
Was founded in 1837, procter & gamble company, is one of the world's largest consumer goods company. Procter & gamble company employees more than 10 ten thousand people worldwide, more than 80 countries around the world with factories and branches, operating more than 300 brands of products sold more than 160 countries and regions, including fabric and home care, beauty salon, baby and family care, health care, food and beverage, etc.
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P&G's products are designed to meet the needs of consumers, with a focus on functionality and ease of use
Strong brand influence
Market Segmentation
P&G has a deep understanding of consumer needs and preferences, and has launched a series of products that are highly targeted to different consumer groups This approach has allowed the company to effectively capture market share
Procter&Gamble is one of the world's leading consumer goods
companies, with a strong brand influence and high brand
Sustainable development
The company follows to the principles of sustainable development, takes into account the interests of all parties, and strives to achieve a win win situation for all parties
Main products and services

宝洁的企业介绍英文作文英文:P&G, also known as Procter & Gamble, is a multinational consumer goods corporation founded in 1837 and headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our company produces a wide range of products including household cleaning supplies, personal care products, and pet supplies. Some of our most well-known brands include Tide, Crest, Pampers, and Gillette.At P&G, we are committed to making a positive impact on the world. We strive to improve the lives of our consumers and the communities in which we operate. One example ofthis is our Children's Safe Drinking Water program, which provides clean drinking water to those in need. Since its inception in 2004, this program has helped to deliver over 17 billion liters of clean water to people in over 100 countries.In addition to our focus on social responsibility, we also prioritize innovation. We invest heavily in research and development to create new and improved products that meet the evolving needs of our consumers. For example, our Tide pods have revolutionized laundry detergent byproviding a convenient, mess-free way to do laundry.Overall, P&G is a company that values its consumers,its employees, and the world around us. We are committed to making a positive impact and constantly striving for innovation and improvement.中文:宝洁,也被称为普罗克特和甘布尔,是一家成立于1837年的跨国消费品公司,总部位于俄亥俄州辛辛那提市。

招聘这一环节在宝洁人力资源工作中占据非常重要的分量,可以 说,招聘是整个人力资源工作的起点,如果起点的质量不高,那么不 仅后续的许多培训等会事倍功半,而且会影响到公司各项决策的执行 情况。因此,宝洁一向是非常看重招聘环节的。
宝洁的招聘考试大概有解难测试、英语测试、面试三个环节。其 中比较有特色的是解难测试这部分,宝洁人力资源部门把历年来成功 宝洁人的特征进行了分析和归纳,研究出了一些可以量化测评的工具 应用在招聘中,目的只有一个——用最科学的手段准确地找出应聘者 中的优秀分子。 英语是宝洁公司的工作语言,宝洁招聘时,会要求应聘者取得大 学英语六级考试(CET-6)的合格证书 宝洁很少采用试用期这种方法,尽管国家法律规定,企业可以对 员工有一个试用期。一些公司会利用试用期招大大超出用人指标的试 用者,然后让他们互相竞争甚至“自相残杀”,这些在宝洁是不会发 生的。宝洁认为与员工的雇用合同就像一纸婚书,宝洁希望是像婚姻 的关系而不是随时可以互相不负责任地走掉,这样更有利于培养职员 对公司的感情,增强凝聚力。
较强的分析能力——全面思考工作中的问题,并得出 合理的结论。因为宝洁人具有较高的才智,他们能对瞬息 万变的商业竞争及时作出反应。 创造性——发现新的思想方法、新的工作方法、及达 到某个目标的最佳途径。我们经常会面临前所未有的变化, 只有更富有创造性地工作、只在向一些基本的假设、传统 的观念提出挑战,才能驾驭它。 优秀的合作精神——成功地领导一个集体以取得最佳 成果。宝洁人懂得如何激发热情从而在工作中最好地发挥 个人及集体的作用。 正直的人格——按照宝洁的“公司信条”来工作。我 们在每天的工作中都努力遵循诚实和正直的原则。
针对性是指所有的培训项目,都会针对每一个员工 个人的长处和待改善的地方,配合业务的需求来设计,也 会综合考虑员工未来的职业兴趣和未来工作的需要。 公司根据员工的能力强弱和工作需要来提供不同的培 训。从技术工人到公司的高层管理人员,公司会针对不同 的工作岗位来设计培训的课程和内容。公司通过为每一个 雇员提供独具特色的培训计划和极具针对性的个人发展计 划,使他们的潜力得到最大限度的发挥。
pg-paper 宝洁全英文介绍

