
”--------------以下为试题,共###道大题,总分100分,考生请在答题纸上作答--------------一、选择题(共10 小题,每小题 2 分,共20 分)1. 以下分离技术成熟度和应用成熟最高的是( D )A. 超临界萃取B. 结晶C. 吸收D. 精馏2. 下列哪一个是速率分离过程( C )A. 蒸馏B. 吸收C. 膜分离D. 离心分离3. 当气液两相处在平衡时,( A )A. 两相间各组分的逸度相等B. 只是两相温度相等C. 两相间组分的浓度相等D. 相间不发生传质4. 膜过程中动力消耗最大的是( D )A. 纳滤B. 气体分离C. 微滤D. 反渗透5. 人工肾是( B )膜过程A. 膜吸收B. 透析C. 超滤D. 膜萃取6. 关于萃取精馏塔的下列描述中,哪一个不正确( B )A. 气液负荷不均,液相负荷大B. 回流比提高,产品纯度提高C. 恒摩尔流不太适合D. 是蒸馏过程7. A、B、C、D(挥发度依次减少)混合物的分离,工艺要求将B与C分离,则( B )A. A 为轻关键组分,B为重关键组分B. B 为轻关键组分,C为重关键组分C. A 为轻关键组分,D为重关键组分D. C 为轻关键组分,D为重关键组分8. 在超临界萃取过程中,通过改变压力实现溶剂回收的过程是( A )A.等温变压法B. 等压变温法C. 吸附法D. 以上都不是9. 下列能自发产生晶核是( C )A. 介稳区B. 稳定区C. 不稳定区D. 不好确定10.关于离子交换过程,不正确的说法有( C )A.一般来说,液相速度越快或搅拌越激烈,浓度越浓,颗粒越大,吸附越弱,越是趋向于内部扩散控制;B.想反,液体流速慢,浓度稀,颗粒细,吸附强,越是趋向于外部扩散控制;C.颗粒减少,对内部扩散和外部扩散控制的影响程度一样;D.离子的化合价越高,在树脂中扩散时,与树脂骨架(和扩散离子的电荷相反)间存在的库仑引力越大,因此扩散速度就越小。

01级中山大学中山医学院本科生理学期末考试题(闭卷部分)(考试时间:2003年1月14日)姓名__________________学号________________班别___________总分__________________一、A型题(选1个最佳答案,每题1分,共35分)1.有关神经纤维传导兴奋的机制和特点,错误的是:A.通过局部电流完成传导B.具有绝缘性C.相对不容易疲劳D.单向传导E.非衰减性传导2.EPSP在突触后神经元首先触发动作电位的部位是:A.树突棘B.胞体C.突触后膜D.轴突始段E.轴突末梢3.关于HCO3-重吸收的叙述,错误的是:A.主要在近球小管重吸收B.与H+的分泌有关C.HCO3-是以CO2的形式从小管液中转运至肾小管上皮细胞内的D.HCO3-重吸收需碳酸酐酶的帮助E.Cl-的重吸收优先于HCO3-的重吸收4.α受体:A.位于交感神经节细胞B.可被普萘洛尔阻断C.与异丙肾上腺素亲和力强D.兴奋时引起血管舒张,小肠平滑肌收缩E.仅对交感神经末梢释放的去甲肾上腺素起反应5.在脊髓半横断患者,横断平面以下:A.对侧本体感觉障碍B.对侧精细触觉障碍C.同侧痛、温觉障碍D.对侧随意运动丧失E.对侧痛、温觉障碍6.尿崩症的发生与下列哪种激素不足有关?A.肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素B.肾素C.抗利尿激素D.醛固酮E.前列腺素7.浦肯野细胞和心室肌细胞的动作电位的区别是:A.4期自动除极化B.3期复极速度不同C.平台期持续时间相差特别悬殊D.1期形成的机制不同E.0期除极速度不同8.胸廓的弹性回位力何时向外?A.开放性气胸时B.胸廓处于自然位置时C.平静呼吸末D.深呼气末E.深吸气末9.关于胰液分泌的调节,哪项是错误的?A.迷走神经兴奋,促进胰液分泌B.体液因素主要是胰泌素与胆囊收缩素C.胰腺分泌受神经与体液调节的双重控制而以神经调节为主D.食物是兴奋胰腺分泌的自然因素E.在非消化期,胰液基本上不分泌10.近视物时,眼的主要调节活动是:A.眼球前后径增大B.房水折光指数增大C.角膜曲率半径变大D.晶状体向前方和后方凸出E.晶状体悬韧带紧张度增加11.半规管中壶腹嵴毛细胞的适宜刺激是:A.旋转加速度或减速运动B.直线匀速运动C.旋转匀速运动D.直线减速运动E.直线加速运动12.引起血糖降低的激素是:A.生长素B.胰岛素C.肾上腺素D.糖皮质激素E.甲状腺素13.下列激素中哪种不属于类固醇激素?A.氢化可的松B.促性腺激素C.雌二醇D.睾丸酮E.醛固酮14.人工地增加离体神经纤维浸溶液中的K+浓度,静息电位的绝对值将:A.增大B.不变C.减少D.先减小后增大E.先增大后减小15.若人为保持脑脊液pH不变,用含高浓度CO2的人工脑脊液灌流脑室不再引起呼吸加强,表明:A.CO2可直接兴奋呼吸中枢B.CO2可直接兴奋呼吸中枢化学感受器C.CO2通过改变H+而兴奋呼吸D.血液中H+不容易通过血脑屏障E.脑脊液中H+可直接兴奋呼吸中枢16.有关散热调节的叙述,正确的是:A.大量发汗造成的脱水,属低渗性脱水B.环境湿度越高,汗液越易蒸发C.人体的发汗通常是不可意识的D.机体的主要散热部位是呼吸道粘膜E.机体通过辐射、传导等散热机制所散失的热量多少,取决于皮肤和环境之间的温度差17.硫氧嘧啶类药物可治疗甲状腺功能亢进症,是由于这类药物:A.抑制碘的摄取B.抑制过氧化物酶活性C.抑制T3、T4的释放D.使T3、T4的破坏增多E.阻止T3、T4进入细胞18.心室肌的前负荷是指:A.心室舒张末期的容积或压力B.心室收缩末期的容积或压力C.心室等容收缩期的容积或压力D.心室等容舒张期的容积或压力E.大动脉血压19.决定组织气体交换方向的主要因素是:A.气体的溶解度B.气体与血红蛋白的亲和力C.气体的分子量D.气体的分压差E.肺泡膜的通透性20.肾素—血管紧张素系统激活时,哪项不正确?A.醛固酮的分泌↑B.小动脉紧张度↑C.血量↑D.肾脏的钠盐排出↑E.尿量↓21.声波频率越高,基底膜振动幅度的最大部位越靠近:A.基底膜底部B.基底膜顶部C.基底膜中间部D.基底膜的最宽部位E.耳蜗顶部22.关于甲状腺激素的叙述,下列哪一项是错误的?A.碘是甲状腺激素合成的重要原料B.用药物抑制合成后,血中甲状腺激素水平在1~2d内即下降C.对婴儿脑的发育有促进作用D.可增加组织耗氧量,增加产热E.交感神经兴奋可使其合成分泌增加23.下丘脑与腺垂体之间主要通过下列哪条途径联系?A.神经纤维B.神经纤维和门脉系统C.垂体门脉系统D.垂体束E.轴浆运输24.血中哪种激素出现高峰可作为排卵的标志?A.催乳素B.黄体生成素C.卵泡刺激素D.催乳素释放因子E.催乳素释放抑制因子25.迷走神经使自律细胞自律性降低的主要作用机制是:A.动作电位0期去极速度减慢B.阈电位水平下移C.最大复极电位绝对值增大D.4期I K衰减过程加快E.I f减弱26.每分肺通气量和每分肺泡通气量之差为:A.潮气量X呼吸频率B.功能余气量X呼吸频率C.余气量X呼吸频率D.无效腔气量X呼吸频率E.肺活量X呼吸频率27.关于局部电流的叙述,下列哪项是错误的?A.局部电位随刺激强度增大而增大B.局部电位随扩布距离增大而减小C.局部去极化电位的区域兴奋性增高D.不存在时间和空间的总和E.它是动作电位形成的基础28.交感神经紧张时,尿量减少的主要原因是:A.肾小球毛细血管血压下降B.肾小球滤过面积减少C.滤过膜通透性降低D.血浆胶体渗透压升高E.囊内压升高29.肺内压等于大气压是在:A.吸气初和呼气末B.吸气末和呼气末C.吸气初和呼气末D.吸气末和呼气初E.以上都不是30.下列关于肺泡表面活性物质的描述,错误的是:A.维持肺泡的扩张状态B.降低肺泡表面张力C.稳定肺泡容积D.降低肺的顺应性E.由肺泡Ⅱ型细胞所分泌31.下列关于通气/血流比值的描述,哪一项是错误的?A.安静时正常值为0.84 B.比值减少,意谓着肺泡无效腔增大C.肺尖部增大,可达3以上D.肺下部减小E.肺动脉栓塞时,比值增大32.缺O2引起呼吸兴奋,是通过:A.直接刺激呼吸中枢B.刺激中枢化学感受器转而兴奋呼吸中枢C.刺激颈动脉体和主动脉体化学感受器D.刺激颈动脉窦和主动脉弓压力感受器E.呼吸肌本体感受性反射活动33.下列哪一项不是促胰液素的作用?A.促进胃酸分泌B.促进胰液中水和HCO3-的大量分泌C.促进肝细胞分泌胆汁D.促进小肠液的分泌E.与胆囊收缩素有协同作用34.肾小球滤过率是指:A.每分钟每侧肾脏生成的原尿量B.每分钟两侧肾脏生成的原尿量C.每分钟每侧肾脏生成的终尿量D.每分钟两侧肾脏生成的终尿量E.每分钟肾脏的血浆流量35.糖尿病人尿量增多的原因是:A.肾小球滤过率增加B.渗透性利尿C.水利尿D.抗利尿激素分泌减少E.醛固酮分泌减少E.以上均不对二、X型题(选2个以上正确答案,每题1分,共5分)36.震颤麻痹(帕金森病)的主要症状是:A.全身肌紧张降低B.随意运动减少C.静止性震颤D.上肢和头部出现不自主运动E.眼震颤37.与突触后抑制比较,突触前抑制的特点有:A.突触前神经元为抑制性中间神经元B.潜伏期长,持续时间长C.突触前末梢Ca2+内流减少D.突触后神经元兴奋性不改变E.选择性调节感觉信息的传入38.形成动脉血压的因素是:A.心输出量B.循环血量C.静脉血流量D.外周阻力E.骨骼肌的挤压作用39.与肺换气有直接关系的是:A.呼吸道口径B.气体分压差C.气体分子的大小D.通气/血流比值E.呼吸膜的面积和通透性40.影响胃排空的因素有:A.胃和十二指肠内食物量B.胃泌素C.十二指肠pH值降到3.5时D.进食脂肪E.食物的理化性质三、简答题(每题5分)41.简述甲状旁腺激素的主要生理作用及其作用途径。

Passage 1One motivational analyst who became curious to know there had been such a great rise in impulse buying at supermarkets was James Vicary. He suspected that some special psychology must be going on inside the women as they shopped in supermarkets. His suspicion was that perhaps they underwent such an increase in tension when confronted with so many possibilities that they were forced into making quick purchases. He set out to find out if this was true. The best way to detect what was going on inside the shopper was through the use of a galvanometer or lie detector. That obviously was impractical. The next best thing was to use a hidden motion-picture camera and record the eye-blink rate of the women as they shopped. How fast a person blinks his eyes is a pretty good index of his state of inner tension. The average person, according to Mr. Vicary, normally blinks his eyes about 32 times a minute. If he is tense, he blinks them more frequently; and, under extreme tension, he may blink up to 50 or 60 times. If he is notably relaxed, on the other hand, his eye-blink rate may drop to a subnormal twenty or less.Mr. Vicary set up his cameras and started following the ladies as they entered the store. The results were startling, even to him. Their eye-blink rate, instead of going up to indicate mounting tension, went down and down, to a very subnormal fourteen blinks a minute. The ladies fell into what Mr. Vicary calls a hypnoidal trance, a light kind of trance that, he explains, is the first stage of hypnosis. Mr. Vicary has decided that the main cause of the trance is that the supermarket is packed with products which in former years would have been items only kings and queens could have afforded and here in this fairyland they were available to all. Mr. Vi cary theorizes: “Just within this generation, anyone can be a king or queen and go throughthese stores where the products say ‘buy me, buy me’.〞1 Vicary’s curiosity was aroused by the fact that _________.A. there was a decrease in sales in supermarketsB. women were showing strong resistance to products in supermarketsC. there seemed to be no logic in women’s buying habitsD. women were shopping very carefully2 According to the article, eye-blink rate is an indication of ________.A. the truth or falsity of a statementB. the mental ability of a personC. blood pressureD. the emotional state of a person3 Mr. Vicary’s test ________________.A. proved his original hypothesis to be trueB. proved that the tension of a woman shopper, after entering the store, decreasedrather than increasedC. nullified the eye-blink rate as a measurement of tensionD. showed that a woman’s reaction to the products in a supermarket is impossible todetermine4 After his tests, Mr. Vicary concluded that _____________.A. shopping was apt to create serious nervous disordersB. a supermarket is a fantastic placeC. women are entranced by the many wonderful items available in supermarketsD. women develop an inferiority plex when in supermarkets5 Implied but not stated: _______________.A. Quick purchases are the result of inner tensionB. The first stage of hypnosis is a light tranceC. Research conducted by motivation analysis can disprove their original premisesD. Supermarkets seeking a fairyland atmosphere should install hidden movie camerasPassage 2In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experiments to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists’ predictions, the theory is supported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further. There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected.Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information andperforming experiments. Facts by themselves are not science. As the mathematician JulesMost scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have learned about a particular problem. After known facts have been gathered, the scientist es to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible solutions to the problem are formulated. These possible solutions are called hypotheses.In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. It extends the scientist’s thinking beyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations, and makes observations to test hypotheses. For without hypotheses, further investigation lacks purpose and direction. When hypotheses are confirmed, they are incorporated into theories.6 “Bricks〞are mentioned in Paragraph 3 to indicate how _________.A. mathematicians approach scienceB. building a house is like performing experimentsC. science is more than a collection of factsD. scientific experiments have led to improved technology7 In the fourth paragraph, the author implies that imagination is most important to scientists when they ________.A. evaluate previous work on a problemB. formulate possible solutions to a problemC. gather known factsD. close an investigation8 In the l ast paragraph, the author refers to hypothesis as “a leap into the unknown〞inorder to show that hypotheses ________________.A. are sometimes ill-conceivedB. can lead to dangerous resultsC. go beyond available factsD. require effort to formulate9 In the last paragraph, what does the author imply is a major function of hypotheses?A. Sifting through known facts.B. municating a scientist’s thoughts to others.C. Providing direction for scientific research.D. Linking together different theories.10 Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?A. Theories are simply imaginary models of past events.B. It is better to revise a hypothesis than to reject it.C. A scientist’s most difficult task is testing hypotheses.D. A good scientist needs to be creative.Passage 3For most of us, the work is the central, dominating fact of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work, preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we dothere largely determines our standard of living and to a considerable extent the status we are accorded by our fellow citizens as well. It is sometimes said that because leisure has bee more important the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into a corner, that because most work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it should pensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by concentrating their hopes on the other parts of their lives. I reject that as a counsel of despair. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfaction that life can offer. Yet only a small minority can control the pace at which they work or the conditions in which their work is done; only for a small minority does work offer scope for creativity, imagination, or initiative.Inequality at work and in work is still one of the cruelest and most glaring forms of inequality in our society. We cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life, many of which arise directly or indirectly from the frustrations created by inequality at work, unless we tackle it head-on. Still less can we hope to create a decent and humane society.The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest. For most managers, work is an opportunity and a challenge. Their jobs engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities. They are constantly learning; they are able to exercise responsibility; they have a considerable degree of control over their own and others’ working lives. Most important of all, they have opportunity to initiate. By contrast, for most manual workers, and for a growing number of white-collar workers, work is a boring, dull, even painful experience. They spend all their working lives in conditions which would be regarded as intolerable --- forthemselves --- by those who take the decisions which let such conditions continue. The majority have little control over their work; it provides them with no opportunity for personal development. Often production is so designed that workers are simply part of the technology. In offices, many jobs are so routine that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic machine. As a direct consequence of their work experience, many workers feel alienated from their work and their firm, whether it is in public or in private ownership.11 In the writer’s opinion, people judge others by_________.A. the type of work they doB. the place where they workC. the time they spend at workD. the amount of money they earn12 According to the writer, in the future, work will ________.A. matter less than it does nowB. be as important as it is nowC. be better paid than it is nowD. offer more satisfaction13 What does the writer think is needed to solve our industrial problems?A. A reduction in the number of strikesB. Equality in salariesC. A more equal distribution of responsibilityD. An improvement in moral standards14 What advantages does the writer say managers have over other workers?A. They cannot lose their jobs.B. They get time off to attend courses.C. They can work at whatever interests them.D. They can make their own decisions.15 Working conditions generally remain bad because _______________.A. the workers are quite satisfied with themB. no one can decide what to do about themC. managers see no need to change themD. office workers want to protect their positionsPassage 4Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity, the number of species in a particular ecosystem, to the health of the Earth and human being. Much has been written about the diversity of terrestrial organisms, particularly the exceptionally rich life associated with tropical rain-forest habitats. Relatively little has been said, however, about diversity of life in the sea even though coral reef systems are parable to rain forests in terms of richness of life.An alien exploring Earth would probably give priority to the planet’s dominant, most distinctive feature – ocean. Humans have a bias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly examining global issues. Seen from far away, it is easy to