外⽂参考⽂献翻译-中⽂基于4G LTE技术的⾼速铁路移动通信系统KS Solanki教授,Kratika ChouhanUjjain⼯程学院,印度Madhya Pradesh的Ujjain摘要:随着时间发展,⾼速铁路(HSR)要求可靠的,安全的列车运⾏和乘客通信。
因此,为了解决这些问题,HSR 需要⼀种名为LTE-R的新技术,基于LTE-R的HSR提供⾼数据传输速率,更⾼带宽和低延迟。
为了实现HSR的运营需求,需要⼀个能够与 LTE保持⼀致的能⼒的新系统,提供新的业务,但仍能够与GSM-R长时间共存。
4G LTE系统与第三代(3G)系统相⽐,它具有简单的扁平架构,⾼数据速率和低延迟。
在LTE的性能和成熟度⽔平上,LTE- railway(LTE-R)将可能成为下⼀代HSR通信系统。
⼆ LTE-R系统描述考虑LTE-R的频率和频谱使⽤,对为⾼速铁路(HSR)通信提供更⾼效的数据传输⾮常重要。
金融体制、融资约束与投资——来自OECD的实证分析R.SemenovDepartment of Economics,University of Nijmegen,Nijmegen(荷兰内梅亨大学,经济学院)这篇论文考查了OECD的11个国家中现金流量对企业投资的影响.我们发现不同国家之间投资对企业内部可获取资金的敏感性具有显著差异,并且银企之间具有明显的紧密关系的国家的敏感性比银企之间具有公平关系的国家的低.同时,我们发现融资约束与整体金融发展指标不存在关系.我们的结论与资本市场信息和激励问题对企业投资具有重要作用这种观点一致,并且紧密的银企关系会减少这些问题从而增加企业获取外部融资的渠道。
然而,经济理论表明市场摩擦,诸如信息不对称和激励问题会使获得外部资本更加昂贵,并且具有盈利投资机会的企业不一定能够获取所需资本.这表明融资要素,例如内部产生资金数量、新债务和权益的可得性,共同决定了企业的投资决策.现今已经有大量考查外部资金可得性对投资决策的影响的实证资料(可参考,例如Fazzari(1998)、 Hoshi(1991)、 Chapman(1996)、Samuel(1998)).大多数研究结果表明金融变量例如现金流量有助于解释企业的投资水平。
在传统的线下实物商品贸易,证据却指向距离成本增加(disdier 和头,2008)。
大数据外文翻译参考文献综述(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Data Mining and Data PublishingData mining is the extraction of vast interesting patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data. The initial idea of privacy-preserving data mining PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. Privacy-preserving data mining considers the problem of running data mining algorithms on confidential data that is not supposed to be revealed even to the partyrunning the algorithm. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily be tied to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task may be unknown at the time of data publishing. PPDP studies how to transform raw data into a version that is immunized against privacy attacks but that still supports effective data mining tasks. Privacy-preserving for both data mining (PPDM) and data publishing (PPDP) has become increasingly popular because it allows sharing of privacy sensitive data for analysis purposes. One well studied approach is the k-anonymity model [1] which in turn led to other models such as confidence bounding, l-diversity, t-closeness, (α,k)-anonymity, etc. In particular, all known mechanisms try to minimize information loss and such an attempt provides a loophole for attacks. The aim of this paper is to present a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explain their effects on Data Privacy.Although data mining is potentially useful, many data holders are reluctant to provide their data for data mining for the fear of violating individual privacy. In recent years, study has been made to ensure that the sensitive information of individuals cannot be identified easily.Anonymity Models, k-anonymization techniques have been the focus of intense research in the last few years. In order to ensure anonymization of data while at the same time minimizing the informationloss resulting from data modifications, everal extending models are proposed, which are discussed as follows.1.k-Anonymityk-anonymity is one of the most classic models, which technique that prevents joining attacks by generalizing and/or suppressing portions of the released microdata so that no individual can be uniquely distinguished from a group of size k. In the k-anonymous tables, a data set is k-anonymous (k ≥ 1) if each record in the data set is in- distinguishable from at least (k . 1) other records within the same data set. The larger the value of k, the better the privacy is protected. k-anonymity can ensure that individuals cannot be uniquely identified by linking attacks.2. Extending ModelsSince k-anonymity does not provide sufficient protection against attribute disclosure. The notion of l-diversity attempts to solve this problem by requiring that each equivalence class has at least l well-represented value for each sensitive attribute. The technology of l-diversity has some advantages than k-anonymity. Because k-anonymity dataset permits strong attacks due to lack of diversity in the sensitive attributes. In this model, an equivalence class is said to have l-diversity if there are at least l well-represented value for the sensitive attribute. Because there are semantic relationships among the attribute values, and different values have very different levels of sensitivity. Afteranonymization, in any equivalence class, the frequency (in fraction) of a sensitive value is no more than α.3. Related Research AreasSeveral polls show that the public has an in- creased sense of privacy loss. Since data mining is often a key component of information systems, homeland security systems, and monitoring and surveillance systems, it gives a wrong impression that data mining is a technique for privacy intrusion. This lack of trust has become an obstacle to the benefit of the technology. For example, the potentially beneficial data mining re- search project, Terrorism Information Awareness (TIA), was terminated by the US Congress due to its controversial procedures of collecting, sharing, and analyzing the trails left by individuals. Motivated by the privacy concerns on data mining tools, a research area called privacy-reserving data mining (PPDM) emerged in 2000. The initial idea of PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. The solutions were often tightly coupled with the data mining algorithms under consideration. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily tie to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task is sometimes unknown at the time of data publishing. Furthermore, some PPDP solutions emphasize preserving the datatruthfulness at the record level, but PPDM solutions often do not preserve such property. PPDP Differs from PPDM in Several Major Ways as Follows :1) PPDP focuses on techniques for publishing data, not techniques for data mining. In fact, it is expected that standard data mining techniques are applied on the published data. In contrast, the data holder in PPDM needs to randomize the data in such a way that data mining results can be recovered from the randomized data. To do so, the data holder must understand the data mining tasks and algorithms involved. This level of involvement is not expected of the data holder in PPDP who usually is not an expert in data mining.2) Both randomization and encryption do not preserve the truthfulness of values at the record level; therefore, the released data are basically meaningless to the recipients. In such a case, the data holder in PPDM may consider releasing the data mining results rather than the scrambled data.3) PPDP primarily “anonymizes” the data by hiding the identity of record owners, whereas PPDM seeks to directly hide the sensitive data. Excellent surveys and books in randomization and cryptographic techniques for PPDM can be found in the existing literature. A family of research work called privacy-preserving distributed data mining (PPDDM) aims at performing some data mining task on a set of private databasesowned by different parties. It follows the principle of Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC), and prohibits any data sharing other than the final data mining result. Clifton et al. present a suite of SMC operations, like secure sum, secure set union, secure size of set intersection, and scalar product, that are useful for many data mining tasks. In contrast, PPDP does not perform the actual data mining task, but concerns with how to publish the data so that the anonymous data are useful for data mining. We can say that PPDP protects privacy at the data level while PPDDM protects privacy at the process level. They address different privacy models and data mining scenarios. In the field of statistical disclosure control (SDC), the research works focus on privacy-preserving publishing methods for statistical tables. SDC focuses on three types of disclosures, namely identity disclosure, attribute disclosure, and inferential disclosure. Identity disclosure occurs if an adversary can identify a respondent from the published data. Revealing that an individual is a respondent of a data collection may or may not violate confidentiality requirements. Attribute disclosure occurs when confidential information about a respondent is revealed and can be attributed to the respondent. Attribute disclosure is the primary concern of most statistical agencies in deciding whether to publish tabular data. Inferential disclosure occurs when individual information can be inferred with high confidence from statistical information of the published data.Some other works of SDC focus on the study of the non-interactive query model, in which the data recipients can submit one query to the system. This type of non-interactive query model may not fully address the information needs of data recipients because, in some cases, it is very difficult for a data recipient to accurately construct a query for a data mining task in one shot. Consequently, there are a series of studies on the interactive query model, in which the data recipients, including adversaries, can submit a sequence of queries based on previously received query results. The database server is responsible to keep track of all queries of each user and determine whether or not the currently received query has violated the privacy requirement with respect to all previous queries. One limitation of any interactive privacy-preserving query system is that it can only answer a sublinear number of queries in total; otherwise, an adversary (or a group of corrupted data recipients) will be able to reconstruct all but 1 . o(1) fraction of the original data, which is a very strong violation of privacy. When the maximum number of queries is reached, the query service must be closed to avoid privacy leak. In the case of the non-interactive query model, the adversary can issue only one query and, therefore, the non-interactive query model cannot achieve the same degree of privacy defined by Introduction the interactive model. One may consider that privacy-reserving data publishing is a special case of the non-interactivequery model.This paper presents a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explains their effects on Data Privacy. k-anonymity is used for security of respondents identity and decreases linking attack in the case of homogeneity attack a simple k-anonymity model fails and we need a concept which prevent from this attack solution is l-diversity. All tuples are arranged in well represented form and adversary will divert to l places or on l sensitive attributes. l-diversity limits in case of background knowledge attack because no one predicts knowledge level of an adversary. It is observe that using generalization and suppression we also apply these techniques on those attributes which doesn’t need th is extent of privacy and this leads to reduce the precision of publishing table. e-NSTAM (extended Sensitive Tuples Anonymity Method) is applied on sensitive tuples only and reduces information loss, this method also fails in the case of multiple sensitive tuples.Generalization with suppression is also the causes of data lose because suppression emphasize on not releasing values which are not suited for k factor. Future works in this front can include defining a new privacy measure along with l-diversity for multiple sensitive attribute and we will focus to generalize attributes without suppression using other techniques which are used to achieve k-anonymity because suppression leads to reduce the precision ofpublishing table.译文:数据挖掘和数据发布数据挖掘中提取出大量有趣的模式从大量的数据或知识。
外文资料原文涂敏之会计学 8051208076Title:Future of SME finance(c)Background – the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery will depend on the possibility of Crafts, Trades and SMEs to exploit their potential for growth and employment creation.SMEs make a major contribution to growth and employment in the EU and are at the heart of the Lisbon Strategy, whose main objective is to turn Europe into the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. However, the ability of SMEs to grow depends highly on their potential to invest in restructuring, innovation and qualification. All of these investments need capital and therefore access to finance.Against this background the consistently repeated complaint of SMEs about their problems regarding access to finance is a highly relevant constraint that endangers the economic recovery of Europe.Changes in the finance sector influence the behavior of credit institutes towards Crafts, Trades and SMEs. Recent and ongoing developments in the banking sector add to the concerns of SMEs and will further endanger their access to finance. The main changes in the banking sector which influence SME finance are:•Globalization and internationalization have increased the competition and the profit orientation in the sector;•worsening of the economic situations in some institutes (burst of the ITC bubble, insolvencies) strengthen the focus on profitability further;•Mergers and restructuring created larger structures and many local branches, which had direct and personalized contacts with small enterprises, were closed;•up-coming implementation of new capital adequacy rules (Basel II) will also change SME business of the credit sector and will increase its administrative costs;•Stricter interpretation of State-Aide Rules by the European Commission eliminates the support of banks by public guarantees; many of the effected banks are very active in SME finance.All these changes result in a higher sensitivity for risks and profits in the financesector.The changes in the finance sector affect the accessibility of SMEs to finance.Higher