From Dog Food to Body Wash 1 Procter and Gamble: From Dog Food to Body WashLaura Buckner, Landon Heidenreich, & Jennifer SimpsonBusa-30810 May 2007From Dog Food to Body Wash 2 Table of ContentsI. Company Description 3II. Business Mission 4III. Marketing Objective 5IV. Situation Analysis 6a. Industry Analysis 6b. SWOT Analysis 10V. Marketing Strategy 13a. Target Market Strategy 13b. Marketing Mix 151. Product 152. Place/Distribution 163. Promotion 174. Price 19 VI. Implementation, Evaluation and Control 19a.Marketing Research 19anizational Structure and Plan 19c.Financial Projections 20d.Summary 21I. Company DescriptionWilliam Procter and James Gamble, in Cincinnati, Ohio, founded Procter and Gamble in 1837. They started the business by making and selling their own soap and candles. On October 31, 1837, they formalized their relationship by signing a partnership agreement. The partnership flourished under the two founders and family members became involved in the business. In 1879, James Norris Gamble, a son of James Gamble, and Harley Procter, a son of William Procter, created a white soap equal to other high quality soaps in the marketplace, which they named Ivory. This product became a huge success for the company and remains one of their most recognized products. Procter and Gamble slowly started releasing different types of products such as laundry detergent, diapers and toothpaste. They have continued to be innovators in household products throughout the decades and today, Procter and Gamble has nearly 300 brands in over 160 countries. They are constantly researching and developing new products that range from Personal and Beauty, House and Home, Health and Wellness, Baby and family, to Pet Care and Nutrition. They are committed to helping consumers with health, hygiene, and convenience. The company is broken into three different segments: Health and Beauty, Household care, and Gillette. Their products are sold through merchandisers, grocery stores, clubs, and drug stores.Their main headquarters remains in Cincinnati, Ohio but they have operation offices in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. The company employs approximately 138,000 people. P&G value their employees and treat them with respect. They were the first company to have a profit sharing program awarding their employeesfor meeting goals. They ensure that their employees understand and utilize the company’s values and principles in their work for the company.II. Business MissionProcter and Gamble is one of the most admired companies in the world. They take pride in their products, values and principles and involvement in the world. Their mission statement or purpose reflects this pride. Their purpose, as stated on their webpage, , is that “we will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world's consumers. As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit, and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders, and the communities in which we live and work to prosper” (Purpose). Procter and Gamble’s quality products are the result of their massive investment in research and development. They are continually improving existing products and brands while creating new products. They understand what their consumer wants and have the technology to develop the products that will meet these wants.Additionally, Procter and Gamble view their employees as the most important asset of the company and encourage them to have the same values and principles as the company. All employees of Procter and Gamble are considered leaders and encouraged to take responsibility to do the best that they can while meeting business needs, bettering the system and helping those around them (Values ). They try to do what is right in all situations. Honesty is valued in the workplace and employees expect fellow employees to be honest in the workplace. They are encouraged to be skeptical of the operating norm and to offer suggestions that will improve the workplace. From these employees’ values, the principles of the company can be seen. Procter and Gambleshows respect for all individuals who deal with their company and treat them honestly. Leaders of P&G understand that the success of the company is dependent upon them developing policies that are right for the company. They define objectives for the company and focus on meeting these goals. The company not only is internally focused but also it concentrates on relationships with consumers and suppliers (Principles). Procter and Gamble learns from both their success and failures to achieve their mission. Overall, they try to make the company the best it can be while upholding their beliefs.Beyond just making the best products, Procter and Gamble tries to improve the communities that they touch around the world. The company believes they have a social responsibility to these communities. On the basic level, they provide products that improve the lives of their consumers in terms of health and convenience. By treating their employees fairly they contribute to their social and financial well-being. On the global level, they give aid to philanthropic programs such as Humanitarian and Disaster Relief. Procter and Gamble also produces products that are safe to the environment in both production and in their use. They strive to better the quality of life for everyone both now and in the future.III. Marketing ObjectiveProcter and Gamble’s main marketing objective is to go beyond providing what the consumer wants but more specifically know what the consumer wants before they do and create a need for it. The world today is constantly changing and Procter and Gamble focuses on understanding these changes and creating new products or upgrading an existing brand that meet the shifting needs of consumers. They aspire to transform“culture into a consumable item” (Marketing ). The role of the consumer has revolutionized over the past few decades. Their values have changed and Procter and Gamble works to understand these changes and build their brands and products to symbolize these values.Procter and Gamble’s marketing department meet their objectives by having their employees focus on a single brand rather than developing marketing strategies that could fit any brand the company produces. These employees have a larger role than just creating a marketing plan for their brand. They gain knowledge of their brand by working with the research and development, manufacturing, sales, production, and distribution of their brand. This background provides them a better understanding of the brand, which they are marketing. By using this brand knowledge and understanding the consumer at an in depth level, the marketing employees combine this information into a marketing plan. Each brand becomes “their baby” and marketing employees nurture it to see the success of that brand through meeting the needs of their consumers.IV. Situation AnalysisIndustry AnalysisTrendsAs stated in the Yahoo Finance webpage, Procter and Gamble’s main industry in which they compete is Personal Products (PG industry ). The industry focuses on selling products that meet the needs of everyday consumers in areas such as personal hygiene, beauty and health, pet care and other household products. A major issue within this industry is the contaminated pet food. Many companies have been forced to recall their pet food products because of the dangerous and harmful threat itposes to animals. Consumers want a product that they know will be safe for their pets. These customers of the personal products industry have begun to look elsewhere for their pet food products taking revenue away from the leading companies in this industry such as P&G. These companies must regain the trust of these customers by putting a product on the market that is safe for all pets and take all measures to ensure that the contaminated pet food is off the market.Another growing trend in the personal products industry is for companies to make environmentally safe products. More and more consumers are becoming aware of the impact, which everyday personal products have on the environment. Global warming and our actions in slowing it down has become headline news. Companies must find ways to produce products that are safe for the environment while continuing to be of high quality and of similar prices to past products. Consumers are becoming more inclined to buy a product that is safe for their family and is safe for nature even if it means they have to pay a little bit more for it. To stay competitive, companies such as Procter and Gamble must continue spending money in their R&D department to create safe and environmentally friendly products.CompetitorsProcter and Gamble’s three main competitors are Johnson and Johnson, Kimberly-Clark, and Unilever. These companies match or come close to matching the revenue of P&G. There are differences among the products sold between the companies but they all have similar product ideas.Johnson and Johnson has the highest net income of these companies. The primary revenue generator for the company is their health care products. They have a strongbrand association with their Band Aid and Neosporin products. Furthermore, Johnson and Johnson focuses on providing products to doctors, nurses and patients that need and use these health care products. Johnson and Johnson, as a company, strives to meet the need of their customers while providing a fair profit to their suppliers and distributors (). They also take responsibility to give back to the community that they live in. Through their quality products, commitment to their customers and giving back to the community, Johnson and Johnson is a tough company with which to compete.The Kimberly-Clark company dominates the health and hygiene markets. Some of their larger brands range from Kleenex to Depend Diapers. According to their website , they hold the number one and number two shares in their markets in over 80 countries (). They base much of their innovation off their customers’ pref erences and wants. Their three concerns with being successful are quality, service and fair dealing.Unilever is a food, home, and personal care company. Their products vary from Vaseline to Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. They focus on constantly enhan cing and developing products that better the lives of their customers. Unilever makes everyday products for people that want to use a safe and healthy product.Customer ProfileProcter and Gamble is constantly looking for new ways to meet the needs of their customers. These customers range from men and women to cats and dogs. P&G has a couple different ways they research to meet their consumers’ needs: qualitative and quantitative. P&G conducts their qualitative research by having focus group discussions, in-home visits in-context visits, and in-store interviews. This allows P&G to interactpersonally with their consumers to get their opinions and facts on how their products are helping or not helping them. Their quantitative research includes habits and practices, blind tests, concept aided usage and quality monitoring. The quantitative research is used to see habitual data and use this for new ideas relating to how consumers use these products in their homes and outside of their homes. Quantitative research involves larger groups and statistical data analysis. These types of researches help the company in many different ways. It can help management and improve the way they make decisions, it make it easier to trace problems, and helps the company to focus on new, different ways to maintain their existing customers.InnovationsProcter and Gamble is constantly trying to find ways to improve their products related to personal and beauty, house and home, health and wellness, pet nutrition andc are. These are the company’s primary product lines and they are continually researching and developing new ideas to improve the products.Procter and Gamble has focused a lot of research on their personal and beauty line. They have researched different types of hair and skin, and have developed products to fit theses types. P&G’s hair product line deals with the different lengths, treatments, problems and disorders of hair. They develop products such as shampoos and conditioners and styling products to fit the needs of the different hair types. Procter and Gamble conducts similar research on skin structure, identifying the different types of layers and the genetics of skin. This research provides insight into different skin problems including what effect the sun has on the aging of skin. They have developedmany different lotions, moisturizers and oils to help take care of the skin throughout a lifetime.Proctor and Gamble has discovered several innovations for their house and home products. A lot of research was invested in combining laundry detergent with bleach to provide consumers a single product for the laundry room. This was a difficult task because of the composition of bleach and its effects on clothes. They eventually found a way to make bleach safe for fabrics and stable when mixed with detergent (). The research that was conducted to find a way to mix the two was expensive but now the mixture of bleach in laundry detergent is affordable for everyone. Another major innovation in the house and home product line was the improvement of the paper towel, which involved a change in the papermaking process (pg com). The “absorbent capacity, strength, flexibility, softness, and thickness of structured tissues, and towels make usage more convenient, faster, a nd comfortable” (). These developments have set P&G above their competitors in the house and home product lines.Procter and Gamble has also invested heavily in research for their other product lines that has resulted in many improved products. They have developed different formulas related to toothpaste particularly Crest. In addition, they have developed leak proof diapers for their baby care line, Pampers. In their pet nutrition and care line, Iams and Eukanuba, they are providing healthy food products for animals.SWOT AnalysisThe SWOT analysis gives an overview of Proctor and Gamble internal strengths and weaknesses and the external opportunities and threats. According to Marketline Business Information Centre, P&G’s SWOT analysis is summed up with the following:Strengths∙Procter and Gamble has gained a leading market position with most of its businesses. They are the global market leader in the beauty segment. They arealso leaders in the oral care and fabric care segments. Their brands amongst these segments have become leading names. This leading market position provides the company a competitive edge and stable financial growth.