realize that landmassesoccupy one-third of the Earth’s surface. Given that two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is water and that marine life lives at all levels of the ocean, the total three-dimensional living space of the ocean is perhaps 100 times greater than that of land and contains more than 90 percent of all life on Earth even though the ocean has fewer distinct species.The fact that half of the known species are thought to inhabit the world’s rain forests does not seem surprising, considering the huge numbers of insects that prise the bulk of the species. One scientist found many different species of ants in just one tree from a rain forest. While every species is different from every other species, their genetic makeup constrains them to be insects and to share similar characteristics with 750,000 species of insects. If basic, broad categories such as phyla and classes are given more emphasis than differentiating between species, then the greatest diversity of life is unquestionably the sea. Nearly every major type of plant and animal has some representation there.To appreciate fully the diversity and abundance of life in the sea, it helps to think small. Every spoonful of ocean water contains life on the order of 100 to 100,000 bacterial cells plus assorted microscopic plants and animals, including larvas of organisms ranging from sponges and corals to starfish and clams and much more.16 What is the main point of the passage?A. Humans are destroying thousands of species.B. There are thousands of insect species.C. The sea is even richer in life than the rain forests.D. Coral reefs are similar to rain forests.17 Why does the author pare rain forests and coral reefs (Paragraph 1)?A. They are approximately the same size.B. They share many similar species.C. Most of their inhabitants require water.D. Both have many different forms of life.18 The passage suggests that most rain forest species are ________________.A. insectsB. bacteriaC. mammalsD. birds19 The author argues that there is more diversity of life in the sea than in the rain forests because ____________.A. more phyla and classes of life are represented in the seaB. there are too many insects to make meaningful distinctionsC. many insect species are too small to divide into categoriesD. marine life-forms reproduce at a faster rate20 Which of the following conclusions is supported by the passage?A. Ocean life is highly adaptive.B. More attention needs to be paid to preserving ocean species and habitats.C. Ocean life is primarily posed of plants.D. The sea is highly resistant to the damage done by pollutants.Passage 5Battles are like marriages. They have a certain fundamental experience they share in mon; they differ infinitely, but sill they are all alike. A battle seems to me a conflict of will to the death in the same way that a marriage of love is the identification of two human beings to the end of the creation of life –as death is the reverse of life, and love of hate. Battles are mitments to cause death as marriages are mitments to create life. Whether, for any individual, either union results in death or in the creation of new life, each risks it – and in the risk mits himself.As the servants of death, battles will always remain horrible. Those who are fascinated by them are being fascinated by death. There is no battle aim worthy of the name except that of ending all battles. Any other conception is, literally, suicidal. The fascist worship of battle is a suicidal drive; it is love of death instead of life.In the same idiom, to triumph in battle over the forces which are fighting for death is –again literally –to triumph over death. It is a surgeon’s triumph as he cuts a body and bloodies his hands in removing a cancer in order to triumph over death that is in the body.In these thoughts I have found my own peace, and I return to an army that fights death and cynicism in the name of life and hope. It is a good army. Believe in it.21 Although the author says that battles are horrible, he also says that_________.A. most people find fascination in themB. there is no battle aim worthy of the nameC. one should love life and not deathD. fighting to end battles is justifiable22 The author states that one who fights a battle toward any end other than peace is ________.A. tainted by fascismB. misguided and unworthyC. victimized by unconscious drives to killD. bent on his own destruction23 The article says that the individual, in battle and in marriage, must_________.A. make a unionB. promise his beliefsC. take the risks he has mitted himself toD. recognize that death is the reverse of life24 The article says that a surgeon can triumph when he_____________.A. performs a successful operationB. triumphs over the bodyC. removes a cancerD. cuts out that which is life-destroying25 Implied by the author, but not stated: “I have found peace as I _________.〞A. think about life and deathB. return to an army that fights death and cynicismC. consider being a surgeonD. recognize that life and hope can triumph if one fights for themPassage 6There is little question that substantial labor-market differences exist between men and women. Among the most researched difference is the male-female wage gap. Many different theories are used to explain why men earn more than women. One possible reason is basedis a joint decision in which the needs of the husband and wife are balanced to maximize family welfare. Job-motivated relocations are generally made to benefit the primary earner in the family. This leads to a constrained job search for the secondary earner, as he or she must search for a job in a limited geographic area. Since the husband is still the primary wage earner in many families, the job search of the wife may suffer. Individuals who are tied to a certain area are labled ‘tied-stayers’, while secondary earners who move for the benefit of the family are labeled ‘tied-movers’(Jacob Mincer, 1978).The wages of a tied-stayer or tied-mover may not be substantially lower if the family lives in or moves to a large city. If a large labor market has more cacancies, the wife may locate a wage offer near the maximum she would find with a nation-wide search. However, being a tied-stayer or tied-mover can lower the wife’s wage if the family lives in or moves to a small munity. A small labor market will reduce the likelihood of her finding a job that utilizes her skills. As a result she may accept a job for which she is overqualified and thus earn a lower wage. This hypothesized relationship between the likelihood of being overqualified and SMSA size is termed ‘differential overqualification.’F rank (1978) and Haim Ofek and Yesook Merrill(1994) provide support for the theory of differential overqualification byfinding that the male-female wage gap is greater in smaller SMSA’s.While the results are consistent with the existence of differential overqualification, they may also result from other situations as well. Firms in small labor market