
第一单元 1为方便起见,这些照片将按照时间顺序展示For convenience, the photos will be shown in time sequence.、 2出现事故之后你需要把车停下You are required to stop your car after an accident3教育孩子的观念和做法因文化的差异而有所不同The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture.4与其说他是位音乐家,倒不如说他是位诗人He is more of a poet than a musician5我父亲已好心地提出让我们去飞机场My father has kindly offered to take us to the airport6我们确实应该找个时间很快见面,讨论一下细节We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.1 You are not required to commit yourself until you know what the invitation is for . Once he starts a job he won't stop until it's finished. 他直到30岁才找到女朋友。
. He didn't have a girlfriend until he was thirty.我不告诉你,你不要离开。
Don't leave until I tell you to.2 The invitation turns out to be something you'd hate to do.It turns out that he is the person you'd have to deal with. 真实情况原来比我们想象得更为离奇。

1.Thanks to the modern technology, the film about thatancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves.2.That ancient city was devastated by the fire, butfortunately the stone tablet survived.3.The videotape and the story by the women filled themwith sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake.4.in that earthquake, we heard many stories of teacherswho had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives.5.the construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558,but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.6. in 1980, when I met up with her,, she had justreturned from abroad with a master’s degree.7.It was my first visit to New York, but I managed tofind my way to the little firm.8.It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry,but as a director Xie Jin did it.1.many vain young people are obsessed with fancy carsdespite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them.2.their marriage finally fell apart when his affairwith another woman was found out by his wife.3.for artistic inspiration, the artist lived in thecountry for three years, where he denied himself many comforts of life.4.I’m not sure if we can have the excursion toChongming Island tomorrow. It’s at the mercy of the weather.5.when he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine,but after he returned to China he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life.6.She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father,which is a disgrace to her parents.7.since 1978, our economy has witnessed a rapiddevelopment; in contrast that of some developed countries has declined.8.the earthquake isolated the city from other areas.Their food supplies will not hold out through thewinter.Unit 31.the fans waited anxiously in the rain for two hoursbefore the ‘super girl’ finally showed up.2.they had been in love for 8 years and gone throughmany agonies, before they finally got married.3.I was upset by the loss of my wallet, but I could onlyconsole myself-it could have been worse. What if I had lost my passport at the airport?4.given that he was young and inexperienced, hisperformance in his first movie was excellent.5.every time he left on business, the manager wouldauthorize his assistant to act for him, as the business of the company couldn’t wait.6.the poor old man did not have much to eat, but he kepthealthy because he believed in the benefit of doing exercise.7.of all the ancient civilization, only that of Chinaendured through the ages and is still full of vitality.8.like many other writers, this young writer focuseson the eternal theme of love. What sets him apart fromothers is his keen observation of rural life in China. Unit 41.children may swim here provided that they areaccompanied by adults,2.this American journalist made a fool of himself overhis remarks about China, because he’s been out of touch with what’s been happening in the country in the past three decades,3.every person has the right to education, regardlessof his family background, sex, and age.4.the invention of the Internet, despite the fact thatit has given rise to some problems,, has greatly facilitated almost every aspect of our life, including education, medicine, and business.5.never overlook your travel insurance when you areplanning to spend your holiday abroad; otherwise you might find yourself in great trouble if any accident should occur,6.in the movie that billionaire was faced with adilemma-either divorce his wife, who would then carve out half of his financial empire, or murder her at the risk of being found out by the police,7.as the husband lost his job in the financial crisis,the new couple had to cut down on a lot of things-furniture, clothes, records, books, and so on.8.over 30 years ago, right after the CulturalRevolution, Deng Xiaoping told the people that the only way out laid in reform and opening up to the outside world.Unit 51.this film actor is more inclined than most people tohelp the handicapped because he himself suffered a stroke ten years ago.2.the old man is afflicted with rheumatism, but he stillgoes jogging and climbs mountains every day.3.some of the flaws in the American financial system,which had never received due attention, eventually led to disastrous consequences.4.he held on to his shares of that company when theprices were dropping sharply last year. Now he has made a fortune.5.just dismiss the idea from your mind-it’s crazy andnot worth thinking about at all.6.we were all set to leave for the holiday in New Yorkwhen the 9/11 incident shook the world.7.if you think I have a magic formula to solve theproblem, you are bound to be disillusioned.8.that Japanese company succeed in penetrating the USTV market.Unit 61.our group was assigned to decorate the garden whilethe others were preparing the food in the kitchen.2.on the battlefield the young man was delighted to meeta long-lost brother who came out of the blue.3.who has used up the milk? There is none to put in mycoffee.4.rumor has it that this painting is fake and that theoriginal one was stolen three years ago.5.one person may not be able to change much, but workingtogether we’ll be