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1.—What’s your f mane? -- I like green.

2.—What’s his phone n ? – 62678906.

3. Tim is a good boy, he is my f .

4. My father and my uncle are b .

5. My parents’ s is my brother.

6. Take the camera with you ,I’d like to take some p in the park.

7. What’s the P of this skirt? –It’s 100 yuan.

8. I can't f my pen.Where is it?

9. I don’t have a w _.I don’t know the time.

10. Can you bring my notebook to school?

11. Your father’s father is your g

12. We should eat lots of v _to keep our health ,like carrots and tomatoes

13. If you can’t speak English well,you can j the English club.

14. The students should l to the teacher in class carefully

15. This book is so i that all the people like reading it

16. There are 28 or 29days in F .

17. A key can lock and o the door

18. There are twelve m __in a year

19. He was late again so his teacher didn’t want to listen to his e ____any more.

20 My best friend is Jim Allen Green.Green is her _ f name.

21. We are very excited when we heared the good n .

22. It is very difficult for him to finish the work on t .

23. There are a lot of beautiful flowers and g grass in my garden.

24、 An alarm(警报)can tell us the time and it can wake us up in the



Key 钥匙map 地图cousin 堂/表兄(弟、姊、妹);

brown 棕/褐色(的)library 图书馆radio 收音机;无线电广播

model 模型great 美妙的;伟大的boring 没趣的;令人厌烦的

tomato 西红柿fruit 水果trousers (pl.) 裤子shorts (pl.) 短裤volleyball 排球geography 地理(学)dinner 午餐pair 一双;一对cool 妙极的;酷的

free 空闲的thirty 三十June 六月

December 十二月twelfth 第十二Wednesday 星期三third 第三August 八月under 在……之下

for sure 无疑;肯定in English 用英语What about...?怎么样?…好吗?

a set of一套;一副;一组How much...?多少钱? Here you are. 给你. Have a good time! (表示祝福)过得愉快! think about 思考;思索from… to… 从……到How old…? 多大年纪? ……几岁了?

thank you for…为……而感谢come on 快点


早晨,上午:morning 杯子cup 用字母拼;拼写spell

遇见、相逢:meet 电话/电话机telephone 号码;数字number 父(母)亲:parent 兄/弟brother 家;家庭family

女儿:daughter 照片、图画picture 铅笔pencil

老师、教师:teacher 计算机;电脑computer 教室classroom

在哪里/到哪里where 桌子:table 有趣的interesting

困难的difficult 体育运动sport 面包bread

生日birthday 蔬菜vegetable 正确的;适当的right

早餐/早饭breakfast 衣服;服装clothes 问题question store 商店会演节;节日festival 完成/做好finish 课;一节课lesson 科学science 数学math 历史history 因为because

午餐lunch 十一eleven 十二twelve 十三thirteen

十五fifteen 二十twenty一月January 二月February

三月March 四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July

八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November

十二月December 第一first 第二second 第三third

第五fifth 第八eighth 第九ninth 第十二twelfth

第二十twentieth 星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursday 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期日Sunday 下午好Good afternoon! 你好吗? How are you?

中学;初中middle school 劳驾;请原谅excuse me

处处;到处;everywhere 一双 a pair of


1.—What’s your favorite mane? -- I like green.

2.—What’s h is phone number ? – 62678906.

3. Tim is a good boy, he is my friend.

4. My father and my uncle are brother.

5. My parents’ son is my brother.

6. Take the camera with you ,I’d like to take some photos in the park.

7. What’s the Price of this skirt? –It’s 100 yuan.

8. I can't find my pen.Where is it?

9. I don’t have a watch_.I don’t know the time.

10. Can you bring my notebook to school?

11. Your father’s father is your grandfather

12. We should eat lots of _vegetables _to keep our health ,like carrots and tomatoes

13. If you can’t speak English well,you can join the English club.

14. The students should listen to the teacher in class carefully

15. This book is so interesting that all the people like reading it

16. There are 28 or 29days in _February ______.

17. A key can lock and ___open ____ the door