risk awareness in the credit sector, a stronger focus on profitability and the ongoing restructuring in the finance sector change the framework for SME finance and influence the accessibility of SMEs to finance. The most important changes are: •In order to make the higher risk awareness operational, the credit sector introduces new rating systems and instruments for credit scoring;•Risk assessment of SMEs by banks will force the enterprises to present more and better quality information on their businesses;•Banks will try to pass through their additional costs for implementing and running the new capital regulations (Basel II) to their business clients;•due to the increase of competition on interest rates, the bank sector demands more and higher fees for its services (administration of accounts, payments systems, etc.), which are not only additional costs for SMEs but also limit their liquidity;•Small enterprises will lose their personal relationship with decision-makers in local branches –the credit application process will become more formal and anonymous and will probably lose longer;•the credit sector will lose more and more i ts “public function” to provide access to finance for a wide range of economic actors, which it has in a number of countries, in order to support and facilitate economic growth; the profitability of lending becomes the main focus of private credit institutions.All of these developments will make access to finance for SMEs even more difficult and / or will increase the cost of external finance. Business start-ups and SMEs, which want to enter new markets, may especially suffer from shortages regarding finance. A European Code of Conduct between Banks and SMEs would have allowed at least more transparency in the relations between Banks and SMEs and UEAPME regrets that the bank sector was not able to agree on such a commitment.Towards an encompassing policy approach to improve the access of Crafts, Trades and SMEs to financeAll analyses show that credits and loans will stay the main source of finance for the SME sector in Europe. Access to finance was always a main concern for SMEs, but the recent developments in the finance sector worsen the situation even more.Shortage of finance is already a relevant factor, which hinders economic recovery in Europe. Many SMEs are not able to finance their needs for investment.Therefore, UEAPME expects the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to strengthen their efforts to improve the framework conditions for SME finance. Europe’s Crafts, Trades and SMEs ask for an encompassing policy approach, which includes not only the conditions for SMEs’ access to l ending, but will also strengthen their capacity for internal finance and their access to external risk capital.From UEAPME’s point of view such an encompassing approach should be based on three guiding principles:•Risk-sharing between private investors, financial institutes, SMEs and public sector;•Increase of transparency of SMEs towards their external investors and lenders;•improving the regulatory environment for SME finance.Based on these principles and against the background of the changing environment for SME finance, UEAPME proposes policy measures in the following areas:1. New Capital Requirement Directive: SME friendly implementation of Basel IIDue to intensive lobbying activities, UEAPME, together with other Business Associations in Europe, has achieved some improvements in favour of SMEs regarding the new Basel Agreement on regulatory capital (Basel II). The final agreement from the Basel Committee contains a much more realistic approach toward the real risk situation of SME lending for the finance market and will allow the necessary room for adaptations, which respect the different regional traditions and institutional structures.However, the new regulatory system will influence the relations between Banks and SMEs and it will depend very much on the way it will be implemented into European law, whether Basel II becomes burdensome for SMEs and if it will reduce access to finance for them.The new Capital Accord form the Basel Committee gives the financial market authorities and herewith the European Institutions, a lot of flexibility. In about 70 areas they have room to adapt the Accord to their specific needs when implementing itinto EU law. Some of them will have important effects on the costs and the accessibility of finance for SMEs.UEAPME expects therefore from the new European Commission and the new European Parliament:•The implementation of the new Capital Requirement Directive will be costly for the Finance Sector (up to 30 Billion Euro till 2006) and its clients will have to pay for it. Therefore, the implementation – especially for smaller banks, which are often very active in SME finance –has to be carried out with as little administrative burdensome as possible (reporting obligations, statistics, etc.).•The European Regulators must recognize traditional instruments for collaterals (guarantees, etc.) as far as possible.•The European Commission and later the Member States should take over the recommendations from the European Parliament with regard to granularity, access to retail portfolio, maturity, partial use, adaptation of thresholds, etc., which will ease the burden on SME finance.2. SMEs need transparent rating proceduresDue to higher risk awareness of the finance sector and the needs of Basel II, many SMEs will be confronted for the first time with internal rating procedures or credit scoring systems by their banks. The bank will require more and better quality information from their clients and will assess them in a new way. Both up-coming developments are already causing increasing uncertainty amongst SMEs.In order to reduce this uncertainty and to allow SMEs to understand the principles of the new risk assessment, UEAPME demands transparent rating procedures –rating procedures may not become a “Black Box” for SMEs: •The bank should communicate the relevant criteria affecting the rating of SMEs.•The bank should inform SMEs about its assessment in order to allow SMEs to improve.The negotiations on a European Code of Conduct between Banks and SMEs , which would have included a self-commitment for transparent rating procedures by Banks, failed. Therefore, UEAPME expects from the new European Commission and the new European Parliament support for:•binding rules in the framework of the new Capital Adequacy Directive,which ensure the transparency of rating procedures and credit scoring systems for SMEs;•Elaboration of national Codes of Conduct in order to improve the relations between Banks and SMEs and to support the adaptation of SMEs to the new financial environment.3. SMEs need an extension of credit guarantee systems with a special focus on Micro-LendingBusiness start-ups, the transfer of businesses and innovative fast growth SMEs also depended in the past very often on public support to get access to finance. Increasing risk awareness by banks and the stricter interpretation of State Aid Rules will further increase the need for public support.Already now, there are credit guarantee schemes in many countries on the limit of their capacity and too many investment projects cannot be realized by SMEs.Experiences show that Public money, spent for supporting credit guarantees systems, is a very efficient instrument and has a much higher multiplying effect than other instruments. One Euro form the European Investment Funds can stimulate 30 Euro investments in SMEs (for venture capital funds the relation is only 1:2).Therefore, UEAPME expects the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to support:•The extension of funds for national credit guarantees schemes in the framework of the new Multi-Annual Programmed for Enterprises;•The development of new instruments for securitizations of SME portfolios;•The recognition of existing and well functioning credit guarantees schemes as collateral;•More flexibility within the European Instruments, because of national differences in the situation of SME finance;•The development of credit guarantees schemes in the new Member States;•The development of an SBIC-like scheme in the Member States to close the equity gap (0.2 – 2.5 Mio Euro, according to the expert meeting on PACE on April 27 in Luxemburg).•the development of a financial support scheme to encourage the internalizations of SMEs (currently there is no scheme available at EU level: termination of JOP, fading out of JEV).4. SMEs need company and income taxation systems, whichstrengthen their capacity for self-financingMany EU Member States have company and income taxation systems with negative incentives to build-up capital within the company by re-investing their profits. This is especially true for companies, which have to pay income taxes. Already in the past tax-regimes was one of the reasons for the higher dependence of Europe’s SMEs on bank lending. In future, the result of rating w ill also depend on the amount of capital in the company; the high dependence on lending will influence the access to lending. This is a vicious cycle, which has to be broken.Even though company and income taxation falls under the competence of Member States, UEAPME asks the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to publicly support tax-reforms, which will strengthen the capacity of Crafts, Trades and SME for self-financing. Thereby, a special focus on non-corporate companies is needed.5. Risk Capital – equity financingExternal equity financing does not have a real tradition in the SME sector. On the one hand, small enterprises and family business in general have traditionally not been very open towards external equity financing and are not used to informing transparently about their business.On the other hand, many investors of venture capital and similar forms of equity finance are very reluctant regarding investing their funds in smaller companies, which is more costly than investing bigger amounts in larger companies. Furthermore it is much more difficult to set out of such investments in smaller companies.Even though equity financing will never become the main source of financing for SMEs, it is an important instrument for highly innovative start-ups and fast growing companies and it has therefore to be further developed. UEAPME sees three pillars for such an approach where policy support is needed:Availability of venture capital•The Member States should review their taxation systems in order to create incentives to invest private money in all forms of venture capital.•Guarantee instruments for equity financing should be further developed.Improve the conditions for investing venture capital into SMEs•The development of secondary markets for venture capital investments in SMEs should be supported.•Accounting Standards for SMEs should be revised in order to easetransparent exchange of information between investor and owner-manager.Owner-managers must become more aware about the need for transparency towards investors•SME owners will have to realise that in future access to external finance (venture capital or lending) will depend much more on a transparent and open exchange of information about the situation and the perspectives of their companies.•In order to fulfil the new needs for transparency, SMEs will have to use new information instruments (business plans, financial reporting, etc.) and new management instruments (risk-management, financial management, etc.).外文资料翻译涂敏之会计学 8051208076题目:未来的中小企业融资背景:中小企业融资已经改变未来的经济复苏将取决于能否工艺品,贸易和中小企业利用其潜在的增长和创造就业。
数据库外文参考文献及翻译数据库外文参考文献及翻译SQL ALL-IN-ONE DESK REFERENCE FOR DUMMIESData Files and DatabasesI. Irreducible complexityAny software system that performs a useful function is going to be complex. The more valuable the function, the more complex its implementation will be. Regardless of how the data is stored, the complexity remains. The only question is where that complexity resides. Any non-trivial computer application has two major components: the program the data. Although an application’s level of complexity depends on the task to be performed, developers have some control over the location of that complexity. The complexity may reside primarily in the program part of the overall system, or it may reside in the data part.Operations on the data can be fast. Because the programinteracts directly with the data, with no DBMS in the middle, well-designed applications can run as fast as the hardware permits. What could be better? A data organization that minimizes storage requirements and at the same time maximizes speed of operation seems like the best of all possible worlds. But wait a minute . Flat file systems came into use in the 1940s. We have known about them for a long time, and yet today they have been almost entirely replaced by database s ystems. What’s up with that? Perhaps it is the not-so-beneficial consequences。
百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我!外文参考文献及翻译稿的要求及格式一、外文参考文献的要求1、外文原稿应与本研究项目接近或相关联;2、外文原稿可选择相关文章或节选章节,正文字数不少于1500字。
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百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我!外文参考文献Implementation of internal controls of small andmedium-sized pow erStephen Ryan The enterprise internal control carries out the strength to refer to the enterprise internal control system execution ability and dynamics, it is the one whole set behavior and the technical system, is unique competitive advantage which the enterprise has; Is a series of …………………………标题:三号,Times New Roman字体加粗,居中,行距1.5倍。
1. 张三. (2019). 机器学习算法在数据挖掘中的应用研究. 中国计算机学会.
