



焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)1、熔化焊熔接fusion welding压接pressure welding焊接过程welding process焊接技术welding technique焊接工艺welding technology/procedure焊接操作welding operation焊接顺序welding sequence焊接方向direction of welding焊接位置welding position熔敷顺序build-up sequence/deposition sequence 焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation平焊位置flat position of welding横焊位置horizontal position of welding立焊位置vertical position of welding仰焊位置overhead position of welding平焊downhand welding/flat position welding横焊horizontal position welding立焊vertical position welding仰焊overhead position welding?全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。

如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position倾斜焊inclined position welding上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position对接焊butt welding角焊fillet welding搭接焊lap welding船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat positi on平角焊horizontal fillet welding立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position坡口焊groove weldingI形坡口对接焊square butt welding喇叭形坡口焊flare groove welding卷边焊flanged edge welding纵缝焊接welding of longitudinal seam横缝焊接welding of transverse seam环缝焊接girth welding/ circumferential螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam 环缝对接焊butt welding of circumferential seam定位焊tack welding单面焊welding by one side双面焊welding by both sides单道焊single pass welding/single run welding多道焊multi-pass welding单层焊single layer welding多层焊multi-layer welding分段多层焊block sequence/ block welding分层多道焊multi-layer and multi-pass welding连续焊continuous welding断续焊intermittent welding打底焊backing weld封底焊back sealing weld盖面焊cosmetic welding深熔焊deep penetration welding摆动焊welding with weaving/weave bead welding前倾焊foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国) 后倾焊backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国) 分段退焊backstep welding跳焊skip welding对称焊balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence 左焊法leftward welding forehand welding右焊法rightward welding/backhand welding挑弧焊whipping method自动焊automatic welding手工焊manual welding/hand welding车间焊接shop welding工地焊接site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国)拘束焊接restraint welding堆焊surfacing/building up/overlaying隔离层堆焊buttering端部周边焊boxing/end return返修焊rewelding补焊repair welding塞焊plug welding槽焊slot welding衬垫焊welding with backing焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding强制成形焊enclosed welding脉冲电弧焊pulsed are welding电弧点焊arc spot welding螺柱焊stud welding热风焊hot gas welding高能焊high grade energy welding固态焊接solid-state welding单面焊双面成形one-side welding with back formation 焊接条件welding condition焊接工艺参数welding parameter极性polarity正接electrode negative/straight polarity反接electrode positive/reversed polarity运条方式manipulation of electrode焊接电流welding current焊接电流增加时间welding current upslope time焊接电流衰减时间welding current downslope time电流密度current density短路电流short circuit current脉冲电流pulse level/pulse current level脉冲电流幅值pulse current amplitude基值电流background level脉冲频率pulse frequency脉冲焊接电流占空比duty cycle of pulse duration电弧电压arc voltage再引弧电压reignition voltage焊接速度welding speed行走速度rate of travel/travel speed送丝速度wire feed rate线能量heat input/energy input热输入heat input预热preheat后热postheat焊后热处理posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 预热温度preheat temperature层间温度interpass temperature焊接终了温度finishing temperature后热温度postheating temperature焊丝伸出长度wire extension弧长arc length熔化速度melting rate熔化时间melting time熔化系数melting coefficient熔敷速度rate of deposition/deposition rate熔敷系数deposition coefficient熔敷效率deposition efficiency损失系数loss coefficient飞spatter飞溅率spatter loss coefficient融合比fusion ratio稀释dilution稀释率rate of dilution合金过度系数transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element) 坡口groove坡口面groove face坡口面角度angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国)坡口角度included angle(英国)/groove angle(美国)坡口高度groove depth钝边root face钝边高度thickness of root face/width of root face根部间隙root gap(英国)/root opening (美国)根部半径root radius/groove radius根部锐边root edge卷边高度height of flange卷边半径radius of flange单面坡口single groove双面坡口double groove坡口形式groove typeI形坡口square grooveV形坡口single V grooveY形坡口single V groove with root face双Y形坡口double Vgroove with root face带钝边U形坡口single U groove带钝边双U形坡口double U grooveVY形坡口single compound angle groove带钝边J形坡口single J groove带钝边双J形坡口double J groove单边V形坡口single bevel groove双V形坡口double V groove不对称双V形坡口asymmetric double V groove双单边V形坡口double bevel groove/K groove带垫板V形坡口V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing? 喇叭形坡口flare groove锁底坡口single bevel groove with backing locked坡形板边tapered edge焊缝weld接逢seam焊缝符号welding symbol焊缝金属weld metal填充金属filler metal熔敷金属deposited metal焊缝表面weld face/ face of weld焊缝背面back of weld焊缝轴线axis of weld焊缝尺寸size of weld焊缝宽度weld width/ width of weld焊缝长度weld length/ length of weld焊缝有效长度effective length of weld焊缝厚度throat depth/ throat thickness焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat焊缝实际厚度actual throat熔深penetration/ depth of penetration焊缝成形appearance of weld焊缝成形系数form factor of weld余高reinforcement/ excess weld metal背面余高root reinforcement削平焊缝flush weld/ weld machined flush 对接焊缝butt weld角焊缝fillet焊脚leg/ fillet weld leg角焊缝断面形状profile of fillet weld平形角焊缝flat fillet凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld角焊缝凹度concavity侧面角焊缝side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear 正面角焊缝front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear 立角焊缝fillet weld in the vertical position横角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontal position平角焊缝fillet weld in the flat position斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld连续焊缝continuous weld断续焊缝intermittent weld连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent fillet weld并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld端接焊缝edge weld卷边焊缝flanged edge weld塞焊焊缝plug weld纵向焊缝longitudinal weld横向焊缝transverse weld环行焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld密封焊缝seal weld承载焊缝strength weld联系焊缝connective weld定位焊缝tack weld焊道bead/ run/ pass焊波ripple焊根weld root/ root of weld焊趾weld toe/ toe封底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld 根部焊道root pass/ root run填充焊道filling bead盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead熔透焊道penetration bead焊层layer焊接接头welded joint接头形状joint geometry等强匹配接头equalmatching weld joint低强匹配接头undermatching weld joint超强匹配接头overmatching weld joint接头根部root of joint对接接头butt jointI形对接接头square butt jointV形对接接头single V butt jointU形对接接头single U butt jointJ形坡口接头single J butt joint双V形对接接头double V butt joint双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint 带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint带钝边J形坡口接头double J joint角接接头corner jointT形接头T joint斜T形接头inclined T joint十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint三联接头joint among three members搭接接头lap joint套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint双盖板接头double strapped joint盖板接头strapped joint端接接头edge joint卷边接头flanged edge joint锁底对接接头lock butt joint斜对接接头oblique butt joint混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint有间隙接头open joint无间隙接头closed joint焊接电弧welding arc电弧形态arc shape电弧物理行为arc physics behaviour引弧striking arc引弧电压striking voltage电弧气氛arc atmosphere阴极cathode热阴极hot cathode冷阴极cold cathode阴极斑点cathode spot阴极区cathode region阴极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the cathode region 阴极压降cathode drop阳极anode阳极斑点anode spot斑点压力spot pressure阳极区anode region阳极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the anode region 阳极压降anode drop弧柱arc column/ arc stream弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column弧柱电位梯度potential gradient in the arc column 弧焰arc flame弧心arc core硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc软电弧soft arc旋转电弧rotating arc脉冲电弧pulsed arc脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc起皱现象puckering phenomena起皱电弧puckering arc起皱临界电流puckering critical current间接电弧indirect arc压缩电弧compressive arc磁控电弧magnetic controlling arc电弧力arc force电磁力electromagnectic force电磁收缩效应pinch effect电弧飘移wandering of arc电弧稳定性arc stability电弧静特性static characteristic of arc电弧动特性dynamic characteristic of arc最小电压原理principle of minimum voltage 电弧挺度arc stiffness电弧偏吹arc blow磁偏吹magnetic blow阴极清理作用cleaning action of the cathode 电弧自身调节arc self-regulation挖掘作用digging action极性效应polarity effect熔滴droplet熔滴比表面积specific surface of droplet熔滴过渡metal transfer过度频率transition frequency?粗滴过渡globular transfer; drop transfer短路过渡short circuiting transfer喷射过渡spray transfer旋转喷射过渡rotating spray transfer脉冲喷射过渡pulsed spray transfer爆炸过渡explosive transfer渣壁过渡flux wall guided transfer熔池molten pool?沸腾状熔池boiling molten pool弧坑crater熔渣slag渣系slag system渣系相图slag system diagram碱性渣basic slag酸性渣acid slag碱度basicity酸度acidity长渣long slag短渣short slag粘性熔渣viscous slag氧化物型熔渣oxide melting slag盐型熔渣salt melting slag盐-氧化物型熔渣salt-oxide melting slag熔渣流动性fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity熔渣solidified slag多孔焊渣porous slag玻璃状焊渣vitreous slag自动脱落焊渣self-releasing slag脱渣性slag detachability焊接设备welding equipment; welding set焊机welding machine; welder电焊机electric welding machine; electric welder焊接电源welding power source焊接热循环weld thermal cycle焊接温度场field of weld temperature; weld temperature field 准稳定温度场quasi-stationary temperature field焊接热源welding heat source点热源point heat source线热源linear heat source面热源plane heat source瞬时集中热源instantaneous concentration heat source热效率thermal efficiency?热能集中系数coefficient of heat flow concentration峰值温度peak temperature瞬时冷却速度momentary cooling rate冷却时间cooling time置换氧化substitutionary oxydation扩散氧化diffusible oxydation脱氧desoxydation先期脱氧precedent desoxydation扩散脱氧diffusible desoxydation沉淀脱氧precipitation desoxydation扩散氢diffusible hydrogen初始扩散氢initial diffusible hydrogen100℃残余扩散氢diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃残余氢residual hydrogen去氢dehydrogenation去氢热处理heat treatment for dehydrogenation脱硫desulphurization脱磷dephosphorization渗合金alloying微量合金化microalloying一次结晶组织primary solidification structure二次结晶组织secondary solidification structure联生结晶epitaxial solidification焊缝结晶形态solidification mode in weld-bead结晶层状线ripple多边化边界polygonization boundary结晶平均线速度mean solidification rate针状铁素体acicular ferrite条状铁素体lath ferrite侧板条铁素体ferrite side-plate晶界欣素体grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid ferrite? 粒状贝氏体granular bainite板条马氏体lath martensite过热组织overheated structure魏氏组织Widmannst?tten structureM-A组元martensite-austenite constituent焊件失效分析failure analysis of weldments冷裂判据criterion of cold cracking冷裂敏感系数cold cracking susceptibity coefficient 脆性温度区间brittle temperature range氢脆hydrogen embrittlement层状偏析lamellar segregation愈合healing effect断口金相fractography断口fracture延性断口ductile fracture韧窝断口dimple fracture脆性断口brittle fracture解理断口cleavage fracture准解理断口quasi-cleavage fracture氢致准解理断口hydrogen-embrittlement induced沿晶断口intergranular fracture穿晶断口transgranular fracture疲劳断口fatigue fracture滑移面断口glide plane fracture断口形貌fracture apperance断口试验fracture test宏观断口分析macrofractography放射区radical zone纤维区fibrous zone剪切唇区shear lip aone焊接性weldability使用焊接性service weldability工艺焊接性fabrication weldability冶金焊接性metallurgical weldability热焊接性thermal weldability母材base metal; parent metal焊接区weld zone焊态as-welded (AW)母材熔化区fusion zone半熔化区partial melting region未混合区unmixed zone熔合区bond area熔合线weld junction (英);bond line (美) 热影响区heat-affected zone (HAZ)过热区overheated zone粗晶区coarse grained region细晶区fine grained region过渡区transition zone硬化区hardened zone碳当量carbon equivalent铬当量chromium equivalent镍当量nickel equivalent舍夫勒组织图Schaeffler's diagram德龙组织图Delong’s diagram连续冷却转变图(CCT图)continuous cooling transformation 裂纹敏感性cracking sensibility焊接裂纹weld crack焊缝裂纹weld metal crack焊道裂纹bead crack弧坑裂纹crater crack热影响区裂纹heat-affected zone crack纵向裂纹longitudinal crack横向裂纹transverse crack微裂纹micro-crack; micro-fissure热裂纹hot crack凝固裂纹solidification crack晶间裂纹intercrystalline crack穿晶裂纹transcrystalline crack多边化裂纹polygonization crack液化裂纹liquation crack失延裂纹ductility-dip crack冷裂纹cold crack延迟裂纹delayed crack氢致裂纹hydrogen-induced crack焊道下裂纹underbead crack焊根裂纹root crack焊趾裂纹toe crack锯齿形裂纹chevron cracking消除应力处理裂纹stress relief annealing crack (SR crack) 再热裂纹reheat crack焊缝晶间腐蚀weld intercryctalline corrosion刀状腐蚀knife line attack敏化区腐蚀weld decay层状撕裂lamellar tearing焊接性试验weldability裂纹试验cracking testIIW裂纹试验IIW cracking testY形坡口裂纹试验slit type cracking test分块形槽热裂纹试验segmented circular groove cracking test H形裂纹试验H-type cracking test鱼骨形裂纹试验fishbone cracking test指形裂纹试验finger (cracking) testT形裂纹试验Tee type cracking test环形槽裂纹试验circular-groove cracking test可调拘束裂纹试验varestraint testBWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel? 圆棒裂纹试验bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test里海裂纹试验Lehigh restraint cracking test圆形镶块裂纹试验circular-path cracking test十字接头裂纹试验cruciform cracking testZ向窗口拘束裂纹试验Z-direction window type restraint cracking test G-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验G-BOP weld metal crack test巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验Battelle type underbead cracking testU形拉伸试验U-tension test缪雷克期热裂纹试验Murex hot cracking test菲斯柯裂纹试验FISCO (type) cracking testCTS裂纹试验controlled thermal severity拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验)tensile restraint cracking test刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验)rigid restraint cracking test插销试验implant testTigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验Tigamajing thin plate cracking test焊道纵向弯曲试验longitudinal-bead test柯麦雷尔弯曲试验Kommerell bead bend test肯泽尔弯曲试验Kinzel test缺口弯曲试验notch bend test热朔性试验hot-ductility test热影响区冲击试验impact test of HAZ热影响区模拟试验synthetic heat-affected zone test 最高硬度试验maximum hardness test落锤试验NRL (Naval Research Laboratory)测氢试验Hydrogen test焊接材料电极焊接材料welding consumables电极electrode熔化电极consumable electrode不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode钨电极tungsten electrode焊丝welding wire. Welding rod实心焊丝solid wire渡铜焊丝copper-plating welding wire自保护焊丝self-shielded welding wire药芯焊丝flux-cored wire复合焊丝combined wire堆焊焊丝surfacing welding rod填充焊丝filler wire焊条electrode/ covered electrode焊芯core wire药皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode)涂料coating flux/coating material造气剂gas forming constituents造渣剂slag forming constituents合金剂alloying constituent脱氧剂dioxidizer稳弧剂arc stabilizer粘接剂binder水玻璃water glass?水玻璃模数modules of water glass酸性焊条acid electrode高钛型焊条high titania (type) electrode钛钙型焊条lime titania type electrode钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type electrode氧化铁型焊条iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode 高纤维素型焊条high cellulose (type) electrode石墨型焊条graphite type electrode碱性焊条basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode高韧性超低氢焊条high toughness super low hydrogen electrode奥氏体焊条austenitic electrode铁素体焊条ferritic electrode不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode低温钢焊条low temperature steel electrode/ steel electrode for low tempera ture铝合金焊条aluminum alloy arc welding electrode铜合金焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode铜芯铸铁焊条cast iron electrode with steel core?纯镍铸铁焊条pure nickel cast iron electrode球墨铸铁焊条electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron铸芯焊条electrode with cast core wire镍基合金焊条nickel base alloy covered electrode蒙乃尔焊条Monel electrode纯铁焊条pure iron electrode渗铝钢焊条alumetized steel electrode高效率焊条high efficiency electrode铁粉焊条iron powder electrode底层焊条backing welding electrode深熔焊条deep penetration electrode重力焊条gravity electrode立向下焊条electrode for vertical down position welding节能焊条saving energy electrode水下焊条underwater welding electrode耐海水腐蚀焊条seawater corrosion resistant steel electrode低尘低毒焊条low-fume and harmfulless electrode/low-fume and low-toxic electrode堆焊焊条surfacing electrode耐磨堆焊焊条hardfacing electrode钴基合金堆焊焊条cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode碳化钨堆焊焊条tungsten carbide surfacing electrode高锰钢堆焊焊条high manganese steel surfacing electrode双芯焊条twin electrode绞合焊条stranded electrode编织焊条braided electrode双层药皮焊条double coated electrode管状焊条flux-cored electrode气渣联合保护型药皮semi-volatile covering焊条工艺性usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode焊条使用性running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteristics of an electrode焊条熔化性melting characteristics of an electrode焊条直径core diameter焊条偏心度eccentricity (of an electrode)药皮重量系数gravity coefficient of coating焊条药皮含水量percentage of moisture for covering焊条夹吃持端bare terminal (of an electrode)焊条引弧端striking end (of an elcetrode)焊剂welding flux/ flux熔炼焊剂fused flux粘结焊剂bonded flux烧结焊剂sintered flux/ agglomerated flux窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding 低氢型焊剂low hydrogen type flux高速焊剂high speed welding flux无氧焊剂oxygen-free flux低毒焊剂low poison flux磁性焊剂magnetic flux电弧焊arc welding直流电弧焊direct current arc welding交流电弧焊alternating current arc welding三相电弧焊three phase arc welding熔化电弧焊arc welding with consumable金属极电弧焊metal arc welding不熔化极电弧焊arc welding with nonconsumable碳弧焊carbon arc welding明弧焊open arc welding焊条电弧焊shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)重力焊gravity welding躺焊fire cracker welding电弧堆焊arc surfacing自动堆焊automatic surfacing躺板极堆焊surfacing by fire cracker welding带极堆焊surfacing with band-electrode振动电弧堆焊vibratory arc surfacing耐磨堆焊hardfacing埋弧焊submerged arc welding (SAW)多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding纵列多丝埋弧焊Tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding) 横列多丝埋弧焊series submerged arc welding (SAW-S)横列双丝并联埋弧焊transverse submerged arc welding热丝埋弧焊hot wire submerged-arc welding窄间隙埋弧焊narrow-gap submerged arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding 自调节电弧焊self-adjusting arc welding适应控制焊接adaptive control welding焊剂层burden; flux layer气体保护电弧焊gas shielded arc welding保护气体protective atmosphere惰性气体inert-gas活性气体active-gas惰性气体保护焊inert-gas (arc) welding氩弧焊argon arc welding熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊metal inert-gas arc welding钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊tungsten inert-gas arc welding钨极氢弧焊argon tungsten arc welding脉冲氢弧焊pulsed argon arc welding熔化极脉冲氢弧焊argon metal pulsed arc welding钨极脉冲氢弧焊argon tungsten pulsed arc welding热丝MIG焊hot wire MIG welding热丝TIG焊hot wire TIG welding氨弧焊helium-arc welding活性气体保护电弧焊metal active-gas arc welding混合气体保护电弧焊mixed gas arc welding二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊carbon-dioxide arc welding; CO2 arc welding? 细丝CO2焊CO2 arc welding with thin wire粗丝CO2焊CO2 arc welding with thick wire磁性焊剂CO2焊unionarc welding药芯焊丝CO2焊arcos arc process; dual shield arc welding气电立焊electrogas (arc) welding氮弧焊nitrogen-arc welding水蒸气保护电弧焊water vapour arc welding原子氢焊atomic hydrogen welding冲器室中电弧焊controlled atmosphere arc welding 旋转电弧焊rotating arc welding短路过渡电弧焊short circuiting arc welding焊丝横摆频率weaving speed of wire焊丝停摆时间electrode keep time of slider等离子弧焊plasma arc welding (PAW)等离子弧plasma arc等离子流plasma jet转移弧transferred arc非转移弧nontransferred arc联合型等离子弧combined plasma arc主弧main arc维弧pilot arc维弧电流pilot arc surrent双弧现象double arcing双弧临界电流critical current of double arcing等离子弧焊枪plasma (welding) torch压缩喷嘴constricting nozzle单孔喷嘴single port nozzle多孔喷嘴multiport nozzle压缩喷嘴孔径orifice diameter孔道长度orifice throat length孔道比orifice throat ratio等离子气plasma gas; orifice gas电极内缩长度electrode setback小孔效应keyhole effect小孔型等离子弧焊keyhole-mode welding熔透型等离子弧焊fusion type plasma arc welding大电流等离子弧焊high-current plasma arc welding中电流等离子弧焊intermediate-current plasma arc welding? 小电流等离子弧焊low-current plasma arc welding微束等离子弧焊micro-plasma arc welding交流等离子弧焊AC plasma arc welding?脉冲等离子弧焊pulsed plasma arc welding等离子弧堆焊plasma arc surfacing热丝等离子弧堆焊hot wire plasma arc surfacing粉末等离子弧堆焊plasma arc powder surfacing等离子-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊plasma MIG welding转移弧电源transferred arc power supply?非转移弧电源nontransferred arc power supply?电弧焊设备arc welding equipment电弧焊机arc welding machine直流弧焊机DC arc welding machine交流弧焊机AC arc welding machine交直流两用弧焊机AC/DC arc welding machine单站弧焊机single operator arc welding machine多站弧焊机multi-operator arc welding set固定式弧焊机stationary arc welding machine移动式弧焊机portable arc welding machine台式弧焊机bench arc welding machine内燃机驱动式弧焊机combustion engine driven arc welding set电动机驱动式弧焊机motor driven arc welding set熔化极弧焊机arc welding machine using a consumable electrode不熔化极弧焊机arc welding machine using a non-consumable electrode 脉冲弧焊机pulsed arc welding machine气体保护弧焊机gas shielded arc welding machine氩弧焊机argon arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机CO2 arc welding machine钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机tungsten inert-gas welding machine熔化仍惰性气体保护弧焊机metal inert-gas welding machine气电立焊机electrogas (arc) welding machine等离子弧焊机plasma arc welding machine微束等离子弧焊机micro-plasma welding equipment原子氢焊机atomic hydrogen welding apparatus埋弧焊机submerged arc welding machine弧焊电源arc welding power source直流弧焊电源DC arc welding power source交流弧焊电源AC arc welding power source交直流两用弧焊电源AC/DC arc welding power source脉冲弧焊电源pulsed arc welding power source上升特性弧焊电源rising characteristic arc welding power source平特性弧焊电源constant –voltage arc welding power source?下降特性弧焊电源dropping characteristic arc welding power source垂降特性弧焊电源constant-current arc welding power source多特性弧焊电源slope-controlled arc welding power source逆变式焊接电源inverter welding power source晶体管弧焊电源transistor arc welding power source电源动特性dynamic characteristic电源外特性external characteristic弧焊变压器arc welding transformer弧焊整流器arc welding rectifier硅弧焊整流器silicon arc welding rectifier晶闸管弧焊整流器SCR arc welding rectifier; arc welding silicon controlled r ectifier脉冲弧焊整流器pulsed arc welding rectifier弧焊发电机arc welding generator焊车welding tractor焊接机头welding head行走机构traveller送丝机构wire feeder等速送丝方式constant wire-feed system变速送丝方式alternate wire-feed system跟踪装置tracer焊丝盘wire reel焊钳electrode holder焊枪welding gun?电极夹electrode holder导电嘴tip; contact tube喷嘴nozzle焊剂漏斗flux-hopper高频振荡器oscillator; HF unit脉冲引弧器pulsed arc starter; surge injector 脉冲稳弧器pulsed arc stabilizer脉冲激弧器pulsed arc exciter输出电抗器out put reactor镇定变阻器ballast rheostat直流分量抑制器direct current suppressor焊接回路welding circuit额定焊接电流rated welding current焊接电流调节范围range of welding current regulation 空载电压open circuit voltage(no load voltage)约定负载电压conventional load voltage负载持续率duty cycle额定负载持续率rated duty cycle; standard service手工弧焊机manual arc welding machine电焊渣electroslag welding (ESW)手工电渣焊manual electroslag welding丝极电渣焊electroslag welding with wire electrode板极电渣焊electroslag welding with plate electrode熔嘴电渣焊electroslag welding with consumable nozzle 管极电渣焊electroslag welding with tube electrode窄间隙电渣焊narrow-gap electroslag welding电渣堆焊electroslag surfacing电渣焊机electrosalg welding machine熔嘴consumable nozzle; consumable wire?钢档板steel shoe (钢冷却板Cu-cooling plate铜滑板copper shoe渣池slag bath渣池深度depth of slag bath渣池电压voltage of slag bath电渣过程稳定性electroslag process stability焊丝间距distance between welding wires电子束焊electron beam welding (EBW)脉冲电子束焊pulsed electron beam welding加速电压acceleration voltage/ operating voltage电子束电流beam current电子束功率beam power电子束功率密度beam power density焦点focal spot焦距focal length工作距离work distance电子束焊机electron beam welding machine高真空电子束焊机full vacuum electron beam welder低真空电子束焊机partial vacuum electron beam welder 非真空电子束焊机nonvacuum electron beam welder真空度vacuum电子枪electron gun二极电子枪diode gun三极电子枪triode gun偏压电极bias electrode电磁透镜electromagnetic lens电子束偏转线圈electron beam deflection coils导流系数perveance钉尖spiking激光焊laser welding/ laser beam welding连续激光焊continuous laser welding脉冲激光焊impulsed laser welding激光焊机laser welding equipment气体激光器gas laser固体激光器solid laser焦斑直径focussed diameter of the beam离焦量clearance between focal point and (plate) surface 焊缝深宽比weld seam depth-to-width ratio3、气焊、热剂焊、水下焊gas welding氧乙炔焊oxy-acetylene welding氢氧焊oxy-hydrogen welding空气乙炔焊air-acetylene welding氧乙炔焊oxy-acetylene flame氢氧焰oxy-hydrogen flame氧煤气焰oxy-coal gas flame焊接火焰welding flame混合比mixing ratio混合气体可燃范围inflammable limit of the gaseous一次燃烧primary combustion二次燃烧secondary combustion燃烧速度combustion rate燃烧强度combustion intensity火焰热效率flame heating efficiency焰芯inner cone; flame cone内焰internal flame外焰flame envelope中性焰neutral flame氧化焰oxidizing flame碳化焰carburizing flame回火flashback逆火backfire回烧flashback气体发生速度gasification speed焊炬torch; blow pipe等压式焊炬balanced pressure torch射吸式焊炬injector torch氧乙炔焊炬oxy-acetylene torch焊割两用炬combined cutting and welding torch 混合室mixing chamber喷射器injector焊嘴welding nozzle; welding tip液氧气化器oxygen evaporator气瓶gas cylinder乙炔瓶acetylene cylinder阀罩cylinder cap气瓶阀cylinder valve汇流排cylinder manifold减压器pressure regulator; gas regulator单级减压器single stage regulator两级减压器two stage regulator回火防止器flashback arrestor干式回火防止器dry flashback arrestor水封式回火防止器water-closing type arrestor净化器purifier乙炔发生器acetylene generator低压乙炔发生器low pressure acetylene generator 热剂补焊thermit repair welding钢轨热剂焊thermit rail welding热剂thermit powder热剂钢水thermit steel热剂反应thermit reaction热剂溶渣thermit slag热剂铸模thermit mold; mold for thermit weld热剂坩埚thermit crucible焊筋collar水下焊underwater welding水下气体保护电弧焊underwater gas shielded arc welding水下等离子弧焊underwater plasma arc welding温式水下焊wet method underwater welding干式水下焊dry method underwater welding局部干式水下焊local dry underwater welding水帘局部干式水下焊water curtain type dry underwater welding 4、压焊(电阻焊摩擦焊爆炸焊扩散焊超声波焊等)电阻焊resistance welding (RW)点焊spot welding; resistance spot welding凸焊projection welding缝焊seam welding滚点焊roll-spot welding连续点焊stitch welding多点焊multiple spot welding手压点焊push welding; poke welding脉冲点焊pulsation spot welding; multiple-impulse welding双面点焊direct spot welding单面点焊indirect spot welding串联点焊series spot welding多点凸焊multiple projection welding频道进缝焊step-by-step seam welding压平缝焊mash seam welding串联缝焊series seam welding对接缝焊butt seam welding; foil-butt seam电阻对焊upset butt welding闪光对焊flash butt welding (FBW)储能焊stored energy welding电容储能点焊condenser discharge spot welding 高频电阻焊high frequency resistance welding 冲击电阻焊percussion welding胶接点焊spot weld-bonding; weld-bonding闪光flashing; flash过梁bridge; lintel顶锻upsetting; upset夹紧力clamping force顶锻力upsetting force; upset force电极压力electrode force; electrode pressure电极滑移electrode skid焊接循环welding cycle预压时间squeeze time锻压时间forge-delay time; forge time。



焊接专业英语词汇(1)熔接f usi on w el di ng压接pr essur e w el di ng焊接过程w el di ng pr ocess焊接技术w el di ng t echni que焊接工艺w el di ng t echnol ogy/pr ocedur e焊接操作w el di ng oper at i on焊接顺序w el di ng sequence焊接方向di r ect i on of w el di ng焊接位置w el di ng posi t i on熔敷顺序bui l d-up sequencedeposi t i on sequence焊缝倾角w el d sl ope/i ncl i nat i on of w el d axi s焊缝转角w el d r ot at i on/angl e of r ot at i on平焊位置f l at posi t i on of w el di ng横焊位置hor i zont al posi t i on of w el di ng立焊位置ver t i cal posi t i on of w el di ng仰焊位置over head posi t i on of w el di ng平焊dow nhand w el di ng/f l at posi t i on w el di ng横焊hor i zont al posi t i on w el di ng立焊ver t i cal posi t i on w el di ng仰焊over head posi t i on w el di ng全位置焊al l posi t i on w el di ng:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。

