







第二题问题:请解释什么是VLAN?答案:VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network)是一种将网络设备按逻辑上的需求进行逻辑划分的技术。






第四题问题:请解释什么是IP地址?IP地址的分类有哪些?答案:IP地址(Internet Protocol Address)是互联网中用于标识设备的地址。










1当包含 VLAN 的交换网络中配置了 VTP 时,下列哪种说法正确?Option 4 VTP 仅与 802.1Q 标准兼容。

VTP 增大了管理交换网络的复杂性。

通过 VTP 可将交换机配置为多个 VTP 域的成员。

VTP 会向同一 VTP 域内的所有交换机动态通知 VLAN 更改情况。

2VTP 以客户端模式工作具有哪两项特点?(选择两项。

)Option 15无法添加 VLAN可添加在本地有效的 VLAN无论 VLAN 信息如何,将广播从所有端口转发出去只能传递 VLAN 管理信息而无法接受更改可向同一 VTP 域中的其它交换机转发 VLAN 信息3请参见图示。

交换机 S1 处于 VTP 服务器模式。

交换机 S2 和 S3 处于客户端模式。

管理员意外断开了 S2 的 F0/1 接口上的电缆。

这会对 S2 产生什么后果?Option3S2 会自动转换到 VTP 透明模式。

S2 会将所有 VLAN 从 VLAN 数据库中删除,直到重新接好电缆为止。

S2 会保存已知的最新修订版本的 VLAN ,但如果它重新加载,就会丢失这些VLAN。

当电缆重新接好时,S2 会自动向 发送一个 VTP 通告请求。

4下列关于实施 VTP 的说法中哪两项正确?(选择两项。


VTP 域名区分大小写。

透明模式下的交换机不能配置新 VLAN。

必须使用 VTP 口令且区分大小写。

使用 VTP 的交换机必须具有相同的交换机名称。


VTP 域内的所有交换机均是新的。

交换机 SW1 被配置为 VTP 服务器,交换机 SW2 和 SW4 被配置为 VTP 客户端,交换机 SW3 被配置为 VTP 透明模式。

哪台或哪些交换机会收到 VTP 更新并根据更新来同步 VLAN 配置?Option 4所有交换机均会收到更新并同步 VLAN 信息。

仅交换机 SW2 会收到更新并同步 VLAN 信息。



第四章考试答案1. 而消极的环境因素清理电脑内减少吗?•灰尘•EMI•生锈•防静电2. 哪个组件可以很容易地受到的直接喷射压缩空气清理电脑机箱内部的什么时候?•风扇•散热器•电力供应•CPU•电缆连接器3. 在生产地板,家具工厂笔记本电脑过程监测和报告。





这条件是最有可能影响在这种环境下使用的一台笔记本电脑吗?•温度•湿度•空气流•尘埃4. 蔬菜罐头工厂生产线使用笔记本电脑的监控。





哪个因素最可能影响在这种环境下使用的一台笔记本电脑吗?•房间的温度•湿度•噪音•笔记本电脑的容器5. 科学探险团队使用笔记本电脑。





这条件是最有可能影响在这种环境下使用的一台笔记本电脑吗?•温度•湿度•粗糙的地形•风6. 创建一个预防性维护计划的一部分是什么?•记录每个维护任务的细节和频率•执行硬件升级•丢弃所有取代部分•执行一个法医审计的安全漏洞7. 电脑的技术员执行硬件维护在一个建筑工地。





8. 哪个任务应该是硬件维护程序的一部分吗?•审查安全更新。





9. 在测试的过程中几个可能的原因的理论问题,应该先测试吗?•最简单和最明显的•那些客户认为是最重要的•最复杂的,难以诊断•随机选择的选择10. 这两个项目可以用来帮助建立一个行动计划解决电脑问题?(选择两个。

思科 cisco 课后习题答案

思科 cisco 课后习题答案
检查你的理解和较难的问题和 练习答案
1.B、C、E 以太网交换机和转发器通常用于 LAN 中。路由器可视为 LAN 设备和 WAN 设备, 用于在公司网络内部路由分组、将分组路由到 ISP 以及在自主系统之间路由分组。接入服务器集中拨 入和拨出的用户通信,它可能有模拟和数字接口,可支持数百名用户同时连接到提供商的 WAN。 2.D 3. 电路交换:D 分组交换:C 面向连接的分组交换:B 无连接的分组交换:A 4. 城域以太网:A X.25:D ATM:B 帧中继:C 5.C DTE 通过 WAN 传输来自客户网络或主机计算机的数据。DTE 通过 DCE 连接到本地环路。 路由器是一种 DTE 设备,它使用 CSU/DSU(DCE 设备)连接到 WAN。 6.E 租用线是一种专用的点到点链路,通常是向运营商租用的。 7.DLCI 唯一地标识了帧中继虚电路,这确保 DTE 设备之间能够进行双向通信。 8.异步传输模式(ATM)技术可通过私有和公共网络传输语音、视频和数据,它是建立在基于 信元的架构而不是基于帧的架构的基础之上的。 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.E 13.C 14.C 15.C Cisco 企业分支机构架构让能够将园区网中的应用程序和服务延伸到各种远程位置和用户, 接入层用于将用户连接到网络,这层通常使用第 2 层和第 3 层交换机。 在北美,ISDN PRI 包含 23 个 64kbit/s 的 B 信道和 1 个 64kbit/s 的 D 信道,总比特率高 VPN 使用隧道通过公共网络(如 Internet)在两个私有网络之间安全地传输数据。 分布层将工作组放在不同的网段中,从而隔离子网或 VLAN 中的网络问题。VLAN 之间 本地环路将用户驻地的 CPE 连接到服务提供商的 CO,有时也被称为“最后一公里” 。 企业远程工作人员架构让雇员能够远程(通常是从家里)连接到网络。 而不管其规模和位置如何。 核心层也称为网络主干,设计用于尽可能快地交换分组。



参加考试 - ERouting Final Exam - ${COURSENAME} (版本 ${VERSION}) 窗体顶端剩余时间:窗体底端1窗体顶端请参见图示。





