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• ☆in(介词)+颜色、衣服:穿着……衣 服 用介词短语取代动词,避免了一句话中 出现两个动词的尴尬 ☆ever=at any time:任何时候(时间副 词) ☆grown up:长成人 grown-up:(形容词短语)成年人
• 两种年龄的表达 : • She is eighteen years old. • • • • • She is a girl of eighteen . must do : 1、必须做 =have to; 2、推测 in……(介词)穿着...样的衣服 (+颜色、衣服) 用介词短语取代动词, 避免了一句话中出现两 个动词
• 当有人问你年龄时, 你可以这样回答 : • It is a secret/It is privacy. • I forget it. / twenty-nine
【Key structures】
• Must的用法 :
• Must+原形…… (1)=have to “不得不, 必须” (2)(对 现在的)推测 • 在过去时的句子中, 要用have to 来表示 “必须” • have to……可以有任意时态 • She will have to.../She had to.../She has to...She has/I have had to... • have to……作为实义动词, 否定式为don't have to • will not have to/didn't have to • 对现在的推测 : must do对过去的推测 : must have done • 在 I think.he thinks...的从句中, 一定要用事实说话. (不能说成 “I think he must be a fool.” ) •
• ☆bright鲜艳的 [brait] adj. 鲜艳的bright red : 鲜红色bright yellow : 明黄色, • The bright sun lit up the meadow.灿烂的太阳照 亮草地。 meadow ['medəu] n. 草地;牧场 The box was painted bright red. 盒子被漆成鲜红色。 • 2. (颜色)鲜亮的,鲜明的3. 欢快的;开朗的;生气勃勃 的 She has blue and bright eyes她有一对蓝色的欢快 的眼睛。. 4. 聪颖的;机灵的 He is full of bright ideas.他足智多谋 • 5. 前途光明的 If you work hard, you will have a bright future. 如果努力工作,你将会有一个美好的前程。
• 【Special Difficulties】 难点 • (a) As: • As a young girl...(介词)"作为" • As I learned,...(as作代词用) “正如” • As I am busy==because “由于” • As I was leaving the house...==when “当...时” • Do as you are told.(the thing that)叫你怎 么做就怎么做(按你被告知的那样去做) : as……方式状语从句的引导词 • I work as... “作为...工作”
• She must be at least thirtyfive years old. In my opinion she ______ .
• a.has
• in one's opinion=I think “就 某人看来” ,后面一定是事实 • in one's opinion 常常取代 I think, I think太强调个人观 点
• • • •
least……little的最高级 “至少, 最少” at most…… “最多” She is fifteen years old. 她十五岁了 She must be fifteen years old. 她很可能 十五岁 • She must be at most fifteen years old. 她最多十五岁 • She must be at least fifteen years old. 她至少十五岁 • She must be a model.
• • • • • • •
bright,orange-coloured dress : 鲜艳的桔黄色衣服 ever==at any time : 任何时候(时间副词) it must be : 一定(推测) must +原形……对现在的推测 it……形式主语, 用不定式做真正的主语 be grown-up : 作为一个成年人 must be thirty-five years old
• in spite of : 尽管 (“of” 为介词, 后面一 定会加名词或代词) • in spite of this : 尽管如此 • In spite of this,I still like school. “school” 前不加 “the” 表示上学, 加 “the” 只表示学校 • In spite of ……=despite
• ☆以-or,-er结尾的是男性,以-ess结尾的是 女性(不是全部) actor:男演员;actress:女演员 waitor:男服务员;waitress:女服务员 prince:王子;princess:公主 lion:公狮子;lioness:母狮子 teacher男女通用 doctor:男医生;woman doctor:女医生

• The story about Jennifer suggests that ______ . • a.she is not too old to appear on stage as a young girl • b.she is too young to appear on stage as a young girl • c.she is the right age to appear on stage as a young girl • d.she is too old to appear on stage as a young girl
1. 关键句型练习答案 A She must be; Jennifer will have to take; she must appear; she had to wear; it must be terrible. C 1 You must / will have to see a doctor. 2 Must you / Do you have to make so much noise? 3 She said we must /had to / would have to stay here. 4 I must / have to have some help. 5 I've had to go out last night. 2. 难点练习答案 A 1 in the position of 2 because 3 At the time when B 1 grow 2 suit 3 costume 4 dress 3. 多项选择题答案 1 d 2 b 3 b 4 d 5 c 6 c 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 c 11 a 12 d
Thank you
• ★stocking n. (女用)长筒袜 (棉的, 绒 的, 并不是现在的丝袜) • ★sock n. 短袜 • Old socks =buddy老兄 • Pull up your socks!【谚语】 • 鼓起劲来!
• Always young My aunt Jennifer is an actress.She must be at lea st thirtyfive years old.In spite of this,she often a ppears on the stage as a young girl.Jennifer will ha ve to take part in a new play soon.This time,she wil l be a girl of seventeen.In the play,she must appea r in a bright red dress and long black stockings.Las t year,iΒιβλιοθήκη Baidu another playshe had to wear short sock a nd a bright,orangecoloured dress.If anyone ever asks her how old sh e is,she always answers,'Darling,it must be terribl e to be grown up!'
• appear v. 登场,扮演 [ə'piə] • stage n. 舞台 [steid3] • bright adj. 鲜艳的 [brait] • stocking n. (女用)长筒袜 [„stOkiŋ] 清音 浊化 • sock n. 短袜 [sOk]
• ☆appear v.登场,扮演 appear:1.显示,露面;反义:disappear消失 不见 • appear on the stage as:扮演……角色 as:I work as a teacher.比I am a teacher.更 好 appear:2.显得(系动词) ☆stage n.舞台 on the stage:在舞台上 in the stage:在某一阶段
• join:参加了某一种团体take part in :参加某一种活 动 • attend : 出席 • join the army : 参军join the party : 入党 • join us:(口)加入我们(这个团体)中来join sb./sth. • take part in the race : 参加比赛 • take part in a playtake part in the party • attend the meeting : 参加会议, 出席会议 • attend the party : 出席宴会attend the class : 上课 • Thank you for your attending.谢谢大家的出席(到 来) • Thank you for your listening.谢谢大家的听讲