
交通安全工程专业英语词汇1 交通规则 traffic regulation2 路标 guide post3 里程碑 milestone4 停车标志 mark car stop5 红绿灯 traffic light6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7 红灯 red light8 绿灯 green light9 黄灯 amber light10 交通岗 traffic post11 岗亭 police box12 交通警 traffic police13 打手势 pantomime14 单行线 single line15 双白线 double white lines16 双程线dual carriage-way17 斑马线 zebra stripes18 划路线机 traffic line marker19 交通干线 artery traffic20 车行道 carriage-way21 辅助车道 lane auxiliary22 双车道 two-way traffic23 自行车通行 cyclists only24 单行道 one way only25 窄路 narrow road26 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet27 陡坡 steep hill28 不平整路 rough road29 弯路 curve road ; bend road30 连续弯路 winding road31 之字路 double bend road32 之字公路 switch back road33 下坡危险 dangerous down grade34 道路交叉点 road junction35 十字路 cross road36 左转 turn left37 右转 turn right38 靠左 keep left39 靠右 keep right40 慢驶 slow41 速度 speed42 超速 excessive speed43 速度限制 speed limit44 恢复速度 resume speed45 禁止通行 no through traffic46 此路不通 blocked47 不准驶入 no entry48 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49 不准掉头 no turns50 让车道 passing bay51 回路 loop52 安全岛 safety island53 停车处 parking place54 停私人车 private car park55 只停公用车 public car only56 不准停车 restricted stop57 不准滞留 restricted waiting58 临街停车 parking on-street59 街外停车 parking off-street60 街外卸车 loading off-street61 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing62 当心牲畜 caution animals63 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead64 拱桥 hump bridge65 火车栅 level crossing66 修路 road works67 医院 hospital68 儿童 children69 学校 school70 寂静地带 silent zone71 非寂静地带 silent zone ends72 交通管理 traffic control73 人山人海 crowded conditions74 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people75 交通拥挤 traffic jam76 水泄不通 overwhelm77 顺挤 extrusion direct78 冲挤 extrusion impact79 推挤 shoved80 挨身轻推 nudging81 让路 give way82 粗心行人 careless pedestrian83 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences84 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license85 危险驾驶 dangerous driving86 粗心驾车 careless driving87 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instruct or88 无证驾驶 driving without license89 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent90 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance91 未挂学字牌 driving without a L plate92 安全第一 safety first93 轻微碰撞 slight impact94 迎面相撞 head-on collision95 相撞 collided96 连环撞 a chain collision97 撞车 crash98 辗过 run over99 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver100 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavemen。

30th Highest Hourly Volume,30HV 第30最高小时交通量3-Leg Interchange 三路立体交叉3-Leg Intersection 三路交叉AA.M. Peak Period 早高峰Absolute speed limit 绝对速限Abutting property 邻街建筑物Acceleration Lane 加速车道Access 出入口Access Control 出入管制;进出管制Access ramp 出入引道Accessibility 可及性Accident 肇事;事故;意外事件Accident (Crash) Rate 事故率Accident (Crash) Severity 事故严重性Accident Analysis 事故分析;意外分析;肇事分析Accident Assessment 事故鉴定Accident Casualty 事故伤亡Accident Cause 事故原因Accident Characteristics 肇事特性Accident Hazardous Location 易肇祸路段Accident Investigation 事故调查Accident Prone Location 易肇事地点Accuracy 精度Actual travel time 实际行驶时间Adaptive route choice 适应性路线选择Advanced driver information system ADIS 先进驾驶员信息系统Advanced Traffic Management Services ATMS 先进交通管理服务Advanced Traveler Information Services ATIS 先进路人信息服务Advanced vehicle control system 先进车辆控制系统Aerial Map 航测图Aerial perspective 鸟噉图;空中透视Overload, Overloading 超载Air resistance 空气阻力Alignment Design 路线设计;定线设计Algorithm 运算法则All-day Service 全天候服务Alley 巷;道Allowable Bearing Capacity 容许承载量Allowable load 容许载重Alternate Method 替代方法Alternative(s) 替代(换)方案American Concrete Institute ACI 美国混凝土学会;美国混凝土研究会American Federal Highway Administration FHWA 美国联邦公路总署American Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 美国交通工程师学会American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE 美国土木工程师协会Amplification effect放大效应Amplifier 扩大器Annual Average Daily Traffic, AADT 年平均日交通量Annual budget 年度预算Annual Traffic 年交通量Appropriate measures 适当防制措施Arc 弧线Arrival time 到达时间Arterial 主要干道Asphalt, Asphalt Cement, Asphalt Binder 沥青(美国用语);沥青胶泥At-Grade Intersection 平面交叉Advanced traffic management system ATMS 先进的交通管理系统;高等交通管理系统Automated toll system 自动化收费系统Automatic Cargo Identification, ACI 自动货物辨识Automatic Vehicle Classification, AVC 自动车辆分类Automatic Vehicle Identification, AVI 自动车辆辨识Automatic Vehicle Location, AVL 自动车辆定位Automatic Vehicle Monitoring, AVM 自动车辆监视Auxiliary Lanes 辅助车道Average Delay Time 平均延滞时间Average Waiting Time 平均等候时间BBalance Cut and Fill 均衡挖填Barrier, Noise barrier, Noise barrier wall 防音墙Birds' eye view 鸟噉图Blast 开炸Bleeding (沥青路面)泛油; (水泥混凝土表面)泛浆Blood alcohol concentration 血液中酒精浓度Bottleneck 瓶颈Bottleneck Road 瓶颈路段Brake failure, Defective brake 煞车失灵Brake light 煞车灯Brake Reaction time 煞车反应时间;制动反应时间Braking Distance 剎车视距(停车视距)Braking system 煞车系统Breakdowns 故障Breath alcohol concentration 呼气酒精含量Brick Pavement 砖铺路面;砖铺面Bridge 桥梁Bridge expansion joint 桥面伸缩缝Bridge inspection 桥梁检测Bridge Management System 桥梁管理系统Bridge span 桥跨Brightness contrast 辉度对照比Brittle fracture 碎裂Gravel Road 碎石路Broken Stone Surface 碎石路面Budget 预算经费Budgetary estimate 经费概算Buffer 缓冲剂;缓冲器Buffer distance 缓冲距离Buffer reach 缓冲段Buffer time 缓冲时间Buffer zone 缓冲带Building Code 建筑规则;建筑法规Bumper 保险杆Bus Exclusive Lane 公交专用道Bus operation 公交营运Bus Rapid Transit 公交捷运Bus route inquiring system 公交路线查询系统Bus scheduling 公交排班Bus station 公交停靠站Bus Terminal 公交终站;公交总站;公交场站Business District 商业区CCab, Taxi 出租车Capacitated freight distribution 零担货物运输Capacity analysis 容积分析Capacity and level of service analysis 容量与服务水准分析Capacity constraint, Capacity restriction 容量限制Capacity estimation 容量估计Capacity limitation 容量极限值Car accident, Traffic accident 交通事故Car detector, Vehicular detector 车辆侦测器Car following model 跟车模式;自动跟车系统Car navigation system 汽车导向系统Car Ownership 汽车持有;汽车持有权Car Pooling, Carpool 汽车共乘Carbon Dioxide CO2二氧化碳Casualty 伤亡Caution Light 警告灯Caution Sign 警告标;警告标志Caution Signal 注意信号;警告号志Concrete Pavement 混凝土路面Critical Speed 临界速率Census 普查Center Island 中央岛Centerline 中心线Central Business District CBD 中心商业区Charging system 收费系统Children-only Bus 幼童专用车Circulation 通风;交通Circumferential street (road) 外环(环状)道路City Rebuilding 都市重建Classification Count 分类调查Classification of road 道路分类Classification of Soil 土壤分类Clear distance 净距Clear height 净空高Clear Span 净跨距Climate Conditions 气候情况Close System Toll Station 封闭制收费站Closed Loop 封闭环路CO Detector 一氧化碳侦测器Code 规范;数值Coefficient of friction, Friction coefficient, Frictional coefficient 摩擦系数Collision Accident 碰撞事故Collision Warning Systems 碰撞预警系统Commercial Center 商业中心Commercial District 商业区Community Center 杜区中心Community Planning 社区规划Commuter 通勤者Commuter Rail, Commuter Train 通勤火车Commuting Distance 通勤距离Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 征收补偿Complex intersection 复合适交叉路口Composition of Traffic 交通组成Comprehensive Planning 综合性计划Compressibility of Soil 土壤压缩性Computer-Aided Dispatching System 计算机辅助派车系统Concave-convex 凹凸形Concrete barrier (New Jersey) 新泽西(混凝土)护栏Concrete pavement 混凝土铺面Conflicting point 冲突点Congestion degree 拥挤度Congestion pricing 拥挤定价Congestion Time 拥挤时间Congestion toll 拥挤费Construction Sign 施工标志Construction Specification 施工规范Construction/Maintenance Zone 施工维修区Contour Line 等高线Contour Map 等高线图Control of Access 出入管制Convex Function 凸函数Corridor 交通通廊Cost of Service 服务成本Count-down pedestrian signal 行人倒数计时显示器Counter flow 对向车流Country road 乡道Crash 冲撞;碰撞Critical Path 要径Critical Point 临界点Cross road 十字路口;交叉路;十字路Crown 路拱;路冠Crude Oil 原油Curb 缘石;路边石;护角Curve 曲线;曲线板;弯道Cushion material 缓冲材料Cushioning effect 缓冲效应DDaily Rainfall 日降水量Daily variation diagram 日变化图Deceleration 减速度Defective brake 煞车失灵Deformation 变形Defrosting 解冻Degree of Saturation 饱和度Delivery area 卸货区Delivery system 配送系统Delivery time 递送时间;送货时间Demand volume 需求流量Demand-Capacity Control 需求容量控制Demand-supply of parking spaces 停车空间的供需问题Demographic Data 人口资料Density of Traffic 交通密度;车流密度Design Capacity 设计容量Design curve 设计曲线Destination 目的地Destination zone 讫点区Detector 侦测器Deterioration 变质;恶化Diagonal crosswalk lines 班马纹行人穿越道Diesel Fuel 柴油Diffuse 扩散Digital image processing 数字影像处理Digital Map 数字地图Dining area 餐饮区Direction Factor 方向系数Disabled parking lots 残障停车位Dispatching efficiency 调度效率Distance 距离Distance-Measuring Equipment DME 测距仪Distribution center 配运中心Distribution center, Goods distribution center 物流中心Diverging area 分流区;分流区域Diverging point 分流点Dividing Strip 分隔带Domestic 本土的;区域的Door to door service 及门服务;及户服务Double decked bus 双层巴士Double-deck ramp 双层匝道Down Grade 下坡Downstream 下游Downtown street 闹市街道Dozer 推土机Drafting Room 制图室Drain Ditch 排水沟Drain Pipe 排水管Drainage Facilities 排水设施Driver behavior model 驾驶员行为模式Driver Information System 驾驶信息系统Driver Perception Reaction Distance 驾驶员反应距离Driver's License 汽车驾驶执照;汽车驾照Driving Simulator 驾驶仿真器Driving under the influence of alcohol 酒后驾驶Dynamic characteristics 动态特性Dynamic route choice 动态路径选择Dynamic system-optimum control model 动态系统最佳控制模式Dynamic traffic characteristic 动态交通特性Dynamic traffic signal control 动态交通号志控制系统EEarth Embankment 土堤Earth Excavation 挖土Earth Fill 填土Earthquake 地震East-West Expressway 东西向快速公路Economic benefits analysis 经济效益分析Elastic Deformation 弹性变形Elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡Electronic distance measurement instrument 电子测距仪Electronic gate 电子门;电动门Electronic Toll Collection 电子收费Elevated Highway 高架公路Elevation 标高;高程Elevator 电梯E-map of highway 公路电子地图Embankment 路堤Emergency delivery 紧急输送Emergency Escape Ramps 紧急出口匝道Emergency evacuation 紧急疏散Enforcement 执法,执行Engineering Economic Analysis 工程经济分析En-Route Driver Information 途中驾驶员信息En-Route Transit Information 途中运输信息Entrance (entry), ingress 进口路段Entrance exit 出入口Environment factor 环境因素Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评估Environmental sensitive area 环境敏感地带(环境敏感区位)Escalator 电扶梯Excavation Work 挖土工程Excess Fuel Consumption 超额燃油消耗Exclusive bike lane/Bikes only 脚踏车专用道Exclusive lane 专用车道Exit Ramp Closure 出口匝道关闭Exit Ramp Control 出口匝道控制Expansion Factor 膨胀因素;扩展系数Expansion Joint 伸,接缝Explosive 炸药Express slow traffic divider 快慢分隔岛Expressway 快速道路(进出管制或半进出管制)Glare control 眩光控制Glare screen 防眩设施Glare shield 眩光遮蔽物Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系统Goods delivery problem 货物配送问题Grade 坡度;纵向坡度Graphical analysis 图解分析法Gravel Road 砾石路Gravity Model 重力模式Greenhouse effect 温室效应Guidance information 导引信息Guide Sign 指示标志HHazardous materials 危险物品Head light 前灯;车前大灯Head On Collision 车头对撞Heavy weight transportation management 大载重运输管理High beam 远光灯High capacity buses 高容量巴士High Occupancy Vehicle HOV 高乘载车辆High-Occupancy Vehicle Priority Control 高承载率车优先行驶控制High Speed Rail 高速铁路Highway aesthetics 公路美学Highway alignment design 公路线形设计Highway Construction and Maintenance Cost 公路建设维护成本Highway Supervision and Administration 公路监理Histogram 直方统计图Hit-and-run driving 肇事逃逸;闯祸逃逸Holding Line Marker 等候线标记Home interview 家庭访问Horizontal Clearance 侧向净宽Horizontal Curve 平曲线Hourly variation 时变化图Human characteristics 人类特性Human factor 人为因素;人事行为因素Hydrophilic 亲水性Hydrophobic 厌水性IIdeal Condition 理想状况Illegal parking 违规停车Impact 冲击Improving Highway Traffic Order and Safety Projects 道路交通秩序与交通安全改进方案Indemnity of Damage 损害赔偿Intensity of Rainfall 雨量强度Index system, Indicator system 指标体系Indirect observation 间接观测Individual difference 个人禀性的差异Infrastructure 内部结构;基础建设Inspection of Vehicle 汽车检验Intelligent Transportation System ITS 智能运输系统Intensity and Duration of Rainfall 降雨时间与密度Intercepting Drain 截水管Intercity bus industry 长途客运(业)Intersection design 交叉路口设计Interview technique 访问法;访谈法Intoxicated driving 酒后驾车JJoint Operation of Transport 联运Junction 路口LLag time 延迟时间Landscape design 景观设计Landslide/Slump 坍方Lane, traffic lane 车道Lane Width 车道宽度Latent travel demand 潜在旅次需求Lateral clearance 侧向净距Laws of randomness 随机定理Left turn lane 左转车道Left turn waiting zone 左转待转区Left turning vehicle 左转车辆Length of grade 坡长Level Crossing 平面交叉Level of Service 服务水准License Plate 汽车号牌License Suspension 吊扣驾照License Termination 吊销License Plate Recognition 车牌辨识Light Rail Rapid Transit LRRT 轻轨捷运Load limit 载重限制Loading & unloading zone 上下旅客区段或装卸货物区段Local Area Network, LAN 局域网络Logical Architecture 逻辑架构Long tunnel 长隧道Longitude 经度Longitudinal Drain 纵向排水Longitudinal Grade 纵坡度Long-Range Planning 长程规划Loop 环道(公路方面);回路(电路方面)Lost Time 损失时间MMacro or mass analysis 汇总分析;宏观分析Magnetic Levitation Maglev 磁浮运输系统Magnetic loop detector 磁圈侦测器Mainline 主线Management Information System MIS 管理信息系统Manual counts 人工调查法Marking 标线Maximum allowable gradient 最大容许坡度Maximum capacity 最大容量Maximum Density 最大密度Maximum Likelihood Function 最大概似法Maximum Peak Hour Volume 最尖峰小时交通量Measure of Effectiveness MOE 绩效评估指针Mechanical garage 机械式停车楼(间)Merge 合并;并流;进口匝道;并入Merging area 并流区域Merging point 并流点Metropolitan Planning Area 大都会规划区Minimum Grade 最小纵断坡度Minimum sight triangle 最小视界三角形Minimum turning radius 最小转弯半径Mixed flow 混合车队Mixed traffic 混合车队营运Mixed traffic flow 混合车流Monitoring 监测Monorail 单轨铁路Mortality 死亡数Motivation 动机Mountain road 山区道路Multilayer 多层Multileg Interchange 多路立体交叉Multileg Intersection 多路交叉NNational freeway 国道National System Architecture 国家级架构Natural ventilation 自然通风Navigation 引导;导航Net Weight 净重No left turn 不准左转;请勿左转No parking 禁止停车Noise barrier, Sound insulating wall 隔音墙Noise pollution 噪音污染Noise sensitive area 噪音敏感地区Nonhomogeneous flow 不同流向的车流;非均质车流Nonskid Surface Treatment 防滑处理Nonsynchronous controller 异步控制器Novelty 新奇性Number of Passengers 客运人数Number of Registered Vehicle 车辆登记数Nurture room 育婴室OOccupational Illness 职业病Off parking facilities, Off street parking garage 路外停车场Off Season 运输淡季Off street parking 路外停车One-way arterial street 单向主要干道One-way Street 单行道One-way Ticket 单程票Operating Cost 营运成本Operating Time 营运时间Optimal path 最佳路径Optimal spacing 最适间距Optimum asphalt content 最佳沥青含量Optimum Moisture Content 最佳含水量Ordinance 条例Origin and destination study 起讫点研究Outlet Control 出口控制Overall travel time 全程行驶时间Overburden 超载;覆盖Overloaded vehicle 超载车辆Overloading experiment 超载实验Overpass 天桥;高架道Ozone layer 臭氧层PParameter 参数Parcel distribution industry 包裹配送业Park and ride system 停车转乘系统Parking behavior 停车行为Parking capacity 停车容量Parking demand 停车需求Parking discount 停车折扣Parking facility 停车设施Parking Lot 停车场Parking prohibition 禁止路边停车Parking restriction 停车限制Parking supply 停车供给Passing Sight Distance 超车视距Patrolling 巡逻Pavement aging 铺面老化Pavement Condition 铺面状况Pavement Drainage 路面排水Pavement maintenance 铺面维护Pavement rehabilitation 铺面翻修Pavement roughness 铺面糙度Pavement strength 铺面强度Pavement-width transition marking 路宽渐变段标线Peak Season 运输旺季Pedestrian Crossing 行人穿越道线Pedestrian Signals 行人号志Pedestrian行人Pedestrian factor 行人因素Pedometer 步测计Perception distance 感识距离Perception Time 认识时间Performance 绩效;功能Permeability Coefficient 透水系数Permeability test 透水试验Photoelectric detector 光电侦测器Platform 平台Pore 孔隙Priority 优先权Private Vehicle 自用车辆Provincial Highway 省道QQualitative 定性Quantification 定量Queue Length 等候线长度Queuing time 等候时间Queuing model 等候模式RRadar meter, speed gun 雷达测速仪Radial street 辐射式道路Radius of curvature 曲率半径Rainfall Frequency 降雨频率Rainfall Intensity 降雨强度Ramp closure 匝道封闭Ramp control 匝道管制;匝道仪控Reaction time 反应时间Real-time 实时Real time scheduling 实时排程Real-time Traffic Information 实时交通信息Rear-end collision 尾撞Reasonable or prudent speed limit 合理速限Reckless driving 驾驶疏忽Reliability 可靠性Remote Area 偏远地区Residential District, Residential Area 住宅区Resistance Value, R-Value 阻力值;R-值Rest Area, Rest Site 休息区Restricted curb parking 规定时限的路边停车Retail district 零售区Reversible one-way street 调拨式(可变)单行道Revocation 注销驾照Ride sharing 车辆共乘Ride Sharing Program 车辆共乘计划Right of ingress or egress 进出权Road bed, Roadbed, Subgrade 路基Road capacity 道路容量Road closure 道路封闭Road construction 道路建设Road design 道路设计Road Functional Classification 道路功能分类Road geometric factor 道路几何因素Road improvement 道路改善Road landscape, Roadscape 道路景观Road maintenance 道路维护Road pricing 道路定价Road roughness 路面粗糙度Road safety, Traffic safety 道路安全Road surface thickness, Thickness of pavement 路面厚度Road survey 道路测量Road toll 道路收费Road widening 道路拓宽Roadside interview 路旁(边)访问调查Round Trip Ticket 来回票Route choice, Route selection 路线选择Route familiarity 路径熟悉度Route Guidance 路径导引SSafe-passing sight distance 安全超车视距Safe-stopping sight distance 安全停车视距Sample 试样Sample size 抽样大小Sampling 取样Saturation capacity 饱和容量Saturation flow 饱和流量Scale 尺度;比例尺Scanning 扫描Scheduled Service 定时服务班次Scheduled Signal Control 定时号志控制Scheduling 排班School Bus 校车Seat belt (座椅)安全带Semi-actuated signal 半触动号志Semi-actuated Signal Control 半感应号志控制Semicircular 半圆式Semidynamic route guidance 准动态路径导引Sensitivity Analysis 敏感度分析Sensitivity Parameter 敏感度参数Service Area 服务区Sharp Turn 急弯Shear force 剪力Shopping center 购物中心Shortest path 最短路径Shortest path algorithm 最短路径算则Short-Range Planning 短程规划Shoulder 路肩Sidewalk 人行道Sight Triangle 视线三角形Sign 标志Signal 信号;号志Signalized intersection 号志化路口Simulation 仿真Single Journey Ticket 单程票Slope stability analysis 边坡稳定分析Slump 坍方Smart Card 智能卡Soil Stability Analysis 土壤稳定分析Sound barriers 隔音墙Specifications 规范Speed, Velocity 速度Speeding 超速Stability 稳定性Stage construction 分期施工Standard deviation 标准差Static characteristics 静态特性Static Load 静止荷重Stochastic congested network 随机性拥挤路网Strictly Decrease Monotonically 严格单调递减Strictly Increase Monotonically 严格单调递增Subcenter 次中心Superelevation 超高Suspension Bridges 吊桥Suspension from toll 暂停收费Swampy Areas 沼泽区Swerve 偏离正常行车方向;逸出常轨Synchronization 同步Synchronized watch (timer) 同步定时器Synchronous controller 同步控制器System Architecture SA 系统架构TTerminal 场站Time limit 时间限制Time-and-space restriction 时间和空间限制Toll collection station, Toll gate, Toll plaza, Toll station 收费站Tolling equity 收费公平性Topographic maps 地形图Topographic surveys 地形测量Total deformation 总变形Track of vehicle 车辆轨迹Track width 轮距宽度;轨宽Tractive Force 牵引力Trade-off 取舍权衡Traffic Accident 交通事故Traffic accident investigation form 交通事故调查表Traffic administration 交通行政管理Traffic Assignment 交通量指派Traffic Composition 交通组成Traffic congestion, Traffic jam 交通壅塞Traffic control and management 交通控制与管理Traffic Control Center TCC 交通控制中心Traffic corridor 交通走廊Traffic count (survey) 交通量调查Traffic counting program 交通量调查计划Traffic data collection system 交通资料收集系统Traffic demand 交通需求Traffic Demand Management TDM 运输需求管理Traffic Density 车流密度Traffic engineering 交通工程Traffic equilibrium 交通均衡Traffic evacuation 交通疏散Traffic facility, Transportation facility 交通设施Traffic Flow 车流;交通流Traffic impact assessment, Traffic impact evaluation 交通冲击评估Traffic improvement 交通改善Traffic light, Traffic signal 交通号志Traffic Marker 标线Traffic Mitigation Measures 交通疏缓措施Traffic monitoring facility 交通侦测设备Traffic ordinance 交通条例Traffic regulation 交通规则;道路交通安全规则Traffic simulation 交通仿真Traffic Volume/Flow 交通量/流量Transfer station 转运站Transition 渐变段Travel time 行驶时间Traveler Services Information 路人服务信息Trip Generation 旅次发生Trip purpose 旅次目的Truck terminal 货车场站Tunnel 隧道Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口Tunnel excavation 隧道开挖Turning prohibition 禁止转弯运行Turning radius 转弯半径Two lanes 双车道UUnderground Water 地下水Unit price 单价Unrestricted curb parking 未加限制的路边停车Unsignalized intersection 非号志化路口Unstable flow 不稳定车流;不稳定流动状态Uphill way 上坡路段Upstream section 上游段;上流段Urban expressway 都巿快速道路Urban Planning 都市计划VVans 厢式车Vehicle classification 车种分类Vehicle tracing system, Vehicle tracking system 车辆追踪系统Ventilation shaft 通风竖井WWeaving length 交织长度Weaving section 交织区段Weight-in-Motion WIM 行进间测重;动态地磅ZZebra Lines 斑马线。

公路桥梁Ganger 工长Skilled labour 技工Operator for heavy...重型设备操作工Welder 焊工Propel 推进驱动Concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机Stone crushing plant 破碎系统Asphalt plant 沥青系统Grader 平地机In figures 小写In words 大写Bitumen 沥青柏油Bitumen distributor 沥青撒布工Portable pump 手提式泵Diameter 直径semi diameter Excavator/backhoe 反铲Welding machine 焊机Cement 水泥Aggregate 骨料Earth works 土石方工程Clearing and grubbing 清理Cutting and removal of tree 移植Unsuitable material 不合格料Disposal 处置Stockpile 储备堆放Back fill 回填Cladding layer 覆盖层Girth 周长围长Borrow pit in arranged land 借土Swamp 沼泽湿地Sub-grade works 路基工程improved sub-grade 路基改善Fine aggregate 细骨料1st class bricks 1级砖Dismantle portions 拆除部分Brick Masonry 砖砌结构Pavement works 路面工程Repair of Pothole 坑洼坑洞修补Milling of exiting pavement 刨除现有路面Sub-base 底基层Bituminous Prime Coat 沥青透层Bituminous Tack Coat 沥青粘结层Wearing Course 磨耗层Base Course 基层Sole agent 独家代理Bored piles 钻孔灌注桩Plug 插头塞住Carry out 执行Load test 荷载测试Pilot 飞行员试点的Strain 张力拉紧Dynamic 应变力lateral load 侧向荷载Grade beam 地基梁Flyover 天桥立交桥Culvert 涵洞Pier 桥墩码头Pedestal 底座基座Superstructure 上部结构Sub structure 下部结构Box girder 箱梁Crane girder 吊车梁Pres tress 预应力Strand 线串prestressing strands Expansion joint 伸缩缝Seal 封闭strip sealElastic 弹性的松紧带Bearing of bridge 支座Friction 摩擦Slab 板Incidental 附带的杂项Catch pit 积水坑Bedding 垫层mortar bedding 砂浆垫层Kerb 路缘石Gutter 排水沟Fiber 纤维Filter 过滤Crash barrier 防撞栏Triangle traffic signs 三角交通标志round Aluminum 铝铝的Plaster 石膏Hook 挂钩钩住Tile 瓷砖瓦片White washing 刷白Polish 抛光Lime 石灰Panel (仪表/控制)面板小组Stainless steel 不锈钢Rusty 生锈的Copper 铜Sensor device 感言装置Sanitary 卫生的Oriental 东方的Commode 马桶洗脸台wash basinFuse 融合熔断保险丝Arrester 避雷器lightning protectionCircuit breaker 断路器Blade 叶片Exhaust 排出排气使精疲力尽Split 分开分离劈开Slot 插槽Laboratory 试验室Road base 路基Gravel 碎石Bank guarantee 银行保函unlimited competitive open biding 公开招标security company 担保公司payment guarantee 支付保函cost plan 成本计划client´s requirements业主要求offer 报价quotationbid evaluation 评标Audit 审核review commentDefect 缺陷preventive action 预防措施Bearing platform 承台Bench mark 水准点Bending strength 抗弯强度Bent cap 盖梁Annual average daily traffic 年平均日交通量Aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量Admixture 外加剂Abutment 桥台Bituminous surface treatment 沥青表处Toll system 收费系统Traffic flow 交通流量traffic volumeCumulative toll revenue 累计收费Toll station 收费站Toll rate 收费标准Adjustment for toll rate 收费调整Preference 优先偏爱GDP growth forecast 经济增长预测Historic economic statistic(record)历史经济数据Daily record 日报表Traffic survey 交通调查Traffic composition 交通组成Traffic density 交通密度Peak(design) hourly volume 高峰(设计)小时交通量Base year 基年Planned road network 规划路网Parallel road 平行路网Base/optimistic/conservative case 基本/乐观/保守方案。