路由器 B、C 和 D 无法访问 Internet。

路由协议进程未通告通往 ISP 的链路。

窗体底端3 窗体顶端请参见图示。

所有路由器都运行 RIPv1。 和 这两个网络无法互相访问。

此问题的原因可能是什么?因为 RIPv1 是无类协议,不支持该访问。

RIPv1 不支持不连续网络。

RIPv1 不支持负载均衡。

RIPv1 不支持自动总结。


路由器 R1 和 R2 通过其串行接口直接相连,并且都在运行 EIGRP 路由协议。

R1 和 R2 可以 ping 通其邻居的直连串行接口,但无法与邻居建立起EIGRP 相邻关系。


配置 EIGRP 以发送定期更新。

在路由器之间配置相同的 hello 发送间隔。

使用相同的 EIGRP 进程 ID 配置两台路由器。


对于发往 的数据包,R2 会采取什么操作?它会丢弃数据包。

它会通过 S0/0/0 接口转发数据包。

它会通过 Fa0/0 接口转发数据包。

它会将数据包转发给 R1。


为实施 RIPv2 协议,网络管理员运行了所示命令。

但是, show ip protocol 命令未显示任何输出。

管理员应如何解决该命令没有输出的问题?添加 default-information originate 命令。

CISCO第二学期期末考试 答案

CISCO第二学期期末考试 答案

客户向 ISP 技术人员反映连通性问题。

技术人员就相关问题询问客户之后,发现除了 FTP 外,所有网络应用程序都正常。

技术人员怀疑出现了什么问题防火墙配置有误 /交换机或集线器端口损坏客户工作站上的 IP 地址配置有误客户工作站上的 DNS 服务器配置有误客户工作站上的默认网关配置有误请参见图示。


)数据会话由客户端所运行的 HTTP 应用程序进程启动。

/数据会话由客户端的 TCP 端口 80 标识。


Internet 服务器的 IP 地址是。

Internet 服务器将把数据发送至客户端端口 8547。







这一过程中哪项安全措施保护了网络IDSIPS /基于主机的防火墙Anti-X 软件属于哪一类地址主机地址网络地址广播地址 /组播地址在图中所示的其中一台路由器上执行 show ip route 命令,显示下列输出:C is directly connected, Serial0/0R [120/1] via 00:00:19, Serial0/0R [120/2] via 00:00:20, Serial0/1R [120/2] via 00:00:20, Serial0/1C is directly connected, Serial0/1此命令是从哪一台路由器执行的ABC /D请参见图示。

网络管理员使用以下命令在 RTB 上配置了一条默认路由:RTB(config)# ip route fa0/0PC3 可以成功 ping 通 RTB。




)连接多个 IP 网络。

通过使用第 2 层地址控制数据流。


管理 VLAN 数据库。


答案答案最高分值correctnes s of response Option 1 and Option 3 are correct.22为了将数据包发送到远程目的地,必须对主机上的哪三条信息进行配置?(请选择三hostnameIP 地址子网掩码默认网关DNS 服务器地址DHCP 服务器地址答案答案最高分值correctnes s of response Option 2, Option 3, and Option 4 are correct.required.33请参见图示。

如图所示,网络管理员已配置了 R1。


要打开 R1 的串行接口,必须在其中额外输入什么命令?ipv6 enableclockrate 128000 endno shutdown答案答案最高分值correctness ofresponseOption 424哪一项功能可以将路由器与第 2 层交换机区别开来?路由器可以配置 IP 地址。








答案答案最高分值correctnes s of response Option 425为了使路由器能够手动将指定的网络前缀与自动生成的接口标识符相组合在一起,可命令在路由器接口上配置 IPv6 地址?ipv6 enableipv6 address ipv6-address/prefix-lengthipv6 address ipv6-address/prefix-length eui-64ipv6 address ipv6-address/prefix-length link-local答案答案最高分值correctnes s of response Option 326启用了 IPv6 接口要求的最低地址类型是什么?环回唯一本地本地链路静态全局单播答案答案最高分值correctnes s of response Option 327 哪两条信息会显示在show ip interface brief命令的输出结果中?(请选择两项IP 地址MAC 地址第 1 层状态下一跳地址接口描述速度和双工设置答案答案最高分值correctnes s of response Option 1 and Option 3 are correct.28当一台计算机第一次 ping 另一台计算机时,需要将什么类型的消息放在网络上以确备的 MAC 地址?一个ICMP ping一个 ARP 请求一条 RFI(信息请求)消息发送给所有连接到本地网络的第 3 层设备的组播答案答案最高分值correctnes s of response Option 229请参见图示。




)34电缆类型连接器类型接口标识符虚电路的DLCI操作系统版本2.广播流量过多一般表明哪一层出了问题?2物理层数据链路层网络层传输层3.下列哪项是物理层故障的例子?4封装不正确STP 配置不正确ARP 映射不正确时钟频率不正确4.当建立网络基线时必须考虑哪两项因素?(选择两项。

)15关于网络设计的信息网络中的IP 地址分配情况关于服务提供商设置的要求关于用于规范流量的访问控制列表的要求正常工作条件下的预期性能5.请参见图示。





仅将网络配置表中与拓扑图所示组件相关的第2 层和第3 层设备信息记录下来。



)26TCP/IP 将OSI 模型的最低层划分为两个相互独立的层。

TCP/IP 模型的顶层综合了OSI 模型的上面三层的功能。

使用TCP/IP 模型进行故障排除所需的技术与使用OSI 模型时不同。

网络接入层负责在TCP/IP 网络中的设备之间交换数据包。

Internet 层负责在处于不同主机上的应用(例如FTP、HTTP 和SMTP)之间提供通信。

TCP/IP 网络接入层对应于OSI 物理层和数据链路层。

7.全公司的各个客户端报告数据中心内运行的所有企业应用程序性能均不良,而Internet 接入以及企业WAN 中运行的应用程序均工作正常。

网络管理员使用协议分析器观察到数据中心内应用程序服务器LAN 中持续存在随机无意义的流量广播(jabber)。

管理员应该如何开始故障排除过程?1 数据中心中的超时传输现象表明存在本地物理层问题。



客户向ISP 技术人员反映连通性问题。

技术人员就相关问题询问客户之后,发现除了FTP 外,所有网络应用程序都正常。

技术人员怀疑出现了什么问题?防火墙配置有误/交换机或集线器端口损坏客户工作站上的IP 地址配置有误客户工作站上的DNS 服务器配置有误客户工作站上的默认网关配置有误请参见图示。


)数据会话由客户端所运行的HTTP 应用程序进程启动。

/数据会话由客户端的TCP 端口80 标识。


Internet 服务器的IP 地址是192.168.17.43。

Internet 服务器将把数据发送至客户端端口8547。







这一过程中哪项安全措施保护了网络?IDSIPS /基于主机的防火墙Anti-X 软件192.168.17.111/28 属于哪一类地址?主机地址网络地址广播地址 /组播地址在图中所示的其中一台路由器上执行 show ip route 命令,显示下列输出:C is directly connected, Serial0/0R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1 R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1C is directly connected, Serial0/1此命令是从哪一台路由器执行的?ABC /D请参见图示。