∙The company has a diversified and innovative product portfolio. They have over 300 brands that spans across 40 product markets. They have succeeded inbecoming a world leader in brand creation and brand building. Their productportfolio is one of the largest with trusted, quality brands. Furthermore, Procterand Gamble focuses on product innovation. They conduct more than 10,000research studies a year and work together with 4 million consumers all over theworld. With their diverse and innovative product portfolio, they protectthemselves from demand fluctuations amongst their product lines and gaincustomer loyalty and revenue growth.∙Procter and Gamble has posted strong finances in the recent years. They have had strong revenue growth across all of their key segments. In addition, their revenue growth and profit margins has been higher tha n the industry’s average. Theirpositive financial statements have also strengthened the company’s marketpositionWeaknesses∙Procter and Gamble has quality control problems with some of their products.They have placed recalls on certain products such as cosmetics made in China andthe Swiffer Sweep&Vac. If they have continual recalls, it could tarnish theirbrand image leading to lower customer loyalty.∙ The company has seen decreased revenues in their Northeast Asia market. This market has such high profit potential and this current trend puts Procter andGamble at a disadvantage with their competitors.Opportunities∙One of the greatest opportunities for any company is the developing markets of developing countries. These countries have market potential that is expected toincrease in the next few years. Currently, Procter and Gamble only offersproducts in 10 of their top 25 product categories in most of the developingcountries. They have an opportunity to expand their market shares in thesedeveloping countries.∙The demographic trends across the world are moving in a direction to help boost Procter and Gamble’s sales. The aging baby boomers of the US are becomingmore beauty focused and using more beauty and anti-aging products. Thecosmetic segment of P&G could benefit from this trend. Additionally, there is an increased demand for pet food all over the world. More and more households are owning pets and often times more tha n just one. Procter and Gamble’s Iam sbrand of pet food can become a major segment for the company aiming to meetthis increased demand.Threats∙The markets that Proctor and Gamble compete in are filled with other large, well-established companies such as Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever. These companiesproduce products that are just as effective as P&G products. Procter and Gamble must constantly compete with these companies in almost all of their markets.∙Rising energy prices are affecting all business and Procter and Gamble is no exceptio n. The company’s costs of energy and raw material has gone upsignificantly in the past year and will continue to increase as the price of gasoline, natural gas and diesel fuel escalates. This increase will affect the company’sprofits.∙The economic slowdown in both the US and Eurozone will greatly strain Procter and Gamble. These two markets are extremely important to the company’srevenues. With rising interest rates in the US and increased inflation in theEurozone, people are tighter with their money which could lead to decreased sales for P&G.∙New regulations on health and beauty products could become a problem for Procter and Gamble. More and more consumer protection groups are pressuringfor healthier products with less harmful chemicals in them. The US food anddrug administration is forcing companies to meet higher quality controlregulations on their products. This could slow down the launching of newproducts for P&G and force the company to spend more on R&D of new products that meet the reg ulations’ standards.V. Marketing StrategyTarget Market StrategyBeing that Proctor and Gamble has such large diverse product lines, their target market is more than just one defined market. Because of this, Proctor and Gamble hasgone to great lengths to recover data to determine their target market with some individual products. For example Proctor and Gamble uses the internet to test how their products will do in their target markets. One product they use for this is the Crest Whitestrips and Premium Whitestrips. From online surveys, P&G found that 80 percent of the potential buyers were woman between the ages of 35-54 (Lamb, Hair, and McDaniel, 2007). This information further helped them narrow down to a specific buyer with one product. Also, Proctor and Gamble went as far as video taping consumers at home, basically their own reality TV, to learn about the consumers and to reveal more about what the surveys didn’t show.As for the products sold at Proctor and Gamble, the target market seems to point to stay-at-home parents, more specifically mothers with children. With so many cleaning products, feminine hygiene, personal and beauty care, baby and family, and pet nutrition and care products, Proctor and Gamble naturally targets those who own homes. These individual are the ones that are most likely to use and need the P&G products.Proctor and Gamble uses this motherly target market in the set up of their website, , basing pictures, captions and arrangement around the female attraction. The website has a feminine touch to it with colors that would be seen in your mom’s kitchen. Not to mention that almost all the pictures on the website are of females, most looking around the age of 30. P&G brands use the same target markets as the P&G website in their TV commercials, magazine ads and other advertisements (). Proctor and Gamble is targeting the homeowners market. Most of their products are used for home purposes. P&G use target marketing, but their products are so well known and used that not very much target marketing is needed, due to brand recognition.While not as big as the homeowner market, Procter and Gamble also offers business-to-business selling. According to their website, P&G is committed to boosting other businesses’ sales, increasing their efficiencies, and improving these businesses profitability through their B2B resource ().P&G sells cleaning and laundry products, snacks, and coffee and beverages to other businesses. P&G has built a strong brand name recognition for their products and know that employees and customers of these businesses will feel more comfortable with these goods because they use the same products at home. Business-to-Business selling is another target market for Procter and Gamble.Marketing MixProductsProcter and Gamble has very diverse product segments that can be broken into seven parts. These segments consists of health and beauty care, household and fabric care, baby and family care, pet health, snacks and coffees, blades and razors and finally Duracell (Marketline Business Information Centre). The segments can be broken down even farther into the products line within each one. To gain a more in-depth look at one of these segme nts, we will look at P&G’s body washes and soaps under their personal and beauty segment. Soaps were the first products the company sold in 1837. They had up to 50 different types of soaps (History ) but today they have just a few main soap product lines. Ivory brand soap was the first of their current main product lines. It has been around for 125 years and continues to be a trusted name in soap for the whole family. They have expanded their products from just a classic bar of soap to body wash and dish soap (). They boast about a product that is mild and pure for all whouse it. Olay is another brand under P&G’s body washes and soaps. All of these products are targeted towards women’s beauty needs. Their products are focused on crea ting beauty both on the inside and outside (Discover Olay ). The line started in the 1950’s and continues to be a leader in women’s beauty products. The se products range from anti-aging creams and face washes to sunless tanners. Their aim is to have every woman “love the skin they’re in” (). A different brand is P&G’s Noxzema line. Their products help produce healthy, glowing skin for every different type of person and lifestyle. They take into account the varied types of skin and produce products that meet the specific needs to each consumer which range from deep cleaning face pads to anti-blemish astringent (). They help their customers find the line that right for them to have a healthy glow. A further brand of P&G’s soaps is their Camay brand. Camay was created when there was a demand for perfumed beauty soaps in 1926 (History ). This soap continues today to be enhanced with French perfume. It leaves the skin moist while leaving a sensual feeling after use (Camay ). One more important brand of the P&G family of soaps is the Zest Brand. Their products consist of different scents of bars of soap and body washes. These scents rejuvenate the consumer while the soaps and washes create a clean-lather that leaves the skin moisturized (). Zest goes beyond normal soaps to create a unique product for their customers.Place/Distribution. Procter and Gamble’s main headquarters are located in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio. The Iams brand’s offices are located in Dayton while the rest of P&G’s general offices are in Cincinnati. In the United States, the company operates 39 manufacturingfacilities in 23 different states (Marketline Business Information Centre). Furthermore,P&G runs 107 other manufacturing facilities in 42 countries in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. These facilities produce all of the P&G brands and products including theirbody washes and soaps. The products then are transported to different types of stores for sale. P&G prod ucts can be found in mass merchandise stores such as Costco or Sam’s Club. These products can also be found in local grocery stores and drug stores. Prom otionProctor and Gamble has their own promotion slogan while each of their brandshas their own unique marketing plan geared toward their target market. P&G’s soap and body washes segment is no different. Each brand directly targets their products towards a specific group. Ivory focuses on the family. They have “been bringing timeless valueslike good clean fun to American families” for 125 years (). They view familiesas the key consumers of their products. Ivory has used the idea of a family product to continue building their line of products throughout the decades. Their website has afamily oriented feel to it. They have soap project instructions for kids on their website further strengthening the idea of Ivory being a family product (Pure Fun ).They promote their products to the family unit to connect the purity and mildness of their products to the values within this group. Olay products are marketed toward women, particularly women in their 30s and older. They offer products that help women have healthier, younger looking skin. Their website also is geared towards their target market.It has a sexy look to it with options of a free consultation with members of the Olay teamor helping find a local dermatologist (). Olay draws on the idea that all womenare beautiful and their products will only enhance that beauty (). The Noxzemabrand is along the same line of products as Olay but it is targeted towards teenagers and young adults. These consumers are looking for a product that will help them have clear, healthy skin. Noxzema researches the needs of these consumers and what exactly their skin problems and types are. They have come up with products that will fit each individual’s needs and lifestyles. These products have a hip cool look to them appealing to Noxzema’s target mar ket. Their website, , has a chic look to it with trendy graphics and animation. The website has quizzes such as “how toxic is your skin” to help find the correct products to improve the look of the customer’s skin (Skin Smarts ). N oxzema advertises the idea that “Beauty’s Never looked so Smart” through the use of their products (). Zest’s main products are soaps and body washes. They target these products to men and women who are always on the go and want a soap or body wash that is easy to use and gets them clean. These products meet these needs by lathering well in all types of water including hard and soft water to allow for a “better clean” (). Their website reflects this idea of ease by having a simple layout. They have the different types of soaps and body washes, a FAQ section and a way to contact the company (). This simplicity appeals to their consumers allowing them to find exactly what they need. The website still has a popular look to it but is more straightforward than some of their other P&G body washes and soap brands.Procter and Gamble brands each have their unique promotion plan to attract the consumers within their target market. But each of these brands and their promotionalpla n falls under P&G’s values and principles. P&G wants all their brands and products to better the customers by “touching lives, improving life” ().。

