DS18B20 单线温度传感器外文翻译

DS18B20单线温度传感器一.特征:ucts DS18B20 data sheet 2012●独特的单线接口,只需1个接口引脚即可通信●每个设备都有一个唯一的64位串行代码存储在ROM上●多点能力使分布式温度检测应用得以简化●不需要外部部件●可以从数据线供电,电源电压范围为3.0V至5.5V●测量范围从-55 ° C至+125 ° C(-67 ° F至257 ° F),从-10℃至+85 °C的精度为0.5 °C●温度计分辨率是用户可选择的9至12位●转换12位数字的最长时间是750ms●用户可定义的非易失性的温度告警设置●告警搜索命令识别和寻址温度在编定的极限之外的器件(温度告警情况)●采用8引脚SO(150mil),8引脚SOP和3引脚TO - 92封装●软件与DS1822兼容●应用范围包括恒温控制工业系统消费类产品温度计或任何热敏系统二.简介该DS18B20的数字温度计提供9至12位的摄氏温度测量,并具有与非易失性用户可编程上限和下限报警功能。
信息单线接口送入DS18B20或从DS18B20 送出,因此按照定义只需要一条数据线与中央微处理器进行通信。
它的测温范围从-55°C到+125°C,其中从-10 °C至+85 °C可以精确到0.5°C 。
每个DS18B20 的有一个唯一的64位序列码,它允许多个DS18B20的功能在同一总线。
此特性的应用范围包括HV AC、环境控制、建筑物、设备或机械内的温度检测以及过程监视和控制系统。

恒温·干燥器/恒温恒湿器drying ovens/humidity chambers送风定温恒温器forced convection constant temperature ovens惰性气体恒温器inert gas ovens精密恒温器precision constant temperature ovens洁净恒温器clean ovens送风定温干燥器forced convection constant temperature drying ovens 空气幕送风定温恒温器forced convection ovens with air curtain定温干燥箱constant temperature drying ovens角形真空定温干燥器vacuum drying ovens恒温恒湿器constant temperature and humidity chambers流水线设备in-line system for underfill adhesive and encapsulation恒温培养器constant temperature incubators---可程式低温培养器low temperature program type incubators低温培养器low temperature incubators低温稳定性培养器low temperature stability incubators培养器incubatorsco2培养器co2 incubators振荡培养器shaking incubators冻结干燥器freeze dryers---冻结干燥器freeze dryers离心形冻结干燥器centrifugal freeze dryers灭菌器sterilizers---干热灭菌器drying sterilizers高压灭菌器autoclaves sterilizers低温等离子灭菌器low temperature plasma sterilizers 环形燃烧管灭菌器loop cinerator纯水制造装置water purifiers---纯水制造装置water stills超纯水制造装置ultra-pure water purifiers简易纯水制造装置water purifiers超纯水制造装置系统ultra-pure water purifier system 大容量纯水制造装置water purifiers system洗净器washers---实验室玻璃器皿清洗机laboratory glassware washers 超声波清洗机ultrasonic cleaners大型超声波清洗机aqueous ultrasonic cleaning systems 超声波试管清洗机ultrasonic pipet washers超声波清洗机ultrasonic cleaners恒温液槽constant temperature baths---投入式恒温装置constant temperature devices油槽oil baths振荡式低温水槽low constant temperature shaking baths深槽形恒温水槽constant temperature water baths粘度测定槽kinematic viscosity baths液压式恒温水槽constant temperature water baths精密低温恒温水槽precision low constant temperature water baths低温恒温水槽low constant temperature water baths试验管加热板heating blocks冷却液体循环器cooling liquid circulators冷却水循环器cooling water circulators便携式冷却器immersion cooler寒流捕获器cooling trap冷却水外部循环器cooling water circulators试验槽thoughs高温炉high temperature furnaces heating apparatus---马弗炉muffle furnaces超高温电气炉ultra-high temperature electric furnaces高温电气炉high temperature electric furnaces真空气体置换炉gas replacement vacuum furnaces造粒干燥装置granulating and drying apparatus for wet powder body and liquid---喷雾干燥器spray dryer有机溶剂喷雾干燥器spray dryer生产线喷雾干燥器spray dryer for product line浓缩器evaporators---旋转蒸发仪rotary evaporators溶媒回收装置solvent recovery unit乳化·搅拌·振荡器homogenizers, stirrers, shakers---加热板hot plates振荡器shakers搅拌器stirrers实验室自动乳钵laboratory mill/universal ball mill粉碎器cutting millsyamato电子厂关连仪器electronics facilities related devices等离子装置low temperature ashers, cleaners, etchers气体等离子蚀刻机gas plasma etcher “plasma reactor”气体等离子清洗机gas plasma dry cleaner气体等离子灰化机gas plasma asher半导体基板自动机器automatic machine电子半导体/材料关连仪器electronics facilities related devices桌上小型探测显微镜desk-top small probe microscope “nanopics”半导体制造用检查装置yield management for semiconductor ptoducts 非破坏评价解析装置nondestructive testing system紫外线洗净·改质装置ultra-violet curing system尘埃计数器particle counters风速计anemometers去静电风机、风幕及静电测定计auto balanced over head ion blower。

Heating temperature and pressure test Thermistors are inexpensive, easily-obtainable temperature sensors. They are easy to use and adaptable. Circuits with thermistors can have reasonable outout voltages - not the millivolt outputs thermocouples have. Because of these qualities, thermistors are widely used for simple temperature measurements. They're not used for high temperatures, but in the temperature ranges where they work they are widely used. Thermistors are temperature sensitive resistors. All resistors vary with temperature, but thermistors are constructed of semiconductor material with a resistivity that is especially sensitive to temperature. However, unlike most other resistive devices, the resistance of a thermistor decreases with increasing temperature. That's due to the properties of the semiconductor material that the thermistor is made from. For some, that may be counterintuitive, but it is correct. Here is a graph of resistance as a function of temperature for a typical thermistor. Notice how the resistance drops from 100 kW, to a very small value in a range around room temperature. Not only is the resistance change in the opposite direction from what you expect, but the magnitude of the percentage resistance change is substantial.Temperature Sensor - The Thermocouple You are at: Elements - Sensors - Thermocouples Return to Table of Contents A thermocouple is a junction formed from two dissimilar metals. Actually, it is a pair of junctions. One at a reference temperature (like 0 oC) and the other junction at the temperature to be measured. A temperature difference will cause a voltage to be developed that is temperature dependent. (That voltage is caused by something called the Seebeck effect.) Thermocouplesare widely used for temperature measurement because they are inexpensive, rugged and reliable, and they can be used over a wide temperature range. In particular, other temperature sensors (like thermistors and LM35 sensors) are useful around room temperature, but the thermocouple can The Thermocouple Why Use thermocouples To Measure Temperature? They are inexpensive. They are rugged and reliable. They can be used over a wide temperature range. What Does A Thermocouple Look Like? Here it is. Note the two wires (of two different metals) joined in the junction. What does a thermocouple do? How does it work? The junction of two dissimilar metals produces a temperature dependent voltage. For a better description of how it works, click here. How Do You Use A Thermocouple? You measure the voltage the thermocouple produces, and convert that voltage to a temperature reading. It may be best to do the conversion digitally because the conversion can be fairly nonlinear. Things You Need To Know About Thermocouples A junction between two dissimilar metals produces a voltage. In the thermocouple, the sensing junction - produces a voltage that depends upon temperature. Where the thermocouple connects to instrumentation - copper wires? - you have two more junctions and they also produce a temperature dependent voltage. Those junctions are shown inside the yellow oval. When you use a thermocouple, you need to ensure that the connections are at some standard temperature, or you need to use an electronically compensated system that takes those voltages into account. If your thermocouple is connected to a data acquisition system, then chances are good that you have an electronically compensated system. Once we obtain a reading from a voltmeter, the measured voltage has to be converted to temperature. The temperature is usually expressed as a polynomial function of the measured voltage. Sometimes it is possible to get a decent linear approximation overa limited temperature range. There are two ways to convert the measured voltage to a temperature reading. Measure the voltage and let the operator do the calculations. Use the measured voltage as an input to a conversion circuit - either analog or digital. Let us look at some other types of base-metal thermocouples. Type T thermocouples are widely used as are type K and Type N. Type K (Ni-Cr/Ni-Al) thermocouples are also widely used in the industry. It has high thermopower and good resistance to oxidation. The operating temperature range of a Type K thermocouple is from -269 oC to +1260 oC. However, this thermocouple performs rather poorly in reducing atmospheres. Type T (Cu/Cu-Ni) thermocouples can be used in oxidizing of inert atmospheres over the temperature range of -250 oC to +850 oC. In reducing or mildly oxidizing environments, it is possible to use the thermocouple up to nearly +1000 oC. Type N (Nicrosil/Nisil) thermocouples are designed to be used in industrial environments of temperatures up to +1200 oC. A polynomial equation used to convert thermocouple voltage to temperature (oC) over a wide range of temperatures. We can write the polynomial as: The coefficients, an are tabulated in many places. Here are the NBS polynomial coefficients for a type K thermocouple. (Source: T. J. Quinn, Temperature , Academic Press Inc.,1990) Type K Polynomial Coefficients n an 0 0.226584602 1 24152.10900 2 67233.4248 3 2210340.682 4 -860963914.9 5 4.83506x1010 6 -1.18452x1012 7 1.38690x1013 8 -6.33708x1013 What If The Surrounding Temperature Exceeds Limits? There are really no thermocouples that can withstand oxidizing atmospheres for temperatures above the upper limit of the platinum-rhodium type thermocouples. We cannot, therefore, measure temperature in such high temperature conditions. Other options for measuringextremely high temperatures are radiation or the noise pyrometer. For non-oxidizing atmospheres, tungsten-rhenium based thermocouples shows good performance up to +2750 oC. They can be used, for a short period, in temperatures up to +3000 oC. The selection of the types of thermocouple used for low temperature sensing is primarily based on materials of a thermocouple. In addition, thermopower at low temperatue is rather low, so measurement of EMF will be proportionally small as well. More Facts On Various Thermocouple Types A variety of thermocouples today cover a range of temperature from -250 oC to +3000 oC. The different types of thermocouple are given letter designations: B, E, J, K, R, S, T and N Types R,S and B are noble metal thermocouples that are used to measure high temperature. Within their temperature range, they can operate for a longer period of time under an oxidizing environment. Type S and type R thermocouples are made up of platinum (Pt) and rhodium (Rh) mixed in different ratios. A specific Pt/Rh ratio is used because it leads to more stable and reproducible measurements. Types S and R have an upper temperature limit of +1200 oC in oxidizing atmospheres, assuming a wire diameter of 0.5mm. Type S and type R thermocouples are made up of platinum (Pt) and rhodium (Rh) mixed in different ratios. A specific Pt/Rh ratio is used because it leads to more stable and reproducible measurements. Types S and R have an upper temperature limit of +1200 oC in oxidizing atmospheres, assuming a wire diameter of 0.5mm. Type B thermocouples have a different Pt/Rh ratio than Type S and R. It has an upper temperature limit of +1750 oC in oxidizing atmospheres. Due to an increased amount of rhodium content, type B thermocouples are no quite so stable as either the Type R or Type S. Types E, J, K, T, and N are base-metal thermocouples that are used for sensing lower temperatures. They cannot be used for sensing high temperatures because of theirrelatively low melting point and slower failure due to oxidation. Type B thermocouples have a different Pt/Rh ratio than Type S and R. It has an upper temperature limit of +1750 oC in oxidizing atmospheres. Due to an increased amount of rhodium content, type B thermocouples are no quite so stable as either the Type R or Type S. we will look into some differences between different base-metal thermocouples. Type E (Ni-Cr/Cu-Ni) thermocouples have an operating temperature range from -250 oC to +800 oC. Their use is less widespread than other base-metal thermocouples due to its low operating temperature. However, measurements made by a Type E have a smaller margin of error. 1000 hours of operation in air of a Type E thermocouple at +760 oC, having 3mm wires, shold not lead to a change in EMF equivalent to more than +1 oC. Type J (Fe/Cu-Ni) thermocouples are widely used in industry due to their high thermopower and low cost. This type of thermocouple has an operating temperature range from 0 oC to +760 oC. Links to Related Lessons Temperature Sensors Thermistors Thermocouples LM35s Other Sensors Strain Gages Temperature Sensor Laboratories Return to Table of ContentsExperiments With Temperature Sensors - Data Gathering Measuring temperature is the most common measurement task. There are numerous devices available for measuring temperature. Many of them are built using one of these common sensors. Thermistor Thermocouple LM35 Integrated Circuit Temperature Sensor You can get more information about these sensors by clicking the links above. Laboratory The purpose of this laboratory is to get time response data for the three sensors you were introduced to labs week. Here are links to LabVIEW programs you can use. NTempsHydra.vi -to measure temperature from the Hydra. NVoltsHydra.vi - to measure voltage from the Hydra. ResetHydra.vi - A "sub-vi" you need to reset the Hydra. 1Temp.vi - A sub-vi that will take one temperature measurement on the Hydra. 1VoltHydra.vi - A sub-vi that will take one voltage measurement on the Hydra. You should have all the files above on your desktop. You can click on each link and save to the desktop, or you can find the NMeas folder in my public space and copy the entire folder to the desktop (best). You only need to double click the NTemps or NVolts files to start and run them in LabVIEW - but they have to be taken out of the network folder! Once you have the files together in a single folder on your desktop, Start NTempsHydra.vi to measure temperature using the thermocouple attached to terminals 21 (yellow lead) and 22 (red lead). Note that these terminals (21 and 22) are the connections for channel 1 for the Hydra. (For example, if you were doing a manual temperature reading using the front panel, you would need to set to channel 1.) You need to connect the yellow lead of the thermocouple to the top connector for Channel #1 (Terminal #21) and the red lead of the thermocouple to the bottom connector (ground?) for Channel #1 (Terminal #22). Both of those connections are made to the connector strip on the top of the Hydra Data Acquisition Unit. Start NVoltsHydra.vi to measure voltages using the LM35 and the voltage divider circuit for the thermistor. Both sets of measurements should be taken from the front panel connection points on the Hydra. For both the LM35 and the thermistor circuit, you need to supply 5v to the circuit board. In your lab notebook record any circuitry you use, and any pertinent points regarding the equipment you use. Note any other features of each sensor that will help you for your project or make things more difficult. Do the following: Connect each sensor. Here are links to using each sensor in a measurement. Thermocouples LM35sThermistors For each sensor you need to get data in two situations: As the sensor heats up (rising time constant behavior) As the sensor cools down to ambient temperature (decaying time constant behavior) That data should be stored in a computer file. Use a different, understandable name for each file. The program will prompt you for a file name. Suggested file names are things like ThermistorUp.txt, etc. Before you leave lab be sure that you can bring your data up in Excel (to test that you have a good data file) and that you can plot the data to see that it looks like what you expect. Estimate the following for each sensor. The time it will take for the sensor to get within 1oC when the sensor is in good thermal contact with the temperature environment being measured and the temperature sensor starts at 25 oC and goes to 50 oC. (That means to measure the time it takes to get to between 49 oC and 51 oC.) The time it will take for the sensor to get within 1oC of the final value when the sensor is in air at a constant temperature and the temperature sensor starts at 25oC and goes to 50oC. In other words, when will the temperature sensor reach 49oC? The time it will take for the sensor to get within 0.1oC for the two situations above. (i.e., between 49.9 oC and 50.1 oC.) The time it will take for the sensor to get within 1oC when the sensor is in good thermal contact with the temperature environment being measured and the temperature sensor starts at 50 oC and goes to 25 oC. Explain why there is a difference in the speed of the response in the various situations above. Your report should show calculations for the time constant(s) for each device, and should show the results using the three methods. Tabular presentation of the results is best. Finally, you should - as best possible - explain your results. Why would the time constant be different going up and going down.供热站温度压力实时检测热敏电阻很便宜,易于得到的温度传感器。

