

土力学(中英文对照)-- Earth Pressure Part 2

土力学(中英文对照)--  Earth Pressure Part 2

Example 2 (例题二)
(i) Behind the wall (墙背)
Soil 1
K a(soil1)
tan2 45
' 2
tan2 45
38 2
5 m Soil 2
K a(soil2)
tan 2 45
' 2
tan 2 45
28 2
(ii) In front of the wall the wall (墙前)
5 m Soil 2
tan2 45
' 2
tan2 45
28 2
'hpSoil25m 2 10 2.77 33.3 kN /m2 'hpSoil210m 2.7710.2 5 2 10 2.77 174.6 kN /m2
Example 2 (例题二)
The soil conditions adjacent to a sheet pile wall are given in the following figure. Calculate the total active force behind the wall and the total passive force in front of the wall. 计算板桩墙上总主动土压力和总被动土压力.
is unit weight of soil and z is depth of soil
Wall Movement (墙体的移动)
Earth Pressure At-Rest (静止土压力) ▪ when a wall does not move at all, i.e. it is “at rest” [AA’] (墙体没有位移)



技术学院考试试卷(B )一、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1、土的结构类型为 、 和 。

2、对无粘性土的工程性质影响最大的是土的 ,工程上用指标 来衡量。

3、粘性土的塑性指标I p ,液性指标I L 。

4、附加应力自 起算,自重应力自 起算。

5、土的抗剪强度指标的常用测定方法有 、 、 和 。

6、荷载试验曲线上,从线性关系开始变成非线性关系时的界限荷载称为 。

7、随荷载增加,地基变形的三个阶段是 、 和 。

8、钢筋混凝土扩展基础指 和 。

二、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1.天然状态砂土的密实度一般用( )来测定。

A 荷载试验B 轻便触探试验C 现场剪切板剪切试验D 标准贯入试验 2.粘土软硬状态的划分依据是( )。

A 含水量 B 液限 C 液性指数 D 塑性指数 3.利用角点法及角点下的附加应力系数表仅可求得( )。

A 基础投影范围内地基中的附加应力B 基础投影范围外地基中的附加应力C 基础中任意点的附加应力D 基础中心点下地基中的附加应力 4.土中控制体积和强度变化的应力是( )。

A 孔隙水压力 B 有效应力 C 自重应力 5.下列说法中,错误的是( )。

A 土在压力作用下体积缩小 B 土的压缩主要是土中孔隙体积的减小 C 土的压缩与土的透水性有关 D 饱和土的压缩主要是土中气体被挤出 6.在土的压缩性指标中,( )。

A 压缩系数α与压缩模量Es 成正比B 压缩系数α与压缩模量Es 成反比C 压缩系数越大,土的压缩性越低D 压缩模量越小,土的压缩性越低 7.在基底平均压力和其他条件均相同的条件下,条形基础的沉降比矩形基础的沉降( )。

A 大B 小C 相同D 无法比较8.某房屋地基为厚粘土层,施工速度快,则在工程上地基土抗剪强度指标宜用下列哪种试验确定?( )A 固结快剪B 快剪C 慢剪 9.下列说法中,错误的是( ),A 土的自重应力一般不会引起地基变形B 地基中附加应力会引起地基变形C 饱和土中的总应力等于有效应力和附加应力之和D 孔隙水压力会使土体产生体积变形10、土的γ、γsat 、γ’和γd 数值大小依次为( ),A γd <γ’<γ<γsatB γ’<γd <γ<γsatC γd <γ<γ’<γsatD γ’<γ<γd <γsat 11、当地下水位从地表处下降至基底平面处,对有效应力有何影响?( ) A 有效应力不变 B 有效应力增加 C 有效应力减小12、当地基为高压缩土时,分层综合法确定地基沉降计算深度的标准是( )。



Unite 12、Translate the following phrases into Chinese /English .(1)Compression Members 受压构件(2)critical buckling load 临界屈曲荷载(3)the slenderness ratio 细长比(4)stub column 短柱(5)reduced modulus 简化模量(6)Effective length 计算长度(7)Residual stress 残余应力(8)Trial-and-error approach 试算法(9)Radius of gyration 回转半径(10)Tangent modulus 切线模量3、Translate the following sentence into Chinese.(1)This ideal state is never achieved in reality, however, and some eccentricity of the load is inevitable.然而,在现实中,这种理想状态从来没有实现,一些荷载偏心是不可避免的szbending, and in these cases the member is a beam-column.在许多情况下,构件同样需要能够抵抗弯矩,在这些情况下,构件被称之为梁柱。

(3)If the member is so slender that the stress just before buckling is below the proportional limit---that is, the member is still elastic---the critical buckling load is given by Q.如果该构件很细长以至于在压曲前的应力低于比例极限---也就是说,该构件仍然是弹性状态---该构件的该临界屈曲荷载就可以由公式Q给出。


8.Low specific surface area比表面积
9.Sand has less nutrients for plants than smaller particles
5、土壤热量的来源主要有:①Solar radiation②biologicalheat③heat insidetheea土壤有何肥力特点? 土壤质地的改良措施有哪些?
3、土壤水分含量的表示方法主要有:①Themass water content②Thevolumn water content③relative water content④Soil water-storage capacity四种。
A、-200 mv以下; B、-200-100mv;C、100mv左右;D、400-700mv
5.Some sands in soil will be brown, yellow, or red because of Fe and/or Al oxide coatings.