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P&G (Procter & Gamble), hereinafter referred to as P&G, is a U.S. consumer commodity producers, is currently the world's largest commodity one of companies. Headquartered in Ohio, USA. 30 dike, staff more than 100000 people around the world. Is the tenth largest in the fortune 500 most admired companies.
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Billion dollar brands
Always is a brand of feminine hygiene products, including maxi pads, pantiliners (sometimes called Alldays), and feminine wipes, produced by Procter & Gamble.--See also Brand homepage; related trademarks: Ultra Thins; Flexi-Wing; Maxis; Alldays; CleanWeave. Ariel is a brand of washing powder/liquid, available in numerous forms and scents. Actonel is brand of Osteoporosis drug Risedronate co marketed by Sanofi-Aventis. Bounty is a brand of paper towel sold in the United States, Canada and the UniGamble brands
Main article: List of Procter & Gamble brands 23 of P&G's brands have more than a billion dollars in net annual sales and another 18 have sales between $500 million and $1 billion.
According to the Nielsen Company, in 2007 P&G spent more on U.S. advertising than any other company; the $2.62 billion it spent is almost twice as much as General Motors, the next company on the Nielsen list.P&G was named 2008 Advertiser of the Year by Cannes International Advertising Festival.

some important events
• In 1858–1859, sales reached $1 million. By this point, approximately 80 employees worked for Procter & Gamble.
• During the American Civil War, the company won contracts to supply the Union Army with soap and candles.
sponsored a number of radio programs. As a result, these shows often became commonly known as "soap operas".
Branching out into new areas
The company began to build factories in other locations in the United States.in 1930,the company began to moved into other countries,both in terms of manufacturing and product sales.
purchased Charmin Paper Mills and began
manufacturing toilet paper and other paper
Hale Waihona Puke 4Acquisition
Procter & Gamble acquired a number of other companies that diversified its product line and significantly increased profits. These acquisitions included Folgers Coffee, Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals (the makers of PeptoBismol), Richardson-Vicks, Noxell (Noxzema), Shulton's Old Spice, Max Factor, and the Iams Company, among others. In January 2005 P&G announced an acquisition of Gillette, forming the largest consumer goods company and placing Unilever into second place

