财务管理专业英语 句子及单词翻译

Financial management is an integrated decision-making process concerned with acquiring, financing, and managing assets to accomplish some overall goal within a business entity.财务管理是为了实现一个公司总体目标而进行的涉及到获取、融资和资产管理的综合决策过程。
Decisions involving a firm’s short-term assets and liabilities refer to working capital management.决断涉及一个公司的短期的资产和负债提到营运资金管理The firm’s long-term financing decisions concern the right-hand side of the balance sheet.该公司的长期融资决断股份资产负债表的右边。
This is an important decision as the legal structure affects the financial risk faced by the owners of the company.这是一个重要的决定作为法律结构影响金融风险面对附近的的业主的公司。
The board includes some members of top management(executive directors), but should also include individuals from outside the company(non-executive directors).董事会包括有些隶属于高层管理人员(执行董事),但将也包括个体从外公司(非执行董事)。
Maximization of shareholder wealth focuses only on stockholders whereas maximization of firm value encompasses all financial claimholders including common stockholders, debt holders, and preferred stockholders.股东财富最大化只集中于股东,而企业价值最大化包含所有的财务债券持有者,包括普通股股东,债权人和优先股股东。

财务管理专业英语翻译(优质文档,可直接使用,可编辑,欢迎下载)1、Financial management is an integrated decision—making process concerned with acquiring, financing,and managing assets to accomplish some overall goal within a business entity。
财务管理是为了实现一个公司总体目标而进行的涉及到获取、融资和资产管理的综合决策过程.2、Making financial decisions is an integral part of all forms and sizes of businessorganizations from small privately-hold forms to large publicly—traded corporations.做财务决策对于所有形式和规模的商业组织,无论是小型私人公司还是大型股份公开交易的公司来说,都是不可分割的一部分。
3、In today’s rapidly changing environment,the financial manager must have the flexibilityto adapt to external factors such as economic uncertainty,global competition, technological change,volatility of interest and exchange rates,changes in laws and regulations, and ethical concerns。

各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理)生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 Veterinary Sciences生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学 Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing力学专业数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 高等代数与几何 Advanced Algebra and Geometry 常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation 数学物理方法 Methods in Mathematical Physics 计算方法 Numerical Methods 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics材料力学 Mechanics of Materials 弹性力学 Elasticity流体力学 Fluid Mechanics 力学实验 Experiments in Solid Mechanics机械制图 Machining Drawing 力学概论 Introduction to Mechanics气体力学 Gas Dynamics 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 弹性板理论 Theory of Elastic Plates 粘性流体力学 Viscous Fluid Flow弹性力学变分原理 Variational Principles inElasticity 有限元法 Finite Element Method 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity经典力学中的数学方法 Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics机器人动力学 Dynamics of Robots 自动控制原理 Principles of Automatic Control 优化计算与最化控制 Optimization and OptimalControl计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 概率与统计 Probability and Statistics专业英语 English for Mechanics 振动理论 Theory of Vibration程序设计方法(C和FORTRAN) Programming in C & FORTRAN水动力学 Hydrodynamics 计算机图象处理 Image Processing光测力学 Photo Mechanics 断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics高等动力学 Advanced Dynamics 摄动方法 Perturbation Methods机械设计与Auto CAD Machinery Designing and AutoCAD信息显示(可视化) Visualization微机原理 Principles of Personal Computer 复变函数 Complex Function企业管理专业管理学 Principles of Management 微观经济学 Microeconomics宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 产业经济学 Industrial Economics 财务管理 Financial Management项目评估 Projects Appraisal 战略管理 Strategic Management管理沟通 Management Negotiation 国际商务谈判 Negotiation on Business Affairs跨国公司专题研究 Special Researchof multinational corporation国际贸易 InternationalTrade 国际营销研究 International Marketing Research公司组织与管理 Organization and Managementof Corporate战略管理 Strategic Management 生产管理研究 Operation Management企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 组织行为学 Organizational Behavior运筹学 Operational Research 人力资源管理 Human Resource Management信息管理专业高等数学 Higher Mathematics 信息存储与检索 Information Retrieval andStorage数据库系统 Database 信息服务与用户 information Service and UserStudy 信息管理概论 Introduction to InformationManagement信息经济学 Information Economics 企业信息化工程 Enterprise Informationalization社会实践 Practical Work 信息分析与决策Information Analysis andPolicy Making 管理学原理 Principles of Management 信息政策与法规 Information Policy and Law信息组织 Information Organization 计算机网络 Computer Networks管理信息系统 Management Information System 线性代数 Linear Algebra决策分析 Policy Making 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics概率统计 Statistics and ProbabilityTheory 生产与运作管理 Production Management 电子商务 Electronic Commerce 信息系统安全与保密 Information System Security 政府信息化工程 Government Informationalization广告实务 Practice of Advertisement 多媒体技术 Multimedia操作系统 Operating System 信息科学基础 Foundations of InformationScience 经济信息管理 Economic Information Management 专业英语 Specialty English微机基础 Principles of Microcomputers 文献计量学 Bibliometrics电子出版技术 Electronic Publishing 广告概论 Introduction to Advertisement信息环境论 Information Environments 传播学原理 Principles of CommunicationTheory 知识产权法学 Law of Intelligence Property 组织行为学 Studies of Organization货币银行学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 管理信息系统 System of Management Information 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 运筹学 Operational Research策略管理 Strategic Management 保险学 Insurance银行会计 Bank Accounting 管理会计 Managerial Accounting运筹学 Operational Research 国际贸易 International Trade财务管理 Financial Management 国际金融 International Finance租赁与信托 Hiring and Affiancing 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment商业银行实务 Practice of Business Bank 国际结算 International Balance项目评估 Projects Appraisal 金融市场学 Financial Marketing人力资源管理 Human Resource Management财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinancialManagement物理专业热学 Thermodynamics 力学 Mechanics光学 Optics 电磁学 Electromagnetism计算概论 Computing Generality 普通物理实验 General Physics Laboratory固体磁性及应用基础 Magnetism of the Solid Stateand its Application衍射物理(固体结构分析) Diffraction Physics (Structureof Solid Analysis)科研实用软件 Utility Software for ScientificResearch计算机模拟方法 Computer Simulation Methods激光原理、技术与应用 The Principle, Techniqueand Application of Laser材料物理 Materials Physics 近代光学和光电子学 Modern Optics and Optoelectronics 现代固体物理 Modern Solid State Physics 粒子物理 Particle Physics物理宇宙学基础 Elements of Cosmology Physics 固体物理 Solid State Physics原子物理 Atomic Physics 量子力学 Quantum Mechanics理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 电动力学 Electrodynamics普通物理综合实验 Synthetical Experiments ofGeneral Physics市场营销学专业营销管理 Marketing Management 公共关系 Public Relationship国际贸易 International Trade 消费者行为 Consumer Behavior管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 营销调研 Marketing Research推销学 Sales Strategies 国际金融 International Finance营销预测与规划 Marketing Forecasting andPlanning销售渠道管理 ales Channels Management 管理学 Principles of Management国际市场营销 International Marketing 商业谈判 Business Negotiation广告管理 Advertising Management 营销案例分析 Case Studies of Marketing国际贸易实务 Practice of InternationalTrade 服务业营销 Service Industry Marketing企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 新产品开发 New Products Development财务学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment 财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance保险学 Insurance 财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinanceManagement 国际财务管理 International Financial Management 资产评估 Assets Appraisal项目评估 Projects Appraisal 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics财务管理 Financial Management 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 运筹学 Operational Research 策略管理 Strategic Management管理会计 Managerial Accounting 微观经济学 Microeconomics管理学 Principles of Management 微积分 Calculus统计学 Principles of Statistics会计专业会计学 Accounting Principles 成本会计 Cost Accounting管理会计 Managerial Accounting 审计学 Auditing Principles会计信息系统 Accounting Information Systems 投资学 Investment Principles财务管理 Financial Management 货币银行学 Money and Banking财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance国际会计 International Accounting 统计学 Principle of Stat财税法规与税务会计 Laws and Regulations of Financeand Taxes预算会计 Budget Accounting 会计研究方法 Accounting Research Methods 内部审计与政府审计 Internal Auditing and GovernmentAuditing会计审计实务 Accounting and Auditing Practice 经济计量学 Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任 Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities国际会计专题 International AccountingSpecial Subject 微观经济学 Microeconomics。

以下是一些常见的财务英文专业术语:1.资产负债表(Balance Sheet)2.利润表(Income Statement)3.现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement)4.所有者权益变动表(Statement of Changes in Equity)5.流动比率(Liquidity Ratio)6.速动比率(Quick Ratio)7.存货周转率(Inventory Turnover Ratio)8.应收账款周转率(Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio)9.固定资产周转率(Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio)10.总资产周转率(Total Asset Turnover Ratio)11.利息保障倍数(Interest Coverage Ratio)12.负债比率(Debt Ratio)13.权益比率(Equity Ratio)14.资本化比率(Capitalization Ratio)15.折旧(Depreciation)16.摊销(Amortization)17.坏账(Bad Debt)18.可变成本(Variable Costs)19.固定成本(Fixed Costs)20.直接成本(Direct Costs)21.间接成本(Indirect Costs)22.总成本(Total Costs)23.利润(Profit)24.经济增加值(Economic Value Added, EVA)25.现值(Present Value, PV)26.净现值(Net Present Value, NPV)27.内含收益率(Internal Rate of Return, IRR)。

信息安全 计算机科学与技术
计算机科学与技术(特) Computer Science and Technology
Computer Science and Technology(Embedded Cooperation with Enterprises) Digital Media Technology Electronic and Information Engineering Information Engineering Electronic Science and Technology Telecommunication Engineering
专业名称 国际经济与贸易 会计学 金融学 市场营销 财务管理 物流管理 金融工程 电子商务 审计学 行政管理 旅游管理
专业英文名称 International Economics and Trade Accounting Finance Marketing Financial Management Logistics Management Financial Engineer Electronic Commerce Auditing Public Administration Management Tourism Management
Network Engineering Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering Fashion Design and Engineering Dress Design and Engineering Products Design Industrial Design Environmental Design Animation Visual Communication Design Digital Media Arts Agricultural Facility of Science and Engineering Horticulture Garden Landscape Architecture Animal Science Veterinary Medicine Food Science and Engineering Materials science and engineering Functional Materials Composite Materials and Engineering