30th Highest Hourly Volume,30HV 第30 最高小时交通量3-Leg Interchange 三路立体交叉3-Leg Intersection 三路交叉AA.M. Peak Period 早高峰Absolute speed limit 绝对速限Abutting property 邻街建造物Acceleration Lane 加速车道Access 出入口Access Control 出入管制;进出管制Access ramp 出入引道Accessibility 可及性Accident 肇事;事故;意外事件Accident (Crash) Rate 事故率Accident (Crash) Severity 事故严重性Accident Analysis 事故分析;意外分析;肇事分析Accident Assessment 事故鉴定Accident Casualty 事故伤亡Accident Cause 事故原因Accident Characteristics 肇事特性Accident Hazardous Location 易肇祸路段Accident Investigation 事故调查Accident Prone Location 易肇事地点Accuracy 精度Actual travel time 实际行驶时间Adaptive route choice 适应性路线选择Advanced driver information system ADIS 先进驾驶员信息系统Advanced Traffic Management Services ATMS 先进交通管理服务Advanced Traveler Information Services ATIS 先进路人信息服务Advanced vehicle control system 先进车辆控制系统Aerial Map 航测图Aerial perspective 鸟噉图;空中透视Overload, Overloading 超载Air resistance 空气阻力Alignment Design 路线设计;定线设计Algorithm 运算法则All-day Service 全天候服务Alley 巷;道Allowable Bearing Capacity 容许承载量Allowable load 容许载重Alternate Method 替代方法Alternative(s)替代(换)方案American Concrete Institute ACI 美国混凝土学会;美国混凝土研究会American Federal Highway Administration FHWA 美国联邦公路总署American Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 美国交通工程师学会American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE 美国土木工程师协会Amplification effect 放大效应Amplifier 扩大器Annual Average Daily Traffic, AADT 年平均日交通量Annual budget 年度预算Annual Traffic 年交通量Appropriate measures 适当防制措施Arc 弧线Arrival time 到达时间Arterial 主要干道Asphalt, Asphalt Cement, Asphalt Binder 沥青(美国用语);沥青胶泥At-Grade Intersection 平面交叉Advanced traffic management system ATMS 先进的交通管理系统;高等交通管理系统Automated toll system 自动化收费系统Automatic Cargo Identification, ACI 自动货物辨识Automatic Vehicle Classification, AVC 自动车辆分类Automatic Vehicle Identification, AVI 自动车辆辨识Automatic Vehicle Location, AVL 自动车辆定位Automatic Vehicle Monitoring, AVM 自动车辆监视Auxiliary Lanes 辅助车道Average Delay Time 平均延滞时间Average Waiting Time 平均等候时间BBalance Cut and Fill 均衡挖填Barrier, Noise barrier, Noise barrier wall 防音墙Birds' eye view 鸟噉图Blast 开炸Bleeding (沥青路面)泛油; (水泥混凝土表面)泛浆Blood alcohol concentration 血液中酒精浓度Bottleneck 瓶颈Bottleneck Road 瓶颈路段Brake failure, Defective brake 煞车失灵Brake light 煞车灯Brake Reaction time 煞车反应时间;制动反应时间Braking Distance 剎车视距(停车视距)Braking system 煞车系统Breakdowns 故障Breath alcohol concentration 呼气酒精含量Brick Pavement 砖铺路面;砖铺面Bridge 桥梁Bridge expansion joint 桥面伸缩缝Bridge inspection 桥梁检测Bridge Management System 桥梁管理系统Bridge span 桥跨Brightness contrast 辉度对照比Brittle fracture 碎裂Gravel Road 碎石路Broken Stone Surface 碎石路面Budget 预算经费Budgetary estimate 经费概算Buffer 缓冲剂;缓冲器Buffer distance 缓冲距离Buffer reach 缓冲段Buffer time 缓冲时间Buffer zone 缓冲带Building Code 建造规则;建造法规Bumper 保险杆Bus Exclusive Lane 公交专用道Bus operation 公交营运Bus Rapid Transit 公交捷运Bus route inquiring system 公交路线查询系统Bus scheduling 公交排班Bus station 公交停靠站Bus Terminal 公交终站;公交总站;公交场站Business District 商业区CCab, Taxi 出租车Capacitated freight distribution 零担货物运输Capacity analysis 容积分析Capacity and level of service analysis 容量与服务水准分析Capacity constraint, Capacity restriction 容量限制Capacity estimation 容量估计Capacity limitation 容量极限值Car accident, Traffic accident 交通事故Car detector, Vehicular detector 车辆侦测器Car following model 跟车模式;自动跟车系统Car navigation system 汽车导向系统Car Ownership 汽车持有;汽车持有权Car Pooling, Carpool 汽车共乘Carbon Dioxide CO2 二氧化碳Casualty 伤亡Caution Light 警告灯Caution Sign 警告标;警告标志Caution Signal 注意信号;警告号志Concrete Pavement 混凝土路面Critical Speed 临界速率Census 普查Center Island 中央岛Centerline 中心线Central Business District CBD 中心商业区Charging system 收费系统Children-only Bus 幼童专用车Circulation 通风;交通Circumferential street (road)外环(环状)道路City Rebuilding 都市重建Classification Count 分类调查Classification of road 道路分类Classification of Soil 土壤分类Clear distance 净距Clear height 净空高Clear Span 净跨距Climate Conditions 气候情况Close System Toll Station 封闭制收费站Closed Loop 封闭环路CO Detector 一氧化碳侦测器Code 规范;数值Coefficient of friction, Friction coefficient, Frictional coefficient 磨擦系数Collision Accident 碰撞事故Collision Warning Systems 碰撞预警系统Commercial Center 商业中心Commercial District 商业区Community Center 杜区中心Community Planning 社区规划Commuter 通勤者Commuter Rail, Commuter Train 通勤火车Commuting Distance 通勤距离Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 征收补偿Complex intersection 复合适交叉路口Composition of Traffic 交通组成Comprehensive Planning 综合性计划Compressibility of Soil 土壤压缩性Computer-Aided Dispatching System 计算机辅助派车系统Concave-convex 凹凸形Concrete barrier (New Jersey) 新泽西(混凝土)护栏Concrete pavement 混凝土铺面Conflicting point 冲突点Congestion degree 拥挤度Congestion pricing 拥挤定价Congestion Time 拥挤时间Congestion toll 拥挤费Construction Sign 施工标志Construction Specification 施工规范Construction/Maintenance Zone 施工维修区Contour Line 等高线Contour Map 等高线图Control of Access 出入管制Convex Function 凸函数Corridor 交通通廊Cost of Service 服务成本Count-down pedestrian signal 行人倒数计时显示器Counter flow 对向车流Country road 乡道Crash 冲撞;碰撞Critical Path 要径Critical Point 临界点Cross road 十字路口;交叉路;十字路Crown 路拱;路冠Crude Oil 原油Curb 缘石;路边石;护角Curve 曲线;曲线板;弯道Cushion material 缓冲材料Cushioning effect 缓冲效应DDaily Rainfall 日降水量Daily variation diagram 日变化图Deceleration 减速度Defective brake 煞车失灵Deformation 变形Defrosting 解冻Degree of Saturation 饱和度Delivery area 卸货区Delivery system 配送系统Delivery time 递送时间;送货时间Demand volume 需求流量Demand-Capacity Control 需求容量控制Demand-supply of parking spaces 停车空间的供需问题Demographic Data 人口资料Density of Traffic 交通密度;车流密度Design Capacity 设计容量Design curve 设计曲线Destination 目的地Destination zone 讫点区Detector 侦测器Deterioration 变质;恶化Diagonal crosswalk lines 班马纹行人穿越道Diesel Fuel 柴油Diffuse 扩散Digital image processing 数字影像处理Digital Map 数字地图Dining area 餐饮区Direction Factor 方向系数Disabled parking lots 残障停车位Dispatching efficiency 调度效率Distance 距离Distance-Measuring Equipment DME 测距仪Distribution center 配运中心Distribution center, Goods distribution center 物流中心Diverging area 分流区;分流区域Diverging point 分流点Dividing Strip 分隔带Domestic 本土的;区域的Door to door service 及门服务;及户服务Double decked bus 双层巴士Double-deck ramp 双层匝道Down Grade 下坡Downstream 下游Downtown street 闹市街道Dozer 推土机Drafting Room 制图室Drain Ditch 排水沟Drain Pipe 排水管Drainage Facilities 排水设施Driver behavior model 驾驶员行为模式Driver Information System 驾驶信息系统Driver Perception Reaction Distance 驾驶员反应距离Driver's License 汽车驾驶执照;汽车驾照Driving Simulator 驾驶仿真器Driving under the influence of alcohol 酒后驾驶Dynamic characteristics 动态特性Dynamic route choice 动态路径选择Dynamic system-optimum control model 动态系统最佳控制模式Dynamic traffic characteristic 动态交通特性Dynamic traffic signal control 动态交通号志控制系统EEarth Embankment 土堤Earth Excavation 挖土Earth Fill 填土Earthquake 地震East-West Expressway 东西向快速公路Economic benefits analysis 经济效益分析Elastic Deformation 弹性变形Elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡Electronic distance measurement instrument 电子测距仪Electronic gate 电子门;电动门Electronic Toll Collection 电子收费Elevated Highway 高架公路Elevation 标高;高程Elevator 电梯E-map of highway 公路电子地图Embankment 路堤Emergency delivery 紧急输送Emergency Escape Ramps 紧急出口匝道Emergency evacuation 紧急疏散Enforcement 执法,执行Engineering Economic Analysis 工程经济分析En-Route Driver Information 途中驾驶员信息En-Route Transit Information 途中运输信息Entrance (entry), ingress 进口路段Entrance exit 出入口Environment factor 环境因素Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评估Environmental sensitive area 环境敏感地带(环境敏感区位) Escalator 电扶梯Excavation Work 挖土工程Excess Fuel Consumption 超额燃油消耗Exclusive bike lane/Bikes only 脚踏车专用道Exclusive lane 专用车道Exit Ramp Closure 出口匝道关闭Exit Ramp Control 出口匝道控制Expansion Factor 膨胀因素;扩展系数Expansion Joint 伸,接缝Explosive 炸药Express slow traffic divider 快慢分隔岛Expressway 快速道路(进出管制或者半进出管制)Glare control 眩光控制Glare screen 防眩设施Glare shield 眩光遮蔽物Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系统Goods delivery problem 货物配送问题Grade 坡度;纵向坡度Graphical analysis 图解分析法Gravel Road 砾石路Gravity Model 重力模式Greenhouse effect 温室效应Guidance information 导引信息Guide Sign 指示标志HHazardous materials 危(wei)险物品Head light 前灯;车前大灯Head On Collision 车头对撞Heavy weight transportation management 大载重运输管理High beam 远光灯High capacity buses 高容量巴士High Occupancy Vehicle HOV 高乘载车辆High-Occupancy Vehicle Priority Control 高承载率车优先行驶控制High Speed Rail 高速铁路Highway aesthetics 公路美学Highway alignment design 公路线形设计Highway Construction and Maintenance Cost 公路建设维护成本Highway Supervision and Administration 公路监理Histogram 直方统计图Hit-and-run driving 肇事逃逸;闯祸逃逸Holding Line Marker 等候线标记Home interview 家庭访问Horizontal Clearance 侧向净宽Horizontal Curve 平曲线Hourly variation 时变化图Human characteristics 人类特性Human factor 人为因素;人事行为因素Hydrophilic 亲水性Hydrophobic 厌水性IIdeal Condition 理想状况Illegal parking 违规停车Impact 冲击Improving Highway Traffic Order and Safety Projects 道路交通秩序与交通安全改进方案Indemnity of Damage 伤害赔偿Intensity of Rainfall 雨量强度Index system, Indicator system 指标体系Indirect observation 间接观测Individual difference 个人禀性的差异Infrastructure 内部结构;基础建设Inspection of Vehicle 汽车检验Intelligent Transportation System ITS 智能运输系统Intensity and Duration of Rainfall 降雨时间与密度Intercepting Drain 截水管Intercity bus industry 长途客运(业)Intersection design 交叉路口设计Interview technique 访问法;访谈法Intoxicated driving 酒后驾车JJoint Operation of Transport 联运Junction 路口LLag time 延迟时间Landscape design 景观设计Landslide/Slump 坍方Lane, traffic lane 车道Lane Width 车道宽度Latent travel demand 潜在旅次需求Lateral clearance 侧向净距Laws of randomness 随机定理Left turn lane 左转车道Left turn waiting zone 左转待转区Left turning vehicle 左转车辆Length of grade 坡长Level Crossing 平面交叉Level of Service 服务水准License Plate 汽车号牌License Suspension 吊扣驾照License Termination 吊销License Plate Recognition 车牌辨识Light Rail Rapid Transit LRRT 轻轨捷运Load limit 载重限制Loading & unloading zone 上下旅客区段或者装卸货物区段Local Area Network, LAN 局域网络Logical Architecture 逻辑架构Long tunnel 长隧道Longitude 经度Longitudinal Drain 纵向排水Longitudinal Grade 纵坡度Long-Range Planning 长程规划Loop 环道(公路方面);回路(电路方面)Lost Time 损失时间MMacro or mass analysis 汇总分析;宏观分析Magnetic Levitation Maglev 磁浮运输系统Magnetic loop detector 磁圈侦测器Mainline 主线Management Information System MIS 管理信息系统Manual counts 人工调查法Marking 标线Maximum allowable gradient 最大容许坡度Maximum capacity 最大容量Maximum Density 最大密度Maximum Likelihood Function 最大概似法Maximum Peak Hour Volume 最尖峰小时交通量Measure of Effectiveness MOE 绩效评估指针Mechanical garage 机械式停车楼(间)Merge 合并;并流;进口匝道;并入Merging area 并流区域Merging point 并流点Metropolitan Planning Area 大都会规划区Minimum Grade 最小纵断坡度Minimum sight triangle 最小视界三角形Minimum turning radius 最小转弯半径Mixed flow 混合车队Mixed traffic 混合车队营运Mixed traffic flow 混合车流Monitoring 监测Monorail 单轨铁路Mortality 死亡数Motivation 动机Mountain road 山区道路Multilayer 多层Multileg Interchange 多路立体交叉Multileg Intersection 多路交叉NNational freeway 国道National System Architecture 国家级架构Natural ventilation 自然通风Navigation 引导;导航Net Weight 净重No left turn 不许左转;请勿左转No parking 禁止停车Noise barrier, Sound insulating wall 隔音墙Noise pollution 噪音污染Noise sensitive area 噪音敏感地区Nonhomogeneous flow 不同流向的车流;非均质车流Nonskid Surface Treatment 防滑处理Nonsynchronous controller 异步控制器Novelty 新鲜性Number of Passengers 客运人数Number of Registered Vehicle 车辆登记数Nurture room 育婴室OOccupational Illness 职业病Off parking facilities, Off street parking garage 路外停车场Off Season 运输淡季Off street parking 路外停车One-way arterial street 单向主要干道One-way Street 单行道One-way Ticket 单程票Operating Cost 营运成本Operating Time 营运时间Optimal path 最佳路径Optimal spacing 最适间距Optimum asphalt content 最佳沥青含量Optimum Moisture Content 最佳含水量Ordinance 条例Origin and destination study 起讫点研究Outlet Control 出口控制Overall travel time 全程行驶时间Overburden 超载;覆盖Overloaded vehicle 超载车辆Overloading experiment 超载实验Overpass 天桥;高架道Ozone layer 臭氧层PParameter 参数Parcel distribution industry 包裹配送业Park and ride system 停车转乘系统Parking behavior 停车行为Parking capacity 停车容量Parking demand 停车需求Parking discount 停车折扣Parking facility 停车设施Parking Lot 停车场Parking prohibition 禁止路边停车Parking restriction 停车限制Parking supply 停车供给Passing Sight Distance 超车视距Patrolling 巡逻Pavement aging 铺面老化Pavement Condition 铺面状况Pavement Drainage 路面排水Pavement maintenance 铺面维护Pavement rehabilitation 铺面翻修Pavement roughness 铺面糙度Pavement strength 铺面强度Pavement-width transition marking 路宽渐变段标线Peak Season 运输旺季Pedestrian Crossing 行人穿越道线Pedestrian Signals 行人号志Pedestrian 行人Pedestrian factor 行人因素Pedometer 步测计Perception distance 感识距离Perception Time 认识时间Performance 绩效;功能Permeability Coefficient 透水系数Permeability test 透水试验Photoelectric detector 光电侦测器Platform 平台Pore 孔隙Priority 优先权Private Vehicle 自用车辆Provincial Highway 省道QQualitative 定性Quantification 定量Queue Length 等候线长度Queuing time 等候时间Queuing model 等候模式RRadar meter, speed gun 雷达测速仪Radial street 辐射式道路Radius of curvature 曲率半径Rainfall Frequency 降雨频率Rainfall Intensity 降雨强度Ramp closure 匝道封闭Ramp control 匝道管制;匝道仪控Reaction time 反应时间Real-time 实时Real time scheduling 实时排程Real-time Traffic Information 实时交通信息Rear-end collision 尾撞Reasonable or prudent speed limit 合理速限Reckless driving 驾驶疏忽Reliability 可靠性Remote Area 偏远地区Residential District, Residential Area 住宅区Resistance Value, R-Value 阻力值;R-值Rest Area, Rest Site 歇息区Restricted curb parking 规定时限的路边停车Retail district 零售区Reversible one-way street 调拨式(可变)单行道Revocation 注销驾照Ride sharing 车辆共乘Ride Sharing Program 车辆共乘计划Right of ingress or egress 进出权Road bed, Roadbed, Subgrade 路基Road capacity 道路容量Road closure 道路封闭Road construction 道路建设Road design 道路设计Road Functional Classification 道路功能分类Road geometric factor 道路几何因素Road improvement 道路改善Road landscape, Roadscape 道路景观Road maintenance 道路维护Road pricing 道路定价Road roughness 路面粗糙度Road safety, Traffic safety 道路安全Road surface thickness, Thickness of pavement 路面厚度Road survey 道路测量Road toll 道路收费Road widening 道路拓宽Roadside interview 路旁(边)访问调查Round Trip Ticket 来回票Route choice, Route selection 路线选择Route familiarity 路径熟悉度Route Guidance 路径导引SSafe-passing sight distance 安全超车视距Safe-stopping sight distance 安全停车视距Sample 试样Sample size 抽样大小Sampling 取样Saturation capacity 饱和容量Saturation flow 饱和流量Scale 尺度;比例尺Scanning 扫描Scheduled Service 定时服务班次Scheduled Signal Control 定时号志控制Scheduling 排班School Bus 校车Seat belt (座椅)安全带Semi-actuated signal 半触动号志Semi-actuated Signal Control 半感应号志控制Semicircular 半圆式Semidynamic route guidance 准动态路径导引Sensitivity Analysis 敏感度分析Sensitivity Parameter 敏感度参数Service Area 服务区Sharp Turn 急弯Shear force 剪力Shopping center 购物中心Shortest path 最短路径Shortest path algorithm 最短路径算则Short-Range Planning 短程规划Shoulder 路肩Sidewalk 人行道Sight Triangle 视线三角形Sign 标志Signal 信号;号志Signalized intersection 号志化路口Simulation 仿真Single Journey Ticket 单程票Slope stability analysis 边坡稳定分析Slump 坍方Smart Card 智能卡Soil Stability Analysis 土壤稳定分析Sound barriers 隔音墙Specifications 规范Speed, Velocity 速度Speeding 超速Stability 稳定性Stage construction 分期施工Standard deviation 标准差Static characteristics 静态特性Static Load 静止荷重Stochastic congested network 随机性拥挤路网Strictly Decrease Monotonically 严格单调递减Strictly Increase Monotonically 严格单调递增Subcenter 次中心Superelevation 超高Suspension Bridges 吊桥Suspension from toll 暂停收费Swampy Areas 沼泽区Swerve 偏离正常行车方向;逸出常轨Synchronization 同步Synchronized watch (timer) 同步定时器Synchronous controller 同步控制器System Architecture SA 系统架构TTerminal 场站Time limit 时间限制Time-and-space restriction 时间和空间限制Toll collection station, Toll gate, Toll plaza, Toll station 收费站Tolling equity 收费公平性Topographic maps 地形图Topographic surveys 地形测量Total deformation 总变形Track of vehicle 车辆轨迹Track width 轮距宽度;轨宽Tractive Force 牵引力Trade-off 取舍权衡Traffic Accident 交通事故Traffic accident investigation form 交通事故调查表Traffic administration 交通行政管理Traffic Assignment 交通量指派Traffic Composition 交通组成Traffic congestion, Traffic jam 交通壅塞Traffic control and management 交通控制与管理Traffic Control Center TCC 交通控制中心Traffic corridor 交通走廊Traffic count (survey) 交通量调查Traffic counting program 交通量调查计划Traffic data collection system 交通资料采集系统Traffic demand 交通需求Traffic Demand Management TDM 运输需求管理Traffic Density 车流密度Traffic engineering 交通工程Traffic equilibrium 交通均衡Traffic evacuation 交通疏散Traffic facility, Transportation facility 交通设施Traffic Flow 车流;交通流Traffic impact assessment, Traffic impact evaluation 交通冲击评估Traffic improvement 交通改善Traffic light, Traffic signal 交通号志Traffic Marker 标线Traffic Mitigation Measures 交通疏缓措施Traffic monitoring facility 交通侦测设备Traffic ordinance 交通条例Traffic regulation 交通规则;道路交通安全规则Traffic simulation 交通仿真Traffic Volume/Flow 交通量/流量Transfer station 转运站Transition 渐变段Travel time 行驶时间Traveler Services Information 路人服务信息Trip Generation 旅次发生Trip purpose 旅次目的Truck terminal 货车场站Tunnel 隧道Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口Tunnel excavation 隧道开挖Turning prohibition 禁止转弯运行Turning radius 转弯半径Two lanes 双车道UUnderground Water 地下水Unit price 单价Unrestricted curb parking 未加限制的路边停车Unsignalized intersection 非号志化路口Unstable flow 不稳定车流;不稳定流动状态Uphill way 上坡路段Upstream section 上游段;上流段Urban expressway 都巿快速道路Urban Planning 都市计划VVans 厢式车Vehicle classification 车种分类Vehicle tracing system, Vehicle tracking system 车辆追踪系统Ventilation shaft 通风竖井WWeaving length 交织长度Weaving section 交织区段Weight-in-Motion WIM 行进间测重;动态地磅ZZebra Lines 斑马线。

交通工程专业英语的重点词汇Local communities当地群体(团体)transport demand 交通需求detrimenta有害的A VCS 先进的车辆控制系统A VCSS 先进的车辆安全控制系统performance性能warning systems预警系统control assistance systems控制援助系统full automation systems全自动化系统enhance提高,增加 ;加强congestion 拥塞,充血ITS智能交通系统vehicle 车辆ATMS 先进的交通管理系统ATIS先进的交通信息系统longitudinal 经度的,纵向的lateral 横向的,侧面的signal信号;信号的infrastructure 基础结构,基础设施intersection十字路口,交叉点commuting往返interchange相互交换;互通式立体交叉,bus lanes and busways公交专用道traffic signal control交通信号控制kerbside马路边kerb路缘石,traffic and parking managenment measures交通停车管理措施,footway人行道carriageway机动车道pubic transport priority 公交优先tram有轨电车pedestrian 步行者cyclist 骑脚踏车的人disability残疾contraflow 反向车流align 排列,成行alight 下车,点亮的urban transit 城市轨道交通transportation mode 运输方式right-of-way 道路用地,通行权,vehicle,route路线,stop站点,performance 性能,paratransit 辅助客运交通charter service 包租服务van厢式货车minibus面包车transit bus公共汽车trolley bus无轨电车articulated bus铰接客车streetcar or light rail vehicle(LRV)轻轨rail transit car有轨道车commuter rail transit市郊轨道交通vanpools 上下班交通车合用小组light rail transit轻轨交通chassis/∫esi/底盘combustion 燃烧diesel柴油机travel movements出行阶段approach 接近,引道ramp 坡道,匝道arterial 干道motorway高速公路trunk road system主干路系统maximum flow最大流量design flow设计流量inter-urban and recreational road 城际公路和旅游公路gradient坡度,weaving section交织区grade-separated juntions 分离式立体交叉口merge 交汇,合并diverge道路分叉crossroad交叉路design speed设计速度design traffic volumes设计交通levels of service服务等级,pavement and shoulders路面和路肩, freeway,expressway 高速公路,arterical highway国有公路,一级公路driveway车道slope 坡度survey 测量勘定facility设备;熟练traffic flow交通流orign and destination survey 起迄点调查traffic planning交通规划roadside interview survey 路边询问访问swept path扫过的路线,articulated vehicle拖挂车pelican crossing自控人行穿越道T-junction 丁字路口channelised layout渠化布局terrain地形ideal conditions理想条件prevailing conditions 当时条件intersection approaches交叉口引道level terrain平坦地形rolling terrain丘陵地形mountainous terrain山岭地形multiple-vehicle crashes多车辆碰撞motor vehicle机动车pickup truck皮卡车grade crossing平面交叉traffic accidents交通事故inadvertent不注意的,无意的prudence审慎one-way street 单向交通junction types 交叉口类型road markings 道路标识traffic signs交通标线warning sign警告标志regulatory sign禁令标志directionalinformatory sign指示道路标志parking 停车1.随着种族部落的形成和地理界限的逐步确定,开发新区域,开采新资源,发展社区间的贸易以及捍卫领土,这些都日益需要交通的发展。

Traffic Safety专业是研究交通安全相关知识和技能的学科领域。
1. Traffic Safety - 交通安全
2. Traffic Accidents - 交通事故
3. Road Safety - 道路安全
4. Traffic Laws - 交通法规
5. Traffic Engineering - 交通工程
6. Driver Education - 驾驶教育
7. Traffic Control - 交通管制
8. Transport Planning - 交通规划
9. Traffic Signs - 交通标志
10. Traffic Police - 交警
11. Traffic Violation - 交通违法行为
12. Traffic Congestion - 交通拥堵
13. Pedestrian Safety - 行人安全
14. Vehicle Safety - 车辆安全
15. Transportation System - 交通系统
16. Speed Limits - 限速
17. Seat Belt - 安全带
18. Traffic Safety Culture - 交通安全文化
19. Traffic Safety Education - 交通安全教育
20. Traffic Safety Campaign - 交通安全宣传活动

公路干道highway工程工程学engineering公路工程highway engineering路基roadbase路面pavement['peivmənt]构造物建造构成制造construct施工(名)construction试验室laboratory ['læbrə'tɔri]现场检测field test(名)试验检验(不)进行试验experiment试验检测测量test质量上流社会的quality ['kwɒlɪtɪ]合格,取得资格qualify材料material沥青柏油以沥青铺(一般指沥青路)asphalt ['æsfælt]沥青(指原材料)bitumen ['bɪtjʊmən]沥青的bituminous沥青混合料bituminous mixture混凝土concrete钢筋混凝土RC (reinforced concrete)信誉信用贷款credit进度快慢tempo计划plan评定evaluation检查(名)检验inspection标准水准规格标准的合格的standard技术性的工业的technical技术技巧技术的工艺的专门的technic水泥cement碎石路碎石路macadam砂砾碎石砂砾层gravel钢筋reinforcing steel bar或reinfored steel石石头石场石的石制的stone检查员inspector测量(名)measuring测量(及)检测(及)勘测测绘(名)survey设备仪器装置device申请application铺路工人paver加强reinforce(被加强的reinforced )sign 签字署名通知list 表名册目录列举tabulation 制表列表表格mapping 绘图制图camera 照相机photo 照片给。
拍照拍照lime 石灰petrol 汽油diesel-oil 柴油planer 计划者planed 有计划的根据计划的pile 柱桩把桩打入用桩支撑weld 焊接焊牢焊接点welder 焊接者焊工laborer 劳动者劳工辅助工manpower 人力劳动力人力资源雇佣使用利用employ职业租用受雇employment项目条款item关税税款税impostresign 放弃辞去辞职document 公文文件证件time limit from project 工期weighbridge 地磅台秤transbit 经纬仪mention 提到说起表扬career 职业经历skill 技术技能trade 行业商业owe 欠债organization 组织机构团体traffic 交通交往通行交易买卖spend 预算花钱浪费interest 股息股份兴趣cost 费用成本花费wage 薪水报酬earning 工资收入利润cash 现金现款把...兑现tax 税负担向...纳税deficit 赤字不足额业主owner(北美用)、employer(英语国用)发展商(房屋等业主)client 或developer承包商contractor总承包商prime contractor或general contractor 分承包商nominated contractor专业承包商specialist contractor咨询公司consulting firm 或consultants咨询工程师consulting engineer建筑师architect建筑工程经理constraction manager项目经理program manager材料供应商supplier建筑经济学contraction economics亚洲开发银行asian development bank世界银行集团world bank group学会institute协会association组织结构organizational styucture基础设施infrastructure环境environment质量管理体系qulity management system质量方针quality policy质量目标quality objective职能,函数,职务function计量的metrological鉴定qualification评审review效率efficiency验证verification顾客,消费者customer过程process产品product项目,预计的,计划的project程序procedure特性characteristic记录record检验inspection文件document信息information能力capabitily 满意satisfaction投标邀请书invitation for bids公开招标unlimited competitive open biding投标者须知instruction to bidders银行保函bank guarantee担保公司security company支付保函payment guarantee资质说明statement of qualification单位成本cost per unit成本计划cost plan成本价price cost业主要求client´s requirements投标书tender 或bid 或proposal合同条件condition of contract合同协议书agreement图纸drawings工程量表bill of quantities投标保证bid security保价offer开标tender 或bid评标bid evaluation施工项目work items总价合同lump sum contract专题报告subjective report审核audit 审核员auditor测量控制measurement control测量设备measureing equipment技术专家technical expert习惯,惯例custom选择selection确定,决定definition合格conformity不合格nonconformity缺陷defect预防措施preventive action纠正措施corrective action返工rework降级regrade返修repair报废serap让步concession放行release土工格栅geogrid土工布geotextile [,dʒiəu'tekstail 挡土墙Retaining wall[ri'teiniŋ。

