The Merchant Of Venice赏析最新原创考试
a cruel businessman lends Antonio 3000 ducats.
Antonio’s best friend gets married with Portia with the money borrowed
from Shylock.
On the day Bassanio and Portia get married, they receive a letter from Antonio saying that all his ships have been lost at sea. Now he himself does not have enough money to pay back the three thousand ducats and so he must give Shylock one pound of his flesh. Portia thinks of a clever plan to save Antonio. she asks a good friend who is a doctor of law, to lend her some of his lawyer’s clothes and books. Dressed as a lawyer, she arrives at the court of the Duke, where Antonio case is decided.
(Romeo and Juliet)
o麦克白(Macbeth) o李尔王(King Lear)
o奥赛罗(Othello) o考利欧雷诺斯(Coriolanus) o脱爱勒斯与克来西达
要是一个犹太人欺侮了一个基督徒, 那基督徒怎样表现他 的谦逊? 报仇。
要是一个基督徒欺侮了一个犹太人, 那么照着基 督徒的榜 样, 那犹太人应该怎样表现他的宽容? 报仇。
你们已经把残虐的手段教给我, 我一定会 照着你们的教训 实行, 而且还要加倍奉敬哩。
第四幕 第一场 法庭
夏洛克(对着围观的公爵们):你们买了许多奴隶, 把他们 当作驴狗骡马一样看待 , 叫他们做种种卑贱的工作, 因为他 们是你 们出钱买来的。我可不可以对你们说, 让他们自 由, 叫他们跟你们的子女结婚? 为什么他们要在 重担之下流着血 汗? 让他们的床铺得跟你们的床同样柔软, 让他们的舌头也 尝尝你们所吃的东西吧。
夏洛克:只因为我 是一个犹太人。难道犹太人没有眼睛 吗? 难道犹 太人没有五官四肢、没有知觉、没有感情、 没有血 气吗? 同样的武器可以 伤害他, 同样的医药可以 疗治他, 冬天同样会冷, 夏天同样会热, 就像一个基督徒一 样吗? 你们要 是用刀剑刺我们, 我们不是也会出血的吗? 你们 要是挠我们的痒, 我们不是也会笑起来的吗? 你 们要是用 毒药谋害我们, 我们不是也会死的吗? 那么要是你们欺侮 了我们, 我们难道不会复仇吗?
The Merchant of Venice
创作背景 夏洛克人物形象 鲍西亚人物形象 人文主义思想
《威尼斯商人》是英国著名喜剧巨匠威廉·莎士比 亚 发表于 1596 年的作品,其创作背景是: 英国资本主 义经济迅速发展,专制王朝执行了有利于工商业发展 的 政策,得到新兴资产阶级的支持,王室和资产阶级 之间 形成了暂时的联盟。这时期莎氏初到伦敦,受国 内爱国 情绪的感染及文艺复兴时期人文主义思潮的影 响。在 女王伊丽莎白一世的统治下,英国出现了经济 繁荣和政 治安定的局面。
The Merchant of Venice
西方的爱情观建立在希腊民主制和基督教 文化模式之上,主张爱情至上,所以西方 的爱情都是直露、开放的。 而中国古代的爱情观过早地渗入了国家、 义利、善恶等道德因素,所以中国的爱情 都是含蓄,低调的。
西方爱情观形成的文化土壤是古希腊-罗马 文化与希伯莱-基督教文化。由此而产生了 西方爱情观的两种形态:古希腊式的欲望 之爱与古希伯莱——基督教式的圣爱。第 一种宣扬尘世的欲求和渴望,以两性的结 合为最终目的,但爱情的关系却是建立在 自由和尊重的默契之中。而后者不惜牺牲 自我,超越一切代价,只求对方的幸福, 两性关系建立在神的绝对权威之下。
西方的爱情就是一个人的一切,比如柏拉图把 “爱”看作是对美的憧憬,提出了“精神之爱”; 亚里士多德倡导“友情之爱”;希伯莱——基督 教文明的核心概念是“神爱”;中世纪骑士文化 张扬“骑士文化”等等,爱情在西方的地位就相 当于西方人的神,是不可侵犯的。 但是相比之下,中国的爱情是低微的,在人们心 中的地位是很低的,属于次位系统。但是从古代 的诗歌比如《诗经.国风》,也有对爱的大量描写, 只是由于儒家思想的影响。
鲍西娅 夏洛克
劝慈悲 劝三倍还款 劝请医生
三倍还钱 拿回本钱 不打官司
故 纵 欲 擒
悬 念
一 波 三 折
谋 害 公 民
没收财产 彻底败诉
突 转
鲍西娅是莎翁创造 的人文主义女性的 典型形象。 博学细心 精明能干 足智多谋 她的智慧使情节发 生了戏剧性的变化。
爱情不管在任何国界,都是存在局限性的,即使 是西方那么崇敬爱情的地方,也少不了宗教的束 缚。但是如果与中方进行比较,这一点是微乎其 微的。西方的人们更容易为了爱情摆脱社会的一 切束缚,在特洛伊战争就很好的表现了这一点。 在中国,个人是出于宗法关系网包围中的人,缺 乏主体意识,而家庭和封建专制国家则对个人有 决定性的作用。并且大量的“三从四德”,“贤 妻良母”等礼教,实际上已经扼杀了妇女的爱情。
Unit 11 The merchant of Venice
一、教法建议【抛砖引玉】★ 单元背景知识简介本单元课文 The Merchant of Venice 是根据英国作家威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的同名作品改编而成。
《威尼斯商人》是莎士比亚早期的重要作品,大约写于 1596 —1597 。
他的作品Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》,Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等反映了当时社会的现实,表达了人文主义的社会政治思想。
★ 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南Good Wishes , Congratulations and Responses(祝愿、祝贺和应答)★ 跨国语言必知西方人喜欢收到礼物时当场打开并大加赞赏说:Wonderful !/ Beautiful !/ Marvelous !/ What a nice present / How nice a gift !当别人祝贺你成功时,一定要用 Thank you 。
LEVEL 3 The Merchant of Venice< Answer Key >Chapter 1Preview Questions1. A merchant is someone who buys and sells things, or trades goods.2. I think he is sad because he doesn’t have any friends.3. I think the merchant will help his friend get out of some kind of trouble.Review Questions1. The merchant’s name is Antonio.2. Antonio’s friends tried to explain his sadness by saying that he was worried about his ships and his cargo, or he was in love.3. The merchant would help his friend Bassanio helping him borrow the money he needs.Chapter 2Preview Questions1. Yes, I think it will be easy for Bassanio to marry Portia.No, I don’t think it will be easy for Bassanio to marry Portia.2. I think Bassanio will try to convince Portia to marry him by telling her that he will provide her with anything she wants.3. Yes, I think Portia will like some of the men who come to visit her.No, I don’t think Portia will like any of the men who come to visit her.Review Questions1. Nerissa is Portia’s maid.2. Portia didn’t like the man who came from England because he never studied anything. Portia couldn’t talk with him because he didn’t understand Latin, French, or Italian.3. Portia’s father made the condition that only the man who chose the right box out of the three boxes could marry his daughter.Chapter 3Preview Questions1. Yes, I think Antonio will be able to borrow money.2. As a guarantee, I think Antonio will have to promise that he will pay the money back.3. Yes, I think the Christians and Jews liked each other in Venice.No, I don’ think the Christians and Jews liked each other in Venice.Review Questions1. Shylock is a moneylender who makes people pay interest on their loans.2. Antonio and Shylock did not like each other because one was Christian and the other one was a Jew. Also, Antonio didn’t like Shylock for making people pay interest on their loans.3. If Antonio c ouldn’t repay the loan in three months, he would have to give Shylock one pound of his flesh.Chapter 4Preview Questions1. I think the Prince of Morocco will not be an interesting man.2. Yes, I think Portia will like the prince.No, I don’t think Portia will like the prince.3. Yes, I think the Prince of Morocco will dare to choose a box.No, I d on’t think the Prince of Morocco will dare to choose a box.Review Questions1. The Prince told Portia about his famous battles and bragged about his many victories.2. If the prince chose the wrong box he would not be able to marry Portia or any other woman.3. Yes, the prince will dare to choose a box.Chapter 5Preview Questions1. Yes, I think Shylock would be a good master for his servants.No, I don’t think Shylock would be a good master for his servants.2. I think a son would trick his father if he wanted to get something from him, like money or something of value.3. A servant would leave his master and find a new one if his master is bad and untrustworthy.Review Questions1. Gobbo did not recognize his son, Lancelot, because Gobbo was an old man who was quite blind.2. Lancelot wanted to leave his master, Shylock, because he thought that Shylock was like a devil who didn’t feed him enough food.3. Lancelot wanted to work for Bassanio because he thought that Bassanio was a good master who took care of his servants by giving them plenty of food and beautiful clothes to wear.Chapter 6Preview Questions1. When Bassanio gets the money from Shylock, I think he will travel to Belmont to try to court Portia.2. No, I don’t think Shylock would like his daughter to marry a Christian because she is Jewish.3. If a person acts like a fool, it means they are acting in a childish or silly way.Review Questions1. No, Graziano is not a well-behaved friend. His friends think he acts like a fool sometimes by doing andsaying strange things.2. No, Jessica does not like her father. I know because she wants to run away from him and marry Lorenzo.3. Jessica and