able to make a great difference to our country.6.many burglaries took place because the owners failedto take the precaution of locking their doors and windows.7.the minster flew to the front to negotiate with therioters in an effort to prevent a civil war.8.I assumed you knew each other because I saw youtalking to each other at the party.Unit 71.he was hospitalized with acute appendicitis, with theresult that he missed the final exam.2.as many more people came to the lecture than expected,there were not enough handouts to go round.3.no matter what a long day he may have, he makes a pointof checking his e-mail inbox before going to bed.4.unemployment is found in all countries in the world,but governments vary in their way to handle the problem.5.anyone who has come to a foreign country for the firsttime is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting.6.the football fans were very disappointed at theperformance of the players of both teams.7.never take what he says at face value. Think it overyourself.8.the doctor’s words removed his fears about theoperation.Unit 81.after months of negotiation, the two company finallycame up with a solution, which was in essence our original proposal.2.the people of that African tribe worship the moon inmuch the same way that our ancestors worshipped the sun.3.it is still a puzzle as to how the ancient Egyptianpyramids were built over 4000 years ago. Some people speculate that they were built by supernatural beings.4.the illegal use of inferior building materialseventually resulted in the collapse of the hotel.5.at present, many countries are taking action tomitigate the impact of the financial crisis on their economy.6.the couple finally divorced after years of incessantquarrels, which had resulted from a lack of understanding.7.the government of the two countries agreed to set upa military hotline to reduce the risk of war due toincorrect information.8.some Chinese students were not very successful inAmerican universities because they failed to adapt to the environment there.Unit 91.in October, 1935, the Chinese Red Army, havingendured all the hardships and sacrifices, finally made their way to the north of Shanxi Province.2.in the economic crisis, the government released astatement, calling upon the people to buy local products as far as possible.3.the politicians in various countries are trying toharness nuclear energy and restore the safe environment for the human race.4.he didn’t hear the doorbell because he was rapt inhis work.5.this country suffers from frequent riots because ofwidespread extreme poverty, as well as people’s inherent distrust of the corrupt government.6.in his lecture on the current economic situation, theeconomist used a lot of figures on the PPT to underline the seriousness of the crisis.7.he answered with a smile, ‘Not at all. I did thisas much for you as for myself.8. a man is measured not by what ha says, but by whatha does for his country and people.Unit 101.he can’t even draw a distinction between French andSpanish, not to say speaking them.2.in a craze for cultural relics in the 1990s, oldchinaware, such as those handed down from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, were much sought after by collectors.3.despite the opposition of most of his advisors, thegeneral decided to take his chances on the battle and suffered a total defeat in the end.4.the Chinese nation has stood up to the vicissitudesof thousands of years and is now in the process of rejuvenation.5.I wish you would confine your talk to the facts ratherthan spread word about the biased report in that newspaper.6.the first thing he did after his arrival in Paris wasto convert all his money into Euros.7.that Shakespearean play was tailored to the taste ofthe Chinese audience when it was put on the Chinese stage, so much so that it was more like a Chinese play than an English one,8.you must abandon your native language for sometime,if you really want to acquire a good competence in English.Unit 111.as my article was over 10,000 words, I finally hadto cut out several paragraphs to satisfy the requirements of the academic journal.2.there is no running away from the facts, so we mustface up to the truth and pay for our mistakes.3.that year, despite the car accident, he was promotedto the next grade after he passed all the exams required by the school.4.the intellectuals of that country were very criticalof the government’s new social welfare policy because, according to them, it would bring down the living standards of the working people.5.it is, to be sure, difficult to remove the resentmentbetween them, but it is at least worth trying.6.the government is taking all possible measurement tobring down the prices lest inflation should get out of control7.as the murderer denied all the charges, we had toconvince the jury with more evidence that he was guilty.8.finally he managed to forgive his wife for herinfidelity and was reconciled with her after years of separation.Unit 121.his father died when he was only nine years old,leaving the whole family helplessly at the mercy of others.2.her story stirred many beautiful memories of mychildhood, which I have always cherished in my heart.3.the two countries held several rounds of negotiationto settle their differences.4.more and more students are opting for his coursebecause of his humor and energy as well as his effective way of teaching.5.in his speech the premier vowed to address the seriousproblem of unemployment and to boost the income of the common people.6.the former Nazi officer who was arrested last yearin Argentina was prosecuted for the crimes that he had committed during the Second World War.7.the great value of this book rests in the fact thatit has influenced and encouraged a whole generation of young people in their struggle against imperialism and feudalism.8.with regard to the silent students, the teachershould try to enhance their self-confidence and encourage them to voiace their idea in class.。