思科第二学期答案1-4章(总10页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--第一章路由和数据包转发介绍1.哪两项说法正确描述了路由器的组件(选择两项)(B、D)A.RAM 永久存储着在启动过程中使用的配置文件 B.ROM 含有硬件模块所执行的诊断程序C.NVRAM 存储着在启动过程中使用的 IOS 的备份副本 D.重新启动时闪存中的内容不会丢失E.ROM 包含最新而且最完整的 IOS 版本 F.闪存包含用于标识 IOS 位置的启动系统命令2.图中的哪些接口可用于租用线路 WAN 连接(选择两项)(A、D)A.1B.2C.3D.4E.5F.63.如果路由器在启动时无法找到有效的配置文件,将发生什么情况(B)A.启动过程将重置 B.路由器将提示用户进行响应,以进入设置模式 C.启动过程将停止,直到获得有效的配置文件D.路由器将根据上次的有效配置生成默认配置文件 E.路由器将监控本地流量,以确定路由协议配置要求4.以下哪一项正确描述了路由器启动时的顺序(A)A.加载 bootstrap、加载 IOS、应用配置 B.加载 bootstrap、应用配置、加载 IOSC.加载 IOS、加载 bootstrap、应用配置、检查硬件 D.检查硬件、应用配置、加载 bootstrap、加载 IOS5.加载配置文件时的默认顺序是怎样的(C)A.NVRAM、FLASH、ROM B.FLASH、TFTP、CONSOLE C.NVRAM、TFTP、CONSOLE D.FLASH、TFTP、ROM6.在启动过程中,路由器可以从哪些位置加载 Cisco IOS(选择两项)(B、E)A.RAM B.TFTP 服务器 C.NVRAM D.设置例程 E.闪存 F.终端7.下列哪些是路由器的功能(选择三项)(A、C、D)A.分组交换 B.网段扩展 C.广播域分段 D.根据逻辑编址选择最佳路径 E.根据物理编址选择最佳路径8.当路由器收到从一个网络发往另一个网络的数据包时,它会执行哪三个过程(选择三项)(A、D、E)A.通过解开第 2 层帧报头来解封第 3 层数据包 B.通过 IP 报头中的目的 MAC 地址在路由表中查找下一跳地址C.解封第 3 层数据包时将第 2 层帧报头保持原样 D.通过 IP 报头中的目的 IP 地址在路由表中查找下一跳地址E.将第 3 层数据包封装成新的第 2 层帧,并将该帧从送出接口转发出去F.将第 3 层数据包封装成特殊的第 1 层帧,并将该帧转发到送出接口9.网络管理员需要通过路由器的 FastEthernet 端口直接连接两台路由器。



u校园新视野大学英语2视听说unit4教程答案1、—______ is it from your home to the bookstore?—About 15 kilometers.()[单选题] *A. How far(正确答案)B. How muchC. How longD. How many2、Grandpa pointed to the hospital and said, “That’s _______ I was born?”[单选题] *A. whenB. howC. whyD. where(正确答案)3、Mary _______ a phone call with her mother now. [单选题] *A. will makeB. madeC. is making(正确答案)D. makes4、Don’t play games on the computer all day. It’s ______ for your eyes. [单选题] *A. bad(正确答案)B. usefulC. helpfulD. thankful5、The hall in our school is _____ to hold 500 people. [单选题] *A. big enough(正确答案)B. enough bigC. very smallD. very big6、Neither she nor her friends ______ been to Haikou. [单选题] *A. have(正确答案)B. hasC. hadD. having7、There may be something wrong with her _______. She can’t see things clearly. [单选题] *A. eyes(正确答案)C. mouthD. nose8、5.Shanghais is known ________ “the Oriental Pearl”, so many foreigners come to visit Shanghai very year. [单选题] *A.forB.as (正确答案)C.withD.about9、--It is Sunday tomorrow, I have no idea what to do.--What about _______? [单选题] *A. play computer gamesB. go fishingC. climbing the mountain(正确答案)D. see a film10、—The weather in Shanghai is cool now, ______ it? —No, not exactly. ()[单选题] *A. doesn’tB. isC. isn’t(正确答案)11、The firm attributed the accident to()fog, and no casualties have been reported until now. [单选题] *A. minimumB. scarceC. dense(正确答案)D. seldom12、We need two ______ and two bags of ______ for the banana milk shake.()[单选题]*A. banana; yogurtB. banana; yogurtsC. bananas; yogurt(正确答案)D. bananas; yogurts13、The Yangtze River is one of ()the in the world. [单选题] *A. longest riverB. longest rivers(正确答案)C. longer riverD. longer rivers14、Taking the subway is quite fast and cheap. It can _______ both time and money. [单选题] *A. savesB. save(正确答案)C. earnD. use15、I haven’t met him _____ the last committee meeting. [单选题] *A. forB. since(正确答案)C. atD. before16、Don’t _______. He is OK. [单选题] *A. worry(正确答案)B. worried aboutC. worry aboutD. worried17、They all choose me ______ our class monitor.()[单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. inC. withD. on18、I’d like to go with you, ______ I’m too busy. [单选题] *A. orB. andC. soD. but(正确答案)19、Something must be wrong with the girl’s _______. She can’t hear clearly. [单选题] *A. ears(正确答案)B. noseC. armsD. eyes20、It’s raining heavily outside. Don’t leave _______ it stops. [单选题] *A. whileB. sinceC. until(正确答案)D. when21、6.Hi, boys and girls. How are you ________ your posters for the coming English Festival at school? [单选题] *A.getting onB.getting offC.getting with (正确答案)D.getting22、( ) No matter _____ hard it may be, I will carry it out. [单选题] *A whatB whateverC how(正确答案)D however23、Growing vegetables()constantly watering. [单选题] *A. neededB. are neededC. were neededD. needs(正确答案)24、--Mom, I will not eat fast food this year. Believe me.--If you make a _______, you must keepit. [单选题] *A. jokeB. noiseC. mistakeD. promise(正确答案)25、_____ whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision. [单选题] *A. What is not yet knownB. It is not yet known(正确答案)C. As is not yet knownD. This is not yet known26、—What can I do for you? —I ______ a pair of new shoes.()[单选题] *A. likeB. would lookC. would like(正确答案)D. take27、13.________ it rains heavily outside, Lily wants to meet her children at once. [单选题]* A.IfB.Although (正确答案)C.WhenD.Because.28、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, ____? [单选题] *A. do youB. don’t youC. will you(正确答案)D. won’t you29、_______ your parents at home last week? [单选题] *A. IsB. WasC. AreD. Were(正确答案)30、Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _______ her to do so. [单选题] *A. forbidB. allowC. follow(正确答案)D. ask。