Orientation in Linguistics 英语语言文学专业Orientation in British and American Literature 英美文学专业Orientation in Cultural and Media Studies 英语(文化与传播)专业Orientation in Advanced Translation andInterpreting英语(高级翻译)专业Orientation in International Convention,Exhibition and Tourism Management英语(国际会展与旅游)专业Orientation in Information Management 信息管理专业International Economics and Trade 国际经济与贸易Economics 经济学专业Statistics 统计学The Public Finance Major 财政学The Taxation Major 税务Business English 商务英语International Business 国际商务Business Administration 工商管理Marketing 市场营销Human Resources Management 人力资源管理Management of Logistics(Management ofInternational Purchasing)物流管理(国际采购)Logistic Management(Management ofInternational Logistics and Transportation)物流管理(国际物流与运输)Finance 金融学Finance(Investment and Financing) 投资学(投资与理财)专业Financial Engineering 金融工程专业Insurance 保险学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics(Financial mathematics and actuarial science) 数学与应用数学(金融数学与精算)The Accounting Major 会计学专业The Financial Management Major 财务管理专业The Auditing Major 审计学(注册会计师)专业Chinese Language(Senior InternationalSecretary)汉语言(高级涉外文秘)Chinese Language (Foreign-Related CultureManagement)汉语言(涉外文化管理)Teaching Chinese as ForeignLanguage(TCFL)对外汉语Chinese Language and Literature 汉语言文学Department of Law 法学专业Department of International Economic Law 国际经济法Department of Civil and Commercial Law 民商法专业Department of Intellectual Property Law 知识产权法Department of Diplomacy 外交学专业Department of International Politics 国际政治专业Computer Science and Technology 计算机科学与技术Software Engineering 软件工程专业Information Management & InformationSystem信息管理与信息系统Electronic Commerce 电子商务Public Affairs and Administration 公共事业管理Administration Management 行政管理Applied Psychology (majoring in ManagementPsychology)应用心理学Social Work (majoring in Urban SocialAdministration)社会工作专业BA in Journalism(International Journalism) 新闻学(国际新闻)BA in Advertising 广告学BA in the Art of Broadcasting and Hosting 播音与主持艺术专业Music Performance(Vocal Music) 音乐表演专业(声乐)Art Design (Visual Transmission Design)(Photoshop)Major 艺术设计(视觉传达设计)(数字影像设计)专业。

corporate managers cannot effectively serve many masters. Purposeful behavior requires the existence of
这就是说公司经理不能有效的服务多个目标。 a single-valued objective function. 一个单一的价值目标。
The article translation 文章翻译
division of opinion exists on the goal of financial management, two leading contenders are stakeholder 对财务管理的目标存在着很大的分歧, theory and value(wealth) maximization. 理论和价值最大化。 但是两种最主要的理论是利益相关者
Why focus on maximizing share price? First, using stock price maximization as an objective function
2.3.1 Stakeholder Theory 2.3.1 利益相关者理论
Stakeholder theory is the main contender to value maximization as the corporate goal. Stakeholder
作为企业的目标,利益相关者理论是价值最大化理论的主要竞争理论。 理论认为管理者所做的决策要考虑公司所有相关者的利益。 stakeholders. Such stakeholders include not only financial claimholders * but also employees, managers, 这些利益相关者不仅包括所有者还包括员工、管理者、 利益相关者

PART I Fundamentals to Financial Management第一部分财务管理导论Section I Fundamentals to Financial Management第一节财务管理概述1。
profit maximization*利润最大化1—1 EPS maximization* 每股收益最大化【讲解】EPS, earnings per share 每股收益1-2 Maximization of shareholders wealth*股东财富最大化e.g。
Shareholder wealth maximization is a fundamental principle of financial management。
In financial management we assume that the objective of the business is to maximize shareholder wealth。
This is not necessarily the same as maximizing profit。
最大化,极大化(2)minimization [,minimai’zeiʃən,—mi’z—]n。
最小化(3)maximize[’mæksɪmaɪz]v. 最大化,取……最大值,达到最大值(4)minimize ['mɪnɪmaɪz] v. 最小化(5)minimum n。
最小值,最小量 adj.最小的,最低的(6)maximum n. 极大,最大限度,最大量 adj。
最高的,最多的(7)the same as 和……一样,与……相同学习成果回顾【译】股东财富最大化是财务管理的基本原则。
大学各专业名称英文翻译—— 文科方面 ARTS

