
也许以后将会有更深入的探讨什么才是最完美的婚姻?二、参考文献【1】《傲慢与偏见》作者:简.奥斯汀1.Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice. Shanghai World Books Press, 2007.2.Gao Jiayong. Today’s Most Popular Study Guides: Pride and Prejudice. Tianjin:Tianjin Technology Translation Press, 2003.3.Li Weiping. A History of the Artistic Development of the English Novel. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003.4.Shell,A. Black Cat有声名著阶梯阅读: Pride and Prejudice. Huadong Normal University Press, 2004.1.首先要说的是迪利亚和贝内特的婚恋观他们可以说是一对绝对的“狼才”和“女貌”,是这四对中最荒唐的婚姻。

关键字:婚姻观;夏洛蒂;现实简·奥斯丁是19 世纪英国文学史上一位重要的女作家。

pression),是奥斯汀的代表作,通过婚姻问题的描写展示了 当时英国社会的生活画面。她以婚姻为主题并采用讽刺、 幽默的笔法细致地描绘了18世纪末19世纪初英国乡镇中 产阶级的生活景象,《傲慢与偏见》就是其中之一。作品中 的句法结构和遣词造句颇有特色,主要通过对话来表现人 物性格。小说中的人物各自有着不同的说话风格,具有鲜 明的个性,如贝内特太太言辞虚浮夸张,大惊小怪,尖声 叫嚷,显得格外俗气,她的女儿伊丽莎白则敢于挑战贵族 青年达西,表现出对门第的蔑视。并在谈吐中确立起一位 聪慧、机智、勇敢和可爱的女性形象。小说第一章开篇那 句话:“凡是有钱的单身汉总想娶位太太,这已是举世公认 的真理”值得同味,点出了作品的意图。本应成为“猎 手”的有钱的单身汉却沦为女人们追逐的“猎物”。当贝 内特太太获悉邻里新近搬来一位名叫宾利的年轻富家子弟 后,再也按捺不住内心的激动,于是与丈夫商讨如何急速 拜访这位新来的邻居。希望把某个女儿嫁给他。整个情景 在这对夫妇的对话中展开,前后一问一答,把夫妻各自的 性格特征表现得淋漓尽致。小说的第58章是全书的转折 点。伊丽莎白得知是达西促成了妹妹莉迪亚和韦恩的亲事 后深为感激,于是她改变了对达两的态度。奥斯汀写出了 两人消除误会,言归于好后的情感教会,语句结构清晰自 然.富有节奏感。所以《傲慢与偏见》的这四对年轻人的 婚姻耐人寻味。
【1]Austen Jane.Pdde and
niversity Press.1970.
Street:Oxford U.
[2]C,aojiayoug.Today's Most PopularStudy Guides:Pride and Prej- l曲妇[M].Tiannjin:Tianjing Technology Translation Press,2003. [3]David Daiches.Introduction

2.介绍小说中的四段婚姻(1)莉迪亚与威克姆的婚姻(激情狂热型) 莉迪亚.班内特是班内特先生家的最小的女儿,排行第五,个性天真而鲁莽,年幼无知,为人轻薄,头脑简单,品味低级,但是遗传了班内特太太的美貌。


他们的婚姻既有爱情的支持,又有金钱的支柱,而且还考虑了外貌、内心品质等诸多因素,可以说他们的婚姻是完美的婚姻2. 简与宾利的幸福婚姻宾利是这部小说里最受欢迎的人物,他没有达西的傲慢,而是和蔼可亲,面容英俊且举止文雅,可以说是众多女性心目中的白马王子。
因此,他们的婚姻是真挚感人的,是幸福的婚姻3. 莉迪亚与威克姆的荒唐婚姻莉迪亚是贝内特最小的一个女儿,她性格轻浮,放纵,又热衷于社交,所以她没看到威克姆的狡诈虚伪的内心,而只注重他潇洒的外表与他纵情。

关键词:傲慢与偏见;爱情;婚姻[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2011)-24-0064-02“单身男人一旦有了钱财,必定想要寻妻觅偶,这是举世公认的真理。


�傲慢与偏见� 中描写这段婚姻着墨最多. 达西 代表着傲慢, 而伊丽莎白则象征着偏见 . 达西第一 次在舞会上遇见伊丽莎白时,看起来相当的傲慢, 他拒绝与伊丽莎白跳舞, 但其为人是很正直 , 慷慨 的. 由于无意中听到一些言辞, 伊丽莎白的自尊受
到很大的伤痛, 她对达西的第一印象很差 . 然而几 周后, 达西发现他逐渐被伊丽莎白的迷人及智慧所 吸引, 他向伊丽莎白求婚, 但遭到了拒绝 . 达西第一 次求婚被伊丽莎白拒绝, 他认识到了自己的居高临 下, 自我为中心, 改变了自己接人待物的态度, 不再 那么傲慢无礼了 . 事实上, 有很多事情让伊丽莎白 对达西有了误解和偏见 . 后来达西给伊丽莎白寄了 一封信, 解释了一些事情. 这封信使得伊丽莎白对 其评价大为改观 . 又加之他们后来的偶然相遇和达 西对于她私奔妹妹丽迪雅婚事的帮助, 使伊丽莎白 大为感动 �� 这时伊丽莎白才开始认识到自己以 前对达西心存偏见, 同时也认识到只有他们两人在 思想, 感情, 志趣上最投合. 所以当达西向伊丽莎白 表达了对她的情有独钟时,她接受了他的求婚 . 虽 然他们没有按他人的意愿结婚, 但是他们却是最般 配的一对.