may use their monopsony power to keep wages down. Local demand shocks are found to be a major source of wage variation both across and within local labor market(Roberts Topel, 1986). Since large labor markets are generally more diversified, a demand shock can have a substantial impact on immobile workers in small labor markets. Another reason for examining differential overqualification involves the assumption that there are more vacancies in large labor markets. While there is little doubt that more vacancies exist in large labor markets, there are also likely to be more people searching for jobs in large labor markets. If the greater number of vacancies is offset by the larger number of searchers, it is unclear whether women will be more likely to be overqualified in small labor market. Instead of relying on wages to determine if differential overqualification exists, we consider an explicit form of overqualification based on education.26 According to the author, the male-female wage gap ________.A is justifiedB has important repercussions on family lifeC represents a sexist attitude toward womenD is simply one of a considerable number of labor-market differences27 “Geographical mobility( Para. 1)〞as used in the passage, refers to ________.A the way in which Americans tend to move from job to jobB the penchant wage-earners have to maximize family welfareC the necessity to relocate in order to increase wagesD all of the above28 The difference between a ‘tied-stayer’ and a ‘tied-mover’ is that ________.A the primary earner is forced to search for work in a specific area while the secondaryearner is freer to roam aboutB the former is obliged to remain in an area while the latter is notC the former is the wife and the later is the husbandD the latter’s salary is of secondary importance to the former’s salary29 With which of the following statements would the author agree?A The size of the labor market determines repense.B The size of the labor market determines acquired skills utilization.C The size of the labor market determines the probability of matching skills withappropriate wage level.D All of the above.30 The names and dates between parentheses ________.A refer to bibliographical entriesB explain who discussed what and when they discussed itC are references to what the author has readD may be described by all of the abovePart II. Vocabulary and Structure 〔40x0.5=20points〕Section A: In this section, there are 20 inplete sentences, each with four items marked A, B, C and D. Choose one item that best pletes the sentence and mark your choice on your ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.31.What else does talking frankly and informally mean but an invitation to ________without any career consequence?A. whoop it upB. unload opinionsC. hang aroundD. incur a debt32.The Single in the past, of the _______ego and much-watched answering machine, wastraditionally at the margin of society: a figure of fun, pity and awe.A. archlyB. gallantlyC. wobblyD. allegedly33. Mr. Smith, who was worried that the ban might ________ on the rights of law-abidinggun owners, had already voted against the bill.A. infringeB. IntegrateC. InferiorD. incorporate34. This event is called a party --- a place where one _______ without worrying about beingjudged by the cold standard of professional usefulness.A. rest upB. fork outC. pull backD. let loose35. A host of other singles services have sprung up, from dogwalkers to alarm systems toagencies that will water your plants or bring you aspirin and coffee when you’re _________.A. hung aroundB. hung overC. hung upD. hung on36. The layout of space characteristic of French cities is only one aspect of the theme ofcentralization that ______ French culture.A. fantasizesB. internalizesC. socializesD. characterizes37. In the United States, cities are usually laid out along a grid, streets and buildings arenumbered __________.A. quintessentiallyB.archaeologicallyC. sequentiallyD. dysfunctionally38. In middle-class America, specific spaces are _________ for specific activities.A. populatedB. dominatedC. designatedD. validated39. This pattern has been used for thousands of years, as demonstrated by the archaeologicalevidence _______ in ancient Indian cities.A. undefinedB. uncoveredC. undoneD. untitled40. Today about a fifth of all married couples still ______ the old-style marriage in which thewife stays home to raise children and the husband works.A. opt withB. opt toC. opt forD. opt against41. He doesn't conform to the usual ________ of the city businessman with a dark suit androlled umbrella.A. stereotypeB. controversyC. geneticsD. custody42. They were told to take whatever action they ________ necessary.A. seemedB. inhibitedC. prohibitedD. deemed43. When the war broke out, a large number of refugees crossed the border, seeking _______in the neighboring country.A. caseworkB. smugnessC. sancturyD. riff44. We should strengthen regulation, prevent and ______ financial risks so as to providebetter banking services for economic and social development.A. plunkB. defuseC. violateD. strive45. Bothered by terrorism, world leaders are now united in their _____ for peace.A. questB. intimacyC. validationD. condo46. With his prison record and lack of experience, he’s already got two _____ agai nst himwhen he applies for a job.A. advantagesB. aspirationsC. strikesD. knockers47. Robert has developed a ________ on his shoulder about not going to university becauseof his poor family.A. chopB. carpC. chipD. chaw48. New puter systems have made old methods of data processing _______ .A. unfazedB. pretentiousC. substantiveD. obsolete49. Although they are always at the center of things, they tend to be loners and are ____ tostress when life bees difficult.A. proneB. aboutC. motiveD. sturdy50. In recent years, young parents, female professionals, and well-educated parents are morelikely to ______ their children into more equal gender roles.A. perceiveB. dominateC. socializeD. prescribePart BDirections: In this section, there are 20 plete sentences, each with an underlined part. Replace each underlined word/phrase with one of the four items marked A, B, C and D that best keeps its meaning and mark your choices on your ANSWER SHEET with a single linethrough the center.51.In view of the insecurity of online shopping, doing a little bit of research beforeA.make profitB. deceiveC. get rich quickD. make a dealA. clutchedB. intrudedC. excludedD. includeddiscipline of bioethics.A.ProposedB. imposedC. presentedD. representedwater shortage problem in North China, in the area of Three Gorges Dam it warned heavy rainfall and could trigger landslides or mudflows,A.vistaB. libidoC. damageD. fusionare opting to live apart in peace rather than together in stress.A. groanedB. trampedC. strainedD. quarrelledappreciation of the staff.A. reprimandingB. remindingC. mandingD. demandinghospitals and nursing homes across the country.A.WithB. WithoutC. ForD. AgainstA. coincide withB. agree withC. afflict withD. grapple