宝洁公司简介英文Procter & Gamble P & G [1] is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.Nearly 110,000 employees worldwide. In 2021, Procter & Gamble is theworld's sixth-largest company, the world's profit ranked 14th company. It is also the tenth most prestigious company in Fortune 500. June 08, 2021 The J. M. Smucker Company and Procter & Gamble signed an agreement that Procter & Gamble shareholders will acquire approximately 53.5% stake in Smucker by way of tax-free M & A.Procter & Gamble Procter & Gamble was founded in 1837, is the world's largest consumer goods company. The nature of the company: joint - stock system. The company is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, with nearly 110,000 employees worldwide. P & G has a high profile in the daily chemical market.Its products include shampoo, hair care, skin care products, cosmetics, baby care products, women's hygiene products, medicine, food, beverages, fabrics, home care, personal cleaning supplies and batteries Wait.A brand overviewFounded in 1837, Procter & Gamble is one of the world's largest consumer goods companies. For the fiscal year 2021-2021, the company had annual salesof $ 51.4 billion. In the "Fortune" magazine named the world's 500 largest industrial / service enterprises, ranked 86th. Procter & Gamble has nearly 100,000 employees worldwide and has factories and subsidiaries in more than 80 countries. More than 300 brands of products are sold in more than 160countries and regions, including fabric and home care, hairdressing, baby and Home care, health care, food and beverages.The corporate brand in the World Brand Lab World Brand Lab prepared by the 2021 "World Brand 500" list ranked thirty-seventh in the "Barron Weekly" published in 2021 the world's 100 large companies are respected Ranking thirdin the rankings. The company in 2021, "Fortune" the world's top 500 companies ranked seventh in the rankings. The European Union on April 13, 2021 on the chemical giant Procter & Gamble and Unilever company punished by 315.2 million euros about 456.7 million US dollars fine, on the grounds that the two multinational companies jointly manipulate the European market price of detergent.Build time1837 headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, USASales of $ 51.4 billion 2021-2021 profit of $ 8 billion 2021 - fiscal year 2021 distribution of more than 80 countries, the product sales of more than160 countriesProduct type fabric and home care, hairdressing beauty, baby and home care, health care, food and beverage.Brand about 300 employees about 127,000Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Leifu Li Global Technology Center 28Holding more than 29,000 patentsCustomer Business Development: First - line sales department, directlywith Carrefour, Wal - Mart and other supermarkets business;Market Research Consumer & Market Knowledge: Careful study of customersand markets, provision of data and analysis decision support;External Relations & Legal: Responsible for public relations and brand image management;Finance & Accounting: Maximize the interests of shareholders;Human Resources: Create and maintain business growth and competitive advantage through staff, organization, systems, culture;Information & Decision Solutions: Provide decision support based on data and information systems;Marketing: responsible for brand promotion and marketing;Product Supply: Responsible for production and logistics, to ensure thatthe right time to the right product to the correct location;Research & Development: Responsible for product development and innovation.Design: To build the core value of the brand needs of the product brand design and a variety of international event design.August 18, 2021 Procter & Gamble P & G's largest R & D center was established in Beijing, Beijing Procter & Gamble Technology Co., Ltd. Shunyi Tianzhu Industrial Park, the opening ceremony of the new opening, P & Gworld's six major R & D center, one of the six R & D center officially announced the completion. R & D center and category in terms of scale, the Beijing R & D center in the six centers in the first place, even more than the P & G in the United States "base camp."January 2021 Ma Ruibo was elected chairman 1980-2021P & G celebrates the 170th anniversary of Porsche China in 2021. P & G and Gillete's business to complete the basic integration, when P & G global sales of up to 83.5 billion US dollars, net profit of 12 billion US dollars. Earnings per share increased by 20% up to $ 3.64, $ 1 billion to 24 brands.In 2021, Procter & Gamble acquired Gillette, which opened the market for men's shaving products and the largest acquisition in Procter & Gamble's history.2021 Olay became the 13th anniversary of P & G's sales of more than $ 1 billion brand Procter & Gamble acquired Weina.P & G celebrates its 165th anniversary in 2002. Leifu Li was elected chairman. P & G has 12 years of sales of over $ 1 billion brandIn 2001, Procter & Gamble acquired the Icahl series from Squibb. Icahl is the global leader in hair coloring and hair care, with annual sales of $ 1.6 billion.In 2000, Mr. Lei Fu Li was elected as the company president and chief executive officer. Procter & Gamble Introduces reflect. Com, an interactive online business beauty company. US FDA has adopted a new drug to prevent osteoporosis - Actonel. Procter & Gamble as the inventor will co-market this new drug with Aventis Pharmaceutical Group.In 1999 the company's former chief executive officer, Mr. Dek Jacobs, was appointed chairman, president and chief executive officer. The company acquired lams company, began to enter the pet health and nutrition products. Lams is a leading company in the high-end pet food industry, and the company acquired Recovery Engineering, and developed the PUR brand water filtration system using the company's technology in water treatment.1998 Procter & Gamble Olean new plant put into operation. Procter & Gamble Company 2021 institutional reform program began to implement. Procter & Gamble has become a true transnational enterprise, operating in more than 70countries around the world, selling products in more than 140 countries and regions.In 1997, Procter & Gamble acquired Tambrands and its world-renowned brand, Tampax, to expand its women's hygiene market. Procter & Gamble and Hearst Marion Roussel signed a global agreement to co-market Actonel-Procter & Gamble's new bone health care drug.1996 Procter & Gamble launched a non-calorie edible oil-Olean, for a variety of salty snacks. Olean is accredited by the US Food and Drug Administration.In 1995, Mr. Bai Bo was elected as the company's ninth chairman and chief executive officer, and Mr. Dek Jacobs was elected as the company's first chief executive officer. The company began to use four regional organizations to manage global business. Procter & Gamble has been awarded the National Technology Medal by the US government - the highest honor awarded by the United States for technological achievements.From 1993 to 1994, P & G developed more joint ventures in China and established four companies and five production bases. P & G re-enters the South African market. P & G was awarded the "Opportunity 2000" award from the US Department of Labor. This is an annual award, encourage businesses to provide fair employment opportunities, the establishment of a wide range of staff.P & G sales in 1993 exceeded $ 30 billion. In the history of the company, the sales of the international division exceeded 50% of the total for thefirst time. In Kobe, Japan, Japan's headquarters and technology development center completed.In 1992, P & G re-launched the original Richardson-Vicks Pantene-Pro-V Pantene brand. This brand quickly became the fastest growing shampoo productin the world.1991 Procter & Gamble purchased Max Factor and Betrix to further expand the company's cosmetics and perfume business. Procter & Gamble bought the Czech Republic's Rakona, the first branch in Eastern Europe. In the same year, in other Eastern European countries such as Hungary, Poland and Russia to set up branch offices.1990 Procter & Gamble bought Shulton's Old Spice product line to expand the men's personal care products business. Spic and Span Pine are packaged in 100% recyclable plastic to win the DuPont International Packaging Award for the company.In 1989, P & G bought Noxell and its Cover Girl, Noxzeme and Clarion brands, into the cosmetics and spices business. Procter & Gamble has recruited local university graduates for the first time in China.In 1988, Procter & Gamble established a joint venture in China, Guangzhou P & G Co., Ltd. was incorporated. This is the first company in the world's largest consumer market.In 1987, P & G founded the 150th anniversary, the company in the "Fortune magazine" global top 500 enterprises ranked in the ranks of the world's top 50 enterprises, and is the top 50 companies in the history of the longest Two companies. P & G acquired the European Blendax range of products, including Blend-a-med and Blendax toothpaste. This is the largest international takeover in the history of the company.In 1986, P & G pioneered a new technology that enabled consumers to use both shampoo and conditioner products to clean and care for both hair. Pert Plus, also known as Rejoice Rejoice Shampoo Quickly became one of the world's leading Shampoo Shampoo brands.In 1985, Procter & Gamble bought Richardson Vicks to expand into the market for health care products. The company also purchased Mefumucil, Dramamine and Icy Hot three brands, becoming the largest non-prescription retail pharmaceutical manufacturer.In 1983, Procter & Gamble launched a quality women's personal hygiene products, Always, also known as Whisper, which became a leading brand in the global market for similar products in 1985.1980 sales exceeded 10 billion US dollars. P & G 150 years Daqing soon, the company has been prepared for the rapid development. P & G has developed into one of the nation's largest multinational companies. By acquiring Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals 1982, Rechardson-Vicks Inc. 1985, the company was active in the personal health care industry; by the late 1980s and early 1990s acquired Noxell, Silk Buddha, Ellen Betrix, Procter & Gamble in Cosmetics and The spice industry plays an important role.In 1972 the company researchers found how to softener into a non-woven fabric, which can make clothes in the clothes machine supple. The result of this study is the launch of the Bounce brand. It quickly became second only to Downy brand's second largest fabric softener.In 1973, P & G acquired Nippon Sunhome, Japan, and began manufacturing and selling its products in Japan.In 1963, Procter & Gamble acquired J.A. Folger & Co. to enter the coffee market. The European Technology Center was completed in Brussels.1961 P & G's first new product: baby diapers "Pampers" launched. The company opened a branch in Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.1960 American Dental Association confirmed "Crest" is "anti-caries toothpaste", Crest's sales by leaps and bounds. Procter & Gamble set up an office in Frankfurt, Germany, employing 15 employees. Three years later, Germany's first factory put into operation. P & G launches the company's first fabric softener: Liquid Downy.In 1957, Procter & Gamble acquired Charmin Paper Milk, which made Bounty Tissue and Sanitary Napkin, to enter the consumer paper business.In 1955, P & G launched Crest toothpaste, the first toothpaste that was fluorinated and clinically proven to prevent dental caries.In 1954, Procter & Gamble leased a laundry powder production facility in Marseille, France, and began to develop business in continental Europe.In 1952, Procter & Gamble set up a new research center in Cincinnati, the first research center dedicated to future technology development.In 1948 P & G established the first company in Latin America in Mexico. The company set up an international division to manage the company's growing international business.1946 "laundry miracle" ---- Tide Tide launched. After a year of trial marketing, it was officially launched in the United States, Tide adopted a new formula, washing effect than all other products on the market were good. Excellent washing effect and reasonable price to make Tide in 1950 to become the first US detergent brand. The company also launched the Prell shampoo.In 1946, Procter & Gamble launched Tide. This is the company following the first release of the most important new products. The first Fluoride Toothpaste Crest was certified by the first American Dental Association and soon became the premier toothpaste brand. Procter & Gamble invented the disposable baby diaper, launched in 1961 to help Pucai. The company's original business strength has been strengthened, and began to enter the food and beverage market - the most important move is the 1961 acquisition of Folger's coffee, launched the first fabric softener - Downy. P & G began to set up branch offices in Mexico, Europe and Japan. By 1980, Procter & Gamble had operations in 23 countries around the world, with sales approaching $ 11billion and profits up 35 times over 1945.In 1937, the 100th anniversary of the creation of P & G, with annual sales of $ 230 million.In 1935, Procter & Gamble bought the Philippine manufacturing company, in the Far East to establish the first operation of institutions, to the international development of large companies.In 1934 P & G launched Drene: the first synthetic shampoo.In 1933 by the Procter & Gamble broadcast radio series "Ma Perkins" broadcast in the country, popular. The company then sponsored more "soap operas". "Soap opera" loyal audience also become a loyal user of P & G products. P & G pioneered the introduction of synthetic detergent Dreft.In 1931 P & G's brand management system sprouted in the late 1920s. By 1931, the company created a special marketing agency, by a group of specialized personnel responsible for the management of a brand, and there is competition between the brand. This system makes each brand has an independent marketing strategy, thus, P & G's brand management system was officially born.In 1930, Procter & Gamble bought Thomas Hedley Ltd. in the UK to establish its first overseas branch. Fairy Soap is Thomas Hedley's main product.In 1926, Procter & Gamble followed the introduction of Camay Soap, the company has two competing brands, which is the prototype of the brand management system.In 1924, P & G set up a market research department to study consumer preferences and buying habits, one of the earliest market research departments in industrial history.In 1923 P & G tried to adopt the new media - radio. The company sponsors national cooking programs in the name of Crisco, making it one of the first companies to use radio advertising.1919-1920 wholesalers quarterly purchase of Procter & Gamble products led to the instability of production needs and factory layoffs. P & G announced the implementation of new measures: direct sales of products to retailers, and hired 450 sales staff.In 1919 the company's articles of incorporation "the company and the interests of employees solidarity" clause.1917 - 1918 P & G began to actively recruit researchers, and the first day of eight hours of work.In 1915, P & G set up production facilities for the first time outside the United States: the Canadian production plant has 75 employees, producing ivory soap and Crisco baking oil. Procter & Gamble implements a national sick retirement insurance system.In 1911 P & G launched the first pure botanic baking oil Crisco. Crisco offers consumers a healthier and more affordable cooking option than animal oils.1909 TV launched in the United States only five months later, Procter & Gamble launched its first TV commercial ivory soap, broadcast in the first broadcast of the baseball game broadcast.In 1904, in order to meet the growing domestic market demand, Procter & Gamble began to set up factories in Cincinnati.In 1896 the company hired the famous artist to design "ivory" lady and "ivory" baby image to attract public attention, which became the history of soap manufacturers made the first color print ads.In 1892, P & G formally implemented employees to subscribe for the company's share system.In 1890, P & G established an analytical laboratory at the Ivorydale facility to research and improve the soap manufacturing process, one of the earliest product development research laboratories in the history of American industry. In 1945, Procter & Gamble had become a nearly $ 350 million company. P & G products are popular in the United States and Canada. At the same timethe company through the acquisition of England's Thomas Hedley Co., Ltd., began to expand overseas business.In 1890, Procter & Gamble sold more than 30 different types of soap, including ivory soaps. Creative advertising, including in the national magazine published in the color of advertising so that more consumers know Procter & Gamble products, the growing demand for P & G soap. The company began to set up factories outside Cincinnati, first of all in Kansas City, Kansas City set up factories. And then set up factories outside the United States. The first factory outside the United States is located in Ontario, Canada.P & G's marketing strategy is also groundbreaking, including sponsorship of "soap operas" on the radio, distribution of product trials, and promotional bonuses.In 1887 P & G pioneered the earliest US profit sharing system.Ivorydale factory put into operation in 1886.1885 P & G first Saturday afternoon without work and staff can still pay the welfare measures.In 1882 P & G first invested 11,000 US dollars to print advertising in the country to promote Ivory ivory soap. Through a magazine called "independent".1879 founder of the son: JAMES NORRIS GAMBLE and a chemist, together to develop a quality and imported olive soap, and the price is moderate, the color of white soap. Another founder of the son: HARLEY PROCTER for this soap called "ivory" soap.In 1859, after the creation of the company twenty-two years, P & G annual sales for the first time more than 1 million US dollars, the company developed eighty people.1850 "Xingyue Qihui" logo in the 1850s become the company's informal trademark. In the 1960s, Xingyue logo appeared on all company products as well as to and from documents. Due to the invention and use of the lamp, the company terminated the production of candles in the 1920s.In 1837, although England immigration William Poket WILLIAM PROCTER and Irish immigrants James Gan JAMES GAMBLE bent on seeking opportunities for development in the western United States, but because of objective reasons inthe city of Cincinnati. William began to engage in the manufacture of candles business, James began to learn to create candles. If not because they happened to marry two sisters, the two men may never come together. Their father-in-law persuaded two son-in-law to become partners. On April 12, 1837, they began to co-produce and sell soap and candles. On August 22, both parties contributed $ 3,597, formally established a partnership and signed a partnership contract on 31 October. The first production plant and office is located in Cincinnati.1837 is not a prime time to start a business. Although Cincinnati is a bustling commercial center, but then the United States is suffering from the financial crisis. There are hundreds of banks nationwide collapse, the economic crisis enveloped the country.However, PROCTER and GAMBLE the two founders, resolutely decided to start their own business.P & G ChinaProcter & Gamble Company was founded in 1837, is the world's largest consumer goods companies. Every day, around the world, Procter & Gamble products and three hundred and more countries and regions around the world, consumers took three billion in intimate contact.In 1988, Procter & Gamble set up its first joint venture, Guangzhou P & G Co., Ltd. in Guangzhou, and began its history of China's business development. P & G Greater China is headquartered in Guangzhou, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Tianjin, Dongguan and other places with a number of branches and factories, the total number of employees more than 6,300 peoplein China, the total investment of more than one billion US dollars.Over the past two decades, P & G's business in China has made rapid development, mainly in:Established a leading brandProcter & Gamble is China's largest consumer goods company, Greater China annual sales of more than two billion US dollars. Haifei Si, Rejoice, Shu skin good, Olay, Pampers, Tide and Gillette and other brands in their respective areas of products are in a leading market position.The business has maintained a strong growthChina P & G is one of the fastest growing regional markets for P & G's global business. P & G Greater China sales have been ranked second in the global market for P & G, sales have also been among the top five.Established an excellent organizational structureIn P & G Greater China, more and more Chinese employees play an important management position, Chinese employees accounted for more than 98% of the total number of employees, P & G Greater China has become the P & G other markets talent output.Commitment to model corporate citizenshipP & G has paid more than $ 54 million in donations to China's public welfare undertakings for education, health and disaster relief. For example, Procter & Gamble donated RMB 24 million to Hope Project in 1996-1995, and built 100 Hope Primary Schools in 27 provincial administrative regions across the country. It is one of the largest companies in China with the largest number of primary schools in China ThePersonnel turbulenceIn 2021, Procter & Gamble announced the departure of P & G, which had already served for 21 years.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

