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II. Listening Skills

Listening for Rents or Charges

1. M: Look at this ad! “One bedroom apartment, with kitchen and bathroom.” It’s close to our

school, and the price is only $250 a month.

W: But I want an apartment at least $50 cheaper.

Q: What is the highest rent the woman is willing to pay?

B) $200.

2. M: Laura, I really hate to ask this, but I think I’m going to be five days late with this month’s

rent. Do you think you could help me out?

W: I’m afraid I can’t. It’s $350! I haven’t much money. I have to save hard to pay my own rent; and it’s almost twice as high as yours.

Q: How much is the man’s monthly rent?


3. M: Okay, Mrs. Smith, I’m all packed and ready to move out. There’s just the matter of the

$500 damage deposit and I’ll be off.

W: Well, Rob, there’s also the matter of some cigarette burns on the carpet and a hole in one of the walls. Those damages will cost $100 to repair.

Q: How much is the landlady willing to give back to the man?


4. M1: Frank, we need to talk about this month’s utility bill. It’s $220, and I’ve give you half the amount. Why are you asking for $50 morre?

W2: Don’t you think you should pay a little bit more than that? You have an extra heater in your bedroom. And you have been taking two hot showers a day, sometimes for almost an hour. I think you should be thankful I’m only asking for $160.

Q: How much is the second speaker asking the first one to pay?


5. M: Why are you still staying here? The girls on this floor are so noisy! You can get an

apartment off campus for just a little more money. Perhaps $450 a month. W: Well, actually, I was planning to pay the extra $50 to move there. But I changed my idea when I learned those noisy girls will move out next term.

Q: What is the rent for the girl’s dorm?


III. Listening In

Task 1:Living with Roommates

Living with roommates in college dorms, one is likely to have problems as well as success.

Some students report more unhappy relationships with their roommates than they do the opposite. One reason for this is that it’s human nature to pick out a person’s negative aspects more easily than to realize his or her positive ones. Living in a college dorm, you will certainly se both the strong points and shortcomings of your roommates. But you’ll be more likely to remember those unhappy moments between you and talk about them. You may often tend to tell war stories about someone who spilled their breakfast all over you, but seldom will you talk about the pleasant conversation you had with someone over breakfast. This selective memory does you no good at all! Therefore, if you want to enjoy better relationships with your roommates, you must work hard to view them as people and make yourself fully aware that they’re going to have some faults—and so are you!






Task 2:Interviewing a Rental Agent

M: Hi. Are you Jane from the rental agency?

W: Yes. Nice to meet you. I take it you’re Tim.

M: Yeah. Well, I just started to look into moving off campus. It seems that all the good places are going fast.

W: That’s right; you gotta be quick. Let me tell you a little about this apartment. It’s a one bedroom, one living room apartment, with a bathroom and a kitchen. T he furnishings are all new. There are hardwood floors, these large windows in the front, and it tends to be a quiet neighborhood.

M: And how about the transportation?

W: Well, from the bus stop down the block you can always catch buses onto campus, or into the city.

M: Ok. How about the rent?

W: The rent is $300 per month.

M: Is there a security deposit?

W: Yes. You must first pay the security deposit, which is one month’s rent, and the last month’s rent. Then, normal monthly payment begins.

M: And, would mind if I have a roommate?

W: Of course not! Whatever you like.

M: Well, the place looks good. I’ll definitely be in touch.

W: Ok. Here’s my business card. Give me a call if you have any questions.

M: Will do.
