? —第一天晚上?- [man #1 ] Twelve. - [man #2 ] Twelve thousand? —12个—一万2千吧?- Hell, no. Twelve. - [ Chuck ] That's right. —啊,不,12个—就那些And they did the sort right there on a card table.他们就在那个桌上分类And Fred Smith had that card table bronzed.[br ɒnzd]施法德将那张桌子镀了铜I've been hearing that for five years.这个故事我听了5年了- It's in his office today. – They go from that to the new hub up in Anchorage.—那桌子还在他办公室里—从那儿到安哥拉治的中心It's state of the art-- a perfect marriage... 那是科技和系统管理理想的结合between technology and systems management. Speaking of marriage, Chuck, when are you gonna make an honest woman out of Kelly?谈到结合[Excited Chattering]你什么时候娶凯莉啊?- How long? - Fourteen minutes into the meal. 几分钟?—开始吃饭14分钟—你赢了- You won. I owe you $5. - So I win.—我欠你5块—离上甜点还早着呢- Way before the pie. - I told him on the way up.我说上甜点时,结婚…Right about the time the pie came out, the marriage--Kelly is still recovering from her failed relationship with that parolee.[pəˌrəʊ'li:]凯莉还没忘记那个假释犯He was a lawyer.他是名律师I knew it had something to do with raising your right hand...我知道与发誓说真话有关and swearing to tell the truth.记得他在婚礼宴会跌倒摔伤肩膀吗?Remember when he fell on the sidewalk[ˈsaɪdw ɔ:k]and broke his shoulder at the wedding reception[rɪˈsepʃn]?He tripped on a curb holding a door open for me.他为我开车门,在人行道边绊倒了- Aunt Kelly was married before? - [ Kelly] It's not even worth remembering.—凯莉姨结过婚? —那根本不值一提So since her failed marriage to the parolee-- 自从她跟假释犯的婚姻失败后- Oh, my God. - Kelly can't see being with a man who wears a pager[ˈpeɪdʒə(r)] to bed. 啊,天啊凯莉不能跟戴传呼机的人上床What're you gonna attach it to, Hoss?戴着上床的话,你放在哪儿啊?When you wear it to bed, I hope You got one of those things...我希望你有那种震动机that go vibrating[vaɪ'breɪtɪŋ],Watch it. I'm not touching that.我不会碰那个的Oh, did you hit an olive pit?你咬到橄榄核了?- I thought I took all of them out. - No, no, it's not that.—我想我都挑出来了—不,不是核[ Guests Chattering]- Okay, I'll cancel Saturday. - No, don't. —星期六我取消了—别取消If I'm not here, I'm not. But if I am, well, 如果我在,就是在,不在,就是不在- then I am. - It's cancelled.取消了,不过你除夕夜一定来But you gotta be here New Year's Eve. Malaysia[mə'leɪʒə] can't be that bad. I'll be here New Year's Eve.马来西亚不会那么糟你什么时候答辩论文?- When are you defending your dissertation? -January 1 2.1月12日[ Sighs ] I'm gonna have to switch over the South America thing.我将更改去南美的日期If l do that on the third or fourth,如果我3号或4号去I'm gonna have to head back out on the 13th. 13号我就会往回飞So long as you're here New Year's Eve.只要你除夕夜在就可以了I will be here New Year's Eve. I promise.我答应你,除夕夜一定在- What? - What about our Christmas? I got a gift for you.什么?圣诞节呢?我有礼物要给你We have to do it in the car.我们得在车上交换了[Elvis Presley] ? You'll be doing all right? I'd just like a minute over here, all right? Thanks.我们只停一分钟可以吗?谢谢? But I'll have a blue ?- ? Blue, blue, blue Christmas ? - Two minutes, okay?—两分钟,行吗? —两分多钟!谢谢!Two more minutes. Thanks. Hey!- merry Christmas. - I thought you were gonna stiff失信me.—圣诞快乐—我还怕你不给我礼物呢- No. - What is the ribbon? Is it a thousand-pound...这丝带是什么?是钓大鱼的鱼线吗?- test fishing line or something? - Here's your fancy thing.—这是给你的—谢谢Thanks.I love the wrapping.我喜欢这包装纸- And I love the box. - Good.—我喜欢这个盒子—好啊啊,天啊Oh, that is terrific.啊,太好了my grandaddy used it on the Southern Pacific. 我爷爷在南太平洋上用的Hey, I took this. This is my favorite picture of you. 我拍的,我最爱你这张照片You know what I'm gonna do? I'm always gonna keep this...你知道我会怎么做吗?我将它保持在孟菲斯时间on memphis time.Kelly time.凯莉时间Hmm.你没说我给你的礼物怎么样You haven't said anything about your presents. Is there a problem?I'm sorry, no! I love 'em.对不起,我很喜欢,看看我的记事簿Look at my journal. Ah!- What about the pager? - Real leather. The pages have gold on 'em.—传呼机呢? —真皮,还有金边!—你喜欢这传呼机吗? —很喜欢I love it. Look at him in his little blue Russian house.看,它在蓝色俄罗斯小屋里- It's from Russia. - my God.—在俄罗斯买的? —上帝—声音不会很大吧? —不会- It's not one of those loud ones? - No. You can program it so it vibrates...可以定时,它会震动发亮黑暗中也能看到and lights up and see it in the dark.It seems like a real nice pager.看起来真是个好传呼机- Sorry about the hand towels. You're hard to shop for. - No, no. I love 'em.—送毛巾不好意思—我很喜欢!Every time I wash my hands,I will think of you. —给你买礼物真难—每当我洗手时—都会想起你All right,I gotta go—好,我得走了- merry Christmas. - merry Christmas.圣诞快乐- I love you. - I love you too.—圣诞快乐—我爱你我也爱你Chuck! Keys!察克!钥匙!- Thank you. - That reminds me. I almost forgot. —谢谢—这提醒了我,差点忘了I have one more present for you.还有一份礼物送给你Only this isn't an "open in the car" kind of present...不过这不能在车上打开Iike, say, hand towels.不像那些毛巾Which were a joke, by the way.抱歉,这是开玩笑I'm terrified.我很紧张Just take it and hold onto it,and you can open it拿着,抱着吧,除夕夜打开on New Year's Eve.And I love you.我爱你I'll be right back.我很快就会回来[PlaneJolts ]Hey, Al, where are we?喂,艾尔?我们在哪儿?Somewhere over the Pacific[pəˈsɪfɪk]Ocean. 在太平洋上空Ha, ha, ha! You pilots, you're funny.你们飞行员,真滑稽Tahiti Control, FedEx 88.塔西蒂中心,快递88Position Jenna at 1526--位置,哲纳1526…Is all this turbulence[ˈtɜ:bjələns]from Santa and those eight tiny reindeer?ˈreɪnd ɪə(r)]气流是圣诞老人和驯鹿造成的吗?Tamara at 1620.塔玛拉1620Erick is next.下个是艾立克- Fuel: niner-five-decimal-five. - [ Static Over Radio ]燃料,95.5Blaine, tell them we're deviating south for weather.告诉他们我们偏航了在你左边标出条航线make another position plot on your deviation left.[Blaine ] Tahiti Control, FedEx 88.塔西蒂中心,快递85 位置在哲纳1526Position Jenna at 1526.- Flight level 350. - I got us plotted.—飞行高度350 —我们标下了We're 200 miles south of our original course. 我们向南偏离了200哩[Kevin ] Continue plotting, and check contingency procedures.继续标绘,检查紧急程序Tahiti Control, FedEx 88.塔西蒂中心,听到了吗? 速递88无导航广播Broadcasting in the blind. How do you read? - [Static Over Radio ] - [Blaine ] I've never been out of comm this long.我从未失去联系这么久你试过更高的频率了吗?Tahiti Control, FedEx 88.塔西蒂中心,快递88[Al] Better buckle[ˈbʌkl] up, Chuck. It's gonna get bumpy.[ˈbʌmpi]最好系上安全带,察克,会震荡的Tahiti Control, FedEx 88.塔西蒂中心,快递88,能听到吗?Do you read?Tahiti Control, FedEx 88.塔西蒂中心,快递88,位置在哲纳1526Position Jenna at 1526.Flight level 350.飞行高度350Expecting Tamara at 1 --预期在塔玛拉…[ Toilet Flushes ][ Explosion ][ Pilot Yelling ]爆炸了!救火!Let's get a hose!Hold on to it! Come on!抓住!快!Seat belt!安全带!We may have to ditch!我们可能要迫降!Okay?行吗?Fire in the hold!货舱起火,我们在下降!We're goin' down!mayday! mayday!求救,求救![ Alarm Buzzing ][Pilots Shouting, Alarm Buzzing] Bringing it down and out!拿下来出去!Ten thousand feet! masks off!一万英尺!脱掉面罩!masks off!脱掉面罩!Chuck! life vest察克!救生衣!Chuck! Chuck, stay there!察克!待在那里!Where's your life vest?你的救生衣呢?Ditching switch on!迫降装置已打开!I've got visual!我看到下面了!Brace for impact![ˈɪmpækt]准备接受撞击![ Creaking][Engine Roaring][ Groaning, Wheezing ]Hello!喂!Hello!喂!Anybody!有没有人!Anybody!有没有人! Help!救命!Help!救命!救命![Thudding Sound]砰然下落的声音[ Leaves Rustling ]叶子沙沙声[ Thud][ Thud]What is that?那是什么?Hey!喂!Hey!喂!Anybody?有人吗?[ Gasping,喘气 Crying ]Get! Go, go. Go! Go!走开,快走开"Albert R. miller."艾尔.波特,妻子艾尔.米勒Not Alan. Albert.So, that's it.就这样了Hey! A ship!Hey! Hey!Hey! Hey!A ship! Over here!Hey! Hey!Over here! Over here!Over here!过来……Over here! Over here!过来,过来Help me! Help! Right here! Right here! 过来救我啊Help! Look here! Look, look, look!我在这里S... O... S! Please!过来,救命Help! Come on!Help!过来[ Yelling ]大叫[ Gasping ]喘气[ muffled Yelling ][ Groaning ]呻吟[ Grunting ][wind Howling]风咆哮[ Clicking ][ Groans ]" Happy birthday."生日快乐"The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.世界最美之处就在于它本身Johnny, have the happiest birthday ever. Score. Your Grandpa."献给山姆.阿密拉的生日Ew.Come on.Come on. Come on.[ Groaning ][ Yelling ][ Screaming ]去死吧You wouldn't have a match… by any chance或许, would you?你不会有火柴在身上吧?Oh, oh, oh!The air got to it.是空气把它切断了The air got to it!是空气把它切断了Come on, come on. Come on.I did it. I did it.成功了火!There you go!太好了烧起吧!快点?The time to hesitate is through ?有火了Ouch! [ Laughing ]Ouch!? No time to wallow in the mire ??Try now, we can only lose ? ? 'Cause girl we couldn't get much higher ? ? Come on, baby light my fire ??烧起来Here you go! Here you go!来吧,来吧It's a signal fire!这就是火堆!And it spells out S.O.S!我要它拼出“呼救”!whoa!It's a meteor shower!这是流星Fireflies! Go! Run!萤火虫!走!滚!You're free! You're free! Ouch! Ouch!你自由了Yeah!Yes!Look what I have created!看看我有什么I have made fire!I… have made fire!我有火堆看看我的火堆Mmm!You gotta love crab.[kræb]不能不爱螃蟹In the nick of time too.你知道吗I couldn't take much more of those coconuts. ['kəʊknʌts]我再也受不了那些棷子汁了Coconut milk's a natural laxative.[ˈlæksət ɪv]喝得多,厕所也去得多Things that Gilligan never told us.奇怪以前没人教过这个Oh.Pretty well-made fire, Huh, Wilson?我们有了火堆了,威尔森[Thunderclap ]So… Wilson.威尔森,我们从孟费斯出发We were en route…from Memphis for 11 and a half hours.飞了大概11个小时About 475 miles an hour.大概是每小时475英里的时速So they think that we are right here.他们以为我们在这里But…但是,我们失去了通讯联系we went out of radio contact…and flew around that storm for about an hour. 又绕过那个暴风雨大概飞了一个小时So that's a distance of what, 400 miles?那就大概是有400英里远Four hundred miles squared.400英里的平方That's 1 60,000…就是1600乘以派3.14times pi-- 3.14.[ Mumbling ]那就是Five hundred and two thousand, four—That's a search area of 500,000 square miles. 他们要找上大约5000平方英里的范围That's twice the size of Texas.那是德州面积的两倍大They may never find us.他们也许永远都找不到我们的[Thunder claps ][ ]This tooth is just killing me.这颗牙快要痛死我了It started out just hurting when I bit down, 开始的时候只是一点点隐痛but now it just hurts all the time.现在,真是时时都在痛All the time.时时都在痛It's-It's a good thing there's not much to eat around here,好在这里没有什么奶酪because I don't think I could chew咀嚼 it. 反正我也不能吃Just keep sucking [sʌk] 吮吸on all that coconut and all that crab.只能成天喝那些棷子汁And just think,我以前总不是愿意去看牙医I used to avoid going to the dentist...Iike the plague.[pleɪg]瘟疫好象他们会杀人似的I put it off every single chance I got. But now, 现在,我对天发誓oh, what I wouldn't give...to have a-a dentist right here in this cave. 我愿意用任何东西[ Groans ]换一个牙医出现在我面前Yeah.我真希望你能是个牙医Dr. Wilson.是啊,威尔森医生You wanna hear something funny?你想听笑话吗?Back home in Memphis,我在孟费斯的时候my dentist's name is Dr. James Spaulding.我的牙医的名字叫占姆斯.保龄She's much prettier in real life.她长得比这个漂亮多了[ Groaning ][whimpering ][Yells ](四年后)[Thunderclaps][Clattering][Clattering Continues ]Shut up!别吵了" Bakersfield"?贝克思维尔德?Bakersfield!贝克思维尔德This could work.这样可以的[ Softly] This could work.这样一定可以的Twenty-two-- Forty-four lashings.['læʃɪŋz]捆绑用的绳子22,44根椿子Forty-four lashings. So—一共44根椿子we have to make rope again.我们需要绳子Wilson, we're gonna have to make a hell of a lot of rope.威尔森,我们需要做极恶劣的很多很多的绳子Eight lashings of these structurals.结构构件That's 24 apiece.我们把这个拔下来That'll be 100—160.做成绳子Here we are today.还有160尺That gives us another month and a half until we're into March and April,我们可以再有一个半月的时间准备which is our best chances for the high tides 高潮and the offshore [ˌɒfˈʃɔ:(r)]breezes. [bri:ziz等到3月未,海风就会转过来这样我们就可以有机会We need— We need 424 feet…离开这里了我们需要425尺的好绳子of good rope, plus another 50 feet, say, for miscellaneous.[ˌmɪsəˈleɪniəs]再加上50尺的后备Round that off to 475 feet of good rope.这就是475尺的绳子Now, if we average 15 feet a day--每天做50尺Plus, we have to build it,再加上造船的时间We have to stock it, We have to launch it. 还要准备一切必需物品That's gonna be tight.That is not much time. 再出发But we—时间会很紧的We live and we die by time, don't we?我们没有太多时间了Now, let's not commit the sin of turning our back on time.但是我们的生死就在这一线希望了[ Laughs ]I know.我们没有别的选择了I know.This is it.这就是了仅有的原料了I checked over the whole island, and that is all that's left.我找遍这个岛So we're gonna be short.这是唯一一根枝条了我们的绳子不够用Short.不够用We'll just have to make some more out of the videotape.需要从录影带上再挤出来一点Yes. No, we have time.是的We do. We have time. Look!不,我们还有时间The wind's still blowing in from the west. 看啊,风还是从西边吹过来的I know!我知道Yeah, I know— I know where there's 30 feet of extra rope!是,我知道那有30尺的绳子But— But I'm not going back up there.但是,我才不要再爬上去There, there. There, you see? Huh?There. Are you happy?看到了吗看呀Do you have to keep bringing that up? Can't you just forget it?你就不能不再提那件事了吗?Huh? You were right.别再提了你是对的You were right. It was a good thing that we did a test,你说的没错'cause it wasn't gonna be just a quick little snap.好在我们先做了个试验因为那不是件这么容易的事I would have landed on the rocks.也许我会掉在石头上Broken my leg or my back or my neck. Bled to death.摔断脖子,摔断腿最后死于失血过多But it was the only option I had at the time though, okay?但是那是我当时唯一的出路了It was what, a year ago?你知道吗?So let's just forget it.那是多久以前的事了?一年前?And what is your point?你的观点是?well…we might just make it.让我们就把它忘了吧Did that thought ever cross your brain?你到底是什么意思?well, regardless, I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean…也许,我们真的可以成功呢你难道从来没有这么想过吗?than to stay here and die on this shit hole island,不管怎么想我都宁愿出去海上试一试也好过死在这spending the rest of my life talking to a goddamn['gɒd'dæm]该死的volleyball!用我的余生和一个排球说话Shut you up.Wilson! Wilson!威尔森威尔森?Wilson!威尔森?Wilson!威尔森Wilson!威尔森Wilson.威尔森Wilson!威尔森[ Sobbing ] Oh, God! Wilson!Wilson!威尔森?Oh! Oh!威尔森?Never again. Never again, never again. 我找到你了,找到你了You're okay. You okay? Yeah.你没事吧?没事吧?是啊Yeah, I know you.我知道你I know you. I know you.我知道你,我当然知道你So, we okay?我们还是朋友?Okay?好吧Okay.You still awake?你还醒着吗?Me too.我也是You scared?你害怕吗?Me too.我也是[Wind Howling]Okay. Here we go, Wilson.好了,我们要出发了,威尔森You don't have to worry about anything.你什么都不用管I'll do all the paddling.['pædlɪŋ]由我来划浆You just hang on.你一定要坚持住Not yet! Hold on!威尔森,小心有海浪Not yet! Not yet!威尔森……威尔森Stand by, Wilson!准备行动小心有海浪Hold on! Hold on, Wilson![ Laughing ] I think we did it!I think we did it!Wilson!I think we did it![Whale鲸鱼Calling][Thunder claps]Oh! They're gone!它飞走了I don't know why!飞走了[Whale Spouting]Where's Wilson?威尔森在哪里?Where's Wilson?威尔森在哪里?Wilson, where are you?威尔森,你在哪里?Wilson!威尔森Wilson!威尔森Wilson!威尔森Wilson!威尔森,我来了I'm comin'!Wilson!威尔森Wilson!威尔森Wilson— [ Gurgling ] 威尔森Wilson!威尔森Wilson! Wilson!威尔森[ Gasping, Panting ] [ Coughs ] Wilson!威尔森Wilson!威尔森I'm sorry!我对不起真的对不起,威尔森Wilson, I'm sorry!威尔森,对不起I'm sorry!对不起Wilson!威尔森[Sobbing] I can't!我不能……Wilson!威尔森Wilson!威尔森[Sobbing Loudly]I'm-- I'm sorry.I'm sorry.对不起I'm sorry.对不起[Whale Calls, Spouts ] [Whale Spouts 水柱] [ Horn Blows ]号角响[ Alarm Blaring ]警报[ Whispers ] Kelly.凯丽Kelly.凯丽Kelly.凯丽[ Ringing ]Hello? Oh, how are you? 你好,哦,你好吗?。
难以忘怀电影对白34:闻香识女人场景1(+双语)场景1Mr. Slade: Get out of here, Charlie.斯莱德:出去,查理!Chartie: I thought we had a deal.查理:我认为我们说好了的。
Mr. Slade: I welched. I'm a welcher. Didn't I tell you?斯莱德:我反悔了。
我爱反悔,没告诉过你吗?Charlie: No, what you told me was that you gave me all the bullets.查理:没有,你说你把所有的子弹都给我了。
Mr. Slade: I lied.斯莱德:骗你的。
Chartie: Yeah, well, you could have fooled me.查理:你是把我骗住了。
Mr. Slade: And I did. Charlie, how you ever gonna survive in this world without me?斯莱德:可不是吗,没有我,你能生存下去吗?Charlie: Why don't you just give me the gun,all right ? What... What are you doing?查理:把枪给我,好吗?你,你要干什么?Mr. Slade: I'm gonna shoot you too. Your life's finished anyway.Your friend George's gonna sing like a canary.And so are you. Andonce you've sung, Charlie, my boy, you're gonna take your place on that long, gray line of American manhood. And you will be through.斯莱德:一枪毙了你,反正你完蛋了。
titanic经典台词titanic 泰坦尼克号(双语)jack:don't do it.jack:别那样。
rose:stay back.don't come any closer.rose:退回去。
jack:come on. just give me your hand. i'll pull you back over.jack:来,把手给我,我拉你上来。
rose:no! stay where you are. i mean it. i'll let go.rose:不!站住,我不是说着玩的。
jack:no,you won't.jack:不,你不会的。
rose:what do you mean, no, i won't? don't presume to tell me what i will and will not do. you don't know me.rose:什么不会?别以为可以猜到我会怎样做。
jack:well, you would have done it already.jack:那么,有如果要跳,早跳下去了。
rose:you're distracting me. go away.rose:你是想分我的心。
jack:i can't. i'm involved now. you let go and i'm going to have to jump in there after you.jack:我不会的。
rose:don't be absurd. you'll be killed.rose:别那样傻。
jack:i'm a good swimmer.jack:我是一个游泳健将。
丁丁历险记 2012电影 中英文对照台词
0,0:04:04.28,0:04:06.16 就快完成了先生Very nearly there, sir.0,0:04:07.16,0:04:10.33 我得说你很面熟我以前画过你吗?I have to say, your face is familiar. Have I drawn you before?0,0:04:10.41,0:04:11.45 偶尔吧Occasionally.0,0:04:11.54,0:04:14.29 肯定见过啦!英国报纸上Of course! I've seen you in the newspaper. 0,0:04:14.37,0:04:17.21 - 你是通讯员?- 我是记者- You're a reporter? - I'm a journalist. 0,0:04:18.05,0:04:20.55 耐心点白雪就快好了Be patient, Snowy, not much longer.0,0:04:44.74,0:04:46.91 真不好意思I do beg your pardon.0,0:04:56.96,0:04:58.79 好了There.0,0:04:58.88,0:05:02.21 我觉得还是有掌握到你的一些特点I believe I have captured something of your likeness.0,0:05:03.30,0:05:04.63 还不错!Not bad!0,0:05:05.22,0:05:07.22 你觉得怎么样白雪?What do you think, Snowy?0,0:05:08.97,0:05:10.47 哦白雪!Snowy!0,0:05:11.93,0:05:13.47 给您的先生There you are, sir.0,0:05:13.56,0:05:15.94 他去哪了?Now where's he run off to?0,0:05:19.06,0:05:20.27 有消息吗?Anything?0,0:05:20.36,0:05:21.57 一无所获Nothing.0,0:05:26.41,0:05:27.57 白雪!Snowy!0,0:05:32.08,0:05:34.50 你去哪了?Where have you been?0,0:05:34.58,0:05:36.33 又去追猫咪了?Chasing cats again?0,0:05:40.50,0:05:42.75 白雪看这个!Snowy, look at this!0,0:05:56.27,0:05:58.52 三桅船Triple masted.0,0:05:58.60,0:06:01.11 双层甲板配有五十门炮Double decks. Fifty guns.0,0:06:02.23,0:06:04.07 是不是很漂亮?Isn't she a beauty?0,0:06:04.15,0:06:08.70 这可是一艘很独特的样品是一位老船长的遗物That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate.0,0:06:09.32,0:06:10.36 “独角兽号”"The Unicorn."0,0:06:10.45,0:06:13.03 独角兽号帆船战舰Unicorn. Man o'war sailing ship.0,0:06:13.12,0:06:15.87 可有年头了造于十六世纪It's very old, that is. 16th century.0,0:06:15.95,0:06:17.25 我觉得是十七世纪17th, I would think.0,0:06:17.33,0:06:19.17 - 查尔斯一世统治时期- 查尔斯二世- Reign of Charles I. - Charles II.0,0:06:19.25,0:06:23.04 我说的就是查尔斯二世这可是艘纵横七大洋的好船That's what I said, Charles II. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.0,0:06:23.13,0:06:24.88 别的地方可见不到的朋友You won't find another one of these, mate.0,0:06:25.67,0:06:27.34 只要两镑And it's only two quid.0,0:06:29.68,0:06:32.01 - 我出一镑- 成交!- I'll give you a pound. - Done!0,0:06:36.39,0:06:37.48 小心点Gently does it.0,0:06:38.48,0:06:39.56 让一下!Excuse me!0,0:06:39.64,0:06:40.94 给你拿好了Here you go. Careful.0,0:06:42.65,0:06:44.73 嘿老兄这艘船怎么卖?Hey, bud, how much for the boat?0,0:06:44.82,0:06:46.94 抱歉我已经卖给这位年轻人了I'm sorry, I just sold it to this younggent.0,0:06:47.03,0:06:48.15 哦是吗?Oh, yeah?0,0:06:48.49,0:06:50.57 你花了多少我加倍给你Tell me what you paid and I'll give you double.0,0:06:50.66,0:06:53.91 - 双倍?- 谢了但我不卖- Double? - Thanks. But it's not for sale. 0,0:06:53.99,0:06:56.83 孩子我可是想帮你Look, kid, I'm trying to help you out.0,0:06:56.91,0:06:58.75 你好像不知道I don't think you realise this,0,0:06:58.83,0:07:01.17 你就要大祸临头了but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger.0,0:07:01.50,0:07:02.71 什么祸?What kind of danger?0,0:07:04.04,0:07:07.71 我警告你趁早摆脱掉这艘船I'm warning you, get rid of the boat and get out while you still can.0,0:07:07.80,0:07:10.26 那些家伙可不好惹的These people do not play nice.0,0:07:10.34,0:07:11.51 什么人?What people?0,0:07:11.59,0:07:12.76 真漂亮!Wonderful!0,0:07:13.85,0:07:16.43 着实漂亮It's just wonderful.0,0:07:16.52,0:07:20.73 不用包装我直接要了有人反对我付支票吗?Don't bother wrapping it, I'll take it as is. Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?0,0:07:20.81,0:07:23.98 你想买的话就得和这个孩子商量了If you want to buy it, you'll have to talk to the kid.0,0:07:24.06,0:07:25.77 明白了I see.0,0:07:25.86,0:07:29.07 好吧那就让“孩子”开价吧Well, let the "kid" name his price.0,0:07:29.15,0:07:30.82 “开价”?"Name his price"?0,0:07:32.32,0:07:33.95 我做古董生意十年了Ten years I've been flogging bric-a-brac0,0:07:34.03,0:07:36.53 就差这一分钟我就可以随便“开价”了!and I miss "name your price" by one bleedin' minute!0,0:07:36.62,0:07:39.50 不好意思我已经和那位先生解释过了I'm sorry. I already explained to the other gentleman.0,0:07:39.58,0:07:42.62 美国佬一头油发没穿袜子American he was. All hair oil and no socks.0,0:07:42.71,0:07:43.87 这船不卖It's not for sale.0,0:07:45.21,0:07:48.46 我来说的明白些Then let me appeal to your better nature.0,0:07:48.55,0:07:50.97 我刚买下了马林斯派克大厅…I have recently acquired Marlinspike Hall,0,0:07:51.05,0:07:55.14 …和这艘船你也知道这些资产曾是一位…and this ship, as I'm sure you're aware, was once part of the estate.0,0:07:55.22,0:07:56.51 一位老船长?Of the late sea captain?0,0:07:56.60,0:07:59.81 他们家遭遇不幸什么都没了The family fell upon hard times. Lost everything.0,0:07:59.89,0:08:03.23 他们一直楣运不断自从…They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.0,0:08:03.31,0:08:07.98 我们说的可是他们家几代人的酗酒荒谬行为…We are talking generations of drinking and irrational behaviour...0,0:08:08.07,0:08:09.44 不好意思I'm sorry.0,0:08:09.53,0:08:13.65 我已经说过了这船不卖But as I told you before, it's not for sale. 0,0:08:13.74,0:08:15.11 祝您愉快先生Good day to you, sir.0,0:08:19.58,0:08:22.16 那个年轻人他叫什么名字?That young man, what's his name? 0,0:08:22.25,0:08:25.79 他?大家都认识他他叫丁丁Him? Everybody knows him. That's Tintin.0,0:08:32.30,0:08:34.43 这艘船有什么神秘之处?What is it about this ship?0,0:08:35.64,0:08:38.35 为什么这么多人关注它?Why has it attracted so much attention? 0,0:08:42.31,0:08:44.31 你藏了什么秘密呢?What secrets do you hold?0,0:08:53.07,0:08:55.36 放大镜在哪?Where is that magnifying glass?0,0:08:58.45,0:09:00.66 我敢说这是…I could have sworn it was...0,0:09:04.39,0:09:06.57 (记者丁丁揭开匪徒部落神秘面纱)0,0:09:06.60,0:09:08.81 (记者揭秘犯罪集团)0,0:09:08.84,0:09:10.67 (丁丁勇夺国家文物)可能会在哪?Where could it possibly be? 0,0:09:09.69,0:09:10.67 (失窃艺术品重归博物馆)可能会在哪?0,0:09:11.22,0:09:12.17 (国王重夺王权)0,0:09:12.17,0:09:13.26 (丁丁在西尔达维亚授奖)白雪你看见…Snowy, you haven't seen the...0,0:09:15.47,0:09:16.84 放哪了?Where is it?0,0:09:21.72,0:09:22.97 谢谢Thank you.0,0:09:25.64,0:09:27.10 不白雪!No, Snowy!0,0:09:46.37,0:09:48.04 看你干的好事Look what you did.0,0:09:48.92,0:09:50.42 你把它摔坏了!You broke it!0,0:09:50.92,0:09:52.17 坏狗狗!Bad dog!0,0:10:01.01,0:10:03.35 这艘船有蹊跷之处Something happened on this ship.0,0:10:04.10,0:10:07.60 只有一个地方能找到答案了And we're going to the one place that could have the answer.0,0:10:07.69,0:10:09.23 走了白雪Come on, Snowy.0,0:10:31.38,0:10:32.42 找到了Here it is.0,0:10:33.55,0:10:38.09 “马林斯派克大厅的主人”“佛朗西斯-阿道克爵士”"Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall, the last captain of the ill-fated Unicorn.0,0:10:35.91,0:10:38.09 “不幸独角兽号的最后一位船长”0,0:10:38.17,0:10:40.63 “船启航于一六七六年巴巴多斯”"The ship set sail from Barbados in 16760,0:10:40.72,0:10:44.18 “这是航海史上最悲惨的远航之一”"on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history.0,0:10:44.26,0:10:45.97 “这艘船未能到达目的地”"Ship never reached destination.0,0:10:46.18,0:10:50.35 “途中遭遇海盗袭击”“仅一名幸存者其他船员全部遇难”"Attacked by pirates, all hands lost except for one survivor.0,0:10:50.44,0:10:52.98 “佛朗西斯船长获救回到家乡后”"When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home,0,0:10:53.06,0:10:56.11 “他深信自己的名字被诅咒了”"he was convinced his name had been cursed.0,0:10:56.19,0:10:57.57 “独角兽号自称”"The Unicorn's manifest stated0,0:10:57.65,0:11:00.24 “装载莱姆酒和烟草前往欧洲"that it was carrying a cargo of rumand tobacco bound for Europe,0,0:11:00.32,0:11:04.66 “但更多人相信”“独角兽号装运了一批神秘货物”"but it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo."0,0:11:06.24,0:11:08.66 这艘船到底装的是什么呢白雪?What was the ship carrying, Snowy?0,0:11:10.75,0:11:15.34 “历史学家试图揭秘此致命航行中”\N“到底发生了什么事情但失败了”"Historians have tried and failed to discover what happened on that fatal voyage,0,0:11:15.42,0:11:17.67 “佛朗西斯的遗言是…”"but Sir Francis' last words,0,0:11:18.92,0:11:22.93 “真正的阿道克后人”“才能破解独角兽号的秘密”"'Only a true Haddock will discover the secret of the Unicorn."'0,0:11:48.45,0:11:50.45 遗漏了些什么白雪I've missed something, Snowy.0,0:11:51.46,0:11:53.46 我得再仔细看看那艘模型We need to take a closer look at that model.0,0:12:05.89,0:12:07.97 肯定是不见了!Of course it's gone!0,0:12:08.06,0:12:10.06 我怎么这么蠢呢?How could I be so stupid?0,0:12:32.62,0:12:34.12 你是怎么做到的?How'd you do that?0,0:12:38.34,0:12:39.67 真是聪明Clever boy.0,0:12:57.44,0:12:59.27 一枚纹章A coat of arms.0,0:12:59.94,0:13:02.40 怎么这么熟悉?Why does that look familiar?0,0:13:02.49,0:13:04.11 等等Hang on a minute.0,0:13:04.95,0:13:06.66 那条鱼!That fish!0,0:13:06.74,0:13:08.28 是阿道克(阿道克)It's a haddock.0,0:13:08.62,0:13:12.45 当然了!这豪宅是老阿道克的Of course! Marlinspike Hall is the old Haddock estate.0,0:13:14.21,0:13:15.37 白雪!Snowy!0,0:13:43.07,0:13:44.65 干得好白雪!Well done, Snowy!0,0:13:44.74,0:13:46.03 好孩子Good boy.0,0:14:40.42,0:14:42.08 哦好了Well, well, well.0,0:14:42.88,0:14:45.21 我们似乎抓到贼了It seems we've caught our thief.0,0:14:55.14,0:14:57.72 欢迎来到马林斯派克大厅Welcome to Marlinspike Hall.0,0:14:57.81,0:15:00.02 我看见你进来了I see you let yourself in.0,0:15:00.10,0:15:02.27 我是来拿回我自己的东西I came to retrieve my property.0,0:15:02.36,0:15:04.90 抱歉我好像没明白你的意思I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow you. 0,0:15:04.98,0:15:06.40 你明明知道I think you do.0,0:15:06.48,0:15:09.74 不到一小时前有人从我家偷走了这艘船This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.0,0:15:09.82,0:15:12.49 恐怕你搞错了丁丁先生I'm afraid you're mistaken, Mr. Tintin.0,0:15:12.57,0:15:14.74 没有错这是我的There's no mistake. It belongs to me.0,0:15:14.83,0:15:16.29 你确定吗?Are you sure?0,0:15:18.37,0:15:19.83 当然确定Of course I'm sure.0,0:15:19.91,0:15:22.29 是我买回家的我把它放在起居室的橱柜上I took it home, I put it on a cabinet in the living room,0,0:15:22.38,0:15:25.71 白雪追猫时撞倒了and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over, and it0,0:15:26.46,0:15:27.63 摔坏了fell.0,0:15:29.92,0:15:31.38 这不是我的船This isn't my ship.0,0:15:31.47,0:15:33.14 的确不是No. Indeed.0,0:15:34.55,0:15:35.68 抱歉I'm sorry.0,0:15:35.76,0:15:39.18 - 它看起来很相像- 嗯足够以假乱真了- It looks identical. - Well, looks can be deceiving.0,0:15:39.27,0:15:42.27 没错确实但我不明白!Yes, indeed. But I don't understand!0,0:15:43.31,0:15:46.77 佛朗西斯为什么要做两艘…一模一样的船呢?Why did Sir Francis make two ships exactly alike?0,0:15:46.86,0:15:50.32 你已经有一艘了干嘛还想要另一搜?And you have one already. Why do you want another?0,0:15:51.36,0:15:54.32 这艘模型有什么特别之处引得贼人觊觎?What is it about this model that would cause someone to steal it?0,0:15:54.41,0:15:58.04 天呐为什么这么多问题?Goodness me, why so many questions? 0,0:15:58.12,0:15:59.45 这是我的工作It's my job.0,0:15:59.54,0:16:02.50 可以写成一个故事我很轻松就能完成There could be a story here. That's what I do, you see.0,0:16:02.58,0:16:04.12 嗯这没什么神秘的Well, it's no great mystery.0,0:16:04.21,0:16:07.13 佛朗西斯-阿道克是个酗酒…无可救药的无赖Sir Francis Haddock was a drunkard and a hopeless reprobate.0,0:16:07.21,0:16:11.76 他注定要失败并把失败遗传给自己的儿子们He was doomed to fail, and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.0,0:16:12.51,0:16:15.93 原来是真的!阿道克家族被诅咒了So it's true! The Haddock line is cursed.0,0:16:17.81,0:16:21.18 - 你还查到了些什么?- 还有什么可查的?- What else have you found out? - What is there to find?0,0:16:22.56,0:16:24.39 那就取决于你在寻找些什么了That depends what you're looking for. 0,0:16:24.52,0:16:27.90 我寻找答案萨卡林先生I'm looking for answers, Mr. Sakharine.0,0:16:28.07,0:16:30.48 你找错地方了You're looking in the wrong place.0,0:16:31.28,0:16:33.07 时间不早了It's late.0,0:16:33.15,0:16:35.16 你该回家了I think you should go home.0,0:16:35.24,0:16:36.74 这边先生This way, sir.0,0:16:52.13,0:16:53.51 真遗憾先生It's a pity, sir.0,0:16:54.43,0:16:55.43 什么?I'm sorry?0,0:16:55.59,0:16:57.93 你那艘模型上的船桅坏掉了先生That the mast broke on your model ship, sir.0,0:16:58.26,0:17:00.76 希望你找到全部碎片了I hope you found all the pieces.0,0:17:00.85,0:17:02.39 这些东西很容易弄丢的Things are so easily lost.0,0:17:02.48,0:17:04.94 内斯特!你在哪?Nestor! Where are you?0,0:17:05.65,0:17:07.27 晚安先生Good night, sir.0,0:17:11.61,0:17:13.74 “有些东西很容易弄丢”Some things are easily lost.0,0:17:15.32,0:17:17.66 这话是什么意思白雪?What did he mean by that, Snowy?0,0:17:17.74,0:17:20.37 他想告诉我什么?What was he trying to tell me?0,0:17:20.45,0:17:22.62 “有些东西很容易弄丢”Some things are easily lost.0,0:17:29.67,0:17:30.84 白雪!Snowy!0,0:17:36.97,0:17:38.43 天呐!Great snakes!0,0:17:45.64,0:17:47.31 是什么白雪?What is it, Snowy?0,0:18:05.50,0:18:06.87 这是什么?What's this?0,0:18:08.96,0:18:10.75 这是船桅里的!This was in the mast!0,0:18:17.76,0:18:19.34 好孩子白雪Good boy, Snowy.0,0:18:24.02,0:18:25.81 “三兄弟一起…”"Three brothers joined.0,0:18:25.89,0:18:28.48 “…驾三艘独角兽号”"Three Unicorns in company0,0:18:28.77,0:18:31.69 “于正午时分航行在太阳下”"sailing in the noonday sun will speak. 0,0:18:32.02,0:18:35.57 “会有阳光射下”"For 'tis from the light that light will dawn.0,0:18:35.65,0:18:38.49 “照亮雄鹰十字架”"And then shines forth the Eagle's Cross."0,0:18:41.24,0:18:42.99 这些标记是什么?What are these markings?0,0:18:43.20,0:18:46.79 某种秘密语言或是密码?Some kind of secret language or code? 0,0:18:46.91,0:18:48.96 没有道理It makes no sense.0,0:18:49.04,0:18:51.63 不过倒是解释了他们为什么洗劫公寓But it does explain why they ransacked the flat.0,0:18:51.71,0:18:54.46 他们是要找这个却没找到They were looking for this, and they didn't find it.0,0:18:54.92,0:18:56.34 也就是说Which means0,0:18:58.42,0:18:59.67 他们会回来的they'll be back.0,0:19:01.18,0:19:04.39 不在我不知道他在哪亲爱的他大概是出门了No, I don't know where he is, dearie. I think he's gone out.0,0:19:04.47,0:19:06.31 反正是天黑以后And anyway, it's after dark,0,0:19:06.39,0:19:11.31 丁丁先生最特别的是睡觉时间最不喜欢见客人and Mr. Tintin is most particular about not admitting visitors after bedtime.0,0:19:11.90,0:19:13.94 我要回去喝可可了I have to go back to my cocoa.0,0:19:14.07,0:19:17.07 我有一本好书和一杯可可I've got a very good book and a cup of cocoa.0,0:19:17.15,0:19:18.99 真的很棒!It's really lovely!0,0:19:19.07,0:19:22.07 谢谢你芬奇太太我来处理吧Thank you, Mrs. Finch. I can look after this.0,0:19:25.33,0:19:28.66 嘿孩子是你吗?开门Hey, kid, is that you? Open the door.0,0:19:29.37,0:19:30.46 你想干嘛?What do you want?0,0:19:30.54,0:19:34.29 听着游戏已经开始了他要回来了Look, the game is up. He's gonna be back.0,0:19:34.38,0:19:36.84 我知道你想要这些船但我发誓Now, I know he wanted those boats, but I swear to God,0,0:19:36.92,0:19:38.76 我从没想到他会为此不惜杀人!I never thought he'd kill anyone over it!0,0:19:38.88,0:19:41.34 谁?你说的是谁?Who? Who are you talking about?0,0:19:41.43,0:19:43.89 我想告诉你你现在很危险I'm trying to tell you that your life is in danger.0,0:19:43.97,0:19:44.97 回答我!是谁?Answer me! Who?0,0:20:05.45,0:20:09.37 芬奇太太!有人在我们家门口中枪了!Mrs. Finch! A man's beenshot on our doorstep!0,0:20:09.45,0:20:12.00 - 不会吧- 叫救护车!- Not again. - Call an ambulance!0,0:20:15.54,0:20:16.88 够了白雪!No, Snowy!0,0:20:30.73,0:20:32.14 你能听到我说话吗?Can you hear me?0,0:20:32.23,0:20:33.56 你能…Can you...0,0:20:42.78,0:20:45.36 遇害者名叫巴纳比-道斯The victim's name was Barnaby Dawes.0,0:20:45.45,0:20:47.91 是国际刑警组织高级探员之一He was one of the top agents at Interpol,0,0:20:47.99,0:20:50.08 但我们还不清楚他在忙些什么but we haven't got a clue what he was working on.0,0:20:50.16,0:20:52.79 没错汤普森我们完全没线索Quite right, Thompson. We're completely clueless.0,0:20:52.87,0:20:54.50 国际刑警组织没有别的发现吗?Interpol doesn't have any other leads?0,0:20:54.58,0:20:57.17 别急丁丁我们还忙着处理书面工作Steady on, Tintin. We're still filling out the paperwork.0,0:20:57.25,0:21:00.80 警察工作并不只是开开枪那么吸引人还有很多书面工作Police work's not all glamour and guns. There's an awful lot of filing.0,0:21:00.88,0:21:02.38 好吧我有些事情要告诉你们Well, I might have something for you. 0,0:21:02.47,0:21:04.93 在他失去意识之前道斯似乎想告诉我一些什么Before he lost consciousness, Dawes tried to tell me something,0,0:21:05.01,0:21:07.01 我觉得他在拼一个词and I think he was spelling out a word.0,0:21:07.14,0:21:09.14 “…BOU”"...B- O-U0,0:21:09.76,0:21:12.43 “DJAN”"D-J-A-N.0,0:21:14.77,0:21:16.14 “卡拉布朗”"Karaboudjan."0,0:21:16.23,0:21:17.65 卡拉布朗!Karaboudjan!0,0:21:18.31,0:21:19.48 你知道这是什么意思吗?Does that mean anything to you?0,0:21:19.57,0:21:21.78 伟大的苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅总部)难得啊!Great Scotland Yard! That's extraordinary!0,0:21:21.86,0:21:22.86 究竟是什么?What is?0,0:21:22.94,0:21:25.32 沃辛顿的圆顶礼帽半价!Worthington's have a half-price sale on bowler hats!0,0:21:25.40,0:21:28.24 真的吗汤姆森!可真难得啊Really, Thomson! This is hardly the time.0,0:21:28.32,0:21:30.33 - 伟大的苏格兰场!- 什么啊?- Great Scotland Yard! - What is it? 0,0:21:30.41,0:21:31.45 手杖也是半价!Canes are half-price, too!0,0:21:31.54,0:21:33.12 你要带走这份证据吗?Are you going to take charge of this evidence?0,0:21:33.20,0:21:34.37 当然Positively.0,0:21:34.46,0:21:37.62 别担心丁丁证据在我们这里很安全!Never fear, Tintin, the evidence is safe with us!0,0:21:39.13,0:21:41.21 汤姆森?你在哪里?Thomson? Where are you?0,0:21:41.34,0:21:44.59 嗯我已经下楼了别试着跟上来Well, I'm already downstairs. Do try to keep up.0,0:21:46.63,0:21:48.72 等等!你掉了这个Wait! You dropped this.0,0:21:48.80,0:21:51.64 天哪汤姆森!小心证据Good heavens, Thomson! Look after the evidence, man.0,0:21:51.72,0:21:54.14 抱歉汤普森我在想别的事情Sorry, Thompson. My mind is on other things.0,0:21:54.23,0:21:57.06 哦对手法熟练的小偷Yes. Our light-fingered larcenist.0,0:21:57.56,0:21:58.94 - 什么?- 那个扒手- What? - The pickpocket.0,0:21:59.02,0:22:01.56 他还不知道要大祸临头了He has no idea what's coming.0,0:22:01.65,0:22:04.32 试试丁丁来拿我的钱包Go on, Tintin, take my wallet.0,0:22:07.74,0:22:10.32 没错工业强度橡皮筋Yes, industrial strength elastic.0,0:22:10.41,0:22:12.16 非常聪明Very resourceful.0,0:22:12.24,0:22:16.00 刚好相反很幼稚又简单On the contrary. It was childishly simple. 0,0:22:16.08,0:22:17.83 很简单又幼稚我同意Simply childish, I agree.0,0:22:17.92,0:22:19.00 - 丁丁- 丁丁- Tintin. - Tintin.0,0:22:19.08,0:22:20.42 先生们Gentlemen.0,0:22:22.00,0:22:24.50 听着我觉得他离我们有几英哩远Mind you, I expect he's miles away by now.0,0:22:24.59,0:22:26.55 我想你是指扒手吧?I presume you're referring to the pickpocket? 0,0:22:26.63,0:22:30.09 没错我是说我们离他只有几步远Yes. I mean, knowing we're just a few steps behind him.0,0:22:30.76,0:22:33.43 白雪怎么了你看见什么了?Snowy, what is it, boy? What do you see?0,0:22:33.51,0:22:35.35 你好像不想喝杯茶?I don't suppose you'd fancy a cup of tea?0,0:22:35.43,0:22:37.60 你可错了我很想喝一杯You're quite mistaken. I'd love one.0,0:22:37.81,0:22:39.10 我请客My treat.0,0:22:41.36,0:22:43.40 - 抓到你了!- 你这恶棍!- I've got you now! - You devil!0,0:22:43.48,0:22:45.94 站住以法律之名!Stop, in the name of the law!0,0:22:47.61,0:22:48.70 抓到你了!Got you!0,0:22:52.62,0:22:54.70 那边发生什么了?What's going on down there?0,0:22:54.79,0:22:55.91 来吧白雪!Come on, Snowy!0,0:22:57.66,0:23:00.04 - 请原谅- 对不起先生!- I do beg your pardon. - Sorry, sir!0,0:23:00.12,0:23:03.71 那是扒手丁丁!他要跑了!The pickpocket, Tintin! He's getting away!0,0:23:03.79,0:23:05.84 我的钱包!My wallet!0,0:23:05.92,0:23:07.26 不见了!It's gone!0,0:23:09.88,0:23:12.22 上!白雪那边!Come on! Snowy, after him!0,0:23:12.30,0:23:13.68 站住!等等!Stop! Wait!0,0:23:26.65,0:23:29.36 - 抓住你了!- 站稳了- Got you! - Steady on.0,0:23:29.45,0:23:31.49 我追丢了!I've lost him!0,0:23:31.57,0:23:34.57 你们一定要找到我的钱包很重要我必须找回来You must find my wallet. It's very important. I have to get it back.0,0:23:34.66,0:23:38.20 你会的交给我们专业人士吧And you will. Leave it to the professionals.0,0:23:40.00,0:23:41.83 纸卷丢了We've lost the scroll.0,0:23:41.92,0:23:44.25 但故事没丢But we haven't lost the story.0,0:23:44.34,0:23:45.84 “卡拉布朗”"Karaboudjan."0,0:23:45.92,0:23:48.09 是个亚美尼亚字这是线索白雪It's an Armenian word. That's our lead, Snowy.0,0:23:48.17,0:23:51.30 当时巴纳比-道斯想警告我们生命处于危险之中?What was Barnaby Dawes trying to tell us when he said our lives were in danger?0,0:23:51.38,0:23:53.84 - 丁…丁先生?- 嗯?- Mr. Tin... Tin? - Yes.0,0:23:53.93,0:23:56.43 - 有你的快递- 可我没订过什么啊- Delivery for you. - But I didn't order anything.0,0:23:56.51,0:23:59.97 没错因为要送的就是你!Well, that's because it's you that's getting delivered!0,0:24:02.45,0:24:03.34 (卡拉布朗号)0,0:24:03.35,0:24:05.40 快点装上货车!Quick, get him in the van!0,0:24:08.03,0:24:10.53 松开你这杂种!Get off me, you confounded mutt!0,0:24:11.53,0:24:13.11 他咬我!He bit me!0,0:24:13.20,0:24:14.36 快!Quick!0,0:24:43.56,0:24:44.98 把它甩掉!Get him off!0,0:24:46.86,0:24:49.07 甩掉它在接着开!Shake him off, then run him over!0,0:25:34.11,0:25:36.15 在右舷一点!I want this on the starboard side!0,0:25:43.70,0:25:45.71 不在这看你那边Not here. Look your side.0,0:25:45.79,0:25:47.04 等等Hang on.0,0:25:47.12,0:25:48.71 - 等等- 嗯检查那边口袋汤姆- Nothing. - Well, check that pocket, Tom.0,0:25:48.79,0:25:50.71 不我已经搜过了我肯定No, I've looked in this one already, I'm sure of it.0,0:25:50.79,0:25:51.96 嗯翻他袜子了吗?Well, have a look in his socks.0,0:25:54.88,0:25:56.97 - 找到了吗?- 不在他身上- Have you found it? - He doesn't have it. 0,0:25:57.05,0:25:58.34 不在他身上老板不在这It's not on him, boss. It's not here.0,0:25:58.43,0:26:00.76 - 不在这?那在哪里?- 什么在哪里?- Not here? Then where is it? - Where's what?0,0:26:01.64,0:26:04.97 我厌倦你的把戏了独角兽号上的纸卷I am tired of your games. The scroll, from the Unicorn.0,0:26:05.10,0:26:08.19 一张纸像这个!A piece of paper like this!0,0:26:08.27,0:26:09.81 你是说那首诗?You mean the poem?0,0:26:10.52,0:26:12.19 没错Yes.0,0:26:12.27,0:26:15.74 - 一首用古英语写的诗- 对- The poem written in Old English. - Yes. 0,0:26:15.82,0:26:18.11 - 在一个圆筒里- 没错- It was inside a cylinder. - Yes.0,0:26:18.20,0:26:20.66 - 藏在船桅里- 正是!- Concealed in the mast. - Yes!0,0:26:22.12,0:26:23.16 我弄丢了I don't have it.0,0:26:25.50,0:26:29.96 你不明白那纸卷的价值你要它干嘛?You know the value of that scroll. Why else would you take it?0,0:26:30.04,0:26:33.92 我有点不解两艘船两张纸卷只是谜语的一部分Two ships and two scrolls, both part of a puzzle.0,0:26:34.00,0:26:36.71 你有一个了还需另一个You have one, you need the other.0,0:26:36.80,0:26:40.13 不然没用还有别的But that's not it. There's something else.0,0:26:41.22,0:26:45.06 我会找到的不论你帮不帮忙I will find it, with or without your help. 0,0:26:46.73,0:26:49.98 你想清楚自己对我有多大用处You need to think about exactly how useful you are to me.0,0:26:54.53,0:26:57.07 - 我们在路上处理他- 是是先生- We'll deal with him on the way. - Aye-aye, sir.0,0:26:57.15,0:26:58.78 保持航向Hold this course.0,0:27:05.87,0:27:07.04 白雪!Snowy!0,0:27:08.71,0:27:12.21 见到你可真高兴看能不能咬开绳子It's good to see you, too. See if you can chew through these ropes.0,0:27:16.96,0:27:21.05 他在撒谎!纸卷一定在他那里问题是他对纸卷做了什么?He's lying! He must have the scroll. The question is, what has he done with it?0,0:27:21.14,0:27:22.89 我们已经搜过他了老板We searched him all over, boss.0,0:27:22.97,0:27:25.72 我要你回去让他开口I want you to go back down there and make him talk.0,0:27:25.81,0:27:28.60 有必要的话敲碎他每一根骨头!Break every bone in his body if you have to!0,0:27:28.68,0:27:29.77 那可够狠的That's nasty.0,0:27:29.85,0:27:32.81 你知道风险也知道我们在干什么快去做!You know the stakes. You know what we're playing for. Just do it!0,0:27:32.90,0:27:35.98 萨卡林先生!萨卡林先生!全都乱成一片了!Mr. Sakharine! Mr. Sakharine! All hell has broken loose!0,0:27:36.07,0:27:38.11 出大事了!船长醒了It's a disaster! The captain has come around. 0,0:27:38.19,0:27:39.82 - 什么?