Procter & Gamble 宝洁公司
Made by Aiven Yi
General introduction Oprations Product Core strengths Our purpose
P&G Co. Brief Gamble Co., also known as P&G, is an American multinational consumer goods company headquartered in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, founded by William Procter and James Gamble, in 1837. Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G, NYSE: PG) is a Fortune 500, that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods. As of 2008, P&G is the 23rd largest US company by revenue and 14th largest by profit. It is 10th in Fortune's Most Admired Companies list . P&G is credited with many business innovations including brand management, the soap opera, and "Connect & Develop" innovation.
As of July 1, 2014, the company structure is categorized into four Sectors and five Selling & Market Organizations (SMOs).

According to the Nielsen Company, in 2007 P&G spent more on U.S. advertising than any other company; the $2.62 billion it spent is almost twice as much as General Motors, the next company on the Nielsen list.P&G was named 2008 Advertiser of the Year by Cannes International Advertising Festival.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Management and staff
Current members of the board of directors of Procter & Gamble are: Norman Augustine, Bruce Byrnes, Scott D. Cook, Joseph Gorman, A.G. Lafley, Charles R. Lee, Lynn M. Martin, W. James McNerney, Jr., Johnathan Rodgers, John F. Smith, Jr., Ralph Snyderman, Richard Dearlove, Margaret Whitman, and Brian Bowns. Norman Augustine will be retiring from the Board following the Company's October 2007 meeting. In 2007, the P&G's Canadian division was named one of Canada's Top 100 Employers, as published in Maclean's magazine, the only consumer products company to receive this honor.

一九八八年,宝洁公司 在广州成立了在中国的 第一家合资企业-广州 宝洁有限公司,从此开 始了其中国业务发展的 历程。宝洁大中华区总 部位于广州,目前在广 州、北京、上海、成都、 天津、东莞及南平等地 设有多家分公司及工厂, 员工总数超过七千人, 在华投资总额超过十七 亿美元。
二十多年来,宝洁在中国的业务发展 取得了飞速的发展,主要表现在:
SWOБайду номын сангаас分析
兰诺“一漂长效柔顺剂”通过“多重净漂因子”的 创新科技技术,可实现三大助漂功能:中和洗衣粉 残留、防止洗涤残留物附着、消除泡沫。消费者只 需在第一次漂洗时加入兰诺,即可实现“漂洗、柔 顺、清香、去静电”一步完成,无须再用清水漂洗。 大大节省了水资源。 帮宝适的研发人员精心挑选安全的材料,不停歇地 进行技术创新,经过20多年的努力,每片纸尿裤重 量降低了60%以上。
宝洁核心价值观就是领导能力、主人翁精神、诚实正直、 积极求胜与信任。该公司坚信宝洁的所有员工始终是公 司最为宝贵的财富,是核心价值观的核心。
人才是宝洁最珍贵的资产。我们通过完善的 本土人才培养计划和健全的人力资源和福利 系统,帮助员工达成自己的职业发展规划, 实现工作与生活的平衡。宝洁在美国总部建 立了培训学院,在中国也有专门的培训学院。 公司通过为每个雇员提供独具特色的培训计 划和极具针对性的个人发展计划,使他们的 潜力得到最大限度的发挥。

2、problem 、
• Though acquired many good opinions during a three years' investigation,the accomplishment of Ascend was so-so when finally pushed into the formal market.
• (3) Diversified combination marketing
• A.product Quality is the first. Secondly, consider the external appearance, style, brand and pack etc. • B.place • refer to product position level,choose different market place such as super maket、shop 、 counters、stores. 、
• C.promotion Use various medium resources flexibly (Notice:stick out point, shouldn't muddle the consumer's issue) • D.price • lower customer's cost in the process of research and put customer's satisfaction on the first place.
• B.The need of the target community and the fixed position of the product function don‘t ‘ agree with. What Ascend positions 18-35 career female's hair care need is mutually self-contradict with its product function fixed position.

