
第四章公文文体4.1 公文文体特点及翻译要点Practice 1DefinitionsArticle l The term Technical and Sales Information as used herein shall mean all data and information which Party A owns on the date hereof or may develop or acquire during the term of this agreement, and which relates to the manufacture and/or sale of licensed Products and includes detailed assembly drawings, parts lists, material specifications and manufacturing methods and procedures relating to the Licensed Products as well as sales and publicity materials such as catalogs, explanation materials, pamphlets, photographs, layout books, and sales materials. 【参考译文】定义:第一条本协议所用“技术与销售情报”的含义,是指甲方在本协议签订之日或存续期间发展或获得的,同生产和(或)销售“特许产品”有关的所有数据和情报,包括与“特许产品”相关的详尽组装图纸、配件表、原料规格、生产方法、生产程序以及诸如产品目录、使用说明书、小册子、照片、图样书册、销售等宣传资料。
Practice 2Sales AgreementThe agreement, (is)made in Beijing this eighth day of August2003 by and between ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’s Republic of China(hereinafter called “Seller”)and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”).【参考译文】购销合同本合同于2003年8月8日在北京签订。

Course Name:Applied Translation 应用文体翻译2012级本科英语专业2013-2014学年上学期Content: Practical translation drills翻译方法实训(第二周)Goal: to employ translation skills covered in the previous week flexibly in translation practice. Emphasis: not to be confined to specific translation skills, but rather different versions are encouraged with special attention to the boldface in the following sentences.Assignment & Summary: First render the following into Chinese and do back-translation and finish translation diary after class.(1) Each of these U.S. companies is attempting to offer convenient services to customers by centering on their strong business lines._______________________________________________________________________________ (2) An increasing number of Japanese discount stores and other retailers import and sell low-priced Japanese music CDs pressed abroad._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (3) Long-term interest rates have soared almost fourfold in the past three months after the rates hit a record low in mid-June._______________________________________________________________________________ (4) The primary task facing WTO members at the latest meeting was to pave the way for a broad agreement on issues discussed at the trade round launched in 2001._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (5) The decline in exports, which have been a driving force of the nation’s economic growth, is a major concern._______________________________________________________________________________ (6) International trade occurs when a country does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs._______________________________________________________________________________ (7) Problems arising from the declining birthrate and graying of the population were recognized nearly half a century ago._______________________________________________________________________________ (8) Huge investment costs, such as those for developing environment-friendly technology, have made it difficult for an automaker to survive competition on its own._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (9)This consideration decided our invitation to the mayor for the first China National Stone Products Fair._______________________________________________________________________________ (10) Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we’dcertainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (11) The change in plan resulted from a misjudgment on the part of the firm’s top management on what the company’s employees and business partners wanted._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (12) The success or failure of terrestrial digital broadcasting hinges on the prices of television sets and the development of new services._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (13) A commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (14) International countertrade is a practice whereby a supplier commits contractually—as a condition of sale—to reciprocate and undertake certain specified commercial initiatives that compensate and benefit the buyer._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (15) A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China nor overly disposed against it, would need to be convinced on a number of scores before he could responsibly commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (16) Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as law-breakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Translation Diary:Translation skills you consider the most useful and state the reasons_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Difficult points you find in the above drills_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Contrast the original version with the one the lecturer has explained and find out the differences ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please find time to do back-translation and try to commit useful English expressions to memory and write down the difficulties you encounter in the process._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________。

英汉翻译教程 文体与翻译

例子:Glad to receive your letter of November 18 asking whether we can supply you with Art.No.6120.
很高兴收到你方11月28日来函询问我方可否供应 6120货号商品。
还表现为应用一系列的商业术语: CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 是价格术语,
中国海洋大学 邓红风
第一节 文体
中国海洋大学 邓红风
文体的概念:文体,是指独立成篇的文本 体栽(或样式、体制),是文本构成的规 格和模式,一种独特的文化现象,是某种 历史内容长期积淀的产物。它反映了文本 从内容到形式的整体特点,属于形式范畴。
中国海洋大学 邓红风
现函复贵方3月25日询价,并报盘如下: In credit operations all parties concerned
deal in documents and not in goods, services and/or other performances to which the documents may relate. 在信用证事务中,各有关方面处理的是单据,而 不是与单据有关的货物、服务或其他行为。
风轻轻的低声吹着,吹过百叶国,吹在窗 上,轻揉的好家羽毛一般;有时候数声叹 息,几乎叫人想起夏季长夜漫漫和风吹动 树叶的声音。
中国海洋大学 邓红风
The meadow mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed. The watch-dog has lain quiet on the hearth, and the cattle have stood silent in their stalls.