附录二外文资料翻译资料原文DS18B20Programmable Resolution1-Wire Digital ThermometerDESCRIPTIONThe DS18B20 Digital Thermometer provides 9 to 12–bit centigrade temperature measurements and has an alarm function with nonvolatile user-programmable upper and lower trigger points. The DS18B20 communicates over a 1-Wire bus that by definition requires only one data line (and ground) for communication with a central microprocessor. It has an operating temperature range of –55℃ to +125°C and is accurate to ±0.5℃ over the range of –10℃ to +85℃. In addition, the DS18B20 can derive power directly from the data line (“parasite power”), eliminating the need for an external power supply.Each DS18B20 has a unique 64-bit serial code, which allows multiple DS18B20s to function on the same 1–wire bus; thus, it is simple to use one microprocessor to control many DS18B20s distributed over a large area. Applications that can benefit from this feature include HVAC environmental controls,temperature monitoring systems inside buildings, equipment ormachinery, and process monitoring and control systems.OVERVIEWFigure 1 shows a block diagram of the DS18B20, and pin descriptions are given in Table 1. The 64-bit ROM stores the device’s unique serial code. The scratchpad memory contains the 2-byte temperature register that stores the digital output from the temperature sensor. In addition, the scratchpad provides access to the 1-byte upper and lower alarm trigger registers (TH and TL), and the 1-byte configuration register. The configuration register allows the user to set the resolution of the temperature-to-digital conversion to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits. The TH, TL and configuration registers are nonvolatile (EEPROM), so they will retain data when the device is powered down.The DS18B20 uses Dallas’exclusive 1-Wire bus protocol that implements bus communication using one control signal. The control line requires a weak pullup resistor since all devices are linked to the bus via a 3-state or open-drain port (the DQ pin in the case of the DS18B20). In this bus system, the microprocessor (the master device) identifies and addresses devices on the bus using each device’s unique 64-bit code. Because each device has a unique code, the number of devices that can be addressed on one bus is virtually unlimited. The 1-Wire bus protocol, including detailed explanations of the commands and“time slots,” is covered in the 1-WIRE BUS SYSTEM section of this datasheet.Another feature of the DS18B20 is the ability to operate without an external power supply. Power is instead supplied through the 1-Wire pullup resistor via the DQ pin when the bus is high. The high bus signal also charges an internal capacitor (Cpp), which then supplies power to the device when the bus is low. This method of deriving power from the 1-Wire bus is referred to as “parasite power.” As an alternative, the DS18B20 may also be powered by an external supply on VDD.OPERATION — MEASURING TEMPERATUREThe core functionality of the DS18B20 is its direct-to-digital temperature sensor. The resolution of the temperature sensor is user-configurable to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits, corresponding to increments of 0.5℃, 0.25℃, 0.125℃, and 0.0625℃, respectively. The default resolution at power-up is 12-bit. The DS18B20 powers-up in a low-power idle state; to initiate a temperature measurement and A-to-D conversion, the master must issue a Convert T [44h] command. Following the conversion, the resulting thermal data is stored in the 2-byte temperature register in the scratchpad memory and the DS18B20 returns to its idle state. If the DS18B20 is powered by an external supply, the master can issue “read time slots” (see the 1- WIRE BUS SYSTEM section) after the Convert T command and the DS18B20 will respond by transmitting 0 while the temperature conversion is in progress and 1 when the conversion is done. If the DS18B20 is powered with parasite power, this notification technique cannot be used since the bus must be pulled high by a strong pullup during the entire temperature conversion. The bus requirements for parasite power are explained in detail in the POWERING THE DS18B20 section of this datasheet.POWERING THE DS18B20The DS18B20 can be powered by an external supply on the VDD pin, or it can operate in “parasite power”mode, which allows the DS18B20 to function without a local external supply. Parasite power is very useful for applications that require remote temperature sensing or that are very space constrained. Figure 1 shows the DS18B20’s parasite-power control circuitry, which “steals” power from the 1-Wire bus via the DQ pin when the bus is high. The stolen charge powers the DS18B20 while the bus is high, and some of the charge is stored on the parasite power capacitor (CPP) to provide power when the bus is low. When the DS18B20 is used in parasite power mode, the VDD pin must be connected to ground. In parasite power mode, the 1-Wire bus and CPP can provide sufficient current to the DS18B20 for most operations as long as the specified timing and voltage requirements are met (refer to the DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS and the AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS sections of this data sheet). However, when the DS18B20 is performing temperature conversions or copying data from the scratchpad memory to EEPROM, the operating current can be as high as 1.5mA. This current can cause an unacceptable voltage drop across the weak 1-Wire pullup resistor and is more current than can be supplied by CPP. To assure that the DS18B20 has sufficient supply current, it is necessary to provide a strong pullup on the 1-Wire bus whenever temperature conversions are taking place or data is being copied from the scratchpad to EEPROM. This can be accomplished by using a MOSFET to pull thebus directly to the rail as shown in Figure 4. The 1-Wire bus must be switched to the strong pullup within 10μs(max) after a Convert T [44h] or Copy Scratchpad [48h] command is issued, and the bus must be held high by the pullup for the duration of the conversion (tconv) or data transfer (twr = 10ms). No other activity can take place on the 1-Wire bus while the pullup is enabled.The DS18B20 can also be powered by the conventional method of connecting an external power supply to the VDD pin, as shown in Figure 5. The advantage of this method is that the MOSFET pullup is not required, and the 1-Wire bus is free to carry other traffic during the temperature conversion time.The use of parasite power is not recommended for temperatures above +100℃ since the DS18B20 may not be able to sustain communications due to the higher leakage currents that can exist at these temperatures. For applications in which such temperatures are likely, it is strongly recommended that the DS18B20 be powered by an external power supply.In some situations the bus master may not know whether the DS18B20s on the bus are parasite powered or powered by external supplies. The master needs this information to determine if the strong bus pullup should be used during temperature conversions. To get this information, the master can issue a Skip ROM [CCh] command followed by a Read Power Supply [B4h] command followed by a “read time slot”. During the read time slot, parasite powered DS18B20s will pull the bus low, and externally powered DS18B20s will let the bus remain high. If the bus is pulled low, the master knows that it must supply the strong pullup on the 1-Wire bus during temperature conversions.MEMORYThe DS18B20’s memory is organized as shown in Figure 7. The memory consists of an SRAM scratchpad with nonvolatile EEPROM storage for the high and low alarm trigger registers (TH and TL) and configuration register. Note that if the DS18B20 alarm function is not used, the TH and TL registers can serve as general-purpose memory. All memory commands are described in detail in the DS18B20 FUNCTION COMMANDS section. Byte 0 and byte 1 of the scratchpad contain the LSB and the MSB of the temperature register, respectively. These bytes are read-only. Bytes 2 and 3 provide access to TH and TL registers. Byte 4 contains the configuration register data, which is explained in detail in the CONFIGURATION REGISTER section of this datasheet. Bytes 5, 6, and 7 are reserved for internal use by the device and cannot be overwritten; these bytes will return all 1s when read.Byte 8 of the scratchpad is read-only and contains the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code for bytes 0 through 7 of the scratchpad. The DS18B20 generates this CRC using the method described in the CRC GENERATION section.Data is written to bytes 2, 3, and 4 of the scratchpad using the Write Scratchpad [4Eh] command; the data must be transmitted to the DS18B20 starting with the least significant bit of byte 2. To verify data integrity, the scratchpad can be read (using the Read Scratchpad [BEh] command) after the data is written. When reading the scratchpad, data is transferred over the 1-Wire bus starting with the leastsignificant bit of byte 0. To transfer the TH, TL and configuration data from the scratchpad to EEPROM, the master must issue the Copy Scratchpad [48h] command. Data in the EEPROM registers is retained when the device is powered down; at power-up the EEPROM data is reloaded into the corresponding scratchpad locations. Data can also be reloaded from EEPROM to the scratchpad at any time using the Recall E2 [B8h] command. The master can issue read time slotsfollowing the Recall E2 command and the DS18B20 will indicate the status of the recall by transmitting 0 while the recall is in progress and 1 when the recall is done.CRC GENERATIONCRC bytes are provided as part of the DS18B20’s 64-bit ROM code and in the 9th byte of the scratchpad memory. The ROM code CRC is calculated from the first 56 bits of the ROM code and is contained in the most significant byte of the ROM. The scratchpad CRC is calculated from the data stored in the scratchpad, and therefore it changes when the data in the scratchpad changes. The CRCs provide the bus master with a method of data validation when data is read from the DS18B20. To verify that data has been read correctly, the bus master must re-calculate the CRC from the received data and then compare this value to either the ROM code CRC (for ROM reads) or to the scratchpad CRC (for scratchpad reads). If the calculated CRC matches the read CRC, the data has been received error free. The comparison of CRC values and the decision to continue with an operation are determined entirely by the bus master. There is no circuitry inside the DS18B20 that prevents a command sequence from proceeding if the DS18B20 CRC (ROM or scratchpad) does not match the value generated by the bus master.The equivalent polynomial function of the CRC (ROM or scratchpad) is:CRC = X8 + X5 + X4 + 1The bus master can re-calculate the CRC and compare it to the CRC values from the DS18B20 using the polynomial generator shown in Figure 9. This circuit consists of a shift register and XOR gates, and the shift register bits are initialized to 0. Starting with the least significant bit of the ROM code or the least significant bit of byte 0 in the scratchpad, one bit at a time should shifted into the shift register. After shifting in the 56th bit from the ROM or the most significant bit of byte 7 from the scratchpad, the polynomial generator will contain the re-calculated CRC. Next, the 8-bit ROM code or scratchpad CRC from the DS18B20 must be shifted into the circuit. At this point, if the re-calculated CRC was correct, the shift register will contain all 0s.HARDWARE CONFIGURATIONThe 1-Wire bus has by definition only a single data line. Each device (master or slave) interfaces to the data line via an open-drain or 3-state port. This allows each device to “release” the data line when the device is not transmitting data so the bus is available for use by another device. The 1-Wire port of the DS18B20 (the DQ pin) is open drain with an internal circuit equivalent to that shown in Figure 10.The 1-Wire bus requires an external pullup resistor of approximately 5kΏ; thus, the idle state for the 1-Wire bus is high. If for any reason a transaction needs to be suspended, the bus MUST be left in the idle state if the transaction is to resume. Infinite recovery time can occur between bits so long as the 1-Wire bus is in the inactive (high) state during the recovery period. If the bus is held low for more than 480μs, all components on the bus will be reset.资料翻译DS18B20可编程分辨率的单总线®数字温度计说明DS18B20 数字温度计提供9-12 位摄氏温度测量而且有一个由高低电平触发的可编程的不因电源消失而改变的报警功能。

