


D) only A and B of the above.
E) only A and C of the above.
Answer: D
Topic: Chapter 17.1 The Bank Balance Sheet
Question Status: Previous Edition
Topic: Chapter 17.1 The Bank Balance Sheet
Question Status: Previous Edition
4) A bank's balance sheet
A) shows that total assets equal total liabilities plus equity capital.
6) Which of the following are reported as liabilities on a bank's balance sheet?
A) Discount loans
B) Cash items in the process of collection
C) State governme来自t securitiesFinancial Markets and Institutions, 8e(Mishkin)
Chapter 17 Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions
17.1 Multiple Choice
1) Which of the following statements is true?
A) A bank's assets are its sources of funds.
B) A bank's liabilities are its uses of funds.

















②有利于国际投资和贸易的快速发展。金融全球化使资金的调拨迅速、方便,资金交 易成本大幅度降低,为投资、融资和贸易提供了便利。
③有利于全球金融体制与融资结构的整合。金融全球化促进全球金融体制的整合,有 利于金融机构加速改革和重组,提高金融体系的效率。首先,促使一些国家的专业银行制 度逐步向全能银行制度转变。其次,促进了以银行为主导的间接金融为主转向以直接金融 为主导的金融结构转变。
答:金融全球化的影响具有双重性:一方面,金融全球化提高了国际金融市场的效 率,高效地配置资源,促进了世界经济金融的发展,有利于增进全球福利。另一方面,全 球化也带来了一些消极影响,对各国金融体系的稳定性提出了挑战。
一、 金融全球化的积极意义
①有利于资金在全球范围内的高效配置。金融资本跨国界流动的增加,使有限的资金 在全球范围内得到了更合理的分配,起到了及时调剂资金余缺的作用。
2、金融中介的基本功能是什么? 答:①充当信用中介。信用中介是指商业银行等金融机构从社会借入资金,再贷给
借款人,金融机构在社会货币供需过程中起着一种桥梁,或者说中介作用。信用中介是 金融中介最基本的职能,通过间接融资方式实现借贷者之间的资金融通。
②提供支付机制。如今,大多数交易并不使用现金,而是使用支票、信用卡、借记 卡和电子转账系统。这种付款方式称为支付机制,一般是由特定的金融中介提供的。
④反映功能。金融市场历来被称为国民经济的“晴雨表”,是公认的国民经济信号系 统。这实际上就是金融市场反映功能的写照。
从微观层面来讲,金融市场的功能还包括价格发现、提供流动性、降低交易成本、 示范作用等等。
4、金融创新的动因是什么? 答:金融创新的动因归结为以下三个方面:
①顺应需求的变化。利率剧烈波动导致经济环境变化,激励人们创造一些能够降低利 率风险的新的金融工具。