如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接向下立焊ver t i cal dow n w el di ng/dow nw ar d w el di ng i n t he ver t i cal posi t i on向上立焊ver t i cal up w el di ng/upw ar d w el di ng i n t he ver t i cal posi t i on倾斜焊i ncl i ned posi t i on w el di ng上坡焊upw ar d w el di ng i n t he i ncl i ned posi t i on下坡焊dow nw ar d w el di ng i n t he i ncl i ned posi t i on对接焊but t w el di ng角焊f i l l et w el di ng搭接焊l ap w el di ng船形焊f i l l et w el di ng i n t he dow nhand posi t i on/f i l l et w el di ng i n t he f l at posi t i on平角焊hor i zont al f i l l et w el di ng立角焊f i l l et w el di ng i n t he ver t i cal posi t i on仰角焊f i l l et w el di ng i n t he over head posi t i on坡口焊gr oove w el di ngI形坡口对接焊squar e but t w el di ng喇叭形坡口焊 f l ar e gr oove w el di ng卷边焊f l anged edge w el di ng纵缝焊接w el di ng of l ongi t udi nal seam横缝焊接w el di ng of t r ansver se seam环缝焊接gi r t h w el di ng/ci r cum f er ent i al螺旋缝焊接w el di ng of spi r al seam/w el di ng of hel i cal seam 环缝对接焊but t w el di ng of ci r cum f er ent i al seam定位焊t ack w el di ng单面焊w el di ng by one si de双面焊w el di ng by bot h si des单道焊si ngl e pass w el di ng/si ngl e r un w el di ng多道焊m ul t i-pass w el di ng单层焊si ngl e l ayer w el di ng多层焊m ul t i-l ayer w el di ng分段多层焊bl ock sequence/bl ock w el di ng分层多道焊m ul t i-l ayer and m ul t i-pass w el di ng连续焊cont i nuous w el di ng断续焊i nt er m i t t ent w el di ng打底焊backi ng w el d封底焊back seal i ng w el d盖面焊cosm et i c w el di ng深熔焊deep penet r at i on w el di ng摆动焊w el di ng w i t h w eavi ng/w eave bead w el di ng前倾焊 f or ew ar d w el di ng (英国)/f or ehand w el di ng (美国)后倾焊 backw ar d w el di ng(英国)/backhand w el di ng(美国)分段退焊backst ep w el di ng跳焊ski p w el di ng对称焊bal anced w el di ng/bal anced w el di ng sequence左焊法l ef t w ar d w el di ng f or ehand w el di ng右焊法r i ght w ar d w el di ng/backhand w el di ng挑弧焊w hi ppi ng m et hod自动焊aut om at i c w el di ng手工焊m anual w el di ng/hand w el di ng车间焊接shop w el di ng工地焊接si t e w el di ng(英国)/f i el d w el di ng (美国)拘束焊接r est r ai nt w el di ng堆焊sur f aci ng/bui l di ng up/over l ayi ng隔离层堆焊but t er i ng端部周边焊boxi ng/end r et ur n返修焊r ew el di ng补焊r epai r w el di ng塞焊pl ug w el di ng槽焊sl ot w el di ng衬垫焊w el di ng w i t h backi ng焊剂垫焊w el di ng w i t h f l ux backi ng窄间隙焊nar r ow-gap w el di ng强制成形焊encl osed w el di ng脉冲电弧焊pul sed ar e w el di ng电弧点焊ar c spot w el di ng螺柱焊st ud w el di ng热风焊hot gas w el di ng高能焊hi gh gr ade ener gy w el di ng固态焊接sol i d-st at e w el di ng单面焊双面成形one-si de w el di ng w i t h back f or m at i on 焊接条件w el di ng condi t i on焊接工艺参数w el di ng par am et er极性pol ar i t y正接el ect r ode negat i ve/st r ai ght pol ar i t y反接el ect r ode posi t i ve/r ever sed pol ar i t y运条方式m ani pul at i on of el ect r ode焊接电流w el di ng cur r ent焊接电流增加时间w el di ng cur r ent upsl ope t i m e焊接电流衰减时间w el di ng cur r ent dow nsl ope t i m e电流密度cur r ent densi t y短路电流shor t ci r cui t cur r ent脉冲电流pul se l evel/pul se cur r ent l evel脉冲电流幅值pul se cur r ent am pl i t ude基值电流backgr ound l evel脉冲频率pul se f r equency脉冲焊接电流占空比dut y cycl e of pul se dur at i on电弧电压ar c vol t age再引弧电压r ei gni t i on vol t age焊接速度w el di ng speed行走速度r at e of t r avel/t r avel speed送丝速度w i r e f eed r at e线能量heat i nput/ener gy i nput热输入heat i nput预热pr eheat后热post heat焊后热处理posw el d heat t r eat m ent/post heat t r eat m ent 预热温度pr eheat t em per at ur e层间温度i nt er pass t em per at ur e焊接终了温度f i ni shi ng t em per at ur e后热温度post heat i ng t em per at ur e焊丝伸出长度w i r e ext ensi on弧长ar c l engt h熔化速度m el t i ng r at e熔化时间m el t i ng t i m e熔化系数m el t i ng coef f i ci ent熔敷速度r at e of deposi t i on/deposi t i on r at e熔敷系数deposi t i on coef f i ci ent熔敷效率deposi t i on ef f i ci ency损失系数l oss coef f i ci ent飞spat t er飞溅率spat t er l oss coef f i ci ent融合比f usi on r at i o稀释di l ut i on稀释率r at e of di l ut i on合金过度系数t r ansf er ef f i ci ency/r ecover y (of an el em ent)坡口gr oove坡口面gr oove f ace坡口面角度angl e of bevel(英国)/bevel angl e (美国)坡口角度i ncl uded angl e(英国)/gr oove angl e(美国)坡口高度gr oove dept h钝边r oot f ace钝边高度t hi ckness of r oot f ace/w i dt h of r oot f ace根部间隙r oot gap(英国)/r oot openi ng (美国)根部半径r oot r adi us/gr oove r adi us根部锐边r oot edge卷边高度hei ght of f l ange卷边半径r adi us of f l ange单面坡口si ngl e gr oove双面坡口doubl e gr oove坡口形式gr oove t ypeI形坡口squar e gr ooveV形坡口si ngl e V gr ooveY形坡口si ngl e V gr oove w i t h r oot f ace双Y形坡口doubl e V gr oove w i t h r oot f ace带钝边U形坡口si ngl e U gr oove带钝边双U形坡口doubl e U gr ooveV Y形坡口si ngl e com pound angl e gr oove带钝边J形坡口si ngl e J gr oove带钝边双J形坡口doubl e J gr oove单边V形坡口si ngl e bevel gr oove双V形坡口doubl e V gr oove不对称双V形坡口 asym m et r i c doubl e V gr oove双单边V形坡口 doubl e bevel gr oove/K gr oove带垫板V形坡口 V gr oove w i t h backi ng/si ngl e V gr oove w i t h backi ng焊接专业英语词汇(2)喇叭形坡口f l ar e gr oove锁底坡口si ngl e bevel gr oove w i t h backi ng l ocked坡形板边 t aper ed edge焊缝 w el d接逢 seam焊缝符号 w el di ng sym bol焊缝金属 w el d m et al填充金属 f i l l er m et al熔敷金属 deposi t ed m et al焊缝表面w el d f ace/f ace of w el d焊缝背面 back of w el d焊缝轴线axi s of w el d焊缝尺寸 si ze of w el d焊缝宽度w el d w i dt h/w i dt h of w el d焊缝长度 w el d l engt h/l engt h of w el d焊缝有效长度 ef f ect i ve l engt h of w el d焊缝厚度 t hr oat dept h/t hr oat t hi ckness焊缝计算厚度t heor et i cal t hr oat焊缝实际厚度act ual t hr oat熔深penet r at i on/dept h of penet r at i on焊缝成形appear ance of w el d焊缝成形系数f or m f act or of w el d余高 r ei nf or cem ent/excess w el d m et al背面余高r oot r ei nf or cem ent削平焊缝f l ush w el d/w el d m achi ned f l ush对接焊缝but t w el d角焊缝f i l l et焊脚l eg/f i l l et w el d l eg角焊缝断面形状pr of i l e of f i l l et w el d平形角焊缝f l at f i l l et凸形角焊缝convex f i l l et w el d凹形角焊缝concave f i l l et w el d角焊缝凹度concavi t y侧面角焊缝si de f i l l et w el d/f i l l et w el d i n par al l el shear 正面角焊缝f r ont f i l l et w el d/f i l l et w el d i n nor m al shear 立角焊缝f i l l et w el d i n t he ver t i cal posi t i on横角焊缝f i l l et w el d i n t he hor i zont al posi t i on平角焊缝f i l l et w el d i n t he f l at posi t i on斜角焊缝obl i que f i l l et w el d连续焊缝cont i nuous w el d断续焊缝i nt er m i t t ent w el d连续角焊缝cont i nuous f i l l et w el d断续角焊缝i nt er m i t t ent f i l l et w el d交错断续角焊缝st agger ed i nt er m i t t ent f i l l et w el d并列断续角焊缝chai n i nt er m i t t ent f i l l et w el d端接焊缝edge w el d卷边焊缝f l anged edge w el d塞焊焊缝pl ug w el d纵向焊缝l ongi t udi nal w el d横向焊缝t r ansver se w el d环行焊缝gi r t h w el d/ci r cum f er ent i al w el d螺旋形焊缝spi r al w el d/hel i cal w el d密封焊缝seal w el d承载焊缝st r engt h w el d联系焊缝connect i ve w el d定位焊缝t ack w el d焊道bead/r un/pass焊波r i ppl e焊根w el d r oot/r oot of w el d焊趾w el d t oe/t oe封底焊道seal i ng r un (af t er m aki ng m ai n w el d)/back w el d打底焊道backi ng w el d (bef or e m aki ng m ai n w el d)/back w el d 根部焊道r oot pass/r oot r un填充焊道f i l l i ng bead盖面焊道cosm et i c bead/cover pass回火焊道t em per bead/anneal i ng bead熔透焊道penet r at i on bead焊层 l ayer焊接接头w el ded j oi nt接头形状j oi nt geom et r y等强匹配接头equal m at chi ng w el d j oi nt低强匹配接头under m at chi ng w el d j oi nt超强匹配接头over m at chi ng w el d j oi nt接头根部r oot of j oi nt对接接头but t j oi ntI形对接接头squar e but t j oi ntV形对接接头si ngl e V but t j oi ntU形对接接头si ngl e U but t j oi ntJ形坡口接头si ngl e J but t j oi nt双V形对接接头doubl e V but t j oi nt双单边V形对接接头doubl e bevel but t j oi nt/K gr oove but t j oi nt 带钝边U形对接接头doubl e U but t j oi nt带钝边J形坡口接头doubl e J j oi nt角接接头cor ner j oi ntT形接头T j oi nt斜T形接头i ncl i ned T j oi nt十字接头cr uci f or m j oi nt/cr oss-shaped j oi nt三联接头j oi nt am ong t hr ee m em ber s搭接接头l ap j oi nt套管接头m uf f j oi nt/sl eeve j oi nt双盖板接头doubl e st r apped j oi nt盖板接头st r apped j oi nt端接接头edge j oi nt卷边接头f l anged edge j oi nt锁底对接接头l ock but t j oi nt斜对接接头obl i que but t j oi nt混合接头m i xed j oi nt/com posi t e j oi nt有间隙接头open j oi nt无间隙接头cl osed j oi nt焊接电弧w el di ng ar c电弧形态ar c shape电弧物理行为ar c physi cs behavi our引弧st r i ki ng ar c引弧电压st r i ki ng vol t age电弧气氛ar c at m ospher e阴极cat hode热阴极hot cat hode冷阴极col d cat hode阴极斑点cat hode spot阴极区cat hode r egi on阴极区电场强度i nt ensi t y of t he el ect r i c f i el d i n t he cat hode r egi on 阴极压降cat hode dr op阳极anode阳极斑点anode spot斑点压力spot pr essur e阳极区anode r egi on阳极区电场强度i nt ensi t y of t he el ect r i c f i el d i n t he anode r egi on 阳极压降anode dr op弧柱ar c col um n/ar c st r eam弧柱压降vol t age dr op i n ar c col um n弧柱电位梯度pot ent i al gr adi ent i n t he ar c col um n弧焰ar c f l am e弧心ar c cor e硬电弧f or cef ul ar c/har d ar c软电弧sof t ar c旋转电弧r ot at i ng ar c脉冲电弧pul sed ar c脉冲喷射电弧pul sed spr ay ar c起皱现象pucker i ng phenom ena起皱电弧pucker i ng ar c起皱临界电流 pucker i ng cr i t i cal cur r ent间接电弧 i ndi r ect ar c压缩电弧 com pr essi ve ar c磁控电弧 m agnet i c cont r ol l i ng ar c电弧力 ar c f or ce电磁力 el ect r om agnect i c f or ce电磁收缩效应 pi nch ef f ect电弧飘移 w ander i ng of ar c电弧稳定性 ar c st abi l i t y电弧静特性 st at i c char act er i st i c of ar c电弧动特性 dynam i c char act er i st i c of ar c最小电压原理 pr i nci pl e of m i ni m um vol t age 电弧挺度ar c st i f f ness电弧偏吹 ar c bl ow磁偏吹 m agnet i c bl ow阴极清理作用 cl eani ng act i on of t he cat hode 电弧自身调节 ar c sel f-r egul at i on挖掘作用 di ggi ng act i on极性效应 pol ar i t y ef f ect熔滴 dr opl et熔滴比表面积 speci f i c sur f ace of dr opl et熔滴过渡m et al t r ansf er过度频率 t r ansi t i on f r equency粗滴过渡gl obul ar t r ansf er;dr op t r ansf er短路过渡shor t ci r cui t i ng t r ansf er喷射过渡spr ay t r ansf er旋转喷射过渡 r ot at i ng spr ay t r ansf er脉冲喷射过渡 pul sed spr ay t r ansf er爆炸过渡 expl osi ve t r ansf er渣壁过渡 f l ux w al l gui ded t r ansf er熔池 m ol t en pool沸腾状熔池 boi l i ng m ol t en pool弧坑cr at er熔渣sl ag渣系 sl ag syst em渣系相图 sl ag syst em di agr am碱性渣 basi c sl ag酸性渣 aci d sl ag碱度 basi ci t y酸度 aci di t y长渣 l ong sl ag短渣 shor t sl ag粘性熔渣 vi scous sl ag氧化物型熔渣 oxi de m el t i ng sl ag盐型熔渣 sal t m el t i ng sl ag盐-氧化物型熔渣 sal t-oxi de m el t i ng sl ag熔渣流动性 f l ui di t y of t he sl ag;sl ag f l ui di t y 熔渣sol i di f i ed sl ag多孔焊渣 por ous sl ag玻璃状焊渣 vi t r eous sl ag自动脱落焊渣 sel f-r el easi ng sl ag脱渣性 sl ag det achabi l i t y焊接设备 w el di ng equi pm ent;w el di ng set焊机 w el di ng m achi ne;w el der电焊机 el ect r i c w el di ng m achi ne;el ect r i c w el der焊接电源 w el di ng pow er sour ce焊接专业英语词汇(3)焊接热循环 w el d t her m al cycl e焊接温度场 f i el d of w el d t em per at ur e;w el d t em per at ur e f i el d 准稳定温度场 quasi-st at i onar y t em per at ur e f i el d焊接热源 w el di ng heat sour ce点热源 poi nt heat sour ce线热源 l i near heat sour ce面热源 pl ane heat sour ce瞬时集中热源 i nst ant aneous concent r at i on heat sour ce热效率 t her m al ef f i ci ency热能集中系数 coef f i ci ent of heat f l ow concent r at i on峰值温度 peak t em per at ur e瞬时冷却速度 m om ent ar y cool i ng r at e冷却时间 cool i ng t i m e置换氧化 subst i t ut i onar y oxydat i on扩散氧化 di f f usi bl e oxydat i on脱氧 desoxydat i on先期脱氧 pr ecedent desoxydat i on扩散脱氧 di f f usi bl e desoxydat i on沉淀脱氧 pr eci pi t at i on desoxydat i on扩散氢 di f f usi bl e hydr ogen初始扩散氢 i ni t i al di f f usi bl e hydr ogen100℃残余扩散氢 di f f usi bl e hydr ogen r em ai ned at100℃残余氢 r esi dual hydr ogen去氢 dehydr ogenat i on去氢热处理 heat t r eat m ent f or dehydr ogenat i on脱硫 desul phur i zat i on脱磷 dephosphor i zat i on渗合金 al l oyi ng微量合金化 m i cr oal l oyi ng一次结晶组织 pr i m ar y sol i di f i cat i on st r uct ur e二次结晶组织 secondar y sol i di f i cat i on st r uct ur e联生结晶 epi t axi al sol i di f i cat i on焊缝结晶形态 sol i di f i cat i on m ode i n w el d-bead结晶层状线 r i ppl e多边化边界 pol ygoni zat i on boundar y结晶平均线速度 m ean sol i di f i cat i on r at e针状铁素体 aci cul ar f er r i t e条状铁素体 l at h f er r i t e侧板条铁素体 f er r i t e si de-pl at e晶界欣素体 gr ai n boundar y f er r i t e;pol ygonal f er r i t e;pr o-ent ect oi d f er r i t e 粒状贝氏体 gr anul ar bai ni t e板条马氏体 l at h m ar t ensi t e过热组织 over heat ed st r uct ur e魏氏组织 W i dm annst?t t en st r uct ur eM-A组元 m ar t ensi t e-aust eni t e const i t uent焊件失效分析 f ai l ur e anal ysi s of w el dm ent s冷裂判据 cr i t er i on of col d cr acki ng冷裂敏感系数 col d cr acki ng suscept i bi t y coef f i ci ent脆性温度区间 br i t t l e t em per at ur e r ange氢脆 hydr ogen em br i t t l em ent层状偏析 l am el l ar segr egat i on愈合 heal i ng ef f ect断口金相f r act ogr aphy断口 f r act ur e延性断口 duct i l e f r act ur e韧窝断口di m pl e f r act ur e脆性断口 br i t t l e f r act ur e解理断口 cl eavage f r act ur e准解理断口 quasi-cl eavage f r act ur e氢致准解理断口 hydr ogen-em br i t t l em ent i nduced沿晶断口 i nt er gr anul ar f r act ur e穿晶断口 t r ansgr anul ar f r act ur e疲劳断口 f at i gue f r act ur e滑移面断口 gl i de pl ane f r act ur e断口形貌 f r act ur e apper ance断口试验 f r act ur e t est宏观断口分析 m acr of r act ogr aphy放射区 r adi cal zone纤维区 f i br ous zone剪切唇区 shear l i p aone焊接性w el dabi l i t y使用焊接性 ser vi ce w el dabi l i t y工艺焊接性 f abr i cat i on w el dabi l i t y冶金焊接性 m et al l ur gi cal w el dabi l i t y热焊接性 t her m al w el dabi l i t y母材 base m et al;par ent m et al焊接区 w el d zone焊态 as-w el ded (A W)母材熔化区 f usi on zone半熔化区 par t i al m el t i ng r egi on未混合区 unm i xed zone熔合区 bond ar ea熔合线 w el d j unct i on (英);bond l i ne (美)热影响区 heat-af f ect ed zone (H A Z)过热区 over heat ed zone粗晶区 coar se gr ai ned r egi on细晶区 f i ne gr ai ned r egi on过渡区 t r ansi t i on zone硬化区 har dened zone碳当量 car bon equi val ent铬当量 chr om i um equi val ent镍当量 ni ckel equi val ent舍夫勒组织图 S chaef f l er's di agr am德龙组织图 D el ong’s di agr am连续冷却转变图(C C T图)cont i nuous cool i ng t r ansf or m at i on 裂纹敏感性 cr acki ng sensi bi l i t y焊接裂纹 w el d cr ack焊缝裂纹 w el d m et al cr ack焊道裂纹 bead cr ack弧坑裂纹cr at er cr ack热影响区裂纹 heat-af f ect ed zone cr ack纵向裂纹 l ongi t udi nal cr ack横向裂纹 t r ansver se cr ack微裂纹 m i cr o-cr ack;m i cr o-f i ssur e热裂纹 hot cr ack凝固裂纹 sol i di f i cat i on cr ack晶间裂纹 i nt er cr yst al l i ne cr ack穿晶裂纹 t r anscr yst al l i ne cr ack多边化裂纹 pol ygoni zat i on cr ack液化裂纹 l i quat i on cr ack失延裂纹 duct i l i t y-di p cr ack冷裂纹 col d cr ack延迟裂纹 del ayed cr ack氢致裂纹 hydr ogen-i nduced cr ack焊道下裂纹 under bead cr ack焊根裂纹 r oot cr ack焊趾裂纹 t oe cr ack锯齿形裂纹 chevr on cr acki ng消除应力处理裂纹 st r ess r el i ef anneal i ng cr ack (S R cr ack)再热裂纹 r eheat cr ack焊缝晶间腐蚀 w el d i nt er cr yct al l i ne cor r osi on刀状腐蚀 kni f e l i ne at t ack敏化区腐蚀 w el d decay层状撕裂 l am el l ar t ear i ng焊接性试验 w el dabi l i t y裂纹试验 cr acki ng t estI I W裂纹试验 I I W cr acki ng t estY形坡口裂纹试验 sl i t t ype cr acki ng t est分块形槽热裂纹试验 segm ent ed ci r cul ar gr oove cr acki ng t estH形裂纹试验 H-t ype cr acki ng t est鱼骨形裂纹试验 f i shbone cr acki ng t est指形裂纹试验 f i nger(cr acki ng)t estT形裂纹试验 Tee t ype cr acki ng t est环形槽裂纹试验 ci r cul ar-gr oove cr acki ng t est可调拘束裂纹试验 var est r ai nt t estB W R A奥氏体钢裂纹试验 B W R A cr acki ng t est f or aust eni t i e st eel圆棒裂纹试验 bar t ype cr acki ng t est;r ound bar cr acki ng t est里海裂纹试验 Lehi gh r est r ai nt cr acki ng t est圆形镶块裂纹试验 ci r cul ar-pat h cr acki ng t est十字接头裂纹试验 cr uci f or m cr acki ng t estZ向窗口拘束裂纹试验 Z-di r ect i on w i ndow t ype r est r ai nt cr acki ng t est G-B O P焊缝金属裂纹试验 G-B O P w el d m et al cr ack t est巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验 B at t el l e t ype under bead cr acki ng t estU形拉伸试验 U-t ensi on t est缪雷克期热裂纹试验 M ur ex hot cr acki ng t est菲斯柯裂纹试验 FI S C O(t ype)cr acki ng t estC T S裂纹试验 cont r ol l ed t her m al sever i t y拉伸拘束裂纹试验(T R C试验)t ensi l e r est r ai nt cr acki ng t est刚性拘束裂纹试验(R R C试验)r i gi d r est r ai nt cr acki ng t est插销试验 i m pl ant t estTi gam aj i g 薄板焊接裂纹试验 Ti gam aj i ng t hi n pl at e cr acki ng t est焊道纵向弯曲试验 l ongi t udi nal-bead t est柯麦雷尔弯曲试验 K om m er el l bead bend t est肯泽尔弯曲试验 K i nzel t est缺口弯曲试验 not ch bend t est热朔性试验 hot-duct i l i t y t est热影响区冲击试验 i m pact t est of H A Z热影响区模拟试验 synt het i c heat-af f ect ed zone t est最高硬度试验 m axi m um har dness t est落锤试验 N R L (N aval R esear ch Labor at or y)测氢试验 H ydr ogen t est焊接材料电极焊接材料w el di ng consum abl es电极el ect r ode熔化电极consum abl e el ect r ode不熔化电极nonconsum abl e el ect r ode钨电极t ungst en el ect r ode焊丝w el di ng w i r e.W el di ng r od实心焊丝sol i d w i r e渡铜焊丝copper-pl at i ng w el di ng w i r e自保护焊丝sel f-shi el ded w el di ng w i r e药芯焊丝f l ux-cor ed w i r e复合焊丝com bi ned w i r e堆焊焊丝sur f aci ng w el di ng r od填充焊丝f i l l er w i r e焊条el ect r ode/cover ed el ect r ode焊芯cor e w i r e药皮coat i ng (of an el ect r ode)/cover i ng (of an el ect r ode)涂料coat i ng f l ux/coat i ng m at er i al造气剂gas f or m i ng const i t uent s造渣剂sl ag f or m i ng const i t uent s合金剂al l oyi ng const i t uent脱氧剂di oxi di zer稳弧剂ar c st abi l i zer粘接剂bi nder水玻璃w at er gl ass水玻璃模数m odul es of w at er gl ass酸性焊条aci d el ect r ode高钛型焊条hi gh t i t ani a (t ype)el ect r ode钛钙型焊条l i m e t i t ani a t ype el ect r ode钛铁矿形焊条i l m eni t e t ype el ect r ode氧化铁型焊条i r on oxi de t ype el ect r ode/hi gh i r on oxi de t ype el ect r ode高纤维素型焊条hi gh cel l ul ose (t ype)el ect r ode石墨型焊条gr aphi t e t ype el ect r ode碱性焊条basi c el ect r ode/l i m e t ype cover ed el ect r ode低氢型焊条l ow hydr ogen t ype el ect r ode高韧性超低氢焊条hi gh t oughness super l ow hydr ogen el ect r ode奥氏体焊条aust eni t i c el ect r ode铁素体焊条f er r i t i c el ect r ode不锈钢焊条st ai nl ess st eel el ect r ode珠光体耐热钢焊条pear l i t i c heat r esi st ant st eel el ect r ode低温钢焊条l ow t em per at ur e st eel el ect r ode/st eel el ect r ode f or l ow t em per at ur e 铝合金焊条al um i num al l oy ar c w el di ng el ect r ode铜合金焊条copper-al l oy ar c w el di ng el ect r ode铜芯铸铁焊条cast i r on el ect r ode w i t h st eel cor e纯镍铸铁焊条pur e ni ckel cast i r on el ect r ode球墨铸铁焊条el ect r ode f or w el di ng spher oi dal gr aphi t e cast i r on铸芯焊条el ect r ode w i t h cast cor e w i r e镍基合金焊条ni ckel base al l oy cover ed el ect r ode蒙乃尔焊条M onel el ect r ode纯铁焊条pur e i r on el ect r ode渗铝钢焊条al um et i zed st eel el ect r ode高效率焊条hi gh ef f i ci ency el ect r ode铁粉焊条i r on pow der el ect r ode底层焊条backi ng w el di ng el ect r ode深熔焊条deep penet r at i on el ect r ode重力焊条gr avi t y el ect r ode立向下焊条el ect r ode f or ver t i cal dow n posi t i on w el di ng节能焊条savi ng ener gy el ect r ode水下焊条under w at er w el di ng el ect r ode耐海水腐蚀焊条seaw at er cor r osi on r esi st ant st eel el ect r ode低尘低毒焊条l ow-f um e and har m f ul l ess el ect r ode/l ow-f um e and l ow-t oxi c el ect r ode堆焊焊条sur f aci ng el ect r ode耐磨堆焊焊条har df aci ng el ect r ode钴基合金堆焊焊条cobal t base al l oy sur f aci ng el ect r ode碳化钨堆焊焊条t ungst en car bi de sur f aci ng el ect r ode高锰钢堆焊焊条hi gh m anganese st eel sur f aci ng el ect r ode双芯焊条t w i n el ect r ode绞合焊条st r anded el ect r ode编织焊条br ai ded el ect r ode双层药皮焊条doubl e coat ed el ect r ode管状焊条f l ux-cor ed el ect r ode气渣联合保护型药皮sem i-vol at i l e cover i ng焊条工艺性usabi l i t y of t he el ect r ode/t echni cal i t y of t he el ect r ode焊条使用性r unni ng char act er i st i cs of an el ect r ode/oper at i ng char act er i st i cs of an el ect r ode 焊条熔化性m el t i ng char act er i st i cs of an el ect r ode焊条直径cor e di am et er焊条偏心度eccent r i ci t y (of an el ect r ode)药皮重量系数gr avi t y coef f i ci ent of coat i ng焊条药皮含水量per cent age of m oi st ur e f or cover i ng焊条夹吃持端bar e t er m i nal(of an el ect r ode)焊条引弧端st r i ki ng end (of an el cet r ode)焊剂w el di ng f l ux/f l ux熔炼焊剂f used f l ux粘结焊剂bonded f l ux烧结焊剂si nt er ed f l ux/aggl om er at ed f l ux窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂f l ux f or nar r ow-gap subm er ged ar c w el di ng低氢型焊剂l ow hydr ogen t ype f l ux高速焊剂hi gh speed w el di ng f l ux无氧焊剂oxygen-f r ee f l ux低毒焊剂l ow poi son f l ux磁性焊剂m agnet i c f l ux电弧焊 ar c w el di ng直流电弧焊 di r ect cur r ent ar c w el di ng交流电弧焊 al t er nat i ng cur r ent ar c w el di ng三相电弧焊 t hr ee phase ar c w el di ng熔化电弧焊 ar c w el di ng w i t h consum abl e金属极电弧焊 m et al ar c w el di ng不熔化极电弧焊 ar c w el di ng w i t h nonconsum abl e碳弧焊 car bon ar c w el di ng明弧焊 open ar c w el di ng焊条电弧焊 shi el ded m et al ar c w el di ng (S M A W)重力焊gr avi t y w el di ng躺焊 f i r e cr acker w el di ng电弧堆焊 ar c sur f aci ng自动堆焊 aut om at i c sur f aci ng躺板极堆焊 sur f aci ng by f i r e cr acker w el di ng带极堆焊 sur f aci ng w i t h band-el ect r ode振动电弧堆焊 vi br at or y ar c sur f aci ng耐磨堆焊 har df aci ng埋弧焊 subm er ged ar c w el di ng (S A W)多丝埋弧焊m ul t i pl e w i r e subm er ged ar c w el di ng纵列多丝埋弧焊 Tandem sequence (subm er ged-ar c w el di ng)横列多丝埋弧焊 ser i es subm er ged ar c w el di ng (S A W-S)横列双丝并联埋弧焊 t r ansver se subm er ged ar c w el di ng热丝埋弧焊 hot w i r e subm er ged-ar c w el di ng窄间隙埋弧焊 nar r ow-gap subm er ged ar c w el di ng弧压反馈电弧焊 ar c vol t age f eedback cont r ol l i ng ar c w el di ng 自调节电弧焊 sel f-adj ust i ng ar c w el di ng适应控制焊接 adapt i ve cont r ol w el di ng焊剂层 bur den;f l ux l ayer气体保护电弧焊 gas shi el ded ar c w el di ng保护气体 pr ot ect i ve at m ospher e惰性气体 i ner t-gas活性气体 act i ve-gas惰性气体保护焊 i ner t-gas (ar c)w el di ng氩弧焊 ar gon ar c w el di ng熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 m et al i ner t-gas ar c w el di ng钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 t ungst en i ner t-gas ar c w el di ng钨极氢弧焊 ar gon t ungst en ar c w el di ng脉冲氢弧焊 pul sed ar gon ar c w el di ng熔化极脉冲氢弧焊 ar gon m et al pul sed ar c w el di ng钨极脉冲氢弧焊 ar gon t ungst en pul sed ar c w el di ng热丝M I G焊 hot w i r e M I G w el di ng热丝T I G焊 hot w i r e T I G w el di ng氨弧焊 hel i um-ar c w el di ng活性气体保护电弧焊 m et al act i ve-gas ar c w el di ng混合气体保护电弧焊 m i xed gas ar c w el di ng焊接专业英语词汇(4)二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊 car bon-di oxi de ar c w el di ng;C O2 ar c w el di ng 细丝C O2焊 C O2 ar c w el di ng w i t h t hi n w i r e粗丝C O2焊 C O2 ar c w el di ng w i t h t hi ck w i r e磁性焊剂C O2焊 uni onar c w el di ng药芯焊丝C O2焊 ar cos ar c pr ocess;dual shi el d ar c w el di ng气电立焊 el ect r ogas (ar c)w el di ng氮弧焊 ni t r ogen-ar c w el di ng水蒸气保护电弧焊 w at er vapour ar c w el di ng原子氢焊 at om i c hydr ogen w el di ng冲器室中电弧焊 cont r ol l ed at m ospher e ar c w el di ng旋转电弧焊 r ot at i ng ar c w el di ng短路过渡电弧焊 shor t ci r cui t i ng ar c w el di ng焊丝横摆频率 w eavi ng speed of w i r e焊丝停摆时间 el ect r ode keep t i m e of sl i der等离子弧焊 pl asm a ar c w el di ng (PA W)等离子弧 pl asm a ar c等离子流 pl asm a j et转移弧 t r ansf er r ed ar c非转移弧 nont r ansf er r ed ar c联合型等离子弧 com bi ned pl asm a ar c主弧 m ai n ar c维弧 pi l ot ar c维弧电流 pi l ot ar c sur r ent双弧现象 doubl e ar ci ng双弧临界电流 cr i t i cal cur r ent of doubl e ar ci ng等离子弧焊枪 pl asm a (w el di ng)t or ch压缩喷嘴 const r i ct i ng nozzl e单孔喷嘴 si ngl e por t nozzl e多孔喷嘴 m ul t i por t nozzl e压缩喷嘴孔径 or i f i ce di am et er孔道长度 or i f i ce t hr oat l engt h孔道比 or i f i ce t hr oat r at i o等离子气 pl asm a gas;or i f i ce gas电极内缩长度 el ect r ode set back小孔效应 keyhol e ef f ect小孔型等离子弧焊 keyhol e-m ode w el di ng熔透型等离子弧焊 f usi on t ype pl asm a ar c w el di ng大电流等离子弧焊 hi gh-cur r ent pl asm a ar c w el di ng中电流等离子弧焊 i nt er m edi at e-cur r ent pl asm a ar c w el di ng小电流等离子弧焊 l ow-cur r ent pl asm a ar c w el di ng微束等离子弧焊 m i cr o-pl asm a ar c w el di ng交流等离子弧焊 A C pl asm a ar c w el di ng脉冲等离子弧焊 pul sed pl asm a ar c w el di ng等离子弧堆焊pl asm a ar c sur f aci ng热丝等离子弧堆焊 hot w i r e pl asm a ar c sur f aci ng粉末等离子弧堆焊 pl asm a ar c pow der sur f aci ng等离子-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 pl asm a M I G w el di ng转移弧电源 t r ansf er r ed ar c pow er suppl y非转移弧电源 nont r ansf er r ed ar c pow er suppl y电弧焊设备 ar c w el di ng equi pm ent电弧焊机 ar c w el di ng m achi ne直流弧焊机 D C ar c w el di ng m achi ne交流弧焊机 A C ar c w el di ng m achi ne交直流两用弧焊机 A C/D C ar c w el di ng m achi ne单站弧焊机 si ngl e oper at or ar c w el di ng m achi ne多站弧焊机 m ul t i-oper at or ar c w el di ng set固定式弧焊机 st at i onar y ar c w el di ng m achi ne移动式弧焊机 por t abl e ar c w el di ng m achi ne台式弧焊机 bench ar c w el di ng m achi ne内燃机驱动式弧焊机 com bust i on engi ne dr i ven ar c w el di ng set电动机驱动式弧焊机 m ot or dr i ven ar c w el di ng set熔化极弧焊机 ar c w el di ng m achi ne usi ng a consum abl e el ect r ode不熔化极弧焊机 ar c w el di ng m achi ne usi ng a non-consum abl e el ect r ode 脉冲弧焊机 pul sed ar c w el di ng m achi ne气体保护弧焊机 gas shi el ded ar c w el di ng m achi ne氩弧焊机 ar gon ar c w el di ng m achi ne二氧化碳弧焊机 C O2 ar c w el di ng m achi ne钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机 t ungst en i ner t-gas w el di ng m achi ne熔化仍惰性气体保护弧焊机 m et al i ner t-gas w el di ng m achi ne气电立焊机 el ect r ogas (ar c)w el di ng m achi ne等离子弧焊机 pl asm a ar c w el di ng m achi ne微束等离子弧焊机 m i cr o-pl asm a w el di ng equi pm ent原子氢焊机 at om i c hydr ogen w el di ng appar at us埋弧焊机 subm er ged ar c w el di ng m achi ne弧焊电源 ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce直流弧焊电源 D C ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce交流弧焊电源 A C ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce交直流两用弧焊电源 A C/D C ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce脉冲弧焊电源 pul sed ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce上升特性弧焊电源 r i si ng char act er i st i c ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce平特性弧焊电源 const ant–vol t age ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce下降特性弧焊电源 dr oppi ng char act er i st i c ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce垂降特性弧焊电源 const ant-cur r ent ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce多特性弧焊电源 sl ope-cont r ol l ed ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce逆变式焊接电源 i nver t er w el di ng pow er sour ce晶体管弧焊电源 t r ansi st or ar c w el di ng pow er sour ce。

焊接专业英语词汇 版本

焊接专业英语词汇 版本

焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)1、熔化焊熔接fusion welding压接pressure welding焊接过程welding process焊接技术welding technique焊接工艺welding technology/procedure焊接操作welding operation焊接顺序welding sequence焊接方向direction of welding焊接位置welding position熔敷顺序build-up sequence/deposition sequence 焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation平焊位置flat position of welding横焊位置horizontal position of welding立焊位置vertical position of welding仰焊位置overhead position of welding平焊downhand welding/flat position welding横焊horizontal position welding立焊vertical position welding仰焊overhead position welding?全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。

如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position倾斜焊inclined position welding上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position对接焊butt welding角焊fillet welding搭接焊lap welding船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat positi on平角焊horizontal fillet welding立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position坡口焊groove weldingI形坡口对接焊square butt welding喇叭形坡口焊flare groove welding卷边焊flanged edge welding纵缝焊接welding of longitudinal seam横缝焊接welding of transverse seam环缝焊接girth welding/ circumferential螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam 环缝对接焊butt welding of circumferential seam定位焊tack welding单面焊welding by one side双面焊welding by both sides单道焊single pass welding/single run welding多道焊multi-pass welding单层焊single layer welding多层焊multi-layer welding分段多层焊block sequence/ block welding分层多道焊multi-layer and multi-pass welding连续焊continuous welding断续焊intermittent welding打底焊backing weld封底焊back sealing weld盖面焊cosmetic welding深熔焊deep penetration welding摆动焊welding with weaving/weave bead welding前倾焊foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国) 后倾焊backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国) 分段退焊backstep welding跳焊skip welding对称焊balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence 左焊法leftward welding forehand welding右焊法rightward welding/backhand welding挑弧焊whipping method自动焊automatic welding手工焊manual welding/hand welding车间焊接shop welding工地焊接site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国)拘束焊接restraint welding堆焊surfacing/building up/overlaying隔离层堆焊buttering端部周边焊boxing/end return返修焊rewelding补焊repair welding塞焊plug welding槽焊slot welding衬垫焊welding with backing焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding强制成形焊enclosed welding脉冲电弧焊pulsed are welding电弧点焊arc spot welding螺柱焊stud welding热风焊hot gas welding高能焊high grade energy welding固态焊接solid-state welding单面焊双面成形one-side welding with back formation 焊接条件welding condition焊接工艺参数welding parameter极性polarity正接electrode negative/straight polarity反接electrode positive/reversed polarity运条方式manipulation of electrode焊接电流welding current焊接电流增加时间welding current upslope time焊接电流衰减时间welding current downslope time电流密度current density短路电流short circuit current脉冲电流pulse level/pulse current level脉冲电流幅值pulse current amplitude基值电流background level脉冲频率pulse frequency脉冲焊接电流占空比duty cycle of pulse duration电弧电压arc voltage再引弧电压reignition voltage焊接速度welding speed行走速度rate of travel/travel speed送丝速度wire feed rate线能量heat input/energy input热输入heat input预热preheat后热postheat焊后热处理posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 预热温度preheat temperature层间温度interpass temperature焊接终了温度finishing temperature后热温度postheating temperature焊丝伸出长度wire extension弧长arc length熔化速度melting rate熔化时间melting time熔化系数melting coefficient熔敷速度rate of deposition/deposition rate熔敷系数deposition coefficient熔敷效率deposition efficiency损失系数loss coefficient飞spatter飞溅率spatter loss coefficient融合比fusion ratio稀释dilution稀释率rate of dilution合金过度系数transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element) 坡口groove坡口面groove face坡口面角度angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国)坡口角度included angle(英国)/groove angle(美国)坡口高度groove depth钝边root face钝边高度thickness of root face/width of root face根部间隙root gap(英国)/root opening (美国)根部半径root radius/groove radius根部锐边root edge卷边高度height of flange卷边半径radius of flange单面坡口single groove双面坡口double groove坡口形式groove typeI形坡口square grooveV形坡口single V grooveY形坡口single V groove with root face双Y形坡口double Vgroove with root face带钝边U形坡口single U groove带钝边双U形坡口double U grooveVY形坡口single compound angle groove带钝边J形坡口single J groove带钝边双J形坡口double J groove单边V形坡口single bevel groove双V形坡口double V groove不对称双V形坡口asymmetric double V groove双单边V形坡口double bevel groove/K groove带垫板V形坡口V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing? 喇叭形坡口flare groove锁底坡口single bevel groove with backing locked坡形板边tapered edge焊缝weld接逢seam焊缝符号welding symbol焊缝金属weld metal填充金属filler metal熔敷金属deposited metal焊缝表面weld face/ face of weld焊缝背面back of weld焊缝轴线axis of weld焊缝尺寸size of weld焊缝宽度weld width/ width of weld焊缝长度weld length/ length of weld焊缝有效长度effective length of weld焊缝厚度throat depth/ throat thickness焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat焊缝实际厚度actual throat熔深penetration/ depth of penetration焊缝成形appearance of weld焊缝成形系数form factor of weld余高reinforcement/ excess weld metal背面余高root reinforcement削平焊缝flush weld/ weld machined flush 对接焊缝butt weld角焊缝fillet焊脚leg/ fillet weld leg角焊缝断面形状profile of fillet weld平形角焊缝flat fillet凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld角焊缝凹度concavity侧面角焊缝side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear 正面角焊缝front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear 立角焊缝fillet weld in the vertical position横角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontal position平角焊缝fillet weld in the flat position斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld连续焊缝continuous weld断续焊缝intermittent weld连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent fillet weld并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld端接焊缝edge weld卷边焊缝flanged edge weld塞焊焊缝plug weld纵向焊缝longitudinal weld横向焊缝transverse weld环行焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld密封焊缝seal weld承载焊缝strength weld联系焊缝connective weld定位焊缝tack weld焊道bead/ run/ pass焊波ripple焊根weld root/ root of weld焊趾weld toe/ toe封底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld 根部焊道root pass/ root run填充焊道filling bead盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead熔透焊道penetration bead焊层layer焊接接头welded joint接头形状joint geometry等强匹配接头equalmatching weld joint低强匹配接头undermatching weld joint超强匹配接头overmatching weld joint接头根部root of joint对接接头butt jointI形对接接头square butt jointV形对接接头single V butt jointU形对接接头single U butt jointJ形坡口接头single J butt joint双V形对接接头double V butt joint双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint 带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint带钝边J形坡口接头double J joint角接接头corner jointT形接头T joint斜T形接头inclined T joint十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint三联接头joint among three members搭接接头lap joint套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint双盖板接头double strapped joint盖板接头strapped joint端接接头edge joint卷边接头flanged edge joint锁底对接接头lock butt joint斜对接接头oblique butt joint混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint有间隙接头open joint无间隙接头closed joint焊接电弧welding arc电弧形态arc shape电弧物理行为arc physics behaviour引弧striking arc引弧电压striking voltage电弧气氛arc atmosphere阴极cathode热阴极hot cathode冷阴极cold cathode阴极斑点cathode spot阴极区cathode region阴极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the cathode region 阴极压降cathode drop阳极anode阳极斑点anode spot斑点压力spot pressure阳极区anode region阳极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the anode region 阳极压降anode drop弧柱arc column/ arc stream弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column弧柱电位梯度potential gradient in the arc column 弧焰arc flame弧心arc core硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc软电弧soft arc旋转电弧rotating arc脉冲电弧pulsed arc脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc起皱现象puckering phenomena起皱电弧puckering arc起皱临界电流puckering critical current间接电弧indirect arc压缩电弧compressive arc磁控电弧magnetic controlling arc电弧力arc force电磁力electromagnectic force电磁收缩效应pinch effect电弧飘移wandering of arc电弧稳定性arc stability电弧静特性static characteristic of arc电弧动特性dynamic characteristic of arc最小电压原理principle of minimum voltage 电弧挺度arc stiffness电弧偏吹arc blow磁偏吹magnetic blow阴极清理作用cleaning action of the cathode 电弧自身调节arc self-regulation挖掘作用digging action极性效应polarity effect熔滴droplet熔滴比表面积specific surface of droplet熔滴过渡metal transfer过度频率transition frequency?粗滴过渡globular transfer; drop transfer短路过渡short circuiting transfer喷射过渡spray transfer旋转喷射过渡rotating spray transfer脉冲喷射过渡pulsed spray transfer爆炸过渡explosive transfer渣壁过渡flux wall guided transfer熔池molten pool?沸腾状熔池boiling molten pool弧坑crater熔渣slag渣系slag system渣系相图slag system diagram碱性渣basic slag酸性渣acid slag碱度basicity酸度acidity长渣long slag短渣short slag粘性熔渣viscous slag氧化物型熔渣oxide melting slag盐型熔渣salt melting slag盐-氧化物型熔渣salt-oxide melting slag熔渣流动性fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity熔渣solidified slag多孔焊渣porous slag玻璃状焊渣vitreous slag自动脱落焊渣self-releasing slag脱渣性slag detachability焊接设备welding equipment; welding set焊机welding machine; welder电焊机electric welding machine; electric welder焊接电源welding power source焊接热循环weld thermal cycle焊接温度场field of weld temperature; weld temperature field 准稳定温度场quasi-stationary temperature field焊接热源welding heat source点热源point heat source线热源linear heat source面热源plane heat source瞬时集中热源instantaneous concentration heat source热效率thermal efficiency?热能集中系数coefficient of heat flow concentration峰值温度peak temperature瞬时冷却速度momentary cooling rate冷却时间cooling time置换氧化substitutionary oxydation扩散氧化diffusible oxydation脱氧desoxydation先期脱氧precedent desoxydation扩散脱氧diffusible desoxydation沉淀脱氧precipitation desoxydation扩散氢diffusible hydrogen初始扩散氢initial diffusible hydrogen100℃残余扩散氢diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃残余氢residual hydrogen去氢dehydrogenation去氢热处理heat treatment for dehydrogenation脱硫desulphurization脱磷dephosphorization渗合金alloying微量合金化microalloying一次结晶组织primary solidification structure二次结晶组织secondary solidification structure联生结晶epitaxial solidification焊缝结晶形态solidification mode in weld-bead结晶层状线ripple多边化边界polygonization boundary结晶平均线速度mean solidification rate针状铁素体acicular ferrite条状铁素体lath ferrite侧板条铁素体ferrite side-plate晶界欣素体grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid ferrite? 粒状贝氏体granular bainite板条马氏体lath martensite过热组织overheated structure魏氏组织Widmannst?tten structureM-A组元martensite-austenite constituent焊件失效分析failure analysis of weldments冷裂判据criterion of cold cracking冷裂敏感系数cold cracking susceptibity coefficient 脆性温度区间brittle temperature range氢脆hydrogen embrittlement层状偏析lamellar segregation愈合healing effect断口金相fractography断口fracture延性断口ductile fracture韧窝断口dimple fracture脆性断口brittle fracture解理断口cleavage fracture准解理断口quasi-cleavage fracture氢致准解理断口hydrogen-embrittlement induced沿晶断口intergranular fracture穿晶断口transgranular fracture疲劳断口fatigue fracture滑移面断口glide plane fracture断口形貌fracture apperance断口试验fracture test宏观断口分析macrofractography放射区radical zone纤维区fibrous zone剪切唇区shear lip aone焊接性weldability使用焊接性service weldability工艺焊接性fabrication weldability冶金焊接性metallurgical weldability热焊接性thermal weldability母材base metal; parent metal焊接区weld zone焊态as-welded (AW)母材熔化区fusion zone半熔化区partial melting region未混合区unmixed zone熔合区bond area熔合线weld junction (英);bond line (美) 热影响区heat-affected zone (HAZ)过热区overheated zone粗晶区coarse grained region细晶区fine grained region过渡区transition zone硬化区hardened zone碳当量carbon equivalent铬当量chromium equivalent镍当量nickel equivalent舍夫勒组织图Schaeffler's diagram德龙组织图Delong’s diagram连续冷却转变图(CCT图)continuous cooling transformation 裂纹敏感性cracking sensibility焊接裂纹weld crack焊缝裂纹weld metal crack焊道裂纹bead crack弧坑裂纹crater crack热影响区裂纹heat-affected zone crack纵向裂纹longitudinal crack横向裂纹transverse crack微裂纹micro-crack; micro-fissure热裂纹hot crack凝固裂纹solidification crack晶间裂纹intercrystalline crack穿晶裂纹transcrystalline crack多边化裂纹polygonization crack液化裂纹liquation crack失延裂纹ductility-dip crack冷裂纹cold crack延迟裂纹delayed crack氢致裂纹hydrogen-induced crack焊道下裂纹underbead crack焊根裂纹root crack焊趾裂纹toe crack锯齿形裂纹chevron cracking消除应力处理裂纹stress relief annealing crack (SR crack) 再热裂纹reheat crack焊缝晶间腐蚀weld intercryctalline corrosion刀状腐蚀knife line attack敏化区腐蚀weld decay层状撕裂lamellar tearing焊接性试验weldability裂纹试验cracking testIIW裂纹试验IIW cracking testY形坡口裂纹试验slit type cracking test分块形槽热裂纹试验segmented circular groove cracking test H形裂纹试验H-type cracking test鱼骨形裂纹试验fishbone cracking test指形裂纹试验finger (cracking) testT形裂纹试验Tee type cracking test环形槽裂纹试验circular-groove cracking test可调拘束裂纹试验varestraint testBWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel? 圆棒裂纹试验bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test里海裂纹试验Lehigh restraint cracking test圆形镶块裂纹试验circular-path cracking test十字接头裂纹试验cruciform cracking testZ向窗口拘束裂纹试验Z-direction window type restraint cracking test G-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验G-BOP weld metal crack test巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验Battelle type underbead cracking testU形拉伸试验U-tension test缪雷克期热裂纹试验Murex hot cracking test菲斯柯裂纹试验FISCO (type) cracking testCTS裂纹试验controlled thermal severity拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验)tensile restraint cracking test刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验)rigid restraint cracking test插销试验implant testTigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验Tigamajing thin plate cracking test焊道纵向弯曲试验longitudinal-bead test柯麦雷尔弯曲试验Kommerell bead bend test肯泽尔弯曲试验Kinzel test缺口弯曲试验notch bend test热朔性试验hot-ductility test热影响区冲击试验impact test of HAZ热影响区模拟试验synthetic heat-affected zone test 最高硬度试验maximum hardness test落锤试验NRL (Naval Research Laboratory)测氢试验Hydrogen test焊接材料电极焊接材料welding consumables电极electrode熔化电极consumable electrode不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode钨电极tungsten electrode焊丝welding wire. Welding rod实心焊丝solid wire渡铜焊丝copper-plating welding wire自保护焊丝self-shielded welding wire药芯焊丝flux-cored wire复合焊丝combined wire堆焊焊丝surfacing welding rod填充焊丝filler wire焊条electrode/ covered electrode焊芯core wire药皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode)涂料coating flux/coating material造气剂gas forming constituents造渣剂slag forming constituents合金剂alloying constituent脱氧剂dioxidizer稳弧剂arc stabilizer粘接剂binder水玻璃water glass?水玻璃模数modules of water glass酸性焊条acid electrode高钛型焊条high titania (type) electrode钛钙型焊条lime titania type electrode钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type electrode氧化铁型焊条iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode 高纤维素型焊条high cellulose (type) electrode石墨型焊条graphite type electrode碱性焊条basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode高韧性超低氢焊条high toughness super low hydrogen electrode奥氏体焊条austenitic electrode铁素体焊条ferritic electrode不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode低温钢焊条low temperature steel electrode/ steel electrode for low tempera ture铝合金焊条aluminum alloy arc welding electrode铜合金焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode铜芯铸铁焊条cast iron electrode with steel core?纯镍铸铁焊条pure nickel cast iron electrode球墨铸铁焊条electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron铸芯焊条electrode with cast core wire镍基合金焊条nickel base alloy covered electrode蒙乃尔焊条Monel electrode纯铁焊条pure iron electrode渗铝钢焊条alumetized steel electrode高效率焊条high efficiency electrode铁粉焊条iron powder electrode底层焊条backing welding electrode深熔焊条deep penetration electrode重力焊条gravity electrode立向下焊条electrode for vertical down position welding节能焊条saving energy electrode水下焊条underwater welding electrode耐海水腐蚀焊条seawater corrosion resistant steel electrode低尘低毒焊条low-fume and harmfulless electrode/low-fume and low-toxic electrode堆焊焊条surfacing electrode耐磨堆焊焊条hardfacing electrode钴基合金堆焊焊条cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode碳化钨堆焊焊条tungsten carbide surfacing electrode高锰钢堆焊焊条high manganese steel surfacing electrode双芯焊条twin electrode绞合焊条stranded electrode编织焊条braided electrode双层药皮焊条double coated electrode管状焊条flux-cored electrode气渣联合保护型药皮semi-volatile covering焊条工艺性usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode焊条使用性running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteristics of an electrode焊条熔化性melting characteristics of an electrode焊条直径core diameter焊条偏心度eccentricity (of an electrode)药皮重量系数gravity coefficient of coating焊条药皮含水量percentage of moisture for covering焊条夹吃持端bare terminal (of an electrode)焊条引弧端striking end (of an elcetrode)焊剂welding flux/ flux熔炼焊剂fused flux粘结焊剂bonded flux烧结焊剂sintered flux/ agglomerated flux窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding 低氢型焊剂low hydrogen type flux高速焊剂high speed welding flux无氧焊剂oxygen-free flux低毒焊剂low poison flux磁性焊剂magnetic flux电弧焊arc welding直流电弧焊direct current arc welding交流电弧焊alternating current arc welding三相电弧焊three phase arc welding熔化电弧焊arc welding with consumable金属极电弧焊metal arc welding不熔化极电弧焊arc welding with nonconsumable碳弧焊carbon arc welding明弧焊open arc welding焊条电弧焊shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)重力焊gravity welding躺焊fire cracker welding电弧堆焊arc surfacing自动堆焊automatic surfacing躺板极堆焊surfacing by fire cracker welding带极堆焊surfacing with band-electrode振动电弧堆焊vibratory arc surfacing耐磨堆焊hardfacing埋弧焊submerged arc welding (SAW)多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding纵列多丝埋弧焊Tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding) 横列多丝埋弧焊series submerged arc welding (SAW-S)横列双丝并联埋弧焊transverse submerged arc welding热丝埋弧焊hot wire submerged-arc welding窄间隙埋弧焊narrow-gap submerged arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding 自调节电弧焊self-adjusting arc welding适应控制焊接adaptive control welding焊剂层burden; flux layer气体保护电弧焊gas shielded arc welding保护气体protective atmosphere惰性气体inert-gas活性气体active-gas惰性气体保护焊inert-gas (arc) welding氩弧焊argon arc welding熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊metal inert-gas arc welding钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊tungsten inert-gas arc welding钨极氢弧焊argon tungsten arc welding脉冲氢弧焊pulsed argon arc welding熔化极脉冲氢弧焊argon metal pulsed arc welding钨极脉冲氢弧焊argon tungsten pulsed arc welding热丝MIG焊hot wire MIG welding热丝TIG焊hot wire TIG welding氨弧焊helium-arc welding活性气体保护电弧焊metal active-gas arc welding混合气体保护电弧焊mixed gas arc welding二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊carbon-dioxide arc welding; CO2 arc welding? 细丝CO2焊CO2 arc welding with thin wire粗丝CO2焊CO2 arc welding with thick wire磁性焊剂CO2焊unionarc welding药芯焊丝CO2焊arcos arc process; dual shield arc welding气电立焊electrogas (arc) welding氮弧焊nitrogen-arc welding水蒸气保护电弧焊water vapour arc welding原子氢焊atomic hydrogen welding冲器室中电弧焊controlled atmosphere arc welding 旋转电弧焊rotating arc welding短路过渡电弧焊short circuiting arc welding焊丝横摆频率weaving speed of wire焊丝停摆时间electrode keep time of slider等离子弧焊plasma arc welding (PAW)等离子弧plasma arc等离子流plasma jet转移弧transferred arc非转移弧nontransferred arc联合型等离子弧combined plasma arc主弧main arc维弧pilot arc维弧电流pilot arc surrent双弧现象double arcing双弧临界电流critical current of double arcing等离子弧焊枪plasma (welding) torch压缩喷嘴constricting nozzle单孔喷嘴single port nozzle多孔喷嘴multiport nozzle压缩喷嘴孔径orifice diameter孔道长度orifice throat length孔道比orifice throat ratio等离子气plasma gas; orifice gas电极内缩长度electrode setback小孔效应keyhole effect小孔型等离子弧焊keyhole-mode welding熔透型等离子弧焊fusion type plasma arc welding大电流等离子弧焊high-current plasma arc welding中电流等离子弧焊intermediate-current plasma arc welding? 小电流等离子弧焊low-current plasma arc welding微束等离子弧焊micro-plasma arc welding交流等离子弧焊AC plasma arc welding?脉冲等离子弧焊pulsed plasma arc welding等离子弧堆焊plasma arc surfacing热丝等离子弧堆焊hot wire plasma arc surfacing粉末等离子弧堆焊plasma arc powder surfacing等离子-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊plasma MIG welding转移弧电源transferred arc power supply?非转移弧电源nontransferred arc power supply?电弧焊设备arc welding equipment电弧焊机arc welding machine直流弧焊机DC arc welding machine交流弧焊机AC arc welding machine交直流两用弧焊机AC/DC arc welding machine单站弧焊机single operator arc welding machine多站弧焊机multi-operator arc welding set固定式弧焊机stationary arc welding machine移动式弧焊机portable arc welding machine台式弧焊机bench arc welding machine内燃机驱动式弧焊机combustion engine driven arc welding set电动机驱动式弧焊机motor driven arc welding set熔化极弧焊机arc welding machine using a consumable electrode不熔化极弧焊机arc welding machine using a non-consumable electrode 脉冲弧焊机pulsed arc welding machine气体保护弧焊机gas shielded arc welding machine氩弧焊机argon arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机CO2 arc welding machine钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机tungsten inert-gas welding machine熔化仍惰性气体保护弧焊机metal inert-gas welding machine气电立焊机electrogas (arc) welding machine等离子弧焊机plasma arc welding machine微束等离子弧焊机micro-plasma welding equipment原子氢焊机atomic hydrogen welding apparatus埋弧焊机submerged arc welding machine弧焊电源arc welding power source直流弧焊电源DC arc welding power source交流弧焊电源AC arc welding power source交直流两用弧焊电源AC/DC arc welding power source脉冲弧焊电源pulsed arc welding power source上升特性弧焊电源rising characteristic arc welding power source平特性弧焊电源constant –voltage arc welding power source?下降特性弧焊电源dropping characteristic arc welding power source垂降特性弧焊电源constant-current arc welding power source多特性弧焊电源slope-controlled arc welding power source逆变式焊接电源inverter welding power source晶体管弧焊电源transistor arc welding power source电源动特性dynamic characteristic电源外特性external characteristic弧焊变压器arc welding transformer弧焊整流器arc welding rectifier硅弧焊整流器silicon arc welding rectifier晶闸管弧焊整流器SCR arc welding rectifier; arc welding silicon controlled r ectifier脉冲弧焊整流器pulsed arc welding rectifier弧焊发电机arc welding generator焊车welding tractor焊接机头welding head行走机构traveller送丝机构wire feeder等速送丝方式constant wire-feed system变速送丝方式alternate wire-feed system跟踪装置tracer焊丝盘wire reel焊钳electrode holder焊枪welding gun?电极夹electrode holder导电嘴tip; contact tube喷嘴nozzle焊剂漏斗flux-hopper高频振荡器oscillator; HF unit脉冲引弧器pulsed arc starter; surge injector 脉冲稳弧器pulsed arc stabilizer脉冲激弧器pulsed arc exciter输出电抗器out put reactor镇定变阻器ballast rheostat直流分量抑制器direct current suppressor焊接回路welding circuit额定焊接电流rated welding current焊接电流调节范围range of welding current regulation 空载电压open circuit voltage(no load voltage)约定负载电压conventional load voltage负载持续率duty cycle额定负载持续率rated duty cycle; standard service手工弧焊机manual arc welding machine电焊渣electroslag welding (ESW)手工电渣焊manual electroslag welding丝极电渣焊electroslag welding with wire electrode板极电渣焊electroslag welding with plate electrode熔嘴电渣焊electroslag welding with consumable nozzle 管极电渣焊electroslag welding with tube electrode窄间隙电渣焊narrow-gap electroslag welding电渣堆焊electroslag surfacing电渣焊机electrosalg welding machine熔嘴consumable nozzle; consumable wire?钢档板steel shoe (钢冷却板Cu-cooling plate铜滑板copper shoe渣池slag bath渣池深度depth of slag bath渣池电压voltage of slag bath电渣过程稳定性electroslag process stability焊丝间距distance between welding wires电子束焊electron beam welding (EBW)脉冲电子束焊pulsed electron beam welding加速电压acceleration voltage/ operating voltage电子束电流beam current电子束功率beam power电子束功率密度beam power density焦点focal spot焦距focal length工作距离work distance电子束焊机electron beam welding machine高真空电子束焊机full vacuum electron beam welder低真空电子束焊机partial vacuum electron beam welder 非真空电子束焊机nonvacuum electron beam welder真空度vacuum电子枪electron gun二极电子枪diode gun三极电子枪triode gun偏压电极bias electrode电磁透镜electromagnetic lens电子束偏转线圈electron beam deflection coils导流系数perveance钉尖spiking激光焊laser welding/ laser beam welding连续激光焊continuous laser welding脉冲激光焊impulsed laser welding激光焊机laser welding equipment气体激光器gas laser固体激光器solid laser焦斑直径focussed diameter of the beam离焦量clearance between focal point and (plate) surface 焊缝深宽比weld seam depth-to-width ratio3、气焊、热剂焊、水下焊gas welding氧乙炔焊oxy-acetylene welding氢氧焊oxy-hydrogen welding空气乙炔焊air-acetylene welding氧乙炔焊oxy-acetylene flame氢氧焰oxy-hydrogen flame氧煤气焰oxy-coal gas flame焊接火焰welding flame混合比mixing ratio混合气体可燃范围inflammable limit of the gaseous一次燃烧primary combustion二次燃烧secondary combustion燃烧速度combustion rate燃烧强度combustion intensity火焰热效率flame heating efficiency焰芯inner cone; flame cone内焰internal flame外焰flame envelope中性焰neutral flame氧化焰oxidizing flame碳化焰carburizing flame回火flashback逆火backfire回烧flashback气体发生速度gasification speed焊炬torch; blow pipe等压式焊炬balanced pressure torch射吸式焊炬injector torch氧乙炔焊炬oxy-acetylene torch焊割两用炬combined cutting and welding torch 混合室mixing chamber喷射器injector焊嘴welding nozzle; welding tip液氧气化器oxygen evaporator气瓶gas cylinder乙炔瓶acetylene cylinder阀罩cylinder cap气瓶阀cylinder valve汇流排cylinder manifold减压器pressure regulator; gas regulator单级减压器single stage regulator两级减压器two stage regulator回火防止器flashback arrestor干式回火防止器dry flashback arrestor水封式回火防止器water-closing type arrestor净化器purifier乙炔发生器acetylene generator低压乙炔发生器low pressure acetylene generator 热剂补焊thermit repair welding钢轨热剂焊thermit rail welding热剂thermit powder热剂钢水thermit steel热剂反应thermit reaction热剂溶渣thermit slag热剂铸模thermit mold; mold for thermit weld热剂坩埚thermit crucible焊筋collar水下焊underwater welding水下气体保护电弧焊underwater gas shielded arc welding水下等离子弧焊underwater plasma arc welding温式水下焊wet method underwater welding干式水下焊dry method underwater welding局部干式水下焊local dry underwater welding水帘局部干式水下焊water curtain type dry underwater welding 4、压焊(电阻焊摩擦焊爆炸焊扩散焊超声波焊等)电阻焊resistance welding (RW)点焊spot welding; resistance spot welding凸焊projection welding缝焊seam welding滚点焊roll-spot welding连续点焊stitch welding多点焊multiple spot welding手压点焊push welding; poke welding脉冲点焊pulsation spot welding; multiple-impulse welding双面点焊direct spot welding单面点焊indirect spot welding串联点焊series spot welding多点凸焊multiple projection welding频道进缝焊step-by-step seam welding压平缝焊mash seam welding串联缝焊series seam welding对接缝焊butt seam welding; foil-butt seam电阻对焊upset butt welding闪光对焊flash butt welding (FBW)储能焊stored energy welding电容储能点焊condenser discharge spot welding 高频电阻焊high frequency resistance welding 冲击电阻焊percussion welding胶接点焊spot weld-bonding; weld-bonding闪光flashing; flash过梁bridge; lintel顶锻upsetting; upset夹紧力clamping force顶锻力upsetting force; upset force电极压力electrode force; electrode pressure电极滑移electrode skid焊接循环welding cycle预压时间squeeze time锻压时间forge-delay time; forge time。