withbody’s capacity to heal.A. excelledB. excludedC. exceededD. externalizedhousing market.A. opting forB. fighting forC. searching forD. longing forA. condonedB. appalledC. frayedD. gazed at62. With the development of science and technology, some scientists believe that soon it willA. ordinaryB. unusualC. impulsiveD. devastatingand calling the coach all sorts of names.A. beamed with prideB. petered outC. rode the waveD. got angry64. Both in revolution and in construction we should also learn from foreign countries andforeign models will get us nowhere.A. concurB. useC. attestD. impartA. influentialB. poorC. indigentD. wealthy66. We should promote quality-oriented education to cultivate hundreds of millions ofhigh-quality workers, tens of millions of specialized personnel and a great number ofA. arrogantB. outgoingC. first-rateD. convincedAmerican.A. intelligentB. diligentC. prestigiousD. attractiveannounced to delay again.A. was acting unreasonablyB. was jumping up and downC. was laughing heartilyD. was riding the wavewith alcohol and their families.A. feistyB. drunkC. mediocreD. teetotalingA. happenB. speculateC.chiselD. transmit2参考答案:1- 5 C D B C C6-10 C B C C D11-15 A B C D C16-20 C D A A B21-25 D D C A D26-30 D C D D D31-35BCADB 36-40DCCBC 41-45ADCBA 46-50CCDAC 51-55BCCCD 56-60AABCD 61-65DADBD 66-70CDABA。
中山大学生科院 细胞生物学试卷 (9)

中山大学生科院细胞生物学期末试卷(生物科学、生物技术专业、进修教师、交换生,140人)姓名∶专业∶一、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 人细胞中DNA总长度为米2. 一个既含有输入细胞核又含有输出细胞核信号的蛋白质分子合成后将会。
3. 如果在一个正处于缩短状态的微管溶液中加入不能被水解的GTP类似物, 微管将。
4. 细胞分裂的最后一步, 即产生两个子细胞的过程称为。
5. 2003年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖奖给了英国科学家曼斯菲尔德和美国科学家劳特布尔, 表彰他们在方面作出的杰出贡献。
9. AP1和AP2都是披网格蛋白小泡外被装配必需的辅助蛋白, 但是二者的作用部位不同:AP1 的披网格蛋白小泡的装配。
10. 通过起动子交换重组实验, 证明了U1 snRNA输出细胞核的信号与相关。
二、判断以下各题是否正确, 若正确, 用T表示, 不正确用F表示, 不需说明。
(每题1分,共10分)1. 一个含有输入过氧化物酶体和输入ER两种信号的蛋白质将定位于ER。
( )2. 在多次跨膜蛋白中,奇数跨膜片段(从N-端起始)只能作为起始跨膜信号,而偶数片段只能作为停止跨膜信号。
( )3. 细胞质膜将细胞分割成功能各异、不通透的区室。
( )4. “在多数真核细胞中质膜的含量最少、功能最大”, 此话正确吗? ( )5. Ras基因是一种癌基因。
( )6. 虽然细胞周期各时相的长短都有不同程度的变化,但变化最大的是G1期。
( )7. 一个同时含有输入线粒体信号和ER驻留信号的蛋白质最终定位于线粒体而不能驻留ER。
( )8. 脊椎动物和芽殖酵母都是使用一种 Cdk控制细胞周期的时相转换。
( )9. 核纤层是由核纤层蛋白A、核纤层蛋白B和核纤层蛋白C构成的,其中只有核纤层蛋白A与内核膜相连,核纤层蛋白B和C则与染色质相连。

”------------以下为试题区域,共7道大题,总分100分,考生请在答题纸上作答------------1. (10 marks) Let R = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G} and F = {AB→C, A→C, A→E, B→C, EF→EG, G→F}. Answer the following three questions.1)(4 marks) Compute the minimal cover of F.B→CA→CA→EEF→GG→F2)(4 marks) Decompose R into 3NF relations.{B, C}, {A, C, E}, {E, F, G} and {A, B, D, F} (OR {A, B, D, G})3)(2 marks) Is the composition in (b2) in BCNF? Briefly explain your answer.No. For {E, F, G} and G→F, G is not a candidate key.2. (10 marks)Assume there is an employee database Employee (eid: 8 bytes, ename: 16 bytes, did: 4 bytes, email: 12 bytes), where eid and ename are respectively the id and name of an employee and did is the id of the department in which the employee works. Suppose there are 50,000 employee records and 500 departments (i.e. each department has 100 employees on average). A page size is 1,000 bytes and a pointer costs 4 bytes.1)(4 marks) Assume that the employee file is sorted sequentially on did and there is noindex. Estimate the page access cost for retrieving the records of all employees working in a department with a given did. (You should show your argument and the main steps of the estimation clearly in the answer.)AnswerRecord size = 40 bytes, 25 records per page, 2,000 pages.Finding the first record requires log22000 + 3 more pages to search theremaining records (each dept has 100 employees which are distributed in 4pages).2)(6 marks) Assume only 20 pages of main memory are available for running theexternal sorting of the employee file on did.•How many PASSes are needed for the external sorting?•In each PASS, how many runs are created?•What is the total cost of the sorting in terms of pages?Answer:3 PASSes:PASS 0: 2000 pages / 20 pages per run = 100 runsPASS 1: ceil (100 runs / 19 runs per run) = 6 runsPASS 2: 1 runTotal cost: (2000 pages read per pass + 2000 pages write per pass) * 2 PASSes +2000 pages read per pass = 10000 pages (Note: Output is not counted!)Or: 2000 * (2 * 2 + 1) = 10000 pages transfer.3. (10 marks) Suppose a bookstore has the following five relational tables:BOOK (BID, TITLE, AID, SUBJECT, QUANTITY_IN_STOCK)AUTHOR (AID, NAME) CUSTOMER (CID, NAME)ORDER_DETAILS (OID, BID , QUANTITY) ORDER (OID, CID , ORDER_YEAR)In the above tables, keys are underlined and foreign keys are in italics . Each author has authored at least one book in the store. Each book has exactly one author. Each order is made by exactly one customer and has one or more associated record in ORDER_DETAILS (e.g., an order may contain different books).Express the following query using (i) SQL expressions, (ii) the relational algebra (RA).Find the distinct customer IDs (CID) of customers who have purchased more than 10 identical books in one order at least once.(i) SELECT DISTINCT CIDFROM ORDER_DETAILS od, ORDER oWHERE QUANTITY >= 10 AND od.OID = o.OID(ii)CID (σQUANTITY ≥ 10 (ORDER_DETAILSOID ORDER ))4. (10 marks) A B+ tree with n=5 is shown in Figure 1, in which only search keys are shown and pointers to the file system are hidden. We want to insert a data entry with search key “23”.Figure 1. A B+ Tree Structure1) Which of the following descriptions about the insertion operation is correct?A.The B+ tree contains 2 levels after insertion. 2 node splits are needed duringinsertion. The root node contains search key “15”.B.The B+ tree contains 3 levels after insertion. 1 node split is needed duringinsertion. The root node contains search key “20”.C.The B+ tree contains 3 levels after insertion. 2 node splits are needed duringinsertion. The root node contains search key “15”.D.The B+ tree contains 3 levels after insertion. 2 node splits are needed duringinsertion. The root node contains search key “20”.Answer: C2)We want to delete the data entry with search key “7”. How many leaf nodes store onlytwo data values after deletion?A.2B. 3C. 4D.5Answer: A5. (20 marks)You are given an initial hash structure with three keys already inserted as below. The hash function is h(x) = x mod 16. Draw five extendable hash structures corresponding for each insertion of the following search key values K: 7, 15, 20, 37, 18. Assume each bucket can hold two keys and the search key values arrive in the given order (i.e. 7 being the first coming key and 18 being the last one).You should follow the convention used by lecture slides: binary hash indices starting from the least significant bit. (E.g. 1 is the least significant bit of the 4 digit binary number 0001.)AnswerInsert 7Insert 15 and 20Insert 37Insert 186. (25 Marks) Consider a database consisting of the following three relation schemas:SAILORS (sid, sname, rating, age)BOATS (bid, bname, color)RESERVES (sid, bid, date, rname)The meaning of the attributes in the above schemas is self-explanatory. For example, sid is the sailor identity number and bname is the name of the boat. The primary keys of the relations are underlined. The attribute sid in RESERVES is a foreign key referencing SAILORS. The attribute bid in RESERVES is a foreign key referencing BOATS.The relation SAILORS has 100,000 tuples and 100 tuples of SAILORS fit into one page. The relation BOATS has 50,000 tuples and 25 tuples of BOATS fit into one page. The relation RESERVES has 10,000 tuples and 20 tuples of RESERVES fit on one page. We assume all attribute values and pointers in these three relations, if needed to be considered, are of the same size.