恒温·干燥器/恒温恒湿器 drying ovens/humidity chambers送风定温恒温器 forced convection constant temperature ovens惰性气体恒温器 inert gas ovens精密恒温器 precision constant temperature ovens洁净恒温器 clean ovens送风定温干燥器 forced convection constant temperature drying ovens 空气幕送风定温恒温器 forced convection ovens with air curtain定温干燥箱 constant temperature drying ovens角形真空定温干燥器 vacuum drying ovens恒温恒湿器 constant temperature and humidity chambers流水线设备 in-line system for underfill adhesive and encapsulation恒温培养器 constant temperature incubators---可程式低温培养器 low temperature program type incubators低温培养器 low temperature incubators低温稳定性培养器 low temperature stability incubators培养器 incubatorsco2培养器 co2 incubators振荡培养器 shaking incubators冻结干燥器 freeze dryers---冻结干燥器 freeze dryers离心形冻结干燥器 centrifugal freeze dryers灭菌器 sterilizers---干热灭菌器 drying sterilizers高压灭菌器 autoclaves sterilizers低温等离子灭菌器 low temperature plasma sterilizers环形燃烧管灭菌器 loop cinerator纯水制造装置 water purifiers---纯水制造装置 water stills超纯水制造装置 ultra-pure water purifiers简易纯水制造装置 water purifiers超纯水制造装置系统 ultra-pure water purifier system大容量纯水制造装置 water purifiers system洗净器 washers---实验室玻璃器皿清洗机 laboratory glassware washers超声波清洗机 ultrasonic cleaners大型超声波清洗机 aqueous ultrasonic cleaning systems超声波试管清洗机 ultrasonic pipet washers超声波清洗机 ultrasonic cleaners恒温液槽 constant temperature baths---投入式恒温装置 constant temperature devices油槽 oil baths振荡式低温水槽 low constant temperature shaking baths深槽形恒温水槽 constant temperature water baths粘度测定槽 kinematic viscosity baths液压式恒温水槽 constant temperature water baths精密低温恒温水槽 precision low constant temperature water baths低温恒温水槽 low constant temperature water baths试验管加热板 heating blocks冷却液体循环器 cooling liquid circulators冷却水循环器 cooling water circulators便携式冷却器 immersion cooler寒流捕获器 cooling trap冷却水外部循环器 cooling water circulators试验槽 thoughs高温炉 high temperature furnaces heating apparatus---马弗炉 muffle furnaces超高温电气炉 ultra-high temperature electric furnaces高温电气炉 high temperature electric furnaces真空气体置换炉 gas replacement vacuum furnaces造粒干燥装置 granulating and drying apparatus for wet powder body and liquid--- 喷雾干燥器 spray dryer有机溶剂喷雾干燥器 spray dryer生产线喷雾干燥器 spray dryer for product line浓缩器 evaporators---旋转蒸发仪 rotary evaporators溶媒回收装置 solvent recovery unit乳化·搅拌·振荡器 homogenizers, stirrers, shakers---磁力搅拌器 magnetic stirrers加热板 hot plates振荡器 shakers送液·减压·加压装置 aspirators, pumps, compressors搅拌器 stirrers实验室自动乳钵 laboratory mill/universal ball mill粉碎器 cutting millsyamato电子厂关连仪器 electronics facilities related devices等离子装置 low temperature ashers, cleaners, etchers气体等离子蚀刻机gas plasma etcher “plasma reactor”气体等离子清洗机 gas plasma dry cleaner气体等离子灰化机 gas plasma asher半导体基板自动机器 automatic machine电子半导体/材料关连仪器 electronics facilities related devices桌上小型探测显微镜 desk-top small probe microscope “nanopics”半导体制造用检查装置 yield management for semiconductor ptoducts非破坏评价解析装置 nondestructive testing system紫外线洗净·改质装置 ultra-violet curing system尘埃计数器 particle counters风速计 anemometers去静电风机、风幕及静电测定计 auto balanced over head ion blower。