- 他清醒了- What? - He's conscious.0,0:27:39.90,0:27:41.78 胡言乱语He's accusing you of mutiny.0,0:27:41.86,0:27:45.41 - 想要号召船员们造反- 我不想管这些- He says you turned the crew against him. - Sounds like he's sobered up again.0,0:27:45.49,0:27:48.08 好了别光站这里再给他一瓶酒Well, don't just stand there. Get him another bottle.0,0:27:48.70,0:27:49.75 是先生!Aye, sir!0,0:27:59.26,0:28:00.47 好Okay.0,0:28:18.28,0:28:19.86 - 晃一晃卡住了- 晃晃?- Jiggle it a bit, it's just stuck. - Jiggle?0,0:28:19.94,0:28:21.11 这样Here.0,0:28:23.07,0:28:25.95 你干嘛?让开!What are you doing? Get off!0,0:28:26.03,0:28:29.33 没卡住你个白痴是他在里面把门闩上了!It's not stuck, you idiot. He's bolted it from the inside!0,0:28:29.41,0:28:32.08 你想和我们玩玩是吧丁丁?So you want to play like that then, do you, Tintin?0,0:28:32.16,0:28:33.58 去拿炸药Get the TNT.0,0:28:35.00,0:28:38.42 破箱子、绳子、香槟Broken crates. Rope. Champagne.0,0:28:39.59,0:28:40.80 还有什么能用的白雪?What else do we have, Snowy?0,0:28:41.47,0:28:43.97 一定有别的办法开门There are other ways to open this door.0,0:28:44.68,0:28:47.51 等我们抓到你了要拿你的内脏刷甲板They'll be swabbing the decks with your innards when we're done with you.0,0:28:52.48,0:28:54.02 放这里Give it here.0,0:29:18.67,0:29:20.46 - 别动- 什么…- Don't move. - What...0,0:29:26.47,0:29:27.80 我们上!Let's go!0,0:29:28.60,0:29:30.30 让我来!Let me have him!0,0:29:30.39,0:29:32.47 他有一把大枪!He's got a big shooter!0,0:29:32.85,0:29:34.18 我中弹了!He got me!0,0:29:39.02,0:29:40.40 停火Hold your fire.0,0:29:47.53,0:29:50.03 他不在这里跑掉了He ain't here. He's vanished.0,0:29:52.20,0:29:53.41 他藏起来了He's hiding.0,0:29:53.50,0:29:55.71 搜船快点!Search the ship. Quickly!0,0:30:07.13,0:30:09.47 苏门答腊的巨鼠!A giant rat of Sumatra!0,0:30:11.64,0:30:13.56 你觉得能溜到我背后So, you thought you could sneak in behind me 0,0:30:13.64,0:30:16.31 扒我的裤子吗?and catch me with my trousers down, huh?0,0:30:16.39,0:30:18.48 您还是留着裤子吧I'd rather you kept your trousers on, if it's all the same to you.0,0:30:18.56,0:30:21.52 - 我知道你的把戏你和他们一伙的- 什么?- I know your game. You're one of them. - Sorry?0,0:30:21.61,0:30:24.28 - 他们派你来杀我是吧?- 我连你是谁都不知道!- They sent you here to kill me, huh? - Look, I don't know who you are!0,0:30:24.36,0:30:26.11 他们派你来除掉我That's how he's planned to bump me off.0,0:30:26.70,0:30:29.57 派一个娃娃脸的刺客杀我!Murdered in my bed by a baby-faced assassin!0,0:30:31.24,0:30:33.41 刺客?你搞错了Assassin? Look, you've got it all wrong.0,0:30:33.49,0:30:36.00 我是被绑架了被一帮匪徒I was kidnapped by a gang of thugs.0,0:30:37.96,0:30:39.79 那头肮脏的猪The filthy swine.0,0:30:40.71,0:30:42.96 他策反所有船员!He's turned the whole crew against me!0,0:30:43.05,0:30:44.30 谁?Who?0,0:30:44.38,0:30:46.63 那个叫萨什么的苦瓜脸A sour-faced man with a sugary name.0,0:30:46.72,0:30:49.51 他买通了船员所有人He's bought them all off, every last man.0,0:30:49.59,0:30:50.68 萨卡林!Sakharine!0,0:30:51.39,0:30:55.01 没有人可以夺走我的船!Nobody takes my ship!0,0:30:55.10,0:30:56.14 你就是船长?You're the captain?0,0:30:56.23,0:30:59.44 当然除了我还能是谁?Of course I'm the captain. Who else could I be?0,0:30:59.52,0:31:02.81 我被锁在这里好多天了I've been locked in this room for days0,0:31:02.90,0:31:07.74 只有威士忌能能慰藉我的灵魂with only whisky to sustain my mortal soul.0,0:31:13.78,0:31:15.41 嗯我以为是锁着的Well, I assumed it was locked.0,0:31:15.58,0:31:16.99 好吧它没有Well, it's not.0,0:31:17.08,0:31:20.16 现在我得走了他们发现我在这里会杀了我的Now, you must excuse me. If they find me here, they'll kill me.0,0:31:20.25,0:31:24.38 我得不停移动离开这个酒坛子I have to keep moving. Try and find my way off this drunken tub.0,0:31:24.46,0:31:26.21 “坛子”?坛子?"Tub"? Tub?0,0:31:31.51,0:31:36.64 坛子?Tub?0,0:31:41.10,0:31:42.77 - 谢谢- 接着他- Thanks. - Pleasure.0,0:31:44.77,0:31:46.23 对了我叫丁丁I'm Tintin, by the way.0,0:31:46.32,0:31:48.61 我是阿道克阿奇博尔德-阿道克Haddock. Archibald Haddock.0,0:31:48.69,0:31:51.03 欢迎登船跟我来There's a longboat up on deck. Follow me.0,0:31:51.11,0:31:52.45 等等Hang on a second.0,0:31:52.53,0:31:53.86 你是说“阿道克”?Did you say "Haddock"?0,0:31:54.87,0:31:56.95 你们怎么能让他们跑了?How could you let them escape?0,0:31:57.04,0:31:59.54 去找抓到他们Find them. Find them both.0,0:31:59.62,0:32:02.04 - 别担心我们会杀了他们的先生- 不- Don't worry, we'll kill them, sir. - No.0,0:32:02.12,0:32:04.75 可以杀那孩子阿道克不能杀You can kill the boy. Not Haddock.0,0:32:04.84,0:32:07.09 什么?他只是个没救的老酒鬼What? He's just a hopeless old soak. 0,0:32:07.17,0:32:09.38 早就该杀掉他了We should've killed him long since.0,0:32:09.46,0:32:14.30 你以为我是碰巧选中阿道克的船阿道克的船员You think it's an accident that I chose Haddock's ship, Haddock's crew,0,0:32:14.39,0:32:17.01 不可靠的大副?Haddock's treacherous first mate?0,0:32:17.85,0:32:20.10 没有什么“碰巧”的Nothing is an accident.0,0:32:26.27,0:32:29.94 我和阿道克船长的交情可长着呢We go back a long way, Captain Haddock and I.0,0:32:30.03,0:32:32.90 我们俩还没完呢We've unfinished business.0,0:32:32.99,0:32:37.12 这次我要让他付出代价And this time, I'm going to make him pay. 0,0:32:38.08,0:32:42.25 我们要去这条走廊尽头一间锁着的房间这会很困难We have to reach a locked door at the end of this corridor. This is gonna be tricky.0,0:32:42.33,0:32:43.62 你该不会和…You wouldn't happen to be related0,0:32:43.71,0:32:45.50 马林斯派克大厅的阿道克家族…有关系吧?to the Haddocks of Marlinspike Hall, would you?0,0:32:45.96,0:32:46.96 问这干嘛?Why do you ask?0,0:32:47.04,0:32:48.50 我在写一个故事It's for a story I've been working on.0,0:32:48.59,0:32:51.26 关于一艘沉没在巴巴多斯海岸的船An old shipwreck that happened off the coast of Barbados.0,0:32:51.34,0:32:54.09 是艘战舰配有五十门炮的三桅船A man o'war. Triple masted. Fifty guns.0,0:32:56.68,0:33:00.72 - 关于独角兽号你都知道些什么?- 不太多所以我才问你- What do you know of the Unicorn? - Not a lot. That's why I'm asking you.0,0:33:00.81,0:33:04.27 那艘船的秘密只有我的家族知道!The secret of that ship is known only to my family!0,0:33:04.35,0:33:07.31 代代相传It's been passed down from generation to generation.0,0:33:07.40,0:33:12.23 我祖父他临死前告诉我他们全都…My granddaddy himself, with his dying breath, told me the tale.0,0:33:13.07,0:33:14.20 然后呢?And?0,0:33:14.91,0:33:16.03 没了Gone.0,0:33:16.87,0:33:17.99 没了是什么意思?What do you mean, gone?0,0:33:18.08,0:33:21.49 他踢水桶时我很生气只好借酒浇愁I was so upset when he kicked。
如果你有一对翅膀带你飞翔If you had wings to lift you还能有开阳双星中的伴星为你指路and the Second Star your guide,你就会发现一处四季同时存在的繁茂仙境you'd find a place where all the seasons flourish side by side.穿过它夏天的牧场越过那秋天的丛林Yet past the Summer Meadow and beyond the Autumn Wood,有一处被世界的忽略的秘密冰地lies an icy land of secrets, a world misunderstood.你若是游目骋怀你的心自然会发觉But if your mind is open and your heart just has to know,那翅膀能带你飞去你从未幻想过的地方your wings can take you farther than you ever thought you'd go. 奇妙仙子与羽翼之谜闻到早春的气息我们就会来到We'll be there at the first breath of spring鸟儿开始歌♥唱草儿开始生长When the birds start to sing and the grass starts growing.我们出现在酷暑的夏日We'll be there in the still summer heat.金色的草地闪耀在漫山遍野With the meadow's gleaming gold.轻快的秋日我们来了We'll be there on the crisp autumn days.凉爽的微风里树叶哗哗得落下With the leaves all ablaze in the cool breeze blowing.每一年我们都来到这里We'll be there for it all every year就像旧日里那样As we've been since days of old.如果世界比我们知道的更加宽广怎么办For what if the world is wider than we ever knew?所有的季节都过去我们难道没有梦想过更遥远的未来And through all the seasons didn't we dream of something more? 我们能勇敢面对未知的世界吗What if we brave the great unknown?我们若不是形单影只那会怎样What if we're not so all alone?我所找寻的那个人会不会就是你What if it's you I'm searching for?注意啦各位Look sharp, everyone!雪鸮就快来了The snowy owls will soon be arriving它们要把雪花篮子带到冬日之林去to take the snowflake baskets to the Winter Woods.露辛达别做面条了快去修篮子Lucinda, stop noodling and start tinkering.这是最后一拨了吗Is that the last load?多谢了绮思Thanks, Cheese.编织篮子是我最爱做的事了波波Basket weaving is my favorite thing, Bobble.是吗我更喜欢编流苏花边Really? I'm partial to macramé.早安柯兰科早安波波Morning, Clank. Morning, Bobble.早安呀Morning!这些应该足够编完雪花篮啦That should be enough to finish the snowflake baskets. 是呀肯定的Aye, that will do her.谢谢啦Thanks!-柯兰科 -噢抱歉-Clanky. -Oh! Sorry.真不敢相信我们编好了篮子I can't believe we make the baskets,却不能亲手把它们送给冬岛仙子but don't get to take them to the Winter Fairies.哎你们就不想去冬日之林见见世面I mean, wouldn't you want to go into the Winter Woods? 拜托那么冷的气温我们一天都待不下去Oh, we wouldn't last a day in that cold.而且我很害怕冰川Besides, I'm afraid of glaciers.冰川Glaciers?据说冰川都是悄悄移♥动♥的They're known for their stealth.他从没亲眼见过He's never actually seen one.你也没见过You never do!雪鸮来啦The snowy owls!大家各就各位Places, everyone!柯兰科和波波把篮子吊起来Clank, Bobble, get that basket up.好的明白了玛丽仙子Right! Got it, Fairy Mary!启动传送车Start the pulley!噢有一只新来的Ooh! Newcomer.哇Wow.最后一批取货订单The final shipment order.天哪他们明天还要再多订20个篮子Oh, goodness! They need 20 more baskets for tomorrow's pickup. 那边是个完全不同的世界There's a whole other world over there.干得好同志们第一批货物已经发向冬岛啦Well done, everyone! The first shipment is headed for Winter.不过为了明天的交货还有更多要准备But there's much more to do for tomorrow's pickup,没时间给你们休息啦so this is no time to rest on your laurels.露辛达从月桂树上下来赶紧去工作Lucinda, get off your laurel and get to work.小心Look out!走开啊兔兔Runaway bunny!不No!-抓到你啦 -谢了小叮当-Got you! -Thanks, Tink.不客气福恩No problem, Fawn.嘿小家伙距冬日之林还有好远呢Come on, little guy. It's still a long way to the Winter Woods. 你把动物们今天就带过去Oh, you're taking the animals today?正在努力呢Trying to.它们是时候该穿越边境了It's time for them to cross the border,但这个小家伙太棘手了but this little guy is a handful.嘿我来帮忙怎么样Hey, uh, how about if I help?慢一点慢一点Slow down! Slow down!-需要帮忙吗 -不用啦还应付得来-Need some help? -Nope. Doing fine.这小东西还真敏捷That lost thing really is handy.是呀Yeah.我可怜的脚后跟啊跳跳兔慢一点Heel, hoppy, heel! Slow down!哇Wow.别害怕小家伙Oh, don't be scared, little fellow.让鼬鼠们先过去We'll let the weasels go first.好啦快点来吧Come on. Come on. Come on!我们要带着动物进去走多远So, how far do we take the animals in?-小叮当我们是不能越界的 -什么-Uh, Tink, we don't cross the border. -Huh?我们只是帮助动物们过去We just help the animals cross.我以为动物仙子会和动物们一起过去呢But I thought Animal Fairies got to cross with the animals. 叮当那边会冻死人的Tink, it's freezing over there.而且热岛仙子是不允许进入冬日之林的Besides, no Warm Fairies are allowed in the Winter Woods. 就像冬岛仙子也不许过来一样Just like Winter Fairies aren't allowed over here.谁立的这条规矩Who made up that rule?我觉得应该是冬岛国王吧I think it was the Lord of Winter.冬岛还有国王Winter has a lord?好了小可爱们准备好了没All right, guys. You ready?-哇 -真赞是吧-Wow. -Pretty great, huh?太不可思议了It's incredible.它们穿上了冬衣来御寒They get their winter coats to protect them from the cold. 该你们了去吧Your turn. Go on.快去呀跟着你的兄弟们Go on, now. Follow your brothers.再见咯Bye-bye!好了该大家伙了All right, big guy.噢不是吧Oh, no.现在可别冬眠呀No hibernating yet.你要到冬岛里才能冬眠You do that in Winter!起来吧拜托Come on. Come on!醒醒醒醒呀Wake up. Wake up.咦Oh...快起来Come on.醒醒呀Wake up.太阳晒屁♥股♥咯Rise and shine.呀Ooh!哦Ooh!哇塞Oh...喂叮当Tink!小叮当Tink!-小叮当 -怎么了-Tinker Bell! -What?嘿叮当我告诉过你我们不能过去的Oh, Tink! I told you, we're not allowed to cross.你的翅膀Your wings.我知道I know!我的翅膀在闪闪发光They were sparkling.它们冻住了They're freezing!我们最好带你去治愈仙子那看看We'd better get you to a Healing Talent Fairy.-可是 -快走-But... -Come on.有什么可以效劳的吗May I help you?还要等多久啊How much longer?我已经说过撞倒彩虹不算急诊I told you, a rainbow collision is not an emergency. 但是紫色部分已经开始发痒了But the purple's starting to itch.坐那等会Take a seat.噢被金鱼草盖住了吧Oh! Snapdragon, right?是的Mmm... hmm.不算急诊把草种到那儿去吧Not an emergency. Plant it over there. 谢谢Thank you.快点吧姑娘们去晚了怎么办Hurry, girls. What if we're too late? -嘿抱歉你知不知道 -来窗口-Oh! Sorry. Do you know... -Window. 够了停停停Uh, uh, uh, uh!病患姓名Patient's name?小叮当Tinker Bell.嗯越界的人她Oh, yes. The border crosser. She's...被冰冻结了吗Frozen solid?-2号♥诊室 -天哪-Room two. -Oh, my.-谢谢你 -恩哼-Thank you. -Mmm... hmm.-这边 -快点姑娘们快点-This way! -Come on, girls. Hurry.她就在那边 2号♥诊室She's right over here. Room two.-她在那 -嘿小叮当-There she is. -Tink!我们尽快赶来了We got here as quick as we could.只在接待处耽误了一小下We did have to stop at reception.你真的过界了Did you really cross?是不是Well, did you?嘘Shh!-嗯 -哇-Hmm... -Whoa.嘘Shh!嗯好吧Mmm... hmm.好了你暖和起来了我们来测试下你的翅膀吧Okay. You're all warmed up. Let's test your wings.嗯好的Oh! Sure.张开翅膀Open.嗯合上吧Mmm. Close.拍几下And try a little flap.飘起来拍拍A flutter.能飞起来拍打翅膀吗Can you give me a flitter?好了没发现什么问题你的翅膀好着呢Okay. Well, I don't see anything unusual. Your wings appear to be fine. 但为什么闪闪发光呢But what about the sparkling?肯定是雪的反光所致It must have been the light reflecting off the snow.-可是 -你实在不该-But... -You should have never越过界的crossed the border.冬岛对热岛仙子的翅膀来说太冷了Winter is too cold for our Warm Fairy wings.保险起见我给你拿两颗向日葵种子Now, to be safe, I want you to take two sunflower seeds如果有问题你再过来and come back if there is any problem.-谢谢 -不客气-Thank you. -Mmm... hmm.我们很担心你小叮当We were worried, Tink.嗯翅膀没出问题算你走运Oh! You are so lucky nothing happened to your wings.真要出事怎么办Can you imagine?真的有事发生哟我的翅膀闪闪发光来着But something did happen. They sparkled!你也听她说了只是雪的光线反射而已But you heard her. It was just the light reflecting off the snow. 不是的它们确实亮了No, it wasn't. They actually lit up.比一千只萤火虫都要亮It was brighter than a thousand fireflies.你看见了是吧福恩You saw it. Didn't you, Fawn?没有No.你们不相信我You don't believe me?谁呃Who... Um...呃不是不信Uh... No?听着伙伴们这是真的感觉就像Look, you guys, it happened. It felt like...-像 -像什么-Like... -Like What?就像冬日之林在召唤我Like the Winter Woods was calling me.你们明白吗You know?不太明白快去叫医生来Not really. Get the doctor.动物仙子书籍记载着精灵仙尘的101种用法Animal Fairy Books, 101 Uses for Pixie Dust,美人和蜜蜂Beauty and the Bees...这里肯定能有讲翅膀的书There's got to be a wing book here somewhere.驾驭彩虹的规定不不是那个Rules for Rainbow Riding. No, not that.哎嘿Huh? Hey.有人吃书了Someone's been eating the books!是书虫Bookworms.咦这是什么Oh. What's this?啊Ah!光学阅读Light reading.仙尘学风学Dustology, windology...哎呀A-ha!翅膀学这正是我要找的Wingology. That's got to have it.站住Oh!抓到你啦Got you!喂Ahem.抱歉Sorry.没事Mmm...hmm.好了看看吧Okay, let's see.翅膀护理翅膀清洗翅膀小提示Wing care. Wing washing. Wing tips."不要把翅膀弄湿"地球人都知道"Don't get them wet." Everybody knows that. 尺寸形状拍打舞动Sizes, shapes, flapping, fluttering.闪光我就知道会有Sparkling! I knew it!噢Oh!抱歉找到了Sorry. Found it!什么Huh?噢不Oh, no.多谢了Thanks a lot.嗯Hmm.好吧Okay."闪光的翅膀当最不可置信的"Sparkling wings. When a most incredible...就会闪光有两个"that the sparkle... There were two."什么意思Huh?"闪光有两个""That the sparkle... There were two."两支翅膀两只脚到底两个什么Two wings? Two feet? Two what?-喂 -噢-Psst. -Oh!-什么事 -嘿-Yes? -Hey.你了解闪光的翅膀吗Do you know anything about sparkling wings?不了解书虫吃了那一页No. The bookworm ate that page.是呀我知道Yeah, I know.但是管♥理♥员♥知道But the Keeper does.管♥理♥员♥ 谁是管♥理♥员♥ The Keeper? Who's the Keeper?就是写书的人咯他知道有关精灵的所有知识He writes the books. He is the keeper of all fairy knowledge.太棒了他在这吗我要找他谈谈That's perfect. Is he here? I have to talk to him.若能他谈谈我愿付出一切不过不行I would give anything to talk to him. But you can't.为什么不行Why not?因为他是冬岛仙子Because he's a Winter Fairy.要是想和他聊天你就必须要去冬日之林In order to talk to him, you would have to go to the Winter Woods. 这是不可能的翅膀被冻住还会And that's impossible. Your wings will freeze and...第16章写着呢Chapter 16.哎呦在冬日之林呀Hmm. The Winter Woods.翅膀学作者图书管♥理♥员♥嗯Hmm.飞不起来了Can't fly.快点快点赶快完工滑车准备Hurry, now, hurry! Let's finish up. Stand by with the pulley.好了这是这季度最后一次收♥货♥ 大家尽最大努力啊All right! It's this season's final pickup, so let's make it our best.露辛达把面包给烘焙仙子做吧Lucinda, let's leave the loafing for the Baking Fairies.-好的柯兰科 -好了-Okay, Clanky. -Right!哎呦Ouch!雪花释放系统开始运行Snowflake release system working!也许你们该多测试雪花一会Maybe you should be the test snowflake for a while.-小叮当 -怎么了-Tink? -Huh?我们已经检查过那个篮子了We already checked that basket.好吧只是Right. Uh...你为啥穿的这么暖和Why are you dressed all cozy?我准备去冬日之林I'm going to the Winter Woods.去冬日之林The Winter Woods?小点声Shh!去冬日之林The Winter Woods?就位了各位Places, everyone!雪鸮来了The snowy owls. They're here!启动传送车Start the pulley!拜拜Bye!小叮当等等Tink! Wait!你不能越界的叮当小姐你的翅膀You can't cross the border, Miss Bell. Your wings!别担心翅膀在大衣里Don't worry. They're in my coat.你这么做是因为Does this have to do with the...-闪光的事吗 -是的-The sparkling? -Yes.冬岛里有人能告诉我闪光的原因There's somebody in Winter who can tell me what it means. 柯兰科波波那只篮子有问题吗Clank! Bobble! Is something wrong with that basket?什么哦What? Oh!-你看 -没事-You see... -No!怎么办小叮当Tink?我必须这么做I just have to do this.不不一切都很好No, no. Everything is fine.我们只是舍不得篮子离开这么漂亮的篮子We're just sad to see it go. Pretty basket.晕说真的快放手吧Oh! Honestly. Let it go!是那只新来的That's the new one.-新来的 -嗯好吧-Uh, new one? -Mmm... hmm.大家都做得很好它们去享受冬天的寒冷了Excellent work, everyone. They're off to the cold of winter. 直到明年才再来Well, that's that until next year.哇我成功了Wow. I made it.欢迎回来Welcome back.冬岛仙子A Winter Fairy.准备好降落了吗You ready for the drop-off?来吧你昨天就做到了没问题的Come on. You did it yesterday. You'll be fine.好了去吧All right then. Here we go.啊Ah!小心Look out!真抱歉Sorry about that.哦糟了Oh, no.米罗利国王Lord Milori.发生什么事了And what happened here?降落不太稳呀这才是它第二次降落A bit of a bumpy landing. It's only his second drop-off.只要篮子没事它做的还是不错的As long as the basket made it, I'd say he did just fine.动物过界情况怎样How was the crossing?四只兔子两只鼬鼠和一只土拨鼠Four bunnies, two weasels, and a marmot.都安全过来了And they all crossed safely.是呀我在北边遇到它们了Yes. I met up with them on the north side.这些雪花真漂亮The snowflakes are looking quite beautiful.各不相同呢No two alike.不要啊No, no, no.值得炫耀Ambitious.哎Hmm.真奇了怪了Now that is odd.噢Oh!这肯定是不小心落在篮子里的It must have been left in the basket by accident.把这个还给管♥理♥员♥Return this to the Keeper.管♥理♥员♥The Keeper.下次运货他能送回暖岛去He can send it back to the Warm Side with his next delivery. 这肯定是从暖岛那边过来装在某个篮子里的It must have come from the Warm Side. In one of the baskets. 谢了Thanks.哇Whoa!到了这章的结尾That's the end of that chapter.故事可真美Boy, that's a beauty.精灵界的芙罗拉和芳娜Flora and Fauna of the Fairies.在这画上句号♥ 我们就完工咯Put a period there, then we are pretty much done.等等我忘了标页码Wait. I forgot to number the pages.哎我又得全部重头再整理这本巨书了Oh! I'm going to have to start all over on this large book.-管♥理♥员♥ 管♥理♥员♥ -在呢怎么-Keeper. Keeper! -Yes, what...最不可思议的事发生了你绝对不会相信The most amazing thing happened. You'll never believe it.好了我马上出来来了Okay, I'm coming. I'm coming.我从来没有这种感觉I've never felt anything like it!我的朋友都不信他们怎么就不信呢这真是My friends didn't believe me, but how could they because it's so...慢点说说太快我跟不上Slow down. I can only listen so fast.昨天就在边界那里我的翅膀Yesterday, at the border, my wings.它们它们突然亮了起来They actually... They lit up.又亮了It's happening again!哇Oh...天哪真是不可思议Well, I'll be a yeti's uncle.我有生之年第一次看到In all my years.你的翅膀它们在闪光Your wings. They're sparkling.跟你的翅膀一样Like yours.我写过闪光翅膀的书I've written about the sparkling,但我自己从没亲眼见过闪光but I've never seen the sparkling with my own peepers!哦对跟我来Oh, uh, follow me.现在用脚踩在雪花上面Now, step the footsies on the snowflake.把你们的翅膀放进光里Just put your wings into the light.是大♥陆♥The mainland.噢不Oh, no.你好Hello?你好Hello.你好Hello?两个仙子生有相同的笑容Two fairies born of the same laugh.这意味着So that means...你是我的You're my...所以我们是So we're孪生姐妹sisters.是的你们的翅膀就是证明Yes! And your wings are identical.这就是她们会发光的原因That is why they sparkle.叮当Jingles!啊天呐或许你们不该那么做Ah... Oh, boy. Maybe you shouldn't do that. 我叫小叮当Um, I'm Tinker Bell.我叫佩里温可I'm Periwinkle.你一定去过边界吧So you must have been at the border.是啊我想去看看动物穿越边界的样子Yeah. I was hoping to see the animals cross. 我好像没能看见你I guess I didn't see you.我也是Me either.怎么了What?通常我只在家才戴上I usually just wear them at home.-哇哦 -有人吗-Wow. -Hello.管♥理♥员♥ 你在吗Keeper, are you in?我的天呐米罗利陛下来了Yumping yetis, Lord Milori!如果他看到你他会把你送回去的If he sees you, he'll send you back.管♥理♥员♥ 你在吗Keeper? Are you here?别担心我来搞定Don't worry. I'm going to take care of this.你在哪Where are you?