2. 李四, 王五, & 赵六. (2018). 人工智能的发展及其应用. 北京: 电子工业出版社.
3. 吕七, 刘八, & 陈九. (2017). 自然语言处理技术的最新进展. 人工智能, 25(3), 28-35.
1. Zhang, S. (2019). Application of machine learning algorithms in data mining. China Computer Federation.
2. Li, S., Wang, W., & Zhao, L. (2018). The development and applications of artificial intelligence. Beijing: Electronics Industry Press.
3. Lyu, Q., Liu, B., & Chen, J. (2017). The latest advances in natural language processing technology. Artificial Intelligence, 25(3), 28-35.。
数据挖掘外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)外文:What is Data Mining?Simply stated, data mining refers to extracting or “mining” knowledge from large amounts of data. The term is actually a misnomer. Remember that the mining of gold from rocks or sand is referred to as gold mining rather than rock or sand mining. Thus, “data mining” should have been more appropriately named “knowledge mining from data”, which is unfortunately somewhat long. “Knowledge mining”, a shorter term, may not reflect the emphasis on mining from large amounts of data. Nevertheless, mining is a vivid term characterizing the processthat finds a small set of precious nuggets from a great deal of raw material. Thus, such a misnomer which carries both “data” and “mining” became a popular choice. There are many other terms carrying a similar or slightly different meaning to data mining, such as knowledge mining from databases, knowledge extraction, data / pattern analysis, data archaeology, and data dredging.Many people treat data mining as a synonym for another popularly used term, “Knowledge Discovery in Databases”, or KDD. Alternatively, others view data mining as simply an essential step in the process of knowledge discovery in databases. Knowledge discovery consists of an iterative sequence of the following steps:· data cleaning: to remove noise or irrelevant data,· data integration: where multiple data sources may be combined,· data selection : where data relevant to the analysis task are retrieved from the database,· data transformati on : where data are transformed or consolidated into forms appropriate for mining by performing summary or aggregation operations, for instance,· data mining: an essential process where intelligent methods are applied in order to extract data patterns,· pattern evaluation: to identify the truly interesting patterns representing knowledge based on some interestingness measures, and· knowledge presentation: where visualization and knowledge representation techniques are used to present the mined knowledge to the user .The data mining step may interact with the user or a knowledge base. The interesting patterns are presented to the user, and may be stored as new knowledge in the knowledge base. Note that according to this view, data mining is only one step in the entire process, albeit an essential one since it uncovers hidden patterns for evaluation.We agree that data mining is a knowledge discovery process. However, in industry, in media, and in the database research milieu, the term “data mining” is becoming more popular than the longer term of “knowledge discovery in databases”. Therefore, in this book, we choose to use the term “data mining”. We adopt a broad view of data mining functionality: data mining is the process of discovering interesting knowledgefrom large amounts of data stored either in databases, data warehouses, or other information repositories.Based on this view, the architecture of a typical data mining system may have the following major components:1. Database, data warehouse, or other information repository. This is one or a set of databases, data warehouses, spread sheets, or other kinds of information repositories. Data cleaning and data integration techniques may be performed on the data.2. Database or data warehouse server. The database or data warehouse server is responsible for fetching the relevant data, based on the user’s data mining request.3. Knowledge base. This is the domain knowledge that is used to guide the search, or evaluate the interestingness of resulting patterns. Such knowledge can include concept hierarchies, used to organize attributes or attribute values into different levels of abstraction. Knowledge such as user beliefs, which can be used to assess a pattern’s interestingness based on its unexpectedness, may also be included. Other examples of domain knowledge are additional interestingness constraints or thresholds, and metadata (e.g., describing data from multiple heterogeneous sources).4. Data mining engine. This is essential to the data mining system and ideally consists of a set of functional modules for tasks such as characterization, association analysis, classification, evolution and deviation analysis.5. Pattern evaluation module. This component typically employs interestingness measures and interacts with the data mining modules so as to focus the search towards interesting patterns. It may access interestingness thresholds stored in the knowledge base. Alternatively, the pattern evaluation module may be integrated with the mining module, depending on the implementation of the data mining method used. For efficient data mining, it is highly recommended to push the evaluation of pattern interestingness as deep as possible into the mining process so as to confine the search to only the interesting patterns.6. Graphical user interface. This module communicates between users and the data mining system, allowing the user to interact with the system by specifying a data mining query or task, providing information to help focus the search, and performing exploratory data mining based on the intermediate data mining results. In addition, this component allows the user to browse database and data warehouse schemas or datastructures, evaluate mined patterns, and visualize the patterns in different forms.From a data warehouse perspective, data mining can be viewed as an advanced stage of on-1ine analytical processing (OLAP). However, data mining goes far beyond the narrow scope of summarization-style analytical processing of data warehouse systems by incorporating more advanced techniques for data understanding.While there may be many “data mining systems” on the market, not all of them can perform true data mining. A data analysis system that does not handle large amounts of data can at most be categorized as a machine learning system, a statistical data analysis tool, or an experimental system prototype. A system that can only perform data or information retrieval, including finding aggregate values, or that performs deductive query answering in large databases should be more appropriately categorized as either a database system, an information retrieval system, or a deductive database system.Data mining involves an integration of techniques from mult1ple disciplines such as database technology, statistics, machine learning, high performance computing, pattern recognition, neural networks, data visualization, informationretrieval, image and signal processing, and spatial data analysis. We adopt a database perspective in our presentation of data mining in this book. That is, emphasis is placed on efficient and scalable data mining techniques for large databases. By performing data mining, interesting knowledge, regularities, or high-level information can be extracted from databases and viewed or browsed from different angles. The discovered knowledge can be applied to decision making, process control, information management, query processing, and so on. Therefore, data mining is considered as one of the most important frontiers in database systems and one of the most promising, new database applications in the information industry.A classification of data mining systemsData mining is an interdisciplinary field, the confluence of a set of disciplines, including database systems, statistics, machine learning, visualization, and information science. Moreover, depending on the data mining approach used, techniques from other disciplines may be applied, such as neural networks, fuzzy and or rough set theory, knowledge representation, inductive logic programming, or high performance computing. Depending on the kinds of data to bemined or on the given data mining application, the data mining system may also integrate techniques from spatial data analysis, Information retrieval, pattern recognition, image analysis, signal processing, computer graphics, Web technology, economics, or psychology.Because of the diversity of disciplines contributing to data mining, data mining research is expected to generate a large variety of data mining systems. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a clear classification of data mining systems. Such a classification may help potential users distinguish data mining systems and identify those that best match their needs. Data mining systems can be categorized according to various criteria, as follows.1) Classification according to the kinds of databases mined.A data mining system can be classified according to the kinds of databases mined. Database systems themselves can be classified according to different criteria (such as data models, or the types of data or applications involved), each of which may require its own data mining technique. Data mining systems can therefore be classified accordingly.For instance, if classifying according to data models, we may have a relational, transactional, object-oriented,object-relational, or data warehouse mining system. If classifying according to the special types of data handled, we may have a spatial, time -series, text, or multimedia data mining system , or a World-Wide Web mining system . Other system types include heterogeneous data mining systems, and legacy data mining systems.2) Classification according to the kinds of knowledge mined. Data mining systems can be categorized according to the kinds of knowledge they mine, i.e., based on data mining functionalities, such as characterization, discrimination, association, classification, clustering, trend and evolution analysis, deviation analysis , similarity analysis, etc. A comprehensive data mining system usually provides multiple and/or integrated data mining functionalities.Moreover, data mining systems can also be distinguished based on the granularity or levels of abstraction of the knowledge mined, including generalized knowledge(at a high level of abstraction), primitive-level knowledge(at a raw data level), or knowledge at multiple levels (considering several levels of abstraction). An advanced data mining system should facilitate the discovery of knowledge at multiple levels of abstraction.3) Classification according to the kinds of techniques utilized.Data mining systems can also be categorized according to the underlying data mining techniques employed. These techniques can be described according to the degree of user interaction involved (e.g., autonomous systems, interactive exploratory systems, query-driven systems), or the methods of data analysis employed(e.g., database-oriented or data warehouse-oriented techniques, machine learning, statistics, visualization, pattern recognition, neural networks, and so on ) .A sophisticated data mining system will often adopt multiple data mining techniques or work out an effective, integrated technique which combines the merits of a few individual approaches.翻译:什么是数据挖掘?简单地说,数据挖掘是从大量的数据中提取或“挖掘”知识。