1.Not all cars created equal.(⽇本三菱汽车⼴告)【译⽂】独⼀⽆⼆,三菱汽车。
2.You know who you are.(法国Peugeot汽车⼴告)【译⽂】标致,只有⾃⼰知道。
3.Now you can have your cake and diet too.(蛋糕⼴告)【译⽂】有了减肥蛋糕,还犹豫什么,开动吧!4.A deal with us means a good deal to you.(百货公司⼴告)【译⽂】与我们交易,您受益良多。
5.Give a SEIKO to all,and to all a good time.(⽇本精⼯⼿表⼴告)【译⽂】精致时间,精⼯打造。
6.Would you be more careful if it was you that got pregnant?【译⽂】换做是你怀孕了,你会更为谨慎吗?7.If you are what you eat,a visit to North Carolina could make you a veryinteresting person,indeed.【译⽂】⾷物造就⼈的品质,北卡罗来纳成就您的康乐。
8.The driver is safer when the road is dry;the road is safer when the driver is dry.(交通⼴告)【译⽂】道路不沾⽔,司机更安全;司机不沾酒,道路更安全。
9.No Excuses,Guaranteed,Best for Quality,Always Available,Right Price,At YourService.(ASDA超市⼴告)【译⽂】顾客⾄上,放⼼产品,质量最佳,⽅便实⽤,价格合理,竭诚服务。

二、 散文的翻译
(一) 本小节所讨论的散文是指狭义的散文,即那些记事、记人、抒发情感、发表议论的文章。 它与小说的主要区别在于它的非虚构性质。散文语言与小说中的叙事和议事语言十分相
似,但更为清新自然、活泼灵秀、洗炼畅达,能带给人更多的美感。 (二) 散文的翻译
翻译散文,首先要准确把握原文的内容与风格,因为内容与风格是统一的。譬如英国 早期的散文多为说明性文字、教育用文字和劝谕性文字,用古英语写成,以简洁朴实 见长,且有明显的口语化倾向。另外要认真体会散文的时代风格与作家风格,如培根 的散文多用排比并列句式,形式工整,而这同时也是英国十七世纪散文的一大修辞特 点。十八世纪的散文,初中期口语化盛行,代表作家是艾迪生(Joseph Addison)和斯梯 尔(Richard Steele),但到了末期却又转向典雅华丽。到了十九世纪,虽然一部分作家仍 坚持散文朴实无华的特点,但在整个文学艺术界浪漫主义思潮的影响下,浪漫派散文 似乎一直占据上风,作家常直抒胸臆,表现自己鲜明独特的个性。这类散文句式灵活、 语言新颖,富有极强的感染力。其生动的比喻、强烈的节奏感、飞扬的文采形成了散 文的时代特色。但进入二十世纪后,英国散文的主流又回到了以正规口语为基础的朴 实自然语言。
婴儿的睡眠,最为优美;疲劳的人在户外睡眠,最为酣畅;水手在艰苦航程之后 的睡眠,最为圆满;为某种意念所苦的人,对睡眠最为欢迎;哭泣后的母亲的睡 眠,最动人心弦;一个顽皮小孩的睡眠,最为轻松;一个深受爱慕的新娘的睡眠, 最为骄傲。
三、诗歌的翻译 (一) 英语诗歌的特点
1) 语言的音韵美和节奏感
押韵是是诗体与其它文体的最大区别之一。英诗常用的韵有①头韵(alliteration),即词首音 素的连续重复(如Thomas Gray 的 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard中的The plowman homeward plods his weary way一句,plowman与plods, weary 与way都形成头韵);②谐元 音/腹韵(assonance),即词中重读元音的重复(如sweet与sleep, cradle与grave);③尾韵 (rhyme),即词尾相同音素的重复。诗歌除了音韵美外,其有规律的轻重抑扬变化连同韵 式的变化,一同构成了诗的节奏美。英语格律诗分为诗节(stanza),诗节又分为诗行, 每一诗行又分为几个音步(foot)。音步是由一个重读音节和一个或数个非重读音节有规律 地排列构成,常见的有抑扬格五音步,扬抑格四音步,抑扬格七音步以及扬抑抑格两音步、 抑抑扬格三音步等。无韵诗(blank verse)虽然不讲究押韵,但传统的无韵诗仍十分讲究节 奏,一般是以抑扬格五音步为一行,如莎土比亚的诗剧。至于当代诗人写的一些无韵自由 诗(free verse)则完全不受韵式和音步的限制,完全听凭思想的自然流露和语言自然节奏的 流动。