马上就来Ah. Come back later!管♥理♥员♥ Keeper?天呐被他发现了Whoa, boy. Can't get that one back.我得跟你谈谈I need to speak with you.很重要It's important.马上回来I'll be right back.我在这米罗利陛下I'm right here, Lord Milori.你收到那本翅膀书了么Did you receive that wing book?一直以来呢You know, once upon a time,您都是先打个招呼再进来的you'd stop by just to say hello and howdy-do. 不好意思你好I'm sorry. Hello.你好Howdy-dg?你好Howdy-do.那本书让我很担心万一是暖岛仙子带来的怎么办This book has me worried. What if a Warm Fairy brought it here? 那正好啊快见见暖岛仙子Well, that might be nice, then, meeting a Warm Fairy.特别是读书这么有品位的暖岛仙子Especially one with such good taste in books.这里太冷了It's too cold.他们可以穿个外套Maybe if they were wearing a coat,或者套件毛背心or one of them little sweater vests.-他们人很好 -我得提醒你-They're nice. -I'll remind you.穿越边界是被禁止的Crossing the border is forbidden.从前就没这规矩There was a time when it wasn't.这条规矩是用来保护仙子们的安全不会改变The rule is there to keep the fairies safe. That will never change. 但我But I...如果有暖岛仙子来这你要送他们回去If a Warm Fairy comes here, you will send them back.当然Of course.谢谢Thank you.米罗利陛下说的话你都听到了Well, you heard the Lord Milori.他说你必须回家去He said you must go back home.当然他没说什么时候Of course, he didn't say when.你俩现在听好了天黑之后会变得更冷Now, listen, you two, it gets colder after the dark,所以最好在月亮升起之前带着小叮当回家so it's best to get Tinker Bell home before the first moonlight.谢谢你杜威Thank you, Dewey.杜威Dewey?这是他的真名That's his real name.我的朋友们就这么叫我It's what my friends call me.谢谢你Thank you.叫我杜威吧Dewey.杜威Dewey.呃我是个冰霜仙子我能把东西冻结住So, um, I'm a Frost Fairy. I frost things.-哦我是个修补匠我 -修补东西-Oh. I'm a Tinker. I... -Tinker things?是啊衣服都是我自己做的Yep. I even made this coat.-哇哦我喜欢 -谢谢-Oh, I like it. -Thanks.不客气You're welcome.双胞胎Sisters.真是不可思议那仙尘千里迢迢从仙尘之树来到这It's amazing. The dust travels all the way from the Pixie Dust Tree. 和你来这差不多元Kind of like you did.特伦斯和我差点就从海盗船逃出来了Terence and I barely escaped the pirate ship!-他是你男朋友吗 -额-Is he your boyfriend? -Uh...所以莉兹喜欢小仙子So Lizzy loves fairies?是啊她还造了个仙子小屋Yeah. She even built a fairy house.我就是这么遇到她的我和维迪雅That's how I met her. You see, me and Vidia...你也喜欢收集别人丢掉的小东西You collect lost things, too?我管这叫做寻宝I call them found things.找到你前我从未意识到自己曾失去你I never knew I lost you till I found you.你无法想象你对我来说是有多亲密And you'd never guess how close you are to me.此刻我想拥你入怀Now I want to throw my arms around you.诉说一千个让你惊奇的故事Tell a thousand tales that will astound you.你的一切让我了解什么是命中注定Everything about you tells me this was meant to be. 看到了吗我就在你的身旁Don't you see? I'm on your side.让我们一起前行Let's take this ride.一起面对这世界And together we're facing the world.做前所未有的事Doing things nobody's done before.再高大的分界线And the great divide.也不再那样分明Doesn't seem so wide.无法将你我阻挡Anymore.这里就是冰霜森林This is the Frost Forest.哇哦Wow.那是格里斯That's Gliss.来呀斯派克练习下Come on, Spike. Practice.好好练着呢Okay, okay. Practicing.那是斯派克她有点And that's Spike. She's a bit...哇Whoa!-嗨 -孪生姐妹-Hi. -Sisters?哇这真是酷毙了Well, I think it's fantastic!你俩看起来一模一样Wow, you two look exactly alike!我是说除了衣服发型还有佩里更白一些之外I mean, except for your clothes and your hair and Peri's a bit more pale. 你俩的鼻子简直一样But your noses are very similar.先别说鼻子她可是暖仙子在冬岛啊Forget their noses. She's a Warm Fairy. In Winter!没错我们得带她转转You're right. We got to show her around!哦对了Oh, oh, oh!咱们带她滑雪去走啊斯派克Let's take her ice sliding! Come on, Spike!你绝对会喜欢的You are going to love this!听起来很有趣It sounds fun.真是好主意把暖精灵从雪山上推下去Yeah. Great idea. Push the Warm Fairy down a hill of ice.倒是等等我呀你们Okay, well, wait for me, you guys.若我步履蹒跚时能有你的搀扶And if you'll be there beside me when I falter.我们便能泰然面对一切Then whatever comes I know we'll take it all in stride.预备滑Ready, set, slide!我会在你身旁I'm on your side.让我们一起前行Let's take this ride.共同面对这世界And together we're facing the world.做前所未有的事Doing things nobody's done before.再高大的分界线And the great divide.也不再那么分明Doesn't seem so wide.再无法将你我分离Anymore嗯我来问你最喜欢的星星是哪颗Um... I know. Favorite star?开阳双星中的伴星Second star-是右边那颗 -是右边那颗-to the right. -To the right.最喜欢喝的饮料呢Okay. Favorite drink?我爱热菊花茶Hot chamomile tea.我爱冰菊花茶Iced chamomile tea!哦Oh!到我了你最喜欢的昆虫Okay, my turn. How about favorite bug?虫子这里太冷没有昆虫Bug? It's too cold for bugs over here,但是在杜威的书里我见过蝴蝶but in one of Dewey's books, I read about butterflies. 在蝴蝶谷有成千上万只蝴蝶Oh, in Butterfly Cove, there's hundreds of them.它们在夏天出现就在It's in summer. It's right over...呃嗯Um... Hmm.看来从这你看不到I guess you can't see it from here.是啊看不到No. You can't.那里是什么样的呢What's it like over there?温暖Warm.颜色声音And the colors? The sounds?所有的动物还有鱼All the animals. And the fish.他们都在融化的冰里游泳对吗They swim in melted ice, right?是水里Water.我希望I wish...我希望我能去那看看I wish I could go there.-佩里 -怎么-Peri? -Yeah?既然我们能把这里变暖或许我们也能把那里变冷I made it warmer over here. Maybe I could make it colder over there. 你是Are you...你是说让我越过边界Are you saying I could cross?-是的 -噢小叮当-Yeah! -Oh, Tink.你可以带我去看看你的世界You could show me your world.我还能见见你的朋友I could meet your friends.你觉得我有机会见到蝴蝶吗Do you think I could see a butterfly?很有可能There's a pretty good chance.哦Oh!怎么回事小叮当Uh, Tink?-我不能飞 -小叮当-I can't fly! -Tink!坚持住坚持住Hold on. Hold on!我在往下滑I'm slipping!干得好菲奥娜干得好That's it, Fiona. That's it.姑娘们你们没事吧Are you girls all right?-没事 -没事-Yeah. -Yeah.你确定没摔到没蹭到Are you sure? Nothing broken? Nothing bruised?是的我们都好No. We're okay.这次This time.米罗那陛下是对的Lord Milori was right.穿越边界太危险Crossing the border is just too dangerous.你的意思是What are you saying?对不起姑娘们I'm sorry, girls,我恐怕不能如你们所愿了but I'm afraid this isn't going to work out like you hoped.我们得送小叮当回家We have to take Tinker Bell home.走吧菲奥娜Let's go, Fiona.这It's...这是为你好It's for your own good.我不忍♥心看了菲奥娜I can't watch, Fiona.我保证我不会再这么做了I promised myself I wasn't going to do this.计划是这样的明天在这里见Okay. Here's the plan. Meet me here tomorrow.谢天谢地我以为真的再也见不到了Oh, thank goodness. I thought you were really saying goodbye. 怎么会我才遇见自己素未谋面的妹妹No! I just met my sister I never knew I had就要道永别开什么玩笑and I'm going to say goodbye forever? Are you kidding?所以So...柯兰科波波Clank? Bobble?人呢Guys?哎哟Oopsie.小叮当你回来了Tink! You're back!-是呀 -不好意思-Yes. -Sorry!我们以为你是猎物We thought you were a troll.猎物A troll?我知道我们不该用渔网I knew we shouldn't have used the troll stopper.万一真是猎物呢What if it was a troll?你就不这么说了对吧You'd be saying something different, wouldn't you?伙伴们没关系的Guys. It doesn't matter.哦你还在这Oh, right.-我需要你们的帮助 -是跟冰川有关吗-I need your help. -Is it about a glacier?不但这算是一个秘密No. But it's kind of a secret.我不想让所有人都知道I don't want everybody to know.我确定这个纽扣会管用不过我们还缺几个I'm pretty sure these buttons will work, but we're going to need more of them. 我们可以用橡树果壳代替Aye, unless we use a couple of acorn caps.不错好主意Right! Good idea.哇柯兰科在哪Whoo! Now where is that Clanky?哦我在这呢Oh, yes, I'm right here.哦Oh!我没告诉所有人哦I didn't tell everybody.除了福恩罗希尔黛丝还有维迪雅Just Fawn, Ro, Sil, Dess, and Vidia.你有个仙子跟你一模一样So, there's another you.-维迪雅 -是的-Vidia! -Yeah.我有个孪生妹妹I've got a sister.我说的吧I told you!太牛了Bust my bonnet.-好神奇 -太不可思议了-Amazing! -It's fantastic!真不敢相信这是真的I can't believe this is happening.你怎么知道的But how?她们生来就带着相同的笑模样They were born of the same laugh!把你跟我和波波说的告诉她们小叮当Tell them, Tink, what you told me and Bobble.她叫佩里温可Her name's Periwinkle.她是霜冻仙子她真是好厉害She's a Frost Fairy, and she's just amazing.我在制♥作♥这个机器能让她来这儿见你们I'm making this machine so she can come here and meet you all,然后我们就去克莱瑞恩女王那and after that we'll go straight to Queen Clarion!哦Oh...你想过吗Um, have you thought this through?"克拉瑞恩女王好见见这个我偷越边界遇见的冬岛仙子""Hi, Queen Clarion. Meet the Winter Fairy I smuggled over the border." 维迪雅Vidia!克莱瑞恩女王要是知道我们怎么找到彼此When Queen Clarion hears how we found each other,而且我们是孪生姐妹and that we're sisters,她会改变米罗利国王的规矩的she will change Lord Milori's rule.她当然会Oh, of course she will.她不会把你跟亲生妹妹分开She'd never want you to be apart.这就像你心爱的东西失而复得一样It's like you found the perfect lost thing.我绝不会失去她And I'm never going to lose her.好了开始干活吧Well, then, let's get to work!告诉我们该干什么Just tell us what to do.好的Great!我们需要把轮子放在这Okay. We need to place that wheel right here. 明白小叮当Got you, Tink.来把那个撑起来And let's get that propped up over there.我好有修补的天赋I feel so tinkery.-柯兰科波波 -等等-Clank, Bobble... -Wait, wait.底座完成了Finish up the chassis?当然Exactly.-快来柯兰科 -波波-Come on, Clanky! -Bobble!说不定咱俩是兄弟很有可能Perhaps you and I are brothers! It's possible. 我们看起来这么像We look almost exactly alike.没人发现你吧Anyone see you?没No.。
礼仪用词-寻找梦幻岛电影中英文台词 精品
寻找梦幻岛电影中英文台词Sylvis L. Davies(Mother): You should have been in bed half an hour ago, Yound Men.I am afraid i\'ve grown hopelessly too lax in my own discipline.(孩子们,你们半小时之前就应该上床休息了。
)J.M. Barrie: Nonesense, young boys should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older.And then before you know it, they are grown.(不要这样说,孩子们不该被强迫去睡觉。
)Peter D.: What did you bring me over here for? it is absurb. it is JUST a dog.(带我来这里干什么?荒谬,这只是一只狗)J.M. Barrie: Just a dog? JUST? Porthos, don\'t listen to him. (walk near Peter) Porthos dreams of beinga bear. And you want to dash those dreams by saying "he\'s just a dog"?What a horriblecandle-snuffing word! That\'s like saying "He can\'t climb that moutain,he\'s just a man"Or " That\'s not a diamond, it\'s just a rock." Just?(只是一只狗?只是?porthos,不要听他说。
来自维也纳的消息News has come from Vienna!"奥地利的利奥波德在十字军东征的"Leopold of Austria has seized King Richard返回途中捉住了理查德国王on his return from the Crusades.我们的国王成了阶下囚前途未卜Our King is being held prisoner. Nothing further is Known.进一步情况His Highness Prince John will约翰王子殿下明天将召告天下"maKe further public pronouncement tomorrow."盖伊爵士And how are撒克逊人是如何得到这个消息的呢the dear Saxons taKing the news, Sir Guy?殿下他们甚至比朗钱伯斯还着急They're even more worried than Longchamps, Your Highness. 当我要榨他们的油水的时候They'll be more than worried他们会更紧张when I squeeze the fat out of their pampered hides.您打算什么时候行动You intend to act on your plans?盖伊爵士还有比这更好的时机吗What better moment than this, Sir Guy?无论是谁都应该想到Whoever would have thought我亲爱的哥哥被俘...my dear brother would be so considerate as to get captured... ...留下整个英格兰让我照顾...and leave all of England to my tender care?殿下他回来的时候也许会反对He may disapprove when he returns, Your Highness.如果他回来我觉得他不会反对If he returns. And I'll see to it that he doesn't.为这个时刻干一杯盖伊爵士前途一片光明We must drinK to this moment, Sir Guy. Golden days are ahead. 明天我要将让你负责征税I'll assign tax districts to you tomorrow.明天殿下Tomorrow, Your Highness.-谁给钱 -付钱付钱-But who's gonna pay me? -Pay! Pay!你们这些撒克逊人只知道想这些That's all you Saxons thinK about.难道我没告诉你这是给约翰王子的吗Didn't I tell you it was for Prince John,谁刚从伦敦来who's just come up from London?住手住手Stop! Stop!这个人是自♥由♥民他有土地This man is freeborn! He's a landowner.你不能将他打成奴隶You can't maKe a slave of him!难道他没有拒绝派人到Didn't he refuse to send his men to worK盖伊在吉斯本的领地干活吗in Guy of Gisbourne's field?但我抗♥议♥...But I protest...!迪肯跟我来其余的呆在这儿DicKon, follow me! The rest remain here.-叫什么名字撒克逊狗 -就是比你强-What's your name, you Saxon dog? -A better one than yours. 注意礼貌这位是吉斯本的盖伊爵士LooK to your manners! This is Sir Guy of Gisbourne.是盖伊爵士还是恶魔他们没什么分别Sir Guy or the devil! There's little to choose between them. -叫什么名字 -玛奇磨坊工人的儿子-What's your name? -Much, the miller's son.你知道杀死国王的鹿是死罪吗You Know it's death to Kill the King's deer?如果我不这样我会被饿死的And death from hunger if I don't.感谢你和这些诺丁汉城♥堡♥的残忍♥的ThanKs to you and the rest of you Norman cutthroats诺曼第人at Nottingham Castle.-你安静 -我静不下来-Be quiet, you. -I won't be quiet!如果你愿意你可以杀了我但我还是要说You can Kill me if you liKe, but not until I've had my say.现在你可以鞭打或饿死我们撒克逊人...You can beat and starve us Saxons now......如果理查德国王逃脱了...but when King Richard escapes,他会用绳从你的脖子后面拴住...he'll taKe you by the scruff of the necK......并把你扔进海里...and fling you into the sea!-恶魔 -盖伊爵士-What the devil? -Come now, Sir Guy.你不能杀死一个讲真话的人You'd not Kill a man for telling the truth?是的如果它让我发笑lf it amused me, yes.感激你的另类幽默Be thanKful my humor's of a different sort.你有什么权力妨碍判决By what right do you interfere with justice?至少比你有权力你在滥用它By a better right than you have to misuse it.去找你的主人约翰王子吧That goes for your master, Prince John.我会给他讲夜晚在诺丁汉I'll give him that message at the baron's meeting与男爵相遇的事in Nottingham tonight.谢谢他确实需要一点责备ThanK you. He does need a bit of a talKing to.-哦是吗 -是的他经常失去控制-Eh, Will? -Yes, he has been getting rather out of hand.-把他带上 -别动他犯了什么错-Fetch him along. -Hold there. What's his fault?-他杀了皇家的鹿 -你错了鹿是我杀的-He's Killed a royal deer. -You're wrong. I Killed that deer.这个人是我的仆人This man's my servant.我想你知道杀死国王的鹿是死罪I suppose you realize the penalty for Killing the King's deer is death. -无论是奴隶还是贵族 -是吗-Whether for serf or noble. -Really?在这里不能例外吗Are there no exceptions?谢谢好人ThanKs, good master.下次在你射杀之前最好先看一看Better looK before you shoot next time.从今天起我只跟随你From this day, I follow only you.在诺丁汉郡没有一个穷苦的撒克逊人...There isn't a poor Saxon in Nottingham shire......不知道洛克斯利的罗宾爵士并为他祈祷...that doesn't Know and bless Sir Robin of LocKsley.让我做你的仆人TaKe me as your servant.为什么在这个森林里我是最好的猎手Why, in all the forest, there isn't a hunter as good as me. 我不要报酬只是跟随你I asK no pay. Just to follow you.好吧带上你的鹿Fetch the deer, then.当理查德在异国他乡历险的时候...While Richard is bent on adventure in foreign lands... ...作为诺曼第人有责任保护王国......it is our duty as Normans to preserve the realm... ...对约翰王子给予忠心的支持...by giving loyal support to Prince John,他是诺曼第人精神真正的拥护者the only true defender of the Norman spirit.约翰王子万岁Hail to Prince John.诸位爵爷感谢你们诺曼第人就是这样My lords, I thanK you. Well, this is what we Normans liKe: 好的食物好的伙伴Good food, good company,以及令我满意的漂亮女人玛利亚小姐对吗and a beautiful woman to flatter me, eh, Lady Marian?与我从伦敦到这儿来...Was it worthwhile coming with me from London... ...看我们在诺丁汉的朋友值得吗...to see what stout fellows our Nottingham friends are?接受吉斯本的盖伊爵士TaKe Sir Guy of Gisbourne,现在是我们最有名望的拥护者now. One of our most renowned defenders of the realm.我必须接受他吗殿下Must I taKe him, Your Highness?为什么你喜欢他对吗Why, you liKe him, don't you?当然他是一名诺曼第人Well, he's a Norman, of course.这是喜欢他的唯一理由吗ls that the only reason for liKing him?难道作为忠诚的保卫者Isn't that reason enough for a royal ward这个理由就足够了吗who must obey her guardian?不小姐我不会勉强你的Oh, nay, I'd not force you, my lady.在这些郡里他是最有实力的But he's our most powerful friend in these shires他一直都很爱你and he's already in love with you.如果我承诺让他与皇室结亲If I could promise him marriage to a royal ward,这也许有助于我的计划it might help my plans.-也许当我更了解他的时候 -当然-Perhaps when I Know him better. -Of course.你是非常聪明的女人You're a very wise young woman.我们的撒克逊朋友对新的税收有异议吗Any more objections to the new tax from our Saxon friends? 异议殿下Objections, Your Highness?从这儿到查伍德的绞架上都有一个撒克逊人With a Saxon dangling from every gallows tree between here 对吗and Charnwood?但还不算太多Well said, sir Knight. But not too many, mind.直到我们的土地上再没有一个或者交税Else we'll have nobody left to till our land or pay the tax. 在这儿有一个例外殿下There's one exception I'd maKe, Your Highness.-一个撒克逊贵族 -是谁-A certain Saxon noble. -Who is that?洛克斯利的罗宾爵士Sir Robin of LocKsley.洛克斯利的罗...罗宾爵士Sir Rob... Sir Robin of LocKsley?为什么我到这儿听到一点关于他的事Why, I've heard precious little else since I've been here. 他最近的恶行有哪些What's his latest outrage?哦就象今天在Oh, nothing less舍伍德森林里杀死了一只皇家鹿一样than Killing a royal deer in Sherwood Forest today.你没有拿下他And you didn't taKe him?那会是个问题殿下That would have been a problem, Your Highness.一个撒克逊人一个问题A Saxon a problem?小姐他是声名狼籍的麻烦制♥造♥者He's a notorious troublemaKer, my lady.是的一个无♥耻♥之徒一个无赖... Aye. An impudent, recKless rogue......在这个郡四周活动...who goes around the shire stirring up让撒克逊人反对政♥权♥的人the Saxons against authority.他傲慢地认为And he has the insolence to set自己是人♥民♥的保护者himself up as a protector of the people.很久以前我本来可以抓住他的但是...I could have captured him long ago, but....但是什么But what?他是英格兰最好的射手并且...Well, he's the deadliest archer in England, and....我勇敢的诺丁汉郡长也怕他And my brave High Sheriff of Nottingham is afraid of him. 我想把他立刻送到绞架上你听到了I want him taKen and hanged. At once, do you hear?我再也不能忍♥受...I'll not tolerate...开门Open the door!是谁这位是...Who is this, this...?洛克斯利的罗宾爵士殿下Sir Robin of LocKsley, Your Highness.让他进来Let him approach.祝贺殿下Greetings, Your Highness.你应该教会吉斯本热情待人You should teach Gisbourne hospitality.我带这堆肉一进了他的城♥堡♥...I no sooner enter his castle doors with a piece of meat... ...就有饥饿的仆人想抓住我...than his starving servants try to snatch it from me.你应该喂饱他们吉斯本他们会更好地工作You should feed them, Gisbourne. They'll worK better.向你高贵的兄长致敬理查德国王With the compliments of your royal brother, King Richard, 上帝保佑他God bless him!我保证但你是一个鲁莽的淘气鬼By my faith, but you're a bold rascal.罗宾我喜欢你Robin, I liKe you.我非常满足殿下I'm gratified, Your Highness.无论如何我不认为吉斯本也这样认为I don't thinK Gisbourne shares that sentiment, however.他看上去不高兴He does looK sour.怎么了吉斯本绞架用完了What's the matter, Gisbourne? Run out of hangings?我知道一个合适的主题I Know a ripe subject for one.如果你能原谅我...lf you'll excuse me...坐下坐下亲爱的他不会伤害你Sit down! Sit down, my dear. He'll not harm you.罗宾爵士这位是玛利亚菲茨沃特Sir Robin, this is the Lady Marian Fitzwalter.我想小姐从伦敦至这儿旅途愉快对吗I hope my lady had a pleasant journey from London? 你的想法一点也不重要What you hope can hardly be important.殿下她的礼节真让人遗憾What a pity her manners don't match her looKs,与她的模样不相配Your Highness.先生们你们听到了吗You hear that, gentlemen?这儿的吉斯本非常喜欢玛利亚Here's Gisbourne so in love with Marian他不敢对她说"不"...he daren't say "boo" to her......这个漂亮的家伙给她的比她送他的还好...and this saucy fellow gives her better than she sends. 诸位爵爷和女士My lords and ladies,我愿意将洛克斯利的罗宾爵士介绍给你们I would liKe to present to you Sir Robin of LocKsley. 罗宾爵士允许我将你介绍给你的主人Sir Robin, permit me to present to you your host,吉斯本的盖伊爵士...Sir Guy of Gisbourne......以及我们尊贵的客人...and our noble guests.殿下我非常荣幸I'm deeply honored, Your Highness.-你有肉吗 -没有但我带来了-Have you had meat? -None but what I brought.坐下吧坐在那儿对着我Well, sit down. Sit down there opposite me.起来艾尔爵士把你的位置给他Get up, Sir lvor, and give him your place.殿下Your Highness!起来起来勇士Get up! Get up, sir Knight!艾尔爵士你出来Come, Sir lvor. Out with you.立刻给罗宾爵士食物你听到了吗Bring Sir Robin food at once, do you hear?如此厚颜无♥耻♥一定有一个好食欲Such impudence must support a mighty appetite.太正确了殿下True enough, Your Highness.我们撒克逊人We Saxons是不会因为你的税收而变胖的have little to fatten on by the time your tax gatherers are through. 坐下绅士们Be seated, gentlemen.在我说明情况的仪式上没必要站着No need to stand on ceremony on my account.那么你认为你的税太重了对吗So you thinK you're overtaxed, eh?课税过重过度劳动以及用刀Overtaxed, overworKed and paid off with a Knife,用棍用绳来偿清a club or a rope.-你说说叛国 -真流利-Why, you speaK treason. -Fluently.我劝告你要注意你的言辞I advise you to curb that wagging tongue of yours!我习惯于不修饰It's a habit I've never formed.你知道You Know,我们撒克逊人we Saxons不打算再忍♥受这样的压♥迫♥aren't going to put up with these oppressions much longer.你们不打算了听着Oh, you're not? Then listen to this:就你所知As you may Know,我的兄长是奥地利的利奥波德的一名囚犯my brother is a prisoner of Leopold of Austria.从利奥波德那里And from Leopold,我收到要求用不150000金马克赎回I have received a ransom demand of 1 50,000 gold marKs. 那意味着你我的朋友们...That means that you, my friends......不是征收2金马克...must collect in taxes not 2 gold marKs in the pound,而是3个金马克的税but 3!这些钱都要转交给我And the money's to be turned over to me.为什么给你殿下Why to you, Your Highness?理查德国王指定要朗钱伯斯摄政King Richard appointed Longchamps regent.我将朗钱伯斯踢出去了I've KicKed Longchamps out.