Thermometer-to-Binary Decoders for FlashAnalog-to-Digital ConvertersAbstract:Decoders for low power, high-speed flash ADCs are investigated. The sensitivity to bubble errors of the ROM decoder with error correction, ones-counter, 4-level folded Wallace-tree, and multiplexer-based decoder are simulated. The ones-counter and multiplexer-based decoder,corresponding to the error insensitive and hardware efficient cases, are implemented in a 130 nm CMOS SOI technology. Measurements yield an ENOB of about 4.1 bit for both, and energy consumption of 80 pJ and 60 pJ, for the respective decoders. Hence we conclude that the MUX-based decoder seems to be a good choice with respect to area, efficiency, and speed.Key words: Thermometer-to-Binary flash ADCs ConvertersI. INTRODUCTIONApplications like ultra-wideband radio and the read channel in hard disk drives generally require high-speed analog-to-digital conversion with resolution four to six bits. These requirements are commonly satisfied by the flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC) architecture [1] that converts the analog input to a binary outputN parallel comparators, where N is the number of bits in with a single stage of 12the output, followed by a digital decoder. The comparators compare the input with the quantization levels from a set of reference voltages generated by a resistive ladder and produce a logical output depending on the outcome of the comparison. The output pattern from this stage corresponds to thermometer code and is subsequently translated to binary code by the digital decoder, i.e. the thermometer-to-binary decoder. For a low speed converter the input to the decoder is indeed a perfect thermometer code, but for high speed there may be some erroneous bits in the thermometer code, so called bubbles [2]. The bubbles are due to a number of sources [3], e.g., metastability, offset, crosstalk, and bandwidth limitations of the comparators, uncertainty in the effective sampling instant, etc. Hence the decoder must be able to perform well even in the presence of the bubble errors in a high-speed converter.Including requirements on power consumption and throughput, we see that the decoder must be paid significant consideration and trade-off in the design of a high-speed converter. In this work we focus on the design of decoders for low-power, high-speed six-bit ADCs. The work is a part of a larger project where the overall aim is to develop design techniques for implementation of high-performance analog circuits in CMOS silicon-on-insulator technology. We have investigated four types of thermometer-to-binarydecoders presented in Sec. II, through behavioral level simulations of the sensitivity to bubble errors presented in Sec. III, from which we have chosen two decoders that have been implemented in a 130 nm CMOS SOI technology. The measurement results are presented in Sec. IV and the conclusions are given in Sec. V.II. DECODERSFour different types of thermometer-to-binary decoders are presented. Two of them, the ROM and folded Wallace tree decoder,are only studied on behavioral level. The ones-counter decoder and the MUX-based decoder have also been implemented in two flash ADCs in a CMOS silicon-on-insulator technology. The corresponding results are thereby based on transistor level simulation results and measurements.A. ROMA common and straightforward approach to encode the thermometer code is to use a gray or binary-encoded ROM. The appropriate row m in the gray encoded ROM is selected by using a row decoder that has the output of comparator m and the inverse of comparator m + 1 as inputs. The output m of the row decoder, connected to memory row m, is high if the output of comparator m is high and the output of comparator m + 1 is low. The row decoder can be realized by, e.g., a number of 2-input NAND gates, where one input to each NAND gate is inverted. This type of row decoder selects multiple rows if a bubble error occurs, which introduces large errors in the output of the decoder [3], [4]. Considering single bubble errors only, these errors can be corrected by using 3-input NAND gates, as shown in Fig. 1. The 3-input NAND gates remove all bubble errors if they are separated by at least three bits in the thermometer scale. The main advantage of the ROM decoder approach isits regular structure that is straightforward to design. A disadvantage is that more bubble errors are introduced as the conversion speed increases and a more advanced bubble error correction scheme is required. As the complexity of the bubble error correction circuit increases, its propagation delay does in general also increase. The longer propagation delay reduces the maximum sampling rate of the overall decoder if not pipelining is applied. The increased complexity of the circuit consumes more chip area and will likely consume more power [5], [6].Figure 1Another bubble error suppression technique is the butterfly sorting technique presented in [7]. Applying this technique the bubbles are propagated upwards in the thermometer scale until the thermometer code is free from bubbles. Then the ROM decoder is used to encode the bubble-free thermometer code to binary code. In [7] the butterfly sorter only has eight levels. Bubbles further away from the transition level than eight positions cannot be removed. To guarantee that no bubbles will be present in the thermometer output code the depth of the butterfly sorter must be equal to the number of comparators, i.e.,12 N .B. Ones-CounterThe output of a thermometer-to-binary decoder is the number of ones on the input represented in, e.g., gray or binary code. Hence a circuit counting the number of ones in the thermometer code, i.e., a ones-counter, can be used as the decoder [8].The use of a ones-counter gives global bubble error suppression [3], [6], [8]. Another benefit of the approach is that a suitable ones-counter topology may be selected by trading speed for power. From this tradeoff the Wallace tree topology [9], illustrated in Fig. 2, is a good candidate as a decoder for high-speed converters [3], [6], [10].Figure 2In this work we use a tree of full adders (FAs) that reduce the 63 inputs to 10 outputs, as illustrated by Fig. 3. The different signal paths through the decoder are matched, i.e., each signal passes through the same number of full adders, where each input has approximately the same propagation delay to the output. The propagation delay of the signals through the decoder should thereby be approximately the same for all signals. The decoding of the 10 outputs to the binary value is done using MATLAB. The depth of the tree is thereby limited to six levels in the hardware implementation presented in the next section, which enables the ADC to operate at higher speed. In an improved design the complete decoding to a binary output can be accomplishedonchip by introducing pipelining in the decoder. Further optimization of the sizing of each FA can also improve the performance to some degree.C. Folded Wallace TreeFigure 3In a folded flash ADC, the idea is to reduce the amount of hardware by using the same comparator for different reference voltages [11]. This is the idea of the folded Wallace tree decoder shown in Fig. 4 [6]. The size of the Wallace tree and the delay depend on the number of bits that are added, i.e. the width of the base of the tree. The idea is to split the output of the comparators into different intervals. They are multiplexed to a reduced Wallace tree decoder, which is smaller compared with the full one [3]. A full adder may be realized from three 2:1 multiplexers with two multiplexers in the critical path.D. MUX-BasedThe multiplexer-based decoder consists entirely of multiplexers, as illustrated in Fig. 5, where N = 4 bit. It requires less hardware and has a shorter critical path than a ones-counter decoder [3], [5]. In addition it gives bubble error suppression, although the suppression is slightly lower than for a ones-counter decoder [5]. Another advantage of the multiplexer-based decoder is the more regular structure than, e.g., the ones-counter decoder. This is a major benefit in the layout of the circuit. Themultiplexers used in this work are based on transmission gates. An inverter is used as a buffer in each transmission gate multiplexer.Figure 4III. B EHA VIORAL LEVEL SIMULATIONThe effect of the chosen decoder topology on the ADC performance was evaluated by behavioral level simulations for the four different architectures. The timing difference ∆t between the clock signal and the input signal to each compar ator was modeled by a Gaussian distribution, according to ),0(~t N t σ∆。

1 集成智能传感器到过程线同时广泛推行的智能红外传感器是新的,红外测温已成功地应用于过程监测和控制几十年了。
带有双向RS - 485接口或RS - 232通信功能的智能模型简化了融入过程控制系统的过程。

快递进出口常用物品名称翻译编码中文外文GSZL CD-公司资料CD-office dataZJ CPU组件CPU unitJTDL IC-积体电路integrated circuit FGEJT LED-发光二积体light emitting diode DZB PCB-电子板printed circuit boardG PVC管PVC tubeX T恤T-shirtAQM 安全帽HelmetBS 扳手spannerBG 半钢Semi-steelBZZ 包装纸Paper Packing MaterialsBP 薄片laminatesBJQC 保健器材Health EquipmentBJ 杯架glass rackBZ 杯子cupBD1 被单bedsheetBD0 绷带BandageB 泵pumpBM 便帽CapBYQ 变压器transformerBXG 不锈钢Stainless SteelBD 布带Fabric LaceBLBQ 布料标签Fabric LableCSQB 彩色铅笔Colour PencilCJ0 餐巾napkinCG 槽钢ChannelCZ0 叉子forkCJ 茶具tea setCPML 产品目录CataloguesCTW 长统袜StockingsCS 衬衫ShirtCLSB 齿轮设备dental equipmentCZ 尺子RulerCSJ 抽水机water pumpCQ 瓷器porcelainDKJ 打孔机Hole PuncherDTZ 大头针PinsDCPJ 单车配件bicycle accessoriesDH 弹簧springD 刀knifeDS0 灯丝filamentDB 地板floor tilesDT 地毯carpetDC 电池celfone batteryDDP 电灯泡light bulbsDDJ 电动机electric motorDGYJ 电工用具electric toolsDHPJ 电话配件phone accessoriesDJPJ 电机配件electric partsDL 电缆electric cablesDQ 电器electric applianceDRQ 电容器capacitorDS 电扇electric fanDX 电线electric wireDZCPBJ 电子产品部件electronics component DZG 电子管electron tubeDZPJ 电子配件electronics partDZSB 电子设备electronics equipmentDZQ 电阻器resistorsDYG 钓鱼杆fishing rodDYG0 钓鱼钩fishing hookDZ 碟子platesDSJ 钉书机StaplerDZ0 钉子nailsDW 短袜SocksEJ 耳机headphoneEJG 二极管diodesFZH 肥皂盒soap dishFRJPJ 缝纫机配件sewing machine partFZ 服装GarmentGDC 干电池dry cellGB 钢笔PenGS 钢丝Steel WireGZ 钢钻drillGSYZ 公司印章Company StampGJ 挂件、垂饰PendantHM 海绵FoamHCP 合成皮Synthetic LeatherHG 壶锅potHW 护腕Wrist BandHB 花边Fabric LaceJPJ 机配件machinery partsJX 机械machineryJXBJ 机械部件mechanical partsJSQ 计算器CalculatorJDQ 继电器relaysJK 夹克JacketJD 剪刀ScissorsJZQ 减震器snubberJP0 键盘keyboardJD0 胶带Adhesive TapeJT 胶贴StickersJL 铰链hingesJ 脚镯BangleJZ 戒指RingJSD 金属段Metal Segment JSG 金属杆Metal RodJSHZ 金属盒子Metal Box JSPZ 金属盘子Metal Plates JSZP 金属制品Metal Product JSTS 紧身套衫Sweater JZBL 晶质玻璃CrystalJK0 镜框FramesJP 镜片LensJZ0 镜子mirrorJZ1 锯子sawKG 开关switchKZ 裤子TrousersKZ0 筷子chopstickLL 拉链ZipperLJQ 连接器connectorLP 脸盆wash basinLK 链扣Cuff-linkLX 凉鞋SandalsLYQ 淋浴器shower hose LYQT 淋浴器头shower head LD 领带Neck TiesLDJ 领带夹Tie PinLZ 领子CollarsLT 龙头tapLZP 铝制品Aluminium Product LM 螺帽nutsLS 螺丝nutsLSD 螺丝刀screw driver LXQ 螺旋钳screw clampMT 马桶toilet bowlMKF 麦克风microphone MGZ 毛公仔Stuffed ToysMJ 毛巾TowelMXS 毛线衫SweaterMZ 帽子HatMZ1 帽子1 Head Cap1MB 门把door handleMS 门锁door lockM 棉CottonMMS 棉毛衫SweatshirtMZ0 面罩Face MaskMB0 模板moldboardMXZ 木箱子Wooden BoxMZP 木制品wood productNY 内衣Underware / BriefsNK 纽扣ButtonNSKDDWT 女士宽大短外套Blouse NYSTB 女用手提包Ladies Hand Bag P 皮LeatherPD 皮带Leather BeltPX 皮鞋Leather ShoesPDG 平底锅panQCLJ 汽车零件auto spare parts QCPJ 汽车配件auto accessories QDB 汽动泵steam-pumpQB0 铅笔PencilQBH 铅笔盒Pencil BoxQB 钱包WalletQZ 裙子SkirtRZZW 人造织物Synthetic Fabric SRQ 散热器radiatorSK 色卡Fabric Colour SwatchSZ0 砂纸sand paperS 纱YarnSZ 勺子spoonSG 生钢Pig IronSGMB 石膏木板gypsum boardST0 石头stoneSGGJ 手工工具hand held tools SJPJ 手机配件celfone accessories SSYST 手术用手套Surgical Glove ST 手套GlovesSTXLX 手提行李箱Hand Luggage S1 手镯BraceletSSH 首饰盒Jewellery BoxS2 书BookSB 鼠标mouseSZ1 刷子brushSZP 丝制品SilkSJRG 塑胶软管plastic hoseSLBZCL 塑料包装材料Plastic Packing Materials SLD 塑料带Plastic WaresSLZP 塑料制品Plastic ProductTQ 陶器ceramicT 铁Iron WorkTD0 铁钉nailsTSW 铁丝网Wire MeshTD 头带Head BandTB 拖把swab / mopTX 拖鞋SlippersWTFY 外套/风衣CoatWJ0 玩具ToysWJMD 玩具马达toy motorW0 碗bowlW 网netWJ 围巾ScarfWDJ 温度计ThermometerWJJ 文件夹FilesWX 文胸BraWJ1 五金hardwaresXZ 西装SuitXDC 洗涤槽sinkXYJ 洗衣机washerXSQ 显示器monitorX0 线ThreadXL 项链NecklaceXPC 橡皮擦EraserXPST 橡皮手套Rubber GloveXQB 小钱包PurseXZD 小折刀PenknivesXD 鞋带Shoes LaceXD0 鞋底SolesXF 信封EnvelopeXLX 行李箱LuggageXZ0 胸针、饰针BroochXK 袖口CuffsYJ 眼镜Eye GlassesYSQPJ 扬声器配件speaker partYD 腰带BeltYFJ 衣附件Clothing AccessoriesYSP 印刷品Printed MaterialsYYJLJ 影印机零件copy machine accessoriesYQSZ 油漆刷子paint brushYJ0 渔具fishing accessoryYS 雨伞umbrellaYY 雨衣RaincoatYMD 羽毛掸feather dusterYZB 圆珠笔Ball PenYDX 运动鞋Sport ShoesZZ 杂志MagazinesZMSB 照明设备lightingsZ0 针NeedlesZZBL 针织布料Knitted FabricZZJPJ 针织机配件knitting machine part ZTT 枕头套pillow caseZ 纸Paper MaterialsZHZ 纸盒子Paper CartonZZXL 珠子项链BeadsZZ0 竹子bambooZLSB 自来水笔Fountain Pen。