第 29 卷 第 6 期 2008 年 11 月
赤 峰 学 院 学 报( 汉 文 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 ) Journal of Chifeng University (Soc.Sci )
二�韦 翰与 丽迪 雅的 情欲 婚姻 �一� 韦翰 与丽 迪雅的 婚姻 故事
柯林斯是班纳特先生的远亲, 他是班纳特家族 的唯一继承人. 柯林斯决定在班纳特的女儿中选择 一位作为妻子 . 他原以为伊丽莎白虽然貌美, 但她 拥有很少量的财产, 这足以抵消其它方面的优越条 件, 因此他相当自信地快速向伊丽莎白求婚, 但遭 到了拒绝 . 柯林斯根本不懂爱情, 他认为婚姻是一 种任务, 他又将注意力放在伊丽莎白的好友�� � 夏 绿蒂身上, 并闪电般地与夏绿蒂完婚 .




《傲慢与偏见》这部作品以日常生活为素材生动地反映了18 世纪末到19 世纪初处于保守、闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。



Vol.33No.7Jul.2012第33卷第7期2012年7月赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)Journal of Chifeng University (Soc.Sci )简·奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》以男女主人公的爱情纠葛为主线描写了四对青年男女的婚姻。

An Analysis of Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 论《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观与爱情观摘要简•奥斯汀是十九世纪英国文学史上最伟大的现实主义小说家之一。
关键词: 傲慢;偏见;爱情;婚姻;金钱;社会地位AbstractJane Austen was one of the distinguished realistic novelists in the nineteenth- century-English literature. Pride and Prejudice is a world wide popular novel published in 1813. It is Austen’s masterpiece which described four types of marriages and love. Until today, this novel is still very popular among many readers and arouses observation and unlimited thinking of marriage. In the 19th century of the Britain, marriage was the only way for women to gain social status and recognition. The author analyzed the four marriage patterns from the perspective of sociohistorical literary criticism to explore the important role that money and love play in marriage. It can be seen clearly that Austen fully expresses her original views on marriage:Love and marriage, didn’t totally lie on the property and social status. Social status and love are two indispensable elements in a marriage. It is wrong to marry for money, but it is unwise to marry without money. The marriage which is based on the love, mutual understanding and mutual respect is a true happy marriage. Austen’s views on marriage emphasize love and economic condition, but love plays the significant role,which is the predominant aspect at Austen’s time. She attaches great importance to ideal marriage and regards the feelings between men and women as the cornerstone of the ideal marriage.Key Words: Pride; Prejudice; love; marriage; propertyContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1. Introduction (1)2. The Background of Austin and Her Pride and Prejudice (2)2.1. The Background of Austin (2)2.2. The Background of Pride and Prejudice (2)3. The Four Marriages and the Revealed Concept of Love and Marriage (3)3.1. The Concept about Love and Marriage in the Society (3)3.2. Four Marriages in Pride and Prejudice (3)3.2.1. Collins and Charlotte’s Marriage (3)3.2.2. Lydia and Wickham’s Marriage (4)3.2.3. Jane and Mr. Bindley’s Marriage (5)3.2.4. Darcy and Elizabeth’s Marriage. (6)4. The Different Understandings about Love and Marriage (6)5. Austen’s Concept about Love and Marriage (7)6. Conclusion (8)Bibliography (11)Acknowledgements (12)1. IntroductionJane Austen was unmarried all her life. She was born in a middle-class family and was brought up in a comfortable environment with harmonious surroundings, so there are not too many conflicts in her sight neither in her novel. In Pride and Prejudice she presents different ideas about love and marriage through different characters.Pride and Prejudice is Ja ne Austen’s famous classic book about commonplace things and ordinary people. In the book, the author humorously described the marriage in Pride and Prejudice and a series of marriage-related activities in a relaxed manner. Although they had got married, the happiness of marriage is different. This was because Austen’s novels were not only about the emotions, but also related to social status and money.This paper makes an analysis of four marriages and human nature in Pride and Prejudice : Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage, Jane and Bindley’s marriage, Charlotte and Collins’s marriage and Lydia and Wick ham’s marriage, and discusses the deep outlook for their love and marriage in the light of social back ground at that time.Jane Austen attached great significance to marriage through her novel by telling people that marriage should be regarded carefully because it is not a game one could just enjoy without prudent consideration.2. The Background of Austin and Her Pride and Prejudice2.1. The Background of AustinAusten was born on December 16, 1775, in a middle-class family of a small village in England, so the people and things in her works were all connected with this environment which was very familiar to her. Austen never entered a formal school,but she was well educated by her family. At the age of about twelve,Austen began to write. The theme was about love and marriage between men and women. Her novels were witty, warm and ironic portraits of the privileged classes of 18th- and 19th-century England. Her best-known works are Emma (1815), Pride and Prejudice(1813) and Sense and Sensibility (1811). She wrote and completed six novels and three minor writings in her life time.She was obviously a fruitful novelist and engaged in writing for all her life.“She is said to have the equal name as Sir Walter Scott.”(Duckworth,1971:23).2.2. The Background of Pride and PrejudiceLike her novels,Pride and Prejudice focuses on four marriages in the town.Austen uses characters as literary devices to show the relationship between married for love and married for alternative reasons.“At that time, according to the social conditions in Britain, a good marriage for a young woman was critical. This phenomenon was closely associated with the British society and the status of women in the society. In the 19th century, women were not well respected compared with the ones in the present society. There was no equality between woman and man. Women were considered to be inferior to men in terms of intelligence and capacity. The central life of women was forced to be staying at home, their roles were to deal with the family affairs, such as taking care of the children and serving for the husband” (Zhu Hong, 1995:34)People naturally thought that women should be submissive to their husbands. The virtues of women were patient and deferent. They must recognize their inherent inferiority to men, so they must restrict their abilities without conditions. Although the status of women was slow, few of them expressed dissatisfaction about their own destiny. At that time, many middle-class young women had three solutions: getting married; staying at home as old maids or working as the governesses. The income of governesseswas very low, and the status was low as well. It was very difficult for them to change or swap out of this status, no one would like to be a maid forever, therefore, in terms of young women, especially those who don’t have enough properties, to get married was the only way for them to gain respect, stability and social status.Austin fully critiqued some bad phenomena in Pride and Prejudice, taking some perfect points about marriage and love to demonstrate her views on love and marriage.3. The Four Marriages and the Revealed Concept of Love and Marriage 3.1. The Concept about Love and Marriage in the SocietyAs a female writer of women’s love and marriage at her time,Jane Austen describes marriage as more for convenience rather than compatibility.Marriage is based on economic and social backgrounds.In other words,marriage was not merely a problem of love;what is more,it was a problem of economy.In Pride and Prejudice,Austen’s views on marriage are conveyed through the marriage of several different characters .