10-kph pace 10-kph速差间距20-pen graphic recorder 20笔图形记录器3 phase 三时相30th Highest Hurly Volume 30HV 第30最高小时交通量3-Centered Compound Curve Centerline 三心复曲线3-Leg Interchange 三路立体交叉3-Leg Intersection 三路交叉4 phase with overlaps 四时相重叠时相4-Leg Interchange 四路立体交叉4-Leg Intersections 四路交叉AA.M. Peak Period 早上尖峰时段Benkelman Beam 彭柯曼梁Absolute speed limit 绝对速限Abutment 桥台;桥座Abutting property 邻街建筑物Acceleration Grade 加速坡度Acceleration lane 加速车道Acceleration Resistance 加速阻力Accelerative start-forced return 加速进行超车—强迫紧急返回原车道Accelerative start-voluntary return 加速进行超车—随意从容返回原车道Acceptable gap 可接受间距Acceleration Lane 加速车道Access 出入口Access Control 出入管制;进出管制Access-Controlled Highway 出入管制公路Access Lane 出入车道Access Network 接取网络Access ramp 出入引道Access road 连络道Access Road System 连络道路系统Accessibility 可及性Accident 肇事;事故;意外事件Accident (Crash) Occurrence 事故发生Accident (Crash) Rate 事故率Accident (Crash) Severity 事故严重性Accident Analysis 事故分析;意外分析;肇事分析Accident Assessment 事故鉴定Accident Casualty 事故伤亡Accident Cause 事故原因Accident Characteristics 肇事特性Accident Consequences 意外事故的后果Accident Hazardous Location 易肇祸路段Accident Investigation 事故调查Accident Involvement Rate 肇事牵连率Accident Liability Assessment 事故责任鉴定Accident Management 意外管理Accident Prevention 肇事预防Accident Prone Location 易肇事地点Accident Proneness 肇事倾向Accident Rate 肇事率Accident Reconstruction 事故重建Accident Risk 事故风险Accident Severity 事故严重度Accident-severity ratio 肇事严重性比率Accumulate vehicle-second 累计车—秒数Accuracy 精度Acoustic absorptivity ACI 感音吸收力Active Warning Device 主动警告设施Actual flow rate 实际车流率Actual travel time 实际行驶时间Actuated Signal 触动式控制Adaptive Control 调适性控制Adaptive route choice 适应性路线选择Adaptive signal 适应性号志Adaptive signal control 适应性号志控制Adaptive signal control strategy 适应性号志控制策略Added turning lane 转向车道Adit 横坑Adjustment factor 调整因子Adjustment Flow 调整流量Adult guard 成人导护Advance warning marking 早期警告标线Advanced driver information system ADIS 先进驾驶人信息系统Advanced payment 预付款Advanced Public Transportation Services APTS 先进大众运输服务;先进公共运输系统Advanced public transportation system 先进公共运输系统;高等旅客信息系统Advanced Traffic Management Services ATMS 先进交通管理服务Advanced Traveler Information Services ATIS 先进旅行者信息服务Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Services AVCSS 先进车辆控制及安全服务Advanced vehicle control system 先进车辆控制系统Advance-green design 早开绿灯设计Advancing effect 前进效应Advancing shoring method 支撑先进工法Adverse slope 逆坡Aeolian Soil 风积土Aerial camera 航空摄影机Aerial leveling 航空水平测量Aerial Map 航测图Aerial perspective 鸟噉图;空中透视Aerial photogrammetric target 航空标Aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量Aerial Photography 航空摄影术Aerial Survey 航空测量;空中测量Aerial Tramway 空中缆车Aerocamera 航空摄影机Aerotriangulation 空中三角测量Age distribution of vehicle 车龄分布Overload, Overloading 超载Aggregate 粒料、骨材(名词);聚集的(形容词)Aggregate Interlock 粒料连锁Aggregate Spreader 粒料撤布机Aggregate Subbase 粒料级配底层Aggregate Texture 粒状组织Air quality monitoring station 空气品质监测站Air Release Valve 气阀Air resistance 空气阻力Air-dried Sand 风干之沙Air-Entraining Cement 输气水泥Alcohol involved accident rate 涉及酒精之肇事率Alidade Stadia Method 照准测距法Alignment 路线配置;排列;定线;线向;路线Alignment Design 路线设计;定线设计Algorithm 算法则Alkaline 碱性反应All-day Service 全天候服务All-Directional Interchanges 全直接交叉型交流道Alley 巷;道Allied Soil 杂质土All-night parking 整夜停车Allowable Bearing Capacity 容许承载量Allowable Bearing Stress 容许承载应力Allowable load 容许载重Allowable Load Repetition 容许荷重次数Allowable settlement 容许沉陷量Allowable stress 容许应力All-red Interval 全红时段Alluvial Silts Colloidal 胶质体冲积粉土Alternate Design 比较设计;变换设计Alternate Method 替代方法Alternate signal system 互亮(换)号志系统Alternate System 迭亮系统Alternative(s) 替代(换)方案Amber Arrow 箭头黄灯Amber Flashing 闪光黄灯Amber light, Yellow interval 黄灯American Association of State Highway OfficialsAmerican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO 美国州公路与运输官员协会American Concrete Institute ACI 美国混凝土学会;美国混凝土研究会American Federal Highway Administration FHWA 美国联邦公路总署American Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 美国交通工程师学会American Road and Transportation Builders' Association ARTBA 美国公路与运输承造人协会American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM 美国试验及材料协会American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE 美国土木工程师协会Amount of light 光量Amplification 放大Amplification effect 放大效应Amplification factor 载重放大因子Amplifier 扩大器Anew Issue License 补照;补牌Anew Issue Plate 补牌Angle collision 角撞Angle of Coverage 视角Angle of Deflection 偏角Angle of Friction 摩擦角Angle of internal friction 内摩擦角Angle of intersecting 交车角度Angle of repose 静止角;安息角Angle of Turn 转向角Angle parking 斜角停车Angular acceleration 角加速度Anionic Asphalt Emulsions 阴离子乳化沥青Announced Land Current Value 公告土地现值Annual Average Daily Traffic AADT 年平均每日交通量Annual budget 年度预算Annual Daily Traffic ADT 平均每月交通量Annual Highway Cost 公路年费;公路年金Annual Illumination 计算平均照度Annual Parking Duration 平均停车延时Annual Parking Space Occupancy 平均车位使用率Annual Traffic 年交通量Annual Turn-over Rate 平均车位小时使用率Annuity Bond 年金法公债Apparent Specific Gravity 虚比重Apparent-deflection 视挠度Application Program Interface API 应用程序接口Approach 邻近路口之路段;引桥;引道Approach Delay 邻近路段延滞Approach end 邻近端Approach pit 导坑Approach road 引道;引路Approach slab 引道版Approach speed 邻近速率Approach to obstructions 近障碍物线Approach way 邻近路段Approach, Approach fill, Approach lane, Approach road 引道Appropriate measures 适当防制措施Approved with conditions 有条件通过审查Approximate speed 近似速率Apron space 运转空间Aqueduct tunnel, Headrace tunnel 导水隧道Arbitrary Proportioning 固定比例法Arbitration 仲裁Arc 弧线Arc/path incidence matrix 路段/路径指引矩阵Arcade 骑楼Arch bridge 拱桥Arch Bridges 指向标线Arch Culverts 指针式Arching 拱效应Architectural 建筑Architectural Flow Diagram AFD 架构流向图Archived Data Application 归档资料应用Area computation by coordinate method 面积计算坐标法Area Control 区域控制Area of potential collision 潜在碰撞区域Area Rule 面杖法Area traffic control 重点交通管制Area Traffic Control System 区域交通控制系统Areawide intercarrier consolidation system 地区货运业并装系统Areawide System Control 全区域控制Arrival Intervals 到达间距Arrival pattern 到达型态Arrival rate 到达率Arrival time 到达时间Arrival Type 到达型态Arterial 主要干道Arterial Highway 干线公路Arterial route 干线Articulated Bus 双节公车Asphalt, Asphalt Cement, Asphalt Binder 沥青(美国用语);沥青胶泥Asphalt 沥青混凝土(欧洲用语)Asphalt additive 沥青添加剂Asphalt Base coarse 沥青底层Asphalt Concrete AC 沥青混凝土Asphalt Concrete Finisher 沥背混凝土铺筑机Asphalt concrete pavement 沥青混凝土铺面Asphalt content 沥青含量Asphalt Emulsion 乳化沥青Asphalt felt 油毛毡Asphalt Institute AI 美国沥青协会Asphalt macadam 沥青碎石路Asphalt Mixing Plant 沥青拌合场Asphalt mixture 沥青混合物Asphalt mixture design 沥青混凝土配比设计Asphalt mixture machine 沥青拌合机Asphalt mixture, Bituminous mixture 沥青混合料Asphalt pavement 沥青混凝土路面Asphalt pavement, Bituminous pavement 沥青铺面Asphalt plant 沥青拌合厂Asphalt surface coarse 沥青面层Asphalt mastic 沥青胶浆Asphaltene 沥青精Asphalt Pavement 沥青面路Asphalt Concrete Mixing Plant 沥青混凝土拌合厂Asset and liability 资产与负债Assignment Network 指派网络At scene investigation 肇事现场调查At-Grade Intersection 平面交叉Atmospheric Water 大气水Advanced traffic management system ATMS 先进的交通管理系统;高等交通管理系统Attainability 可及度Attendant-parking lot 雇员服务停车场Attentiveness 注意力Audible pedestrian signal 盲人音响号志Audio tone 低周波讯号Auger 螺旋钻Auto Restricted Zone 小型车限行区域Autoclave 高温高压蒸汽养护Automated Roadside Safety Inspection 自动化路边安检Automated toll system 自动化收费系统Automated Vehicle Operation 自动车辆驾驶Automatic Cam Control 刮刀的自动控制器Automatic Cargo Identification ACI 自动货物辨识Automatic classification 自动辨识Automatic Highway System AHS 自动公路系统Automatic incident detection 事件自动侦测;意外事故自动侦测Automatic Incident Detection AID 自动事件侦测Automatic inspection 自动检验Automatic level 自动水准仪Automatic navigation highway system 自动导航公路系统Automatic routing 自动绕径Automatic Vehicle Classification AVC 自动车辆分类Automatic vehicle control 自动车辆驾驶控制Automatic vehicle identification 车辆自动辨识Automatic Vehicle Identification AVI 自动车辆辨识Automatic vehicle identification system 自动车辆识别系统Automatic Vehicle Location AVL 自动车辆定位Automatic Vehicle Monitoring AVM 自动车辆监视Automatic vehicle monitoring system 自动车辆监测系统Automobile Transportation 汽车运输Automobile vehicle guiding system 车辆导引系统Automotive emission control 汽车排烟管制Autonomous intelligent cruise control 自主定速控制系统Auxiliary bridge 便桥Auxiliary Lanes 辅助车道Auxiliary Marking 辅助标线Auxiliary sign 辅助标志Average Annual Daily Traffic AADT 年平均每日交通量Average daily volume 平均日交通量Average Daily Traffic ADT 平均每日交通量Average delay per vehicle 每车平均延滞Average Delay Time 平均延滞时间Average discharge interval 平均驶离时段Average Headway 平均间距Average Highway Speed 平均公路速率Average Kilometer Per Registered Vehicle Per Day 每营业车辆每日平均行驶里程Average Kms Per Operating Vehicle Per Day 每实动车辆每日平均行驶里程Average Minimum Headway 平均最小间距Average Parking Duration 平均停车延时Average Parking Space Occupancy 平均车位使用率Average Passenger-Kilometers Per Vehicle Run 每车次客运密度Average Revenue Per Bus-Kilometer 每客车公里平均收入Average Revenue Per Passenger 每旅客平均收入Average Revenue Per Passenger-Kilometer 每延人公里平均收入Average Revenue Per Ton 每公吨货物平均收入Average Revenue Per Ton-Kilometer 每延吨公里平均收入Average Running Speed 平均行驶速率Average Service Time 平均服务时间Average Spot Speed 平均定点速率Average step length 平均步长Average Transport Distance 平均运程Average Transport Distance Per Passenger 每旅客平均运程Average Transport Distance Per Ton 每吨货物平均运程Average Travel Speed 平均旅行速度Average Turn-over Rate 平均车位小时转换率Average Waiting Time 平均等候时间Automated guided vehicle system AGVS 汽车自动导向系统Axle load, Axle weight 轴重Azimuth 方位角;地平经度BBacking collision 倒撞Back Calculation 反算Backfill 回填Balance Cut and Fill 均衡挖填Balanced Cross Section 平衡断面Balanced earthwork 土方平衡Ball-bank indicator 球状倾斜指示器Barrier Curb 障碍缘石Bank Gravel 河岸砾石Bank protection 护岸Banking, Earth fill, Fill 填土Banning of turning movement 禁止转向Barge 驳船;平底船Barricade 拒马Barrier 护栏;挡音墙Barrier Curb 栅栏式绿石Barrier System Toll Station 栅梢制收费站Barrier, Noise barrier, Noise barrier wall 防音墙Base Course 底层Base Line 基线Base of slope 坡底Base-Failure 底面破坏Basic capacity 基本容量Basic Fare 基本运价Basic route arrangement 基本路线安排法Basic speed rule 基本路线法令Basic Water Content 基本含水量Bas-kilometer 客车行驶里程Batch-Mix Plant 分盘式拌合厂;衡量式拌合厂Beacon 信号柱Beacons 指针Beam Culverts 梁涵洞Bearing Capacity Factor 承载量因子Bearing Capacity on Soil 承压破坏;承力破壤Bearing capacity, Carrying capacity 承载量Bearing pile 支永桩;承载桩;承重椿Bearing Plate 沼泽区城Bearing stratum 承载层Bearing Surface 承载面;平面支承Bearing test 载重试验Before and after studies 事前及事后研究Beginning of Curve BC 曲线起点Belt Highway 外环公路Bench Mark BM 水准点Bend, Bend channel, Bent, Channel bend, River bend 弯道Bending 挠曲;弯曲Bending design 弯道式设计Bending Index 别曲指数Bending moment 弯矩Bending stress 弯曲应力Benefit Assessment 受益费Benefit Cost Ratio 益本比Benefit-Factor Method 利益因素法Bentonite 皂土Berm 戗堤Berm Ditch 平台沟Bicycle 脚踏车Bicycle and motorcycle 机慢车Bicycle lane system 脚踏车专用车道系统Bid Bond 押标金Bid, Tender 投标Bike lane 脚踏车道Bikeway 脚踏车专用道Binary Choice 二项选择Binary Variable 二进制变量Binder Course 黏合料;结合层;黏合层Binder Material 结合料;黏合料Binders 粘结料Binding Course 结合层Binomial Arrival 二项到达Binomial Distribution 二项分配Bio-film treatment system 接触曝气法Birds' eye view 鸟噉图Bit 钻头Bit Per Second bps 每秒传输的位数Bitumen 沥青Bituminous Joint Fillers 沥青接缝填充料Bituminous Material 沥青材料Bituminous Overlay 沥青封层Bituminous Pavement Road 沥青铺路Bituminous Penetration Macadam 灌入式沥青路面Bituminous Pressure Distributor 沥青压力散布机Bituminous Sand Slurry 沥青沙浆Bituminous Surface Treatment 沥青表面处理Bituminous Water Proof Coating 沥青防水层Bituminous Treated Base BTB 沥青处理底层Bituminous Treated Sand Gravel 沥青处理砂砾Black-Hole Effect 黑洞效应Balance Cut and Fill 挖填之平衡Blast 开炸Blast Pad 喷气防护坪Blasting Method 炸移法Bleeding 路面冒油Blight proof courses 病虫害防治Blood alcohol concentration 血液中酒精浓度Blown Asphalt 吹制沥青Boiling 砂涌Bonding Agent 黏着剂Bore 钻凿Bored pile 钻掘桩Borehole 钻孔Boring 钻探Boring log 钻孔柱状图Boring machine 钻机Boring Rod 钻杆Boring-core 钻孔岩心Borrow 借土;借方Borrow area 借土区Borrow Pit 借土坑;取土坑Bottle neck control 瓶颈路段(地点)管制法Bottle Neck Road 瓶颈段;瓶颈路Bottleneck 瓶颈Bottom Course 底层Bottom Flange 下翼绿Boulder 卵石Box caisson 沉箱;箱式沉箱;匣式沉箱Box Culvert 箱涵;箱形涵洞Box Drain 水沟渠;匣形沟渠Box girder 箱形梁Bracing 支撑Bracket / Chassis 拖架Brake failure, Defective brake 煞车失灵Brake light 煞车灯Brake Reaction time 煞车反应时间;制动反应时间Braking Distance 剎车视距(停车视距)Braking system 煞车系统Branch and Bound Algorithm 分枝界定法Breakdowns 故障Breaking of Emulsion 乳化沥青黏结Breaking Wave 碎波Breakaway 脱离式接头Breath alcohol concentration 呼气酒精含量Brick Pavement 砖铺路面;砖铺面Brick Pavement Road 砖铺路Brick Road 砖面路Bridge 桥梁Bridge Abutment 桥台Bridge Approach 桥粱引道Bridge bearing 桥支承Bridge deck 桥面板Bridge deck/floor 桥面Bridge expansion joint 桥面伸缩缝Bridge floor 桥面Bridge head 桥塔Bridge inspection 桥梁检测Bridge Management System 桥梁管理系统Bridge pier 桥墩Bridge railing 桥栏杆Bridge span 桥跨Brightness 照杜;辉杜;明亮度Brightness contrast 辉度对照比Brittle fracture 碎裂Brittleness 脆性;脆度Gravel Road 碎石路Broken Stone Surface 碎石路面Broken-back Curve 断背曲线Broken-Beach Grade Line 破背坡度线Benkelman Beam 彭柯曼梁Buckling 挫屈;路面拱起Budget 预算经费Budgetary estimate 经费概算Buffer 缓冲剂;缓冲器Buffer buildings 缓冲建筑物Buffer distance 缓冲距离Buffer reach 缓冲段Buffer time 缓冲时间Buffer zone 缓冲带Building Code 建筑规刖;建筑法规Building Coverage Ratio 建蔽率;建筑面积比Building Line 建筑线Built-in Parking Facilities 建筑物附设停车空间Bulb Type 球状Bulk Density 虚松体密度Bulk Specific Gravity 松比重;容积比重;虚比重Bulkhead 隔墙;天窗;驳岸;隔舱Bull Dozer 堆土机Bulldozer 推土机Bulldozer Blade 刮刀Bullet-nose 弹头尖端式Bullet-nose Form 弹头式Bumper 保险杆Bundle method 光束法Bureau of Public Road (renamed to FHWA) 美国联邦公路局Bus 大客车Bus Bay 公车湾Bus company 公车公司Bus driver 公车驾驶员Bus driving 公车运行Bus Exclusive Lane 公车专用道Bus fare 公车费率Bus Lane 公车专用车道Bus management information system 公车管理信息系统Bus network 公车路网Bus Operating Rate/Bus Dispatching Rate 出车率Bus operation 公车营运Bus operation management 公车营运管理Bus parking area 大客车停车场Bus Rapid Transit 公车捷运Bus ridership 公车运量Bus route 公车路线Bus route inquiring system 公车路线查询系统Bus scheduling 公车排班Bus speed limits 公车速限Bus station 公车停靠站Bus stop spacing 公车站距Bus Street 公车专用街道Bus system design 公车系统设计Bus system, Bus transit system, Public bus system 公车系统Bus Terminal 公车终站;公车总站;公车场站Bus transportation 公车运输Bus, Public bus 公共汽车Buses 大客革Bush hammering 粗面石工Business District 商业区Business Vehicle 营业车辆Bus-Kilometer 客车行驶里程Busway 公车专用道Butt Joint 平头接缝Button reflector 反光钮Buttressed Wall 外支墙Buttressed Abutment 撑式桥台墙Buttressed Retaining Wail 外支式挡土墙Bypass highway 绕越公路Bypass road 外环道Bypass route 绕道路线Bypass Street 绕越街Bypassing Traffic 绕越交通Bystreet 支街CCab Signal 车厢号志Cab, Taxi 出租车Cable Car, Cableway 空中缆车Cable stayed bridge 斜张桥;斜索桥Cable Suspension Bridge 索桥Caboose 车务员专用车Cadastral map 地籍图Cadastral Survey 地籍测量California Bearing Ratio CBR 加州乘载力比Canal Aqueduct 输水桥Canal Bridge 渠桥Canal Tunnel 输水隧道Cancellation 注销Candle (Candle Power) Cd, Cp 单位:烛光Cantilever Bridges 悬臂式桥梁Cantilever method 悬臂工法Cantilever retaining wall 悬臂挡土墙Cantilever type retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙Cap 桩帽;雷管(俗)Capacitated arc routing problem 容量限制弦路径车辆行驶问题Capacitated freight distribution 零担货物运输Capacity 容量;涵容性Capacity analysis 容积分析Capacity and level of service analysis 容量与服务水准分析Capacity constraint, Capacity restriction 容量限制Capacity estimation 容量估计Capacity limitation 容量极限值Capacity model 容量模式Capacity of Bus Line 公车路线容量Capacity reduction factor, Strength reduction factor 强度折减因子Capacity utilization 容量使用率Capillary Lift 毛管水升高度;毛细管水升高度Capillarity 毛细管作用;毛细管现象Captive Riders 无自由选择的乘客Captive Transit Rider 大众运输固有使用者Car accident, Traffic accident 交通事故Car accreditation system 车辆认证制度Car body 车体Car detector, Vehicular detector 车辆侦测器Car following model 跟车模式;自动跟车系统Car navigation system 汽车导向系统Car Ownership 汽车持有;汽车持有权Car Pooling, Carpool 汽车共乘Car, Vehicle 车辆Carbon Dioxide CO2 二氧化碳Carphone 车用电话Car-Rental Carrier 小客车租赁业Carriage 马车Carrier wave 载波Casing 套管Cast stone 人造石Cast-in-place pile 场铸桩Cast-in-place (CIP) Concrete 场铸混凝土Casualty 伤亡Catalog Service Interface Specification 目录服务接口规范Catch Basin 集水井;截流井Catch Drain 排水沟;截水沟Catch Feeder 灌溉水道Cathodic method 阴极防锈法Cationic Asphalt Emulsions 阳离子乳化沥青Caution Light 警告灯Caution Sign 警告标;警告标志Caution Signal 注意信号;警告号志Cavitations 孔蚀现象;穴蚀现象Concrete Pavement 混凝土路面Critical Speed 临界速率Cement Grout 灌水泥浆;水泥灌喷枪Cement grouting 水泥灌浆Cement mortar 水泥砂浆Cement Paste 水泥浆Cement Treated Sand Gravel 水泥处理砂砾Cencrete Cribbing 框式混凝土挡土墙Census 普查Center Frog k形岔心Center Island 中央岛Center Line 中线;中心线Center Line Lane 中心车道;中央车道Center Line Marking 中心标线Center Platform (Island Platform) 岛式站台Center Span 中央跨孔Center(line) stake 中心桩Centerline 中心线Center-to-Center C2C 中心与中心Center-to-Field C2F 中心与现场Central Business District CBD 中心商业区Central corridor system 中央走廊系统Central Cross-Island Highway, East-West Cross-Island Highway 中横公路Central Divider 中央分向岛Central Island 分隔岛;中央岛;分向岛Central Mixing Plant 中央拌合厂Central projection 中心投影Central Shopping area 中央商业区Centralized Control System 集中式控制系统Centralized Traffic Control CTC 中央行车控制法Centrifugal force 离心力Centrifuge Cup 离心杯Centrifuge Kerosene Equivalent CKE 离心煤油当量法Certification, Accreditation 认证;核准Change License 换照Change of Registration 变更登记Changeable Message Sign, Variable Message Sign CMS 信息可变标志Changeable Speed Limit Sign CSLS 速限可变标志Changing Lane 变换车道Channel 槽道Channelized Intersection 槽化交叉Channelization 槽化Channelization island 槽化岛Channelized Intersection 槽化式交叉;槽化路口Channelizing Island 槽化岛Channelizing Line 槽化线;检核点Characteristic Deflection 代表性挠度Character arrangement 文字排列方式Character size 文字尺寸Charging system 收费系统Charter Bus 专用游览车Check Point 检核点Check Valve 逆止阀Chemical grouting 药液灌浆Chevron of divergence 分流式山形条纹Chevron of mergence 并流式山形条纹Chevron strip 山形条纹Chief Engineer 总工程司Child pick-up area 家长接送区Children-only Bus 幼童专用车Chinese road sign 中文道路标志Chord 弦;弦杆Chord Length 弦长Chute 竖槽;陡槽;吊沟Circle 周期Circle/Roundabout 圆环Circuit 环道(测);电话(电)Circuit-switched Public Data Network CSPDN 线路交换公众数据网络Circular Arch 圆拱;弧拱Circular Curve 圆曲线;单曲线;圆弧曲线Circular failure 圆弧型破坏Circular green light 圆形绿灯Circular rod level 圆盒水准器Circular sliding surface 圆弧滑动面Circulation 通风;交通Circulation Map 交通图Circulation system 转乘系统Circumferential street (road) 外环(环状)道路City Bus 市区公共汽车City Planning 都市计画City Planning Commission 都市计画委员会City Planning Law 都市计画法City Rebuilding 都市重建City Transit 都市大众运输Clamshell 抓式挖土机Classification Count 分类调查Classification of road 道路分类Classification of Soil 土壤分类Clear distance 净距Clear height 净空高Clear Span 净跨距Clear Zone 清除区Clearance 净距Clearance Height 净高Clearance Lost Time 清道损失时间Clearance time 清道时间Climate Conditions 气候情况Climbing Lane 爬坡道.爬坡车道Clinker 溶块Close Network 封闭网络Close System Toll Station 封闭制收费站Close Tunnel 隧道区Closed Circuit Television Camera CCTV 闭路电视摄影机Closed Loop 封闭环路Closed Network 网络系统Closed traverse 闭合导线Clothoid Curve (Clothide) 螺旋曲线;克罗梭曲线;罗线形曲线Clover Leaf Interchange 四叶形交流道;苜蓿叶形交流道CO Detector 一氧化碳侦测器Coarse Aggregate 粗粒料;粗骨材Code 规范;数值Coefficient of friction, Friction coefficient, Frictional coefficient 摩擦系数Coefficient of Kinenatic Viscosity 动黏滞系数Coefficient of kurtosis 峰度系数Coefficient of Side Friction 侧犘擦系数Coefficient of Subgrade 路基抗力系数Cofferdam 围堰Coefficient of Utilitization CU 照明率Cohesion 凝聚力;黏力;黏结力Cohesion of soil 土壤之凝聚力Cohesive Value 凝聚值Cold-Mix Asphalt Concrete 泠拌沥青混凝土Collector Ditch 集水沟Collector Road 连络道路Collector Street 联络道路Collector-distributor Roads 集散道Collision 冲撞;碰撞Collision Accident 碰撞事故Collision area 碰撞区Collision diagram 碰撞图;相横示意因Collision Warning Systems 碰撞预警系统Color Light Signal 色灯号志Color contrast 色彩对比Color quality 光色品质Combination Truck Tractor-trailer 联结车Commercial Center 商业中心Commercial District 商业区Commerical Driver's License CDL 大型车辆驾照(16人以上)Commercial Fleet Management 商用车队管理Commercial Motor Vehicle CMV 商业用车Commercial Speed 商业运转速率Commercial Traffic 商车交通量Commercial Vehicle Electronic Credential Management 商用车辆电子凭证管理Commercial Vehicle Operating System 商用车营运系统Commercial Vehicle Operations CVO 商车营运系统Commercial Vehicle Operations Services CVOS 商车营运服务Commodity 商品Community Center 杜区中心Community Planning 社区规画Commuter 通勤者Commuter Rate 回数费率Commuter Rail, Commuter Train 通勤火车Commuting Distance 通勤距离Compacted Subgrade 压实路基Compaction 夯实;压实Compaction effort 夯实能量Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 征收补偿Compensation for Damage 损失赔偿Compensation for the land price 地价补偿Complementary Route 补充路线Complex intersection 复合适交叉路口Composite Beam 合成粱;复合粱Composition of Traffic 交通组成Compound Curve 复曲线Comprehensive 整体性Comprehensive parking program 综合性停车计画Comprehensive Planning 综合性计画Compressibility of Soil 土壤压缩性Compression 压缩;压力Compression Stress 压应力Compressive Strength 抗压强度Compulsory Purchase 征收Computer signal 计算机号志Computer signal lamp system 计算机号志系统Computer-Aided Dispatching System 计算机辅助派车系统Computerized traffic signal system 计算机化号志系统Concave 凹Concave Bank 凹岸Concave curve 凹形曲线Concave Joint 四缝Concave-convex 凹凸形Concentrated load 集中荷重Concentration time 集流时间Concentric opposed plane helical ramp 同心反向螺旋状匝道Concrete 混凝土Concrete barrier (New Jersey) 纽泽西(混凝土)护栏Concrete islands 混凝土交通岛Concrete joint 混凝土接缝Concrete Mixing 混凝拌合机Concrete Overlays 混凝土路面加铺Concrete pavement 混凝土铺面Cone 交通锥Cone of acute vision 明晰视锥角Cone of glance area 瞥视锥角范围Cone of sight 视锥角Conflict 冲突Conflict analysis 冲突分析Conflict Area 冲突区域Conflict lane change 冲突性变换车道Conflict management 冲突管理Conflict point 冲突点Congestion 拥挤Congestion degree 拥挤度Congestion delay 拥挤延滞Congestion dummy variable 拥挤虚拟变量Congestion pricing 拥挤定价Congestion Time 拥挤时间Congestion toll 拥挤费Conical Surface 圆锥面Connecting Road 连络公路Connector 连接道路Consistency 稠度Consolidation 压实;固结;压密Consolidation Rate 压密率Construction Contract 工程合约Construction Joint 施工接缝Construction Load 施工道路Construction Planning 施工计画Construction Sign 施工标志Construction Specification 施工规范Construction/Maintenance Zone 施工维修区Contact detector 接触式侦测器Contact strip 接触带Container Packing Shed 货柜并装通栈Container parking area 联结车停车场Container Trucking Carrier 货柜运输业Continuous Mixing Plant 连绩式拌合厂Continuous move-up operation 连续跟进行为Continuous Station 长期观测站Continuous Volume-count Program 长期持续性交通量调查Continuously reinforced concrete pavement CRCP 连续钢筋混凝土路面Continuous-Mix Plant 连续式拌合厂Contour Interval 等高线间隔;等高距Contour Line 等高线Contour Map 等高线图Contours 等高线Contract 契约Contract Change Order 契约变更通知Contraction Joint 收缩接缝Contractor 承包商Contraflow bus lane 逆向公车专用道Contributing area 集水面积Control Count 控制量交通调查Control of Access 出入管制Control point comparison 控制点比较法Control points 控制点Control Radius 控制半径Control section 管制路段Control span 控制限制Control Station 控制站Control strategy, Regulation strategy 管制策略Control survey, Control surveying 控制测量Controlled Access Highway 出入管制公路Controller 控制器Controlling Load 控制轮重Convenience store 贩卖区Conventional Roundabout 传统圆环Conventional Simulcast Radio System 同频发射共波式无线电话系统Converted traffic 转乘交通量Convex Function 凸函数Convex Joint 凸接缝Conveyer 输送机Conviction 违规Convoy 车队Cooperative Planning 合作规划Coordinate scheduling 协调排班Coordinated control 连锁控制Coordinated Control Signal 连锁控制号志Capital Cost 公路资本Cordon Count 周界交通量调查;内圈交通量调查Cordon Line 区域线;周界线Corridor 交通通廊Corridor Control 通廊控制Cost of Service 服务成本Count-down pedestrian signal 行人倒数计时显示器Counter flow 对向车流Counter map 等量线图Counter Wall 等高线Country road 乡道Courier service 快递服务Covered Conduit 暗渠Covered Ditch 加盖暗沟Crack Spacing 裂纹间距Crash 冲撞;碰撞Crawling lane 爬坡道Creep 潜变Crest Vertical Curve 凸形竖曲线Crew scheduling 人员排程Crib retaining wall 框条式挡土墙Critical bottleneck 关键瓶颈Critical gap 临界间距Critical Length of Grade 披道临界长度Critical Path 要径Critical Path Method CPM 要径法Critical Point 临界点Critical rate of flow 临界流率Critical Slope 临界坡度Critical speed 临界速度Critical Zone 临界区Crop 露头Cross road 十字路口;交叉路;十字路Cross Section 断面;横断面;截面Cross Slope 横向坡度Cross walk 行人穿越道Crossing 穿越Crossing facility 穿越设施Crossing maneuver 交叉穿越运行Crossing point 交会点Crossing rate 穿越率Crosswalk Line 行人穿越道线Crowding 拥挤Crown 路拱;路冠Crown Ditch 坡顶截流沟Crown line 路拱线Crude Oil 原油Cruise control 自动控速Crusher 碎石机Cubic Parabola 二次拋物线Cul-De-Sac 死巷Culvert 涵洞;箱涵Curb 缘石;路边石;护角Curb Bus Lane 设于路缘之公车专用车道Curb ditch 路缘浅沟Curb inlet 路缘进水口;绿石进水口Curb Lane 缘侧车道;路缘车道Curb Line 路边线Curb Loading Zone 沿路载货区;路旁装卸地带Curb Marking 缘石标线Curb parking 路边停车(场)Curb ramp 缘石坡道Cure 养治Curing 湿治;养护Curing age 养护材龄Curing compound 养护剂Curing Room 养护室;保养室Current Traffic 当时交通量;现有交通量Curvature 曲度;曲率Curve 曲线;曲线板;弯道Curve Path 曲线路线Curve, Bend 弯道Curved Bridge 曲线桥Cushion material 缓冲材料Cushioning effect 缓冲效应Cut 挖方Cut and cover method 明挖覆盖法(隧道)Cut and Fill 挖填(动词);挖方和填方(名词)Cut-Back Asphalt 油溶沥青Cycle 周期Cycle Expansion/Contraction 周期增长缩短法Cycle slips 周波脱落Cycle Time 周期时间Cyclic scheduling 循环排班DDaily Rainfall 日雨量Daily time pattern 每日时态Daily Traffic 日交通量Daily variation diagram 日变化图Datum 基面Datum mark 基准点Datum Level 基准面Datum Line 基准线;基准面Datum Place 基准面Day Light Signal 日光式号志;灯光式号志Day Work System 日工制;点工制Daylight illumination 日光照明Dense-Graded Asphalt Concrete DGAC 密级配沥青混凝土Debris 漂流物;碎片Debris flow 土石流Debris hazard 土石灾害Deceleration 减速度Deceleration force 减速力Deceleration lane 减速车道Decentralize, Multilevel Control System 分布式多层控制系统Decision sight distance 反应视距Deck 版Deck Floor 桥面Deck Truss 面层式Deep excavation 深开挖Deep well method 深井法Default 违约(动词)Default Value 内设值Defective brake 煞车失灵Deflection 变位;挠度Deflection angle 倾斜角Deflection inclinometer 倾斜仪Deformation 变形Deformed Bar 竹节钢筋Deformed Plate 弯曲钣Deformed Plate Joint 曲板接缝Defrosting 解冻Degree of brightness 辉度水准;照度水准Degree of Compaction 压实度Degree of Congestion 拥塞度Degree of curvature 曲度Degree of loading 负荷度Degree of Saturation 饱和度Delay 延迟;迟延Delay duration 延滞持续时间Delay in queue 等候延滞Delay in system 系统延滞Delay model 延滞模式Delay rate, rate of delay 延滞率Delay study 延滞研究Delay timer 延滞定(对)时器Delineators 反光导标Delivery area 卸货区Delivery system 配送系统Delivery time 递送时间;送货时间Demand Curve 需求曲线Demand Response, Dial-a-Ride 拨召车辆Demand volume 需求流量Demand-Capacity Control 需求容量控制。