从现在开始我是英格兰的摄政王From now on, I am regent of England.搞乱了你瞪着干什么Well, confound it, what are you goggling at?难道在我兄长成为囚犯的时候Is it so strange that I decide to rule由我来统治这很奇怪吗when my brother's a prisoner?谁认为不行Who's to say I shouldn't?-你利兹的莫蒂默爵士 -不是我殿下-You, Sir Mortimer of Leeds? -Not I, Your Highness.-你伯龙爵士 -也不是我殿下-You, Sir Boron? -Nor I, Your Highness.你达拉谟的罗夫爵士You, Sir Ralf of Durham?我的剑属于你殿下My sword is yours, Your Highness.我们这儿好斗的撒克逊公鸡呢And what about our young Saxon cocKerel here?怎么样你没胃口再吃这些食物了吧What's the matter? Have you no stomach for honest meat?是的这些食物我对叛国者不感兴趣For honest meat, yes. But I've no stomach for traitors.-你叫我叛国者 -你是的-You call me traitor? -You? Yes.这儿的每一个人都效忠于你And every man here who offers you allegiance.殿下Your Highness.怎么称呼利用国王灾难...What do you call a man who taKes advantage of a King's misfortune... ...而掌权的人呢...to seize his power?现在在这些甜蜜的杀手的帮助下...And now, with the help of this sweet band of cutthroats......去折磨和勒索每一个无望的...you'll try to grind a ransom for him out of every helpless撒克逊人Saxon.勒索所得并没有用于理查德A ransom that'll be used not to release Richard,而是被你用来买♥♥通往国王宝座之路but to buy your way to the throne.殿下让我将这些话语塞回他的喉咙里去Let me ram those words down his throat, Your Highness!哦不等会儿让他暂时滔滔不绝Oh, no. Later. Let him spout for the moment.你想干什么And what do you propose to do?我要以死来组织反抗I'll organize revolt. Exact a death for a death.我永不休息And I'll never rest until直至每个撒克逊人都站了起every Saxon in this shire can stand up,自♥由♥...free men......为理查德和英格兰而战斗...and striKe a blow for Richard and England.-你说完了吗 -这仅仅是开始-Have you finished? -I'm only just beginning.从今晚开始我会使出混生解数与你战斗From this night on, I use every means in my power to fight you. 迪肯DicKon!如此厚颜无♥耻♥ 殿下如果我可以抓到他Such impudence, Your Highness. If I could only reach him.退后退后Stand bacK! Stand bacK!开门Open the door!快卫兵快QuicK, guards, quicK!里面有叛国者想逃走There's a traitor inside trying to escape!-快关门 -叛国者爵士-Shut the door, quicK! -Traitor, sir?白♥痴♥ 他朝哪走了You infernal idiot! Which way did he go?那儿通过那个门There, through the gate.-追他 -卫兵马-After him! -Guards! Horses!迪肯跟着曼斯菲尔德你的队伍DicKon, follow Mansfield! To your troop!快上走Up you go, quicK.找到造箭的克里佩及他的朋友...Find Crippen the arrow-maKer and his friends......告诉每个被打被折磨的人...to pass the word to every man who's been beaten or tortured: -明天去舍伍德的橡树 -是主人-The Gallows OaKs in Sherwood tomorrow. -Yes, master.快走祝一路平安Off you go, and good lucK.向每个乡村宣布Have it proclaimed in every village这个洛克斯利的撒克逊人是逃犯that this Saxon LocKsley's an outlaw.给他提供庇护和帮助的人要被吊死Hang anybody that gives him shelter or aid.是的殿下Yes, Your Highness.没收他的所有财产His possessions are forfeit to the crown.他的城♥堡♥ 他的土地Seize his castle and his lands.他拥有的一切Everything he owns.让人们知道风向变了...And just to let the people Know how the wind has changed... ...很快你就要开始收......the sooner you begin collecting the...赎金殿下The ransom, Your Highness?是的是的当然赎金Yes, yes, of course. The ransom.判处洛克斯利的罗宾死刑There's a death sentence for your Robin of LocKsley!只要一个星期我就可以抓到他I'll have him dangling in a weeK.-我累了 -什么-I'm tired. -What?在树林里睡了提神的一觉以后After a refreshing sleep in the greenwood?在我的肋下取出了七个橡子I've pulled seven acorns out of my ribs.-多好的新鲜空气 -唠叨得我的牙都痛了-Lovely fresh air. -My teeth ache with chattering.-夜莺在唱歌♥ -猫头鹰整晚都在我耳边叫-Nightingales singing. -An owl hooting in my ear all night.猫头鹰叫他唱歌♥让你睡觉Hooting? He was singing you to sleep.那有个精力充沛的人There's a lusty infant.他有一个好的理由加入我们He'd be a good one to reason into joining us.就这样看着他他的铁棍就是他的理由By the looK of him, his quarterstaff does his reasoning for him. 让我看看他怎么样Let's see what he's made of.那是你的头不是我的It's your sKull, not mine.-让路小个子 -只给比我强的人让路-Give way, little man. -Only to a better man than myself. 他就站在你的面前He stands before you.让他过去罗宾Let him pass, Robin.跟这样的人的争吵没意思It's much too warm to brawl with such a windbag.当我把这只苍蝇赶走的时候When I've brushed this fly off,我会给你一点颜色以增加点份量I'll give you a dusting for good measure.朋友这只苍蝇也许会叮人This fly has a mighty sting, friend.我只有一根棍子I've only a staff and you threaten me而你用弓箭威胁我with a longbow and a goose shaft.难道是男人还不够吗...Aren't you man enough...?等等我要给自己做一根棍子Wait! I'll get myself a staff.-准备好了 -是的-Ready? -Yes.嗨可爱的家伙来点有劲的音乐Hey, pretty fellow, play a livelier tune我可以随之起舞that I can maKe this puny rascal dance to.需要欢快的音乐好的这个怎样You need a merrier tune? Well, how's this?如果你想上一课你找对人了If you want a lesson, you came to the right man!-他在哪 -谁-Where is he? -Who?-铁棍的主人 -这儿-This quarterstaff master. -Here.我要称赞他Give my compliments to him.我的朋友今天我在这儿教了你My friend, I should asK payment for我应该收钱what I'm teaching you here today.这是你的钱There's something on account.这是你的零钱There's your change.我的脑袋嗡嗡响象有一群蜜蜂一样My head hums liKe a swarm of bees.朋友你叫什么名字What's your name, friend?-小约翰你呢 -罗宾-John Little. What's yours? -Robin.-是不是洛克斯利的罗宾 -是的-Not Robin of LocKsley? -Aye.真高兴能碰到你Then I'm right glad I fell in with you.确实把他给碰下去了'Twas he who did the falling in.我想试试你的身手我就这样做了I wanted to see what you were made of. And I did.-我希望你不会对我有意见 -刚好相反-I hope you'll not hold it against me. -On the contrary.-我喜欢比我强的人 -我愿意加入你们-I love a man that can best me. -I'd liKe to join your company. 你会的You shall.如果你可以象刚才在桥上那样lf you can hold a breach liKe you held that bridge,你就可以成为我们中的一员欢迎you're one of us. Welcome.-这是甘姆威尔的威尔 -好-This is Will of Gamwell. -Yeah.他小心不要弄湿他的羽毛He tooK good care not to wet his feathers.朋友大脑比四肢发达Just brain over brawn, friend.你听到罗宾的命令You heard Robin's orders.将这些话传出去LooK nippy now and spread the word."国王公告"By royal decree,洛克斯利的罗宾是个逃犯Robin of LocKsley is declared an outlaw,被处以死刑"condemned to death."在舍伍德的橡树等罗宾Meet Robin in Sherwood at Gallows OaKs."任何向他提供援助的人都将被判绞刑""Any person aiding him will be hanged."在舍伍德的橡树等罗宾Meet Robin in Sherwood at Gallows OaKs.罗宾在舍伍德Robin in Sherwood.橡树At the Gallows OaK.罗宾在舍伍德Robin in Sherwood.罗宾在橡树那Robin. Gallows OaK.橡树Gallows OaK.我称呼你们为英国的自♥由♥民忠诚于我们的国王I've called you here as freeborn Englishmen, loyal to our King.在他的统治下我天下太平While he reigned over us we lived in peace.但自从约翰王子摄政以来...But since Prince John has seized the regency......吉斯本的盖伊和他的叛国者们...Guy of Gisbourne and his traitors到处乱杀和抢掠have murdered and pillaged.你们都在忍♥受他们的暴行You've all suffered from their cruelty.假装听不到鞭打声...The ear loppings, the beatings......看不到镣铐...the blindings with hot irons,看不到我们的家园被焚烧...the burning of our homes......虐待我们的妇女...the mistreatment of our women.是时候结束这一切了It's time we put an end to this!-罗宾是对的 -同意-Robin's right. -Aye!这儿森林是广阔的Now, this forest is wide.可以给我们掩护It can shelter,可以给我们衣裳clothe and feed a band of good,可以给我们食物...determined men......有勇敢的剑手...good swordsmen,勇敢的射手勇敢的斗士good archers, good fighters!如果你们想为我们的人♥民♥战斗Men, if you're willing to fight for our people,我希望你们能跟我在一起好吗I want you. Are you with me?好好Aye! Aye!让我们跪下发誓Then Kneel and swear this oath.你们这片森里的自♥由♥者That you, the freemen of this forest,发誓要劫富济贫swear to despoil the rich only to give to the poor. 无论是贫穷或富裕To shelter the old and helpless,无论是诺曼第人还是撒克逊人to protect all women,都要掩护我们无依无靠的老人和妇女rich or poor, Norman or Saxon.发誓为自♥由♥的英格兰而战斗Swear to fight for a free England.保卫她的庄严To protect her loyally until直至我们的国王the return of our King and sovereign,统治者狮心理查德归来Richard the Lion-Heart.发誓以死来同我们的敌人进行斗争And swear to fight to the death against our oppressors! 我们发誓我们庄严地发誓We do! We do solemnly swear!把他吊起来String him up again!爵爷如果再打他会死的He'll die if we lash him again, my lord.是吗他会死吗Oh, he'll die, will he?一个撒克逊的无♥耻♥之徒Another one of their Saxon impudences.他们会欺骗我们They'll do anything to tricK us.继续Continue!发发慈悲吧大人发发慈悲Mercy, good master! Have mercy!让他跳Start him dancing!这就是不服从约翰王子的教训This will teach you to defy Prince John!父亲父亲Father! Father!站住Stop!5个人死了被谋杀Five men dead. Murdered.艾尔爵士奈杰尔爵士Sir lvor, Nigel,鲍尔温爵士诺伯特爵士Baldwin, Norbert.不用讲他们的名字You don't have to name them.我们的人不用这样如坐针毡...Our men can't lay a hot iron......在偷税人的眼中...in the eyes of a tax dodger是看到那只射穿喉咙的箭的without getting an arrow in the throat.这是暴行It's an outrage!-他应该被制止 -你要去制止他吗-He's got to be stopped! -Have you tried to stop him?是的但我找不到他Yes, but I couldn't find him.有什么机会可以找到呢What chance has anyone of finding him?每个村民每个伐木者都是他的朋友Every villager and woodcutter's his friend.每个逃跑的奴隶郡里的每个贼都与他一伙Every runaway serf and Saxon thief in the shire is joining him. 我已经派了密探到森林里寻找他的藏身之处...I've sent spies in the forest to find out his hiding place... -...但他发现了一会就消失了-...but he striKes, and gone liKe a flash.当你舒服地呆在家里的时候While you stay safely at home.你质疑我的勇猛Do you question my valor?我没有亲自指挥部队...Am I not personally commanding the force......而与盖伊爵士和玛利亚小姐一起去...that goes with Sir Guy and Lady Marian肯沃斯城♥堡♥...to Kenworth Castle......用我的剑和我的生命来...to guard the tax money he is bringing bacK,守卫他拿回来税款with my sword and my life?我希望这个杀手从他的藏身之处出来I only hope this murderer does come out of his hiding place. 你希望You hope!吵够了当我回来后Enough of this wrangling!我会立刻捉拿这个逃犯I'll lay this outlaw by the heels when I get bacK.你瞧短袍的修道士很胖Well, well. A curtal friar, and a mighty fat one at that.他是我们需要的人我要召募他He's the man we need. I'll enlist him.小心罗宾Be careful, Robin.他是喷泉修道的修道士他是...That's the friar of Fountain's Abbey. He's noted...对了他在他的虔诚而闻名Yeah, that's right. Noted for his piety.他有谦虚的灵魂性情象小羊羔一样温顺A humble soul, he is, with a heart as gentle as a lamb.-主人小心 -哦我不会伤害他-Be easy with him, master. -Oh, I won't harm him.你站在那会吓着他的别烦You stay here lest you frighten him. Don't interfere.但那个修道士是最危险的剑手之一...But that friar's one of the most dangerous swordsmen... 上帝保佑奇迹Bless my soul, a miracle!强盗小偷把羊肉还给我Robber! Thief! Give me bacK my mutton joint!如果你是个强盗If you're a robber你从我这儿得不到任何东西you'll get nothing from me.我是短袍修道士要用贫穷来修♥炼♥I'm a curtal friar and vowed to poverty.如果这个贫穷我很乐意与你分享If this is poverty, I'll gladly share it with you.这正是我要做的把羊肉还给我That's what you are doing. Give me bacK my mutton joint! 别那么近胖子Not so close, my ponderous one.-我有话对你说 -是吗-I'd have a word with you. -Well?我与一些给你精神指南的好家伙I live in the forest with good fellows who've everything 住在这片森林in life save spiritual guidance.没什么好处除了一项And no merit but one.-什么 -我们是逃犯-And what's that? -We're outlaws.自从我们在这片绿林获得新生Since we're newborn to the greenwood,我们需要有人给我们洗礼we need someone to do our christenings.-所以我们选择了你 -不要选我-So we've chosen you. -Not l.他们都会沿着你指引的方向走They've probably all got your taKing ways.当然但你热爱他们所有人Of course. But you'll love them, one and all.好了修道士不要再浪费时间了Now, friar, let's waste no more time.我们要抄捷径过这条小溪We'll taKe the shortcut across the stream.-来吧 -我不去我愿意呆在这儿-Come. -I'll not. I'm happy here.你要一起走You will come.看我不想让我的双脚弄湿Now then, since I don't care to get my feet wet,你要背我过去you'll carry me across on your bacK.-我背你 -弯下你必须学会服从-On my bacK? -Bend! You must learn obedience.快弯下Come on, bend.快上On, now!好了快快快点Come on! On! On! Faster! I'll have a gallop from you yet. 来吧胖子为什么不认输Come now, fat one. Why don't you give up?你瞧我是一个好剑手You can see I'm a better swordsman.在我让你不能呼吸后After I let a little air into your bellows你就不会这样说了you'll whistle a different tune.哦圣母你是我遇到的最好的剑手By Our Lady, you're the fairest swordsman I ever met. 那么我们还要继续吗Must we go on, then?修道士我们扯平了I thinK we're even now, friar.扯平了不你还欠我半只羊腿Even? Nay. You're still ahead of me by half a leg of mutton. 所以So......不修道士就到这儿够了No. Hold there, friar. Enough.跟我来我会给你最美味的鹿肉馅饼Come with me and I'll promise you the finest venison pasty, 你从没吃过这么大的馅饼and the biggest you ever ate.牛肉猪头肉还有一桶一桶的啤酒Beef, boar's head, casKs of ale.如果早说If you'd said that before,我们俩僦不会都湿了会跟你走you'd have saved us both a wetting. Come along.-你加入我们了 -是的-You'll join us? -Aye.仅仅因为你会偷东西If only to convert you from your thieving ways.你是罗宾汉对吗You're Robin Hood, aren't you?忠实的追随者The holy henchman!有疑惑的修道士Hail, doubting friar!-罗宾 -唉-Robin. -Aye?他应该叫塔克修道士He's well named Friar TucK.舍伍德森林里一半的鹿It would taKe half the deer将会被填在这个洞里in Sherwood Forest to fill that cavern.两倍填在你空空的脑袋里And twice that to fill your empty head.-威尔 -威尔有什么消息-Whoa, Will! -What news, Will?。
金银岛中英对照Treasure Island金银岛简介年轻的吉姆·霍金斯躺在床上,梦见宝藏和海上历险。
1 The old seaman SquireSquire Trelawney, Dr Livesey, and the others have asked me to write down all I know about Treasure Island .My name is Jim Hawkins, and I was in the story right from the start, back in 17-.I was only a boy then, and it all began at the time my father owned the Admiral Benbow inn, at Black Hill Cove .I remember so clearly the day when the old seaman came to stay-I can almost see him in front of me as I write.He arrived with his sea-chest, a tall, strong man with a cut across one cheek. He sang that old sea sang as he walked up to the inn door:Fifeen men on the dead man's chest-Yo-ho-ho,and a bottle of rum!The old seaman called for a glass of rum,and stood outside,drinking and looking around. Our inn was on me cliffs above Black Hill Cove, and was a wild ,lonely place. But第 1 页共 70 页the seaman seemed to like it.‘Do many people come here?’ he asked.‘No,’my father told him.‘Then it's the place for me,’said the seaman.‘I'll stay here for a bit. You can call me Captain.’He threw down three or f our gold coins.‘Tell me when I've spent all that.’He was a silent man. All day he walked around the cove, or up on the cliffs ;all evening he sat in a corner of the room, and drank rum and water .He only spoke to our other customers when he was drunk. Then he told them terrible stories of his wild and criminal life at sea. Our customers were mostly quiet ,farming people; the captain frightened them and they soon learned to leave him alone.Every day, he asked if any seamen had gone along the road. At first we thought he wanted friends of his own kind, but then we began to understand that there was a different reason .He told me to watch for a seaman with one leg and to let him know the moment when a man like that appeared. He promised to give me a silver coin every month for doing this .I dreamed about this one-legged seaman for many nights afterwards.The captain stayed week after week, month after month. His gold coins were soon used up, but my father was a sick man and afraid to ask for more.Dr Livesey came late one afternoon. After he had seen myfather ,he had dinner with my mother, then stayed to smoke his pipe .I noticed the difference between the doctor with his white hair and pleasant way of speaking, and that dirty, heavy, red-faced seaman, drunk with rum.The captain began to sing his song:Fifteen men on the dead man's chest-Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!Drink and the devil had killed off the rest-Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of, rum!Dr Livesey did not like the song.He looked up angrily before he went on talking to old Taylor, the gardener. Others in the room took no notice of the song. The captain beat the table with his hand for silence. The voices in the room died away, all except Dr Livesey's.The doctor continued to speak.The captain swore softly, then said,‘ Silence!’‘Are you speaking to me ,sir?’asked the doctor.第 2 页共 70 页‘Yes,’the captain told him, swearing again.‘I have only one thing to say to you, sir,’ replied the doctor.‘If you keep on drinking rum ,the world will soon be free of a d irty scoundrel!’The captain jumped to his feet with a knife in his hand ,but the doctor never moved .He spoke to the captain in a calm and clear voice so that others in the room could hear:‘If you don't put that knife away, I promise you shall die a crim inal's death under the law.’Then followed a battle of looks between them, but the cap-tain soon put away his weapon and sat down like a beaten dog. Soon after Dr Livesey rode away on his horse. The captain was silent for the rest of the evening, and for many evenings after-wards.1 老海员乡绅屈利劳尼、李甫西大夫和其他几位绅士让我把金银岛的故事从头至尾写下来。
Adventurous Words and Phrases from "The Adventures of Tintin"Title: "Exploring the Lexicon of Tintin's Epic Journeys"Good Words and Phrases:"Be patient, Snowy, not much longer." - This phrase体现了丁丁对他的小狗白雪的关爱和耐心,同时也传达了冒险中需要保持冷静和坚韧的信息。
"That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate." - This sentence demonstrates Tintin's curiosity and keen observation skills, which are essential for any great adventurer."This pile of scrap-metal... some scraps of paper." - This description hints at the dire situation Tintin and his friends might find themselves in, yet with a touch of humor that belies the gravity of the moment."Tintin on our trail... keep our eyes open." - These phrases create a sense of urgency and excitement, indicating that the characters are being pursued and must stay alert to survive. "I believe I have captured something of your likeness." - This statement showcases the artist's skill in capturing the essence of a person, which is crucial in any adventure story where characters need to be instantly recognizable and memorable.Sentences:"From the moment he sets foot on the ship, Tintin knows he's in for an adventure." - This sentence introduces the protagonist's fateful decision to embark on a journey full of excitement and danger."With each turn of the page, the adventure unfolds, taking readers to exotic locations and introducing them to a cast of colorful characters." - This sentence encapsulates the essence of the comic strip, highlighting its ability to transport readers to different worlds and introduce them to a diverse range of personalities.These words and phrases not only add depth and detail to the story but also provide insights into the characters' personalities and the themes explored in "The Adventures of Tintin".。