1 下列哪一个地址可恰好用来总结网络、、 和172.16.3.0/24? 可通过哪三种方法确保非授权用户无法连接到无线网络中并查看其数据?(选择三项。

)//禁用 SSID 广播配置过滤器以限制 IP 地址//在客户端与无线设备之间使用身份验证在客户端与无线设备之间使用 NetBIOS 名称过滤//配置诸如 WPA 等强加密手段使用 WEP 压缩方法3 哪三种说法正确描述了 Cisco 分层网络设计模型的功能?(选择三项。







4 网络设计师正在架设一个新网络。


哪种拓扑可满足这些需求?星型全网状//部分网状扩展星型集中星型5 在分层网络模型中,分布层具有哪三项功能?(选择三项。

)//总结来自接入层的路由使最终用户可访问本地网络为核心层设备提供最后选用网关通过过滤网络功能,保留接入层的带宽//隔离网络问题,防止其影响核心层//使用用于负载均衡的冗余链路增加可用带宽6 在分布层可配置哪项 Cisco IOS 功能来过滤不需要的流量并管理流量?病毒防护间谍软件防护VPN//访问控制列表7 在分布式服务器环境中,将服务器集中到数据中心服务器群中有什么好处?可将客户端与服务器之间的流量保持在单个子网内。








技术人员正在处理网络问题,需要验证路由器的LAN 接口。

要确认路由器接口工作正常,应该从此主机ping 哪个地址?下列哪三项陈述说明了传输层协议的特征?(选择三项)应用层协议使用TCP 端口号和UDP 端口号。

TCP 使用端口号提供可靠的IP 数据包传输。

UDP 使用窗口和确认获得可靠的数据传输。

TCP 使用窗口和定序提供可靠的数据传输。

TCP 是面向连接的协议。

UDP 是无连接协议。

5OSI 模型的哪两项功能在第2 层实现?(选择两项)物理编址编码路由布线介质访问控制6由于发生安全规规事件,必须更改路由器口令。


)Router(config)#line vty 0 3Router(config-line)# password c13c0Router(config-line)#login这些配置项对远程访问指定了三条Telnet 线路。

这些配置项对远程访问指定了四条Telnet 线路。

这些配置项将控制台口令和Telnet 口令设置为"c13c0"。

因为Telnet 配置不完整,所以Telnet 访问将遭到拒绝。

允许使用"c13c0" 作为口令访问Telnet。


电缆1 和电缆2 的两端分别按照特定的物理层要求接线。


根据给定的数据回答,哪些网段的电缆安装正确?(选择三项)网段1网段2网段3网段4网段58下列哪种提示符代表适合copy running-config startup-config命令使用的模式?Switch-6J>Switch-6J#Switch-6J(config)#Switch-6J(config-if)#Switch-6J(config-line)#9请参见图示。