“Darcy and Elizabeth’s love and marriage is the main theme of this work. After undergoing many setbacks, Darcy’s arrogance and Elizabeth’s prejudice eventually eliminates, the lovers finally get married. The marriage of Elizabeth’s sister Jane and Darcy’s friend Bindley is another clue. They deeply love each other, but they are multi—blocked, after their departure, Jane misses Bindley very much. The two marriages reflect another’s point of view in positive way that marriage should be based on true love, which is the ideal marriage in the author’s opinion. The stori es seem to be the ordinary lives, feelings and persons linked up in a harmonious order under the others meticulous concepts. However, the marriage between Charlotte and Collins is a negative example with the marriage between Lydia and Wick ham, which help to make the plots more tortuous and richer” (Zhu Hong, 1985:12)3.2. Four Marriages in Pride and Prejudice3.2.1. Collins and Charlotte’s MarriageIn Pride and Prejudice, the first part is the marriage of Charlotte and Collins, their marriage is lucky and natural. Charlotte Lucas is one of several children of a former tradesman. She is Elizabeth’s intimate friend.Apart from Mr. Bonnet,Charlotte is the person in Elizabeth’s world who is closest to her in temperament and intelligence. Shehas her own ideas and is fair and objective on issues.Being such a “sensible, intelligent young woman” (Jane Austen, 2009:14). Catherine Collins, with the help of one of his relatives, becomes a priest. Because he has heard a lot about the arrangement of the five golden flowe rs of his uncle’s family, he is coming to try his luck here. He stays at home for a long time to repay his uncle’s heritage and gets sympathy by the family. Informed that the eldest daughter Jane has a boyfriend, he aims at the second daughter Elizabeth Bennett, but she refuses him with sharp tongue. And then Collins quickly finds comfort from Charlotte who desires to get love from a male and believes marriage is the elegant way for a girl with some education, and then they get married as quickly as the lightning.The marriage of Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins represented most of the marriages at that time. Most women and men got married for money and power. The marriage had nothing to do with love. The wives were regarded as the beautiful vases for decoration. The husbands took the “vases” with them to the social occasion everyday while thinking about their career advancement in their heart and never cared about the feelings of the “vases”. And what caused this? The essential reason was the low social posi tion of the women. The women were treated badly at that time. They had no work, and had no ability to maintain the life, so the marriage was the most efficient and popular way for them to keep their lives. Even the ladies in the upper class only played the role of a housewife.3.2.2. Lydia and Wick ham’s MarriageThe second marriage is between Bennett’s third daughter Lydia and Wick ham, the son of the housekeeper. Originally he was well-treated by his family and friends. However, he came down in the world because of his misbehavior. He got into debt, so he wanted to get money, became rich and changed his social status through marriage which was also a way to approach the talents. He was a man without any responsibility. For Lydia is young, innocent and vainglorious, and loves to go ease and hates to work hard, and is spoilt by her mother. Getting love and praise of a boy is her dream. So when Wick ham wants to reach his aim-getting wealth by love and exalts her beauty hypocritically, she forgets who she is and feels she is the most beautiful and happiest girl in the world. Their love does not get the permission from the parents, and then they elope. When Elizabeth hears the news, she believes that their love is false, Wick ham would not marryLydia, because she is no charming and has nothing to attract him, He does not love her but the wealth of her family. The marriage is admitted on the condition of Darcy’s help. Their marr iage is considered to be a scandal in Bennett’s family. But Mrs. Bonnet is not ashamed of this marriage. When Collins gets the news, of course, he is very angry and reacts to the marriage to revenge his early failure of proposal to her.This marriage is o ne without love. They don’t know the real meaning of marriage,they only want to satisfy their aspiration. So we can say this is a kind of impromptu love and marriage without true love and responsibility. Such couple only seek having the experience but not everlasting and unchanging. Of course, such kind of marriage is doomed to be a tragedy.3.2.3. Jane and Mr. Bindley’s MarriageJane,the eldest daughter of Bonnet family, is a good-natured and gentle woman with introverted disposition.Bindley is a wealthy, handsome, cordial and simple young man who is easy to approach and constant in love. At a dancing party in Merton,Jane and Bindley fell in love with each other at first sight. Bindley and Jane had many similarities in their characters, which was the main reason to the success of their marriage. They possessed personal attractiveness and dignity, social graces, and a measure of good sense. They all had good breeding, but lacked insight, strength, and self-confidence. The marriage of Jane and Bindley is based on mutual love. Both of them possess so many common virtues. They are good-tempered and modest. They share a mutual understanding and always think best of others. However they also have weaknesses. For Jane, she always concealed her true feelings, which gave others an illusion that she didn’t love Bindley. For Bindley, he yielded easily to criticism of Jane’s social position and was likely to accept the suggestions of his sisters and Darcy, which almost consumed the felicity between Jane and him. Frankly speaking, the outside forces facilitated their marriage.Among all the marriage in the Pride and Prejudice, the combination of pleasant Bindley and mild Jane is the most blessed and happy one. The couple has similar interests