金融市场与金融机构答案中文【篇一:fabozzi_金融市场与金融机构基础课后答案】the u.s. federal reserveand the creation of moneycentral banks and their purposethe primary role of a central bank is to maintain the stability of the currency and money supply for a country or a group of countries. the role of central banks can be categorized as: (1) risk assessment, (2) risk reduction, (3) oversight of payment systems, (4) crisis management.one of the major ways a central bank accomplishes its goals is through monetary policy. for this reason, central banks are sometimes called monetary authority. in implementing monetary policy, central banks, acting as a reserve bank, require private banks to maintain and deposit the required reserves with the central bank. in times of financial crisis, central banks perform the role of lender of last resort for the banking system. countries throughout the world may have central banks. additionally, the european central bank is responsible for implementing monetary policy for the member countries of the european union.there is widespread agreement that central banks should be independent of the government so that decisions of the central bank will not be influenced for short-term political purposes such as pursuing a monetary policy to expand the economy but at the expense of inflation.in implementing monetary and economic policies, the united states is a member of an informal network of nations. this group started in 1976 as the group of 6, or g6: us, france, germany, uk, italy, and japan. thereafter, canada joined to for the g7. in 1998, russia joined to form the g8.the central bank of the united states: the federal reserve systemthe federal reserve system consists of 12 banking districts covering the entire country. created in 1913, the federal reserve is the government agency responsible for the management of the us monetary and banking systems. it is independent of the political branches of government. the fed ismanaged by a seven-member board of governors, who are appointed by the president and approved by congress.the fed’s tools for monetary management have been made more difficult by financial innovations. the public’s increasing acceptance of money market mutual funds has funneled a large amount of money into what are essentially interest-bearing checking accounts. securitization permits commercial banks to change what once were illiquid consumer loans of several varieties into securities. selling these securities gives the banks a source of funding that is outside the fed’s influence.instrument of monetary policy: how the fed influences the supply of moneythe fed has three instruments at its disposal to affect the level of reserves.under our fractional reserve banking system have to maintain specified fractional amounts of reserves against their deposits. the fed can raise or lower these required reserve ratios, thereby permitting banks to decrease or increase their lending and investment portfolios. a bank’s total reserves equal its required reserves plus any excess reserves.the fed’s most powerful instrument is its authority to conduct open market operation. it buys and sells in open debt markets government securities for its own accounts. the fed prefers to use treasury bills because it can make its substantial transactions without seriously disrupting the prices or yields of bills.the federal open market committee, or fomc, is the unit that decides on the general issues of changing the rate of growth in the money supply, by open market sales or purchases of securities. the implementation of policy through open market operations is the responsibility of the trading desk of the federal reserve bank of new york.the fed often employs variants of simple open market purchases and sales, these are called the repurchase agreement (or repo) and the reverse repo. in a repo, the fed buys a particular amount of securities from a seller that agrees to repurchase the same number of securities for a higher price at some future time. in a reverse repo, the fed sells securitiesand makes a commitment to buy them back at a higher price later.a bank borrowing from the fed is said to use the discount window. the discount rate is the rate charged to banks borrowing directly from the fed. raising the rate is designed to discourage such borrowing, while lowering should have the opposite effect.different kinds of moneymoney is that item which serves as a numeraire. in a basic sense money can be defined as anything that serves as a unit of account and medium of exchange. we measure prices in dollars and exchange dollars for goods. hence coins, currency, and any items readily exchanged into dollars (checking deposits or now accounts) constitute our money supply.money and monetary aggregatesmonetary aggregates measure the amount of money available to the economy at any time. the monetary base is defined as currency in circulation (coins and federal reserve notes) and reserves in the banking system. the instruments that serve as a medium of exchange can be narrowly defined as m1, which is currency and demand deposits. m2 is m1 plus time and savings accounts, and money market mutual funds. finally, m3 is m2 plus short-term treasury liabilities. while all three aggregates are watched and monitored, m1 is the most common form of the money supply, with its trait as being the most liquid. the ratio of the money supply to the economy’s income is known as the velocity of money.the money multipier: the expansion of the money supplythe money multiplier effect arises from the fact that a small change in reserves can produce a large change in the money supply. through our fractional reserve system, a small increase will allow an individual bank, to lend out the greater part of these additional funds. these loans subsequently become deposits in other banks allowing them to expand proportionately. so, while one bank can expand its loans (or deposits) by an amount 1% of reserves required, all banks in the system can do likewise. thus, in a simple format total change in deposits can be stated as change in reserves divided by the reserve requirement, which is also the formula for perpetuity. for example, if the change in the level ofreserves is $100 and the reserve requirement is 20%, the change in total deposits will be $500 for a multiplier of 5. of course, major assumptions are that banks will fully loan out their excess reserves and that depositors will not withdraw any of these extra reserves.the impact of interest rates on the money supplyhigh rates of interest may make keeping excess reserves costly, since unused funds represent loans not made and interest not earned. high rates of interest will also affect the pub lic’s demand for holding cash. if deposits pay competitive interest rates, customers will be more willing to hold such bank liabilities and less cash. therefore, a higher rate of interest can actually spur growth of the money supply. more likely, however, it will deter borrowing and slow monetary growth.the money supply process in an open economyin the modern era, almost every country has an open economy. foreign commercial and central banks hold dollar accounts in the united states. their purchases and sales of these deposits can affect exchange rates of the dollar against their own currency. the fed has responsibility for maintaining stability in exchange rates. a purchase of foreign exchange with dollars depreciates the dollar’s value, but it also adds dollars to the accounts of foreign banks in this country, thus adding to the u.s. monetary base. most central banks of large economies own or stand ready to own a large amount of each of the world’s major currencies, which are considered international reserves. sales of foreign exchange transactions have monetary base implication and hence consequences for the domestic money supply, emphasis is given to coordinating monetarypolicies among developed nations.answers to questions for chapter 4(questions are in bold print followed by answers.)1. what is the role of a central bank?the role of a central bank has several functions: risk assessment, risk reduction, oversight of payment systems, and crisis management. it can do this through monetary policies, and through the implementation of regulations.2. why is it argued that a central bank should be independent of the government?central banks should be independent of the short-term political interests and political influences generally in setting economic policies.3. identify each participant and its role in the process by which the money supply changes and monetary policy is implemented.the fed determines monetary policy and seeks to implement it through changes in reserves. it is up to the nation’s banking system to act on changes in reserves thereby affecting deposits, which constitute the greater part of the m1 definition of the money supply.4. describe the structure of the board of governors of the federal reserve system.the board of governors of the federal reserve system consists of 7 members who are appointed to staggered 14-year terms. the board reviews discount operations and sets legal reserve requirements. in addition, all 7 members of the board serve on the federal open market committee (fomc), which determines the direction and magnitude of open-market operations. such operations constitute the key instrument for implementing monetary policy.5.a. explain what is meant by the statement “the united states has a fractional reserve banking system.”b. how are these items related: total reserves, required reserves, and excess reserves?a. a fractional reserve system requires that a fraction or percent of a bank’s reserve be placed either in currency in vault or with the federal reserve system.b. total reserves are the amounts that banks hold in cash or at the fed. required reserves are amounts required by the fed to meet some specific or legal reserve ratio to deposits. excess reserves are bank reserves in currency and at the fed which are in excess of legal requirements. since these amounts are non-interest bearing, banks are often willing to lend these surplus funds to deficit banks at the fed funds rate.【篇二:米什金《金融市场与金融机构》课后习题及其答案】class=txt>345【篇三:金融市场习题及答案】>1.金融市场是一个包括许多子系统的大系统;子系统之间也并不是简单的并列关系。



第一章金融市场概述一、名词解释金融市场金融市场主体金融市场客体金融工具二、单项选择题1.金融市场主体是指〔〕A.金融工具 B.金融中介机构 C.金融市场的交易者 D.金融市场价格2.金融市场的客体是指金融市场的〔〕A.交易对象 B.交易者 C.媒体 D.价格3.金融市场首先形成于17世纪的〔〕A.中国浙江一带 B.美洲大陆 C.欧洲大陆 D.日本4.世界上最早的证券交易所是〔〕A.荷兰阿姆斯特丹证券交易所B.英国伦敦证券交易所C.德国法兰克福证券交易所 D.美国纽约证券交易所5.东印度公司是世界上最早的股份公司,它是由〔〕人出资组建的。

A.印度B.美国 C.英国 D.荷兰和比利时6.旧中国金融市场的雏形是在〔〕中叶以后出现在浙江一带的钱业市场。

A.明代 B.唐代 C.宋代 D.清代7.我国历史上第一家证券交易所是成立于1918年的〔〕A.上海华商证券交易所 B.北京证券交易所C.上海证券物品交易所 D.天津证券、华纱、粮食、皮毛交易股份8.专门融通一年以内短期资金的场所称之为〔〕A.货币市场 B.资本市场 C.现货市场 D.期货市场9.旧证券流通的市场称之为〔〕A.初级市场 B.次级市场 C.公开市场 D.议价市场10.在金融市场上,买卖双方按成交协议签定合同,允许买卖双方在交付一定的保险费后,即取得在特定的时间内,按协议价格买进或卖出一定数量的证券的权利,这被称之为〔〕A.现货交易 B.期货交易 C.期权交易 D.信用交易11.在金融市场兴旺国家,许多未上市的证券或者缺乏一个成交批量的证券,也可以在市场进展交易,人们习惯于把这种市场称之为〔〕A.店头市场 B.议价市场 C.公开市场 D.第四市场12.机构投资者买卖双方直接联系成交的市场称之为( )A.店头市场 B.议价市场 C.公开市场 D.第四市场三、多项选择题1.在西方兴旺国家,有价证券细分为:〔〕A.商品证券 B.货币证券 C.资本证券 D.政府证券 E.外汇2.在下述对金融市场实施监管的机构中,属于辅助监管机构的有〔〕A.中央银行 B.外汇管理委员会 C.证券管理委员会D.证券同业公会 E.证券交易所3.我国金融市场的主要监管机构是〔〕A.中国证券监视管理委员会 B.中国人民银行 C.中国证券业协会D.中国保险监视管理委员会 E.上海和深圳证券交易所4.在我国金融市场中,属于自律性的监管机构包括〔〕A.中国证券监视管理委员会 B.中国人民银行 C .中国证券业协会D.中国保险监视管理委员会 E.上海和深圳证券交易所四、判断1.由于世界各国金融市场的兴旺程度不同,因此市场本身的构成要素也不同。















