英译汉:1.First, electrons are added one at a time moving from left to right across aperiod……首先,从左向右横跨一个周期时每次增加一个电子。
2.It is important to note that at equilibrium the rates of reaction,rate r and rate fare equilibrium mixture are usually not equal……值得注意的是,在化学平衡时的反应速率,正反应速率和你反应速率相等但反应物和生成物的摩尔浓度在平衡混合态时一般不相等。
3.This is a mathematical expression of the law of chemical equilibrium which maybe stated as follows: When a reversible…………这是化学平衡定律的数学表达式,它可以通过如下所述:当一个可逆反应在给定温度下达到平衡时,在方程式中箭头右边物质的摩尔浓度的积除以左边物质摩尔浓度的积(每种物质浓度的幂等于反应方程式中每种物质的分子数)为定值,4.Analytical chemistry,or the art of recognizing different substances anddetermining their constituents, takes a prominent position among分析化学或鉴定不同物质并测定其成分的技术,因为可以解决每当化学过程被用于科学的或技术性的目的是产生的问题,而在科学应用领域中占显著地位。
应化专业英语作文{z}Title: English Essay for Chemical Engineering MajorEnglish Essay for Chemical Engineering MajorAs a student majoring in chemical engineering, it is essential to have a strong command of English, as it is the international language of science and technology.In this essay, I will discuss some of the key aspects of the chemical engineering field and how English plays a vital role in this discipline.Firstly, chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of chemical plants and processes.It involves the manipulation of chemicals and reactions to produce useful products such as fuels, plastics, and pharmaceuticals.To excel in this field, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of chemical terminology and principles, which are predominantly written in English.Secondly, the field of chemical engineering is highly research-oriented.English is the primary language used in scientific research and publications.To stay updated with the latest advancements in the field, chemical engineers need to read and understand English-language research papers, journal articles, and technical books.Moreover, English is the language of choice for presenting research findings at international conferences and seminars, enabling chemical engineers to share their knowledge and expertise on a global platform.Thirdly, the chemical engineering industry is highly globalized.Many chemical plants and companies are located in different parts of the world, and communication in English is essential for successful collaboration and business transactions.English serves as a common language that enables chemical engineers to communicate with colleagues, clients, and suppliers from diverse cultural backgrounds.Furthermore, English is the language of choice for chemical engineering education and training.Many universities and institutions offer English-language programs for chemical engineering students.By studying in these programs, students can develop their language skills and gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.Additionally, English-language technical courses, workshops, and seminars are available online, allowing chemical engineers to continue their professional development and stay abreast of the latest industry trends.In conclusion, English plays a vital role in the field of chemical engineering.It is the language of scientific research, global communication, and educational opportunities.A strong command of English is essential for chemical engineers to excel in their careers, collaborate with international colleagues, and contribute to the advancement of the field.Therefore, as a chemical engineering student, it is imperative to develop excellent English language skills to maximizeopportunities and achieve success in this dynamic and evolving discipline.。
St y o pe i lt g ih f rt ple ud n S c a iy En ls o heAp i d Che it y Te c n m s r a hi g
Dn h i, h nJn u , u u igZ ieC e h a G o j u Y
通专 业知识 , 具有 熟练 的英 语 听说 读 写交流能 力 的高级人 才是摆在 教 师面前 的一个重 要课 题。 章针对应 用化 学专业 英语教 学中存 在的 问题 , 又 文 并结合 笔者讲 授专业 英语 的教学 实践 ,从 师资 力量、教 材选择 、教 学摸式 等方 面探讨 了提高 专业英 语教 学质量 的几点 看法 中图分 类号] 4 O 【 献标 识码 j 文 B
Ab t a t n l h i o e o e w o l’ m o tc m mo a g a ea d t ei p ra tto o n en to a o mu ia in I i s e t lt a e p o e so a sr c :E g i s d f t r s s h d s o n ln u g n h m o tn o lf ri tr a in lc m n c t . t se s n i h t h r f si n l o a t
据 统计 , 用英 语 的人 占到 世界 总人 口的五 分之 二 , 5 使 8 % 的科技资料用英语出版,8 O%以上的高科技论文是 以英文撰写 的,国际学术会议的工作语言一般是英语 。 为了提高大学生快速 获取英文信息的能力 , 中国大学教 育针对不同专业均开设专业 英语 ,旨在借 鉴国外 的先进 科 学成果 , 时 了解 国外 的研究 动 态 及 和 行业 信 息 。专 业英 语 以英 语 讲 解 专 业 知识 , 从 基 础英 语 到 是 应用英语的过渡,目的是培养学生英语实际应用能力。 通过该课 程 的学 习 ,学 生不 仅 可 以提 高 英 语 的 听 、说 、读 、写 能 力 ,而 且还可以阅读和翻译本专业的英文资料文献以及进行学术交流。 2 0年 , 0 9 安徽科技学院正式通过了安徽省教育厅建设应用 型本科 高校 的申请。 如何适应新 的发展要求, 培养合格 的应用 型本科人才 , 就成为摆在我校教师面前的一个重要课题 。 作为 名应 用化学专业英语教师, 了解我校应用化学专 业英语教学 现 状 , 讨 专 业英 语教 学 中存 在 的 问题 , 结 以往 教 学 中的 经 探 总 验 , 当 前 我校 应 用 化 学专 业 的 发 展 十 分重 要 。 针 对 应 用化 对 现 学 专业 英 语教 学 教 法 中 存在 的问 题 , 结 合 笔 者专 业 英 语 的教 并 学实践 , 就提高应用化学专业英语教学质量的途径和方法谈一 些粗 浅 的看 法 。
应用化学专业报告学院:理学院专业:应用化学学号:*****************Applied chemistry specialityOne、applied chemistry speciality - main courses: Training target:This specialized raise has the chemical basic theory, basic knowledge in strong experimental skills, can in scientific research institutions, colleges and universities and enterprises and institutions, engaged in scientific research, teaching and management work of the senior specialized talents.Training requirements:Students of this specialty mainly study the basic knowledge of chemistry, the basic theory, basic skills and related engineering knowledge, is the basic research and applied basic research of scientific thought and scientific experiment training, has good scientific literacy, have use knowledge and experimental skills in applied research, technology development and technology management of the basic skills.Main courses:Main subject: chemicalMain course:Inorganic chemistry、, analytical chemistry (including instrument analysis), organic chemistry, physical chemistry (including structural chemistry, chemical engineering foundation and chemical mapping.The main practice teaching links include production practice, graduation thesis, general arrangement and a week of twenty.Length of schooling: four yearsawarded degree:physical or Bachelor'sSimilar professional:chemical applied chemistry chemical biology molecular science and engineering chemical engineering and technology Two、Four chemistry:(Inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry)Inorganic chemistry:Inorganic chemistry relative to organic chemistry, the non carbon. However, some carbon compounds, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbon disulfide, carbonic acid compounds,cyanide and so on are still belongs to the category of inorganic chemistry. analytical chemistry:Analytical chemistry in chemistry basic theory and experiment technology as the foundation, and absorb the physical, biological, statistics, computer, automation and other aspects to enrich itself, so as to solve the content of science and technology proposed all sorts of analysis.The task of analytical chemistry(1) determining the material chemical composition, qualitative analysis(2) measurement of different components of content - quantitative analysis(3) characterization of physical chemical structure, form, energy state, structure analysis, the shape analysis, energy state analysis(4) representation composition, content, structure, form, energy state dynamics characteristics, dynamic analysisorganic chemistry:Organic chemistry is the study of organic compounds and a basic subject. It mainly includes the organic compound classification, structure, naming, property, preparation, chemical reaction and reaction mechanism of law. Organic chemistry is an important branch of chemistry, it is at the molecular level teaching carbon molecular structure and their mutual conversion mechanism, products and their separation, identification and application of basic science, chemistry, biology, pharmacy, medicine, agriculture, environment, materials science support discipline. Is to create new material is an important subject. physical chemistry:Physical chemistry is a physical principle and experiment technology as the foundation, study the properties and behavior of chemical system, found and the establishment of physical chemistry chemical system of the special law of discipline. With the rapid development of science and the mutual infiltration between subjects, physical chemistry and physics, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry in the content are difficult to accurately demarcation line, so as to constantly create new branches, such as physical organic chemistry, biology, physics chemistry, chemical physics.Three、Applied chemistry specialty elective course: Organic synthesis, botany, colloid and surface chemistry, food chemistry, ecology, the university physics, management, professional English, plant chemistry, biological chemistry, polymer chemistry, and so on.Four、Professional teachers:Li yuqing、Li xianghong、Fuhui、Li huijuan、Liming、Liu shouqing、Liangkun、Chen yuhui、Leiran、and so on.Five、Applied chemistry employment direction:Applied chemistry professional graduates suitable to the petroleum chemical industry, environmental protection, commodity inspection, health and epidemic prevention, customs, medicine, fine chemical plant and other production, technical and administrative departments and the factories and mines enterprises engaged in applied research, technology development, production technology and management work; Can also to scientific research department and school engaged in scientific research and teaching work,。
195科技资讯 S CI EN CE & T EC HNO LO GY I NF OR MA TI ON 科 技 教 育专业英语课程是我校应用化学专业四年制本科生的一门学科基础课,是在学生具备了必要的英语基础知识和无机化学、有机化学、分析化学、物理化学、化学工程的基础知识之后应学习的一门专业英语必修课。
1 结合专业选编教材目前公开出版的专业英语教材中,多数与本校应用化学本科专业的课程体系以及专业侧重点有所区别,因此通用性和专业性不强。
2 采用多种教学方式2.1增加专业英语翻译方法讲解目前高等教育的科技英语,大多是教师读一段翻译一段的填鸭模式,相当的枯燥无味。
教材 为基 础的前提下 , 该根据实 际需 要 , 应 有创造性地 使用
包 括 网络 资 源 在 内 的各 种 现 代教 学 资 源 。 例 如在 应 用 化 学
以上问题 , 在全面实施素质 教育的今 天 , 业外语教 育必须 专 进 行相应调整 , 出实用性 原则 , 突 让学生在 学习过程 中不断 提 高运用 能力 , 这对学生今后 的发 展是 非常有益的 。
2应 用化 学专 业英 语 教学 改 革措 施
21 授 课 内容 与 专 业课 相 结 合 . 在 专 业 英 语 授 课 中突 出 专 业 特 色 ,这 不 仅 应 体 现 在 教 学 内容 的选 择 上 , 应 在 教 学 模 式 上 有 所 调 整 目前 的 专 还 。 业 外 语 教 材 一 般 选 取 国外 本 科 生 使 用 的 教 科 书 ,公 开 出 版
多 门基础 课程 ,同时也系统完 成 了包括化工 原理在 内的多 门专业课 程的教 学 ,具备 了完 成 口语训练 的专业基础 。同 时, 接近一半 的同学通 过了国家大学英语 四级考试 , 步具 初 备了进行演讲 的英语语言基础。在这种条件下 , 以选择适 可 当的 内容组织演讲 式教学活动 。笔者在 以往 的教学 中曾经
3 展望
专 业 外 语 教 学 的 目的 是 全 面 提 高 学 生 听 、 、 、 的 说 读 写 综 合 技 能 和实 际应 用 能 力 ,它 对 学 生 在 日后 工 作 中熟 练 使
经在高校专业课 教学 中获得广泛 应用 ,但在 专业外语教 学 中的应用还不 多见。如果能在专业 外语教学 中充分利用 多
Unit1 The Roots ofChemistry 化学的起源1.Chemistry can be broadly defines as the science of molecules and their transf ormations.化学可以被广泛的定义为分子的科学和它们之间的转换。
2.The early beginnings of chemistry were clearly motivated by practical needs of people .早期的化学显然是出于实际的需要。
3. Greek chemistry was based mainly on speculation rather than on experiment . 希腊化学主要基于猜测而不是实验。
东华大学应用化学专业英语总结专业英语重点总结单词Toxic chemicals:有毒化学品Chemical pollution:化学污染Physical property :物性 Isolate:分离Determine:测定 Synthesize:合成Fundamental principles:基本原理 Investigation:研究Utilize:利用 Catalyst 催化剂Enzyme 酶Biosphere 生物圈Heterogeneous catalyst 非均相催化剂Nanotechnology 纳米技术Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳Chemical formulas:化学式anion: 阴离子 Oxidation number:氧化值sulphate: 硫酸盐 Hydrides: 氢化物Sodium:钠 cation: 阳离子Covalent bond:共价键electroneutral: 电中性的Electronegative atom:电负性原子 trivial names:俗名Oxidation:氧化Peroxides:过氧化物Superoxide:超氧化物Periodic table:周期表Noble gases: 惰性气vacant orbital:空轨道Coordination (complex) compound: 配位化合物Unshared pair of electrons:未共用电子对oxidation state:氧化态 hydroxides:氢氧化物caustic soda solution:苛性钠溶液vacant orbital:空轨道Formula 分子式 Common name 俗名Derivative 衍生物 Acid salt 酸式盐Hydrate 水合物 Anhydrous 无水的Oxidizing agent 氧化剂Reducing agent 还原剂Oxidation reduction reaction氧化还原反应Electrochemistry 电化学 Electrolysis 电解Strong acid 强酸 Weak base 弱碱Acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂Distilled water 蒸馏水Buffer solution 缓冲溶液Common ion effect 同离子效应Equivalencepoint 等效点 Neutralization 中和Dissociation 离解度 Anhydride 脱水物Periodic law: 元素周期率 periods (rows):周期group (columns):族 protons:质子Valence electrons:价电子 Halogens: 卤素Atomic radius: 原子半径alkaline earths:碱土金属attractive force: 吸引力electronegativity: 电负性electropositive:正电性univalent ion: 一价离子electron shell: 电子层 bonding force 结合力monatomic 单原子的 Neutrons:中子hydrogen bond 氢键conduct electricity 导电Electrically neutral 电中性的Electrostatic 静电的isomerism :异构现象Reversible :可逆的。
Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.It can be inferred from this article which one of the following items is not mainly based on practical use C. Greek chemistry2. It was B. Empedocless who first introduced the idea that all things are not formed from just one element.3. In the development of Greek chemistry, D. Democritus was the first one definiting the ultimately constituents of matter?4. According to Plato, there are B. 4 ―elements‖ whose faces are constituted by regular polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors think that experiment DD.can deal with the reactions by which one substance is converted into anotherII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerable difficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematized knowledge and is also anactivity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistry observed on a singlemundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rather simple whereasothers are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because without chemistry there isneither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates all aspects of human life,although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。
U n i t1T h e R o o t s o f C h e m i s t r yI. Comprehension.2. B3. D4. C5. BII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter ofconsiderable difficulty, and it is necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematizedknowledge and is also an activity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistryobserved on a single mundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rathersimple whereas others are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because withoutchemistry there is neither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates allaspects of human life, although many of us are not fully aware of this. III. Translation.1. a chemical process b natural science c the technique of distillation2.It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like/and so on/andso forth/and otherwise.3.Chemistry has a very long history, in fact, human activity in chemistrygoes back to prerecorded times/predating recorded times.4.According to/From the evaporation of water, people know/realized thatliquids can turn/be/change into gases under certainconditions/circumstance/environment.5.You must know the properties of the material before you use it.IV. Translation化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物;自从宇宙大爆炸以来,化学过程持续进行,甚至地球上生命的出现可能也是化学过程的结果;人们也许认为生命是三步进化的最终结果,第一步非常快,其余两步相当慢;这三步是:I物理进化化学元素的产生,II化学进化分子和生物分子的形成;和III生物进化有机物的形成和发展;V. Solution:1The relative mass of 1H and 12C atoms can be calculated from their absolute masses in grams.If the mass of a 12C atom is exactly 12 amu,then the mass of a 1H atom to five significant figures must be amu.12 amu x = amu2First we calculate k and then use the first-order rate equation.The bone was tossed away more precisely, the animal whose bone was died about 6100 years ago, or about 4100 . We can thus be sure that a village was in existence at that place at that time.Unit 7 The Nomenclature of Inorganic SubstancesI. ComprehensionII. Give the systematic name for the followingammonium ion ; copperII ion ; strontium ion;CcopperI ion; ironII ion; zinc ion;hydrogen ion; leadII ion; aluminum;silver ion; magnesium ion; chromiumIII ion;Barium ; ManganeseII ion; ironIII ion;calcium ion; mercuryII ion;chromiumII ion; tinII ion.carbon monoxide; ditrogen trioxide;carbon dioxide; diphosphorus pentoxide;sulfur trioxide; dichlorine heptoxidearsenate ion; sulfite ion; hydride ion;arsenite ion; bromide ion; hydroxide ion;phosphate ion; chlorate ion; hypochlorite ion;phosphate ion; chloride ion; iodate ion;carbonate ion; chlorite ion; nitrate ion;chromate ion; cyanide ion; iodide ion;dichromate ion; fluoride ion; nitrate ion;oxide ion; hydrogen carbonate ion; nitrite ion;sulfide ion; hydrogen sulfate ion; perchlorate ion;sulfate ion; hydrogen sulfite ion; permanganate ion.name of the acid ion negative ion. Use the rule to give the name of theof the sentence.altered; illustrate expect cancel6. are pulled on ; referred discussedVI. Translation1. Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed/eliminated.2. It is necessary that a scientist must know how to use fingures to get an accutate answer to question.3. Any substance is made of atoms whether it is solid, liquid or gas.4. The experiment was successful. It’s results was the same as what we had expected.5. It will not be long before we finish the experiment.VII. Write equations for the following acid-base reactions. Use the information in inorganic textbook to predict whether the equilibrium will favor the reactants or the products. Partially SolvedSolutin to a: Cyanide is the conjugate base of HCN. It can accept a proton from formic acid:Reading from inorganic textbook, formic acid p K a= is a stronger acid than HCN p K a=, and cyanide is a stronger base than formate. The products weaker acid and base are favored.…………..VIII. Write equations for the net reactions which occur when the following materials are added to a sodium-ammonia solution.Answer: 1 2CH3GeH3+ 2eam-→ H2+ 2CH3GeH2-2 I2 + 2eam-→ 2I-3 C2H52S + 2eam- + NH3→ C2H5S- + C2H6+ NH2-Unit 10 Nomenclature of HydrocarbonsI. ComprehensionV. Each of the following names is incorrect. Draw the structure represented by the incorrect name or a consistent structure if the name is ambiguous, and give your drawing the correct name.…………Unit 11 Carboxylic Acids and Their DerivativesI. ComprehensionII. Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.out or so; put together made of ;divided by different from the contrary; consist of up for as ; dependent on down intoIII. Put in proper prepositions or adverbs into the blanks.; asIV. Translation1. Similarly, solvent also may not be liquid matter but the others2. A graph plotting solubility against temperature is called a solubility curve.The curve plot drawn made / produced by solubility as one coordinate and temperature as another coordinate is called solubility curve.3. Air is mixture of gases , the most abundant of which is nitrogen in themolecules.form of N24. The direction of the reaction and the position of the equilibrium may also be affected by the temperature, pressure, and other conditions.5. Hydrogen has a great affinity for oxygen and easily combines with it to form water.V. Translation玻意尔Bohr模型提出不久后,人们就发现原子中的电子比Bohr提出的模型要复杂得多;实验证实电子既有粒子的性质质量也有光的特性波的特性;因为它的两重性,电子不能被看作是在确定范围内绕核旋转的一种简单粒子,而且如Bohr所说的,如果电子高速运动,我们就不能确切地知道它的位置;Unit 13 Ultraviolet and Visible Molecular SpectroscopyI. ComprehensionII. Fill in the blanksof; as; in; out; In; for; for ; of; in; then; to; for;sincefor ; into. III. Fill the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrase in its proper form.1. account for part in of ….as compared with5. is attached to the contrary in the case of contrast with as against 9. owing to for.Unit 17 CrystallisationI. ComprehensionII. Fill in the blanks with the proper word given below.Stage; interna; symmetrical; basis; physical; Furthermore; composed; responsible; reasonable; overall.III. Choose the item from 1 ~ 6 that best matches the item ina ~ f to makea correct sentence.1~a; 2~b; 3~c; 4~d; 5~e; 6~fthe following into Chinese共沸物;类质同晶;过饱和;砷酸盐;晶核;异丙基;醇;钠;硫酸盐;间甲酚;糖膏;十水合物;结晶质的;同系物;衍生物;结晶;四硼酸盐;盐析;乙基乙酰苯胺;矿物油;Uint18 DistillationI. Comprehension4. AII. Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.order to relation to 3. in the case of the end5. in a number of to messy way掌握以下词汇:flashdistillation闪蒸 ;exit stream出流 ;e quilibrium curve 平衡曲线; weir堰; redistillation 重蒸; apparatus 设备;overhead product塔顶产物; enthalpy焓; intersection 交点; auxiliary辅助装置; rectifying section精馏段 ;reflux回流; reboller 再沸器; stripping section 汽提提馏段;bottom product 塔底产物Unit 21 catalysisI. Comprehension4. BIV. Translate the following sentences into English1 We define activity as size measure of catalysis of catalyst2 catalytic reaction may be carried out in different phases, of which mechanisms are generally consistent3 Enzymes are the most efficient proteinsin the human body which accelerate the metabolism of the human body.V. Translate the following into Englishreaction equilibrium; repetitiveness; elementary reaction step; stability; catalytic cycle; activity; quantitative analysis; selectivity;metabolic reaction; chemical energy; reaction mechanism; polymer nylonor nylon;qualitative analysis; molecular-sieve; tubular reactor; inhibitor; stoichiometry.Unit 22 Cosmetics introductionI. Comprehension4. D5. 1True; 2True; 3 False.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper word given below.Focused on; considerations; particular; boosting; price; affect; commitment;different; proposed.III. Put in proper prepositions or adverbs into the blanks.1. for, of;2. to;3. for4. forto5. of ,about.V、Translate the following into English.对亚苯基二胺,降解,丙烯,头皮屑,洗剂, N-亚硝基二乙醇胺,致癌的, 未成熟or早熟,香波or洗发剂, 激素荷尔蒙, 防汗剂, 诱变性, 脱臭剂芳香剂, 推论必然结果, 甘油VI、Translate the following sentences into Englishsurfactant;environmental pollution;emulsifier;side-effect;dirt;detergent; perspiration;preservative.PART TWO THE FUNDATIONS OF CHEMISTRYUnit7Chemical Bonds化学键There are approximately 100 chemical elements.世界上大概有100种元素;There are millions of chemical compound, and about 600000 new compounds are prepared every year.现有数百万种化合物,而且每年有60万种新化合物被合成出来;To form these compounds, atoms of different elements must be held together in specific combinations.be held togetherin specific combinations 以特定的方式为了合成这些化合物,不同种类的原子必须以特定方式结合在一起;Chemical bonds are the forces that maintain these arrangements.That引导定语从句,修饰forces化学键是保持这种结合状态的力;Chemical bonding also plays a role in determining the state of matter.plays a role 起作用化学键同时在决定物质状态方面也起作用;At room temperature, water is a liquid, carbon dioxide is a gas, and table salt is a solid because of differences in chemical bonding.在室温下,水是液体,二氧化碳是气体,晶体盐是固体,是由于化学键的不同;As scientists developed an understanding of the nature of chemical bonding, they gained the ability to manipulate the structure of compounds.As引导原因状语从句to manipulate the structure of compounds不定式短语做宾补随着化学家对化学键认识的发展,他们获得了控制化合物结构的能力;Dynamite, birth control pills, synthetic fibers, and a thousand other products were fashioned in chemical laboratories and have dramatically changed the way we live.炸药、避孕药、合成纤维,和数以千计的其他产品在实验室中被合成出来,并且魔术般的改变了我们的生活;We are now entering an era that promises some would say forebodes even greater change.我们现在进入了一个可望或者说预言更大变化的时代;The DNA molecular——the chemical basis of heredity—— carries its genetic message in its bonds in DNA.分子DNA——遗传物质的基础——以它的键传递遗传信息;Whether an organism is fish, fowl, hippopotamus, or human is determined by the arrangement of bonds in DNA.Whether an organism is fish, fowl, hippopotamus, or human 做主语无论一个生物体是鱼、家禽、河马还是人,都是由于DNA的键的组合方式决定的;Scientists already have the ability to rearrange these bonds, and this ability has given them limited control over the structure of living matter.Them, limited control over the structure of living matter 双宾语科学家已经获得了重组这些键的能力,而这种能力给了他们有限的对生物体结构的控制;As techniques of genetic engineering improve, scientists may literally be able to custom-tailor genes.随着基因工程的发展,科学家们将最终设计出符合条件的基因;Let us begin our consideration of chemical bonding so that we, too, can understand the forces that control the structure of matter, living and nonliving.That引导定语从句修饰forces,living and nonliving,动名词,matter得同位语,修饰matter 让我们开始对化学键的论述,并由此理解控制物质,包括有生命体和无生命体,的结构的力;Ionic Bond 离子键Let us look at an atom of the element sodium Na.我们看一下钠原子;It has 11 electrons, of which two are in the first energy level, eight in the second, and one in the third.the first energy level第一能级the second energy level第二能级the third energy level第三能级It has 11 electrons, of which two are in the first energy level, eight are in the second energy level, and one is in the third energy level.