(a)(10 marks) Assume that we use Indexed Nested Loop Join to computeSAILORS RESERVES using SAILORS as the outer relation. RESERVES have a primary B+-tree index with 2 levels on the join attribute. Estimate the cost of the join in terms of pages.Number of SAILORS pages: br = 100,000/100 = 1,000Number of SAILORS Tuples: nr = 100,000.The cost is br+ c * nr = 1,000 + (2+1) * 100,000 = 301,000.(b)(5 mark)Assume that 26% of the sailors have the rating bigger than 5. Estimate theresult size of sid(σrating>5 SAILORS) in terms of pages.Size = 26% * 100,000 / 100/4 = 65 pages260 divided by 4, for there is projection and all the attributes have same size(c)(10 marks) Consider the following two strategies to compute the join operationSAILORS BOATS RESERVES.Strategy 1: (SAILORS BOATS) RESERVESStrategy 2: (SAILORS RESERVES) BOATSWhich strategy is better? Explain the reason(s) of your choice based on the size of the intermediate result using the above strategies.Strategy 2 is better.Because in Strategy 1, SAILORS BOATS is equal to the cross-product of the two relations and the size of the join result will become as large as 100,000 * 50,000 = 5,000,000,000 tuples. This intermediate result is very large and later when joining this intermediate result with RESERVES, the cost is also large.In comparison, in Strategy 2, SAILORS RESERVES has only 10,000 tuples. And later when joining this intermediate result with BOATS, the cost is also small.7. (15 Marks) Consider a schedule S which consists of four transactions as follows:S = <T3_R(U), T2_R(X), T2_W(X), T3_R(X), T1_R(Y), T1_W(Y), T3_W(X), T1_R(Z), T4_R(Z), T4_W(Z), T2_W(Y), T3_R(Y)>The notation is self-explanatory. For example, T1_R(X) means that transaction T1 reads item X.(a)(5 marks) Fill in the following table representing S with the usual notations in lectureslides. The first operation R(U) has been shown in the table. Show clearly all conflicting pairs with downward arrows on the operations.(b)(5 marks) Construct the precedence graph of S. Explain why or why not the schedule isconflict-serializable.Precedence Graph of S:No cycle.(c)(5 marks) Suppose the format of the “commit” operation is Ci where i = 1, 2, 3, or 4.For example, the operation C1 means that the transaction T1 commits. Append all the commit statements to S so that the schedule becomes recoverable. For example, one append can be SC4C3C2C1 which means running S and then C4, C3, C2, C1. (Note that you should NOT change the sequence of the operations in S other than appending S with the four commit statements to make the schedule recoverable.)Recoverable (but not cascadeless) schedule: SC1C2C3C4 or (SC1C2C4C3) or (SC1C4C2C3) (Note: any permutation of Ci satisfies the commit order constraints: C1→C2, C1→C3, C1→C4, C2→C3 is correct)。


学院(系):中山医学院 专业: 年级: 班别: 学号: 姓名:2010级外科学理论考试题课程名称: 《外科学》 试卷类型:A 卷考试时间: 120分钟 考试方式:闭卷考试日期: 2013年6月24 日《中山大学授予学士学位工作细则》第六条:“考试作弊不授予学士学位。
”一、A 型选择题:(50题,每题1分)1、正常人血中HCO3-/H2CO3之比为A. 10:1B. 15:1C. 20:1D. 25:1E. 30 :12、等渗性脱水病人,大量输入生理盐水治疗可导致 A.高钾血症B.低钾血症C.高钙血症D.低氯血症E.高氯血症3、pH值正常范围约为多少?A. 7.25~7.35B. 7.35~7.45C. 7.30~7.40D. 7.45~7.55E. 7.15~7.254、细胞内液的主要阳离子是A. k+B. Na+C. Ca++D. Mg++E. H+5、缺钠多少算重度缺钠A. [血钠]<135mmol/LB. [血钠]<130mmol/LC. [血钠]<120mmol/LD. [血钠]<110mmol/LE. [血钠]<125mmol/L6、急性肾功能衰竭最易发生哪种酸碱平衡失调?A. 呼吸性酸中毒B. 代谢性酸中毒C. 呼吸性碱中毒D. 代谢性碱中毒E. 呼吸性酸中毒合并代谢性碱中毒7、疤痕性幽门梗阻病人术前纠正体液代谢和酸碱平衡失调时,选用的液体应为A.1.25%碳酸氢钠液十林格氏液B. 1.25%碳酸氢钠液十 5%葡萄糖液C. 5%葡萄糖液十 1/6mol/L乳酸钠液D. 5%葡萄糖盐水十氯化钾液E.1/6mol/L乳酸钠液8、一旦发生全脊髓麻醉,应立即A. 强心B. 人工呼吸C. 静注肾上腺素D. 输血E. 静注阿托品9、病房中发现病人神志不清,无呼吸动作,颈动脉搏动消失,正确的处理是A. 立即测血压B. 立即查看瞳孔C. 立即行心肺复苏D. 立即输液E. 立即听心音10.处理开放性颅脑损伤最主要的治疗措施是A.及时包扎伤口、彻底止血B.注射抗生素和T A TC.应用脱水利尿药物D.应用镇静剂和脑保护剂E.及时彻底清创,缝合修补硬脑膜11. 男性,34岁,左腰剧痛1天,尿常规示红细胞(+++),B超提示左肾积水。

一、 计算二重积分 ∬xy Ddxdy , 其中 D 为第一象限内的椭圆区域: x 24+y 2≤1,x ≥0, y ≥0.(7分)解:使用广义极坐标变换,即x =2r cos θ,y =r sin θ(1分),积分区域可表示为0≤θ<π2,0≤r ≤1(1分) D (r,θ)=[2cos θsin θ−2r sin θr cos θ]=2r (1分),我们有 ∬xy D dxdy =∫dθπ/2∫2r cos θ⋅r sin θ⋅|J |10dr (1分)=∫4cos θ⋅sin θdθπ/2∫r 31=∫2sin 2θdθπ/2×r 44|01=−cos 2θ|0π2×14=−(−1−1)×14=12(1分)二、 设 Ω 为曲面 z =1 与上半球面 z =√3−x 2−y 2 所围成的区域,S 为 Ω 的边界,求第一型曲面积分 ∬(x +S1)dS 的值. (7分)解:首先通过方程z =1=√3−x 2−y 2,容易算得两曲面交线为x 2+y 2=2,故积分投影区域为D:x 2+y 2≤2,上表面为上半球面z 上=√3−x 2−y 2,下表面为平面z 下≡1.(1分)同时,可计算出√1+z 上x 2+z 上y2=√3−x 2−y 2√1+z 下x 2+z 下y2=1 (1分),由对称性,注意到两个表面均关于Oyz 平面对称,且x 关于x 为奇函数,所以有:∬(x +1)SdS =∬1SdS (对称性,1分)=∬3√3−x 2−y 2D +1dxdy (1分)=∫dθ2π0∫[3√3−r 21]⋅r √20dr (极坐标,1分) =2π×[−3√3−r 2+r 22]|0√2三、 计算曲线积分 ∫y dx −(x +z ) dy L +,其中 L +为螺旋线段:L:{x =cos ty =sin t z =t 2,t ∈[0,2π],方向按参数 t 增加的方向.(7分) 解:本题可以直接进行求解,注意到x ′(t )=−sin t ,y ′(t )=cos t ,z ′(t )=2t,0≤t ≤2π(1分),可得中山大学 高等数学一(II )期末考试J =D (x,y )dr=2π×(−3−(−3√3)+1−0)=(6√3−4)π(1分)∫y dx −(x +z ) dy L +=∫sin t ⋅−sin t −(cos t +2π0t 2)⋅cos t dt (2分) =∫−1−2π0t 2⋅cos t dt (1分)=−2π−t 2⋅sin t |02π+∫2t 2π⋅sin t dt (1分)=−2π+0−2t ⋅cos t |02π+∫22πcos t dt (1分)=−2π+0−2×2π+0=−6π(1分)四、 求初值问题 (−x 2+2xy )dx +(x 2+sin y )dy =0, y (0)=π2 的解 (7分)解:因为ð(−x 2+2xy )ðy=2x =ð(x 2+sin y )ðx,因此该方程为全微分方程(2分)使用简单凑微分方法,有 (−x 2+2xy )dx +(x 2+sin y )dy=−x 2dx +(2xy dx +x 2dy )+sin y dy =d(−x 33+x 2y −cos y)因此,可得该全微分方程的通解为:−x 33+x 2y −cos y =C (3分) 代入初值条件,即x =0,y =π2,可得C =0, (1分)故原初值问题的解为:−x 33+x 2y −cos y =0(1分)解:先考虑对应齐次线性方程y ′′+y =0,其特征方程λ2+1=0对应两个特征根λ1,2=±i (1分) 因此对应齐次方程的通解为y ̃=c 1cos x +c 2sin x ,(2分)考虑非齐次方程y ′′−y =cos x ,因为±i 是特征根,其特解y 1∗=x(A cos x +B sin x),(1分)代入该方程后有y 1∗′′+y 1∗=−2A sin x +2B cos x =cos x ,可得A =0,B =12故y 1∗=12x sin x . (2分) 综上,原微分方程通解y =y ̃+y 1∗=c 1cos x +c 2sin x +12x sin x . (1分)六、 判断级数∑(−1)n−1arctan 1n∞n=1的敛散性,并指明其为绝对收敛还是条件收敛. (8分)解:本级数为交错级数,其通项绝对值arctan 1n 关于n 单调递减(因为1n 单调递减,arctan 1n 单调递减)(2分),且lim n→∞arctan 1n =0. (1分)由莱布尼茨(或狄利克雷)判别法可证该级数收敛。
中山大学 英语期末考试

07-08学年第一学期二级期末考试试题设计方案第二册期末考试试题:Part I. Writing权重15分; 时间30分钟;提前在第16周课堂进行。
Part II. Fast ReadingD irections: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over a passagequickly and answer the questions after it. Mark on the Answer Sheet witha pencilA if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;B if the statement does not agree with the information given in the passage;C if the meaning of the statement is not given in the passage比重10分;时间15分钟;一篇长约650词的带有标题和小标题的文章,随后有10个statements, 要求学生根据文章内容判断其为Y (Yes), N (No) 或NG (Not Given), 另外3题为3个需学生完成的句子,要求学生为每个句子填入3-5个单词,使句子完整并符合文章内容。
设计题目时, 在指令中说明学生答题时用A代替Y, 用B代替N, 用C代替NG.。