第二章新闻报刊文体2.1 新闻用词的特点及汉译要点Practice 1The huge earthquake that hit off the coast of northeastern Miyagi prefecture earlier this year was a harsh reminder of the more elemental dangers that can threaten economic activity on the crowded and seismically vulnerable Japanese archipelago. Weighing the full implications of the natural disaster will take time. Yet the earthquake at the very least throws a huge question mark over an economic recovery that economists had hoped would gather steam in 2011 after stalling in the last three months of 2010. Although the areas worst hit are far less economically significant than the coastal industry zones, which suffered widespread stoppages after the 1995 Kobe earthquake, the disaster could heighten recent uncertainty among consumers and investors about the prospects for Japan’s continued recovery from its worst postwar recession.Learning from the lessons of the devastating disaster in 1995, the government and insurance companies have been actively encouraging even smaller companies to draw up detailed “business continuity plans” intended to minimize losses and aid quick recoveries. In the longer term, the earthquake is certain to force heavy spending on construction and public works in the affected region. The terrifyingfootage of tsunami carrying away whole buildings makes it clear that dealing with the damage will require huge effort and heavy investment. (212 words)【译文】今年年初,一场强地震重创了日本东北部宫城地区海岸。

On the morning of a fine June day, my bonny little nursling and the last of the ancient Earnshawstock was born.
译文一.:6 月份一个阳光明媚的早晨,厄恩 肖这个古老世家的最后一代继承人出生了, 这是第一个我亲自喂养的孩子。 译文二: 六月份一个阳光明媚的早晨,我 要抚养的第一个小宝宝,也是古老的厄恩 肖家族的最后一根苗出世了。
译文一:再等会儿,我就要高兴得使劲儿喊了,我就说, 这都是哈克的功劳,我成了自由人了。要是没有哈克,我 永远也得不着自由。这都是哈克做的好事。我吉木一辈子 也忘不了你的好处。哈克,你是我吉木顶好的朋友,你也 是我老吉木独一无二的朋友! 。 译文二: 布(不)用陀久( 多久),我就会快活得叫起来, 我约(要)说这陀跪(多亏)赫克! 我史过( 是个)自由 人了啦!要布史(不是) 有赫克,我这一攀(辈)也布想 自由。赫克帮了我的忙,杰姆我永世忘不了你赫克。你史 (是)我杰姆顶好的奔(朋友),我劳(老)杰姆此刻只 有你这奔 (朋)友。
各种语言中都有共同语或共同核心语。它 是指基本词汇和基本句型、共同的语音语 调、拼写法、共同的语法、共同的词缀意 义。语言使用过程中会产生不同程度的变 异,有时是为了营造出某种效果(如强调)。变 异也是对语言的创造性应用。变异现象可 以发生在语音、句法、词性等各个方面。
现代文体学的开端是法国学者巴依1902年 所著的文体论。本世纪60年代兴起的社会 语言学对文体学的发展起了推动作用, 以英 国语言学家Firth和Halliday为代表的伦敦学 派特别重视语言运用法则的研究,Halliday 提出了系统功能文体学模式,主张把语言放 到语言交际的环境中联系起使用场合进行 研究,为语言的变体研究开拓了道路。

(潘文国,2002:10)开放型综合性学科的翻译学架构可分为“内部系统”(internal scheme)与“外部系统”(external scheme)两个结构体系。

练习材料第一单元地理篇No Giant SkyscrapersChicago and New York are famous for their tall buildings. California cannot be. Its buildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance1. California is earthquake country2.The San Andreas Fault3 is a cause of earthquakes. It is a long crack in the earth that stretches from Southern to Northern California. Rocks inside the earth move and the earth shakes. These earthquakes make the fault bigger4.The most famous earthquake in California happened in 1906. It destroyed most of the young city of San Francisco. People rebuilt the city. They looked at the buildings that did not fall in the earthquake5 and they learned more about building in California.Tall buildings can be dangerous6 in earthquakes. Today California has codes7 that say how a building must be built and how tall it can be.Los Angeles has several earthquakes each year. The tall buildings move8 a little and everyone takes a deep breath. Usually tourists and newcomers are the most frightened. People who grew up in California say, “We’re used to it!”Earthquakes do not stop the building industry in California, but they do make architects work a little harder9. The buildings they design have to look good and stand up in an earthquake. These buildings are good examples of modern California architecture. The Bonaventure Hotel is a few city blocks from the old Mission Church. The Century City Complex is near the ocean. It stands on the site of the old Twentieth Century Fox movie studios. These buildings show that people are not afraid to build in California.水桥在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。