焊接专业英语词汇乙炔 acetylene电流安培 ampere角焊 angle welding电弧 arc氩弧焊接argon arc welding光熔接条bare electrode对接焊接 butt welding 电弧弯曲 camber阶叠熔接法 cascade被覆熔接 clad weld焊疤 crator多余金属 excess metal 焊条 filler rod填角焊接 fillet weld 气体遮蔽 gas shield起槽熔接groove welding手握面罩hand face shield硬表面堆焊 hard facing 工模焊接 jig welding 压力容器pressure vessel预制下料 prefabrication baiting排版直径set-type diameter焊缝 welding line中心板 center plate测量方法measuring method基准点 datum mark跳焊 skip welding允许偏差allowable variation补强板 stiffening plate 开孔 tapping对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing角钢 angle iron安装基准圆 installation fundamental circle吊装立柱hoisting upright column雷射光焊接laser beam weldingMIG熔接metal electrode insert gas welding点焊熔核 nugget堆焊 overlaying珠击熔接法peening of welding塞孔熔接 plug welding 正向熔接positioned welding压焊 pressure welding 丙烷气切割 propane gas cutting纯镍熔接条 pure nickel electrode加强焊接reinforcement of weld抗蚀护膜 resist背面熔接 root running 焊缝 seam接合 seaming 焊接钢管welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope带板 band plate槽钢胀圈channel steel expansion ring环口 collar extension 局部变形local distortion环缝circumferential weld顶板 top plate拱顶 vault顶板加强肋stiffening rib对接 butt joint胎具 clamping fixture 卷板机plate bending rolls中心支架 center bearing bracket椭圆度 ovality等分线 bisectrix流缝熔接 seam welding 串联缝熔接 series seam welding跳焊法skip welding process火花 spark点焊接 spot welding针角焊接stitch welding电弧焊接stud arc welding下部焊层 under laying 焊接空隙 void焊接流痕weld flow mark焊缝凸起 weld flush焊接纹 weld line焊接痕 weld mark熔接透入weld penetration焊接区 weld zone焊接 welding焊接泡 welding bead焊接方向welding 搭接宽度 lap width点焊 spot welding搭接焊 overlap welding 对称 symmetrically螺旋爬梯 cockle stairs 放料阀 baiting valve液位计 content gauge充水试验filling water test错边量unfitness of butt joint底圈 foundation ring真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test丁字焊缝 tee welding渗透探伤oil whiting test充水试验filling water test内侧角焊缝接头 interior angle welding line joint 基础沉降foundation settlement基准点 datum markdirection焊接变形welding distortion焊剂 welding flux电熔接地welding ground焊接周期welding interval熔接应变welding stress熔接气炬 welding torch 电焊条生产线welding electrode production line焊条 welding electrode 焊接夹具welding fixture电焊机welding generator焊工护目镜welding goggles焊枪 welding gun电焊帽 welding helmet 焊接检验尺welding 稳定性试验stability test排气阀 outlet valve角钢 angle steel构件 component part机械损伤mechanical damage缩孔 shrinkage cavity 折迭 enfoldment碳钢管carbon steel tube公称直径nominal diameter预埋件 embedded part轴测图axonometric drawing布置图arrangement diagram氧乙炔气割 oxyacetylene gas cutting低合金钢管low alloy steel热影响区heat affected areainspection ruler焊接机 welding machine 焊管机 welding mill电动焊接发电机welding motor generator焊嘴 welding nozzle焊接药膏 welding paste 焊接管 welding pipe焊粉 welding powder焊接整流器welding rectifier焊接机器人welding robot焊条挤压机 welding rod extrusion press酸性焊条welding rod with acidic coating碱性焊条welding rod with alkaline coating焊条 welding rod焊接模拟器welding simulator不锈电焊条welding 修磨 polish砂轮片 grinding wheel 等离子 plasma panel重皮 coldlap凹凸 unevenness缩口 necking down端面 head face倾斜偏差 dip deviation 外径 external diameter 砂轮 grinding wheel管件 pipe casting单线图single line drawing平齐 parallel and level 两端 two terminals满扣 buckle螺栓紧固 bolton周边 periphery附加应力additional stress同轴度 axiality平行度 parallelism随机 stochastic允许偏差allowablestainless electrode焊接钢管 welding steel tube焊锡棒料welding tin billet焊接夹钳 welding tongs 焊炬 welding torch电焊变压器welding transformer焊机 welding unit焊线机welding wire machine焊丝 welding wire熔焊及切割胶管welding-cutting hose焊割具welding-cutting tool焊条芯welding-rod core焊缝清理机welding-seam cleaner无缝管 weldless pipe 无缝钢管weldless variation重直度 verticality水平度 levelness隔离盲板 blind plate氩弧焊argon arc welding压盖螺栓 gland bolt间距 spacing有效期period of validity担任take charge of ;undertake焊条 welding rod碳钢焊条 carbon steel 焊丝 welding wire熔化焊 melting钢丝 steel wire气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding烘干 drying清洗 ablution制度 system焊接工艺welding proceduresteel tube凿井机 well borer井式计数器well counter井形甲板船well deck vessel钻井机 well drill钻井平台 well platform 钻井机 well rig试井车well testing truck井温计well thermometer井管滤管well tube filter井式回火电炉 well type tempering electric furnace矿井绞车 well winch测井探头well-logging probe井型计数器well-type counter质量合格证相应 corresponding手工电弧焊manual electric arc welding手工钨极manual tungsten electrode打底 render电源 power source交流alternating current焊件 weldment管壁厚度 pipe thickness 对接焊缝 butt weld工件壁厚 workpiece飞溅物 splash沾污 smirch油污 oil stain细锉 smooth file铣刀 milling cutter氧化膜 oxide film脱脂处理ungrease treatment棉质纤维 cotton fibre 丙酮 acetone硫 sulfur书certification of fitness原材料 rawmaterial底板 bottom plate垫层 cushion侧壁 sidewall中心线 center line条形基础 strip footing 附件 accessories型钢 profile steel钢板 steel plate熔渣 slag飞溅 welding spatter定位焊 tacking引弧 generating of arc 熄弧 quenching of arc 焊道 welding bead坡口 beveled edges外观检查visual inspection重皮 doubleskin水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction成型 molding 焊剂 welding flux钢板 steel plate纵向焊缝longitudinal weld longitudinal seam筒节 shell ring封头 end socket卷管 reelpipe强度试验 strength test 起弧 arc starting穿堂风 draught熔合 fusion反面 reverse side整体 integral封堵 block up焊口 weld bond医用胶布medical proof fabric高频 high frequency焊炬 welding torch送气 air supply直线度straightness accuracy焊缝角变形welding line angular distortion 水平度 levelness铅垂度 verticality翘曲变形buckling deformation角尺 angle square对接焊缝 butt weld母材 parent metal法兰密封面flange sealing surface夹层 interlayer表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion concentration 挠曲变bending deformation超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination。



焊接的基本概念知识⑴熔化焊接(Fusion welding)手工电弧焊(SMAW:Shielded meta l arc weldi ng)埋弧焊(SAW:Submerged arc welding)钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊(TIG:Tungsten Inert-Gas arc welding)⑵压力焊接(Pressure welding)熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊(MIG:meta l Inert-gas arc welding)爆炸焊(Expl osive welding)冷压焊(Cold welding)摩擦焊(Friction welding)扩散焊(Diffusion weldin g)焊缝接头(Welded joint)⑶钎焊(Soldering(软钎焊)/Brazing(硬钎焊))电阻钎焊(resistance brazing)火焰钎焊(torch brazing/ soldering)热压焊:hot pressure welding 电渣焊:electroslag welding薄钢板的焊接(We iling of thin steel sheets)电子束焊:electron beam welding 电阻焊:resistance welding 点焊: Spot w eld对接接头(Butt joint); 搭接接头(Lap joint);角接接头(Fillet weld)T型接头(T-joint/Tee joint)最常用的是:对接接头(Butt joint is the most used one)不开坡口的对接接头(Butt joint without groove)两焊件端面相对平行的接头(The joint whose welding suefaces of both wel ding parts are parallel is called butt joint.)如果产品在厚度方向上不要求全焊透,可进行单面焊接,应必须保证焊缝的计算厚度H≥0.7δ,δ为板厚。



焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)1、熔化焊熔接fusion welding压接pressure welding焊接过程welding process焊接技术welding technique焊接工艺welding technology/procedure焊接操作welding operation焊接顺序welding sequence焊接方向direction of welding焊接位置welding position熔敷顺序build-up sequence/deposition sequence焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation平焊位置flat position of welding横焊位置horizontal position of welding立焊位置vertical position of welding仰焊位置overhead position of welding平焊downhand welding/flat position welding横焊horizontal position welding立焊vertical position welding仰焊overhead position welding?全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。

如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position倾斜焊inclined position welding上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position对接焊butt welding角焊fillet welding搭接焊lap welding船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position平角焊horizontal fillet welding立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position坡口焊groove weldingI形坡口对接焊square butt welding喇叭形坡口焊flare groove welding卷边焊flanged edge welding纵缝焊接welding of longitudinal seam横缝焊接welding of transverse seam环缝焊接girth welding/ circumferential螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam 环缝对接焊butt welding of circumferential seam定位焊tack welding单面焊welding by one side双面焊welding by both sides单道焊single pass welding/single run welding多道焊multi-pass welding单层焊single layer welding多层焊multi-layer welding分段多层焊block sequence/ block welding分层多道焊multi-layer and multi-pass welding连续焊continuous welding断续焊intermittent welding打底焊backing weld封底焊back sealing weld盖面焊cosmetic welding深熔焊deep penetration welding摆动焊welding with weaving/weave bead welding前倾焊foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国) 后倾焊backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国) 分段退焊backstep welding跳焊skip welding对称焊balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence左焊法leftward welding forehand welding右焊法rightward welding/backhand welding挑弧焊whipping method自动焊automatic welding手工焊manual welding/hand welding车间焊接shop welding工地焊接site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国)拘束焊接restraint welding堆焊surfacing/building up/overlaying隔离层堆焊buttering端部周边焊boxing/end return返修焊rewelding补焊repair welding塞焊plug welding槽焊slot welding衬垫焊welding with backing焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding强制成形焊enclosed welding脉冲电弧焊pulsed are welding电弧点焊arc spot welding螺柱焊stud welding热风焊hot gas welding高能焊high grade energy welding固态焊接solid-state welding单面焊双面成形one-side welding with back formation 焊接条件welding condition焊接工艺参数welding parameter极性polarity正接electrode negative/straight polarity反接electrode positive/reversed polarity运条方式manipulation of electrode焊接电流welding current焊接电流增加时间welding current upslope time焊接电流衰减时间welding current downslope time电流密度current density短路电流short circuit current脉冲电流pulse level/pulse current level脉冲电流幅值pulse current amplitude基值电流background level脉冲频率pulse frequency脉冲焊接电流占空比duty cycle of pulse duration电弧电压arc voltage再引弧电压reignition voltage焊接速度welding speed行走速度rate of travel/travel speed送丝速度wire feed rate线能量heat input/energy input热输入heat input预热preheat后热postheat焊后热处理posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 预热温度preheat temperature层间温度interpass temperature焊接终了温度finishing temperature后热温度postheating temperature焊丝伸出长度wire extension弧长arc length熔化速度melting rate熔化时间melting time熔化系数melting coefficient熔敷速度rate of deposition/deposition rate熔敷系数deposition coefficient熔敷效率deposition efficiency损失系数loss coefficient飞spatter飞溅率spatter loss coefficient融合比fusion ratio稀释dilution稀释率rate of dilution合金过度系数transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element)坡口groove坡口面groove face坡口面角度angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国)坡口角度included angle(英国)/groove angle(美国)坡口高度groove depth钝边root face钝边高度thickness of root face/width of root face根部间隙root gap(英国)/root opening (美国)根部半径root radius/groove radius根部锐边root edge卷边高度height of flange卷边半径radius of flange单面坡口single groove双面坡口double groove坡口形式groove typeI形坡口square grooveV形坡口single V grooveY形坡口single V groove with root face双Y形坡口double Vgroove with root face带钝边U形坡口single U groove带钝边双U形坡口double U grooveVY形坡口single compound angle groove带钝边J形坡口single J groove带钝边双J形坡口double J groove单边V形坡口single bevel groove双V形坡口double V groove不对称双V形坡口asymmetric double V groove双单边V形坡口double bevel groove/K groove带垫板V形坡口V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing? 喇叭形坡口flare groove锁底坡口single bevel groove with backing locked坡形板边tapered edge焊缝weld接逢seam焊缝符号welding symbol焊缝金属weld metal填充金属filler metal熔敷金属deposited metal焊缝表面weld face/ face of weld焊缝背面back of weld焊缝轴线axis of weld焊缝尺寸size of weld焊缝宽度weld width/ width of weld焊缝长度weld length/ length of weld焊缝有效长度effective length of weld焊缝厚度throat depth/ throat thickness焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat焊缝实际厚度actual throat熔深penetration/ depth of penetration焊缝成形appearance of weld焊缝成形系数form factor of weld余高reinforcement/ excess weld metal背面余高root reinforcement削平焊缝flush weld/ weld machined flush对接焊缝butt weld角焊缝fillet焊脚leg/ fillet weld leg角焊缝断面形状profile of fillet weld平形角焊缝flat fillet凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld角焊缝凹度concavity侧面角焊缝side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear 正面角焊缝front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear 立角焊缝fillet weld in the vertical position横角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontal position平角焊缝fillet weld in the flat position斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld连续焊缝continuous weld断续焊缝intermittent weld连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent fillet weld并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld端接焊缝edge weld卷边焊缝flanged edge weld塞焊焊缝plug weld纵向焊缝longitudinal weld横向焊缝transverse weld环行焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld密封焊缝seal weld承载焊缝strength weld联系焊缝connective weld定位焊缝tack weld焊道bead/ run/ pass焊波ripple焊根weld root/ root of weld焊趾weld toe/ toe封底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld 根部焊道root pass/ root run填充焊道filling bead盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead熔透焊道penetration bead焊层layer焊接接头welded joint接头形状joint geometry等强匹配接头equalmatching weld joint低强匹配接头undermatching weld joint超强匹配接头overmatching weld joint接头根部root of joint对接接头butt jointI形对接接头square butt jointV形对接接头single V butt jointU形对接接头single U butt jointJ形坡口接头single J butt joint双V形对接接头double V butt joint双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint 带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint带钝边J形坡口接头double J joint角接接头corner jointT形接头T joint斜T形接头inclined T joint十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint三联接头joint among three members搭接接头lap joint套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint双盖板接头double strapped joint盖板接头strapped joint端接接头edge joint卷边接头flanged edge joint锁底对接接头lock butt joint斜对接接头oblique butt joint混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint有间隙接头open joint无间隙接头closed joint焊接电弧welding arc电弧形态arc shape电弧物理行为arc physics behaviour引弧striking arc引弧电压striking voltage电弧气氛arc atmosphere阴极cathode热阴极hot cathode冷阴极cold cathode阴极斑点cathode spot阴极区cathode region阴极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the cathode region 阴极压降cathode drop阳极anode阳极斑点anode spot斑点压力spot pressure阳极区anode region阳极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the anode region 阳极压降anode drop弧柱arc column/ arc stream弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column弧柱电位梯度potential gradient in the arc column弧焰arc flame弧心arc core硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc软电弧soft arc旋转电弧rotating arc脉冲电弧pulsed arc脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc起皱现象puckering phenomena起皱电弧puckering arc起皱临界电流puckering critical current间接电弧indirect arc压缩电弧compressive arc磁控电弧magnetic controlling arc电弧力arc force电磁力electromagnectic force电磁收缩效应pinch effect电弧飘移wandering of arc电弧稳定性arc stability电弧静特性static characteristic of arc电弧动特性dynamic characteristic of arc最小电压原理principle of minimum voltage 电弧挺度arc stiffness电弧偏吹arc blow磁偏吹magnetic blow阴极清理作用cleaning action of the cathode 电弧自身调节arc self-regulation挖掘作用digging action极性效应polarity effect熔滴droplet熔滴比表面积specific surface of droplet熔滴过渡metal transfer过度频率transition frequency?粗滴过渡globular transfer; drop transfer短路过渡short circuiting transfer喷射过渡spray transfer旋转喷射过渡rotating spray transfer脉冲喷射过渡pulsed spray transfer爆炸过渡explosive transfer渣壁过渡flux wall guided transfer熔池molten pool?沸腾状熔池boiling molten pool弧坑crater熔渣slag渣系slag system渣系相图slag system diagram碱性渣basic slag酸性渣acid slag碱度basicity酸度acidity长渣long slag短渣short slag粘性熔渣viscous slag氧化物型熔渣oxide melting slag盐型熔渣salt melting slag盐-氧化物型熔渣salt-oxide melting slag熔渣流动性fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity 熔渣solidified slag多孔焊渣porous slag玻璃状焊渣vitreous slag自动脱落焊渣self-releasing slag脱渣性slag detachability焊接设备welding equipment; welding set焊机welding machine; welder电焊机electric welding machine; electric welder焊接电源welding power source焊接热循环weld thermal cycle焊接温度场field of weld temperature; weld temperature field准稳定温度场quasi-stationary temperature field焊接热源welding heat source点热源point heat source线热源linear heat source面热源plane heat source瞬时集中热源instantaneous concentration heat source热效率thermal efficiency?热能集中系数coefficient of heat flow concentration峰值温度peak temperature瞬时冷却速度momentary cooling rate冷却时间cooling time置换氧化substitutionary oxydation扩散氧化diffusible oxydation脱氧desoxydation先期脱氧precedent desoxydation扩散脱氧diffusible desoxydation沉淀脱氧precipitation desoxydation扩散氢diffusible hydrogen初始扩散氢initial diffusible hydrogen100℃残余扩散氢diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃残余氢residual hydrogen去氢dehydrogenation去氢热处理heat treatment for dehydrogenation脱硫desulphurization脱磷dephosphorization渗合金alloying微量合金化microalloying一次结晶组织primary solidification structure二次结晶组织secondary solidification structure联生结晶epitaxial solidification焊缝结晶形态solidification mode in weld-bead结晶层状线ripple多边化边界polygonization boundary结晶平均线速度mean solidification rate针状铁素体acicular ferrite条状铁素体lath ferrite侧板条铁素体ferrite side-plate晶界欣素体grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid ferrite? 粒状贝氏体granular bainite板条马氏体lath martensite过热组织overheated structure魏氏组织Widmannst?tten structureM-A组元martensite-austenite constituent焊件失效分析failure analysis of weldments冷裂判据criterion of cold cracking冷裂敏感系数cold cracking susceptibity coefficient 脆性温度区间brittle temperature range氢脆hydrogen embrittlement层状偏析lamellar segregation愈合healing effect断口金相fractography断口fracture延性断口ductile fracture韧窝断口dimple fracture脆性断口brittle fracture解理断口cleavage fracture准解理断口quasi-cleavage fracture氢致准解理断口hydrogen-embrittlement induced沿晶断口intergranular fracture穿晶断口transgranular fracture疲劳断口fatigue fracture滑移面断口glide plane fracture断口形貌fracture apperance断口试验fracture test宏观断口分析macrofractography放射区radical zone纤维区fibrous zone剪切唇区shear lip aone焊接性weldability使用焊接性service weldability工艺焊接性fabrication weldability冶金焊接性metallurgical weldability热焊接性thermal weldability母材base metal; parent metal焊接区weld zone焊态as-welded (AW)母材熔化区fusion zone半熔化区partial melting region未混合区unmixed zone熔合区bond area熔合线weld junction (英);bond line (美)热影响区heat-affected zone (HAZ)过热区overheated zone粗晶区coarse grained region细晶区fine grained region过渡区transition zone硬化区hardened zone碳当量carbon equivalent铬当量chromium equivalent镍当量nickel equivalent舍夫勒组织图Schaeffler's diagram德龙组织图Delong’s diagram连续冷却转变图(CCT图)continuous cooling transformation 裂纹敏感性cracking sensibility焊接裂纹weld crack焊缝裂纹weld metal crack焊道裂纹bead crack弧坑裂纹crater crack热影响区裂纹heat-affected zone crack纵向裂纹longitudinal crack横向裂纹transverse crack微裂纹micro-crack; micro-fissure热裂纹hot crack凝固裂纹solidification crack晶间裂纹intercrystalline crack穿晶裂纹transcrystalline crack多边化裂纹polygonization crack液化裂纹liquation crack失延裂纹ductility-dip crack冷裂纹cold crack延迟裂纹delayed crack氢致裂纹hydrogen-induced crack焊道下裂纹underbead crack焊根裂纹root crack焊趾裂纹toe crack锯齿形裂纹chevron cracking消除应力处理裂纹stress relief annealing crack (SR crack) 再热裂纹reheat crack焊缝晶间腐蚀weld intercryctalline corrosion刀状腐蚀knife line attack敏化区腐蚀weld decay层状撕裂lamellar tearing焊接性试验weldability裂纹试验cracking testIIW裂纹试验IIW cracking testY形坡口裂纹试验slit type cracking test分块形槽热裂纹试验segmented circular groove cracking test H形裂纹试验H-type cracking test鱼骨形裂纹试验fishbone cracking test指形裂纹试验finger (cracking) testT形裂纹试验Tee type cracking test环形槽裂纹试验circular-groove cracking test可调拘束裂纹试验varestraint testBWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel? 圆棒裂纹试验bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test里海裂纹试验Lehigh restraint cracking test圆形镶块裂纹试验circular-path cracking test十字接头裂纹试验cruciform cracking testZ向窗口拘束裂纹试验Z-direction window type restraint cracking test G-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验G-BOP weld metal crack test巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验Battelle type underbead cracking testU形拉伸试验U-tension test缪雷克期热裂纹试验Murex hot cracking test菲斯柯裂纹试验FISCO (type) cracking testCTS裂纹试验controlled thermal severity拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验)tensile restraint cracking test刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验)rigid restraint cracking test插销试验implant testTigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验Tigamajing thin plate cracking test焊道纵向弯曲试验longitudinal-bead test柯麦雷尔弯曲试验Kommerell bead bend test肯泽尔弯曲试验Kinzel test缺口弯曲试验notch bend test热朔性试验hot-ductility test热影响区冲击试验impact test of HAZ热影响区模拟试验synthetic heat-affected zone test最高硬度试验maximum hardness test落锤试验NRL (Naval Research Laboratory)测氢试验Hydrogen test焊接材料电极焊接材料welding consumables电极electrode熔化电极consumable electrode不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode钨电极tungsten electrode焊丝welding wire. Welding rod实心焊丝solid wire渡铜焊丝copper-plating welding wire自保护焊丝self-shielded welding wire药芯焊丝flux-cored wire复合焊丝combined wire堆焊焊丝surfacing welding rod填充焊丝filler wire焊条electrode/ covered electrode焊芯core wire药皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode)涂料coating flux/coating material造气剂gas forming constituents造渣剂slag forming constituents合金剂alloying constituent脱氧剂dioxidizer稳弧剂arc stabilizer粘接剂binder水玻璃water glass?水玻璃模数modules of water glass酸性焊条acid electrode高钛型焊条high titania (type) electrode钛钙型焊条lime titania type electrode钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type electrode氧化铁型焊条iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode高纤维素型焊条high cellulose (type) electrode石墨型焊条graphite type electrode碱性焊条basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode高韧性超低氢焊条high toughness super low hydrogen electrode奥氏体焊条austenitic electrode铁素体焊条ferritic electrode不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode低温钢焊条low temperature steel electrode/ steel electrode for low temperature 铝合金焊条aluminum alloy arc welding electrode铜合金焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode铜芯铸铁焊条cast iron electrode with steel core?纯镍铸铁焊条pure nickel cast iron electrode球墨铸铁焊条electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron铸芯焊条electrode with cast core wire镍基合金焊条nickel base alloy covered electrode蒙乃尔焊条Monel electrode纯铁焊条pure iron electrode渗铝钢焊条alumetized steel electrode高效率焊条high efficiency electrode铁粉焊条iron powder electrode底层焊条backing welding electrode深熔焊条deep penetration electrode重力焊条gravity electrode立向下焊条electrode for vertical down position welding节能焊条saving energy electrode水下焊条underwater welding electrode耐海水腐蚀焊条seawater corrosion resistant steel electrode低尘低毒焊条low-fume and harmfulless electrode/low-fume and low-toxic electrode堆焊焊条surfacing electrode耐磨堆焊焊条hardfacing electrode钴基合金堆焊焊条cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode碳化钨堆焊焊条tungsten carbide surfacing electrode高锰钢堆焊焊条high manganese steel surfacing electrode双芯焊条twin electrode绞合焊条stranded electrode编织焊条braided electrode双层药皮焊条double coated electrode管状焊条flux-cored electrode气渣联合保护型药皮semi-volatile covering焊条工艺性usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode焊条使用性running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteristics of an ele ctrode焊条熔化性melting characteristics of an electrode焊条直径core diameter焊条偏心度eccentricity (of an electrode)药皮重量系数gravity coefficient of coating焊条药皮含水量percentage of moisture for covering焊条夹吃持端bare terminal (of an electrode)焊条引弧端striking end (of an elcetrode)焊剂welding flux/ flux熔炼焊剂fused flux粘结焊剂bonded flux烧结焊剂sintered flux/ agglomerated flux窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding低氢型焊剂low hydrogen type flux高速焊剂high speed welding flux无氧焊剂oxygen-free flux低毒焊剂low poison flux磁性焊剂magnetic flux电弧焊arc welding直流电弧焊direct current arc welding交流电弧焊alternating current arc welding三相电弧焊three phase arc welding熔化电弧焊arc welding with consumable金属极电弧焊metal arc welding不熔化极电弧焊arc welding with nonconsumable碳弧焊carbon arc welding明弧焊open arc welding焊条电弧焊shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)重力焊gravity welding躺焊fire cracker welding电弧堆焊arc surfacing自动堆焊automatic surfacing躺板极堆焊surfacing by fire cracker welding带极堆焊surfacing with band-electrode振动电弧堆焊vibratory arc surfacing耐磨堆焊hardfacing埋弧焊submerged arc welding (SAW)多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding纵列多丝埋弧焊Tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding)横列多丝埋弧焊series submerged arc welding (SAW-S)横列双丝并联埋弧焊transverse submerged arc welding热丝埋弧焊hot wire submerged-arc welding窄间隙埋弧焊narrow-gap submerged arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding自调节电弧焊self-adjusting arc welding适应控制焊接adaptive control welding焊剂层burden; flux layer气体保护电弧焊gas shielded arc welding保护气体protective atmosphere惰性气体inert-gas活性气体active-gas惰性气体保护焊inert-gas (arc) welding氩弧焊argon arc welding熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊metal inert-gas arc welding钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊tungsten inert-gas arc welding钨极氢弧焊argon tungsten arc welding脉冲氢弧焊pulsed argon arc welding熔化极脉冲氢弧焊argon metal pulsed arc welding钨极脉冲氢弧焊argon tungsten pulsed arc welding热丝MIG焊hot wire MIG welding热丝TIG焊hot wire TIG welding氨弧焊helium-arc welding活性气体保护电弧焊metal active-gas arc welding混合气体保护电弧焊mixed gas arc welding二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊carbon-dioxide arc welding; CO2 arc welding? 细丝CO2焊CO2 arc welding with thin wire粗丝CO2焊CO2 arc welding with thick wire磁性焊剂CO2焊unionarc welding药芯焊丝CO2焊arcos arc process; dual shield arc welding 气电立焊electrogas (arc) welding氮弧焊nitrogen-arc welding水蒸气保护电弧焊water vapour arc welding原子氢焊atomic hydrogen welding冲器室中电弧焊controlled atmosphere arc welding旋转电弧焊rotating arc welding短路过渡电弧焊short circuiting arc welding焊丝横摆频率weaving speed of wire焊丝停摆时间electrode keep time of slider等离子弧焊plasma arc welding (PAW)等离子弧plasma arc等离子流plasma jet转移弧transferred arc非转移弧nontransferred arc联合型等离子弧combined plasma arc主弧main arc维弧pilot arc维弧电流pilot arc surrent双弧现象double arcing双弧临界电流critical current of double arcing等离子弧焊枪plasma (welding) torch压缩喷嘴constricting nozzle单孔喷嘴single port nozzle多孔喷嘴multiport nozzle压缩喷嘴孔径orifice diameter孔道长度orifice throat length孔道比orifice throat ratio等离子气plasma gas; orifice gas电极内缩长度electrode setback小孔效应keyhole effect小孔型等离子弧焊keyhole-mode welding熔透型等离子弧焊fusion type plasma arc welding大电流等离子弧焊high-current plasma arc welding中电流等离子弧焊intermediate-current plasma arc welding? 小电流等离子弧焊low-current plasma arc welding微束等离子弧焊micro-plasma arc welding交流等离子弧焊AC plasma arc welding?脉冲等离子弧焊pulsed plasma arc welding等离子弧堆焊plasma arc surfacing热丝等离子弧堆焊hot wire plasma arc surfacing粉末等离子弧堆焊plasma arc powder surfacing等离子-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊plasma MIG welding转移弧电源transferred arc power supply?非转移弧电源nontransferred arc power supply?电弧焊设备arc welding equipment电弧焊机arc welding machine直流弧焊机DC arc welding machine交流弧焊机AC arc welding machine交直流两用弧焊机AC/DC arc welding machine单站弧焊机single operator arc welding machine多站弧焊机multi-operator arc welding set固定式弧焊机stationary arc welding machine移动式弧焊机portable arc welding machine台式弧焊机bench arc welding machine内燃机驱动式弧焊机combustion engine driven arc welding set电动机驱动式弧焊机motor driven arc welding set熔化极弧焊机arc welding machine using a consumable electrode不熔化极弧焊机arc welding machine using a non-consumable electrode脉冲弧焊机pulsed arc welding machine气体保护弧焊机gas shielded arc welding machine氩弧焊机argon arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机CO2 arc welding machine钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机tungsten inert-gas welding machine熔化仍惰性气体保护弧焊机metal inert-gas welding machine气电立焊机electrogas (arc) welding machine等离子弧焊机plasma arc welding machine微束等离子弧焊机micro-plasma welding equipment原子氢焊机atomic hydrogen welding apparatus埋弧焊机submerged arc welding machine弧焊电源arc welding power source直流弧焊电源DC arc welding power source交流弧焊电源AC arc welding power source交直流两用弧焊电源AC/DC arc welding power source脉冲弧焊电源pulsed arc welding power source上升特性弧焊电源rising characteristic arc welding power source平特性弧焊电源constant –voltage arc welding power source?下降特性弧焊电源dropping characteristic arc welding power source垂降特性弧焊电源constant-current arc welding power source多特性弧焊电源slope-controlled arc welding power source逆变式焊接电源inverter welding power source晶体管弧焊电源transistor arc welding power source电源动特性dynamic characteristic电源外特性external characteristic弧焊变压器arc welding transformer弧焊整流器arc welding rectifier硅弧焊整流器silicon arc welding rectifier晶闸管弧焊整流器SCR arc welding rectifier; arc welding silicon controlled rectifier脉冲弧焊整流器pulsed arc welding rectifier弧焊发电机arc welding generator焊车welding tractor焊接机头welding head行走机构traveller送丝机构wire feeder等速送丝方式constant wire-feed system变速送丝方式alternate wire-feed system跟踪装置tracer焊丝盘wire reel焊钳electrode holder焊枪welding gun?电极夹electrode holder导电嘴tip; contact tube喷嘴nozzle焊剂漏斗flux-hopper高频振荡器oscillator; HF unit脉冲引弧器pulsed arc starter; surge injector脉冲稳弧器pulsed arc stabilizer脉冲激弧器pulsed arc exciter输出电抗器out put reactor镇定变阻器ballast rheostat直流分量抑制器direct current suppressor焊接回路welding circuit额定焊接电流rated welding current焊接电流调节范围range of welding current regulation 空载电压open circuit voltage(no load voltage)约定负载电压conventional load voltage负载持续率duty cycle额定负载持续率rated duty cycle; standard service手工弧焊机manual arc welding machine电焊渣electroslag welding (ESW)手工电渣焊manual electroslag welding丝极电渣焊electroslag welding with wire electrode板极电渣焊electroslag welding with plate electrode熔嘴电渣焊electroslag welding with consumable nozzle 管极电渣焊electroslag welding with tube electrode窄间隙电渣焊narrow-gap electroslag welding电渣堆焊electroslag surfacing电渣焊机electrosalg welding machine熔嘴consumable nozzle; consumable wire?钢档板steel shoe (钢冷却板Cu-cooling plate铜滑板copper shoe渣池slag bath渣池深度depth of slag bath渣池电压voltage of slag bath电渣过程稳定性electroslag process stability焊丝间距distance between welding wires电子束焊electron beam welding (EBW)脉冲电子束焊pulsed electron beam welding加速电压acceleration voltage/ operating voltage电子束电流beam current电子束功率beam power电子束功率密度beam power density焦点focal spot焦距focal length工作距离work distance电子束焊机electron beam welding machine高真空电子束焊机full vacuum electron beam welder低真空电子束焊机partial vacuum electron beam welder 非真空电子束焊机nonvacuum electron beam welder真空度vacuum电子枪electron gun二极电子枪diode gun三极电子枪triode gun偏压电极bias electrode电磁透镜electromagnetic lens电子束偏转线圈electron beam deflection coils导流系数perveance钉尖spiking激光焊laser welding/ laser beam welding连续激光焊continuous laser welding脉冲激光焊impulsed laser welding激光焊机laser welding equipment气体激光器gas laser固体激光器solid laser焦斑直径focussed diameter of the beam离焦量clearance between focal point and (plate) surface 焊缝深宽比weld seam depth-to-width ratio3、气焊、热剂焊、水下焊gas welding氧乙炔焊oxy-acetylene welding氢氧焊oxy-hydrogen welding空气乙炔焊air-acetylene welding氧乙炔焊oxy-acetylene flame氢氧焰oxy-hydrogen flame氧煤气焰oxy-coal gas flame焊接火焰welding flame混合比mixing ratio混合气体可燃范围inflammable limit of the gaseous 一次燃烧primary combustion二次燃烧secondary combustion燃烧速度combustion rate燃烧强度combustion intensity火焰热效率flame heating efficiency焰芯inner cone; flame cone内焰internal flame外焰flame envelope中性焰neutral flame氧化焰oxidizing flame碳化焰carburizing flame回火flashback逆火backfire回烧flashback气体发生速度gasification speed焊炬torch; blow pipe等压式焊炬balanced pressure torch射吸式焊炬injector torch氧乙炔焊炬oxy-acetylene torch焊割两用炬combined cutting and welding torch混合室mixing chamber喷射器injector焊嘴welding nozzle; welding tip液氧气化器oxygen evaporator气瓶gas cylinder乙炔瓶acetylene cylinder阀罩cylinder cap气瓶阀cylinder valve汇流排cylinder manifold减压器pressure regulator; gas regulator单级减压器single stage regulator两级减压器two stage regulator回火防止器flashback arrestor干式回火防止器dry flashback arrestor水封式回火防止器water-closing type arrestor净化器purifier乙炔发生器acetylene generator低压乙炔发生器low pressure acetylene generator热剂补焊thermit repair welding钢轨热剂焊thermit rail welding热剂thermit powder热剂钢水thermit steel热剂反应thermit reaction热剂溶渣thermit slag热剂铸模thermit mold; mold for thermit weld热剂坩埚thermit crucible焊筋collar水下焊underwater welding水下气体保护电弧焊underwater gas shielded arc welding水下等离子弧焊underwater plasma arc welding温式水下焊wet method underwater welding干式水下焊dry method underwater welding局部干式水下焊local dry underwater welding水帘局部干式水下焊water curtain type dry underwater welding4、压焊(电阻焊摩擦焊爆炸焊扩散焊超声波焊等)电阻焊resistance welding (RW)点焊spot welding; resistance spot welding凸焊projection welding缝焊seam welding滚点焊roll-spot welding连续点焊stitch welding多点焊multiple spot welding手压点焊push welding; poke welding脉冲点焊pulsation spot welding; multiple-impulse welding双面点焊direct spot welding单面点焊indirect spot welding串联点焊series spot welding多点凸焊multiple projection welding频道进缝焊step-by-step seam welding压平缝焊mash seam welding串联缝焊series seam welding对接缝焊butt seam welding; foil-butt seam电阻对焊upset butt welding闪光对焊flash butt welding (FBW)储能焊stored energy welding电容储能点焊condenser discharge spot welding高频电阻焊high frequency resistance welding冲击电阻焊percussion welding胶接点焊spot weld-bonding; weld-bonding闪光flashing; flash过梁bridge; lintel顶锻upsetting; upset夹紧力clamping force顶锻力upsetting force; upset force电极压力electrode force; electrode pressure电极滑移electrode skid焊接循环welding cycle预压时间squeeze time锻压时间forge-delay time; forge time焊接通电时间(电阻焊)welding time (resistance welding) 预热时间preheat time加热时间heat time冷却时间cool time间歇时间quench time; chill time回火时间temper time维持时间hold time休止时间off time闪光时间flash time; flashing time顶锻时间upset time; upsetting time有电顶锻时间upset current time无电顶锻时间upset current-off time闪光速度flashing speed闪光电流flashing current; flash current顶锻电流upset current预热电流preheat current回火电流temper current调伸长度initial overhange; extension闪光留量flash allowance顶锻留量upset allowance顶锻速度upset speed?电极接触面electrode contact surface贴合面faying surface焊点welding spot熔核nugget熔核直径diameter of nugget塑性金属环区corona bond焊透率penetration rate压痕indentation。



焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)1、熔化焊熔接fusion welding压接pressure welding焊接过程welding process焊接技术welding technique焊接工艺welding technology/procedure焊接操作welding operation焊接顺序welding sequence焊接方向direction of welding焊接位置welding position熔敷顺序build-up sequence/deposition sequence 焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis 焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation平焊位置flat position of welding横焊位置horizontal position of welding立焊位置vertical position of welding仰焊位置overhead position of welding平焊downhand welding/flat position welding横焊horizontal position welding立焊vertical position welding仰焊overhead position welding?全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。

如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position 向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position倾斜焊inclined position welding上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position对接焊butt welding角焊fillet welding搭接焊lap welding船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the fla t position平角焊horizontal fillet welding立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position坡口焊groove weldingI形坡口对接焊square butt welding喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove welding卷边焊flanged edge welding纵缝焊接welding of longitudinal seam横缝焊接welding of transverse seam环缝焊接girth welding/ circumferential螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam 环缝对接焊butt welding of circumferential seam定位焊tack welding单面焊welding by one side双面焊welding by both sides单道焊single pass welding/single run welding多道焊multi-pass welding单层焊single layer welding多层焊multi-layer welding分段多层焊block sequence/ block welding分层多道焊multi-layer and multi-pass welding连续焊continuous welding断续焊intermittent welding打底焊backing weld封底焊back sealing weld盖面焊cosmetic welding深熔焊deep penetration welding摆动焊welding with weaving/weave bead welding前倾焊 foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国) 后倾焊 backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国)分段退焊backstep welding跳焊skip welding对称焊balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence左焊法leftward welding forehand welding右焊法rightward welding/backhand welding挑弧焊whipping method自动焊automatic welding手工焊manual welding/hand welding车间焊接shop welding工地焊接site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国) 拘束焊接restraint welding堆焊surfacing/building up/overlaying隔离层堆焊buttering端部周边焊boxing/end return返修焊rewelding补焊repair welding塞焊plug welding槽焊slot welding衬垫焊welding with backing焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding强制成形焊enclosed welding脉冲电弧焊pulsed are welding电弧点焊arc spot welding螺柱焊stud welding热风焊hot gas welding高能焊high grade energy welding固态焊接solid-state welding单面焊双面成形one-side welding with back formation 焊接条件welding condition焊接工艺参数welding parameter极性polarity正接electrode negative/straight polarity反接electrode positive/reversed polarity运条方式manipulation of electrode焊接电流welding current焊接电流增加时间welding current upslope time焊接电流衰减时间welding current downslope time电流密度current density短路电流short circuit current脉冲电流pulse level/pulse current level脉冲电流幅值pulse current amplitude基值电流background level脉冲频率pulse frequency脉冲焊接电流占空比duty cycle of pulse duration电弧电压arc voltage再引弧电压reignition voltage焊接速度welding speed行走速度rate of travel/travel speed送丝速度wire feed rate线能量heat input/energy input热输入heat input预热preheat后热postheat焊后热处理posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 预热温度preheat temperature层间温度interpass temperature焊接终了温度finishing temperature后热温度postheating temperature焊丝伸出长度wire extension弧长arc length熔化速度melting rate熔化时间melting time熔化系数melting coefficient熔敷速度rate of deposition/deposition rate熔敷系数deposition coefficient熔敷效率deposition efficiency损失系数loss coefficient飞spatter飞溅率spatter loss coefficient融合比fusion ratio稀释dilution稀释率rate of dilution合金过度系数transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element) 坡口groove坡口面groove face坡口面角度angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国)坡口角度included angle(英国)/groove angle(美国)坡口高度groove depth钝边root face钝边高度thickness of root face/width of root face根部间隙root gap(英国)/root opening (美国)根部半径root radius/groove radius根部锐边root edge卷边高度height of flange卷边半径radius of flange单面坡口single groove双面坡口double groove坡口形式groove typeI形坡口square grooveV形坡口single V grooveY形坡口single V groove with root face双Y形坡口double Vgroove with root face带钝边U形坡口single U groove带钝边双U形坡口double U grooveVY形坡口single compound angle groove带钝边J形坡口single J groove带钝边双J形坡口double J groove单边V形坡口single bevel groove双V形坡口double V groove不对称双V形坡口 asymmetric double V groove双单边V形坡口 double bevel groove/K groove带垫板V形坡口 V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing? 喇叭形坡口flare groove锁底坡口single bevel groove with backing locked坡形板边 tapered edge焊缝 weld接逢 seam焊缝符号 welding symbol焊缝金属 weld metal填充金属 filler metal熔敷金属 deposited metal焊缝表面weld face/ face of weld焊缝背面 back of weld焊缝轴线axis of weld焊缝尺寸 size of weld焊缝宽度weld width/ width of weld焊缝长度 weld length/ length of weld焊缝有效长度 effective length of weld焊缝厚度 throat depth/ throat thickness焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat焊缝实际厚度actual throat熔深penetration/ depth of penetration焊缝成形appearance of weld焊缝成形系数form factor of weld余高 reinforcement/ excess weld metal背面余高root reinforcement削平焊缝flush weld/ weld machined flush对接焊缝butt weld角焊缝fillet焊脚leg/ fillet weld leg角焊缝断面形状profile of fillet weld平形角焊缝flat fillet凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld角焊缝凹度concavity侧面角焊缝side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear 正面角焊缝front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear 立角焊缝fillet weld in the vertical position横角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontal position平角焊缝fillet weld in the flat position斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld连续焊缝continuous weld断续焊缝intermittent weld连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent fillet weld并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld端接焊缝edge weld卷边焊缝flanged edge weld塞焊焊缝plug weld纵向焊缝longitudinal weld横向焊缝transverse weld环行焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld密封焊缝seal weld承载焊缝strength weld联系焊缝connective weld定位焊缝tack weld焊道bead/ run/ pass焊波ripple焊根weld root/ root of weld焊趾weld toe/ toe封底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld根部焊道root pass/ root run填充焊道filling bead盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead熔透焊道penetration bead焊层 layer焊接接头welded joint接头形状joint geometry等强匹配接头equalmatching weld joint低强匹配接头undermatching weld joint超强匹配接头overmatching weld joint接头根部root of joint对接接头butt jointI形对接接头square butt jointV形对接接头single V butt jointU形对接接头single U butt jointJ形坡口接头single J butt joint双V形对接接头double V butt joint双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint 带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint带钝边J形坡口接头double J joint角接接头corner jointT形接头T joint斜T形接头inclined T joint十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint 三联接头joint among three members搭接接头lap joint套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint双盖板接头double strapped joint盖板接头strapped joint端接接头edge joint卷边接头flanged edge joint锁底对接接头lock butt joint斜对接接头oblique butt joint混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint有间隙接头open joint无间隙接头closed joint焊接电弧welding arc电弧形态arc shape电弧物理行为arc physics behaviour引弧striking arc引弧电压striking voltage电弧气氛arc atmosphere阴极cathode热阴极hot cathode冷阴极cold cathode阴极斑点cathode spot阴极区cathode region阴极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the cathode region 阴极压降cathode drop阳极anode阳极斑点anode spot斑点压力spot pressure阳极区anode region阳极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the anode region 阳极压降anode drop弧柱arc column/ arc stream弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column弧柱电位梯度potential gradient in the arc column弧焰arc flame弧心arc core硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc软电弧soft arc旋转电弧rotating arc脉冲电弧pulsed arc脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc起皱现象puckering phenomena起皱电弧puckering arc起皱临界电流 puckering critical current间接电弧 indirect arc压缩电弧 compressive arc磁控电弧 magnetic controlling arc电弧力 arc force电磁力 electromagnectic force电磁收缩效应 pinch effect电弧飘移 wandering of arc电弧稳定性 arc stability电弧静特性 static characteristic of arc电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc最小电压原理 principle of minimum voltage 电弧挺度arc stiffness电弧偏吹 arc blow磁偏吹 magnetic blow阴极清理作用 cleaning action of the cathode 电弧自身调节 arc self-regulation挖掘作用 digging action极性效应 polarity effect熔滴 droplet熔滴比表面积 specific surface of droplet熔滴过渡metal transfer过度频率 transition frequency?粗滴过渡globular transfer; drop transfer 短路过渡short circuiting transfer喷射过渡spray transfer旋转喷射过渡 rotating spray transfer脉冲喷射过渡 pulsed spray transfer爆炸过渡 explosive transfer渣壁过渡 flux wall guided transfer熔池 molten pool?沸腾状熔池 boiling molten pool弧坑crater熔渣slag渣系 slag system渣系相图 slag system diagram碱性渣 basic slag酸性渣 acid slag碱度 basicity酸度 acidity长渣 long slag短渣 short slag粘性熔渣 viscous slag氧化物型熔渣 oxide melting slag盐型熔渣 salt melting slag盐-氧化物型熔渣 salt-oxide melting slag熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity熔渣solidified slag多孔焊渣 porous slag玻璃状焊渣 vitreous slag自动脱落焊渣 self-releasing slag脱渣性 slag detachability焊接设备 welding equipment; welding set焊机 welding machine; welder电焊机 electric welding machine; electric welder焊接电源 welding power source焊接热循环 weld thermal cycle焊接温度场 field of weld temperature; weld temperature field 准稳定温度场 quasi-stationary temperature field焊接热源 welding heat source点热源 point heat source线热源 linear heat source面热源 plane heat source瞬时集中热源 instantaneous concentration heat source热效率 thermal efficiency?热能集中系数 coefficient of heat flow concentration峰值温度 peak temperature瞬时冷却速度 momentary cooling rate冷却时间 cooling time置换氧化 substitutionary oxydation扩散氧化 diffusible oxydation脱氧 desoxydation先期脱氧 precedent desoxydation扩散脱氧 diffusible desoxydation沉淀脱氧 precipitation desoxydation扩散氢 diffusible hydrogen初始扩散氢 initial diffusible hydrogen100℃残余扩散氢 diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃残余氢 residual hydrogen去氢 dehydrogenation去氢热处理 heat treatment for dehydrogenation脱硫 desulphurization脱磷 dephosphorization渗合金 alloying微量合金化 microalloying一次结晶组织 primary solidification structure二次结晶组织 secondary solidification structure联生结晶 epitaxial solidification焊缝结晶形态 solidification mode in weld-bead结晶层状线 ripple多边化边界 polygonization boundary结晶平均线速度 mean solidification rate针状铁素体 acicular ferrite条状铁素体 lath ferrite侧板条铁素体 ferrite side-plate晶界欣素体 grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid fer rite?粒状贝氏体 granular bainite板条马氏体 lath martensite过热组织 overheated structure魏氏组织 Widmannst?tten structureM-A组元 martensite-austenite constituent焊件失效分析 failure analysis of weldments冷裂判据 criterion of cold cracking冷裂敏感系数 cold cracking susceptibity coefficient脆性温度区间 brittle temperature range氢脆 hydrogen embrittlement层状偏析 lamellar segregation愈合 healing effect断口金相fractography断口 fracture延性断口 ductile fracture韧窝断口dimple fracture脆性断口 brittle fracture解理断口 cleavage fracture准解理断口 quasi-cleavage fracture氢致准解理断口 hydrogen-embrittlement induced 沿晶断口 intergranular fracture穿晶断口 transgranular fracture疲劳断口 fatigue fracture滑移面断口 glide plane fracture断口形貌 fracture apperance断口试验 fracture test宏观断口分析 macrofractography放射区 radical zone纤维区 fibrous zone剪切唇区 shear lip aone焊接性weldability使用焊接性 service weldability工艺焊接性 fabrication weldability冶金焊接性 metallurgical weldability热焊接性 thermal weldability母材 base metal; parent metal焊接区 weld zone焊态 as-welded (AW)母材熔化区 fusion zone半熔化区 partial melting region未混合区 unmixed zone熔合区 bond area熔合线 weld junction (英);bond line (美)热影响区 heat-affected zone (HAZ)过热区 overheated zone粗晶区 coarse grained region细晶区 fine grained region过渡区 transition zone硬化区 hardened zone碳当量 carbon equivalent铬当量 chromium equivalent镍当量 nickel equivalent舍夫勒组织图 Schaeffler's diagram德龙组织图Delong’s diagram连续冷却转变图(CCT图)continuous cooling transformation 裂纹敏感性 cracking sensibility焊接裂纹 weld crack焊缝裂纹 weld metal crack焊道裂纹 bead crack弧坑裂纹crater crack热影响区裂纹 heat-affected zone crack纵向裂纹 longitudinal crack横向裂纹 transverse crack微裂纹 micro-crack; micro-fissure热裂纹 hot crack凝固裂纹 solidification crack晶间裂纹 intercrystalline crack穿晶裂纹 transcrystalline crack多边化裂纹 polygonization crack液化裂纹 liquation crack失延裂纹 ductility-dip crack冷裂纹 cold crack延迟裂纹 delayed crack氢致裂纹 hydrogen-induced crack焊道下裂纹 underbead crack焊根裂纹 root crack焊趾裂纹 toe crack锯齿形裂纹 chevron cracking消除应力处理裂纹 stress relief annealing crack (SR crack) 再热裂纹 reheat crack焊缝晶间腐蚀 weld intercryctalline corrosion刀状腐蚀 knife line attack敏化区腐蚀 weld decay层状撕裂 lamellar tearing焊接性试验 weldability裂纹试验 cracking testIIW裂纹试验 IIW cracking testY形坡口裂纹试验 slit type cracking test分块形槽热裂纹试验 segmented circular groove cracking testH形裂纹试验 H-type cracking test鱼骨形裂纹试验 fishbone cracking test指形裂纹试验 finger (cracking) testT形裂纹试验 Tee type cracking test环形槽裂纹试验 circular-groove cracking test可调拘束裂纹试验 varestraint testBWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验 BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel?圆棒裂纹试验 bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test里海裂纹试验 Lehigh restraint cracking test圆形镶块裂纹试验 circular-path cracking test十字接头裂纹试验 cruciform cracking testZ向窗口拘束裂纹试验 Z-direction window type restraint cracking test G-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验 G-BOP weld metal crack test巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验 Battelle type underbead cracking testU形拉伸试验 U-tension test缪雷克期热裂纹试验 Murex hot cracking test菲斯柯裂纹试验 FISCO (type) cracking testCTS裂纹试验 controlled thermal severity拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验)tensile restraint cracking test刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验)rigid restraint cracking test插销试验 implant testTigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验 Tigamajing thin plate cracking test 焊道纵向弯曲试验 longitudinal-bead test柯麦雷尔弯曲试验 Kommerell bead bend test肯泽尔弯曲试验 Kinzel test缺口弯曲试验 notch bend test热朔性试验 hot-ductility test热影响区冲击试验 impact test of HAZ热影响区模拟试验 synthetic heat-affected zone test最高硬度试验 maximum hardness test落锤试验 NRL (Naval Research Laboratory)测氢试验 Hydrogen test焊接材料电极焊接材料welding consumables电极electrode熔化电极consumable electrode不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode钨电极tungsten electrode焊丝welding wire. Welding rod实心焊丝solid wire渡铜焊丝copper-plating welding wire自保护焊丝self-shielded welding wire药芯焊丝flux-cored wire复合焊丝combined wire堆焊焊丝surfacing welding rod填充焊丝filler wire焊条electrode/ covered electrode焊芯core wire药皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode)涂料coating flux/coating material造气剂gas forming constituents造渣剂slag forming constituents合金剂alloying constituent脱氧剂dioxidizer稳弧剂arc stabilizer粘接剂binder水玻璃water glass?水玻璃模数modules of water glass酸性焊条acid electrode高钛型焊条high titania (type) electrode钛钙型焊条lime titania type electrode钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type electrode氧化铁型焊条iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode 高纤维素型焊条high cellulose (type) electrode石墨型焊条graphite type electrode碱性焊条basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode高韧性超低氢焊条high toughness super low hydrogen electrode奥氏体焊条austenitic electrode铁素体焊条ferritic electrode不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode低温钢焊条low temperature steel electrode/ steel electrode for low temp erature铝合金焊条aluminum alloy arc welding electrode铜合金焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode铜芯铸铁焊条cast iron electrode with steel core?纯镍铸铁焊条pure nickel cast iron electrode球墨铸铁焊条electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron铸芯焊条electrode with cast core wire镍基合金焊条nickel base alloy covered electrode蒙乃尔焊条Monel electrode纯铁焊条pure iron electrode渗铝钢焊条alumetized steel electrode高效率焊条high efficiency electrode铁粉焊条iron powder electrode底层焊条backing welding electrode深熔焊条deep penetration electrode重力焊条gravity electrode立向下焊条electrode for vertical down position welding节能焊条saving energy electrode水下焊条underwater welding electrode耐海水腐蚀焊条seawater corrosion resistant steel electrode低尘低毒焊条low-fume and harmfulless electrode/low-fume and low-toxic electrode堆焊焊条surfacing electrode耐磨堆焊焊条hardfacing electrode钴基合金堆焊焊条cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode碳化钨堆焊焊条tungsten carbide surfacing electrode高锰钢堆焊焊条high manganese steel surfacing electrode双芯焊条twin electrode绞合焊条stranded electrode编织焊条braided electrode双层药皮焊条double coated electrode管状焊条flux-cored electrode气渣联合保护型药皮semi-volatile covering焊条工艺性usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode焊条使用性running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteri stics of an electrode焊条熔化性melting characteristics of an electrode焊条直径core diameter焊条偏心度eccentricity (of an electrode)药皮重量系数gravity coefficient of coating焊条药皮含水量percentage of moisture for covering焊条夹吃持端bare terminal (of an electrode)焊条引弧端striking end (of an elcetrode)焊剂welding flux/ flux熔炼焊剂fused flux粘结焊剂bonded flux烧结焊剂sintered flux/ agglomerated flux窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding 低氢型焊剂low hydrogen type flux高速焊剂high speed welding flux无氧焊剂oxygen-free flux低毒焊剂low poison flux磁性焊剂magnetic flux电弧焊 arc welding直流电弧焊 direct current arc welding交流电弧焊 alternating current arc welding三相电弧焊 three phase arc welding熔化电弧焊 arc welding with consumable金属极电弧焊 metal arc welding不熔化极电弧焊 arc welding with nonconsumable碳弧焊 carbon arc welding明弧焊 open arc welding焊条电弧焊 shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)重力焊gravity welding躺焊 fire cracker welding电弧堆焊 arc surfacing自动堆焊 automatic surfacing躺板极堆焊 surfacing by fire cracker welding带极堆焊 surfacing with band-electrode振动电弧堆焊 vibratory arc surfacing耐磨堆焊 hardfacing埋弧焊 submerged arc welding (SAW)多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding纵列多丝埋弧焊 Tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding)横列多丝埋弧焊 series submerged arc welding (SAW-S)横列双丝并联埋弧焊 transverse submerged arc welding热丝埋弧焊 hot wire submerged-arc welding窄间隙埋弧焊 narrow-gap submerged arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊 arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding 自调节电弧焊 self-adjusting arc welding适应控制焊接 adaptive control welding焊剂层 burden; flux layer气体保护电弧焊 gas shielded arc welding保护气体 protective atmosphere惰性气体 inert-gas活性气体 active-gas惰性气体保护焊 inert-gas (arc) welding氩弧焊 argon arc welding熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 metal inert-gas arc welding钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 tungsten inert-gas arc welding钨极氢弧焊 argon tungsten arc welding脉冲氢弧焊 pulsed argon arc welding熔化极脉冲氢弧焊 argon metal pulsed arc welding钨极脉冲氢弧焊 argon tungsten pulsed arc welding热丝MIG焊 hot wire MIG welding热丝TIG焊 hot wire TIG welding氨弧焊 helium-arc welding活性气体保护电弧焊 metal active-gas arc welding混合气体保护电弧焊 mixed gas arc welding二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊 carbon-dioxide arc welding; CO2 arc welding? 细丝CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thin wire粗丝CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thick wire磁性焊剂CO2焊 unionarc welding药芯焊丝CO2焊 arcos arc process; dual shield arc welding气电立焊 electrogas (arc) welding氮弧焊 nitrogen-arc welding水蒸气保护电弧焊 water vapour arc welding原子氢焊 atomic hydrogen welding冲器室中电弧焊 controlled atmosphere arc welding 旋转电弧焊 rotating arc welding短路过渡电弧焊 short circuiting arc welding焊丝横摆频率 weaving speed of wire焊丝停摆时间 electrode keep time of slider等离子弧焊 plasma arc welding (PAW)等离子弧 plasma arc等离子流 plasma jet转移弧 transferred arc非转移弧 nontransferred arc联合型等离子弧 combined plasma arc主弧 main arc维弧 pilot arc维弧电流 pilot arc surrent双弧现象 double arcing双弧临界电流 critical current of double arcing 等离子弧焊枪 plasma (welding) torch压缩喷嘴 constricting nozzle单孔喷嘴 single port nozzle多孔喷嘴 multiport nozzle压缩喷嘴孔径 orifice diameter孔道长度 orifice throat length孔道比 orifice throat ratio等离子气 plasma gas; orifice gas电极内缩长度 electrode setback小孔效应 keyhole effect小孔型等离子弧焊 keyhole-mode welding熔透型等离子弧焊 fusion type plasma arc welding大电流等离子弧焊 high-current plasma arc welding中电流等离子弧焊 intermediate-current plasma arc welding? 小电流等离子弧焊 low-current plasma arc welding微束等离子弧焊 micro-plasma arc welding交流等离子弧焊 AC plasma arc welding?脉冲等离子弧焊 pulsed plasma arc welding等离子弧堆焊plasma arc surfacing热丝等离子弧堆焊 hot wire plasma arc surfacing粉末等离子弧堆焊 plasma arc powder surfacing等离子-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 plasma MIG welding转移弧电源 transferred arc power supply?非转移弧电源 nontransferred arc power supply?电弧焊设备 arc welding equipment电弧焊机 arc welding machine直流弧焊机 DC arc welding machine交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine交直流两用弧焊机 AC/DC arc welding machine单站弧焊机 single operator arc welding machine多站弧焊机 multi-operator arc welding set固定式弧焊机 stationary arc welding machine移动式弧焊机 portable arc welding machine台式弧焊机 bench arc welding machine内燃机驱动式弧焊机 combustion engine driven arc welding set电动机驱动式弧焊机 motor driven arc welding set熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a consumable electrode不熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a non-consumable electrode 脉冲弧焊机 pulsed arc welding machine气体保护弧焊机 gas shielded arc welding machine氩弧焊机 argon arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机 CO2 arc welding machine钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机 tungsten inert-gas welding machine熔化仍惰性气体保护弧焊机 metal inert-gas welding machine气电立焊机 electrogas (arc) welding machine等离子弧焊机 plasma arc welding machine微束等离子弧焊机 micro-plasma welding equipment原子氢焊机 atomic hydrogen welding apparatus埋弧焊机 submerged arc welding machine弧焊电源 arc welding power source直流弧焊电源 DC arc welding power source交流弧焊电源 AC arc welding power source交直流两用弧焊电源 AC/DC arc welding power source脉冲弧焊电源 pulsed arc welding power source上升特性弧焊电源 rising characteristic arc welding power source平特性弧焊电源 constant –voltage arc welding power source?下降特性弧焊电源 dropping characteristic arc welding power source垂降特性弧焊电源 constant-current arc welding power source多特性弧焊电源 slope-controlled arc welding power source逆变式焊接电源 inverter welding power source晶体管弧焊电源 transistor arc welding power source电源动特性 dynamic characteristic电源外特性 external characteristic弧焊变压器 arc welding transformer弧焊整流器 arc welding rectifier硅弧焊整流器 silicon arc welding rectifier晶闸管弧焊整流器 SCR arc welding rectifier; arc welding silicon control led rectifier脉冲弧焊整流器 pulsed arc welding rectifier弧焊发电机 arc welding generator焊车 welding tractor焊接机头 welding head行走机构 traveller送丝机构 wire feeder等速送丝方式 constant wire-feed system变速送丝方式 alternate wire-feed system跟踪装置tracer焊丝盘 wire reel焊钳 electrode holder焊枪 welding gun?电极夹 electrode holder导电嘴 tip; contact tube喷嘴 nozzle焊剂漏斗 flux-hopper高频振荡器 oscillator; HF unit脉冲引弧器 pulsed arc starter; surge injector脉冲稳弧器 pulsed arc stabilizer脉冲激弧器 pulsed arc exciter输出电抗器 out put reactor镇定变阻器 ballast rheostat直流分量抑制器 direct current suppressor焊接回路 welding circuit额定焊接电流 rated welding current焊接电流调节范围 range of welding current regulation 空载电压 open circuit voltage(no load voltage)约定负载电压 conventional load voltage负载持续率 duty cycle额定负载持续率 rated duty cycle; standard service手工弧焊机 manual arc welding machine电焊渣 electroslag welding (ESW)手工电渣焊 manual electroslag welding丝极电渣焊 electroslag welding with wire electrode板极电渣焊 electroslag welding with plate electrode 熔嘴电渣焊 electroslag welding with consumable nozzle 管极电渣焊 electroslag welding with tube electrode窄间隙电渣焊 narrow-gap electroslag welding电渣堆焊 electroslag surfacing电渣焊机 electrosalg welding machine熔嘴 consumable nozzle; consumable wire?钢档板 steel shoe (钢冷却板 Cu-cooling plate铜滑板copper shoe渣池slag bath渣池深度depth of slag bath渣池电压voltage of slag bath电渣过程稳定性electroslag process stability焊丝间距distance between welding wires电子束焊electron beam welding (EBW)脉冲电子束焊pulsed electron beam welding加速电压acceleration voltage/ operating voltage电子束电流beam current电子束功率beam power电子束功率密度beam power density焦点focal spot焦距focal length工作距离work distance电子束焊机electron beam welding machine高真空电子束焊机full vacuum electron beam welder低真空电子束焊机partial vacuum electron beam welder 非真空电子束焊机nonvacuum electron beam welder真空度vacuum电子枪electron gun二极电子枪diode gun三极电子枪triode gun偏压电极bias electrode电磁透镜electromagnetic lens电子束偏转线圈electron beam deflection coils导流系数perveance钉尖spiking激光焊laser welding/ laser beam welding连续激光焊continuous laser welding脉冲激光焊impulsed laser welding激光焊机laser welding equipment气体激光器gas laser固体激光器solid laser焦斑直径focussed diameter of the beam离焦量clearance between focal point and (plate) surface 焊缝深宽比weld seam depth-to-width ratio3、气焊、热剂焊、水下焊gas welding氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene welding氢氧焊 oxy-hydrogen welding空气乙炔焊 air-acetylene welding氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene flame氢氧焰 oxy-hydrogen flame氧煤气焰 oxy-coal gas flame焊接火焰 welding flame混合比 mixing ratio混合气体可燃范围 inflammable limit of the gaseous一次燃烧 primary combustion二次燃烧 secondary combustion燃烧速度 combustion rate燃烧强度 combustion intensity火焰热效率 flame heating efficiency焰芯 inner cone; flame cone内焰 internal flame外焰 flame envelope中性焰 neutral flame氧化焰 oxidizing flame碳化焰 carburizing flame回火 flashback逆火 backfire回烧 flashback气体发生速度 gasification speed焊炬 torch; blow pipe等压式焊炬 balanced pressure torch射吸式焊炬 injector torch氧乙炔焊炬 oxy-acetylene torch焊割两用炬 combined cutting and welding torch 混合室 mixing chamber喷射器 injector焊嘴 welding nozzle; welding tip液氧气化器 oxygen evaporator气瓶 gas cylinder乙炔瓶 acetylene cylinder阀罩 cylinder cap气瓶阀 cylinder valve汇流排 cylinder manifold减压器 pressure regulator; gas regulator单级减压器 single stage regulator两级减压器 two stage regulator回火防止器 flashback arrestor干式回火防止器 dry flashback arrestor水封式回火防止器 water-closing type arrestor净化器 purifier乙炔发生器 acetylene generator低压乙炔发生器 low pressure acetylene generator热剂补焊 thermit repair welding钢轨热剂焊 thermit rail welding热剂 thermit powder热剂钢水 thermit steel热剂反应 thermit reaction热剂溶渣 thermit slag热剂铸模 thermit mold; mold for thermit weld热剂坩埚 thermit crucible焊筋 collar水下焊 underwater welding水下气体保护电弧焊 underwater gas shielded arc welding水下等离子弧焊 underwater plasma arc welding温式水下焊wet method underwater welding干式水下焊 dry method underwater welding局部干式水下焊 local dry underwater welding水帘局部干式水下焊 water curtain type dry underwater welding4、压焊(电阻焊摩擦焊爆炸焊扩散焊超声波焊等)电阻焊 resistance welding (RW)点焊 spot welding; resistance spot welding凸焊 projection welding缝焊 seam welding滚点焊 roll-spot welding连续点焊 stitch welding多点焊 multiple spot welding手压点焊 push welding; poke welding脉冲点焊 pulsation spot welding; multiple-impulse welding 双面点焊 direct spot welding单面点焊 indirect spot welding串联点焊 series spot welding多点凸焊multiple projection welding频道进缝焊 step-by-step seam welding压平缝焊 mash seam welding串联缝焊 series seam welding对接缝焊 butt seam welding; foil-butt seam电阻对焊 upset butt welding闪光对焊 flash butt welding (FBW)储能焊 stored energy welding电容储能点焊 condenser discharge spot welding高频电阻焊 high frequency resistance welding。



焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)焊接专业英语词汇(共10部分)1、熔化焊熔接fusion welding压接pressure welding焊接过程welding process焊接技术welding technique焊接工艺welding technology/procedure焊接操作welding operation焊接顺序welding sequence焊接方向direction of welding焊接位置welding position熔敷顺序build-up sequence/deposition sequence 焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis 焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation平焊位置flat position of welding横焊位置horizontal position of welding立焊位置vertical position of welding仰焊位置overhead position of welding平焊downhand welding/flat position welding横焊horizontal position welding立焊vertical position welding仰焊overhead position welding?全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。