(完整版)交通工程专业词汇表actuated signal感应信号 approach delay慢行延误average annual daily traffic, AADT 年平均日交通量average annual weekday traffic, AAWT 年平均工作日交通量control delay控制延误 critical density临界密度 critical speed 临界速度 curb路缘带 curb parking路边停车 daily volume日交通量delay延误design Hourly Volume , DHV 设计小时交通量directional design hour volume, DDHV 有方向性的设计小时交通量discharge headway 饱和车头时距driveway私人车道DWI (driving while intoxicated)醉酒驾驶fatality死亡率FFS: free-flow speed 自由流速度field of vision视野floating car浮动车forced flow强制流headway车头间距accessibility可达性Accident rate:事故率actuated signal感应信号angle parking角度停车approach入口approach delay固定延误average annual daily traffic,AADT 年平均日交通量average annual weekday traffic,AAWT 年平均工作日交通量Bottleneck瓶颈路段Capacity通行能力control delay控制延误critical density临界密度critical speed临界速度curb parking路边停车curb parking路边停车curb setback 转弯车道前的渐变区daily traffic日交通量decision sight distance决策视距delay延误Design Hourly Volume , DHV 设计小时交通量destination讫点directional design hour volume(DDHV)有方向性的设计小时交通量Discharge Headway 饱和车头时距diverging分流downgrade下坡driveway私人车道DUI (driving under the influence)饮酒驾驶fatality死亡人数Fatality rate:死亡率FFS: free-flow speed 自由流速度field of vision视野floating car流动车Forced flow强制流Freeway高速公路full control of access 全控制出入FVS: fraction of vehicles stopping 停驶车辆比例gap acceptance 可接受间隙Gap acceptance 可接受间隙grade坡度headway:车头时距High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane 高乘载车道Highway公路horizontal curve平曲线hourly volume 小时交通量interchange 互通式立体交叉Interrupted flow间断流Intersection口intersection curb 交叉口路缘带,即交叉口的右转车道jam density阻塞密度jam density阻塞密度Lane车道lane group车道组Level-of-Service: LOS服务水平local traffic境内交通marking标线median 隔离带merge area合流区merging合流mobility通畅性motor vehicle机动车motorcycle摩托车occupancy 占有率off-street garage 路外停车库off-street lot 路外停车场On-Ramp入口匝道on-street lot 路边停车场origin起点overhead clearance净空高度parallel parking平行停车parking accumulation 累积停车数parking duration停车时间parking lot停车场parking turnover rate,TR 停车周转率passing sight distance超车视距PDO:property damage only 只有财损peak hour高峰小时peak hour volume,PHV 高峰小时交通量peaker hour factor(PHF)高峰小时系数Pedestrian行人pedestrian crossing人行横道perception-reaction time[PRT]时间platoon of vehicle车队public transit 公共交通系统public Transportation 公共交通系统ramp匝道rate of flow,flow rate流率red phase红灯相位reversible lane可逆车道Road 路,道路常指城市或乡村之间可供车辆或行人通过的宽阔而又平坦的大路running time行驶时间sampling technique点样本法section 路段section路段shouler路肩sight distance视距Signal Timing信号配时Signalized Intersections 信号交叉口Signing标志space mean speed(SMS)区间平均速度spacing车头间距Stable flow稳定流stall车位stopped-time delay停车延误stopping sight distance停车视距Street 街,街道主要是指村落或都市中两边有房屋的街道或马路superelevation超高test car测试车through traffic过境交通time mean speed(TMS)速度toll plaza收费广场Traffic count 交通量调查Traffic engineering 交通工程学traffic stream交通流traffic volume,traffic, volume交通量Transportation engineering 交通运输工程学Travel time行程时间travel-time delay 行程时间延误Trip出行turning roadway转弯车道uninterrupted flow连续流Unsignalzed Intersections 无信号交叉口Unstable flow不稳定流upgrade上坡Vehicle Occupancy 车辆满载率vehicle-miles traveled, VMT 车辆里程数vertical curve竖曲线VMT:vehicle-miles traveled 车辆里程数weaving交织YIELD sign让行标志。