ListenThis Way Book 2 Unit 4_文本及答案

ListenThis Way Book 2 Unit 4_文本及答案

TapescriptListen This Way (Book 2)Unit 4 Going to School (I)Part I Getting readyA.Words & phrasesB.True or False?1.T2. F3. T4. F5. T6. T7. F8. F9. FTapescript:Sam: I won’t be able to do the exam tomorrow. I just don’t feel that I’m ready. Counselor: You say that you don’t feel ready for tomorrow’s exam... What do you feel like right now?Sam: Well, I’m angry with myself because I’m going to have to quit the exam and, well, I guess I’m anxious. Yes, i feel very anxious.Counselor: When you think about this anxiety, what image do you have of yourself?Sam: Well, I see myself trying to explain to my Dad why I didn’t make the grade on this course... and I see him getting angry... and, well, I start tofeel I’ve let him down again.Counselor: You don’t feel ready for your exam, you feel anxious and you don’t want to let your Dad down again. Tell me about the last time you letyour dad down.Sam: Oh, well, it was a year ago... he’d entered me for a chess competition and I got knocked out in the first match... he was angry because he’dtold all his friends how good I was.Counselor: What did you tell him... as an explanation when you lost the chess game?Sam: I told him that I wasn’t ready to play in that league.Counselor: And now you are preparing to tell him that you’re not ready to sit this examination?Sam: Yes, I suppose I am.Counselor: O.K. Sam, so what you are saying to me is that you feel reluctant to take the exam tomorrow because you do not like the thought of having toexplain a poor grade or a failure to your father. Is that right, Sam?Sam: Yes. That’s exactly it.C.Find the right answers.1.b2. c3. a, c4. b, c, e, f, g, h, i, l5. d6. a7. c8. b Tapescript:Steve’s first morningSteve was rather nervous about his first day of the polytechnic. He didn’t know any other students and he didn’t know his way around the building. At 9 o’clock, he was at the main entrance with a crowd of hundreds of other students. All of them seem to know what to do except Steve. Then he found a notice. Rhere was a meeting for all the first-year students. He found them all waiting in the large hall. First, the director of the Polytechnic welcomed them. Then the head of students’ services, and finally the head of physical education.Head of physical education: I’m here to tell you about the sport you can do at the Poly. Here in Edinfton, we have a fitness room where you can doexercises to keep fit, and weekly you can do all sorts of sports, such astennis, football, hockey and badminton. But there was also many otheractivities. You can go sailing. You can go down-caves. You can goclimbing and many more. We hope all of you will take part in at least oneof these. If you want to join, come on weekly on Wednesday afternoon.Any questions?A student: What about swimming?Head of physical education: We don’t have our own pool. But you can swim in the public pools in Hanksy or Muston ferry.After the meeting was over, Steve looked at this timetable. His first class was business studies, and was in room 316. But where was Room 316?Steve: Excuse me. Do you know where Room 316 is?Male student 1: Oh, I haven’t a clue mate.Steve: Do you know where Room 316 is?Female student 1: No, do you?Steve: I’m looking for Room 316.Male student 2: Oh, not another first year. Look at the notice board.Steve: But where is the notice board?Male student 2: Don’t ask me.Steve: Could you tell me where Room 316 is?Female student 2: You mean business studies for Catering students.Steve: That’s it.Female student 2: Oh, I’m looking for it for myself. You’re a first-year?Steve: Yes.Female student 2: So am I. Let’s see if we can find it together.Questions:1. Where was Steve at 9 o’clock?2. How many people made welcome speeches at the meeting for all the first yearstudents?3. Who are they?4. What kinds of sports are available in Edington Polytechnic?5. What was Steve’s first class?6. Where will he have the class?7. How many students did Steve ask when he tried to find his class?8. Did he get the answer?Part II The teacher I remember bestA.Answers to questions:1.The French teacher.2. For five years.3. 13 years old.1.French and German. 5. Grammar and vocabulary.2.Video and cassettes. 7. Conversation class. 8. Visit France.plete the following chart:Key (to the chart):C. Listen to the whole monologue. Answer the question: Why can’t I forget the French teacher?(blank-filling)Key:Ques tion: Why can’t I forget the French teacher?Though he was serious and not very friendly, with him I really learned a lot. He was very strict with us. He made us work very hard. Because of the limitation of the teaching facilities, his classes were not very interesting, but he successfully made quite of us begin to like France and French. It was mainly because of him that I went on to study languages at the university. With him I learned that learning a foreign language is like opening a door or a window into a foreign country. And it helps us to see that the way we do things and think in our country isn’t necessarily the only way or, indeed, the best way.Tapescript:(Part I)Yes, the teacher I remember best was a teacher I had for French when I was at school... er... er... Many years ago---- more years than I care to remember, I’m afraid. Yes, I studied French with him for, um, ooh, let me see, it must have been five years, because I had him when I was in my first year there, when I was thirteen, and he was the main French teacher till I left. It was mainly because of him that I went on to study languages ---- French and German ---- at university. I mean, French was really the first language I ever learned. Well, I don’t count Latin, because I never managed to speak any Latin at all. Er, well... this teacher didn’t make it easy... he didn’t make it easy at all, but I found that with him I really learned a lot.When I think back, I ... don’t really know why I liked him so much, because he was very strict with us. He made us work very hard ---- I mean, lots of grammar exercises, vocabulary tests, that sort of thing ---- er, and he wasn’t very friendly either, for the first two or three years. Oh, as well as that, he didn’t really try to make the classes interesting ---- I mean, no ... no video, of course, in those days, no cassettes ...but, er, we had a few films in French every term. No, in fact, the only time we really practiced trying to speak French was, er, was with the wife of one of the music teachers, who was French, er, and she gave us an hour’s conversation class every week. But, you know, because of that man ---- some people might say in spite of him ... no, that wouldn’t be fair, no ---- but quite a lot of us began to like France and the French a lot, and, er, to visit France in the summer holidays to see it for ourselves.(Part II)Yes, I think with him I learned that when you learn a foreign language ... it’s it ... well, it’s like opening a door or a window into a foreign country. And that’s good for you, I think, because you begin to see that the way they do things and think in your country is, um, isn’t necessarily the only way or, indeed, the best way.It’s funny, I still have a very clear picture of that teacher. He was English but he didn’t look English somehow, he had very, very black hair and very dark eyes, and he wore glasses with black frames, but you could see his eyes very well, and everyone in the class always had the feeling that he was looking at them. And he had very thick, bushy eyebrows that made him look very, er, very serious.Yes, I remember he was very musical ---- played the piano very well and sang.Now, he was quite a good rugby and tennis player. Great family man, too. He had three children and a very interesting wife. I suppose he must have been in his thirties when I knew him ...Part III Teachers and PupilsA.The advantages and disadvantages of teaching as a jobKey (to the chart):B. The same speech-the second half (note-taking and flow diagram-completing)Key(to the flow diagram):According to Christine, there are two major changes in the relationship betweenteachers and pupils:a)THE QUALITY OF RELATIONSHIP (fill in the blanks.)b)The handing over of responsibility in classroom (Tick the right box.)↓C. The whole speech (answering a question: blank-filling)Key:What makes a good teacher?According to Christine, a good teacher:●enjoys instead of fearing the unexpected things that can’t be planned for;●is a good listener;●is someone that students trust as a person;●teaches students about “the big world” they’re going into, and about relationships andvalues as well as what is written in the textbook;●treats students properly and is able to develop appropriate relationships with students;●is able to take the students into a whole world which is magic and exciting;●really cares for students;●is skillful enough to organizes a well-ordered, relaxed, friendly and supportiveclassroom;●trusts students as individuals;●allows students to know more about him/her as individual;●takes students’ voice on board, and listens to students’ feedback which he/she finds avaluable resource in planning and developing his/her own work;●is able to earn the respect of students, and therefore builds up a relaxed relationship withthem.Tapescript:(Part I)Presenter: Christine teaches in a secondary school. What does she enjoy about being a teacher?Christine: I enjoy the fun you have, I enjoy the ... er ... the unexpected, the things that c...that you can't plan for. When we were at college I think the only thing that they ... they kept on about was planning lessons, and we used to have to make these lesson plans up and they always seemed to me like the great works of modern fiction, thelesson plans, because real lessons aren't like that, they don't work out the way you plan them and that's what makes it really interesting is that you just go in, thinking you're going to do thing A and it turns into thing B, depending on what the students do and say.And they're also so funny, yeah, I mean students are terribly entertaining a ... they're just a hoot. And they ... they come out with all these amazing things and they tell you things. And if you're any good at that they will trust you as a person. And so what you're teaching them in English is much less important than what you're teaching them about "the big world" and the world they're going into, and about relationships and values and things like that.I think the only downside is that it's terribly hard work and it's awfully tiring physically —and emotionally at times. But ... um ... children are just such nice people, and if you treat them properly then they'll do anything. You can ... you can turn them into anything you want if you treat them well and you develop appropriate relationships with them. Then there's very little that they can't learn and can't do, and a good teacher can take children into a whole world which is magic and exciting. (Part II)Presenter: What changes have taken place in the relationship between teachers and pupils since she was at school?Christine: I think that there has been a real change in the quality of relationships, I think they're much more open, more relaxed, less formal. Some people would say that implies a I ... a drop in the standards, I would disagree violently with that. I think that quality relationships bring quality work. And familiarity does not breed contempt,care and control are not opposites. If you care for children you manage your classroom well, and it is a well-ordered classroom, it doesn't mean it is not a relaxed classroom, it's not a friendly classroom, it's not a supportive classroom.What matters is that ... that it's a ... there is a good quality of relationship between the teacher and the student, and the student trusts the teacher as an individual and vice versa. And I think teachers have become more human and more open with their students and are more prepared to allow the students to know more about them as individuals. Students are involved much more in their own progress and their own assessment, they have a voice in their programs of study and their progress. And that voice has always been a vital voice and the teachers who failed to take that on board, who didn't listen to student feedback, were losing out on a whole valuable resource for planning and developing work: it's how the students are receiving the work.And I think one of the big changes has been the handing over of some of the responsibility in the classrooms to children. But it does, I think, demand more skill not less. I think it's much harder to take risks with youngsters, to be open, to be relaxed. It's easy to run an authoritarian classroom, it's easy to rule using t ... f ... fear and punishment and threat. But winning and earning the respect of children, and earning a ... a relaxed relationship and relaxed classroom, that's much harder. A relaxed classroom isn't about low expectations, it's about purposeful quality work. And it's very very hard to achieve, it's much easier to bully them into submission and shout at them.Part IV More about the topic: Computers and University LifePart V Memory test: Children of a DecadeTapescript:Presenter: In this edition of our series “Children of a Decade” I’ll be talking to Jack Thompson, who was born in 1940, and to Shirley Sutton, who was bornin 1930. First of all, jack, thanks for joining us. Perhaps...Jack: Not at all.Presenter: Perhaps you’d tell us about your memories of your first holiday away from home?Jack: Oh... yes... at age ten i think it was, yes, i went to stay with an aunt at the seaside. Well, it wasn’t a very happy experience. I felt very homesick atfirst.Presenter: Mmm. And what about your first day at school, can you remember that?Jack: Yes, I can. Er... er... I was five years old and I wanted to take all my toys with me but... er... they wouldn’t let me. In the end it was agreed that icould take my teddy... er... but only on the first day.Presenter: Oh, I see. Your school days, were they happy ones?Jack: Well... er... I didn’t have a very good time at school—I wasn’t very bright, you see. And the teachers didn’t seem to like me, but...er... I madea lot of friends and some of them I still keep in touch with. One of them Imarried.Presenter: Oh, that’s wonderful. Well, did you have a favorite teacher?Jack: Miss Robinson... or was it ... no, it was Miss Robson. My first teacher, that’s right yeah... very kind. Marvelous storyteller.Presenter: And who was your worst teacher?Jack: Mr. Goodman, that’s right. We used to call him “Goody”. Yeah, he pulled your ear if you made a mistake or talked in class. Yeah, my left ear is stillbigger, look.Presenter: Ha ha. Perhaps you can tell us about your last day at school?Jack: My last day, oh yeah, that’s emblazoned on my mind. Oh, I wanted to get my own back you see on old Mr. Goodman ---- the chap we used to call...er... “Goody” ---- so I put this bucket of water over the classroom doorbut it fell on him and he got soaked, you see. Ha ha. I’ve never seenanyone so angry. Oh, it was a good one, that.Presenter: Thank you very much, Jack. And now Shirley.Shirley: Yes.Presenter: Now, can you tell me about your first holiday away from home? Shirley: Oh yes ... er ... yes ... er ... at the age of eight it was. We went on holiday to the Lake District. We stayed at a little guest house, just me and my parents. Er (I)remember we had ... er ... honey for breakfast with ... er ... the toast and ... oh ... and porridge — I hated it.Presenter: That sounds lovely? Oh, porridge, you hated it?Shirley: Ha ha.Presenter: Well, what about your first day at school?Shirley: Well, I ... I ... I don't remember any special incidents ... er .... Oh, I was very frightened and shy at first ... er ... I ... I know that, I can remember, but I soon came to enjoy school.Presenter: So your school days, were they happy?Shirley: Oh yes, I loved school! Oh, I was sorry when half-term came and ... and when the holidays came. Oh, perhaps this was because I was a bit of a goody-goody. Presenter: And what about your teachers? Did you have a favorite?Shirley: I did, yes. I remember her well, she was called Miss Brown and she was our history teacher. Oh, she really made history come to life, she really did. Presenter: Were there any bad moments? Did you have a worst teacher? Shirley: Aye, I did and I can remember her name too. Her name was Mrs. Sharpe and she taught math. Oh, she had no patience. I wasn't all that good at math and she always said to me, "You stupid girl!" It put me off math for life.Presenter: Oh, what a shame.Shirley: I know.Presenter: Perhaps you could tell me about your last day at school?Shirley: Oh yes, well, I'm afraid I cried. We sang our favorite hymn at the end of the term and I cried. It brought the tears to my eyes.Presenter: Oh, and it's bringing a tear to my eye now. Thank you very much. Shirley: Thank you.Presenter: And thank you too, Jack Thompson, thank you very much. Next week we'll be hearing from two people who were born in 1920 and 1910. So from me, Libby Freeman, good-bye.。