如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position 向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position倾斜焊inclined position welding上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position对接焊butt welding角焊fillet welding搭接焊lap welding船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the fla t position平角焊horizontal fillet welding立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position坡口焊groove weldingI形坡口对接焊square butt welding喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove welding卷边焊flanged edge welding纵缝焊接welding of longitudinal seam横缝焊接welding of transverse seam环缝焊接girth welding/ circumferential螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam 环缝对接焊butt welding of circumferential seam定位焊tack welding单面焊welding by one side双面焊welding by both sides单道焊single pass welding/single run welding多道焊multi-pass welding单层焊single layer welding多层焊multi-layer welding分段多层焊block sequence/ block welding分层多道焊multi-layer and multi-pass welding连续焊continuous welding断续焊intermittent welding打底焊backing weld封底焊back sealing weld盖面焊cosmetic welding深熔焊deep penetration welding摆动焊welding with weaving/weave bead welding前倾焊 foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国) 后倾焊 backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国)分段退焊backstep welding跳焊skip welding对称焊balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence左焊法leftward welding forehand welding右焊法rightward welding/backhand welding挑弧焊whipping method自动焊automatic welding手工焊manual welding/hand welding车间焊接shop welding工地焊接site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国) 拘束焊接restraint welding堆焊surfacing/building up/overlaying隔离层堆焊buttering端部周边焊boxing/end return返修焊rewelding补焊repair welding塞焊plug welding槽焊slot welding衬垫焊welding with backing焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding强制成形焊enclosed welding脉冲电弧焊pulsed are welding电弧点焊arc spot welding螺柱焊stud welding热风焊hot gas welding高能焊high grade energy welding固态焊接solid-state welding单面焊双面成形one-side welding with back formation 焊接条件welding condition焊接工艺参数welding parameter极性polarity正接electrode negative/straight polarity反接electrode positive/reversed polarity运条方式manipulation of electrode焊接电流welding current焊接电流增加时间welding current upslope time焊接电流衰减时间welding current downslope time电流密度current density短路电流short circuit current脉冲电流pulse level/pulse current level脉冲电流幅值pulse current amplitude基值电流background level脉冲频率pulse frequency脉冲焊接电流占空比duty cycle of pulse duration电弧电压arc voltage再引弧电压reignition voltage焊接速度welding speed行走速度rate of travel/travel speed送丝速度wire feed rate线能量heat input/energy input热输入heat input预热preheat后热postheat焊后热处理posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 预热温度preheat temperature层间温度interpass temperature焊接终了温度finishing temperature后热温度postheating temperature焊丝伸出长度wire extension弧长arc length熔化速度melting rate熔化时间melting time熔化系数melting coefficient熔敷速度rate of deposition/deposition rate熔敷系数deposition coefficient熔敷效率deposition efficiency损失系数loss coefficient飞spatter飞溅率spatter loss coefficient融合比fusion ratio稀释dilution稀释率rate of dilution合金过度系数transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element) 坡口groove坡口面groove face坡口面角度angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国)坡口角度included angle(英国)/groove angle(美国)坡口高度groove depth钝边root face钝边高度thickness of root face/width of root face根部间隙root gap(英国)/root opening (美国)根部半径root radius/groove radius根部锐边root edge卷边高度height of flange卷边半径radius of flange单面坡口single groove双面坡口double groove坡口形式groove typeI形坡口square grooveV形坡口single V grooveY形坡口single V groove with root face双Y形坡口double Vgroove with root face带钝边U形坡口single U groove带钝边双U形坡口double U grooveVY形坡口single compound angle groove带钝边J形坡口single J groove带钝边双J形坡口double J groove单边V形坡口single bevel groove双V形坡口double V groove不对称双V形坡口 asymmetric double V groove双单边V形坡口 double bevel groove/K groove带垫板V形坡口 V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing? 喇叭形坡口flare groove锁底坡口single bevel groove with backing locked坡形板边 tapered edge焊缝 weld接逢 seam焊缝符号 welding symbol焊缝金属 weld metal填充金属 filler metal熔敷金属 deposited metal焊缝表面weld face/ face of weld焊缝背面 back of weld焊缝轴线axis of weld焊缝尺寸 size of weld焊缝宽度weld width/ width of weld焊缝长度 weld length/ length of weld焊缝有效长度 effective length of weld焊缝厚度 throat depth/ throat thickness焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat焊缝实际厚度actual throat熔深penetration/ depth of penetration焊缝成形appearance of weld焊缝成形系数form factor of weld余高 reinforcement/ excess weld metal背面余高root reinforcement削平焊缝flush weld/ weld machined flush对接焊缝butt weld角焊缝fillet焊脚leg/ fillet weld leg角焊缝断面形状profile of fillet weld平形角焊缝flat fillet凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld角焊缝凹度concavity侧面角焊缝side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear 正面角焊缝front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear 立角焊缝fillet weld in the vertical position横角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontal position平角焊缝fillet weld in the flat position斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld连续焊缝continuous weld断续焊缝intermittent weld连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent fillet weld并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld端接焊缝edge weld卷边焊缝flanged edge weld塞焊焊缝plug weld纵向焊缝longitudinal weld横向焊缝transverse weld环行焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld密封焊缝seal weld承载焊缝strength weld联系焊缝connective weld定位焊缝tack weld焊道bead/ run/ pass焊波ripple焊根weld root/ root of weld焊趾weld toe/ toe封底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld根部焊道root pass/ root run填充焊道filling bead盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead熔透焊道penetration bead焊层 layer焊接接头welded joint接头形状joint geometry等强匹配接头equalmatching weld joint低强匹配接头undermatching weld joint超强匹配接头overmatching weld joint接头根部root of joint对接接头butt jointI形对接接头square butt jointV形对接接头single V butt jointU形对接接头single U butt jointJ形坡口接头single J butt joint双V形对接接头double V butt joint双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint 带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint带钝边J形坡口接头double J joint角接接头corner jointT形接头T joint斜T形接头inclined T joint十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint 三联接头joint among three members搭接接头lap joint套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint双盖板接头double strapped joint盖板接头strapped joint端接接头edge joint卷边接头flanged edge joint锁底对接接头lock butt joint斜对接接头oblique butt joint混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint有间隙接头open joint无间隙接头closed joint焊接电弧welding arc电弧形态arc shape电弧物理行为arc physics behaviour引弧striking arc引弧电压striking voltage电弧气氛arc atmosphere阴极cathode热阴极hot cathode冷阴极cold cathode阴极斑点cathode spot阴极区cathode region阴极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the cathode region 阴极压降cathode drop阳极anode阳极斑点anode spot斑点压力spot pressure阳极区anode region阳极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the anode region 阳极压降anode drop弧柱arc column/ arc stream弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column弧柱电位梯度potential gradient in the arc column弧焰arc flame弧心arc core硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc软电弧soft arc旋转电弧rotating arc脉冲电弧pulsed arc脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc起皱现象puckering phenomena起皱电弧puckering arc起皱临界电流 puckering critical current间接电弧 indirect arc压缩电弧 compressive arc磁控电弧 magnetic controlling arc电弧力 arc force电磁力 electromagnectic force电磁收缩效应 pinch effect电弧飘移 wandering of arc电弧稳定性 arc stability电弧静特性 static characteristic of arc电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc最小电压原理 principle of minimum voltage 电弧挺度arc stiffness电弧偏吹 arc blow磁偏吹 magnetic blow阴极清理作用 cleaning action of the cathode 电弧自身调节 arc self-regulation挖掘作用 digging action极性效应 polarity effect熔滴 droplet熔滴比表面积 specific surface of droplet熔滴过渡metal transfer过度频率 transition frequency?粗滴过渡globular transfer; drop transfer 短路过渡short circuiting transfer喷射过渡spray transfer旋转喷射过渡 rotating spray transfer脉冲喷射过渡 pulsed spray transfer爆炸过渡 explosive transfer渣壁过渡 flux wall guided transfer熔池 molten pool?沸腾状熔池 boiling molten pool弧坑crater熔渣slag渣系 slag system渣系相图 slag system diagram碱性渣 basic slag酸性渣 acid slag碱度 basicity酸度 acidity长渣 long slag短渣 short slag粘性熔渣 viscous slag氧化物型熔渣 oxide melting slag盐型熔渣 salt melting slag盐-氧化物型熔渣 salt-oxide melting slag熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity熔渣solidified slag多孔焊渣 porous slag玻璃状焊渣 vitreous slag自动脱落焊渣 self-releasing slag脱渣性 slag detachability焊接设备 welding equipment; welding set焊机 welding machine; welder电焊机 electric welding machine; electric welder焊接电源 welding power source焊接热循环 weld thermal cycle焊接温度场 field of weld temperature; weld temperature field 准稳定温度场 quasi-stationary temperature field焊接热源 welding heat source点热源 point heat source线热源 linear heat source面热源 plane heat source瞬时集中热源 instantaneous concentration heat source热效率 thermal efficiency?热能集中系数 coefficient of heat flow concentration峰值温度 peak temperature瞬时冷却速度 momentary cooling rate冷却时间 cooling time置换氧化 substitutionary oxydation扩散氧化 diffusible oxydation脱氧 desoxydation先期脱氧 precedent desoxydation扩散脱氧 diffusible desoxydation沉淀脱氧 precipitation desoxydation扩散氢 diffusible hydrogen初始扩散氢 initial diffusible hydrogen100℃残余扩散氢 diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃残余氢 residual hydrogen去氢 dehydrogenation去氢热处理 heat treatment for dehydrogenation脱硫 desulphurization脱磷 dephosphorization渗合金 alloying微量合金化 microalloying一次结晶组织 primary solidification structure二次结晶组织 secondary solidification structure联生结晶 epitaxial solidification焊缝结晶形态 solidification mode in weld-bead结晶层状线 ripple多边化边界 polygonization boundary结晶平均线速度 mean solidification rate针状铁素体 acicular ferrite条状铁素体 lath ferrite侧板条铁素体 ferrite side-plate晶界欣素体 grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid fer rite?粒状贝氏体 granular bainite板条马氏体 lath martensite过热组织 overheated structure魏氏组织 Widmannst?tten structureM-A组元 martensite-austenite constituent焊件失效分析 failure analysis of weldments冷裂判据 criterion of cold cracking冷裂敏感系数 cold cracking susceptibity coefficient脆性温度区间 brittle temperature range氢脆 hydrogen embrittlement层状偏析 lamellar segregation愈合 healing effect断口金相fractography断口 fracture延性断口 ductile fracture韧窝断口dimple fracture脆性断口 brittle fracture解理断口 cleavage fracture准解理断口 quasi-cleavage fracture氢致准解理断口 hydrogen-embrittlement induced 沿晶断口 intergranular fracture穿晶断口 transgranular fracture疲劳断口 fatigue fracture滑移面断口 glide plane fracture断口形貌 fracture apperance断口试验 fracture test宏观断口分析 macrofractography放射区 radical zone纤维区 fibrous zone剪切唇区 shear lip aone焊接性weldability使用焊接性 service weldability工艺焊接性 fabrication weldability冶金焊接性 metallurgical weldability热焊接性 thermal weldability母材 base metal; parent metal焊接区 weld zone焊态 as-welded (AW)母材熔化区 fusion zone半熔化区 partial melting region未混合区 unmixed zone熔合区 bond area熔合线 weld junction (英);bond line (美)热影响区 heat-affected zone (HAZ)过热区 overheated zone粗晶区 coarse grained region细晶区 fine grained region过渡区 transition zone硬化区 hardened zone碳当量 carbon equivalent铬当量 chromium equivalent镍当量 nickel equivalent舍夫勒组织图 Schaeffler's diagram德龙组织图Delong’s diagram连续冷却转变图(CCT图)continuous cooling transformation 裂纹敏感性 cracking sensibility焊接裂纹 weld crack焊缝裂纹 weld metal crack焊道裂纹 bead crack弧坑裂纹crater crack热影响区裂纹 heat-affected zone crack纵向裂纹 longitudinal crack横向裂纹 transverse crack微裂纹 micro-crack; micro-fissure热裂纹 hot crack凝固裂纹 solidification crack晶间裂纹 intercrystalline crack穿晶裂纹 transcrystalline crack多边化裂纹 polygonization crack液化裂纹 liquation crack失延裂纹 ductility-dip crack冷裂纹 cold crack延迟裂纹 delayed crack氢致裂纹 hydrogen-induced crack焊道下裂纹 underbead crack焊根裂纹 root crack焊趾裂纹 toe crack锯齿形裂纹 chevron cracking消除应力处理裂纹 stress relief annealing crack (SR crack) 再热裂纹 reheat crack焊缝晶间腐蚀 weld intercryctalline corrosion刀状腐蚀 knife line attack敏化区腐蚀 weld decay层状撕裂 lamellar tearing焊接性试验 weldability裂纹试验 cracking testIIW裂纹试验 IIW cracking testY形坡口裂纹试验 slit type cracking test分块形槽热裂纹试验 segmented circular groove cracking testH形裂纹试验 H-type cracking test鱼骨形裂纹试验 fishbone cracking test指形裂纹试验 finger (cracking) testT形裂纹试验 Tee type cracking test环形槽裂纹试验 circular-groove cracking test可调拘束裂纹试验 varestraint testBWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验 BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel?圆棒裂纹试验 bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test里海裂纹试验 Lehigh restraint cracking test圆形镶块裂纹试验 circular-path cracking test十字接头裂纹试验 cruciform cracking testZ向窗口拘束裂纹试验 Z-direction window type restraint cracking test G-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验 G-BOP weld metal crack test巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验 Battelle type underbead cracking testU形拉伸试验 U-tension test缪雷克期热裂纹试验 Murex hot cracking test菲斯柯裂纹试验 FISCO (type) cracking testCTS裂纹试验 controlled thermal severity拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验)tensile restraint cracking test刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验)rigid restraint cracking test插销试验 implant testTigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验 Tigamajing thin plate cracking test 焊道纵向弯曲试验 longitudinal-bead test柯麦雷尔弯曲试验 Kommerell bead bend test肯泽尔弯曲试验 Kinzel test缺口弯曲试验 notch bend test热朔性试验 hot-ductility test热影响区冲击试验 impact test of HAZ热影响区模拟试验 synthetic heat-affected zone test最高硬度试验 maximum hardness test落锤试验 NRL (Naval Research Laboratory)测氢试验 Hydrogen test焊接材料电极焊接材料welding consumables电极electrode熔化电极consumable electrode不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode钨电极tungsten electrode焊丝welding wire. Welding rod实心焊丝solid wire渡铜焊丝copper-plating welding wire自保护焊丝self-shielded welding wire药芯焊丝flux-cored wire复合焊丝combined wire堆焊焊丝surfacing welding rod填充焊丝filler wire焊条electrode/ covered electrode焊芯core wire药皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode)涂料coating flux/coating material造气剂gas forming constituents造渣剂slag forming constituents合金剂alloying constituent脱氧剂dioxidizer稳弧剂arc stabilizer粘接剂binder水玻璃water glass?水玻璃模数modules of water glass酸性焊条acid electrode高钛型焊条high titania (type) electrode钛钙型焊条lime titania type electrode钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type electrode氧化铁型焊条iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode 高纤维素型焊条high cellulose (type) electrode石墨型焊条graphite type electrode碱性焊条basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode高韧性超低氢焊条high toughness super low hydrogen electrode奥氏体焊条austenitic electrode铁素体焊条ferritic electrode不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode低温钢焊条low temperature steel electrode/ steel electrode for low temp erature铝合金焊条aluminum alloy arc welding electrode铜合金焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode铜芯铸铁焊条cast iron electrode with steel core?纯镍铸铁焊条pure nickel cast iron electrode球墨铸铁焊条electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron铸芯焊条electrode with cast core wire镍基合金焊条nickel base alloy covered electrode蒙乃尔焊条Monel electrode纯铁焊条pure iron electrode渗铝钢焊条alumetized steel electrode高效率焊条high efficiency electrode铁粉焊条iron powder electrode底层焊条backing welding electrode深熔焊条deep penetration electrode重力焊条gravity electrode立向下焊条electrode for vertical down position welding节能焊条saving energy electrode水下焊条underwater welding electrode耐海水腐蚀焊条seawater corrosion resistant steel electrode低尘低毒焊条low-fume and harmfulless electrode/low-fume and low-toxic electrode堆焊焊条surfacing electrode耐磨堆焊焊条hardfacing electrode钴基合金堆焊焊条cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode碳化钨堆焊焊条tungsten carbide surfacing electrode高锰钢堆焊焊条high manganese steel surfacing electrode双芯焊条twin electrode绞合焊条stranded electrode编织焊条braided electrode双层药皮焊条double coated electrode管状焊条flux-cored electrode气渣联合保护型药皮semi-volatile covering焊条工艺性usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode焊条使用性running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteri stics of an electrode焊条熔化性melting characteristics of an electrode焊条直径core diameter焊条偏心度eccentricity (of an electrode)药皮重量系数gravity coefficient of coating焊条药皮含水量percentage of moisture for covering焊条夹吃持端bare terminal (of an electrode)焊条引弧端striking end (of an elcetrode)焊剂welding flux/ flux熔炼焊剂fused flux粘结焊剂bonded flux烧结焊剂sintered flux/ agglomerated flux窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding 低氢型焊剂low hydrogen type flux高速焊剂high speed welding flux无氧焊剂oxygen-free flux低毒焊剂low poison flux磁性焊剂magnetic flux电弧焊 arc welding直流电弧焊 direct current arc welding交流电弧焊 alternating current arc welding三相电弧焊 three phase arc welding熔化电弧焊 arc welding with consumable金属极电弧焊 metal arc welding不熔化极电弧焊 arc welding with nonconsumable碳弧焊 carbon arc welding明弧焊 open arc welding焊条电弧焊 shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)重力焊gravity welding躺焊 fire cracker welding电弧堆焊 arc surfacing自动堆焊 automatic surfacing躺板极堆焊 surfacing by fire cracker welding带极堆焊 surfacing with band-electrode振动电弧堆焊 vibratory arc surfacing耐磨堆焊 hardfacing埋弧焊 submerged arc welding (SAW)多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding纵列多丝埋弧焊 Tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding)横列多丝埋弧焊 series submerged arc welding (SAW-S)横列双丝并联埋弧焊 transverse submerged arc welding热丝埋弧焊 hot wire submerged-arc welding窄间隙埋弧焊 narrow-gap submerged arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊 arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding 自调节电弧焊 self-adjusting arc welding适应控制焊接 adaptive control welding焊剂层 burden; flux layer气体保护电弧焊 gas shielded arc welding保护气体 protective atmosphere惰性气体 inert-gas活性气体 active-gas惰性气体保护焊 inert-gas (arc) welding氩弧焊 argon arc welding熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 metal inert-gas arc welding钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 tungsten inert-gas arc welding钨极氢弧焊 argon tungsten arc welding脉冲氢弧焊 pulsed argon arc welding熔化极脉冲氢弧焊 argon metal pulsed arc welding钨极脉冲氢弧焊 argon tungsten pulsed arc welding热丝MIG焊 hot wire MIG welding热丝TIG焊 hot wire TIG welding氨弧焊 helium-arc welding活性气体保护电弧焊 metal active-gas arc welding混合气体保护电弧焊 mixed gas arc welding二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊 carbon-dioxide arc welding; CO2 arc welding? 细丝CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thin wire粗丝CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thick wire磁性焊剂CO2焊 unionarc welding药芯焊丝CO2焊 arcos arc process; dual shield arc welding气电立焊 electrogas (arc) welding氮弧焊 nitrogen-arc welding水蒸气保护电弧焊 water vapour arc welding原子氢焊 atomic hydrogen welding冲器室中电弧焊 controlled atmosphere arc welding 旋转电弧焊 rotating arc welding短路过渡电弧焊 short circuiting arc welding焊丝横摆频率 weaving speed of wire焊丝停摆时间 electrode keep time of slider等离子弧焊 plasma arc welding (PAW)等离子弧 plasma arc等离子流 plasma jet转移弧 transferred arc非转移弧 nontransferred arc联合型等离子弧 combined plasma arc主弧 main arc维弧 pilot arc维弧电流 pilot arc surrent双弧现象 double arcing双弧临界电流 critical current of double arcing 等离子弧焊枪 plasma (welding) torch压缩喷嘴 constricting nozzle单孔喷嘴 single port nozzle多孔喷嘴 multiport nozzle压缩喷嘴孔径 orifice diameter孔道长度 orifice throat length孔道比 orifice throat ratio等离子气 plasma gas; orifice gas电极内缩长度 electrode setback小孔效应 keyhole effect小孔型等离子弧焊 keyhole-mode welding熔透型等离子弧焊 fusion type plasma arc welding大电流等离子弧焊 high-current plasma arc welding中电流等离子弧焊 intermediate-current plasma arc welding? 小电流等离子弧焊 low-current plasma arc welding微束等离子弧焊 micro-plasma arc welding交流等离子弧焊 AC plasma arc welding?脉冲等离子弧焊 pulsed plasma arc welding等离子弧堆焊plasma arc surfacing热丝等离子弧堆焊 hot wire plasma arc surfacing粉末等离子弧堆焊 plasma arc powder surfacing等离子-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 plasma MIG welding转移弧电源 transferred arc power supply?非转移弧电源 nontransferred arc power supply?电弧焊设备 arc welding equipment电弧焊机 arc welding machine直流弧焊机 DC arc welding machine交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine交直流两用弧焊机 AC/DC arc welding machine单站弧焊机 single operator arc welding machine多站弧焊机 multi-operator arc welding set固定式弧焊机 stationary arc welding machine移动式弧焊机 portable arc welding machine台式弧焊机 bench arc welding machine内燃机驱动式弧焊机 combustion engine driven arc welding set电动机驱动式弧焊机 motor driven arc welding set熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a consumable electrode不熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a non-consumable electrode 脉冲弧焊机 pulsed arc welding machine气体保护弧焊机 gas shielded arc welding machine氩弧焊机 argon arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机 CO2 arc welding machine钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机 tungsten inert-gas welding machine熔化仍惰性气体保护弧焊机 metal inert-gas welding machine气电立焊机 electrogas (arc) welding machine等离子弧焊机 plasma arc welding machine微束等离子弧焊机 micro-plasma welding equipment原子氢焊机 atomic hydrogen welding apparatus埋弧焊机 submerged arc welding machine弧焊电源 arc welding power source直流弧焊电源 DC arc welding power source交流弧焊电源 AC arc welding power source交直流两用弧焊电源 AC/DC arc welding power source脉冲弧焊电源 pulsed arc welding power source上升特性弧焊电源 rising characteristic arc welding power source平特性弧焊电源 constant –voltage arc welding power source?下降特性弧焊电源 dropping characteristic arc welding power source垂降特性弧焊电源 constant-current arc welding power source多特性弧焊电源 slope-controlled arc welding power source逆变式焊接电源 inverter welding power source晶体管弧焊电源 transistor arc welding power source电源动特性 dynamic characteristic电源外特性 external characteristic弧焊变压器 arc welding transformer弧焊整流器 arc welding rectifier硅弧焊整流器 silicon arc welding rectifier晶闸管弧焊整流器 SCR arc welding rectifier; arc welding silicon control led rectifier脉冲弧焊整流器 pulsed arc welding rectifier弧焊发电机 arc welding generator焊车 welding tractor焊接机头 welding head行走机构 traveller送丝机构 wire feeder等速送丝方式 constant wire-feed system变速送丝方式 alternate wire-feed system跟踪装置tracer焊丝盘 wire reel焊钳 electrode holder焊枪 welding gun?电极夹 electrode holder导电嘴 tip; contact tube喷嘴 nozzle焊剂漏斗 flux-hopper高频振荡器 oscillator; HF unit脉冲引弧器 pulsed arc starter; surge injector脉冲稳弧器 pulsed arc stabilizer脉冲激弧器 pulsed arc exciter输出电抗器 out put reactor镇定变阻器 ballast rheostat直流分量抑制器 direct current suppressor焊接回路 welding circuit额定焊接电流 rated welding current焊接电流调节范围 range of welding current regulation 空载电压 open circuit voltage(no load voltage)约定负载电压 conventional load voltage负载持续率 duty cycle额定负载持续率 rated duty cycle; standard service手工弧焊机 manual arc welding machine电焊渣 electroslag welding (ESW)手工电渣焊 manual electroslag welding丝极电渣焊 electroslag welding with wire electrode板极电渣焊 electroslag welding with plate electrode 熔嘴电渣焊 electroslag welding with consumable nozzle 管极电渣焊 electroslag welding with tube electrode窄间隙电渣焊 narrow-gap electroslag welding电渣堆焊 electroslag surfacing电渣焊机 electrosalg welding machine熔嘴 consumable nozzle; consumable wire?钢档板 steel shoe (钢冷却板 Cu-cooling plate铜滑板copper shoe渣池slag bath渣池深度depth of slag bath渣池电压voltage of slag bath电渣过程稳定性electroslag process stability焊丝间距distance between welding wires电子束焊electron beam welding (EBW)脉冲电子束焊pulsed electron beam welding加速电压acceleration voltage/ operating voltage电子束电流beam current电子束功率beam power电子束功率密度beam power density焦点focal spot焦距focal length工作距离work distance电子束焊机electron beam welding machine高真空电子束焊机full vacuum electron beam welder低真空电子束焊机partial vacuum electron beam welder 非真空电子束焊机nonvacuum electron beam welder真空度vacuum电子枪electron gun二极电子枪diode gun三极电子枪triode gun偏压电极bias electrode电磁透镜electromagnetic lens电子束偏转线圈electron beam deflection coils导流系数perveance钉尖spiking激光焊laser welding/ laser beam welding连续激光焊continuous laser welding脉冲激光焊impulsed laser welding激光焊机laser welding equipment气体激光器gas laser固体激光器solid laser焦斑直径focussed diameter of the beam离焦量clearance between focal point and (plate) surface 焊缝深宽比weld seam depth-to-width ratio3、气焊、热剂焊、水下焊gas welding氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene welding氢氧焊 oxy-hydrogen welding空气乙炔焊 air-acetylene welding氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene flame氢氧焰 oxy-hydrogen flame氧煤气焰 oxy-coal gas flame焊接火焰 welding flame混合比 mixing ratio混合气体可燃范围 inflammable limit of the gaseous一次燃烧 primary combustion二次燃烧 secondary combustion燃烧速度 combustion rate燃烧强度 combustion intensity火焰热效率 flame heating efficiency焰芯 inner cone; flame cone内焰 internal flame外焰 flame envelope中性焰 neutral flame氧化焰 oxidizing flame碳化焰 carburizing flame回火 flashback逆火 backfire回烧 flashback气体发生速度 gasification speed焊炬 torch; blow pipe等压式焊炬 balanced pressure torch射吸式焊炬 injector torch氧乙炔焊炬 oxy-acetylene torch焊割两用炬 combined cutting and welding torch 混合室 mixing chamber喷射器 injector焊嘴 welding nozzle; welding tip液氧气化器 oxygen evaporator气瓶 gas cylinder乙炔瓶 acetylene cylinder阀罩 cylinder cap气瓶阀 cylinder valve汇流排 cylinder manifold减压器 pressure regulator; gas regulator单级减压器 single stage regulator两级减压器 two stage regulator回火防止器 flashback arrestor干式回火防止器 dry flashback arrestor水封式回火防止器 water-closing type arrestor净化器 purifier乙炔发生器 acetylene generator低压乙炔发生器 low pressure acetylene generator热剂补焊 thermit repair welding钢轨热剂焊 thermit rail welding热剂 thermit powder热剂钢水 thermit steel热剂反应 thermit reaction热剂溶渣 thermit slag热剂铸模 thermit mold; mold for thermit weld热剂坩埚 thermit crucible焊筋 collar水下焊 underwater welding水下气体保护电弧焊 underwater gas shielded arc welding水下等离子弧焊 underwater plasma arc welding温式水下焊wet method underwater welding干式水下焊 dry method underwater welding局部干式水下焊 local dry underwater welding水帘局部干式水下焊 water curtain type dry underwater welding4、压焊(电阻焊摩擦焊爆炸焊扩散焊超声波焊等)电阻焊 resistance welding (RW)点焊 spot welding; resistance spot welding凸焊 projection welding缝焊 seam welding滚点焊 roll-spot welding连续点焊 stitch welding多点焊 multiple spot welding手压点焊 push welding; poke welding脉冲点焊 pulsation spot welding; multiple-impulse welding 双面点焊 direct spot welding单面点焊 indirect spot welding串联点焊 series spot welding多点凸焊multiple projection welding频道进缝焊 step-by-step seam welding压平缝焊 mash seam welding串联缝焊 series seam welding对接缝焊 butt seam welding; foil-butt seam电阻对焊 upset butt welding闪光对焊 flash butt welding (FBW)储能焊 stored energy welding电容储能点焊 condenser discharge spot welding高频电阻焊 high frequency resistance welding。



焊接英语专业术语1.1 焊接方法焊接方法与设备(Welding process& facility)手工电弧焊(MAW:manual arc welding)电弧焊(arc welding) 埋弧电弧焊(SAW:submerged arc气焊(gas welding) 氩弧焊(argon arc welding)气体保护电弧焊 CO2保护焊(CO2 shielded arc welding)熔化焊 (GMAW—gas metal arc welding)fusion welding 电渣焊(ESW—electroslag welding)激光焊(LW—laster welding)等离子焊(PAW—plasma arc welding)摩擦焊(FRW—friction welding)焊接 压力焊 超声波焊(UW—ultrasonic welding)welding pressure welding 冷压焊(CPW—cold pressure welding)锻焊(FW—forge-welding) 对焊butt welding电阻焊(RW—resistance welding) 缝焊seam welding点焊spot welding烙铁钎焊 iron soldering火焰钎焊 torch brazing/ torch soldering钎焊 炉中钎焊 furnace brazing/ furnace solderingsoldering/brazing 盐浴钎焊 saltbath dip brazing (soldering)真空钎焊 vacuum brazing堆焊 overlaying welding平焊 downhand welding/flat welding横焊 horizontal welding立焊 vertical welding仰焊 overhead welding全位置焊 all position welding/positional welding半自动电弧焊 Semi-automatic arc welding钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 (TIG) tungsten inert-gas arc welding 熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 (MIG)metal inert-gas arc welding 1.2 焊接设备电弧焊机 arc welding machine直流弧焊机 DC arc welding machine交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine交直流两用弧焊机 AC/DC arc welding machine氩弧焊机 argon arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机 CO2 arc welding machine埋弧焊机 submerged arc welding machine焊接机头 welding head行走机构 traveller送丝机构 wire feeder焊丝盘 wire reel焊钳 electrode holder焊枪 welding gun碳弧气割 carbon arc air gouging火焰气刨 flame gouging焊接夹具 welding jig/ fixture等离子弧焊机 plasma arc welding machine等速送丝方式 constant wire-feed system变速送丝方式 alternate wire-feed system点焊机 spot welding machine缝焊机 seam welding machine对焊机 butt resistance welding machine凸焊机 projection welding machine2、 焊接材料及焊接工艺(welding materials& procedure)2.1 焊接材料碳钢 carbon steel合金钢 alloy steel不锈钢 stainless steel耐热钢 high-temprature steel铸铁 casting铜/黄铜 copper青铜 bronze铝 aluminium镁 magnisium钛 titanium钨 tungsten镍 nickel铬 chromium2.2 焊接工艺焊接技能 welding technique焊接方法 welding process焊接工艺welding procedure焊接操作 welding operation焊接顺序 welding sequence焊接方向 welding progress焊缝宽度 weld width焊缝厚度 weld throat焊缝余高 weld reinforcement焊缝长度 weld length焊接参数 welding parameter焊接电流 welding current焊接速度 welding speed焊接电压 welding voltage焊接变形 welding deformation根部间隙 root opening焊缝正面 face of weld焊缝背面 root surface of weld对接接头 butt joint角接接头 corner joint焊接性 weldabilityT型接头 T- joint搭接接头 lap joint十字接头 cruciform joint热影响区 heat-affected zone接头设计 joint design熔合线 weld interface过热区 overheated zone后热 postheat预热 preheat熔深 depth of fusion焊道 weld bead焊缝成型系数 form factor of the weld碳当量 carbon equivalent焊接经验 welding experience考试机构 examining body焊接工艺规程 (WPS) welding procedure specification 标准焊接工艺规程 (SWPS)standard welding procedure 工艺评定记录(PQR) procedure qualification record 焊接工艺预规程 (pWPS)preliminary welding procedure 试验的焊接材料 tested welding materials/consumable 焊接管理人员 welding co-ordination/manage personnel 预生产焊接试验 pre-production welding test3、 焊接缺陷与无损检验(welding defects and non-destructive test)3.1 焊接缺陷夹渣 slag inclusion夹钨 tungsten inclusion夹杂物 inclusion白点 fish eye气孔 porosity烧穿 burn-through咬边 undercut焊接裂纹 welding crack焊瘤 overlap弧坑裂纹 crater crack弧坑 pit/crater热裂纹 hot crack冷裂纹 cold crack延迟裂纹 delayed crack层状撕裂 lamellar tearing纵向裂纹 longitudinal crack横向裂纹 transverse crack焊接应变 welding strain焊接残余应力 welding residual stress焊接应力 welding stress焊接变形 welding deformation未焊透 incomplete penetration, lack of penetration未熔合 incomplete fusion,lack of penetration3.2 无损检验试件 test piece试样 test specimen无损检验 non-destuctive test/examination裂纹试验 cracking test外观检验 visual examination耐压试验 pressure test射线探伤 radiographic inspection面弯试验 face bend testing超声波探伤 ultrasonic inspection背弯试验 root bend test磁粉探伤 magnetic particle inspection侧弯试验 side bend testX射线探伤 X-ray radiographic inspection横弯试验 horizontal bend test破坏检验 destructive test纵弯试验 axial bend test渗透探伤 penetration/transmission inspection4、 焊接生产及安全(welding production&safety)焊接工作台 welding bench焊接操作台 welding manipulator焊接变位器 welding positioner焊工升降台 welder’s lifting platform质量检查 QC=quality control质量保证 QA=quality assurance焊接车间 welding shop面罩 helmet滤光玻璃 filter plate焊工手套 welder’s glove电焊电缆 Welding cable电焊发动机 Welding generator焊接电源 Welding source电焊工 manual arc welder气焊工 gas welder焊把 weld handle焊枪 welding pistol焊接烟尘 welding fume防护鞋 shielding shoes焊工尘肺 pheumocomsis of welder焊接检验员 weld inspector焊工合格证 welder qualification certification焊工操作资格 welder performance/operation qualification点焊接专家系统welding expert system焊接机器人示数welding robot play back焊接图象识别pattern recognition for welding焊接图象处理welding image processing计算机辅助焊接结构设计computer-aided design for welding st 焊接烟尘weld fume焊接发尘量total amount of fumes焊接烟尘浓度weld fume concentration焊接烟尘容限浓度threshold limit values of weld fume (TLV)焊接发尘速率weld fume emission rate焊接有害气体welding toxic gases/ weld harmful gases标定卫生空气需要量nominal hygienic air requirement焊工尘肺pheumocomsis of welder焊工锰中毒chronic occupational manganese poisoning of weld 焊工氟中毒fluorosis of welder焊工金属烟热metal fume fever of welder电光性眼炎eye-flash (arc eye)电光性皮炎electro-photo dermatitis电弧紫外线灼伤ultraviolet ray burn防电击装置voltage reducing device除尘装置dust collection device焊工手套welding gloves护脚welding spats防护鞋shielding shoes焊接欠缺welding imperfection焊接缺陷weld defect气孔blowhole/ gas pore针尖状气孔pinhole密集气孔porosity条虫状气孔wormhole裂纹crack表面裂纹surface crack咬边undercut焊瘤overlap凹坑pit烧穿burn through塌陷excessive penetration未焊透incomplete penetration/ lack of penetration未熔合lack of fusion/ incomplete fusion未焊满incompletely filled weld根部凹陷root concavity电弧擦伤arc scratch夹渣slag inclusion夹杂物inclusion夹钨tungsten inclusion白点fish eye/ flake错边misalignment/ dislocation试件test piece试样test specimen无损检验nondestructive test破坏检验destructive test外观检查visual examination超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection直射法超声波探伤straight beam method斜射法超声波探伤angle beam method液浸法超声波探伤immersion method射线探伤radiographic inspection/ radiographyX射线探伤X-ray radiographic inspectionγ射线探伤gamma-ray inspectionX射线工业电视探伤X-ray industrial television inspection磁粉探伤magnetic particle inspection电磁探伤electromagnetic inspection/ eddy current test探伤灵敏度flaw detection sensitivity渗透探伤penetration inspection荧光探伤flurescent penetrant inspection着色探伤dye penetrant inspection密封性检验leak test气密性检验air tight test枕形气密检验pillow test水压检验hydraulic test气压检验pneumatic test液晶检验liquid crystal test声发射检测acoustic emission testing面弯试验face bend testing背弯试验root bend test侧弯试验side bend test横弯试验horizontal bend test纵弯试验axial bend test压扁试验squeezing test您可以访问第一范文网()查看更多与本文《lance cutting溶剂氧切割 powder lancing手工气割 manual oxygen cutting自动气割 automatic oxygen cutting仿形切割 shape cutting数控切割 NC (numerical-control) cutting快速切割 high-speed cutting垂直切割 square cut叠板切割 stack cutting坡口切割 beveling; bevel cutting碳弧气割 carbon arc air gouging火焰气刨 flame gouging火焰表面清理 scarfing氧熔剂表面修整powder washing预热火焰preheat flame预热氧preheat oxygen切割氧cutting oxygen/ cutting stream切割速度cutting speed切割线lone of cut/ cut line切割面face of cut/ cut face切口kerf切口上缘cutting shoulder切口宽度kerf width后拖量drag切割面平面度evenness of cutting surface/ planeness of cutting surface 割纹深度depth of cutting veins/ stria depth切割面质量quality of cut face上缘熔化度shoulder meltability/ melting degree of shoulder切口角kerf angle缺口notch挂渣adhering slag结瘤dross割炬cutting torch/ cutting blowpipe/ oxygen-fuel gas cutting torch割枪cutting gun割嘴cutting nozzle/ cutting tip快速割嘴divergent nozzle/ high-speed nozzle表面割炬gouging blowpipe水下割炬under-water cutting blowpipe水下割条electrode for under-water cutting粉剂罐powder dispenser数控切割机NC cutting machine门式切割机flame planer光电跟踪切割机photo-electric tracing cutting火焰切管机pipe flame cutting machine磁轮式气割机gas cutting machine with magnetic wheels焊接结构welded structure/ welded construction焊件weldment焊接部件weld assembly组装件built-up member接头设计joint design焊接应力welding stress焊接瞬时应力transient welding stress焊接残余应力welding residual stress热应力thermal stress收缩应力contraction stress局部应力local stress拘束应力constraint stress固有应力inherent stress固有应变区inherent strain zone残余应力测定residual stress analysis逐层切割法Sach’s methodX射线衍射法X-ray stress analysis小孔释放法Mathar method固有应变法inherent strain method消除应力stress relieving局部消除应力local stress relieving应力重分布stress redistribution退火消除应力stress relieving by annealing温差拉伸消除应力low temperature stress relieving机械拉伸消除应力mechanical stress relieving应力松弛stress relaxation焊接变形welding deformation焊接残余变形welding residual deformation局部变形local deformation角变形angular distortion自由变形free deformation收缩变形contraction deformation错边变形mismatching deformation挠曲变形deflection deformation波浪变形wave-like deformation火焰矫正flame straightening反变形backward deformation焊接力学welding mechanics断裂力学fracture mechanics弹塑性断裂变形elasto-plastic fracture mechanics线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracture mechanics延性断裂ductile fracture脆性断裂brittle fracture应力腐蚀开裂stress corrosion cracking热应变脆化hot straining embrittlement临界裂纹尺寸critical crack size裂纹扩展速率crack propagation rate裂纹张开位移(COD)crack opening displacement拘束度restraint intensity拘束系数restraint coefficient应变速率strain rate断裂韧度fracture toughness应力强度因子stress intensity factor临界应力强度因子critical stress intensity factors应力腐蚀临界应力强度因子critical stress intensity factor of stress corrosion cracking J积分J-integration罗伯逊止裂试验Robertson crack arrest testESSO试验ESSO test双重拉伸试验doucle tension test韦尔斯宽板拉伸试验Well’s wide plate test帕瑞斯公式Paris formula断裂分析图fracture analysis diagram焊接车间welding shop焊接工作间welding booth焊接工位welding post/ welding station焊接环境welding surroundings焊工welder电焊工manual arc welder气焊工gas welder焊接检验员weld inspector焊工培训welders training焊工模拟训练器trainer of synthetic weld焊工考试welder qualification test焊工合格证welder qualification/ welder qualified certification钢板预处理steel plate pretreatment喷沙sand blast喷丸shot blast矫正straighten开坡口bevelling (of the edge)/ chanfering装配assembly/ fitting安装erect刚性固定rigid fixing装配焊接顺序sequence of fitting and welding焊接工艺评定welding procedure qualification焊接工艺规程welding procedure specification焊接工艺试验welding procedure test焊接工艺卡welding procedure card工序operational seq(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。