and they insisted on pursuing their love, which leads them to a happy and perfect marriage.3.2.4. Darcy and Elizabeth’s Marriage.Darcy and Elizabeth’s Marriage is the main theme of the works. At the beginning, Elizabeth rejects the pursuer-Darcy, because she does not like him, even looks down upon him though Darcy loves her very much. In Elizabeth’s eyes, she believes that he is arrogant and unreasonable because of his richness and high social status. So Elizabeth refused Darcy’s first proposal. Elizabeth clearly stated her answer: “Why, with so evident a design of offending and insulting me, you choose to tell me that you liked me against your will, against your reason, and even against your character? Was not this some excuse for incivility, if I was uncivil?” (Jane Austen, 2004: 139). After knowing this, Darcy tried his best to correct his shortcomings. Elizabeth gradually fell in love with him. Finally Jack shall have Jill.From their love story it can be seen that it’s stupid to judge a person just by the first impression and always have prejudice on the person whom you dislike, and pride sometimes will make you far away from the people. From the book, it is obvious to see that because Darcy’s proud, he offended the girl he loved, and because of the prejudice, Elizabeth was failed to see the merits of Darcy, but fortunately, they didn’t miss each other finally. Their love was romantic and also realistic.4. The Different Understandings about Love and MarriageBindley and Jane’s marriage was based on same interests. Jane---the eldest daughter of the Bonnets’ is favored by the host. But the reserved personality and the standardized qualities make her feelings show nothing, so she almost loses Bindley. Their marriage based on a favorite of mutual good impression and true love nearl y evaporates. Jane’s marriage is a happy one. In addition to solid economic foundation, the couple shares many common virtues which are the sources of the happiness.Lydia and Wick ham’s marriage was based on vanity and carelessness. Lydia is pursuing love and thinking about how to get love from a male. She is stiffened with the style of an officer called Wick ham. She elopes with him because of an impulse. They spend money without restraint, and they are unable to make ends meet. Lydia’s marriage is the most unpleasant one. It lacks both money and love and it is solely based on passion. When the sexual attraction fades away, her marriage will exist in name only.Charlotte and Collins’s marriage was based on money or benefit. Although Collins is an inborn fool, his love could not move the heart of a woman, Charlotte accepts him, because her purpose is to get married. Almost all the girls born in a poor family without good education always regard marriage as the only decent way, although marriage might not necessarily bring happiness to them. In their marriage, money and benefit are very important. Charlotte’s marriage is totally a business deal. Except money, no human feeling is existed.Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage is based on true love. She is Bonnet’s second daughter, an active, intelligent and smart girl. She has a middle-class family background and has not been affected by the formal education belonging to those aristocratic young girls. Darcy is a man with tall figure and good manner. He is handsome, rich and powerful. So he is the ideal husband of most girls. But he has grown up in a family with strong sense of power, so he is always selfish and arrogant, but when Darcy realized that he was being arrogant and unreasonable, he begins to get rid of those bad habits quietly to crate her taste and get good impression and love of her. Because of Darcy’s perfect behavior and good education, Elizabeth gradually eliminates the bias on Darcy. Then they spontaneously fall in love. So when Darcy’s second suit or is sent to Elizabeth, Elizabeth readily accepted, and they get married and have happy family lives. Among the four marriage patterns portrayed in the novel,Elizabeth’s marriage is obviously an ideal one. Her marriage overcomes economic and status differences, which strongly attack on money-oriented marriage system. In her marriage,she gains not only financial security, but also enjoys respectable and equal relationship with her husband.5. Austen’s Concept about Love and MarriageIn Austen’s day, women had to obey men and depend on them to gain comfortable living conditions. In this sense, marriage was merely a decent way of survival for women. Women had few expectations of emotional feelings in their marriages. Austen,however, believes that marriage determined by economic and social status can not bring real happiness for women. Love should be a significant factor of a happy marriage. Jane Austen is a writer who regards novel writing as a sophisticated art. With a cool hand, she always has her imagination and passion under control. With great details drawn fromeveryday life and activities, the pictures of her characters are vividly portrayed and everyone com es alive. Jane Austen believed that a man’s relation to his wife and children is at least as important a part of his life as his belief and career, and reveals his nature. From her point of view, life is made up of small things and human nature reveals itself in them as fully as in big ones and a man’s relationship to his wife and children is at least as important a part of his life as his concerns about his belief and career, which reveals his moral quality more accurately and truthfully. The interest of J ane Austen’s novels concerns about the relationship between men and women in love. Stories of love and marriage provide the framework for all her novels and in which women are always taken as the major characters. In their pursuit of a happy marriage, they could be grouped into three categories: those who marry for money, position and property, those who marry just for passion and those who marry for love which is based on consideration of both the person’s personal merit and his economical and social statu s. There are a lot of novels talking about marriage in Britain, but scarcely an author could be like Austen, exposing the money-essence of capitalism marriage system so deeply. In brief, it is money that determines everybody’s life and fate, especially mar riage. As for its pragmatic meaning, it could be forceful and penetrating.6. ConclusionJane Austen was truly one of the greatest literary figures in the English literature.She lived a peaceful life in villages,in which each of her novel set.Her fiction’s subject is limited,describing the ordinary daily life of country and its gentry which she was so acquainted with in a wonderful way.She concerned about how women without splendid property marry appropriate husbands.As in any good love stories, the lovers must elude and overcome numerous stumbling