Thermometer 温度计英[θəˈmɒmɪtə(r)] 美[θɚˈmɑmɪtɚ]junction box/ terminal box 接线盒Protecting tube 保护管英[tju:b] 美[tub,tjub]Thermocouple Thermometer热电偶温度计英[ˈθə:məuˌkʌpl θəˈmɔmitə] 美[ˈθɚməˌkʌpəl θɚˈmɑmɪtɚ]Resistance thermometer 热电阻温度计英[riˈzistəns θəˈmɔmitə] 美[rɪˈzɪstəns θɚˈmɑmɪtɚ](Integrated) temperature transmitter (一体化)温度变送器英[ˈɪntɪgreɪtɪd ˈtempəritʃətrænzˈmitə] 美[ˈɪntɪɡretɪd ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr trænsˈmɪtɚ] Flanged法兰连接[flændʒ] 美[flændʒ]Weleded 焊接英[weld] 美[wɛld]Threaded 螺纹连接英[ˈθredɪd]Bimetallic thermometer 双金属温度计英[ˌbaimiˈtælik θəˈmɔmitə] 美[ˌbaɪməˈtælɪk θɚˈmɑmɪtɚ]Capillary tubing 毛细管英[ˈkæpəˌleri: ˈtju:biŋ] 美[ˈkæpəˌlɛri ˈtubɪŋ]fluid介质英['flu:ɪd] 美[ˈfluɪd]Scale/Dial 刻度盘Male thread 外螺纹(M)Female thread 内螺纹(F)Displacer 浮筒英[dɪsp'leɪsər]美[dɪsp'leɪsər]Float 浮球Orifice 孔板英['ɒrɪfɪs] 美[ˈɔrəfɪs, ˈɑr-]Filter regulator 过滤器减压阀英['fɪltə(r) ˈregjuleɪtə(r) ] 美[ˈfɪltɚˈrɛɡjəˌletɚ ] Control valve 控制阀(调节阀)英[kənˈtrəul vælv] 美[kənˈtrol vælv]Body 壳体Switch开关英[swɪtʃ] 美[swɪtʃ]Diaphragm膜片英[ˈdaɪəfræm] 美[ˈdaɪəˌfræm]Capsule pressure gauge膜盒压力表英['kæpsju:l 'preʃə(r) ɡeɪdʒ]美[ˈkæpsulˈprɛʃɚɡedʒ] Pressure tap取压口英[tæp] 美[tæp]Piston活塞英['pɪstən] 美[ˈpɪstən]Process connector工艺连接英[prə'ses kəˈnektə(r)] 美[ˈprɑsˌɛs, ˈproˌsɛs kəˈnektər]Electric connector电气连接英[ɪˈlektrɪk kəˈnektə(r)] 美[ɪˈlɛktrɪk kəˈnektər]Pressure transmitter 压力变送器英['preʃə(r) trænzˈmitə] 美[ˈprɛʃɚtrænsˈmɪtɚ] Radar level meter雷达液位计英['reɪdɑ:(r) 'levl 'mi:tə(r)] 美[ˈredɑrˈlɛvəl ˈmitɚ]Detector检测器Temperature sensor 温度传感器mass flow meter 质量流量计英[mæs fləu ˈmi:tə] 美[mæs flo ˈmitɚ]Cable电缆英['keɪbl] 美[ˈkebəl]Primary flow element 一次测量元件英['praɪmərɪ fləu 'elɪmənt ] 美[ˈpraɪˌmɛri, -məri flo ˈɛləmənt ]Flow direction流向英[fləu 'elɪmənt də'rekʃn] 美[flo dɪˈrɛkʃən, daɪ- ]Venturi tube文丘里管英[ven'tʊərɪ tju:b]美[ven'tʊri:tub,tjub]Upstream tap上游取压口Downstream tap下游取压口英[ˌdaʊn'stri:m] 美[ˈdaʊnˌstrim]Difference pressure transmitter for flow measurement流量测量用差压变送器英['dɪfrəns 'meʒəmənt] 美[ˈdɪfərəns, ˈdɪfrəns ˈmɛʒəmənt]Flange taps法兰取压法Radius taps (throat taps)径距取压法英['reɪdɪəs] 美[ˈrediəs]Corner taps角接取压法Purge system吹洗系统英[pɜ:dʒ] 美[pɚdʒ]Sealing system隔离系统英[ˈsi:lɪŋ]美[ˈsilɪŋ]valve manifolds阀组英['mænɪfəʊld] 美[ˈmænəˌfold]Level gauge液位计Shut-off valve切断阀Zirconium dioxide oxygen analyzer 氧化锆分析仪英[zɜ:ˈkəʊniəm daɪˈɒksaɪd 'ɒksɪdʒən 'ænəˌlaɪzə]美[zɚˈkoniəm daɪˈɑksaɪdˈɑksɪdʒən 'ænəˌlaɪzə]PH analyzer PH分析仪Bonnet上阀盖英['bɒnɪt] 美[ˈbɑnɪt]packing填料英[ˈpækɪŋ]美[ˈpækɪŋ]Plug阀芯英[plʌɡ] 美[plʌɡ]Body阀体英['bɒdɪ] 美[ˈbɑdi]Seat ring阀座英[si:t riŋ]美[sit rɪŋ]Cylinder汽缸英['sɪlɪndə(r)] 美[ˈsɪləndɚ]Poston活塞英['pɪstən] 美[ˈpɪstən]Diaphragm 薄膜英[ˈdaɪəfræm] 美[ˈdaɪəˌfræm]Pneumatic actuator 气动执行机构英[nju:ˈmætɪk 'æktʃʊeɪtə] 美[nuˈmætɪk,nju- 'æktʃʊˌeɪtə] Direct acting正作用英[də'rekt] 美[dɪˈrɛkt, daɪ-]Reverse acting反作用英[rɪ'vɜ:s] 美[rɪˈvɚs]Air connection气信号接口Angle control valve角型控制阀英['æŋɡl]美[ˈæŋɡəl]Butterfly valve蝶阀英['bʌtəflaɪ] 美[ˈbʌtɚˌflaɪ]Ball valve球阀Self-operated regulator自力式调节阀Solenoid valve电磁阀英[ˈsɒlənɔɪd] 美[ˈsoləˌnɔɪd]I/P positioner电/气阀门定位器英[pə'zɪʃənə] 美[pə'zɪʃənə]Limit switch 限位开关Position transmitter阀位变送器Travel阀开度英[ˈtrævl]美[ˈtrævəl]Safety barrier 安全栅英[ˈseifti ˈbæriə] 美[ˈsefti ˈbæriɚ]2-wire 4/20mA transmitter两线制4/20 mA变送器英['waɪə(r)] 美[waɪr]Annunciator 报警器英[ə'nʌnsɪeɪtə(r)] 美[ə'nʌnsɪeɪtər]Signal cable信号电缆英[ˈsiɡnəl ˈkeibl]美[ˈsɪɡnəl ˈkebəl]RS232 interface RS232接口英['ɪntəfeɪs] 美[ˈɪntɚˌfes]Fieldbus interface 现场总线接口Automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统英[ˌɔ:təˈmætik ˈfaiəəˈlɑ:m ˈsistəm] 美[ˌɔtəˈmætɪk faɪr əˈlɑrm ˈsɪstəm]Manual call point手动报警按钮英[ˈmænjuəl] 美[ˈmænjuəl]Alternating current power supply 交流电源英['ɔ:ltɜ:nət 'kʌrənt 'paʊə(r) sə'plaɪ] 美[ˈɔltərˌneɪt ˈkɚrənt, ˈkʌr- ˈpaʊɚ səˈplaɪ] Distributed control system 分散控制系统Ethernet以太网[ˈi:θəˌnet]Operator /engineering station 操作站/工程师站英['ɒpəreɪtə(r) ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ 'steɪʃn] 美[ˈɑpəˌretɚˌɛndʒəˈnɪrɪŋˈsteʃən] fieldbus interface modules现场总线接口模块英['mɒdʒʊlz] 美['mɒdʒʊlz]Redundant冗余英[rɪˈdʌndənt] 美[rɪˈdʌndənt]Programmable logic controller 可编程控制器英['lɒdʒɪk] 美[ˈlɑdʒɪk]Communication module 通信模块I/O module I/O模块Power module电源模块Instrument panel仪表盘英[ˈinstrumənt ˈpænəl] 美[ˈɪnstrəmənt ˈpænəl]。
KIRAY 200 红外温度计说明书

