五年级上册英语讲义-第5讲-Dinosaurs 深港朗文版(含答案)


深港朗文英语五年级上Unit 5 Dinosaurs

深港朗文英语五年级上Unit 5 Dinosaurs

B: I like Dinosaur D. It…
A guessing game
I am very long, I walk slowly, … Who am I ?
Study a dinosaur. Try to find a picture and find out what it can do and what it eats.
It drank a lot of water.
This dinosaur ate fish.
Write “T” or “F”
Dinosaur T -doesn’t fly or swim -has sharp teeth -is very big -eats meat -runs fast
Work in pairs to talk about the dinosaurs you like in past tense, using your own pictures.
Dinosaur K
● eats plants

has four legs

walks slowly
Dinosaur B
eats fish drinks a lot of water has lots of teeth lives near lakes runs but does bot fly
Dinosaur D Dinosaur T Dinosaur B
Pair work
A: Which dinosaurs do you like?

● is

has a very small head

深港版英语五年级上册《unit 5 dinosaurs》优秀教案(重点资料).doc

深港版英语五年级上册《unit 5 dinosaurs》优秀教案(重点资料).doc

Unit 5 DinosaursObjectivesGet to know different kinds of dinosaurs.Students can tell about the dinosaurs.Students can use simple past tense of irregular verbs freely and correctly.TasksMake a dinosaur and give a description of it.Listen and chant to practice talking about dinosaurs.Language FocusLanguage skillsCommunicate freely with others by using simple expressions and structuresIntroduce a topic and briefly interact with othersWrite short paragraphs following sample writingTopic vocabularyResourcesComputer learning programsPosters, flash cards, plastic toy dinosaurs, Overhead Transparencies, etc.Interactive CD-RomCassette TapePeriod 1 --- Part ATeaching procedures1.Warming-upA guessing game: Millions of years ago, long before there were any people, what kind of animal lived on Earth? Do you know?2.PresentationComputer learning program --- introduce different kinds of dinosaurs.3.Practicea. Show out a plastic toy dinosaur. Pretend to be the dinosaur and introduce yourself.b. Describe yourself as the dinosaur, e.g. I am tall. I have a long tail. I have small teeth. I have two legs and two arms.c. Describe what you do as the dinosaur, e.g. I run and swim. I eat meat.d. Ask the students questions about the dinosaur. Get the students to ask the dinosaur questions about what it looks like and does.4.More to doShow Transparency. Play the Pupils’ Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the students to repeat after the cassette.5. ConsolidationAsk the students to take turns to make sentences about Tyrannosaunus Rex and Baryonyx.6.Wrapping-upShow out posters, revise functions and language focus. Divide class into 3 groups to describe the three dinosaurs.7.Homeworka. Ask the students to research a dinosaur for homework. They should find a picture and find out what it can do and what it eats.b. Copy and memorize the new words.Period 2 --- Part B1Teaching procedures1. Warming-upComputer learning program --- different kinds of dinosaurs. Let the students say out the names of dinosaurs they see.2. RevisionAsk the students questions about the dinosaur. Get the students to ask the dinosaur questions about what it looks like and does.3. Presentationa. Write sentences strips for the present tense sentences aboutBaryonyx.b. Display the sentence strips on the board. Tell the students thatthis isthe information about Baryonyx on the previous. Show the students the picture of Baryoryx on the previous page.c. Ask the students Can we see Baryonyx now? When they answer No, explain that dinosaurs lived on the Earth over 100,000,000 years ago. Write the number of years on the board. Write on the board, Dinosaurs lived 100,000,000 years ago.d. Explain that we must use the past tense for describing Baryonyx.Writethe past tense of the verb in a contrasting color next to each sentence strip on the board. Take down each sentence strip and write in the restof the sentence using a different color. Ask the students to say the pasttense sentences after you.4. Practicea. Show Transparency. Play the cassette and ask the students tolisten toand repeat.b. Tell the students to match the present tense notes and the pasttensesentences correctly.5. Consolidationa. Check that the students have matched the notes and sentences correctly.b. Ask the students to read Tim’s notes and his report aboutTyrannosaurusRex at the bottom of the page. Ask them to check his notes and write either T for true of F for false next to each sentence.6. Sum up.7. HomeworkUsing the past tense to write notes and a report about Diplodocus..Period 3 ---Part B2 & B3Teaching procedures1. Warming-upTravel back to dinosaur times. Use clues to place dinosaurs into the correct time periods on a time line.2. Revisiona. Listen, read and act Part A.b. Ask students to say out their reports about Diplodocus in groups.3. Practicea. Show Transparency and the notes on Dinosaur K and dinosaur S.b. Ask the students to work in pairs to write the sentences.c. Check the sentences as you walk round to ensure that that thestudentsare using the correct past tense forms.d. Ask some students to read aloud their sentences to check theanswerswith the whole class.4. Consolidationa. Read the rubric to the students. Remind them that they shouldfamiliarize themselves with the words and the pictures on the page in thetime they have before listening. They should listen and circle the wordsthey hear. Play the cassette.b. Ask the students to listen to the tape once more to check theiranswers.Then they need to choose the correct dinosaur picture.5. Sum up.Read about Dinosaur K & Dinosaur S. Then tell them about the past Tense form.6. Homeworka. Make a picture card for Dinosaur K or Dinosaur S. Write aboutit onthe bottom of the card.b. Finish Workbook (P. 33)Period 4 --- Part C & DTeaching procedures1. Warming-upTell students some dinosaur jokes.2. RevisionShow Transparency and the notes on dinosaur k and dinosaur S. Ask the students to work in pairs to say about them.3. Presentationa. Ask the students some questions, e.g.Have you ever seen a real dinosaur? Are there any dinosaurs on earth now?b. Tell the students All the dinosaurs died 65 million years ago.Theydied