blocks, beginning with the tensions caused by the lovers’ own personal qualities. The title tells the major concern of the novel: pride and prejudice. The concept of pride can be defined into two ways: positive and negative. On the one hand, possessing positive or right pride is to have self-respect, honor, and integrity. On the other hand, negative or wrong pride is defined as showing arrogant or disdainful conduct. Mr. Darcy displays the positive side of pride while Mr. Bonnet possesses wrong or negative pride,and a lack of pride itself in some cases. Darcy is responsible for his sister, himself, his estate, and his family name. He takes pride in these things and does anything he can to protect them. But Mr. Bonnet, who is a father of five daughters, a husband, and the holder of reputable conduct in the family, does not take pride in his family or takes his responsibility; Mr. Bonnet ridicules the members of his family instead of controlling their unruly actions.Marriage was fully expressed in Pride and Prejudice. “Through four marriages,Austen thoroughly expresses her views on marriage:Marriage can not only depend on property and social status, while without considering these two is not wise,either. Marriage without love is immoral;Marriage without property is unstable.Marriage was a combination of economic and social status,not the combination of human’s true feelings.Happy marriage should be based on love and solid financial foundation.Women frequently have to sacrifice feelings for the sake of financial security.Besides love,other factors also determine a happy marriage,such as mutual respect,mutual understanding,common virtues,passion,and reason.There is no doubt that Elizabeth and Darcy’s love is the shining pearl in the history of literary, and their love is the ideal mode which has been esteem by Austen”(Zheng xiaoyuan, 1998: 79) Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage is the happiest, with deep-rooted love, and a necessary condition that Darcy’s much wealth. Money is not secular in their marriage; the wealth is just like sunshine and nutrition their marriage is of much envy for any person.In Austen’s time, women married money, not their husbands. Property plays a guiding role in a marriage. Austen shows her great sympathy for the disastrous fate of women.She fiercely criticizes this money-oriented marriage system.She values true love in marriage.Marriage based on true love is viewed as a happy marriage.In modern era, the status of women improves greatly. They have gotten independent position economically,and are entitled to the choice of their own husbands.Marriage is no longer a way for their survival.Instead,it becomes an important embodiment of self-realization.For many women,marriage continues to be a major goal in life.They have high expectations for marriage and want a strong and long-lastingrelationship in marriage.Austen’s novels provide beneficial guidance for their husbands’ selection.Love,intelligence,economic condition,educational background as well as family background have influence on marriage match.When making a marriage choice,one should take all these elements into consideration, while love places a decisive role.After marriage,husband and wife should establish equal and mutual respect between them.Although Austen’s time has gone,her views on marriage have not become obsolete and they bring inspiration to modern people.The more we change,the more we stay the same.That is a very unique characteristic for Austen and her Pride and Prejudice.Bibliography[1]Jane Austen.林立译Pride and Prejudice.北京:航空工业出版社,2004. 139.[2] Duckworth, Alistair. 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毕业论文题目:分析《傲慢与偏见》中四种不同婚姻的形成Title: Analyze the Formation of Four Different Marriages in Pride andPrejudice2009 年5 月25 日AcknowledgementsI’m so excited to present this thesis to you. I had so much gain in half-yearly writing. Thank you to everyone who helps me and my thesis.Thank you to my mother and father. You’re the best parents in the world. Thanks for all of your love and support during my life. And thanks for the great meals.Thank you to Mrs. Han. You’re one of the teachers I know in school who is really sincere, earnest and beautiful. Thanks for your suggestion, instruction and encouragement. And thanks for putting up with my calls at inconvenient time for you. I’m really happy I got a chance to work together with you revising and editing on this thesis.To all my friends, teachers and authors, thank you for all that you have done for me. I’m appreciative of all that I have learned from you.I couldn’t have done it without any of you.Thank you !AbstractPride and Prejudice, originally titled First Impressions, which is written by fresh and refinement witty language, tortuous plot, and full of drama color. It’s the most popular work of Jane Austen’s works. The work bases on the marriage experience of Bennet’s several daughters, and the main plot lines in Elizabeth and Darcy’s emotional experience. It displays the marital status of British social noble estate in the later 18th century. The thesis discusses the formation of four different marriages --- sex desire marriage, material marriage, moral marriage and perfect marriage in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The analysis is that one’s character influenced the formation of marriages and the social issues have a restrictive effect on them. It attempts to use the four marriages to show us that the harmonious marriage is the combination of physical life and mental life. Love, money, status and knowledge are the four important cause of happiness.Key words: marriage; love; money; social issue;摘要《傲慢与偏见》原名为《最初的印象》。
关键词:婚姻;爱情;金钱;社会问题;ContentsIntroduction (1)I.Sex Desire Marriage (2)1.1The Stor y of Wickham and Lydia’s Marriage (2)1.2Their Marriage Only Has Passion (2)1.3Analyze the Character Feature of Wickham and Lydia (3)1.4Social Background Behind Their Marriage (4)II.Material Marriage (5)2.1The S tory of Collins and Charlotte’s Marriage (5)2.2Their Marriage Has Little Affection but No Passion (5)2.3Analyze the Character Feature of Collins and Charlotte (5)2.4Social Background Behind Their Marriage (6)III.Moral Marriage (7)3.1The S tory of Bingley and Jane’s Marriage (7)3.2Their Marriage Has Genuine Affection and Respect (7)3.3Analyze the Character Feature of Bingley and Jane (7)3.4Social Background Behind Their Marriage (8)IV.Perfect Marriage (9)4.1The S tory of Darcy and Elizabeth’s Marriage (9)4.2Their Marriage Has Passion, Affection and Respect (10)4.3Analyze the Character Feature of Darcy and Elizabeth (10)4.4Social Background Behind Their Marriage (11)Conclusion (12)Bibliography (13)IntroductionJane Austen was a realistic writer of the 18th century, but she lived mainly in the 19th century. In her lifelong career, Jane Austen wrote altogether six complete