大学各专业名称英文翻译——文科方面ARTS澳门历史研究Study of the History of Macao办公管理Office Management办公设备运用Using Desktop Publishing in Business比较管理学Comparative Management比较诗学Comparative Poetics比较文化学Comparative Cult urology比较文学研究Study of Comparative Literature必修课4-10学分Restricted (4-10 Credits needed)病理生理学Pathological Physiology财务报告介绍An Introduction to Financial Accounting Statements财务报告运用Using Financial Accounting Statements财务管理学Financial Management财务会计学Financial Accounting财务理论与方法Finance Theory & Methods财政与金融Finance财政与金融学研究Study of Finance财政预算Preparing Financial Forecasts产业经济学Industrial Economics传统文化与现代化Tradition Culture and Modernization当代国际关系研究Contemporary International Relations Studies当代世界发展研究Contemporary World Development Studies当代中国外交与侨务专题研究Monographic Studies of Diplomacy and Overseas C hinese Affairs of Contemporary China德语(第二外语) German (2nd foreign language)第一外语(英语) English (1st foreign language)电力系统Power Electronic Systems电子数据Digital Electronics电子通信Electronic Communications电子原理Electrical Principles断代文化史研究Study of Dynastic History of Culture多媒体:多媒体应用开发Multimedia: Developing Multimedia Application多用户操作系统Multi-User Operating Systems耳鼻喉科学Otolaryngology发展经济学Economics of Development放射生态学Radioecology分布式应用程序的设计与开发:概况Distributed application Design and Developme nt: An Introduction分子细胞与组织生物学Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biology分子遗传学Molecular Genetics妇产科学Gynecology & Obstetrics高级生物化学Advanced Biochemistry高级水生生物学Advanced Hydrobiology工程实践与应用沟通(提升行业沟通技能)Communication (Developing a Commun ication Strategy for Vocational Purposes)沟通:实用技能Communication: Practical Skills管理经济学Management Economics管理决策Management Decision-Making管理理论研究|| Management Theory Studies管理理论与实践|| Management Theory & Practice管理学研究|| Management Research光化学|| Photochemistry国际关系案例分析|| Case Studies of International Affairs国际关系学导论|| Introduction of International Relations国际金融市场研究|| International Financial Market Study国际金融研究|| Study of International Finance国际经济关系研究|| International Economic Relations国际经济环境|| The International Economic Environment国际经济政治制度比较研究|| Comparative Researches on International Economic & Political Structure国际音标的应用|| Application of International Phonetic Alphabet国际战略与大国关系|| International Strategy国际政治经济学|| International Political Economy国际组织与国际制度|| International organization and International System海外汉学|| Sinology Abroad海外华侨华人概论|| Researches on Overseas Chinese海外华人文学研究|| Study of Overseas Chinese Literature汉语词汇学|| Chinese Lexicology汉语方言调查|| Survey of Chinese Dialects汉语方言概要|| Outline of Chinese Dialects汉语方言学专书选读|| Selected Reading of Chinese Dialectology汉语方言研究|| Studies of Chinese Dialects汉语史名著选读|| Selected Reading of Chinese History汉语音韵学|| Chinese Phonology汉语语法史|| History of Chinese Grammar汉语语法学名著选读|| Selected Reading of Chinese Grammar宏观经济环境|| The Macro Economic Environment宏观经济学|| Macro-economics互联网:WEB服务器的管理|| Internet: Web Server Management互联网:电子商务入门|| Internet : Introducing E Commerce互联网:网络客户服务|| Internet : Internet Client Service互联网:网络配制与管理|| Internet: Configuration and Administration of Internet Services华侨华人史|| History of Overseas Chinese华侨华人与国际关系|| Ethnic Chinese and International Relations环境生物学|| Environmental Biology回族史|| History of Chinese Muslims会计基本理论与方法|| Basic Theories & Approaches of计算数学1 || Mathematics of Computing 1计算数学2 || Mathematics of Computing 2解剖生理学|| Anatomical Physiology金融工程学|| Financial Engineering金融机构风险管理|| Risk Management by Financial Institution金融热点及前沿问题专题研究|| Research on Financial l Central & Up-to-date Iss ues经济数量分析方法|| Methods of Economic & Mathematic Analysis经济数量分析方法|| Methods of Economic Quantitative Analysis跨文化管理学|| Cross-Cultural Management临床血液病学|| Clinical Hematology马克思主义与当代科技革命|| Marxism & Contemporary Science & Technology R evolution马克思主义与当代社会思潮|| Marxism & Contemporary Social Trends o f Thoug ht美术理论|| Theory of Fine Art美术史|| History of Fine Art蒙古史|| History of the Mongols免疫生物学|| Immunobiology免疫学|| Immunology免疫学|| Immunology民族政策与民族理论研究|| Study of Policies and Theories on Nation laities明清档案|| Archives in Ming and Qing Dynasties模拟电路|| Analogue Electronics南海诸岛史研究|| Study of the History of Islands in the South Chi na Sea企业财务与资本营运|| Company Finance & Capital Operation企业管理理论与实务|| Theory & Practice of Business Management企业应用软件的开发:概况|| Enterprise Application Development: An Introduction 全球化研究|| Globalization Studies人工器官|| Artificial organs人力资源管理研究方法|| Study Methods of Human Resource Management人体解剖学|| Human Anatomy人文地理文化学|| Cult urology of Humane Geography日常交流(法语/德语/意大利语/西班牙语1、2、3级)|| Basic communication in Fr ench/German/Italian/Spanish(Levels 1,2&3)日语(第二外语) || Japanese (2nd foreign language)软件开发:抽象数据结构|| Software Development: Abstract Data Structure软件开发:第四代开发环境|| Software Development: Fourth Generation Environm ent软件开发:高级编程|| Software Development: Advanced Programming软件开发:过程式程序设计|| Software Development: Procedural Programming软件开发:汇编语言和编程|| Software Development: Assembly Language and Int erface Programming软件开发:结构设计方法|| Software Development: Structure Design Methods软件开发:开发计划|| Software Development: Program Planning软件开发:快速应用开发和原型技术|| Software Development: Rapid Applications Development and Prototyping软件开发:面向对象编程|| Software Development: Object oriented Programming 软件开发:面象对象设计|| Software Development: Object oriented Design软件开发:事件驱动程序设计|| Software Development:: Event Driven Programmin g 软件开发:网站开发|| Software Development: Developing the WWW软件开发:应用软件开发|| Software商业法规|| Law for Business商业模式|| Structure of Business商业情报管理|| Business Information Management商业统计1 || Business Statistics 1商业统计2 || Business Statistics 2商业信息技术运用(电子数据表和Word处理应用软件)|| Using Information Technol ogy in Business(Spreadsheets &Word Processing Applications)商业信息技术运用(数据库和Word处理应用软件)|| Using Information Technology in Business (Database & Word Processing Applications)社会语言学|| Sociolinguistics审计学|| Auditing生物材料|| Biomaterials生物材料测试技术|| Modern Testing Methods of Biomaterials生物分子的探测和操纵|| Signals Bimolecular Detection and Manipulation生物力学|| Biomechanics生物流变学|| Biorheology生物信息学|| Bioinformatics物医学工程前沿|| Advances in Biomedical Engineering生物医学信号处理与建模|| Biomedical Signal Processing and Modeling生物制片及电镜技术|| Biological Section and Electronic Microscope Technique 生物制片及电镜技术|| Biological Section and Electronic Microscope Technique生殖工程|| Reproductive Engineering世界经济与政治研究|| World Economy & Politics Studies水生动物生理生态学|| Physiological Ecology of Aquatic Animal水生生物学研究进展|| Study Progress on Aquatic Biology水域生态学|| Aquatic Ecology思想道德修养|| Understand of Ideology and Morality宋代政治制度研究|| Study of the Political System of Song Dynasty宋明理学史研究|| Study of the History of Neo-Confucianism in Son g and Ming Dynasties提高个人成效|| Developing Personal Effectiveness通信工程|| Communication and Industry网络会计研究|| Network Accounting Studies微观经济环境|| The Micro Economic Environment微观经济学与宏观经济学|| Micro-economics & Macro-economics微型计算机系统|| Microcomputer Systems文化语言学|| Cultural Linguistics文献学|| Bibliography文学与文化|| Literature and Culture文艺美学|| Aesthetics of Literature and Art文艺学专题研究|| Special Study of Literature Theory西方史学理论|| Historical Theories in the West西方文论|| Western Literary Theories系统开发:关系数据库|| Systems Development: Rational Database Systems 系统开发概论|| Systems Development Introduction系统生态学|| System Ecology细胞超微结构|| Cell Ultra structure细胞超微生物学|| Cell Ultra microbiology细胞生长因子|| Cell Growth Factor现代公司会计研究|| Study of Modern Company Accounting现代汉语诗学|| Modern Chinese Poetics现代汉语语法研究|| Studies of Modern Chinese Grammar现代经济与金融理论研究|| Study of Modern Economy & Finance Theory现代商业复合信息|| Presenting complex Business Information现代商业信息|| Presenting Business Information现代审计理论与方法研究|| Study of Modern Audit Theories & Approaches香港历史研究|| Study of the History of Hong Kong项目管理|| Project Management项目设计|| Project Studies新制度经济学|| New Institutional Economics新制度经济学|| New Institutional Economics信息工程:应用软件|| Information Technology: Applications Software 1信息技术和信息系统|| Information Technology Information Systems and Service s信息技术应用软件|| Information Technology Applications Software选修课总学分|| Total optional credits required血液分子细胞生物学|| Hematological Cell and Molecular Biology训诂学史|| History of Chinese Traditional Semantics亚太经济政治与国际关系|| Economy, Politics and International Relations in Asia n-Pacific Region眼科学|| Ophthalmology医学分子生物学|| Medical Molecular Biology医学基因工程|| Gene Engineering in Medicine医学统计学|| Medical Statistics医学图像处理|| Image Processing医学物理学|| Medical Physics医学信息学|| Medi-formatics医学遗传学|| Medical Genetics医学影像技术|| Medical Imaging Technique医学影像诊疗与介入放射学|| Medical Imaging Diagnosis & Treatment and Interve ning Radiology译介学|| Medio-Translatology音韵学史|| History of Chinese Phonology应用统计|| Applied Statistics应用统计|| Applied Statistics用户支持|| Providing Support to Users语义学|| Semantics藻类生理生态学|| Ecological Physiology in Algae增强团队合作意识|| Developing the Individual Within a Team政治学研究|| Politics Studies中国古代历史文献的考释与利用之一:宋史史料学之二:元史史料学之三:港澳史料学之四:边疆民族史料学|| Utilization and Interpretation of Ancient Chinese Hist orical Literature 中国古代史的断代研究之一:宋史研究之二:元史研究之三:明清史研究|| Dynastic History of China中国古代史的专题研究之一:宋元明清经济史之二:二十世纪宋史研究评价之三:中国文化史之四:中西文化交流史之五:港澳史研究之六:中国边疆民族史之七:西域史研究|| Studies of History of China中国古代文化史|| History of Chinese Ancient Culture中国古代文论|| Ancient Chinese Literary Theories中国古典美学研究|| Study of Chinese Classical Aesthetics中国教育史|| History of Education in China中国经济问题研究|| Economic Problems Research in China中国区域文化研究之一:岭南文化史之二:潮汕文化史|| Re search on Chinese Re gional Culture中国少数民族文化专题研究|| Study of Special Subjects on Cultures of Chinese Minority Nationality中国思想史|| History of Chinese Ideologies中国与大国关系史之一:中美关系史之二:中俄关系史之三:中英关系史之四:中日关系史|| History of Relations Between China and Major Powers中国与世界地区关系史之一:与中亚地区关系史之二:与东南亚地区关系史之三:与东北亚地区关系史之四:与南亚地区关系史|| History of Relations Between China an d Other Regions o f the World中国语言文学与文化|| Chinese Languages, Literatures and Cultures中外关系史名著导读|| Reading Guide of Famous Works on the History of Sino-Foreign Relations中外关系史史料学|| Science of Historical Data on the History of S info-Foreign Relations中外关系史研究|| Researches on the History of Sino-Foreign Relations中外史学理论与方法研究|| Researches on Theory and Method About Si no-Forei gn History Science中外文化交流史|| History of Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchanges中外文论|| Chinese and Western Literature Theories中西交通史|| History of Communication Between China and the West资本市场研究|| Study of Capital Market资本营运、财务与管理会计理论和方法研究|| Study of Theories & Appr oaches of Capital Operation, Financial Management Accounting资本运营与财务管理研究|| Capital Operation and Financial Management Researc h组织工程进展|| Advances in Tissue Engineering组织行为理论|| organizational Behavior Theory《中华人民共和国学位条例》“Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People's Republic of Chin a”结业证书Certificate of Completion毕业证书Certificate of Graduation肄业证书Certificate of Completion/Incompletion/Attendance/Study教育学院College/Institute of Education中学Middle[Secondary] School师范学校Normal School[upper secondary level]师范专科学校Normal Specialized Postsecondary College师范大学Normal[Teachers] University公正书Notaries Certificate专科学校Postsecondary Specialized College广播电视大学Radio and Television University中等专科学校Secondary Specialized School自学考试Self-Study Examination技工学校Skilled Workers[Training] School业余大学Spare-Time University职工大学Staff and Workers University大学University(regular, degree-granting)职业大学Vocational University。

广东商学院各院及其专业(中英文翻译)(GUANG DONG UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS STUDIES)一、工商管理学院:The College of Business Administration1、物流管理:Logistics Management2、人力资源:Human Resources3、市场营销专业:Marketing Program4、工商管理专业:Business Administration Program二、会计学院: the College of Accounting1、审计学:Auditing2、会计学专业:Accounting Professional3、财务管理专业: Financial Management Major4、审计学(注册会计师)Auditing(Certified Public Accountant (CPA))三、财税学院:the College of Taxation1、财政学:Public Finance2、税务:Financial Affairs3、资产评估专业:MSc Property Appraisal and Management四、公共管理学院:School of Public Administration1、行政管理专业:General Administration Program2、劳动与社会保障:Labor and Social Security3、文化产业管理: Culture Industry Management4、公共事业管理(城市管理):City Management五、金融学院:College of Finance1、金融学:Finance2、国际金融:International Finance3、金融工程:Financial Engineering4、保险:Insurance5、投资学:Investment Principles六、经济贸易与统计学院:the College of Economic and Statistics1、经济学:Economics2、国际经济与贸易:International Economics And Trade3、统计学:Statistics4、国际商务:International Business七、法学院:The College of Law1、法学(国际法):The International Law2、法学(民商法):Civil and Commercial Law3、法学:Science of Law4、治安学:Science of Public Order八、旅游学院:College of Tourism1、酒店管理:Hotel Management2、旅游管理:Tourism Management3、会展经济与管理:Exhibition Economy and Management九、资源与环境学院:College of Resource and Environment1、土地资源管理:Land Resources Management2、资源环境与城乡规划管理:Resources-Environment and Urban-Rural Planning Management3、房地产经营管理:Administration and Management of Real Estate十、外国语学院:College of Foreign Language1、英语(国际商务管理):International Business Management2、英语(国际商务翻译):International Business English Translation3、日语(国际商务管理):nternational Business Management十一、人文与传播学院: College of Humanities and Communications1、汉语言文学:Chinese Language and Literature2、新闻学:Advocacy Journalism3、新闻学(编辑出版方向)News Editing4、社会工作:Social work5、社会学:Sociology6、播音与主持艺术:Techniques of Broadcasting and Anchoring7、广播电视编导:Radio and Television Editing and Directing十二、艺术学院:Academy of Fine Arts1、广告学(广告策划与经营管理方向):Advertisement2、艺术设计(广告设计方向):Art and Design(Advertising Design)3、艺术设计(玩具与游戏设计方向):Art and Design4、艺术设计(商业空间设计方向):Commercial Space Design5、艺术设计(展示设计):Display Design6、动画专业:Science of Animated Cartoon Program十三、信息学院:College of Information1、信息管理与信息系统:Information Management and Information System2、计算机科学与技术:Computer Science and Technology3、电子商务:Electronic Commerce4、软件工程:Software Engineering十四、数学与计算科学学院:Collegeof Mathematics and Computer Science1、信息与计算科学:Information and Computing Science2、数学与应用数学:Mathematics and Applied Mathematics十五、人文与传播学院:College of Humanities and Communications1、应用心理学: Applied Psychology2、商务文秘:Business secretary3、对外汉语:Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language。

