A b s t r a c t : Ob j e c t i v e T o e v a l u a t e t h e a p p l i c a b i l i t y o f i n h la a t i o n i r s k a s s e s s m e n t mo d e l p r o v i d e d b y U S E n v i r o n me n t l a P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y( U S E P A) i n o c c u p a t i o n a l h e a l t h i r s k a s s e s s m e n t i n p a p e r— m a k i n g ,c h e m i c l a a n d e l e c t r o p l a t i n g
周莉 芳 ,张 美辨 ,袁 伟 明 ,邹华
浙江省疾 病预防控制 中心 ,浙江 杭州 摘要 :目的 3 1 0 0 5 1
研究美 国国家环境保 护署 ( U S E P A)吸入风险评 估模 型在造 纸 、化工和 电镀等行 业应 用的适用 性 以造纸 、化工 和电镀 行业 的 1 1家企业为研究对象 ,应用该模 型对各 企业 重点 岗位进行风 险评 造纸行业接触硫化 氢导致 鼻嗅黏膜 病变 的危害 商数为 3 6 . 3 ;化 工行业 有机硅合
i n d u s t i r e s . Me t h o d s A t o t a l o f 1 1 f a c t o i r e s i n p a p e r—ma k i n g,c h e mi c l a a n d e l e c t r o p l a t i n g i n d u s t ie r s we r e i n v e s t i g a t e d . T h e r i s k a s s e s s me n t mo d e l o f U S E P A w a s u s e d t o a s s e s s o c c u p a t i o n a l h e lt a h r i s k l e v e l s .i n c l u d i n g c a n c e r a n d n o n—c a n c e r i r s k s .T h e s e r e s u l t s we r e c o mp a r e d w i t h o c c u p a t i o n a l e x p o s u r e l i mi t s ,c l a s s i i f c a t i o n o f o c c u p a t i o n l a h a z a r d s a n d r e l a t e d
地下水污染风险评价及方法64090510 郑龙群1 地下水污染风险的概念风险是指当存在危害性行为时遭受损失、损害和破坏的可能性,风险(R)可以用事故发生概率(P)与事故造成的环境或健康后果(C)的乘积来表征。
2 水污染风险评价地下水污染风险评价包括污染概率与污染后果两部分的评价。
Aquatic risk assessment of pesticides in surface waters in and adjacent to the Everglades and Biscayne National Parks:I.Hazard assessment and problem formulationJohn F.Carriger ÆGary M.RandAccepted:3June 2008/Published online:19July 2008ÓSpringer Science+Business Media,LLC 2008Abstract An aquatic risk assessment under the U.S.Environment Protection Agency (EPA)ecological risk framework was conducted for atrazine,metolachlor,mal-athion,chlorpyrifos,and endosulfan in the C-111freshwater basin (eastern boundary of the Everglades National Park),northeast Florida Bay,and south Biscayne Bay in South Florida.Based on the use of the hazard quotient approach,measured concentrations of chlorpyrifos and endosulfan in surface waters suggest potential hazards to aquatic organisms and were,therefore,considered as chemicals of potential ecological concern (COPECs).The problem formulation included an overview of the physical/chemical and environmental fate characteristics and aqua-tic toxicology of the COPECs.Background surface water exposure concentrations of endosulfan and toxicity data from laboratory and field studies indicate that fish and invertebrate mortality may be a concern when endosulfan is applied in agricultural areas near aquatic ecosystems.Keywords Endosulfan ÁChlorpyrifos ÁAtrazine ÁMalathion ÁMetolachlor ÁEcological risk assessment ÁEverglades National Park ÁBiscayne National Park ÁC-111canal ÁFlorida Bay ÁBiscayne Bay ÁEverglades restorationIntroductionIn 1996,the Department of the Interior (DOI)prepared a report entitled ‘‘A Comprehensive Plan for the Restoration of the Everglades,’’comprising four main elements:(1)federal legislative authority for restoration activities;(2)accelerated state and federal land acquisition;(3)increased scien-tific research to guide restoration;and (4)federal,state,and private sector cost sharing (/tf/otherres/comp.html ).In 2000,Congress passed the Com-prehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP)as a part of the Water Resources Development Act (1996).The goal of the CERP is to restore and preserve the hydrology of the pre-drainage Everglades ecosystem,to protect the quality of the remaining habitat,to promote the return of populations of plants and animals,and to foster human development com-patible with sustaining a healthy ecosystem.Biological changes in the Everglades have been linked to levels of phosphorus and mercury and to changes in the complex hydrological patterns of the natural system resulting from water management projects to control floods and water distribution (Science Subgroup 1996).In fact,alterations in the hydrologic system are thought to be the main cause of dramatic declines of fish and wildlife pop-ulations because of habitat changes.Therefore,the basic premise behind all restoration activities identified by the Interagency Restoration Task Force for South Florida is that hydrologic restoration is a prerequisite to achieve ecosystem restoration and a sustainable South Florida Ecosystem.The restoration plan was,thus,formulated to reconstruct some key features of the natural hydrologic system in order to restore conditions that support landscape patterns,biodiversity,wildlife abundance,and clean and abundant water.In the past,little consideration,however,was given in the restoration effort to the role that organicJ.F.Carriger ÁG.M.Rand (&)Department of Environmental Studies,Ecotoxicology &Risk Assessment Laboratory,Southeast Environmental Research Center,Florida International University,Biscayne Bay Campus,3000NE 151st Street,North Miami,FL 33181,USA e-mail:randg@fiEcotoxicology (2008)17:660–679DOI 10.1007/s10646-008-0230-0pesticides and other contaminants play in the structure and