novels. Stories of love and marriage are the major themes in all these novels although she never married. Therein, Pride and Prejudice is the most successful and popular of her novels. The work bases on the marriage experience of Bennet’s several daughters and the main plot lines in Elizabeth and Darcy’s emotional experience. It displays the marital status of British social noble estate in the later 18th century, which is great attraction to many readers.Man’s motive for choosing mate determines his criterion for choosing mate. So, different motives bring different criteria for man to choosing different mate. The natural property of marriage decides that people need to consider economy, health, social status, morality and religious when they are choosing mate. However, when people are choosing mate, they may have many motivations instead of having only one motivation due to the influence of social property. The distinctions are people’s differing emphasizes and just because of the difference of emphasizes cause the existence of different marriages.Therefore, my thesis will put the four types of marriages in Pride and Prejudice on a broad background to analyze the formation of the marriages.I. Sex Desire Marriage1.1T he S tory of Wickham and Lydia’s MarriageIn Pride and Prejudice, Lydia and Wickham’s marriage is the most absurd one. The author did not even have a positive account of how they are together, and then elope. Just simply through Jane and Aunt Gardner’s letter to Elizabeth give readers an understanding of the probable situation about them.Before elope with Lydia, Wickham’s charming appearance attracts Elizabeth initially, but soon he changed his affection to the wealthy Miss King for her ten thousand pounds. Wickham’s elopement with Lydia is very sudden. They elope from Brighton without any engagement and are found out in London. Though under such circumstances, Wickham has no intention to marry Lydia. So, Darcy paid off Wickham’s debts and bought him a job. It finally gets the Wickham and Lydia’s marriage.1.2T heir Marriage Only Has PassionWickham’s elopement with Lydia is very sudden.It really leaves us many rooms to think his real motivation. From the book, we know Wickham is a dissolute man who never stops seeking sexual passion. He has no intention to marry Lydia even though they are in elopement. Lydia happened to be a frivolous girl. She only enchanted by Wickham’s charming appearance, see nothing of his real intention and personality. She doesn’t care whether Wickham will marry her or not. Wickham elopes with Lydia is to flee his creditors rather than affection to Lydia. And he is paid to marry her. So it is hard to say they have affection to each other. Their marriage only has passion.1.3A nalyze the Character Feature of Wickham and LydiaWickham is a handsome officer. His charming appearance and pleasant manner enchant all the people at first. Elizabeth once thought he was the most charming man she had met. However, it is soon known that his character, on the contrary, was mean and cunning. AfterDarcy’s revelation about Wickham’s disreputable past, we can clearly to see he is a liar. He is extravagant always and greatly in debts and regards love as a tool to acquire wealth.Lydia is the youngest Bennet daughter, aged fifteen. She is described as silly and empty-minded. She actually thinks her sister should be jealous of her marriage. Lydia’s mother has brought her into public at an early age, which made her became frivolous. Her main interest in life is socializing, especially flirting with red-coated officials. Lydia never stops seeking her own fun and sexual excitement. She never gives love as a serious consideration.1.4S ocial Background Behind Their MarriageOn one hand, Wickham and Lydia’s marriage must be a good example to illustrate that money is of overwhelming importance in marriage in 18th century.As a lower middle classes, Wickham only has limited income. Affection for him would be a tool to acquire wealth. For example, his affection to Miss Darcy and Miss King.“He ( Wickham ) was doubtless most interested in my sister’s (Miss Darcy ) fortune, which is thirty thousand pounds...”“He ( Wickham ) had transferred his affections to a Miss King, who had recently inherited ten thousand pounds.”What’s more, Wickham still hopes to acquire wealth by marriage in other country even though he elopes with Lydia. But for Darcy’s help, Wickham will never marry Lydia.“ Mr. Darcy asked him why he had not married your sister at once? Though Mr. Bennet was not imagined to be very rich, he would have been able to do something for him, and his situation must have been benefited by marriage. But he found, in reply to this question, that Wickham still cherish the hope of more effectually making his fortune by marriage in some other county. Under such circumstances, however, he was not likely to be proof against the temptation of immediate relief. They met several times, for there was much to be discussed. Wickham, of course, wanted more than he could get, but at length was reduced to be reasonable.”We can also see that money is important for one in that society from Mrs Gardiner’s speak.“But I must warn you not to get seriously involved with him. I admit he’s a most interesting young man, but sadly he has no fortune. You are a sensible girl, and must realize that you would disappoint your father by agreeing to marry a penniless young man.”On the other hand, Wickham and Lydia’s marriage fit Austen’s idea of mores. Marriage is the best way for women to avoid public scorn and living with a man without marriage may ruins a girl in English society of that period. Just like Elizabth declares that if Lydia does not marry Wickham she is lost forever. So to ensure her daughter’s marriage, Mr. Bennet promises to give a lot of money to them. Wickham and Lydia’s marriage finally calms down the dissatisfaction in the society.II. Material Marriage2.1 The S tory of Collins and Charlotte’s MarriageThe first marriage presented to us is the marriage of Collins and Charlotte. To begin with, Collins made up his mind to marry one of the daughters of Mr. Bennet. At first, he intends to marry Jane, but when Mrs. Bennet hints that Jane may soon be engaged, he changes to Elizabeth. Soon he proposed to Elizabeth and failed at last. Having been refused by Elizabeth, Mr. Collins is never sad at all. By the encouragement of Charlotte, Mr. Collins marries her.2.2 Their Marriage Has Little Affection but No PassionCollins and Charlotte’s attitudes towards marriage decided they marry in such a short period of time. Collins thinks it is right for a clergyman to set example of marriage and the marriage will add to his happiness. What’s more, Lady Catherine has advised him to marry. So Collins wants a marriage. Charlotte does not view love as the most important component of a marriage. She is more interested in having a comfortable home.