*Accuracy for an ambient temperature from 18 to 28 °C (with a relative humidity lower than 80% RH)Infrared thermometer KIRAY 200 is an infrared thermometer used to diagnose, inspect and check any temperature. Thanks to its elaborated optical system, it allows an easy and accurate measurement of little distant targets. KIRAY 200 instrument has an internal memory which can save up to 20 measurements.Technical specificationsDistance from targetMake sure that the target is larger than the size of the laser sighting.Thermocouple K probe featuresSupplied with thermocouple K probeModes flow chartDescription 123452345678 1 - LCD backlighted display 2 - Up button3 - Laser and backlight button4 - Down button5 - Mode button234523456782 - IR sensor (infrared)3 - Trigger4 - Set technical Unit (°C/°F)5 - Set continuousmeasurement (On/Off)6 - Set alarm (On/Off)7 - Battery compartment 8 - External probe inputKiray 200 buttons1 – Up button: It allows to increment emissivity and high/low alarm thresholds and to move to the next recorded value.2 – Set button: It allows to activate or deactivate laser and display backlight. It allows also to record a temperature.alarm, low alarm, TK value and recorded values).thresholds and to move to the previous recorded value.1342Display1 – Continuous measurement indicator2 – Technical unit (°C / °F)3 – Low battery indicator4 – Low alarm symbol5 – MAX, MIN, DIF (difference between MAX and MIN values), AVG (average), HAL (high alarm), LAL (low alarm), TK (TK temperature) and LOG (recorded value)6 – High alarm symbol7 – EMS, MAX, MIN, DIF , AVG, HAL, LAL, TK and LOG indicator 8 – Temperature value9 – Current measurement indicator10 – HOLD indicator (fixed measurement)11 – Emissivity value12 – Laser in operation indicatorSettings before measurementBefore measuring temperature, it is recommended to make some settings:- Set technical unit (°C or °F)- Set the continuous measurement (On or Off)- Set the alarm (On or Off)To set these 3 parameters, open the battery door by pushing on both sides of the trigger. It is not necessary to disconnect the battery to make thesesettings.Command buttons Operating mode• Press ENT trigger to turn on the instrument. The backlightedscreen, indicating the temperature, and the laser turn on.• Keep ENT pressed. Place the laser sighting at the center of the area to be measured.• Release ENT .• Read the displayed temperature. (The display stays on for 7 seconds after the last manipulation).• HOLD appears at the top left of the screen; measurement stays displayed.• The KIRA Y200 instrument keeps in memory the last function used. Mode buttonAllows to define the required measurement: Max, Min, AVG, DIF , etc. pressing as many times on this button.• EMS: when KIRA Y 200 instrument is turned on, press MODE button until EMS appears at the bottom left of the screen. Set emissivity by pressing on UP button to increment it or DOWN button to decrement it. By default, the emissivity is set to 0.95.• MIN ou MAX: select the Min or Max. temperature. During a measurement period, keep ENT pressed: the KIRA Y 200 instrument displays the temperature of the area sighted by the laser . Press MODE button until MAX or MIN is displayed at the bottom of the screen. These values relate to thetemperatures taken by the instrument and the thermocouple probe.• DIF: during a measurement period, press MODE button until DIF appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the difference between MAX value and MIN value.• AVG: during a measurement period, press MODE button until AVG appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the average temperature calculated during a measurement period.• HAL: when KIRA Y 200 instrument is turned on, press MODE button until HAL appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the alarm of high temperature. Set this alarm by incrementing it with up button or by decrementing it with down button.• LAL: when KIRA Y 200 instrument is turned on, press MODE button until LAL appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the alarm of low temperature. Set this alarm by incrementing it with up button or by decrementing it with down button.Set technical unit (°C or °F)Set the selector unit to °C or °F with a screwdriver.Set the continuous measurementThis setting allows to let the Kiray 200 instrument in measurement. It does not shut off after 7 seconds.Set the selector on On (continuous measurement is active) or on Off (continuous measurement is inactive) with a screwdriver .Set the alarmThis setting allows to activate or deactivate high and low alarm.Set the selector on On (alarms are active) or on Off (alarms areinactive) with a screwdriver.UnitLockAlarmTrigger• Turning on the device.• ENT pressed: activation of the laser sighting andtemperature measurement.• ENT released: display is on HOLD (HOLD fixed), and give the last measurement. Display stays on for 7 seconds. If no buttons are activated and continuous measurement is inactive, the instrument turns off after 7 seconds.Alarms must be activated (see paragraphSettings before measurement)• TK: when KIRAY 200 instrument is turned on, pressMODE button until TK appears at the bottom left of the screen. The displayed value corresponds to the measured temperature by the K thermocouple probe.• LOG: when KIRAY 200 instrument is turned on, press MODE button until LOG appears at the bottom left of the screen.Next to LOG, a number between 1 and 20 also appears ; it corresponds to LOG location. If no temperature has been recorded in the shown LOG location, 4 dashes will appear in the lower right corner. To record a temperature, you have to be on LOG mode, then choose an empty LOG location (---- visible) and press SET button during the measurement or when the measurement is fixed (HOLD). From this mode, you can also clear all the recorded temperatures: press and keep the trigger pressed and press down button at the same time until reaching the zero recording, then press SET button while keeping ENT pressed.A beep is emitted by KIRAY 200 instrument and the LOG location moves automatically to 1, signifying that all data have been cleared.N T a n g – K I R A Y 200 – 29/10/18 – D o c u m e n t n o n c o n t r a c t u e l – N o n -c o n t r a c t u a l d o c u m e n t – W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f o u r p r o d u c t s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e.MaintenanceTo install or change the 9V battery, open the part near the trigger and put it in the battery compartment.Accessories• Case holster with passer-by belt • User manual• K thermocouple probeImportant informationFor correct measurements:• Do not take any measurement on metal or shiny or reflective surfaces.• Do not measure through transparent surfaces such as glass, for example.• Water vapor, dust, smoke, etc... may prevent correct measurements because they obstruct the optical of the instrument.• Make sure that the target is larger than the size of the laser sighting.To avoid any inconvenience:• Do not aim directly or indirectly (reflection on reflective surfaces) the laser in the eyes.• Change the batteries when the indicator blinks.• Do not use the thermometer around explosive gas, vapor or dust• Do not leave the device with the lock on (lock at the top right of the screen) because in this configuration, the instrument does not turn off automatically.To prevent damage on your instrument or equipmentplease carefully respect these conditions:CE certificationThis device meets with following standards’ requirements:EN 61326-1: 2013 and EN 61326-2: 2013EmissivityEmissivity is a term used to describe the energy-emitting characteristics of materials.Most (90% of typical applications) organic materials and painted or oxidized surfaces have an emissivity of 0.95 (pre-set in the unit).Inaccurate readings will result from measuring shiny or polished metal surfaces.To compensate; cover the surface to be measured with masking tape or flat black paint.Allow time for the tape to reach the same temperature as the material underneath it.Measure the temperature of the tape or painted surface.See table below for values of emissivity of specificmaterials:Infrared thermometer, how does it work?Infrared thermometers can measure the surface temperature of an object. Its optic lens catches theenergy emitted and reflected by the object. This energy is collected and focused onto a detector. This information is displayed as temperature. The laser pointer is only usedto aim at the target.。

关键词:玻璃管温度计、干湿球温度计、热电偶温度计The use of common thermometer(xxx)Abstract: A thermometer, a thermometer, can accurately judge and measure the temperature, is an important tool for measuring thermal experiment. The influence of the temperature and the thermal expansion and contraction of the phenomenon as the basis for the design of the solid, liquid, gas. Kerosene thermometer, alcohol thermometer, mercury thermometer, gas thermometer, resistance thermometer, thermocouple thermometer, thermometer and optical thermometer, double metal thermometer, thermometer for our choice, but attention should be paid to the correct use of the method, to understand the characteristics of temperature measuring instrument, the. This paper introduces three kinds of commonly used thermal experiment thermometer.Key word:Glass thermometer, wet and dry bulb thermometer, thermocouple thermometer引言:根据使用目的的不同,已设计制造出多种温度计。

图1 DS18B20的结构框图3、DS18B20的各个ROM命令(1)Search ROM[0F0H]当一个系统初次启动时,总线控制器可能并不知道单总线上有多少器件或它们的64位ROM编码。
(2)Read ROM [33H]这个命令允许总线控制器读到DS18B20的8位系列编码、唯一的序列号和8位CRC码。
(3) Match ROM [55H]这个是匹配ROM命令,后跟64位ROM序列,让总线控制器在多点总线上定位一只特定的DS18B20。

低温二极管温度计类型英文回答:Cryogenic diode temperature sensors.Cryogenic diode temperature sensors are semiconductor devices that exhibit a change in electrical properties with changes in temperature. They are used to measure temperatures below 120 K, where traditional temperature sensors, such as thermocouples and resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), become inaccurate or unreliable.Cryogenic diode temperature sensors are typically made from silicon, germanium, or gallium arsenide. The semiconductor material is doped with impurities to create a p-n junction. When a voltage is applied to the p-n junction, a current flows through the device. The current is proportional to the temperature of the device.Cryogenic diode temperature sensors have severaladvantages over other types of temperature sensors. They are small and lightweight, making them easy to install in tight spaces. They are also very accurate and reliable, and they have a wide operating temperature range.Cryogenic diode temperature sensors are used in a variety of applications, including:Cryogenic research.Cryogenic medical devices.Cryogenic cooling systems.Superconductivity research.Aerospace applications.中文回答:低温二极管温度计。