function of ecosystems,although this was clearly recommended by the Science Subgroup(1996)in all physiographic regions that comprise South Florida.This was further supported at a workshop entitled‘‘Linking Ecotoxicity and Risk Management to Sustainable Resto-ration of South Florida Ecosystems,’’which recommended screening-level ecological risk assessments with retro-spective and prospective diagnostic studies(LaPoint et al. 1998).It is evident that water quantity rather than water quality issues have dominated the South Florida restoration plan-ning(Scott et al.2002).However,it is also evident that agriculture represents a major land use in South Florida and pesticide use presents a potential risk,especially to aquatic organisms.Based on a hazard ranking of pesticides by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),the top three estuarine drainage areas at risk in the U.S.were in Florida-Rookery Bay,Biscayne Bay,and Tampa Bay(Pait et al.1992).The subtropical climate,long crop-growing season,application frequency,and multitude of uses(e.g.,mosquito and termite control,golf courses, and landscape management)renders pesticides particularly hazardous in South Florida ecosystems.The Canal111(Aerojet Canal or C-111)freshwater basin(Fig.1)is a buffer zone that separates the wetlands of the Everglades National Park(ENP)from highly produc-tive subtropical agricultural lands and urban development to the east,and while considerable attention and resources have been allocated to altering the hydrology of this landscape,little effort has focused on understanding water quality issues that may arise from land use practices.Thus far,analytical monitoring programs have detected the presence of organic pesticides in the surface water of either the lower C-111freshwater canal basin and/or its confluent estuaries/saltwater systems.For example,the South Florida Water Management District(SFWMD)began monitoring pesticides in the water and sediment of South Florida canals in the mid-1980s(Pfeuffer1985,1991).Sediment and water analyses by SFWMD indicates that atrazine, ametryn,bromacil,simazine,diuron,alpha(a)-endosulfan, beta(b)-endosulfan,endosulfan sulfate,ethion,hexazi-none,and norflurazon were the most frequently detected pesticides in surface water and DDE,DDD,ametryn, atrazine,dicofol,diquat,and endosulfan sulfate were the most frequently detected pesticides in sediment samples between1991and1995(Miles and Pfeuffer1997).Several of the sampling sites were located in the Everglades Agricultural Area(EAA)and others in the Homestead Agricultural Area(HAA)adjacent to the Everglades National Park.Detectable endosulfan residues(a and b isomers,and sulfate metabolite)in the C-111(at S-178) were consistently present in the surface water from1991to 1995,and occasionally exceeded the Florida Department of Environmental Protection(FDEP)and U.S.Environment Protection Agency(EPA)water quality criteria(Miles and Pfeuffer1997).Surface water samples collected indepen-dently by the NOAA from the southern SFWMD sampling sites confirmed thesefindings(Scott et al.1994).Residues of endosulfan sulfate were also consistently found by the SFWMD in sediment samples at S-178in the C-111,while the a and b isomers were occasionally found.All three endosulfan residues were also found in sediment samples from structures S-177and S-18C in the C-111.The SFWMD summarized endosulfan sulfate residues in S-178 water and found that the FDEP water quality criteria were exceeded11times from1996to2000(two samples were from NOAA;R.Pfeuffer,personal communication).In a SFWMD monitoring program of South Florida canals from 1992to2001,the most common pesticides in surface water were the herbicides atrazine and ametryn,while DDE and DDD were the most frequently detected pesticides in sed-iment samples(Pfeuffer and Rand2004).The U.S.EPA,in 1995,also monitored contaminants in surface water,sedi-ment,and biota in the C-111and creeks of northeast Florida Bay(Goodman et al.1999).Endosulfan residues were detected in sediments of the C-111,and in sediments of Shell and Trout Creeks(in northeast Florida Bay). Organochlorine contaminants occurred at low concentra-tions in sediments of canals and creeks,and PCBs and PAHs were also at low concentrations but higher in the C-111than in creeks.At most sampling sites for water and sediment,more than one pesticide was detected in each sample.The NOAA conducted sediment toxicity tests and a contaminant monitoring study of the C-111and Florida Bay from1993to1997,but it did not evaluate cause (exposure)–effect(toxicity)relationships for contaminants (Scott et al.2002).It did however;indicate the presence of low levels of endosulfan(total),atrazine,chlorpyrifos,and chlorothalonil in surface waters of canals adjacent to agricultural areas that drain into the C-111and in northeast Florida Bay waters.Florida Bay waters occasionally exceeded the U.S.EPA marine water quality criterion (WQC)for endosulfan.Waters from canal sites also con-tained detectable concentrations of endosulfan that sporadically exceeded U.S.EPA fresh