丁丁历险记英文台词丁丁历险记英文台词推荐1.Be patient, Snowy, not much longer.2.I believe I have captured something of your likeness.3.That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate.4.That's what I said, Charles II. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.5.You won't find another one of these, mate.6.I'm warning you, get rid of the boat and get out while you still can.7.Don't bother wrapping it, I'll take it as is. Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?8.They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.9.And we're going to the one place that could have the answer.10.We need to take a closer look at that model.11.This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.12.I took it home, I put it on a cabinet in the living room, and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over, and it.13.What is it about this model that would cause someone to steal it?14.He was doomed to fail, and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.15.That depends what you're looking for.16.Look, the game is up. He's gonna be back.17.Never fear, Tintin, the evidence is safe with us!18.Stop, in the name of the law!19.Two ships and two scrolls, both part of a puzzle.20.You need to think about exactly how useful you are to me.21.You know the stakes. You know what we're playing for. Just do it!22.They'll be swabbing the decks with your innards when we're done with you.23.Murdered in my bed by a baby-faced assassin!24.Nobody takes my ship!25.I have to keep moving. Try and find my way off this drunken tub.26.My heart was in my mouth, I don't mind telling you.27.Give me those oars! I'll show you some real seamanship, laddie.28.I'll not be doubted by some pipsqueak tuft of ginger and his irritating dog!29.Thank you so much. No need to come in. I'll be quite all right, really.30.No, we insist.31.Into the cold embrace of the big blue!32.Just as I thought. The ignition lead has been cut.33.I need you to climb out of the plane and pour it into the fuel tank.34.Did you ever see a more beautiful sight?35.Like a phantom, rising from the dead.36.It's the key to everything. You must try to remember.37.He's still suffering the effects of acute dehydration. He's quite delirious.38.That's just another name for a quitter.39.You send out the wrong signal. That is what people pick up.40.You care about something, you fight for it.41.You hit a wall, you push through it.42.That's all you've got left, isn't it?43.My grandfather must have walled it up before he lost the house.44.Never mind. There's plenty to go around.45.How's your thirst for adventure, Captain?丁丁历险记介绍:讲述的是一个充满好奇心的年轻记者丁丁和他忠心无比的狗狗白雪,在集市中无意看到独角兽号的模型。
欧美动画电影经典台词中英对照欧美动画电影经典台词:狮子王:1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。
2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。
3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。
4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。
5. It’s like you are back from the dead.好像你是死而复生似的。
6. You can’t change the past. 过去的.事是不可以改变的。
7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。
8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will? 这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。
10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. 我会补偿你的,我保证。
怪物史莱克:Shrek: Quick tell a lie!史莱克:快点撒一个谎!Pinocchio: What should I say?皮诺曹:我该说什么?Donkey: Say something crazy... like “I'm wearing ladies' underwear!”.驴子:说一些疯狂的事情...像"我正穿着女人的内裤"。
对话专职翻译:应先把原汁原味翻出来2012年06月14日17:54 精品购物指南微博评论撰文、编辑/ 王晓晶如果说《黑衣人3》用“地沟油”“瘦肉精”和绵延不绝的古诗词勾起了人们对字幕君反感的苗头,那么《马达加斯加3》中以“赵本山”“小沈阳”为代表的欧美“星光大道”派则让人惊觉翻译界的大boss终于出手了!当这些中国笑星的名字从欧美动物嘴里蹦出时,影迷们只求“换翻译”。
片名:北极特快多年以前的某个圣诞夜On Christmas Eve, many years ago...我静静的躺在床上...I lay quietly in my bed.我没有翻来覆去I did not rustle the sheets.也没有心浮气燥I breathed slowly and silently.我仔细听着害怕再也听不到...I was listening for a sound I was afraid I'd never hear.圣诞老人雪橇上的铃声The ringing bells of Santa 's sleigh.好了好了你喝完了水是吗All right. All right, Sarah, you had your water. 该上楼睡觉啦Now let's get you upstairs and into bed. 但...但...我得...But...But...But, I hace to...他说圣诞老人得飞的比光速还快...He said Santa would have to fly faster than light...才能在一个晚上到每户人家去他的雪橇也得和一艘货船一样大...to get to every house in one night. And to hold everyone's presents...才能装的下每个人的礼物...his sled would be bigger than an ocean liner.你哥哥是这么说的? 他是说笑他知道圣诞老人是怎样的Your brother said that? He was just kidding you. He knows there's a Santa.他说他不确定是不是真的有圣诞老人He said he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure if Santa was for real.当然有啦就像圣诞节也是真的呀Of course Santa is real. He's as real as Christmas itself. 但是如果不好好睡觉圣诞老人就不会来But he won't come until you're sound asleep, young lady.祝好梦Sweet dreams.圣诞老人很快就会来Santa will be here before you know it.快睡吧So go to sleep.史塔克拜伦Stark, barren.无生命迹象Decoid of life.大概已经睡着了He's gotta be asleep by now.他以前总是不睡要等圣诞老人He used to stay awake all night waiting for Santa.以前的日子都过去了Think those days are just about over.如果真是这样那也真伤心That would be sad if that were true.对呀童真不再Yeah, an end of the magic.圣诞快乐甜心Merry Christmas, sweetheart.他睡的真熟See, he's out like a light.就算火车来也吵不醒An express train wouldn't wake him up now. 童真不再"End of the magic"?上车咯All aboard!上车咯All aboard!你...要上车吗Well, You coming?去哪儿Where?当然是去北极啦Why, to the North Pole, of course.这是极地特快This is the Polar Express.北极The North Pole?我明白了I see.请替我拿一下Hold this, please.谢谢Thank you.这是你吗Is this you?- 是的- 这上说...-Yeah. -Well, it says here...今年没去商场和圣诞老人拍照也没写信给他...no photo with a department-store Santa this year, no letter to Santa.还叫你妹妹也不要写...And you made your sister put out the milk and cookies.看来今年是你的关键年Sounds to me like this is your crucial year.如果我是你就会立刻上车If I were you, I would think about climbing onboard.快快快我赶时间...哇Come on, come on. I've got a schedule to keep.随你吧Suit yourself. 在极地特快上事情就是这样子的'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express呜~呜~汽笛响是她唱歌的声音Whoo, whoo, the whistle blows That's the sound of her singing叮~叮~铃声响天哪看着她走Ding, ding, the bell will ring Golly, loo at her go你觉得如果我们很快到达谁来猜一猜... You wonder if we'll get there soon Anybody's guess在极地特快上事情就是这样子的'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express当我们到那里就会尖叫"耶"When we get there We'll scream, "Yay!"我们到达那里附和着邦~邦~邦We'll arrive with A bang, bang, bang还有噗~噗~噗路上一直说笑着Boom, boom, boom Laughing all the way有个舒服的位子和很多吃的天哪这真是最好的With a comfy seat and lots to eat Boy, it's just the best希望永远不要结束Wish it would 't ever have to end加上一点运气我们会准时到的没有必要有压力With a little luck, we'll be on time There's no need to stress在极地特快上事情就是这样子的'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express嗨嗨叫你呢这是哪一种火车你知道吗Hey. Hey, you. Yeah, you. Do you know what kind of train this is?火车这是哪一种火车你知道吗Train. Do you know what kind of train this is?Do you?当然Of course.这是魔法火车It's a magic train.- 我们要去北极- 我当然知道是魔法火车-We're going to the North Pole. -I know it's a magic train.这是鲍温284S3系列蒸气动力火车It's a Baldwin 2-8-4 S3-class steam locomotive...鲍温公司1931年制造重456 100磅... ...built in 1 921 at the Baldwin Locomotice Works. It weighs 456,1 00 pounds and....我们真的要去北极Are we really going to the North Pole?- 嗨快看呀! - 是不是很漂亮-Hey, look! -lsn't that wonderful?贺伯山莫斯贺伯山莫斯Herpolsheimer's! Herpolsheimer's!哇好多礼物! 我全部都要Wow, look at all those presents. I want all of them.有圣诞夜的气氛好温馨也很漂亮It's so Christmassy and cozy and beautiful!车票Tickets.请拿出车票Tickets, please.车票Tickets.请拿出车票Ticket, please.摸摸你的口袋Try your pocket.另一个口袋Try your other pocket. 谢谢你Thank you, sir.喂小心点儿Hey, watch out, there.谢谢你Thank you, sir.呃呃...那是公共地址播音机不是玩具That is a public-address microphone. It is not a toy.那家伙真爱炫耀Boy, that guy sure likes to show off.看他在我车票上打了什么了Look what that wise guy punched on my ticket.LE 是啥意思? 下一站艾布克街11344号"L-E." What the heck does that mean? -Next stop, 1 1 244 Edbrooke.我们正驶往铁路的另一端We're heading for the other side of the tracks. 你...要来吗Well? You coming?只是停下来载人It's just another pickup.奇怪! 我以为你是最后一位乘客That's weird. I thought you were supposed to be the last one.当然是去北极啦Why, to the North Pole, of course.这是极地特快This is the Polar Express.随你吧Suit yourself.喂喂那孩子想上车Hey, that kid wants to get on the train.快跑Come on!快Hurry up!我们必须让车停下来We hace to stop the train.- 不知道怎么办- 去拉紧急刹车-I don't know how. -Pull the emergency brake!是谁拉了紧急刹车Who in the blazes applied that emergency brake?!是他He did.你You.如果你到现在还不知道那是紧急时刻专用的刹车In case you didn't know, that cord is for emergency purposes only.你没有注意今晚是圣诞夜吧And in case you weren't aware, tonight is Christmas Eve.还有你难道没注意我们正在赶时间And in case you hadn't noticed, this train is on a very tight schedule.小伙子圣诞节对你来说或许不重要... Now, young man, Christmas may not be important to some people...但是对我们来说很重要...but it is very important to the rest of us!但是...但是...But...But...他只是想停住车好让那个男孩儿上车He was just trying to stop the train so that kid could get on.我明白了小伙子是这样吗I see. Young man, is that what happened?好吧Well....让我提醒你现在时间很紧Let me remind you we are on a very tight schedule.以前从没迟到过...And I've never been late before...今晚也绝对不能...and I am certainly not going to be late tonight.现在大家回位子上坐好Now, ecerybody, take your seats, please!谢谢Thank you.大家注意...Your attention, please.车上的人有谁需要用点心Are there any Polar Express passengers in need of refreshment?- 我! 我! 我! - 我想也是的-Me! Me! Me! -I thought so.# 呜我们有#-Hot, hot -Oh, we got it# 嘿我们有#-Hot, hot -Hey, we got it# 说我们有#-Hot, hot -Say, we got it# 热巧克力热腾腾#Hot chocolate Hot, hot# 噢我们有#-Oh, we got it -Hot, hot# 所以我们有#-So we got it -Hot, hot# 哟我们有#Yo, we got it- # 热的巧克力# - # 只有一个原则#-Hot chocolate -Here we 've only got one rule # 决不让食物凉了#Never, ever let it cool# 一直在锅里热着#Keep it cooking in the pot# 就有了热巧克力#-Then you got -Hot chocolate# 噢我们有#-Hot, hot -Oh, we got it# 嘿我们有#-Hot, hot -Hey, we got it# 说我们有#-Hot, hot -Say, we got it# 热腾腾的巧克力#Hot chocolate Hot, hot# 呦我们有#-Oh, we got it -Hot, hot# 所以我们有#-So we got it -Hot, hot# 哟我们有#Yo, we got it- # 热的巧克力# - # 只有一个原则# -Hot chocolate -Here we only got one rule # 只有一个原则#Here we only got one rule# 决不让食物凉了#Never, ever let it cool# 决不让食物凉了#Never, ever let it cool# 一直在锅里热着#Keep it cooking in the pot# 马上就上了#Soon you got hot chocolate# 嘿我们有#-Hot, hot -Hey, we got it# 我们有#-Hot, hot -Oh, we got it# 耶我们有#-Hot, hot - Yeah, we got it # 呜我们有#-Hot, hot -Oh, we got it# 耶我们有#-Hot, hot - Yeah, we got it# 我们有热巧克力#-Oh, we got it -Hot, hot# 我们有热巧克力#Yeah, we got it知道吗...古阿兹塔克人的国王...You know, Montezuma, the king of the Aztecs...一天要喝50大杯热巧克力...would drink 50 quarts of hot chocolate every day.颜色像红泥浆因为他们不放糖而是放红辣椒粉...It was thick as mud and red. He put chili pepper in instead of sugar.-"辣"巧克力...懂吧? - 你怎么知道的?这不可能-Get it? Hot chocolate? -How do you know? That's not true.- 你要拿去哪儿? - 是给他的-Where you going with that? -It's for him.- 我想我们不该离开座位- 对呀这违反铁路交通规则...- I don't think we're to leave our seats. - It's a violation of safety regulations...儿童必须有大人陪伴才能跨越车厢...for a kid to cross moving cars without a grown-up.我想不会有事儿的I think I'll be okay.你确定Are you sure?后车厢的那个小伙子...喝过了吗What about this lad in the back? Did he get any refreshment?想办法拿去给他吧Well, let's take some to him, by all means.小心走注意小心走Watch your step, now. Watch your step.她忘了车票She forgot her ticket.车票还没打过洞It hasn't been punched.喂...你想干嘛? 会给大家带来麻烦的What are you doing? You're gonna get us in trouble!请原谅小姐Young lady, forgice me.我想我忘了把你的车票打洞I believe I have neglected to punch your ticket.请May l?我刚把车票留在座位上I left my ticket right here on the seat.- 但是不见了- 你是说...-But it's gone. -You mean...你把车票弄丢了...you have lost your ticket.不是她弄丢了She didn't lose her ticket.是我I did.我只是想拿去还你I was trying to return it to you.但是风把它从我手中吹走了But the wind blew it out of my hand.我的车票给你You can hace my ticket.车票是不能过给别人These tickets are not transferable. 小姐Young lady...你得跟我来...you will just have to come along with me.你们知道会发生什么事吧? 他会把她丢出火车You know what's gonna happen now? He's gonna throw her off the train.他大概会在车尾把她扔出去He's gonna probably throw her off the rear platform.这是规矩这样就不会被轮子压到Standard procedure. That way, she won't get sucked under the wheels.他们或许会把车子放慢但绝对不会停车They may slow the train down, but they're never gonna stop it.停车Stop it?有啦!我必须再把车停下来That's it! I hace to stop the train again.不等等不要再做了No, please, don't do that again.他们去哪儿了Where'd they go?他们怎么啦What happened to them?拜托...她有麻烦你一定要帮我Please, she's in big trouble. You hace to help me.喂Hey!喂Hey!我找到你的车票了等一下I found your ticket! Wait!喂Hey!等等Wait!我有你的车票I hace your ticket!有啥需要我效劳的吗Is there something I can do for you?我在找一个女孩儿I'm looking for a girl.一个...哈哈...A gi...?大家都要找女孩儿...哈哈Ain't we all?我有她的车票I hace her ticket.瞧瞧瞧瞧这是什么Well, lookie. Lookie here. What is this?这是官方正式真正的乘车用车票This is an official, authentic, genuine ticket to ride.你得好好保管它小伙子You better keep this in a safe place, young man.如果我是你...If I was you....就把贵重物品藏在这里I keep all my caluables right here.藏在13号旧鞋底Right here in the old size 13.经验告诉我这儿最安全Experience shows this is the safest place.其实我不在乎什么车票Not that I hace much use for those.车票Tickets.我都免费的车I ride for free. 对了...我随时想搭这班车就搭Oh, yeah, yeah. I hop aboard this rattler any time I feels like it.这车是我的I own this train. Oh, yeah.就好像我是这车的主儿极地特快的主人It's like I'm the king of this train. Yeah. The king of the Pol Ex.事实上我是整个北极的王In fact, I am the king of the North Pole!我怎么忘了礼貌请坐请坐Oh, where's my manners? Sit, sit. Sit.请坐别客气Take a load off.来点儿咖啡吧?Hey, would you like some Joe?这么冷的天来点儿热呼呼的提提神Nice hot refreshment. Perfect for a cold winter's night.祝福你There. Bless you.圣诞老人是怎么回事What about Santa?- 圣诞老人? - 他不是北极的王吗-Santa? -lsn't he the king of the North Pole?你是说...这家伙You mean this guy?那你说他是怎么回事我是成人直说无妨What exactly is your persuasion on the big man?既然你提到了Since you brought him up.我...Well, l....我愿意相信是真的I want to beliece.- 但是... - 但是你不想被骗- But... - But you don't wanna be bamboozled. 你不想被人耍着玩You don't wanna be led down the primrose path.你不想被欺被瞒被蒙着眼睛You don't wanna be conned or duped, hace the wool pulled ocer your eyes.你不想被逼上火车Hoodwinked. You don't wanna be taken for a ride, railroaded.眼见为实Seeing is believing.我说的对吗Am I right?那这火车又是怎么回事But what about this train?你想问啥What about it?我们真的要去北极We're all really going to the North Pole...不是吗...aren't we?不是吗Aren't we?你是说...这...只是个梦Are you saying that this is all just a dream?是你说的...孩子...不是我说的You said it, kid. Not me.那...咱们去找那女孩儿吧So let's go find that girl.还有...One other thing.你相信有鬼吗Do you believe in ghosts?真有趣Interesting. 等等Wait.等等Wait!等等Wait!我得醒过来I hace to wake up.我得醒过来Yeah. I hace to wake up.醒醒...醒醒...Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.醒醒...醒醒...Wake up!孩子Kid!孩子离开那里Kid, get your head out of the clouds!醒醒孩子Wake up, kid!车顶上可不能梦游There's no sleepwalking on the Polar Express. 我们得跳车厢We gotta jump them knuckles.快...孩子坐上我的肩Come on, kid. Flip my shoulders.抓住我Grab my lily.你的衣服到前面去了That skirt you're chasing must have moved ahead.- 我们得到猪头那儿去快- "猪头"-We gotta hightail it to the hog, pronto. -To the hog?引擎...就是引擎你是个新手The engine. The engine, you tenderfoot.我们得在车开到平顶山洞前到达车头的引擎室We gotta make the engine before we hit Flat Top Tunnel.怎么做How come?这么多问题So many questions.平顶山洞的顶和车顶...There is but one inch of clearance between the roof of this rattler...只有一英寸宽...and the roof of Flat Top Tunnel.明白吗Savvy?车要上坡了孩子It's just the run up to the hump, kid.好玩的来了This will be interesting.快上来快呀Get back on, kid. Hurry!抓住我的滑雪棍Grab my muck stick.只有一个窍门There's only one trick to this, kid.我说"跳"When I say "jump"...你就跳...you jump!我还以为你被扔下火车了You. I thought you got thrown off, and...- 你在这儿开火车! - 机师让我开-You're driving the train? -They put me in charge.- 他们要去检查车灯了- 灯泡在这儿小心-The engineer had to check the light. -Here's the light. Careful. 现在好了All right, now.我拿到了I got it.- 你怎么会开? - 很简单来我告诉你-How do you know how? -It's easy. Come here, I'll show you.那个大扳手是加速器This big lecer here, that's the throttle.这个小的是刹车This little one here, that's the brake.那些是压力表And those are the pressure gauges.那跟绳子是鸣笛And that rope is the whistle.鸣笛The whistle.想试试吗You wanna try it?我一直梦想要拉一下I'ce wanted to do that my whole life.别动...别动Hold still! Hold still! Don't moce!快看Look!快停车! 快停车Stop the train! Stop the train!快停车Stop the train!什么What?他们要我们停车They want us to stop the train.- 哪个是刹车? - 他说是这个-Which one is the brake? -He told me this was.- 谁说? - 机师-Who? -The engineer.- 机师?这个看起来像是刹车- 不是不是他说这是刹车-The engineer? This one looks like a brake. -No, he said this was the brake.你确定Are you sure?你确定Are you sure?拉刹车Pull the brake!停车Stop the train!哈罗鹿兄Caribou?极地特快到不了北极圣诞节也泡汤了There can be no Christmas without the Polar Express arriving on time.难道只有我懂Am I the only one who understands that?我早该猜到You. I should hace known.你是不是一心想让车子到不了北极Are you bound and determined that this train never reaches the North Pole?看But look.驯鹿过街Caribou crossing?!我猜最少十万或许百万I make that herd to be at least 1 00,000, maybe even a million.要它们全部让路得要几个小时It's gonna be hours before they clear this track.- 麻烦的事情- 我们这下麻烦大了-A tough nut to crack. -We are in some serious jelly.- 非常拥挤- 紧要关头-And a jam. -Tight spot.- 小溪上去- 树上去-Up a creek. -Up a tree.- 在草地里迷失- 我告诉你什么草地我们...-Lost in the grass. -I'll tell you what's grass: our a...问题解决了慢...速...前进Problem solced. All ahead, slow.我们驶的很快耶We're going pretty fast.去告诉机师们放慢速度Tell the engineer to slow down.慢一点Slow it down.小心速度太快Watch the speed!跳开了快把它抓住Jumping jeepers, the cotter pin sheared off. - 什么东西? - 栓子-What? -The pin.- 哪里? - 那里-Where? -There.- 不妙! - 不妙-Oh, no. -Oh, no.- 他们听不到我- 听不到-They can't hear me. -They can't?不喜欢这个景象在安全栏下面I don't like the look of this. Under the safety bar.不会有事儿吧? 我们该怎么办Is everything all right? What should we do? 照...目前的状况来看我们无法连络机师... Considering we've lost communication withthe engineer...我们在车头前完全暴露在外...we are standing totally exposed on the front of the locomotive...车一直在加速无法控制...the train appears to be accelerating uncontrollably...我们快速冲向前方的冰峡谷...and we are rapidly approaching Glacier Gulch...这是世上最陡峭的峡谷...which happens to be the steepest downhill grade in the world...我建议我们都得......I suggest we all hold on...抓~紧~栏~...tightly.- 栓子- 栓子-The pin. -The pin.糟糕...车轨已经被冰覆盖Jiminy Christmas, the ice has frozen over the tracks.不...不...抓紧...抓紧Hold on. Hold on. No, no.快!小心脚下...快...Come on. Watch your step.抓紧...快上来...快Come on, sweetie. Up you go. Up you go.脚放在这里这里Put your feet on here. On here.有点刺激是吗Little adcenture, huh?小伙子...反应满快的Young man, quick thinking on your part.到左边去Step to your left, please. To your left. 呵...这才像话Well, that is more like it.你们搞啥What in the name of Mike?看Look.快带我们火速离开Get us the blazes out of here!让车滑开Turn this sled around.看那里Look there.车轨Tracks.正前方Dead ahead.右Right.左Left.右Right.打直Hang a Louie.拉掣阀Toss a Ritchie.拉手Port astern.放慢To the starboard.- 我的拖鞋- 你的车票要掉了-My slipper. -You're gonna lose your ticket. 不是我的是你的It's not my ticket, it's yours.- 我的? - 对-It's my ticket? -Yes.右...跟着我...左...Right. Keep up with me. Left.右...左...Right. Left.右...Right.左...Left.右...Right.左...右Left. Right.- 噢糟糕! - 噢糟糕-Oh, no! -Oh, no!抓紧了Brace yourselces!呵...这才像话Well, that's more like it.谢谢你Thank you.谢谢你真不敢相信你帮我找到车票Thank you. I can't believe you found my ticket.谁说...找到...车票了Did someone say they found a ticket?这么说...车票拿来吧Well, in that case.... Tickets, please.谢谢Thank you.-"L-E"? - 和那个万事通的一样-"L-E"? -Just like that know-it-all kid.走路小心Watch your step. Tricky walking up here.提醒你上坡时路很滑It's mighty slick. Mighty slick, I tell you.我刚说啥来着There you go. What did I tell you?很久以前我首次圣诞夜之旅我在车顶巡视...Years ago, on my first Christmas Ece run, I was up on the roof making my rounds...也踩到冰滑了一下...when I slipped on the ice myself.我伸手去抓栏杆但栏杆断了就滑倒了I reached out for a hand iron, but it broke off. I slid and fell.但是没有掉下车去And yet, I did not fall off this train.某人救了你Someone saved you?也可能是某"物"Or something.天使An angel.或许Maybe.等等...Wait. Wait.他长的什么样子? 你看到他了吗What did he look like? Did you see him?没有有时...眼见为实No, sir. But sometimes seeing is believing.有时...最真实的我们却看不见And sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see.这些被遗弃的The forsaken and the abandoned.小心走这些可怜的玩具受了不少罪... Mind your step, now. These poor toys hace suffered enough...