Lorenzo keep their love a secret from Shylock because they know he wouldn’t approve of the m being together.Chapter 7Preview Questions1. Yes, I think the Prince of Morocco will choose the right box to marry Portia.No, I don’t think the Prince of Morocco will choose the right box to marry Portia.2. I think he will make his best guess but he won’t know for sure until he opens the box.3. Yes, I think Portia wants him to choose the right box.No, I don’t think Portia wants him to choose the right box.Review Questions1. The P rince didn’t choose the lead box because the lead box was not very beautiful and he didn’t think apicture of Portia could possibly be inside of it.2. The P rince didn’t choose the silver box because the gold box was much more beautiful, an d because thewriting on the gold box seemed to make more sense.3. If the Prince of Morocco was a wise man, he would have chosen the lead box because just as the writing said, he would be taking a risk, and taking a risk is what would win Portia as his wife.Chapter 8Preview Questions1. I think the moneylender is angry because he has discovered that is daughter ran away and took his money and jewels with her.2. I think Shylock will want to take revenge on Antonio and his friends.3. Yes, I think that Antonio’s ships are all safe.No, I don’t think that Antonio’s shi ps are all safe.Review Questions1. No, Shylock did not find his daughter on the ship that was going to Belmont.2. A ship sank in a storm that was between England and France.3. Salerio was anxious about Antonio because he was worried that it was one of Antonio’s ships that sank in the big storm.Chapter 93Preview Questions1. Yes, I think the Prince of Aragon will dare to choose a box.2. Yes, I think Portia will like him.No, I don’t think Portia will like him.3. Yes, I think he will choose the right box.No, I don’t think he will choose the right box.Review Questions1. No, the Prince was not going to tell anyone which box he chose.2. The Prince chose the silver box because he thought that he should get what he deserved.3. There was a picture of a fool inside the silver box with a message that he was too proud and that proud men deserved foolish wives.Chapter 10Preview Questions1. I think the bad news Antonio will hear will be about his ships that are at sea.2. I think Shylock will b e happy when he hears about Antonio’s bad news.3. Yes, I think Shylock will make Antonio give him a pound of flesh.No, I don’t think Shylock will make Antonio give him a pound of flesh.Review Questions1. Jessica was spending Shylock’s money and selling his jewels, which made Shylock very angry.2. Shylock said he would take Antonio’s heart so that Antonio couldn’t take any more of his business away because he would be dead.3. Shylock told Antonio’s friends he would use Antonio’s flesh to go fishing.Chapter 11Preview Questions1. Yes, I think Portia will be happy to see Bassanio.2. Yes, I think Bassanio will choose the right box.No, I don’t think Bassanio will choose the right box.3. I think Bassanio will be worried and will try to help Antonio when he hears of his bad news.Review Questions1. Yes, Portia had met Bassanio before he came to choose a box.2. Bassanio knew that he had chosen the right box because when he opened it, there was a picture of Portiainside.3. Antonio thinks the duke will agree with Shylock because he has to agree with the law or people will nolonger want to do business in Venice.Chapter 12Preview Questions1. I think Portia and Nerissa will try to figure out how to help Bassanio and Graziano while they are in Venice.2. Yes, I think they will be able to help Antonio.3. No, I don’t think Lorenzo and Jessica will go back to Shylock.Review Questions1. Portia said that she and Nerissa would stay in a convent while Bassanio and Graziano were in Venice.2. Portia said that she and Nerissa would see their husbands soon because they were going to go to Venicedisguised as men.3. Portia will appear to be a man by dressing in men’s clothing, wearing a dagger, walking like a man, and talking about battles.Chapter 13Preview Questions1. Yes, I think Shylock will demand his pound of flesh.2. I think Antonio will ask the duke to reconsider the contract, but that he understands it is the law.3. Yes, I think Bassanio and Graziano will reach Venice in time to help their friend.Review Questions1. No, the duke doesn’t like Shylock. I know because he thinks Shylock has no mercy.2. Bassanio offered Shylock two more dollars for every one dollar that Antonio owed Shylock.3. The duke refuses to make a decision until Bellario, the famous wise man, arrives to hear the arguments and help make a decision.Chapter 14Preview Questions1. No, I don’t think Bassanio and Graziano will recognize Portia and Nerissa when they arrive in Venice.2. I think Bellario may be able to s top Shylock from taking one pound of Antonio’s flesh.3. Yes, I think Shylock will show mercy to Antonio.No, I don’t think Shylock will show mercy to Antonio.Review Questions1. Nerissa pretended to be a messenger from Padua and Portia pretended to be Balthasar, a wise young judge.2. Portia stops Shylock from taking his pound of flesh by saying there was nothing in the contract about taking any of Antonio’s blood. Shylock could only take the pound of flesh if he didn’t take any of Antonio’s blood.3. When Shylock dies, his possessions will go to Jessica and Lorenzo.Chapter 15Preview Questions1. Yes, I think Bassanio should pay the young judge for saving Antonio’s life.5No, I don’t think Bassanio should pay the young judge for saving Antonio’s life.2. Yes, I think that Portia will tell Bassanio who she really is.3. As payment for her work, I think Portia will ask for the 30,000 dollars that Antonio owes Shylock.Review Questions1. As payment for her work, Portia asked Bassanio for the ring that she had given him before he left for Venice.2. Bassanio didn’t want to give Portia his ring because he had promised her that he would never lose it, sell it, or give it away.3. In the end, Bassanio gave Portia his ring because Antonio thought that he should give the young judge the ring.Chapter 16Preview Questions1. When Bassanio and Graziano get back to Belmont, I think they will find out what their wives did in Venice.2. Yes, I think Portia and Nerissa will tell the truth about their rings.No, I don’t th ink Portia and Nerissa will tell the truth about their rings.3. Yes, I think this story will have a happy ending.Review Questions1. When they returned to Belmont, Portia and Nerissa asked Bassanio and Graziano why they had given their rings away.2. Antonio felt bad because he was the one who told Bassanio to give his ring to the young judge.3. When Shylock dies, Lorenzo and Jessica will get everything he owns.LEVEL 3 The Merchant of Venice< Summaries >Chapter 1A