Key to Exercises of College English Book 2Unit 1★Text AVocabularyI.1.1) insert 2) on occasion 3) investigate 4) In retrospect 5)initial 6) phenomena7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting 10) not…in the least 11) promote 12) emerged2. 1) There is a striking contrast between the standards of living inthe north of the country and the south.2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) The city’s importance as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) The poems by a little-known sixteenth-century Italian poet havefound their way into some English magazines.3. 1) be picked up, can’t accomplish, am exaggerating2) somewhat, performance, have neglected, they apply to3) assist, On the other hand, are valid, a superiorII.1. 1) continual 2) continuous 3) continual 4) continuous2. 1) principal 2) principal 3) principle 4) principles 5) principalIII.1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/ by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExerciseI. Cloze1. 1) contrast 2) exaggerating 3) priority 4) on the other hand 5) promoting6) pick up 7) assist 8) accomplish 9) on occasion 10) neglecting11) worthwhile 12) superior2. 1) end 2) perform 3) facing 4) competent 5) equipped6) designed 7) approach 8) rest 9) definitely 10) qualityII. Translation1.1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departurefrom the tradition.2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough togive a performance in front of a large audience.3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit inthe child at an early age.4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do youthink it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it?5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on theproblem we are investigating.2. To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading,writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important.Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.★ Text BComprehension check: c c d a c bLanguage Practice1.g h e c f a b d2.1) adopt 2) account 3) from your point of view 4) ended up5) furthermore 6) fund 7) annual 8) keeping track of9) pace 10) intends11) perspective 12) deviseUnit 2★Text AVocabularyI. 1. 1) abrupt 2) emotional 3) bless 4) wear and tear5) dated6)consequences 7)seemingly 8) in contrast to 9) Curiosity 10) genuine 11) primarily 12) sentiments2. 1) When you are confronted with more than one problem, try tosolve the easiest one first.2) Water is vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) There is still some confusion among the students about whatto do after class to follow up on the subject.4) As a person of simple living habits, he needs nothing morethan a job and an apartment to be happy.5) It tickled him to think that she’d come to as his advice.3. 1) a lingering, fabricating, sentiments2) fill out, every item, vital, consequences3) be denied, tangible, cherish, attainII.1.It’s a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2.She arrived early and took a front row seat.3.Don’t take me for a fool.4.It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5.My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic thissummer.6.He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7.Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8.If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III.1.hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. nothaving written6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) well-off/affluent 2) dated 3) falling into 4) bracket5) deny6) tangible 7) pursuit 8) cherishes 9) out of place10) abrupt11) focus 12) donations2. 1) consume 2) fueled 3) annual 4) plain 5) physically 6) security7) indicates 8) equally 9) traditional 10) followsII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had a commercialpurpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’swhy my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job andthus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are ratherpoor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.2. With more and more donations coming in, our universitywill be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.★ Text BComprehension Check: b b d c d d。

全新版大学英语综合教程(第二版)第2册课文翻译Unit 1 Text A哈佛大学教育学教授霍华德·加德纳回忆其中国之行,阐述他对中西方不同的学习方式的看法。
Learning, Chinese-Style1987年春,我和妻子埃伦带着我们18个月的儿子本杰明在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月,同时考察中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。
TWO DIFFERENT WAYS TO LEARN我的中国同行,除了少数几个人外,对此事的态度与金陵饭店工作人员一样。

全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程学生用书第2册课后翻译题答案Unit 1Page.19 Translation单句翻译:1. 背离传统需要极大的勇气。
(departure,enormous)It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.2. 汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。
(performance,bold)Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to givea performance in front of a large audience.3. 很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。
(creative,desirable)Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit inthe child at an early age.4. 假设(assume)那幅画确实是名作(masterpiece),你觉得值得购买吗?(worthwhile)Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you thinkit’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it?5. 如果这些数据统计上是站得住脚的,拿他将会是帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。
(throw light on,investigate,valid)If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problemwe are investigating.Page.20短文翻译:要提高我们的英语水平,关键是多读,多写,多听,多说。