焊接专业英语词汇(焊接及相关工艺英文缩写)AW——ARC WELDING——电弧焊AHW——atomic hydrogen welding——原子氢焊BMAW——bare metal arc welding——无保护金属丝电弧焊CAW——carbon arc welding——碳弧焊CAW-G——gas carbon arc welding——气保护碳弧焊CAW-S——shielded carbon arc welding——有保护碳弧焊CAW-T——twin carbon arc welding——双碳极间电弧焊EGW——electrogas welding——气电立焊FCAW——flux cored arc welding——药芯焊丝电弧焊FCW-G——gas-shielded flux cored arc welding——气保护药芯焊丝电弧焊FCW-S——self-shielded flux cored arc welding——自保护药芯焊丝电弧焊GMAW——gas metal arc welding——熔化极气体保护电弧焊GMAW-P——pulsed arc——熔化极气体保护脉冲电弧焊GMAW-S——short circuiting arc——熔化极气体保护短路过度电弧焊GTAW——gas tungsten arc welding——钨极气体保护电弧焊GTAW-P——pulsed arc——钨极气体保护脉冲电弧焊MIAW——magnetically impelled arc welding——磁推力电弧焊PAW——plasma arc welding——等离子弧焊SMAW——shielded metal arc welding——焊条电弧焊SW——stud arc welding——螺栓电弧焊SAW——submerged arc welding——埋弧焊SAW-S——series——横列双丝埋弧焊RW——RWSISTANCE WELDING——电阻焊FW——flash welding——闪光焊RW-PC——pressure controlled resistance welding——压力控制电阻焊PW——projection welding——凸焊RSEW——resistance seam welding——电阻缝焊RSEW-HF——high-frequency seam welding——高频电阻缝焊RSEW-I——induction seam welding——感应电阻缝焊RSEW-MS——mash seam welding——压平缝焊RSW——resistance spot welding——点焊UW——upset welding——电阻对焊UW-HF——high-frequency——高频电阻对焊UW-I——induction——感应电阻对焊SSW——SOLID STATE WELDING——固态焊CEW——co-extrusion welding——CW——cold welding——冷压焊DFW——diffusion welding——扩散焊SW——stud arc welding——螺栓电弧焊SAW——submerged arc welding——埋弧焊SAW-S——series——横列双丝埋弧焊RW——RWSISTANCE WELDING——电阻焊FW——flash welding——闪光焊RW-PC——pressure controlled resistance welding——压力控制电阻焊PW——projection welding——凸焊RSEW——resistance seam welding——电阻缝焊RSEW-HF——high-frequency seam welding——高频电阻缝焊RSEW-I——induction seam welding——感应电阻缝焊RSEW-MS——mash seam welding——压平缝焊RSW——resistance spot welding——点焊UW——upset welding——电阻对焊UW-HF——high-frequency——高频电阻对焊UW-I——induction——感应电阻对焊SSW——SOLID STATE WELDING——固态焊CEW——co-extrusion welding——CW——cold welding——冷压焊DFW——diffusion welding——扩散焊HIPW——hot isostatic pressure diffusion welding——热等静压扩散焊EXW——explosion welding——爆炸焊FOW——forge welding——锻焊FRW——friction welding——摩擦焊FRW-DD——direct drive friction welding——径向摩擦焊FSW——friction stir welding——搅拌摩擦焊FRW-I——inertia friction welding——惯性摩擦焊HPW——hot pressure welding——热压焊ROW——roll welding——热轧焊USW——ultrasonic welding——超声波焊S——SOLDERING——软钎焊DS——dip soldering——浸沾钎焊FS——furnace soldering——炉中钎焊IS——induction soldering——感应钎焊IRS——infrared soldering——红外钎焊INS——iron soldering——烙铁钎焊RS——resistance soldering——电阻钎焊TS——torch soldering——火焰钎焊UUS——ultrasonic soldering——超声波钎焊WS——wave soldering——波峰钎焊B——BRAZING——软钎焊BB——block brazing——块钎焊DFB——diffusion brazing——扩散焊DB——dip brazing——浸沾钎焊EXB——exothermic brazing——反应钎焊FB——furnace brazing——炉中钎焊IB——induction brazing——感应钎焊IRB——infrared brazing——红外钎焊RB——resistance brazing——电阻钎焊TB——torch brazing——火焰钎焊TCAB——twin carbon arc brazing——双碳弧钎焊OFW——OXYFUEL GAS WELDING——气焊AAW——air-acetylene welding——空气乙炔焊OAW——oxy-acetylene welding——氧乙炔焊OHW——oxy-hydrogen welding——氢氧焊PGW——pressure gas welding——气压焊OTHER WELDING AND JOINING——其他焊接与连接方法AB——adhesive bonding——粘接BW——braze welding——钎接焊ABW——arc braze welding——电弧钎焊CABW——carbon arc braze welding——碳弧钎焊EBBW——electron beam braze welding——电子束钎焊EXBW——exothermic braze welding——热反应钎焊FLB——flow brazing——波峰钎焊FLOW——flow welding——波峰焊LBBW——laser beam braze welding——激光钎焊EBW——electron beam welding——电子束焊EBW-HV——high vacuum——高真空电子束焊EBW-MV——medium vacuum——中真空电子束焊EBW-NV——non vacuum——非真空电子束焊ESW——electroslag welding——电渣焊ESW-CG——consumable guide eletroslag welding——熔嘴电渣焊IW——induction welding——感应焊LBW——laser beam welding——激光焊PEW——percussion welding——冲击电阻焊TW——thermit welding——热剂焊THSP——THERMAL SPRAYING——热喷涂ASP——arc spraying——电弧喷涂FLSP——flame spraying——火焰喷涂FLSP-W——wire flame spraying——丝材火焰喷涂HVOF——high velocity oxyfuel spraying——高速氧燃气喷涂PSP——plasma spraying——等离子喷涂VPSP-W——vacuum plasma spraying——真空等离子喷涂TC——THERMAL CUTTING——热切割OC——OXYGEN CUTTING——气割OC-F——flux cutting——熔剂切割OC-P——metal powder cutting——金属熔剂切割OFC——oxyfuel gas cutting——氧燃气切割CFC-A——oxyacetylene cutting——氧乙炔切割CFC-H——oxyhydrogen cutting——氢氧切割CFC-N——oxynatural gas cutting——氧天然气切割CFC-P——oxypropanne cutting——氧丙酮切割OAC——oxygen arc cutting——氧气电弧切割OG——oxygen gouging——气刨OLC——oxygen lance cutting——氧矛切割AC——ARC CUTTING——电弧切割CAC——carbon arc cutting——碳弧切割CAC-A——air carbon arc cutting——空气碳弧切割GMAC——gas metal arc cutting——熔化极气体保护电弧切割GTAC——gas tungsten arc cutting——钨极气体保护电弧切割PAC——plasma arc cutting——等离子弧切割SMAC——shielded metal arc cutting——焊条电弧切割HIGH ENERGY BEAM CUTTING——高能束切割EBC——electron beam cutting——电子束切割LBC——laser beam cutting——激光切割LBC-A——air——空气激光切割LBC-EV——evaporative——蒸气激光切割LBC-IG——inert gas——惰性气体激光切割LBC-O——oxygen——氧气激光切割激光切割laser cutting(LC);laser beam cutting电子束切割electron beam cutting喷气激光切割gas jet laser cutting碳弧切割carbon arc cutting水下切割underwater cutting喷水式水下电弧切割waterjet method underwater arc cutting氧矛切割oxygen lancing;oxygen lance cutting溶剂氧切割powder lancing手工气割manual oxygen cutting自动气割automatic oxygen cutting仿形切割shape cutting数控切割NC(numerical-control)cutting快速切割high-speed cutting垂直切割square cut叠板切割stack cutting坡口切割beveling;bevel cutting碳弧气割carbon arc air gouging火焰气刨flame gouging火焰表面清理scarfing氧熔剂表面修整powder washing预热火焰preheat flame预热氧preheat oxygen切割氧cutting oxygen/cutting stream切割速度cutting speed切割线line of cut/cut line切割面face of cut/cut face切口kerf切口上缘cutting shoulder切口宽度kerf width后拖量drag切割面平面度evenness of cutting surface/planeness of cutting surface 割纹深度depth of cutting veins/stria depth切割面质量quality of cut face上缘熔化度shoulder meltability/melting degree of shoulder切口角kerf angle缺口notch挂渣adhering slag结瘤dross割炬cutting torch/cutting blowpipe/oxygen-fuel gas cutting torch割枪cutting gun割嘴cutting nozzle/cutting tip快速割嘴divergent nozzle/high-speed nozzle表面割炬gouging blowpipe水下割炬under-water cutting blowpipe水下割条electrode for under-water cutting粉剂罐powder dispenser数控切割机NC cutting machine门式切割机flame planer光电跟踪切割机photo-electric tracing cutting火焰切管机pipe flame cutting machine磁轮式气割机gas cutting machine with magnetic wheels焊接结构welded structure/welded construction焊件weldment焊接部件weld assembly组装件built-up member接头设计joint design焊接应力welding stress焊接瞬时应力transient welding stress焊接残余应力welding residual stress热应力thermal stress收缩应力contraction stress局部应力local stress拘束应力constraint stress固有应力inherent stress固有应变区inherent strain zone残余应力测定residual stress analysis逐层切割法Sach’s methodX射线衍射法X-ray stress analysis小孔释放法Mathar method固有应变法inherent strain method消除应力stress relieving局部消除应力local stress relieving应力重分布stress redistribution退火消除应力stress relieving by annealing温差拉伸消除应力low temperature stress relieving机械拉伸消除应力mechanical stress relieving应力松弛stress relaxation焊接变形welding deformation焊接残余变形welding residual deformation局部变形local deformation角变形angular distortion自由变形free deformation收缩变形contraction deformation错边变形mismatching deformation挠曲变形deflection deformation波浪变形wave-like deformation火焰矫正flame straightening反变形backward deformation焊接力学welding mechanics断裂力学fracture mechanics弹塑性断裂变形elasto-plastic fracture mechanics线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracture mechanics延性断裂ductile fracture脆性断裂brittle fracture应力腐蚀开裂stress corrosion cracking热应变脆化hot straining embrittlement临界裂纹尺寸critical crack size裂纹扩展速率crack propagation rate裂纹张开位移(COD)crack opening displacement拘束度restraint intensity拘束系数restraint coefficient应变速率strain rate断裂韧度fracture toughness应力强度因子stress intensity factor临界应力强度因子critical stress intensity factors应力腐蚀临界应力强度因子critical stress intensity factor of stress corrosion cracking J积分J-integration罗伯逊止裂试验Robertson crack arrest testESSO试验ESSO test双重拉伸试验doucle tension test韦尔斯宽板拉伸试验Well’s wide plate test帕瑞斯公式Paris formula断裂分析图fracture analysis diagram焊接车间welding shop焊接工作间welding booth焊接工位welding post/welding station焊接环境welding surroundings焊工welder电焊工manual arc welder气焊工gas welder焊接检验员weld inspector焊工培训welders training焊工模拟训练器trainer of synthetic weld焊工考试welder qualification test焊工合格证welder qualification/welder qualified certification 钢板预处理steel plate pretreatment喷沙sand blast喷丸shot blast矫正straighten开坡口bevelling(of the edge)/chanfering装配assembly/fitting安装erect刚性固定rigid fixing装配焊接顺序sequence of fitting and welding焊接工艺评定welding procedure qualification焊接工艺规程welding procedure specification焊接工艺试验welding procedure test焊接工艺卡welding procedure card工序operational sequence焊接材料消耗定额welding consumables quota焊接工时定额welder-hour quota清渣slag removal清根back gouging/back chipping锤击peening返修次数number of rewelding焊接工作台welding bench装焊平台welding platen电磁平台electromagnetic platen焊接翻转机welding tilter焊接回转台floor turnable positioner焊接变位机positioner焊接滚轮架turning rolls焊接操作机manpulator焊工升降台welder’s lifting platform焊接夹具welding jig/fixture磁力夹紧器magnetic jig螺旋推撑器screw operated tensioning unit焊丝盘绕机welding wire coiler焊条压涂机welding electrode extrusion press红外线加热器infra-red heater干燥箱dryer焊条保温筒thermostat for electrode流量计flow meterCO2预热器CO2heaterCO2干燥器CO2desiccator焊接电缆welding cable电缆夹头welding connector地线earth lead地线夹头earth clamp焊接参数记录仪welding parameter recorder焊缝检测规weld gauge喷嘴通针tip cleaner测温笔tempil stick敲渣锤chipping hammer焊接衬垫backing/welding backing保留垫板fusible backing/permanent backing临时垫板temporary backing焊剂垫flux backing惰性气体衬垫inert-gas backing引弧板run-on tab/end tab/starting weld tab引出板run-off tab/end tab定位板strong-back加强勒stiffener嵌条insert套环ferrule面罩helmet滤光镜片filter glass/welding glass防护镜片cover glass/plain glass气焊眼镜welding goggles焊接机器人welding robot点焊机器人spot welding robot弧焊机器人arc welding robot切割机器人cutting robot焊接机器人生产线robot line for welding焊接机器人工作站welding robot station机器人运动自由degree of free for robot机器人工作空间robot working space轨迹重复精度path repeatability点位重复精度PTP repeatability焊接专家系统welding expert system焊接机器人示数welding robot play back焊接图象识别pattern recognition for welding焊接图象处理welding image processing计算机辅助焊接工艺设计computer-aided welding process programming(CAWPP)计算机辅助焊接结构设计computer-aided design for welding structure焊接烟尘weld fume焊接发尘量total amount of fumes焊接烟尘浓度weld fume concentration焊接烟尘容限浓度threshold limit values of weld fume(TLV)焊接发尘速率weld fume emission rate焊接有害气体welding toxic gases/weld harmful gases标定卫生空气需要量nominal hygienic air requirement焊工尘肺pheumocomsis of welder焊工锰中毒chronic occupational manganese poisoning of welder 焊工氟中毒fluorosis of welder焊工金属烟热metal fume fever of welder电光性眼炎eye-flash(arc eye)电光性皮炎electro-photo dermatitis电弧紫外线灼伤ultraviolet ray burn防电击装置voltage reducing device除尘装置dust collection device焊工手套welding gloves护脚welding spats防护鞋shielding shoes焊接欠缺welding imperfection焊接缺陷weld defect气孔blowhole/gas pore针尖状气孔pinhole密集气孔porosity条虫状气孔wormhole裂纹crack表面裂纹surface crack咬边undercut焊瘤overlap凹坑pit烧穿burn through塌陷excessive penetration未焊透incomplete penetration/lack of penetration未熔合lack of fusion/incomplete fusion未焊满incompletely filled weld根部凹陷root concavity电弧擦伤arc scratch夹渣slag inclusion夹杂物inclusion夹钨tungsten inclusion白点fish eye/flake错边misalignment/dislocation试件test piece试样test specimen无损检验nondestructive test破坏检验destructive test外观检查visual examination超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection直射法超声波探伤straight beam method斜射法超声波探伤angle beam method液浸法超声波探伤immersion method射线探伤radiographic inspection/radiographyX射线探伤X-ray radiographic inspectionγ射线探伤gamma-ray inspectionX射线工业电视探伤X-ray industrial television inspection 磁粉探伤magnetic particle inspection电磁探伤electromagnetic inspection/eddy current test 探伤灵敏度flaw detection sensitivity渗透探伤penetration inspection荧光探伤flurescent penetrant inspection着色探伤dye penetrant inspection密封性检验leak test气密性检验air tight test枕形气密检验pillow test耐压检验pressure test水压检验hydraulic test气压检验pneumatic test液晶检验liquid crystal test声发射检测acoustic emission testing面弯试验face bend testing背弯试验root bend test侧弯试验side bend test横弯试验horizontal bend test纵弯试验axial bend test压扁试验squeezing test。



焊接英语专业术语1.1焊接方法焊接方法与设备(Welding process& f acility)手工电弧焊(MAW:manual arc weldin g)电弧焊(arc weldi n)g埋弧电弧焊(S 横焊 horizontal welding立焊 vertical welding仰焊 overhead welding全位置焊 all position welding/positional welding半自动电弧焊 Semi-automatic arc w点焊机 spot welding machine缝焊机 seam welding machine对焊机 butt resistance welding machine凸焊机 projection welding machine2、焊接材料及焊接工艺(welding maA W:submerged arc welding)气焊(gas weldi n)g氩弧焊(argon arc weldi n)g气体保护电弧焊 CO2 保护焊(CO2 shie lded arc welding)熔化焊(GMAW —gas metal arc weldi n g)fusion welding 电渣焊(ESW—electr oslag welding)激光焊(L W—laster welding)等离子焊(PAW—plasma arc welding) 摩擦焊(FR W—friction welding)焊接压力焊超声波焊(U W—ultrason ic welding)welding pressure welding 冷压焊(C P W—cold pressure welding)锻焊(F W—forge-welding)对焊 but t welding电阻焊(R W—resistance welding) 缝焊 seam welding点焊 spot welding烙铁钎焊 iron soldering火焰钎焊 torch brazing/ torch sol dering钎焊炉中钎焊 furnace brazing/ fu rnace solderingsoldering/brazing 盐浴钎焊 saltba th dip brazing (soldering)真空钎焊 vacuum brazing堆焊 overlaying welding平焊 downhand welding/flat weldin g elding钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 (TIG) tungsten inert-gas arc welding熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊(MI G)m etal inert-gas arc welding1.2焊接设备电弧焊机 arc welding machine 直流弧焊机 DC arc welding machine 交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine交直流两用弧焊机 AC/DC arc welding machine氩弧焊机 argon arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机 CO2 arc welding machine埋弧焊机 submerged arc welding machine焊接机头 welding head行走机构 traveller送丝机构 wire feeder焊丝盘 wire reel焊钳 electrode holder焊枪 welding gun碳弧气割 carbon arc air gouging火焰气刨 flame gouging焊接夹具 welding jig/ fixture等离子弧焊机 plasma arc welding machine等速送丝方式 constant wire-feed system变速送丝方式 alternate wire-feedsystemterials&procedur)e2.1焊接材料碳钢 carbon steel合金钢 alloy steel不锈钢 stainless steel耐热钢 high-temprature steel 铸铁 casting铜/黄铜 copper青铜 bronze铝 aluminium镁 magnisium钛 titanium钨 tungsten镍 nickel铬 chromium2.2焊接工艺焊接技能 welding technique焊接方法 welding process焊接工艺 welding procedure焊接操作 welding operation焊接顺序 welding sequence焊接方向 welding progress焊缝宽度 weld width焊缝厚度 weld throat焊缝余高 weld reinforcement焊缝长度 weld length焊接参数 welding parameter焊接电流 welding current焊接速度 welding speed焊接电压 welding voltage焊接变形 welding deformation根部间隙 root opening•焊接缺陷与检验(welding defects and inspection )1、 焊接缺陷焊缝正面 face of weld焊缝背面 root surface of weld 对接接头 butt joint 角接接头 corner joint 焊接性 weldability T 型接头 T- joint 搭接接头 lap joint 十字接头 cruciform joint 热影响区 heat-affected zone 接头设计 joint design 熔合线 weld interface 过热区 overheated zone 后热 postheat 预热 preheat熔深 depth of fusion 焊 道 weld bead焊缝成型系数 form factor of the w eld碳当量 carbon equivalent 焊接经验 welding experience 考试机构 examining body焊接工艺规程 (WPS ) welding proce dure specification标准焊接工艺规程 (SWPS )standard welding procedure specification 工艺评定记录( P Q R ) procedure qual ification record焊接工艺预规程 (pWPS )preliminary welding procedure specification 试验的焊接材料 tested welding mat erials/consumable焊接管理人员 welding co-ordinatio n/manage personnel预生产焊接试验 pre-production wel ding test3、 焊接缺陷与无损检验(welding de fects and non-destructive te )st 3.1 焊接缺陷夹渣 slag inclusion 夹钨 tungsten inclusion 夹杂物 inclusion 白 点 fish eye 气孔 porosity 烧穿 burn-through 咬边 undercut焊接裂纹 welding crack 焊瘤 overlap 弧坑裂纹 crater crack 弧坑 pit/crater 热裂纹 hot crack 冷裂纹 cold crack 延迟裂纹 delayed crack 层状撕裂 lamellar tearing 纵向裂纹 longitudinal crack 横向裂纹 transverse crack 焊接应变 welding strain焊接残余应力 welding residual str ess焊接应力 welding stress焊接变形 welding deformation 未焊透 incomplete penetration, la ck of penetration未熔合 incomplete fusion,lack of penetration 3.2 无损检验 试件 test piece 试样 test specimen无损检验 non-destuctive test/exam ination裂纹试验 cracking test外观检验 visual examination 耐压试验 pressure test射线探伤 radiographic inspection 面弯试验 face bend testing 超声波探伤 ultrasonic inspection 背弯试验 root bend test磁粉探伤 magnetic particle inspec tion侧弯试验 side bend testX 射线探伤 X-ray radiographic insp ection横弯试验 horizontal bend test 破坏检验 destructive test 纵弯试验 axial bend test渗透探伤 penetration/transmission inspection4、 焊接生产及安全(welding produ ction&safet )y焊接工作台 welding bench 焊接操作台 welding manipulator 焊接变位器 welding positioner 焊工升降台 welder’s lifting platf orm质量检查 QC=quality control 质量保证 QA=quality assurance 焊接车间 welding shop 面罩 helmet滤光玻璃 filter plate 焊工手套 welder’s glove 电焊电缆 Welding cable 电焊发动机 Welding generator 焊接电源 Welding source 电焊工 manual arc welder 气焊工 gas welder 焊 把 weld handle 焊 枪 welding pistol 焊接烟尘 welding fume 防护鞋 shielding shoes焊工尘肺 pheumocomsis of welder 焊接检验员 weld inspector焊工合格证 welder qualification c ertification焊工操作资格 welder performance/o peration qualification在焊接过程中,由于受到材质、结构、工艺、操作等因素的影响,焊接接头区域常产生各种各样的缺陷,这些缺陷将直接影响焊接接头的使用寿命和安全。



熔接fusion welding,压接pressure welding,焊接过程welding process,焊接技术welding technique,焊接工艺welding technology/procedure,焊接操作welding operation,焊接顺序welding sequence,焊接方向direction of welding,焊接位置welding position,熔敷顺序build-up sequence,deposition sequence,焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis,焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation,平焊位置flat position of welding,横焊位置horizontal position of welding,立焊位置vertical position of welding,仰焊位置overhead position of welding,平焊downhand welding/flat position welding,横焊horizontal position welding,立焊vertical position welding,仰焊overhead position welding ,全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。

如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接,向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position,向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position,倾斜焊inclined position welding,上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position,下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position,对接焊butt welding,角焊fillet welding,搭接焊lap welding,船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position,平角焊horizontal fillet welding,立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position,仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position,坡口焊groove welding,I形坡口对接焊square butt welding,喇叭形坡口焊flare groove welding,,卷边焊flanged edge welding,纵缝焊接welding of longitudinal seam,横缝焊接welding of transverse seam,环缝焊接girth welding/ circumferential,螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam,环缝对接焊butt welding of circumferential seam,定位焊tack welding,单面焊welding by one side双面焊welding by both sides,单道焊single pass welding/single run welding,多道焊multi-pass welding,单层焊single layer welding,多层焊multi-layer welding,分段多层焊block sequence/ block welding,分层多道焊multi-layer and multi-pass welding,连续焊continuous welding,断续焊intermittent welding,打底焊backing weld,封底焊back sealing weld,盖面焊cosmetic welding,深熔焊deep penetration welding,摆动焊welding with weaving/weave bead welding,前倾焊foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国),后倾焊backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国),分段退焊backstep welding,跳焊skip welding对称焊balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence,左焊法leftward welding forehand welding,右焊法rightward welding/backhand welding,挑弧焊whipping method,自动焊automatic welding,手工焊manual welding/hand welding,车间焊接shop welding,工地焊接site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国),拘束焊接restraint welding,堆焊surfacing/building up/overlaying,隔离层堆焊buttering,端部周边焊boxing/end return,返修焊rewelding,补焊repair welding,塞焊plug welding,槽焊slot welding,衬垫焊welding with backing,焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing,窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding,强制成形焊enclosed welding脉冲电弧焊pulsed are welding,电弧点焊arc spot welding,螺柱焊stud welding,热风焊hot gas welding,高能焊high grade energy welding,固态焊接solid-state welding,单面焊双面成形one-side welding with back formation,焊接条件welding condition,焊接工艺参数welding parameter,极性polarity,正接electrode negative/straight polarity,反接electrode positive/reversed polarity,,运条方式manipulation of electrode,焊接电流welding current,焊接电流增加时间welding current upslope time,焊接电流衰减时间welding current downslope time,电流密度current density,短路电流short circuit current,脉冲电流pulse level/pulse current level,脉冲电流幅值pulse current amplitude,基值电流background level,脉冲频率pulse frequency脉冲焊接电流占空比duty cycle of pulse duration,电弧电压arc voltage,再引弧电压reignition voltage焊接速度welding speed,行走速度rate of travel/travel speed,送丝速度wire feed rate,线能量heat input/energy input,热输入heat input,预热preheat,后热postheat,焊后热处理postweld heat treatment/postheat treatment,预热温度preheat temperature,层间温度interpass temperature,焊接终了温度finishing temperature,后热温度postheating temperature,焊丝伸出长度wire extension,弧长arc length,熔化速度melting rate,熔化时间melting time,熔化系数melting coefficient,熔敷速度rate of deposition/deposition rate,熔敷系数deposition coefficient,熔敷效率deposition efficiency,损失系数loss coefficient,飞spatter,飞溅率spatter loss coefficient,融合比fusion ratio,稀释dilution,稀释率rate of dilution,合金过度系数transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element),坡口groove,坡口面groove face,坡口面角度angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国),坡口角度included angle(英国)/groove angle(美国),坡口高度groove depth,钝边root face,钝边高度thickness of root face/width of root face,根部间隙root gap(英国)/root opening (美国),根部半径root radius/groove radius,根部锐边root edge,卷边高度height of flange,卷边半径radius of flange,单面坡口single groove,双面坡口double groove,坡口形式groove type,I形坡口square groove,V形坡口single V groove,Y形坡口single V groove with root face,双Y形坡口double Vgroove with root face,带钝边U形坡口single U groove,带钝边双U形坡口double U groove,VY形坡口single compound angle groove,带钝边J形坡口single J groove,带钝边双J形坡口double J groove,单边V形坡口single bevel groove,双V形坡口double V groove,不对称双V形坡口asymmetric double V groove,双单边V形坡口double bevel groove/K groove,带垫板V形坡口V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing,喇叭形坡口flare groove,锁底坡口single bevel groove with backing locked,坡形板边 tapered edge,焊缝 weld,接逢 seam,焊缝符号 welding symbol,焊缝金属 weld metal,填充金属 filler metal,熔敷金属 deposited metal,焊缝表面weld face/ face of weld,焊缝背面 back of weld,焊缝轴线axis of weld,焊缝尺寸 size of weld,焊缝宽度weld width/ width of weld,焊缝长度 weld length/ length of weld,焊缝有效长度 effective length of weld,焊缝厚度 throat depth/ throat thickness,焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat,焊缝实际厚度actual throat,熔深penetration/ depth of penetration,焊缝成形appearance of weld,焊缝成形系数form factor of weld,余高 reinforcement/ excess weld metal,背面余高root reinforcement,削平焊缝flush weld/ weld machined flush,对接焊缝butt weld,角焊缝fillet,焊脚leg/ fillet weld leg,角焊缝断面形状profile of fillet weld,平形角焊缝flat fillet,凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld,凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld,角焊缝凹度concavity,侧面角焊缝side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear 正面角焊缝front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear,立角焊缝fillet weld in the vertical position,横角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontal position,平角焊缝fillet weld in the flat position,斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld,连续焊缝continuous weld,断续焊缝intermittent weld,连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld,断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld,交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent fillet weld,并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld,端接焊缝edge weld,卷边焊缝flanged edge weld,塞焊焊缝plug weld,纵向焊缝longitudinal weld,横向焊缝transverse weld,环行焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld,螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld,密封焊缝seal weld,承载焊缝strength weld,联系焊缝connective weld,定位焊缝tack weld,焊道bead/ run/ pass,焊波ripple,焊根weld root/ root of weld,焊趾weld toe/ toe,封底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld,打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld,根部焊道root pass/ root run,填充焊道filling bead,盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass,回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead,熔透焊道penetration bead,焊层 layer,焊接接头welded joint,接头形状joint geometry,等强匹配接头equalmatching weld joint,低强匹配接头undermatching weld joint,超强匹配接头overmatching weld joint,接头根部root of joint,对接接头butt jointI形对接接头square butt joint,V形对接接头single V butt joint,U形对接接头single U butt jointJ形坡口接头single J butt joint,双V形对接接头double V butt joint,双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint,带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint,带钝边J形坡口接头double J joint,角接接头corner joint,T形接头T joint,斜T形接头inclined T joint,十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint,三联接头joint among three members,搭接接头lap joint,套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint,双盖板接头double strapped joint,盖板接头strapped joint,端接接头edge joint,卷边接头flanged edge joint,锁底对接接头lock butt joint,斜对接接头oblique butt joint,混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint,有间隙接头open joint,无间隙接头closed joint,焊接电弧welding arc,电弧形态arc shape,电弧物理行为arc physics behaviour,引弧striking arc,引弧电压striking voltage,电弧气氛arc atmosphere,阴极cathode,热阴极hot cathode,冷阴极cold cathode,阴极斑点cathode spot,阴极区cathode region,阴极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the cathode region,阴极压降cathode drop,阳极anode,阳极斑点anode spot,斑点压力spot pressure,阳极区anode region,阳极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the anode region,阳极压降anode drop,弧柱arc column/ arc stream,弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column,弧柱电位梯度potential gradient in the arc column,弧焰arc flame,弧心arc core,硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc,软电弧soft arc,旋转电弧rotating arc,脉冲电弧pulsed arc,脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc,起皱现象puckering phenomena,起皱电弧puckering arc,起皱临界电流 puckering critical current,间接电弧 indirect arc,压缩电弧 compressive arc,磁控电弧 magnetic controlling arc,电弧力 arc force,电磁力 electromagnectic force,电磁收缩效应 pinch effect,电弧飘移 wandering of arc,电弧稳定性 arc stability,电弧静特性 static characteristic of arc,电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc,最小电压原理 principle of minimum voltage,电弧挺度arc stiffness,电弧偏吹 arc blow,磁偏吹 magnetic blow,阴极清理作用 cleaning action of the cathode,电弧自身调节 arc self-regulation,挖掘作用 digging action,极性效应 polarity effect,熔滴 droplet,熔滴比表面积 specific surface of droplet,熔滴过渡metal transfer,过度频率 transition frequency ,粗滴过渡globular transfer; drop transfer,短路过渡short circuiting transfer,喷射过渡spray transfer,旋转喷射过渡 rotating spray transfer,脉冲喷射过渡 pulsed spray transfer,爆炸过渡 explosive transfer,渣壁过渡 flux wall guided transfer,熔池 molten pool ,沸腾状熔池 boiling molten pool,弧坑crater,熔渣slag,渣系 slag system,渣系相图 slag system diagram,碱性渣 basic slag,酸性渣 acid slag,碱度 basicity,酸度 acidity,长渣 long slag,短渣 short slag,粘性熔渣 viscous slag,氧化物型熔渣 oxide melting slag,盐型熔渣 salt melting slag,盐-氧化物型熔渣 salt-oxide melting slag,熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity,熔渣solidified slag,多孔焊渣 porous slag,玻璃状焊渣 vitreous slag,自动脱落焊渣 self-releasing slag,脱渣性 slag detachability,焊接设备 welding equipment; welding set,焊机 welding machine; welder,电焊机 electric welding machine; electric welder,焊接电源 welding power source焊接热循环weld thermal cycle,焊接温度场field of weld temperature; weld temperature field 准稳定温度场quasi-stationary temperature field,焊接热源welding heat source,点热源point heat source线热源linear heat source,面热源plane heat source,瞬时集中热源instantaneous concentration heat source热效率thermal efficiency ,热能集中系数coefficient of heat flow concentration,峰值温度peak temperature瞬时冷却速度momentary cooling rate,冷却时间cooling time,置换氧化substitutionary oxydation扩散氧化diffusible oxydation,脱氧desoxydation,先期脱氧precedent desoxydation,扩散脱氧diffusible desoxydation,沉淀脱氧precipitation desoxydation,扩散氢diffusible hydrogen,初始扩散氢initial diffusible hydrogen,100℃残余扩散氢diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃,残余氢residual hydrogen,去氢dehydrogenation,去氢热处理heat treatment for dehydrogenation,脱硫desulphurization,脱磷dephosphorization,渗合金alloying,微量合金化microalloying,一次结晶组织primary solidification structure,二次结晶组织secondary solidification structure,联生结晶epitaxial solidification,焊缝结晶形态solidification mode in weld-bead,结晶层状线ripple,多边化边界polygonization boundary,结晶平均线速度mean solidification rate,针状铁素体acicular ferrite,条状铁素体lath ferrite,侧板条铁素体ferrite side-plate,晶界欣素体grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid ferrite ,粒状贝氏体granular bainite,板条马氏体lath martensite,过热组织overheated structure,魏氏组织Widmannst?tten structure,M-A组元martensite-austenite constituent,焊件失效分析failure analysis of weldments冷裂判据criterion of cold cracking,冷裂敏感系数cold cracking susceptibity coefficient,脆性温度区间brittle temperature range,氢脆hydrogen embrittlement,层状偏析lamellar segregation,愈合healing effect,断口金相fractography,断口fracture,延性断口ductile fracture,韧窝断口dimple fracture,脆性断口brittle fracture,解理断口cleavage fracture,准解理断口quasi-cleavage fracture,氢致准解理断口hydrogen-embrittlement induced,沿晶断口intergranular fracture,穿晶断口transgranular fracture疲劳断口fatigue fracture,滑移面断口glide plane fracture,断口形貌fracture apperance,断口试验fracture test,宏观断口分析macrofractography,放射区radical zone,纤维区fibrous zone,剪切唇区shear lip aone,焊接性weldability,使用焊接性service weldability,工艺焊接性fabrication weldability,冶金焊接性metallurgical weldability,热焊接性thermal weldability,母材base metal; parent metal,焊接区weld zone,焊态as-welded (AW),母材熔化区fusion zone,半熔化区partial melting region,未混合区unmixed zone,熔合区bond area,熔合线weld junction (英);bond line (美),热影响区heat-affected zone (HAZ)过热区overheated zone,粗晶区coarse grained region,细晶区fine grained region,过渡区transition zone硬化区hardened zone,碳当量carbon equivalent,铬当量chromium equivalent,镍当量nickel equivalent舍夫勒组织图Schaeffler's diagram,德龙组织图Delong’s diagram,连续冷却转变图(CCT图)continuous cooling transformation,裂纹敏感性cracking sensibility,焊接裂纹weld crack,焊缝裂纹weld metal crack,焊道裂纹bead crack,弧坑裂纹crater crack,热影响区裂纹heat-affected zone crack,纵向裂纹longitudinal crack,横向裂纹transverse crack,微裂纹micro-crack; micro-fissure,热裂纹hot crack,凝固裂纹solidification crack,晶间裂纹intercrystalline crack,穿晶裂纹transcrystalline crack多边化裂纹polygonization crack,液化裂纹liquation crack,失延裂纹ductility-dip crack,冷裂纹cold crack延迟裂纹delayed crack,氢致裂纹hydrogen-induced crack,焊道下裂纹underbead crack,焊根裂纹root crack,焊趾裂纹toe crack,锯齿形裂纹chevron cracking,消除应力处理裂纹stress relief annealing crack (SR crack),再热裂纹reheat crack,焊缝晶间腐蚀weld intercryctalline corrosion,刀状腐蚀knife line attack,敏化区腐蚀weld decay,层状撕裂lamellar tearing,焊接性试验weldability,裂纹试验cracking test,IIW裂纹试验IIW cracking test,Y形坡口裂纹试验slit type cracking test分块形槽热裂纹试验segmented circular groove cracking test,H形裂纹试验H-type cracking test,鱼骨形裂纹试验fishbone cracking test,指形裂纹试验finger (cracking) test,T形裂纹试验Tee type cracking test,环形槽裂纹试验circular-groove cracking test,可调拘束裂纹试验varestraint test,BWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel ,圆棒裂纹试验bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test,里海裂纹试验Lehigh restraint cracking test,圆形镶块裂纹试验circular-path cracking test,十字接头裂纹试验cruciform cracking test,Z向窗口拘束裂纹试验Z-direction window type restraint cracking test,G-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验G-BOP weld metal crack test,巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验Battelle type underbead cracking testU形拉伸试验U-tension test,缪雷克期热裂纹试验Murex hot cracking test,菲斯柯裂纹试验FISCO (type) cracking test,CTS裂纹试验controlled thermal severity,拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验)tensile restraint cracking test,刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验)rigid restraint cracking test,插销试验implant test,Tigamajig薄板焊接裂纹试验Tigamajing thin plate cracking test焊道纵向弯曲试验longitudinal-bead test,柯麦雷尔弯曲试验Kommerell bead bend test,肯泽尔弯曲试验Kinzel test,缺口弯曲试验notch bend test,热朔性试验hot-ductility test,热影响区冲击试验impact test of HAZ,热影响区模拟试验synthetic heat-affected zone test,最高硬度试验maximum hardness test,落锤试验NRL (Naval Research Laboratory),测氢试验Hydrogen test,焊接材料,电极焊接材料welding consumables,电极electrode,熔化电极consumable electrode,不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode,钨电极tungsten electrode,焊丝welding wire. Welding rod,实心焊丝solid wire,渡铜焊丝copper-plating welding wire,自保护焊丝self-shielded welding wire,药芯焊丝flux-cored wire,复合焊丝combined wire,堆焊焊丝surfacing welding rod,填充焊丝filler wire,焊条electrode/ covered electrode,焊芯core wire,药皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode),涂料coating flux/coating material,造气剂gas forming constituents,造渣剂slag forming constituents,合金剂alloying constituent,脱氧剂dioxidizer,稳弧剂arc stabilizer,粘接剂binder,水玻璃water glass ,水玻璃模数modules of water glass,酸性焊条acid electrode,高钛型焊条high titania (type) electrode,钛钙型焊条lime titania type electrode,钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type electrode,氧化铁型焊条iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode,高纤维素型焊条high cellulose (type) electrode,石墨型焊条graphite type electrode,碱性焊条basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode,低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode高韧性超低氢焊条high toughness super low hydrogen electrode,奥氏体焊条austenitic electrode,铁素体焊条ferritic electrode,不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode,珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode,低温钢焊条low temperature steel electrode/ steel electrode for low temperature,铝合金焊条aluminum alloy arc welding electrode,铜合金焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode,铜芯铸铁焊条cast iron electrode with steel core ,纯镍铸铁焊条pure nickel cast iron electrode,球墨铸铁焊条electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron,铸芯焊条electrode with cast core wire,镍基合金焊条nickel base alloy covered electrode,蒙乃尔焊条Monel electrode,纯铁焊条pure iron electrode,渗铝钢焊条alumetized steel electrode,高效率焊条high efficiency electrode,铁粉焊条iron powder electrode,底层焊条backing welding electrode,深熔焊条deep penetration electrode,重力焊条gravity electrode,立向下焊条electrode for vertical down position welding,节能焊条saving energy electrode,水下焊条underwater welding electrode,耐海水腐蚀焊条seawater corrosion resistant steel electrode,低尘低毒焊条low-fume and harmfulless electrode/,low-fume and low-toxic electrode,堆焊焊条surfacing electrode,耐磨堆焊焊条hardfacing electrode,钴基合金堆焊焊条cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode,碳化钨堆焊焊条tungsten carbide surfacing electrode,高锰钢堆焊焊条high manganese steel surfacing electrode,双芯焊条twin electrode,绞合焊条stranded electrode,编织焊条braided electrode,双层药皮焊条double coated electrode,管状焊条flux-cored electrode,气渣联合保护型药皮semi-volatile covering,焊条工艺性usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode,焊条使用性running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteristics of an electrode,焊条熔化性melting characteristics of an electrode,焊条直径core diameter,焊条偏心度eccentricity (of an electrode),药皮重量系数gravity coefficient of coating,焊条药皮含水量percentage of moisture for covering,焊条夹吃持端bare terminal (of an electrode),焊条引弧端striking end (of an elcetrode),焊剂welding flux/ flux,熔炼焊剂fused flux,粘结焊剂bonded flux,烧结焊剂sintered flux/ agglomerated flux,窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding,低氢型焊剂low hydrogen type flux,高速焊剂high speed welding flux,无氧焊剂oxygen-free flux,低毒焊剂low poison flux,磁性焊剂magnetic flux,电弧焊arc welding,直流电弧焊direct current arc welding,交流电弧焊alternating current arc welding,三相电弧焊three phase arc welding熔化电弧焊arc welding with consumable,金属极电弧焊metal arc welding,不熔化极电弧焊arc welding with nonconsumable,碳弧焊carbon arc welding,明弧焊open arc welding,焊条电弧焊shielded metal arc welding (SMAW),重力焊gravity welding,躺焊fire cracker welding,电弧堆焊arc surfacing,自动堆焊automatic surfacing,躺板极堆焊surfacing by fire cracker welding,带极堆焊surfacing with band-electrode,振动电弧堆焊vibratory arc surfacing,耐磨堆焊hardfacing,埋弧焊submerged arc welding (SAW),多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding,纵列多丝埋弧焊Tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding)横列多丝埋弧焊series submerged arc welding (SAW-S),横列双丝并联埋弧焊transverse submerged arc welding,热丝埋弧焊hot wire submerged-arc welding,窄间隙埋弧焊narrow-gap submerged arc welding,弧压反馈电弧焊arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding,自调节电弧焊self-adjusting arc welding,适应控制焊接adaptive control welding,焊剂层burden; flux layer,气体保护电弧焊gas shielded arc welding,保护气体protective atmosphere,惰性气体inert-gas,活性气体active-gas,惰性气体保护焊inert-gas (arc) welding,氩弧焊argon arc welding,熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊metal inert-gas arc welding钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊tungsten inert-gas arc welding,钨极氢弧焊argon tungsten arc welding,脉冲氢弧焊pulsed argon arc welding,熔化极脉冲氢弧焊argon metal pulsed arc welding,钨极脉冲氢弧焊argon tungsten pulsed arc welding,热丝MIG焊hot wire MIG welding,热丝TIG焊hot wire TIG welding,氨弧焊helium-arc welding,活性气体保护电弧焊metal active-gas arc welding,混合气体保护电弧焊mixed gas arc welding,二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊 carbon-dioxide arc welding;CO2 arc welding ,细丝CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thin wire,粗丝CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thick wire,磁性焊剂CO2焊 unionarc welding,药芯焊丝CO2焊 arcos arc process; dual shield arc welding,气电立焊 electrogas (arc) welding氮弧焊 nitrogen-arc welding,水蒸气保护电弧焊 water vapour arc welding,原子氢焊 atomic hydrogen welding,冲器室中电弧焊 controlled atmosphere arc welding,旋转电弧焊 rotating arc welding,短路过渡电弧焊 short circuiting arc welding,焊丝横摆频率 weaving speed of wire,焊丝停摆时间 electrode keep time of slider,等离子弧焊 plasma arc welding (PAW),等离子弧 plasma arc,等离子流 plasma jet,转移弧 transferred arc,非转移弧 nontransferred arc,联合型等离子弧 combined plasma arc,主弧 main arc,维弧 pilot arc,维弧电流 pilot arc surrent,双弧现象 double arcing,双弧临界电流 critical current of double arcing,等离子弧焊枪 plasma (welding) torch,压缩喷嘴 constricting nozzle,单孔喷嘴 single port nozzle,多孔喷嘴 multiport nozzle,压缩喷嘴孔径 orifice diameter,孔道长度 orifice throat length,孔道比 orifice throat ratio,等离子气 plasma gas; orifice gas,电极内缩长度 electrode setback,小孔效应 keyhole effect,小孔型等离子弧焊 keyhole-mode welding,熔透型等离子弧焊 fusion type plasma arc welding,大电流等离子弧焊 high-current plasma arc welding,中电流等离子弧焊 intermediate-current plasma arc welding ,小电流等离子弧焊 low-current plasma arc welding,微束等离子弧焊 micro-plasma arc welding,交流等离子弧焊 AC plasma arc welding ,脉冲等离子弧焊 pulsed plasma arc welding,等离子弧堆焊plasma arc surfacing,热丝等离子弧堆焊 hot wire plasma arc surfacing,粉末等离子弧堆焊 plasma arc powder surfacing,等离子-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 plasma MIG welding,转移弧电源 transferred arc power supply非转移弧电源 nontransferred arc power supply ,电弧焊设备 arc welding equipment,电弧焊机 arc welding machine,直流弧焊机 DC arc welding machine,交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine,交直流两用弧焊机 AC/DC arc welding machine,单站弧焊机 single operator arc welding machine,多站弧焊机 multi-operator arc welding set,固定式弧焊机 stationary arc welding machine,移动式弧焊机 portable arc welding machine,台式弧焊机 bench arc welding machine内燃机驱动式弧焊机 combustion engine driven arc welding set,电动机驱动式弧焊机 motor driven arc welding set,熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a consumable electrode,不熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a non-consumable electrode,脉冲弧焊机 pulsed arc welding machine,气体保护弧焊机 gas shielded arc welding machine氩弧焊机 argon arc welding machine,二氧化碳弧焊机 CO2 arc welding machine,钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机 tungsten inert-gas welding machine,熔化仍惰性气体保护弧焊机 metal inert-gas welding machine,气电立焊机 electrogas (arc) welding machine,等离子弧焊机 plasma arc welding machine,微束等离子弧焊机 micro-plasma welding equipment,原子氢焊机 atomic hydrogen welding apparatus,埋弧焊机 submerged arc welding machine,弧焊电源 arc welding power source,直流弧焊电源 DC arc welding power source,交流弧焊电源 AC arc welding power source,交直流两用弧焊电源 AC/DC arc welding power source,脉冲弧焊电源 pulsed arc welding power source,上升特性弧焊电源 rising characteristic arc welding power source,平特性弧焊电源 constant –voltage arc welding power source ,下降特性弧焊电源 dropping characteristic arc welding power source,垂降特性弧焊电源 constant-current arc welding power source,多特性弧焊电源 slope-controlled arc welding power source,逆变式焊接电源 inverter welding power source,晶体管弧焊电源 transistor arc welding power source,电源动特性 dynamic characteristic,电源外特性 external characteristic,弧焊变压器 arc welding transformer,弧焊整流器 arc welding rectifier,硅弧焊整流器 silicon arc welding rectifier,晶闸管弧焊整流器 SCR arc welding rectifier; arc welding silicon controlled rectifier,脉冲弧焊整流器 pulsed arc welding rectifier,弧焊发电机 arc welding generator,焊车 welding tractor,焊接机头 welding head,行走机构 traveller,送丝机构 wire feeder,等速送丝方式 constant wire-feed system,变速送丝方式 alternate wire-feed system,跟踪装置tracer,焊丝盘 wire reel,焊钳 electrode holder,焊枪 welding gun ,电极夹 electrode holder,导电嘴 tip; contact tube,喷嘴 nozzle,焊剂漏斗 flux-hopper,高频振荡器 oscillator; HF unit,脉冲引弧器 pulsed arc starter; surge injector,脉冲稳弧器 pulsed arc stabilizer,脉冲激弧器 pulsed arc exciter,输出电抗器 out put reactor,镇定变阻器 ballast rheostat,直流分量抑制器 direct current suppressor,焊接回路 welding circuit,额定焊接电流 rated welding current,焊接电流调节范围 range of welding current regulation,空载电压 open circuit voltage(no load voltage),约定负载电压 conventional load voltage,负载持续率 duty cycle,额定负载持续率 rated duty cycle; standard service,手工弧焊机 manual arc welding machine,电焊渣 electroslag welding (ESW),手工电渣焊 manual electroslag welding,丝极电渣焊 electroslag welding with wire electrode,板极电渣焊 electroslag welding with plate electrode,熔嘴电渣焊 electroslag welding with consumable nozzle,管极电渣焊 electroslag welding with tube electrode,窄间隙电渣焊 narrow-gap electroslag welding,电渣堆焊 electroslag surfacing,电渣焊机 electrosalg welding machine,熔嘴 consumable nozzle; consumable wire ,钢档板 steel shoe ,钢冷却板 Cu-cooling plate,铜滑板copper shoe,渣池slag bath,渣池深度depth of slag bath,渣池电压voltage of slag bath,电渣过程稳定性electroslag process stability,焊丝间距distance between welding wires,电子束焊electron beam welding (EBW),脉冲电子束焊pulsed electron beam welding,加速电压acceleration voltage/ operating voltage,电子束电流beam current,电子束功率beam power,电子束功率密度beam power density,焦点focal spot,焦距focal length,工作距离work distance,电子束焊机electron beam welding machine,高真空电子束焊机full vacuum electron beam welder,低真空电子束焊机partial vacuum electron beam welder,非真空电子束焊机nonvacuum electron beam welder,真空度vacuum,电子枪electron gun,二极电子枪diode gun,三极电子枪triode gun,偏压电极bias electrode,电磁透镜electromagnetic lens,电子束偏转线圈electron beam deflection coils,导流系数perveance,钉尖spiking,激光焊laser welding/ laser beam welding,连续激光焊continuous laser welding,脉冲激光焊impulsed laser welding,激光焊机laser welding equipment,气体激光器gas laser,固体激光器solid laser,焦斑直径focussed diameter of the beam,离焦量clearance between focal point and (plate) surface,焊缝深宽比weld seam depth-to-width ratio,气焊gas welding,氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene welding,氢氧焊 oxy-hydrogen welding,空气乙炔焊 air-acetylene welding,氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene flame,氢氧焰 oxy-hydrogen flame,氧煤气焰 oxy-coal gas flame,,焊接火焰 welding flame,混合比 mixing ratio,混合气体可燃范围 inflammable limit of the gaseous,一次燃烧 primary combustion,二次燃烧 secondary combustion,燃烧速度 combustion rate,燃烧强度 combustion intensity,火焰热效率 flame heating efficiency,焰芯 inner cone; flame cone,内焰 internal flame,外焰 flame envelope,中性焰 neutral flame氧化焰 oxidizing flame,碳化焰 carburizing flame,还原区 reducing zone,火焰稳定性 flame stability,回火 flashback,逆火 backfire,回烧 flashback,气体发生速度 gasification speed,焊炬 torch; blow pipe,等压式焊炬 balanced pressure torch,射吸式焊炬 injector torch,氧乙炔焊炬 oxy-acetylene torch,焊割两用炬 combined cutting and welding torch,混合室 mixing chamber,喷射器 injector,焊嘴 welding nozzle;welding tip,液氧气化器 oxygen evaporator,气瓶 gas cylinder,乙炔瓶 acetylene cylinder,阀罩 cylinder cap,气瓶阀 cylinder valve汇流排 cylinder manifold,减压器 pressure regulator; gas regulator,单级减压器 single stage regulator,两级减压器 two stage regulator,回火防止器 flashback arrestor,干式回火防止器 dry flashback arrestor,水封式回火防止器 water-closing type arrestor,净化器 purifier,乙炔发生器 acetylene generator,低压乙炔发生器 low pressure acetylene generator,热剂焊 thermit welding (TW),热剂补焊 thermit repair welding,钢轨热剂焊 thermit rail welding热剂 thermit powder,热剂钢水 thermit steel,热剂反应 thermit reaction,热剂溶渣 thermit slag,热剂铸模 thermit mold; mold for thermit weld,热剂坩埚 thermit crucible,焊筋 collar,水下焊 underwater welding,水下气体保护电弧焊 underwater gas shielded arc welding,水下等离子弧焊 underwater plasma arc welding,温式水下焊wet method underwater welding,干式水下焊 dry method underwater welding,局部干式水下焊 local dry underwater welding水帘局部干式水下焊 water curtain type dry underwater welding,遥控水下焊 remote controlled underwater welding,电弧空腔 arc bubble,电阻焊 resistance welding (RW),点焊 spot welding; resistance spot welding,凸焊 projection welding,缝焊 seam welding,滚点焊 roll-spot welding,连续点焊 stitch welding,多点焊 multiple spot welding手压点焊 push welding; poke welding,脉冲点焊 pulsation spot welding; multiple-impulse welding双面点焊 direct spot welding,单面点焊 indirect spot welding,串联点焊 series spot welding多点凸焊multiple projection welding,频道进缝焊 step-by-step seam welding,压平缝焊 mash seam welding,。