它有11个电子,其中2个电子在第一能级,8个电子在第二能级,1个电子在第三能级;If the sodium atom could get rid of an electron, then the product, called a sodium ion, would have the same electron structure as an atom of the noble gas neon Ne.called a sodium ion分词短语做非限定,修饰productnoble gas如果钠原子能够失去1个电子,产物称为钠离子,就和惰性气体氖Ne具有相同的电子结构;Let us immediately emphasize that the sodium ion Na+ and neon atom Ne are not identical.让我们首先强调一下,钠离子Na+和氖原子Ne并不相同;The electron arrangement is the same, but the nuclei——and resulting charges—— are not.electron arrangement 电子排布resulting charges最终电荷电子排布是相同的,而核及最终电荷是不同的;As long as sodium keeps its 11 protons, it is still a form of sodium, but it is the sodium ion, not the sodium atom.只要钠带有11个质子,它就一直是钠,但它是钠离子而不是钠原子;Ions are charged particles, particles in which the number of electrons does not equal the number of protons.in which 引导非限定定语从句;离子是一种带电粒子,一种电子数不等于质子数的粒子;Positively charged ions are called cations pronounced “cat-ions”. The sodium ion is a cation.带正电荷的粒子称为阳离子音为阳-离子;钠离子是阳离子;If a chlorine atom Cl could gain an electron, it would have the same electron structure as the noble gas argon Ar.如果氯原子Cl能够得到一个电子,它将与惰性气体氩Ar具有相同的电子结构;The chlorine atom, having gained an electron, becomes negatively charged. It has 17 protons 17+ and 18 electrons 18-. It is written Cl- and it called a chloride ion.having gained an electron动名词形式做定语,修饰chlorine atom获得一个电子的氯原子带有负电荷;它具有17个质子17+和18个电子18-,写作Cl-,称为氯离子;Negatively charged ions are called anions pronounced “ann-ions”. The chloride ion is an anion.带负电荷的粒子称为阴离子音为阴-离子;钠离子是阴离子;A sodium forms a less reactive species, a sodium ion, by losing an electron.a less reactive species, a sodium ion同位语钠原子通过失去一个电子形成不活泼的钠离子;A chlorine atom becomes a less reactive chloride ion by gaining an electron.氯原子通过得到一个电子形成不活泼的氯原子;A chlorine atom cannot just pluck an electron from empty space, nor can a sodium atom kick out an electron unless something else is willing to take it on.empty space 空白空间、真空空间,意为“凭空”、“无根据”nor作连词,与助动词和情态动词连用,句中主语与动词倒置;He can’t see, nor could he hear until a month ago. 他现在看不见,一个月之前他还听不见;She isn’t rich, nor do I image that she ever will be. 她现在不富,我看她将来也富不了;kick out 逐出、解雇、开除;意为“失去”They kicked him out of the club for fighting.他因为斗殴而被开除出俱乐部;something else 别的东西take … on 接纳、承受氯原子不能凭空获得一个电子,而钠原子也不能凭空失去一个电子,除非别的东西愿接受电子;What happens when sodium come into contact with chlorine The obvious. A chlorine atom removes an electron from a sodium atom.come into contact 接触、相遇The obvious 显而易见的当钠与氯接触时发现了什么很明显,氯原子从钠原子处拿走了一个电子;The sodium ion and the chloride ion have electron arrangement s electron configurations like those of two noble gases neon and argon, respectively.electron arrangement电子排布electron configurations电子结构钠离子和氯离子的电子排布电子结构就象两个惰性气体氖和氩,相应的一样;Not only do the ions have stable octets of electrons, they also have opposite charges.它们具有稳定的电子八耦体结构,而且有相反的电荷;Everyone knows that opposites attract.每个人都知道异性相吸;While this rule of thumb may not always work when applied to people, it works quite well for cations and anions.rule of thumb单凭经验来做的方法,比较粗糙的方法,约略得衡量或估计虽然这种经验对人未必适用,但对阴阳离子是非常适用的;The attractive force between oppositely charged ions is called an ionic bond, and the combination of sodium ions and chloride ions is the compound sodium chloride or table salt.相反电荷之间的吸引力称为离子键,钠离子和氯离子结合为化合物氯化钠和食盐;Covalent Bonds共价键One might expect a hydrogen atom, with its one electron, to acquire another electron and assume the helium configuration.to acquire another electron and to assume the helium configuration不定式做宾补人们也许希望带有一个电子的氢原子,获得另一个电子并呈现氦的结构;Indeed, hydrogen atom do just that in the presence of atoms of a reactive metal such as lithium, that is, a metal that finds it easy to give up an electron.do代替上句, just that引导条件状语reactive metal活泼金属that is 插入语,也就是说a metal,reactive metal的同位语,that引导定语从句修饰a metal实际上,氢原子只有在活泼金属如锂的存在下确实发生了这样的反应,活泼金属就是很容易失去电子的金属;But what if there are no other kinds of atoms around但是,如果周围没有其他种类的原子呢What if there are only hydrogen atoms as in a sample of the pure element如果只有氢原子作为纯元素样品呢One hydrogen atoms can scarcely grab an electrons from another, for among hydrogen atoms all have equal attraction for electrons Even more important, perhaps, hydrogen atoms do not have a tendency to lose electrons at all, for the result would be a highly reactive bare proton—— the hydrogen nucleus.Even more important更重要的一个氢原子几乎不能从另一个氢原子处获取电子,因为氢原子具有相同的电子吸引力更重要的,可能是,氢原子没有失去电子的倾向,因为那样的结果是生成高度活泼的裸露质子——氢原子核;Still—— hydrogen wants a duet of electrons like helium’s.而且——氢原子希望象氦原子那样拥有2个电子;If one hydrogen cannot capture another’s electron, the two atoms can compromise by sharing their electrons.如果一个氢原子不能获取另一个氢原子的电子,这两个原子则通过共用电子的方式解决;It is as if the two hydrogen atoms, in approaching one another, get their electron clouds or orbitals so thoroughly enmeshed that they cannot easily pull them apart again.in approaching one another 做插入语as if与as though 用法相同,意为:宛如、仿佛、好像;as if 后面常用过去时表示现在,说明所作的比较“不是真的”;You look as if you’d seen a ghost.在非正式文体中,常用like代替as if; He sat there smiling like it was his birthday.就好像两个氢原子,当它们互相接近时,其电子云充分重叠,以至于难于再分开;Moat of the time the electrons are located between the two nuclei.大部分时间电子位于两个原子之间;The electron-dot formula usually used, H:H, is therefore a fairly good picture If we were to attribute human qualities to hydrogen atoms, we would suggest that they are a bit nearsighted. Each one look s around, see s two electrons, and decide s that these electrons are its very own and that therefore it has as arrangement like that of helium, one of the noble gases.electron-dot formula 电子式noble gase惰性气体经常用电子式H:H表示,这是一个很好的画面如果我们以人的品性归于氢原子,我们说它们有些目光短浅;每个氢原子看看周围,看到两个电子,就认为这些电子是自己的,它们就有了象惰性气体氦那样的电子排布;This combination of hydrogen atoms is called a hydrogen molecule.这种氢原子化合物叫氢分子;Molecules are discrete groups of atoms held together by shared pairs of electrons. The bond formed by a shared pair of electrons is called a covenlent bond.分子是通过共用电子对将两个分离的原子结合在一起;通过共用电子对形成的键称为共价键;A chlorine atom will pick up an extra electron from anything willing to give one up.