无论是能自己编写攻击代码的资深黑客,还是从Internet 下载攻击程序的入门攻击者都可能对网络安全造成严重威胁。

假设一家公司将其web 服务器部署在防火墙之外,并充分备份web 服务器,则无需采取其它安全措施来保护web 服务器,因为即使它被攻击了也不会造成损失。




)45强网络口令可防范大多数DoS 攻击。


侦测攻击本质上始终是电子攻击,例如ping 扫描或端口扫描。


内部设备不应该完全信任DMZ 中的设备,应该对DMZ 和内部设备之间的通信进行身份验证以防范端口重定向等攻击。



这是什么类型的攻击?3侦测访问DoS蠕虫病毒特洛伊木马4.IT 主管发起了一项活动,旨在提醒用户避免打开来源可疑的电子邮件。

该IT 主管意在保护用户免受哪种攻击?3DoSDDoS病毒访问侦测5.下列关于预防网络攻击的说法中哪两项正确?(选择两项。

)35现代服务器和PC 操作系统具有可以信赖的默认安全设置。


物理安全威胁的防范包括控制对设备控制台端口的访问、标识关键电缆、安装UPS 系统以及提供温湿控制。






)BCFA.入侵防御系统B.反间谍软件C.防病毒软件D.访问控制列表E.电力线网络F.防火墙2.哪个表达准确定义了术语“拥塞”?DA.网络数据传送能力的一项衡量标准B.限制硬件或软件故障对网络的影响的一种方法C.管理网络资源使用率的一套技术D.网络资源需求超出可用容量的一种状态3.下列哪种说法正确描述了云计算的特征?DA.企业可以直接连接到 Internet,而不需要使用 ISPB.需要投资新的基础设施才能访问云。