汽车骨架英语词汇汽车骨架Automotive skeleton地板 Floor焊接Welding工艺要求Process requirements安全第一Safety first质量要求Quality requirements劳保用品Labor supplies口罩Masks耳塞 Earplug绿色通道 Green Channel钢板型材 Steel plate profiles小于Less than空调出风口Air conditioning vent间隙Gap装配Assembly尺寸要求Size requirements蒙皮Skin并列焊接Tied for welding安全培训Safety training安全隐患Security risks行政楼Administration Building助手Assistant合作愉快Good co-operation行李舱Luggage compartment遵守Comply with培训师Trainers反映Reflect人行横道Crosswalk斑马线Zebra crossing高强度钢 High Strength Steel坚硬 tough埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国(The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia焊接英语专业术语1.1 焊接方法焊接方法与设备(Welding process& facility)手工电弧焊(MAW:manual arc welding)电弧焊(arc welding)埋弧电弧焊(SAW:submerged arc welding)气焊(gas welding)氩弧焊(argon arc welding)气体保护电弧焊 CO2保护焊(CO2 shielded arc welding)熔化焊(GMAW—gas metal arc welding)fusion welding 电渣焊(ESW—electroslag welding)激光焊(LW—laster welding)等离子焊(PAW—plasma arc welding)welding pressure welding 冷压焊(CPW—cold pressure welding)锻焊(FW—forge-welding)对焊butt welding电阻焊(RW—resistance welding) 缝焊seam welding点焊spot welding堆焊 overlaying welding平焊 downhand welding/flat welding横焊 horizontal welding立焊 ver tical welding仰焊 overhead welding半自动电弧焊 Semi-automatic arc welding钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 (TIG) tungsten inert-gas arc welding熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊(MIG)metal inert-gas arc welding1.2 焊接设备电弧焊机 arc welding machine直流弧焊机 DC arc welding machine氩弧焊机 argon arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机 CO2 arc welding machine焊接机头 welding head 行走机构 traveller送丝机构 wire feeder 焊丝盘 wire reel焊钳 electrode holder 焊枪 welding gun等离子弧焊机 plasma arc welding machine等速送丝方式 constant wire-feed system变速送丝方式 alternate wire-feed system点焊机 spot welding machine缝焊机 seam welding machine对焊机 butt resistance welding machine凸焊机 projection welding machine2、焊接材料及焊接工艺(welding materials& procedure)2.1 焊接材料碳钢 carbon steel 合金钢 alloy steel不锈钢 stainless steel耐热钢 high-temprature steel铸铁 casting 铜/黄铜 copper 青铜 bronze 铝 aluminium镁 magnisium 钛 titanium钨 tungsten 镍 nickel铬 chromium2.2 焊接工艺焊接技能 welding technique焊接方法 welding process焊接工艺welding procedure焊接操作 welding operation焊接顺序 welding sequence焊接方向 welding progress焊缝宽度 weld width 焊缝厚度 weld throat焊缝余高 weld reinforcement焊缝长度 weld length 焊接参数 welding parameter焊接电流 welding current 焊接电压 welding voltage焊接速度 welding speed 焊接变形 welding deformation根部间隙 root opening 焊缝正面 face of weld焊缝背面 root surface of weld对接接头 butt joint 角接接头 corner joint焊接性 weldability T型接头 T- joint搭接接头 lap joint 十字接头 cruciform joint后热 postheat 预热 preheat熔深 depth of fusion 焊道 weld bead焊缝成型系数 form factor of the weld焊接经验 welding experience考试机构 examining body焊接工艺规程(WPS) welding procedure specification标准焊接工艺规程(SWPS)standard welding procedure specification 工艺评定记录(PQR) procedure qualification record焊接工艺预规程(pWPS)preliminary welding procedure specification 试验的焊接材料 tested welding materials/consumable焊接管理人员 welding co-ordination/manage personnel预生产焊接试验 pre-production welding test3、焊接缺陷与无损检验(welding defects and non-destructive test)3.1 焊接缺陷夹渣 slag inclusion夹钨 tungsten inclusion夹杂物 inclusion白点 fish eye气孔 porosity烧穿 burn-through咬边 undercut焊接裂纹 welding crack焊瘤 overl ap弧坑裂纹 crater crack弧坑 pit/crater热裂纹 hot crack冷裂纹 cold crack延迟裂纹 delayed crack层状撕裂 lamellar tearing纵向裂纹 longitudinal crack横向裂纹 transverse crack焊接变形 welding deformation未焊透 incomplete penetration, lack of penetration 未熔合 incomplete fusion,lack of penetration4、焊接生产及安全(welding production safety)焊接工作台 welding bench焊接操作台 welding manipulator焊工升降台welder’s lifting platform质量检查 QC=quality control质量保证 QA=quality assurance焊接车间 welding shop面罩 helmet滤光玻璃 filter plate焊工手套 w elder’s glove电焊电缆 Welding cable电焊发动机 Welding generator焊接电源 Welding source电焊工 manual arc welder气焊工 gas welder焊把 weld handle焊接烟尘 welding fume 防护鞋 shielding shoes焊工尘肺 pheumocomsis of welder焊接检验员 weld inspector焊工合格证 welder qualification certification焊工操作资格 welder performance/operation qualification焊接相关英汉词汇argon arc weld 氩弧焊butt weld 对接焊(缝)fillet weld 角焊(缝)full fillet weld 满角焊(缝)spot weld 点焊(缝)weldability 可焊性,焊接性welder 焊工;焊机welding 焊接(法),焊接(的),焊缝attachment weld 固定焊接electric arc weld 电弧焊forehand weld 正手焊(法)gas shield weld 气体保护弧焊oxyacetylene weld 氧(乙炔)焊,气焊plasma-arc weld 等离子弧焊repair weld 补焊scarf weld 斜面焊,两端搭接焊,嵌接焊shield weld 气体保护焊dimensional inspection 尺寸检验girth weld 环形焊缝reinforcement of weld 加强焊缝weld joint 焊缝, 焊接接头butt weld 对接焊缝arc welding 电弧焊filler rod 焊条shield gas 保护气体welding rod 焊条electrode 电焊条horizontal line 水平线welded joint 焊接缝焊接节点gas cutting. 气割arc cutting 电弧切割grind off 磨掉Leveling:校平Fixing:固定Console:控制台material certificate 材料合格证fabrication 加工,制造machining 机械加工solvent 溶剂tack welding 点焊butt welding 对接焊reinforcing pad.补强垫,增强衬板flux 焊剂blind 挡板base material 基底材料flow sheet 流程图witnessed inspections 现场检测drain 排水管identification mark 识别标志fabrication drawing 制造图纸,制作图weld bead 焊缝weld mark 焊痕Seam welding throat thickness 焊缝厚度Weld all around 围焊Weldable copper 可焊复合铜板Weld assembly 焊接件Weld bond 熔合线,焊口Weld cap 焊冒Weld crack 焊接裂缝Weld crater 熔池Weld crosswise 交叉焊接Weld defect 焊接缺陷Welded body 焊接车身Welded construction 焊接结构Welded-contract rectifier 焊接整流器Welded corner joint 角焊接Welded eye 焊眼Welded fissure 焊接裂缝Welded frame 焊接车架,焊接框架Welded metal 焊接金属Welded pipe 焊接管Welded seam 焊缝Welded splice 焊接接头Welded steel 焊接钢Welded steel pipe 焊接钢管Welded structural shape 焊接结构型钢Welded structural 焊接结构Welder construction 焊接结构Welder performance qualification test 焊工技术鉴定试验Welder’s gauntlets 电焊工的长手套Welder’s gloves 电焊工手套Welder’s goggles 焊工护目镜welder’s hand shield 焊工手持护目镜Welder’s head shield 焊工护目帽罩Welder’s health 焊工保健Welder’s helmet 焊工帽罩Welders spatter ease 焊接易飞溅液Weldforged 锻焊Weld gauge 焊缝量规Weld handle 焊把Weld holder 焊接架Welding agent 焊药Welding and cutting torch 焊割两用气焊枪Welding-and-forming mill 成型焊管机Welding apron 焊工的围裙Welding arc 焊弧Welding arc voltage 焊弧电压Welding beading 焊瘤Weldingbead length 焊缝长度Welding bell 碗模(焊管用的),拔管模,喇叭模Welding crack 焊裂缝Welding current 焊接电流Welding cut bit 焊接工具Welding direction 焊接方向Welding dynamo 焊接发电机Welding electrode 电焊条,电焊电极Welding electrode hold 焊条夹Welding equipment 焊接设备Welding flame 焊接火焰Welding flash 弧光灼伤Welding fluid 熔【焊】剂Welding generator电焊发动机Welding glass 黑玻璃Welding gloves焊接手套Welding goggles 焊工护目镜Welding grade argon 焊接极氩,焊接用氩Welding grade gas 焊接级保护气体Welding ground 电焊地线Welding gun 焊枪,喷灯Welding head 焊头,烙铁头,焊接机头Welding inspection 焊接检查Welding iron 烙铁Welding joint 焊接接头Welding lead 焊接引线Welding machine 焊机Welding method 焊接方法Welding-on 焊合,镶焊,焊上Welding operation 焊接操作Welding operator 自动焊工Welding outfit 焊接配备Welding paste 焊接涂料Welding performance 焊接性能Welding position 焊接部位Welding press 焊接压力机Welding pressure 焊接压力Welding procedure 焊接工艺,焊接程序Welding process 焊接法Welding quality 焊接质量Welding regulator 焊接[电流]调节器Welding rod 焊条Welding rolls 焊条辊Welding rules 焊接规则Welding screen 电焊遮光罩Welding seam 焊缝Welding set 焊接装置,电焊机组Welding shop 焊接车间Welding slag 焊渣Welding tongs 焊钳Welding tool 焊接工具Welding torch 焊接喷灯,焊接吹管,焊炬Welding torch pipe 焊枪管Welding wire 焊条,焊丝Welding work 焊工工作Weldless 无焊缝的,无缝的Weldless steel tube 无[焊]缝钢管Weld line 焊接线Weldor 焊工Weld pass 焊接通道Weld penetration 焊穿,焊透深度,熔深Weld rod 焊条Weld rotation 焊缝转角Weld seam 焊缝Weld slope 焊缝倾角Weld strength 焊接强度,焊缝强度Weld surface 焊缝表面Weld trimmer 焊缝清理机Weld up 焊补,焊封Weld wire 包钢铜丝Weldwood 胶合板Weld zone 焊接区Torch cut 火焰切割Sawn 锯Air tight 气密性医用英语一般病情:He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。



焊接专业英语词汇acetylene 乙炔ampere 电流安培angle welding 角焊arc 电弧argon arc welding 氩弧焊接bare electrode 光熔接条butt welding 对接焊接camber 电弧弯曲cascade 阶叠熔接法clad weld 被覆熔接crator 焊疤excess metal 多余金属filler rod 焊条fillet weld 填角焊接gas shield 气体遮蔽groove welding 起槽熔接hand face shield 手握面罩hard facing 硬表面堆焊jig welding 工模焊接laser beam welding 雷射光焊接metal electrode insert gas welding MIG 熔接nugget 点焊熔核overlaying 堆焊peening of welding 珠击熔接法plug welding 塞孔熔接positioned welding 正向熔接pressure welding 压焊propane gas cutting 丙烷气切割pure nickel electrode 纯镍熔接条reinforcement of weld 加强焊接resist 抗蚀护膜root running 背面熔接seam 焊缝seaming 接合seam welding 流缝熔接series seam welding 串联缝熔接skip welding process 跳焊法spark 火花spot welding 点焊接stitch welding 针角焊接stud arc welding 电弧焊接under laying 下部焊层void 焊接空隙weld flow mark 焊接流痕weld flush 焊缝凸起weld line 焊接纹weld mark 焊接痕weld penetration 熔接透入weld zone 焊接区welding 焊接welding bead 焊接泡welding direction 焊接方向welding distortion 焊接变形welding flux 焊剂welding ground 电熔接地welding interval 焊接周期welding stress 熔接应变welding torch 熔接气炬熔接fusion welding压接pressure welding焊接过程welding process焊接技术welding technique焊接工艺welding technology/procedure焊接操作welding operation焊接顺序welding sequence焊接方向direction of welding焊接位置welding position熔敷顺序build-up sequencedeposition sequence焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation平焊位置flat position of welding横焊位置horizontal position of welding立焊位置vertical position of welding仰焊位置overhead position of welding平焊downhand welding/flat position welding横焊horizontal position welding立焊vertical position welding仰焊overhead position welding全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。



argon arc weld 氩弧焊butt weld 对接焊(缝)cluster weld 丛聚焊(缝)cold weld 冷焊(缝),冷压接fillet weld 角焊(缝)flash butt weld 闪光对接焊(缝)full fillet weld 满角焊(缝)groove weld 坡口焊(缝)mash seam weld 滚压焊seam weld 滚焊(缝)slot weld 切口焊(缝)spot weld 点焊(缝)tack (positioned) weld 定位【点位】焊(组焊前)weldability 可焊性,焊接性welder 焊工;焊机welding 焊接(法),焊接(的),焊缝atomic hydrogen weld 原子氢焊attachment weld 固定焊接bead weld 堆焊,狭的焊接braze weld 硬【钎】焊,铜焊built-up weld 堆焊down hand weld 俯【水平】焊接electric arc weld 电弧焊flat position weld (顶面)平【卧】焊flow weld 铸(浇)焊forehand weld 正手焊(法)forge weld 锻焊,锻接friction weld 摩擦焊gas shield weld 气体保护弧焊inert-gas metal-arc weld 焊丝惰性气体保护焊oxyacetylene weld 氧(乙炔)焊,气焊percussion weld 冲击焊plasma-arc weld 等离子弧焊repair weld 补焊roll weld 滚压焊scarf weld 斜面焊,两端搭接焊,嵌接焊shield weld 气体保护焊union arc weld 磁性焊剂二氧化碳保护焊unionmelt weld 埋弧(焊剂层下)自动焊weldment 焊接件,焊接装配bonding technology 焊接工艺fillet weld 角焊,填角焊seal welding. 密封焊接ring joint 环接, 围缘接合seal fitting 密封接头, 密封配件weld reinforcement 焊缝补强dimensional inspection 尺寸检验flange gasket 法兰垫片burn through 烧蚀girth weld 环形焊缝reinforcement of weld 加强焊缝weld joint 焊缝, 焊接接头circumferential joint 周圈接缝butt weld 对接焊缝arc welding 电弧焊filler rod 焊条shield gas 保护气体welding rod 焊条welding bead 焊道,熔敷焊道,焊珠electrode 电焊条longitudinal. 纵向的horizontal line 水平线welded joint 焊接缝焊接节点witness test 订货人在场的试验Alignment:对准,定位调整gas cutting. 气割arc cutting 电弧切割grind off 磨掉Leveling:校平Fixing:固定Console:控制台material certificate 材料合格证fabrication 加工,制造post weld heat treatment 焊后热处理flushing 冲洗,填缝arc gouging 电弧刨削machining 机械加工nut 螺母solvent 溶剂tack welding 点焊butt welding 对接焊reinforcing pad.补强垫,增强衬板flux 焊剂blind 挡板gusset plate 角撑板, 加固板base material 基底材料flow sheet 流程图witnessed inspections 现场检测drain 排水管identification mark 识别标志silicone paint 硅树脂油漆fabrication drawing 制造图纸,制作图WPS Works Process Specification 典型工艺规程caulking metal 填隙合金[金属](材料) weld bead 焊缝weld mark 焊痕bonding wire 接合线, 焊线埋弧焊Submerged-arc Welding 电阻焊Resistance Welding 滚焊Seam welding throat thickness 焊缝厚度摘自《英汉机械工程技术词汇》weldability 可焊性,焊接性Weldable steel 焊接钢Weldability of metal 金属可焊性Weldability test 可焊性试验Weld all around 围焊Weldable copper 可焊复合铜板Weld assembly 焊接件Weld bond 熔合线,焊口Weld cap 焊冒Weld collar 加强焊缝焊瘤Weld crack 焊接裂缝Weld crater 熔池Weld crosswise 交叉焊接Weld decay 焊缝腐蚀,焊接接头晶间Weld defect 焊接缺陷Weld deposit 堆焊,焊缝熔敷Welded all round 沿周边焊接的Welded armor 焊接甲板Welded body 焊接车身Welded bridge 焊接桥Welded bond 焊接轨隙连接器,焊接导接线Welded cathode 焊接阴极Welded chain 焊接链Welded connection 焊接合,焊接头Welded construction 焊接结构Welded-contract rectifier 焊接整流器Welded corner joint 角焊接Welded eye 焊眼Welded fissure 焊接裂缝Welded fitting 焊接式管接头Welded flange 焊接翼缘Welded frame 焊接车架,焊接框架Welded frog 焊接辙差Weld edgewise 沿边焊接Welded metal 焊接金属Welded pipe 焊接管Welded module 焊接微型组件Welded on head 焊制封头,焊制端盖Welded plate 焊合板Welded seam 焊缝Welded shell course 焊接锅炉筒Welded shell ring焊接锅炉筒Welded splice 焊接接头Welded steel 焊接钢Welded steel fabric 焊接钢筋网Welded steel forging 熔焊钢锻件Welded steel pipe 焊接钢管Welded steel pipe pile 焊接钢管桩Welded structural shape 焊接结构型钢Welded structural 焊接结构Welded truss 焊接桁架Welded tube 焊缝[接]管Welded turret 焊合转塔Welded wire fabric 焊接钢丝网Welder 焊机,焊工Welder construction 焊接结构Welder performance qualification test 焊工技术鉴定试验Welder’s gauntlets 电焊工的长手套Welder’s gloves 电焊工手套Welder’s goggles 焊工护目镜welder’s hand shield 焊工手持护目镜Welder’s head shield 焊工护目帽罩Welder’s health 焊工保健Welder’s helmet 焊工帽罩Welders spatter ease 焊接易飞溅液Welder with condenser 带电容弧焊机Welder with taps 抽头式焊机Weld flaw 焊接缺陷,焊接裂纹Weld flush 焊缝隆起Weld flux 焊剂,焊药Weldforged 锻焊Weld gauge 焊缝量规Weld handle 焊把Weld holder 焊接架Welding 焊接法,熔接,定位焊接;粘结Welding agent 焊药Welding alloy 焊接合金Welding and cutting torch 焊割两用气焊枪Welding-and-forming mill 成型焊管机Welding apron 焊工的围裙Welding arc 焊弧Welding arc voltage 焊弧电压Welding assembly 焊接构件Welding base metal 焊条金属Welding beading 焊瘤Weldingbead length 焊缝长度Welding bell 碗模(焊管用的),拔管模,喇叭模Welding bench 焊接工作台Welding blew lamp 焊炬Welding blowpipe 气焊吹管Welding booth 焊接室Welding burner 焊炬喷嘴Welding by both sides 双面焊Welding by forging 锻焊Welding by one side 单面焊Welding cable 电焊电缆,电焊引线Welding characteristics 焊接特性Welding compound 焊【接】剂Welding conditions 焊接规范Welding connector 电缆夹头Welding contactor 电焊接触器Welding control 接触焊机断流器Welding crack 焊裂缝Welding current 焊接电流Welding cut bit 焊接工具Welding deformations 焊接变形Welding direction 焊接方向Welding dynamo 焊接发电机Welding electrode 电焊条,电焊电极Welding electrode hold 焊条夹Welding equipment 焊接设备Welding fixture 焊接夹具Welding flame 焊接火焰Welding flash 弧光灼伤Welding fluid 熔【焊】剂Welding flux 焊剂,焊药Welding force 阻焊加压;电极压力Welding from both sides 双面焊Welding from one side 单面焊Welding furnace 烧结炉Welding gauge 确定焊缝尺寸用样板Welding gang 焊工班,焊接组Welding generator电焊发动机Welding generator with differential excitation 差激电焊发动机Welding generator with split-Poles 裂极电焊发动机Welding glass 黑玻璃Welding gloves焊接手套Welding goggles 焊工护目镜Welding grade argon 焊接极氩,焊接用氩Welding grade gas 焊接级保护气体Welding ground 电焊地线Welding gun 焊枪,喷灯Welding gutter 焊管拉模Welding handle 焊条夹,电极夹钳Welding head 焊头,烙铁头,焊接机头Welding heat 焊热Welding heat input 焊接输入热量Welding helmet 焊工帽罩Welding holder 焊工握把Welding impulse 电焊脉冲Welding inspection 焊接检查Welding iron 烙铁Welding jig 焊接夹具Welding joint 焊接接头Welding lead 焊接引线Welding machine 焊机Welding manipulator 焊件支架Welding metal cracking 焊缝金属裂纹Welding method 焊接方法Welding motor generator 电动旋转式电焊机Welding neck (flange)对焊法兰Welding-on 焊合,镶焊,焊上Welding operation 焊接操作Welding operator 自动焊工Welding outfit 焊接配备Welding paste 焊接涂料Welding performance 焊接性能Welding pipe 焊接管Welding pistol 焊枪Welding point 焊接接头Welding pool 焊接熔池Welding portion 焊接部位,施焊部位Welding position 焊接部位Welding positioner 焊接胎架,可动焊接工作台Welding positioner roller 焊接定位滚轮Welding powder 焊粉Welding power lead 焊接用输电线Welding press 焊接压力机Welding pressure 焊接压力Welding procedure 焊接工艺,焊接程序Welding process 焊接法Welding quality 焊接质量Welding rectifier 电焊整流器Welding regulator 焊接[电流]调节器Welding research council 焊接研究委员会Welding residual stress 焊接残余应力Welding resistor 焊接电阻器Welding rod 焊条Welding rod coating 焊条上的焊药Welding rod core 焊条芯Welding rod extrusion press 焊条自动涂抹机,焊条压涂机Welding rolls 焊条辊Welding rules 焊接规则Welding screen 电焊遮光罩Welding seam 焊缝Welding sequence 焊接程序Welding set 焊接装置,电焊机组Welding set with a surge injector 脉冲稳弧焊接装置Welding set with DC suppression capacitors 电容抑制直流成分的焊接设备Welding set with H.F. ionizer 带高频电离的焊接装置Welding shop 焊接车间Welding slag 焊渣Welding sleeves [焊接用]套轴Welding socket 焊接管套(管接头)Welding source 焊接电源Welding spats 焊接用护脚Welding spatter 焊渣Welding steel 焊接钢Welding stick 焊丝,焊条Welding strain 焊接应变Welding stress 焊接应力Welding symbol 焊接符号,焊接代号Welding table 焊接工作台Welding temperature 焊接温度Welding thermit [铝]热剂(焊接用)welding tip 焊嘴,焊接吹管火口Welding tongs 焊钳Welding tool 焊接工具Welding torch 焊接喷灯,焊接吹管,焊炬Welding torch pipe 焊枪管Welding transformer 电焊变压器Welding tub 焊接熔池Welding wheel 盘状电极Welding wire 焊条,焊丝Welding-wire reel 焊丝卷圈Welding with backing 垫板焊Welding with flux backing 焊剂垫焊Welding with pressure 压焊Welding with weaving 横向摆动焊接Welding work 焊工工作Welding-in nozzle 焊入式喷嘴Welding interface 焊接界面Weld jig 焊接夹具Weld joint 焊缝,焊接接头Weld junction 熔合线,焊口Welding layer 焊接层Weld length 焊缝长度Weldless 无焊缝的,无缝的Weldless connection 非焊接式接头Weldless drawn pipe 拉制无缝管Weldless fitting 非焊接式接头Weldless pipe 无缝管Weldless steel tube 无[焊]缝钢管Weld line 焊接线Weld machined flush 削平补强的焊缝Weld mark 焊接痕,焊波Weldment 焊接件,焊接装配Weld mesh crate 焊接网格Weld metal 焊接金属,焊缝金属Weld metal cracking 焊缝裂纹Weld metal zone 焊接金属熔化区Weld on bottom 底焊Weldor 焊工Weld pass 焊接通道Weld penetration 焊穿,焊透深度,熔深Weld period 焊接时间Weld preparation 焊缝坡口加工Weld puddle 熔池Weld reinforcement 焊缝补强Weld ripple 焊缝波纹Weld rod 焊条Weld rotation 焊缝转角Weld seam 焊缝Weld slope 焊缝倾角Weld strain 焊接应变Weld strength 焊接强度,焊缝强度Weld surface 焊缝表面Weld time [接触焊的]通电时间Weld trimmer 焊缝清理机Weld up 焊补,焊封Weld wire 包钢铜丝Weldwood 胶合板Weld zone 焊接区Lack of fusion 未熔合Sharp edge 锐边Serrated edge 锯齿形边Torch cut 火焰切割Sawn 锯Air tight 气密性机械类常用英语:焊接用语acetylene 乙炔ampere 电流安培angle welding 角焊arc 电弧argon arc welding 氩弧焊接bare electrode 光熔接条butt welding 对接焊接camber 电弧弯曲cascade 阶叠熔接法clad weld 被覆熔接crator 焊疤excess metal 多余金属filler rod 焊条fillet weld 填角焊接gas shield 气体遮蔽groove welding 起槽熔接hand face shield 手握面罩hard facing 硬表面堆焊jig welding 工模焊接laser beam welding 雷射光焊接metal electrode insert gas welding MIG熔接nugget 点焊熔核overlaying 堆焊peening of welding 珠击熔接法plug welding 塞孔熔接。