in just a few years. No one knows why. Some people have ideas about what happened.c. Students listen to the tape twice.d. Ask the students How many different ideas are there? What arethey?4. Practicea. Let the students read the text silently. Then play the tapefor thestudents and ask them to say the sentences after the tape.b. Read the question at the end of the page. Ask the students toshowtheir hands if they agree with the ideas. Ask if the students know ofany other ideas.5. More to doa. Ask the students to read the story again and to answer thequestions.b. Check the answers with the students. Ask some students to read aloud their answers.6. Sum upThe dinosaurs went about 65 million years ago, at the end of the , which was a time of high volcanic and .There are a lot of theories why the extinction occurred. The most widely accepted theory is that an asteroid impact caused major climactic changes towhich the dinosaurs couldn't adapt.7. Homeworka. Copy the story.b. Listen and follow the tape. Try to recite the story.Period 5 --- Part FTeaching procedures1. Warming-upDinosaurs probably live on today as the . All that's left of the dinosaursare and, perhaps, the birds. Dinosaur fossils have been found all over the world, If dinosaurs were alivetoday…Let the students use their imagination to say short pieces.2. RevisionListen and repeat the story. Ask some students to retell the story.3. Taska. Tell the students No one knows what color dinosaurs were. Youcanchoose any colors.b. Ask the students to choose some notes on Page 47 that they wouldliketo describe the dinosaur which they have just drawn and colored.c. The students use the information from their notes and drawingto write aparagraph about their dinosaur and give it a name. Ask them to write aversion in rough first. Check that they are using past tense forms ofthe verbs.d. After that, the students should group together the sentencesabout thesize and the body of the dinosaur and the sentences about what it did. This is called editing. It is the reason why the students should write their work in rough first.e. Then tell the students there is one more step calledproof-reading. Tellthem to check their work for any errors. Ask them to exchange theirwriting with a partner to check for errors.f. Tell the students to display their pictures. Ask them to tryto makesentences, using their notes for support. Praise the students who manage to do this.4. Sum upShow some students’ task papers, talk about them.5. HomeworkThe students write up their paragraph in neat copy.Period 6 --- Part G & HTeaching procedures1. Warming-upTell the students some dinosaur jokes.2. RevisionShow some students’ work sheets My Super Dinosaur. Ask them to readtheir writing outloud.3. Presentationa. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the students to listen to the chant.b. Play the cassette again and encourage the students to join in withthewords. Then divide the class into three groups. Assign a different verse to each group. Ask each group to practice chanting.4. PracticeAsk the students find out when man started to live on the Earth and if there were any duck dinosaurs. The first men walked on the earth four million years ago. There were no ducks in the time of the dinosaurs. Cockroaches have been around for many more millions of years and have not changed much since the days of the dinosaurs. 5. Listening exercisesAsk the students to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette. Then finish the exercises P.34 ~ 35.6. Homeworka. Listen, repeat and try to recite the dinosaur chants.b. Finish the exercises of Workbook P.37~38.Period 7 --- Part ITeaching procedures1. Warming-upWhat would it be like to live with the dinosaurs? Invite students to use their imaginations and our fun, fact-finding activities to find out everything about Dinosaurs!2. RevisionAsk the students to recite the dinosaur chants.3. Further readinga. Ask the students, How do we know about dinosaurs? Accept theirideasbut remind them that no men were around to see the dinosaurs. Ask them to read the passage to find two ways in which we know about dinosaurs.b. Ask the students to point to a bone. Ask them Where do we find bones? What can we know about this dinosaur from its bones?c. Ask the students Which animals have eggs? What can we find out from their nests?d. Tell the students to write ‘T’ next to the true statements ’F’next to the false ones and ‘D’ for the ones they are not sure. Check the answers with the students.4. PracticeRead Tom’s diary and write the answers. (Workbook P39)5. HomeworkFinish Workbook P40Period 8 --- Part E & JTeaching procedures1. Warming-upPick a genre and write a piece that includes three dinosaur facts. Practice in groups.2. RevisionListen and repeat Part I Further reading. Then ask the students to answer some questions.3. Presentationa. Write the symbols for the sounds on the board. Write the wordson the page under each symbol. Ask the students to tell you other words with the same sounds and add them to the list.b. Play the tape and ask the students to listen to the sounds andthe words.c. Say the works slowly and clearly. Check that the students aremaking a distinction between the two short sounds correctly.d. Point to the pictures and check that the students can say thewords without your model.e. Play he tape again. Ask the students to listen to the poem.f. Play the tape again. Ask the students to join in with the wordsof the poem this time.g. Play the tape. Ask the students to listen to the words and themwrite them under the correct symbols.4. Progress check(P.50)a. Find the past form of the verbs. Circle them.b. Fill in each blank with the correct form of a verb from the box.You can use some verbs more than once.5. Sum upWe learn about dinosaurs through literature, poetry, science, math, art, drama, and movement. Students will discover thecharacteristics of many kinds of dinosaurs.6. Homeworka. Listen and repeat the whole text.b. Finish Workbook P.36★祝学习顺利★。