“ I ask only a comfortable home...I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state.”Those are their ideas of marriage, which account for their quick marriage. They all don’t need passion and love. So they turn their material marriage into reality.2.3 Analyze the Character Feature of Collins and CharlotteCollins is the cousin of Mr.Bennet, and will inherit his property. He is a clergyman under the patronage of Lady Catherine de Burgh. He seldom opens his mouth without mentioning Lady Catherine. Collins’ servile and obsequious character made him felt greatly flattered only by Lady Catherine visit in his humble parsonage. And it’s also lead to his quick marriage with Charlotte.“ ...dear cousin, that you do not intend to refuse me for long. My situation in life, my connections with the de Bourgh family, and my relationship to you own, all make my proposal a very suitable one.”When we read Collins’ foolish proposal to Elizabeth and his letter to Mr.Bennet. It’s not hard to find he is a vulgar, pompous and self-conceit man.“As a clergyman...I feel it my duty to promote and establish the blessing of peace on all families within the reach of my influence...I flatter myself that I am acting correctly in offering you my friendship.”Charlotte is Elizabeth’s dear friend. She is already 27 and is not good-looking. She has her own ideas and thinks independently. For example, when everyone considers Darcy to be too arrogant to be liked by anybody, Charlotte holds the view that he has the right to be pride of himself as he is handsome, has good personality and most importantly, he has large property. But she is a realist. She treats material more important than anything else. She is so sensible that she knows she can get large property and high social status and the sense of establishment through her marriage. So when Collins proposes, she accepts quickly.2.4 Social Background Behind Their MarriageProperty is a very important factor in Jane Austen's time. Only young women with beautiful appearance and good family background can they have lots of opportunities to get a satisfactory marriage. But the only thing a young woman without good appearance and property could do is to marrying a man with good fortune. As for Charlotte, she is already 27 and is not good-looking. What is worse, she does not own large property, and then the only way out for her is to marry a suitable man to secure her rest life.Therefore, considering Mr. Collins' social status and his property, anyone who marries him is sure to secure her living and can live a luxurious life. When Mr. Collins proposed to Charlotte, Charlotte accepted without hesitation. Her choice conforms to the social trend. There marriage will be easily accepted by women in Austen’s time.III. Moral Marriage3.1 The S tory of Bingley and Jane’s MarriageBingley falls in love with Jane at their first ball and their romance flourishes quietly and steadily. When their romance went smoothly, his suddenly departed from Jane nearly ends their love. The cause of his departure was caused by his relationship with Darcy. Darcy think that Bingley’s affection to Jane was obvious, however he saw Jane liked Bingley, but he did not think she love him, therefore he made great efforts to separated Bingley from Jane. So Bingley began to doubt Jane’s affection to him, he left her without saying goodbye. Later, when all misunderstanding clarified he comes back to Jane at Darcy’s assistance.3.2 Their Marriage Has Genuine Affection and RespectBingley and Jane have many similarities in character that they can describe together: both are cheerful, friendly, and good-natured, always ready to think the best of others. This is the main reason to the success of their marriage. According to the relationship between Bingley and Jane, love and similar interests are the basic factors of a successful and happy marriage. With many similarities in character, people can understand each other easily. Most important of all, the couple with similar interests can live together with a happy life, because there are understandings, helps and supporting between them. But this marriage is mildly dull.3.3 Analyze the Character Feature of Bingley and JaneBingley has a pleasant appearance and unaffected manners. He is a friendly young man who is easy to approach and admired by all. He doesn’t mind the lower classes of Jane and her family. His affection towards Jane is obviously sincere. When Jane suffered an illness his anxiety and attention to Jane is evident. We can feel Bingley’s real concern and affection towards Jane from these details. But Bingley lacks strength and independence in his marriage. He allows Darcy to sway him into leaving Netherfield by saying Jane is indifferent to him.H is sudden departure nearly ends his love. Bingley’s indecisive character determine s that his happiness is controlled by others.Jane is the eldest Bennet daughter and is considered quite pretty by all. She is a kind and mild girl with introverted character. In her eyes, everybody is perfect. She never saw the ugly fact of life even she was deceived.“ Oh, You ( Jane ) are a great deal too apt you know, to like people in general, you never see a fault in anybody, all the world are too good and agreeable in your eyes. I ( Elizabeth ) never heard you speak ill of a human being in my life.”As an introverted girl, she is constant in her love but lacks strength and self-confidence. She love Bingley very much, but she doesn’t want others to know her love to him. This nearly consumed her happiness.3.4 Social Background Behind Their Marriage“ It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”This is the opening sentence of the novel.In fact, it is a common phenomenon in Auste n’s time that a wealthy, single man must be in need of a wife and a single woman must be in wait of a husband, especially a wealthy one. As we all know, Bingley is exactly a wealthy and single man. Jane is just the single woman.Their marriage is entirely consistent with the ceremony, and is a bourgeois freedom of choice, is a model of marriage with love.IV. Perfect Marriage4.1 The S tory of Darcy and Elizabeth’s MarriageDarcy and Elizabeth were meeting in the first ball in Netherfield. But their first impression of each other was not so good. Elizabeth thought Darcy had nothing but arrogant despite he was a noble. Over following weeks, Darcy was attracted by Elizabeth’s charming character. He proposed to her, but Elizabeth turned him down for his arrogant and conceit. After that, Darcy didn’t give up and took her reproofs to heart and tried to change. He wrote a letter explaining his past conducts to Elizabeth.