氯原子可以从任何愿意失去一个电子的原子处得到一个电子;But, again, what if the only thing around is another chlorine atom但是,如果周围只有另一个氯原子又会怎样Chlorine atoms, too, can attain a more stable arrangement by sharing a pair of electrons.氯原子同样也是通过共用电子对达到稳定结构;Each chlorine atom in the chlorine molecule counts eight electrons around itself and concludes that it has an arrangement like that of the noble gas argon.that it has an arrangement like that of the noble gas argon.宾语从句氯分子中每个氯原子周围都有8个电子,并且可以断定它具有惰性气体氩一样的排布;The shared pair of electrons in the chlorine molecule also creates a covalent bond.氯分子中共用的一对电子同样形成共价键;For simplicity, the hydrogen molecule is often represented as H2 and the chlorine molecule as Cl2.the chlorine molecule as Cl2:the chlorine molecule is often represented as Cl2为了简化,氢分子常写成H2,氯分子常写成Cl2;The subscripts indicate two atoms per molecule.这个下标表示每个分子中有2个原子;In each case, the covalent bond between the atoms is understood. Sometimes the covalent bond is indicated by a dash, H-H and Cl-Cl.在每种情况下,原子之间的共价键都可以理解,有时共价键也用一个短线表示H-H和Cl-Cl;:Let us be sure we understand the meaning of numbers in formulas.让我们确信我们理解公式中数字的意义;Take a moment to establish in your mind the difference among the following: H,H2,2H,2 H2,H2O,2 H2O.花点时间来搞清楚下面数字的不同:H,H2,2H,2 H2,H2O,2 H2O;Is it clear to you that although H represents a single atom of hydrogen, H2implies two atoms of H bonded together, whereas 2H represents two separate, free, and independent atoms of H That引导实际主语你是否明白H代表分离的氢原子,H2代表两个H结合而成的氢分子,而2H代表分离的、自由的、孤立的氢原子吗On the other hand, the meaning of H2 in H2O is totally different from that of H2 as a molecule.另一方面, H2在H2O中的意思与作为一种分子的H2完全不同;In H2O it means that two atoms of H are individually attached to Onot to themselves to form a molecule of water.在 H2O中表示两个H分别吸引O而不是它们自己来形成一个水分子;Finally, 2 H2O simply refers to two individual molecules of water.最后,2 H2O代表两个独立的水分子;Covalent bonds are not limited to the sharing of one pairof electrons. Consider, for example, the nitrogen atom. Its electron-dot symbol is :N .....共价键不限于分享一对电子;例如,对于氮原子;它的电子式是:N ..... Now, after all we have learned about the octet rule we knowthat this electron arrangement is not complete.octet rule 八耦体规则现在,我们学习了八耦体规则;我们知道这个电子排布是不饱和的;It has only five electrons in its outermost energy level .outermost energy level 外层电子能级在它的外层电子能级上只有5个电子;It could shared a pair of electrons with another nitrogen atom and would then look like this :N ...:::N . 它可以与另一个氮原子共用一对电子而变成如下形式:N ...:::N .The situation has not improved a great deal.情况并没有发生太大变化;Each nitrogen atom in this arrangement has only sixelectrons surrouding it not eight.每个氮原子周围电子排布只有6个电子不是8个;Each nitrogen atom has two electrons hanging out therewithout partners, so, to solve the dilemma, each nitrogen atomshares two additional pairs of electrons, for a total of three pairs.hanging out把…伸出、挂出,上身伸出窗外,闲荡每个氮原子都有两个未成对电子,所以,为了解决这一矛盾,每个氮原子共用另外两对电子,共3对电子In drawing the nitrogen molecule N2, we have placed all the electrons being shared by the two atoms in the space between the two atoms.being shared by the two atoms分词短语做定语写氮分子N2时,我们把两个原子的所有的共用电子都写在两个原子中间;Each nitrogen atom has now satisfied the octet rule.每个氮原子都满足了八耦体规则;A molecule in which three pairs of electrons a total of six individual electron are being shared is said to contain a triple bond.in which three pairs of electrons a total of six individual electron are being shared定语从句triple bond三键一个分子共享三对电子共6个单个电子被称为含有三键;Each nitrogen atom also has an unshared pair of electrons.每个氮原子还含有一对孤对电子;Note that we could have drawn the unshared pair of electrons above or below the atomic symbol.atomic symbol 元素符号注意我们可以把孤对电子写在元素符号的上方或下方;Such a drawing would represent the same molecule.这些写法代表相同的分子;Polar Covalent Bonds 极性共价键So far we have seen that atoms combine in two different ways.So far迄今为止,就此范围或程度说来迄今为止,我们看到了两种不同的原子结合方式;Some that are quite different in electron structure from the opposite ends of the periodic table react by the complete transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to another ionic bond formation.from the opposite ends of the periodic table周期表相对的两端句子结构:some……react by……Transfer 名词那些原子结构截然不同周期表左右两端的原子,一个将一个或数个电子由一个原子完全传递到另一个原子的方式反应离子键形成;Atoms that are identical combine by sharing one or more pairs of electrons covalent bond formation.相同的原子通过共用一对或多对电子共价键形成而结合;Now let us look at some “in-betweeners”.现在让我们看一下“居于中间者”;Hydrogen and chlorine react to form a colorless, toxic gas called hydrogen chloride.hydrogen chloride 氯化氢氢与氯反应生成一种无色、有毒的气体氯化氢;This reaction can be represented schematically by这个反应可由下式表示:H + Cl → HCl 或H-ClBoth the hydrogen atom and the chlorine atom want an electron, so they compromise by sharing and form a covalent bond.氢原子和氯原子都想得到一个电子,所以它们通过共用电子对结合并形成共价键;Since the substances hydrogen and chlorine actually consist of diatomic molecules rather than single atoms, the reaction is more accurately represented by the scheme.diatomic molecules 二原子分子由于氢和氯实际上是二原子分子而不是单个原子,反应写成下式更准确This can be more simply written as简写为H2+ Cl2→ 2HClOne might reasonably ask why the hydrogen molecule and the chlorine molecule react at all.有人也许会问为什么氢分子和氯分子能够完全反应;Have we not just explained that they themselves were formed provide a more stable arrangement of electrons宾语我们不是已经解释了它们本身形成了相对稳定的电子排布了吗Yes, indeed, we say that. But there is stable and there is more stable.是的,我们说过这些,但这有稳定和更稳定;The chlorine molecule represents a more stable arrangement than separate chlorine atoms, but, given the opportunity, a chlorine atom would rather bond to hydrogen thanbond to another chlorine atom.would rather……than含有选择得意思,“宁可……而不……”would rather与than后面为平行结构氯分子代表着比单独的氯原子更稳定的排列,但是,若有机会,氯原子宁可与氢成键而不愿与另一个氯成键;In a molecule of hydrogen chloride, a chlorine atom shares a pair of electrons with a hydrogen atom.在氯化氢分子中,氯原子和氢原子共用一对电子;In this case, and in others we shall consider, sharing does not mean sharing equally.在这种情况下,以及我们能想到的其他情况,共用并不意味着完全分享;Some atoms within molecules attract electrons more strongly than do other atoms.分子中一些原子吸引电子的能力比其他原子强;The term electronegativity is used to describe the affinity of an element in a molecule for electrons.