rich merchant in Venice, called Antonio, was sad and his friends tried to help him be happy again. One of his friends, Bassanio, owed him money and thought he could repay his debt if he could court and marry Portia, a rich young lady in Belmont. He asked Antonio to lend him more money, but Antonio d idn’t have enough. He was expecting his ships to return soon, so he encouraged Bassanio to borrow money from a moneylender, and agreed to guarantee the loan.Chapter 2In Belmont, Portia received a number of suitors who wanted to marry her. She d idn’t like any of them. Before her father died, he made a rule that anyone who wanted to marry her had to choose one of three boxes. If he chose the right box, he could marry her, but if he chose the wrong box, he must never marry anyone. None of her suitors dared to choose a box.Chapter 3Antonio and Bassanio went to Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, to borrow some money from him. Shylockd idn’t like Antonio and didn’t really want to help him or his friend, but decided to lend them money in case he had the chance to hurt Antonio in some way. He made Antonio promise to give one pound of his flesh if he could not repay the money on time. Antonio agreed because he thought that his ships would return in time and he would have enough money by then.Chapter 4The Prince of Morocco came to visit Portia and told her about his wealth and his courage. He told her that he had fought in many battles. He liked her and decided to choose a box. He knew that if he chose the wrong box he would never be able to marry anyone. He wanted to choose a box immediately, but Portia told him they would have dinner first.Chapter 5Shylock’s servant Lancelot was a strange man. He me t his blind father and told him that his son was dead. Gobbo, his father, believed him and Lancelot had to tell him the truth. Lancelot did not like working for Shylock, and wanted to work for Bassanio instead. He persuaded his father to help him, and he got a job with Bassanio.Chapter 6Bassanio decided to have a party when he got the money from Shylock. His friends planned to have a masked parade at the party. One of them, Lorenzo, wa s in love with Shylock’s daughter Jessica, and planned to run away with her on the night of the party. Lancelot took letters from Lorenzo to Jessica and from Jessica to Lorenzo. Bassanio invited Shylock to come to the party and Shylock accepted, although he was worried that7something would go wrong that night. He told Jessica to lock the doors and not let anyone into the house. Jessica took some money and jewels and ran away with Lorenzo. The party ended early because the wind had changed and the ship to Belmont was leaving earlier than expected. Bassanio and Graziano sailed to Belmont.Chapter 7The Prince of Morocco looked at the three boxes. One was made of gold, another of silver and the third of lead. Each of them had some writing on it to help him choose the right one. He chose the gold box because it was the best-looking box. Inside the box was a dead animal and some writing. It said that you should not trust in outward appearance. It was the wrong box, and he went away sad.Chapter 8Shylock was very angry because his daughter had run away with a Chrisitan, and because she had stolen his money and jewels. Antonio’s friends reali zed that he would take revenge on Antonio if he could. A ship sank in a storm near England. Salerio hoped that it was not one of Antonio’s ships.Chapter 9The Prince of Aragon visited Portia and decided to choose a box. He looked carefully at the boxes and read the writing on each one. He chose the silver box, because the writing said that he would get what he deserved. He thought that he deserved Portia, but he d idn’t. It was the wrong box, and he went away disappointed.Chapter 10Antonio’s ships were all sinking and he had no money to repay Shylock. Shylock was very angry because Jessica was wasting the money she had stolen from him. When he heard Antonio’s bad news, he was happy, because now he could take Antonio’s flesh. He th ought that Antonio hated him because he was a Jew, and he told his friends that Jews were people just like Christians.Chapter 11Bassanio visited Portia and they fell in love. Graziano fell in love with Neri ssa, Portia’s maid. Bassanio ch ose the right box, but when he heard that all of Antonio’s s hips had been lost and that Shylock was demanding his pound of flesh, he hurried back to Venice with Graziano.Chapter 12Portia told Lorenzo and Jessica that she and Nerissa would stay in a convent until Bassanio and Graziano returned from Venice. Instead of this, Portia and Nerissa disguised themselves as men and went to Venice. Lancelot was now Bassanio’s servant and ha d to serve Lorenzo and Jessica while they were looking after Portia’s palace.Chapter 13Bassanio and Graziano went with Antonio to see the Duke. The moneylender still insisted that he wanted his pound of flesh. Antonio was sad, but agreed that it was right. Bassanio offered Shylock lots of money but itd idn’t help. Shylock would not change his mind.Chapter 14Portia and Nerissa arrived in Venice disguised as men. Portia pretended she was a judge and listened to the arguments about the pound of flesh that Shylock wanted to take from Antonio. She asked Shylock to show mercy, or to take the money that Bassanio was offering, but Shylock refused. She said that Shylock could take his pound of flesh, and Shylock was very happy. Then she told him that he could not take any blood. If he did, the Duke would take everything he owned. Shylock decided not to take the pound of flesh, but to take the money instead. Portia said that he could not take the money, because he had said that he didn’t want it. Then she told him that he had tried to kill Antonio, and that half of his possessions would go to Antonio, and the other half to the government. In the end Shylock had to become a Christian, and promise to give all his possessions to Lorenzo and Jessica when he died.Chapter 159Portia and Nerissa told Bassanio and Graziano that they had to hurry away. Bassanio offered them some money, but Portia said that she would like the ring on his finger instead. Bassanio did not want to give it to her, but Antonio told him to do it, and he did. Graziano also gave Nerissa the ring she gave him.Chapter 16Bassanio, Graziano, and Antonio went to Belmont. Portia and Nerissa got back before them and asked them why they no longer had the rings. Bassanio and Graziano told them what had happened, but Portia pretended that she didn’t believe them. Then she showed them that she had the rings and told them what happened. Some of the news about An tonio’s ships was wrong and he wa s soon a rich man again. In the end, everyone except Shylock was happy.。