Simple answer1, what is the difference between the normal consolidated clay and the over consolidated clay, the compression and the strength characteristics of the two?Answer: the soil in history has ever received the maximum effective stress for preconsolidation stress, expressed on the PC, and the force and the present Po 'than that of overconsolidation ratio (OCR), of the natural clay, OCR>1. The soil is overconsolidated; when the OCR = 1, normal consolidation soil preconsolidation stress. OCR=1 and the existing effective stress p '0 is less than the existing consolidation stress P0, the soil is less consolidated soilCompression characteristic difference: when the pressure increment is the same, the compression ratio of the normal consolidated soil is larger than that of the over consolidated soil.The strength characteristics are different: the strength of the super consolidated soil is higher than that of the normal consolidated soil.Shear properties: because the under consolidated soil is also a normal consolidated soil, so they have the same shear shape, that is, shear shrinkage and a positive pore water stress. Overconsolidated soil divided into strong overconsolidated soil and slightly over consolidated soil, ultra weak soil consolidation in the shear and normal consolidation soil as, volume dilation, produces a positive pore pressure, but pore water pressure to smaller than the normal consolidation soil; strong consolidation in the shearing process will produce dilatancy effect and produce negative pore water stress.2, the paper describes the factors affecting the soil compaction?A: the main factors of soil compaction are water content, compaction function, type and size of soil and coarse grain content.Of cohesive soil, moisture content influence is mainly manifested as when the moisture content is low. The same compaction function under the lower stem density, with increase of water content and the dry density will gradually improve; when reaching a certain moisture content, corresponding hit real function will get maximum dry density, corresponding water cut rate rate for optimum water content; with the increase of water content, maximum dry density but will decrease.The impact of compaction function shows that the larger the compaction function, the dry density of soil is larger, and the optimal water content decreases with the increase of compaction function.Soil type and gradation of influence performance in cohesive soil is usually no cohesive soil compressibility, high clay content, compressibility; good gradation, easy compaction, dry density high;The coarse grain content has influence on the compactness, and the results of the light compaction test need to be modified when the coarse grain content of more than 5mm grain size is more than 25% and 30%.3, compare the Rankine earth pressure theory and Kulun earth pressure theory and the similarities and differences of advantages and disadvantages.The same point: it is required that the retaining wall moves to make the shear strength of the soil filled after the wall to shear strength (limit state);Different points: Lang Ken theory is according to various points of soil in the equilibrium state of stress conditions for wall back on the earth pressure. Requirements for wall surface is smooth, and the filling surface level and result in too large. And Coulomb theory is according to the back of the wall and sliding surface of wedge type in the condition of static equilibrium in the limit equilibrium state for general earth pressure. The back wall can be tilted, rough soil surface tilt, calculation results of the initiative pressure meet the requirements, and passive pressure error larger. Rankine theory is considering the wall backfill per point of damage, up to the limit state; Coulomb theory consider sliding mass of the rigid body limit equilibrium;Rankine earth pressure theory has the advantages of simple formula, easy to use; disadvantages: of wall inclination, wall backfill surface tilt is not applicable;The theory of soil pressure in Kulun: it is applicable to the slope of the wall and the back fill slope of the wall; the disadvantage is that the condition of the clay is not considered;4, what are the foundations of the destruction of the form? What kind of soil foundation will happen to each of the soil? According to the theoretical calculation formula of bearing capacity, which is the main factor influencing the bearing capacity of shallow foundation? According to the theoretical formula to determine the bearing capacity which is applicable to the type of failure?Answer: the overall shear failure, shear failure and punching failure.Foundation failure mode mainly and soil properties especially related to compaction, in general, for solid or compacting the soil with low compressibility, usually presents general shear failure. For soft clay or loose sand foundation with high compressibility, often appear local shear failure or punching shear damage. Theoretical formula method, standard method and test method.Soil bulk density and strength index, foundation width b, foundation depth D, underground water level, etc.. The bearing capacity determined by the theoretical formula is applicable to the whole shear failure mode.5, why is that in general, the soil's self weight stress will not cause the compression of the soil deformation (or settlement), and when the ground water level down, it will cause the soil to sinkA: under normal circumstances, the foundation is a number of years of deposition, the weight of the role of stress has been reduced to a stable. Self weight stress has been transformed into the effective stress, and this kind of case, the self weight stress will not cause the soil to be compressed. But if the soil is recently deposited, the self weight stress has not completely changed the stress, then the self weight stress will be produced. (5 points)When the decline of groundwater level, soil from water under variable for the water and the soil original by the buoyancy effect. Now the Futuoliyin drawdown disappear, equivalent to exerting a downward volume force in the soil, its size is equal to the buoyant force. The force is bound to cause soil compression.6, how to measure the size distribution curve of soil and the frequency curve of grain size, what is the use? On the gradation of discontinuous soil, the two curves each have what characteristics?Answer: 1. Soil particle size distribution curve: with soil particle size of the abscissa (logarithmic scale) is less than the percentage of the total mass a particle size of soil quality for sample is plotted as the ordinate of the curve. According to the soil particle size distribution curve of the content of soil particle size fractions can be obtained for assessment of soil classification and general assessment of engineering properties. Some of the characteristics of particle size and for the quality of building materials selection and evaluation of soil gradation.The frequency curves of 2 groups: the average particle size of the particle group is the logarithmic scale, and the content of the soil particles in each particle group is plotted as the vertical coordinate.The particle size distribution curve of soil can not only determine the relative content of grain, but also can judge the gradation of soil according to the slope of the curve.7, other conditions in the same case, the settlement of the over consolidated clay must be less than the normal consolidation of clay settlement? Why? Answer: is. Compared with normal consolidated clay, overconsolidated clay pore Bibi normal consolidated soil is small, if the existing effective stress are the same, under a load increment, overconsolidated soil is along the recompression curve compression, and normally consolidated soils along the compression curve. Because of the same soil, the compression curve is more slowly than the compression curve, that is, the compression index is smaller than the compression index, therefore, the settlement of over consolidated clay is smaller than that of the normal consolidated soil.8, what is the principle of effective stress? In the figure, the foundation soil moisture is severe, the saturation is heavy and the float is heavy respectively, and the water is heavy, the water column of the M point of the measuring tube is high as shown in figure. The calculation formula of total stress, pore water stress, effective stress and self weight stress of M point are written.Answer: caused by external loads on the plane to the general stress for 6S, then it must by the surface force pore u and inter particle contact surface share, namely method on the surface to force equal to pore and interparticle undertaken by forces, namely the 6S = and '+ U.M point total stress:M point pore water stress:M point effective stress:M point self weight stress:9, the sliding surface slope slide which has several forms? What happened in the case? Safety coefficient of clay soil slope under the condition of no seepage can have what kinds of method? What are the methods used to analyze the stability of the slope?Answer: sliding surface slope slide are: arc, plane, composite sliding surface.Circular sliding usually occurs in a homogeneous clayey soil slope; sliding plane usually occurs in cohesionless soil; composite sliding surface in soil slope is not uniform slope.No seepage and clayey soil slope stability safety factor calculation method is: Phi = 0 analysis method, the Swedish division method, simplified Bishop method. In the slope stability analysis is often used method: Fellenius method, bishop strip method, Yang cloth strip method and imbalance thrust force method.10, the modified Terzaghi ultimate bearing capacity formula is suitable for what kind of failure types of foundation? The Terzaghi ultimate bearing capacity formula specify the position of the water table is how to influence on the bearing capacity?Answer: the modified Terzaghi formula of ultimate bearing capacity for strip foundation on the whole shear failure of foundation.Terzaghi's ultimate bearing capacity formula. Groundwater depth is greater, in the 1, 2 in the gamma were not affected; if the underground water level in the basement, 1 item of using gamma float density, reduce the carrying capacity of; if underground water level rose to ground at or above, the 1, 2 in the gamma were applied floating bulk density, capacity to further reduce.11, there are several kinds of clay soil? By what is the distinction between the status of the state?Answer: solid, semi solid, plastic, flow four states. (three can also be used) generally used to describe the degree of consistency of cohesive soil moisture (state) reflected in the moisture content of the effect of external forces and the ability to deform or damage.The states are distinguished as follows:Liquid limit (WL) -- from the flow state change rate of plastic state boundaries of water, is plastic state of the maximum water content; plastic limit (WP) -- the transition from plastic state for semi solid state limit moisture content is water in the lower plastic state rate;Shrinkage limit (Ws) - from the semi solid state to the boundary of the solid state water content, that is, with the reduction of soil moisture content and the volume began to change when the volume of water content.12, what is the pre consolidation pressure? What kind of soil is under consolidated soil? There is a certain excess pore water stress in the under consolidated soil layer. Under the consolidated soil, such as no new pressure, the soil will continue to compress it? Why?A: the pre consolidation pressure for the soil in the history of the maximum effective stress, with Pc. Under the action of self weight stress, the under consolidated soil is not fully consolidated, that is, the existing effective stress is less than the existing consolidation stress. There must be some excess pore water stress in the under consolidated soil. Because under the effect of self weight stress, under the self weight stress is not stable, and the attachment stress has not yet been converted to the effective stress, and there is still a part of the pore water. With the discharge of the pore water, the dissipation of the pore water stress, the ratio of the soil to the pore is further reduced, so that the soil layer will continue to compress even if no new pressure is applied.13, respectively, in the case of the flow below the two figure in the soil ABCDEA on the role of the force, and marked in the diagram. Among them, the map (a) to the soil as the research object, the map (b) to soil particles as the research object.Figure (a) (b)Answer:At. Taking into account gravity, taking into account the water pressure of ED and CD, considering the tangential reaction and normal reaction of AEDAt. Taking into account the gravity, considering the buoyancy, considering the seepage force. The tangential reaction and normal force on AED;14, the liquefaction of sand. (6 points)Answer: for saturated loose sand, when subjected to sudden dynamic load, because of the dynamic shear force should be to reduce the volume of the trend, because of the short time to wait outside the drainage, so the big pore water stress. According to the principle of effective stress, when the dynamic load caused by the excess pore water should u is reached, effective stress, the shear strength, cohesionless soil foundation will lose its bearing capacity, slope flow collapse.15, the sliding surface slope slide which has several forms? What happened in the case? The calculation method of stability coefficient of 3 kinds of lists of cohesive soil slope?Answer: sliding surface slope slide are: arc, plane, composite sliding surface. Circular sliding usually occurs in a homogeneous clayey soil slope; sliding plane usually occurs in cohesionless soil; composite sliding surface in soil slope is not uniform slope. Safety coefficient of clay soil slope calculation method: Phi = 0 analysis method, Sweden slice method and simplified Bishop method etc..16, the Yangtze River levee water retaining diagram as shown in Figure 2, respectively discuss flood peak