电负性是用来描述分子中原子的亲和力的;The higher the electronegativity, the more strongly the atoms of an element attract electrons to themselves.电负性越大,原子吸引电子的能力越强;The most electronegativity element is fluorine, which is located in the upper right corner of the periodic table.电负性最大的元素是氟,它处于元素周期表的右上角;The electronegativity of elements decreases as one moves away from fluorine in the periodic table.在周期表中,离氟越远,元素的电负性越弱;Thus electronegativity decreases as one moves down a group column or left across a period row.down a group column 由族列向下left across a period row 由周期行向左所以,由族列向下或由周期行向左,电负性减弱;I. Comprehension1. What is the main idea of the paragraph AA. There are so many kinds of chemical bonds.B. How does the ionic bond come into being.C. The noble gases are stable.D. Can sodium atoms and chlorine atoms react with each otherto form a stable arrangement of electrons.2. What is the author’s meaning by saying “even atoms havetheir own standards of beauty” BA. Atoms can detect whether an electron arrangement isbeautiful or not.B. There are standards or rules that can determine if an electron arrangement is favored or not.C. Atoms are more favored a beautiful electron arrangementthan an ugly one.D. We can beautify atoms by their standards.3. What’s “the standards of beauty” of atoms CA. An octet eight outer electrons.B. A duet two outer electrons.C. A and B.D. There is no such standards.4. Are the sodium ion Na+and the neon atom Ne identical EA. Yes, they have same electron numbers.B. Yes, they have same electron arrangement.C. No, sodium ion is still a form of sodium, not atom but cations.D. No, sodium ion is a charged particle, while the neon atomis a neutral one.E. C and D.5. It is impossible for Tom to judge such important affairBA. as a rule of thumb.B. by rule of thumb.C. though a rule of thumb.D. by experiment.6. What happens during Na + Cl Na+Cl- DA. the nuclei of each ions are changed.B. the inner energy level of electrons changed.C. A and B.D. The outermost energy level is altered.7. Is there any order or any pattern to the way that theelectron dot are draw CA. No, there is no any order.B. Yes, the p orbitals are filled firstly.C. Yes, the s orbital is filled firstly and the p orbitals.D. Yes, but the p orbitals is filled willfully.V. TranslationChlorine is more electronegative than hydrogen. In a hydrogen chloride molecule, the chlorine atom has a much greater attraction than the hydrogen atom for the shared electron pair. Because the shared electron are held more tightly by the chlorine atom, the chlorine end of the molecule is more negative than the hydrogen end. If you think of an orbital as a fuzzy-looking cloud, then the cloud is denser near the chlorine atom. When the electrons in a covalent bond are not equally shared, the bond is said to be polar. Thus the bonding in hydrogen chloride is described as polar covalent. Whereas the bonding in the hydrogen molecule or in the chlorine molecule in nonpolar covalent. The polar covalent bond is not an ionic bond. In an ionic bond, one atom completely losed an electron. In a polar covalent bond, the atom at the positive end of the bond hydrogen in HCl still gas some share in the bonding pair of electrons. To distinguish this arrangement from that in an ionic bond, the following notation is use.The line between the atoms represents the covalent bond, a pair of shared electrons. The δ+ and δ- signify which end is partially positive and which is partially negative the word partially is used to distinguish this charge from the full charge on an ion.。
Unit 1 The Rootsof Chemis tryI. Compre hensi on.1.It can be inferred from this articl e whichone of the followi ng itemsi s not mainly basedon practi c al use C. Greekchemis try2. It was B. Empedo cless who firsti ntrod ucedthe idea that all things are not formed from just one elemen t.3. In the develo pment of Greekchemis t ry, D. Democri tus was the first one defini tingthe ultimatelyconsti tuent s of matter?4. Accord i ng to Plato, thereare B. 4 ―elemen ts‖ whosefacesare consti tuted by regula r polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors thinkthat experi ment DD.can deal with the reacti ons by whichone substa n ce is converted into anothe rII. Make a senten ce out of each item by rearra nging the wordsin bracke ts.1.The purifi catio n of an organi c compou nd is usuall y a matter of consid erabl e diffic ulty, and itis necess ary to employ variou s method s for this purpos e.2.Scienc e is an ever-increa singbody of accumu lated and system atize d knowle dge and is also anactivi ty by whichknowle dge is genera ted.3.Life, afterall, is only chemis try, in fact, a smallexampl e of chemis try observ ed on a si nglemundan e planet.4.People are made of molecul es; some of the molecul es in people are rather simple wherea sothers are highly comple x.5.Chemist ry is ever presen t in our livesfrom birthto deathbecause withou t chemis t ry therei sneithe r life nor death.6.Mathem atics appears to be almost as humanki nd and also permea tes all aspect s of humanlife,althou gh many of us are not fullyawareof this.III. Transl ation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemic al proces s (b) natura l science (c) the techni que of distil latio n2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。
Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.It can be inferred from this article which one of the following items is not mainly based on practical use C. Greek chemistry2. It was B. Empedocless who first introduced the idea that all things are not formed from just one element.3. In the development of Greek chemistry, D. Democritus was the first one definiting the ultimately constituents of matter?4. According to Plato, there are B. 4 ―elements‖ whose faces are constituted by regular polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors think that experiment DD.can deal with the reactions by which one substance is converted into anotherII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerable difficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematized knowledge and is also anactivity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistry observed on a singlemundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rather simple whereasothers are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because without chemistry there isneither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates all aspects of human life,although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。