外文文献翻译完整版字数4366字(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Hongfei, Xiaoping. Temperature Control System with Multi-closed Loops for Lithography Projection Lens[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2009, 22(2):207-213.中文译文用于光刻投影镜头的多闭环温度控制系统Hongfei , Xiaoping摘要图像质量是光学光刻工具的最重要指标之一,尤其易受温度、振动和投影镜头(PL )污染的影响。
本地温度控制的传统方法更容易引入振动和污染,因此研发多闭环温度控制系统来控制PL 内部温度,并隔离振动和污染的影响。
一个新的远程间接温度控制(RITC )方案,提出了利用冷却水循环完成对PL 的间接温度控制。
嵌入温度控制单元(TCU )的加热器和冷却器用于控制冷却水的温度,并且, TCU 必须远离PL, 以避免震动和污染的影响。
一种包含一个内部级联控制结构(CCS )和一个外部并行串联控制结构(PCCS )的新型多闭环控制结构被用来防止大惯性,多重迟滞,和RITC 系统的多重干扰。
一种非线性比例积分(PI )的算法应用,进一步提高收敛速度和控制过程的精度。
该方法已成功地应用于光学光刻工具,制作了临近尺寸(CD ) 100纳米的模型,其性能令人满意。
关键词:投影镜头,远程间接温度串级控制结构,并行串连控制结构,非线性比例积分(PI )的算法1引言由于集成电路缩小, 更小的临界尺寸(CD ) 要求, 生产过程的控制越来越严格。