金融类英语词汇的翻译 (四) exposure 承受风险;收支差〔外汇〕62expressed in Hong Kong dollar 以港元计算external assets 对外资产external auditor 外聘核数师;外聘审计师external claim 对外债权external commercial relations 对外贸易关系external competitiveness 对外竞争力External Department 外事经研部〔香港金融管理局〕external equilibrium 对外均衡external fund manager 外聘投资经理〔外汇基金〕external investor 外来投资者external liabilities and claims 对外负债和债权External Managers Division 外聘投资经理处〔香港金融管理局〕external price competitiveness 对外贸易价格竞争能力External Relations Division 对外关系处〔香港金融管理局〕external sovereign debt 对外国债external trade 对外贸易externally oriented economy 以外贸为主的经济;倚赖对外贸易的经济extinguishment allowance 结业津贴extortionate stipulation 敲诈性的规定extra allowance 额外津贴extra statutory concession 法外宽减extraordinary item 非经常项目;特殊帐项extrapolation 外推法extrinsic value 外在价值;非固有价值63财经类词汇 (F)face value 面值;票面价值facility letter 提供贷款通知书;贷款确认书Fact Book 19XX 《19XX 股市资料》Fact Sheet 《股市资料》factor analysis 因素分析factor cost 要素成本;生产要素成本factor market 生产要素市场factor of production 生产要素factor price 要素价格;生产要素价格factor system 因素计算法factoring company 代理融通公司;代理收帐公司facultative reinsurance business 临时再保险业务Faculty of Actuaries of Scotland 苏格兰精算师学院fair dealing 公平交易fair market value 公平市值fair return 合理利润;合理收益fall back 回落false accounting 伪造帐目false claim of business expenses 虚报营业开支false entry 虚假记项false market 假市family income 家庭收入family living expenses 家庭生活开支family-owned company 家族公司Far East Exchange 远东交易所Far Eastern Economic Review 《远东经济评论》Far Eastern Relief Fund 远东赈济基金fast market 快市;速动市场fast trading 交投畅旺favourable balance 顺差favourable balance of trade 贸易顺差Federal funds 联邦基金〔美国〕Federal funds rate 联邦基金利率Federal National Mortgage Association 联邦国民抵押协会〔美国〕Federal Open Market Committee 联邦公开市场委员会〔美国〕Federal Reserve Board 联邦储备局〔联储局〕〔美国〕Federal Reserve System 联邦储备系统〔美国〕Federal Reserve Wire Network 联邦储备系统通讯网络〔美国〕Federation Internationale des Bourses de Valeurs国际证券交易所联会Federation of Share Registrars 证券登记公司总会fee collection procedure 收费程序64fee payable 应缴费用fees and charges 费用及收费fees and receipts other than appropriation-in-aid不包括补助拨款的收费及收益fellow subsidiary 同集团附属公司Fidelity Fund 互保基金fiduciary 受信人;受托人fiduciary capacity 受信人身分fiduciary duty 受信责任fiduciary issue 信用发行fiduciary loan 信用放款;信用贷款field audit 实地审查〔税务〕Field Audit Group 实地审核组〔税务局〕field audit staff 实地审计人员;实地核数人员final account 决算账户;最后结算final and conclusive assessment 最终及决定性的评税final assessment 最后评税final consumption expenditure 最终消费开支final dividend 末期股息;末期摊还债款final estimate 最终估计final estimate of gross domestic product 本地生产总值的最后估计final goods 最终产品Final Notice for Rates 差饷最后通知书final salaries tax assessment 薪俸税最后评税final settlement 最终结算final settlement price 最终结算价格final statement 决算表final tax 最后税款finance 财务;融资Finance and Management Services Division 财务及行政管理科〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕Finance Bureau 库务局〔政府总部〕Finance CommitteeLimited>财务委员会〔香港期货交易所有限公司;香港联合交易所有限公司〕Finance Committee agenda item 财务委员会议程文件〔立法会〕Finance Committee of the Legislative Council 立法会财务委员会finance company 财务公司Finance Department 财务部〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕Finance Division 财务处〔香港金融管理局〕finance lease 融资租赁finance sectorial index 金融分类指数finance sub-index 金融分类指数Financial Accounting Section 财务会计组〔香港金融管理局〕financial adjustment 财政调整65financial administration 财政管理;财务管理financial adviser 财务顾问Financial and Accounting Regulations 《财务及会计规例》Financial and Institutional Coordinating Committee 财务监督委员会financial appraisal 财政评估financial arrangement 财政安排;财务安排financial assets 金融资产financial assistance 经济援助;财政资助financial auditing 财务审计financial capacity 经济能力financial centre 金融中心Financial Circular 《财务通告》financial commitment 财政承担;财政承担额financial community 财经界financial conglomerate 金融集团financial constraint 财政约束financial consultancy service 财务顾问服务financial contract 财务合约financial control 财务管理;财务控制;财政规控financial derivative 金融衍生工具financial derivative product 金融衍生产品financial discipline 财政纪律;财务约束financial disclosure 财务资料披露financial disclosure rules 财务数据披露规则financial exposure 财务风险financial futures 金融期货financial guideline 财政准则financial implication 财政影响;财政负担;财政承担financial information system 财务数据系统financial infrastructure 金融基础建设;金融基础设施Financial Infrastructure Section 财经基建组〔财经事务局〕financial institution 财务机构;金融机构financial instrument 金融工具;金融票据financial integrity 财政方面的稳健性financial intermediary 金融中介机构financial intermediation service 金融中介服务financial journalist 财经新闻工作者financial liberalization 金融市场自由化financial loss 财政损失financial management 财务管理financial management and budgeting system 财务管理及预算系统financial market 金融市场financial model 财政模式Financial Monitoring Unit 财务监察组〔经济局〕。

你知道财务管理的英文翻译是什么吗?下面是店铺为你整理的财务管理的英文翻译,希望大家喜欢! 财务管理的英文翻译financial managementmanagement through financefinancial management造句1. In running a company, strict financial management means everything.经营一家公司, 严格的财务管理是至关重要的.2. Prudent financial management products to the attention of only bonds, the market.稳健理财产品的注意力只能转向债券、票据市场.3. Then in 2009 the currency - type sound financial management will be going?那么2009年的外币稳健型理财将走向何方?4. Financial management is key in any company or enterprise.在任何公司和企业单位中财务管理是关键.5. My assignment of strategy Financial Management is due today.我的转让的战略财务管理,是今天上交.6. Corporate enterprise, there are three levels of financial management.公司制企业财务管理存在着三个层次.7. Budgetary management is the financial management means of current west popularity.预算治理是当今西方流行的财务治理方式.8. Financing is an eternal topic in business development and financial management.融资是企业经营发展和财务管理的永恒话题.9. Outside the financial management division of the income disparity.在境外,理财师的收入相当悬殊.10. Traditional financial management software, request that you rivets attention and dedication kanpan.传统的理财软件, 要求您目不转睛、专心致志看盘.finance常见用法n.财政; 金融; 财源; 资金vt.为…供给资金,从事金融活动; 赊货给…; 掌握财政;1. The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.财政部长将继续策划波兰的经济改革。

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
高级财务会计 高级会计 高级英语技能 高级英语阅读 高级语言程序设计 工程经济学与管理会计 工程造价管理 工程制图 工业会计 工业企业管理 工业企业经济活动分析 工业行业技术评估概论 公共关系 公共金融学 公关礼仪 Chinese
比较管理学 比较审计学 毕业实习 财务报表分析 财务报告环境 财务分析 财务风险控制 财务管理 财务会计 财务造假对策 财政概论 财政学 财政与信贷 成本会计 程序设计语言 促销与广告 大学生活导论 大学英语
Comparative Management Comparative Auditing Graduation Practice Financial Statements Analysis Financial Reporting Environment Financial Analysis Management of Financial Risks Financial Management Financial Accounting Countermeasure for Financial Fraudulence Introduction to Fiscal Science Fiscal Science Finance and Credit Cost Accounting Programme Design Language Promotion and Advertising Guidance of Campus Life College English
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 建筑工程概论 建筑项目预算 金工实习 金融管理软件 金融市场 金融市场与投资 金融学 金融战略 进出口业务 经济地理 经济法概论 经济数学基础 经济文献检索 经济文写作 经济效益审计