应用化学专业英语唐冬雁版1.1课文翻译第一篇:应用化学专业英语唐冬雁版 1.1 课文翻译1.11.1.1 What Is Chemistry About?The different kinds of matter that compose the universe are termed materials.Each material has its own distinguishing characteristics, which is termed its properties.These properties enable the material to be recognized or separated from other materials.(宇宙由不同种类的被称为材料的物质组成。
)The study of materials is the joint concern of chemistry and physics.Roughly stated, physics is concerned with the general properties and energy and with events which results in what are termed physical changes.Physical changes are those in which materials are not so thoroughly altered as to be converted into other materials distinct from those present at the beginning.(这项研究的材料是化学和物理学的共同关心。
应用化学英语(Applied Chemistry English)主要指在化学领域使用英语进行交流和表达时所使用的专业术语、表达方式和技巧。
以下是一些常见的应用化学英语词汇和表达方式:1. 化学品和化学物质(Chemicals and Substances):- Chemical: 化学品- Substance: 物质- Compound: 化合物- Element: 元素- Molecule: 分子- Reaction: 反应- Catalyst: 催化剂- Solvent: 溶剂- Solution: 溶液- Acid: 酸- Base: 碱2. 实验和测量(Experiments and Measurements):- Experiment: 实验- Laboratory: 实验室- Procedure: 实验步骤- Measurement: 测量- Analyze/Analysis: 分析- Precipitate: 沉淀- Titration: 滴定- Spectroscopy: 光谱学- Chromatography: 色谱法- Mass spectrometry: 质谱分析3. 材料与物性(Materials and Properties): - Material: 材料- Polymer: 聚合物- Metal: 金属- Compound: 化合物- Organic: 有机的- Inorganic: 无机的- Physical properties: 物性- Chemical properties: 化学性质- Density: 密度- Viscosity: 黏度- Conductivity: 电导率4. 反应和合成(Reactions and Synthesis):- Reactant: 反应物- Product: 产物- Yield: 收率- Kinetics: 动力学- Equilibrium: 平衡- Catalyst: 催化剂- Synthesize/Synthesis: 合成- Hydrolysis: 水解- Oxidation: 氧化- Reduction: 还原这些词汇和表达方式只是应用化学英语中的一小部分,具体的词汇和表达方式还取决于具体领域和应用场景。
Why study Chemistry?
If you know some chemistry, you can make educated choices about everyday products that you use.
如果你了解一些化学知识,你就可以在选购日常用品时 做出明智选择。
What Fields of Study Use Chemistry?
化学是一门研究物质和能量以及它们之间相互作用的学科。 同时,这也是物理学的定义。
noun (n.) (名词)
chemistry energy definition
“by the way”?
adverb (adv.) (副词)
matter interaction [ˌ ɪntər'ækʃn] physics
You could use chemistry in most fields, but it's commonly seen in the sciences and in medicine. Chemists, physicists, biologists, and engineers study chemistry. 你在大多数领域中都会用到化学,尤其是自然科学和医学领域。 化学家,物理学家,生物学家,工程师都要研究化学。
The ability to ,accurately, quickly achieve the information of interest with the use of English language as a searching stool
应用化学的认识作文英文回答:Introduction.Applied chemistry is a branch of chemistry that uses scientific principles to solve real-world problems. It involves the study of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter in order to develop new materials, processes, and products.Importance of Applied Chemistry.Applied chemistry plays a crucial role in modern society. It has enabled the development of numerous technologies that have improved our quality of life, including pharmaceuticals, plastics, fertilizers, and renewable energy sources.Examples of Applied Chemistry.Some common examples of applied chemistry include:Pharmaceuticals: The development of drugs to treat diseases and improve health.Materials science: The creation of new materials with advanced properties, such as strength, durability, and conductivity.Environmental chemistry: The study and mitigation of environmental pollution.Food chemistry: The analysis and preservation of food products.Energy chemistry: The development of alternative energy sources and the storage of energy.Applications in Various Industries.Applied chemistry has applications in a wide range ofindustries, including:Healthcare: The development of new drugs, medical devices, and diagnostic tools.Manufacturing: The production of chemicals, plastics, and other materials.Agriculture: The development of fertilizers, pesticides, and crop protection products.Energy: The development of renewable energy sources and the storage of energy.Environmental protection: The study and mitigation of environmental pollution.Career Opportunities in Applied Chemistry.The field of applied chemistry offers a wide range of career opportunities for those with a strong background in the field. These opportunities include:Research & Development: Scientists and engineers develop new materials, processes, and products.Production: Chemists work in manufacturing plants to produce chemicals and other products.Quality Control: Chemists ensure the quality of products by conducting tests and analyses.Environmental Consulting: Chemists provide advice to businesses and organizations on environmental compliance and sustainability.Education: Chemists teach at universities and colleges.Conclusion.Applied chemistry is a versatile and dynamic field that impacts numerous aspects of our daily lives. It offers exciting career opportunities and plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as healthcare, energysustainability, and environmental protection.中文回答:导言。
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Discussion of specialized English of Applied Chemistry
Shi Shengwen 09231130
College of chemistry and chemical engineering,09(1)class
Abstract:"specialized English of Applied Chemistry"in chemistry specialty is an important compulsory course,modern society in the new situation for the professional and technical personnel of the English level raised new requirement,so we the class cognition, method of learning and practice to have a new understanding,new improvement.。
Key words: Applied Chemistry Specialty English interest in learning how to learn