Unit5 dinosaurs深港版小学英语五年级上册

Unit5 dinosaurs深港版小学英语五年级上册

Unit5 dinosaurs深港版小学英语五年级上册句型It walks slowly. It does not fly or swim.它走得很慢.它不会飞和游泳.It ran but it didn't fly.它能跑但是不会飞.Dinosaur K ate plants. It had four legs.恐龙K吃植物.它有四条腿.Dinosaurs lived on the Earth a long, long time ago.很多年前,恐龙生活在地球上.Scientists have a lot of ideas.科学家有了很多的想法.There was no food or water for dinosaurs and they died.恐龙没有食物和水,就死掉了.Sometimes, people find dinosaur bones in the ground.有时候,人们能在地底下发现恐龙的化石.语法一般过去时态的基本用法:(1) 一般过去时态表示过去发生的动作或存在的状况,也可以表示过去的习惯,爱好.常与表示过去的时间副词连用,如:an hour ago, yesterday, last Sunday/month, just now等.含有行为动词的一般过去时态,助动词did没有人称和数的变化,其结构是: did+动词原形.例: He went to school yesterday.He didn't go to school yesterday.(否定句)Did he go to school yesterday?(一般疑问句)(2)动词的一般过去式的变化原则:a. 规则动词的变化:b. 不规则动词的变化:do-did, is/am-was, are-were, drive-drove, eat-ate, have-had, drink-drank, ride-rode, run-ran, swim-swam, fly-flew, stand-stood, come-came, go-went, become-became,see-saw, hit-hit, put-put, hurt-hurt, get-got, forget-forgot, sleep-slept, sweep-swept, think-thought, bring-brought, catch-caught, teach-taught, buy-bought, tell-told, say-said, sing-sangThey all died. (它们都灭绝了.)"all" 用于三者或三者以上都...例:The students are all in the classroom."both" 仅用于两个人或两件事,表示两者都...例:My mother and father are both teachers.Maybe the Earth became very cold. (可能地球变得很冷.)"maybe"表示"也许,可能",是副词,在句中作状语,常位于句首,相当于"perhaps". 而在"...maybe ..."结构中,may是情态动词,be是系动词,二者合起来共同作谓语:例:Maybe your ruler is on the bed.=Your ruler may be on the bed.(也许你的尺子在床上.)There was no food or water for dinosaurs. (那时候,恐龙没有食物和水.)此句中,no food or water 相当于no food and no water.But the fish were afraid of him. (但是鱼很害怕他.)(1) be afraid of 表示"害怕..."例:I'm afraid of dogs.(我怕狗.)(2) be afraid to do sth. 表示"不敢做..."例: Her sister is afraid to go out at night.1. Read and write. (读一读,写一些。

深港版英语五上《Unit 5 Dinosaurs》word教案(一)

深港版英语五上《Unit 5 Dinosaurs》word教案(一)