WQC.Detectable endosulfan(total)residues were also found in sediment and oysters,while chlorpyrifos was detected infish tissue. Toxicity tests with in-place sediment and copepods and bivalves indicated potential adverse effects,but the caus-ative agent(s)was not determined.The highest concen-tration of endosulfan(total)reached477ng/l,and10%of the samples from canal sites exceeded the U.S.EPA chronic freshwater WQC(56ng/l)(47%of the canal sites had detectable levels of endosulfan).The U.S.EPA chronicHazard assessment and problem formulation661marine WQC (8.7ng/l)for endosulfan was exceeded at 2%of the sites in Florida Bay,while 39%of bay sites had detectable endosulfan concentrations.The highest per-centage (40%)of water quality violations for endosulfan,based on U.S.EPA standards,was detected in samples from S-178.The NOAA,in 1999–2000,also found that endo-sulfan concentrations were highest (mean dry season concentration *300ng/l)in the C-111E (Fulton et al.2004).Data from the NOAA’s National Status and Trends (NS&T)Program Mussel Watch Project further indicated that the mean annual concentrations of endosulfan (II,b -isomer)residue in tissues (oysters)sampled from Joe Bay (in northeast Florida Bay)were higher than the NS&T 85th percentile (i.e.,it is in the highest 15%of the data set,with over 280sites nationwide)(Cantillo et al.1999).Recently,Harman-Fetcho et al.(2005)found that atrazine,metola-chlor,chlorothalonil,chlorpyrifos,and total endosulfan (a -+b -+endosulfan sulfate)were the most frequently detected pesticides in water samples from South Florida canals based on a 2-year study from 2002to 2004.Atrazine had the highest concentration (108ng/l),followed by endosulfan (total;98ng/l),metolachlor (86ng/l),chlor-pyrifos (58ng/l),and chlorothalonil (14ng/l).In addition,Carriger et al.(2006)identified DDT,DDD,DDE,chlor-dane,and endosulfan (total)as chemicals of potential ecological concern (COPECs)in the sediment of South Florida canals based on the exceedence of sediment quality criteria in a two-tier sediment probabilistic risk assessment.Endosulfan had the highest potential risk (chronic)to arthropods at S-178on the C-111system.To address the concerns about pesticides in the C-111basin,the National Park Service (U.S.DOI)requested that an aquatic probabilistic screening level ecological risk assess-ment (SERA)be conducted.It focuses on the risk of adverse effects from pesticide exposures in surface water on aquatic organisms in a freshwater canal (C-111system)and its confluent estuarine/saltwater systems (northeastFloridaFig.1Land use and drainage canals in the C-111flood control basin in southeast Florida662J.F.Carriger,G.M.RandBay–Joe Bay,Long Sound,Highway Creek;Card Sound in South Biscayne Bay).To date,this is the only site-specific SERA conducted as part of the Everglades restoration effort, and it is being‘‘exposure-driven’’(Suter1993).Presently, there is little evidence that documented pesticide exposures in surface water are eliciting adverse biological effects in aquatic receptors in these systems or on their potential risk. This SERA applied the ecological risk assessment(ERA) framework under the current U.S.EPA guidelines(U.S.EPA 1998)and it addresses the likelihood and ecological signif-icance of the potential effects of surface water exposures to the herbicides atrazine and metolachlor,and the insecticides malathion,chlorpyrifos,and endosulfan obtained from monitoring programs from the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS),the SFWMD,and the NOAA.These pesticides were detected by the various monitoring programs with the highest frequency in the C-111system and northeast Florida Bay and south Biscayne Bay.There have been chemical-specific aquatic ecological risk assessments conducted thus far on atrazine(Solomon et al.1996;Giddings et al.2000), chlorpyrifos(Giesy et al.1999;Hall and Anderson2003), and endosulfan(U.S.EPA2002a,2007).This SERA was intended to assess the potential risk of these pesticides in surface water,and not to determine the actual causes of any declines in the populations of native invertebrates,fish,or plants that may be prevalent in the above ecosystems.Since each pesticide is not used in iso-lation to control pests and may co-occur;potential risks associated with the effects of joint actions of these pesticides were also considered.Assessment of the potential impact of thefive pesticides on aquatic communities acknowledges that sea level rise,hurricanes,development,historical water management activities,and salinity changes may have altered habitats and affected populations.Furthermore,other chemical,non-chemical stressors in water and/or sediment are not being considered and may likely also contribute to adverse impacts in the study areas.Because the SERA con-tained a large database,the results are presented in two papers.This paper discusses the general ecological risk assessment methods and the results of Tier1—hazard assessment and problem formulation for the pesticides in the C-111system and northeast Florida Bay and south Biscayne Bay.The subsequent