全新版⼤学英语(第⼆版)综合教程2课后练习答案(含翻译题)Key to Exercises of College En glish Book 2Unit 1★ Text AVocabulary1.I. 1) in sert 2) on occasi on 3) in vestigate 4) In retrospect 5)in itial 6) phe nomena7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting 10) not …in the least 11) promote 12) emerged2. 1) There is a striking contrast between the standards of living inthe n orth of the country and the south.2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to syn thetic fiber.3) The city ' importance as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) His n ati on ality is not releva nt to whether he is a good lawyer.5) The poems by a little-k nown sixtee nth-ce ntury Italia n poet havefound their way into some En glish magaz in es.3. 1) be picked up, can 'accomplish, am exaggerati ng2) somewhat, performa nce, have n eglected, they apply to3) assist, On the other hand, are valid, a superiorII.1. 1) continual 2) con ti nu ous 3) continual 4) continu ous2. 1) principal 2) principal 3) principle 4) principles5)prin cipalIII.1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on herown 4. itself6. yourself/ by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExerciseI. Clozeother hand 5) promoti ngoccasi on 10) n eglect ing11) worthwhile 12) superiordefi nitely 10) quality II. Translation1. 1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departurefrom the traditi on.2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold eno ugh togive a performa nee in front of a large audie nee.3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in5. ourselves 1. 1) con trast2) exaggerating 3) priority 4) on the6) pick up7) assist 8) accomplish 9) on2. 1) end2) perform 3) facing compete nt 5) equipped6) designed7) approach 8) rest 4) 9)the child at an early age.4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it ' worthwhile to buy/purchase it?5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problemwe are in vestigati ng.2. To improve our En glish, it is critical to do more read ing,writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart asmany well-written essays as possible is also very important.Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experie nee as we go along, for in so doing, wecan figure out which way of learning is more effective and willproduce the most desirable result. As long as we keep workinghard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering En glish.★ Text BComprehe nsion check: c c d a c bLan guage Practice1. g h e c f a b d2. 1) adopt 2) acco unt 3) from your point of view 4) en ded up5) furthermore 6) fund 7) annual 8) keeping track of全新版⼤学英语(第⼆版)综合教程2课后练习答案9) pace 10) intends11) perspective 12) deviseUnit 2★ Text AVocabularyI. 1. 1) abrupt 2) emoti onal 3) bless 4) wear and tear5) dated6) con seque nces 7 ) seem in gly 8) in con trast to 9)Curiosity 10) genuine 11) primarily 12) sen time nts2. 1) When you are confron ted with more tha n one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) Water is vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) There is still some con fusi on among the stude nts about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) As a person of simple living habits, he needs nothing more than a job and an apartme nt to be happy.5) It tickled him to think that she ' come to as his advice.3. 1) a lin geri ng, fabricati ng, sen time nts2) fill out, every item, vital, con seque nces3) be deni ed, tan gible, cherish, atta in1. It' a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don 'take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don 'take my advice, you will regret it.III.1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. nothaving written7. to ope n8. being helpedComprehensive ExerciseI.1.1) well-off/affluent 2) dated 3) falling into 4) bracket5) deny6) tan gible 7) pursuit 8) cherishes 9) out of place10) abrupt11) focus 12) don ati ons2. 1) con sume 2) fueled 3) annual 4) pla in 5) physically6) security7) in dicates 8) equally 9) traditio nal 10) followsII. Translation1. 1) The company denied that its donations had a commercialpurpose.2) Whe never he was an gry, he would beg in to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That 'why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job andthus had to go through ano ther difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are ratherpoor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.2. With more and more donations coming in, our university will bemuch better off financially next year. W e will thus be able to focus on the most importa nt task that we, educators, must take on: to en courage stude nts to attai n their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to preparethem for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit ofspiritual as well as material satisfacti on.★ Text BComprehe nsion Check: b b d c d dLan guage Practice1. f c g e b a h d2. 1) stunned 2) hold (fast) to 3) folks 4) generosity 5) disco unt 6)7) ra nks 8) on the run 9) make up 10) ble nds in 11) by all acco unts 12) comes into con tact withUnit 3★ Text AVocabulary1.1 . 1) typical 2)dumb 3) junior 4) glorious 5) welfare6) came over 7) interferenee 8)fading 9) narrowed down 10)frank 11)schemes 12) at any rate2. 1) The Security council consists of five generals and four police officers.2) The new hotel will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) I was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) Do you have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) the boy was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3. 1) hysterical; was han ded dow n; should have known better tha n2) twisted, over and over, tale nted son3) patie nee, not to keep him in suspe nse, assured, repeatedly II.1. adequate2. anxious3. eertain4. content5. crazy6.likely 7. fortun ate 8. kee nIII.1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. bebanned 6. beComprehensive ExerciseI. 1. 1) typical 2) welfare 3) eon sta nt 4) frank 5) tale nt6) dumb7) know better than that 8) repeatedly 9) dread 10)in terfere nee 11) bet 12) assure2. 1) despite 2) really 3) same 4) con tact 5)admitted 6) attempt7) not 8) tend 9) differe nt 10) mannerII. Translation1. 1) Have scie ntists found proof of water on Mars?2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possiblelocati ons for the nu clear power pla nt to two coastal tow ns.3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.4) A jury con sisti ng of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.5) Sean felt humiliated ti hear his tale nt being questi on ed.2. George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metalmusic in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patienee and decided on direct interferenee. They called Mr.Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr.Joh nson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement” In the end George traded his CD ' for computer games software from his classmates.★ Text BComprehe nsion Check: b a b c d aLan guage Practice1. defgabhc2. 1) and he like 2) popularity 3) had bee n kept in the dark 4) define5) was aware of 6)relate 7) were up to 8) trend9)opport un ity 10)mobile 11)comme nts12) in terviewedUnit 4★ Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) con versely 2). but then 3) symptom 4)spitt ing5) abusing6) tone7) took …in 8) edit ing 9) have arranged 10) insight 11) stretched 12) data2. 