What is a Dinosaur?Millions of years ago, long before there were any people, there were dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were one ofseveral kinds of prehistoricreptiles that lived during theMesozoic Era , the "Age ofReptiles."Dinosaurs were reptiles and most hatched from eggs. No dinosaurs could fly and none lived in the water.Plant-eating sauropods were the largest animals to ever walk on Earth - but blue whales are more massive than any of thedinosaurs were!The largest dinosaurs were over 100 feet (30 m) long and up to 50 feet (15 m) tall (like Argentinosaurus , Seismosaurus,Ultrasauros , Brachiosaurus , and Supersaurus ). The smallest dinosaurs, like Compsognathus , were about the size of a chicken. Most dinosaurs were in-between.It is very difficult to figure out how the dinosaurs sounded, how they behaved, how theymated, what color they were, or even how totell whether a fossil was male or female.No one knows whatcolor or patterns the dinosaurs were.over 165 million years during the Mesozoic Era , but mysteriously went extinct 65 million years ago. Paleontologists study their fossil remains to learn about the amazing prehistoric world of dinosaurs.The dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago,at the end of the Cretaceous period , which was a time of high volcanic andtectonic activity . There are a lot oftheories why the extinction occurred.The most widely accepted theory isthat an asteroid impact caused major climactic changes to which the dinosaurs couldn't adapt.Dinosaurs probably live on today asbirds . All that's left of the dinosaurs fossils and, perhaps,the birds. Dinosaurfossils have been found all over the maybe even near where you live!1818,means lizard) was coined by the English anatomistACTIVITIES THAT ACCOMPANY THIS PAGEFind It! - A print-out for 2nd Graders. Skills: reading, writing, research, and comprehension.∙Word Unscramble - A print-out for 3rd Graders. Do this writing/spelling activity after (or while) reading thispage. Unscramble the words to answer questions aboutdinosaurs.Just click on an animal's name to go to that information sheet. If the dinosaur you're interested in isn't here, check the Dinosaur Dictionary or the list of Dinosaur Genera. Names with an asterisk (*) were not dinosaurs.How to write a great dinosaur report.。


1. Does Kate like English?
2. What does she usually do in the morning?
3. When does she watch TV?
4. Does Kate like dancing?
一般过去式表示过去发生的动作,现已不复存在,常与过去时间状语yesterday, last night, three days ago, yesterday evening, last month等连用
I _____ (have) a good day at work today. The meeting ________ (go) well this morning. Bob ___________ (not be) there. He ___________ (oversleep) because he _________ (not hear) the alarm.
5. do, I, what, can, you, for
Lisa likes English very much. She works hard. She likes speaking English.She reads English every morning. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening.

五年级英语上册 Unit 5 Dinosaurs教案 深港版

五年级英语上册 Unit 5 Dinosaurs教案 深港版

Unit 5 DinosaursThe first periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part A3. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficult points:Some difficult wordsTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipmentTeaching steps:Step 1: Warm-upGreetings and free talk.Step 2: RevisionGo over the key words and phrases in unit 4Step 3: Leading inAsk some questions about dinosaurs e.g. Did you hear the story about dinosaurs? Did you see the film about dinosaurs? What do you think of dinosaurs?Step 4: Presentation1. Listen to the tape, then do the same as the tape according to thepictures.2. Talk about the pictures before the class.3. Describe the dinosaur. E.g. It runs and swims. It eats meat. It hassharp teeth.4. Ask some questions about the dinosaur.5. Play the tapes again and ask students to repeat after the tapes.Step 5: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 6: HomeworkAsk the students to research a dinosaur and they should find a picture and find out what it can do and what it does.The second periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part B13. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficulties:Past tenseTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipmentTeaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings and free talk2. Review the previous lessonStep 2: Presentation1. Listen to part B1, then match the sentences.2. Pay attention to the simple present and past tense.Step 3: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 4: SummaryLearn how to describe a dinosaur with the past tenseStep 5: Homework1. copy the words and expressions2. write some sentences about dinosaursThe third periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching PartB23. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficulties:Past tenseTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipment Teaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings and free talk2. Review the new words and expressions of part A.3. Ask some questions about PartB1.Step 2: Presentation1. Listen to part B2.2. Ask students to work in pairs to write the sentences. Step 3: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 4: SummaryLearn how to describe a dinosaur with the past tenseStep 5: Homeworkwrite some sentences about dinosaursThe fourth periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part B33. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficulties:Past tenseTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipment Teaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings and free talk2. Review the previous lessonStep 2: Presentation1. Listen to part B3, then ask students to circle the words they hear.2. Check the answers.3. Write a short passage according to PartB3.Step 3: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 4: SummaryLearn how to describe a dinosaur with the past tenseStep 5: Homework3. copy the words and expressions4. write some sentences about dinosaursThe fifth periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part C, D and E3. Know the history of the dinosaursMain points:Some difficult sentences and soundsDifficulties:The soundsTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipmentTeaching steps:Step 1: Free talk and revision1. Free talk2. Review the previous lesson3. Read some words and sentences the students have studied.Step 2: Teaching part C and D1. Ask students to read the whole passage and get the main idea2. Explain some difficult sentences3. Read the passage again and answer the questions of part DStep 3: Teaching part E (the symbols)1. Write the symbols for[æ] and [e] on board and explain how to pronounce.2. Play the cassette and ask students to listen to the sounds and the words.3. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the students are making a distinction between the two short sounds correctly.4. Play the cassette again and ask students to listen to the poem.5. Listen again and ask students to listen to the words and then write them under the correct symbols.Step 4: ConsolidationCheck the exercise in workbookStep 5: HomeworkRead some stories about the dinosaursFeedback: 1. The children are very interested in dinosaurs.2. Part C is very important, I think.。