paper discusses the methods and results of Tier2—probabilistic analyses of the chemicals(i.e., pesticides)of potential ecological concern(COPECs)in the C-111,northeast Florida Bay,and south Biscayne Bay. Study area descriptionThe C-111basin(100square miles)is located in southeastern Dade County,Florida,adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Everglades National Park(ENP)(Fig.1).It includes lands that lie to the southeast boundary of the East Everglades and west of the coastal basins and includes the Frog Pond(i.e., agricultural area).It,thus,drains the agricultural areas of South Dade County.South of Homestead,the C-111is joined by the C-111E and it then moves south and southeastward to cross marl marsh,whichflows into Manatee Bay at the head of Barnes Sound,a semi-enclosed lagoonal estuary of south Biscayne Bay.Surface water runoff from the C-111basin represents an important source of freshwaterflow into the ENP and the estuarine ecosystems of northeast Florida Bay through Taylor Slough and south Biscayne Bay through the S-197(in C-111)into Manatee Bay.Low tidal range and long flushing times make Manatee Bay particularly vulnerable to the effects of large freshwater inflows.Such pulses of fresh-water persist for long periods of time and move within and between the shallow estuaries that make up South Biscayne Bay and its associated sounds(Fatt and Wang1987).Unfor-tunately,low tidal range and longflushing times also make Manatee Bay and Barnes Sound vulnerable to hyper-saline conditions during periods of reduced freshwaterflow.During the dry season,saltwater moves inland and the Western shore of south Biscayne Bay frequently experiences high salinities (Wang et al.1978).Northeast Florida Bay includes the downstream freshwater marshes and estuarine systems that extend from the southern edge of Barnes Sound on the east to Madeira Bay on the west,and include Little Madeira Bay,Joe Bay,Highway Creek,and Long Sound.Florida Bay is a triangular-shaped estuary composed of basins,banks,and islands that lie between the southern tip of the Florida mainland and the Florida Keys.It has a shallow depth(mean1m)that is perfect for light penetration and the sustainability of seagrass beds,which are a dominant habitat and a source of productivity in the Bay.The salinity of the Bay can rise to twice that of seawater as a result of the long residence time and shallow depth(McIvor et al.1997).The sediments of the Bay are composed of carbonate mud,which sorb inorganic phosphorus from water(de Kanel and Morse 1978).The Bay was healthy until the mid-1980s,when cat-ches of pink shrimp(Penaeus duorarum)declined(Browder et al.1999)and the mass mortality of turtle grass(Thalassia testudinum)began(Robblee et al.1991).By the1990s,the Bay ecosystem appeared to shift from a clear water system dominated by benthic primary production to a turbid system dominated by algal blooms and resuspended sediment. Although there has been no dramatic decrease in totalfish abundance,there has been a shift in species composition as a result of seagrass habitat loss and algal blooms(Davis and Ogden1997).Fish that consume algae,such as the bay anchovy,are increasing.When large volumes of freshwater are discharged from the C-111canal,this water tends to move into coastal waters and estuaries that can create local problems due to the transfer of freshwater,contaminants,and suspendedHazard assessment and problem formulation663materials from urban and agricultural land.Freshwater inflow from the C-111and surface runoff further transports nutrients and detritus from adjacent marshes and uplands into south Biscayne Bay and northeast Florida Bay.Sam-pling sites for water monitoring programs in the C-111, Florida Bay,and Biscayne Bay are labeled in Fig.1.The Miami River is an additional source of contaminants into Biscayne Bay(Long et al.2002).In the1960s,the C-111area was channelized as part of the comprehensive Central and Southern Florida(C&SF)Flood Control Project.At that time,this area was envisioned as urban development,but by the1980s,it was clear that the C-111 drainage system,which had undergone several revisions,had significantly contributed to a decline in the natural resources of the ENP.The current revision of the system,authorized in 1996,promises to restore some of the natural hydropatterns to Taylor Slough,the eastern panhandle areas of the ENP,and improve estuarine conditions in Florida Bay(project description can be found at / dp/mwdenp-c111/index.htm).MethodsThe SERA consisted of thefirst three phases of the U.S.EPA ERA framework(U.S.EPA1998):problem formulation, analysis,and risk characterization.Problem formulation defined the problem and the plan for analyzing and charac-terizing the risk.Data on stressor characteristics,ecosystems at risk,ecological effects,ecosystem(s),and receptor(s) characteristics were synthesized for this phase.From this data,assessment(i.e.,what we are trying to protect)and measurement(i.e.,tools used to measure effects on assess-ment endpoints)and a conceptual model were developed to prepare the analysis