外文资料原文涂敏之会计学 8051208076Title:Future of SME finance(/docs/pos_papers/2004/041027_SME-finance_final.do c)Background – the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery will depend on the possibility of Crafts, Trades and SMEs to exploit their potential for growth and employment creation.SMEs make a major contribution to growth and employment in the EU and are at the heart of the Lisbon Strategy, whose main objective is to turn Europe into the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. However, the ability of SMEs to grow depends highly on their potential to invest in restructuring, innovation and qualification. All of these investments need capital and therefore access to finance.Against this background the consistently repeated complaint of SMEs about their problems regarding access to finance is a highly relevant constraint that endangers the economic recovery of Europe.Changes in the finance sector influence the behavior of credit institutes towards Crafts, Trades and SMEs. Recent and ongoing developments in the banking sector add to the concerns of SMEs and will further endanger their access to finance. The main changes in the banking sector which influence SME finance are:•Globalization and internationalization have increased the competition and the profit orientation in the sector;•worsening of the economic situations in some institutes (burst of the ITC bubble, insolvencies) strengthen the focus on profitability further;•Mergers and restructuring created larger structures and many local branches, which had direct and personalized contacts with small enterprises, were closed;•up-coming implementation of new capital adequacy rules (Basel II) will also change SME business of the credit sector and will increase its administrative costs;•Stricter interpretation of State-Aide Rules by the European Commission eliminates the support of banks by public guarantees; many of the effected banks are very active in SME finance.All these changes result in a higher sensitivity for risks and profits in the finance sector.The changes in the finance sector affect the accessibility of SMEs to finance.Higher risk awareness in the credit sector, a stronger focus on profitability and the ongoing restructuring in the finance sector change the framework for SME finance and influence the accessibility of SMEs to finance. The most important changes are: •In order to make the higher risk awareness operational, the credit sector introduces new rating systems and instruments for credit scoring;•Risk assessment of SMEs by banks will force the enterprises to present more and better quality information on their businesses;•Banks will try to pass through their additional costs for implementing and running the new capital regulations (Basel II) to their business clients;•due to the increase of competition on interest rates, the bank sector demands more and higher fees for its services (administration of accounts, payments systems, etc.), which are not only additional costs for SMEs but also limit their liquidity;•Small enterprises will lose their personal relationship with decision-makers in local branches –the credit application process will become more formal and anonymous and will probably lose longer;•the credit sector will lose more and more its “public function” to provide access to finance for a wide range of economic actors, which it has in a number of countries, in order to support and facilitate economic growth; the profitability of lending becomes the main focus of private credit institutions.All of these developments will make access to finance for SMEs even more difficult and / or will increase the cost of external finance. Business start-ups and SMEs, which want to enter new markets, may especially suffer from shortages regarding finance. A European Code of Conduct between Banks and SMEs would have allowed at least more transparency in the relations between Banks and SMEs and UEAPME regrets that the bank sector was not able to agree on such a commitment.Towards an encompassing policy approach to improve the access of Crafts, Trades and SMEs to financeAll analyses show that credits and loans will stay the main source of finance for the SME sector in Europe. Access to finance was always a main concern for SMEs,but the recent developments in the finance sector worsen the situation even more. Shortage of finance is already a relevant factor, which hinders economic recovery in Europe. Many SMEs are not able to finance their needs for investment.Therefore, UEAPME expects the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to strengthen their efforts to improve the framework conditions for SME finance. Europe’s Crafts, Trades and SMEs ask for an encompassing policy approach, which includes not only the conditions for SMEs’ access to lending, but will also strengthen their capacity for internal finance and their access to external risk capital.From UEAPM E’s point of view such an encompassing approach should be based on three guiding principles:•Risk-sharing between private investors, financial institutes, SMEs and public sector;•Increase of transparency of SMEs towards their external investors and lenders;•improving the regulatory environment for SME finance.Based on these principles and against the background of the changing environment for SME finance, UEAPME proposes policy measures in the following areas:1. New Capital Requirement Directive: SME friendly implementation of Basel IIDue to intensive lobbying activities, UEAPME, together with other Business Associations in Europe, has achieved some improvements in favour of SMEs regarding the new Basel Agreement on regulatory capital (Basel II). The final agreement from the Basel Committee contains a much more realistic approach toward the real risk situation of SME lending for the finance market and will allow the necessary room for adaptations, which respect the different regional traditions and institutional structures.However, the new regulatory system will influence the relations between Banks and SMEs and it will depend very much on the way it will be implemented into European law, whether Basel II becomes burdensome for SMEs and if it will reduce access to finance for them.The new Capital Accord form the Basel Committee gives the financial market authorities and herewith the European Institutions, a lot of flexibility. In about 70areas they have room to adapt the Accord to their specific needs when implementing it into EU law. Some of them will have important effects on the costs and the accessibility of finance for SMEs.UEAPME expects therefore from the new European Commission and the new European Parliament:•The implementation of the new Capital Requirement Directive will be costly for the Finance Sector (up to 30 Billion Euro till 2006) and its clients will have to pay for it. Therefore, the implementation – especially for smaller banks, which are often very active in SME finance –has to be carried out with as little administrative burdensome as possible (reporting obligations, statistics, etc.).•The European Regulators must recognize traditional instruments for collaterals (guarantees, etc.) as far as possible.•The European Commission and later the Member States should take over the recommendations from the European Parliament with regard to granularity, access to retail portfolio, maturity, partial use, adaptation of thresholds, etc., which will ease the burden on SME finance.2. SMEs need transparent rating proceduresDue to higher risk awareness of the finance sector and the needs of Basel II, many SMEs will be confronted for the first time with internal rating procedures or credit scoring systems by their banks. The bank will require more and better quality information from their clients and will assess them in a new way. Both up-coming developments are already causing increasing uncertainty amongst SMEs.In order to reduce this uncertainty and to allow SMEs to understand the principles of the new risk assessment, UEAPME demands transparent rating procedures –rating procedures may not become a “Black Box” for SMEs:•The bank should communicate the relevant criteria affecting the rating of SMEs.•The bank should inform SMEs about its assessment in order to allow SMEs to improve.The negotiations on a European Code of Conduct between Banks and SMEs , which would have included a self-commitment for transparent rating procedures by Banks, failed. Therefore, UEAPME expects from the new European Commission and the new European Parliament support for:•binding rules in the framework of the new Capital Adequacy Directive, which ensure the transparency of rating procedures and credit scoring systems for SMEs;•Elaboration of national Codes of Conduct in order to improve the relations between Banks and SMEs and to support the adaptation of SMEs to the new financial environment.3. SMEs need an extension of credit guarantee systems with a special focus on Micro-LendingBusiness start-ups, the transfer of businesses and innovative fast growth SMEs also depended in the past very often on public support to get access to finance. Increasing risk awareness by banks and the stricter interpretation of State Aid Rules will further increase the need for public support.Already now, there are credit guarantee schemes in many countries on the limit of their capacity and too many investment projects cannot be realized by SMEs.Experiences show that Public money, spent for supporting credit guarantees systems, is a very efficient instrument and has a much higher multiplying effect than other instruments. One Euro form the European Investment Funds can stimulate 30 Euro investments in SMEs (for venture capital funds the relation is only 1:2).Therefore, UEAPME expects the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to support:•The extension of funds for national credit guarantees schemes in the framework of the new Multi-Annual Programmed for Enterprises;•The development of new instruments for securitizations of SME portfolios;•The recognition of existing and well functioning credit guarantees schemes as collateral;•More flexibility within the European Instruments, because of national differences in the situation of SME finance;•The development of credit guarantees schemes in the new Member States;•The development of an SBIC-like scheme in the Member States to close the equity gap (0.2 – 2.5 Mio Euro, according to the expert meeting on PACE on April 27 in Luxemburg).•the development of a financial support scheme to encourage the internalizations of SMEs (currently there is no scheme available at EU level: termination of JOP, fading out of JEV).4. SMEs need company and income taxation systems, which strengthen their capacity for self-financingMany EU Member States have company and income taxation systems with negative incentives to build-up capital within the company by re-investing their profits. This is especially true for companies, which have to pay income taxes. Already in the past tax-regimes was one of the reasons for the higher dependence of Europe’s SMEs on bank lending. In future, the result of rating will also depend on the amount of capital in the company; the high dependence on lending will influence the access to lending. This is a vicious cycle, which has to be broken.Even though company and income taxation falls under the competence of Member States, UEAPME asks the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to publicly support tax-reforms, which will strengthen the capacity of Crafts, Trades and SME for self-financing. Thereby, a special focus on non-corporate companies is needed.5. Risk Capital – equity financingExternal equity financing does not have a real tradition in the SME sector. On the one hand, small enterprises and family business in general have traditionally not been very open towards external equity financing and are not used to informing transparently about their business.On the other hand, many investors of venture capital and similar forms of equity finance are very reluctant regarding investing their funds in smaller companies, which is more costly than investing bigger amounts in larger companies. Furthermore it is much more difficult to set out of such investments in smaller companies.Even though equity financing will never become the main source of financing for SMEs, it is an important instrument for highly innovative start-ups and fast growing companies and it has therefore to be further developed. UEAPME sees three pillars for such an approach where policy support is needed:Availability of venture capital•The Member States should review their taxation systems in order to create incentives to invest private money in all forms of venture capital.•Guarantee instruments for equity financing should be further developed.Improve the conditions for investing venture capital into SMEs•The development of secondary markets for venture capital investments in SMEs should be supported.•Accounting Standards for SMEs should be revised in order to ease transparent exchange of information between investor and owner-manager.Owner-managers must become more aware about the need for transparency towards investors•SME owners will have to realise that in future access to external finance (venture capital or lending) will depend much more on a transparent and open exchange of information about the situation and the perspectives of their companies.•In order to fulfil the new needs for transparency, SMEs will have to use new information instruments (business plans, financial reporting, etc.) and new management instruments (risk-management, financial management, etc.).外文资料翻译涂敏之会计学 8051208076题目:未来的中小企业融资背景:中小企业融资已经改变未来的经济复苏将取决于能否工艺品,贸易和中小企业利用其潜在的增长和创造就业。