What is a Dinosaur?Millions of years ago, long beforethere were any people, there weredinosaurs. Dinosaurs were one ofseveral kinds of prehistoric reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era , the "Age of Reptiles."Dinosaurs were reptiles and most hatched from eggs. No dinosaurs could fly and none lived in the water.Plant-eating sauropods were the largest animals to ever walk on Earth - but blue whales are more massive than any of the dinosaurs were!The largest dinosaurs were over 100 feet (30 m) long and up to 50 feet (15 m) tall (like Argentinosaurus, Seismosaurus, Ultrasauros, Brachiosaurus, and Supersaurus). The smallest dinosaurs, like Compsognathus, were about the size of a chicken. Most dinosaurs werein-between.It is very difficult to figure out how the dinosaurs sounded, how they behaved, how theymated, what color they were, or even how to tell whether a fossil was male or female.No one knows what color or patterns the dinosaurs were.Most dinosaurswere plant-eaters (also called herbivores). For example,Triceratops was a plant-eating dinosaur.Some dinosaurs were meat-eaters (also called carnivores). For example, T. rex was a meat-eating dinosaur.The dinosaurs dominated the Earth forover 165 million years during theMesozoic Era, but mysteriously wentextinct 65 million years ago. Paleontologists study their fossil remains to learn about the amazing prehistoric world of dinosaurs.When the dinosaurs lived, the Earth's continents were jammed together into asupercontinent called Pangaea and the Earth waswarmer than it is now.The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, probably because of the environmental changes brought about by an asteroid hitting the Earth.The dinosaurs went extinctabout 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, which was a time of high volcanic and tectonic activity. There are a lot of theories why the extinction occurred. The most widely accepted theory is that an asteroid impact caused major climactic changes to which the dinosaurs couldn't adapt.Dinosaurs probably live on today as the birds. All that's left of the dinosaurs are fossils and, perhaps,the birds. Dinosaurfossils have been found all over the world, maybe even near where you live!Some dinosaurs were very bird-like and may be the ancestors of today's birds.There are almost 500 described dinosaur genera and many more species.Every few months (sometimes weeks), new finds are unearthed.ACTIVITIES THAT ACCOMPANY THISPAGE•Find It! - A print-out for 2nd Graders. Skills: reading, writing, research, and comprehension.•Word Unscramble - A print-out for 3rd Graders. Do this writing/spelling activity after (or while) reading this page. Unscramble the words to answer questions aboutdinosaurs.Information Sheets About Dinosaurs (and Other Just click on an animal's name to go to that information sheet. If the dinosaur you're interested in isn't here, check the Dinosaur Dictionary or the list of Dinosaur Genera. Names with an asterisk (*) were not dinosaurs.。



What is a Dinosaur?Millions of years ago, long beforethere were any people, there weredinosaurs. Dinosaurs were one ofseveral kinds of prehistoric reptiles that lived during the , the "Age of Reptiles."Dinosaurswere reptiles and most hatched from eggs. No dinosaurs could fly and none lived in the water.Plant-eating sauropods were the largest animals to ever walk onEarth - but are more massive than any of thedinosaurs were!The largest dinosaurs were over 100 feet (30 m) long and up to 50 feet (15 m) tall (like , Seismosaurus, , , and ). The smallest dinosaurs, like , were about the size of a chicken. Most dinosaurs were in-between.It is very difficult to figure out how thedinosaurs sounded, how they behaved, how they mated, what color they were, or even how to tell whether a fossil was male or female.No one knows what color or patterns thedinosaurs were.Most dinosaurs were plant-eaters (also calledherbivores). For example, was a plant-eating dinosaur.Some dinosaurs were meat-eaters (also called carnivores). For example,was a meat-eating dinosaur.The dinosaurs dominated the Earthfor over 165 million years duringthe , but mysteriously went extinct65 million years ago. study theirfossil remains to learn about theamazing prehistoric world ofdinosaurs.When the dinosaurs lived, theEarth's continents were jammedtogether into a supercontinentcalled Pangaea and the Earthwas warmer than it is now.The dinosaurswent extinct 65 million yearsago, probably because of theenvironmental changes broughtThe dinosaurs went about65 million years ago, at theend of the , which was a time of highvolcanic and . There are a lot ofabout by an asteroid hittingthe Earth.theories why the extinctionoccurred. The most widely acceptedtheory is that an asteroid impactcaused major climactic changes towhich the dinosaurs couldn't adapt.Dinosaurs probably live on today asthe . All that's left of the dinosaursare and, perhaps,the birds. Dinosaurfossils have been found all over theworld,Somedinosaurs were verybird-like and may be theancestors of today's birds.There are almost 500 described dinosaur genera and many morespecies. Every few months (sometimes weeks), . ACTIVITIES THAT ACCOMPANY THIS PAGE• - A print-out for 2nd Graders. Skills: reading, writing, research, and comprehension.• - A print-out for 3rd Graders. Do this writing/spelling activity after (or while) reading this page. Unscramble the words to answer questions about dinosaurs.Information Sheets About Dinosaurs (and Other PrehistoricCreatures) Just click on an animal's name to go to that information sheet. If the dinosaur you're interested in isn't here, check the or the list of . Names with an asterisk (*) were not dinosaurs..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••。