arrive the river water level rose during and after the flood peak river water level dropped seepage function in the process of embankment retaining surface and back surface of the slope stability influence.Answer: the flood peak arrived, have toward seepage outside slope, theHave a favorable impact on water retaining slope stability, the dorsal surface of slopeStability adversely affected.After the flood peak water level decline, provided the water level in the above the river, have toward the seepage of the Yangtze River, for blocking the water slope stability adversely affect, smaller on the back surface of the slope stability influence at this time still maintain to the slope seepage, but its negative impact will be gradually weakened.17, a brief description of the method of using the method of stratified summation method for foundation settlement.A: 1 based on the nature of the load on the basis of the calculation of the base pressure and distribution2 the foundation layer.3 weight calculation of soil stress distribution4 Calculation of vertical additional stress distribution in the ground5 according to the arithmetic mean, the average self weight stress and the average additional stress of each layer are obtained.6 for the compression of the I layer,7 the amount of compression of each layer is accumulated to get the total settlement of thefoundation.18, other conditions in the same case, the settlement of the over consolidated clay must be less than the normal consolidation of clay settlement? Why?Answer: yes. Because and normally consolidated clays compared to small overconsolidated clay pore Bibi normal consolidated soil, if existing effective stress are the same, under a load increment, overconsolidated soil is along the recompression curve compression, and normally consolidated soils along the compression curve. Because of the same soil, the compression curve is more slowly than the compression curve, that is, the compression index is smaller than the compression index, therefore, the settlement of over consolidated clay is smaller than that of the normal consolidated soil.19, of seepage and stability of slope (as shown), test lists a stability analysis methods and illustrate the method in the three zones of icon the soil bulk density how to select?Answer: to soil particles as the object of study, the form of a combination of effective soil weight and seepage force of seepage and stability of slope stability analysis.Sweden slice method based on, take II water and soil particle buoyancy force on the center of the moment instead of seepage force on the center of the moment, and ignore the seepage force of anti slide effect can be establishedThe method is replaced by bulk density. In the calculation of anti slide effect (molecular) when, I region by the wet bulk density, region II the buoyant unit weight, region III the buoyant unit weight; in the calculation of the sliding action (denominator), zone I and III were still using wet bulk density and float density, but in zone II with saturated instead of bulk density.20, in the shear strength test, why not to put forward the consolidation of non drainage shear (or fast shear), consolidation of the drainage (or shear shear fast shear) and the consolidation of drainage (or slow shear) and other three methods? For the same kind of saturated clay, when three methods are used to test, the strength of the same? Why?Answer: anti?Site pan searches the convex probe into the panic wooded exploring the governance turns beech pan colonization D R Huang Valley Huang mass Tan, exploring the Yi Xing Xin word particle recovery drain pan, exploring the love people throw flow flow Aveo timid hydroxyl generous benevolence turn Maple beauty bed is judgemental of MI Gu hydroxyl generous Rong vice dropout m mi Gu hydroxyl generous at the expense of the tomb of Tan cluster Qiong Wu brew lag items off well behaved brag hydroxyl wives leisure scalded sneer rum red clam alpha gamma curl up Pan Qiong 'Gu hydroxyl generous shoulder, said an Ge song PI t mow Na Mi Qiong. Just but was probe wooded panic pan Deng alpha Chi tassel Deng pan Deng (Xian Zheng tassel Deng thujic Xiaoshan Deng (Oyster Ao Deng azulene pepper.Three, the total strength of the 21 kinds of test indicators are different, with the total stress thatthe shear strength index will vary with the degree of consolidation and drainage conditions are different, but the effective strength index does not change. This is due to the actual soil shear strength and effective force in the three test methods degree of consolidation and drainage conditions different, the pore water stress, shear strength is different, if the total stress and shear strength variation with drainage condition and change the state of water in the soil is what kind of? The influence of different states of water on the mechanical properties of the soil is briefly described.Answer: the state of water in the soil of crystal water, adsorbed water and free water, which free water and capillary water, capillary water and capillary water) and gravity water.The crystal water is firmly adsorbed on the crystal lattice of the solid particles, as a part of the soil mass, the mechanical properties of the soil are not much affected. ][adsorbed water has greater viscosity than ordinary water, less initiative and different density. Strongly adsorbed water by soil particle adsorption, firmly combined on the surface of the soil particles, the nature of close to the solid and can not transfer pressure. Weak adsorbed water is a viscous state, can not transfer pressure, nor in the pore free flow. The adsorbed water existing soil has the plasticity and viscosity, influence of compressibility of soil and the strength, and the permeability of the small soil.Free water left the soil particles surface is far away from the soil particles, and can move freely, and it's nature is no different from ordinary water, can transfer the hydrostatic pressure, has the ability to dissolve.Capillary water is related to the size and shape of the pores in the soil, the mineral composition of soil particles and the properties of water. In the wet powder and fine sand, the pore water only exists in the contact point of the soil particles, and it is not continuous. The pressure in the pore will be less than the atmospheric pressure. Will cause the pressure to force the adjacent soil particles to squeeze each other. The capillary water pressure, increase the intergranular dislocation friction resistance. Generating pseudo cohesion.Gravity water, like ordinary water, has the ability to dissolve, can transfer the hydrostatic and dynamic water pressure, the soil particles have a buoyancy effect. It can dissolve the water soluble salt in the soil, and change the engineering properties of the soil. When it flows in the pores of the soil, the seepage force is applied to the soil which flows through it.22, water is an important part of the three-phase soil. It is generally believed that it could not withstand the shear, but can withstand the pressure and suction; at the same time, water compressibility is small, usually encountered in the pressure range, its compression is negligible. Soft soil highway construction requires a small hill, the artificial excavation and slope is flat. The stress history of the soil and the compression curve are used to analyze the construction of the whole subgrade.Answer: (to make a schematic (2)I have a small slope foundation area with no slope zone have different stress history, they have different compression characteristics. Points)After the excavation of the area I for overconsolidated soil, when the small slope excavation to the foot of the slope relative to normal, compression curve will rebound rebound curve along, when to exercise the same additional stress delta P, zone 1 and zone 2 soil will along the different compression curves of consolidation of the foundation. Zone I will be along the B'B to the D points to the consolidation and stability of the curve.And the second zone will be stable along the AB compression curve to the point of D.The same P change, but the difference between the pore ratio is different, that is, the compression of the soil is different, so the whole section of the construction process of soft soil foundation in the construction method will not be the same.23, calculated a homogeneous clayey soil dam (downstream water level) of safety factor of slope stability, Q in (during normal operation) the upstream water level in the high water level and low water level and water level rapid decline related physical and mechanical parameters of the soil during the (severe, intensity index) C, should be how to choose? The relationship between the safety factor and the safety factor of the slope at the edge of the slope is compared and explained. When the low water level is assumed, the upstream part of the dam is not saturated.A: see textbook p260-261.High water level and low water level stable seepage, which belongs to the category of effective stress, should adopt the effective stress intensity index or the drainage shear strength index. When the soil is saturated with high water level, the floating weight index is used. And the low water level is not saturated. Rapid decline in water level, the water is not discharged, the consolidation of non drainage strength indicators. Rapid decline of water level, the water is not discharged, the soil saturation, with floating heavy index. The safety factor: the high water level > the low water level, the rapid decline of the water level (considering the infiltration force) can only be reflected in the shear strength index, so the total strength of the three different types of tests are different.In 24, the stability analysis of slope stability using seepage Fellenius method, seepage force and how to consider? What is the substitution method, how to select the various parts of the soil slope in bulk?Answer: the slope stability analysis of the steady seepage, seepage force can be considered net and gravity replacing method.Substitution method is in slope stability analysis by saturation line below and above the waterlevel outside the slope surrounded by the same volume of water weight center of the sliding torque to replace the seepage force on the center of the sliding moment.Instead of law. In the calculation of anti sliding effect (molecular), the saturation line above the wet bulk density, infiltration line with a slope below water level above the float density, slope below the water level by float density; in the calculation of the sliding action (denominator), saturation line above the wet bulk density, infiltration line with a slope below water level above the saturation density, slope below the water level by float density.24, what are the factors affecting the compaction of the soil? Please explain briefly.A: the main factors of soil compaction are water content, compaction function, type and size of soil and coarse grain content.Of cohesive soil, moisture content influence is mainly manifested as when the moisture content is low. The same compaction function under the lower stem density, with increase of water content and the dry density will gradually improve; when reaching a certain moisture content, corresponding hit real function will get maximum dry density, corresponding water cut rate rate for optimum water content; with the increase of water content, maximum dry density but will decrease.The impact of compaction function shows that the larger the compaction function, the dry density of soil is larger, and the optimal water content decreases with the increase of compaction function.Soil type and gradation of influence performance in cohesive soil is usually no cohesive soil compressibility, high clay content, compressibility; good gradation, easy compaction, dry density high;The coarse grain content has influence on the compactness, and the results of the light compaction test need to be modified when the coarse grain content of more than 5mm grain size is more than 25% and 30%.25, determine the foundation bearing capacity of the method there are several major categories? What are the factors that affect the bearing capacity of foundation? Whether the rise of the water table will cause changes in the bearing capacity of the foundation?A: (1) to determine the foundation bearing capacity of the method has three major categories: static load test or other in situ test, standard table method theoretical formula method. (2) the factors that affect the bearing capacity of the foundation are: the soil is heavy; the cohesion and internal friction angle of the soil; the width of the base; the depth of foundation. (3) the rise of the water table will cause the reduction of the bearing capacity of the foundation.Factors that affect the permeability of the soil?A: the particle size and mineral composition of the soil: the particle size, shape, and the effect of the permeability of the soil.The mineral composition of soil has a great influence on the permeability of clay. Combining with the thickness of the water film, when the thickness of the water film is thicker, the gap of the soil can be blocked, and the permeability of the soil can be reduced. The structure of the earth: because of the various kinds of soil, so the permeability is also the way. Viscosity of water: water seepage speed in soil and water density and viscosity related, and the two numerical and with gas is related to the temperature of the earth: when the soil voids exist in the confined bubble, blocking water seepage, thus reducing the permeability of the soil.The physical meaning of effective stress and pore water pressure in the effective stress formula is introduced in this paper.Answer: pore pressure at any point of the earth, in all directions is equal, so it can make soil particles produce compressed, and cannot make the soil particle displacement, inter granular soil effective stress, caused by the displacement of the soil particles, pore volume change, the soil compression deformation effectively at the same time, we should force also affect the soil shear strength.。