1. 假设你发现一只装有100万元的宝箱。

(答:A、这是金融资产B、整个社会的实物资产不会因为这个发现而增加C、因为得到这笔资金我会变得更富有D、金融资产代表了实物资产的要求权,当宝箱的发现者要求获得更多实物资产时,社会上其他人能获得的实物资产就变少了)2. 与产品市场及其他要素市场比较,金融市场有哪些主要特点?(答:(1)商品特殊性:以货币和资本为交易对象(2)交易活动集中性:通常在交易所集中进行(3)主体角色的可变性:参与主体在金融市场上可以既是资金供给者又是资金需求者(4)金融市场可以是有形市场,也可以是无形市场)3. 什么是金融工具的流动性?它对金融市场有何重要意义?(答:金融工具的流动性是指金融资产能够以一个合理的价格顺利变现的能力流动性对金融市场的意义:与一般商品不同,金融资产往往不具备特定的物质属性。




)4. 什么是资产证券化?如何理解资产证券化对金融市场的影响?(答:资产证券化是以特定资产组合或特定现金流为支持,发行可交易证券的一种融资形式。

其对金融市场的影响主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)增强资产流动性(2)降低融资成本(3)减少风险资产,提高资产质量(4)资产担保类证券提供了比政府担保债券更高的收益(5)资产证券化为投资者提供了多样化的投资品种)5. 结合实际分析:金融全球化对中国的积极与消极影响。

(答:积极影响:(1)金融全球化有利于中国从国际市场引入外资(2)金融全球化有利于中国学习发达国家金融运作的先进经验(3)金融全球化有利于中国金融机构参与世界竞争消极影响:(1)金融全球化使中国本土金融机构的生存面临巨大压力(2)金融全球化为国际游资攻击中国金融市场提供了条件(3)金融全球化加剧了中国经济的泡沫化程度(4)金融全球化给中国的金融监管和调控带来挑战)6. 简述金融机构在金融市场上的特殊地位。



《金融市场学》作业参考答案第一章基本训练三、单项选择题1、金融市场的客体是指金融市场的( A )。

A.金融工具B.金融中介机构C.金融市场的交易者D.金融市场价格2、现货市场的实际交割一般在成交后( A )内进行。

A.2日B.5日C.1周D.1月3、下列属于所有权凭证的金融工具是( C )。

A.商业票据B.企业债券C.股票D.可转让大额定期存单4、在金融市场发达国家,许多未上市的证券或者不足一个成交批量的证券,也可以在市场进行交易,人们习惯于把这种市场称之为( A )。

A.店头市场B.议价市场C.公开市场D.第四市场5、企业是经济活动的中心,因此也是金融市场运行的( B )。

A.中心B.基础C.枢纽D.核心6、世界上最早的证券交易所是( A )。

A.荷兰阿姆斯特丹证券交易所B.英国伦敦证券交易所C.德国法兰克福证券交易所D.美国纽约证券交易所7、专门融通一年以内短期资金的场所称之为( A )。

A.货币市场B.资本市场C.现货市场D.期货市场8、旧证券流通的市场称之为( B )。

A.初级市场B.次级市场C.公开市场D.议价市场四、多项选择题1、下面( BCD )属于金融衍生工具的交易种类。

A.现货交易B.期货交易C.期权交易D.股票指数交易E.贴现交易2、金融市场的参与者包括( ABCDE )。

A.居民个人B.商业性金融机构C.中央银行D.企业E.政府3、下列金融工具中,没有偿还期的有( AE )。

A.永久性债券B.银行定期存款C.商业票据D.CD单E.股票4、机构投资者一般主要包括( ABCDE )。

A.共同基金B.保险公司C.信托投资公司D.养老金基金E.投资银行5、货币市场具有( ACD )的特点。

A.交易期限短B.资金借贷量大C.流动性强D.风险相对较低E.交易工具收益较高而流动性差6、资本市场的特点是( ABD )。

A.金融工具期限长 B.资金借贷量大C.流动性强D.为解决长期投资性资金的供求需要E.交易工具有一定的风险性和投机性7、金融工具一般具有的特征:( BCDE )。




