Management and staff
• Current members of the board of directors of Procter & Gamble are: Norman Augustine, Bruce Byrnes, Scott D. Cook, Joseph Gorman, A.G. Lafley, Charles R. Lee, Lynn M. Martin, W. James McNerney, Jr., Johnathan Rodgers, John F. Smith, Jr., Ralph Snyderman, Richard Dearlove, Margaret Whitman, and Brian Bowns. Norman Augustine will be retiring from the Board following the Company's October 2007 meeting. In 2007, the P&G's Canadian division was named one of Canada's Top 100 Employers, as published in Maclean's magazine, the only consumer products company to receive this honor.
• Effective July 1, 2007, the company's operations are categorized into 3 "Global Business Units" with each Global Business Unit divided into "Business Segments," according to the company's June 2007 earnings release.
宝洁公司历史英文介绍 ppt课件

• During the American Civil War, the company won contracts to supply the Union Army with soap and candles.
• In the 1880s, Procter & Gamble began to market a new product, an inexpensive soap that floats in water. The company called the soap Ivory
In January 2005 P&G announced an acquisition of
Gillette, forming the largest consumer goods
company and placing Unilever into second place
About the logo
Branching out into new areas
The company began to build factories in other locations in the United States.in 1930,the company began to moved into other countries,both in terms of manufacturing and product sales.
some important events
• In 1858–1859, sales reached $1 million. By this point, approximately 80 employees worked for Procter & Gamble.

some important events
• In 1858–1859, sales reached $1 million. By this point, approximately 80 employees worked for Procter & Gamble. • During the American Civil War, the company won contracts to supply the Union Army with soap and candles. • In the 1880s, Procter & Gamble began to market a new product, an inexpensive soap that floats in water. The company called the soap Ivory • in the 1920s and 1930s, the company sponsored a number of radio programs. As a result, these shows often became commonly known as "soap operas".
Branching out into new areas
The company began to build factories in other locations in the United States.in 1930,the company began to moved into other countries,both in terms of manufacturing and product sales. • The company introduced "Tide" laundry detergent in 1946."Prell" shampoo in 1947,the first toothpaste "Crest" in 1955 ,and so on. • Branching out once again in 1957, the company purchased Charmin Paper Mills and began manufacturing toilet paper and other paper products.

----Procter & Gamble(宝洁公司)
The Outline
introduction of P&G
Market segmentation Market segmentation by geographic variables Market segmentation by humanities variables Market segmentation by psychological variables Market segmentation by Behavioral variables Conclusgions, P& G’s main push of the products are also different, such as in the remote mountain village areas, launched cheap cleaning products, such asTide. Shampoo Rejoice has affordable products-family pack. The main push for the international metropolis of Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong are high-end products such as Oil of Olay, Pantene.
1, social class Social class refers to the relative nature and persistence in a particular social group. A member of a different class will be very different. Procter & Gamble well use the characteristics of different sectors with the marketing strategy of the social strata. Purchase of higher social status can find personal tastes from the product, while purchaser in the bottom of society more focus on its value. Such as: Procter & Gamble internationally renowned skincare brand SK-II for the higher social status of the purchaser. Essence ranging from 800-1200 Price. OLAY products are faced with lower consumer.

Leadership Development
---Built from Within
Business and Functional Leaders Actively Recruit, Teach and Coach.
Line business leaders are accountable and involved at every step of the process. This starts at the top. Our CEO, Vice Chairs, Presidents recruit on college campuses and teach in our executive education programs. They also act as mentors and coaches for younger managers, helping them develop the skills necessary to lead large organizations.
Leadership Development ---Built from Within
We Challenge P&G People from Day One.
We believe there’s no substitute for hands-on experience when it comes to leadership development. That’s why we create early, meaningful responsibilities for every employee. Typical assignments demand collaboration inside and outside the Company, disciplined project management and the need to be in touch with consumers, retail customers and other external stakeholders.

Human Resources
Product Supply
Байду номын сангаас
Research & Development (研究开发部)
Information & Decision Solutions (信息与决策解决方案部)
P&G China
Procter & Gamble entered Mainland China in 1988 by establishing its first joint venture P&G.
Fem-Care: 护舒宝,朵朵
Men Care: 吉列,博朗,OLAY
Baby Care: 帮宝适
Battery 金霸王,另外南孚是宝洁控股的 Grocery(食品) 品客
1879年象牙(Ivory)第一种集温和与洗涤效果 于一体的多用途香皂
1911年Crisco第一种纯植物性烘焙油 1946年 汰渍(Tide)第一种高效合成洗涤剂 1955年佳洁士(Crest)第一种含氟、并经临床
Structure and Organization
Founded in 1837 Headquarters, United States,
Ohio Cincinnati City Offices located in over 80 countries Nearly 300 brands in more than 160 countries 22 global brands with sales of over $ 1 billion
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宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble),简称P&G,是一家美国消费日用品生产商, 也是目前全球最大的日用品公司之一。总部位于美国俄亥俄州辛辛那堤,全球 员工100,000多人。是财富500强中第十大最受赞誉的公司。
P&G (Procter & Gamble), hereinafter referred to as P&G, is a U.S. consumer commodity producers, is currently the world's largest commodity one of companies. Headquartered in Ohio, USA. 30 dike, staff more than 100000 people around the world. Is the tenth largest in the fortune 500 most admired companies.
The company form Procter & gamble
company is a joint-stock company.
宝洁是全球500强企业,在中国日化行业占据了半壁江山,其营销和品牌战略都被写 入了各种教科书,究其成功之处,主要表现在如下方面:多品种战略从香皂、牙膏、 漱口水、,到卫生纸、化妆纸、横跨了清洁用品、食品、纸制品、药品等多种行业。 凭借充足的运作资金,以日化联合体的形式来统一策划和统一运作。
P&g company product pricing methods and strategies
策略:比如:需求导向定价、竞争 导向定价、低价渗透策略、组合定 价策略、适时调整价格策略等。
Using a variety of pricing methods and strategies of procter & gamble, for example: demand-based pricing, competition oriented pricing, low penetration strategy, pricing strategy, adjust price strategy, etc.
始创于1837年的宝洁公司,是世界最大的日用消费品公司之一。宝洁公司全球雇员 10多万人,在全球80多个国家设有工厂及分公司,所经营的300多个品牌的产品畅销160 多个国家和地区,其中包括织物及家居护理、美发美容、婴儿及家庭护理、健康护理、 食品及饮料等。
Was founded in 1837, procter & gamble company, is one of the world's largest consumer goods company. Procter & ga than 10 ten thousand people worldwide, more than 80 countries around the world with factories and branches, operating more than 300 brands of products sold more than 160 countries and regions, including fabric and home care, beauty salon, baby and family care, health care, food and beverage, etc.
销售渠道 Sales channels
分销渠道 The retail channel
The distribution
品牌宣传策略重在制造概念,而宝洁的广告策略就是典型的概 念营销。在宝洁的广告策略中,这一营销理念被应用到了极致,每 个品牌都赋予了一个独特的概念。
Branding strategy focuses on manufacturing concept, and the concept of p&g's advertising strategy is a typical marketing. In p&g's advertising strategy, the marketing concept is applied to perfection, each brand is endowed with a unique concept.
The marketing strategy
P&g is the world's top 500 enterprises, daily chemical industry in China accounted for half of its marketing and brand strategy will be written to the various textbooks, investigate its successes, mainly displays in the following aspects: many kinds of strategy from the soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, and to the toilet paper, facial tissue, across the cleaning supplies, food, paper products, medicine and other industries. With sufficient working capital to date in the form of a joint venture to unified planning and unified operation.