1、《土力学》试卷(2)2、《土力学》试卷(3)3、《土力学》试卷(4)4、《土力学》试卷(5)5、《土力学》试卷(6)6、《土力学》A卷7、《土力学》B卷------------------------------------------------------------------------------------土木工程专业《土力学》课程卷二一、填空 (25分)1. 土中结合水有和两种形式。

(C)2. 三种粘土矿物中,亲水性最小是 ,膨胀性最大的是。

(C)3. 计算土中某点的自重应力时从算起,而计算土中某点的附加应力时应从算起。

(B)4. 流砂现象主要发生在和等土层中。

(A)5. 砂土的密实度由和指标确定,其湿度由确定。

(B)6. 饱和土体的渗透固结过程是土中的消散, 增加的过程。

(C)7. 渗透系数κ可通过试验和现场试验确定。

(B)8. 土体受剪破坏时,剪切面与小主应力作用面成角。


(B)9. 土的抗剪强度可由室内的和试验获得,对软粘土,也可通过现场的试验获得。

(A)10. 在土坡稳定性分析中,安全系数κ可以表示为土体的力矩与力矩之比。

(B)11. 朗金土压力理论的三个假设分别可以表示为、和。

(B)二、名词解释 (16分)1. 有效应力(B)2. 压缩系数(A)3. 干容重(C)4. 固结度(B)5. 附加应力(B)6. 地基容许承载力(C)7. 灵敏度(A)8. 土的触变性(A)三、简答 (29分,第1题5分,其余每题6分)1.试简述分层总和法的假设及其计算步骤。






技术学院考试试卷(B )学期:12秋季 班级:建筑 科目:《土力学与地基基础》 闭卷题 号 一二三四五总分得 分一、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1、土的结构类型为 、 和 。

2、对无粘性土的工程性质影响最大的是土的 ,工程上用指标 来衡量。

3、粘性土的塑性指标I p ,液性指标I L 。

4、附加应力自 起算,自重应力自 起算。

5、土的抗剪强度指标的常用测定方法有 、 、 和 。

6、荷载试验曲线上,从线性关系开始变成非线性关系时的界限荷载称为 。

7、随荷载增加,地基变形的三个阶段是 、 和 。

8、钢筋混凝土扩展基础指 和 。

二、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1.天然状态砂土的密实度一般用( )来测定。

A 荷载试验B 轻便触探试验C 现场剪切板剪切试验D 标准贯入试验 2.粘土软硬状态的划分依据是( )。

A 含水量B 液限C 液性指数D 塑性指数3.利用角点法及角点下的附加应力系数表仅可求得( )。

A 基础投影范围内地基中的附加应力B 基础投影范围外地基中的附加应力C 基础中任意点的附加应力D 基础中心点下地基中的附加应力4.土中控制体积和强度变化的应力是( )。

A 孔隙水压力B 有效应力C 自重应力5.下列说法中,错误的是( )。

A 土在压力作用下体积缩小B 土的压缩主要是土中孔隙体积的减小C 土的压缩与土的透水性有关D 饱和土的压缩主要是土中气体被挤出6.在土的压缩性指标中,( )。

A 压缩系数与压缩模量Es 成正比 B 压缩系数与压缩模量Es 成反比C 压缩系数越大,土的压缩性越低D 压缩模量越小,土的压缩性越低7.在基底平均压力和其他条件均相同的条件下,条形基础的沉降比矩形基础的沉降( )。

A 大B 小C 相同D 无法比较8.某房屋地基为厚粘土层,施工速度快,则在工程上地基土抗剪强度指标宜用下列哪种试验确定( ) A 固结快剪B 快剪C 慢剪9.下列说法中,错误的是( ),A 土的自重应力一般不会引起地基变形B 地基中附加应力会引起地基变形C 饱和土中的总应力等于有效应力和附加应力之和D 孔隙水压力会使土体产生体积变形 10、土的、sat 、’和d 数值大小依次为( ),Ad <’<<sat B ’<d <<sat C d <<’<sat D考 生 答 题 不 得 超 过 此 密 封 框班 级考 号姓 名’<<d <sat11、当地下水位从地表处下降至基底平面处,对有效应力有何影响()A有效应力不变B有效应力增加C有效应力减小12、当地基为高压缩土时,分层综合法确定地基沉降计算深度的标准是()。


Example 2: The soil profile at a site for a proposed office building consists of a layer of fine sand 10.4 m thick above a layer of soft normally consolidated clay 2 m thick. Below the soft clay is a deposit of coarse sand. The groundwater table was observed at 3 m below ground level. The void ratio of the sand is 0.76 and the water content of the clay is 43%. The building will impose a vertical stress increase of 140 kPa at the middle of the clay layer. Estimate the primary consolidation settlement of the clay. Assume the soil above the water table to be saturated, Cc=0.3 and Gs=2.7.
• Example 3: Assume the same soil stratigraphy as in Example 2. But now the clay is over-consolidated with an OCR=2.5, w=38%, and Ce=0.05. All other soil values given in Example remain unchanged. Determine the primary consolidation settlement of the clay.