Bit 钻头Bit Per Second bps 每秒传输的位数Bitumen 沥青Bituminous Joint Fillers 沥青接缝填充料Bituminous Material 沥青材料Bituminous Overlay 沥青封层Bituminous Pavement Road 沥青铺路Bituminous Penetration Macadam 灌入式沥青路面Bituminous Pressure Distributor 沥青压力散布机Bituminous Sand Slu rry 沥青沙浆Bituminous Surface Treatment 沥青表面处理Bituminous Water Pro of Coating 沥青防水层Bituminous Treated Base BTB 沥青处理底层Bituminous Treated Sand Gravel 沥青处理砂砾Black-Hole Effect 黑洞效应Balance Cut and Fill 挖填之平衡Blast 开炸Blast Pad 喷气防护坪Blasting Method 炸移法Bleedi ng 路面冒油Blight proof courses 病虫害防治Blood alcohol concentration 血液中酒精浓度Blown Asphalt 吹制沥青Boiling 砂涌Bonding Agent 黏着剂Bore 钻凿Bored pile 钻掘桩Borehole 钻孔Boring 钻探Boring log 钻孔柱状图Boring ma chine 钻机Boring Rod 钻杆Boring-core 钻孔岩心Borrow 借土;借方Borrow ar ea 借土区Borrow Pit 借土坑;取土坑Bottle neck control 瓶颈路段(地点)管制法Bottle Neck Road 瓶颈段;瓶颈路Bottleneck 瓶颈Bottom Course 底层Bottom Flange 下翼绿Boulder 卵石Box caisson 沉箱;箱式沉箱;匣式沉箱Box Culvert 箱涵;箱形涵洞Box Drain 水沟渠;匣形沟渠Box girder 箱形梁Bracing 支撑Bra cket / Chassis 拖架Brake failure, Defective brake 煞车失灵Brake light 煞车灯Brake Reaction time 煞车反应时间;制动反应时间Braking Distance 剎车视距(停车视距)Braking system 煞车系统Branch and Bound Algorithm 分枝界定法Bre akdowns 故障Breaking of Emulsion 乳化沥青黏结Breaking Wave 碎波Breakaw ay 脱离式接头Breath alcohol concentration 呼气酒精含量Brick Pavement 砖铺路面;砖铺面Brick Pavement Road 砖铺路Brick Road 砖面路Bridge 桥梁Bridg e Abutment 桥台Bridge Approach 桥粱引道Bridge bearing 桥支承Bridge deck 桥面板Bridge deck/floor 桥面Bridge expansion joint 桥面伸缩缝Bridge floor 桥面Bridge head 桥塔Bridge inspection 桥梁检测Bridge Management System 桥梁管理系统Bridge pier 桥墩Bridge railing 桥栏杆Bridge span 桥跨Brightness 照杜;辉杜;明亮度Brightness contrast 辉度对照比Brittle fracture 碎裂Brittlenes s 脆性;脆度Gravel Road 碎石路Broken Stone Surface 碎石路面Broken-back Curve 断背曲线Broken-Beach Grade Line 破背坡度线Benkelman Beam 彭柯曼梁Buckling 挫屈;路面拱起Budget 预算经费Budgetary estimate 经费概算Buffer缓冲剂;缓冲器Buffer buildings 缓冲建筑物Buffer distance 缓冲距离Buffer rea ch 缓冲段Buffer time 缓冲时间Buffer zone 缓冲带Building Code 建筑规刖;建筑法规Building Coverage Ratio 建蔽率;建筑面积比Building Line 建筑线Built-in Parking Facilities 建筑物附设停车空间Bulb Type 球状Bulk Density 虚松体密度Bulk Specific Gravity 松比重;容积比重;虚比重Bulkhead 隔墙;天窗;驳岸;隔舱Bull Dozer 堆土机Bulldozer 推土机Bulldozer Blade 刮刀Bullet-nose 弹头尖端式Bullet-nose Form 弹头式Bumper 保险杆Bundle method 光束法Bureau of P ublic Road (renamed to FHWA) 美国联邦公路局Bus 大客车Bus Bay 公车湾Bu s company 公车公司Bus driver 公车驾驶员Bus driving 公车运行Bus Exclusive Lane 公车专用道Bus fare 公车费率Bus Lane 公车专用车道Bus management information system 公车管理信息系统Bus network 公车路网Bus Operating Rate /Bus Dispatching Rate 出车率Bus operation 公车营运Bus operation manageme nt 公车营运管理Bus parking area 大客车停车场Bus Rapid Transit 公车捷运Bu s ridership 公车运量Bus route 公车路线Bus route inquiring system 公车路线查询系统Bus scheduling 公车排班Bus speed limits 公车速限Bus station 公车停靠站Bus stop spacing 公车站距Bus Street 公车专用街道Bus system design 公车系统设计Bus system, Bus transit system, Public bus system 公车系统Bus T erminal 公车终站;公车总站;公车场站Bus transportation 公车运输Bus, Public b us 公共汽车Buses 大客革Bush hammering 粗面石工Business District 商业区Business Vehicle 营业车辆Bus-Kilometer 客车行驶里程Busway 公车专用道Butt Joint 平头接缝Button reflector 反光钮Buttressed Wall 外支墙Buttressed Abut ment 撑式桥台墙Buttressed Retaining Wail 外支式挡土墙Bypass highway 绕越公路Bypass road 外环道Bypass route 绕道路线Bypass Street 绕越街Bypassin g Traffic 绕越交通Bystreet 支街Cab Signal 车厢号志Cab, Taxi 出租车Cable Car, Cableway 空中缆车Cable stayed bridge 斜张桥;斜索桥Cable Suspension Bridge 索桥Caboose 车务员专用车Cadastral map 地籍图Cadastral Survey 地籍测量California Bearing Ratio CBR 加州乘载力比Canal Aqueduct 输水桥Canal Bridge 渠桥Canal Tunnel 输水隧道Cancellation 注销Candle (Candle Power) Cd, Cp 单位:烛光Cantilever Bridges 悬臂式桥梁Cantilever method 悬臂工法Cantilever retaining wall 悬臂挡土墙Cantilever type retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙Cap 桩帽;雷管(俗)Capacitat ed arc routing problem 容量限制弦路径车辆行驶问题Capacitated freight distributi on 零担货物运输Capacity 容量;涵容性Capacity analysis 容积分析Capacity and level of service analysis 容量与服务水准分析Capacity constraint, Capacity restr iction 容量限制Capacity estimation 容量估计Capacity limitation 容量极限值Cap acity model 容量模式Capacity of Bus Line 公车路线容量Capacity reduction fact or, Strength reduction factor 强度折减因子Capacity utilization 容量使用率Capilla ry Lift 毛管水升高度;毛细管水升高度Capillarity 毛细管作用;毛细管现象Captive Riders 无自由选择的乘客Captive Transit Rider 大众运输固有使用者Car accident, Traffic accident 交通事故Car accreditation system 车辆认证制度Car body 车体Car detector, Vehicular detector 车辆侦测器Car following model 跟车模式;自动跟车系统Car navigation system 汽车导向系统Car Ownership 汽车持有;汽车持有权Car Pooling, Carpool 汽车共乘Car, Vehicle 车辆Carbon Dioxide CO2 二氧化碳Carphone 车用电话Car-Rental Carrier 小客车租赁业Carriage 马车Carrier wave 载波Casing 套管Cast stone 人造石Cast-in-place pile 场铸桩Cast-in-plac e (CIP) Concrete 场铸混凝土Casualty 伤亡Catalog Service Interface Specificati on 目录服务接口规范Catch Basin 集水井;截流井Catch Drain 排水沟;截水沟C atch Feeder 灌溉水道Cathodic method 阴极防锈法Cationic Asphalt Emulsions 阳离子乳化沥青Caution Light 警告灯Caution Sign 警告标;警告标志Caution Si gnal 注意信号;警告号志Cavitations 孔蚀现象;穴蚀现象Concrete Pavement 混凝土路面Critical Speed 临界速率Cement Grout 灌水泥浆;水泥灌喷枪Cement g routing 水泥灌浆Cement mortar 水泥砂浆Cement Paste 水泥浆Cement Treate d Sand Gravel 水泥处理砂砾Cencrete Cribbing 框式混凝土挡土墙Census 普查Center Frog k形岔心Center Island 中央岛Center Line 中线;中心线Center Lin e Lane 中心车道;中央车道Center Line Marking 中心标线Center Platform (Islan d Platform) 岛式站台Center Span 中央跨孔Center(line) stake 中心桩Centerline 中心线Center-to-Center C2C 中心与中心Center-to-Field C2F 中心与现场Centr al Business District CBD 中心商业区Central corridor system 中央走廊系统Centr al Cross-Island Highway, East-West Cross-Island Highway 中横公路Central Divi der 中央分向岛Central Island 分隔岛;中央岛;分向岛Central Mixing Plant 中央拌合厂Central projection 中心投影Central Shopping area 中央商业区Centralize d Control System 集中式控制系统Centralized Traffic Control CTC 中央行车控制法Centrifugal force 离心力Centrifuge Cup 离心杯Centrifuge Kerosene Equivale nt CKE 离心煤油当量法Certification, Accreditation 认证;核准Change License 换照Change of Registration 变更登记Changeable Message Sign, Variable Mes sage Sign CMS 信息可变标志Changeable Speed Limit Sign CSLS 速限可变标志Changing Lane 变换车道Channel 槽道Channelized Intersection 槽化交叉Ch annelization 槽化Channelization island 槽化岛Channelized Intersection 槽化式交叉;槽化路口Channelizing Island 槽化岛Channelizing Line 槽化线;检核点Ch aracteristic Deflection 代表性挠度Character arrangement 文字排列方式Character size 文字尺寸Charging system 收费系统Charter Bus 专用游览车Check Point 检核点Check Valve 逆止阀Chemical grouting 药液灌浆Chevron of divergence 分流式山形条纹Chevron of mergence 并流式山形条纹Chevron strip 山形条纹C hief Engineer 总工程司Child pick-up area 家长接送区Children-only Bus 幼童专用车Chinese road sign 中文道路标志Chord 弦;弦杆Chord Length 弦长Chute 竖槽;陡槽;吊沟Circle 周期Circle/Roundabout 圆环Circuit 环道(测);电话(电)Circuit-switched Public Data Network CSPDN 线路交换公众数据网络Circular Ar ch 圆拱;弧拱Circular Curve 圆曲线;单曲线;圆弧曲线Circular failure 圆弧型破坏Circular green light 圆形绿灯Circular rod level 圆盒水准器Circular sliding su rface 圆弧滑动面Circulation 通风;交通Circulation Map 交通图Circulation syste m 转乘系统Circumferential street (road) 外环(环状)道路City Bus 市区公共汽车City Planning 都市计画City Planning Commission 都市计画委员会City Plannin g Law 都市计画法City Rebuilding 都市重建City Transit 都市大众运输Clamshell 抓式挖土机Classification Count 分类调查Classification of road 道路分类Classi fication of Soil 土壤分类Clear distance 净距Clear height 净空高Clear Span 净跨距Clear Zone 清除区Clearance 净距Clearance Height 净高Clearance Lost Time 清道损失时间Clearance time 清道时间Climate Conditions 气候情况Climbi ng Lane 爬坡道.爬坡车道Clinker 溶块Close Network 封闭网络Close System Toll Station 封闭制收费站Close Tunnel 隧道区Closed Circuit Television Camera CCTV 闭路电视摄影机Closed Loop 封闭环路Closed Network 网络系统Closedtraverse 闭合导线Clothoid Curve (Clothide) 螺旋曲线;克罗梭曲线;罗线形曲线Clover Leaf Interchange 四叶形交流道;苜蓿叶形交流道CO Detector 一氧化碳侦测器Coarse Aggregate 粗粒料;粗骨材Code 规范;数值Coefficient of friction, Friction coefficient, Frictional coefficient 摩擦系数Coefficient of Kinenatic Viscosit y 动黏滞系数Coefficient of kurtosis 峰度系数Coefficient of Side Friction 侧犘擦系数Coefficient of Subgrade 路基抗力系数Cofferdam 围堰Coefficient of Utilitiz ation CU 照明率Cohesion 凝聚力;黏力;黏结力Cohesion of soil 土壤之凝聚力Cohesive value 凝聚值Cold-Mix Asphalt Concrete 泠拌沥青混凝土Collector Ditc h 集水沟Collector Road 连络道路Collector Street 联络道路Collector-distributor Roads 集散道Collision 冲撞;碰撞Collision Accident 碰撞事故Collision area 碰撞区Collision diagram 碰撞图;相横示意因Collision Warning Systems 碰撞预警系统Color Light Signal 色灯号志Color contrast 色彩对比Color quality 光色品质Combination Truck Tractor-trailer 联结车Commercial Center 商业中心Commerci al District 商业区Commerical Driver's License CDL 大型车辆驾照(16人以上)Commercial Fleet Management 商用车队管理Commercial Motor Vehicle CMV 商业用车Commercial Speed 商业运转速率Commercial Traffic 商车交通量Commer cial Vehicle Electronic Credential Management 商用车辆电子凭证管理Commercia l Vehicle Operating System 商用车营运系统Commercial Vehicle Operations CV O 商车营运系统Commercial Vehicle Operations Services CVOS 商车营运服务C ommodity 商品Community Center 杜区中心Community Planning 社区规画Com muter 通勤者Commuter Rate 回数费率Commuter Rail, Commuter Train 通勤火车Commuting Distance 通勤距离Compacted Subgrade 压实路基Compaction 夯实;压实Compaction effort 夯实能量Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 征收补偿Compensation for Damage 损失赔偿Compensation for the land price 地价补偿Complementary Route 补充路线Complex intersection 复合适交叉路口Composit e Beam 合成粱;复合粱Composition of Traffic 交通组成Compound Curve 复曲线Comprehensive 整体性Comprehensive parking program 综合性停车计画Com prehensive Planning 综合性计画Compressibility of Soil 土壤压缩性Compression 压缩;压力Compression Stress 压应力Compressive Strength 抗压强度Compul sory Purchase 征收Computer signal 计算机号志Computer signal lamp system计算机号志系统Computer-Aided Dispatching System 计算机辅助派车系统Compu terized traffic signal system 计算机化号志系统Concave 凹Concave Bank 凹岸Concave curve 凹形曲线Concave Joint 四缝Concave-convex 凹凸形Concentra ted load 集中荷重Concentration time 集流时间Concentric opposed plane helica l ramp 同心反向螺旋状匝道Concrete 混凝土Concrete barrier (New Jersey) 纽泽西(混凝土)护栏Concrete islands 混凝土交通岛Concrete joint 混凝土接缝Conc rete Mixing 混凝拌合机Concrete Overlays 混凝土路面加铺Concrete pavement 混凝土铺面Cone 交通锥Cone of acute vision 明晰视锥角Cone of glance area 瞥视锥角范围Cone of sight 视锥角Conflict 冲突Conflict analysis 冲突分析Co nflict Area 冲突区域Conflict lane change 冲突性变换车道Conflict management 冲突管理Conflict point 冲突点Congestion 拥挤Congestion degree 拥挤度Cong estion delay 拥挤延滞Congestion dummy variable 拥挤虚拟变量Congestion pric ing 拥挤定价Congestion Time 拥挤时间Congestion toll 拥挤费Conical Surface 圆锥面Connecting Road 连络公路Connector 连接道路Consistency 稠度Consol idation 压实;固结;压密Consolidation Rate 压密率Construction Contract 工程合约Construction Joint 施工接缝Construction Load 施工道路Construction Plannin g 施工计画Construction Sign 施工标志Construction Specification 施工规范Cons truction/Maintenance Zone 施工维修区Contact detector 接触式侦测器Contact str ip 接触带Container Packing Shed 货柜并装通栈Container parking area 联结车停车场Container Trucking Carrier 货柜运输业Continuous Mixing Plant 连绩式拌合厂Continuous move-up operation 连续跟进行为Continuous Station 长期观测站Continuous Volume-count Program 长期持续**通量调查Continuously reinforced concrete pavement CRCP 连续钢筋混凝土路面Continuous-Mix Plant 连续式拌合厂Contour Interval 等高线间隔;等高距Contour Line 等高线Contour Map 等高线图Contours 等高线Contract 契约Contract Change Order 契约变更通知Contr action Joint 收缩接缝Contractor 承包商Contraflow bus lane 逆向公车专用道Co ntributing area 集水面积Control Count 控制量交通调查Control of Access 出入管制Control point comparison 控制点比较法Control points 控制点Control Radi us 控制半径Control section 管制路段Control span 控制限制Control Station 控制站Control strategy, Regulation strategy 管制策略Control survey, Control surveying 控制测量Controlled Access Highway 出入管制公路Controller 控制器Cont rolling Load 控制轮重Convenience store 贩卖区Conventional Roundabout 传统圆环Conventional Simulcast Radio System 同频发射共波式无线电话系统Convert ed traffic 转乘交通量Convex Function 凸函数Convex Joint 凸接缝Conveyer 输送机Conviction 违规Convoy 车队Cooperative Planning 合作规划Coordinate sc heduling 协调排班Coordinated control 连锁控制Coordinated Control Signal 连锁控制号志Capital Cost 公路资本Cordon Count 周界交通量调查;内圈交通量调查Cordon Line 区域线;周界线Corridor 交通通廊Corridor Control 通廊控制Cost of Service 服务成本Count-down pedestrian signal 行人倒数计时显示器Counter flo w 对向车流Counter map 等量线图Counter Wall 等高线Country road 乡道Cou rier service 快递服务Covered Conduit 暗渠Covered Ditch 加盖暗沟Crack Spac ing 裂纹间距Crash 冲撞;碰撞Crawling lane 爬坡道Creep 潜变Crest Vertical Curve 凸形竖曲线Crew scheduling 人员排程Crib retaining wall 框条式挡土墙Cr itical bottleneck 关键瓶颈Critical gap 临界间距Critical Length of Grade 披道临界长度Critical Path 要径Critical Path Method CPM 要径法Critical Point 临界点Critical rate of flow 临界流率Critical Slope 临界坡度Critical speed 临界速度C ritical Zone 临界区Crop 露头Cross road 十字路口;交叉路;十字路Cross Secti on 断面;横断面;截面Cross Slope 横向坡度Cross walk 行人穿越道Crossing 穿越Crossing facility 穿越设施Crossing maneuver 交叉穿越运行Crossing point 交会点Crossing rate 穿越率Crosswalk Line 行人穿越道线Crowding 拥挤Crow n 路拱;路冠Crown Ditch 坡顶截流沟Crown line 路拱线Crude Oil 原油Cruise control 自动控速Crusher 碎石机Cubic Parabola 二次拋物线Cul-De-Sac 死巷C ulvert 涵洞;箱涵Curb 缘石;路边石;护角Curb Bus Lane 设于路缘之公车专用车道Curb ditch 路缘浅沟Curb inlet 路缘进水口;绿石进水口Curb Lane 缘侧车道;路缘车道Curb Line 路边线Curb Loading Zone 沿路载货区;路旁装卸地带Curb Marking 缘石标线Curb parking 路边停车(场)Curb ramp 缘石坡道Cure 养治Curing 湿治;养护Curing age 养护材龄Curing compound 养护剂Curing Room 养护室;保养室Current Traffic 当时交通量;现有交通量Curvature 曲度;曲率Cu rve 曲线;曲线板;弯道Curve Path 曲线路线Curve, Bend 弯道Curved Bridge 曲线桥Cushion material 缓冲材料Cushioning effect 缓冲效应Cut 挖方Cut andcover method 明挖覆盖法(隧道)Cut and Fill 挖填(动词);挖方和填方(名词)Cut-Back Asphalt 油溶沥青Cycle 周期Cycle Expansion/Contraction 周期增长缩短法Cycle slips 周波脱落Cycle Time 周期时间Cyclic scheduling 循环排班Daily Rainfall 日雨量Daily time pattern 每日时态Daily Traffic 日交通量Daily variation diagram 日变化图Datum 基面Datum mark 基准点Datum Level 基准面Datum Line 基准线;基准面Datum Place 基准面Day Light Signal 日光式号志;灯光式号志Day Work System 日工制;点工制Daylight illumination 日光照明Dense-Graded Asphalt Concrete DGAC 密级配沥青混凝土Debris 漂流物;碎片D ebris flow 土石流Debris hazard 土石灾害Deceleration 减速度Deceleration forc e 减速力Deceleration lane 减速车道Decentralize, Multilevel Control System 分布式多层控制系统Decision sight distance 反应视距Deck 版Deck Floor 桥面D eck Truss 面层式Deep excavation 深开挖Deep well method 深井法Default 违约(动词)Default value 内设值Defective brake 煞车失灵Deflection 变位;挠度Deflection angle 倾斜角Deflection inclinometer 倾斜仪Deformation 变形Deform ed Bar 竹节钢筋Deformed Plate 弯曲钣Deformed Plate Joint 曲板接缝Defrosti ng 解冻Degree of brightness 辉度水准;照度水准Degree of Compaction 压实度Degree of Congestion 拥塞度Degree of curvature 曲度Degree of loading 负荷度Degree of Saturation 饱和度Delay 延迟;迟延Delay duration 延滞持续时间Delay in queue 等候延滞Delay in system 系统延滞Delay model 延滞模式Del ay rate, rate of delay 延滞率Delay study 延滞研究Delay timer 延滞定(对)时器Delineators 反光导标Delivery area 卸货区Delivery system 配送系统Delivery ti me 递送时间;送货时间Demand Curve 需求曲线Demand Response, Dial-a-Ride 拨召车辆Demand volume 需求流量Demand-Capacity Control 需求容量控制De mand-supply of parking spaces 停车空间的供需问题Demographic Data 人口资料Dense Grade Asphalt Concrete DGAC 密级配沥青混凝土Dense-Graded Aggreg ate 密级配粒料Density 密度Density of Traffic 交通密度;车流密度Density of vo lume 流量密度Department of Transportation DOT 运输部Departure Headway 纾解间距Departure rate 离开率Dependent signal control 相依号志控制Depot 检修处Depth Factor 深度因子Design Capacity 设计容量Design Controls and C riteria 设计控制与标准Design curve 设计曲线Design Designation 设计要件Design frequency 设计频率Design Hourly Volume DHV 设计小时交通量Design Lan e 设计车道Design Level of Service 设计服务水准Design of Concrete Mix 混凝土配合设计Design Period 设计年限Design Period Adjustment 设计年限之校正系数Design rule 设计法则Design Speed 设计速率Design Structure Number 铺面设计结构数值Design Subgrade Strength 设计路基强度值Design Thickness 设计厚度Design Traffic Number 设计交通当量Design vehicle 设计(用)车辆;设计车型Design Wheel Load 设计轮重Design year 设计年Desire Line 旅次需求希望线;愿望线;期望路线Desire line chart 愿望线图Desire speed 愿望速率Desired Design Period 拟定之设计年限Destination 目的地Destination zone 讫点区Dete ctor 侦测器Deterring semibarrier 制止作用的半高式栅栏Deterioration 变质;恶化Deterministic Delay 固定延滞Deterministic Model 定值模式Detour 便道Deviatio n 偏位Device 设备D-factor D-因素;方向因素Diagonal crosswalk lines 班马纹行人穿越道Diagonal Parking 斜式停车道Diagrammatic map 示意图Dial 标度盘;刻度盘Dial a ride 拨召服务Dial Gauge 测微表Dial-a-Ride, Demand Response 拨召车辆Diamond bit 钻石钻头Diamond Interchange 茭形交流道;钻石型交流道Diamond Lane 划钻石标记的车道(给高乘载车辆使用)Diamond or parallel ramp 钻石型或平行匝道Diaphragm wall 地下连续壁Diatom 道线Diesel Fuel 柴油Diff use 扩散Digital image processing 数字影像处理Digital Map 数字地图Digital ter rain model 数值地形模型Digital topographic map 数值地形图Dilemma zone 疑虑判断区;犹豫区间;两难Dining area 餐饮区Dip 倾斜Dip slope 顺向坡Direct bus 直达公车Direct connection 直接连结式Direct Illumination 直接照明Direct p ath 直接行径Direction Factor 方向系数Direction Line 指向线Directional Angles 方向角Directional Distribution 方向分布Directional Interchange 直接式交流道Di rectional island 导向槽化岛;导向岛Directional Sign 方向标志Directional With Lo ops 附有圈道之直接交叉型Disabled parking lots 残障停车位Disabled toilet 残障厕所Disabling Injury 残障性伤害Discharge 流量Discharge Area 流量面积Disch arge Measurement 流量测量Discharge Rate 流出率Discomfort glare 不适眩光Dispatching 派车问题Dispatching efficiency 调度效率Dispatching of duty 勤务派遣Dispersed network equilibrium 分散路网均衡Dispersion 离差;离散Displacem ent 位移;变位Displacement Dial Indicator 位移测微表Display Panel 显示面版Disposal area 弃土区Distance 距离Distance based fare 里程费率Distance cha nge 距离变化Distance error 距离误差Distance Post 里程标Distance test 距离测试Distance-Measuring Equipment DME 测距仪Distress severity 破坏严重程度Distress survey 损坏调查Distributed Control System 分布式控制系统Distributio n 配销Distribution center 配运中心Distribution center, Goods distribution center 物流中心Distribution channel 流通通路District 小区District Engineer 工程处处长Disutility 负效用Ditch 边沟Ditching Machine 挖沟机Diverging 分流Divergin g area 分流区;分流区域Diverging conflicts 分流冲突点Diverging point 分流点D iversion flow 分道车流Divided Highway 分隔式公路Divided Road 分隔式道路Di viding Strip 分隔带Divisional island 分向岛;分向槽化岛Divorce 分开Do not cr oss 禁止跨越Do not enter 车道禁止进入;不准进入;请勿进入Do not enter sign 禁行方向标志Document Type Definition 文件型态定义Domain Expert 领域专家Domestic 本土的;区域的Door to door service 及门服务;及户服务Dot marker 圆点标物Double decked bus 双层巴士Double Opening 双开孔Double parking 并排停车Double Y type 双Y式Double-deck ramp 双层匝道Double-decked Bus 双层公车Dowel Bar 缀缝筋;接缝钢筋(横向)Down Grade 下坡Down Slope 卸坡Downgrade Ramp 下坡匝道Downhill Grade 下坡Downstream 下游Downs tream section 下游段;下流段Downtown street 闹市街道Dozer 推土机Dr. Sun Yat-Shen Highway, Sun Yat-Sen National Freeway 中山高速公路Drafting 绘制;绘图Drafting Room 制图室Draftsman 绘图员Dragline 扒土机Drain Ditch 排水沟Drain Pipe 排水管Drainage 排水Drainage pavement 排水性铺面Drainage B asin 流域Drainage Channel 排水渠Drainage Coefficient 排水系数Drainage Ditc h 排水沟Drainage Facilities 排水设施Drainage Pavement 排水铺面Drainage Pi pe 排水管Drainage System 雨水沟系Drawbar Pull 拉杆牵引力Drawing Intercha nge File 图形交换文件Drawings 图说Dredging 浚渫Driven pile 打击桩Driver 驾驶人Driver behavior model 驾驶者行为模式Driver behavior, Driving behavior 驾驶行为Driver characteristic 驾驶员特性Driver Expectancy 驾驶人期望Driver I nformation System 驾驶信息系统Driver Perception Reaction Distance 驾驶人反应距离Driver Reaction Time 驾驶人反应时间Driver training circuit 驾驶训练班D river's License 汽车驾驶执照;汽车驾照Driver's vision 驾驶人视觉Driveway 私用进出车道Driving Behavior 驾驶行为Driving Cycle 行车型态Driving environment 驾驶环境Driving pattern 行车型态Driving power 行进动力Driving rod 传动轴Driving school 驾训班Driving school training vehicles 教练车Driving Simulator 驾驶仿真器Driving Skill 驾驶技能Driving test 路试;桩试Driving under the influ ence of alcohol 酒后驾驶Dropping Weights 落锤式夯压机Drum Mix Plant 鼓式拌合厂Drunk driving enforcement acts 酒醉驾驶取缔法Dual Left Turn 双向左转Dual mode bus 双用途公车Ductility 延展性Dumper 倾卸车Durability Test 施工测量Duration 持续期间;延时Duration curve 延时曲线Duration of lane change operation 变换车道作业的延时Dynamic characteristics 动态特性Dynamic Informa tion Subsystem 动态信息次系统Dynamic route choice 动态路径选择Dynamic ro ute guidance 动态路径导引Dynamic route switching 动态路径变换Dynamic Seg mentation 动态分段Dynamic signal control 动态号志控制Dynamic system-optim um control model 动态系统最佳控制模式Dynamic timing computation 动态时制计算Dynamic traffic characteristic 动态交通特性Dynamic traffic signal control 动态交通号志控制系统Early age strength of concrete 混凝土早期强度Early cut-off period 早闭(关)时段Earth Embankment 土堤Earth Excavation 挖土Earth Fill 填土Earth slide 地滑Earth structure 土工结构物Earth Wedge 土楔Earth Work 路基土石方Eart hflow 泥流;土流Earthquake 地震Earthwork 土石方工程;土方Easement or Tra nsition Curve 渐曲线East-West Expressway 东西向快速公路Ecological Engineer ing Methods 生态工法Economic benefits analysis 经济效益分析Economical Hau l 经济运距Economy on Quantity of Haul 经济运量Effect of depth 深度效应Effe ctive contrast ratio 有效对照比Effective Diameter of Voids 有效孔隙粒径Effectiv e Green Time 有效绿灯时间Effective Normal Stress 效正应力Effective red (gre en) time 有效红(绿)灯时间Effective Specific Gravity 有效比重Effective unit we ight 有效单位重Effective width 有效路幅宽度Effectiveness 有效度Effluent 放流口;出流水Eighty-fifth Percentile Speed 85百分位速率Elastic Deformation 弹性变形Elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡Electric Lighting 照明Electric motorcycle 电动机车Electric public bus 电动公共汽车Electric room 电气室Electrical contact 电动侦测器Electrically operated meter 电动运转表Electrodynamics Suspension EDS 电动悬浮Electromagnetic Suspension EMS 电磁悬浮Electromechanical 机电式Electronic decade meter 电子十进(分)位表Electronic distance measurement instrument 电子测距仪Electronic gate 电子门;电动门Electronic theodolites 电子经纬仪Electronic Toll Collection 电子收费Element 单元;元素;要素Elemental maneuver area 基本运行区域Elemental weaving section 基本的交织段长度Elev ated Highway 高架公路Elevated observer method 居高观测(察)法Elevated rai l bridge 高架桥Elevation 标高;高程Elevation above mean sea-level 平均海水面Elevator 电梯Elimi nation of off-set leg 错开车道的消除Elongated area 延伸区域E-map of highway 公路电子地图Embankment 路堤Embedded Depth 浸没深度Emer gency 急难;紧急事故Emer gency delivery 紧急输送Eme rgency Escape Ramps 紧急出口匝道Emer gency evacuation 紧急疏散Emer gency Management Services EMS 紧急事故处理服务Emer gency Notification 紧急事故通告Emer gency response 紧急应变Emer gency r oad 紧急道路Emer gency service delivery 紧急运送服务Emer gency teleph one 紧急电话机Emer gency Vehicle Management 紧急救援车辆管理E minent Dom ain 地征收权Emotion or judgment 激发情绪或判断Employee 员工Employee buy-out 员工买断Employer 雇主Emulsified Asphalt 乳化沥肯Emulsified Asphalt slurry 乳化沥青砂浆Enabling act 权能附与方案Enabl ing law 权能附与法-令Encr oachm ent line 侵线End of Curve E.G. 曲线终点End-Area Method 平均底面积法Energy dis sipater 消能器Enfor cem ent 执法;执行Engine resist ance 引擎阻力Engineering 工程Engineering Econo mic Analysis 工程经济分析En-Route Driver Information 旅行中驾驶信息En-Rout e Transit Information 行程中大众运输信息Entity 实体Ent rance 入口Ent ranc e (entry), ingress 进口路段Ent rance curve 进口曲线段Ent rance Loss 入口损头Entr ance ramp 入口匝道Entr anc e-exit 出入口Entry der egulation 放宽进入管制Envelope of fa ilure 破坏包络线Environment factor 环境因素Environment Traffic Light 环境交通标志Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评估Environmental quality 环境品质Environmental quality standards 环境品质标准Environmental sensitive area 环境敏感地带(环境敏感区位)Environmental sound volume criteria 环境音量标准Epoxy Resin 环氧树脂Epoxy Adhesive 环氧胶Equilibrium network flow 均衡路网流量Equipment Package 设备组合Equival ent detectablity 等量察觉性Equival ent Factor 当量因子Equiv al ent-injury-only EIO 受伤当量Equivale nt Single Axle Load ESAL 单轴载重当量数Equivalent Wheel Load EWL 轮荷重当量Erosion control 侵蚀控制Err or of Closure 闭合差Escalator 电扶梯Ethanol 酒精Euler Spiral 尢拉螺旋线Eutrop hication 优养化Event Data Recorder EDR 事故资料纪录器Excavation 开挖;挖方;挖掘法Excavation Work 挖土工程Except buses 公车除外Excess cap acity 超额容量Excess Fuel Consumption 超额燃油消耗Exclusive bike lane/Bike s only 脚踏车专用道Exclusive bus lane 公车专用道Exclusive Highway 专用公路Exclusive lane 专用车道Exclusive Motorcycle Lane 机车专用道Exclusive Right-of-Way 专用路权Exclusive Road 专用道路Exclusive telephone 专用电话机Exhi b it area 展示区Exit 出口Exit curve 出口曲线段Exit Lane 出口车道Exit Only Ticket 出站车票Exit Ramp Closure 出口匝道关闭Exit Ramp Co ntrol 出口匝道控制Exit Ramp Metering 出口匝道仪控Exit Taxiway 出口滑行道Exit-ramp 出口匝道Expanded Average Daily Trucks 膨胀之平均每日货车交通量Expansion 扩展Expansion Cap 伸缩帽Expansion Factor 膨胀因素;扩展系数Glance value 瞥见距离之远近Glare 眩Glare control 眩光控制Glare recover y 眩光消除Glare recovery time 眩光消除时间Glare screen 防眩设施Glare shiel d 眩光遮蔽物Glare vision 眩光视觉Glass Funnel 玻璃漏斗Global Positioning S ystem GPS 全球定位系统Global System for Mobile Communication GSM 泛欧式数字行动电话系统Goal 目标Goal Driven 目标驱动法Goods delivery problem 货物配送问题Gordon Ray 雷伊Government-owned Public Parking Facility 公有公共停车场Gradation Curve 级配曲线Grade 坡度;纵向坡度Grade Crossings 平面交叉Grade I Road 一级路面Grade Line 坡度线Grade resistance 坡度阻力Grade Separation 立体交叉Grade separation bridge 立体交叉桥(结构物)Gra de Separation Structure 立体叉结构Graduated Rate 累计费率Grain size analysi s 粒径分析Grants 政府奖助Granular Materials 粒状材料Graphical analysis 图解分析法Gravel 砾石Gravel Equivalent Factor 卵石当景因素Gravel Road 砾石路Gravity Model 重力模式Gravity Yard 重力调车场Green Arrow 箭头绿灯Gre en/cycle ratio G/C 绿灯时间与号志周期之比值Green Extension 绿灯延长时间Green Flashing 闪光绿灯Green wave signal design 绿波式号志设计Greenhouse eff ect 温室效应Groove Joint 槽形接缝Gross National Product GNP 全国总生产毛额Gross Vehicle Weight GVW 总重Ground 地;地面Ground control point 地面控制点Ground improvement 地盘改良Ground treatment 地基处理Groundwater l evel 地下水位Group 群组Grouting 灌浆Growth Factor 成长因素Guardrail 护栏Guidance 导引Guidance information 导引信息Guide 导引Guide line 导引线G uide Sign 指示标志Gully control 蚀沟控制Gussasphalt 高温沥青胶浆Gutters 水沟Half-Integer Synchronization 半整数同步相位Hand in for Cancellation 缴销H angar Marker 维护棚厂标记Hazard marker 危险标物Hazardous materials 危险物品Head (of water) 水头Head light 前灯;车前大灯Head On Collision 车头对撞Head Section 头区Head Sight Distance 车灯视矩Head Wall 端墙Header B oard 横梁板Heading, Pilot tunnel 隧道导坑Headlight Sight Distance 车灯视距Head-on collision 对撞;正撞Headwater Depth 上水深Headway 时间车距;班距;行进间距(车距)Headway distribution 班距分布Headway Elasticity 班距弹性He adway, Period 班距Hearing 听力Heaving 隆起Heavy Commercial Vehicle Safe ty Management 重车安全管理Heavy Motorcycle 重型机踏车Heavy duty truck 重型卡车Heavy weight transportation management 大载重运输管理Heel of Switch 转辙轨跟端Heel Spread 跟端展距Height limit 高度限制Heuristic Approach 推理方法Hidden-Dip 躲坑High beam 远光灯High capacity buses 高容量巴士Hig h Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line HDSL 高速数字用户回路High decked bus 高层巴士High oblique photography 平倾斜摄影High Occupancy Vehicle HOV 高乘载车辆High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane 高乘载车道High or direct gear 高速檔High Truss With Overhead Lateral Connections 高顶式High type 高级型High-mast Lighting 高杆多灯式照明设计High-Occupancy Vehicle Priority Contr ol 高承载率车优先行驶控制High Speed Rail 高速铁路Highway 公路Highway (o r street) lighting 公路(或街道)照明Highway Advisory Radio HAR 公路路况广播Highway aesthetics 公路美学Highway alignment design 公路线形设计Highway bridge 公路桥梁Highway Bus Carrier 公路汽车客运业Highway bus industry 公路客运业Highway Capacity Manual HCM 公路容量手册Highway Capacity 公路容量Highway construction 公路施工Highway Construction and Maintenance Co st 公路建设维护成本Highway database 公路数据库Highway Density 公路密度H ighway embankment 公路路堤Highway engineering, Road engineering 公路工程Highway geometry, Highway routing 公路路线Highway Guardrail 公路护榈High way information 公路资料Highway information system 公路信息系统Highway int erchange area 交流道地区Highway Intersection 公路交叉Highway maintenance 公路维修与养护Highway passenger vehicle 公路客车Highway performance 公路绩效Highway Performance Monitoring System HPMS 公路绩效监测系统Highwa y planning 公路规划Highway ramp 公路匝道Highway Research Board (Renam ed to be Research Board) HRB 美国公路研究委员会Highway service standard 公路服务水准Highway Supervision and Administration Statistics 公路监理统计Hi ghway surveillance 公路调查Highway Transit 公路大众运输系统Highway Transp ortation Statistics 公路运输统计Highway transportation, Road transportation 公路运输Highway Travel Time Survey 公路行驶时间调查Highway Type 公路之型式Highway, Road 公路Hiking trail design 健行步道设计Hill land, Hill slope, Hillslo pe, Slope, Slope land, Slopeland, Sloping land Hinterland 腹地Histogram 直方统计图Hit-and-run driving 肇事逃逸;闯祸逃逸Holding Line Marker 等候线标记Home interview 家庭访问Home-Based Trip 旅次Hook-Headed Spike 钩头道钉Hopper 进料斗Horizontal Alignment 平面线形Horizontal angle of the cone of vi sion 水平视锥角Horizontal Clearance 侧向净宽Horizontal control surveys 平面控制测量Horizontal Curve 平曲线Horizontal drain pipe 水平排水管Horizontal M arking 横向标线Host 主机Hot-Mix Asphalt Mixture HMA 热拌沥青混凝土Hourly variation 时变化图Household trip 旅次Human characteristics 人类特性Human factor 人为因素;人事行为因素Hydroplaning, Aquaplaning 水滑作用Hydrophilic 亲水性Hydrophobic 厌水性Ideal Condition 理想状况Illegal parking 违规停车Illumination 照明;明亮度;照度Illumination, Lighting 照明Image 影像Image element, Picture element, Pix el 像素;像元;像点Image geometry 影像几何Impact 冲击Impact energy 撞(冲)击能量Impact resistance 冲击阻力Improvement plans 改善计画Improving High way Traffic Order and Safety Projects 道路交通秩序与交通安全改进方案In-Band-。

一、道路交通1. 高速公路 (Highway/Expressway)高速公路是专门为车辆快速行驶而设计的道路。
2. 城市道路 (Urban Road)城市道路是城市内的道路网络,连接城市主要交通枢纽和各个区域。
3. 堵车 (Traffic Jam)堵车是交通流量过大导致车辆行进缓慢或停滞的情况。
4. 红绿灯 (Traffic Lights)红绿灯是交通信号灯的一种,用来控制交通流量,确保交叉路口交通的有序进行。
5. 交通事故 (Traffic Accident)交通事故是指由于交通参与者的不当行为或其他原因导致的车辆碰撞、伤亡或财产损失的事件。
二、公共交通1. 地铁 (Subway/Metro)地铁是一种地下铁路交通系统,通常用于城市之间或城市内部的快速交通。
2. 公交车 (Bus)公交车是一种城市公共交通工具,在固定的路线上按时发车,承载大量乘客。
3. 电车 (Tram)电车是一种以电力为动力源的城市轨道交通工具,通常在地面或者地下穿行。
4. 出租车 (Taxi/Cab)出租车是一种供乘客租用的轿车,通常以计价器计费,可根据乘客需求随时接送。
三、铁路交通1. 动车 (High-Speed Train)动车又称高铁,是一种运行速度较快的铁路客运交通工具,采用电力作为动力源。
2. 磁悬浮列车 (Maglev Train)磁悬浮列车是一种采用磁力悬浮技术的高速列车,不接触铁轨,具有较快的运行速度。
3. 火车站 (Train Station)火车站是铁路客运交通的场所,提供乘客上下车、购票、候车等服务。
四、航空交通1. 机场 (Airport)机场是航空交通的重要基础设施,提供飞机起降、运输、维护等服务。

交通安全工程专业英语词汇1 交通规则 traffic regulation2 路标 guide post3 里程碑 milestone4 停车标志 mark car stop5 红绿灯 traffic light6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7 红灯 red light8 绿灯 green light9 黄灯 amber light10 交通岗 traffic post11 岗亭 police box12 交通警 traffic police13 打手势 pantomime14 单行线 single line15 双白线 double white lines16 双程线dual carriage-way17 斑马线 zebra stripes18 划路线机 traffic line marker19 交通干线 artery traffic20 车行道 carriage-way21 辅助车道 lane auxiliary22 双车道 two-way traffic23 自行车通行 cyclists only24 单行道 one way only25 窄路 narrow road26 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet27 陡坡 steep hill28 不平整路 rough road29 弯路 curve road ; bend road30 连续弯路 winding road31 之字路 double bend road32 之字公路 switch back road33 下坡危险 dangerous down grade34 道路交叉点 road junction35 十字路 cross road36 左转 turn left37 右转 turn right38 靠左 keep left39 靠右 keep right40 慢驶 slow41 速度 speed42 超速 excessive speed43 速度限制 speed limit44 恢复速度 resume speed45 禁止通行 no through traffic46 此路不通 blocked47 不准驶入 no entry48 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49 不准掉头 no turns50 让车道 passing bay51 回路 loop52 安全岛 safety island53 停车处 parking place54 停私人车 private car park55 只停公用车 public car only56 不准停车 restricted stop57 不准滞留 restricted waiting58 临街停车 parking on-street59 街外停车 parking off-street60 街外卸车 loading off-street61 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing62 当心牲畜 caution animals63 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead64 拱桥 hump bridge65 火车栅 level crossing66 修路 road works67 医院 hospital68 儿童 children69 学校 school70 寂静地带 silent zone71 非寂静地带 silent zone ends72 交通管理 traffic control73 人山人海 crowded conditions74 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people75 交通拥挤 traffic jam76 水泄不通 overwhelm77 顺挤 extrusion direct78 冲挤 extrusion impact79 推挤 shoved80 挨身轻推 nudging81 让路 give way82 粗心行人 careless pedestrian83 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences84 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license85 危险驾驶 dangerous driving86 粗心驾车 careless driving87 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instruct or88 无证驾驶 driving without license89 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent90 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance91 未挂学字牌 driving without a L plate92 安全第一 safety first93 轻微碰撞 slight impact94 迎面相撞 head-on collision95 相撞 collided96 连环撞 a chain collision97 撞车 crash98 辗过 run over99 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver100 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavemen。

