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般将来时知识点总结( word )


1. Our English ____ far better in a month if we try harder.

A. becomes B . will become C. has become D . became

【答案】 B

【解析】 【分析】:如果我们更努力。我们的英语在一月后会更好的。本句是一个含有条 件状语从句的主从复合句。而条件状语从句中用的是一般现在时,所以主句该用一般将来 时,因此选 B 。


2.— May I speak to Mr. Smith?

—Sorry, he A. has been to; will come back C. has been in; would come back

【答案】 B

in two days.

B. has gone to; will be back

D. is leaving for; doesn't come back 【解析】 【分析】考查动词的时态。句意: 起,他去澳大利亚了。但是两天后回来。 语 in two days 可确定第二个空用一般将来时,故答案为 B 项。

3. With the development of science and technology, robot cooks ____ in our families in the


【解析】 【分析】句意:随着科学技术的发展,在未来机器人厨师将出现在我们的家庭中 根据 in the future 可知,此句表示动作发生在将来,所以用一般将来时态 ;一般将来时态结 构为: will+ 动词原形,故选 C.


般将来时态结构为: will+ 动词原形 .

4. Michael ________ in a school in Yunnan from February to June next year.

A. teach

B. taught

C. will teach

D. was teaching 【答案】 C

【解析】 【分析】句意: Michael 将会在明年 2 月到 6 月在云南的学校教学。 A 动词原形;

B 一般过去时;

C 是一般将来时;

D 是过去进行时。 Next year 是一般将来时的时间状语, will+ 动词原形,故答案为 C 。

Australia. But he —— 我可以和史密斯先生通话吗? ——对不 have gone to “去某地了(还没回来) ”;由时间状

A. appear

【答案】 C

B. appeared C . will appear D. were appearing


5.Look on the bright side of life ,and imagine that you ____ a happy and successful future .A. had B . will have C . have D . have had


【解析】【分析】考查时态.句意"看看生活中美好的一面,想象你会有一个幸福和成功的未来.".A 过去时.B一般将来时态.C动词原形. D 现在完成时态.结合语境"看看生活中美好的一面,想象你___一个幸福和成功的未来." ,由future 未来,可知,表示将来,用一般将来时态.答案是B.

6.—There ______ a football match on TV tonight. I can't wait to watch it.

—Me, too. It's ______ Guangzhou Evergrande and the Australian team Melbourne Victory.

A. will be; between

B. will be; both

C. will have; between

D. will have; both


【解析】【分析】句意为:---今晚将有一场电视直播足球比赛,我非常想看。---我也是。这是广州恒达足球俱乐部与澳大利亚墨尔本足球俱乐部之间的比赛。根据语境,这是there be 结构的一般将来时,应用there will be ;both 指两者,between 指两者之间。故选A。【点评】考查there be 结构以及词语辨析。

7.Susan and her sister _____ some photos in the park the day after tomorrow.

A. take B . took C . will take


【解析】【分析】句意:Susan 和她的妹妹后天会在公园照一些照片。根据时间状语the day after tomorrow ,可知句子时态是一般将来时,一般将来时结构will+do ,故选C。【点评】此题考查一般将来时。根据时间状语确定句子时态。

8.—You'd better take an umbrella. The weather report says it in the afternoon.

—Thank you. I will put one in my bag.

A. will rain

B. rains

C. is raining


【解析】【分析】句意:——你最好带把伞。天气预报说是下午要下雨。——谢谢你。我会在包里放一个。A一般将来时,B一般现在时,C现在进行时,根据in the afternoon 和I will put one in my bag 可知时态是一般将来时,故选A。


A. were B . are C . will be D . have been