2.0数据库外文文献及翻译和参考文献-英语论文 2.0数据库外文文献及翻译和参考文献参考文献[1] Matthew 高级程序设计[M].人民邮电出版社,2009.[2] 张领项目开发全程实录[M].清华大学出版社,2008.[3] 陈季实例指南与高级应用[M].中国铁道出版社,2008.[4] 郑霞2.0编程技术与实例[M].人民邮电出版社,2009.[5] 李俊民.精通SQL(结构化查询语言详解)[M].人民邮电出版社,2009.[6] 刘辉 .零基础学SQL Server 2005[M].机械工业出版社,2007.[7] 齐文海.ASP与SQL Server站点开发实用教程[M].机械工业出版社,2008.[8] 唐学忠.原文请找SQL Server 2000数据库教程[M]. 电子工业出版社,2005.[9] 王珊、萨师煊.数据库系统概论(第四版)[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2006.[10] Mani work Management Principles and Practive. Higher Education Press,2005,12VS2005中开发 2.0数据库程序一、简介在2005年11月7日,微软正式发行了.NET 2.0(包括 2.0),Visual Studio 2005和SQL Server 2005。
也就是说,版本1.x和版本2.0可以安装在同一台机器上;你可以既有Visual 2002/2003和Visual Studio 2005,同时又有SQL Server 2000和SQL Server 2005。
而且,微软还在发行Visual Studio 2005和SQL Server 2005的一个 Express式的SKU。
Location:Hong Kong
Construction started:18 April 1985
Opening:17 May 1990
HeightAntenna spire:367.4 m (1,205.4 ft)
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建筑师:Bruce Graham, design partner, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
甲方:Sears Roebuck and Company
工程师:Fazlur Khan of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill.项目年份:2008
】TOY RECALLS——IS CHINA THE PROBLEM?Hari. Bapuji Paul W. BeamishChina exports about 20 billion toys per year and they are the second most commonly imported item by U.S. and Canada. It is estimated that about 10,000 factories in China manufacture toys for export. Considering this mutual dependence, it is important that the problems resulting in recalls are addressed carefully.Although the largest portion of recalls by Mattel involved design flaws, the CEO of Mattel blamed the Chinese manufacturers by saying that the problem resulted ‘in this case (because)one of our manufacturers did not follow the rules’. Several analysts too blamed the Chinese manufacturers. By placing blame where it did not belong, thereis a danger of losing the opportunity to learn from the errors that have occurred. The first step to learn from errors is to know why and where the error occurred. Further, the most critical step in preventing the recurrence of errors is to find out what and who can prevent it.……From:/loadpage.aspx?Page=ShowDoc&Category Alias=zonghe/ggmflm_zh&BlockAlias=sjhwsd&filename=/doc/sjhwsd/2 00709281954.xml, Sep. 2007玩具召回——是中国的问题吗?哈里·巴普基保罗·比密什中国每年大约出口20亿美元的玩具,最常见是从美国和加拿大进口项目。
(二 零 一 五 年 六 月英文参考资料翻译 题 目:多层横机针织织物面料的开发 ****:*** 学 院:轻工与纺织学院 系 别:服装设计与工程系 专 业:服装设计与工程 班 级:服装设计与工程11-1班 指导教师:邱莉 讲师学校代码: 10128学 号:************Development of Multi-Layer Fabric on a Flat KnittingMachineAbstractThe loop transfer technique was used to develop the a splitable multi layer knit fabric on a computerized multi gauge flat knitting machine. The fabric consists of three layers: inner-single jersey, middle-1X1 purl and, outer-single jersey. By varying the loop length the multi layer knit fabric samples were produced,namely CCC-1, CCC-2 and CCC-3. The above multi layer fabrics were knitted using 24s Ne cotton of combined yarn feed in feeders 3, 4, and 4 respectively. The influence of loop length on wpc,cpc and tightness factor was studied using linear regression. The water vapor and air permeability properties of the produced multi layer knit fabrics were studied using ANOVA. The change of raw material in three individual layers could be useful for the production of fabric for functional, technical, and industrial applications.Keywords: multi layer fabric, loop length, loop transfer, permeability prope1.INTRODUCTIONcapable of manufacturing engineered fabric in two dimensional, three dimensional of bi-layer, and multilayer knit fabrics. The feature includes individual needle selection, the presences of holding down sinkers, racking, transfer, and adapted feeding devices combined with CAD. The layered fabrics are more suitable for functional and technical applications than single layer fabrics. These fabrics may be non-splitable (branching knit structure, plated fabric, spacer fabric) and splitable (bilayer,multilayer). The functional knitted structure of two different fabric layers based on different textile components (hydrophobic and hydrophilic textile material) is used to produce leisure wear, sportswear and protective clothing to improve the comfort. The separation layer is polypropylene in contact with skin, and the absorption layer will be the outside layer when cotton is used for the knit fabric .Garments made of plant branch structured knit fabrics facilitate the transport of sweat from the skin to the outer layer of the fabric very fast and make the wearer more comfortable. Qing Chen et al .reported that the branching knitted fabrics made from different combinations of polyester/cotton yarns with varying linear density and various knitted structure produced in rib machine improved water transport properties. The Moisture comfort characteristics of plated knitted fabric was good, reported by the authors findings from three layer plated fabric of cotton (40s), lycra (20 D) and superfine polypropylene (55 dtex/72 f) was used as a raw material in face, middle and ground layers respectively . The applications in wearable electronics for the multilayer fabric are wider. Novel multi-functional fibers structure include three layered knit fabric embedded with electronics for health monitoring. The knit fabric consists of 5% spandex and 95% polypropylene in –1stlayer, -2nd layer composed of metal fibers to conduct electric current to embedded electronics + PCM and the 3rd layer is composed of highly hydrophilic cotton . In flat knitting, two surface (U-,V-,M-,X- and Y-shaped) and three surface layers (U-face to face, U- zigzag and X-shaped) spacer fabric were developed from hybrid glass filament and polypropylene for light weight composite applications.HCebulla et al produced three dimensional performs like open cuboid and spherical shell using the needle parking method. The focus was in the area of individual needle selection in the machine for the production of near net-shape performs. The multi layered sandwich knit fabric of rectangular core structure (connecting layer: rib), triangular core structure (connecting layer:interlock), honeycomb core structure (connecting layer: jersey combined with rib), triple face structure 1 (connecting layers are not alternated), Triple face structure 2 (connecting layers are alternated) were developed on a flat-knitting machine for technical applications .In this direction the flat knitting machine was elected to produce splittable multi layer knit fabric with varying loop length and loop transfer techniques. The influence of loop length on wpc, cpc and tightness factor was studied for the three individual layers in the fabric. The important breathability properties of the fabric such as water vapor permeability and air permeability were studied. The production technique used for this fabric has wide applications such as in functional wear, technical textiles, and wearable textiles.2.MATERIALS AND METHODSThe production of multi-layer knit fabrics such as CCC-1, CCC-2 and CCC-3 cotton yarn with the linear density of 24s Ne was fed in the knit feeder.For layered fabric development, a computerized multi gauge flat knitting machine and combined yarn feed was selected like 3, 4 and 4 respectively, shown in the Table I. Q. M. Wang and H. Hu [9] was the selected yarn feed in the range of 4 –10 for the production of glass fiber yarn composite reinforcement on a flat knitting machine. The intermediate between integral and fully fashioned garment was produced using the “half gauging orneedle parking” technique. The use of only alternate needles on each bed of the flat knitting machine was used for stitch formation, The remaining needles did not participate in stitch formation in the same course,but the loops formed were kept in the needle head until employed for stitch formation again, thus freeing needles to be used as temporary parking places for loop transfer . For production of layered fabric and fully fashionedgarment, the loop transfer stitch is essential part of the panel. The running-on bars were used for transferring of loops either by hand or automatically from one needle to another needle depending on the machine. The principle of the loop transfer is shown in the Figure1.FIGURE. 1. Principle of loop transfer.(a)The delivering needle is raised by a cam in the carriage. The loop is stretched over the transfer spring. (b)The receiving needle is raised slightly from its needle bed. The receiving needle enters the transfer spring of delivering needle and penetrates the loop that will be transferred. (c)The delivering needle retreats leaving the loop on the receiving needle. The transfer spring opens to permits the receiving needleto move back from its closure. Finally, loop transference is completed.TABLE I. Machine & Fabric parameters.2.1 Fabric DevelopmentUsing STOLL M1.PLUS 5.1.034 software the needle selection pattern was simulated is shown in Figure 2.In Figure3, feeder 1, 2 and 3 are used for the formation of three layer fabric (inner-single jersey,middle-1X1 purl and outer-single jersey) respectively. With knit stitches the outer and inner layer knit fabrics are formed by means of selecting the alternate working needles in each bed. But the middle layer fabric is formed by free needles in each bed with the help of loop transfer and knit stitches.FIGURE 2. Selection of Machine & pattern parameters.FIGURE 3. Needle diagram for the multi-layer knit fabric.2.2TESTINGThe produced multi layer knit fabric was given a relaxation process and the following tests were carried out. The knitted fabric properties are given in Table II. and the cross sectional view of the fabrics is shown in Figure 4.FIGURE 4. Cross Sectional view of Multi-layer knit fabric.2.3 Stitch DensityThe courses and wale density of the samples in outer,middle and inner layer were calculated individually in the direction of the length and width of the fabric.The average density per square centimeter was taken for the discussion.2.4 Loop LengthIn outer, middle and inner layers of various combinations in multi layer fabric, 20 loops in a course were unraveled and the length of yarn in cm (LT) was measured. From the LT value the stitch length/loop length was measured by usingStitch length/loop length in cm (L) = (LT)/20 (1)The average loop length (cm) was taken and reported in Table II.2.5 Tightness Factor (K)The tightness of the knits was characterized by the tightness factor (K). It is known that K is a ratio of the area covered by the yarns in one loop to the area occupied by the loop. It is also an indication of the relative looseness or tightness of the knitted structure. For determination of TF the following formula was usedTightness Factor (K) = √T/l (2)Where T= Yarn linear density in Tex, l = loop length of fabric in cm. The TF of three layers (outer, midd le, and inner) were calculated separately is given in Table II.TABLE II. Multi-layer knitted fabric parameters3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe water vapor permeability of the multi layer knit fabrics were analyzed and shown in Figure 8. It can be observed that a linear trend is followed between water vapor permeability and loop length. With increases in loop length, there is less resistance per unit area, so, the permeability property of the fabric also increased. Anova data show increasesin loop length yield a significant difference in the water vapor permeability of the multi fabrics [F (2, 15) > Fcrit]. The regression analysis was done between CCC-1and CCC-2 and CCC-2 and CCC-3 for studying the influence of the number of yarn feeds.R2 values shows 0.755 for both comparisons. The water vapor permeability of the fabric is highly influenced by the length of the loop in the fabric and less by the number of yarn feed in the fabric.The air permeability of the multi layer knit fabricswas analyzed and is shown in Figure 8. It can be observed that the air permeability of the CCC-1,CCC-2, and CCC-3 fabrics is linear with loop length.FIGURE 8. Water Vapor Permeability & Air Permeability of fabric.As loop length in the fabric increased, air permeability also increased. The Anova- single factor analysis also proves that there is a significant difference at 5 % significance level between the air permeability characteristics of multi layer fabrics produced from various loop length [F (2, 15) > F crit] shown in Table IV. To study the influence of the combination yarn feed, the regression analysis was done between CCC-1 and CCC-2 andCCC-2 and CCC-3. It shows R2 =0.757. So, the air permeability of the fabric is may not be dependent on the number of yarns fed, but more influenced by the loop length.4. CONCLUSIONSIn flat knitting machine using a loop transfer technique, multi layer fabrics were developed with varying loop length. With respect to loop length, the loop density and tightness factor were analyzed.Based on analysis the following conclusions were made:TABLE III. Permeability Characteristics of Multi-layer knit fabrics.TABLE IV. ANOVA single factor data analysis.For multi-layer fabric produced with various basic structures (single jersey and 1x1 purl), the change of loop length between the layers has no significant difference.The wpc and cpc had an inverse relationship with the loop length produced from CCC combination multilayer fabrics.The combination yarn feed is an important factor affecting the tightness factor and loop lengths of the individual layers in knitted fabrics.The water vapor and air permeability properties of the multi layer knit fabrics were highly influenced by the change in loop length followed by the combination yarn feed.多层横机针织织物面料的开发摘要循环传输技术被用于开发一种计算机化多针距的横机上的一个多层编织织物。