“ I have been a selfish being all my life in practice, though not in principle. As I child I was taught what was right, but I was not taught to correct my temper. I was given good principle, but left to follow them in pride and conceit. Unfortunately an only son ( for many years an only child ) I was spoiled by my parents, who though good themselves ( my father, particularly, all that was benevolent and amiable ), allowed, encouraged, almost taught me to be selfish and overbearing, to care for none beyond my own family circle, to think meanly of all the rest of the world, to wish at least to think meanly of their sense and worth compared with my own. Such I was from eight to eight and twenty, and such I might still have been but for you, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth! What do I not owe you! You taught me a lesson, hard indeed at first, but most advantageous. By you I was properly humbled. I came to you without a doubt of my reception. You showed me how insufficient were all my pretensions to please a women worthy of being pleased."This letter let Elizabeth to know her prejudice caused her to mistake Darcy’s real character. Finally, Elizabeth accepted a perfect-going Darcy. They found happiness and a better understanding of each other.4.2 Their Marriage Has Passion, Affection and RespectIn Pride and Prejudice, Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage is considered as the most perfect one, for their marriage is based on their true love.Darcy’s high birth and wealth makes him overly conscious of his social status. But after Elizabeth’s rejection of his proposal, he soon makes a change of himself. In order todemonstrate his continued affection to Elizabeth, he rescues Lydia and the Bennet family from shame and goes against the wishes of his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Darcy proves himself worthy of Elizabeth and Elizabeth finally realizes the error of her initial prejudice against him.Elizabeth accepts Darcy, for she falls in love with the perfect-going Darcy rather than his fame nor fortune. In other words, if Darcy was still proud and didn’t change himself, Elizabeth would reject him too.4.3 Analyze the Character Feature of Darcy and ElizabethDarcy first appears to us as a handsome but very proud person. He grows up in a wealthy and well-established family, which makes him pride and conceited. We can see his arrogant and impertinent character from his proposal to Elizabeth. Actually, Darcy is a honest and good man. He is constant in his love and willing to make sacrifice for his lover. His true love to Elizabeth leads to his first proposal to her regardless of her family and her lower position. After Elizabeth’s refusal of him, Darcy acts like a real gentleman, he asks Elizabeth to forgive him for having taken up so much of her time, and accept his best wishes for her health and happiness and decides to make a change of himself. His true love to Elizabeth also let he did his utmost to rescue Wickham and Lydia from their trouble. We can get a better understanding of Darcy’s decent character through Lydia and Wickham’s case. He had deep aversion to Wickham for he had nearly ruined his sister. However, his affection for Elizabeth outweighed anything else.Elizabeth, the protagonist of the novel, is an intelligent and witted girl. Her admirable qualities are numerous. She is lovely, clever, honesty, humorous, perceptive and brave in love. Her intelligence, bravery and discretion in love let her to refuse Collins’ firs t proposal against her mother’s will. She is sensible, valued true love as something noble and lofty, but never trade self-respect with love, never trade money with love. Her refusal of Collins’ pompous proposal is a mirror, which reflects her perception and character, and her attitudes towards love. However, her self-respect and prejudice leads to her refusal of Darcy’s proposal. As a matter of fact, her harsh refusal of Darcy’s p roposal increased his affection instead of reducing his passion. We can also see Elizabeth has a strong sense of personality and dignityfrom the Lady Catherine’s visit. She does not knuckle under the Lady Catherine’s bullying and bravely refused to promise not to marry Darcy.4.4 Social Background Behind Their MarriageDarcy and Elizabeth’s marriage reflects a social phenomenon in the 18th century--- people always have a strong awareness of class and social status in mind.“This awareness colors the attitudes that characters of different social status feel toward one another. This awareness cuts both ways: as Darcy and Elizabeth demonstrate, the well-born and the socially inferior prove equally like to harbor prejudices that blind them to others true natures.”Darcy has grown up in the surroundings with strong awareness of class and social status, so he is always conceit and arrogant, and he has a critical look at each individual, except the family members, he is not concerned about anyone else, and looks down upon anyone else. Therefore, even he is irresistible to the flooding feelings, and proposes to Elizabeth, he still remembers the gap between them. In fact both Darcy and Elizabeth are extremely sensitive to the social status. Different from Darcy, Elizabeth doesn’t have superiority about her family background and status. Inst ead, she feels deeply ashamed for her sister’s badly behaved and her mother's rudeness and stupidity.Through the Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriages, Austen shows the power of love and happiness to overcome class boundaries and prejudices, also hinting that such awareness of class and social status are hollow, cruel and unproductive.ConclusionAt last, it is clearly to see what makes the four marriages formed. The four couples, varied in their characters, presented us with four different distinct marriages. The combination of dissolute Wickham and empty-minded Lydia results in a sex desire marriage. Their marriage only has passion but no affection, it’s unsuccessful. The combination of vulgar Collins and sensible Charlotte results in a material marriage. Their marriage is very bald but successful.The combination of friendly Bingley and mild Jane results in a moral marriage. Their marriage shows us a real marriage but not an ideal one. The combination of honest Darcy and intelligent Elizabeth results in a perfect marriage. Their marriage has passion, affection, respect and fortune. It’s the most successful marriage and also fits Jane Austen’s idea of perfect marriage. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen tries to say that it is wrong to marry for material wealth and social position or just for beauty and passion, but it is also wrong to marry without it. She thinks people should marry for the love with a consideration of the partner’s personal merit as well as his economical and social status. So, we can come to the conclusion that the harmonious marriage is the combination of physical life and mental life. 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