练习材料第一单元地理篇No Giant SkyscrapersChicago and New York are famous for their tall buildings. California cannot be. Its buildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance1. California is earthquake country2.The San Andreas Fault3 is a cause of earthquakes. It is a long crack in the earth that stretches from Southern to Northern California. Rocks inside the earth move and the earth shakes. These earthquakes make the fault bigger4.The most famous earthquake in California happened in 1906. It destroyed most of the young city of San Francisco. People rebuilt the city. They looked at the buildings that did not fall in the earthquake5 and they learned more about building in California.Tall buildings can be dangerous6 in earthquakes. Today California has codes7 that say how a building must be built and how tall it can be.Los Angeles has several earthquakes each year. The tall buildings move8 a little and everyone takes a deep breath. Usually tourists and newcomers are the most frightened. People who grew up in California say, “We’re used to it!”Earthquakes do not stop the building industry in California, but they do make architects work a little harder9. The buildings they design have to look good and stand up in an earthquake. These buildings are good examples of modern California architecture. The Bonaventure Hotel is a few city blocks from the old Mission Church. The Century City Complex is near the ocean. It stands on the site of the old Twentieth Century Fox movie studios. These buildings show that people are not afraid to build in California.水桥在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。

1.What Is Stylistics?
•Leabharlann •• • • • • • • • •
• •
Language is a medium of Communicating information and Conveying feelings. Considering different communicative environments, modes, objects and purposes, communicators opt different language varieties (语言“变体”)or corresponding methods which have different language functions so as to achieve their purposes. These varieties are the “styles” .(文体或语体) For instance, we may classify the writings into “EST( English for Science and Technology), English for Advertising, English for Press, English for Tourism, etc. As for “文体”, Liu Xie, a famous literary critic in ancient China, once mentioned that “若总其归涂, 则数穷八体:一曰典雅,二曰远奥,三曰精约,四曰显附,五曰繁缛,六曰壮丽,七 曰新奇,八曰清靡。”In the middle 1970s, many scholars made the application of modern linguistics and literary studies to the exploring study of various styles or various types of writings, which brought us a new discipline---Stylistics.(文体学) Simply defined, STYLISTICS is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used; it is a discipline that studies the styles of language is used.
英汉互译unit two

冷漠体:诸位来宾请即刻举步缘梯上楼 正式体:来宾们请立即上楼 商量体:请你们马上上楼好吗? 随便体:现在你们都该上楼了 亲密体:伙计们,上楼去!
Status of Pragmatic Translation
Social situation Scope of PT Characteristics of PT
Characteristics of PT
Pragmatic value 实用性 Intentional action 目的性 Specialized translation 专业性 Anonymous text 匿名性 Commercial profits 商业性
上海SFECO拥有5个控股子公司 Shanghai SFECO Group is a holding company of 5 subsidiary companies. Shanghai SFECO Group holds shares of 5 subsidiary companies.
Scope of PT
Social Situation
Globalization Poor quality Corporeal/material vs. incorporeal/spiritual
*Emei Mount,NO.1 mountain under the sun

General Introduction to Practical Writings and Their Translation
I. Review and homework checking II. General Introduction to practical writings III. The basic rules and strategies of practical
I. Review and homework checking
我不时地试探明眼的朋友,想了解他们看见了些什么。不 久前一 位好友来看我,她刚从林中散步回来,我问她看到 了什么, 她说一切平淡无奇。若不是我早就听惯了这种回
有I时. 我R把e手v轻ie轻w地放a在n小d树h上o,m运气e好w的o时r候k,c我h能e感c到ki枝n头g鸟
drink, and be merry,” but most people would be
chastened by the certainty of impending death.
有时候我M想os,t o把f u每s t一ak天e 都life当fo做r 生gra命n的ted最. W后e一k天no来w过th,at也on许e是da一y 种
If each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a 但视视而fwt力不eeowa和见ucdlhd听,ahmy力充ismaa从耳ktteh未不sehoi受闻jmmoye到,mst损对ioomfre伤所esoad的见upunp人所rdirne.却闻gcih很漫aitsi少不vee充经aorlf分心ysl运,iigfeh用 毫.t;D他无sail们鉴reknn的赏cees天珍sw赋惜ou。之ld他意们。 事情往往是这样,失却之物,方知珍惜;生了病才知道健康之可贵 。