C.设备能够通过现有电线连接到 Internet。

D.通过订阅可以使用 Internet 访问应用程序。


5.哪两个 Internet 解决方案可以为 LAN 上的计算机提供始终在线的高带宽连接?(请选择两项。

)BEA.卫星B.DSLC.移动电话D.电话拨号E.电缆6.要求使用复杂的强密码是为了实现下列哪个网络安全目标?BA.确保冗余B.确保数据保密性C.确保访问的可靠性D.维护通信完整性7.下列有关LAN 和WAN 两者关系的说法,哪两项是正确的?(请选择两项。

)ABA.与LAN 连接内部终端设备相比,WAN 连接LAN 的带宽速度较低。

B.WAN 通常通过多个 ISP 运营,而 LAN 通常由一个组织或个人运营C.WAN 必须是公共的,而 LAN 可以由公有或私有实体拥有。

/doc/81bcba2dbb0d6c85ec3a87c240 28915f804d849b.html N 和 WAN 均能连接终端设备。

E.Internet 属于 WAN。



新标准大学英语2Unit 4习题答案

新标准大学英语2Unit 4习题答案

Unit 4 News 24/7Active Reading (1)Reading and Understanding3. Choose the best answer to the questions1.c2.a3.c4.d5.a6. a7.cDealing with unfamiliar words4. Answer the questions about the words in the box.1. No, it is made more exciting in some way.2. A very long time, centuries.3. They should follow the guidelines.4. They should check the source.5. They live in poverty.6. It is image.7. It is element.5. Match the words in the box with their definitions.1.chase2.trainee3.erode4.odd5.horror6.startle7.echo8.reaction9.frame6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.1.reactions…horror2.chase3.echoes4.startled5.trainees6.eroded7.oddest8. frame7. Answer the questions about the words.1.a2.b3.a4.b5.b6.aReading and interpreting8. Decide what evidence there is for the following statements. If there is no evidence, decide what the passage really says.1. This is not the passage. It is noted that bad news is common, but no judgment as to the desirability or otherwise of this is given.2. Many people, we are told, reacted in the same way to bad news in the case of 9/11 and the assassination of President Kennedy, so such a reaction is normal.3. Yes, as and example is given of people feeling a need to pass on the bad news they had heard. (See pare 2: Their first instinct was to go and tell someone else about it.)4. Yes. (See para4: We seek the odd and unexpected.)5. Not stated –the passage says such issues never seem to have the same impact because the stories are ongoing and not reported in all newspapers on the same day, but bit by bit here and there.6. Immediacy is part of news so such an item is certainly potentially news, but of course it might be too trivial to really be considered such.7. Yes, mostly.8. No. Paragraph 8 says the camera position has an important effect on how viewers understand the story.9. The passage mentions people talk of the power of the press, but does not really comment on it; though the use of the rather negative covertly might hint disapproval.9. Decide why italics are used in the sentences.1. To take the place of quotation marks.2. For emphasis.3. To give the name of a newspaper.4. To introduce a new term.Active Reading (2)Dealing with unfamiliar words3. Match the words and expressions in the box with their definitions.1.assignment2.editorial3.revenue4.close down5.survey6.rely on7. feedback8.bureau4. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words and expressions in Activity3.1.assignment2.bureau3.rely on4.feedback5.surveys6.editorial7.revenue8.close down5. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1.capture2.extablished; Nevertheless3.estates4.integritypact; Moreover6.journalism6. Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1.b2.a3.a4.b5.b6.a7.a8.a9.bReading and interpreting7. Look at the sentences from the passage and choose the best meaning.1.a2.a3.b4.b5.a6.bLanguage in useWord formation1.Replace the underlined words with compounds made from down and the words inbrackets.1.downtown2.download3.downgrade4.downstairs5.downmarket6.downturn2. Replace the underlined words with phrasal verbs made from the verbs in brackets and down.1.go down2.turned me down3.run down4.stand down5.got down6.handed down7.brought down8.broke down3. Rewrite the sentences using by someone + participle.1.The late-night edition of the paper was bought by a lot of people interested in the results of the match.2. The princess was followed across the town by photographers determined to get a photo of her.3. The programme was watched by millions of people hoping to win the star prize.4. The alarm was set off by tow children startled to hear a noise in the back room.5. The police were contacted by one of the boys’ mothers worried that he might have got lost.6. The front-page headlines were changed by the editor hoping to be the first to break the news.7. Online editions of the news papers are being read by more and more people not wanting to buy the traditional edition.So + inversion + that4. Rewrite the sentences using So + inversion + that.1. So odd was the newsreader’s accent that I couldn’t understand what she was saying.2. So incredibly bad was the language on that programme that I switched off the TV.3. So exaggerated was the story that it had to be completely rewritten.5. So great was the distance from one region to the next that we had to travel by plane.6. So slow were Frank’s reactions that he wasn’t able to avoid hitting the car in front.5. Translate the sentences into Chinese.1. 一个事件光有客观重要性还不够—世界上有大量全球性的大问题,都会造成戏剧性的后果,从贫困问题到全球变暖问题—但由于它们都是进行中的,并不都会在同一天成为头条。



思科章节练习第二章到第七章试题及答案第二章1.下列哪些陈述正确指出了中间设备在网络中的作用?(选择三项) (135) 确定数据传输路径发起数据通信重新定时和重新传输数据信号发送数据流管理数据流数据流最后的终止点2.请选择关于网络协议的正确陈述。


135)定义特定层 PDU 的结构规定实现协议层功能的方式概述层与层之间通信所需的功能限制了对硬件兼容性的需要需要取决于协议层的封装过程杜绝厂商之间的标准化3.封装的两个功能是什么?(45选择两项)跟踪终端设备之间的延迟为通信提供统一的网络路径在传输前可以修改原始数据标识属于同一通信的数据片段确保数据片段可以转发到正确的接收端设备4.数据链路层封装添加的报尾信息有何主要功能?1支持差错校验确保数据按照顺序到达确保送达正确目的标识本地网络中的设备帮助中间设备进行处理和路径选择5.OSI 模型哪两层的功能与 TCP/IP 模型的网络接入层相同?(选择两项34)网络层传输层物理层数据链路层会话层6.什么是 PDU?4传输期间的帧损坏在目的设备上重组的数据因通信丢失而重新传输的数据包特定层的封装7.以下哪种特征正确代表了网络中的终端设备? 2管理数据流发送数据流重新定时和重新传输数据信号确定数据传输路径8.IP 地址为 的“手机A”已经与 IP 地址为 的“IP 电话1”建立了 IP 会话。