焊接英语专用词汇焊接英语专用词汇actual weld-throat thick-ness焊缝厚度all-around weld整周焊缝all-around weld (整周焊缝)环焊缝angle butt weld斜对接焊angle weld角焊appearance of weld焊缝成形arc-seam weld电弧缝焊arc-spot weld电弧点焊arc-weld电弧焊aspect ratio of weld焊缝成形系数at weld edge在焊缝边上attachment weld连接焊缝automatic spot weld自动点焊法automatic weld自动焊接axis of a weld焊缝中心线; 焊接轴线axis of weld焊缝轴线; 焊接轴线back of weld焊缝背面backing groove of weld焊缝反面坡口backing weld底焊; 底焊焊缝bare metal arc weld裸焊条电弧焊bead weld珠焊; 堆焊bead-on-plate weld堆焊焊缝beading weld凸焊beam-to-beam weld梁间焊接; 梁式引线焊接block sequence weld分段多层焊bond weld钢轨接头焊接bridge seam weld桥缝焊接; 桥线焊brize weld硬焊butt weld对接焊缝butt weld ends对头焊接端butt-weld碰焊; 平式焊接; 对头焊接butt-weld in the downhand position 对接平焊butt-weld joint对头焊接butt-weld pipe mill对焊管轧机button spot weld按电钮点焊cap weld最后焊层; 盖面焊缝carbon content of weld materials焊接材料的碳含量cast-weld construction铸焊结构caulk weld填缝焊caulking weld密实焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld链式分段角焊; 并列间断角焊缝chain intermittent weld并列焊接circular weld环形焊缝circumferential weld环缝; 环焊缝cleft weld裂口焊closed weld底边无缝焊; 无间隙焊缝closed-chamber fusion weld闭室熔焊cluster weld丛聚焊缝coil weld卷板对接焊; 卷板对接焊; 板卷焊cold weld冷压接commutator-controlled weld换向控制焊接complete penetration butt weld贯穿对焊composite weld紧密焊缝; 强度密封焊缝concave filled weld凹形角焊缝concave filler weld凹角焊concave fillet weld凹面填角焊concave weld凹焊缝; 凹面焊; 凹形焊缝; 轻型焊connective weld联系焊缝continuous butt-weld mill连续式炉焊管机组continuous fillet weld连续(填)角焊缝; 连续角焊缝; 连续贴角焊continuous weld连续焊缝continuous weld process连续式炉焊管法contour weld特形焊接convex fillet weld凸角焊缝; 凸形角焊缝convex weld凸焊缝; 凸形焊缝copper weld wire包铜钢丝corner flange weld单卷边角焊缝corner weld角焊corner-flange weld卷边角焊缝;卷边角焊缝crack of weld焊部裂纹cross weld十字交叉焊缝; 横向焊缝cross-wire weld十字焊crotch weld楔接锻接; 楔接焊接cup weld带盖板焊缝depth of weld焊接深度dissimilar weld metal不同的焊接金属; 不同金属的焊接distance between the toes of a weld 焊缝宽度double groove weld双面坡口焊缝double-bevel groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝; 双斜坡口焊double-flanged butt weld双弯边对接焊缝double-V groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝; 双斜坡口焊downhand weld平焊缝duplex spot weld双点点焊接头edge joint weld边缘焊edge weld端接焊; 端接焊缝; 端面焊缝; 对边焊electric resistance weld mill电阻焊管机electric weld-pipe mill电焊管机electric-weld pipe mill电焊管机emporary weld临时点定焊缝excess weld metal焊缝补强金属; 补强; 补强焊料; 补强金属excess weld metal(焊缝的)余高explosive weld爆炸焊接face of weld焊缝表面; 焊接面fibrous weld纤维状焊缝field weld现场焊接filler weld填角焊缝fillet weld角焊缝; 填角焊; 贴角焊fillet weld in normal shear (搭接接头的)正面角焊缝fillet weld in parallel shear侧面角焊缝; 侧面填角焊fillet weld in the flat position角接平焊; 水平角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontalposition横向角焊缝fillet weld size焊角尺寸; 填角焊缝尺寸flame weld火焰焊接flange weld卷边焊缝; 卷边焊缝flange-to-web weld卷边焊缝; 卷边焊缝flanged butt weld弯边对接焊flanged edge weld卷边焊; 卷边焊flash butt weld闪光焊flash weld闪速对焊flat faced fillet weld平顶角焊缝焊接flat fillet weld平角焊ing of fillet weld角焊缝平焊; 船形角焊flush fillet weld平角焊flush weld削平补强的焊缝; 平焊接; 无加强高的焊缝forge weld锻焊焊缝forged weld (焊后锻压的)锻压焊缝form factor of the weld焊缝成形系数formation of weld焊缝成形front fillet weld正侧面填角焊缝; 正面填角焊front(al) fillet weld正面角焊缝full fillet weld满角焊缝; 全角焊full penetration butt weld满对接焊full weld满焊full-fillet weld满角焊full-sized weld全尺寸焊缝full-strength weld (与母材等强)等强焊缝gap weld特殊点焊; 双极单点焊gas-pressure weld气压焊girth weld环形焊缝gravity weld倚焊groove weld坡口焊; 坡口焊缝; 有坡口焊缝; 凹槽焊groove-weld joint有坡口焊接接头hammer weld锻焊hand weld手焊焊缝height of reinforcement of weld加强焊缝高度helical-weld pipe螺旋焊管high performance weld flux高性能焊剂horizontal fillet weld横向角缝焊接horizontal weld横向焊缝horizontal-vertical fillet weld横向垂直角焊缝hot weld encapsulation热焊封袋hydraulic automatic weld液压自动焊接hydraulic weld process液压焊接法inclined weld斜焊inconel weld单面焊缝incorrect weld profile焊缝形状不对incorrect weld size焊缝尺寸不对induction weld mill感应焊管机inside corner weld内角焊接inside fillet weld内角焊接inside weld内焊缝insufficient or excessreinforcement of weld加强焊缝不足或过量intermittent fillet weld间断角缝焊接; 断续角焊缝intermittent weld断续焊; 断续焊缝jam weld对接焊; 对头焊接lap fillet weld搭接角焊缝laser (beam) weld (ing)激光焊lateral weld侧焊; 侧面焊缝leg of a fillet weld角焊缝; 角焊缝焊脚leg of fillet weld圆角焊肉厚length of weld焊缝长度light closing weld轻连续焊接light fillet weld轻型填角焊; 小填角焊light weld轻焊缝Lincoln weld埋弧自动焊longitudinal fillet weld纵向角焊longitudinal weld纵向焊缝longitudinal weld (焊接用语)纵缝loose weld脱焊main weld主焊缝mash seam weld压薄缝焊; 滚压焊mash weld点焊; 点压焊melt thru weld熔透焊缝melt-through weld透溶焊melten weld pool焊接熔池melting through weld熔透焊缝miter weld平顶角焊缝; 斜接角焊缝molten weld metal熔融焊接金属mulitple impulse weld多脉冲焊缝multilayer weld多层焊缝multipass weld多道焊缝multiple arc weld多弧焊缝multiple-electrode submerged arc weld多电极埋弧焊multiple-pass weld多道焊缝; 多路焊接multirun weld多道焊缝nonpressure thermit weld不加压热剂焊缝normal weld正常焊接oblique fillet weld斜交角焊缝;斜角焊接one-pass weld单层焊缝open butt weld开口对接焊open weld留间隙焊缝; 空隙焊outside weld外焊缝over weld过焊overhead fillet weld仰焊角焊缝overhead weld仰焊oversize weld超尺寸焊缝oxygen weld氧气焊接parallel-arc weld并列弧焊patch weld补焊; 补孔焊缝Peltier's cross weld珀耳帖交叉焊接penetration weld熔透焊缝percussion weld冲击焊缝; 冲击焊接periphera weld环形焊缝pitch of weld焊缝接距; 焊线距plain butt weld无坡口对接焊; 平头对接焊缝plasma-arc weld等离子弧焊接plug weld塞焊焊缝point of weld焊接点point weld点焊poor weld劣质焊缝; 有缺陷的焊缝porous weld多孔焊缝; 疏松焊缝positioned weld平位焊缝; 暂焊post weld annealed (PWA)焊后退火poured weld铸焊焊缝powder weld process粉末焊接法practice weld试验焊缝pressure weld压焊pressure-controlled weld压力控制焊接pressure-tight weld气密焊; 密封焊道principal weld主要焊缝profile of fillet weld填角焊缝轮廓progress of weld焊向projection weld凸焊; 凸焊焊缝projection weld machine凸点电阻焊机pulsating weld脉冲接触焊push weld挤焊quilting weld钉焊reinforced butt weld补强的对接焊缝; 补强式对接焊缝reinforced weld加强焊接reinforcement of weld焊缝加厚; 补强金属; 加强焊缝resistance weld mill电阻焊管机resistance weld pipe电阻焊管resonance butt weld谐振式对接焊restarting a weld再引弧ripple weld鳞状焊缝rivet weld电铆; 电铆焊缝root face of weld焊缝根部钝边root gap of weld焊缝根部间隙root of weld焊缝根部; 焊根root opening of weld焊缝根部间隙root radius of weld焊缝坡口根部半径sagged weld下垂焊缝scarf weld楔口焊接seal weld填焊; 致密焊缝; 密封焊; 密封焊道; 密封焊缝sealing weld封焊seam weld滚焊semi-automatic arc weld半自动电弧焊sequence weld timer序列焊接时间调节器shallow weld浅焊shop weld工厂焊接shot weld点焊shoulder of weld焊缝根部钝边side fillet weld侧面角焊缝; 侧面填角焊缝; 侧面贴角焊side lap weld侧边搭接焊; 弯边搭焊缝side weld侧焊缝; 边焊single lap weld单搭接焊single strap butt weld单面盖板对接焊single-bevel groove weld单斜角槽焊single-fillet weld单边角接焊缝single-pass weld单道焊site weld现场焊接; 安装焊; 安装焊接size of a fillet weld焊角尺寸size of weld焊件的大小; 焊区尺寸skew weld斜焊skin weld表面焊接sleeve weld套筒焊接slip-weld hanger卡瓦焊接套管挂slot weld槽塞焊; 长孔焊; 开槽搭焊缝; 切口焊缝ing slotted weld槽焊slotted lap weld切口搭接焊smooth fillet weld平填角焊缝socket weld ends承插焊接端soft-weld铜镍焊条合金solvent weld溶剂焊接space of intermittent weld断续焊缝间距; 断续焊间距spiral weld螺旋形焊缝spiral weld-pipe mill螺旋焊管机spot weld焊点spot weld bonding胶结点焊spot weld nugget点焊熔核spreading weld宽缝焊接; 加宽的焊缝square butt weld平头对接焊缝square groove weld无坡口槽焊staggered intermittent filletweld (ing)交错断续角焊staggered intermittent weld交错断续焊缝; 交错间断焊staggered plug weld交错塞焊standard reinforced fillet weld标准加强角焊缝stick-out weld未熔合点焊接头stitch-and-seam weld点线焊straight butt weld无坡口对接接头strapped weld搭板对接焊缝strength weld受载焊缝; 强固焊接; 承载焊缝; 高强度焊接structural weld强固焊缝surface of weld焊缝表面surface weld表面焊缝surface weld metal buildup表面焊缝金属的形成synthetic apparatus for weld thermal cycle焊接热循环模拟装置T weld丁字接头焊缝T-filled weld丁字形角焊T-fillet weld丁字接头角焊缝tack weld定位焊点; 定位焊缝; 临时点焊; 预焊; 平头焊接(welding)定位焊tandem arc weld前后弧焊temporary weld临时点固焊缝tension weld受拉焊缝test weld试焊throat depth (thickness) of fillet weld角焊缝厚度throat of fillet weld凹角焊喉; 填角焊缝喉长throat of weld凹角焊喉tight weld密封焊接; 致密焊缝tight-strong weld密实强固焊缝toe of the weld焊缝边界toe of weld焊趾toe weld趾部焊缝torch weld气焊焊缝total amount of weld fumes焊接发尘量transverse fillet weld横向角焊缝; 正面角焊transverse weld横向焊缝trial weld试验焊接undercut weld底切焊接undressed weld (增加焊缝)未加工焊缝unequal fillet weld焊脚不等的角焊缝unfitness of butt weld焊缝对口错边量union-melt weld埋弧焊unload weld非承载焊缝unspaced butted weld无间隙对接焊缝upgrading of boiler weld锅炉焊缝加强vertical fillet weld立焊角焊缝vertical weld立焊weak weld不强固焊缝weaving weld横向摆动焊缝weld焊; 焊接的; 补焊weld all around围焊weld appearance焊缝外观weld assembly焊接组件weld back-up焊缝背垫weld backing焊缝衬垫weld bead焊缝; 熔敷焊道weld bead height焊缝高度weld beading焊瘤weld bond熔合线weld bridge seam搭桥焊缝; 桥接焊缝weld cap焊帽weld center line焊缝中心线weld collar加强焊缝焊瘤weld crack焊接裂纹weld crater熔池weld crosswise交叉焊接weld decay焊缝腐蚀; 焊接接头晶间腐蚀; 焊接侵蚀; 焊接区晶间腐蚀weld decay (焊接后)敏化区腐蚀weld defect焊接缺陷weld delay time焊接延迟时间weld deposit堆焊weld deposits cleaning焊接熔敷金属清理weld edge焊缝边缘; 焊缝表面边缘weld edgewise沿边焊接weld flange connection焊接法兰连接weld flash焊瘤weld flaw焊接缺陷weld flush焊缝隆起weld fumes焊接烟尘weld gage焊缝检查规; 焊缝卡规weld gauge焊缝量规weld heat input焊接热输入; 焊接线能量weld holder焊接夹持架; 焊接架weld inspection焊缝质量检验; 焊接检查weld interface焊缝界面; 焊接界面weld interval焊接时间weld is accepted焊缝合格weld jig焊接夹具weld joint焊缝weld junction熔焊线; 熔合线weld layer焊接层weld length焊缝长度weld line焊缝线; 焊缝轴线; 焊接线; 焊线weld machined flush削平补强的焊缝weld mark焊缝符号; 焊缝记号; 焊接痕; 熔缝weld mesh crate焊接网格weld metal焊缝金属; 焊接金属weld metal buildup surface金属堆焊表面weld metal composition焊接金属组成weld metal cracking焊缝裂纹weld metal zone焊缝金属区; 焊接金属熔化区weld nugget焊点熔核weld on bottom底焊weld overlap重叠区weld pass焊接通道weld penetration焊缝熔深; 焊透深度weld period焊接时间weld pitch焊缝距weld porosity焊缝气孔weld preheating焊前预热weld preparation焊缝坡口加工weld puddle熔池weld reinforcement焊缝补强; 焊缝加强; 焊接补强weld repairs焊接修补weld ripple焊缝波纹weld root焊件剖口; 焊接根weld root opening gap焊缝根部间隙weld root reinforcement 焊缝反面加强weld rotation焊缝转角weld seam pipe焊缝管weld shape焊缝形状weld shielding焊接区保护; 焊接熔池保护weld slope焊缝倾角weld spacing焊点距; 焊缝间距weld strain焊接应变weld strength焊接强度weld surface焊缝表面weld swell焊缝隆起weld thermal cycle焊接热循环weld thickness焊缝厚度weld time焊接时间; 焊接通电时间; 接触焊通电时间weld toxic gases焊接有害气体weld trimmer焊缝清理机weld up焊补weld wheel conditioner焊轮调节器weld width焊缝宽度weld wire包铜钢丝weld zone焊缝区; 焊接区weld-form factor焊缝形状系数weld-fusion line焊缝熔合线weld-in nozzle焊入式喷嘴weld-interval timer焊接间隔记时器weld-shrunk cylinder包扎式圆筒weld-shrunk multilayeredcylinder包扎式多层圆筒; 多层包扎式圆筒weld-throat thickness depth焊缝厚度window type restraint weld cracking test窗口拘束焊缝抗裂试验; 窗形拘束抗裂试验zigzag intermittent fillet weld锯齿形断续角焊缝; 锯齿形断续角焊缝zone of weld焊缝表面AC & D. C. arc welding machine交直流弧焊机AC arc welding交流电弧焊AC gas metal-arc welding process交流熔化极气保护焊AC gas tungsten arc welding交流钨极气保护焊AC welding set交流焊机; 交流焊接变压器AC-dc welding machine交直流两用焊机acetylene welding气焊; 乙炔焊; 乙炔焊接acetylene welding torch乙炔焊炬; 乙炔接焊吹管air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接all-position welding全位置焊接alloy steel gas welding rod合金钢气焊条alternating current arc welding交流电弧焊alternating current welding machine 交流电焊机aluminium alloy arc welding electrode 铝合金焊条aluminothermic welding铝热焊; 铸焊angle backwards welding后倾焊angle butt welding斜口对接焊angle forwards welding前倾焊annealing welding wave退火焊波antogenous welding氧炔焊apparatus for butt welding平接压焊夹具arc braze welding电弧钎焊arc flash welding电弧闪光焊arc spot welding电铆焊arc stud welding柱钉电弧焊; 螺柱电弧焊arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊arc welding电弧焊; 电弧焊接; 弧焊arc welding electrode电弧焊条arc welding generator电弧焊接用发电机; 弧焊发电机arc welding generator withindependent excitation自激弧焊发电机; 他激电焊发电机arc welding generator withself-excitation自激电焊发电机arc welding machine弧焊机; 电焊机;电弧焊机arc welding mask电弧焊遮罩arc welding process电弧焊接工艺过程arc welding rectifier弧焊整流器arc welding robot弧焊机器人arc welding set电弧焊机组arc welding transformer弧焊变压器arc-welding electrode电弧焊用焊条arc-welding plant电焊厂arcogen welding电弧氧乙炔焊argon (shielded) arc welding氩弧焊接argon tungsten-arc welding钨极氩弧焊argon-arc welding氩弧焊argonaut welding自动氩弧焊atomic H welding氢原子焊atomic hydrogen welding原子氢焊atomic-hydrogen welding 原子氢焊接austenite welding不锈钢焊接autogenous pressure welding自动压合热焊autogenous welding气焊automatic arc welding head自动电弧焊接机头automatic arc welding machine自动电焊机; 自动弧焊机automatic drying line for welding electrode电焊条自动烘焙线automatic slag pool welding自动电渣焊automatic spot welding自动点焊automatic submerged arc welding自动埋弧焊automatic submerged slag welding of rail钢轨自动埋弧电弧焊automatic submerged-arc welding machine埋弧自动焊机automatic transverse welding横向自动焊automatic welding自动焊; 自动焊接automatic welding head 自动焊头automatic welding machine自动焊接机automatic welding of circumferential seams环缝自动焊automatic welding process自动焊接工艺规程automation of welding焊接自动化back hand welding后退焊; 反手焊接back step welding反手焊接back ward welding反手焊接back welding底焊; 退焊法back-step welding分段退焊法backhand welding逆向焊; 右焊法; 后焊法; 向后焊backing welding打底焊backstep welding分段逆焊; 分段退焊; 反向焊; 逐步退焊法; 逆向焊backstep welding sequence分段退焊次序backward welding后倾焊; 后退焊;向右焊balanced welding对称焊bare welding rod光焊条bare wire arc welding光焊丝电弧焊bead welding窄焊道焊接bench arc welding machine台式弧焊机bevel welding斜角焊blacksmith welding锻工焊接; 锻焊block sequence welding分段多层焊; 分段连续焊接block welding块焊接block welding sequence分段多层焊body welding machine罐身焊接机both sides welding双面焊接brass welding rod黄铜焊条braze welding钎焊; 钎焊接; 钎接; 铜焊braze-welding钎接焊bridge spot welding带接合板点焊; 单面衬垫点焊; 单面搭板点焊bridge welding桥接焊; 盖板焊brize welding硬焊build (built) up welding堆焊build-up welding堆焊building-up by welding堆焊butt resistance welding电阻对焊; 对接电阻焊butt seam welding对接滚焊butt seam welding machine对接缝焊机butt welding对接焊; 平对焊butt welding machine对接焊机butt welding process对接焊法butt-welding对接焊butt-welding machine对焊机capability of weldingvertically upwards直上焊接能力capacitor-discharge welding电容放电焊接carbon arc welding碳弧焊; 碳极弧焊carbon in materials for welding焊接用材料中的碳carbon-dioxide arc welding二氧化碳保护焊carriage of automatic welding machine自动焊机走架cascade welding阶梯式焊; 山形多层焊cascade welding sequence串级叠置法cast welding铸焊cement-welding金属陶瓷焊接centralized installation of welding machine多站焊接chain intermittent fillet welding并列断续角焊缝; 链式断续角焊chemical welding化学焊circular seam welding环缝对接焊circular seam-welding machine环形滚焊机cleaning before welding焊接前的清理cleaning of welding deposits焊接沉积的清理closed butt gas pressure welding闭式加压气焊cold welding冷焊; 冷压焊cold-pressure welding冷压焊combined cutting and welding torch 焊割两用炬combined cutting and-weldingblow-pipe焊割两用炬combined thermit welding加压铸焊complete penetraction and fusion in welding全焊透condenser (discharge) spot-welding machine电容器放电点焊机condenser discharge spot welding电容储能点焊; 电容贮能点焊constant current welding machine恒流电焊机constant energy welding machine恒功率电焊机constant voltage welding machine恒压电焊机constant-current arc welding power source垂降特性弧焊电源constant-current welding source恒流式焊接电源constant-power welding source恒功率式焊接电源constant-pressure pressure welding 恒压压力焊constant-temperature pressure welding恒温压力焊constant-voltage welding machine恒电压焊机constant-voltage welding source恒压式焊接电源; 平特性焊接电源consumable electrode welding熔化极电弧焊consumable guide electroslag welding自耗定向电渣焊contact welding接触焊continuous feed welding连续送丝电弧焊continuous welding连续焊; 连续焊接contour welding绕焊controlled arc welding可控电弧焊接controlled atmosohere arc welding 充气室电弧焊controlled atmospere arc welding 充气式电弧焊controlled tungsten-arc welding自动控制弧长的钨极电弧焊controlled-transfer welding可控过渡电弧焊convex fillet welding凸面角焊缝copper arc welding electrode 铜焊条copper welding rod铜焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode 铜合金焊条copper-aluminium welding rod铜铝焊条copper-nickel welding rod铜镍焊条copper-silicon welding rod铜硅焊条copper-tin welding rod铜锡焊条copper-zinc welding rod铜锌焊条core welding-wire焊芯core wire for welding rod焊条芯线corrosion due to welding 焊接腐蚀cosmetic welding盖面焊cover chain welding链节式药皮包丝焊接CO 2 arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机cracking test for automatic welding 自动焊抗裂试验crankshaft flashbutt welding曲轴电阻弧花压焊cross welding横向焊缝cyc-arc welding圆环电弧焊deck welding重力焊deep fillet welding深角焊deep penetration welding深熔焊deep penetration welding electrode深熔焊条deep welding深焊die welding模焊; 冲模堆焊diesel engine driven DC arcwelding machine柴油机驱动直流弧焊机differential-excited weldinggenerator差激电焊发电机diffusion welding扩散焊接direct spot welding双面点焊direct welding双面点焊direction of welding焊接方位;焊接方向discontinuous welding断续焊dot welding点焊double carbon-arc welding间接碳弧焊double side welding双面焊接down-hand welding俯焊downhand welding平焊downward welding in the inclinedposition下坡焊downward welding in the verticalposition向下立焊dual-arc welding双弧焊edge seam welding端面接头滚焊edge welding边缘焊接edgewise welding沿边焊接electric and pressure welding电压力焊接electric arc spot welding电弧点焊electric arc welding generators电弧焊接发电机electric arc welding machine电弧焊机electric butt welding电阻接触焊electric resistance welding电阻焊接; 热电阻焊electric slag welding电渣焊electric spot welding电点焊electric welding电焊electric welding cast copper solder铸铜电焊条electric welding equipment电焊设备electric welding generator电焊发电机electric welding hammer电焊锤electric welding machine电焊机electric welding plant电焊厂electric welding pliers电焊钳electric welding rod电焊条electric welding strip电焊片electric-arc welding电弧焊electric-resistance seam-welding电阻缝焊electric-resistance seam-welding machine电阻缝焊机electrical arc welding电弧焊接electrical resistance welding tube电阻焊接管electrically heated welding torch电热焊枪electro-beam welding电子束焊接electro-gas (enclosed) welding气电立焊electro-slag welding电磁渣焊; 电渣焊electro-slag welding with plate electrode板极电渣焊electro-welding电焊electrode for arc welding电焊条; 电弧焊条electrode for vertical down welding 向下立焊条electrode of vertical down welding立向下焊条electrode welding电弧焊electrogas welding气电焊; 电气焊electromagnetic percussive welding 电磁冲击焊electromagnetic stored energy welding电磁储能焊electron beam welding电子束焊; 电子束焊接electron beam welding machine电子束焊接机electron-beam welding电子束焊接electron-beam welding machine电子束焊机electron-bombardment welding真空电子束焊electrons leaves welding电子束焊接electropercussive welding电冲击焊;冲击焊; 储能焊electroslag welding电渣焊; 电阻焊electroslag welding machine电渣焊机electroslag welding with consumablenozzle熔嘴电渣焊electroslag welding with wire electrode丝极电渣焊electrostatic (percussive) welding 电能储能焊接electrostatic percussing welding 静电焊; 静电焊; 冲击焊; 储能焊electrostatic percussive welding 静电冲击焊; 静电冲击焊enclosed welding强制成形焊接energy storage welding贮能焊; 储能焊; 脉冲焊接erecting welding装配焊接erection welding安装焊接eutectic welding低温焊exothermic welding铝热焊expanding or welding of tube with tubesheet管子与管板的胀接或焊接explosive welding (EW)爆炸焊eyelet welding孔焊; 小孔熔焊faster welding快速焊接feed rate of welding wire焊丝送进速度field of welding temperature焊接温度场field welding现场焊接; 工地焊接Filler arc welding菲拉电弧焊距fillet welding (填角焊)贴角焊fillet welding in the downhand position船形角焊fillet welding in the flat position 船形焊fillet welding in the horizontal position横角焊fillet welding in the vertical position立角焊fine welding精密焊接fine wire welding细丝焊fire cracker welding躺焊fire welding锻焊; 锻接fixed welding machine固定式焊机fixed-position welding定位焊接flame welding熔气焊flare welding喇叭形坡口焊接flash butt welding闪光对焊; 闪光对接焊flash welding闪光电弧焊; 闪光焊; 闪焊; 火花电弧焊; 火花对焊flash-butt welding电阻闪光焊接flashover welding闪光焊flat position welding平焊; 顶面平卧焊flat position welding of filletweld角焊缝平焊; 船形角焊flat welding平卧焊flexible welding rod软焊条flexible wire for electricwelding电焊软线flow welding流注焊接; 浇焊fluid welding流焊flux-cored welding包芯焊条焊接fly-wheel type friction welding贮能摩擦焊; 储能摩擦焊flywheel friction welding惯性摩擦焊forehand welding向前焊; 向左焊;左焊法; 左向焊; 正手焊forge welding锻焊; 锻接焊forward welding正手焊; 左焊法; 左向焊; 前进焊; 前倾焊; 向前焊friction welding摩擦焊; 摩擦焊接friction welding machine摩擦焊接机frontal fillet welding正面角焊full automatic welding全自动焊full-automatic arc welding全自动电弧焊full-fillet welding满角焊full-fusion thermit welding热剂铸焊full-fusion welding全熔合焊full-length welding满焊fusion pressure welding熔化压接fusion thermit welding热剂熔焊; 熔化铝热焊fusion type plasma arc welding 熔透型等离子弧焊fusion type welding熔透型焊接法fusion welding熔焊接fusion welding metal熔焊金属gas carbon-arc welding气保护碳弧焊gas electric welding气电联合焊接gas metal arc welding气体保护金属极电弧焊gas metal-arc welding气保护金属极电弧焊gas shield welding气体保护弧焊gas shielded arc welding气体保护电弧焊; 气体保护焊gas shielded arc welding machine气保护弧焊机gas shielded arc-welding machine气体保护弧焊机gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊剂气体保护电弧焊gas shielded metal-arc welding气体保护金属弧焊gas shielded welding气体保护焊gas torch welding气炬焊gas tungsten arc welding气体保护钨极电弧焊gas tungsten-arc welding气保护钨极电弧焊gas tungstun arc welding钨极气体保护焊gas welding气焊; 乙炔焊gas welding device气焊设备gas welding equipment气焊设备gas welding machine气焊机gas welding outfit气焊机gas welding rod气焊焊丝gas welding rubber hose气焊橡胶管gas welding technique气焊工艺gas welding torch butt气焊进气硬管gas welding tube mill瓦斯焊接机gas welding work气焊工作gas-arc welding气电焊; 气体保护电弧焊gas-arc welding gun气电焊焊嘴gas-press welding气压焊gas-pressure welding machine气压焊接机gas-shielded stud welding气保护柱钉焊接girth welding环缝横向焊接gravity type arc welding重力焊gravity type welding倚焊gravity welding重力焊; 重力式电弧焊groove welding槽焊; 坡口焊; 开槽焊guided automatic welding导向自动焊接gun welding machine手提式点焊机; 点焊枪hafnium welding wire铪焊丝hammer welding锻焊; 锻接; 锤焊hammered resistance welding锤锻电阻焊; 电阻加热锻焊hand welding holdet手焊焊把hard-welding硬质合金熔焊headless bolt for welding焊接单头螺栓heat-welding adhesive热熔性胶粘剂heated-tool welding热烙铁焊接heavy welding大断面焊接heavy welding electrode粗电焊条heliarc welding氦电弧焊Heliarc welding氦弧焊法helium arc welding氦弧焊HF welding magnetic bar高频焊接磁棒hidden arc welding埋弧焊; 潜弧焊high current arc welding大电流弧焊high frequency AC welding machine 高频交流电焊机high frequency dielectric welding 高频介电焊high frequency induction welding 高频感应焊high frequency welding高频焊接high grade energy welding 高能焊high tensile electric welding rod 高强焊条high-current plasma arc welding大电流等离子弧焊high-frequency induction welding 高频感应焊接; 高频焊接high-frequency resistance welding 高频接触焊high-frequency resistance welding (HFRW)高频电阻焊high-frequency welding高频电焊highspeed welding快速焊接horizontal fillet welding横角焊; 水平角焊horizontal position welding水平焊接; 横焊horizontal welding横焊; 水平焊horizontal-position welding 水平位置焊接horizontal-rolledposition welding 水平转动焊接; 滚动水平焊hot jet welding热风焊接hot press welding热压焊接hot pressure welding预热压力焊hot welding热焊hot wire welding热丝焊hot(-)gas welding热气焊接hot-gas welding热风焊接; 热空气焊接hot-pressure welding热压焊; 热压焊接hydrogen-welding氢焊impact spot welding冲击点焊法impregnated-tape metal-arc welding浸焊条金属弧焊impulse current automatic butt welding machine脉冲电流自动对焊机impulse current seam welding machine脉冲电流缝焊机impulse current semiautomatic butt welding machine脉冲电流半自动对焊机impulse electromagnetic automatic welding machine电磁脉冲自动焊机impulse plasma welding machine 脉冲等离子焊机impulse welding脉冲焊; 脉冲焊接impulsed spot welding脉冲点焊inclined position welding倾斜焊indirect (spot) welding单面点焊indirect welding单面点焊induction welding感应焊; 感应焊接; 感应熔焊inert gas arc spot welding惰性气体电弧点焊inert gas arc welding惰性气体电弧焊inert gas spot welding惰性气体保护电弧点焊inert gas welding惰性气体焊接法inert-gas (inert gas) arcwelding惰性气体保护焊inertia welding惯性焊接; 贮能摩擦焊; 储能摩擦焊inertial welding惯性焊接infrared welding红外线焊接intermediate current plasma arc welding中电流等离子弧焊intermittent fillet welding断续角焊intermittent point welding断续点焊intermittent welding断续焊International Institute ofwelding (IIW)国际焊接学会inverted welding仰焊joint welding搭焊jump welding丁字形焊keyhole-mode welding小孔型等离子弧焊; 穿透型焊接法lap fillet welding搭角焊; 搭接角焊lap resistance welding搭接电阻焊lap seam welding搭接缝焊; 搭接焊lap welding搭焊; 搭接焊laser welding激光焊接laser welding chamber激光焊接室laser welding head激光焊接头laser welding machine for orthodontics激光口腔矫形焊接机laser welding system激光焊接系统laser-beam welding machine激光焊接机laser-welding machine激光焊接器lead welding铅焊lefthand welding左焊法leftward welding左向焊法lever gun welding head杠杆式点焊钳light beam welding machine光束焊机light continuous welding轻连续焊接light gauge welding薄板焊接light ray welding光束焊接light welding轻焊接Linde welding林德钢管对焊法line welding直线焊缝焊接liquid metal welding浇注补焊longitudinal resistance seam welding 纵向电阻缝焊longitudinal seam welding纵缝焊接; 纵向缝焊longitudinal welding纵缝焊接; 纵向焊接low carbon steel welding electrode 低碳钢电焊条low carbon welding wires低碳焊接线材low idle voltage arc-welding powersupply低空载电压的弧焊电源low temperature welding低温焊接low-alloy steel covered arc weldingelectrode低合金钢焊条low-current plasma arc welding小电流等离子弧焊low-hydrogen welding electrode低氢型电焊条low-temperature welding低温焊接lowest permissible temperature for welding焊接允许的最低温度machine for magnetic welding磁力焊接机machine welding机器焊接machine welding torch机械焊接吹管magnetic discharge welding电磁储能焊; 电磁焊magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊剂电弧焊magnetic flux gas shielded arc welding磁性焊剂气体保护电弧焊magnetic force welding machine磁力焊接机magnetic-force welding磁力焊接法manual arc welding手工电弧堆焊manual electic arc pile up welding 手工电弧堆焊manual electric arc welding手工电弧堆焊manual electro-slag welding手工电渣焊manual gas welding手工气焊manual metal-arc welding手弧焊manual TIG welding手工钨极惰性气体保护焊manual welding手工焊接; 人工焊接manual welding machine 手工焊机manually coating welding electrode 手涂焊条mash seam welding滚压电阻缝焊mash stitch welding多针缝式焊接mask welding电焊眼罩match assemble welding装架焊接metal arc welding金属电弧焊metal buried welding埋渣焊metal inert gas arc welding (MIG)惰性气体金属电弧焊metal inert-gas arc welding金属极惰性气体保护焊metal inertia gas welding金属焊条惰性气体保护焊; 熔化极惰性气体保护焊metal rectifier welding set整流焊机metal-arc gas-shielded welding气保护金属极电弧焊metal-arc gas-shielded welding (MAGSW)金属极气保护焊metal-arc welding金属极电弧焊micro resistance welding显微电阻焊micro-gap welding微间隙焊接micro-plasma arc welding微束等离子弧焊micro-welding微型焊接; 显微焊接microgap welding微隙间隙焊Miebach high efficiency flashwelding machine米巴赫高效闪光对焊机mild steel arc welding electrode低碳钢焊条mild steel welding rod低碳钢焊丝miter welding斜接头焊接mixed gas arc welding混合气体保护电弧焊molten bath arc welding熔池电弧焊molten-bath arc welding熔池焊motor driven welding machine电动焊机; 电动机拖动式焊机motor-driven welding machine电动旋转式焊机motor-generator welding unit电动直流发电焊接设备multi-head automaticarc-welding machine多头自动电弧焊机multi-head automatic welding machine多头自动焊机multi-operator welding set多站电焊机multi-pass (multiple pass) welding多道焊multiarc welding多弧焊multihead automatic arc welding machine多弧自动电焊机multilayer welding多层焊multioperator welding generator 多工位焊接发电机multioperator welding machine 多站电焊机; 多站焊机multioperator welding set多站焊机multipass welding多道焊接multiple arc welding多弧焊multiple operator arc welding machine复式弧焊机multiple projection welding多。

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焊接专业英语词汇(3)焊接专业英语词汇(3)焊接专业英语词汇(3)焊接热循环weld thermal cycle焊接温度场field of weld temperature; weld temperature field准稳定温度场quasi-stationary temperature field焊接热源welding heat source点热源point heat source线热源linear heat source面热源plane heat source瞬时集中热源instantaneous concentration heat source热效率thermal efficiency热能集中系数coefficient of heat flow concentration峰值温度peak temperature瞬时冷却速度momentary cooling rate冷却时间cooling time置换氧化substitutionary oxydation扩散氧化diffusible oxydation脱氧desoxydation先期脱氧precedent desoxydation扩散脱氧diffusible desoxydation沉淀脱氧precipitation desoxydation扩散氢diffusible hydrogen初始扩散氢initial diffusible hydrogen100℃残余扩散氢diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃残余氢residual hydrogen去氢dehydrogenation去氢热处理heat treatment for dehydrogenation脱硫desulphurization脱磷dephosphorization渗合金alloying微量合金化microalloying一次结晶组织primary solidification structure二次结晶组织secondary solidification structure联生结晶epitaxial solidification焊缝结晶形态solidification mode in weld-bead结晶层状线ripple多边化边界polygonization boundary结晶平均线速度mean solidification rate针状铁素体acicular ferrite条状铁素体lath ferrite侧板条铁素体ferrite side-plate晶界欣素体grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid ferrite粒状贝氏体granular bainite板条马氏体lath martensite过热组织overheated structure魏氏组织widmannst?tten structurem-a组元martensite-austenite constituent焊件失效分析failure analysis of weldments冷裂判据criterion of cold cracking冷裂敏感系数cold cracking susceptibity coefficient脆性温度区间brittle temperature range氢脆hydrogen embrittlement层状偏析lamellar segregation愈合healing effect断口金相fractography断口fracture延性断口ductile fracture韧窝断口dimple fracture脆性断口brittle fracture解理断口cleavage fracture准解理断口quasi-cleavage fracture氢致准解理断口hydrogen-embrittlement induced 沿晶断口intergranular fracture穿晶断口transgranular fracture疲劳断口fatigue fracture滑移面断口glide plane fracture断口形貌fracture apperance断口试验fracture test宏观断口分析macrofractography放射区radical zone纤维区fibrous zone剪切唇区shear lip aone焊接性weldability使用焊接性service weldability工艺焊接性fabrication weldability冶金焊接性metallurgical weldability热焊接性thermal weldability母材base metal; parent metal焊接区weld zone焊态as-welded (aw)母材熔化区fusion zone半熔化区partial melting region未混合区unmixed zone熔合区bond area熔合线weld junction (英);bond line (美)热影响区heat-affected zone (haz)过热区overheated zone粗晶区coarse grained region细晶区fine grained region过渡区transition zone硬化区hardened zone碳当量carbon equivalent铬当量chromium equivalent镍当量nickel equivalent舍夫勒组织图schaeffler's diagram德龙组织图delong’s diagram连续冷却转变图(cct图)continuous cooling transformation 裂纹敏感性cracking sensibility焊接裂纹weld crack焊缝裂纹weld metal crack焊道裂纹bead crack弧坑裂纹crater crack热影响区裂纹heat-affected zone crack纵向裂纹longitudinal crack横向裂纹transverse crack微裂纹micro-crack; micro-fissure热裂纹hot crack凝固裂纹solidification crack晶间裂纹intercrystalline crack穿晶裂纹transcrystalline crack多边化裂纹polygonization crack液化裂纹liquation crack失延裂纹ductility-dip crack冷裂纹cold crack延迟裂纹delayed crack氢致裂纹hydrogen-induced crack焊道下裂纹underbead crack焊根裂纹root crack焊趾裂纹toe crack锯齿形裂纹chevron cracking消除应力处理裂纹stress relief annealing crack (sr crack) 再热裂纹reheat crack焊缝晶间腐蚀weld intercryctalline corrosion刀状腐蚀knife line attack敏化区腐蚀weld decay层状撕裂lamellar tearing焊接性试验weldability裂纹试验cracking testiiw裂纹试验iiw cracking testy形坡口裂纹试验slit type cracking test分块形槽热裂纹试验segmented circular groove cracking testh形裂纹试验h-type cracking test鱼骨形裂纹试验fishbone cracking test指形裂纹试验finger (cracking) testt形裂纹试验tee type cracking test环形槽裂纹试验circular-groove cracking test可调拘束裂纹试验varestraint testbwra奥氏体钢裂纹试验bwra cracking test for austenitie steel圆棒裂纹试验bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test里海裂纹试验lehigh restraint cracking test圆形镶块裂纹试验circular-path cracking test十字接头裂纹试验cruciform cracking testz向窗口拘束裂纹试验z-direction window type restraint cracking testg-bop焊缝金属裂纹试验g-bop weld metal crack test巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验battelle type underbead cracking testu形拉伸试验u-tension test缪雷克期热裂纹试验murex hot cracking test菲斯柯裂纹试验fisco (type) cracking testcts裂纹试验controlled thermal severity拉伸拘束裂纹试验(trc试验)tensile restraint cracking test 刚性拘束裂纹试验(rrc试验)rigid restraint cracking test插销试验implant testtigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验tigamajing thin plate cracking test焊道纵向弯曲试验longitudinal-bead test柯麦雷尔弯曲试验kommerell bead bend test肯泽尔弯曲试验kinzel test缺口弯曲试验notch bend test热朔性试验hot-ductility test热影响区冲击试验impact test of haz热影响区模拟试验synthetic heat-affected zone test最高硬度试验maximum hardness test落锤试验nrl (naval research laboratory)测氢试验hydrogen test焊接材料电极焊接材料welding consumables电极electrode熔化电极consumable electrode不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode钨电极tungsten electrode焊丝welding wire. welding rod实心焊丝solid wire渡铜焊丝copper-plating welding wire自保护焊丝self-shielded welding wire药芯焊丝flux-cored wire复合焊丝combined wire堆焊焊丝surfacing welding rod填充焊丝filler wire焊条electrode/ covered electrode焊芯core wire药皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode) 涂料coating flux/coating material造气剂gas forming constituents造渣剂slag forming constituents合金剂alloying constituent脱氧剂dioxidizer稳弧剂arc stabilizer粘接剂binder水玻璃water glass水玻璃模数modules of water glass酸性焊条acid electrode高钛型焊条high titania (type) electrode钛钙型焊条lime titania type electrode钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type electrode氧化铁型焊条iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode高纤维素型焊条high cellulose (type) electrode石墨型焊条graphite type electrode碱性焊条basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode高韧性超低氢焊条high toughness super low hydrogen electrode奥氏体焊条austenitic electrode铁素体焊条ferritic electrode不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode低温钢焊条low temperature steel electrode/ steelelectrode for low temperature铝合金焊条aluminum alloy arc welding electrode铜合金焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode铜芯铸铁焊条cast iron electrode with steel core纯镍铸铁焊条pure nickel cast iron electrode球墨铸铁焊条electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron铸芯焊条electrode with cast core wire镍基合金焊条nickel base alloy covered electrode蒙乃尔焊条monel electrode纯铁焊条pure iron electrode渗铝钢焊条alumetized steel electrode高效率焊条high efficiency electrode铁粉焊条iron powder electrode底层焊条backing welding electrode深熔焊条deep penetration electrode重力焊条gravity electrode立向下焊条electrode for vertical down position welding节能焊条saving energy electrode水下焊条underwater welding electrode耐海水腐蚀焊条seawater corrosion resistant steel electrode 低尘低毒焊条low-fume and harmfulless electrode/low-fume and low-toxic electrode堆焊焊条surfacing electrode耐磨堆焊焊条hardfacing electrode钴基合金堆焊焊条cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode碳化钨堆焊焊条tungsten carbide surfacing electrode高锰钢堆焊焊条high manganese steel surfacing electrode 双芯焊条twin electrode绞合焊条stranded electrode编织焊条braided electrode双层药皮焊条double coated electrode管状焊条flux-cored electrode气渣联合保护型药皮semi-volatile covering焊条工艺性usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode焊条使用性running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteristics of an electrode焊条熔化性melting characteristics of an electrode焊条直径core diameter焊条偏心度eccentricity (of an electrode)药皮重量系数gravity coefficient of coating焊条药皮含水量percentage of moisture for covering焊条夹吃持端bare terminal (of an electrode)焊条引弧端striking end (of an elcetrode)焊剂welding flux/ flux熔炼焊剂fused flux粘结焊剂bonded flux烧结焊剂sintered flux/ agglomerated flux窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding低氢型焊剂low hydrogen type flux高速焊剂high speed welding flux无氧焊剂oxygen-free flux低毒焊剂low poison flux磁性焊剂magnetic flux电弧焊arc welding直流电弧焊direct current arc welding交流电弧焊alternating current arc welding三相电弧焊three phase arc welding熔化电弧焊arc welding with consumable金属极电弧焊metal arc welding不熔化极电弧焊arc welding with nonconsumable碳弧焊carbon arc welding明弧焊open arc welding焊条电弧焊shielded metal arc welding (smaw)重力焊gravity welding躺焊fire cracker welding电弧堆焊arc surfacing自动堆焊automatic surfacing躺板极堆焊surfacing by fire cracker welding带极堆焊surfacing with band-electrode振动电弧堆焊vibratory arc surfacing耐磨堆焊hardfacing埋弧焊submerged arc welding (saw)多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding纵列多丝埋弧焊tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding)横列多丝埋弧焊series submerged arc welding (saw-s)横列双丝并联埋弧焊transverse submerged arc welding热丝埋弧焊hot wire submerged-arc welding窄间隙埋弧焊narrow-gap submerged arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding自调节电弧焊self-adjusting arc welding适应控制焊接adaptive control welding焊剂层burden; flux layer气体保护电弧焊gas shielded arc welding保护气体protective atmosphere惰性气体inert-gas活性气体active-gas惰性气体保护焊inert-gas (arc) welding氩弧焊argon arc welding熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊metal inert-gas arc welding 钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊tungsten inert-gas arc welding 钨极氢弧焊argon tungsten arc welding脉冲氢弧焊pulsed argon arc welding熔化极脉冲氢弧焊argon metal pulsed arc welding钨极脉冲氢弧焊argon tungsten pulsed arc welding热丝mig焊hot wire mig welding热丝tig焊hot wire tig welding氨弧焊helium-arc welding活性气体保护电弧焊metal active-gas arc welding混合气体保护电弧焊mixed gas arc welding焊接专业英语词汇(3) 相关内容:。