Theme: LoveThesis Statement: Antonio and Shylock both “love something” deeply and they are willing to sacrifice for them.In the play of The Merchant of Venice, Antonio is considered to be the “just side” while Shylock is the symbol of greed and spite. However, they both have something that they love deeply and they would sacrifice for it if necessary. Antonio’s “love” is friendship, but Shylock’s “love” is money.At the beginning of the play, the thesis “Antonio and Shylock both love something” is intr oduced. In Act 1 Scene 1, Bassanio is asking for money from Antonio because he wants to win the love of a beautiful wealthy girl named Portia. At that time, Antonio doesn’t have enough money because all his money is tied up in the cargo that is still at sea, but he said, “But go ahead and charge things to me on credit, as much credit as I can get in Venice. I’ll use all my lines of credit to he lp you get to Belmont, to Portia.”(Ⅰ, i) Although he doesn’t have cash for Bassanio, he still tried his best to get money for his friend. Even when Shylock proposes to cut Antonio’s flesh if Antonio doesn’t return the money, Antonio agrees immediately jus t for helping his friend, this is considered to be a sacrifice because Antonio is risking his life. Also, Antonio values the friendship between he and Bassanio very much, because when a person can’t get money directly, he/she will refuse to lend money to others, even his/her closest friend, let alone borrow money from others to lendmoney to his/her friend. But Antonio does it. So it shows that Antonio’s “love”is friendship, and he can sacrifice for it. This is the first appearance of the thesis “Antonio and Shylock both love something deeply”.As the story continues, the other part of the thesis is revealed, that is the “love” of Shylock. Shylock is a mean and greedy man, in Act 3 Scene 1, when Tubal tells Shylock that he can't find Shylock’s daughter who runs away with her love Lorenzo, Shylock’s first reaction is not the safety of hisFrom here, we can see that Shylock thinks money is more important than his daughter, and he even wants to sacrifice her daughter’s life fro money and jewels. So it is clear that Shylock’s “love”is money, and the theme “Antonio and Shylock both love something deeply and they are willing to sacrifice for them”is shown here.The thing that revealed in this scene is also a step stone to Shylock’s action in the court.In Act 4 Scene 1, Antonio accepts the judge made by Portia, “Let me havejudgment and the Jew his will.” (Ⅳ, i)When Bassanio is unsolvable as his friend Antonio is judged to be cut, Antonio faces the death unflinchingly, he told Bassanio,his friend. Antonio never gets benefits from his help to Bassanio, but he values his friendship and is willing to sacrifice his life for his closest friend. At this time, the theme “Antonio and Shylock bot h “love something” deeply and they are willing to sacrifice for them” is developed by the development of the story, the sacrifice of their “love” becomes more and more profound and serious.Finally, Shylock shows his ardently love to money. He would like others kill him in order to keep his money. When the final result of the case comes up, Shylock is judged to take away all his property. When Shylock hears this, he said,ago, but when his money comes to the equation, Shylock immediately says that he would rather die without his property. He is willing to sacrifice his life for money. T herefore the theme “Antonio and Shylock both love something deeply and rather sacrifice their life for it” is revealed in this scene.In conclusion, through the “love s” of the two characters are completely two different things, they love them in same way – willing to sacrifice their life.。
中考英语阅读训练The Merchant of Venice (selection) 《威尼斯商人》
The Merchant of Venice (selection) 《威尼斯商人》(选段)Part A一、阅读理解Back in Venice, there was one very angry moneylender (放债人), Shylock. When he discovered his daughter, Jessica, had run away and taken money and jewels with her, he was furious. He tried to find her. Bassanio and Graziano were on the ship, and it had started to sail. Shylock wanted to stop the ship. He thought Jessica and Lorenzo might be on it, but it was too late. The ship had already gone. Antonio told Shylock that his daughter and her lover were not on it. Someone said they had gone away on a smaller boat, but nobody really knew where they were.Shylock ran through the streets of Venice looking for them. “My daughter, my money, my jewels! My money, my daughter, my jewels!” he shouted. “My jewels, my daughter, my money! My daughter stole my money! She stole my jewels! She ran away with a Christian! My money, my jewels, my daughter! We must find them!”All the little boys in Venice followed him and shouted, “My jewels, my daughter, my money!”Solanio heard them: He thought, “Antonio had better pay his debt on time, or he will pay for this. Shylock is very angry. He will take revenge (报复) if he can.”Far far away from Venice, in the sea between England and France, there was a big storm. A strong wind blew a heavy ship against the rocks. The ship and its cargo (货物) sank. Salerio was the first person in Venice to hear the news, when he met a Frenchman in a hotel. He hoped that it was not one of Antonio’s ships.1. Which of the following word has the similar meaning of the underlined word “furious”?A. Surprised.B. Disappointed.C. Angry.D. Frightened.2. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. Antonio’s debt. B Shylock’s anger. C. Jessica’s lover. D Shylock’s money.3. What is the correct order of the story?①Salerio heard that a ship had sunk. ①Shylock ran through the streets screaming.①Shylock thought Jessica and Lorenzo were on Bassanio’s ship and wanted to stop it.①Jessica had run away with her father’s money and jewels.A. ①①①①B. ①①①①C. ①①①①D. ①①①①二、完形填空There was another rich man in Venice. His name was Shylock. He earned his money ___1___ lending money to other people and making them pay interest (利息). A lot of people ___2___ money from him.“Will you ___3___ lend us the money? ” Antonio asked Shylock.