Financial Markets and Institutions, 8e (Mishkin)Chapter 8 Why Do Financial Crises Occur andWhy Are They So Damaging to the Economy?8.1 Multiple Choice1) Financial crisesA) are major disruptions in financial markets that are characterized by sharp declines in asset prices and the failures of many financial and nonfinancial firms.B) occur when adverse selection and moral hazard problems in financial markets become more significant.C) frequently lead to sharp contractions in economic activity.D) are all of the above.E) are only A and B of the above.Answer: DTopic: Chapter 8.1 What Is a Financial Crisis?Question Status: Previous Edition2) Financial crisesA) cause failures of financial intermediaries and leave only securities markets to channel funds from savers to borrowers.B) are a recent phenomenon that occur only in developing countries.C) invariably lead to debt deflation.D) all of the above.E) none of the above.Answer: ETopic: Chapter 8.1 What Is a Financial Crisis?Question Status: Previous Edition3) In an advanced economy, a financial crisis can begin in several ways, includingA) mismanagement of financial liberalization or innovation.B) asset pricing booms and busts.C) an increase in uncertainty caused by failure of financial institutions.D) all of the above.Answer: DTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition4) What is a credit boom?A) An explosion in a credit cycle, which can increase or decrease lending in the short-runB) Essentially a lending spree on the part of banks and other financial institutionsC) When credit card receivables rise due to low initial interest ratesD) The signal of the end of a credit spree, with credit contracting rapidlyAnswer: BTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition5) The process of deleveraging refers toA) cutbacks in lending by financial institutions.B) a reduction in debt owed by banks.C) both A and B.D) none of the above.Answer: ATopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition6) When asset prices fall following a boom,A) moral hazard may increase in companies that have lost net worth in the bust.B) financial institutions may see the assets on their balance sheets deteriorate, leading to deleveraging.C) both A and B are correct.D) none of the above are correct.Answer: CTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition7) During the 1800s, many U.S. financial crises were precipitated by an increase in ________, often originating in London.A) interest ratesB) housing pricesC) gasoline pricesD) heating oil pricesAnswer: ATopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition8) Stage Two of a financial crisis in an advanced economy usually involves a________ crisis.A) currencyB) stock marketC) bankingD) commoditiesAnswer: CTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition9) Stage Three of a financial crisis in an advanced economy featuresA) a general increase in inflation.B) debt deflation.C) an increase in general price levels.D) a full-fledged financial crisis.Answer: BTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition10) Debt deflation refers toA) an increase in net worth, leading to a relative fall in general debt levels.B) a decline in general debt levels due to deleveraging.C) a decline in bond prices as default rates rise.D) a decline in net worth as price levels fall while debt burden remains unchanged. Answer: DTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition11) Factors that lead to worsening conditions in financial markets includeA) increases in interest rates.B) declining stock prices.C) increasing uncertainty in financial markets.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: DTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition12) Factors that lead to worsening conditions in financial markets includeA) declining interest rates.B) anticipated increases in the price level.C) bank panics.D) only A and C of the above.E) only B and C of the above.Answer: CTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition13) Most financial crises in the United States have begun withA) a steep stock market decline.B) an increase in uncertainty resulting from the failure of a major firm.C) a steep decline in interest rates.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: ETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition14) In addition to having a direct effect on increasing adverse selection problems, increases in interest rates also promote financial crises by ________ firms' and households' interest payments, thereby ________ their cash flow.A) increasing; increasingB) increasing; decreasingC) decreasing; increasingD) decreasing; decreasingAnswer: BTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition15) Adverse selection and moral hazard problems increased in magnitude during the early years of the Great Depression asA) stock prices declined to 10 percent of their levels in 1929.B) banks failed.C) the aggregate price level declined.D) a result of all of the above.E) a result of A and B of the above.Answer: DTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition16) Stock market declines preceded a full-blown financial crisisA) in the United States in 1987.B) in the United States in 2000.C) in the United States in 1929.D) in all of the above.E) in none of the above.Answer: CTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Updated from Previous Edition17) Which of the following factors led up to the Greece debt crisis in 2009-2010?A) Speculative attacks on the euro and a rise in actual and expected inflationB) A decline in tax revenues resulting from a contraction in economic activityC) A double-digit budget deficitD) All of the aboveE) only B and C of the aboveAnswer: ETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Updated from Previous Edition18) What is a collateralized debt obligation?A) A tranche of an SPV that has been setup based on default riskB) An agreement to exchange interest payments when one party defaultsC) A type of insurance against defaultsD) A contract between credit rating agenciesAnswer: ATopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: New Question19) Which of the following led to the U.S. financial crisis of 2007-2009?A) Financial innovation in mortgage marketsB) Agency problems in mortgage marketsC) An increase in moral hazard at credit rating agenciesD) All of the aboveE) only A and B of the aboveAnswer: ETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition20) Approximately how large was the U.S. subprime mortgage market in 2007?A) $100 millionB) $100 billionC) $500 billionD) $1 trillionAnswer: DTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition21) When we refer to the shadow banking system, what are we talking about?A) Hedge funds, investment banks, and other nonbank financial firms that supply liquidityB) The "underground" banking system used for illegal activitiesC) The subsidiaries of depository institutionsD) None of the aboveAnswer: ATopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition22) The impact of the 2007-2009 financial crisis was widespread, includingA) the first major bank failure in the UK in over 100 years.B) the failure of Bear Stearns, the fifth-largest U.S. investment bank.C) the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by the U.S. Treasury.D) all of the above.E) only B and C of the above.Answer: DTopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition8.2 True/False1) A financial crisis occurs when information flows in financial markets experience a particularly large disruption.Answer: TRUETopic: Chapter 8.1 What Is a Financial Crisis?Question Status: New Question2) Factors that can lead to worsening conditions in financial markets include increasing interest rates and asset price booms.Answer: TRUETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition3) During a bank panic, many banks fail in a very short time period.Answer: TRUETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition4) The failure of Ohio Life Insurance and Trust in 1857 did not signal the start of a recession due to prompt actions by the Fed.Answer: FALSETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition5) Bank failures have been a feature of all U.S. financial crises from 1800 to 1944. Answer: TRUETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition6) Debt deflation refers to the decline in debt values as creditors agree to lower interest rates as an alternative to defaults.Answer: FALSETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition7) The Internet stock market bubble of the late 1990s led to one of the worst financial crises in U.S. history. Banks lost billions of dollars as Internet companies went bankrupt.Answer: FALSETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition8) An unusual feature of the "Great Recession" in the U.S. from 2007-2009 was that the crisis did not spread to European nations.Answer: FALSETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: New Question9) In Europe, Greece was the first nation to face a debt crisis.Answer: TRUETopic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: New Question8.3 Essay1) Explain the relationship between agency theory and a financial crisis.Topic: Chapter 8.1 What Is a Financial Crisis?Question Status: New Question2) Describe the sequence of events in a financial crisis in an advanced economy and explain why they can cause economic activity to decline.Topic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition3) What is the problem with government safety nets, such as deposit insurance, during the formative stages of a financial crisis?Topic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition4) Discuss why some view the Fed as a culprit in the U.S. housing bubble during the 2000s.Topic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition5) Describe a special purpose vehicle. How are they related to the creation of collateralized debt obligations?Topic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: New Question6) Discuss some of the financial innovations in mortgage markets that led to the U.S. financial crisis in 2007.Topic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition7) Why was the shadow banking system important during the 2007-2009 U.S. financial crisis?Topic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: Previous Edition8) Describe how the European debt crisis evolved.Topic: Chapter 8.2 Dynamics of Financial Crises in Advanced Economies Question Status: New Question。