广东商学院各院及其专业(中英文翻译)(GUANG DONG UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS STUDIES)一、工商管理学院:The College of Business Administration1、物流管理:Logistics Management2、人力资源:Human Resources3、市场营销专业:Marketing Program4、工商管理专业:Business Administration Program二、会计学院: the College of Accounting1、审计学:Auditing2、会计学专业:Accounting Professional3、财务管理专业: Financial Management Major4、审计学(注册会计师)Auditing(Certified Public Accountant (CPA))三、财税学院:the College of Taxation1、财政学:Public Finance2、税务:Financial Affairs3、资产评估专业:MSc Property Appraisal and Management四、公共管理学院:School of Public Administration1、行政管理专业:General Administration Program2、劳动与社会保障:Labor and Social Security3、文化产业管理: Culture Industry Management4、公共事业管理(城市管理):City Management五、金融学院:College of Finance1、金融学:Finance2、国际金融:International Finance3、金融工程:Financial Engineering4、保险:Insurance5、投资学:Investment Principles六、经济贸易与统计学院:the College of Economic and Statistics1、经济学:Economics2、国际经济与贸易:International Economics And Trade3、统计学:Statistics4、国际商务:International Business七、法学院:The College of Law1、法学(国际法):The International Law2、法学(民商法):Civil and Commercial Law3、法学:Science of Law4、治安学:Science of Public Order八、旅游学院:College of Tourism1、酒店管理:Hotel Management2、旅游管理:Tourism Management3、会展经济与管理:Exhibition Economy and Management九、资源与环境学院:College of Resource and Environment1、土地资源管理:Land Resources Management2、资源环境与城乡规划管理:Resources-Environment and Urban-Rural Planning Management3、房地产经营管理:Administration and Management of Real Estate十、外国语学院:College of Foreign Language1、英语(国际商务管理):International Business Management2、英语(国际商务翻译):International Business English Translation3、日语(国际商务管理):nternational Business Management十一、人文与传播学院: College of Humanities and Communications1、汉语言文学:Chinese Language and Literature2、新闻学:Advocacy Journalism3、新闻学(编辑出版方向)News Editing4、社会工作:Social work5、社会学:Sociology6、播音与主持艺术:Techniques of Broadcasting and Anchoring7、广播电视编导:Radio and Television Editing and Directing十二、艺术学院:Academy of Fine Arts1、广告学(广告策划与经营管理方向):Advertisement2、艺术设计(广告设计方向):Art and Design(Advertising Design)3、艺术设计(玩具与游戏设计方向):Art and Design4、艺术设计(商业空间设计方向):Commercial Space Design5、艺术设计(展示设计):Display Design6、动画专业:Science of Animated Cartoon Program十三、信息学院:College of Information1、信息管理与信息系统:Information Management and Information System2、计算机科学与技术:Computer Science and Technology3、电子商务:Electronic Commerce4、软件工程:Software Engineering十四、数学与计算科学学院:Collegeof Mathematics and Computer Science1、信息与计算科学:Information and Computing Science2、数学与应用数学:Mathematics and Applied Mathematics十五、人文与传播学院:College of Humanities and Communications1、应用心理学: Applied Psychology2、商务文秘:Business secretary3、对外汉语:Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language。

1.2.2 Financing Decisions
Does the type of financing used make a difference?
Is the existing capital structure the right one?
How and where should the firm raise money?
Liabilities and equity (7)
The following information is also available:
Quick ratio = 1.0 time Working capital to sales ratio =
10% Total assets turnover = 2 times Sales = $2 million Debt ratio = 50%
1.2.2 Financing Decisions
Should the firm use funds raised through its revenues?
Should the firm raise money from outside the business?
If the firm seeks external financing, should it bring in other owners or borrow the money?
1) Long-term investment decisions
2) Long-term financing decisions 3) Working Capital Management
1.2.1 Investment Decisions