(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇公路highway 道路road 中英术语对照通行能力traffic capacity基本通行能力basic trafficcapacity可能通行能力possible trafficcapacity 设计通行能力designtraffic capacity公路工程highway engineering公路网highway network公路网密度highway density公路等级highwayclassification公路自然区划climatic zoning for highway公路用地highway right-of-way高速公路freeway;expressway 等级公路classified highway 辅道relief road干线公路arterial highway支线公路feeder highway专用公路accommodationhighway国家干线公路(国道)national trunk highway 省级干线公路(国道)provincial trunk highway 县公路(县道)county road 乡公路(乡道)township road辐射式公路radial highway环形公路ring highway绕行公路bypass交通结构traffic structure延误delay行驶速度running speed运行速度operatingspeed 平均速度averagespeed(设计车速)design speed交通量traffic volume 公路交通规划traffic planning交通调查traffic survey交通量调查traffic volumesurvey起迄点调查(OD 调查)origin—destination study境内交通local traffic过境交通through traffic交通发生traffic generation交通分布trafficdistribution 交通分配traffic assignment 交通预测traffic prognosis行车道carriage way分离式行车道divided carriageway车道lane变速车道speed-changelane 加速车道acceleration lane 减速车道deceleration lane 爬坡车道climbing lane停车道parking lane错车道turn—out lane自行车道cycle path路侧人行道sidewalk分隔带lane separator中央分隔带median divider中间带central strip路肩shoulder;verge路缘带marginal strip路缘石kerb;curb侧向余宽lateralclearance 路拱camber;crown路拱横坡crown slope公路建筑限界clearance of highway公路路线highway route(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇公路线形highway alignment平面线形horizontalalignment 纵面线形vertical alignment 线形要素alignment elements 平曲线horizontal curve极限最小平曲线半径limited minimumradius of horizontal curve(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇弯道加宽curve widening超高super elevation超高缓和段super elevationrunoff纵坡longitudinal gradient最大纵坡maximum longitudinal gradient 最小纵坡minimum longitudinal gradient 变坡点 grade change point平均纵坡average gradiant坡长限制grade length limitation道路交叉road intersection;道口railroad grade crossing平面交叉at—grade intersection;grade crossing分离式立体交叉simple grade separation, separate grade crossing 互通式立体交叉interchange定向式立体交叉directional interchange 喇叭形立体交叉three—Leg interchange 环形立体交叉rotary interchange匝道ramp 交叉口roadcrossing;intersection 交叉口进口intersection entrance 交叉口出口intersection exit渠化交通channelization 交织weaving交织路段weaving section合流converging分流diverging冲突点conflict point交通岛traffic island导流岛channelizationisland 中心岛centralisland安全岛refuge island沿线设施roadsidefacilities交通安全设施traffic safetydevice 人行横道crosswalk人行地道pedestrian underpass人行天桥pedestrian overcrossing护栏guard fence防护栅guard fence,safetybarrier 遮光栅anti—dizzling screen应急电话emergency telephone反光标志reflective sign反光路钮reflective button弯道反光镜traffic mirror道路交通标志road trafficsign 警告标志warning sign禁令标志regulatory sign指示标志guide sign指路标志informationsign 辅助标志auxiliarysign可变信息标志changeable message sign 路面标线pavement marking防雪设施snow protection facilities 防沙设施sands protection facilities 隔音墙acoustic barrier停车场parking(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇area 踏勘reconnaissance可行性研究feasibility study线形设计highway alignmentdesign公路景观设计highway landscapedesign选线route selection路线控制点control point(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇定线location比较线alternativeline 展线linedevelopment 初测preliminary survey 定测location survey平原区plain terrain微丘区rolling terrain重丘区hilly terrain山岭区mountainousterrain 沿溪线valleyline山脊线ridge line山坡线hill-sideline越岭线ridge crossing line土方调配cut—fill transition土方调配图cut—fill transition program 土方调配经济运距economical hauling distance 导线traverse导线测量traversesurvey 中线centerline中线测量center line survey施工测量construction survey竣工测量final survey(路线)平面图plan交点intersection point虚交点imaginary intersection point加桩additional stake护桩reference stake水准测量levelingsurvey 水准点benchmark绝对基面absolutedatum 高程elevation 地面高程ground elevation设计高程designedelevation (路线)纵断面图profile中桩填挖高度cut and fill at center stake 地形测量topographic survey基线base line地形图topographic map等高线contour line横断面测量cross-sectionalsurvey 横断面图cross-section坑探pit test钻探boring地面控制点测量ground control-point survey路基subgrade路堤embankment路堑cutting半填半挖式路基part cut-part fill subgrade 台口式路基benched subgrade路基宽度width of subgrade路基设计高程design elevation of subgrade (路基)最小填土高度 minimum height of fill 边坡side slope边坡坡度grade of sideslope (边)坡顶top ofslope(边)坡脚toe of slope边坡平台plain stage of slope碎落台berm at the foot of cutting slope 护坡slope protection挡土墙retaining wall重力式挡土墙gravity retaining wall衡重式挡土墙balance weight retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙cantilever retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙counterfort retaining wall 柱板式挡土墙column—plate retaining wall锚杆式挡土墙anchored retaining wall by tie(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇rods抛石rip rap路基排水subgradedrainage 边沟sideditch截水沟interceptingditch 排水沟drainageditch急流槽chute跌水drop water蒸发池evaporation pond盲沟blind drain渗水井seepage well透水路堤permeable embankment 过水路面ford填方fill挖方cut借土borrowearth 弃土waste取土坑borrow pit弃土堆waste bank回填土back—filling黄土loess软土soft soil淤泥mud泥沼moor泥炭peat盐渍土salty soil膨胀土expansivesoil 冻土frozensoil多年冻土permafrost流砂quicksand软弱地基softground强夯法dynamicconsolidation 预压法preloading method反压护道loading berm砂井sand drain路基砂垫层sand mat of subgrade 压实compaction压实度degree of compaction (标准)最大干容重maximum dry unit weight 相对密实度relative density 毛细水capillary water土石方爆破blasting procedure抛掷爆破blasting for throwing rock 爆破漏斗blasting crater松动爆破blasting for loosening rock(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇爆破作用圈acting circles ofblasting路面pavement弹性层状体系理论elastic multilayer theory (回弹)弯沉deflection加州承载比(CBR)Californiabeari ng ratio,(CBR)路面宽度width ofpavement 路槽road trough刚性路面rigid pavement柔性路面flexiblepavement路面结构层pavement structurelayer 面层surface course磨耗层wearingcourse 联结层bindercourse基层base course垫层bedcourse 隔水层aquitard隔温层thermal insulatingcourse封层seal coat透层prime coat保护层protection course补强层strengtheninglayer 高级路面high typepavement次高级路面sub—high type pavement中级路面intermediate type pavement 低级路面low type pavement水泥混凝土路面cement concrete pavement 沥青路面bituminous pavement沥青混凝土路面bituminous concrete pavement 沥青碎石路面bituminous macadam pavement沥青贯入碎(砾)石路面bituminous penetration pavement沥青表面处治bituminous surface treatment 块料路面block pavement石块路面stone block pavement 泥结碎石路面clay—bound macadam pavement水结碎石路面water—bound macadam pavement 级配路面graded aggregate pavement稳定土基层stabilized soil base course 工业废渣基层industrial waste base course块石基层Telford base层铺法spreading inlayers 拌和法mixingmethod厂拌法plant mixingmethod 路拌法roadmixing method 热拌法hot mixing method 冷拌法cold mixing method热铺法hot laid method(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇冷铺法cold laidmethod 贯入法penetration method 铺砌法pitching method缩缝contraction joint胀缝expansion joint横缝transverse joint纵缝longitudinaljoint施工缝constructionjoint拉杆tie bar路面平整度surface evenness路面粗糙度surface roughness路面摩擦系数friction coefficient of pavement附着力adhesive force桥梁bridge公路桥highway bridge公铁两用桥highway and rail transit bridge 人行桥pedestrian bridge跨线桥overpass bridge高架桥viaduct永久性桥permanent bridge半永久性桥semi-permanentbridge 临时性桥temporarybridge钢筋混凝土桥reinforced concrete bridge 预应力混凝土桥prestressed concrete bridge 钢桥steel bridge圬工桥masonrybridge 木桥timberbridge正交桥right bridge斜交桥skew bridge弯桥curved bridge坡桥bridge onslope 斜桥skewbridge正桥right bridge上承式桥deck bridge中承式桥half-throughbridge 下承式桥throughbridge 梁桥beam bridge简支梁桥simple supported beam bridge 连续梁桥continuous beam bridge悬臂梁桥cantilever beam bridge 联合梁桥composite beam bridge板桥slab bridge拱桥arch bridge(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇桁架桥truss bridge刚构桥rigid frame bridgeT 形刚构桥T-shaped rigid frame bridge 连续刚构桥continuous rigid frame bridge斜拉桥(斜张桥)cable stayedbridge 悬索桥suspensionbridge漫水桥submersible bridge浮桥pontoon bridge开启桥movable bridge装配式桥fabricatedbridge装拆式钢桥fabricated steelbridge涵洞culvert管涵pipe culvert拱涵arch culvert箱涵box culvert盖板涵slabculvert无压力式涵洞non—pressureculvert压力式涵洞pressure culvert半压力式涵洞partial pressureculvert 倒虹吸涵siphon culvert上部结构superstructure主梁main beam横梁floor beam纵梁longitudinal beam,stringer挂梁suspended beam拱圈arch-ring桥面系floor system, bridge decking桥面铺装bridge deck pavement伸缩缝expansion and contractionjoint桥面伸缩装置bridge floor expansion and contraction installation安全带safety belt桥头搭板transition slab at bridge head 下部结构substructure 桥墩pier墩身pierbody 墩帽coping盖梁bent cap破冰体ice apron(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇桥台abutment台身abutmentbody 前墙frontwall翼墙wing walls台帽coping锥坡conicalslope 耳墙wingwallsU 形桥台U-shaped abutment八字形桥台flare wing wall abutment一字形桥台head wall abutment,straight abutment重力式桥台gravity abutment支撑式桥台supported type abutment 地基subsoil加固地基consolidated subsoil天然地基natural subsoil基础foundation扩大基础spread foundation沉井基础open caissonfoundation管柱基础cylindrical shaft foundation 桩基础pile foundation 桩pile预制桩precast pile就地灌注桩cast-in—place concrete pile 摩擦桩friction pile支承桩bearing pile承台bearingplatform 支座bearing固定支座fixed bearing桥位bridge site桥梁全长total length of bridge 主桥main bridge引桥approach span跨径span桥面净空clearance above bridge floor 桥梁建筑高度construction height of bridge 荷载load永久荷载permanent load可变荷载variable load偶然荷载accidental load荷载组合loadingcombinations车辆荷载标准loading standard for design vehicle设计荷载design load施工荷载constructionload 梁beam简支梁simple—supported beam连续梁continuous beam悬臂梁cantileverbeam 板slab拱arch桁架truss刚构rigid frame柱column强度strength刚度stiffnessrigidity 抗裂度crack resistance 稳定性stability位移displacement变形deformation挠度deflection预拱度camber径流runoff水文测验hydrologic survey河床river bed河槽riverchannel 主槽main channel 边滩side shoal河滩flood land河床宽度bedwidth河槽宽度channel width 过水断面discharge sectiontunnel 水位water level糙率coefficient of roughness水力半径hydraulic radius水文计算hydrologicalcomputation洪水调查flood survey洪水频率flood frequency设计洪水频率designed flood frequency潮汐河流tidal river悬移质suspended load推移质bed materialload水力计算hydraulic computation水头water head冲刷scour桥墩(或台)局部冲刷local scour nearpier自然演变冲刷natural scour冲刷系数coefficient ofscouring 淤积silting壅水backwater 流冰ice drift先张法pretensioning method后张法post-tensioning method缆索吊装法erection with cableway悬臂拼装法erection by protrusion悬臂浇筑法cast—in—place cantilevermethod 移动支架逐跨施工法span by spanmethod纵向拖拉法erection by longitudinalpulling method顶推法incremental launchingmethod 转体架桥法construction byswing浮运架桥法erecting by floating顶入法jack—in method围堰cofferdam护筒pile casing隧道tunnel洞门tunnel portal衬砌tunnel lining明洞open cut围岩surrounding rock隧道建筑限界 structural approach limit of tunnels明挖法open cut method矿山法mine tunnelling method盾构法shield tunnellingmethod 沉埋法(沉管法)immersed tunnel养护maintenance定期养护periodicalmaintenance 巡回养护patrol maintenance大中修周期maintenanceperiod 小修保养routine maintenance中修intermediatemaintenance 大修heavy maintenance改善工程road improvement抢修emergency repair ofroad加固strengthening ofstructure回砂sand sweeping罩面overlay of pavement路面翻修pavement recapping路面补强pavementstrengthening 车辙rutting反射裂缝reflection crack路面坑槽pot holes路面冻胀surface frost heave路面沉陷pavement depression路面滑溜surface slipperiness露骨surface angularity啃边edgefailure 泛油bleeding拥包upheaval拱胀blow up错台faulting of slabends 错法slabstaggering滑坡slide坍方land slide 崩塌collapse碎落debris avalanche(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇沉降settlement 沉陷subsidence泥石流mud avalanche(振动)液化liquefaction 翻浆frost boiling好路率rate of good roads路容roadappearance 路况road condition路况调查road condition survey路政管理road administration民工建勤civilian labourers working on public project养路费toll of roadmaintenance 养路道班maintenance gang粒料granularmaterial 集料(骨料)aggregate 矿料mineral aggregate矿粉mineral powder砂sand砾石gravel砂砾sandgravel 卵石cobble stone碎石broken stone, crushedstone 片石rubble块石block stone料石dressed stone石屑chip工业废渣industrial solidwaste 结合料binder有机结合料organic bindingagent 沥青bitumen地沥青asphalt天然沥青natural asphalt石油沥青petroleum asphalt煤沥青coal tar乳化沥青emulsified bitumen氧化沥青oxidized asphalt 路用沥青road bitumen有机结合料inorganic binding agent 粉煤灰fly ash混合料mixture沥青混合料bituminous mixture(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇沥青混凝土混合料bituminous concrete mixture 沥青碎石混合料bituminous macadam mixture沥青砂asphalt sand沥青膏asphalt mastic水泥砂浆cement mortar石灰砂浆lime mortar水泥混凝土混合料cement concrete mixture水泥混凝土cement concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete预应力(钢筋)混凝土prestressed concrete早强混凝土early strength concrete 干硬性混凝土dry concrete贫混凝土lean concrete轻质混凝土light-weightconcrete 纤维混凝土fibrous concrete外掺剂admixture减水剂water reducingagent 加气剂airentraining agent 早强剂early strength agent 缓凝剂retarder钢筋steel bar预应力钢材prestressing steel高强钢丝high tensile steelwire 钢铰线stranded steelwire冷拉钢筋cold—stretchedsteel bar 冷拔钢丝cold—drawn steel wire 高强螺栓high strength bolt空隙率porosity孔隙比void ratio粒径grain size颗粒组成graincomposition 细度fineness筛分sieve analysis级配gradation级配曲线grading curve最佳级配optimumgradation 含水量watercontent缩限shrinkagelimit塑性指数plasticity index水泥标号cement mark水泥混凝土标号cement concrete mark 水泥混凝土配合比 proportioning of cement concrete水灰比water cement ratio和易性workability 坍落度slump离析segregation徐变creep老化ageing(沥青)稠度consistency(ofbitumen) 针入度penetration粘(滞)度viscosity软化点softeningpoint 延度ductility闪点flash point溶解度dissolubility热稳性hot stability水稳性waterstability油石化asphalt—aggregate ratio含油率bitumen content压碎率rate ofcrushing 磨耗度abrasiveness泊松比Poisson’s ratio疲劳试验fatigue test劈裂试验splitting test三轴试验triaxial test击实试验compaction test触探试验cone penetrationtest 弯沉试验deflectiontest环道试验circular track test承载板试验loading platetest 透水性试验perviousnesstest车辙试验wheel tracking test马歇尔试验Marshall stability test压实度试验compactness test铺砂法sand patch method硬练胶砂强度试验earth-drymortar strengthtest软练胶砂强度试验plastic mortar strengthtest (水泥)安定性试验soundness test(of cement)击实仪compaction test equipment长杆贯入仪penetration test equipment 承载板loading plate杠杆弯沉仪beam lever deflectometer路面曲率半径测定仪surface—curvatureapparatus路面平整度测定仪viameter路面透水度测定仪surfacepermeameter五轮仪fifth-wheel tester制动仪skiddometer速度检测器speeddetector万能试验机universal testing machine三轴(剪切)仪triaxial shear equipment 加州承载比(CBR)测定仪 California bearing ratiotester标准筛standard sieves(沥青)针入度仪penetrometer(沥青)粘度仪viscosimeter(沥青)延度仪ductilometer( 沥青)软化点仪(环—球法)softening point tester(ring—ball method)闪点仪(开口杯式)flash point tester (open cup method)马歇尔稳定度仪Marshall stability apparatus (沥青混合料)抽提仪bitumen extractor砂浆稠度仪mortar penetration tester坍落度圆锥筒slump cone标准工业粘度计standardconcrete consistometer饱和面干吸水率试模 saturated-surface—dried moisture retention tester撞击韧度试验机impact toughness machine 圆盘耐磨硬度试验机wear hardness machine狄法尔磨耗试验机Deval abrasion testing machine洛杉矶磨耗试验机Los Angeles abrasion testing machine压碎率试模crushing strengthtester 单斗挖掘机single—bucket excavator 推土机bulldozer除根机rootdozer 铲运机scraper平地机grader挖沟机trencher耕耘机cultivator松土机ripper松土搅拌机pulvi-mixer稳定土拌和机stabilizer 凿岩机rock breaker碎石机stone crusher碎石撒布机stone spreader 装载机loader羊足压路机sheep-foot roller(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇压路机roller振动压路机vibratoryroller 沥青加热器asphaltheater沥青泵asphalt pump沥青洒布机asphalt sprayer沥青洒布车asphalt distributor沥青混合料拌和设备asphalt mixingplant 沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt paver散装水泥运输车cement deliver truck水泥混凝土混合料拌和设备 concrete mixing plant(水泥混凝土混合料)搅拌 concrete deliver truck水泵pump泥浆泵mud pump张拉钢筋油泵 prestressed steel bar drawing oil pump砂浆泵mortar pump水泥混凝土混合料泵concrete pump钢筋切断机bar shear钢筋弯曲机steel bar bender钢筋调直机steel straightenmachine 对焊机butt welder钻孔机boring machine打桩机pile driver拔桩机pile extractor千斤顶jack张拉预应力钢筋千斤顶 prestressed steel bar drawing jack手拉葫芦chain block 起重葫芦hoisting block卷扬机hoister缆索吊装设备cableway erecting equipment 起重机crane架桥机bridge erection equipment砂筒sand cylinder盾构shield全气压盾构compressed airshield 半盾构roof shield隧道掘进机tunnel boring machine全断面隧道掘进机 tunnel boring machine for full section喷枪shotcreteequipment 装碴机mucker盾构千斤顶main jack拉合千斤顶pull—in jacks复拌沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer路面铣削机pavemill回砂车sand sweeping equipment洗净剂喷布车detergent spraytruck 清扫车sweeper洒水车water truck划标线机Line maker自卸汽车dumping wagon牵引车tow truck拖车头tractortruck 挂车trailer平板车flat truck工程车shop truck中央控制台central controlunit 点控制spot control线控制linecontrol 面控制area control(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇英汉术语对照索引abrasiveness 磨耗度absolute datum 绝对基面 abutment 桥台abutment pier 制动墩acceleration lane 加速车道accidental load 偶然荷载accommodation lane 专用车道acoustic barrier 隔音墙acting circles of blasting 爆破作用圈additional stake 加桩adjacent curve in one direction 同向曲线admixture 外加剂adverse grade for safety 反坡安全线aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量aerophoto base 航摄基线aerophoto interpretation 航摄像片判读ageing 老化aggregate 集料(骨料) air hardening气硬性alignment design(城市道路)平面设计,线形设计alignment element 线形要素alligator cracking 路面龟裂allowable rebound deflection 容许(回弹)弯沉alternative line 比较线anchored bulkhead abutment 锚锭板式桥台anchored bulkhead retaining wall 锚锭板式挡土墙anchored retaining wall by tie rods 锚杆式挡土墙anionic emulsified bitumen 阴离子乳化沥青 annual average daily traffic 年平均日交通量 anti-creep heap(厂矿道路)挡车堆anti—dizzling screen 防炫屏(遮光栅) antiskid heap(厂矿道路)防滑堆 approach span 引桥aquitard 隔水层arch bridge 拱桥arch culvert 拱涵arch ring 拱圈arterial highway 干线公路arterial road(厂内)主干道,(城市)主干路asphalt distributor 沥青洒布车asphalt mixing plant 沥青混合料拌和设备(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇asphalt paver 沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer 复拌沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt sand 沥青砂asphalt sprayer 沥青洒布机asphaltic bitumen 地沥青at-grade intersection 平面交叉 auxiliary lane 附加车道average consistency(of soil)(土的)平均稠度average gradient 平均纵坡azimuth angle 方位角balance weight retaining wall 衡重式挡土墙 base course 基层base line 基线basic traffic capacity 基本通行能力 beam bridge 梁桥beam level deflectometer 杠杆弯沉仪bearing 支座bearing angle 象限角bearing pile 支承桩bearing platform 承台bed course 垫层bench mark 水准点benched subgrade 台口式路基 bending strength 抗弯强度Benkelman beam 杠杆弯沉仪(贝克曼弯沉仪) bent cap 盖梁berm 护坡道binder 结合料binder course 联结层bitumell 沥青bitumen extractor(沥青混合料)抽提仪bitumen-aggregate ratio 油石比bituminous concrete mixture 沥青混凝土混合料 bituminous concrete pavement 沥青混凝土路面 bituminous macadam mixture 沥青碎石混合料 bituminous macadam pavement 沥青碎石路面 bituminous mixture 沥青混合料bituminous pavement 沥青路面bituminous penetration pavement 沥青贯入式路面bituminous surface treatment(沥青)表面处治blasting crater 爆破漏斗blasting for loosening rock 松动爆破 blasting for throwing rock 抛掷爆破blasting procedure 土石方爆破 bleeding 泛油blind ditch 盲沟blind drain 盲沟(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇block pavement 块为路面block stone 块石blow up 拱胀 boring钻探boring log(道路)地质柱状图 boring machine 钻孔机 borrow earth 借土borrow pit 取土坑boundary frame on crossing 道口限界架 boundary frame on road 道路限界架boundary line of road construction 道路建筑限界bowstring arch bridge 系杆拱桥 box culvert 箱涵branch pipe of inlet 雨水口支管branch road(城市)支路,(厂内)支道 bridge 桥梁bridge decking 桥面系bridge deck pavement 桥面铺装bridge floor expantion andcontraction installation 桥面伸缩装置bridge girder erection equipment 架桥机 bridge on slope 坡桥bridge site 桥位bridge road 驮道broken chainage 断链broken stone 碎石broken back curve 断背曲线 buried abutment 埋置式桥台 bus bay 公交(车辆)停靠站 bypass 公交绕行公路cable bent tower 索塔cable saddle 索鞍cable stayed bridge 斜拉桥(斜张桥) cableway erecting equipment 缆索吊装设备california bearing ratio(CBR) 加州承载比(CBR)california bearing ratio tester 加州承载比(CBR)测定仪camber curve 路拱曲线cantilever beam bridge 悬臂梁桥cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙 capacity of intersection 交叉口通行能力 capacity of network 路网通行能力 capillary water 毛细水carriage way 车行道(行车道)cast-in-place cantilever method 悬臂浇筑法cationic emulsified bitumen 阳离子乳化沥青(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇cattle—pass 畜力车道cement concrete 水泥混凝土cement concrete mixture 水泥混凝土混合料cement concrete pavement水泥混凝土路面center—island 中心岛center lane 中间车道center line of road 道路中线center line survey 中线测量center stake 中桩central reserve 分隔带channelization 渠化交通channelization island 导流岛channelized intersection 分道转弯式交叉口 chip 石屑chute 急流槽circular curve 圆曲线circular road 环路circular test 环道试验city road 城市道路civil engineering fabric 土工织物 classified highway 等级公路 classified road 等级道路clay-bound macadam 泥结碎石路面clearance 净空clearance above bridge floor 桥面净空clearance of span 桥下净空climatic zoning for highway 公路自然区划climbing lane 爬坡车道cloverleaf interchange 苜蓿叶形立体交叉 coal tar 煤沥青cobble stone 卵石coefficient of scouring 冲刷系数cohesive soil 粘性土cold laid method 冷铺法cold mixing method 冷拌法cold—stretched steel bar 冷拉钢筋 column pier 柱式墩combination—type road system 混合式道路系统compaction 压实compaction test 击实试验compaction test apparatus 击实仪 compactness test 压实度试验 composite beam bridge 联合梁桥composite pipe line 综合管道(综合管廊) compound curve 复曲线concave vertical curve 凹形竖曲线(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇concrete joint cleaner(水泥混凝土)路面清缝机concrete joint sealer(水泥混凝土)路面填缝机 concrete mixing plant 水泥混凝土(混合料)拌和设备concrete paver 水泥混凝土(混合料)摊铺机concrete pump 水泥混凝土(混合料)泵concrete saw(水泥混凝土)路面锯缝机cone penetration test 触探试验conflict point 冲突点conical slope 锥坡consistency limit(of soil)(土的)稠度界限 consolidated subsoil 加固地基consolidation 固结construction by swing 转体架桥法construction height of bridge 桥梁建筑高度 construction joint 施工缝construction load 施工荷载construction survey 施工测量continuous beam bridge 连续梁桥contour line 等高线contraction joint 缩缝control point 路线控制点 converging 合流convex vertical curve 凸形竖曲线corduroy road 木排道counterfort retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙 counterfort abutment 扶壁式桥台country road 乡村道路county road 县公路(县道),乡道creep 徐变critical speed 临界速度 cross roads 十字形交叉 cross slope 横坡cross walk 人行横道cross—sectional profile 横断面图 cross-sectional survey 横断面测量 crown 路拱crushed stone 碎石crushing strength 压碎值culture 地物culvert 涵洞 curb 路缘石curb side strip 路侧带curve length 曲线长curve widening 平曲线加宽 curved bridge 弯桥cut 挖方(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇cut corner for sight line(路口)截角cut-fill transition 土方调配cut—fill transition program 土方调配图cutting 路堑cycle path 自行车道cycle track 自行车道deceleration lane 减速车道deck bridge 上承式桥deflection angle 偏角deflection test 弯沉试验degree of compaction 压实度 delay 延误density of road network 道路(网)密度 depth of tunnel 隧道埋深design elevation of subgrade 路基设计高程design frequency(排水)设计重现期design hourly volume 设计小时交通量design of elevation(城市道路)竖向设计design of vertical alignment 纵断面设计 design speed 计算行车速度(设计车速)design traffic capacity 设计通行能力 design vehicle 设计车辆design water level 设计水位designed elevation 设计高程designed flood frequency 设计洪水频率dislicking treatment 防滑处理Deval abrasion testing machine 狄法尔磨耗试验机(双筒式磨耗试验机)diamond interchange 菱形立体交叉differential photo 微分法测图direction angle 方向角directional interchange 方向式立体交叉diverging 分流dowel bar 传力杆drain opening 泄水口drainage by pumping station(立体交叉)泵站排水drainage ditch 排水沟 dressed stone料石 drop water 跌水dry concrete 干硬性混凝土ductility(of bitumen)(沥青)延度ductilometer(沥青)延度仪dummy joint 假缝dynamic consolidation 强夯法economic speed 经济车速economical hauling distance 土方调配经济运距 element support 构件支撑(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇elevation 高程(标高)embankment 路堤emergency parking strip 紧急停车带 emulsified bitumen 乳化沥青 erecting by floating 浮运架桥法erection by longitudinal pulling method 纵向拖拉法erection by protrusion 悬臂拼装法 erection with cableway 缆索吊装法 evaporation pond 蒸发池expansion bearing 活动支座expansive soil 膨胀土expantion joint 胀缝expressway(城市)快速路; 高速道(公)路external distance 外(矢)距fabricated bridge 装配式桥fabricated steel bridge 装拆式钢桥 factories and mines road厂矿道路factory external transportation line 对外道路factory—in road 厂内道路 factory—out road 厂外道路 fast lane 内侧车道 faulting of slabends 错台 feederhighway 支线公路 ferry渡口fibrous concrete 纤维混凝土 field of vision 视野fill 填方filled spandrel arch bridge 实腹拱桥 final survey 竣工测量fineness 细度fineness modulus 细度模数fixed bearing 固定支座flare wing wall abutment 八字形桥台 flared intersection 拓宽路口式交叉口 flash point 闪点flash point tester(open cup method)闪点仪(开口杯式)flexible pavement 柔性路面flexibie pier 柔性墩floor system 桥面系 flush curb 平缘石 foot way 人道道ford 过水路面forest highway 林区公路 forest road 林区道路 foundation 基础(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇free style road system 自由式道路系统freeway 高速公路free-flow speed 自由车速 freeze road 冻板道路freezing and thawing test 冻融试验frost boiling 翻浆frozen soil 冻土full depth asphalt pavement 全厚式沥青(混凝土)路面function planting 功能栽植general scour under bridge opening 桥下一般冲刷geological section(道路)地质剖面图 geotextile 土工织物gradation 级配gradation of stone(路用)石料等级 grade change point 变坡点grade compensation 纵坡折减 grade crossing 平面交叉grade length limitation 坡长限制 grade of side slope 边坡坡度 grade separation 简单立体交叉grade-separated junction 立体交叉graded aggregate pavement 级配路面grader 平地机grain composition 颗粒组成 granular material粒料 gravel 砾石gravity pier(abutment)重力式墩、台gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙 green belt 绿化带gridiron road system 棋盘式道路系统ground control-point survey 地面控制点测量 ground elevation 地面高程ground stereophotogrammetry 地面立体摄影测量guard post 标柱guard rail 护栏guard wall 护墙gully 雨水口gutter 街沟(偏沟)gutter apron 平石gutter drainage 渠道排水half-through bridge 中承式桥 hard shoulder 硬路肩hardening 硬化hardness 硬度haul road 运材道路(完整word版)道路交通工程专业英语词汇heavy maintenance 大修hectometer stake 百米桩hedge 绿篱height of cut and fill at center stake 中桩填挖高度high strength bolt 高强螺栓high type pavement高级路面 highway 公路highway landscape design 公路景观设计hill-side line 山坡线(山腰线)hilly terrain 重丘区horizontal alignment 平面线形 horizontal curve 平曲线hot laid method 热铺法hot mixing method 热拌法hot stability(of bitumen)(沥青)热稳性hydraulic computation 水力计算hydraulicity 水硬性imaginary intersection point 虚交点immersed tunnelling method沉埋法 inbound traffic 入境交通incremental launching method 顶推法industrial district road 工业区道路industrial solid waste(路用)工业废渣industrial waste base course 工业废渣基层inlet 雨水口inlet submerged culvert 半压力式涵洞inlet unsubmerged culvert 无压力式涵洞inorganic binder 无机结合料instrument station 测站intensity of rainstorm 暴雨强度 intercepting ditch 截水沟interchange 互通式立体交叉interchange with special bicycle track 分隔式立体交叉intermediate maintenance 中修intermediate type pavement 中级路面 intersection(平面)交叉口intersection angle 交叉角,转角intersection entrance 交叉口进口intersection exit 交叉口出口intersection plan 交叉口平面图intersection point 交点intersection with widened corners 加宽转角式交叉口jack—in method 顶入法kilometer stone 里程碑land slide 坍方。