((英文参考文献及译文)二〇一六年六月本科毕业论文 题 目:STATISTICAL SAMPLING METHOD, USED INTHE AUDIT学生姓名:王雪琴学 院:管理学院系 别:会计系专 业:财务管理班 级:财管12-2班 学校代码: 10128 学 号: 201210707016Statistics and AuditRomanian Statistical Review nr. 5 / 2010STATISTICAL SAMPLING METHOD, USED IN THE AUDIT - views, recommendations, fi ndingsPhD Candidate Gabriela-Felicia UNGUREANUAbstractThe rapid increase in the size of U.S. companies from the earlytwentieth century created the need for audit procedures based on the selectionof a part of the total population audited to obtain reliable audit evidence, tocharacterize the entire population consists of account balances or classes oftransactions. Sampling is not used only in audit – is used in sampling surveys,market analysis and medical research in which someone wants to reach aconclusion about a large number of data by examining only a part of thesedata. The difference is the “population” from which the sample is selected, iethat set of data which is intended to draw a conclusion. Audit sampling appliesonly to certain types of audit procedures.Key words: sampling, sample risk, population, sampling unit, tests ofcontrols, substantive procedures.Statistical samplingCommittee statistical sampling of American Institute of CertifiedPublic Accountants of (AICPA) issued in 1962 a special report, titled“Statistical sampling and independent auditors’ which allowed the use ofstatistical sampling method, in accordance with Generally Accepted AuditingStandards (GAAS). During 1962-1974, the AICPA published a series of paperson statistical sampling, “Auditor’s Approach to Statistical Sampling”, foruse in continuing professional education of accountants. During 1962-1974,the AICPA published a series of papers on statistical sampling, “Auditor’sApproach to Statistical Sampling”, for use in continuing professional educationof accountants. In 1981, AICPA issued the professional standard, “AuditSampling”, which provides general guidelines for both sampling methods,statistical and non-statistical.Earlier audits included checks of all transactions in the period coveredby the audited financial statements. At that time, the literature has not givenparticular attention to this subject. Only in 1971, an audit procedures programprinted in the “Federal Reserve Bulletin (Federal Bulletin Stocks)” includedseveral references to sampling such as selecting the “few items” of inventory.Statistics and Audit The program was developed by a special committee, which later became the AICPA, that of Certified Public Accountants American Institute.In the first decades of last century, the auditors often applied sampling, but sample size was not in related to the efficiency of internal control of the entity. In 1955, American Institute of Accountants has published a study case of extending the audit sampling, summarizing audit program developed by certified public accountants, to show why sampling is necessary to extend the audit. The study was important because is one of the leading journal on sampling which recognize a relationship of dependency between detail and reliability testing of internal control.In 1964, the AICPA’s Auditing Standards Board has issued a report entitled “The relationship between statistical sampling and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)” which illustrated the relationship between the accuracy and reliability in sampling and provisions of GAAS.In 1978, the AICPA published the work of Donald M. Roberts,“Statistical Auditing”which explains the underlying theory of statistical sampling in auditing.In 1981, AICPA issued the professional standard, named “Audit Sampling”, which provides guidelines for both sampling methods, statistical and non-statistical.An auditor does not rely solely on the results of a single procedure to reach a conclusion on an account balance, class of transactions or operational effectiveness of the controls. Rather, the audit findings are based on combined evidence from several sources, as a consequence of a number of different audit procedures. When an auditor selects a sample of a population, his objective is to obtain a representative sample, ie sample whose characteristics are identical with the population’s characteristics. This means that selected items are identical with those remaining outside the sample.In practice, auditors do not know for sure if a sample is representative, even after completion the test, but they “may increase the probability that a sample is representative by accuracy of activities made related to design, sample selection and evaluation” [1]. Lack of specificity of the sample results may be given by observation errors and sampling errors. Risks to produce these errors can be controlled.Observation error (risk of observation) appears when the audit test did not identify existing deviations in the sample or using an inadequate audit technique or by negligence of the auditor.Sampling error (sampling risk) is an inherent characteristic of the survey, which results from the fact that they tested only a fraction of the total population. Sampling error occurs due to the fact that it is possible for Revista Română de Statistică nr. 5 / 2010Statistics and Auditthe auditor to reach a conclusion, based on a sample that is different from the conclusion which would be reached if the entire population would have been subject to audit procedures identical. Sampling risk can be reduced by adjusting the sample size, depending on the size and population characteristics and using an appropriate method of selection. Increasing sample size will reduce the risk of sampling; a sample of the all population will present a null risk of sampling.Audit Sampling is a method of testing for gather sufficient and appropriate audit evidence, for the purposes of audit. The auditor may decide to apply audit sampling on an account balance or class of transactions. Sampling audit includes audit procedures to less than 100% of the items within an account balance or class of transactions, so all the sample able to be selected. Auditor is required to determine appropriate ways of selecting items for testing. Audit sampling can be used as a statistical approach and a non- statistical.Statistical sampling is a method by which the sample is made so that each unit consists of the total population has an equal probability of being included in the sample, method of sample selection is random, allowed to assess the results based on probability theory and risk quantification of sampling. Choosing the appropriate population make that auditor’ findings can be extended to the entire population.Non-statistical sampling is a method of sampling, when the auditor uses professional judgment to select elements of a sample. Since the purpose of sampling is to draw conclusions about the entire population, the auditor should select a representative sample by choosing sample units which have characteristics typical of that population. Results will not extrapolate the entire population as the sample selected is representative.Audit tests can be applied on the all elements of the population, where is a small population or on an unrepresentative sample, where the auditor knows the particularities of the population to be tested and is able to identify a small number of items of interest to audit. If the sample has not similar characteristics for the elements of the entire population, the errors found in the tested sample can not extrapolate.Decision of statistical or non-statistical approach depends on the auditor’s professional judgment which seeking sufficient appropriate audits evidence on which to completion its findings about the audit opinion.As a statistical sampling method refer to the random selection that any possible combination of elements of the community is equally likely to enter the sample. Simple random sampling is used when stratification was not to audit. Using random selection involves using random numbers generated byRomanian Statistical Review nr. 5 / 2010Statistics and Audit a computer. After selecting a random starting point, the auditor found the first random number that falls within the test document numbers. Only when the approach has the characteristics of statistical sampling, statistical assessments of risk are valid sampling.In another variant of the sampling probability, namely the systematic selection (also called random mechanical) elements naturally succeed in office space or time; the auditor has a preliminary listing of the population and made the decision on sample size. “The auditor calculated a counting step, and selects the sample element method based on step size. Step counting is determined by dividing the volume of the community to sample the number of units desired. Advantages of systematic screening are its usability. In most cases, a systematic sample can be extracted quickly and method automatically arranges numbers in successive series.”[2].Selection by probability proportional to size - is a method which emphasizes those population units’recorded higher values. The sample is constituted so that the probability of selecting any given element of the population is equal to the recorded value of the item;Stratifi ed selection - is a method of emphasis of units with higher values and is registered in the stratification of the population in subpopulations. Stratification provides a complete picture of the auditor, when population (data table to be analyzed) is not homogeneous. In this case, the auditor stratifies a population by dividing them into distinct subpopulations, which have common characteristics, pre-defined. “The objective of stratification is to reduce the variability of elements in each layer and therefore allow a reduction in sample size without a proportionate increase in the risk of sampling.” [3] If population stratification is done properly, the amount of sample size to come layers will be less than the sample size that would be obtained at the same level of risk given sample with a sample extracted from the entire population. Audit results applied to a layer can be designed only on items that are part of that layer.I appreciated as useful some views on non-statistical sampling methods, which implies that guided the selection of the sample selecting each element according to certain criteria determined by the auditor. The method is subjective; because the auditor selects intentionally items containing set features him.The selection of the series is done by selecting multiple elements series (successive). Using sampling the series is recommended only if a reasonable number of sets used. Using just a few series there is a risk that the sample is not representative. This type of sampling can be used in addition to other samples, where there is a high probability of occurrence of errors. At the arbitrary selection, no items are selected preferably from the auditor, Revista Română de Statistică nr. 5 / 2010Statistics and Auditthat regardless of size or source or characteristics. Is not the recommended method, because is not objective.That sampling is based on the auditor’s professional judgment, which may decide which items can be part or not sampled. Because is not a statistical method, it can not calculate the standard error. Although the sample structure can be constructed to reproduce the population, there is no guarantee that the sample is representative. If omitted a feature that would be relevant in a particular situation, the sample is not representative.Sampling applies when the auditor