1) The sight of teenagers smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) A lot of American teenagers don 'like street gangs, but theyfind themselves gett ing sucked in.3) Jeffrey 'computer crashed aga in this morning. The man agerhas arranged for a technician from the computer store tocheck and repair it.4) During the Viet nam War, many young America ns fled theircountry to avoid military service/fled to other countries toavoid military service.5) The new gover nment is pla nning an an ti-corrupti on campaig nso as to restore peoples con fide nee in it.3. 1) the virtual, on line, via 2) nightmare, routine, any appo in tme nt, arrange for 3) cue, remarks, his tuneII. 1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vocati on in Florida.4. Mary has bee n talk ing to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don 'worry, Lucy is always on time.6. In dustrial dema nd on fuel is on the rise.III. 1. hard 2. difficult 3. impossible 4. tough 5. hard6. easyComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) in ternet 2) click 3) virtual 4) rout in es 5) arrange 6) ni ghtmare7) annoying 8) conn ecti on 9) crawls 10) take in 11) spit 12) data13) sucked into 14) At times 15) flee 16) on line2. 1) companion 2) deliver 3) access4) enables 5) customers6) delights 7) provides 8) small 9) remote 10) in formatio nII. Translation1. 1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health ben efits.2) A slow Internet conn ect ing speed is really annoying.3) As the law sta nds, helpi ng some one commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely differe nt an gle.5) Sue is a girl of great tale nt. Her amaz ing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2. Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on thecomputer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write , submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I n eed and keep up with thelatest n ews. But the n, com muni cati ng through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emoti onal cues of face-to-face com muni cati on, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to in terpret.★ Text BComprehe nsion Check: c a a b d cLan guage Practice1. d e a c b f g h2 . 1) vehicle 2) hooked on 3)intense 4)worldwide5)over ni ght 6)slipped7) on the whole 8) called forth 9) outwards 10)Needless全新版⼤学英语(第⼆版)综合教程2课后练习答案to say 11) to my kno wledge 12) On top of thatUnit 5★ Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) startled 2) mere 3) motion 4) sweating 5) stretched6) vain 7) On one occasi on8) an xiety 9) emoti ons 10) ashamed 11) In my mind 'eye12) recurri ng2. 1) Mrs. White ' birthday coincides with her husband'.2) They make big profits on the stuff they sell by creating anartificial shortage, which send s the prices soaring/results in the soari ng of prices.3) It has been a week of alternate sunshine and rain.4) Politics and philosophy have been his lifelong passions,although he studied econo mics at uni versity.5) Tension came over her, as she waited for her first TV in terview.3. 1) media, dedication to, grace 2) his competitors, in excitement, hug him, con gratulate him on3) emoti ons, nu merous, i nten sity, passi on for1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built nearthe com mun ity.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she(should) continue her educati on to acquire still ano ther degree. 3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no directmoral resp on sibility to safeguard the welfare of an imals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it isunwise to give them the idea that everything they come into con tact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III.1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his handsand kn ees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twen ty-fivetons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager' plan of promoting the newproducts doesntwork at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experienee of working with children whodon 'k now how to lear n.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after youtook it.Comprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) In my mi nd' eye 2) groan 3) competitor 4)inten sity 5) an xiety 6) tense7) sweat 8) tension 9) soari ng 10) recurri ng 11)brought me back to earth12) fantasy 13) sweat 14) con gratulate 15) numerous16) media2. 1) engineer 2) forget 3) convin ced 4) how 5) build 6) accide nt7) thought 8)only 9) sharp 10) touched 11) in structi ons 12) fin allyII. Translation1. 1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executivesthat turned the compa ny into a profitable bus in ess.2) The prices of food and medic ine have soared in the past three mon ths.3) We pla n to repa int the upper floors of he office build ing.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimescoin cide.5) I don' want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groa ning pain fully.2. Numerous facts bear out the argume nt/stateme nt/claim that inorder to recover speedily from n egative emoti on, you shouldallow yourself to cry. You needn't/don ' have to be ashamed of cryi ng. An xiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along withtears.Consider the case of/Take Donna, Her son unfortunately died in a car accide nt. The inten sity of the blow made her un able to cry. She said, It was not until two weeks later that I began tocry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from myshoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth andhelped me survive the crisis.”★ Text BComprehension Check: b c b b c aLanguage Practice1. aedcbhfg2. 1) aid 2) in cli ned 3) in good health 4) shortco mings 5)pen etrated6) dismiss 7)has suffered from 8)progressive 9)optimistic10) to a degree 11)hold on to 12) in stallUnit 6★ Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) culture/cultural 2) indication 3) miniature 4) ironic 5) stumbled into 6) dece nt7) buzzing 8) abnormal 9) mechanical 10) Shuddering11) implied 12) leap2. 1) You can con vert RMB into US dollars in the foreig n excha nge office a the airport.2) I figured she didn ' know the first thing about cooking as shelooked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) The manager glowed with pleasure upon hearing that in spite oftheir faulty equipment the team had accomplished some veryuseful work.4) I'm grateful to my companyfor allowing me to work flexiblehours as long as I work eight hours a day.5) On seeing the comments made in the margins by previousreaders, Tom couldn' help thinking the book must be quitefasc in ati ng.3. 1) will not panic/feel panic, ' be at a disadvantage 2) hybrid, tran smissi on3) crave, One in dicati on, to dist in guishII. 1. also 2. as well/too 3. too 4. also 5. as well/too 6. too 7. also 8. AlsoIII. 1. I 'e had eno ugh 2. Whe n I was old eno ugh to work and earn money3. can't get eno ugh sleep at ni ght4. has so far collected eno ugh of them5. have strong eno ugh arms6. have just eno ugh money to live onComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) stumbled into 2) not know the first thing about 3) mecha ni cal 4) whe n it comes to 5) hybrid 6) gritted her teeth 7) premise 8) at a disadvantage 9) panic 10) cultural 11) flexible 12) imply2. 1) chair 2) force 3) secrets 4) painstaking 5) recognized6) steered 7) essentially8) observati on 9)。