“ ___4___ should I? ” asked Shylock. “You often say bad words about me ___5___ the way I lend money. I ___6___ argue with you about it because I am a man who does not get ___7___ quickly. You call me names. You call me a dog. You spit on my clothes. Now you need my ___8___ , and you come to me and ask for money. I should tell you that a dog has no money. How ___9___ a dog lend you thirty thousand dollars? Or should I say ___10___ for spitting on my clothes? Should I say that ___11___ these kind acts I will be pleased to lend you thirty thousand dollars? ”“If you lend us this money,” pleaded (恳求) Antonio, “I will not call your names or spit on your clothes again. I am not asking you to lend us the money as if we were your friends. Lend it to us as if we were your enemies. Then if we cannot pay it back in time, you will feel even ___12___ about making us pay the penalty (惩罚).”Shylock pretended (假装) to be surprised. “Antonio, I want to be your ___13___ . I want to forget all the bad things you said to me. I want to help you. I won’t make you pay interest for the money I lend you. However, let’s ___14___ that if you do not pay me on time, you will give me one pound of your flesh (肉) from ___15___ I choose to take it. ”1. A. by B. for C. with D. through2. A. asked B took C. made D. borrowed3. A. also B. ever C. still D. already4. A. How B. Why C. What D. When5. A. by B. for C. in D. on6. A. usually B. seldom C. never D. sometimes7. A. angry B. excited C. worried D. frightened8. A. work B. help C. hope D. dream9. A. can B. must C. should D. would10. A. sorry B. come on C. thank you D. what a pity11. A. full of B. sure of C. instead of D. because of12. A. good B. fine C. better D. worse13. A. brothers B. friend C. partner D. neighbor14. A. advise B. agree C. allow D. suggest15. A. however B. whoever C. whatever D. wherever三、七选五Duke: Greetings, learned judge! I do not envy you your job. This is a most troublesome case.Portia: Greetings! ___1___ Are you Antonio, and is this your agreement with Shylock?Antonio: It is.Portia: Then Shylock must be merciful. He must have mercy on Antonio.Shylock: Why must I have mercy on him? Tell me that!Portia: ___2___ Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It blesses those who give it, and those who receive it. We should learn to show mercy to others. Do you still ask for this pound of flesh?Shylock: I ask for what is mine by law!Bassanio: I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Please change the law a little so that we may save Antonio. Portia: Use your head a little, sir! ___3___ If one law is changed, then people will later want to change other laws. Shylock: ___4___Portia: Let me see this agreement, this promise of Antonio to you.Shylock: Here it is.Portia: I see. According to the law, Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off by him nearest to Antonio’s heart. ___5___ Let me destroy (撕毁) this paper—No? Then, Antonio, be ready. And Shylock, take your knife and prepare to do the deed.A. Who care?B. Be merciful.C. Oh, wise young judge!D. We cannot change a law.E. Mercy brings good.F. Please be seated.G. The honor is all mine, Your Grace.四、根据短文内容, 用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空, 使短文完整Bassanio ___1___ (reach) Belmont and went to visit Portia. Portia was very pleased ___2___ (see) him because she remembered him from his earlier visit. She was certain he would be brave enough ___3___ (choose) a box. She hoped he would be wise enough to choose the one with her picture in it. Bassanio loved Portia more than ever. He wanted to choose a box and marry ___4___ (she). However, Portia was now afraid that he would choose the wrong box. Then he would never be able to ___5___ (marry) her. At last, Portia took Bassanio to the three ___6___ (box) and told him the rules. Bassanio looked at the boxes, but he did not read the writing on them. He looked at the gold and silver, he didn’t want these ___7___ (beauty) boxes of gold and silver. He would choose the lead box with ___8___ (it) ordinary color. It spoke ___9___ (much) to me than all the gold and silver in the world. He went to the lead box and opened it. The writing inside the box told him that he had chosen the right box. It said that he should ___10___ (go) to Portia and look into her eyes. She would be his wife.Part B一、阅读理解Portia gave the decision. “One pound of the merchant’s flesh is yours. It is what the contract (合同) says. You may take hisflesh! ”Shylock held his knife and told Antonio to get ready. “Wait!” exclaimed Portia. “You will not do anything that is not written in the contract. Is that right, Shylock? ”“Yes, that’s right,” said Shylock. He wondered what the wise young judge was going to say.“Well,” said the young judge, “I have read the contract carefully, and it does not say anything about taking his blood. It says ‘a pound of flesh’. You can take your pound of flesh, but you may not take one drop of his blood. If you take any of his blood, the duke (公爵) will take everything you own!”Now it was Graziano’s turn to bless the judge and call him wise.“You wanted justice,” Portia told Shylock, “and you will have more justice than you wanted.”Shylock didn’t want to give everything he owned to the duke. He decided not to take his pound of flesh. He said he would take the money.“Give me ninety thousand dollars,” he said, “and I will have mercy on Antonio and let him go.”Bassanio was happy to give him the money. He was very pleased that his friend Antonio would not die.“Wait!” Portia said again. “He does not want the money. It is not written in the contract.”But Shylock said he just wanted to have his money back and wouldn’t even demand (要求) interest (利息). Bassanio was ready to give it to him, but again Portia stopped him.“He said he wanted only the penalty (惩罚) that is in the contract.”Shylock understood that he would not get his pound of flesh. He understood that he would not get his money. He decided to go home.“Wait!” said Portia, for the third time. “The law of Venice, says that if you plan to kill a citizen of Venice, you will lose everything that you own. Half of what you have will belong to the person you tried to kill, and the other half will belong to the duke.”1. Who was the young judge?A. Graziano.B. Bassanio.C. Portia.D. The duke.2. What kind of person do you think Shylock is according to the passage?A. Brave and clever.B. Cold-hearted and selfish.C. Generous and patient.D. Helpful and warm-hearted.3. Why did Shylock give up taking a pound of flesh at last?A. Because Antonio’s ships sunk and Shylock had mercy on him.B. Because Shylock thought that a pound of flesh was worth nothing.C. Because Antonio gave Shylock ninety thousand dollars.D. Because Shylock couldn’t take a pound of flesh without any blood.4. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?A. Shylock was stopped taking money from Bassanio three times.B. Shylock would have his money back without interest.C. Shylock lost everything for planning to kill a citizen of Venice.D. Shylock would give everything that he owned to the duke.二、完形填空Shylock and Lancelot came out of Shylock's house ___1___ . Shylock shook his head. “Well, you will see,” he said. “Your eyes will be the judge as to the difference between Old Shylock and Bassanio.” He ___2___ impatiently to the open door. “Jessica!” he called. “You won't stuff yourself as you've done with me. What, Jessica!” He called more insistently(坚持地), “What, Jessica, I say!” He was ___3___ a ring of ___4___ and he rattled(咯咯作响) them impatiently.Lancelot placed his hands around ___5___ mouth. “Jessica!” he shouted.