1 交通规则traffic regulation2 路标guide post3 里程碑milestone4 停车标志mark car stop5 红绿灯traffic light6 自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light7 红灯red light8 绿灯green light9 黄灯amber light10 交通岗traffic post11 岗亭police box12 交通警traffic police13 打手势pantomime14 单行线single line15 双白线double white lines16 双程线dual carriage-way17 斑马线zebra stripes18 划路线机traffic line marker19 交通干线artery traffic20 车行道carriage-way21 辅助车道lane auxiliary22 双车道two-way traffic23 自行车通行cyclists only24 单行道one way only25 窄路narrow road26 潮湿路滑slippery when wet27 陡坡steep hill28 不平整路rough road29 弯路curve road ; bend road30 连续弯路winding road31 之字路double bend road32 之字公路switch back road33 下坡危险dangerous down grade34 道路交叉点road junction35 十字路cross road36 左转turn left37 右转turn right38 靠左keep left39 靠右keep right40 慢驶slow41 速度speed42 超速excessive speed43 速度限制speed limit44 恢复速度resume speed45 禁止通行no through traffic46 此路不通blocked47 不准驶入no entry48 不准超越keep in line ; no overhead49 不准掉头no turns50 让车道passing bay51 回路loop52 安全岛safety island53 停车处parking place54 停私人车private car park55 只停公用车public car only56 不准停车restricted stop57 不准滞留restricted waiting58 临街停车parking on-street59 街外停车parking off-street60 街外卸车loading off-street61 当心行人caution pedestrian crossing62 当心牲畜caution animals63 前面狭桥narrow bridge ahead64 拱桥hump bridge65 火车栅level crossing66 修路road works67 医院hospital68 儿童children69 学校school70 寂静地带silent zone71 非寂静地带silent zone ends72 交通管理traffic control73 人山人海crowded conditions74 拥挤的人jam-packed with people75 交通拥挤traffic jam76 水泄不通overwhelm77 顺挤extrusion direct78 冲挤extrusion impact79 推挤shoved80 挨身轻推nudging81 让路give way82 粗心行人careless pedestrian83 犯交通罪committing traffic offences84 执照被记违章endorsed on driving license85 危险驾驶dangerous driving86 粗心驾车careless driving87 无教员而驾驶driving without an instructor88 无证驾驶driving without license89 未经车主同意without the owner's consent90 无第三方保险without third-party insurance91 未挂学字牌driving without a L plate92 安全第一safety first93 轻微碰撞slight impact94 迎面相撞head-on collision95 相撞collided96 连环撞 a chain collision97 撞车crash98 辗过run over99 肇事逃跑司机hit-run driver100 冲上人行道drive onto the pavemen智能交通专业英语词汇Glance value 瞥见距离之远近Glare 眩Glare control 眩光控制Glare recovery 眩光消除Glare recovery time 眩光消除时间Glare screen 防眩设施Glare shield 眩光遮蔽物Glare vision 眩光视觉Glass Funnel 玻璃漏斗Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系统Global System for Mobile Communication GSM 泛欧式数字行动电话系统Goal 目标Goal Driven 目标驱动法Goods delivery problem 货物配送问题Gordon Ray雷伊Government-owned Public Parking Facility 公有公共停车场Gradation Curve 级配曲线Grade 坡度;纵向坡度Grade Crossings 平面交叉Grade I Road 一级路面Grade Line 坡度线Grade resistance 坡度阻力Grade Separation 立体交叉Grade separation bridge 立体交叉桥(结构物)Grade Separation Structure 立体叉结构Graduated Rate 累计费率Grain size analysis 粒径分析Grants 政府奖助Granular Materials 粒状材料Graphical analysis 图解分析法Gravel 砾石Gravel Equivalent Factor 卵石当景因素Gravel Road 砾石路Gravity Model 重力模式Gravity Yard 重力调车场Green Arrow 箭头绿灯Green/cycle ratio G/C 绿灯时间与号志周期之比值Green Extension 绿灯延长时间Green Flashing 闪光绿灯Green wave signal design 绿波式号志设计Greenhouse effect 温室效应Groove Joint 槽形接缝Gross National Product GNP 全国总生产毛额Gross Vehicle Weight GVW 总重Ground 地;地面Ground control point 地面控制点Ground improvement 地盘改良Ground treatment 地基处理Groundwater level 地下水位Group 群组Grouting 灌浆Growth Factor 成长因素Guardrail 护栏Guidance 导引Guidance information 导引信息Guide 导引Guide line 导引线Guide Sign 指示标志Gully control 蚀沟控制Gussasphalt 高温沥青胶浆Gutters 水沟HHalf-Integer Synchronization 半整数同步相位Hand in for Cancellation 缴销Hangar Marker 维护棚厂标记Hazard marker 危险标物Hazardous materials 危险物品Head (of water) 水头Head light 前灯;车前大灯Head On Collision 车头对撞Head Section 头区Head Sight Distance 车灯视矩Head Wall 端墙Header Board 横梁板Heading, Pilot tunnel 隧道导坑Headlight Sight Distance 车灯视距Head-on collision 对撞;正撞Headwater Depth 上水深Headway 时间车距;班距;行进间距(车距)Headway distribution 班距分布Headway Elasticity 班距弹性Headway, Period 班距Hearing 听力Heaving 隆起Heavy Commercial Vehicle Safety Management 重车安全管理Heavy Motorcycle 重型机踏车Heavy duty truck 重型卡车Heavy weight transportation management 大载重运输管理Heel of Switch 转辙轨跟端Heel Spread 跟端展距Height limit 高度限制Heuristic Approach 推理方法Hidden-Dip 躲坑High beam 远光灯High capacity buses 高容量巴士High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line HDSL 高速数字用户回路High decked bus 高层巴士High oblique photography 平倾斜摄影High Occupancy Vehicle HOV 高乘载车辆High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane 高乘载车道High or direct gear 高速檔High Truss With Overhead Lateral Connections 高顶式High type 高级型High-mast Lighting 高杆多灯式照明设计High-Occupancy Vehicle Priority Control 高承载率车优先行驶控制High Speed Rail 高速铁路Highway 公路Highway (or street) lighting 公路(或街道)照明Highway Advisory Radio HAR 公路路况广播Highway aesthetics 公路美学Highway alignment design 公路线形设计Highway bridge 公路桥梁Highway Bus Carrier 公路汽车客运业Highway bus industry 公路客运业Highway Capacity Manual HCM 公路容量手册Highway Capacity 公路容量Highway construction 公路施工Highway Construction and Maintenance Cost 公路建设维护成本Highway database 公路数据库Highway Density 公路密度Highway embankment 公路路堤Highway engineering, Road engineering 公路工程Highway geometry, Highway routing 公路路线Highway Guardrail 公路护榈Highway information 公路资料Highway information system 公路信息系统Highway interchange area 交流道地区Highway Intersection 公路交叉Highway maintenance 公路维修与养护Highway passenger vehicle 公路客车Highway performance 公路绩效Highway Performance Monitoring System HPMS 公路绩效监测系统Highway planning 公路规划Highway ramp 公路匝道Highway Research Board (Renamed to beResearch Board) HRB 美国公路研究委员会Highway service standard 公路服务水准Highway Supervision and Administration Statistics 公路监理统计Highway surveillance 公路调查Highway Transit 公路大众运输系统Highway Transportation Statistics 公路运输统计Highway transportation, Road transportation 公路运输Highway Travel Time Survey 公路行驶时间调查Highway Type 公路之型式Highway, Road 公路Hiking trail design 健行步道设计Hill land, Hill slope, Hillslope, Slope, Slope land, Slopeland, Sloping land Hinterland 腹地Histogram 直方统计图Hit-and-run driving 肇事逃逸;闯祸逃逸Holding Line Marker 等候线标记Home interview 家庭访问Home-Based Trip 旅次Hook-Headed Spike 钩头道钉Hopper 进料斗Horizontal Alignment 平面线形Horizontal angle of the cone of vision 水平视锥角Horizontal Clearance 侧向净宽Horizontal control surveys 平面控制测量Horizontal Curve 平曲线Horizontal drain pipe 水平排水管Horizontal Marking 横向标线Host 主机Hot-Mix Asphalt Mixture HMA 热拌沥青混凝土Hourly variation 时变化图Household trip 旅次Human characteristics 人类特性Human factor 人为因素;人事行为因素Hydroplaning, Aquaplaning 水滑作用Hydrophilic 亲水性Hydrophobic 厌水性IIdeal Condition 理想状况Illegal parking 违规停车Illumination 照明;明亮度;照度Illumination, Lighting 照明Image 影像Image element, Picture element, Pixel 像素;像元;像点Image geometry 影像几何Impact 冲击Impact energy 撞(冲)击能量Impact resistance 冲击阻力Improvement plans 改善计画Improving Highway Traffic Order and Safety Projects 道路交通秩序与交通安全改进方案In-Band-Adjacent-Channel IBAC 带内邻频In-Band-On-Channel IBOC 带内同频In Kind, Match Fund 配合款Inbound 往内方向;进城;驶入Incident 事件Incident Management 事件管理Inclinometer 倾斜仪Incremental Delay 渐增延滞Incremental launching method 节块推进工法Indemnity of Damage 损害赔偿Intensity of Rainfall 雨量强度Index 指针Index system 索引系统Index system, Indicator system 指针系统Indigenous 原著民的;本土性Indirect observation 间接观测Individual Communication Subsystem 个别通讯次系统Individual difference 个人禀性的差异Individual spot 独立点Induced Coil 感应圈Inductive loop Detector 环路线圈侦测器Inductive Receiver 感应收讯器Inertia resistance 惯性阻力Information center 服务台Information Flow 信息流Information Level 信息层Information Management Services IMS 信息管理服务Information sign 指示标志;信息标志Information Sign/Guide Sign 指示标志Infrared Beacon 红外线信号柱Infrastructure 内部结构;基础建设Initial Cost 初置成本Initial Daily Traffic 初期每日交通量Injury 伤害Injury rate 受伤率Inlet 集水口Inlet Control 进口控制Inlet Time 流入时间Inner lane 中心车道In-situ 现地Inspection of Vehicle 汽车检验Integrated Ramp Control 整体匝道控制Integrated Service Digital Network ISDN 整体服务数字网络Integrated Services on Lease 整合租用Intellection or identification 运用智能;辨明Intelligent Transportation System ITS智能型运输系统Intelligent vehicle 智能车Intended Running Speed 期望行车速率Intensity 光度;光的强度Intensity and Duration of Rainfall 降雨时间与密度Intercepting Drain 截水管Interchange 交流道Interchangeability 相互交换性Intercity Bus 公路客运汽车Intercity bus industry 长途客运(业)Intercity highway passenger transportation 城际公路客运Interconnectivity 相互连结性Interference 干扰绿灯带Interlocking 连锁控制Interlocking Plant 连锁装置Intermodal 不同运具间的转换Internal Offset 内时差Internal resistance 内部阻力Internal survey 内区调查Internal-externaltrip 内区-外区间旅次International Driver License 国际驾照International Telecommunication Union ITU 国际电信联盟Internet 网际网络Internet Protocol IP 网际网络通讯协议Internet Service Provider ISP 网际网络服务业者Interoperability 操作时之相互连网性Interpolation Method 内插法Interrupted Delay 干扰延滞Interrupted flow 受有干扰车流;间断流通Intersection 交叉路口Intersection Angle 交角Intersection capacity 路口容量Intersection channelization 交叉路口的槽化Intersection characteristics 交叉路口特性Intersection design 交叉路口设计Intersection Point 切线交点Intersectional delay 交叉路口延滞Interstate 州际间的(一般指出入受限的公路)Interstate Commerce Commission ICC 州际商务委员会Interval 时段Interview technique 访问法;访谈法Intoxicated driving 酒后驾车Inventory 数据库JJitney 随停公车;简便公车Job Mix Formula 工地拌合公式Joint Opening 开口宽度;Joint Operation of Transport 联运Jointed Concrete Pavement JCP 接缝式混凝土铺面Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement JRCP 接缝式钢筋混凝土铺面Joule 焦耳(能量单位)Journal Resistance 轴颈阻力Jumbo 钻堡Junction 路口Junction box 汇流井KKalman filter algorithm 卡门滤波法Kalman filter, Kalman filtering 卡门滤波Keep right sign 靠右标志Key count station 关键调查站Kinematic Viscosity 动黏度Kink 纽结Kiss-and-Ride 停车转乘Kneading Action 辗挤作用Knot 节(等于每小时1.85公里)Knowledge Base 知识库Kurtosis 峰度LLag 间距Lag time 延迟时间Land Access 可及性Land Expropriation 土地征收Land Transportation 陆路运输Land use 土地使用;土地利用Landfill site 掩埋场Landscape design 景观设计Landslide/Slump 坍方Lane, traffic lane 车道Lane 巷道Lane allocation, Lane layout 车道配置Lane Balance 车道平衡Lane change 变换车道Lane control 车道管制Lane distribution 车道分布Lane Group 车道群Lane headway 车道行进间距Lane Line 车道线Lane Reduction Transition Line 路宽渐变线Lane residual width 巷道剩余宽度Lane Width 车道宽度Lane-direction control signal 车道行车方向管制号志Large Network Grouping 大型网络群组划分Large Passenger Vehicle 大客车Large-area Detector 大区域侦测器Latent travel demand 潜在旅次需求Lateral Acceleration 横向加速率Lateral clearance 侧向净距Lateral Collision Avoidance 侧向防撞Lateral Separation 左右隔离Lateral shift 侧向位移Laws of randomness 随机定理Lay-Down Vehicle Days 停驶延日车数Leading 绿灯早开Leading & lagging design 早开迟闭设计Leading Car 领导车Leading design 早开设计Learning Permit 学习驾照Lease 租赁Left turn 左转Left turn accel-decel & storage lane island 左转加减速-停储车道式分向岛Left turn acceleration lane island 左转加速车道式分向岛Left turn crossing 左转交叉穿越Left turn lane 左转车道Left turn maneuver 左转运行Left turn on red 在红灯时段内进行左转运行Left turn waiting zone 左转待转区Left turning vehicle 左转车辆Leg 路肢Legibility 公认性;易读性Length 长度Length of Economical Haul 经济运距Length of grade 坡长Length of lane change operation 变换车道作业的长度Length of Superelevation Runoff 超高渐变长度Length of time parked 停车时间的久暂Level 水准仪;横坑;水平面Level Crossing 平面交叉Level of illumination 明亮度水准Level of Service 服务水准Level or flat terrain 平原区Level surface 水准面Leveling Course 整平层License Plate 汔车号牌License Plate Method 牌照法License Suspension 吊扣驾照License Termination 吊销License Plate 汽车号牌License plate method 车辆牌照记录法;车辆牌照法License Plate Recognition 车牌辨识License renewal method 换照法Life cycle assessments LCA 生命周期评估Lift-On/Lift-Off 吊上吊下式Light Characteristics 灯质Light List 灯质表Light Motorcycle 轻型机踏车Light on method 亮灯法Light Phase 灯相Light Rail Rapid Transit LRRT 轻轨捷运Light Rail Transit LRT 轻轨运输Light Truck 小货车Lighting System 灯光系统Limited purpose (parking) survey 局部目的(停车)调查Line Capacity 路线容量Line marking 标线Linear Referencing System 线性参考系统Linear Shrinkage 线收缩Linear-Induction Motor LIM 线性感应马达Linear-Synchronous Motor LSM 线性同步马达Link arrival rate 路段流量到达率Link flow 路段流量Link performance function 道路绩效函数Linked or coordinated signal system 连锁号志系统Lip Curb 边石Liquidate 变成液体:偿还:破产Liquidated Damage 违约罚金Load Equivalent Factor LEF 荷重当量系数;载重当量因素Load Factor 负荷指数Load limit 载重限制Load Safety Factor 载重安全因素Loading 载重Loading & unloading 装卸Loading & unloading zone 上下旅客区段或装卸货物区段Loading Island 旅客上下车的车站岛Local Area Network LAN 局域网络Local Controller 路口控制器Local street 地区性街道Local traffic 地区性交通Local transmission network 区域传输网络Localizer 左右定位台Location file 地点档案Location of stop 站台设置位置Locked Joint 连锁接头Log Likelihood Function 对数概似函数Logical Architecture 逻辑架构Logit Model 罗吉特模式Logo 标记;商标Long Loop 长线圈Long tunnel 长隧道Long tunnel system 长隧道系统Long vehicle tunnel 车行长隧道Long-chord 长弦Longitude 经度Longitudinal Collision Avoidance 纵向防撞Longitudinal distribution of vehicle 车辆的纵向分布Longitudinal Drain 纵向排水Longitudinal Grade 纵坡度Longitudinal Joint 纵向接缝Longitudinal Separation 前后隔离Longitudinal Slope For Grade Line 纵断坡度Longitudinal ventilation 纵流式通风Longitudinal Warping 纵向扭曲Long-Range Planning 长程规划Long-term scour depth 长期冲刷深度Loop 环道(公路方面);回路(电路方面)Loop Detector 环路型侦测器Loop inductance 感应回路Los Angeles Abrasion Test 洛杉矶磨耗试验Lost Time 损失时间Louvers of Daylight Screening Structure 遮阳隔板Low beam 近灯Low Heat 低热Low or first gear 低速檔Low Pressure Sodium Lamp 低压钠气灯Low relative speed 低相对速率Low Truss 低架式Lumen 流明Luminance 辉度Luminaire 灯具Luminous Efficiency of a Source 光源效应Luminous flux 光流;光束Luminous Intensity 光度;光强度Lux 勒克斯MMacro or mass analysis 汇总分析;宏观分析Macroscopic 巨观Magnetic detector 电磁(磁性)侦测器Magnetic Levitation Maglev 磁浮运输系统Magnetic loop detector 磁圈侦测器Magnitude 规模Mainline 主线Maintenance Factor 维护系数Maintenance Work 养护工程Major flow 主要车流Major parking survey 主要停车调查Major Phase 主要时相Management Information Base MIB 网管信息库(管理讯息库)Management Information System MIS 管理信息系统Maneuverability 运行性Manhole 人孔;井Man-machine driving behavior 人机驾驶行为Man-machine interaction 人机互动Manual counts 人工调查法Map Matching Method 地图配对法Map scale 图比例尺Marginal vehicle 边际车辆Marker 标物;标记Market Package 产品组合Market Segment 市场区隔Marking 标线Marshaling Yard 货柜汇集场Marshall Test 马歇尔试验Mass Diagram 土积图Mass transportation 大众运输Match Fund 配合款Master 主路口Master controller 主要(总枢纽)控制器Master Node 主控制点Master Plan 主计画Material handling 物料搬运Maturity 成熟程度Max out 绿灯时间完全使用之现象Maximum allowable gradient 最大容许坡度Maximum Allowable Side Friction Factor 最大容许侧向摩擦系数Maximum Arterial Flow Method 最大干道流量法Maximum capacity 最大容量Maximum Density 最大密度Maximum flow rate 最大流率Maximum Grade 最大坡度Maximum individual delay 最大个别延滞Maximum Likelihood Function 最大概似法Maximum Load Section MLS 最大承载区间Maximum Peak Hour Volume 最尖峰小时交通量Maximum possible rate of flow 最大可能车流率Maximum queue 最大等待量(车队长度)Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity 最大理论比重Mean Absolute Value of Error MAE 平均绝对误差Mean deviation 平均差Mean difference 均互差Mean Square Error MSE 平均平方误差Mean variance 离均差Mean velocity 平均速度Measure of Effectiveness MOE 绩效评估指针Mechanic License 技工执照Mechanical counter 机械式计数器Mechanical garage 机械式停车楼(间)Mechanical Kneading Compactor 揉搓夸压机Mechanical Load-Transfer Devices 机械传重设备Mechanical parking 机械停车Mechanical power 机械动力Median 中央分隔带;中央岛Median (50th percentile) speed 中位数速率;第50百分位数速率Median Bus Lane 设于道路中央之公车专用车道Median conflicts 中央冲突点Median Curing Cutback Asphalt MC 中凝油溶沥青Median island 中央岛Million Vehicles Kilometer MVK 百万车公里Median opening 中央分向岛缺(开)口Medium Distribution 中分布Memorandum of Understanding MOU 备忘录Mental factor 精神因素Mercury Vapor Lamp 水银蒸汽灯Merge 合并;并流;进口匝道;并入Merging area 并流区域Merging behavior 并入行为Merging conflicts 并流冲突点Merging maneuver 并流运行Merging of traffic 交通汇流Merging point 并流点Merging traffic 汇合交通Message Set 讯息集Metadata 诠释资料Metered Freeway Ramp 匝道仪控Metering rate 仪控率Metropolitan Planning Area 大都会规划区Micro or spot analysis 重点分析;微观分析Microwave Beacon 微波信号柱Mid-block (bus) stop 街廓中段公车站台Mid-block delay 街廓中段延滞Mid-Block Flow 中途转入流量Middle Ordinate 中距Mide-Block 街廓中央停靠方式Mile Per Gallon MPG 每加仑油量可跑的英哩数Milled Materials 刨除料Million Vehicles Kilometer MVK 百万车公里Mini car 迷你车Minibus 小型公车Minimum Curve Length 曲线之最短Minimum Design for Turning Roadway 转向道之最小设计Minimum Grade 最小纵断坡度Minimum Green Time 最短绿灯时间Minimum Phase Time 最短时相时间Minimum running time 最短行车时间Minimum separation 最小间距Minimum sight triangle 最小视界三角形Minimum speed limit 最低速率Minimum turning radius 最小转弯半径Minimum-speed curve 最低速率曲线Minor flow 次要车流Minor Phase 次要时相Minor street 次要道路Mix Design 配合设计Mixed fleet 混合车队Mixed fleet operation 混合车队营运Mixed flow, Mixed traffic, Mixed traffic flow 混合车流Mobile Communications 行动通讯Mobile Data 行动数据Mobile Data Network 行动数据网络Mobile Plant 移动式厂拌;活动式厂拌Mobile radio unit 车装式无线电话机Mobility 可行性Modal Split 运具分配Mode 运具Model traffic ordinance 模范交通条例Modem 通讯解调器Modular 模块化Modulus of Elasticity 弹性系数Modulus of Rupture 破裂模数Modulus of Subgrade Reaction 路基反应系数Moment of inertia 惯性力矩Monitoring 监测Monorail 单轨铁路Mortality 死亡数Motivation 动机Motor License 行车执照Motor transport service 汽车运输业Motor vehicle code 机动车辆规范Motorcycle lane 机车道Motorcycle user 机车使用者Motorcycle waiting zone 机车停等区Motorcyclist 机车驾驶人Motorcyclist Safety 机车骑士安全Mountable Curb or Rolled Curbs 可越式绿石Mountain road 山区道路Mountain terrain 山岭区Mounting height 装设高度Movement Distribution 流向分配Movement-Oriented 流动导向Moving belt 输送带Muck 碴Mud 泥浆Multi-Trip Ticket 多程票或回数票Multicommodity flow problem 多商品流量问题Multicommodity network flow problem 多重货物网络流动问题Multi-function Alarm Sign 多功能警示标志Multilane highway 多车道公路Multi-lane rural highway 多车道郊区公路Multilayer 多层Multileg Interchange 多路立体交叉Multileg Intersection 多路交叉Multimodal 多运具的Multimode mixed traffic 多车种车流Multi-parameter detector 多参数侦测器Multi-path effect 多路径效应Multipath Traffic Assignment Model 多重路线指派模式Multiperiod 多时段Multiple commodity network flow problem 多重商品网络流动问题Multiple cordon survey 多环周界调查Multiple network flow problem with side constraint 含额外限制多重网络流动问题Multiple turning lane 多线转向车道Multiple use area 多用途空间Multiple user classes 多种用路人Multiple-ride-ticket 回数票Multistories or multifloor garage 高楼停车间Multi-Tasking 多任务作业NNaphtha 石脑油National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP 美国公路合作研究组织群National freeway 国道National Freeway Construction & Management Fund 国道公路建设管理基金National freeway network 国道路网National System Architecture 国家级架构National System of Interstate and Defense Highway 洲际国防公路Native Asphalt 天然沥育Natural (normal) distribution 自然(常态)分布Natural Disaster Traffic Management 自然灾害交通管理Natural moisture content 自然含水量Natural path 自然迹线Natural Rubber Latex 天然橡胶流质Natural Subgrade 天然路基Natural ventilation 自然通风Natural ventilation effect 自然通风效应Navigation 引导;导航Near-Side 路口近端Near-side bus stop 近端公车停靠站台Neon regulatory sign 霓虹式禁制标志Net Tractive Effort 净牵引力Net Weight 净重Network 网络New Jersey concrete barrier 纽泽西混凝土护栏Night visibility 夜间可见(视)性Night vision 夜间视力Nighttime driving 夜间驾驶Nitrogen Oxides NOX 氧化碳No left turn 不准左转;请勿左转No parking 禁止停车No parking on yellow line 禁止停车黄线No passing zone 不准超车区段No passing zone marking 不准超越地带标线No right turn 不准右转;请勿右转No standing on red line 禁止临时停车红线No turning 不准转向运行No U-turn 不准回转;请勿回转Noise 噪音Noise analysis 噪音分析Noise barrier, Sound insulating wall 隔音墙Noise control 噪音控制Noise induced annoyance 噪音干扰Noise intensity 噪音强度Noise Level 噪音水准Noise pollution 噪音污染Noise prevention 噪音防制Noise sensitive area 噪音敏感地区Nomograph 换算图Non-collision accident 非碰撞性肇事Non-Cutoff 无遮被型Non-Cutoff type NC/O 无遮蔽型Nonfatal Injury 非致命性的伤害Nonhomogeneous flow 不同流向的车流;非均质车流Non-Motorist 非机动车使用者(如行人)Non-Overlap 非重叠时相Nonpassing Sight Distance 不超车视距Non-Recurrent Congestion 非重现性交通壅塞Non-road user 非用路者Nonskid Surface Treatment 防滑处理Nonsynchronous controller 异步控制器No-Passing Zone Markings 禁止超车路段线Normal Crown NC 正常路拱Not approved 认定不应开发Novelty 新奇性Number of accident 肇事件数Number of conflict 冲突点数目Number of fatality 死亡人数Number of injury 受伤人数Number of Operating Vehicles 营业车辆数Number of parking spaces 停车车位数Number of Passengers 客运人数Number of Registered Vehicle 车辆登记数Numbers 要求之重复Numerical speed limit 数值速率限制Nurture room 育婴室OObject marking 障碍物标示(标线)Object or obstacle marking 路障标线Oblique crossing 斜向交叉穿越Obstruction approach marking 近障碍物标线Obstruction Light 障碍标示灯光Occupancy 车辆乘客数(包含驾驶)Occupancy study 乘客研究Occupant 车辆乘客(包含驾驶)Occupational Illness 职业病O-D Table 起讫旅次表Odometer 量距轮Off parking facilities, Off street parking garage 路外停车场Off Season 运输淡季Off street parking 路外停车Off-line 离线Off-ramp 出口匝道Off-set 号志时差Offset Fine-Turning Algorithm 时差微调法Off-set island end 岛端支距Offset transition 时差递移Off-set type intersection 错开式交叉路口Offset, Time lag 时差Off-street Bike Lane 道路外脚踏车车道Off-Street Parking Lot 路外停车场Off-tracking 轮迹内移Old vehicle elimination 车辆汰旧Omnibus (City Bus) 市区公共汽车On street parking, Roadside parking 路边停车On-Board Safety Monitoring 商用车辆车上安全监视On-Board Transit Survey 大众运输车上乘客调查On-Board Unit OBU 车上单元On-duty hour 勤务时间One lane 单车道One-side mounting 单侧配置法One-way arterial street 单向主要干道One-way Downgrade 单向下坡One-way Street 单行道One-way Ticket 单程票On-line 线上On-line Timing Plan Selection 动态查表Open bid 开标Open Geographic Information System 开放式地理信息系统Open GIS Services 开放式地理信息服务模式Open Graded Friction Course OGFC 开放级配摩擦层Open System Interconnection OSI 开放式系统互连架构Open traverse 开放导线Open-Graded Aggregate 开级配粒料Operating Cost 营运成本Operating speed 运行速率;营运速率Operating System OS 操作系统Operating Time 营运时间Operating Vehicle Days 行驶延日车数Operating-Mileage 营业里程Operation Bidding System 营运竞标制度Operation Right 路线经营权取得Operational delay 运行延滞Opposed crossing 反向交流;反向穿越Opposite mounting 双侧并列法Opposite car method 对向车法Optical Beacon 光学信号柱Optical Character Recognition OCR 车牌办识Optimal n-step toll 最佳n阶段收费方式Optimal path 最佳路径Optimal spacing 最适间距Optimum asphalt content 最佳沥青含量Optimum Moisture Content 最佳含水量Optimum signal timing 最佳号志时制Optional lane change 随意性变换车道Optional turning 随意转向Ordinal selection 序数选择法Ordinance 条例Ordinary Driver License 普通驾照Orientation system 导引系统Origin and destination study 起讫点研究Origin zone 起点区Outbound 往外方向;离开市区方向Outlet Control 出口控制Outlet Pipe 放流管Outlying area 外围(或偏远)地区Out-of-Face Replacement 整段抽换Over Haul 付价运矩Over high detector 超高侦测器Over turning 翻车;翻覆Overall parking program 整体停车计划Overall Standard Deviation 总标准偏差Overall Travel Speed 总旅行速率Overall travel time 全程行驶时间Overburden 超载;覆盖Overburden layer 覆土层Overflow Pavement 过水路面Overhaul Distance 付费运距Overhead (overhanging type) sign 悬挂式(横悬式;门架式)标志Overhead sign 架空标志Overlap 重叠Overlap degree 路线重叠指针Overlapping route 重复路线Overlaps 重耍Overlay 加铺路面层Overlay thickness design 加铺厚度设计Overloaded vehicle 超载车辆Overloading experiment 超载实验Overloading sediment 超载运移Overpass 天桥;高架道Overpass Bridge 跨越桥Overpass Highway 天桥公路Over-saturation Delay 过饱和延滞Overtaken 被超车Overtaken Vehicle 被超车辆Owl Rate 午夜费率Owner 业主Oxidation 氧化;硬化Ozone layer 臭氧层PPace 步调;速差间距Pacing violator 追赶违规者Packer 栓塞Packet-Switched Public Data Network PSPDN 分封交换公众数据网络Paging Communication 页码通讯Paging System 无线电叫人系统Paper Location 纸上定线Parabolic Curve 拋物线Parallax 视差Parameter 参数Parameter of Clothoid Curve 克罗梭曲参数Paratransit 副大众运输Parcel distribution industry 包裹配送业Park and ride system 停车转乘系统Park-and-Ride 停车转乘Parking 停车Parking accumulation 停车累积数Parking area 路边停车场Parking area planning 停车场规划Parking area, Parking lot 停车场Parking behavior 停车行为Parking capacity 停车容量Parking demand 停车需求Parking discount 停车折扣Parking duration 停车延时;停车持续时间Parking facility 停车设施Parking fee 停车费Parking garage 停车楼(间)Parking inventory 停车调查台帐或清单之建立Parking load 停车荷量Parking Lot 停车场Parking meter 停车收费表(器)Parking Peak Hour Factor 停车尖峰因素Parking prohibition 禁止路边停车Parking restriction 停车限制Parking Restrictions 禁止停车线Parking selecting behavior 停车选择行为Parking service index model 停车绩效指针模式Parking space 停车空间Parking Space Marking 停车场地标线Parking space requirement index 停车空间需求指针Parking space sharing 停车位共享Parking space, Parking stall 停车位Parking supply 停车供给Parking supply inventory 停车车位供应调查Parking volume 停车数(量)Parking-time limit 停车时间限制Parkway 林荫大道Partial Acceptance 部分验收Partial Clover Leaf 部分苜蓿叶Particulates 空气中微小颗粒Part-time restriction 局部时间设限Pass Ticket 通行票Pass-by Trip 顺道旅次Passed vehicle 被试验车超越的车辆Passenger 旅客;乘员Passenger car 小客车Passenger Car Equivalent PCE 小客车当量Passenger car ownership/usage 小客车持有与使用Passenger Car Unit PCU 小客车当量数Passenger Load Factor 客车乘载率Passenger Vehicles 小型车Passenger Volume 承载量Passenger-Cargo Dual-purpose 客货两用车Passenger-Kilometer 延人公里Passengers Per Bus-Kilometer 每车公里客运密度Passing 超车Passing Sight Distance 超车视距Passing time 通行时间;超车所需时间Passing Vehicle 超车车辆Passive Warning Device 被动警告设施Patching 修补Patrolling 巡逻Pattern of movement 运行移动的型态Paved Ditch 铺砌之水沟Paved road 铺面道路Pavement 铺面;路面Pavement markers 路面标记Pavement striping 路面标线Pavement aggregate 铺面骨材;铺面粒料Pavement aging 铺面老化Pavement Condition 铺面状况Pavement construction 铺面施工Pavement crack 铺面裂缝Pavement Crown 路拱Pavement damage 铺面破坏Pavement design 铺面设计Pavement distress 铺面损坏Pavement Drainage 路面排水Pavement engineering 铺面工程Pavement evaluation 铺面评审Pavement joint 铺面接缝Pavement Life 路面寿命Pavement maintenance 铺面维护Pavement maintenance management 铺面维护管理Pavement maintenance management system 铺面维护管理系统Pavement management and rehabilitation 铺面管理及修护Pavement marking 铺面标线Pavement material 铺面材料Pavement modulus 铺面模数Pavement performance 铺面绩效Pavement recycling 铺面再生Pavement rehabilitation 铺面翻修Pavement repair 铺面整修Pavement roughness 铺面糙度Pavement Serviceability 铺面服务性Pavement serviceability performance 铺面服务绩效Pavement strength 铺面强度Pavement structure 铺面结构Pavement structure evaluation 铺面结构评估Pavement thickness 铺面厚度Pavement, Road surface 路面Pavement-width transition marking 路宽渐变段标线Paver 铺筑机;铺装机Pay Enter 上车时付费。

traffic diversion traffic induction traffic attraction mixed traffic traffic flow vehicle stream traffic density peak hourly volume design hourly volume base year road network planned road network road network changes parallel road Five Year Plan study year base/optimistic/conservative case annual statistics book road traffic capacity basic traffic capacity road congestion medium truck equivalent(MTE) factors Passenger Car Unit(PCU) value of time (VOT) level of service elasticity coefficient relationship between traffic and economic growth peak hour factor directional factor vehicle composition due diligence study desk-top study feasibility study hereinafter referred to in association with during the concession period 2 城市交通 Traffic engineering Traffic system