Part III. Listening Comprehension 30%权重30分;时间40分钟;Section A Short Dialogues (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of eachconversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversationand the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decidewhich is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center.Section B Long Conversations (6%)Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 long conversations. At the end of eachconversation, some question will be asked about what was said. Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question therewill be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, andD, and decide which one is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.(注:其中1个对话取自《听说教程》,另一个来自课外;6题占6分。
中山大学生科院 细胞生物学试卷 (4)

中山大学生科院细胞生物学期末试卷(生物科学、生物技术、药学专业, 共164人)姓名∶班级∶一、填空题(每空0.5分,共10分)1. 分泌蛋白在内质网中通过加上进行翻译后修饰。
3. 染色质由DNA包装成染色体压缩了8400倍,其中压缩率最高的是从压缩成,有倍。
4. 2002年的生理学/医学诺贝尔奖颁给了两位英国科学家和一位美国科学家,以表彰他们为研究器官发育和程序性细胞死亡过程中的所作出的重大贡献。
5. 在线粒体内膜的呼吸链上有四种类型的电子载体,它们是∶①;②;③;④。
二、判断题(正确的标T,错误的标F,或写出必要的答案,共15分)1.Indicate whether each of the following statements is true of the G1 phase of the cell cycle, the S phase, the G2 phase, or the M phase. A given statement may be true of any, all, or none of the phases.(每题0.5分,共5分)(a) The amount of nuclear DNA in the cell doubles.(b) The nuclear envelope breaks into fragments.(c) Sister chromatids separate from each other.(d) Cells that will never divide again are likely to be arrested in this phase.(e) The primary cell wall of a plant cell forms.(f) Chromosomes are present as diffuse, extended chromatin.(g) This phase is part of interphase.(h) Mitotic cydin is at its lowest level.(i) A Cdk protein is present in the cell.(j) A cell cycle checkpoint has been identified in this phase.2. 同一个体不同组织的细胞中, 核仁的大小和数目都有很大的变化, 这种变化和细胞中蛋白质合成的旺盛程度有关。

4、霉菌水浸片的制片程序是______,______,______,______, ______,______。
6、微生物学发展史上发展期的实质为______水平研究,其主要特征是:① ______,②______,③ ______,④ ______,⑤ ______。

中山大学本科生期末考试考试科目:《大学物理I 》(工科A 卷)学年学期:2019学年第1学期 姓 名:学 院/系:物理学院 学 号: 考试方式:闭卷 年级专业: 考试时长:120分钟班 别:任课老师:第八条:“考试作弊者,不授予学士学位。
”------------以下为试题区域,共25道小题,总分100分,考生请在答题纸上作答------------一、单选题(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)1. 两个点电荷Q1和Q2 固定在一条直线上。
相距为d ,把第三个点电荷Q3放在Q1,Q2的延长线上,与Q2相距为d ,如若系统能使Q3保持静止,则 [ C ]A) 221Q Q =; B) 221Q Q -= ; C) 241Q Q -= ; D)2221Q Q -=2. 半径为R 的均匀带电球面,总电荷为Q ,设无穷远处的电势为零,则球内距离球心为r (r<R ) 的P 点处的电场强度的大小和电势为[ D ?] A) r Q U E 04,0πε==; B) rQU r Q E 0204,4πεπε== ;C) R Q U r Q E 0204,4πεπε==; D) RQU E 04,0πε==3. 下面说法正确的是[ A ]A) 场强的方向总是从电势高处指向电势低处; B) 等势面上各点场强的大小一定相等; C) 在电势高处,电势能也一定大; D) 电场强度大的地方,电势一定高;4. 如图所示,在带电量为Q -的点电荷A 的静电场中,将另一带电量为q 的试探点电荷从a 点移到b 点。
a 、b 两点距离点电荷A 的距离分别为1r 和2r 。
则移动过程中电场力做的功为[ C ]A) ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--210114r r Q πε; B) ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-210114r r qQ πε ; C) ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--210114r r qQ πε ; D) ()1204r r qQ --πε5. 导体处于静电平衡状态时以下哪种说法为错误的是 [ D ]A)导体内部及表面均无电荷定向运动; B) 导体是等势体,导体表面是等势面;C) 导体表面的电场强度垂直于导体表面; D) 实心导体内部的电场变弱,但不为零;6. 一块面积为S 的很大金属平板A 带有正电荷,电量为Q ,现把另一面积亦为S 的不带电金属平板先平行放置在A 板附近,然后再将A 板接地,则如图所示,最终A 、B 两板表面上的电荷面密度分别是 [ A ]A) 12340σσσσ====; B) 234,22Q Q S S σσσσ===-=- ;C)14230,Q S σσσσ====-; D) 12340,QS σσσσ====-????7. 真空中有一半径为R 的孤立金属导体球,当球上带电量为Q 时,该体系具有的静电场能量为 [ C ]A) 204RQ πε; B) R Q 024πε ; C) R Q 028πε ; D) RQ0216πε8. 两个空气电容器C 1和C 2串联以后接电源充电,在电源保持连接的情况下,在C2中插入一块电介质板(如右图所示),则 [ A ]A) C 1极板上电荷增加,C 2极板上电荷增加; B) C 1极板上电荷减少,C 2极板上电荷增加; C) C 1极板上电荷增加,C 2极板上电荷减少 ; D) C 1极板上电荷减少,C 2极板上电荷减少;9. 一平行板电容器两极板的面积都是S ,相距为d ,其间插有一厚度为t (t<d )的金属板与极板平行,且其放置面积亦是S ,则该系统的电容大小是: [ B ]A) d S 0ε; B) t d S -0ε ; C) t S 0ε ; D) )11(0dt S -ε10. 如图所示,两无穷大平行板上载有均匀分布的面电流,电流密度均为i ,两电流平行且同向,则Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ三个区的磁感强度B 的分布为:[ C ] A) 012300;;2iB B B i μμ===; B) 00123;0;22iiB B B μμ===;II I i iC) 10230;0;B i B B i μμ===; D) 102030;;B i B i B i μμμ===11. 将一固定长度导线弯成一半径为R 的单匝圆线圈,通以电流I ,若将该导线弯成匝数为2的平面圆线圈,并通以同样的电流,则线圈中心的磁感应强度和线圈的磁矩分别为单匝圆线圈的:[ B ]A) 4倍和1/8; B) 4倍和1/2 ; C) 2倍和1/4; D) 2倍和1/212. 如图所示,半径为R 的均匀导体球壳,内部沿球的直径方向有一载流直导线,电流I 从A 流向B 后,再沿球面均匀返回A 点,如图所示,则下述说法中正确的是:[ A ]A) 在AB 线上的磁感应强度0B =; B) 球外的磁感应强度0B = ;C) AB 线上的磁感应强度0≠B;D) 只有在球心上的感应强度0B =13. 带电粒子以某一初速度进入均匀磁场中,若初速度v 方向与磁场B 方向成一个 o 900<<θ 的夹角,则带电粒子将会受到磁场洛伦兹力的作用,在磁场中做 [ D ]A) 变直径螺旋运动; B) 变速圆周运动; C) 匀速圆周运动; D) 等距螺旋运动14. 已知α粒子的质量是质子的4倍,电量是质子的2倍,设它们的初速度为零,经相同的电压加速后,垂直进入匀强磁场作圆周运动,则α粒子与质子的运动半径比为:[? C ]A) 1; B) 1/2; C) 2; D)2215. 真空中有两块相互平行的无限大均匀带同种电荷的薄平板,其中一块的电荷密度为σ,另一块的电荷密度为σ2,则两平板间的电场强度大小为 [ D ] A)023εσ; B) 03εσ; C) 0; D) 02εσ 16. 如图所示,一半径为R 的圆形回路中通有电流2I ,另一无限长直载流导线AB 中通有电流1I ,AB 通过圆心,且与圆形回路在同一平面内,则圆形回路所受到的来自1I 的磁场力大小是[ C ] A) F=0 ; B) 0122I I F Rμπ=; C) 012F I I μ=; D) 0122I I F Rμ=17. 如图所示,在磁感应强度为B 的均匀磁场中,有一圆形载流导线,a 、b 、c 是其上三个长度相等的电流元,则它们所受安培力的大小关系为[ B ]A) c b a F F F >> ; B) a c b F F F >>; C) c b a F F F <<; D) b c a F F F >>18. 如图所示,一半径为R 的导线圆环同一个径向对称的发散磁场处处正交,环上各个磁感应强度B 的大小相同,方向都与环平面的法向成θ角,设导线圆环通有顺时针方向的电流I ,则磁场作用在此环上的合力大小和方向是 [ A ]A) 2sin F RIB πθ=垂直环面向上;B) 2F RIB π=垂直环面向上; C) 2sin F RIB πθ=垂直环面向下; D) 2cos F RIB πθ=沿环面背向圆心19. 如图所示,一根无限长的同轴电缆线,其芯线的截面半径为1R ,相对磁导率为1r μ,其中均匀地通过电流I ,在它的外面包有一半径为2R 的无限长同轴圆筒(其厚度可忽略不计),筒上的电流与前者等值反向,在芯线与导体圆筒之间充满相对磁导率为2r μ的均匀不导电磁介质。

”------------以下为试题区域,共3道大题,总分100分,考生请在答题纸上作答------------一、选择题(共15 小题,每小题 2 分,共30 分)1. 硫酸与水可形成H2SO4·H2O(s)、H2SO4·2H2O(s)、H2SO4·4H2O(s)三种水合物,问在 101 325 Pa 的压力下,能与硫酸水溶液及冰平衡共存的硫酸水合物最多可有多少种? ( )(A) 3 种 (B) 2 种(C) 1 种 (D) 不可能有硫酸水合物与之平衡共存。
2. 理想气体卡诺循环的图为下列四种情况中的哪一种? ( B、C ) 答案为何无C?3. 液体B比液体A易于挥发,在一定温度下向纯A液体中加入少量纯B液体形成稀溶液,下列几种说法中正确的是:( )(A) 该溶液的饱和蒸气压必高于同温度下纯液体A的饱和蒸气压(B) 该液体的沸点必低于同样压力下纯液体A的沸点(C) 该液体的凝固点必低于同样压力下纯液体A的凝固点(溶液凝固时析出纯固态A)(D) 该溶液的渗透压为负值4. 在下列状态变化中,哪些可以应用公式d U = T d S-p d V ?O2(A) NO2气体缓慢膨胀,始终保持化学平衡NO2===NO+12(B) NO2气体以一定速度膨胀,解离出来的NO+1O2总是落后于平衡组成2O2的条件下膨胀(C) SO3气体在不解离为SO2+12(D) 水在-10℃时等温结冰5. 假定某原子的电子态有两个主要能级,即基态和第一激发态,能级差为1.38⨯10-21J,其余能级可以忽略,基态是二重简并的。
则在100 K时,第一激发态与基态上的原子数之比为:( )(A) 3 (B) 0.184 (C) 1 (D) 0.016. 下列条件哪一个错误? ( )理论上使公式ΔH p = Q p成立的条件是:(A) 封闭体系(B) 只做体积功(C) 恒压可逆(D) 等压不可逆7. 主要决定于溶解在溶液中粒子的数目,而不决定于这些粒子的性质的特性叫________。


《中山大学授予学士学位工作细则》第六条考试作弊不授予学士学位计算机科学系 2008上学期《数据结构与算法》期末考试试题( A )任课教师: 考试形式:闭卷 考试时间: 小时年级:07 班别: 专业: 姓名: _____ 学号: _成绩一. (10分)标准模板库提供了数据结构vector 和list. 请回答下列问题:1. 它们的逻辑结构和存储结构分别是什么?答:vector 和list 的逻辑结构均是线性结构,存储结构分别是连续的和链式的。
Vector 和list 是线性表的两种不同实现。
2. 这两种数据结构各有什么特点,或者更适用于什么样的场合?答:vector 是一种随机存取结构,插入和删除平均需要移动一半的元素;list 是顺序存取结构,插入和删除只需要修改指针。
或者答:vector 适用于元素个数已知,需要随机存取,但是,插入和删除不多的场合。
List 适用于元素个数未知,随机存取不重要,但是,插入和删除频繁的场合。
二. (10分)回答下列问题:1. 将下列函数按照增长顺序(由慢到快)排列2n , 10n 2, 100n, log n, log n 3, e 10, 15n+100log n, n!答:e 10, log n, log n 3, 15n +100log n, 100n, 10n 2, 2n , n! 有些同学把2n 与n!的增长顺序搞反了。
我们做程序的人皆不可不顾客户的要求,否则,饭碗就被自己砸掉了! 2. 说明下列函数的时间复杂度和空间复杂度(包含过程)int fun(int n){ if (n==0 || n==1) {return 1;}else {return 2 * fun(n-2) +1;}}答:T(0)=T(1)=1; T(n)=T(n-2) +1= …=T(n-2 *n/2) + n /2= T(0) + n /2=O( n)S(n)为递归深度,即O(n/2).三. (15分)回答快速排序的有关问题。

中山大学本科生期末考试考试科目:《大学物理I 》(工科A 卷)学年学期:2019学年第1学期姓 名:学 院/系:物理学院 学 号: 考试方式:闭卷 年级专业: 考试时长:120分钟班 别:任课老师:------------以下为试题区域,共25道小题,总分100分,考生请在答题纸上作答------------一、单选题(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)1. 两个点电荷Q1和Q2 固定在一条直线上。