全新版大学英语综合教程(第二版)综合教程2 翻译部分答案Unit 1背离传统需要极大的勇气。
(departure,enormous)It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去就很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢在当观众面前上台表演了。
(performance,bold)Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。
(creative, desirable)Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.假设那幅画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买吗?(Assuming that, worthwhile)Assuming that this painting is really a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?如果这些数据在统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。
(throw light on, investigate, valid)If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.要提高我们的英语水平,关键是多读、多写、多听、多说。
全新版大学英语综合教程(第二版)1 textA课后翻译及答案

(formal)As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2.他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。
(take hold)His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.3.他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。
(anticipate)Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4.据说比尔音译在违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。
(violate)It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5.据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性。
(avoid,severe)It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.Unit26.半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来。
(go by)Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home.7.既然篮球赛已被推迟,我们不妨去参观博物馆。
全新版大学英语综合教程(第二版)1 textA课后翻译及答案

(formal)As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2.他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。
(take hold)His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.3.他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。
(anticipate)Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4.据说比尔音译在违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。
(violate)It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5.据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性。
(avoid,severe)It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.Unit26.半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来。
(go by)Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home.7.既然篮球赛已被推迟,我们不妨去参观博物馆。

新编实用英语(综合教程二课后习题答案全集)第一单元P9-5!) For convenience , the photo will be shown in time sequence.2) You are required to stop your car after an accident .3) The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture .4) He is more of a poet than a musician .5) my father has kindly offered to take us to the airport .6) We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details .P10-61) He didn't have a girl friend until he was thirty .Don't leave until i tell you to .2) The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected .it turns out that she had known him when they were children .3) i 'm sorry , i'm not in a position to help you right now .i 'm sure they would like to help her out financially but they are not in a position to do so .4) In many instances it is the teacher who talks , but in some instances the students talk.In may instances it is the husband who pays , but in some instances the wife pays her own bill .5) He is more of a director than a producer .He is more of a composer than a singer .6) There ar also houses that seem warm but in fact are not .There are also music pieces that sound like light music but in fact are not .P12-71T 2T 3T 4F 5F 6TP12-91. 似乎很长时间没收到你的来信了,从你到工作室算起,现在就更久了。

第一单元Read and Translate1.It is my impression that an English gentleman often takes an umbrella (雨伞)with him.2.To the students, the introduction to the cultural background is the best part of thebook.3.When we talk with a foreign lady, in most cases we should not ask such personalquestions as her age.4.Many young people prefer pop songs to old songs. They think pop singers arevery cool.5.This beautiful and clean city has left a deep impression upon foreign tourists.6.Professor Lu Yang stood on the plane's entrance and waved good-bye to us. Read and Simulate1.We often express our happiness with a smile. She often speaks with a stronglocal accent.2.Similarly, Professor Green couldn't bear laziness. Similarly, they don't want todepend upon others.3.Speaking of English, I've got to go to a class. Speaking of business cards, I'vegot to print some more now.4.In China, family relationships are usually rather close. In my hometown,companies are usually rather small.5.These boys prefer football to basketball. I prefer Chinese food to Western food.Such an ending may be too hasty to me. Such weather may be too hot to the tourists.Read and Translate1. 欢迎到中华文化俱乐部来。