道路工程英语词汇abrasiveness 磨耗度absolute datum 绝对基面abutment 桥台abutment pier 制动墩acceleration lane 加速车道accidental load 偶然荷载accommodation lane 专用车道acoustic barrier 隔音墙acting circles of blasting爆破作用圈additional stake加桩adjacent curve in one direction同向曲线admixture外加剂adverse grade for safety反坡安全线aerial photogrammetry航空摄影测量aerophoto base航摄基线aerophoto interpretation航摄像片判读aging 老化aggregate集料(骨料)air hardening气硬性alignment design(城市道路)平面设计,线形设计alignment element线形要素alligator cracking路面龟裂allowable rebound deflection容许(回弹)弯沉alternative line 比较线anchored bulkhead abutment锚锭板式桥台anchored bulkhead retaining wall锚锭板式挡土墙anchored retaining wall by tie rods锚杆式挡土墙anionic emulsified bitumen阴离子乳化沥青annual average daily traffic年平均日交通量anti-creep heap(厂矿道路)挡车堆anti-dazzling screen防炫屏(遮光栅) antiskid heap(厂矿道路)防滑堆approach span引桥aquitard 隔水层arch bridge拱桥arch culvert拱涵arch ring拱圈arterial highway干线公路arterial road(厂内)主干道,(城市)主干路asphalt distributor沥青洒布车asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料拌和设备asphalt paver沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer复拌沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt sand沥青砂asphalt sprayer沥青洒布机asphaltic bitumen地沥青at-grade intersection平面交叉auxiliary lane附加车道average consistency(of soil)(土的)平均稠度average gradient 平均纵坡azimuth angle方位角balance weight retaining wall衡重式挡土墙base course基层base line基线basic traffic capacity基本通行能力beam bridge梁桥beam level deflectometer杠杆弯沉仪bearing支座bearing angle象限角bearing pile支承桩bearing platform承台bed course垫层bench mark水准点benched subgrade台口式路基bending strength抗弯强度Benkelman beam杠杆弯沉仪(贝克曼弯沉仪)bent cap盖梁berm护坡道binder结合料binder course联结层bitumen沥青bitumen extractor(沥青混合料)抽提仪bitumen-aggregate ratio油石比bituminous concrete mixture沥青混凝土混合料bituminous concrete pavement沥青混凝土路面bituminous macadam mixture沥青碎石混合料bituminous macadam pavement沥青碎石路面bituminous mixture沥青混合料bituminous pavement沥青路面bituminous penetration pavement沥青贯入式路面bituminous surface treatment(沥青)表面处治blasting crater爆破漏斗blasting for loosening rock松动爆破blasting for throwing rock抛掷爆破blasting procedure土石方爆破bleeding泛油blind ditch盲沟blind drain盲沟block pavement块为路面block stone块石blow up拱胀boring钻探开孔boring log(道路)地质柱状图boring machine钻孔机borrow earth借土borrow pit取土坑boundary frame on crossing道口限界架boundary frame on road道路限界架boundary line of road construction道路建筑限界bowstring arch bridge系杆拱桥box culvert箱涵branch pipe of inlet雨水口支管branch road(城市)支路,(厂内)支道bridge桥梁bridge decking桥面系bridge deck pavement桥面铺装bridge floor expansion and contraction installation桥面伸缩装置bridge girder erection equipment架桥机bridge on slope坡桥bridge site桥位bridge road驮道broken chainage断链broken stone碎石broken back curve断背曲线buried abutment埋置式桥台bus bay公交(车辆)停靠站bypass公交绕行公路cable bent tower索塔cable saddle索鞍cable stayed bridge斜拉桥(斜张桥) cableway erecting equipment缆索吊装设备California bearing ratio(CBR)加州承载比(CBR) California bearing ratio tester加州承载比(CBR)测定仪camber curve路拱曲线cantilever beam bridge悬臂梁桥cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙capacity of intersection 交叉口通行能力capacity of network路网通行能力capillary water毛细水carriage way车行道(行车道)cast-in-place cantilever method悬臂浇筑法cationicemulsified bitumen阳离子乳化沥青cattle-pass畜力车道cement concrete水泥混凝土cement concrete mixture水泥混凝土混合料cement concrete pavement水泥混凝土路面center-island中心岛center lane中间车道center line of road道路中线center line survey中线测量center stake中桩central reserve分隔带channelization渠化交通channelization island导流岛channelized intersection分道转弯式交叉口chip石屑chute急流槽circular curve圆曲线circular road环路circular test环道试验city road城市道路civil engineering fabric土工织物classified highway等级公路classified road等级道路clay-bound macadam泥结碎石路面clearance净空clearance above bridge floor桥面净空clearance of span桥下净空climatic zoning for highway公路自然区划climbing lane爬坡车道cloverleaf interchange苜蓿叶形立体交叉coal tar煤沥青cobble stone卵石coefficient of scouring冲刷系数cohesive soil粘性土cold laid method冷铺法cold mixing method冷拌法cold-stretched steel bar冷拉钢筋column pier柱式墩combination-type road system混合式道路系统compaction压实compaction test击实试验compaction test apparatus击实仪compactness test压实度试验composite beam bridge联合梁桥composite pipe line综合管道(综合管廊) compound curve复曲线concave vertical curve凹形竖曲线concrete joint cleaner(水泥混凝土)路面清缝机concrete joint sealer(水泥混凝土)路面填缝机concrete mixing plant水泥混凝土(混合料)拌和设备concrete paver水泥混凝土(混合料)摊铺机concrete pump水泥混凝土(混合料)泵concrete saw(水泥混凝土)路面锯缝机cone penetration test触探试验conflict point冲突点conical slope锥坡consistency limit(of soil)(土的)稠度界限consolidated subsoil 加固地基consolidation固结construction by swing转体架桥法construction height of bridge桥梁建筑高度construction joint施工缝construction load施工荷载construction survey施工测量continuous beam bridge连续梁桥contour line等高线contraction joint缩缝control point路线控制点converging合流convex vertical curve凸形竖曲线corduroy road木排道counterfort retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙counterfort abutment 扶壁式桥台country road乡村道路county road县公路(县道),乡道creep徐变critical speed临界速度cross roads十字形交叉cross slope横坡cross walk人行横道cross-sectional profile横断面图cross-sectional survey横断面测量crown路拱crushed stone碎石crushing strength压碎值culture地物culvert涵洞curb路缘石curb side strip路侧带curve length曲线长curve widening平曲线加宽curved bridge弯桥cut挖方cut corner for sight line(路口)截角cut-fill transition土方调配cut-fill transition program土方调配图cutting路堑cycle path自行车道cycle track自行车道deceleration lane减速车道deck bridge上承式桥deflection angle偏角deflection test弯沉试验degree of compaction压实度delay延误density of road network道路(网)密度depth of tunnel隧道埋深design elevation of subgrade路基设计高程designfrequency(排水)设计重现期design hourly volume设计小时交通量design of elevation(城市道路)竖向设计design of vertical alignment纵断面设计design speed计算行车速度(设计车速) design traffic capacity设计通行能力design vehicle设计车辆design water level设计水位designed elevation设计高程designed flood frequency设计洪水频率dislicking treatment 防滑处理Deval abrasion testing machine狄法尔磨耗试验机(双筒式磨耗试验机)diamond interchange菱形立体交叉differential photo微分法测图direction angle方向角directional interchange方向式立体交叉diverging分流dowel bar传力杆drain opening泄水口drainage by pumping station(立体交叉)泵站排水drainage ditch排水沟dressed stone料石drop water跌水dry concrete干硬性混凝土ductility(of bitumen)(沥青)延度ductilometer(沥青)延度仪dummy joint假缝dynamic consolidation强夯法economic speed经济车速economical hauling distance土方调配经济运距element support构件支撑elevation高程(标高)embankment路堤emergency parking strip紧急停车带emulsified bitumen乳化沥青erecting by floating浮运架桥法erection by longitudinal pulling method纵向拖拉法erection by protrusion悬臂拼装法erection with cableway缆索吊装法evaporation pond蒸发池expansion bearing活动支座expansive soil膨胀土expansion joint胀缝expressway(城市)快速路external distance外(矢)距fabricated bridge装配式桥fabricated steel bridge装拆式钢桥factories and mines road 厂矿道路factory external transportation line对外道路factory-in road 厂内道路factory-out road厂外道路fast lane内侧车道faulting of slab ends错台feeder highway支线公路ferry渡口fibrous concrete纤维混凝土field of vision视野fill填方filled spandrel arch bridge实腹拱桥final survey竣工测量fineness细度fineness modulus细度模数fixed bearing固定支座flare wing wall abutment八字形桥台flared intersection拓宽路口式交叉口flash point闪点flash point tester(open cup method)闪点仪(开口杯式) flexible pavement柔性路面flexible pier柔性墩floor system桥面系flush curb平缘石foot way人道道ford过水路面forest highway林区公路forest road林区道路foundation基础free style road system自由式道路系统free way高速公路free-flow speed自由车速freeze road冻板道路freezing and thawing test冻融试验frost boiling翻浆frozen soil冻土full depth asphalt pavement全厚式沥青(混凝土)路面function planting功能栽植general scour under bridge opening桥下一般冲刷geological section(道路)地质剖面图geotextile土工织物gradation级配gradation of stone(路用)石料等级grade change point变坡点grade compensation纵坡折减grade crossing平面交叉grade length limitation坡长限制grade of side slope边坡坡度grade separation简单立体交叉grade-separated junction立体交叉graded aggregate pavement级配路面grader平地机grain composition颗粒组成granular material粒料gravel砾石gravity pier(abutment)重力式墩、台gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙green belt绿化带gridiron road system棋盘式道路系统ground control-point survey地面控制点测量ground elevation地面高程ground stereophotogrammetry地面立体摄影测量guard post标柱guard rail护栏guard wall护墙gully雨水口gutter街沟(偏沟)gutter apron平石gutter drainage渠道排水half-through bridge中承式桥hard shoulder硬路肩hardening硬化hardness硬度haul road运材道路heavy maintenance大修hectometer stake百米桩hedge绿篱height of cut and fill at center stake中桩填挖高度high strength bolt高强螺栓high type pavement高级路面highway公路highway landscape design公路景观设计hill-side line山坡线(山腰线)hilly terrain重丘区horizontal alignment平面线形horizontal curve平曲线hot laid method热铺法hot mixing method热拌法hot stability(of bitumen)(沥青)热稳性hydraulic computation 水力计算hydraulicity水硬性imaginary intersection point虚交点immersed tunnelling method沉埋法inbound traffic入境交通incremental launching method顶推法industrial district road 工业区道路industrial solid waste(路用)工业废渣industrial waste base course工业废渣基层inlet雨水口inlet submerged culvert半压力式涵洞inlet unsubmerged culvert无压力式涵洞inorganic binder无机结合料instrument station测站intensity of rainstorm暴雨强度intercepting ditch截水沟interchange互通式立体交叉interchange with special bicycle track分隔式立体交叉intermediate maintenance中修intermediate type pavement中级路面intersection(平面)交叉口intersection angle交叉角,转角intersection entrance交叉口进口intersection exit交叉口出口intersection plan交叉口平面图intersection point交点intersection with widened corners 加宽转角式交叉口jack-in method顶入法kilometer stone里程碑land slide坍方lane车道lane-width车道宽度lateral clear distance of curve(平曲线)横净距lay-by紧急停车带level of service道路服务水平leveling course整平层leveling survey水准测量light-weight concrete轻质混凝土lighting facilities of road道路照明设施lime pile石灰桩line development展线linking-up road联络线、连接道路liquid asphaltic bitumen液体沥青liquid limit液限living fence绿篱load荷载loading berm反压护道loading combinations荷载组合loading plate承载板loading plate test承载板试验local scour near pier桥墩局部冲刷local traffic境内交通location of line定线location survey定测lock bolt support with shotcrete喷锚支护loess黄土longitudinal beam纵梁longitudinal gradient纵坡longitudinal joint纵缝loop ramp环形匝道Los Angeles abrasion testing machine洛杉面磨耗试验机(搁板式磨耗试验机)low type pavement低级路面main beam主梁main bridge主桥maintenance养护maintenance period大中修周期manhole检查井marginal strip路缘带Marshall stability apparatus马歇尔稳定度仪Marshall stability test马歇尔试验masonry bridge圬工桥maximum annual hourly volume年最大小时交通量maximum dry unit weight(标准)最大干密度maximum longitudinal gradient最大纵坡mine tunnelling method矿山法mineral aggregate矿料mineral powder矿粉mini-roundabout微形环交minimum height of fill(路基)最小填土高度minimum longitudinal gradient最小纵坡minimum radius of horizontal curve最小平曲线半径minimum turning radius汽车最小转弯半径mixed traffic混合交通mixing method拌和法mixture混合料model split交通方式划分modulus of elasticity弹性模量modulus of resilience回弹模量modulus ratio模量比monthly average daily traffic月平均日交通量motor way高速公路mountainous terrain山岭区movable bridge开启桥mud淤泥multiple-leg intersection多岔交叉national trunk highway国家干线公路(国道) natural asphalt天然沥青natural scour自然演变冲刷natural subsoil天然地基navigable water level通航水位nearside lane外侧车道net-shaped cracking路面网裂New Austrian Tunnelling Method新奥法observation point测点one-way ramp单向匝道open cut method明挖法open cut tunnel明洞open spandrel arch bridge空腹拱桥opencast mine road露天矿山道路operating speed运行速度optimum gradation最佳级配optimum moisture content最佳含水量optimum speed临界速度organic binder有机结合料origin-destination study起迄点调查outbound traffic出境交通outled submerged culvert压力式涵洞outlet inlet main road 城市出入干道overall speed区间速度overlay of pavement罩面overpass grade separation上跨铁路立体交叉overtaking lane超车车道overtaking sight distance超车视距paper location 纸上定线paraffin content test含蜡量试验parent soil原状土parking lane停车车道parking lot停车场parking station公交(车辆)停靠站part-put part-fill subgrade半填半挖式路基pass垭口passing bay错车道patrol maintenance巡回养护paved crossing道口铺面pavement路面pavement depression路面沉陷pavement recapping路面翻修pavement slab pumping路面板唧泥pavement spalling路面碎裂pavement strengthening路面补强pavement structure layer 路面结构层pavemill路面铣削机(刨路机)peak hourly volume高峰小时交通量pedestrian overcrossing 人行天桥pedestrian underpass人行地道penetration macadam with coated chips上拌下贯式(沥青)路面penetration method贯入法penetration test apparatus长杆贯入仪penetration(of bitumen)(沥青)针入度penetrometer(沥青)针入度仪periodical maintenance定期养护permafrost多年冻土permanent load永久荷载perviousness test透水度试验petroleum asphaltic bitumen石油沥青photo index像片索引图(镶辑复照图) photo mosaic像片镶嵌图photogrammetry摄影测量photographic map影像地图pier桥墩pile and plank retaining wall柱板式挡土墙pile bent pier排架桩墩pile driver打桩机pipe culvert管涵pipe drainage管道排水pit test坑探pitching method铺砌法plain stage of slope边坡平台plain terrain平原区plan view(路线)平面图plane design(城市道路)平面设计plane sketch(道路)平面示意图planimetric photo综合法测图plant mixing method厂拌法plastic limit塑限plasticity index塑性指数poisson's ratio泊松比polished stone value石料磨光值pontoon bridge浮桥porosity空隙率portable pendulum tester摆式仪possible traffic capacity可能通行能力post-tensioning method后张法pot holes路面坑槽preliminary survey初测preloading method预压法prestressed concrete预应力混凝土prestressed concrete bridge预应力混凝土桥prestressed steel bar drawing jack张拉预应力钢筋千斤顶pretensioning method先张法prime coat透层productive arterial road生产干线productive branch road生产支线profile design纵断面设计profilometer路面平整度测定仪proportioning of cement concrete水泥混凝土配合比protection forest fire-proof road护林防火道路provincial trunk highway省干线公路(省道) railroad grade crossing(铁路)道口ramp匝道rebound deflection回弹弯沉reclaimed asphalt mixture再生沥青混合料reclaimed bituminous pavement再生沥青路面reconnaissance踏勘red clay红粘土reference stake护桩reflection crack反射裂缝refuge island安全岛regulating structure调治构造物reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete bridge钢筋混凝土桥reinforced concrete pavement钢筋混凝土路面reinforced earth retaining wall加筋土挡土墙relative moisture content(of soil)(土的)相对含水量relief road辅道residential street居住区道路resultant gradient合成坡度retaining wall挡土墙revelling of pavement路面松散reverse curve反向曲线reverse loop回头曲线ridge crossing line越岭线ridge line山脊线right bridge正交桥right bridge正桥rigid frame bridge刚构桥rigid pavement刚性路面rigid-type base刚性基层ring and radial road system环形辐射式道路系统ripper松土机riprap抛石road道路road alignment道路线形road appearance路容road area per citizen(城市)人均道路面积road area ratio(城市)道路面积率road axis道路轴线road bed路床road bitumen路用沥青road condition路况road condition survey路况调查road crossing(平面)交叉口road crossing design交叉口设计road engineering道路工程road feasibility study(道路工程)可行性研究road improvement 改善工程road intersection道路交叉(路线交叉) road mixing method路拌法road network道路网road network planning道路网规划road planting道路绿化road project(道路工程)方案图road trough路槽road way路幅rock breaker凿岩机rock filled gabion石笼roller压路机rolled cement concrete碾压式水泥混凝土rolling terrain微丘区rotary interchange环形立体交叉rotary intersection环形交叉roundabout环形交叉route development展线route of road道路路线route selection选线routine maintenance小修保养rubble片石running speed行驶速度rural road郊区道路saddle back垭口safety belt安全带safety fence防护栅salty soil盐渍土sand砂sand drain(sand pile)砂井sand gravel砂砾sand hazard沙害sand mat of subgrade排水砂垫层sand patch test铺砂试验sand pile砂桩sand protection facilities防沙设施sand ratio砂率sand sweeping回砂sand sweeping equipment回砂机sandy soil砂性土saturated soil饱和土scraper铲运机seal coat封层secondary trunk road(厂内)次干道,(城市)次干路seepage well渗水井segregation离析semi-rigid type base半刚性基层separate facilities分隔设施separator分隔带sheep-foot roll羊足压路机(羊足碾)shelter belt护路林shield盾构(盾构挖掘机)shield tunnelling method盾构法shoulder路肩shrinkage limit缩限side ditch边沟side slope边坡side walk人行道sieve analysis筛分sight distance视距sight distance of intersection路口视距sight line视线sight triangle视距三角形silty soil粉性土simple supported beam bridge简支梁桥single direction thirsted pier单向推力墩single-size aggregate同粒径集料siphon culvert倒虹涵skew bridge斜交桥skew bridge斜桥skid road集材道路slab bridge板桥slab culvert盖板涵slab staggering错位slide滑坡slope protection护坡slump坍落度snow hazard雪害snow plough除雪机snow protection facilities防雪设施soft ground软弱地基soft soil软土softening point tester(ring ball method)(沥青)软化点仪(环—球法)softening point(of bitumen)(沥青)软化点solubility (of bitumen)(沥青)溶解度space headway车头间距space mean speed空间平均速度span跨径span by span method移动支架逐跨施工法spandrel arch腹拱spandrel structure拱上结构special vehicle特种车辆speed-change lane变速车道splitting test劈裂试验spot speed点速度spreading in layers层铺法springing弹簧现象stabilizer稳定土拌和机stabilized soil base course稳定土基层stage for heaping soiland broken rock碎落台staggered junction错位交叉standard axial loading标准轴截steel bar heading press machine钢筋冷墩机steel bridge钢桥steel extension machine钢筋拉伸机stiffness modulus劲度stone coating test石料裹覆试验stone crusher碎石机stone spreader碎石撒布机stopping sight distance停车视距stopping truck heap(厂矿道路)阻车堤street街道street drainage街道排水street planting街道绿化street trees行道树strengthening layer补强层strengthening of structure加固stringer纵梁striping test for aggregate集料剥落试验structural approach limit of tunnel隧道建筑限界sub-high type pavement次高级路面subgrade路基subgrade drainage路基排水submersible bridge漫水桥subsidence沉陷subsoil地基substucture下部结构superelevation超高superelevation runoff超高缓和段superstructure上部结构supported type abutment支撑式桥台surface course面层surface evenness路面平整度surface frost heave路面冻胀surface permeameter路面透水度测定仪surface roughness路面粗糙度surface slipperinness路面滑溜surface water地表水surface-curvature apparatus路面曲率半径测定仪surrounding rock围岩suspension bridge悬索桥switch-back curve回头曲线T intersection丁字形交叉(T形交叉) T-shaped rigid frame bridge T形刚构桥tack coat粘层tangent length切线长tar焦油沥青technical standard of road道路技术标准Telford锥形块石Telford base(锥形)块石基层terrace台地thermal insulation berm保温护道thermal insulation course 隔温层thirtieth highest annual hourly volume年第30位最大小时交通量through bridge下承式桥through traffic过境交通tie bar拉杆timber bridge木桥time headway车头时距time mean speed时间平均速度toe of slope(边)坡脚tongue and groove joint企口缝top of slope(边)坡顶topographic feature地貌topographic map地形图topographic survey地形测量topography地形township road乡公路(乡道)traffic assignment交通量分配traffic capacity通行能力traffic composition交通组成traffic density交通密度traffic distribution交通分布traffic flow交通流traffic generation交通发生traffic island交通岛traffic mirror道路反光镜traffic planning道路交通规划traffic safety device交通安全设施traffic square交通广场traffic stream车流traffic survey交通调查traffic volume交通量traffic volume observation station交通量观测站traffic volume prognosis交通量预测traffic volume survey交通量调查transition curve缓和曲线transition slab at bridge head桥头搭板transition zone of cross section断面渐变段transition zone of curve widening加宽缓和段transitional gradient缓和坡段transverse beam横梁transverse joint横缝traverse导线traverse survey导线测量trencher挖沟机triaxial test三轴试验trip出行true joint真缝trumpet interchange喇叭形立体交叉trunk highway干线公路truss bridge桁架桥tunnel(道路)隧道tunnel boring machine隧道掘进机tunnel lining衬砌tunnel portal洞门tunnel support隧道支撑turnaround loop回车道,回车场turning point转点two-way curved arch bridge双曲拱桥two-way ramp双向匝道type of dry and damp soil base土基干湿类型U-shaped abutment U形桥台under-ground pipes comprehensive design管线综合设计underground water地下水underground water level地下水位underpass grade separation下穿铁路立体交叉universal photo全能法测图urban road城市道路valley line沿溪线variable load可变荷载vehicle stream车流vehicular gap车(辆)间净距verge路肩vertical alignment纵面线形vertical curb立缘石(侧石)vertical curve竖曲线vertical profile map(路线)纵断面图viameter路面平整度测定仪vibratory roller振动压路机viscosimeter(沥青)粘度仪viscosity(of bitumen)(沥青)粘(滞)度void ratio孔隙比washout水毁waste弃土waste bank弃土堆water cement ratio水灰比water content含水量water level水位water reducing agent减水剂water stability水稳性water-bound macadam水结碎石路面wearing course磨耗层weaving交织weaving point交织点weaving section交织路段wheel tracking test车辙试验width of subgrade路基宽度workability和易性Y intersection Y形交叉。

交通工程专业英语词汇(整理版)1. Infrastructure 架构,基础设施2. Highway 高速公路3. Road 路,街道4. Street 道路,街道5. Freeway 高速公路6. Expressway 高速公路7. Lane 车道8. Intersection 十字路口9. Bridge 桥10. Tunnel 隧道11. Roundabout 环状交叉路口12. Overpass 高架桥13. Underpass 地下通道14. Shoulder 路肩15. Sidewalk 人行道16. Traffic congestion 交通拥堵17. Traffic flow 交通流量18. Traffic signal 交通信号灯19. Traffic light 交通信号灯20. Pedestrian 行人21. Bicycle 自行车22. Parking 停车23. Ramp 匝道24. Flyover 天桥25. Crosswalk 人行横道26. Speed limit 限速27. Road sign 路牌28. Traffic control 交通控制29. Traffic regulation 交通规则30. Roadway 车道31. Curb 道缘石32. Median 隔离带33. Right of way 优先通行权34. Traffic safety 交通安全35. Transport transportation 运输36. Public transportation 公共交通37. Car vehicle 汽车38. Bus 公交车39. Taxi 出租车40. Motorbike 摩托车41. Scooter 踏板摩托车42. Truck 卡车43. Pedestrian zone 步行区44. Road construction 道路施工45. Traffic accident 交通事故46. Traffic police 交警以上是一些交通工程专业常用的英语词汇,希望对您有所帮助。
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路基排水subgradedrainage边沟side ditch
跌水drop water
盲沟blind drain
绝对基面absolute datum高程elevation
地面高程ground elevation 设计高程designed elevation(路线)纵断面图profile
中桩填挖高度cut and fillat center stake地形测量topographic survey
环形立体交叉rotary interchange
路面结构层pavement structure layer面层surfacecourse
基层base course
垫层bed course隔水层aquitard
隔温层thermal insulating coBiblioteka rse基线base line
横断面测量cross-sectional survey横断面图cross-section
坑探pit test
地面控制点测量ground control-point survey
沿线设施roadside facilities
交通安全设施trafficsafety device人行横道crosswalk
人行天桥pedestrian overcrossing
护栏guard fence
防护栅guard fence,safety barrier遮光栅anti-dizzlingscreen
中线测量center line survey
施工测量construction survey
竣工测量final survey
虚交点imaginary intersection point
指路标志information sign辅助标志auxiliary sign
可变信息标志changeable message sign
路面标线pavement marking
防雪设施snow protection facilities
防沙设施sands protectionfacilities
多年冻土permafrost 流砂quicksand
软弱地基soft ground
反压护道loading berm
砂井sand drain
路基砂垫层sand matof subgrade
干线公路arterial highway
专用公路accommodation highway
国家干线公路(国道)nationaltrunk highway省级干线公路(国道)provincialtrunk highway县公路(县道)countyroad
平均纵坡average gradiant
坡长限制grade lengthlimitation
道路交叉road intersection;
道口railroad grade crossing
平面交叉at-grade intersection;gradecrossing
半填半挖式路基part cut-partfill subgrade台口式路基benched subgrade
路基宽度width ofsubgrade
路基设计高程design elevationof subgrade(路基)最小填土高度minimumheight of fill边坡side slope
通行能力traffic capacity
基本通行能力basic traffic capacity
可能通行能力possible traffic capacity设计通行能力design traffic capacity
公路工程highway engineering
边坡坡度grade of side slope(边)坡顶topofslope
边坡平台plain stageof slope
碎落台bermatthe foot of cutting slope护坡slopeprotection
重力式挡土墙gravity retaining wall
交通量调查traffic volume survey
境内交通local traffic
交通发生traffic generation交通分布traffic distribution交通分配traffic assignment交通预测trafficprognosis
(标准)最大干容重maximumdryunitweight相对密实度relative density
抛掷爆破blasting forthrowing rock
松动爆破blasting forloosening rock
反光标志reflective sign
反光路钮reflective button
弯道反光镜traffic mirror
道路交通标志road traffic sign警告标志warning sign
禁令标志regulatory sign指示标志guide sign
公路等级highway classification
公路自然区划climatic zoning for highway
公路用地highway right-of-way
高速公路freeway; expressway等级公路classified highway 辅道reliefroad
分离式行车道divided carriageway
变速车道speed-change lane加速车道acceleration lane减速车道deceleration lane爬坡车道climbing lane
借土borrow earth弃土waste
软土soft soil
超高缓和段superelevation runoff
纵坡longitudinal gradient
衡重式挡土墙balance weightretainingwall悬臂式挡土墙cantilever retaining wall