五年级上册英语优质教案- Unit 5 Dinosaurs|深港朗文版

五年级上册英语优质教案- Unit 5 Dinosaurs|深港朗文版

Unit 5 DinosaursThe first periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part A3. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficult points:Some difficult wordsTeaching aids:Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipment Teaching steps:Step 1: Warm-upGreetings and free talk.Step 2: RevisionGo over the key words and phrases in unit 4Step 3: Leading inAsk some questions about dinosaurs e.g. Did you hear the story about dinosaurs? Did you see the film about dinosaurs? What do you think of dinosaurs?Step 4: Presentation1.Listen to the tape, then do the same as the tape according to thepictures.2.Talk about the pictures before the class.3.Describe the dinosaur. E.g. It runs and swims. It eats meat. It hassharp teeth.4.Ask some questions about the dinosaur.5.Play the tapes again and ask students to repeat after the tapes. Step 5: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 6: HomeworkAsk the students to research a dinosaur and they should find a picture and find out what it can do and what it does.The second periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part B13. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficulties:Past tenseTeaching aids:Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipment Teaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up1.Greetings and free talk2.Review the previous lessonStep 2: Presentation1.Listen to part B1, then match the sentences.2.Pay attention to the simple present and past tense.Step 3: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 4: SummaryLearn how to describe a dinosaur with the past tenseStep 5: Homework1.copy the words and expressions2.write some sentences about dinosaursThe third periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching PartB23. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficulties:Past tenseTeaching aids:Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipment Teaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings and free talk2. Review the new words and expressions of part A.3. Ask some questions about PartB1.Step 2: Presentation1.Listen to part B2.2.Ask students to work in pairs to write the sentences.Step 3: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 4: SummaryLearn how to describe a dinosaur with the past tenseStep 5: Homeworkwrite some sentences about dinosaursThe fourth periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part B33. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficulties:Past tenseTeaching aids:Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipment Teaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings and free talk2. Review the previous lessonStep 2: Presentation1. Listen to part B3, then ask students to circle the words they hear.2. Check the answers.3. Write a short passage according to PartB3.Step 3: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 4: SummaryLearn how to describe a dinosaur with the past tenseStep 5: Homework3.copy the words and expressions4.write some sentences about dinosaursThe fifth periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part C, D and E3. Know the history of the dinosaursMain points:Some difficult sentences and soundsDifficulties:The soundsTeaching aids:Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipment Teaching steps:Step 1: Free talk and revision1.Free talk2.Review the previous lesson3.Read some words and sentences the students have studied.Step 2: Teaching part C and D1.Ask students to read the whole passage and get the main idea2.Explain some difficult sentences3.Read the passage again and answer the questions of part DStep 3: Teaching part E (the symbols)1. Write the symbols for[æ] and [e] on board and explain how to pronounce.2. Play the cassette and ask students to listen to the sounds and the words.3. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the students are making a distinction between the two short sounds correctly.4. Play the cassette again and ask students to listen to the poem.5. Listen again and ask students to listen to the words and then write them under the correct symbols.Step 4: ConsolidationCheck the exercise in workbookStep 5: HomeworkRead some stories about the dinosaursFeedback: 1. The children are very interested in dinosaurs.2. Part C is very important, I think.Lesson 5 Having Fun Together【教材分析】本节课与上节课内容基本类似,与学生生活紧密联系,都是讨论爱好的,不同之处是上节课是家庭成员的个人爱好,这节课是一家人的家庭活动,全家人结伴出去玩,会喜欢哪些活动呢?以此向学生传播“家”的温情与“家”的责任。


It runs fast.
III. Practice
1.Show the students the three dinosaurs and introduce them to the students . Play the tape . They repeat after the tape .
2.Ask the students to take turns to make sentences about them .
IV. Play a game.
Give each pupil an English-word-name, The teacher reads one name first, the pupil with the name should stand up quickly and spell his\her name. Then he\she reads the next name as he\she like. According to this game, we can know who remember more new words and who react quickly.
2. It had two legs .
3. It ate plants .
4. It walked slowly .
5. It ran/swam . It didn’t run or swim.

Ⅰ. Greeting
Ⅱ. Presentation
B1. The students are telling the teacher about the dinosaurs . Look , listen and act.