请根据图示回答,下列哪个设备类型是对无线设备“手机A”功能的最准确描述? 2目的设备终端设备中间设备介质设备9.下列哪三个标签正确标识了图示网段的网络类型?(236选择三项)网络 A -- WAN网络 B -- WAN网络 C -- LAN网络 B -- MAN网络 C -- WAN网络 A -- LAN10.下列哪三项陈述是对局域网 (LAN) 最准确的描述?(选择三项125)LAN 通常位于一个地域内。


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)连接多个 IP 网络。

通过使用第 2 层地址控制数据流。


管理 VLAN 数据库。


答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 1 and Option 3 are correct.22为了将数据包发送到远程目的地,必须对主机上的哪三条信息进行配置?(请选择三项。

)hostnameIP 地址子网掩码默认网关DNS 服务器地址DHCP 服务器地址答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 2, Option 3, and Option 4 are correct.required.33请参见图示。

如图所示,网络管理员已配置了 R1。


要打开 R1 的串行接口,必须在其中额外输入什么命令?ipv6 enableclockrate 128000endno shutdown答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 424哪一项功能可以将路由器与第 2 层交换机区别开来?路由器可以配置 IP 地址。








答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 425为了使路由器能够手动将指定的网络前缀与自动生成的接口标识符相组合在一起,可以使用哪由器接口上配置 IPv6 地址?ipv6 enableipv6 address ipv6-address/prefix-lengthipv6 address ipv6-address/prefix-length eui-64ipv6 address ipv6-address/prefix-length link-local 答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 326启用了 IPv6 接口要求的最低地址类型是什么?环回唯一本地本地链路静态全局单播答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 327哪两条信息会显示在show ip interface brief 命令的输出结果中?(请选择两项。

)IP 地址MAC 地址第 1 层状态下一跳地址接口描述速度和双工设置答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 1 and Option 3 are correct.28当一台计算机第一次 ping 另一台计算机时,需要将什么类型的消息放在网络上以确定另一台地址?一个 ICMP ping一个 ARP 请求一条 RFI(信息请求)消息发送给所有连接到本地网络的第 3 层设备的组播答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 229请参见图示。

PC1 试图连接到 File_server1 并发送 ARP 请求以获取目的 MAC 地址。

ARP 应接收哪个 MAC 地址?S1 的 MAC 地址R1 上 G0/0 接口的 MAC 地址R2 上 G0/0 接口的 MAC 地址S2 的 MAC 地址File_server1 的 MAC 地址答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 2210数据包从公司一个网络中的主机传输到同一家公司远程网络中的设备上。


)目的IP 地址源 ARP 表源 IP 地址 源 MAC 地址 目的 MAC 地址 第 2 层报头答案 答案 最高分值correctness of responseOption 1 and Option 3 are correct.2•11哪个地址会因为数据包在多个第 3 层以太网跳中传输至最终目的地而发生变动?源 IP目的 IP第 2 层源地址目的端口答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 3212当执行“AND”操作以确定目的地址是否在同一个本地网络中时,主机设备会使用以下哪两项?项。

) 目的 IP 地址目的 MAC 地址源 MAC 地址子网掩码网络号答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 1 and Option 4 are correct.213请参见图示。

路由器将如何处理目的 IP 地址为 的数据包?丢弃数据包。

将数据包从 Serial 0/0/0 接口发送出去。

将数据包从 GigabitEthernet0/0 接口发送出去。

将数据包从 GigabitEthernet0/1 接口发送出去。

答案 答案 最高分值correctness of responseOption 2214下列哪两项说法正确描述了管理距离和度量的概念?(请选择两项。






度量取决于第 3 层路由协议,如 IP 。

答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 1 and Option 4 are correct.215请参见图示。

网络管理员在 R1 上发出 show ipv6 route命令。


)静态路由 本地主机路由直连网络通过 OSPF 路由协议获取的路由 通过 EIGRP 路由协议获取的路由答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 2 and Option 3 are correct.216请参见图示。

网络管理员在 R1 上发出 show ipv6 route 命令。

从路由表中可以得出 哪两条结论?(请选择两项。

)R1 不知道任何通向远程网络的路由。

FF00::/8 网络是通过静态路由命令安装的。

接口 Fa0/1 已配置了 IPv6 地址 2001:DB8:ACAD:A::12。

目的网络为 2001:DB8:ACAD:2::/64 的数据包将通过 Fa0/1 进行转发。

目的网络为 2001:DB8:ACAD:2::54/128 的数据包将通过 Fa0/0 进行转发。

答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 1 and Option 3 are correct.217网络管理员使用 ip address 命令配置路由器 R1 上的接口 fa0/0。

但是,当管理员发出s 命令时,路由表没有显示直连网络。

此问题的可能原因是什么?接口fa0/0 未被激活。


目的网络为的数据包未被发送到 R1。

IPv4 地址的子网掩码不正确。

答案答案最高分值correctness of responseOption 1218网络管理员通过 ip route命令配置路由器。

此命令的用途是什么?将所有数据包转发到 IP 地址为的设备将目的网络为 的动态路由添加到路由表中将目的网络为 的数据包转发到 IP 地址为的设备提供一个路由,以转发路由表中没有路由的数据包答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 4219网络管理员正在为某公司执行动态路由协议。

管理员可以在路由器上输入哪个命令以显示所支议?Router(config)# router ?Router(config)# service ?Router(config)# ip route ?Router(config)# ip forward-protocol ?答案答案最高分值correctness of response2 points for Option 1220请参见图示。

网络管理员在 R2 上发出 show ip route 命令。


)已配置的默认路由直连网络通过 OSPF 路由协议获取的路由通过 EIGRP 路由协议获取的路由网络已配置的静态路由答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 2 and Option 4 are correct.221请参见图示。

show ip route 命令行中突出显示的字段的作用是什么?表示这是一个默认路由。

表示该路由是通过 EIGRP 获取的。



答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 2222以下哪种说法正确描述了路由器动态获知的路由?由路由协议动态更新和维护。


管理距离为 1。

在路由表中的前缀为 C。

答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 1223填空题。


正确答案:路由24答案答案最高分值Options matched to the Click on the question mark at the bottom of 2答案答案最高分值correct selection.the item for the correct answer. There is nopartial credit.route source protocol = D (which is EIGRP)destination network = =administrative distance = 1next hop =route timestamp = 00:22:15。