plan(i.e.,where risk hypotheses were evaluated).The conceptual model at the completion of problem formulation uses information on the ecosystems at risk,stressor characteristics,biological effects,and the relationship between endpoints to define exposure and effects scenarios.The objective of the conceptual model is to formulate hypotheses to determine how the pesticide stressors may affect ecosystems that are exposed.The second phase of the SERA was risk analysis and it characterized and examined two major components of risk; exposure and effects.Risk characterization was thefinal phase.This provided potential risk estimates to the eco-logical entities listed as assessment endpoints based on the occurrence and magnitude of exposures and the severity of adverse effects resulting from such exposures.Analyses (exposure and effects characterization)and risk character-ization are discussed in the follow-up paper.A tiered ecological risk characterization approach was suggested by the ARAMDG(SETAC1994)and endorsed by the U.S.EPA(ECOFRAM1999)that uses a stepwise approach progressing from the simple Tier1hazard quo-tient(HQ)approach to a more complex Tier2probabilistic risk assessment(PRA).A two-tier approach was used in the SERA.In Tier1,the HQ approach wasfirst used with a screening benchmark,followed by problem formulation. Screening benchmarks are concentrations of chemicals that are believed to constitute thresholds for the potential toxic effects of some ecological receptor exposed to a chemical in some medium(Suter and Tsao1996).The U.S.EPA Water Quality Criteria(WQC)and Sediment Quality Cri-teria(SQC)are commonly used as screening benchmarks because the exceedence of one of these values constitutes cause for concern.In the SERA,actual measured envi-ronmental concentrations(AECs)of the pesticides in surface waters were compared to the U.S.EPA WQC values that were available(i.e.,endosulfan,chlorpyrifos,mala-thion,and atrazine)to obtain an HQ.No WQC were available for metolachlor.Therefore,the AECs of met-olachlor were compared to the response concentration for the most sensitive species in a toxicity test(i.e.,from the lowest LC50/EC50,lowest NOEC from chronic tests)to obtain an HQ.AECs in surface waters were obtained from monitoring programs from state(SFWMD)and federal(NOAA, USGS)agencies for1999–2000.Site numbers and the location of sampling sites where pesticide concentrations (atrazine,chlorpyrifos,endosulfan,malathion,and met-olachlor)were measured with land use characteristics are shown in Fig.1.The SFWMD did not measure for chlor-pyrifos,the NOAA did not measure for malathion,and the USGS did not measure for endosulfan.Monitoring data were available for11freshwater sites(S-175,S-176, S-332,Site A,S-177/site B,S-178/site C,S-18C/site E, Site W1,Site W2,Site E1,and Site E2)on or near the C-111and three estuarine sites(Joe Bay and Highway Creek in northeast Florida Bay and Card Sound in south Biscayne Bay).Sites in W1,W2,E1,E2,Highway Creek, and Joe Bay were located in the Everglades panhandle.When the quotient of the exposure concentration to the criteria value(or lowest acute toxicity value for metola-chlor)was greater than1,an adverse effect(i.e.,high hazard)was expected to occur.For endosulfan,there are separate freshwater and saltwater criteria for a-and b-endosulfan,but no criterion exists for endosulfan sulfate, a toxic oxidation metabolite.Since the endosulfan WQC was generated from aquatic toxicity studies with technical-grade endosulfan,each criterion is applicable to the sum-mation of the a-and b-isomers(U.S.EPA2002b).We were,therefore,conservative in Tier1and compared total endosulfan concentrations(i.e.,summation of concentra-tions of a and b isomers plus the endosulfan sulfate664J.F.Carriger,G.M.Randmetabolite)to the criterion to obtain an HQ.HQ excee-dences in Tier1were then used to focus on COPECs for problem formulation and Tier 2.Tier2,probabilistic risk assessment,characterizes risk by comparing the probability distributions of surface water exposure con-centrations with the probability distributions of species response data from laboratory toxicity studies.Results for Tier1—hazard assessment and problem formulation are discussed below.Results and discussionTier1—hazard assessmentSample sites,number of samples collected,and the fre-quency of detection for each pesticide in freshwater and estuarine sites are presented in Table1for the two-year period(1999–2000).Sites with exceedences of WQC for each pesticide are listed in Table2.The herbicide atrazine was the most frequently detected pesticide.It was detected in92%of the185freshwater samples in1999and100%of the106samples taken in2000.The highest detected con-centration of atrazine in freshwater was0.337l g/l(at S-18C/site E).It was detected in88%of the24estuarine samples in1999and81%of the26samples taken in2000. The highest detected concentration of atrazine in saltwater was0.104l g/l(at Joe Bay).Concentrations of atrazine did not exceed freshwater or marine WQC.Acute and chronic HQs were low and indicated no ecological hazard