2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 5 Dinosaurs教案 深港版

2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 5 Dinosaurs教案 深港版

2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 5 Dinosaurs教案深港版Teaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part A3. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficult points:Some difficult wordsTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipmentTeaching steps:Step 1: Warm-upGreetings and free talk.Step 2: RevisionGo over the key words and phrases in unit 4Step 3: Leading inAsk some questions about dinosaurs e.g. Did you hear the story about dinosaurs? Did you see the film about dinosaurs? What do you think of dinosaurs?Step 4: Presentation1. Listen to the tape, then do the same as the tape according to thepictures.2. Talk about the pictures before the class.3. Describe the dinosaur. E.g. It runs and swims. It eats meat. It hassharp teeth.4. Ask some questions about the dinosaur.5. Play the tapes again and ask students to repeat after the tapes. Step 5: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 6: HomeworkAsk the students to research a dinosaur and they should find a picture and find out what it can do and what it does.The second periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part B13. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficulties:Past tenseTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipmentTeaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings and free talk2. Review the previous lessonStep 2: Presentation1. Listen to part B1, then match the sentences.2. Pay attention to the simple present and past tense.Step 3: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 4: SummaryLearn how to describe a dinosaur with the past tenseStep 5: Homework1. copy the words and expressions2. write some sentences about dinosaursThe third periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching PartB23. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficulties:Past tenseTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipment Teaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings and free talk2. Review the new words and expressions of part A.3. Ask some questions about PartB1.Step 2: Presentation1. Listen to part B2.2. Ask students to work in pairs to write the sentences. Step 3: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 4: SummaryLearn how to describe a dinosaur with the past tenseStep 5: Homeworkwrite some sentences about dinosaursThe fourth periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part B33. Describe the dinosaurs with proper wordsMain points:Describe the dinosaursDifficulties:Past tenseTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipment Teaching steps:Step 1: Warm-up1. Greetings and free talk2. Review the previous lessonStep 2: Presentation1. Listen to part B3, then ask students to circle the words they hear.2. Check the answers.3. Write a short passage according to PartB3.Step 3: ConsolidationDo exercise in workbookStep 4: SummaryLearn how to describe a dinosaur with the past tenseStep 5: Homework3. copy the words and expressions4. write some sentences about dinosaursThe fifth periodTeaching aims:1. Study some new words and expressions2. Teaching Part C, D and E3. Know the history of the dinosaursMain points:Some difficult sentences and soundsDifficulties:The soundsTeaching aids: Pictures, tapes, recorder and multimedia equipmentTeaching steps:Step 1: Free talk and revision1. Free talk2. Review the previous lesson3. Read some words and sentences the students have studied.Step 2: Teaching part C and D1. Ask students to read the whole passage and get the main idea2. Explain some difficult sentences3. Read the passage again and answer the questions of part DStep 3: Teaching part E (the symbols)1. Write the symbols for[æ] and [e] on board and explain how to pronounce.2. Play the cassette and ask students to listen to the sounds and the words.3. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the students are making a distinction between the two short sounds correctly.4. Play the cassette again and ask students to listen to the poem.5. Listen again and ask students to listen to the words and then write them under the correct symbols.Step 4: ConsolidationCheck the exercise in workbookStep 5: HomeworkRead some stories about the dinosaursFeedback: 1. The children are very interested in dinosaurs.2. Part C is very important, I think. 附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 5 My new room教案1 人教PEP一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:能够听、说、读、写本课主要单词:mirror,curtain,closet,end table,trash bin。

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学科教师辅导讲义学员编号:年级:五年级课时数:学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师:授课主题第5讲---Dinosaurs授课类型T同步课堂P实战演练S归纳总结①使学生能够基本掌握朗文五年级上册Unit5中的重点词汇、短语、句型;教学目标②掌握和复习一般过去时;授课日期及时段T(Textbook-Based)——同步课堂前情回顾幽默小故事:Sleeping PillsBob was having trouble getting to sleep at night. He went to see his doctor, who prescribed some extra-strong sleeping pills.Sunday night Bob took the pills, slept well and was awake before he heard the alarm. He took his time getting to the office, strolled(溜达,散步)in and said to his boss(老板): "I didn't have a bit of trouble getting up this morning." "That's fine," roared(咆哮,吼叫)the boss, "but where were you Monday and Tuesday?"体系搭建知识点1:词汇1.sharp (形容词)锋利的;敏锐的Be careful with that sharp axe. 那把斧子很锋利, 你要当心。

The girl is sharp at music. 这个女孩对音乐的感受力很敏锐。

2.fast (形容词)快速的;(副词)迅速地【反义词】slow例如:Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?Can you answer the question? 你能回答这个问题吗?回答:Yes, 主语+can 或者No, 主语+can’t.2.Birds make nests, too. (P49, L15)鸟类也会筑巢。