( )7.中央银⾏参加⾦融市场交易的⽬的是为执⾏货币政策、调控货币供应,为国家的宏观经济⽬标服务。




()三、单项选择题1.间接融资的主要形式是()A.银⾏信贷B.股票 C.债券 D.商业票据2.以下不属于货币市场的是()A.同业拆借市场B.商业票据市场C.股票市场D.回购市场3.在某⼀货币发⾏国境外从事该种货币融通的市场是()A.国内⾦融市场 B.区域性⾦融市场 C.外国⾦融市场 D.境外⾦融市场4.能在⾦融市场上简便、快捷地转让变现⽽不致遭受损失的⾦融⼯具是()A.期限性B.收益性C.流动性D.风险性5.投资银⾏代理证券发⾏⼈发⾏证券的业务是()业务A.私募发⾏B.证券承销C.风险投资D.受托资产管理6.在货币市场上充当交易双⽅中介收取佣⾦的中间商是()A.外汇经纪⼈B.货币经纪⼈C.佣⾦经纪⼈D.专家经纪⼈7.⼆战以后,与纽约、伦敦并列为三⼤国际⾦融中⼼的是()A.苏黎世 B.东京 C.新加坡 D.⾹港8.我国的股票发⾏实⾏()A.审批制B.注册制C.审核制D.核准制9.证券经营机构以⾃有资本和营运资⾦以⾃⼰的名义买卖证券,获取股息利息收⼊和赚取差价,并承担相应风险的是()业务A.风险投资B.证券咨询C.证券⾃营D.证券承销10.发⾏⼈依法定程序发⾏,并约定在⼀定期限内还本付息的有价证券是( ) A.债权凭证 B.所有权凭证 C.⾦融衍⽣⼯具 D.证券投资基⾦四、多项选择题1.按⾦融资产的种类划分,⾦融市场可分为()衍业⼯具市场等A.货币市场B.资本市场C.外汇市场D.黄⾦市场2.证券市场可分为()等A.中长期信贷市场B.股票市场C.债券市场D.基⾦市场3.⾦融衍⽣⼯具市场可细分为( )A.期货市场B.期权市场C.远期协议市场D.互换市场4.按⾦融市场的市场形态划分,可分为()A.有形市场B.⽆形市场C.直接市场D.间接市场5.⾦融市场的主题有()⾮存款⾦融机构和中央银⾏A.政府部门B.⼯商企业C.居民D.存款⾦融机构6.⾦融⼯具⼀般具有()基本特征A.期限性B.收益性C.流动性D.风险性7.根据⾦融⼯具价格形成的⽅式不同,可以将⾦融市场分为()市场A.指令驱动B.报价驱动C.有形D.⽆形8.经济全球化表现在()A.贸易⾃由化B.⽣产跨国化C.⾦融⾃由化D.⾦融市场⼀体化9.各国的⾦融竞争主要形式有()A.跨国⾦融机构之间的竞争B.国际⾦融中⼼之间的竞争C.国际货币之间的竞争D.国际⾦融市场之间的竞争10.⾦融市场⼀体化的原因可以归结为()A.世界经济的发展B.⾦融管制的放松C.⼤型⾦融机构的出现D.⾦融创新和科学技术的进步第⼆章货币市场⼀、重要概念货币市场利率市场化利率风险结构基准利率 Libor Shibor 同业拆借拆借利率回购协议正回购逆回购信⽤风险清算风险商业票据信⽤评级汇票承兑贴现转贴现再贴现⼤额可转让定期存单短期政府债券贴现收益率等价收益率有效年收益率货币市场基⾦⼆、判断题(错误的要说明原因)1.货币市场是⼀个⽆形的市场,其效率可以通过⼴度、深度和弹性这三个指标进⾏衡量。
