plans to make conclusions about population, based on a selection. The auditor considers the audit program and determines audit procedures which may apply random research. Sampling is used by auditors an internal control systems testing, and substantive testing of operations. The general objectives of tests of control system and operations substantive tests are to verify the application of pre-defined control procedures, and to determine whether operations contain material errors.Control tests are intended to provide evidence of operational efficiency and controls design or operation of a control system to prevent or detect material misstatements in financial statements. Control tests are necessary if the auditor plans to assess control risk for assertions of management.Controls are generally expected to be similarly applied to all transactions covered by the records, regardless of transaction value. Therefore, if the auditor uses sampling, it is not advisable to select only high value transactions. Samples must be chosen so as to be representative population sample.An auditor must be aware that an entity may change a special control during the course of the audit. If the control is replaced by another, which is designed to achieve the same specific objective, the auditor must decide whether to design a sample of all transactions made during or just a sample of transactions controlled again. Appropriate decision depends on the overall objective of the audit test.Verification of internal control system of an entity is intended to provide guidance on the identification of relevant controls and design evaluation tests of controls.Other tests:In testing internal control system and testing operations, audit sample is used to estimate the proportion of elements of a population containing a characteristic or attribute analysis. This proportion is called the frequency of occurrence or percentage of deviation and is equal to the ratio of elements containing attribute specific and total number of population elements. WeightRomanian Statistical Review nr. 5 / 2010Statistics and Audit deviations in a sample are determined to calculate an estimate of the proportion of the total population deviations.Risk associated with sampling - refers to a sample selection which can not be representative of the population tested. In other words, the sample itself may contain material errors or deviations from the line. However, issuing a conclusion based on a sample may be different from the conclusion which would be reached if the entire population would be subject to audit.Types of risk associated with sampling:Controls are more effective than they actually are or that there are not significant errors when they exist - which means an inappropriate audit opinion. Controls are less effective than they actually are that there are significant errors when in fact they are not - this calls for additional activities to establish that initial conclusions were incorrect.Attributes testing - the auditor should be defining the characteristics to test and conditions for misconduct. Attributes testing will make when required objective statistical projections on various characteristics of the population. The auditor may decide to select items from a population based on its knowledge about the entity and its environment control based on risk analysis and the specific characteristics of the population to be tested.Population is the mass of data on which the auditor wishes to generalize the findings obtained on a sample. Population will be defined compliance audit objectives and will be complete and consistent, because results of the sample can be designed only for the population from which the sample was selected.Sampling unit - a unit of sampling may be, for example, an invoice, an entry or a line item. Each sample unit is an element of the population. The auditor will define the sampling unit based on its compliance with the objectives of audit tests.Sample size - to determine the sample size should be considered whether sampling risk is reduced to an acceptable minimum level. Sample size is affected by the risk associated with sampling that the auditor is willing to accept it. The risk that the auditor is willing to accept lower, the sample will be higher.Error - for detailed testing, the auditor should project monetary errors found in the sample population and should take into account the projected error on the specific objective of the audit and other audit areas. The auditor projects the total error on the population to get a broad perspective on the size of the error and comparing it with tolerable error.For detailed testing, tolerable error is tolerable and misrepresentations Revista Română de Statistică nr. 5 / 2010Statistics and Auditwill be a value less than or equal to materiality used by the auditor for the individual classes of transactions or balances audited. If a class of transactions or account balances has been divided into layers error is designed separately for each layer. Design errors and inconsistent errors for each stratum are then combined when considering the possible effect on the total classes of transactions and account balances.Evaluation of sample results - the auditor should evaluate the sample results to determine whether assessing relevant characteristics of the population is confirmed or needs to be revised.When testing controls, an unexpectedly high rate of sample error may lead to an increase in the risk assessment of significant misrepresentation unless it obtained additional audit evidence to support the initial assessment. For control tests, an error is a deviation from the performance of control procedures prescribed. The auditor should obtain evidence about the nature and extent of any significant changes in internal control system, including the staff establishment.If significant changes occur, the auditor should review the understanding of internal control environment and consider testing the controls changed. Alternatively, the auditor may consider performing substantive analytical procedures or tests of details covering the audit period.In some cases, the auditor might not need to wait until the end audit to form a conclusion about the effectiveness of operational control, to support the control risk assessment. In this case, the auditor might decide to modify the planned substantive tests accordingly.If testing details, an unexpectedly large amount of error in a sample may cause the auditor to believe that a class of transactions or account balances is given significantly wrong in the absence of additional audit evidence to show that there are not material misrepresentations.When the best estimate of error is very close to the tolerable error, the auditor recognizes the risk that another sample have different best estimate that could exceed the tolerable error.ConclusionsFollowing analysis of sampling methods conclude that all methods have advantages and disadvantages. But the auditor is important in choosing the sampling method is based on professional judgment and take into account the cost / benefit ratio. Thus, if a sampling method proves to be costly auditor should seek the most efficient method in view of the main and specific objectives of the audit.Romanian Statistical Review nr. 5 / 2010Statistics and Audit The auditor should evaluate the sample results to determine whether the preliminary assessment of relevant characteristics of the population must be confirmed or revised. If the evaluation sample results indicate that the relevant characteristics of the population needs assessment review, the auditor may: require management to investigate identified errors and likelihood of future errors and make necessary adjustments to change the nature, timing and extent of further procedures to take into account the effect on the audit report.Selective bibliography:[1] Law no. 672/2002 updated, on public internal audit[2] Arens, A şi Loebbecke J - Controve …Audit– An integrate approach”, 8th edition, Arc Publishing House[3] ISA 530 - Financial Audit 2008 - International Standards on Auditing, IRECSON Publishing House, 2009- Dictionary of macroeconomics, Ed C.H. Beck, Bucharest, 2008Revista Română de Statistică nr. 5 / 2010Statistics and Audit摘要美国公司的规模迅速增加,从第二十世纪初创造了必要的审计程序,根据选定的部分总人口的审计,以获得可靠的审计证据,以描述整个人口组成的帐户余额或类别的交易。
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参考文献翻译参考文献Teixeira, J.O.. (2003). Enhancing the competitiveness of the tourism industry. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(3), 827-847.这篇文章主要探讨了如何提升旅游业竞争力。
参考文献:Teixeira, J.O.. (2003). Enhancing the competitiveness of the tourism industry. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(3), 827-847.。
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Exchanges between the living room area residents is to communicate and exchange of indoor and outdoor space.At this stage, people's living standards greatly improved the living environment of continuous improvement district. Developers should not only focus on residential construction and the reasonable comfort, paying greater attention to the construction of residential environment. However, the current environment in the construction of residential areas, they are often the natural ecology of greening the environment is much more to consider, and the promotion of exchanges between the residents of the space environment to consider less, environmental construction can not meet the occupants of the psychological characteristics and needs. From the basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields of promoting a higher level, the residential area is not only the function of living, but also people's thinking and feelings of the local exchange. Therefore, the strengthening of exchanges between the residential areas of space construction, increase residential neighbourhood affinity, should be developed in the planning and construction of residential areas should also consider the issue.How to conduct exchanges between the residential areas of space planning and design, improve people's quality of life, the author of his own real estate development experience and try to contact the living room area of need, level of functionality for aReview.A residential area of exchanges between the need for spaceExchanges between the residential areas to create space for the process, in a sense, is in the course of exchanges between the people and the natural world and define the space environment between the development process.1.1 exchanges create a space to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of residents.Jan • Gaelic i n the "contacts and space," a book, the residents will live within the community of contacts divided into three categories: ① necessity of activities (such as school, work, etc.), the participants did not have much choice, subject to very little Material and environmental impact; ②spontaneous activities (such as walking, wait-and-see stop, etc.), greatly dependent on the quality of material and the space environment: ③social activities (such as children's games, chatting and people-to-people contacts between the passive January 1 simple See, hear, etc.), also, to a certain extent, the impact of material and the space environment. Therefore, the exchanges between the residential area of the space will create a direct impact on the residents of the contacts. As people's living standards gradually improved, the residents of the spiritual and cultural needs arising from the exchanges with the requirements will be getting higher and higher.Create a space of 120 contacts is the need to maintain traditional family ties Traditional historical neighborhoods and the living units Daza Yuan on the shape of an objective to maintain and develop the neighbourhood family. As the market economy and the development of new residential development and construction, and many residents to move to multi-storey high-rise residential, the link between households and households reduce, and even people are not familiar with the portal. At the same one floor, did not know each other very common phenomenon, the traditional relations in the neighbourhood gradually indifferent. Carry forward the traditional virtues, to promote family residential, Healthy demonstration projects in the country has long been proposed for residential"High-quality, new life", which "new life", including guidance on the new concept of living, to guide the new consumer awareness, a new form of exchanges, to form a new management model, and so on five aspects. According