“Who told you to call? ” said Shylock, ___6___ . “I didn't tell you ___7___ call!”“Your worship always said that I never did anything without being told to,” said Lancelot.Jessica came out to them, “Did you call? What do you want? ”“I've been ___8___ to dinner, Jessica.” said Shylock. “Here are my keys. I don't know why I'm going, though. I haven'tbeen invited out of love. They’re flattering me. But still, I'll go in hatred(仇恨), to eat the wasteful Christian's ___9___ . Jessica, my girl, look after my house.I really don't want to go. I feel that something bad is going to happen because I dreamt of moneybags last night.”“I beg of you, go.” said Lancelot. “My young master is looking forward ___10___ your bad temper(脾气).”“As I am his,” snapped (怒气冲冲) Shylock.“And they've planned something together. I won't exactly go as far as to say that you'll ___11___ a masque(化装舞会)...” Lancelot gave him a big wink(眨眼), “...but if you do it wasn't for nothing that my nose bled on last Black Monday, ___12___ six o’clock in the morning, when it occurred that year ___13___ Ash Wednesday...”“What! Are there going to be masques? Listen ___14___ me, Jessica. Lock my doors. And when you hear the drum and the curved fife, don’t climb ___15___ to the window and thrust (插) your head out into the street to stare at the Christian fools with their painted masks. Go ahead of me, you, and tell them I’m coming.”1. A. all B. To C. from D. together2. A turned B. left C. jumped D. closed3. A. held B holds C. holding D. hold4. A. keys B. it C. key D. lock5. A. her B. my C. it D. his6. A. happily B. surprisingly C. angrily D. excitedly7. A. to B. for C. in D. from8. A. invited B. inviting C. invites D. invite9. A. drink B. sound C. food D. air10. A. for B. in C. from D. to11. A. leave B. see C. close D. be12. A. in B. from C. at D. on13. A. on B. at C. in D. from14. A. from B. in C. to D. at15. A. on B. up C. above D. down三、七选五Duke: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Do not be so bitter (严酷的).Shylock: I’ve promised to take my pound of flesh. If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more. ___1___ . Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him.Bassanio: Do all men kill the things they do not love?Antonio: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. ___2___ Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.Bassanio: I’ll pay you six thousand ducats (达克特币) for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed.Shylock: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. ___3___Duke: Let us be calm, gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?Shylock: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement. I desire my pound of flesh.As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer’s clerk, arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited. While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio.___4___ “I am very ill, when your letter reached me. ___5___ I told him about the quarrel (争论) between Shylock and Antonio, We studied many law books and he knows what I would say. I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.”After the letter has been read out to the court, Portia, in lawyer’s clothes, enters the room and takes her seat as judge.A. I had with me a learned young doctor from Rome.B. The greatness of Venice will soon be lost.C. Justice is all I want.D. Don’t wait any longer.E. Give me my pound of flesh!F. Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear.G. How can a proud man like me give up his words?四、根据短文内容, 用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空, 使短文完整Antonio gave up the fight against Shylock. He wanted the judge to give his ___1___ (decide).So the judge told him ___2___ (take) off his shirt, and prepare his body for Shylock’s knife.The judge asked Shylock if he had scales ready to weigh the flesh. Shylock said “yes”. Then the judge asked him if he had brought a doctor with ___3___ (he). Shylock said it was not in the contract, so he hadn’t brought one to help Antonio. “You can’t make me ___4___ (do) it unless it is in the contract,” he reasoned.The judge asked Antonio if he wanted to say anything. Antonio just wanted to say goodbye to Bassanio and ask him to tell Portia that he was a good friend.Bassanio said he would do anything he could to save Antonio. He would ___5___ (die) in his place or give up his wife if it could help Antonio. Gratiano said the same thing. Shylock thought they were not good ___6___ (husband).The judge said to Shylock, “One pound of the merchant’s flesh is yours! You may take his flesh!” Shylock held his knife.“Wait!” shouted the judge. “You won’t do ___7___ (something) that is not written in the contract. Is it right, Shylock? ”“Yes, that’s right,” said Shylock. He wondered what the judge was going to say.“Well,” said the judge, “I have read the contract ___8___ (careful). It says ‘a pound of flesh.’ You can take your pound of flesh, but you may not take one drop of his blood. If you take any of his blood, the duke ___9___ (take) everything you own.”“You wanted justice (公正),” the judge told Shylock, "and you will have it. You will have ___10___ (much) justice than you wanted.”The Merchant of Venice (selection)《威尼斯商人》(选段)Part A一、1-3 CAC二、1-5 ADCBB6-10 CABAC11-15 DCBBD三、1-5 FEDCB四、1. reached2. to see3. to choose4. her5. marry6. boxes7. beautiful8. its9. more 10. goPart B一、1-4 CBDC二、1-5 DACAD6-10 CAACD11-15 BCACB三、1-5 BDEFA四、1. decision2. to take3. him4. do5. die6. husbands7. anything8. carefully9. will take 10. more。
高二英语戏剧解读练习题30题1.In Shakespeare's "Hamlet", Hamlet is known for being_____.A.cowardlyB.cruelC.thoughtfulD.arrogant答案:C。
选项A,哈姆雷特并不cowardly(懦弱);选项B,他也不cruel 残忍);选项D,他也不是arrogant 傲慢)。
2.In "Romeo and Juliet", Romeo is characterized as_____.A.cautiousB.impulsiveC.cold-heartedD.cunning答案:B。
选项A,他不cautious 谨慎);选项C,他不是cold-hearted 冷酷);选项D,他也不cunning 狡猾)。
3.In "Macbeth", Lady Macbeth is_____.A.weakB.ambitiousC.kindD.shy答案:B。
选项A,她不weak( 软弱);选项C,她不kind( 善良);选项D,她也不shy 害羞)。
4.In "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Puck is_____.A.seriousB.mischievousC.boringD.stubborn答案:B。
选项A,他不serious( 严肃);选项C,他不boring 无聊);选项D,他也不stubborn 固执)。
5.In "Othello", Othello is initially portrayed as_____.A.suspiciousB.confidentC.timidD.selfish答案:B。
①他否认企图谋杀妻子。 He denied attempting to murder his wife.
=He denied that he attempted to murder his wife.
②It can’t be denied that quicker action could have saved his life. =There is no denying that quicker action could have saved his life.
=It is no use/good trying to argue with Shylock. =There is no use trying to argue with Shylock.
2.You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. might/may (just) as well do…不妨… might/may (just) as well do …as do… 与其….不如….