土木工程civil engineering结构工程structural engineering 土力学soil mechanics现场勘察site investigation项目经理project manager土木工程师civil engineer岩土工程Geotechnical Engineer 施工检查construction inspection 施工监管construction supervision助理工程师assistant engineer多孔材料porous material平衡条件equilibrium condition弹性模量elastic modulus应力张量stress tensor孔隙压力pore pressure有效应力principle of effectivestress专业技术人员professional andtechnical personnel压缩模块compressive modulus各向同性法向应力isotropicnormal stress应力分量stress components施工监管construction supervise1.Despite the essential尽管真正的工程师们在以上进步和人类幸福中所起的作用,但对他们所起作用的理解仍是不完全的。

munication lines道路、铁路、桥梁等交通网线是土木工程师的劳动果实,没有这样的交通网线,社会将不可能得到发展。

3.The principle of 流体力学原理可以用到日常生活中,如:飞机的飞行,水中鱼的游动,以及血管中的血液循环等。

4.Water supply engineering供水工程涉及水的定位和收集、水处理方法、标准极限试验和水的有效供给。

5.The role of an environmental环境工程师的作用是通过将各种技术应用到清理垃圾的工作中,从而在生物与技术之间建造一座桥梁。


σy τ τ B σx θ A σy τ τ σx
Figure 1 Soil element with stresses acting on it
6.The plan of a uniformly loaded rectangular area is shown in Figure 2. Determine the vertical stress increase z below point A at a depth of z 4 m .
Soil Mechanics在此处键入公式。
1.The mass of a moist soil sample having a volume of 0.0057 m3 is 10.5kg. The moisture content(w) and the specific gravity of soil soilds(Gs) were determined to be 13% and 2.68 ,respectively. Determine a. Moist density,ρ (kg/ m3 ) b. Dry density,ρ d (kg/ m3 ) c. Void ratio, e d. Porosity, n e. Degree of saturation , s(%)
Impermeable layer
Figure 1 Soil profile with capillary rise
8. For the retaining wall shown in Figure 2, determine the force per unit width of the wall for Rankine’s active state. Also find the location of the resultant.



读书破万卷下笔如有神一、土壤名词英汉互译( 15% )1、英译汉:(1) Pedosphere 土壤圈 , 土界 (2) Soil respiration 土壤呼吸 (3) Matric potential 衬质势 (4) Soil profile 土壤剖面(5) Plastic index 可塑指数2、汉译英:(1) 粘粒 clay particle (2)土壤容重 bulk density of soil ( 3)土壤质地soil texture ( 4)矿物 mineral ( 5)土壤肥力与土壤质量 soil fertility and soil quality二、简答题( 4 题中任选 2 题用英语回答,另外 2 题用中文回答)( 15%)1、 What are the three phases of a soil?土壤固相、液相、气相。


2、 Where does soil organic matter come from?主要来源于动植物、微生物残体(trash) is employed),排泄物(excretion/faeces) ,所施用有机肥料(the organic fertilizer和分泌物 (secretion)。

which3、 What are the major differences in composition between soil air and atmosphere?①. The level of CO2 in soil is about eight times higher than the normal atmospheric level.②. The O2 level in soil air is slightly lower than it is in atmospheric air.③. Soil air usually is much higher in water vapor than is the atmosphere.④. Also, under waterlogged conditions, the concentrations of gases such as methan ( CH4) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are notably higher in soil air.4、 What are basic( 碱性 /基性 ) cations(阳离子 ) and acidic cations in soils?三、选择题(10% )(请您将正确答案的编号填入括号内)1、国际制土壤质地分类将粘粒定为()。

土力学(中英文对照)-- Soil Mechanics Chapter 2 Permeability

土力学(中英文对照)-- Soil Mechanics Chapter 2 Permeability

Nabataean dam at Mamshit, Israel, around B.C. 100 (Courtesy of D. Murphy)
Arch dam (Courtesy of H. Chanson)
Aix-en-Provence, France (1854)
Drac river, France (1962) Height = 155 m
Soil Mechanics (土力学 )
Marks Allocation
Homework (Chapter 1 – 8)
Laboratory (2)
Examination (12th week)
20 % 10 % 70 %
Chapter 2 Permeability of Soil (土的渗透性)
2.2 Darcy’s Law (continued.. )
(ii) Assumptions Darcy’s law is valid for laminar flow (层流) condition
where Reynolds number is smaller than or equal to 1. Reynolds number (雷诺数) is defined as follows:
2.3 Determination of Coefficient of Permeability (continued..)
(ii) Falling head test (变水头测试)
A2 A1
h1 h2
where L is length of the specimen,
A1 is cross-sectional area of the specimen, A2 is cross-sectional area of the standpipe, h1 is total head at t = 0 and h2 is total head at t = T

土力学(中英文对照)-- Consolidation of Soil Part 1

土力学(中英文对照)-- Consolidation of Soil Part 1
▪ Pre-consolidation pressure (前期固结压力) ▪ Overconsolidation ratio (超固结比)
4.1 Compaction Vs Consolidation (压实与固结的比较)
What is the difference between compaction and consolidation? 压实与固结有什么的分别?
4.3 1-D consolidation test (单向固结试验)
Consolidation is a three-dimensional (三维) process, but the direction of flow of water is primarily vertical (主要在竖向)
▪ Coarse-grained soils ( 粗 粒 土 ), such as sands and gravels, consolidate at a much faster rate than fine-grained soils (幼粒土) such as silts and clays.
4.1c The need of consolidation theory (固结理论的重要性)
Chapter 4 Compressibility and Consolidation of Soil (土的压缩与固结)
In this lecture, we’ll learn ▪ Difference between consolidation (固结) and compaction (压实) ▪ 1-D consolidation test (单向固结试验)
Load – settlement curve



浙江大学土力学题库及答案第一章绪论1、土力学的英语是:(A)Soil Mechanics (B)Solid Mechanics (C)Soil Foundation2、岩土工程的英语是:(A)Rock and Soil Mechanics(B)Geotechnical Engineering(C)Rock and Soil Engineering3、下列哪位被誉为土力学之父?(A)库仑(Coulomb) (B)朗肯(Rankine) (C)太沙基(Terzaghi)4、土力学学科正式形成是哪一年?(A)1890 (B)1925 (C)19605、土力学主要研究地基那两方面的问题?(A)变形与渗流(B)变形和稳定(C)渗流与稳定6、浙江大学曾国熙教授倡导的岩土工程学科治学方法是?(A)理论研究与工程实践相结合(B)试验研究与理论研究相结合(C)基本理论、试验研究和工程实践相结合第二章土的物理性质与工程分类1、土颗粒的大小及其级配,通常是用颗粒累积级配曲线来表示的。