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Chapter 1Role of Financial Markets and InstitutionsQuestions1. Explain the meaning of surplus units and deficit units. Provide an example of each.ANSWER: Surplus units provide funds to the financial markets while deficit units obtain funds from the financial markets. Surplus units include households with savings, while deficit units include firms or government agencies that borrow funds.2. Distinguish between primary and secondary markets.ANSWER: Primary markets are used for the issuance of new securities while secondary markets are used for the trading of existing securities.3. Distinguish between money and capital markets.ANSWER: Money markets facilitate the trading of short-term (money market) instruments while capital markets facilitate the trading of long-term (capital market) instruments.4. Distinguish between perfect and imperfect security markets.ANSWER: With perfect financial markets, all information about any securities for sale would be freely available to investors, information about surplus and deficit units would be freely available, and all securities could be unbundled into any size desired. In reality, markets are imperfect, so that surplus and deficit units do not have free access to information, and securities can not be unbundled as desired.5. Explain why the existence of imperfect markets creates a need for financial institutions.ANSWER: Financial intermediaries are needed to facilitate the exchange of funds between surplus and deficit units. They have the information to provide this service and can even repackage deposits to provide the amount of funds borrowers desire.6. Explain the meaning of efficient markets. Why might we expect markets to be efficient most of thetime?ANSWER: If markets are efficient then prices of securities available in these markets properly reflect all information. We should expect markets to be efficient because if they weren't, investors would capitalize on the discrepancy between what prices are and what they should be. This action would force market prices to represent the appropriate prices as perceived by the market.7. In recent years, several securities firms have been guilty of using inside information when purchasingsecurities, thereby achieving returns well above the norm (even when accounting for risk). Does this suggest that the security markets are not efficient? Explain.ANSWER: Efficiency is often defined with regard to publicly available information. In this case, markets can be efficient, but investors with inside information could possibly outperform the market on a consistent basis. A stronger version of efficiency would hypothesize that even access to inside information will not consistently outperform the market.12 Chapter 1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutions8. What was the purpose of the Securities Act of 1933? What was the purpose of the SecuritiesExchange Act of 1934? Do these laws prevent investors from making poor investment decisions?Explain.ANSWER: The Securities Act of 1933 was intended to assure complete disclosure of relevantfinancial information on publicly offered securities, and prevent fraudulent practices when selling these securities. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 extended the disclosure requirements tosecondary market issues. It also declared a variety of deceptive practices illegal, but does not prevent poor investments.9. If barriers to international securities markets are reduced, will a country's interest rate be more or lesssusceptible to foreign lending or borrowing activities? Explain.ANSWER: If international securities market barriers are reduced, a country's interest rate will likely become more susceptible to foreign lending and borrowing activities. Without barriers, funds will flow more freely in between countries. Funds would seek out countries where expected returns are high. Then, the amount of foreign funds invested in any country could adjust abruptly and affect interest rates.10. In what way could the international flow of funds cause a decline in interest rates?ANSWER: If a large volume of foreign funds was invested in the United States, it could placedownward pressure on U.S. interest rates. Without this supply of foreign funds, U.S. interest rates would have been higher.11. Distinguish between the functions of a broker and those of a dealer, and explain how each iscompensated.ANSWER: Brokers are commonly compensated with commissions on trades, while dealers are compensated on their positions in particular securities. Some dealers also provide brokerage services.12. Why is it necessary for securities to be somewhat standardized?ANSWER: Securities can be more easily traded when they are standardized because the specifics of the security transaction are well known. If securities were not standardized, transactions would be slowed considerably as participants would have to negotiate all the provisions.13. What are the functions of securities firms?ANSWER: Securities firms provide a variety of functions (such as underwriting and brokerage) that either enhance a borrower's ability to borrow funds or an investor’s abi lity to invest funds.14. Explain why some financial flows of funds cannot occur through the sale of standardized securities.ANSWER: Some financial flows, such as most commercial loans, must be provided on a personal basis, since the firms requesting loans have particular needs.15. If securities were not standardized, how would this affect the volume of financial transactionsconducted by brokers?ANSWER: If securities were not standardized, the volume of financial transactions conducted by brokers would be reduced, because the documentation would be greater.16. Commercial banks use some funds to purchase securities and other funds to make loans. Why are thesecurities more marketable than loans in the secondary market?ANSWER: Securities are more standardized than loans and therefore can be more easily sold in the secondary market. The excessive documentation on commercial loans limits a bank's ability to sell loans in the secondary market.17. How have the asset compositions of savings and loan associations differed from those of commercialbanks? Explain why and how this distinction may change over time.ANSWER: Savings and loan associations have traditionally concentrated in mortgage lending, while commercial banks have concentrated in commercial lending. Savings and loan associations are nowChapter 1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutions 3 allowed to diversify their asset portfolio to a greater degree and will likely increase theirconcentration in commercial loans (but not to the same degree as commercial banks.18. With regard to the profit motive, how are credit unions different from other financial institutions?ANSWER: Credit unions are non-profit financial institutions.19. Compare the main sources and uses of funds for finance companies, insurance companies, andpension funds.ANSWER: Finance companies sell securities to obtain funds, while insurance companies receive insurance premiums and pension funds receive employee/employer contributions. Finance companies use funds to provide direct loans to consumers and businesses. Insurance companies and pension funds purchase securities.20. What is the function of a mutual fund? Why are mutual funds popular among investors?ANSWER: A mutual fund sells shares to investors, pools the funds, and invests the funds in aportfolio of securities. Mutual funds are popular because they can help individuals diversify while using professional expertise to make investment decisions.21. How does a money market mutual fund differ from a stock or bond mutual fund?ANSWER: A money market mutual fund invests in money market securities, whereas other mutual funds normally invest in stocks or bonds.22. Classify the types of financial institutions mentioned in this chapter as either depository ornondepository. Explain the general difference between depository and nondepository institution sources of funds.ANSWER: Depository institutions include commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions. These institutions differ from nondepository institutions in that they accept deposits.Nondepository institutions include finance companies, insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds, and money market funds.23. It is often stated that all types of financial institutions have begun to offer services that werepreviously offered only by certain types. Consequently, many financial institutions are becoming more similar in terms of their operations. Yet, the performance levels still differ significantly among types of financial institutions. Why?ANSWER: Even though financial institutions are becoming more similar, they often differ distinctly from each other in terms of sources and uses of funds. Therefore, their performance levels differ as well.24. Look in a recent business periodical for news about a recent financial transaction that involves twofinancial institutions. For this transaction, determine the following:a. How will each institution's balance sheet be affected?b. Will either institution receive immediate income from the transaction?c. Who is the ultimate user of funds?d. Who is the ultimate source of funds?ANSWER: This exercise will force students to understand how the balance sheet and incomestatement of a financial institution is affected by various transactions. When a financial institution simply acts as a middleman, income (fees or commissions) are earned, but the institution's asset portfolio is not significantly affected.25. Which types of financial institutions do you deal with? Explain whether you are acting as a surplusunit or a deficit unit in your relationship with each financial institution.ANSWER: This exercise allows students to realize that they constantly interact with financialinstitutions, and that they often play