to fresh-or salt-water organisms.The other herbicide measured,metolachlor,was only detected in28%of the185freshwater samples in1999and 26%of the106samples taken in2000.It was not detected in24estuarine samples in1999and was only detected in 12%of the26samples taken in2000.The acute and chronic HQs for metolachlor in freshwater and saltwater were close to zero when the peak exposure concentrations of the herbicide were compared with the lowest toxicity values.The pesticide with the lowest number of detections was malathion.Malathion was found about4%of the time at freshwater sites and0%of the time at estuarine sites, respectively,in1999and2000.Atrazine,metolachlor,and malathion were not COPECs and,therefore,were not considered for Tier2single chemical probabilistic risk assessments.However,they were considered as potential co-joint(additive)stressors in Tier2when they were present at detectable concentrations.Chlorpyrifos was detected in48%of the89freshwater samples in1999and85%of the91samples taken in2000. It was detected in79%of the24estuarine samples in1999 and96%of the26samples taken in2000.The two highest concentrations for chlorpyrifos were found at S-177/site B at0.0234and0.0232l g/l,which were nearly four times higher than the next highest maximum concentration, which was measured at W2,where it was found86%of the time.The maximum concentration value for chlorpyrifos was found during the dry season in February1999.The only water quality violation for chlorpyrifos occurred in Joe Bay in1999.The acute and chronic HQs for freshwater indicated no potential hazard,but the acute HQs for estu-arine water indicated potential hazard.Although there was only one WQC violation for chlorpyrifos,it was considered as a COPEC because several AECs were just below WQC.Endosulfan was detected in45%of the173freshwater samples in1999and90%of the93samples taken in2000. It was detected in96%of the24estuarine samples in1999 and96%of the26samples taken in2000.Endosulfan concentrations were detected infrequently at S-176(1out of32),S-332(2out of32),and S-175(0out of26).The highest concentration of endosulfan was found at S-178/ site C in February2000,followed by S-177/site B,where concentrations peaked in the dry season of1999and2000. S-18C/site E had the third highest detected concentrations for endosulfan,which occurred in February1999and2000. E1,W1,and W2,which are downstream of S-177/site B and S-178/site C,had100%detections for endosulfan. Water quality violations for endosulfan were found in freshwater and estuarine sites.The majority of violations occurred at S-178/site C,a site closest to the Frog Pond agricultural area.Out of266 samples taken for analyses of endosulfan in the C-111 during1999and2000,7.5%violated freshwater WQC.Of the20water quality violations at S-178/site C,eight did not have detectable concentrations of a-endosulfan.However, the highest concentration(1.345l g/l)had the highest percentage concentration of a-endosulfan and the lowest percentage concentration of endosulfan sulfate.In general, concentrations of b-endosulfan were also low.Except for one sample,the majority of total endosulfan at S-178/site C sample violations was made up of endosulfan sulfate(72–100%of each sample).The fact that endosulfan sulfate is the major metabolite of endosulfan in aquatic systems supports other recent work(Laabs et al.2007;Shivara-maiah et al.2005).In estuarine sites,endosulfan water quality violations were found at all three sites sampled and,out of50samples taken at Highway Creek or Joe Bay,20%violated saltwater WQC for endosulfan.In these same sites,endosulfan sul-fate made up71–94%of the total endosulfan of samples with water quality violations.The acute and chronic HQs for total endosulfan in freshwater indicated potential haz-ards and the acute HQ for estuarine water also indicated potential hazards.Endosulfan generally had the highest measured concentrations in freshwater and estuarine sites at the end of the dry season for each year.Hazard assessment and problem formulation665。
围内; 当 CDI / HCV > 1,说明污染场地具有潜在的健康风
1. 3 HHRE( Human health risk evaluation)模型
HHRE 模型是由欧洲官方提供的,为解决规划带来的
险源对人类与土壤重金属的接触( 暴露途径) 的影响,它
ence Dose) 值为衡量标准,暴露剂量率和参考剂量的关系 HQ = CDI / RfD,RfD 污染物的参考剂量,因此非致癌物质
的危害商( HQ) 计算公式如下:
HQ = C × IRoral × EForal × EDoral BW × AT × RfDoral
+ C × IRdermal × EFdermal × EDdermal BW × AT × RfDdermal
中国人口·资源与环境 2010 年 第 20 卷 第 5 期 专刊 CHINA POPULATION,RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT Vol. 20 No. 5 2010
级评价针对 污 染 影 响 区 内 的 真 实 暴 露 点,相 比 于 一 级 评
废弃农药厂土壤和地下水中有机磷农药的健康风险评价贺小敏;施敏芳;李爱民;沈帆【摘要】采用气相色谱氮磷检测器法测定了某废弃农药厂土壤和地下水中有机磷农药(OPPs)的含量,并用美国环保署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价方法,对该场地土壤和地下水中OPPs引起的健康风险进行了初步评价.结果表明,土壤、地下水中∑OPPs的检出浓度范围分别为1.3 ~1 129 μg/kg和48.0~149.2 ng/L,点位检出率分别为73%、100%.土壤和地下水中OPPs的非致癌总风险指数均小于l,致癌总风险指数均在10-4以下.根据USEPA的建议值,初步认为该场地土壤和地下水中OPPs不会对人体产生明显的健康危害.【期刊名称】《中国环境监测》【年(卷),期】2014(030)002【总页数】4页(P76-79)【关键词】有机磷农药;土壤;地下水;健康风险评价【作者】贺小敏;施敏芳;李爱民;沈帆【作者单位】湖北省环境监测中心站,湖北武汉430072;华中农业大学食品科学技术学院,湖北武汉430070;湖北省环境监测中心站,湖北武汉430072;湖北省环境监测中心站,湖北武汉430072;湖北省环境监测中心站,湖北武汉430072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X825有机磷农药(OPPs)是目前中国农药市场份额最大、在农业活动中使用最广的一类杀虫剂。