被世人到处抛弃自生自灭...being left to rust and decay in the back alleys and cacant lots of the world.它们怎么会在这儿What are they doing here?这是领导的新点子It's a new concept the boss came up with.与其丢弃它们不如收集起来修补一下Instead of being thrown away, they're collected. Refurbished.他说这是循环反覆再生什么的He calls it "rebicycling." Something like that. 真令人伤心Makes me wanna cry...看到它们这样被虐待...seeing toys that were treated this way.这些吊绳都打结的木偶问题才大These hopelessly entangled string puppets and marionettes...我们在北极处理这些玩具的人员......pose a particular problem. We found the nimble fingers of our work force...为了打开绳结可费尽脑筋了......here at the North Pole are best for working out those knots and tangles.谢谢你这里双保险Thank you. Double-locked here.朋友你就像我一样...You are just like me, my friend.一个捣蛋鬼A scrooge!埃比尼泽捣蛋鬼Ebenezer Scrooge.捣蛋鬼从来不信什么...North Pole, Santa Claus, this train...圣诞节北极圣诞老人...等等全是难以置信骗人的玩意儿...it's all a bunch of humbug. A bout of indigestion.喔我知道你是啥...Oh, yeah. I know what you are. 你是个"怀疑论"者You're a doubter.你怀疑你不相信...A doubter. You don't believe!你是怀疑论者! 你不相信You're a doubter! You don't beliece!你错过好戏啦我们爬过陡坡You missed it. We rode down some really sharp hills.然后经过似乎结冰的湖面We were on what looked like a frozen lake.但是我说是视觉假像But I know it was just an optical illusion.他说车子是走在冰上我说这不可能...He said the train was on ice. I said it's impossible...因为车轨不可能... 你去哪里You can't put a train track... Where you going now?# 我对星星许愿#I'm wishing on a star# 试着去相信#And trying to believe# 虽然很遥远#That even though it's far# 但确有圣诞夜#He'll find me Christmas Eve# 我猜圣诞老人很忙#I guess that Santa 's busy# 因为他从未来过#'Cause he's never come around# 圣诞节来临时我就会想到他#I think of him When Christmas comes to town # 那是一年中最好的时光#The best time of the year# 所有的人都回家了#When everyone comes home# 在圣诞节的气氛下#With all this Christmas cheer# 是不该独自渡过的#It's hard to be alone# 朋友们都聚在一起竖起了圣诞树# Putting up the Christmas tree With friends who come around# 圣诞节来时真是有趣#It's so much fun When Christmas comes to town# 孩子们的礼物包五颜六色#Presents for the children Wrapped in red and green# 这些我都听过却没见过#All the things I've heard about But never really seen# 圣诞夜没人会睡觉#No one will be sleeping# 圣诞夜的晚上#On the night of Christmas Eve# 翘首盼望圣诞老人降临#Hoping Santa 's on his way# 当他雪橇上的铃声响起#When Santa 's sleighbells ring# 我仔细听#I listen all around# 当天使唱起圣歌#The herald angels sing# 我却从来都听不见#I never hear a sound# 孩子们的其他梦想#And all the dreams of children# 曾逝去的会再寻回#Once lost will all be found# 当圣诞来时这就是我所有的祈望# That's all I want When Christmas comes to town# 当圣诞来时这就是我所有的祈望# That's all I want When Christmas comes to town看呀Look.北极光The northern lights.喂你们三个Hey. You three.我们刚经过...We just crossed it.北纬66度33分...北极圈Latitude 6622'. The Arctic Circle.你们看到远方的极光吗And do you see? Those lights in the distance.看起来像大货船航行在结冰的海上所发出奇异的光芒They look like the lights of a strange ocean liner sailing on a frozen sea.那...There...就是北极...is the North Pole.地上有魔毯从来没有休息过It's a magic carpet on a rail It never takes a rest飞过高山和白雪flying through The mountains and the snow 只要你愿意就可以免费加入享受快乐You can ride for free and join the fun If you just say yes在极地特快上事情就是这样子的'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express呜~呜~汽笛响是她唱歌的声音Whoo, whoo, the whistle blows That's the sound of her singing叮~叮~铃声响天哪看着她走Ding, ding, the bell will ring Golly, look at her go你觉得如果我们很快到达谁来猜一猜... You wonder if you'll get there soon Anybody's guess在极地特快上事情就是这样子的'Cause that's the way things happen On the Polar Express当我们到那里就会尖叫"耶"When we get there We'll scream, "Yay!"我们到达那里附和着邦~邦~邦We'll arrive with A bang, bang, bang还有噗~噗~噗路上一直说笑着Boom, boom, boom Laughing all the way到了! 比预定时间还早5分钟We made it. With fice minutes to spare.到了We made it.精灵呢? 他们在哪儿There should be elces. Where are the elces? 对呀精灵在哪儿Yeah, where are the elces?他们都聚集在市中心They are gathering in the center of the city.圣诞老人就在那儿给出圣诞节的第一个礼物That is where Santa will give the first gift of Christmas.谁会拿到圣诞节的第一个礼物Who gets the first gift of Christmas?他会在你们之中...选一个He will choose one of you.- 看! - 精灵-Look. -Elces!听好咯...听好咯...先生女士们All right. All right, ladies and gentlemen. 请大家排成两队Two columns, if you please.矮的排前面高的排后面Shorter in the front, taller in the rear.偶数生日在右边奇数生日在左边Even-numbered birthdays on the right, odd-numbered on the left.不可以推人不要到处闲逛No pushing. No pushing. But let's not dilly-dally.还有5分钟才到午夜It's fice minutes to midnight.怎么算的呀! 4分钟前也是剩5分钟! Hey, what gives? It was five minutes till midnight four minutes ago.没错! 排成两排...Exactly. Columns of two.- 一排...两排- 对不起-One, two. -Excuse me.- 有问题吗? - 他怎么办-Question. -What about him?没人会被强迫去见圣诞老人No one is required to see Santa.先生女士们你们不需要牵手Ladies and gentlemen, you do not hace to hold hands...- 快点! - 走的过程中...-Come on. -...but please remain in your columns...请不要离开队伍......while we are in transit.- 你必须跟我们走- 她说的对-Look, you have to come with us. -She's right.我从来信不圣诞节Christmas just doesn't work out for me. Never has.但是圣诞节是多么美好的时光But Christmas is such a wonderful, beautiful time.和朋友家人享受施与受的感恩It's a time for giving and being thankful, for friends and family.大家用饰品和灯来装饰圣诞树圣诞老人也会把礼物留在树下People hang decorations and lights. Santa leaces presents under our Christmas trees.只是我...Christmas just...从来信不圣诞节...doesn't work out for me.听着...我不管你信不信圣诞节Look, I don't know if Christmas is gonna work out for you or not...今晚是圣诞夜不要独自一人...but this is Christmas Eve. Don't stay here by yourself.对跟我们走Yes, come with us.我们一起去We'll go together.不好Oh, no.我们会平安无事We're gonna be okay.或许不会Maybe not!紧急刹车The emergency brake.紧急刹车The emergency brake.没有刹车...我找不到刹车There's no brake. I can't find the brake!休息会儿吧孩子Take a break, kid. 热巧克力咖啡怎么样How about a nice, good hot cup of Joe?快要撞上了We're gonna crash!我们在转圈圈We're spinning.嘘...你们听到了吗You hear that?铃声The bell.- 什么铃声? - 雪橇上的铃声-What bell? -The sleighbell.- 雪橇上的铃声? - 听到了吗-Sleighbell? -Don't you hear it?从隧道那边来的It's coming from that tunnel.我们该朝那边去That's the way we should go.快呀Come on.怎么啦What?- 怎么啦? - 快点-What? -Come on.快点Come on.我们迷路了We're lost.是的Yes.- 是...我听到了- 我也听到了-Yes. I hear it. -I hear it too.- 我什么也没听到- 是那边来的声音-I don't hear anything. -Okay, it's down this way.你确定Are you sure?非常确定Absolutely.为什么我什么也听不到Why can't I hear anything?下去...安静Get down and be quiet.嗯...嗯...Yeah.好的Okay.报告这里是礼物包装中心Well, that was the wrapping hall, chief.- 最后一个我也包好了- 怎么包的-Just finished the last one. -How's it wrapped?是用红色丝带和7号绿色花结It's wrapped in candy-striped red with a number-seven holly-green bow.7号花结!? 我们也成了有钱人A number-seven bow? When we're this close to liftoff?他们在下面想什么? 是不是发疯了What are they thinking down there? Are they meshuggener?- 路线是什么? - 去美国-What's the routing? -Going to the States.密西根州格兰拉比市Grand Rapids, Michigan.是我家的城市我从格兰拉比来的That's my town. I'm from Grand Rapids.我们有麻烦了还真是时候We got a troublemaker now. Just what we need.事情还不至於最坏他是不是20岁了? Things aren't bad enough. What's his 20?显然是新泽西州枫树市来的一个孩子... Apparently, some kid from Maplewood, New Jersey...把泡泡糖粘到妹妹头上...stuck some gum in his sister's hair.新泽西?是上次那个...New Jersey? Is that the same kid that put the tack...在老师身上贴了一个标签的同一个男孩...underneath his teacher's chair last year?不是长官这孩子叫斯帝芬No, sir. This kid's name is Stecen.我们现在怎么办首领? 通知圣诞老人So, what do we do, chief? Alert the big man? 圣诞夜不给他礼物We talking nothing for Christmas here?我不做I didn 't do it.我不做I didn 't do it.我不做I didn 't do it.听我说圣诞节... 马上就到了对吧Look, it's.... It's almost Christmas, huh?原谅他一次We'll cut the kid a break.但是把他列入名单明年复查两次But put him on the check-twice list for next year.好了孩子们All right, boys.现在关店今年到这儿为止走吧Let's shut it down. That's it for this year. Come on.- 首领我们要乘子弹梭车吗? - 当然要乘子弹梭车-Hey, boss, are we taking the pneumatic? -Of course we're taking the pneumatic.这是唯一能赶到广场的方法。
泰坦尼克号部分台词英汉对照Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】Hello, Jack. 哈啰杰克I changed my mind. 我改变主意了They said you might be up here... 听说你在这里Uhh~ Give me your hand. 手伸出来Now close your eyes. 闭上眼睛Go on. 快点Now step up. 站上来Now hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed. 抓紧栏杆眼睛闭好别偷看-Don't peek. -别偷看-I'm not. -不会Step up onto the rail. 踩在栏杆上Hold on. Hold on. 抓紧Keep your eyes closed. 眼睛闭好-Do you trust me? -你信任我吗?-I trust you. -我信任你All right, open your eyes. 好张开眼睛I'm flying. Jack. 我在飞杰克Come, Josephine, in my flying machine 约瑟芬上到我的飞行器Going up she goes Up she goes 我们一起飞上云宵It's getting quiet. 静下来了It's just going to take a couple of minutes to getthe boats organized. 他们需要一点时间才能把船安排好I don't know about you... 不知道你是怎么想的but I intend to write a strongly-worded letter... 但我准备写封抗议信to the White Star Line about all this. 给白星轮船公司I love you, Jack. 我爱你杰克Don't you do that. 不要这样Don't you say your goodbyes. 别说再见时候还没到Not yet. Do you understand me? 听到没有?I'm so cold. 我好冷Listen, Rose... 听我说萝丝you're gonna get out of here. 你可以脱险You're gonna go on... 你会活下去and you're gonna make lots of babies. 生一堆小孩And you're gonna watch them grow. 然后看着他们长大You're gonna die an old lady, warm in her bed. 你会长命百岁寿终正寝Not here. 不会死在这里的Not this night. 不会像是今晚如此的下场Not like this. Do you understand me? 听到没有?I can't feel my body. 我都麻痹了Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. 赢到船票坐上这艘船是我一生最美好的事It brought me to you. 让我能跟你相逢And I'm thankful for that, Rose. 我很感激萝丝I'm thankful. 我很感激You must... 你一定要do me this honor. 你一定要帮我这个忙You must promise me that you'll survive. 你要答应我你会活下去That you won't give up... 你不会放弃no matter what happens. 不管发生什么事No matter how hopeless. 不论希望多么的渺茫Promise me now, Rose. 现在答应我萝丝And never let go of that promise. 且绝对不要食言I promise. 我答应你Never let go. 永不放弃I'll never let go, Jack. 我不会放弃的杰克I'll never let go.(哈气)我永不放弃Jack? 杰克There's a boat. 船来了Jack? 杰克There's a boat, Jack. 船来了杰克Come back. 回来Come back! 回来Come back. 回来I'll never let go. I promise. 我永不放弃我答应。
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0,0:04:04.28,0:04:06.16 就快完成了先生Very nearly there, sir.0,0:04:07.16,0:04:10.33 我得说你很面熟我以前画过你吗?I have to say, your face is familiar. Have I drawn you before?0,0:04:10.41,0:04:11.45 偶尔吧Occasionally.0,0:04:11.54,0:04:14.29 肯定见过啦!英国报纸上Of course! I've seen you in the newspaper. 0,0:04:14.37,0:04:17.21 - 你是通讯员?- 我是记者- You're a reporter? - I'm a journalist. 0,0:04:18.05,0:04:20.55 耐心点白雪就快好了Be patient, Snowy, not much longer.0,0:04:44.74,0:04:46.91 真不好意思I do beg your pardon.0,0:04:56.96,0:04:58.79 好了There.0,0:04:58.88,0:05:02.21 我觉得还是有掌握到你的一些特点I believe I have captured something of your likeness.0,0:05:03.30,0:05:04.63 还不错!Not bad!0,0:05:05.22,0:05:07.22 你觉得怎么样白雪?What do you think, Snowy?0,0:05:08.97,0:05:10.47 哦白雪!Snowy!0,0:05:11.93,0:05:13.47 给您的先生There you are, sir.0,0:05:13.56,0:05:15.94 他去哪了?Now where's he run off to?0,0:05:19.06,0:05:20.27 有消息吗?Anything?0,0:05:20.36,0:05:21.57 一无所获Nothing.0,0:05:26.41,0:05:27.57 白雪!Snowy!0,0:05:32.08,0:05:34.50 你去哪了?Where have you been?0,0:05:34.58,0:05:36.33 又去追猫咪了?Chasing cats again?0,0:05:40.50,0:05:42.75 白雪看这个!Snowy, look at this!0,0:05:56.27,0:05:58.52 三桅船Triple masted.0,0:05:58.60,0:06:01.11 双层甲板配有五十门炮Double decks. Fifty guns.0,0:06:02.23,0:06:04.07 是不是很漂亮?Isn't she a beauty?0,0:06:04.15,0:06:08.70 这可是一艘很独特的样品是一位老船长的遗物That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate.0,0:06:09.32,0:06:10.36 “独角兽号”"The Unicorn."0,0:06:10.45,0:06:13.03 独角兽号帆船战舰Unicorn. Man o'war sailing ship.0,0:06:13.12,0:06:15.87 可有年头了造于十六世纪It's very old, that is. 16th century.0,0:06:15.95,0:06:17.25 我觉得是十七世纪17th, I would think.0,0:06:17.33,0:06:19.17 - 查尔斯一世统治时期- 查尔斯二世- Reign of Charles I. - Charles II.0,0:06:19.25,0:06:23.04 我说的就是查尔斯二世这可是艘纵横七大洋的好船That's what I said, Charles II. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.0,0:06:23.13,0:06:24.88 别的地方可见不到的朋友You won't find another one of these, mate.0,0:06:25.67,0:06:27.34 只要两镑And it's only two quid.0,0:06:29.68,0:06:32.01 - 我出一镑- 成交!- I'll give you a pound. - Done!0,0:06:36.39,0:06:37.48 小心点Gently does it.0,0:06:38.48,0:06:39.56 让一下!Excuse me!0,0:06:39.64,0:06:40.94 给你拿好了Here you go. Careful.0,0:06:42.65,0:06:44.73 嘿老兄这艘船怎么卖?Hey, bud, how much for the boat?0,0:06:44.82,0:06:46.94 抱歉我已经卖给这位年轻人了I'm sorry, I just sold it to this younggent.0,0:06:47.03,0:06:48.15 哦是吗?Oh, yeah?0,0:06:48.49,0:06:50.57 你花了多少我加倍给你Tell me what you paid and I'll give you double.0,0:06:50.66,0:06:53.91 - 双倍?- 谢了但我不卖- Double? - Thanks. But it's not for sale. 0,0:06:53.99,0:06:56.83 孩子我可是想帮你Look, kid, I'm trying to help you out.0,0:06:56.91,0:06:58.75 你好像不知道I don't think you realise this,0,0:06:58.83,0:07:01.17 你就要大祸临头了but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger.0,0:07:01.50,0:07:02.71 什么祸?What kind of danger?0,0:07:04.04,0:07:07.71 我警告你趁早摆脱掉这艘船I'm warning you, get rid of the boat and get out while you still can.0,0:07:07.80,0:07:10.26 那些家伙可不好惹的These people do not play nice.0,0:07:10.34,0:07:11.51 什么人?What people?0,0:07:11.59,0:07:12.76 真漂亮!Wonderful!0,0:07:13.85,0:07:16.43 着实漂亮It's just wonderful.0,0:07:16.52,0:07:20.73 不用包装我直接要了有人反对我付支票吗?Don't bother wrapping it, I'll take it as is. Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?0,0:07:20.81,0:07:23.98 你想买的话就得和这个孩子商量了If you want to buy it, you'll have to talk to the kid.0,0:07:24.06,0:07:25.77 明白了I see.0,0:07:25.86,0:07:29.07 好吧那就让“孩子”开价吧Well, let the "kid" name his price.0,0:07:29.15,0:07:30.82 “开价”?"Name his price"?0,0:07:32.32,0:07:33.95 我做古董生意十年了Ten years I've been flogging bric-a-brac0,0:07:34.03,0:07:36.53 就差这一分钟我就可以随便“开价”了!and I miss "name your price" by one bleedin' minute!0,0:07:36.62,0:07:39.50 不好意思我已经和那位先生解释过了I'm sorry. I already explained to the other gentleman.0,0:07:39.58,0:07:42.62 美国佬一头油发没穿袜子American he was. All hair oil and no socks.0,0:07:42.71,0:07:43.87 这船不卖It's not for sale.0,0:07:45.21,0:07:48.46 我来说的明白些Then let me appeal to your better nature.0,0:07:48.55,0:07:50.97 我刚买下了马林斯派克大厅…I have recently acquired Marlinspike Hall,0,0:07:51.05,0:07:55.14 …和这艘船你也知道这些资产曾是一位…and this ship, as I'm sure you're aware, was once part of the estate.0,0:07:55.22,0:07:56.51 一位老船长?Of the late sea captain?0,0:07:56.60,0:07:59.81 他们家遭遇不幸什么都没了The family fell upon hard times. Lost everything.0,0:07:59.89,0:08:03.23 他们一直楣运不断自从…They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.0,0:08:03.31,0:08:07.98 我们说的可是他们家几代人的酗酒荒谬行为…We are talking generations of drinking and irrational behaviour...0,0:08:08.07,0:08:09.44 不好意思I'm sorry.0,0:08:09.53,0:08:13.65 我已经说过了这船不卖But as I told you before, it's not for sale. 0,0:08:13.74,0:08:15.11 祝您愉快先生Good day to you, sir.0,0:08:19.58,0:08:22.16 那个年轻人他叫什么名字?That young man, what's his name? 0,0:08:22.25,0:08:25.79 他?大家都认识他他叫丁丁Him? Everybody knows him. That's Tintin.0,0:08:32.30,0:08:34.43 这艘船有什么神秘之处?What is it about this ship?0,0:08:35.64,0:08:38.35 为什么这么多人关注它?Why has it attracted so much attention? 0,0:08:42.31,0:08:44.31 你藏了什么秘密呢?What secrets do you hold?0,0:08:53.07,0:08:55.36 放大镜在哪?Where is that magnifying glass?0,0:08:58.45,0:09:00.66 我敢说这是…I could have sworn it was...0,0:09:04.39,0:09:06.57 (记者丁丁揭开匪徒部落神秘面纱)0,0:09:06.60,0:09:08.81 (记者揭秘犯罪集团)0,0:09:08.84,0:09:10.67 (丁丁勇夺国家文物)可能会在哪?Where could it possibly be? 0,0:09:09.69,0:09:10.67 (失窃艺术品重归博物馆)可能会在哪?0,0:09:11.22,0:09:12.17 (国王重夺王权)0,0:09:12.17,0:09:13.26 (丁丁在西尔达维亚授奖)白雪你看见…Snowy, you haven't seen the...0,0:09:15.47,0:09:16.84 放哪了?Where is it?0,0:09:21.72,0:09:22.97 谢谢Thank you.0,0:09:25.64,0:09:27.10 不白雪!No, Snowy!0,0:09:46.37,0:09:48.04 看你干的好事Look what you did.0,0:09:48.92,0:09:50.42 你把它摔坏了!You broke it!0,0:09:50.92,0:09:52.17 坏狗狗!Bad dog!0,0:10:01.01,0:10:03.35 这艘船有蹊跷之处Something happened on this ship.0,0:10:04.10,0:10:07.60 只有一个地方能找到答案了And we're going to the one place that could have the answer.0,0:10:07.69,0:10:09.23 走了白雪Come on, Snowy.0,0:10:31.38,0:10:32.42 找到了Here it is.0,0:10:33.55,0:10:38.09 “马林斯派克大厅的主人”“佛朗西斯-阿道克爵士”"Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall, the last captain of the ill-fated Unicorn.0,0:10:35.91,0:10:38.09 “不幸独角兽号的最后一位船长”0,0:10:38.17,0:10:40.63 “船启航于一六七六年巴巴多斯”"The ship set sail from Barbados in 16760,0:10:40.72,0:10:44.18 “这是航海史上最悲惨的远航之一”"on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history.0,0:10:44.26,0:10:45.97 “这艘船未能到达目的地”"Ship never reached destination.0,0:10:46.18,0:10:50.35 “途中遭遇海盗袭击”“仅一名幸存者其他船员全部遇难”"Attacked by pirates, all hands lost except for one survivor.0,0:10:50.44,0:10:52.98 “佛朗西斯船长获救回到家乡后”"When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home,0,0:10:53.06,0:10:56.11 “他深信自己的名字被诅咒了”"he was convinced his name had been cursed.0,0:10:56.19,0:10:57.57 “独角兽号自称”"The Unicorn's manifest stated0,0:10:57.65,0:11:00.24 “装载莱姆酒和烟草前往欧洲"that it was carrying a cargo of rumand tobacco bound for Europe,0,0:11:00.32,0:11:04.66 “但更多人相信”“独角兽号装运了一批神秘货物”"but it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo."0,0:11:06.24,0:11:08.66 这艘船到底装的是什么呢白雪?What was the ship carrying, Snowy?0,0:11:10.75,0:11:15.34 “历史学家试图揭秘此致命航行中”\N“到底发生了什么事情但失败了”"Historians have tried and failed to discover what happened on that fatal voyage,0,0:11:15.42,0:11:17.67 “佛朗西斯的遗言是…”"but Sir Francis' last words,0,0:11:18.92,0:11:22.93 “真正的阿道克后人”“才能破解独角兽号的秘密”"'Only a true Haddock will discover the secret of the Unicorn."'0,0:11:48.45,0:11:50.45 遗漏了些什么白雪I've missed something, Snowy.0,0:11:51.46,0:11:53.46 我得再仔细看看那艘模型We need to take a closer look at that model.0,0:12:05.89,0:12:07.97 肯定是不见了!Of course it's gone!0,0:12:08.06,0:12:10.06 我怎么这么蠢呢?How could I be so stupid?0,0:12:32.62,0:12:34.12 你是怎么做到的?How'd you do that?0,0:12:38.34,0:12:39.67 真是聪明Clever boy.0,0:12:57.44,0:12:59.27 一枚纹章A coat of arms.0,0:12:59.94,0:13:02.40 怎么这么熟悉?Why does that look familiar?0,0:13:02.49,0:13:04.11 等等Hang on a minute.0,0:13:04.95,0:13:06.66 那条鱼!That fish!0,0:13:06.74,0:13:08.28 是阿道克(阿道克)It's a haddock.0,0:13:08.62,0:13:12.45 当然了!这豪宅是老阿道克的Of course! Marlinspike Hall is the old Haddock estate.0,0:13:14.21,0:13:15.37 白雪!Snowy!0,0:13:43.07,0:13:44.65 干得好白雪!Well done, Snowy!0,0:13:44.74,0:13:46.03 好孩子Good boy.0,0:14:40.42,0:14:42.08 哦好了Well, well, well.0,0:14:42.88,0:14:45.21 我们似乎抓到贼了It seems we've caught our thief.0,0:14:55.14,0:14:57.72 欢迎来到马林斯派克大厅Welcome to Marlinspike Hall.0,0:14:57.81,0:15:00.02 我看见你进来了I see you let yourself in.0,0:15:00.10,0:15:02.27 我是来拿回我自己的东西I came to retrieve my property.0,0:15:02.36,0:15:04.90 抱歉我好像没明白你的意思I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow you. 0,0:15:04.98,0:15:06.40 你明明知道I think you do.0,0:15:06.48,0:15:09.74 不到一小时前有人从我家偷走了这艘船This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.0,0:15:09.82,0:15:12.49 恐怕你搞错了丁丁先生I'm afraid you're mistaken, Mr. Tintin.0,0:15:12.57,0:15:14.74 没有错这是我的There's no mistake. It belongs to me.0,0:15:14.83,0:15:16.29 你确定吗?Are you sure?0,0:15:18.37,0:15:19.83 当然确定Of course I'm sure.0,0:15:19.91,0:15:22.29 是我买回家的我把它放在起居室的橱柜上I took it home, I put it on a cabinet in the living room,0,0:15:22.38,0:15:25.71 白雪追猫时撞倒了and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over, and it0,0:15:26.46,0:15:27.63 摔坏了fell.0,0:15:29.92,0:15:31.38 这不是我的船This isn't my ship.0,0:15:31.47,0:15:33.14 的确不是No. Indeed.0,0:15:34.55,0:15:35.68 抱歉I'm sorry.0,0:15:35.76,0:15:39.18 - 它看起来很相像- 嗯足够以假乱真了- It looks identical. - Well, looks can be deceiving.0,0:15:39.27,0:15:42.27 没错确实但我不明白!Yes, indeed. But I don't understand!0,0:15:43.31,0:15:46.77 佛朗西斯为什么要做两艘…一模一样的船呢?Why did Sir Francis make two ships exactly alike?0,0:15:46.86,0:15:50.32 你已经有一艘了干嘛还想要另一搜?And you have one already. Why do you want another?0,0:15:51.36,0:15:54.32 这艘模型有什么特别之处引得贼人觊觎?What is it about this model that would cause someone to steal it?0,0:15:54.41,0:15:58.04 天呐为什么这么多问题?Goodness me, why so many questions? 