the role of a deficit unit (on car loans, tuition loans, etc.).4 Chapter 1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutions26. Explain how the privatization of companies in Europe can lead to the development of new securitiesmarkets.ANSWER: The privatization of companies will force these companies to finance with stocks and debt securities, instead of relying on the federal government for funds. Consequently, secondary markets for stocks and debt securities will be developed over time.Chapter 2Determination of Interest RatesQuestions1.Explain why interest rates changed as they did over the past year.ANSWER: This exercise should force students to consider how the factors that influence interest rates have changed over the last year, and assess how these changes could have affected interest rates.2. Explain what is meant by interest elasticity.ANSWER: Interest elasticity of supply represents a change in the quantity of loanable funds supplied in response to a change in interest rates. Interest elasticity of demand represents a change in thequantity of loanable funds demanded in response to a change in interest rates.3. Would you expect federal government demand for loanable funds to be more or less interest elasticthan household demand for loanable funds? Why?ANSWER: Federal government demand for loanable funds should be less interest elastic than the consumer demand for loanable funds, because the government's planned borrowings will likely occur regardless of the interest rate. Conversely, the quantity of loanable funds by consumers is moreresponsive to the interest rate level.4. If the federal government planned to expand the space program, how might this affect interest rates?ANSWER: An expanded space program would (a) force the federal government to increase its budget deficit, (b) possibly force any firms involved in facilitating the program to borrow more funds.Consequently, there is a greater demand for loanable funds. The additional spending could cause higher income and additional saving. Yet, this impact is not likely to be as great. The likely overall impact would therefore be upward pressure on interest rates.5. Explain why interest rates tend to decrease during recessionary periods.ANSWER: During a recession, firms and consumers reduce their amount of borrowing. The demand for loanable funds decreases and interest rates decrease as a result.6. Obtain or develop forecasts of economic growth and inflation. Use this information to forecastinterest rates one year from now.ANSWER: Open-ended question, intended to illustrate the ease of subjectively creating forecasts, but the difficulty in deciding the appropriate weight to be assigned to each influential factor.7. Jayhawk Forecasting Services analyzed several factors that could affect interest rates in the future.Most factors were expected to place downward pressure on interest rates. Jayhawk also felt that although the annual budget deficit was to be cut by 40 percent from the previous year, it would stillChapter 1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutions 5 be very large. Thus, Jayhawk believed that the deficit's impact would more than offset the othereffects and therefore forecast interest rates to increase by 2 percent. Comment on Jayhawk's logic.ANSWER: A reduction in the deficit should free up some funds that had been used to support the government borrowings. Thus, there should be additional funds available to satisfy other borrowing needs. Given this situation plus the other information, Jayhawk should have forecasted lower interest rates.8. Should increasing money supply growth place upward or downward pressure on interest rates? Justifyyour answer.ANSWER: If one believes that higher money supply growth will not cause inflationary expectations, the additional supply of funds places downward pressure on interest rates. However, if one believes that inflation expectations do erupt as a result, demand for loanable funds will also increase, and interest rates could increase (if the increase in demand more than offsets the increase in supply).9. Consider a scenario where inflation is low and is not expected to rise in the future. In addition,assume that the Fed substantially increases the money supply. Explain how this would likely affect interest rates.ANSWER: Interest rates should decrease because the amount of loanable funds will increase withouta corresponding increase in the demand for loanable funds.10. What is the logic behind the Fisher effect's implied positive relationship between expected inflationand nominal interest rates?ANSWER: Investors require a positive real return, which suggests that they will only invest funds if the nominal interest rate is expected to exceed inflation. In this way, the purchasing power of invested funds increases over time. As inflation rises, nominal interest rates should rise as well since investors would require a nominal return that exceeds the inflation rate.11. What is the difference between the nominal interest rate and real interest rate?ANSWER: The nominal interest rate is the quoted interest rate, while the real interest rate is defined as the nominal interest rate minus the expected rate of inflation. The real interest rate represents the recent nominal interest rate minus the recent inflation rate.12. Estimate the real interest rate over the last year.ANSWER: This exercise forces students to measure last year's nominal interest rate and inflation rate.13. Review historical interest rates to determine how they react to recessionary periods. Explain thisreaction.ANSWER: In general, interest rates tend to decline in recessionary periods. This reaction occurs because the demand for loanable funds declines during the recessionary periods, which placesdownward pressure of interest rates.14. Why do forecasts of interest rates differ among experts?ANSWER: Various factors may influence interest rates, and changes in these factors will affectinterest rate movements. Experts disagree about how various factors will change. They also disagree about the specific influence these factors have on interest rates.15. During the stock market crash in October 1987, interest rates declined. Use the loanable fundsframework discussed in this chapter to explain why.ANSWER: The crash led to concerns of a possible recession. The demand for loanable funds declined, causing downward pressure on interest rates. In addition, investors shifted funds out of stocks and into money market securities, causing an increase in the supply of loanable funds.6 Chapter 1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutions16. If foreign investors expected that the U.S. dollar's value would weaken over the next few years, howmight this affect (a) the foreign supply of funds to the U.S. markets and (b) U.S. interest rates?Explain.ANSWER: The expectation of a weaker U.S. dollar can cause a lower foreign supply of funds to the U.S. markets, as foreign investors reduce their investment in the United States, because a weakened dollar over the investment horizon reduces the return to foreign investors. The reduced foreign supply of funds to U.S. markets places upward pressure on U.S. interest rates.17. A well-known economist recently suggested that lower interest rates will stimulate the economy. Yet,this chapter implied that a strong economy can cause high interest rates. Do these concepts conflict?Explain.ANSWER: The concepts do not conflict. There are feedback effects between interest rates andeconomic growth. Lower interest rates stimulate the economy because they encourage borrowing and therefore spending. Yet, a strong economy can cause an additional desire to borrow, which places upward pressure on interest rates.18. Assume that if the U.S. dollar strengthens, it can place downward pressure on U.S. inflation. Basedon this information, how might expectations of a strong dollar affect the demand for loanable funds in the United States and U.S. interest rates? Is there any reason to think that expectations of a strong dollar could also affect the supply of loanable funds? Explain.ANSWER: As a strong U.S. dollar dampens U.S. inflation, it can reduce the demand for loanable funds, and therefore reduce interest rates. The expectations of a strong dollar could also increase the supply of funds because it may encourage saving (there is less concern to purchase goods before prices rise when inflationary expectations are reduced). In addition, foreign investors may invest more funds in the United States if they expect the dollar to strengthen, because that could increase their return on investment.19. If financial market participants overestimate inflation in a particular period, will real interest rates berelatively high or low? Explain.ANSWER: If inflation is overestimated, the real interest rate will be relatively high. Investors had required a relatively high nominal interest rate because they expected inflation to be high (according to the Fisher effect).20. Why might you expect interest rate movements of various industrialized countries to be more highlycorrelated in recent years than in earlier years?ANSWER: Interest rates among countries are expected to be more highly correlated in recent years because financial markets are more geographically integrated. More international financial flows will occur to capitalize on higher interest rates in foreign countries, which affects the supply and demand conditions in each market. As funds leave a country with low interest rates, this places upwardpressure on that country's interest rates. The international flow of funds caused this type of reaction.21. In November 1989, the wall separating East and West Germany was removed. Some analysts say thatthis event led to an increase in German and U.S. interest rates. Offer a possible explanation as to why this event could have caused an increase in German and U.S. interest rates.ANSWER: The removal of the wall led to the