人教新课标高中英语必修(二)-Unit4 Wildlife protection reading 说课课件 (共28张PPT).ppt

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How does Daisy help the wildlife?
Skiming :Fill in the table
Test your reading speed
First visit
Animal she met Places she went
Second visit Third visit
One day Daisy went to see the animals that gave fur to make her _sw__e_a_te_r_ in a flying chair. It flew away to _T__ib_e_t in China first, where she saw an _a_n_t_e_lo_p__e. The antelope told her that they were killed for the _w_o_o_lthat was taken from their _s_to_m__a_c_h_s.
• Task 1:Write a letter about animal protection. • Task2: Search the following websites: • wildlifedirect.org/ 保护濒危动物 • panda.org世界野生动物基金会 • worldwildlife.org/fun/kids.cfm 世界野生动物保护 • cnwildlifey野生动物网
5 教学步骤:
(4)读后: A:带领学生学习、操练有关知识点
Who am I ?
I live in China. I’m black and white. I eat bamboo and move by walking.
_p_r_o_t_ec_t_ it f_r_o_m_ mosquitoes.
Daisy had learned so much!
Human beings
Live in harmony
No protection! No animals! No earth! No human beings!
The tour companies had to__p_a_y__ to visit or hunt.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Farmers _n_o__lo_n_g_e_r_ hunt.
Rain forest
A monkey and a millipede
insect containing a powerful drug could
Antelope being killed for _f_u_r_
Tibet Farmers used to__h_u_n_t
They were_an__en_d_a_ng_ered species
__G__o__v__e_r__n__m__en___t offered help.
Giant panda
The Top 10 endangered animals in China
The Top 10 endangered animals in China
BroMwinluEdaereerd Pheasant 麋鹿褐马鸡
Black黑-CN颈reec朱s鹤ktee鹮dd ICbrisane
More and more animals are killed by humans , as a student what should we do to protect the wildlife?
Let’s protect the animals together!
we can help the dangerous animals as followings:
Why are wildlife Endangered ?
Food shortage Pollution disease
Destroy of habitation(栖息地)
One habitat in China
Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province
Giant panda
Not enough food; loss of bamboo growing areas
Number before concern Nearly all disappeared Number after concern About 1,600 after more than 50 reserves set up to protect bamboo areas
Thank you!
See you!
elephant monkey
Zimbabwe Rainforest
Daisy took a__fl_yi_n_g_c_a_r_p_et_ to travel and talked with _s_o_m_e__a_ni_m_a_l_s_, which made her know _t_h_e_im__p_o_rt_a_n_c_e_ of the wildlife protection.
What do people kill them for? fur & skin
meat tusk
Is this the end of the evolution(进化)?
Who is the most dangerous enemy of animals?
Human beings.
Limit hunting Ask people to protect wildlife Stop buying clothes made of their furs Protect their habitats and create new ones Set up nature reserves or natural protection area Tell people around you the importance of wildlife protection
Careful reading:
1. How many animals did Daisy meet in the story?
2.Where do these animals live, and how are they being treated there?
Animals Where What did she find?
1 教材分析:新课标人教版高一英语上册unit4 wildlife
protection. 本单元以保护动植物为主要内容,旨在增强学生保护 野生动植物的意识
2 教学内容: unit 4 wildlife protection
3 教学方法:3P教学法
4 说教学目标: 知识目标:掌握新学单词和短语,了解濒危动物境况 技能目标:鼓励学生说英语,提升猜词和阅读理解的能力 情感目标:反思对濒危动物保护的态度,加强合作的能力
Unit 4
Wildlife Protection
What do you think of these animals?
What happened to them? They are cute ,rare ,precious. They are national treasure.
But … They are dying out!