Unit 56 Translate the following sentences into English。
1) 当他还是个孩子的时候,他就表现出非凡的天赋。
When he was a child,he displayed extraordinary talent.2) 我们在做出任何决定之前,应该听一听其他人的意见.Before we make any decision, we should listen to what the others say。
I will come to your party unless something unexpected happens。
He was punished because he broke the window glass.5) 她放弃了工作,以便能照顾两个孩子。
She gave up her job in order that she could take care of the two children.6)即使大选失利,总统仍将控制国家的对外政策。
Even though / if he loses the election, the president will still have control over the country’s foreign policy。
If you leave now, you’ll be home in two hours.8)他们正在花园里玩,突然听到一声尖叫.They were playing in the garden when they heard a scream。
Unit 66 Translate the following sentences into English.1)昨天讨论的问题十分重要。

新编实用英语(综合教程二课后习题答案全集)(New practical English (integrated course two, complete set of exercisesafter class))第一单元p9-5!)为方便起见,这些照片将按照时间顺序展示。
p12-71t 2t 3t 4f 5f 6tp12-91。
随信寄出会议的详尽日程,Room and board arrangement and activity plan.Last year you gave us a very lively statement entitled "high tech purchasing". We would appreciate it if you would consider giving us the latest development report on this subject.We shall appreciate it if you will confirm your attendance at the meeting as soon as possible.P13-sample 2In view of your letter of May 25th, I am pleased to inform you that I will attend the meeting in July this year.I would appreciate it if you could send me a more detailedschedule of meetings.Unfortunately, I can not make a fresh addition to last year's speech. I am busy with the work and I have no time to prepare.In any case, I am looking forward to attending the meeting again.P14-2It's my pleasure to invite you to our annual meeting. This year's conference will be held at University of Nottingham in August 20th.Send details of the meeting, accommodation and business activities plan.Last year you made a very interesting report entitled "academic standards and expectations". We would appreciate it if you could give us a speech on the latest developments in this subject.We shall appreciate it if you will let us know as soon as possible at your convenience.P14-3()) confirm, my, participation, in, this, year's, conference, in, August,()) you, could, send, me, further, details, about, the,programe,()) I, will, not, be, able, to, give, an, update, on,, last, time's, talk4),工作压力不允许时间准备谈一谈。

For convenience, the photos will be shown in time sequence.出现事故之后你需要把车停下。
You are required to stop your cat after an accident.教育孩子的观念和做法国文化的差异而有所不同。
The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture.与其说他是位音乐家,倒不如说他是位诗人。
He is more of a poet than a musician.我父亲己好心地提出送我们去飞机场。
My father has kindly offered to take us to the airport.我们确实应该找个时间很快见面,讨论一下细节。
We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.1it seems ages since we heard from you ---and even longer since you went to work in china.似乎很长时间没有收到你的来信了,从你到中国工作时算起,到现在更久了。
2So I am writing straightaway----to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai. ------in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.所以我马上写信------好让你离开上海之前肯定受到这封信------希望你们两在英格兰逗留期间能和我们一起住几天。

新编实用英语2课后答案第1单元一、填词1 What's you(guideline指导方针)in choosing songs for your audience?2 The(seminar讨论会)starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future3 Barclays appointed bob Diamond ,the head of its investment banking business,as its new chief(executive主管)from march 20114.Frankly speaking,I cannot(uphold支持)such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest5 However just because you can write statements in purely mathematical (notations标记),this doesn't mean that you necessarily should6 That was good(timing时间选择)because his work was influential in shaping the project plan7 Those studying abroad will most (likely可能) return home for better employment because of the tight job market abroad8 It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand (reception招待)and generous .hospitality we enjoy here 二、汉译英1美国人一班早早的就安排好他们的退休生活Americas usually arrange their retirement well in advance2他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手They are commonly regarded as the most promissing singer3我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话I've heard from your references that employers had call them4请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备Please inform us the specific time,so that we can make proper preparation 5我们对出席派对的人数的估计与实际的人数差一大截We show up party to estimate of the number of people with actual to is a large margin6只要不成为阅读的负担,你的报告可以包括足够的细节Your report can include enough details as long as it doesn't become burden to read三、英译汉1、 Although invitations are usually sent through the mail ,informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.尽管邀请通常是通过发送邮件、非正式邀请如电子邮件和电话被邀请成为更可接受的。