③I didn’t bargain on finding them here as well. 我没料到会在这儿遇到他们。
④I picked up a few good bargains in the sale. 我在减价期间买了几样挺不错的便宜货。
Sentence structures 1.It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. =It is useless to try to argue with Shylock.
The Merchant Of V eniceAs we known that the merchant of V enice is one of Shakespeare’s most important works. It not only reflects the conflicts between the capitalists 资本家and usurers高利贷者at the beginning of the capitalist society but expresses the author’s humanist idea on money, law and religion in capitalist society.Shylock in this play is the antagonist. He is the model of usurer. Most people read him as a bogeyman魔鬼, a clownish滑稽的Jewish stereotype. He is selfish, curtly草率地, avaricious贪婪的and niggard吝啬的. Once he has the chance to revenge his foe. He will try his best to make the other into deathtrap. And most of his speech is coarse粗俗的, and sometimes “mean”. All of this makes people take unkindly to him. Being a pagan who lives in Christian society he has strong emotion on the enthusiasm of raising Jewish people’s status地位. Living in this society, he suffers too much public humiliation疏远and oppression压迫. In such condition, his “malic e恶意” is much more reasonable.Actually, his sense of decency礼貌has been fractured挫伤的by the persecution迫害he endures. Comparatively, those kindness and wisdom Christian, in fact, have another hideous feature. So, in my mind, Shylock is a man who is worth sympathizing.。
The merchant of Venice教学⽬标1.重点词汇、短语、句型结构1 )greedy, mercy, desire, trial, bless2) be in love with, on condition, scold sb. for sth., have mercy on, read out, take. . . in one s arms, at the mercy of, play the role of, be seated, take pride in, do the deed3)1 never knew so young a lady with so wise a head.2.课⽂掌握程度通过对本单元的学习,了解正义终究会战胜邪恶,同时应了解到友情、亲情是取得成功的必要保障。
3. 认真学习本单元中所呈现的⼀些简洁⽽富有感染⼒的表达。
教学教法:本单元是⼀个戏剧单元,全单元以莎⼠⽐亚的戏剧a merchant of venice 为线索贯穿始终。
可以找⼀些有关莎⼠⽐亚的a merchant of venice 的影像带在课堂上进⾏放映,以给学⽣更为直观的感觉。
动词不定式的⼀般式、进⾏式、完成式以及被动形式1.动词不定式的⼀般式由to + 动词原形构成,表⽰的动作与谓语表⽰的动作同时或之后发⽣。
So all their praises are but prophecies 那么,古人的赞辞都只是预言 Of this our time, all you prefiguring; 预言了我们这时代; And, for they look'd but with divining eyes, 但古人只能用预想的眼睛测看, They had not skill enough your worth to sing: 还不能充分歌唱出你的价值来
For we, which now behold these present days, 至于我们呢ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ看见了今天的景象, Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise 有眼睛惊讶,却没有舌头会颂扬。 (屠岸译)
Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's best, 见到古人夸奖说最美的美人有 Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow, 怎样的手足,嘴唇,眼睛和眉毛, I see their antique pen would have express'd 于是我发现古代的文笔早就 Even such a beauty as you master now. 表达出来了你今天具有的美貌。
Sonnet 18
---William Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st, So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be. <Hamlet>
Meaning: be careful to take or give money to others. You’d better be careful.
A kind merchant of Venice borrows 3000 ducats from Shylock for Bassanio .
The duke a rich and beautiful woman marry Bassanio, President of Venice also acts as the lawyer. head of the court.
o亨利四世,第一卷(Henry IV, part 1) o亨利四世,第二卷(Henry IV, part 2) o亨利五世(Henry V) o亨利六世,第一卷(Henry VI, part 1) o亨利六世,第二卷(Henry VI, part 2) o亨利六世,第三卷(Henry VI, part 3) o亨利八世(Henry VIII) o约翰国王(King John) o理查德二世(Richard II) o理查德三世(Richard III)
他最后还成为一家剧团的合伙人——张 伯伦勋爵剧团(The Lord Chamberlain‘s Men),是以资助它的贵族的名字命名的。 该剧团十分受到欢迎,以至于当伊丽莎 白一世去世后,詹姆士一世赞助了它, 剧团更名为国王剧团。他得以在伦敦的 富人区买了一栋房子,还在家乡特拉福 德镇拥有一座最大的住宅。
• In the play, „The Merchant of Venice, (Shakespeare, 1596-1597), Portia‟s character is vitally important, because she was involved in all the decisive actions and without her, matters would never have been so well resolved. Because of Portia‟s character, it can be said that she would make an excellent leader. There are three important aspects of her character, which demonstrate this assertion and portray her full integrity.
Next, is her quick mind and intelligence; she saw right to the crux of any problems and thought of solutions with speed and accuracy. When Bassanio received the letter containing details of Antonio’s problems, Portia offered the money immediately, to help to get both men out of trouble. It was a rational and decisive solution. When the offer of money did not work, Portia looked for another way out and sought expert help to put her plan into practice. (Act 3, Scene 4, v.49-51)
3. As You Like It
Pastoral genre
讲述被放逐的公爵的女儿罗瑟琳与受到长兄奥列佛 虐待的奥兰多相爱。不久罗瑟琳受到叔父、篡位者 弗莱德里克的放逐,女扮男装逃亡到亚登森林,与 奥兰多不期而遇。以此为主线,穿插了奥兰多以德 报怨,拯救了兄长,使其天良发现,并与西莉娅产 生爱情。弗莱德里克受隐士点拨,翻然悔悟,归还 权位等故事。最终共有四对恋人喜结良缘,皆大欢 喜。
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of his most delightful creations, and it marks a departure from his earlier works and from others of the English Renaissance.
After the magical enchantment…
2.The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice’s Italian setting and marriage plot are typical of Shakespeare’s earlier comedies, but the characters of Portia(假扮律师的女主 人翁), Shakespeare’s first great heroine, and the unforgettable villain Shylock(放高利贷的恶棍 夏洛克) elevate this play to a new level.