0,0:15:58.12,0:15:59.45 这是我的工作It's my job.0,0:15:59.54,0:16:02.50 可以写成一个故事我很轻松就能完成There could be a story here. That's what I do, you see.0,0:16:02.58,0:16:04.12 嗯这没什么神秘的Well, it's no great mystery.0,0:16:04.21,0:16:07.13 佛朗西斯-阿道克是个酗酒…无可救药的无赖Sir Francis Haddock was a drunkard and a hopeless reprobate.0,0:16:07.21,0:16:11.76 他注定要失败并把失败遗传给自己的儿子们He was doomed to fail, and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.0,0:16:12.51,0:16:15.93 原来是真的!阿道克家族被诅咒了So it's true! The Haddock line is cursed.0,0:16:17.81,0:16:21.18 - 你还查到了些什么?- 还有什么可查的?- What else have you found out? - What is there to find?0,0:16:22.56,0:16:24.39 那就取决于你在寻找些什么了That depends what you're looking for. 0,0:16:24.52,0:16:27.90 我寻找答案萨卡林先生I'm looking for answers, Mr. Sakharine.0,0:16:28.07,0:16:30.48 你找错地方了You're looking in the wrong place.0,0:16:31.28,0:16:33.07 时间不早了It's late.0,0:16:33.15,0:16:35.16 你该回家了I think you should go home.0,0:16:35.24,0:16:36.74 这边先生This way, sir.0,0:16:52.13,0:16:53.51 真遗憾先生It's a pity, sir.0,0:16:54.43,0:16:55.43 什么?I'm sorry?0,0:16:55.59,0:16:57.93 你那艘模型上的船桅坏掉了先生That the mast broke on your model ship, sir.0,0:16:58.26,0:17:00.76 希望你找到全部碎片了I hope you found all the pieces.0,0:17:00.85,0:17:02.39 这些东西很容易弄丢的Things are so easily lost.0,0:17:02.48,0:17:04.94 内斯特!你在哪?Nestor! Where are you?0,0:17:05.65,0:17:07.27 晚安先生Good night, sir.0,0:17:11.61,0:17:13.74 “有些东西很容易弄丢”Some things are easily lost.0,0:17:15.32,0:17:17.66 这话是什么意思白雪?What did he mean by that, Snowy?0,0:17:17.74,0:17:20.37 他想告诉我什么?What was he trying to tell me?0,0:17:20.45,0:17:22.62 “有些东西很容易弄丢”Some things are easily lost.0,0:17:29.67,0:17:30.84 白雪!Snowy!0,0:17:36.97,0:17:38.43 天呐!Great snakes!0,0:17:45.64,0:17:47.31 是什么白雪?What is it, Snowy?0,0:18:05.50,0:18:06.87 这是什么?What's this?0,0:18:08.96,0:18:10.75 这是船桅里的!This was in the mast!0,0:18:17.76,0:18:19.34 好孩子白雪Good boy, Snowy.0,0:18:24.02,0:18:25.81 “三兄弟一起…”"Three brothers joined.0,0:18:25.89,0:18:28.48 “…驾三艘独角兽号”"Three Unicorns in company0,0:18:28.77,0:18:31.69 “于正午时分航行在太阳下”"sailing in the noonday sun will speak. 0,0:18:32.02,0:18:35.57 “会有阳光射下”"For 'tis from the light that light will dawn.0,0:18:35.65,0:18:38.49 “照亮雄鹰十字架”"And then shines forth the Eagle's Cross."0,0:18:41.24,0:18:42.99 这些标记是什么?What are these markings?0,0:18:43.20,0:18:46.79 某种秘密语言或是密码?Some kind of secret language or code? 0,0:18:46.91,0:18:48.96 没有道理It makes no sense.0,0:18:49.04,0:18:51.63 不过倒是解释了他们为什么洗劫公寓But it does explain why they ransacked the flat.0,0:18:51.71,0:18:54.46 他们是要找这个却没找到They were looking for this, and they didn't find it.0,0:18:54.92,0:18:56.34 也就是说Which means0,0:18:58.42,0:18:59.67 他们会回来的they'll be back.0,0:19:01.18,0:19:04.39 不在我不知道他在哪亲爱的他大概是出门了No, I don't know where he is, dearie. I think he's gone out.0,0:19:04.47,0:19:06.31 反正是天黑以后And anyway, it's after dark,0,0:19:06.39,0:19:11.31 丁丁先生最特别的是睡觉时间最不喜欢见客人and Mr. Tintin is most particular about not admitting visitors after bedtime.0,0:19:11.90,0:19:13.94 我要回去喝可可了I have to go back to my cocoa.0,0:19:14.07,0:19:17.07 我有一本好书和一杯可可I've got a very good book and a cup of cocoa.0,0:19:17.15,0:19:18.99 真的很棒!It's really lovely!0,0:19:19.07,0:19:22.07 谢谢你芬奇太太我来处理吧Thank you, Mrs. Finch. I can look after this.0,0:19:25.33,0:19:28.66 嘿孩子是你吗?开门Hey, kid, is that you? Open the door.0,0:19:29.37,0:19:30.46 你想干嘛?What do you want?0,0:19:30.54,0:19:34.29 听着游戏已经开始了他要回来了Look, the game is up. He's gonna be back.0,0:19:34.38,0:19:36.84 我知道你想要这些船但我发誓Now, I know he wanted those boats, but I swear to God,0,0:19:36.92,0:19:38.76 我从没想到他会为此不惜杀人!I never thought he'd kill anyone over it!0,0:19:38.88,0:19:41.34 谁?你说的是谁?Who? Who are you talking about?0,0:19:41.43,0:19:43.89 我想告诉你你现在很危险I'm trying to tell you that your life is in danger.0,0:19:43.97,0:19:44.97 回答我!是谁?Answer me! Who?0,0:20:05.45,0:20:09.37 芬奇太太!有人在我们家门口中枪了!Mrs. Finch! A man's beenshot on our doorstep!0,0:20:09.45,0:20:12.00 - 不会吧- 叫救护车!- Not again. - Call an ambulance!0,0:20:15.54,0:20:16.88 够了白雪!No, Snowy!0,0:20:30.73,0:20:32.14 你能听到我说话吗?Can you hear me?0,0:20:32.23,0:20:33.56 你能…Can you...0,0:20:42.78,0:20:45.36 遇害者名叫巴纳比-道斯The victim's name was Barnaby Dawes.0,0:20:45.45,0:20:47.91 是国际刑警组织高级探员之一He was one of the top agents at Interpol,0,0:20:47.99,0:20:50.08 但我们还不清楚他在忙些什么but we haven't got a clue what he was working on.0,0:20:50.16,0:20:52.79 没错汤普森我们完全没线索Quite right, Thompson. We're completely clueless.0,0:20:52.87,0:20:54.50 国际刑警组织没有别的发现吗?Interpol doesn't have any other leads?0,0:20:54.58,0:20:57.17 别急丁丁我们还忙着处理书面工作Steady on, Tintin. We're still filling out the paperwork.0,0:20:57.25,0:21:00.80 警察工作并不只是开开枪那么吸引人还有很多书面工作Police work's not all glamour and guns. There's an awful lot of filing.0,0:21:00.88,0:21:02.38 好吧我有些事情要告诉你们Well, I might have something for you. 0,0:21:02.47,0:21:04.93 在他失去意识之前道斯似乎想告诉我一些什么Before he lost consciousness, Dawes tried to tell me something,0,0:21:05.01,0:21:07.01 我觉得他在拼一个词and I think he was spelling out a word.0,0:21:07.14,0:21:09.14 “…BOU”"...B- O-U0,0:21:09.76,0:21:12.43 “DJAN”"D-J-A-N.0,0:21:14.77,0:21:16.14 “卡拉布朗”"Karaboudjan."0,0:21:16.23,0:21:17.65 卡拉布朗!Karaboudjan!0,0:21:18.31,0:21:19.48 你知道这是什么意思吗?Does that mean anything to you?0,0:21:19.57,0:21:21.78 伟大的苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅总部)难得啊!Great Scotland Yard! That's extraordinary!0,0:21:21.86,0:21:22.86 究竟是什么?What is?0,0:21:22.94,0:21:25.32 沃辛顿的圆顶礼帽半价!Worthington's have a half-price sale on bowler hats!0,0:21:25.40,0:21:28.24 真的吗汤姆森!可真难得啊Really, Thomson! This is hardly the time.0,0:21:28.32,0:21:30.33 - 伟大的苏格兰场!- 什么啊?- Great Scotland Yard! - What is it? 0,0:21:30.41,0:21:31.45 手杖也是半价!Canes are half-price, too!0,0:21:31.54,0:21:33.12 你要带走这份证据吗?Are you going to take charge of this evidence?0,0:21:33.20,0:21:34.37 当然Positively.0,0:21:34.46,0:21:37.62 别担心丁丁证据在我们这里很安全!Never fear, Tintin, the evidence is safe with us!0,0:21:39.13,0:21:41.21 汤姆森?你在哪里?Thomson? Where are you?0,0:21:41.34,0:21:44.59 嗯我已经下楼了别试着跟上来Well, I'm already downstairs. Do try to keep up.0,0:21:46.63,0:21:48.72 等等!你掉了这个Wait! You dropped this.0,0:21:48.80,0:21:51.64 天哪汤姆森!小心证据Good heavens, Thomson! Look after the evidence, man.0,0:21:51.72,0:21:54.14 抱歉汤普森我在想别的事情Sorry, Thompson. My mind is on other things.0,0:21:54.23,0:21:57.06 哦对手法熟练的小偷Yes. Our light-fingered larcenist.0,0:21:57.56,0:21:58.94 - 什么?- 那个扒手- What? - The pickpocket.0,0:21:59.02,0:22:01.56 他还不知道要大祸临头了He has no idea what's coming.0,0:22:01.65,0:22:04.32 试试丁丁来拿我的钱包Go on, Tintin, take my wallet.0,0:22:07.74,0:22:10.32 没错工业强度橡皮筋Yes, industrial strength elastic.0,0:22:10.41,0:22:12.16 非常聪明Very resourceful.0,0:22:12.24,0:22:16.00 刚好相反很幼稚又简单On the contrary. It was childishly simple. 0,0:22:16.08,0:22:17.83 很简单又幼稚我同意Simply childish, I agree.0,0:22:17.92,0:22:19.00 - 丁丁- 丁丁- Tintin. - Tintin.0,0:22:19.08,0:22:20.42 先生们Gentlemen.0,0:22:22.00,0:22:24.50 听着我觉得他离我们有几英哩远Mind you, I expect he's miles away by now.0,0:22:24.59,0:22:26.55 我想你是指扒手吧?I presume you're referring to the pickpocket? 0,0:22:26.63,0:22:30.09 没错我是说我们离他只有几步远Yes. I mean, knowing we're just a few steps behind him.0,0:22:30.76,0:22:33.43 白雪怎么了你看见什么了?Snowy, what is it, boy? What do you see?0,0:22:33.51,0:22:35.35 你好像不想喝杯茶?I don't suppose you'd fancy a cup of tea?0,0:22:35.43,0:22:37.60 你可错了我很想喝一杯You're quite mistaken. I'd love one.0,0:22:37.81,0:22:39.10 我请客My treat.0,0:22:41.36,0:22:43.40 - 抓到你了!- 你这恶棍!- I've got you now! - You devil!0,0:22:43.48,0:22:45.94 站住以法律之名!Stop, in the name of the law!0,0:22:47.61,0:22:48.70 抓到你了!Got you!0,0:22:52.62,0:22:54.70 那边发生什么了?What's going on down there?0,0:22:54.79,0:22:55.91 来吧白雪!Come on, Snowy!0,0:22:57.66,0:23:00.04 - 请原谅- 对不起先生!- I do beg your pardon. - Sorry, sir!0,0:23:00.12,0:23:03.71 那是扒手丁丁!他要跑了!The pickpocket, Tintin! He's getting away!0,0:23:03.79,0:23:05.84 我的钱包!My wallet!0,0:23:05.92,0:23:07.26 不见了!It's gone!0,0:23:09.88,0:23:12.22 上!白雪那边!Come on! Snowy, after him!0,0:23:12.30,0:23:13.68 站住!等等!Stop! Wait!0,0:23:26.65,0:23:29.36 - 抓住你了!- 站稳了- Got you! - Steady on.0,0:23:29.45,0:23:31.49 我追丢了!I've lost him!0,0:23:31.57,0:23:34.57 你们一定要找到我的钱包很重要我必须找回来You must find my wallet. It's very important. I have to get it back.0,0:23:34.66,0:23:38.20 你会的交给我们专业人士吧And you will. Leave it to the professionals.0,0:23:40.00,0:23:41.83 纸卷丢了We've lost the scroll.0,0:23:41.92,0:23:44.25 但故事没丢But we haven't lost the story.0,0:23:44.34,0:23:45.84 “卡拉布朗”"Karaboudjan."0,0:23:45.92,0:23:48.09 是个亚美尼亚字这是线索白雪It's an Armenian word. That's our lead, Snowy.0,0:23:48.17,0:23:51.30 当时巴纳比-道斯想警告我们生命处于危险之中?What was Barnaby Dawes trying to tell us when he said our lives were in danger?0,0:23:51.38,0:23:53.84 - 丁…丁先生?- 嗯?- Mr. Tin... Tin? - Yes.0,0:23:53.93,0:23:56.43 - 有你的快递- 可我没订过什么啊- Delivery for you. - But I didn't order anything.0,0:23:56.51,0:23:59.97 没错因为要送的就是你!Well, that's because it's you that's getting delivered!0,0:24:02.45,0:24:03.34 (卡拉布朗号)0,0:24:03.35,0:24:05.40 快点装上货车!Quick, get him in the van!0,0:24:08.03,0:24:10.53 松开你这杂种!Get off me, you confounded mutt!0,0:24:11.53,0:24:13.11 他咬我!He bit me!0,0:24:13.20,0:24:14.36 快!Quick!0,0:24:43.56,0:24:44.98 把它甩掉!Get him off!0,0:24:46.86,0:24:49.07 甩掉它在接着开!Shake him off, then run him over!0,0:25:34.11,0:25:36.15 在右舷一点!I want this on the starboard side!0,0:25:43.70,0:25:45.71 不在这看你那边Not here. Look your side.0,0:25:45.79,0:25:47.04 等等Hang on.0,0:25:47.12,0:25:48.71 - 等等- 嗯检查那边口袋汤姆- Nothing. - Well, check that pocket, Tom.0,0:25:48.79,0:25:50.71 不我已经搜过了我肯定No, I've looked in this one already, I'm sure of it.0,0:25:50.79,0:25:51.96 嗯翻他袜子了吗?Well, have a look in his socks.0,0:25:54.88,0:25:56.97 - 找到了吗?- 不在他身上- Have you found it? - He doesn't have it. 0,0:25:57.05,0:25:58.34 不在他身上老板不在这It's not on him, boss. It's not here.0,0:25:58.43,0:26:00.76 - 不在这?那在哪里?- 什么在哪里?- Not here? Then where is it? - Where's what?0,0:26:01.64,0:26:04.97 我厌倦你的把戏了独角兽号上的纸卷I am tired of your games. The scroll, from the Unicorn.0,0:26:05.10,0:26:08.19 一张纸像这个!A piece of paper like this!0,0:26:08.27,0:26:09.81 你是说那首诗?You mean the poem?0,0:26:10.52,0:26:12.19 没错Yes.0,0:26:12.27,0:26:15.74 - 一首用古英语写的诗- 对- The poem written in Old English. - Yes. 0,0:26:15.82,0:26:18.11 - 在一个圆筒里- 没错- It was inside a cylinder. - Yes.0,0:26:18.20,0:26:20.66 - 藏在船桅里- 正是!- Concealed in the mast. - Yes!0,0:26:22.12,0:26:23.16 我弄丢了I don't have it.0,0:26:25.50,0:26:29.96 你不明白那纸卷的价值你要它干嘛?You know the value of that scroll. Why else would you take it?0,0:26:30.04,0:26:33.92 我有点不解两艘船两张纸卷只是谜语的一部分Two ships and two scrolls, both part of a puzzle.0,0:26:34.00,0:26:36.71 你有一个了还需另一个You have one, you need the other.0,0:26:36.80,0:26:40.13 不然没用还有别的But that's not it. There's something else.0,0:26:41.22,0:26:45.06 我会找到的不论你帮不帮忙I will find it, with or without your help. 0,0:26:46.73,0:26:49.98 你想清楚自己对我有多大用处You need to think about exactly how useful you are to me.0,0:26:54.53,0:26:57.07 - 我们在路上处理他- 是是先生- We'll deal with him on the way. - Aye-aye, sir.0,0:26:57.15,0:26:58.78 保持航向Hold this course.0,0:27:05.87,0:27:07.04 白雪!Snowy!0,0:27:08.71,0:27:12.21 见到你可真高兴看能不能咬开绳子It's good to see you, too. See if you can chew through these ropes.0,0:27:16.96,0:27:21.05 他在撒谎!纸卷一定在他那里问题是他对纸卷做了什么?He's lying! He must have the scroll. The question is, what has he done with it?0,0:27:21.14,0:27:22.89 我们已经搜过他了老板We searched him all over, boss.0,0:27:22.97,0:27:25.72 我要你回去让他开口I want you to go back down there and make him talk.0,0:27:25.81,0:27:28.60 有必要的话敲碎他每一根骨头!Break every bone in his body if you have to!0,0:27:28.68,0:27:29.77 那可够狠的That's nasty.0,0:27:29.85,0:27:32.81 你知道风险也知道我们在干什么快去做!You know the stakes. You know what we're playing for. Just do it!0,0:27:32.90,0:27:35.98 萨卡林先生!萨卡林先生!全都乱成一片了!Mr. Sakharine! Mr. Sakharine! All hell has broken loose!0,0:27:36.07,0:27:38.11 出大事了!船长醒了It's a disaster! The captain has come around. 0,0:27:38.19,0:27:39.82 - 什么?- 他清醒了- What? - He's conscious.0,0:27:39.90,0:27:41.78 胡言乱语He's accusing you of mutiny.0,0:27:41.86,0:27:45.41 - 想要号召船员们造反- 我不想管这些- He says you turned the crew against him. - Sounds like he's sobered up again.0,0:27:45.49,0:27:48.08 好了别光站这里再给他一瓶酒Well, don't just stand there. Get him another bottle.0,0:27:48.70,0:27:49.75 是先生!Aye, sir!0,0:27:59.26,0:28:00.47 好Okay.0,0:28:18.28,0:28:19.86 - 晃一晃卡住了- 晃晃?- Jiggle it a bit, it's just stuck. - Jiggle?0,0:28:19.94,0:28:21.11 这样Here.0,0:28:23.07,0:28:25.95 你干嘛?让开!What are you doing? Get off!0,0:28:26.03,0:28:29.33 没卡住你个白痴是他在里面把门闩上了!It's not stuck, you idiot. He's bolted it from the inside!0,0:28:29.41,0:28:32.08 你想和我们玩玩是吧丁丁?So you want to play like that then, do you, Tintin?0,0:28:32.16,0:28:33.58 去拿炸药Get the TNT.0,0:28:35.00,0:28:38.42 破箱子、绳子、香槟Broken crates. Rope. Champagne.0,0:28:39.59,0:28:40.80 还有什么能用的白雪?What else do we have, Snowy?0,0:28:41.47,0:28:43.97 一定有别的办法开门There are other ways to open this door.0,0:28:44.68,0:28:47.51 等我们抓到你了要拿你的内脏刷甲板They'll be swabbing the decks with your innards when we're done with you.0,0:28:52.48,0:28:54.02 放这里Give it here.0,0:29:18.67,0:29:20.46 - 别动- 什么…- Don't move. - What...0,0:29:26.47,0:29:27.80 我们上!Let's go!0,0:29:28.60,0:29:30.30 让我来!Let me have him!0,0:29:30.39,0:29:32.47 他有一把大枪!He's got a big shooter!0,0:29:32.85,0:29:34.18 我中弹了!He got me!0,0:29:39.02,0:29:40.40 停火Hold your fire.0,0:29:47.53,0:29:50.03 他不在这里跑掉了He ain't here. He's vanished.0,0:29:52.20,0:29:53.41 他藏起来了He's hiding.0,0:29:53.50,0:29:55.71 搜船快点!Search the ship. Quickly!0,0:30:07.13,0:30:09.47 苏门答腊的巨鼠!A giant rat of Sumatra!0,0:30:11.64,0:30:13.56 你觉得能溜到我背后So, you thought you could sneak in behind me 0,0:30:13.64,0:30:16.31 扒我的裤子吗?and catch me with my trousers down, huh?0,0:30:16.39,0:30:18.48 您还是留着裤子吧I'd rather you kept your trousers on, if it's all the same to you.0,0:30:18.56,0:30:21.52 - 我知道你的把戏你和他们一伙的- 什么?- I know your game. You're one of them. - Sorry?0,0:30:21.61,0:30:24.28 - 他们派你来杀我是吧?- 我连你是谁都不知道!- They sent you here to kill me, huh? - Look, I don't know who you are!0,0:30:24.36,0:30:26.11 他们派你来除掉我That's how he's planned to bump me off.0,0:30:26.70,0:30:29.57 派一个娃娃脸的刺客杀我!Murdered in my bed by a baby-faced assassin!0,0:30:31.24,0:30:33.41 刺客?你搞错了Assassin? Look, you've got it all wrong.0,0:30:33.49,0:30:36.00 我是被绑架了被一帮匪徒I was kidnapped by a gang of thugs.0,0:30:37.96,0:30:39.79 那头肮脏的猪The filthy swine.0,0:30:40.71,0:30:42.96 他策反所有船员!He's turned the whole crew against me!0,0:30:43.05,0:30:44.30 谁?Who?0,0:30:44.38,0:30:46.63 那个叫萨什么的苦瓜脸A sour-faced man with a sugary name.0,0:30:46.72,0:30:49.51 他买通了船员所有人He's bought them all off, every last man.0,0:30:49.59,0:30:50.68 萨卡林!Sakharine!0,0:30:51.39,0:30:55.01 没有人可以夺走我的船!Nobody takes my ship!0,0:30:55.10,0:30:56.14 你就是船长?You're the captain?0,0:30:56.23,0:30:59.44 当然除了我还能是谁?Of course I'm the captain. Who else could I be?0,0:30:59.52,0:31:02.81 我被锁在这里好多天了I've been locked in this room for days0,0:31:02.90,0:31:07.74 只有威士忌能能慰藉我的灵魂with only whisky to sustain my mortal soul.0,0:31:13.78,0:31:15.41 嗯我以为是锁着的Well, I assumed it was locked.0,0:31:15.58,0:31:16.99 好吧它没有Well, it's not.0,0:31:17.08,0:31:20.16 现在我得走了他们发现我在这里会杀了我的Now, you must excuse me. If they find me here, they'll kill me.0,0:31:20.25,0:31:24.38 我得不停移动离开这个酒坛子I have to keep moving. Try and find my way off this drunken tub.0,0:31:24.46,0:31:26.21 “坛子”?坛子?"Tub"? Tub?0,0:31:31.51,0:31:36.64 坛子?Tub?0,0:31:41.10,0:31:42.77 - 谢谢- 接着他- Thanks. - Pleasure.0,0:31:44.77,0:31:46.23 对了我叫丁丁I'm Tintin, by the way.0,0:31:46.32,0:31:48.61 我是阿道克阿奇博尔德-阿道克Haddock. Archibald Haddock.0,0:31:48.69,0:31:51.03 欢迎登船跟我来There's a longboat up on deck. Follow me.0,0:31:51.11,0:31:52.45 等等Hang on a second.0,0:31:52.53,0:31:53.86 你是说“阿道克”?Did you say "Haddock"?0,0:31:54.87,0:31:56.95 你们怎么能让他们跑了?How could you let them escape?0,0:31:57.04,0:31:59.54 去找抓到他们Find them. Find them both.0,0:31:59.62,0:32:02.04 - 别担心我们会杀了他们的先生- 不- Don't worry, we'll kill them, sir. - No.0,0:32:02.12,0:32:04.75 可以杀那孩子阿道克不能杀You can kill the boy. Not Haddock.0,0:32:04.84,0:32:07.09 什么?他只是个没救的老酒鬼What? He's just a hopeless old soak. 0,0:32:07.17,0:32:09.38 早就该杀掉他了We should've killed him long since.0,0:32:09.46,0:32:14.30 你以为我是碰巧选中阿道克的船阿道克的船员You think it's an accident that I chose Haddock's ship, Haddock's crew,0,0:32:14.39,0:32:17.01 不可靠的大副?Haddock's treacherous first mate?0,0:32:17.85,0:32:20.10 没有什么“碰巧”的Nothing is an accident.0,0:32:26.27,0:32:29.94 我和阿道克船长的交情可长着呢We go back a long way, Captain Haddock and I.0,0:32:30.03,0:32:32.90 我们俩还没完呢We've unfinished business.0,0:32:32.99,0:32:37.12 这次我要让他付出代价And this time, I'm going to make him pay. 0,0:32:38.08,0:32:42.25 我们要去这条走廊尽头一间锁着的房间这会很困难We have to reach a locked door at the end of this corridor. This is gonna be tricky.0,0:32:42.33,0:32:43.62 你该不会和…You wouldn't happen to be related0,0:32:43.71,0:32:45.50 马林斯派克大厅的阿道克家族…有关系吧?to the Haddocks of Marlinspike Hall, would you?0,0:32:45.96,0:32:46.96 问这干嘛?Why do you ask?0,0:32:47.04,0:32:48.50 我在写一个故事It's for a story I've been working on.0,0:32:48.59,0:32:51.26 关于一艘沉没在巴巴多斯海岸的船An old shipwreck that happened off the coast of Barbados.0,0:32:51.34,0:32:54.09 是艘战舰配有五十门炮的三桅船A man o'war. Triple masted. Fifty guns.0,0:32:56.68,0:33:00.72 - 关于独角兽号你都知道些什么?- 不太多所以我才问你- What do you know of the Unicorn? - Not a lot. That's why I'm asking you.0,0:33:00.81,0:33:04.27 那艘船的秘密只有我的家族知道!The secret of that ship is known only to my family!0,0:33:04.35,0:33:07.31 代代相传It's been passed down from generation to generation.0,0:33:07.40,0:33:12.23 我祖父他临死前告诉我他们全都…My granddaddy himself, with his dying breath, told me the tale.0,0:33:13.07,0:33:14.20 然后呢?And?0,0:33:14.91,0:33:16.03 没了Gone.0,0:33:16.87,0:33:17.99 没了是什么意思?What do you mean, gone?0,0:33:18.08,0:33:21.49 他踢水桶时我很生气只好借酒浇愁I was so upset when he kicked。