由于OPPs具有一定的有效起始活性和残留活性, 因而对生态环境及人体健康可能构成潜在的风险与威胁。
近年来, 许多城市正将一些污染较重的工业企业搬出人口密集城区。
这些工业场地在长期的工业生产活动中往往受到不同程度污染, 为保护人体健康, 在转化使用功能前, 需要对场地土壤和地下水进行环境风险评价[2]。
地下水水质监测的主要内容包括以下几个方面:1. 监测网络的建立:美国建立了全国地下水监测网络(National Groundwater Monitoring Network),通过密布的监测站点对地下水进行长期监测。
2. 污染物的监测:监测网络对各类污染物进行监测,包括有机物、重金属、营养物质和细菌等。
3. 质量标准的制定:EPA制定了地下水质量标准,规定了各类污染物的最大容许浓度限值。
4. 监测数据的分析与评估:监测数据由EPA和USGS等机构进行统一收集,并通过专业的地下水水质模型进行分析与评估。
以下是美国地下水水质监测的主要内容和方法:1. 监测目标:地下水水质监测的主要目标是检测可能存在的污染物,包括有机物、无机物和微生物等。
2. 监测网络:美国地下水水质监测网络覆盖了全国各地的地下水资源。
3. 监测参数:地下水水质监测通常包括对多种参数的测量。
常见的监测参数包括pH 值、溶解氧、电导率、硬度、溶解有机碳、营养物质(如氮和磷)、氨氮、铁、锰、铜、镉、铅等。
4. 监测方法:监测地下水水质通常采用野外采样和实验室分析的方法。
5. 数据分析和报告:采集和分析的地下水水质数据被用于评估地下水资源的状况,并监测可能存在的污染源。
6. 问题和挑战:地下水水质监测面临一些问题和挑战。
SWAT水文模型介绍1概述SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型是美国农业部(USDA)农业研究局(ARS)开发的基于流域尺度的一个长时段的分布式流域水文模型。
HRU 是同一个子流域内有着相同土地利用类型和土壤类型的区域。
USEPA农 药生态 风险评 价的常 用模型
风险表征(Risk Characterization)是对 暴露于各种胁迫之下的不利生态效应的综 合判断和表达,是生态风险评价的最后一个 阶段。目前, USEPA大多采用商值法进行风 险表征。商值法又称比率法,是使用最普遍、 最广泛的风险表征方法。
USEPA所采用的商值法其基本原理是把实际 监测或由假设估算、模型预测得出的污染物环境 浓度(环境暴露浓度, EEC)与实验室测得的表征该 物质危害的毒性数据(如LC50)相比,得到风险商值 (Risk Quotient, RQ) [水生生物风险商值的计算方 法见式(1)、式(2)]。将风险商值与OPP制定的风 险关注标准(Levels of Concern, LOCs)进行比较, 从而对农药的生态风险作出初步的判断。LOCs是 确定风险等级的判别标准,不同的风险商值分别对 应不同的关注标准,不同的关注标准又分别对应于 不同的风险等级,各风险等级又对应着不同的管理 措施。如果风险商值超过了相应的关注标准,则表 示具有相应的风险,就需要采取相应的管理措施。 表2是USEPA农药项目办公室制定的水生动物关 注标准。
美 国 国 家 环 境 保 护 局 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA )于1998年制定的《生态风险 评价准则》是世界上最早的生态风险 评价方面的指导文件。该准则将生态 风险评价过程分为3个主要阶段:问题 表述、分析和风险表征。美国的农药 / 生态风险评价也遵循这一程序。同时 又根据不同的保护目标,建立了相应 的风险评价技术,包括农药对地表水 水生生物、对陆生生物以及地下水的 风险评价技术。
水生生态风险评价是生态风险评价的 重要组成部分,应用水生生态风险评价技术 可以预测或评估农药使用可能对水生生态 环境及水生生物产生的危害和影响。一般 而言,在生态风险评价中,较为关键的过程 主要包括:生态受体的选择、评价终点的确 定、暴露评价方法及风险表征方法的选择。
SWAT模型在农业面源污染研究中的应用SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型是美国农业部研发的一款农业非点源污染模拟模型,被广泛应用于农业面源污染研究中。
地下水污染风险评价的综合模糊-随机模拟方法Jianbing Li,Gordon H. Huang等田芳译;冯翠娥、魏国强校译本文建立的综合模糊-随机风险评价(IFSRA)方法能够系统地量化与场地条件、环境标准和健康影响标准相关的随机不确定性和模糊不确定性。
其基本原理包括以下几个方面:1. 数据收集和整理:EPA评估方法首先需要收集相关的环境数据和健康数据,包括化学物质的物理化学性质、毒性数据、环境浓度和暴露途径等。
2. 风险评估模型:EPA评估方法使用风险评估模型来分析环境因素对人类和生态系统的潜在影响。
3. 不确定性分析:EPA评估方法还包括不确定性分析,用于评估评估结果的可靠性和确定性。
其主要应用包括以下几个方面:1. 环境污染评估:EPA评估方法可以用于评估污染物对环境的潜在影响。
2. 化学品评估:EPA评估方法可以用于评估化学品对人类健康和环境的潜在影响。
3. 废物管理评估:EPA评估方法可以用于评估废物对环境和人类健康的潜在影响。
4. 环境政策制定:EPA评估方法可以用于支持环境政策的制定和实施。
[关键词]地下水污染风险评估方法探讨0 前言对地下水污染进行风险评估是推进水污染综合治理的重要环节,,对人们的生产生活会产生重大而深远的影响。
1 危害辨别评估法分析危害辨别评估法是最常见、最基本的风险评估方法,也是地下水污染评估的第一步。
地下水是宝贵 的淡水资 源 , 水资 源的重要 组成 部分。 是 但是 , 究和 监 测表 明, 下 水 正越 来越 多 地 受 到农 药 污 研 地
程 燕 , 周军英 , 单正军, 孔德洋 ( 环境保护总 南京环境科学研究所, 南京 2 02 国家 局 江苏 1 4) 0
摘要:在对美 国环境保 护局开发 的地下水暴露评价模型进行 比较 的基础上 , 择 S I R W 模型预测我 国福建省 甘蔗种植 区 5 选 C. O G
种 常用农药对地下水的污染风险 , 并将模 型预测结果与该地区地下水中农药的实测结果进行 比较 , 对模 型进行验证。结果表 明,
模 型预测结果与实测结果之间具有很好的相关性 ,C— R W 模型能较好地用于我 国东南沿海等地下水位较高 、 SI O G 降水量较大 、 土 壤砂性等地下水易受污染地区农药的筛选评价 。最后 , 运用 S I R W 模型预测涕灭威等 l C. O G 7种我 国常用农药对地下水 的污染风 险, 为这些农药的科学使用提供参考。
关键词 :农药 ;地下水 ;预测 ;S I O C. W模 型 GR 中圈分类号 :T 40 2 (9 Q 5 . ;) 2 5 文献标 识码 : A 文章编号 :6 3— 8 1 2 0 ) 4—07 0 17 4 3 ( 07 0 0 8— 5
S - OW M oe frGru d t CIGR d lo o n wae s ses n fP sid s C E G Y n Z OUJ nyn S A g egjn K NGD -ag rRi kA ssmeto et e. H N a , H u—lg,H N hn - , O d u ey n
me t sc rid o tt aiaetemo 1 i wa r are u ov l t h de.Reut h w a o d c reain w so sre ewe nte to T eS ・ d sl s o t tgo orlto a be vd b t e . h CIGROW d e s s h h w mo lwa a pia l os re igassme to ru d trc na n t n r k fp s cd si ra eego n wae sv l rbet siie p l bet ce nn ses n fgo n wae o tmia o s so et ie n ae swh r ru d t ri unea l op tcd c i i i e
HSPF模型综述1.模型概述1.1模型介绍HSPF,全称水文模拟模型,是由美国国家环境保护局于1981年开发完成的.1998年,美国环保署又开发完成了一套基于GIS技术的整合式平台系统BASINS.该系统把HSPF模型集成在具有强大空间数据存储和处理能力的Arcview上,为HSPF自动提取模拟区域的地形地貌、土地利用、土壤植被、河流等数据,以及非点源污染负荷的长时间连续模拟提供了方便.发展至今,HSPF模型又集成了HSP、ARM、NPS等模块.它将常见的污染物和毒性有机物模拟纳入到模型中,能够实现多种污染物地表、壤中流过程及蓄积、迁移、转化的综合模拟.HSPF模型是半分布式综合性流域模型的优秀代表.在国外已经被广泛应用于水、颗粒沉积物、营养盐、化学污染物、有机物质和微生物等的模拟研究,在我国,由于缺乏大量基础数据,对HSPF模型的研究还处于起步阶段.HSPF模型将模拟地段分为透水地面、不透水地面、河流或完全混合型湖泊水库三部分,其主模块包括透水地段水文水质模拟模块(PERLND)、不透水地段水文水质模拟模块(IMPLND)以及地表水体模拟模块(RCHRES).三大模块下按照功能又分为水文模块、侵蚀模块和污染迁移转化模块等子模块,可以实现对径流、颗粒沉积物、营养盐、化学污染物、有机物质和微生物等的连续模拟(见图1).图1 HSPF模型结构与功能1.2模型基础数据库模型需要的输入数据主要有:(1)流域的数字高程模型(DEM).用来划分子流域和确定出流路径;(2)土地利用数据.主要用来计算植被生长、耗水和地表产汇流;(3)土壤数据.用来计算壤中流和浅层地下水量;(4)气象数据,包括日降雨资料、日最高最低气温、风速、日辐射量、相对湿度、气温站位置高程、雨量站位置高程等,用来计算流量和蒸散发量n1;(5)农业管理措施和水库和湖泊位置、出流点等;(6)监测站数据.包括各水质参数数据,例如总氮、总磷、BOD等;(7)社会经济数据,包括人口普查数据、人口密度数据等.1.3水文过程模拟HSPF模型水文模块在非点源模型中是最为完善的,它以StanfordIV机理模型为基础,将研究区域分为透水地面和不透水地面两种类型,针对不同地面水文过程进行模拟.模型将研究区域自上而下分为树冠层、植被层和各土壤层(包括表层土壤、上土壤层、下土壤层和地下水涵养层).降水在这些垂直的存储层间进行分配.透水地面的模拟考虑降雨或降雪、截留、地表填洼、渗透、蒸散发、地表径流、壤中流和地下水流等水文过程.降雨或降雪被地面截留一部分,再扣除地表填洼、下渗、蒸发,最后形成地表径流.不透水地面的模拟考虑降雨或降雪、截留、蒸散发、地表径流.降雨或降雪经扣除屋顶集水、沥青变湿及植被截留后形成地表径流.降雨最终由地表径流、壤中流和地下水流进入河流.1.4泥沙侵蚀模拟相比目前很多模型釆用的通用土壤流失方程(USLE),HSPF 模型对泥沙侵蚀的模拟更具有机理性.它将侵蚀过程分为雨滴溅蚀、径流冲刷和径流运移等若干子过程,分别对其进行模拟.泥沙侵蚀模拟过程包括降雨对透水地面土壤的剥蚀,对不透水地面的冲刷以及地表径流对泥沙的输移过程.用于模拟泥沙剥蚀和迁移过程的数学方程是基于Meyer和Wischmeier 所提出的降雨对土壤表面侵蚀的算法.泥沙随水流的演进输移,HSPF模型采用Toffaleti 、collby 或幂函数法以及临界切应力原理进行模拟.泥沙的传输按照泥沙粒径大小,粉沙和粘粒的传输、沉降和冲刷根据临界剪切应力原理判断产生沉积或是冲刷,沙粒的传输可以用Toffaleti、collby 或幂级数函数法来计算.1.5污染物迁移模型HSPF模型污染物迁移模块考虑了污染物在多种环境介质之间的迁移转化过程,考虑了污染物在土壤中的状态、含量,及其受到各种物理化学过程及生物过程的影响,可以模拟输出BOD、DO、营养物、农药和微生物等多种污染物负荷.尤其对氮的模拟,模型综合考虑了溶解态,吸附态氮,有机氮和无机氮,氮素间的相互转化,以及氮素与环境介质间的迁移等多个过程.1.6模型的适用性HSPF模型结合了分布式流域水文模型和其它非分布式流域模型的一些优点,是一个可以模拟流域内连续的水文过程以及水质变化过程的模型.①模型集成于BASINS系统平台,实现了模拟区域地形地貌、土地利用、土壤植被、河流等数据的自动提取.与SWAT模型相比,它包含融雪模块,因此对冬季径流的模拟具有优势.②对于降雨径流,HSPF模型能够将降水径流过程按某一尺度进行空间划分,对每一区域降雨、下渗等过程分别进行动态和连续的模拟.③对于子流域,HSPF模型每个子流域间具有承接关系,并可根据不同需要调整子流域水文响应单元大小.既实现了分布式模拟,又能减少计算冗余,同时避免了类似分布式的结构假定函数与实际不符而造成的错误.④对于模拟尺度,HSPF模型主要用于农业和城市混合型的不同时空尺度流域,能够模拟时间尺度为小时的产汇流过程.模型中WD-Mutil 软件可将现有气候气象数据进行衍生和扩充,延长了模拟时间序列.2 国内外HSPF模型的研究进展2.1水文过程与情景模拟分析许多研究表明,HSPF模型在不同地区的水文过程模拟中均有很好的表现.Alarcon等利用HSPF 模型模拟墨西哥湾北部Mobile Bay流域的水文过程,结果表现很好。