to this standard, the exchanges create a space it is very important.Create a space of 130 contacts is the need to build a harmonious society Residential area is to build a harmonious society space unit, a harmonious society is an important part. A residential area of a harmonious society can be harmonious.Harmonious residential areas should be a moderate consumption of economic, social management, diversification and harmonious relations between the neighbours, living environment, and with the humanistic spirit and the rich local cultural characteristics of the geographical space. From the hardware side, there should be a scientific and rational planning, good construction quality, improve infrastructure, the complete establishment of contacts, good landscape. From the software side, there should be quality property management, and improve the community-based organizations, the rich cultural atmosphere, good morality. Therefore, the exchanges between the space as an integral part of residential areas, create a far-reaching significance, and China recently and residential real estate will be put on the "build a harmonious family residential district," the objective is consistent.2 residential district-level exchanges between the space ofThe living space planning and construction in accordance with people at different times, different locations, different activities in different levels of privacy, can be divided into private space, semi-private room, semi-public space, public space, the formation of four space-related fields. The level and the field of space will help create a sense of belonging among the residents and enhance the interaction and pro-neighborhood and. People from the private space into the public space, is a gradual process. In this process, after all the residents of different levels of outdoor space, making contacts to become a necessity.2.1 residential building space to create exchangesDwellers in privacy is assured and meet under the premise of hope neighbourhood close, harmonious and to mutual exchanges and contacts. Therefore, the need to have exchanges between the space settings, and create a way as follows:2.11 expand the staircase depthStaircase is home residents in the buffer space, but also public housing tenants upstairs room at the break. The platform is too small to affect the length of stay of residents, not conducive to the exchanges between the residents. Expand the staircase depth, increase platform space, will increase their contacts, exchanges of opportunity.2.12 set up home gardensGarden is home residents into the indoor space for the transition, here, achieved a semi-private room for the transition to private space, residents here can support grass flowers, reception guests. Nanjing-day Hong Villa-home platform into the home in the Garden set up a grill door, both outdoor green landscape will be conducted to the interior of the extension, for two people through the grille gate to create anopportunity for exchange.2.13 expand the unit foyer areaUnit in the entrance foyer area and configure the appropriate expansion of some facilities such as rest stool, reading Baolan, a resident contacts, rest places, and units of the immediate household contacts. Conditional foyer can also do a lobby for households in this exchange, chat.2.14 bottom overheadResidential Design for the elevated bottom of open space and ensure the smooth flow of green space on the ground. Supported by flowers, Zuodeng facilities as residents of rest, such as chat room, and in connection with outdoor landscape, easy to create a good atmosphere for exchanges. Even rainy day also will not be affected, adding unlimited life for fun.2.15 set-Gallery- Gallery of traditional Chinese architecture is a form of construction, is a form can be effective in promoting exchanges between the people of the fun of space incentives, are widely used in modern residential design, such as the Osmanthus Hangzhou City District, Guangzhou Zhuyun Villa And so on. Gallery-factor here is traffic, and the exchange of places, played a role in the integration of the adjacent space, people can chat here, the sun, and so on.2.16 exchanges of high-rise buildingThe rising high-rise building in the physical environment restrictions on the freedom of the people exchanges, to reduce contact between the residents, the elderly rest, the lack of children's play space. Therefore, the high-rise building in the interval to set up a number of similar exchanges in the Chamber of good will to solve these problems. In this way, for the elderly in the rest of the space, to provide children with a playground, and the promotion of social interaction among residents.2.17 Roof GardenOn the platform set up in the roof garden, an increase of green space, was restored to the construction of the ground. People in this walk, fitness, chat, natural contact, an increase of exchanges between the residents of places to create a multi-level exchanges between the space.220 yards, a delegation of the association space"To achieve effective settlements between the groups and the exchanges have recognized the need for clear and appropriate areas of the border and logo." China's traditional courtyard space is part of building space, the area is a strong sense of spaceand border patterns, the neighbourhood is to increase exchanges and contacts between the effective means. Beijing Da Zayuan the old mode of living, residents of harmonious relations in harmony, a human face. Renowned architect Wu Liangyong design of the Beijing-ju infants alley, inheritance and development of this form of living.Shanqiang residential use of the wrong column, platform height difference, changes in residential space, residential settings between Lianlang, plants of the tube, creating a "siege without closure, without dredging through" the group space and formed a semi-private, semi-public The field of space. In the courtyard between the layout Zuodeng, the elderly here Xiejiao, Cuxitanxin, no longer feel lonely: reserve some space, children play in the home, mothers can be seen here in the kitchen, children no longer worried about the safety of: Members of mutual Reference , And mutual exchanges, and exchanges are deep-seated. Not only enhance the feelings and prevent the formation of a collective consciousness, to effectively prevent the destruction and crime, security, have been protected.So that more people can enjoy the environmental landscape comfort, more and more developers are good attention to the landscape of the building. Pichu in the group in a space, as a delegation of the public landscape. However, they often re-design of "visual effect" light "social effect." Although the construction of a large number of hardware shops, flower beds, shrubs planted Joe, it lacks some residents to promote exchanges between the rest of the shelters, chairs, and affected the exchanges between the extension of the neighbourhood. Therefore, the delegation landscape in the strengthening of public infrastructure construction, and create a space for exchanges, will promote exchanges between the residents of outreach.2.3 exchanges between the public spaces to create spaceBy the semi-public space to public space, people exchanges between the exchanges from the neighbourhood to the public exchanges, contacts between the characteristics of exchanges between the decision to create a space for the different practices.2.3.1 open space for public relationsResidential area of central green space is often the area of public venues, as shared by the entire population, is the residential area of the "living room." Here, residents of various gatherings, community activities, fitness. Open space should be designed, without borders and at the same time, various groups in the residential area green space to the center of the road, should be easily accessible, guide the people into public space, to participate in contacts and exchanges.2.3-2 and landscape combine PiecesResidential area of landscape and people's exchanges with the interaction between people in the landscape before the stop watch, the exchanges have the desire, with the landscape, more full of vigor. Therefore, public exchanges between the space and landscape Pieces should be combined, such as sculpture on the square, around the fountain Waterscape layout Zuodeng, people appreciate the side of sculpture, fountain, while exchanges and reduce the distance between people. At the same time should play a guiding role in the landscape, emphasizing participation, attractive to flow through the landscape, gathering popularity.3 exchanges between the living room area of the building featuresDifferent groups of people because of their age, occupation, cultural background of different exchanges of the functions of space have different needs. According to the characteristics of different populations and demand for space contacts between the different functions of the building, creating a different theme of space, will help attract people from outside, spontaneous interaction.3.1 exchanges between the functions of space and building occupants should be suited to the age structureChildren naturally active, have a strong sense of curiosity, games and more activities for climbing, jumping, leisure, such as Xishua. Therefore, the venue should be set up in the slides, swings, Leisure Pool, bunkers and other facilities, taking into account the needs of adults to care for children, some blocks in the surrounding layout stool. On the one hand, children in the game was physical and mental exercise, on the other hand, care for the children of people have been exchanges.Young people like sports. Therefore, in order to increase the sports facilities, planning to basketball courts, tennis courts and other sports space. However, it should be far from some residential, so as to avoid interference on the daily life of residents. Like the elderly in the early morning fitness, such as doing Qigong, a tai chi, like the rest of the time playing chess, play cards, chat, Yangniao such activities. Therefore, to make space in the small square, booths, equipped with Taiwan, tables, chairs and other facilities.3.2 exchanges between the space to take into account the function of building barrier-free facilities layoutExchanges between the living room area is a complex environment, including roads, green space, Pieces, facilities and other environmental factors. Exchanges between the functions of building space in addition to meet the normal use, should give fullconsideration to the disabled, the elderly vulnerable groups, such as the use of a barrier-free design. Barrier-free environment of space means exchanges with no obstruction and dangerous. If the import unit designed around 1.5 m x 1.5m above the level of space for wheelchair users stay; unit foyer reserved space for wheelchairs and Childs vehicles to facilitate wheelchair and Childs vehicles stored: in public relations to the road space On both sides, who set up blind road trip on the trail for the blind walking: the sidewalk in the end, a height difference of the junction, a height difference of public platform set up the ramp for wheelchair users access; elderly morning exercises in the square, as far as possible Be flat no height difference, the use of anti-skid surfacing materials: children playing in the park, the use of soft mats and safety warning signs in different exchanges of space, by setting up the Pieces and personalized theme sculpture, to enhance space And the recognition of sexual orientation, and so on.4 ConclusionIn residential areas of planning and construction, we must be people-centered, according to create a functional level and living space area contacts at all levels, from the psychological and physical needs of starting, through the space environment to create, create a positive, healthy exchanges between the atmosphere, Residential area into a harmonious family homes. Meanwhile, the exchanges between the living room area of thinking and innovation, and developers need to continue to carry out exploration.References[1] Yang • Gaelic. Exchanges and space [M]. Beijing: China Building Industry Press.[2] Wang. Living in the community, "the neighbourhood exchanges" and "space" of [J], building knowledge, 2004 (3) :13-1 5.[3] Nielan Health, Song Kun. Create a pleasant living space - LJ. Architectural Journal, 1997 (11) :29-31中文翻译居住区交往空间规划与设计夏良东【摘要】居住区交往空间是居民进行沟通与交流的户内、户外空间:文章从交往空间营造的必要性、层次性、功能性加以综述,旨在通过交往空间的营造,创造出积极、健康的交往氛围,促进居民交往,使居住区成为亲情和谐的家园。
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