常用大学课程中英文对照大学课程中英文对照大汇集英文字母开头的课程ALGOL语言ALGOL LanguageBASIC & FORTRAN 语言BASIC Language & FORTRAN LanguageBASIC 语言BASIC LanguageBASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & ApplicationC 语言C LanguageC++程序设计C++ Program DesigningCAD 概论Introduction to CADCAD/CAM CAD/CAMCET-4 College English Test (Band 4)CET-6 College English Test (Band 6)COBOL语言COBOL LanguageCOBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program DesigningC与UNIX环境C Language & Unix EnvironmentC语言科学计算方法Scientific Computation Method in CC语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计Course Exercise in dBASE ⅢFORTRAN 77 语言FORTRAN 77 LanguageFORTRAN语言FORTRAN LanguageFoxBase程序设计FoxBase ProgrammingHopf代数Hopf AlgebraHopf代数与代数群量子群Hopf Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua ntum GroupIBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XTIBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PCIBM汇编及高级语言的接口IBM Assembly & its Interfaces with Advanced Programming Languages Internet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet TechnologyLSI设计基础Basic of LSI DesigningOS/2操作系统OS/2 Operation SystemPASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range WorkingPASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCALPASCAL语言PASCAL LanguagePC机原理Principle of PCUnix编程环境Unix Programming EnvironmentUnix操作系统分析Analysis of Unix SystemVLSI的EDA技术EDA Techniques for VLSIVLSI技术与检测方法VLSI Techniques & Its ExaminationVLSI设计基础Basis of VLSI DesignWindows系统Windows Operation SystemX光分析X-ray AnalysisX射线金属学X-Ray & MetallographyX射线与电镜X-ray & Electric MicroscopeZ-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly LanguagesB开头的课程板壳非线性力学Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell板壳理论Plate Theory , Theory of Plate and Shell板壳力学Plate Mechanics办公自动化Office Automatization办公自动化系统毕业设计Office Automatization Thesis办公自动化系统设计Office Automatization Design半波实验Semiwave Experiment半导体变流技术Semiconductor Converting Technology半导体材料Semiconductor Materials半导体测量Measurement of Semiconductors半导体瓷敏元件Semiconductor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements半导体光电子学Semiconductor Optic Electronics半导体化学Semiconductor Chemistry半导体激光器Semiconductor Laser Unit半导体集成电路Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry半导体理论Semi-conductive Theory半导体器件Semiconductor Devices半导体器件工艺原理Technological Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device半导体器件课程设计Course Design of Semiconductor Devices半导体物理Semiconductor Physics半导体专业Semi-conduction Specialty半导体专业实验Specialty Experiment of Semiconductor半群理论Semi-group Theory保健食品监督评价Evaluation and Supervision on Health Food s保险学Insurance保险学Insurance报告文学专题Special Subject On Reportage报刊编辑学Newspaper & Magazine Editing报刊选读Selected Readings of Newspaper & Magazine报纸编辑学Newspaper Editing泵与风机Pumps and Fans泵与水机Pumps & Water Turbines毕业论文Graduation Thesis毕业设计Graduation Thesis毕业实习Graduation Practice编译方法Compilation Method编译方法Methods of Compiling编译技术Technique of Compiling编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling, Principles of Compiler编译原理课程设计Course Design of Compiling变电站的微机检测Computer Testing in Transformer Substation变电站的微机检测与控制Computer Testing & Control in Transformer Substation变分法与张量Calculus of Variations & Tensor变分学Calculus of Variations变流技术Semiconductor Converting Technology变质量系统热力学与新型回转压Variable Quality System Thermal Mechanics & NeoRo 表面活性剂化学及应用Chemistry and Application of Surfactant表面活性物质Surface Reactive Materials并行处理Parallel Processing并行处理与并行程序设计Parallel Processing and Parallel Programming并行算法Parallel Algorithmic波谱学Spectroscopy, Wave Spectrum波谱学实验Spectroscopic Experiment薄膜光学Film Optics薄膜物理Thin Film Physics不育症的病因学Etiology of InfertilityC开头的课程材料的力学性能测试Measurement of Material Mechanical Performance材料化学Material Chemistry材料力学Mechanics of Materials财税法规与税务会计Laws and Regulations of Finance and Taxes财务案例分析Case Analysis of Finance Management财务案例分析Case Analysis of Financial Management财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement财务成本管理Financial Cost Management财务管理Financial Management, Financial Cost Management财务管理与分析Financial Management and Analysis财务会计Financial Accountancy财政学Public Finance财政与金融Finance & Banking财政与税收Finance & Revenue财政与税收理论Theories on Public Finance and Tax Revenue财政与信贷Finance & Credit操作系统Disk Operating System (DOS)操作系统课程设计Course Design in Disk Operating System操作系统与编译原理Disk Operating System & Fundamentals of Compiling操作系统原理Fundamentals of Disk Operating System, Principles of Operating System 测量技术基础Foundation of Measurement Technology测量原理与仪器设计Measurement Fundamentals & Meter Design测试技术Testing Technology测试与信号变换处理Testing & Signal Transformation Processing策波测量技术Technique of Whip Wave Measurement策略管理Strategic Management产品学Production产业经济学Industrial Economy产业组织Industrial Organization产业组织学Industrial Organization Technology常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations场论Field Theory超导磁体及应用Superconductive Magnet & Application超导及应用Superconductive & Application超高真空科学与技术Science and Technology of Ultrahigh Vacuum 60超精密加工和微细加工Super-Precision & Minuteness Processing超精微细加工Super-Precision & Minuteness Processing超声及应用Supersonics Application成本会计Cost Accounting成像原理与技术Principles & Technique of Imaging成组技术Grouping Technique城市规划原理Fundamentals of City Planning城市社会学Urban Sociology程控数字交换Program Controlling of Digital Exchange程序设计Program Designing程序设计方法学Methodology of Programming, Methods of Programming程序设计及算法语言Program Designing & Algorithmic Language程序设计语言Programming Language齿轮啮合原理Principles of Gear Connection冲击测量及误差Punching Measurement & Error冲压工艺Sheet Metal Forming Technology抽象代数Abstract Algebra初等数学Primary Mathematics传坳概论Introduction to Pass Col传动概论Introduction to Transmission传感技术Sensor Technique传感技术及应用Sensor Technique & Application传感器及应用Sensors & Application传感器与检测技术Sensors & Testing Technology传感器原理Fundamentals of Sensors传感器原理及应用Fundamentals of Sensors & Application传热学Heat Transfer船舶操纵Ship Controlling船舶电力系统Ship Electrical Power System船舶电力系统课程设计Course Exercise in Ship Electrical Power System 船舶电气传动自动化Ship Electrified Transmission Automation船舶电站Ship Power Station船舶动力装置Ship Power Equipment船舶概论Introduction to Ships船舶焊接与材料Welding & Materials on Ship船舶机械控制技术Mechanic Control Technology for Ships船舶机械拖动Ship Mechanic Towage船舶建筑美学Artistic Designing of Ships船舶结构Ship Structure船舶结构力学Structural Mechanics for Ships船舶结构与制图Ship Structure & Graphing船舶静力学Ship Statics船舶强度与结构设计Designing Ship Intensity & Structure船舶设计原理Principles of Ship Designing船舶推进Ship Propelling船舶摇摆Ship Swaying船舶摇摆与操纵Ship Swaying & Manipulating船舶振动Ship Vibration船舶阻力Ship Resistance船体建造工艺Ship-Building Technology船体结构Ship Structure船体结构图Ship Structure Graphing船体结构与制图Ship Structure & Graphing船体振动学Ship Vibration船体制图Ship Graphing船用电器设备Marine Electrical Equipment创造心理学Creativity Psychology词汇学Lexicology磁测量技术Magnetic Measurement Technology磁传感器Magnetic Sensor磁存储设备设计原理Fundamental Design of Magnetic Memory Equipment 磁记录Magnetographic磁记录技术Magnetographic Technology磁记录物理Magnetographic Physics磁路设计与场计算Magnetic Path Designing & Magnetic Field Calculati磁盘控制器Magnetic Disk Controler磁性材料Magnetic Materials磁性测量Magnetic Measurement磁性物理Magnetophysics磁原理及应用Principles of Catalyzation & Application催化原理Principles of CatalysisD开头的课程大电流测量Super-Current Measurement大电源测量Super-Power Measurement大机组协调控制Coordination & Control of Generator Networks大跨度房屋结构Large-Span House structure大型锅炉概况Introduction to Large-V olume Boilers大型火电机组控制Control of Large Thermal Power Generator Networks大型数据库原理与高级开发技术Principles of Large-Scale Data-Bas e and Advanced Development Technology 大学德语College German大学俄语College Russian大学法语College French大学日语College Japanese大学生心理学Psychology Introduction大学物理College Physics大学物理实验Experiment of College Physics大学英语College English大学语文College Chinese大众传播学Mass Media代数几何Algebraic Geometry代数几何Algebraic Geometry代数曲面Algebraic Surfaces代数图论Algebraic Graph Theory代数拓扑Algebraic Topology代数学Algebra代用燃料Substitute Fuel代用运放电路Simulated Transmittal Circuit单片机与接口技术Mono-Chip Computers & Interface Technique单片机原理Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers单片机原理及应用Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers & Applications弹塑性力学Elastic-Plastic Mechanics弹性波Elastic Waves弹性力学Elastic Mechanics, Theory of Elastic Mechanics弹性元件的理论及设计Theory and Design of Elastic Element蛋白质结构基础Principle of Protein Structure蛋白质生物化学技术Biochemical Technology of Protein当代国际关系Contemporary International Relationship当代国外社会思维评价Evaluation of Contemporary Foreign Social Thought当代文学Contemporary Literature当代文学专题Topics on Contemporary Literature当代西方哲学Contemporary Western Philosophy当代戏剧与电影Contemporary Drama & Films当代资本主义经济Contemporary Capitalist Economy党史History of the Party导波光学Wave Guiding Optics德育Moral Education等离子体工程Plasma Engineering低频电子线路Low Frequency Electric Circuit低温测试技术Cryo Testing Technique低温传热学Cryo Conduction低温固体物理Cryo Solid Physics低温技术原理与装置Fundamentals of Cryo Technology & Equipment低温技术中的微机原理Priciples of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温绝热Cryo Heat Insulation低温气体制冷机Cryo Gas Refrigerator低温热管Cryo Heat Tube低温设备Cryo Equipment低温生物冻干技术Biological Cryo Freezing Drying Technology低温生物学原理与应用Principle & Application of Cryobiology低温实验技术Cryo Experimentation Technology低温物理导论Cryo Physic Concepts低温物理概论Cryo Physic Concepts低温仪表及测试Cryo Meters & Measurement低温原理Cryo Fundamentals低温原理与设备Cryo Fundamentals & Equipment低温制冷机Cryo Refrigerator低温中的微机应用Application of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温装置Cryo Equipment低噪声电子电路Low-Noise Electric Circuit低噪声电子设计Low-Noise Electronic Designing低噪声放大与弱检Low-Noise Increasing & Decreasing低噪声与弱信号检测Detection of Low Noise & Weak Signals地基基础课程设计Course Design of Groundsill Basis地理Geography第二次世界大战史History of World War II典型计算机分析Classical Computer Analysis电测量技术Electric Measurement Technology电厂计算机控制系统Computer Control System in Power Plants电磁测量实验技术Electromagnetic Measurement Experiment & Technology 电磁场计算机Electromagnetic Field Computers电磁场理论Theory of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场数值计算Numerical Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Fields & Micro-Wave Technology电磁场中的数值方法Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Fields电磁场中的数值计算Numerical Calculation in Electromagnetic Fields电磁学Electromagnetics电动力学Electrodynamics电镀Plating电分析化学Electro-Analytical Chemistry电工材料Electrical Materials电工测量技术基础Measurement Technology of Electrical Engineering电工测试技术基础Testing Technology of Electrical Engineering电工产品学Electrotechnical Products电工电子技术基础Electrical Technology & Electrical Engineering电工电子学Electronics in Electrical Engineering电工基础Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础理论Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础实验Basic Experiment in Electrical Engineering电工技术Electrotechnics电工技术基础Fundamentals of Electrotechnics电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice电工实验Experiment of Electrical Engineering电工实验技术基础Experiment Technology of Electrical Engineering电工学Electrical Engineering电工与电机控制Electrical Engineering & Motor Control电弧电接触Electrical Arc Contact电弧焊及电渣焊Electric Arc Welding & Electroslag Welding电化学测试技术Electrochemical Measurement Technology电化学工程Electrochemical Engineering电化学工艺学Electrochemical Technology电机Motor电机测试技术Motor Measuring Technology电机电磁场的分析与计算Analysis & Calculation of Electrical Motor &电机电磁场的数值计算Calculation of Electrical Motor & Electromagnetic Fields 电机电磁场理论Theory of Electrical Moto & Electromagnetic Fields电机电器与供电Motor Elements and Power Supply电机矩阵分析法Analysis of Electrical Motor Matrix电机课程设计Course Exercise in Electric Engine电机绕组理论Theory of Motor Winding电机绕组理论及应用Theory & Application of Motor Winding电机设计Design of Electrical Motor电机瞬变过程Electrical Motor Change Processes电机统一理论Theory of Electrical Motor Integration电机学Electrical Motor电机学及控制电机Electrical Machinery Control & Technology电机与拖动Electrical Machinery & Towage电机原理Principle of Electric Engine电机原理与拖动Principles of Electrical Machinery & Towage电机专题Lectures on Electric Engine电接触与电弧Electrical Contact & Electrical Arc电介质物理Dielectric Physics电镜Electronic Speculum电力电子电路Power Electronic Circuit电力电子电器Power Electronic Equipment电力电子器件Power Electronic Devices电力电子学Power Electronics电力工程Electrical Power Engineering电力企业管理Management of Electrical Enterprise电力生产技术Technology of Electrical Power Generation电力生产优化管理Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation电力拖动Electric Traction电力拖动基础Fundamentals for Electrical Towage电力拖动控制系统Electrical Towage Control Systems电力拖动与电气控制Electrical Towage & Electrical Control电力系统Power Systems电力系统电源最优化规划Optimal Planning of Power Source in a Power System 电力系统短路Power System Shortcuts电力系统分析Power System Analysis电力系统规划Power System Planning电力系统过电压Hyper-V oltage of Power Systems电力系统继电保护原理Power System Relay Protection电力系统经济分析Economical Analysis of Power Systems电力系统经济运行Economical Operation of Power Systems电力系统可靠性Power System Reliability电力系统可靠性分析Power System Reliability Analysis电力系统课程设计Course Design of Power Systems电力系统无功补偿及应用Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems & Applicati 电力系统谐波Harmonious Waves in Power Systems电力系统优化设计Optimal Designing of Power Systems电力系统远动Operation of Electric Systems电力系统远动技术Operation Technique of Electric Systems电力系统运行Operation of Electric Systems电力系统自动化Automation of Electric Systems电力系统自动装置Power System Automation Equipment电力系统最优规划Optimal Planning in Power System电力装置课程设计Course Design of Power Equipment电力装置与系统Power Equipment & System电路测量与实验Circuit Measurement & Experiment电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术基础Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术及实验Circuit Measurement Technology & Experiments电路分析基础Basis of Circuit Analysis电路分析基础实验Basic Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路分析实验Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路和电子技术Circuit and Electronic Technique电路基本理论Basis Theory of Circuitry电路及电子线路CAD Circuitry CAD电路理论Theory of Circuit电路理论基础Fundamental Theory of Circuit电路理论实验Experiments in Theory of Circuct电路设计与测试技术Circuit Designing & Measurement Technology电气测量技术Electrical Measurement Technology电气传动Electrified Transmission电气控制技术Electrical Control Technology电器设计Electrical Appliances Designing电器学Electrical Appliances电器与控制Electrical Appliances & Control电生理技术基础Basics of Electricphysiological Technology电视传感器图象显示Television Sensor Graphic Display电视接收技术Television Reception Technology电视节目Television Programs电视节目制作Television Program Designing电视新技术New Television Technology电视新闻Television News电视原理Principles of Television电网调度自动化Automation of Electric Network Management电学实验Electrical Experiment电影艺术Art of Film Making电站微机检测控制Computerized Measurement & Control of Power Statio电子材料与元件测试技术Measuring Technology of Electronic Material and Element电子材料元件Electronic Material and Element电子材料元件测量Electronic Material and Element Measurement电子测量与实验技术Technology of Electronic Measurement & Experiment电子测试Electronic Testing电子测试技术Electronic Testing Technology电子测试技术与实验Electronic Testing Technology & Experiment电子测试实验Electronic Testing Experiment电子测试与实验技术Electronic Testing Technology & Experiment电子机械运动控制技术Technology of Electronic Mechanic Movement Control电子技术Technology of Electronics电子技术腐蚀测试中的应用Application of Electronic Technology in Erosion Measurement 电子技术基础Basic Electronic Technology电子技术基础与实验Basic Electronic Technology & Experiment电子技术课程设计Course Exercise in Electronic Technology电子技术实验Experiment in Electronic Technology电子技术综合性设计实验Experiment in Electronic Technology电子理论实验Experiment in Electronic Theory电子商务Electronic Commerce电子系统的ASIC技术ASIC Design Technologies电子显微分析Electronic Micro-Analysis电子显微镜Electronic Microscope电子线路Electronic Circuit电子线路的计算机辅助设计Computer Associate Design of Electronic Circuit电子线路课程设计Course Design of Electronic Circuit电子线路设计与测试技术Electronic Circuit Design & Measurement Technology电子线路设计与测试实验Electronic Circuit Design & Measurement Experiment电子线路实验Experiment in Electronic Circuit电子学Electronics电子学课程设计Course Design of Electronics电子照相技术Electronic Photographing Technology雕塑艺术欣赏Appreciation of Sculptural Art调节原理Principles of Regulation调节装置Regulation Equipment动力机械CAD Dynamical Machine CAD动力学Dynamics动态规划Dynamic Programming动态无损检测Dynamic Non-Destruction Measurement动态信号Dynamic Signal动态信号分析与仪器Dynamic Signal Analysis & Apparatus动物病害学基础Basis of Animal Disease动物免疫学Animal Immunology动物生理与分子生物学Animal Physiology and Molecular Biochemistry动物学Zoology动物遗传工程Animal Genetic Engineering毒理遗传学Toxicological Genetics断裂力学Fracture Mechanics断裂疲劳力学Fatigue Fracture Mechanics锻压测试技术Forging Testing Technique锻压工艺Forging Technology锻压机械液压传动Hydraulic Transmission in Forging Machinery锻压加热设备Forging Heating Equipment锻压设备专题Lectures on Forging Press Equipments锻压系统动力学Dynamics of Forging System锻造工艺Forging Technology锻造加热设备Forging Heat Equipment对外贸易保险International Trade Insurance对外贸易地理International Marketing Geography对外贸易概论Introduction to International Trade对外贸易运输International Trade Transportation多层网络方法Multi-Layer Network Technology多复变函数Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables多媒体计算机技术Multimedia Computer Technology多媒体技术Multimedia Technology多目标优化方法Multipurpose Optimal Method多项距阵Multi-Nominal Matrix多元统计分析Multivariable StatisticsF开头的课程发电厂Power Plant发电厂电气部分Electric Elements of Power Plants发电厂电气部分与动力部分Electric Elements & Dynamics of Power Plants发电厂电气部分与热力设备Electric Elements & Thermodynamics Equipment of Power Plants发电厂计算机控制Computer Control in Power Plant发酵工程Zymolysis Engineering发育生物学原理与实验技术Principle and Experimental Technology of Development发展经济学Evolutive Economics法理学Nomology法律基础Fundamentals of Law法学概论An Introduction to Science of Law法学基础Fundamentals of Science of Law翻译Translation翻译理论与技巧Theory & Skills of Translation反不正当经济法Anti-malfeasance Economic Law泛读Extensive Reading泛函分析Functional Analysis泛函分析Functional Analysis房屋建筑学Architectural Design & Construction房屋建筑学课程设计Course Design of House Architecture仿真与辅助设计Simulation & Computer Aided Design放射生物学Radiation Biology放射学Radiology非电量测量Non-Electricity Measurement非金属材料Non-Metal Materials非线性采样系统Non-Linear Sampling System非线性方程组的数值解法Numerical Methods for No-linear System s of Equations非线性光学Nonlinear Optics非线性规划Non-Linear Programming非线性控制理论Non-Linear Control Theory非线性双曲型守恒律解的存在性The Existence of Solutions for Non -linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 非线性物理导论Introduction to Nonlinear Physics非线性振荡Non-Linear Oscillation非线性振动Nonlinear Vibration废水处理工程Technology of Wastewater Treatment废水处理与回用Sewage Disposal and Re-use沸腾燃烧Boiling Combustion分布式计算机系统Distributed Computer System / Distributed System分布式系统与分布式处理Distributed Systems and Distributed Processing分离科学Separation Science分析化学Analytical Chemistry分析化学实验Analytical Chemistry Experiment分析力学Analytic Mechanics分析生物化学Analytical Biochemistry分析生物化学Analytical Biochemistry分子病毒学Molecular Virology分子进化工程Engineering of Molecular Evolution分子生物学Molecular Biology分子生物学技术Protocols in Molecular Biology分子遗传学Molecular Genetics风机调节Fan Regulation风机调节.使用.运转Regulation, Application & Operation of Fans风机三元流动理论与设计Tri-Variant Movement Theory & Design of Fans风能利用Wind Power Utilization风险投资分析Analysis of Risk Investment服务业营销Service Industry Marketing辅助机械Aided Machine腐蚀电化学实验Experiment in Erosive Electrochemistry复变函数Complex Variables Functions复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformation 复合材料结构力学Structural Mechanics of Composite Material复合材料力学Compound Material Mechanics傅里叶光学Fourier OpticsG开头的课程概率论Probability Theory概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process概率与统计Probability & Statistics钢笔画Pen Drawing钢的热处理Heat-Treatment of Steel钢结构Steel Structure钢筋混凝土Reinforced Concrete钢筋混凝土及砖石结构Reinforced Concrete & Brick Structure钢砼结构Reinforced Concrete Structure钢砼结构与砌体结构Reinforces Structure and Monsary Structure钢砼课程设计Reinforced Concrete Course Design钢砼设计Experiment of Reinforced Concrete Structure高层建筑基础Tall Building Foundation高层建筑基础设计Designing bases of High Rising Buildings高层建筑结构设计Designing Structures of High Rising Buildings高等材料力学Advanced Material Mechanics高等代数Advanced Algebra高等发光分析Advanced Luminescence Analysis高等分析化学Advanced Analytical Chemistry高等工程力学Advanced Engineering Mechanics高等光学Advanced Optics高等环境微生物Advanced Environmental Microorganism高等教育管理Higher Education Management高等教育史History of Higher Education高等教育学Higher Education高等量子力学Advanced Quantum Mechanics高等生物化学Advanced Biochemistry高等数理方法Advanced Mathematical Method高等数学Advanced Mathematics高等数值分析Advanced Numeric Analysis高等土力学Advanced Soil Mechanics高等无机化学Advanced Inorganic Chemistry高等有机化学Advanced Organic Chemistry高电压测试技术High-Voltage Test Technology高电压技术High-Voltage Technology高电压技术与设备High-V oltage Technology and Device高电压绝缘High-Voltage Insulation高电压实验High-Voltage Experiment高分子材料High Polymer Material高分子材料及加工High Polymer Material & Porcessing高分子化学High Polymer Chemistry高分子化学实验High Polymer Chemistry Experiment高分子化学与物理Polymeric Chemistry and Physics高分子物理High Polymer Physics高分子物理实验High Polymer Physics Experiment高级程序设计语言的设计与实现Advanced Programming Language's Design & Implementation 高级管理信息系统Advanced Management Information Systems高级计算机体系结构Advanced Computer Architecture高级计算机网络Advanced Computer Networks高级计算机网络与集成技术Advanced Computer Networks and Integration Technology高级经济计量Advanced Economic Metrology高级软件工程Advanced Software Engineering高级生化技术Advanced Biochemical Technique高级生物化学Advanced Biochemistry高级食品化学Advanced Food Chemistry高级视听Advanced Videos高级数据库Advanced Database高级数理逻辑Advanced Numerical Logic高级水生生物学Advanced Aquatic Biology高级英语听说Advanced English Listening & Speaking高级植物生理生化Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry高能密束焊High Energy-Dense Beam Welding高频电路High-Frequency Circuit高频电子技术High-Frequency Electronic Technology高频电子线路High-Frequency Electronic Circuit高维代数簇Algebraic Varieties of Higher Dimension高压测量技术High-Voltage Measurement Technology高压测试技术High-Voltage Testing Technology高压电场的数值计算Numerical Calculation in High-V oltage Electronic Field高压电工程High-Voltage Engineering高压电技术High-Voltage Technology高压电器High-Voltage Electrical Appliances高压绝缘High-Voltage Insulation高压实验High-Voltage Experimentation高压实验设备测量High-V oltage Experimentation Equipment Measurement高压试验技术High-Voltage Experimentation Technology工厂电气设备Electric Equipment of Plants工厂供电Factory Electricity Supply工程材料的力学性能测试Mechanic Testing of Engineering Materials 工程材料及热处理Engineering Material and Heat Treatment工程材料学Engineering Materials工程测量Engineering Surveying工程测量实习Engineering Measuring Practice工程测试技术Engineering Testing Technique工程测试实验Experiment on Engineering Testing工程测试信息Information of Engineering Testing工程测试与信号处理Engineering Testing & Signal Processing工程地质Engineering Geology工程动力学Engineering Dynamics工程概论Introduction to Engineering工程概预算Project Budget工程经济学Engineering Economics工程静力学Engineering Statics工程力学Engineering Mechanics工程热力学Engineering Thermodynamics工程数学Engineering Mathematics工程项目概预算Engineering Project Estimate & Budget工程项目评估Engineering Project Evaluation工程优化方法Engineering Optimization Method工程运动学Engineering Kinematics工程造价管理Engineering Cost Management工程制图Graphing of Engineering工业产品学Industrial Products工业电子学Industry Electronics工业分析Industrial Analysis工业锅炉Industrial Boiler工业会计学Industrial Accounting工业机器人Industrial Robot工业技术基础Basic Industrial Technology工业技术经济Industrial Technology Economics工业建筑设计原理Principles of Industrial Building Design工业经济理论Industrial Economic Theory工业经济学Industrial Economics工业美术设计Art Designing in Industry工业企业财务管理Industrial Enterprise Financial Management工业企业财务会计Accounting in Industrial Enterprises工业企业管理Industrial Enterprise Management工业企业经营管理Industrial Enterprise Administrative Management 工业社会学Industrial Sociology工业心理学Industrial Psychology工业窑炉Industrial Stoves工艺过程自动化Technics Process Automation工艺设计Technics Design工艺实习Technics Practice工艺原理与研究方法Principles & Research of Technics公差Common Difference公差测试实验Common Difference Testing Experiment公差技术测量Technical Measurement with Common Difference公差与配合Common Difference & Cooperation公共关系Public Relationship公共关系学Public Relations公司法Corporation Law公司组织与管理Organization and Management公司组织与管理Organization and Management of Corporate公文写作Document Writing功能材料原理与技术Principle and Technology of Functional Materials 功能高分子Functional Polymer功能性食品Function Foods古代汉语Ancient Chinese古典文学作品选读Selected Readings in Classical Literature骨科医学Osteopathic Medicine固体磁性理论Theory of Magnetism in Solid固体激光Solid State Laser固体激光器件Solid Laser Elements固体激光与电源Solid State Laser & Power Unit固体理论Solid State Theory固体物理Solid-State Physics故障诊断与容错技术Malfunction Diagnoses & Tolerance Technology 关税Tariff管理概论Introduction to Management管理沟通Management Communication, Management Negotiation管理会计Managerial Accounting管理经济学Management Economics管理科学专题Management Science Special Subject管理数学Management Mathematics管理系统FOXBASE Management System of FOXBASE管理系统模拟Management System Simulation管理心理学Management Psychology管理信息系统Management Information System管理学Management Theory, Principles of Management管理学Principles of Management光波导理论Light Wave Guide Theory光电技术Photoelectric Technology光电检测与信号处理Optoelectronic Detection and Processing光电课程设计Photoelectric Course Exercise光电摄像技术Photoelectric Photographing Technique光电探测及信号处理Photoelectric Inspect & Signal Processing光电系统课程设计Photoelectric System Course Design光电信号处理Photoelectric Signal Processing光电信号与系统分析Photoelectric Signal & Systematic Analysis光电信息计算机处理Computer Processing in Photoelectric Information光电子技术Photoelectronic Technique光电子学与光电信息技术Optoelectronics and Optoelectronic Information Technology 光辐射探测技术Ray Radiation Detection Technology光接入网技术Technology of Light Access Network光谱Spectrum光谱分析Spectral Analysis光谱学Spectroscopy光纤传感Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器基础Fundamentals of Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器及应用Fibre Optical Sensors & Applications光纤光学Fiber Optics光纤光学课程设计Course Design of Fibre Optical光纤技术实验Experiments in Fibre Optical Technology光纤实验Experiments in Fibre Optical光纤通信基础Basis of Fibre Optical Communication光纤通信技术Fibre Optical Communication Technology光纤通信网络Networks of Fiber Communications光纤通信系统Fibre Optical Communication System, System of Fiber Communications 光纤原理与技术Fibre Optical Operation & Technology光学Optics光学测量Optical Measurement光学分析法Optical Analysis Method光学工艺实习Optical Technology Practice光学计量仪器设计Optical Instrument Gauge Designing光学检测Optical Detection光学设计Optical Design光学信息导论Introduction of Optical Information光学仪器设计Optical Instrument Designing光学仪器与计量仪器设计Optical Instrument & Gauge Instrument Designing光学仪器装配与校正Optical Instrument Installation & Adjustment光学与统计物理Optics and Statistical Physics光学与原子物理Optics & Atomic Physics光子学器件原理与技术Principle and Technology of Photonics Devices光子学专题Special Topics on Photonics广播编辑学Broadcast Editing广播节目制作Broadcast Programming广播新闻Broadcast Journalism广播新闻采写Broadcast Journalism Collection & Composition广告管理Advertising Management广告学Advertisement锅炉课程设计Boiler Combustion Course Designing锅炉燃烧理论Theory of Boiler Combustion。
财务管理专业外语 翻译