威尼斯商人的英语赏析作文Title: An Analysis of "The Merchant of Venice" in English。
"The Merchant of Venice," penned by William Shakespeare, is a timeless piece of literature that delves into themesof love, revenge, justice, and mercy. Set in Venice during the Renaissance era, the play intricately weaves together the lives of its characters, particularly Antonio, Shylock, Portia, and Bassanio. Through a close examination of the plot, characters, and underlying themes, one can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of this classic work.Firstly, the plot revolves around the merchant Antonio, who borrows money from the Jewish moneylender Shylock to help his friend Bassanio woo the wealthy heiress Portia. However, when Antonio fails to repay the loan, Shylock demands a pound of his flesh as collateral. This sets the stage for a complex legal and moral dilemma that drives the narrative forward.Central to the play is the character of Shylock, who embodies the themes of prejudice and revenge. As a Jewish outsider in Venetian society, Shylock faces discrimination and disdain from the Christian characters. His insistence on the bond with Antonio reflects his desire forretribution against those who have wronged him. However, his pursuit of vengeance ultimately leads to his downfall, as he is outwitted by Portia in the courtroom scene.Portia, on the other hand, emerges as a symbol of mercy and justice. Disguised as a male lawyer, she cleverly manipulates the law to save Antonio from Shylock's cruel intentions. Her famous speech on the quality of mercy highlights the importance of compassion and forgiveness, even in the face of injustice. Portia's actions not only demonstrate her intelligence and wit but also challenge the societal norms of her time.Furthermore, the romantic subplot between Bassanio and Portia adds depth to the play. Bassanio's pursuit ofPortia's hand in marriage is driven by both love andfinancial need. His choice of the correct casket in the lottery symbolizes his ability to see beyond outward appearances and appreciate true worth. Portia's willingness to defy her father's will and marry Bassanio reveals her agency and independence as a woman.In addition to its compelling characters and plot, "The Merchant of Venice" explores timeless themes that resonate with audiences today. The play raises questions about the nature of justice, the consequences of prejudice, and the power of mercy. It challenges viewers to examine their own beliefs and values, prompting reflection on issues of race, religion, and morality.In conclusion, "The Merchant of Venice" remains a classic work of literature that continues to captivate audiences with its rich characters, intricate plot, and thought-provoking themes. Through its exploration of love, revenge, justice, and mercy, Shakespeare's play offers valuable insights into the complexities of the human experience. As we delve into its depths, we discover notonly a compelling story but also timeless truths that speak to our own lives and societies.。
蜜谱市嫩翠学校高考英语 nitThe Merchant of Venice总
赛察州蜜谱市嫩翠学校第二册Unit 19 TheMerchant of VeniceI.单元知识点坌览工欲善其事必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1.denial 2.merciful 3.reason 4.weak 5.judge 6.greet 7.fortunate 8.require 9.declaration高考须掌握的短语:1.back 2.on 3.about 6.on 7:upⅡ.考点过关过关斩将一马平川考点详解精剖细解入巿三分一、重点词汇1.envy vt.嫉妒,羡慕eg:What a grand thing it is to be a musician!How I envy you.当一名音乐家多伟大啊!我真羡慕你。
I envy you your health.我羡慕你的健康。
相关链接:envy n.羡慕.嫉妒用法拓展:envy sb.sth.嫉妒(羡慕)某人某事 feel envy at对……感到嫉妒 How I envy…我多么羡慕……特别提醒:(1)envy后常接两个宾语.两个宾语都是直接宾语。
案例剖析旁征博引举一反三考题1 (典型例题--I can't under-stand why they are so unfriendly to me.--Oh, out ofA. hopeB. wishC. envyD. joy考题1点拨:答案为C。
2.mercy n.仁慈,怜悯,侥幸 eg:They have no mercy on the poor father and daughter.他们不怜悯这对可怜的父女。
The general showed no mercy,and his prisoners were a11 killed.那位将没有仁慈,他所有的犯人都被处死了。
The merchant of Venice教学目标1.重点词汇、短语、句型结构1 )greedy, mercy, desire, trial, bless2) be in love with, on condition, scold sb. for sth., have mercy on, read out, take. . . in one s arms, at the mercy of, play the role of, be seated, take pride in, do the deed3)1 never knew so young a lady with so wise a head.2.课文掌握程度通过对本单元的学习,了解正义终究会战胜邪恶,同时应了解到友情、亲情是取得成功的必要保障。
3. 认真学习本单元中所呈现的一些简洁而富有感染力的表达。
教学教法:本单元是一个戏剧单元,全单元以莎士比亚的戏剧a merchant of venice 为线索贯穿始终。
可以找一些有关莎士比亚的a merchant of venice 的影像带在课堂上进行放映,以给学生更为直观的感觉。
动词不定式的一般式、进行式、完成式以及被动形式1.动词不定式的一般式由to + 动词原形构成,表示的动作与谓语表示的动作同时或之后发生。
The Merchant of Venice剧情介绍:威尼斯富商安东尼奥为了成全好友巴萨尼奥的婚事,向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克借债。
第四幕第一场——威尼斯Act IVScene I —Venice. A Court of Justice.(Enter the Duke; the Magnificoes; Antonio, Bassanio, Gratiano,Salarino, Salanio and Others)法庭公爵、众绅士、安东尼奥、巴萨尼奥、葛莱西安诺、萨拉里诺、萨莱尼奥和其他人等同上。
Duke: What, is Antonio here?Antonio: Ready, so please Your Grace.公爵:安东尼奥到了没?安东尼奥:到了,殿下。
Duke: I feel sorry for you. Because the opponent you will face in court is a stonehearted , inhuman, and unsympathetic wretch who lacks公爵:我为你感到很遗憾,因为你即将面临的法庭对手有一副铁石心肠,是个毫无人性、不懂得怜悯与同情,一贯缺乏慈爱之心的恶人。
Antonio: I have heard Your Grace hath ta'en great pains to qualify hisrigorous course; but since he stands obdurate and that no lawful meanscan carry me out of his envy's reach, I do oppose my patience to his fury,and am arm'd to suffer, with a quietness of spirit, the very tyranny andrage of his.安东尼奥:我听说您已经竭尽全力,试图阻止他的任意妄为。
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The Merchant Of Venice
As we known that the merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare’s most important works. It not only reflects the conflicts between the capitalists 资本家and usurers高利贷者at the beginning of the capitalist society but expresses the author’s humanist idea on money, law and religion in capitalist society.
Shylock in this play is the antagonist. He is the model of usurer. Most people read him as a bogeyman魔鬼, a clownish滑稽的Jewish stereotype. He is selfish, curtly草率地, avaricious贪婪的and niggard吝啬的. Once he has the chance to revenge his foe. He will try his best to make the other into deathtrap. And most of his speech is coarse粗俗的, and sometimes “mean”. All of this makes people take unkindly to him. Being a pagan who lives in Christian society he has strong emotion on the enthusiasm of raising Jewish people’s status地位. Living in this society, he suffers too much public humiliation疏远and oppression压迫. In such condition, his “malic e恶意” is much more reasonable.Actually, his sense of decency礼貌has been fractured挫伤的by the persecution迫害he endures. Comparatively, those kindness and wisdom Christian, in fact, have another hideous feature. So, in my mind, Shylock is a man who is worth sympathizing.。