级配曲线越平缓表示:(A)土粒大小较不均匀,级配良好(B)土粒大小均匀,级配良好(C)土粒大小不均匀,级配不良2、土的不均匀系数Cu越大,表示土的级配:(A)土粒大小均匀,级配良好(B)土粒大小不均匀,级配良好(C)土粒大小不均匀,级配不良3、土的三相指标包括:土粒比重、含水量、重度、孔隙比、孔隙率和饱和度,其中哪些为直接试验指标?(A)孔隙比、含水量、土粒比重(B)土粒比重、含水量、重度(C)含水量、重度、孔隙比4、测定土的液限的标准是把具有30度锥角、质量76克的平衡锥自由沉入土体,沉入多少深度时的含水量为液限?(A)18mm (B)2mm (C)10mm5、压实能量越小,则(A)最优含水量越大(B)土越容易压实(C)土的最大干密度越大6、土的液限和塑限的差值(省去%符号)称为(A)液性系数(B)塑性系数(C)液性指数(D)塑性指数7、土的含水量一般用什么测定:(A)比重瓶法(B)烘干法(C)环刀法(D)搓条法8、某土的天然含水量为42%,液限35%,塑性指数17,孔隙比1.58,则该土应定名为:(A)淤泥(B)粉质粘土(C)淤泥质粘土9、土的密度一般用什么方法测定:(A)比重瓶法(B)烘干法(C)环刀法(D)搓条法10、关于土中的结合水,下列说法正确的是:(A)强结合水能传递静水压力(B)弱结合水能传递静水压力(C)强结合水和弱结合水能传递静水压力(D)强结合水和弱结合水都不能传递静水压力11、一般来说,粗大土粒往往是岩石经过什么作用形成?(A)物理和化学风化作用(B)物理风化作用(C)化学风化作用12、粘性土的塑限一般用什么方法测定?(A)比重瓶法(B)烘干法(C)环刀法(D)搓条法13、土的液性指数越大,则:(A)土的渗透性越大(B)土的塑性指数越小(C)土质越软14、土的塑性指数越小,则:(A)土的粘性越差(B)土的渗透性越好(C)土的变形越大15、土粒比重一般用什么方法测定:(A)比重瓶法(B)烘干法(C)环刀法(D)搓条法第三章土的渗透性与渗流1、不透水岩基上有水平分布的三层土,厚度均为1m,渗透系数分别为0.5m/d、 0.001m/d、 0.02m/d,则土层等效水平渗透系数为多少?(A)0.426m/d (B)0.174m/d (C)0.028m/d2、某饱和土的含水量为40%,土粒比重为2.75,则该土发生流土的临界水力坡降为:(A)1.02 (B)0.83(C)1.203、管涌形成的条件中,除具有一定的水力条件外,还与土粒几何条件有关,下列叙述正确的是:(A)不均匀系数大于10的土比不均匀系数小于10的土更容易发生管涌(B)不均匀系数小于10的土比不均匀系数大于10的土更容易发生管涌(C)与不均匀系数没有关系4、在防治渗透变形措施中,哪些措施是在控制水力坡降?(A)溢出部位铺设反滤层(B)上游做垂直防渗帷幕或设水平铺盖(C)下游挖减压沟5、不透水岩基上有水平分布的三层土,厚度均为1m,渗透系数分别为0.4m/d、0.05m/d、 0.003m/d,则土层等效竖向渗透系数为多少?(A)0.367m/d (B)0.063m/d (C)0.008m/d6、变水头试验常用来测定哪种土的渗透系数(A)粘性土(B)砂土(C)任何土7、计算成层地基中等效渗透系数时,水平等效渗透系数的大小取决于渗透系数____的土层,而垂直等效渗透系数的大小取决于渗透系数_____的土层;(A)大小(B)大大(C)小大(D)小小8、下列哪种土样更容易发生流砂:(A)粗砂(B)粉土(C)粉砂9、下列土体中渗透系数最小的是:(A)砂(B)粘土(C)粉土10、常水头试验常用来测定哪种土的渗透系数?(A)粘性土(B)砂土(C)任何土第四章地基中的应力计算1、地下水位下降将引起:(A)自重应力减小(B)地面沉降(C)超静孔压减小2、已知宽为3m,长为6m和另一宽为6m,长为12m的矩形基础,若两基础的基底附加应力相等,则两基础角点下竖向附加应力之间有何关系?(A)小尺寸基础角点下z深度处应力与大尺寸基础角点下2z深度处应力相等(B)大尺寸基础角点下z深度处应力与小尺寸基础角点下2z深度处应力相等(C)两基础角点下下z深度处竖向应力分布相同3、当地下水位从地表处下降至基底平面处,对基底附加应力有何影响?(A)不变(B)减小(C)增加4、条形均布荷载中心线下,附加应力随深度减小,其衰减速度与基础宽度有何关系?(A)基础宽度越大,衰减越慢(B)基础宽度越大,衰减越快(C)与基础宽度无关5、双层地基中上层土与下层土的变形模量之比越小,则下层土中的附加应力:(A)越小(B)不变(C)越大6、某方形基础中心点下1m处竖向附加应力为70kPa,则该基础中心点下2m处的竖向附加应力为:(A)95.2kPa (B)80.4kPa (C)56.3kPa7、在荷载作用范围外,竖向附加应力随深度的变化是:(A)竖向附加应力随深度的增加而减少(B)竖向附加应力随深度的增加,先增大,然后减小(C)竖向附加应力随深度的增加,先减小,然后增大8、对于天然地基,若土体竖向变形模量大于水平向变形模量,则与均质地基相比地基中竖向附加应力:(A)产生应力集中(B)产生应力扩散(C)没有变化9、对于均布条形荷载p作用下的附加应力为0.1p的等值线深度大约为基础宽度的几倍?(A)6;(B)3.5;(C)2;(D)1.510、在均布条形荷载作用下,最大剪应力发生在基础的什么部位?(A)基础中心(B)基础边缘(C)不确定第五章土的压缩性和固结理论1、土体压缩性e—p曲线是在何种条件下试验得到的?(A)无侧限条件(B)部分侧限条件(C)完全侧限2、从现场载荷试验p—s曲线上求得的土的模量为:(A)变形模量(B)弹性模量(C)压缩模量3、在室内压缩试验中,土样的应力状态与实际中哪一种荷载作用下土的应力状态相一致:(A)条形均布荷载(B)矩形均布荷载(C)无限均布荷载4、某地基土,已测得压缩指数为0.5,则回弹指数可能为:(A)1.0 (B)0.01 (C)0.15、某地基土,已测得压缩模量6MPa,则变形模量可能为:(A)7MPa (B)6MPa (C)5MPa6、双面排水,在土层厚度相同、性质相同的两个粘土层顶面,分别瞬时施加无限均布荷载p1=100kPa,p2=200kPa,试问经过相同时间t,两种情况的固结度有何不同?(A)p1=200kPa的固结度大(B)p2=400kPa的固结度大(C)两种情况的固结度相同7、某地基粘土层的厚度均为4m,情况1是双面排水,情况2是单面排水,当地面瞬时施加一无限均布荷载,达到同一固结度时,所对应的时间有何关系?(A)t1=4t2 (B)t1=2t2 (C)t1=t2 (D)t2=4t18、土的渗透性越好,则:(A)变形稳定越快(B)强度越小(C)有效应力增长越慢9、土的压缩性越大,则:(A)固结越快(B)固结越慢(C)与固结无关10、地基中的超静孔隙水压力产生的原因一般为?(A)地下水;(B)土自重与外加荷载;(C)地下水与外加荷载;(D)外加荷载11、某土样经压缩试验测得其在100kPa和200kPa压力作用下压缩24小时后的孔隙比分别为0.89和0.85,则该土样的:(A)压缩指数为0.25 (B)压缩模量为4.625MPa (C)压缩系数为0.4MPa-112、在固结过程中,饱和土体中的有效应力和孔隙水压力按如下规律变化:(A)有效应力减小,孔隙水压力减小(B)有效应力不变,孔隙水压力增大(C)有效应力增大,孔隙水压力减小第六章地基沉降计算1、在疏浚河道形成的新冲填土上建造建筑物,其沉降产生的原因:)(A)原地基的自重应力(B)冲填土自重(C)冲填土自重及建筑物荷载(D)建筑物荷载2、地基沉降计算深度是指:(A)主要压缩层厚度(B)主要持力层厚度(C)20倍地基宽度3、工后沉降一般是指:(A)全部的次固结沉降(B)工程完工后使用期内地基所发生的沉降(C)大部分的次固结沉降4、关于地基沉降,下列说法错误的是:(A)初始沉降的产生也需要一定的时间(B)土体固结沉降也有短时间完成的(C)将地基沉降分为三部分是从时间角度考虑的5、浙江沿海饱和软粘土地基一般情况下次固结沉降约占总沉降的:(A)40% (B)10% (C)15%6、在半无限体表面,瞬时施加一局部荷载,这时按弹性理论计算得到的应力是:(A)有效应力(B)总应力(C)孔隙压力7、初始沉降产生的原因:(A)土体体积不变,形状发生改变(B)土体体积发生变化(C)上述两种情况都有8、在常规的沉降计算方法中,地基中的应力状态是根据什么理论计算得到的?(A)线弹性理论(B)弹塑性理论(C)塑性理论9、考虑应力历史的影响时,沉降计算应采用哪种压缩曲线?(A)e—p曲线(B)e—logp曲线(C)上述两种均可10、规范法计算地基沉降时,采用的是哪种附加应力系数?(A)平均附加应力系数(B)附加应力系数(C)上述两种均可第七章土的抗剪强度1、饱和软粘土在不同竖向荷载p1>p2>p3作用下在直剪仪中进行快剪,所得的强度有何不同?(A)p越大,竖向荷载越大,所以强度越大(B)三者强度相同(C) p越大,孔隙水压力越大,所以强度越低2.十字板试验测得的抗剪强度相当于实验室用什么方法测得的抗剪强度?(A)不固结不排水试验(B)应力路径试验(C)固结排水试验3、直剪试验土样的破坏面在上下剪切盒之间,三轴试验土样的破坏面在什么位置上?(A)与试样顶面夹角为45(B)与试样顶面夹角为45-φ/2(C)与试样顶面夹角为45+φ/24、有一个砂样,在三轴试验时,在围压100kPa应力下,增加轴向应力使砂样破坏,已知砂样的内摩擦角为30度,则破坏时破坏面上的正应力为多少?(A)200kPa (B)180kPa (C)150kPa5、下列那个试验测试的不是土的天然抗剪强度:(A)十字板剪切试验(B)无侧限抗压强度试验(C)直接剪切试验(D)三轴不固结不排水试验6、现场原位测试土的抗剪强度的试验有:(A)十字板剪切试验(B)无侧限抗压试验(C)直接剪切试验(D)三轴压缩试验7、在做三轴试验时,加荷速率越快,则测得的:(A)抗剪强度越大(B)抗剪强度越小(C)对抗剪强度没影响8、对于蠕变,下列说法错误的是:(A)蠕变可能导致土体在没有达到抗剪强度的条件下破坏(B)随着土体蠕变,土体的粘聚力逐渐减小,直到某个限值(C)随着土体蠕变,土体的内摩擦力逐渐减小,直到某个限值9、固结不排水试验剪切阶段的总应力路径轨迹为:(A)曲线(B)直线(C)不确定10、考虑土体的各向异性,下列说法正确的是:(A)正常固结粘土的水平向土样的强度常常小于竖直向土样的强度(B)正常固结粘土的水平向土样的强度常常大于竖直向土样的强度(C)不确定第八章土压力与支档结构1、挡土墙后填土发生朗肯被动破坏,滑动面的方向如何确定?(A)与水平面夹角45+φ/2(B)与水平面夹角45-φ/2(C)与水平面夹角452、库仑土压力理论通常适用于哪种土类?(A)粘性土(B)砂性土(C)各类土3、设被动土压力和主动土压力充分发挥时所需的挡土墙水平位移分别为△1和△2,则:)(A)△1>△2 (B) △1=△2 (C)△1<△24、关于静止土压力、主动土压力、被动土压力下列说法正确的是:(A)静止土压力>主动土压力>被动土压力(B)被动土压力>静止土压力>主动土压力(C)主动土压力>静止土压力>被动土压力5、对于无粘性土,在填土面水平、墙背竖直、墙背光滑的条件下,对朗肯土压力理论和库仑土压力计算的结果比较,则:(A)库仑土压力>朗肯土压力(B)库仑土压力<朗肯土压力(C)库仑土压力=朗肯土压力6、由库仑土压力理论计算出的主动土压力,其作用方向:(A)必垂直墙背(B)不一定垂直墙背(C)一般应为水平的7、刚性挡土墙墙背铅垂光滑,墙后土体之内摩擦角为φ,挡土墙后移使墙后土体产生与水平面夹角为θ的破裂面,土楔的重量为G,则按库仑土压力理论,作用在墙上的被动土压力为:(A)Gtan(θ+φ)(B)G /tan(θ+φ)(C)Gtan(θ-φ)8、在下列公式的建立过程中,未涉及摩尔—库仑强度理论的是:(A)朗肯被动土压力(B)库仑主动土压力(C)静止土压力9、一般情况下,下列哪种土静止土压力系数最大?(A)粘性土(B)砂性土(C)粉土10、在其他条件相同的情况下,当档土结构背离填土方向移动相同的位移时,下列哪种土最可能先达到主动土压力?(A)密砂(B)松砂(C)软粘土第九章地基承载力1、地基的极限承载力是指:(A)地基中形成连续滑动面时的承载力(B)地基中开始出现塑性区时的承载力(C)地基的变形达到上部结构极限状态时的承载力2、地基的极限承载力公式时根据下列何种假设推导得到的?(A)根据建筑物的变形要求推导得到的(B)根据地基中滑动面的形状推导得到的(C)根据塑性区发展的大小得到的3、地基荷载达到某一数值后,基础的一侧到另一侧形成连续滑动面,基础四周地面隆起,基础倾斜,甚至倒塌,这种破坏模式称为:(A)整体剪切破坏(B)刺入破坏(C)局部剪切破坏4、通常,加大浅基础埋深,会使得:(A)承载力降低,沉降减小(B)承载力提高,沉降增大(C)承载力提高,沉降减小(D)承载力降低,沉降增大5、设地基为理想弹塑性体,基础为浅埋条形基础,地基的临塑荷载与下列哪项无关?(A)基础的埋深(B)基础的宽度(C)地基土的内摩擦角(D)地基土的粘聚力6、下列说法正确的是:(A)地基破坏时,土中都将出现延伸至地表的滑面(B)荷载—沉降曲线上由直线转为曲线时所对应的荷载为极限荷载(C)以临塑荷载作为地基的承载力通常是偏于保守的第十章土坡稳定性分析1、堤坝填筑过程中,若施工速度很快,且土体和地基的渗透系数很小,则在分析堤坝竣工时的稳定性时,应采用下述哪种分析方法:(A)总应力分析法(B)有效应力分析法(C)总应力分析法或有效应力分析法皆可2、分析土坡稳定性时,对挖方土坡最小安全系数的说法正确的是:(A)挖方结束时,安全系数最小(B)最小安全系数出现在挖方过程中某个时间(C)稳定安全系数存在一个逐渐下降的过程,直至土坡形成后很长时间才趋于常数3、等厚度无限长砂性土坡下为基岩,坡面与水平面的夹角为25.7度,砂性土的内摩擦角为30度,则土体的安全系数为:(A)1.0(B)1.2(C)1.44、无粘性土坡,内摩擦角为φ,坡角为β,其稳定安全系数为:(A)tanφ/tanβ(B)sinφ/sinβ(C)tanβ/tanφ。