reunification of East and West Germany, and resulted in economic expansion in Germany. This led to an increased demand for loanable funds from sources in Germany and in the United States, placing upward pressure on interest rates.22. In August 1990, the Persian Gulf crisis occurred, resulting in some significant reactions in financialmarkets. Why would the crisis be expected to place upward pressure on U.S. interest rates? Why might some investors expect the crisis to place downward pressure on U.S. interest rates?ANSWER: The Persian Gulf crisis placed upward pressure on U.S. interest rates because it (1)increased inflationary expectations in the United States as oil prices increased abruptly, and (2)increased the expected U.S. budget deficit as government expenditures were necessary to boostChapter 1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutions 7 military support. However, the crisis also caused some analysts to revise their forecasts of economic growth downward. In fact, some analysts predicted that a U.S. recession would occur. The slower economy reflects a reduced corporate demand for funds, which by itself places downward pressure on interest rates. If inflation was not a concern, the Fed may attempt to increase money supply growth to stimulate the economy. However, the inflationary pressure restricted the Fed from stimulating the economy (since any stimulative policy could cause higher inflation).23. Offer an argument for why the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001 couldplace downward pressure on U.S. interest rates. Offer an argument for why the terrorist attack could place upward pressure on U.S. interest rates.ANSWER: The terrorist attack could cause a reduction in spending related to travel (airlines, hotels), and would also reduce the expansion by those types of firms. This reflects a decline in the demand for loanable funds, and places downward pressure on interest rates. Conversely, the attack increases the amount of government borrowing needed to support a war, and therefore places upward pressure on interest rates.Interpreting Financial NewsInterpret the following comments made by Wall Street analysts and portfolio managers.a. “The flight of funds from bank deposits to U.S. stocks will pressure interest rates.”As the supply of loanable funds declines (due to bank deposit withdrawals), there will be upward pressure on interest rates.b. “Since Japanese interest rates have recently declined to very low levels, expect a reduction in U.S.interest rates.”As Japanese interest rates decline, Japanese savers invest more loanable funds in the UnitedStates, which places downward pressure on U.S. interest rates.c. “The cost of borrowing by U.S. firms is dictated by the degree to which the federal governmen tspends more than it taxes.”As the federal government spends more than it taxes, it borrows the difference; the greater theamount borrowed, the higher the pressure on U.S. interest rates.Managing in Financial MarketsAs the treasurer of a manufacturing company, your task is to forecast the direction of interest rates. You plan to borrow funds and may use the forecast of interest rates to determine whether you should obtain a loan with a fixed interest rate or a floating interest rate. The following information can be considered when assessing the future direction of interest rates:♦Economic growth has been high over the last two years, but you expect that it will be stagnant over the next year.♦Inflation has been 3 percent over each of the last few years, and you expect that it will be about the same over the next year.♦The federal government has announced major cuts in its spending, which should have a major impact on the budget deficit.♦The Federal Reserve is not expected to affect the existing supply of loanable funds over the next year. ♦The overall level of savings by households is not expected to change.a. Given the preceding information, determine how the demand for and the supply of loanable fundswould be affected (if at all), and determine the future direction of interest rates.The demand for loanable funds should decline in response to: (1) stagnant economic growth(because a relatively low level of borrowing will be needed), and (2) a major cut in government8 Chapter 1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutionsspending. The supply of loanable funds should remain unchanged because the savings level is not expected to change, and the Fed is not expected to affect the existing money supply. Given a large decline in the demand for loanable funds and no significant change in the supply of loanablefunds, U.S. interest rates should decline.b. You can obtain a one-year loan at a fixed-rate of 8 percent or a floating-rate loan that is currentlyat 8 percent but would be revised every month in accordance with general interest ratemovements. Which type of loan is more appropriate based on the information provided?Since interest rates are expected to decline, you should prefer the floating-rate loan. As interest rates decline, the rate charged on this type of loan would decline.c. Assume that Canadian interest rates have abruptly risen just as you have completed your forecastof future U.S. interest rates. Consequently, Canadian interest rates are now 2 percentage pointsabove U.S. interest rates. How might this specific situation place pressure on U.S. interest rates?Considering this situation along with the other information provided, would you change yourforecast of the future direction of U.S. interest rates?This situation could encourage U.S. individuals and firms to withdraw their savings from U.S.financial institutions and send their funds to Canada to earn a higher interest rate (although they would have to convert their U.S. dollars into Canadian dollars and are therefore exposed toexchange rate risk). To the extent that savings are withdrawn from U.S. financial institutions,there would be a reduction in the supply of loanable funds in the U.S. Consequently, this specific situation places upward pressure on the U.S. interest rates.While this specific situation places upward pressure on U.S. interest rates, the economic growth and the budget deficit are expected to place downward pressure on interest rates.Therefore, you would still forecast a decline in U.S. interest rates, unless you believe that theimpact of the Canadian situation would overwhelm the impact of the economic growth and thebudget deficit.Problems1.Suppose the real interest rate is 6 percent and the expected inflation is 2 percent. What would youexpect the nominal rate of interest to be?ANSWER:i = E(INF) + i ki = 2% + 6% = 8%2. Suppose that Treasury bills are currently paying 9 percent and the expected inflation is 3 percent.What is the real interest rate?ANSWER:i = E(INF) + i ki k = i – E(INF)i k = 9% – 3% = 6%Chapter 3Structure of Interest RatesChapter 1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutions 9Questions1.Identify the relevant characteristics of any security that can affect the security's yield.ANSWER:The relevant characteristics are:1. default risk2. liquidity3. tax status4. maturity5. special provisions (such as a call feature)2. What effect does a high credit risk have on securities?ANSWER: Investors require a higher risk premium on securities with a high default risk.3. Discuss the relationship between the yield and liquidity of securities.ANSWER: The greater the liquidity of a security, the lower is the yield, other things being equal.4. Do investors in high-tax brackets or those in low-tax brackets benefit more from tax-exemptsecurities? Why?ANSWER: High-tax bracket investors benefit more from tax-exempt securities because their tax savings from avoiding taxes is greater.5. Do municipal bonds or corporate bonds offer a higher before-tax yield at a given point in time? Why?Which has the higher after-tax yield?ANSWER: Corporate bonds offer a higher before-tax yield, since they are taxable by the federal government. The municipal bonds may have a higher tax yield for investors subject to a high tax rate.For low-tax bracket investors, the corporate bonds would likely have a higher after-tax yield.6. If taxes did not exist, would Treasury bonds offer a higher or lower yield than municipal bonds withthe same maturity? Why?ANSWER: Treasury bonds would offer a lower yield than municipal bonds because they areperceived to be risk-free. If taxes did not exist, the required return on Treasury bonds would be lower than on municipal bonds.7. Explain how a yield curve would shift in response to a sudden expectation of rising interest rates,according to the pure expectations theory.ANSWER: The demand for short-term securities would increase, placing upward (downward)pressure on their prices (yields). The demand for long-term securities would decrease, placingdownward (upward) pressure on their prices (yields). If the yield curve was originally upward sloped, it would now have a steeper slope as a result of the expectation. If it was originally downward sloped, it would now be more horizontal (less steep), or may have even become upward sloping.8. What is the meaning of the forward rate in the context of the term structure of interest rates?ANSWER: The forward rate is the expected interest rate at a future point in time.9. Why might forward rates consistently overestimate future interest rates? How could such a bias beavoided?ANSWER: If forward rates are estimated without considering the liquidity premium, it mayoverestimate the future interest rates. If a liquidity premium is accounted for when estimating the forward rate, the bias can be eliminated.10. Assume there is a sudden expectation of lower interest rates in the future. What would be the effecton the shape of the yield curve? Explain.ANSWER: The demand for short-term securities would decrease, placing downward (upward)pressure on their prices (yields). The demand for long-term securities would increase, placing upward。