RBCA(Risk - based corrective action)模型暴露评估可以通过日平均暴露量来估算,由于暴露途径主要分为食入,皮肤接触和吸入三种途径,因此日平均暴露量 (Chronic Dailay Intake,CDI)(mg/kg/day)的计算公式如下:式中, C 为污染物的浓度, mg/kg;IR为摄入污染物的浓度,kg;EF为暴露频率, 1/days;ED为暴露持续时间,years;BW为体重,kg;AT为平均寿命,years;RBCA 模型按照美国环境保护署(USEPA)的化学物质分类,将化学物质分为致癌物质与非致癌物质 2 类。
通常认为人体在低剂量暴露条件下,暴露剂量率和人体致癌风险之间呈线性关系 CR = CDISF, SF(Slop Factor)为致癌斜率因子,因此致癌物质的致癌风险值 CR 计算公式如下:非致癌物质的危害商(HQ)一般以参考剂量RfD(Refer-ence Dose)值为衡量标准,暴露剂量率和参考剂量的关系HQ = CDI/RfD,RfD污染物的参考剂量,因此非致癌物质的危害商(HQ)计算公式如下:式中,下标 oral, dermal,inh分别为经口,皮肤接触,吸入。
对于致癌物质,计算其风险值,并设定 10-6为可接受致癌风险水平下限, 10-4 为可接受致癌风险水平上限;对于非致癌物质,计算其危害商,判定标准设定为 1。
CLEA(Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment)模型CLEA 模型将化学物质对人体或动物的健康效应划分为阈值和非阈值效应,非阈值效应用指示剂量表示,阈值效应用可接受日土壤摄入量表示,总称为健康标准值(HCV).依据日平均暴露量(CDI)与 HCV 的比值来评价化学物质的危害程度。
ADE/HCV 的计算公式如下:式中, C 为污染物的浓度, mg/kg;IR为摄入污染物的浓度,kg;EF为暴露频率,1/days;ED为暴露持续时间,years;BW为体重,kg;AT为平均寿命, years; HCV 为健康标准值,单位为 mg/kg/d;下标 oral, dermal,inh分别为经口,皮肤接触,吸入。
公式(E.18)中: RCVGcgw -基于饮用地下水途径致癌效应的地下水风险控制值,mg·L-1。 公式(E.18)中,ACR 的参数含义见公式(E.1),CGWERca 的参数含义见公式(A.19), SFo 的参数含义见公式(B.3)。 E4.4 基于 3 种地下水暴露途径综合致癌效应的地下水风险控制值,采用公式(E.19)计算:
E2.1 基于经口摄入土壤途径非致癌效应的土壤风险控制值,采用公式(E.8)计算:
公式(E.8)中: HCVSois -基于经口摄入土壤途径非致癌效应的土壤风险控制值,mg·kg-1;
-可接受危害商,无量纲;取值为 1。
公式(E.8)中,RfDo 的参数含义见公式(B.4),OISERnc 的参数含义见公式(A.2),
HCVS pis
公式(E.10)中: HCVSpis -基于吸入土壤颗粒物途径非致癌效应的土壤风险控制值,mg·kg-1。 公式(E.10)中,RfDi 的参数含义见公式(B.2),AHQ 的参数含义见公式(E.8), PISERnc的参数含义见公式(A.8),SAF 的参数含义见公式(C.8)。
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E-mail :wenbojian@ *通信作者:李文娟E-mail :liwenjuan@ 摘要:在介绍美国农药环境风险评估的概念、分级、地下水农药监测情况及水资源的立法保护等基础上,重点阐述了美国环保署在农药登记管理过程中使用的2个地下水风险评估模型,即SCI-GROW 和PRZM-GW 模型。
SCI-GROW 是以好氧条件土壤半衰期和土壤有机碳分配系数为自变量的经验线性回归模型,而PRZM-GW 则是描述农药在土壤中运动的一维、有限差分模型。
关键词:农药;环境风险评估;模型;SCI-GROW ;PRZM-GW ;美国中图分类号:X820.4文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-6819(2013)06-0068-06The Groundwater Risk Assessment Models for Pesticide for USEPAWEN Bo-jian,LI Wen-juan *,CHENG Min(Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China )Abstract :Groundwater risk assessment of pesticide in the USA is characteristic.A profile of the groundwater risk assessment of pesticide in the USA was introduced,including the concepts and the tiers of the groundwater risk assessment,the results of groundwater monitoring,the legislations of water resource protection,and etc.The groundwater risk assessment models,SCI-GROW and PRZM-GW,which are used in pesticide management by USEPA were elaborated.SCI-GROW is an empirical linear regression model that takes aerobic soil metabolism half-life and soil organic carbon partition coefficient as the independent variables.PRZM-GW is a one-dimensional,finite-difference model.The paper aims to provide new vision in groundwater risk assessment of pesticide for developing our own models that fit China ′s agricultural practice and pesticide application.Keywords :pesticide;environmental risk assessment;model;SCI-GROW;PRZM-GW ;USA农业资源与环境学报2013年12月·第30卷·第6期:68-73December 2013·Vol.30·No.6:68-73Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment如何有效地控制农药对地下水构成的风险是一个引起广泛关注的问题。
欧盟的模型开发者大多遵守反吝啬原则(Anti-parsimony Prin -ciple ),认为模型的内涵应当足够丰富以正确反映事物联系的复杂性。
因此,在欧盟的模型构建过程中,选取的变量全面,开发出的模型也比较复杂,比如欧盟的农药地下水风险评估模型PEARL (Pesticide Emis -sion Assessment at Regional and Local scales )。
美国模型开发者一般秉承吝啬原则(Law of Parsimony ),认为如果某一因素足以解释事物的特性,则不应当接受比这更多的因素。
因此,在美国的模型构建过程中,选取的变量较少,开发出的模型相对精简,例如美国的农2013年12月药地下水风险评估模型SCI-GROW(Screening Con-centration in Ground Water)和PRZM-GW(Pesticide Root Zone Model-Ground Water)。
本文将对美国环保署(U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,USEPA)农药地下水风险评估的相关内容及使用的模型SCI-GROW和PRZM-GW进行介绍。
1美国农药地下水风险评估相关概念USEPA把农药环境风险评估(Pesticide Environ-mental Risk Assessment)定义为就农药对生态环境产生不良效应的可能性进行评估的过程,该过程分为问题描述(Problem Formulation)、分析(Analysis)和风险表征(Risk Characterization)3个部分。
1992—1999年,美国地质调查局(U.S.Geological Survey,USGS)对全美1255口家庭水井和242口公共水井的水质调查结果表明,农药的检出率为38%(检出标准为0.1μg·L-1),超过美国最大污染浓度(Maximum Contami-nant Level,MCL)的农药有4种,其中狄氏剂检出率最高,在公共水井中的检出率达1.3%[5]。
1988年,美国通过《联邦杀虫剂、杀菌剂、灭鼠剂法案》(The Federal Insecticide,Fungicide and Rodenticide Act,FIFRA)修正案,要求在农药进入市场前,农药厂家必须向USEPA提供农药的相关数据,以评估农药对地下水的淋溶风险[7]。
《饮用水安全法》(The Safe Drinking Water Act,SDWA)1996年修正案则明确要求保护包括地下水在内的饮用水源,要求USEPA逐步制定饮用水中污染物浓度(包括农药)的法定限量[8]。
1996年,美国通过《食品质量保护法》(The Food Quality Protection Act,FQPA),要求USEPA 对美国现正在使用的上百种农药对地下水(饮用水源)的风险进行快速、定量评估,该法案直接推动了农药地下水风险评估模型在USEPA农药登记管理过程中的应用[9]。