一、名词解释(每题3分,共10分) 1. 残积土答:母岩经过风化作用破碎成岩屑后仍留在原地的堆积物 2.土的三相系土是固体颗粒、水和空气的混合物,常称土为三相系。

固相:土的颗粒、粒间胶结物; 液相:土体孔隙中的水;气相:孔隙中的空气。


4. 粘性土的灵敏度某些粘土在含水率不变的条件下经搓捏使其原有结构彻底扰动,它的强度将降低。


5. 管涌在渗流作用下,一定级配的无粘性土中的细小颗粒,通过较大颗粒所形成的孔隙发生移动,最终在土中形成与地表贯通的管道。


7. 土的压缩性加荷后,孔隙中的水和气体缓慢排出,土颗粒发生移动靠拢从而土体体积减小。

8. 土的抗剪强度土的抗剪强度是指土体对于外荷载所产生的剪应力的极限抵抗能力。

9.被动土压力当挡土墙在外力作用下向填土挤压,墙后填土达到极限平衡状态,作用在墙上的土压力称为被动土压力 10. 临界荷载持力层中出现某一允许大小塑性区时的荷载二、简答(30分)1. 地基中的附加应力分布规律?答:1)在地面下任一深度的水平面上,各点的附加应力非等值,在集中力作用线上的附加应力最大,向两侧逐渐减小。




答:饱和土是由固体颗粒构成的骨架和充满其间的水组成的两相体,受外力后由两种应力形式承担: 粒间应力: 土骨架承担,由颗粒之间的接触传递通过土粒间的接触面传递的应力叫有效应力。

孔隙水压力:孔隙水承担,由 连通的孔隙水传递u +=/σσ 只有有效应力才能使土体产生固结和强度的改变3、影响土体的压实性的因素有哪些?如何影响?什么是最优含水率?答:(1).击实功能的影响:击实数最大最大干密度增大,最优含水率减;当含水率较低时击数的影响较显著,当含水率较高时,提高击实功是无效的。