英语实用文体格式及翻译信函信头-Heading(寄信人地址和日期)信内地址-Inside Address(收信人姓名和地址)称呼-Salutation(对收信人的称谓)正文-Body结束语-Complimentary Closing(写信人谦称)签名-Signature附件-Postscript又及-Enclosure/p.s(用于补漏)Dear Helen,It’s been a few months since I last heard from you. I wonder if you have received the letter and the parcel I sent you last month. The parcel contained several articles you might be interested in. Please let me know whether you have received it or not.Paul has found a new job in a computer company. We are thinking about moving into a bigger house sincethe present one seems a bit too crowded.Please remember us to all our old friends. Best wishes to all of you.With love,Linda 亲爱的海伦:有好几个月没有收到你的信了。
爱你的,琳达请假条Class 1, Grade 1May 14To Department OfficeSecretary GlennDear Madam,I beg to apply for three day’ leave of absence from the 15th to the 17th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return to my hometown to attend my grandpa’funeral, who passed away yesterday.To support my application, I herewith submit a telegram to that effect sending by my father.Should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application.Yours respectfully,Jack Smith 系办公室秘书格兰女士:因祖父昨日去世,特请假三日,自本月15日起至17日止,以便回老家参加葬礼。

文体与翻译一.理论链接到20世纪80年代,随着系统功能语言学的发展,人们从语言功能的角度把与之相对的是传达有较强情感意义和文体学的研究在于:1. 分析各种语言习惯,以便确定哪些特征经常地或仅仅应用于某些场合;2. 尽可能地说明为什么某种文体具有这些特征,而不具备另一些特征;3. 以语言功能为依据,对这些特征进行分类。
(方梦之、毛忠明,2006)1. 语言描写在各个的分析层次,又以同类文献或语料作归纳;2. 语言比较不仅在不同文体间进行,也在同一文体的不同文献品种和体裁之间进行,以便借此找出它们之间的对应关系、共同来源和发展趋向;3.特征之一。
二.实用文体的体系ESP:20世纪60年代,“专门用途英语”(English for Specific Purposes/ESP)课程应运而生,其目的和内容不是以普通教育的标准为依据来确定的,ESP又包括科技英语(EST)、商业经济英语(EBE)和社会科学英语(ESS)EAP EOP)两部分。

1.Not all cars created equal.(日本三菱汽车广告)【译文】独一无二,三菱汽车。
2.You know who you are.(法国Peugeot汽车广告)【译文】标致,只有自己知道。
3.Now you can have your cake and diet too.(蛋糕广告)【译文】有了减肥蛋糕,还犹豫什么,开动吧!4.A deal with us means a good deal to you.(百货公司广告)【译文】与我们交易,您受益良多。
5.Give a SEIKO to all,and to all a good time.(日本精工手表广告)【译文】精致时间,精工打造。
6.Would you be more careful if it was you that got pregnant?【译文】换做是你怀孕了,你会更为谨慎吗?7.If you are what you eat,a visit to North Carolina could make you a veryinteresting person,indeed.【译文】食物造就人的品质,北卡罗来纳成就您的康乐。
8.The driver is safer when the road is dry;the road is safer when the driver is dry.(交通广告)【译文】道路不沾水,司机更安全;司机不沾酒,道路更安全。
9.No Excuses,Guaranteed,Best for Quality,Always Available,Right Price,At YourService.(ASDA超市广告)【译文】顾客至上,放心产品,质量最佳,方便实用,价格合理,竭诚服务。

目 录绪论第一章 理解与翻译第二章 新闻报刊文体2.1 新闻用词的特点及汉译要点2.2 英汉语序对比及翻译第三章 论述文体3.1 论述文体的特点及翻译要点3.2 常见的译词法3.3 译词要点第四章 公文文体4.1 公文文体特点及翻译要点4.2 常见的英语长句、难句汉译法第五章 描写及叙述文体5.1 描写及叙述文体的特点及翻译要点5.2 情态动词的翻译5.3 句子的情态翻译第六章 科技文体6.1 科技文体的特点及翻译要点6.2 英语动词的翻译6.3 被动语态的翻译6.4 连词的翻译6.5 英语计数的汉译第七章 应用文体7.1 应用文体的特点及汉译要点7.2 代词的汉译7.3 介词、冠词及名词数的汉译第八章 翻译三论绪论Ⅰ. 将下列词语译成汉语1. bilingualism【译文】双语学2. stylistics【译文】文体学3. semiotics【译文】符号学4. structuralism【译文】结构主义5. constituent analysis【译文】成分分析6. phrase structure analysis【译文】短语结构分析7. semantic field【译文】语义场8. transformational-generative grammar【译文】转换生成语法9. register【译文】语域10. discourse analysis【译文】篇章分析11. SL【译文】源语12. TL【译文】译入语13. syntactic description【译文】句法描写Ⅱ. 判断下列表述正(T)误(F)1. 结构主义是20世纪50年代中期以后欧美句法研究的主流。