Unit1 为方便起见,这些照片将按照时间顺序展示。
For For convenience, convenience, convenience, the the the photos photos photos will will will be be be shown shown shown in in in time time sequence. 出现事故之后你需要把车停下。
You are required to stop your cat after an accident. 教育孩子的观念和做法国文化的差异而有所不同。
The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture. 与其说他是位音乐家,倒不如说他是位诗人。
He is more of a poet than a musician. 我父亲己好心地提出送我们去飞机场。
My father has kindly offered to take us to the airport. 我们确实应该找个时间很快见面,讨论一下细节。
e W e really really really should should should meet meet meet sometime sometime sometime soon soon soon to to to discuss discuss discuss the the details. 1it it seems seems seems ages ages ages since since since we we we heard heard heard from from from you you you ---and ---and ---and even even longer since you went to work in china. 似乎很长时间没有收到你的来信了,从你到中国工作时算起,到现在更久了。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Unit 15.1.她一家商店一家商店的看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。
She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.2.除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。
He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.3.你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。
You should always aim at doing your job well.4.几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。
She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.5.修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。
The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.6.社会是由形形色色的人组成的。
Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.Unit 251.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你如何解释?How do you account for the fact that you've been late every day this week?2.政府已经承诺改善落后地区人民的生活条件。
The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas.3.据最新报道,这次火车交通事故造成多名乘客死亡。
According to the latest report, the train accident resulted in the death of several passengers.4.多呼吸新鲜空气有助于身体健康。
Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.5.他试图竞争学校学生会主席,但是没有成功。
He attempted to compete for the position of chairman of the Students' Union,but he didn't get in / succeed.6.经过一年辛勤的努力,公司本年度目标全部达成。
Throughout one-year industrious work, the company has achieved all its goals this year.Unit 35.1.盗贼从这家银行偷走了一大笔现金。
The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank.2.高血压使千百万人有患心脏病的危险。
High blood pressure places millions of people at the risk of heart disease.3.在做任何重要决定之前都要慎重思考。
Think twice before you make any important decisions.4.非洲大陆的一大片区域有变成沙漠的危险。
A large part of the African continent is in danger of becoming a desert.5.他从来没有给我提出过解决问题的好方法。
Not once has he suggested a good way to deal with any problem.Unit 451. 在文化交流中,误解常常是不可避免的。
In cultural exchanges, misunderstanding is often unavoidable.2.在英国留学的几年中,我有机会见到了不同国籍的留学生。
In my few years of study in Britain, J bad chances to meet students of all sorts of nationalities.3.在西方国家,向老师赠送圣诞节贺卡,是一种常见的表达敬意的方式。
In Western countries, it is a common way for students to send Christmas cards to teachers to show their respect.4.老师望着我,脸上露出不解的表情。
My teacher looked at me, with a puzzled expression on the face.5.我们都十分清楚,市场竞争是非常残酷的。
We are all aware that competition in the market is very fierce.6.一些汉语习语被译成英语后,会使一些英语读者感到很吃惊。
When some Chinese idioms are translated into English, their meanings may startle some readers of English.Unit 65.1. 这几家公司签署了一项新的协议。
These companies entered into a new agreement.2.一家大规模生产移动电话的公司已经建立。
A company has been set up to produce mobile phones on a large scale.3.这次事故造成两名乘客死亡。
This accident resulted in the death of two passengers.4.我们最好将房子投保火险。
We'd better insure the house against fire.5.因不经心造成的任何损坏须由借用者赔偿。
Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower.Unit 75.1. 他们试图离开营地,但被大雪捆住了。
They attempted to leave the camp but were stopped by the heavy snow.2.由于开车速度太快而引起的交通事故在不断增加。
Accidents due to driving too fast are on the increase.3. 他们在相同的环境下长大,因此在举止上有很多的共同点。
They grew up in the same environment, so their behaviors had much in common.4.和山区的孩子相比,我们就幸运多了,能有机会使用计算机。
In contrast to children in the mountainous areas, we are lucky to have access to computers.5.我们对他过于繁琐的讲述他过去的荣誉感到厌烦。
We were bored at hearing her dwelling so much on her past glories.6.你必须有成功的欲望并努力争取实现。
You must have the appetite for success and try hard to realize it.Unit 1Ex3.1.scattered2.convinced3.generate4.prompt5.identify6.flexible7.feedback8.presentation9.Target 10.objectUnit 3Ex3.1.denied2.partly3.had risked4.removed5.failed6.disaster7.assumed8.discourage9.registered 10.residentsUnit 5Ex3.1.soaredestonemercial4.nutrition5.amused6.charming7.icon 8.present 9.romantic 10.symbolizesUnit 6Ex3.1.provided2.leveled3.on a large scale4.result in5.financial6.damaged7.states8.result from9.guard against 10.enteringintoUnit 7Ex3.1.critical2.encompass3.reveal4.dwelling on5.diverse6.let go of7.dedicated 8.in pursuit of 9.innovative 10.has seen flourished。