相距为d ,把第三个点电荷Q3放在Q1,Q2的延长线上,与Q2相距为d ,如若系统能使Q3保持静止,则 [ C ] A)221Q Q =; B) 221Q Q -= ; C) 241Q Q -= ; D) 2221Q Q -=2. 半径为R 的均匀带电球面,总电荷为Q ,设无穷远处的电势为零,则球内距离球心为r (r<R ) 的P点处的电场强度的大小和电势为[ D ] A) r Q U E 04,0πε==; B) rQU r Q E 0204,4πεπε== ;C) R Q U r Q E 0204,4πεπε==; D) RQ U E 04,0πε==3. 下面说法正确的是[ A ]A) 场强的方向总是从电势高处指向电势低处; B) 等势面上各点场强的大小一定相等; C) 在电势高处,电势能也一定大; D) 电场强度大的地方,电势一定高;4. 如图所示,在带电量为Q -的点电荷A 的静电场中,将另一带电量为q 的试探点电荷从a 点移到b点。
a 、b 两点距离点电荷A 的距离分别为1r 和2r 。
则移动过程中电场力做的功为[ C ]A) ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--210114r r Q πε; B) ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-210114r r qQ πε ; C)⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--210114r r qQ πε ; D) ()1204r r qQ --πε5. 导体处于静电平衡状态时以下哪种说法为错误的是 [ D ]A) 导体内部及表面均无电荷定向运动; B) 导体是等势体,导体表面是等势面; C) 导体表面的电场强度垂直于导体表面; D) 实心导体内部的电场变弱,但不为零; 6. 一块面积为S 的很大金属平板A 带有正电荷,电量为Q ,现把另一面积亦为S 的不带电金属平板先平行放置在A 板附近,然后再将A 板接地,则如图所示,最终A 、B 两板表面上的电荷面密度分别是 [ A ]A)12340σσσσ====; B)234,22Q QS S σσσσ===-=- ;C)14230,Q S σσσσ====-; D)12340,QS σσσσ====-7. 真空中有一半径为R 的孤立金属导体球,当球上带电量为Q 时,该体系具有的静电场能量为 [ C ] A)204RQ πε; B)R Q 024πε ; C) R Q 028πε ; D) RQ 0216πε8. 两个空气电容器C 1和C 2串联以后接电源充电,在电源保持连接的情况下,在C2中插入一块电介质板(如右图所示),则 [ A ]A) C 1极板上电荷增加,C 2极板上电荷增加; B) C 1极板上电荷减少,C 2极板上电荷增加; C) C 1极板上电荷增加,C 2极板上电荷减少 ; D) C 1极板上电荷减少,C 2极板上电荷减少;9. 一平行板电容器两极板的面积都是S ,相距为d ,其间插有一厚度为t (t<d )的金属板与极板平行,且其放置面积亦是S ,则该系统的电容大小是: [ B ] A)dS 0ε; B)t d S -0ε ; C) tS0ε ; D))11(0dt S -ε10. 如图所示,两无穷大平行板上载有均匀分布的面电流,电流密度均为i ,两电流平行且同向,则Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ三个区的磁感强度B 的分布为:[ C ] A) 012300;;2iB B B i μμ===; B) 00123;0;22iiB B B μμ===;C) 10230;0;B i B B i μμ===; D) 102030;;B i B i B i μμμ===11. 将一固定长度导线弯成一半径为R 的单匝圆线圈,通以电流I ,若将该导线弯成匝数为2的平面圆线圈,并通以同样的电流,则线圈中心的磁感应强度和线圈的磁矩分别为单匝圆线圈的:[ B] A) 4倍和1/8; B) 4倍和1/2 ; C) 2倍和1/4; D) 2倍和1/212. 如图所示,半径为R 的均匀导体球壳,内部沿球的直径方向有一载流直导线,电流I 从A 流向B后,再沿球面均匀返回A 点,如图所示,则下述说法中正确的是:[ A ] A) 在AB 线上的磁感应强度0B =; B) 球外的磁感应强度0B = ;C) AB 线上的磁感应强度0≠B;D) 只有在球心上的感应强度0B =13. 带电粒子以某一初速度进入均匀磁场中,若初速度v 方向与磁场B 方向成一个 o900<<θ 的夹角,则带电粒子将会受到磁场洛伦兹力的作用,在磁场中做 [ D ]A) 变直径螺旋运动; B) 变速圆周运动; C) 匀速圆周运动; D) 等距螺旋运动14. 已知α粒子的质量是质子的4倍,电量是质子的2倍,设它们的初速度为零,经相同的电压加速后,垂直进入匀强磁场作圆周运动,则α粒子与质子的运动半径比为:[ C ] A) 1; B) 1/2; C); D)2IIIii15. 真空中有两块相互平行的无限大均匀带同种电荷的薄平板,其中一块的电荷密度为σ,另一块的电荷密度为σ2,则两平板间的电场强度大小为 [ D ]A) 023εσ;B) 03εσ; C) 0; D) 02εσ16. 如图所示,一半径为R 的圆形回路中通有电流2I ,另一无限长直载流导线AB 中通有电流1I ,AB 通过圆心,且与圆形回路在同一平面内,则圆形回路所受到的来自1I 的磁场力大小是[ C ] A) F=0 ; B) 0122I I F R μπ=; C) 012F I I μ=; D) 0122I IF Rμ= 17. 如图所示,在磁感应强度为B 的均匀磁场中,有一圆形载流导线,a 、b 、c 是其上三个长度相等的电流元,则它们所受安培力的大小关系为[ B ] A) c b a F F F >> ; B) a c b F F F >>; C) c b a F F F <<; D) b c a F F F >>18. 如图所示,一半径为R 的导线圆环同一个径向对称的发散磁场处处正交,环上各个磁感应强度B 的大小相同,方向都与环平面的法向成θ角,设导线圆环通有顺时针方向的电流I ,则磁场作用在此环上的合力大小和方向是 [ A ]A) 2sin F RIB πθ=垂直环面向上; B) 2F RIB π=垂直环面向上; C) 2sin F RIB πθ=垂直环面向下; D) 2cos F RIB πθ=沿环面背向圆心19. 如图所示,一根无限长的同轴电缆线,其芯线的截面半径为1R ,相对磁导率为1r μ,其中均匀地通过电流I ,在它的外面包有一半径为2R 的无限长同轴圆筒(其厚度可忽略不计),筒上的电流与前者等值反向,在芯线与导体圆筒之间充满相对磁导率为2r μ的均匀不导电磁介质。
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中山大学期末考试试题样题课程:C++程序设计语言 学号: 考试对象:网络教育计算机本科 姓名: 成绩:一、选择题 (每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 D 7 D 8 C 9 A 10 D 11 B 12 D 13 A 14 D 15 D题号 答案1. 假定一个类的构造函数为 A ( int aa, int bb) { a = aa; b = bb; },则执行 A x(4,5);语法 后,x.a 和 x.b 的值分别为( ) 。
A.4 和 5 B.5 和 4 C.4 和 20 D.20 和 5 2. 假定 AB 为一个类,则执行 AB x;语句时将自动调用该类的( ) 。
A.有参构造函数 B.无参构造函数 C.拷贝构造函数 D.赋值重载函数 3. C++语言建立类族是通过( ) 。
A.类的嵌套 B.类的继承C.虚函数D.抽象类4. 执行语句序列 ofstream outf("SALARY.DAT");if (…) cout<<"成功!"; else cout<<"失败!"; 后,如果文件打开成功,显示"成功!",否则显示"失败!"。
由此可知,上面 if 语 句的处的表达式是( ) 。
A. !outf 或者 outf.fail() B. !outf 或者 outf.good() C.outf 或者 outf.good() D.outf 或者 ouf.fail() 5. 静态成员函数不能说明为( ) 。
A.整型函数 B.浮点函数C.虚函数D.字符型函数6. 在 C++中,数据封装要解决的问题是( ) 。
A.数据规范化排列 B.数据高速转换 C.避免数据丢失 D.切断了不同模块之间的数据的非法使用 8. 如果 class 类中的所有成员在定义时都没有使用关键字 public、private 或 protected, 则所有成员缺省定义为( ) 。
A.public B.protected C.private D.static 9. 设置虚基类的目的是( ) 。
A.消除两义性 B.简化程序 C.提高运行效率 D.减少目标代码110. 关于内联成员函数,以下说法错误的是: ) ( 。
A. 为了提高运行时的效率,对于较简单的函数可以声明为内联形式。
B. 内联函数体中不要有复杂结构(如循环语句和 switch 语句) 。
C. 将函数体放在类的声明中或使用 inline 关键字可声明内联成员函数。
D. 内联函数的声明可以不必出现在内联函数第一次被调用之前。
11. 关于构造函数,以下说法错误的是: ) ( 。
A. 构造函数的作用是在对象被创建时使用特定的值构造对象,或者说将对象 初始化为一个特定的状态。
B. 基类的构造函数可以被派生类所继承。
C. 如果程序中未声明,则系统自动产生出一个缺省形式的构造函数。
D. 允许为内联函数、重载函数、带缺省形参值的函数。
12. 关于析构函数,以下说法错误的是: ) ( 。
A. 完成对象被删除前的一些清理工作。
B. 在对象的生存期结束时系统自动调用它,再释放此对象所属的空间。
C. 如果程序中未声明析构函数,编译器将自动产生一个缺省的析构函数。
D. 析构函数可以带一个或多个参数。
13. 关于 C++ 标识符的作用域与可见性,以下说法错误的是: ) ( 。
A. 在同一作用域中,可以声明同名的标识符。
B. 块作用域中声明的对象是动态生存期的对象 (习惯称局部生存期对象) 在 。
C. 如果某个标识符在外层中声明,且在内层中没有同一标识符的声明,则该 标识符在内层可见。
D. 对于两个嵌套的作用域,如果在内层作用域内声明了与外层作用域中同名 的标识符,则外层作用域的标识符在内层不可见。
14. 关于 C++ 的友元与友元函数,以下说法错误的是: ) ( 。
A. 友元是 C++提供的一种破坏数据封装和数据隐藏的机制。
可以使用友元函 数和友元类。
B. 友元函数是在类声明中说明的非成员函数,在它的函数体中能够通过对象 名访问 private 和 protected 成员。
C. 通过将一个模块声明为另一个模块的友元,一个模块能够引用到另一个模 块中本是被隐藏的信息。
D. 友元函数访问对象中的成员不必通过对象名。
15. 关于 C++ 的运算符重载,以下说法错误的是: ) ( 。
A. 只能重载 C++ 语言中已有的运算符,不可臆造新的。
B. 可以重载为类成员函数。
C. 经重载的运算符,其操作数中至少应该有一个是自定义类型。
D. 可以改变原运算符的优先级和结合性。
2二、 填空题(每小题2分,共20 分)1. 执行完 C++程序中的三条语句:int a,b,*c=&a; int * &p = c; p = &b; 后 c 指向_____b___________。
2. 函数定义 int Fn2 ( ) { int *p; *p = 9; cout<< * p; return 0;} , 存在的问题是:并没有给指针 p 赋任何有效地址值。
3. 已知'A'~'Z'的 ASCII 码为 65~90, 当执行" char ch = 14*5+2; cout<<ch<<endl;" 语 句序列后, 得到的输出结果为_H__. 4.. 类 A 与类 B 都有 public 数据成员 f, 类 C 公有继承 A 和 B, 类 C 有 public 数据 成员 f,类 D 保护继承 C, d 是类 D 的一个对象, 从 d 访问类 A 的成员 f 的 表达式是:d.A::f,从 d 访问类 C 的成员 f 的表达式是:d.C::f。
5. C ++ 将抽象出的数据成员、代码成员结合为一个整体的过程, 称为_封装_。
6. 拷贝构造函数是一种特殊的构造函数,其形参为本类的对象引用。
当用类的一 个对象去初始化该类的另一个对象时系统自动调用它实现赋值。
7. _虚基类____主要用来解决多继承时可能发生的对同一基类继承多次而产生 的二义性问题,为最远派生类提供唯一的基类成员,而不重复产生多次拷贝。
8. 异常处理中, 当找到一个匹配的异常处理后, 将从对应的关键字__try______ 开 始到异常被抛掷处之间构造且尚未析构的所有自动对象进行析构。
9. 在类定义中,类说明以关键字 class 开始,其后跟__类名,它必须是一个有效的 C++标识符。
三、 阅读程序(每小题 4 分,共 20 分) 。
1. 给出下列程序运行后的输出结果. #include <iostream.h> void WF(int x, int y) { x = x+y; y = x+y; cout<<"subs:"<<"x,y="<<x<<","<<y<<endl; } void main() { int x = 8, y = 15; cout<<"main:"<<"x,y="<<x<<","<<y<<endl; WF(x, y); x = 2*x; cout<<"main:"<<"x,y="<<x<<","<<y<<endl; WF(x, y); cout<<"main:"<<"x,y="<<x<<","<<y<<endl; } answer: main: x, y=8, 15 subs: x, y=23, 38 main: x, y=16, 15 subs: x, y=31, 46 main: x, y=16, 1532.指出下面程序中的错误,并改正。
#include <iostream.h> class Test { private: static int x; public: virtual static int func(); }; int Test::x = 20; int Test::func() { return x; } void main() { cout<<Test::func()<<endl; Test a; cout<<a.func(); } answer: virtual static int func(), virtual 的作用是使该函数可以在不同的类中具体使用的时候再定义和使用。
Static 是使类的所有对象成员共同维护同一个数据成员。
class Location { private: int X, Y; public: void init( int initX, int initY); int GetX(); int GetY(); }; void Location::init (int initX, int initY) {X = initX; Y = initY;} int Location::GetX() {return X;} int Location::GetY() {return Y;} #include <iostream.h> void main() { Location A1; // 定义一个指向 A1 的指针 pA1; Location *pAl=&Al; pAl->init( 6, 8 ); // 用 pA1 将对象 A1 成员 X 和 Y 分别初始化为 6 和 8 }44.在下面程序的横线处填上适当字句,使该程序执行结果为 6。
#include <iostream.h> class base { int X; public:void init (_int x ) { X=x; } // 为 X 置值 // 取 X 值 int Getnum ( )_{ return X; }}; void main() base test; test.init(6); cout<<test.Getnum(); } 5.指出下面程序重点错误,在错误处说明出错原因 。