附录一:英文技术资料翻译英文原文:Emerg Infect Dis. 2008 August; 14(8): 1255–1258.doi: 10.3201/eid1408.080059PMCID: PMC2600390Cutaneous Infrared Thermometry for Detecting Febrile PatientsPierre Hausfater, Yan Zhao, Stéphanie Defrenne, Pascale Bonnet, and Bruno Riou* Author information Copyright and License informationThis article has been cited by other articles in PMC.AbstractWe assessed the accuracy of cutaneous infrared thermometry, which measures temperature on the forehead, for detecting patients with fever in patients admitted to an emergency department. Although negative predictive value was excellent (0.99), positive predictive value was low (0.10). Therefore, we question mass detection of febrile patients by using this method.Keywords: Fever, mass detection, cutaneous infrared thermometry, infectious diseases, emergency, dispatchRecent efforts to control spread of epidemic infectious diseases have prompted health officials to develop rapid screening processes to detect febrile patients. Such screening may take place at hospital entry, mainly in the emergency department, or at airports to detect travelers with increased body temperatures (1–3). Infrared thermal imaging devices have been proposed as a noncontact and noninvasive method for detecting fever (4–6). However, few studies have assessed their capacity for accurate detection of febrile patients in clinical settings. Therefore, we undertook a prospective study in an emergency department to assess diagnostic accuracy of infrared thermal imaging.The StudyThe study was performed in an emergency department of a large academic hospital (1,800 beds) and was reviewed and approved by our institutional review board (Comitéde Protection des Personnes se Prêtant àla Recherche Biomédicale Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France). Patients admitted to the emergency department were assessed by a trained triage nurse, and several variables were routinely measured, including tympanic temperature by using an infrared tympanic thermometer (Pro4000; Welch Allyn, Skaneateles Falls, NY, USA), systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure, and heart rate.Tympanic temperature was measured twice (once in the left ear and once in the right ear). This temperature was used as a reference because it is routinely used in our emergency department and is an appropriate estimate of central core temperature (7–9). Cutaneous temperature was measured on the forehead by using an infrared thermometer (Raynger MX; Raytek, Berlin, Germany) (Figure 1). Rationale for an infrared thermometer device instead of a larger thermal scanner was that we wanted to test a method (i.e., measurement of forehead cutaneous temperature by using a simple infrared thermometer) and not a specific device. The forehead region was chosen because it is more reliable than the region behind the eyes (5,10). The latter region may not be appropriate for mass screening because one cannot accurately measure temperature through eyeglasses, which are worn by many persons. Outdoor and indoor temperatures were also recorded.Figure 1Measurement of cutaneous temperature with an infrared thermometer. A) The device is placed 20 cm from the forehead. B) As soon as the examiner pulls the trigger, the temperature measured is shown on the display. Used with permission.The main objective of our study was to assess diagnostic accuracy of infrared thermometry for detecting patients with fever, defined as a tympanic temperature >38.0°C. The second objective was to compare measurements of cutaneous temperature and tympanic temperature, with the latter being used as a reference point. Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or percentages and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Comparison of 2 means was performed by using the Student t test, and comparison of 2 proportions was performed by using the Fisher exact method. Bias, precision (in absolute values and percentages), and number of outliers (defined as a difference >1°C) were also recorded. Correlation between 2 variables was assessed by using the least square method. The Bland and Altman method was used to compare 2 sets of measurements, and the limit of agreement was defined as ±2 SDs of the differences (11). We determined the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and calculated the area under the ROC curve and its 95% CI. The ROC curve was used to determine the best threshold for the definition of hyperthermia for cutaneous temperature to predict a tympanic temperature >38°C. We performed multivariate regression analysis to assess variables associated with thedifference between tympanic and infrared measurements. All statistical tests were 2-sided, and a p value <0.05 was required to reject the null hypothesis. Statistical analysis was performed by using Number Cruncher Statistical Systems 2001 software (Statistical Solutions Ltd., Cork, Ireland).A total of 2,026 patients were enrolled in the study: 1,146 (57%) men and 880 (43%) women 46 ± 19 years of age (range 6–103 years); 219 (11%) were >75 years of age, and 62 (3%) had a tympanic temperature >38°C. Mean tympanic temperature was 36.7°C ± 0.6°C (range 33.7°C–40.2°C), and mean cutaneous temperature was 36.7°C ± 1.7°C (range 32.0°C–42.6°C). Mean systolic arterial blood pressure was 130 ± 19 mm Hg, mean diastolic blood pressure was 79 ± 13 mm Hg, and mean heart rate was 86 ± 17 beats/min. Mean indoor temperature was 24.8°C ± 1.1°C (range 20°C–28°C), and mean outdoor temperature was 10.8°C ± 6.8°C (range 0°C–32°C). Reproducibility of infrared measurements was assessed in 256 patients. Bias was 0.04°C ± 0.35°C, precision was 0.22°C ± 0.27°C (i.e., 0.6 ± 0.7%), and percentage of outliers >1°C was 2.3%.Diagnostic performance of cutaneous temperature measurement is shown in Table 1. For the threshold of the definition of tympanic hyperthermia definition used (37.5°C, 38°C, or 38.5°C), sensitivity of cutaneous temperature was lower than that expected and positive predictive value was low. We attempted to determine the best threshold (definition of hyperthermia) by using cutaneous temperature to predict a tympanic temperature >38°C (Figure 2, panel A). Area under the ROC curve was 0.873 (95% CI 0.807–0.917, p<0.001). The best threshold for cutaneous hyperthermia definition was 38.0°C, a condition already assessed in Table 1. Figure 2, panels B and C shows the correlation between cutaneous and tympanic temperature measurements (Bland and Altman diagrams). Correlation between cutaneous and tympanic measurements was poor, and the infrared thermometer underestimated body temperature at low values and overestimated it at high values. Multiple regression analysis showed that 3 variables (tympanic temperature, outdoor temperature, and age) were significantly (p<0.001) and independently correlated with the magnitude of the difference between cutaneous and tympanic measurements (Table 2).Table 1Assessment of diagnostic performance of cutaneous temperature inpredicting increased tympanic temperature*Figure 2A) Comparison of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves showing relationship between sensitivity (true positive) and 1 – specificity (true negative) in determining value of cutaneous temperature for predicting various thresholds of hyperthermia ...Table 2Variables correlated with magnitude of the difference between cutaneous and tympanic temperature measurements*ConclusionsInfrared thermometry does not reliably detect febrile patients because its sensitivity was lower than that expected and the positive predictive value was low, which indicated a high proportion of false-positive results. Ng et al. (5) studied 502 patients, concluded that an infrared thermal imager can appropriately identify febrile patients, and reported a high area under the ROC curve value (0.972), which is similar to the area we found in the present study (0.925). However, such global assessment is of limited value because of low incidence of fever in the population. Rather than looking at positive predictive value or accuracy, one should determine negative predictive value. This determination might be of greater consequence if one considers an air traveler population or a population entering a hospital.Ng et al. (5) identified outdoor temperature as a confounding variable in cutaneous temperature measurement. Our study identified age as a variable that interferes with cutaneous measurement, but the role of gender is less obvious. Older persons showed impaired defense (stability) of core temperatures during cold and heat stresses, and their cutaneous vascular reactivity was reduced (12,13).Use of a simple infrared thermometry, rather than sophisticated imaging, should not be considered a limitation because this method concerns the relationship between cutaneous and central core temperatures. We can extrapolate our results to any devices that estimate cutaneous temperature and the software used to average it. Our study attempted to detect febrile patients, not infected patients. For mass detection of infection, focusing on fever means that nonfebrile patients are not detected. This last point is useful because fever is not a constant phenomenon during an infectious disease, antipyretic drugs may have been taken by patients, and a hypothermic ratherthan hyperthermic reaction may occur during an infectious process.In conclusion, we observed that cutaneous temperature measurement by using infrared thermometry does not provide a reliable basis for screening outpatients who are febrile because the gradient between cutaneous and core temperatures is markedly influenced by patient’s age and environmental characteristics. Mass detection of febrile patients by using this technique cannot be envisaged without accepting a high rate of false-positive results.AcknowledgmentWe thank David Baker for reviewing the manuscript.This study was supported by the Direction Générale de la Santé, Ministère de la Santé et de la Solidarité, Paris, France.Biography• Dr Hausfater is an internal medicine specialist in the emergency department of Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris. His primary research interests are biomarkers of infection and inflammatory and infectious diseases. References1. Kaydos-Daniels SC, Olowokure B, Chang HJ, Barwick RS, Deng JF, Kuo SH, et al. ; SARS International Field Team. Body temperature monitoring and SARS fever hotline. Emerg Infect Dis2004;10:373–6. [PMC free article] [PubMed]2. Chng SY, Chia F, Leong KK, Kwang YPK, Ma S, Lee BW, et al. Mandatory temperature monitoring in schools during SARS. Arch Dis Child 2004;89:738–9. doi: 10.1136/adc.2003.047084. 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毕业论文(设计)文献翻译本翻译源自于:CNKI毕业设计名称:基于单片机的转速温度智能测控系统设计外文翻译名称:DS18B20 温度计学生姓名:蔡信鹏院 (系):电子信息工程学院专业班级:电气10901指导教师:李金辅导教师:李金时间:2013年2月至2013年6月DS18B20 数字温度计Ching Dai著,蔡信鹏译描述DS18B20 数字温度计提供9至12位温度读数,指示器件的温度。
引脚排列引脚说明GND–地DQ –数字输入输出VDD–可选的VDDNC –不连接详细引脚说明综述图1的方框图表示DS18B20的主要部件。
单线总线要求近似等于5 k.单线总线的空闲状态是高电平。
所有ROM操作命令均由8位长,这些命令列表如下:读ROM [33H]此命令允许总线主机读DS18B20的8位产品系列编码,唯一的48位序列号,以及8位的CRC。
符合ROM [55h]符合ROM命令。
如果在总线上存在多于一个得从属器件而且在跳过ROM 命令之后发出读命令,那么由于多个从片同时发送数据,会在总线上发生数据冲突搜索ROM[F0h]当系统开始工作时,总线主机可能不知道单线总线上的器件个数或者不知道其64位ROM编码。
四个器件的ROM数据如下所示:ROM1 00110101…ROM2 10101010…ROM3 11110101…ROM4 00010001…搜索过程如下:1.总线主机通过发出复位脉冲开始初始化序列,从属器件通过发出同时的存在脉冲作出响应。
DS18B20 Digital ThermometerChing DaiDESCRIPTIONThe DS18B20 Digital Thermometer provides 9 to 12-bit (configurable) temperature readings which indicate the temperature of the device.Information is sent to/from the DS18B20 over a 1-Wire interface, so that only one wire (and ground) needs to be connected from a central microprocessor to a DS18B20. Power for reading, writing, and performing temperature conversions can be derived from the data line itself with no need for an external power source.Because each DS18B20 contains a unique silicon serial number, multiple DS18B20s can exist on the same 1-Wire bus. This allows for placing temperature sensors in many different places. Applications where this feature is useful include HV AC environmental controls, sensing temperatures inside buildings, equipment or machinery, and process monitoring and control.FEATURESUnique 1-Wire interface requires only one port pin for communicationMultidrop capability simplifies distributed temperature sensing applicationsRequires no external componentsCan be powered from data line. Power supply range is 3.0V to 5.5VZero standby power requiredMeasures temperatures from -55°C to+125°C. Fahrenheit equivalent is -67°F to +257°FThermometer resolution is programmable from 9 to 12 bitsConverts 12-bit temperature to digital word in 750 ms (max.)User-definable, nonvolatile temperature alarm settingsAlarm search command identifies and addresses devices whose temperature is outside of programmed limits (temperature alarm condition)Applications include thermostatic controls, industrial systems, consumerproducts,thermometers, or any thermally sensitivesystem.PIN ASSIGNMENTPIN DESCRIPTIONGND - GroundDQ - Data In/OutVDD - Power Supply V oltageNC - No ConnectDETAILED PIN DESCRIPTIONOVERVIEWThe block diagram of Figure 1 shows the major components of the DS18B20. The DS18B20 has four main data components: 1) 64-bit lasered ROM, 2) temperature sensor, 3) nonvolatile temperature alarm triggers TH and TL. The device derives its power from the 1-Wire communication line by storing energy on an internal capacitor during periods of time when the signal line is high and continues to operate off this power source during the low times of the 1-Wire line until it returns high to replenishthe parasite (capacitor) supply. As an alternative, the DS18B20 may also be powered from an external 3 volt - 5.5 volt supply.DS18B20 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1Communication to the DS18B20 is via a 1-Wire port. With the 1-Wire port, the memory and control functions will not be available before the ROM function protocol has been established. The master must first provide one of five ROM function commands: 1) Read ROM, 2) Match ROM, 3) Search ROM, 4) Skip ROM, or 5) Alarm Search. These commands operate on the 64-bit lasered ROM portion of eachdevice and can single out a specific device if many are present on the 1-Wire line as well as indicate to the bus master how many and what types of devices are present. After a ROM function sequence has been successfully executed, the memory and control functions are accessible and the master may then provide any one of the six memory and control function commands.One control function command instructs the DS18B20 to perform a temperature measurement. The result of this measurement will be placed in the DS18B20’s scratch-pad memory, and may be read by issuing a memory function command which reads the contents of the scratchpad memory. The temperature alarm triggers TH and TL consist of 1 byte EEPROM each. If the alarm search command is not applied to the DS18B20, these registers may be used as general purpose user memory. The scratchpad also contains a configuration byte to set the desired resolution of the temperature to digital conversion. Writing TH, TL, and the configuration byte is done using a memory function command. Read access to these registers is through the scratchpad. All data is read and written least significant bit first.1-WIRE BUS SYSTEMThe 1-Wire bus is a system which has a single bus master and one or more slaves. The DS18B20 behaves as a slave. The discussion of this bus system is broken down into three topics: hardware configuration, transaction sequence, and 1-Wire signaling (signal types and timing).HARDWARE CONFIGURATIONThe 1-Wire bus has only a single line by definition; it is important that each device on the bus be able to drive it at the appropriate time. To facilitate this, each device attached to the 1-Wire bus must have open drain or 3-state outputs. The 1-Wire port of the DS18B20 (DQ pin) is open drain with an internal circuit equivalent to that shown in Figure 9. A multidrop bus consists of a 1-Wire bus with multiple slaves attached. The 1-The idle state for the 1-Wire bus is high. If for any reason a transaction needs to be suspended, the bus MUST be left in the idle state if the transaction is to resume. Infinite recovery time can occur between bits so long as the 1-Wire bus is in the inactive (high) state during the recovery period. If this does not occur and the bus is left low for more than 480 s, all components on the bus will be reset.HARDWARE CONFIGURATIONTRANSACTION SEQUENCEThe protocol for accessing the DS18B20 via the 1-Wire port is as follows:_ Initialization_ ROM Function Command_ Memory Function Command_ Transaction/DataINITIALIZATIONAll transactions on the 1-Wire bus begin with an initialization sequence. The initialization sequence consists of a reset pulse transmitted by the bus master followed by presence pulse(s) transmitted by the slave(s). The presence pulse lets the bus master know that the DS18B20 is on the bus and is ready to operate. For more details, see the “1-Wire Signaling” section.ROM FUNCTION COMMANDSOnce the bus master has detected a presence, it can issue one of the five ROM function commands. All ROM function commands are 8 bits long. A list of these commands follows (refer to flowchart in Figure 5)Read ROM [33h]This command allows the bus master to read the DS18B20’s 8-bit family code, unique 48-bit serial number, and 8-bit CRC. This command can only be used if there is a single DS18B20 on the bus. If more than one slave is present on the bus, a data collision will occur when all slaves try to transmit at the same time (open drain will produce a wired AND result).Match ROM [55h]The match ROM command, followed by a 64-bit ROM sequence, allows the bus master to address a specific DS18B20 on a multidrop bus. Only the DS18B20 that exactly matches the 64-bit ROM sequence will respond to the following memory function command. All slaves that do not match the 64-bit ROM sequence will wait for a reset pulse. This command can be used with a single or multiple devices on the bus.Skip ROM [CCh]This command can save time in a single drop bus system by allowing the bus master to access the memory functions without providing the 64-bit ROM code. If more than one slave is present on the bus and a Read command is issued following the Skip ROM command, data collision will occur on the bus as multiple slaves transmit simultaneously (open drain pulldowns will produce a wired AND result).Search ROM [F0h]When a system is initially brought up, the bus master might not know the number of devices on the 1-Wire bus or their 64-bit ROM codes. The search ROMcommand allows the bus master to use a process of elimination to identify the 64-bit ROM codes of all slave devices on the bus.Alarm Search [ECh]The flowchart of this command is identical to the Search ROM command. However, the DS18B20 will respond to this command only if an alarm condition has been encountered at the last temperature measurement. An alarm condition is defined as a temperature higher than TH or lower than TL. The alarm condition remains set as long as the DS18B20 is powered up, or until another temperature measurement reveals a non-alarming value. For alarming, the trigger values stored in EEPROM are taken into account. If an alarm condition exists and the TH or TL settings are changed, another temperature conversion should be done to validate any alarm conditions.Example of a ROM SearchThe ROM search process is the repetition of a simple three-step routine: read a bit, read the complement of the bit, then write the desired value of that bit. The bus master performs this simple, three-step routine on each bit of the ROM. After one complete pass, the bus master knows the contents of the ROM in one device. The remaining number of devices and their ROM codes may be identified by additional passes.The following example of the ROM search process assumes four different devices are connected to the same 1-Wire bus. The ROM data of the four devices is as shown:ROM1 00110101...ROM2 10101010...ROM3 11110101...ROM4 00010001...The search process is as follows:1. The bus master begins the initialization sequence by issuing a reset pulse. The slave devices respond by issuing simultaneous presence pulses.2. The bus master will then issue the Search ROM command on the 1-Wire bus.3. The bus master reads a bit from the 1-Wire bus. Each device will respond by placing the value of the first bit of their respective ROM data onto the 1-Wire bus. ROM1 and ROM4 will place a 0 onto the 1-Wire bus, i.e., pull it low. ROM2 and ROM3 will place a 1 onto the 1-Wire bus by allowing the line to stay high. The resultis the logical AND of all devices on the line, therefore the bus master sees a 0. The bus master reads another bit. Since the Search ROM data command is being executed,all of the devices on the 1-Wire bus respond to this second read by placing the complement of the first bit of their respective ROM data onto the 1-Wire bus. ROM1 and ROM4 will place a 1 onto the 1-Wire, allowing the line to stay high. ROM2 and ROM3 will place a 0 onto the 1-Wire, thus it will be pulled low. The bus master again observes a 0 for the complement of the first ROM data bit. The bus master has determined that there are some devices on the 1-Wire bus that have a 0 in the first position and others that have a 1. The data obtained from the two reads of the three-step routine have the following interpretations:4. The bus master writes a 0. This deselects ROM2 and ROM3 for the remainder of this search pass,leaving only ROM1 and ROM4 connected to the 1-Wire bus.5. The bus master performs two more reads and receives a 0-bit followed by a 1-bit. This indicates that all devices still coupled to the bus have 0s as their second ROM data bit.6. The bus master then writes a 0 to keep both ROM1 and ROM4 coupled.7. The bus master executes two reads and receives two 0-bits. This indicates that both 1-bits and 0-bits exist as the 3rd bit of the ROM data of the attached devices.8. The bus master writes a 0-bit. This deselects ROM1, leaving ROM4 as the only device stillconnected.9. The bus master reads the remainder of the ROM bits for ROM4 and continues to access the part ifdesired. This completes the first pass and uniquely identifies one part on the 1-Wire bus.10. The bus master starts a new ROM search sequence by repeating steps 1 through 7.11. The bus master writes a 1-bit. This decouples ROM4, leaving only ROM1 still coupled.12. The bus master reads the remainder of the ROM bits for ROM1 and communicates to the underlying logic if desired. This completes the second ROM search pass, in which another of the ROMs was found.13. The bus master starts a new ROM search by repeating steps 1 through 3.NOTE:The bus master learns the unique ID number (ROM data pattern) of one 1-Wire device on each ROMSearch operation. The time required to derive the part’s unique ROM code is:The bus master is therefore capable of identifying 75 different 1-Wire devices per second.。