分析:too 是“也”的意思,表达此含义的时候放在句末。

He likes playing basketball, too. 他也喜欢打篮球。

【同义词辨析】also ,但是位置是放在句中。

He can also speak English. 他也会说英语。

He can speak English ,too.典例分析例题1:填空单词。

1. Look! The girl is running so f .2. There’s a supermarket n our school.3. What’s wrong with Gary? M he is sick.4. Mary b a good doctor last year.5. Dinosaur K was very big and h .例题2:翻译,连线。

1.喝许多水 A. run fast2. walk slowly B. 在湖边3.很久以前 C. on the land4. have a lot of ideas D. 在空中飞5.跑得很快 E. long time ago6. near the lake F. 有很多生意7.在陆地上G. drink much water8.fly in the air H. 走得慢例题3:句型转换。

1. Dinosaur A can fly and swim. (否定句)Dinosaur A fly swim.2. It had four paws. (否定句)It four legs.3. The Greens lived near the lakes. (划线提问)the Greens live?4. Were they at the park last Saturday? (肯定回答)Yes, .5. Cindy likes playing chess. (划线提问)Cindy like?答案:一、1.fast 2.near 3.Maybe 4.became 5.heavy 二、略三、1.c an’t, or 2.had not 3.Where did 4.they were 5.What doesP(Practice-Oriented)——实战演练专题精讲复习一般过去时:一、单选题( ) 1. She watered the flowers ________.A tomorrowB sometimesC yesterday morning( ) 2.What ____ Mike do last weekend ?A doB doesC did( ) 3. I ___ my room last Sunday.A cleanedB cleanC am cleaning( ) 4. I often help my mother _____ housework.A doesB didC do( ) 5. _____ you _____ TV last night ?A Do, watchB Did, watchC Did, watched( ) 6.---Did your father write an e-mail yesterday ?A Yes, he did.B Yes, he doesC No, he don’t( ) 7.They _____ on a trip in February ,2007.A are goingB goingC went( ) 8.We’re going to _____ mountains tomorrow .A climbB climbedC climbing( ) 9. ____ he ____ football two days ago?A Does , playB Did , playedC Did , play( ) 10.----Good afternoon, Miss Lee. How does Mike feel?-----He’s tired . He ____ a lot of work ______ .A does , this morningB do , this morningC did , this morning二、连词成句1. did, what, you, yesterday, do?_____________________________________________________________________ 2.watch, John,did, TV, weekend, last?_____________________________________________________________________ 3. went, I , to, by, park, a, bike_____________________________________________________________________ 4.jumped, the, into, lake, he, and, the, to, swam, kite._____________________________________________________________________答案:CCACB ACACC1.What did you do yesterday?2.Did John watch TV last weekend?3.I went to a park by bike.4.He jumped into the lake and swam to the kite.实战演练➢课堂狙击题型1:单项选择题11. I _________ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.S(Summary-Embedded)——归纳总结重点回顾名师点拨综合题1:判断正误AToday is Sunday. Let me tell you the interesting children. There are twenty children in the park. After a picnic, two children are washing the dishes, three children are running, four children are jumping, five children are drawing pictures, and six children are reading books. They are all having a good time.()1、The children are interesting.()2、Twelve children are in the park.()3、The children have a picnic in the park at first (起初).()4、Five children are drawing pictures.()5、Sixty children are reading books.BIt’s a rainy day. A woman with a dog gets on a bus. It’s a big dog and its feet are not clean.The conductor(售票员)doesn’t want the dog to sit on the chair. But the woman wants the dog to sit on the chair. So the woman says to the conductor, “Oh, I pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?”The conductor looks at the dog and says, “Yes, Madam. But like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.”( ) 1. The woman wants to get on the bus with her dog.( ) 2. The dog’s feet are dirty.( ) 3. The conductor doesn’t want the dog to sit on the chair but the woman does.( ) 4. The woman can’t pay for her dog like the other people.( ) 5. The dog can put his feet like the other people.答案:TFTTF TTTFF综合题2:阅读理解It is a sunny day this Sunday. I usually go shopping with my mother on Sunday. Sometimes I climb mountains. That’s fun. But not next Sunday. Because the weather report says it’s going to rain next Sunday. I can’t climb mountains in the rain. I can’t go shopping either. So I will read books at home.( ) 1 What is the weather like this Sunday?A .It is Sunday.B .It is fine.C .It is rainy.( ) 2.Can you climb mountains this Sunday?A .Yes, I can.B .No, I can’t.C .No, I’m not.( ) 3.Do you go shopping on Sunday sometimes?A .Yes, I am.B .Yes, I do.C .No, I’m not.( ) 4. What do you want to do next Sunday?A I want to go shopping.B I want to watch TV.C I want to read books.答案:AAAC学霸经验➢本节课我学到了➢我需要努力的地方是。