Capital budgeting is an extremely important aspect of a firm’s financial management。
Although a single capital asset usually comprise a small percentage of a firm’s total assets,all capital assets are long-term。
Therefore,a firm that makes a mistake in its capital budgeting process has to live with that mistake for a long period of time。
For instance,management may wish to know the effect on net present value if a project’s net cash flows are either 20 percent less than,or20 percent greater than,those estimated。
Knowledge of the sensitivity of net present value to changes or errors in the variables places management in a better position to decide whether a project is too risky to accept。

Topic 1If you want to establish a leather shoes company, you should make the following four fundamental finance problems clear first.Firstly, what is the goal of the company?Secondly, what's the long-term investment strategy?Thirdly, how to raise funds for investment?Fourthly, how much is the short-term cash flow required for the operation of the company?Topic 2The USA IBM company began to downfall from prosperity in around 1984, it's annual profit declined from $6.6 billion to $4.97 billion in 1992. One of the main reason for the downfall is the disable supervision of board of directors. Generally, the supervision of the board is a main counterweight of the company’s internal governance structure: the board has the right to recall the chairman and plays an important role on operating decisions making. However, three quarters of it's original members are just for decoration though they are prominent because they care little about the operation of the company, therefore the board reduce to formalism.Topic 3Apple of Sodom. Parmalat is the biggest food enterprise in Italia and the fourth in Europe, and it has a 50% dairy product market share in Italy. But abruptly, someone found out that €4 billion circulating fund claimed by Parmalat did not exist, at the same time, €8 million shareholders' equity evaporated. The Parmalat scandal is the biggest bankruptcy case in European history losing approximate 1.5% of Italy's GNP, the proportion is bigger than the loss of both Enron and WorldCom of American GNP.Topic 5Revelation of Buffett's successfulpursuit of time value of investment compoundingAfter forty years, Warren Buffett changes a shake and crumble textile enterprises into a investment company with seventy holding companies while the total assets amounted to $165 billion and makes himself the second rich person in the world. Different from traditional millionaire who become rich by inheritance or production,Buffett has never participate in the actual production or sales,investment for profit is the main business of his company. Buffett regard compound interest as the maximum investment income. Here’s an example, in 1989,Buffett thought Coca-Cola stock price was undervalued, he invested a quarter of Berkshire’s capital into Coca-Cola stock and keep in hold till now which rise from $1 billion to $8 billion.Topic 6If you are an excellent manager with a bright future, now a famous and successful listed company wants to hire you as their chief executive officer,offers you high salary and a quite amount of company stock option. As a rational person,you will accept it without hesitation. But, what if it is about to close down? If you fail to rescue the company, your company stock option become worthless, and worse, your reputation in the manager market will be destroyed. Will you accept it as before? Maybe you won’t, why?。
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1、Financial management is an integrated decision-making process concerned withacquiring, financing, and managing assets to accomplish some overall goal within a business entity.财务管理是为了实现一个公司总体目标而进行的涉及到获取、融资和资产管理的综合决策过程。
2、Making financial decisions is an integral part of all forms and sizes ofbusiness organizations from small privately-hold forms to large publicly-traded corporations.做财务决策对于所有形式和规模的商业组织,无论是小型私人公司还是大型股份公开交易的公司来说,都是不可分割的一部分。
3、In today’s rapidly changing environment, the financial manager must have theflexibility to adapt to external factors such as economic uncertainty, global competition, technological change, volatility of interest and exchange rates, changes in laws and regulations, and ethical concerns.在当今瞬息万变的环境中,财务经理必须具备足够的灵活性以适应外部因素,如经济的不确定性、国际竞争、技术变革、利息波动、汇率变动、法律法规变化以及商业道德问题。
4、The financial manager makes investment decisions about all types of assets-itemson the left-hand side of the balance sheet.财务经理要做出关于所有形式的资产—即资产负债表左侧所列示项目的投资决定。
5、For example, a firm must repay debt with interest over a specific periodwithout typically sharing control with the lender.例如,一个公司在偿还债务时必须还要偿付特定期间内的利息,而通常不用与债权人分享控制权。
6、When you examine a set of financial statements, you should keep in mind thata physical reality lies behind the numbers, and you should also realize thatthe translation from physical asset to “correct”numbers is far from precise. 当你检查一组财务报表的时候,你应该牢记:真实的东西是隐藏在数字背后的,并且你还应该意识到,把物理资产转换为数据是很难做到精确的。
7、The qualitative characteristics of accounting information include relevance,timeliness, reliability, consistency ,and comparability.会计信息的质量特征包括相关性、及时性、可靠性、一致性和可比性。
8、The assets, which are the “things”the company owns, are listed in the orderof decreasing liquidity, or length of time it typically takes to convert them to cash at fair market values, beginning with the firm’s current assets. 资产,也就是公司拥有的东西,是按照流动性递减的顺序或将它们转换为公允市场价值所需要的时间来排列的,通常从流动资产开始。
9、Rather than treat the entire purchase price of PPE as a capital expense inthe purchase year, accountants spread the purchase cost over the asset’s useful life.会计人员会把土地、厂房和设备的购买成本分摊到使用年份中,而不是将之全部作为购买年度的资本支出。
10.The market value of a firm’s equity is equal to the number of shares of commonstock outstanding times the price per share, while the amount reported on the firm’s balance sheet is basically the cumulative amount the firm raised when issuing common stock and any reinvested net income(retained earnings). 公司权益的市场价值等于其发行在外的普通股份数乘以每股价格,而资产负债表上的总额则主要是公司在发行普通股以及分配任何再投资净收益(留存收益)时累积的数额。
11.If the balance sheet is like a snapshot, the income statement is like a videorecording of the people did between two snapshots.如果说资产负债表就像是一张快照,那么利润表就可以说是人们在两张快照间所进行活动的录像记录。
12.This firm will report basic earnings per share, which is calculated bydividing the net income less any preferred dividends paid out by the weighted average number of outstanding shares of common stock.公司将会报告基本每股收益,这个数字是用净利润减去支付的优先股利再除以发行在外普通股的加权平均数计算出来的。
13.T he diluted earnings figure per share provides a more conservativeearnings estimate by assuming that the total shares of common stock in the denominator include all shares of common stock plus future potential shares from the likely future conversion of outstanding convertible securities, stock options, and warrants.通过假定分母中的全部普通股份包括了全部普通股加上未来可能转换为普通股的发行在外可转换债券、股票期权以及认股权证,稀释的每股收益数据提供了一种更为保守的收入估计。
14、Net income is further adjusted by accounting for any cash that the firm used to fund increases in current assets or decreases in current liabilities.通过解释公司为了增加流动资产或减少流动负债而投入的现金,净利润被进一步调整。
15、Lenders try to protect the bondholders’interest by incorporating some ratios into the restrictive covenants in the firm’s bond indenture to constrain some of its financial and operating activities.债权人设法通过将一些财务比率结合到债券契约的限制性条款中的方法来限制公司的财务、经营活动,以保护债券持有者的权益。
16、The rationale for excluding inventory is that it is the least liquid of a firm’s current assets and may not be as readily available to meet a short-term maturing obligation as the other more liquid current assets.将存货排除在外的基本原理在于:存货是公司流动资产中流动性最差的资产,相较其他更具流动性的流动资产来说存货不容易变现以用来偿还短期债务。
17、Managers should analyze the tradeoff between any increased sales from a more lenient credit policy and the associated costs of longer collection periods and more uncollected receivables to determine whether changing the firm’s credit sales policy could increase shareholder’s wealth.管理者应该分析较宽松的信用政策带来的销售增加和更长的赊销货款回收期及更多未收账款带来的相关费用之间的权衡,以确定改变公司赊销政策是否能增加股东财富。
18、When a firm produces goods or acquires inventory for the sale and/or sells the items on a credit basis, it will need to have ample cash during the period between when the firm must pay for the raw materials, inventory and labor and when it receives cash from the sale of goods当一个公司为了销售和(或)赊销而生产商品或购买存货时,必须要在支付原材料、存货、劳动力价格和获得销售收入现金之间的期间拥有充足的现金。