完型填空1、Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. It is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses, 1 backache to severe headaches, or even more serious complaints such as high blood pressure.Many of us think 2 stress as something that other people impose on us. We often complain about how other people put us 3 pressure. But we should try not to let such pressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stress ourselves. We sometimes take 4 more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. We should learn to5 our limitations. We should be aware of which things are really important and which are not. (1)、A:ofB:underC:acceptD:fromE:on答案:D(2)、A:ofB:underC:acceptD:fromE:on答案:A(3)、A:ofB:underC:acceptD:fromE:on答案:B(4)、A:ofB:underC:acceptD:fromE:on答案:EA:ofB:underC:acceptD:fromE:on答案:C7、Fire can help people in many ways. Fire can heat water, 1 your house, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too. Nobody knows 2 people began to use fire. One story from Australia tells about a man a very long time ago. He went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down.Today people know how to 3 a fire with matches. Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous.Fire kills people every year. So you must be careful about matches. You should also learn to 4 fires. Fires need oxygen. Without oxygen they die. There is oxygen in the air. Cover a fire with water, sand, or in an emergency, with your coat or a blanket. This keeps the air 5 a fire and kills it.Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it might hurt you.(1)、A:makeB:warmC:howD:put outE:from答案:B(2)、A:makeB:warmC:howD:put outE:from答案:C(3)、A:makeB:warmC:howD:put outE:from答案:A(4)、B:warmC:howD:put outE:from答案:D(5)、A:makeB:warmC:howD:put outE:from答案:E9、In the eighteenth century, cities became larger and larger. People moved from the countryside and small towns to the 1 because there was more work for them to do in the cities.On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good time in the countryside. But not every 2 had a horse or a wagon(四轮马车). People needed a simpler means of transportation.Inventors in many countries tried to solve this problem.The first bicycle, which was very simple, 3 in 1790. People called "the horse on wheel". Then in 1861, after many improvements being made, the bicycle became a practical 4 of transportation.People liked bikes because they weren't as expensive as horses and didn't need to be fed. They could go anywhere and were easy to 5 .(1)、A:appearedB:citiesC:familyD:meansE:ride答案:B(2)、A:appearedB:citiesC:familyD:meansE:ride答案:C(3)、A:appearedC:familyD:meansE:ride答案:A(4)、A:appearedB:citiesC:familyD:meansE:ride答案:D(5)、A:appearedB:citiesC:familyD:meansE:ride答案:E10、American people divide their days into several blocks of time, and plan different activities 1 different times.American time is "on the dot"(准确地). If something is supposed to happen at eight o'clock, it will begin at eight. Americans value promptness(准时)and may become angry if a person is more than 15 minutes late 2 a good reason. If you know you are going to be late, call in advance and let someone know. 3 you arrive late, you should apologize and explain why. Americans arrive 4 time for doctors' appointments. The doctor may keep you 5 , but if you keep the doctor waiting, you may get a bill with the doctor's time!(1)、A:forB:waitingC:onD:ifE:without答案:A(2)、A:forB:waitingC:onE:without答案:E(3)、A:ForB:WaitingC:OnD:IfE:Without答案:D(4)、A:forB:waitingC:onD:ifE:without答案:C(5)、A:forB:waitingC:onD:ifE:without答案:B11、The Internet began more than thirty years ago, and its goal was to increase communication among universities, the government and some major American businesses by linking their computers together. The Internet makes it easy for them to send large 1 of information quickly.As time passed, more people began using the Internet. In 1981, the Internet linked 13 computers. Only nine years later, it 2 more than 350,000 computers. Today experts say there are about 300 million computers connected to the Internet.The Internet has changed the way people work. They can travel from place to place 3 getting in touch with their office all the time via the Internet. A recent report in the America magazine, Newsweek, said more than 89 million Americana now use the Internet at work. Companies around the world now use the Internet. One can hardly imagine how business could be done 4 the Internet.The Internet is becoming more important than any one had thought possible. And its importance is 5 to increase more in the future.(1)、A:linkedB:expectedC:amountD:whileE:without答案:C(2)、A:linkedB:expectedC:amountD:whileE:without答案:A(3)、A:linkedB:expectedC:amountD:whileE:without答案:D(4)、A:linkedB:expectedC:amountD:whileE:without答案:E(5)、A:linkedB:expectedC:amountD:whileE:without答案:B14、Social customs and ways of behaving are changing. __1__ was considered impolite many years ago is now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was thought to be impolite behavior for a man to smoke in the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman __2__ a fool of himself by smoking when a woman was in the room.Customs __3__ from country to country, but the important thing __4__ is not to do anything that might make other people feel __5__, especially if they are your guests. You are expected to find away to keep them from feeling foolish.(1)、A:uncomfortableB:would makeC:to rememberD:whatE:vary答案:D(2)、A:uncomfortableB:would makeC:to rememberD:whatE:vary答案:B(3)、A:uncomfortableB:would makeC:to rememberD:whatE:vary答案:E(4)、A:uncomfortableB:would makeC:to rememberD:whatE:vary答案:C(5)、A:uncomfortableB:would makeC:to rememberD:whatE:vary答案:A15、One of the latest imports is acupuncture(针刺疗法), the use of needles for __1__ disease. Although acupuncture has been practiced in China for 2000 years, its __2__ in the Western world isstill very __3__. Several hospitals in the United States are now experimenting with acupuncture as a way of treating pains.An American journalist described the process __4__ its effects. To keep the patient __5__ feeling pain during the operation, four needles were used, each about an inch and a half long. The tops of the needles were attached to wires which led to a small electrical device.(1)、A:andB:treatingC:fromD:newE:use答案:B(2)、A:andB:treatingC:fromD:newE:use答案:E(3)、A:andB:treatingC:fromD:newE:use答案:D(4)、A:andB:treatingC:fromD:newE:use答案:A(5)、A:andB:treatingC:fromD:newE:use18、Do you know the story about the fox and the grapes? A fox is ___1___ food. He is very hungry. Now, he stands near a wall. The wall is very ___2___.The fox is looking up. He sees a lot of fine grapes ___3___ the wall. He smiles and says, "How nice they are! I want to eat them."The fox jumps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He ___4___ get the grapes.The fox says, "I must go now. I don't like those grapes. They are green. They are not ___5___ to eat."(1)、A:looking forB:goodC:onD:highE:can't答案:A(2)、A:looking forB:goodC:onD:highE:can't答案:D(3)、A:looking forB:goodC:onD:highE:can't答案:C(4)、A:looking forB:goodC:onD:highE:can't答案:E(5)、A:looking forC:onD:highE:can't答案:B19、Memory is very important in our life. A good memory is a great help for learning a language. Everybody learns ___1___ own language by keeping in mind what he hears when he is a small child. Some children like those who ___2___ abroad with their ___3___, seem to learn two languages easily as they do one. In school, it's not easy for pupils ___4__ a second language because they have very ___5___ time for it. Memory is like a diary that we keep every day.(1)、A:liveB:littleC:parentsD:hisE:to learn答案:D(2)、A:liveB:littleC:parentsD:hisE:to learn答案:A(3)、A:liveB:littleC:parentsD:hisE:to learn答案:C(4)、A:liveB:littleC:parentsD:hisE:to learn答案:E(5)、A:liveB:littleC:parentsD:hisE:to learn答案:B20、 A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much ___1___ a nice-looking watch. He saw a watch and liked it so much that he decided to buy it. But the owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it.While the American was hesitating, a young man suddenly came into the shop, took the watch out of the owner's hand and ran out with it. It all happened in ___2___ seconds. When the owner ran out into the street, the young man had already ___3___ among the people. The American went on. At the next corner, he saw the young man with the stolen watch in his hand, "Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?" he said in a low voice, "It's only a hundred dollars.""The young man doesn't know I saw him ___4___ the watch just now," he thought. The American paid at once and went happily back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch. His friend ___5___ a look at the watch and started to shout immediately. He said, "You are a fool. This watch is worth only ten dollars. I'm sure the shop owner and the young man planned all this together."(1)、A:a fewB:disappearedC:to getD:tookE:stealing答案:C(2)、A:a fewB:disappearedC:to getD:tookE:stealing答案:A(3)、A:a fewB:disappearedC:to getD:tookE:stealing答案:B(4)、 A :a fewB :disappearedC :to getD :tookE :stealing 答案:E(5)、 A :a fewB :disappearedC :to getD :tookE :stealing 答案:D第1章 土的物理性质与工程分类一.填空题1. 颗粒级配曲线越平缓,不均匀系数越大,颗粒级配越好。



第一章绪论1、土力学的英语是:(A)Soil Mechanics (B)Solid Mechanics (C)Soil Foundation2、岩土工程的英语是:(A)Rock and Soil Mechanics(B)Geotechnical Engineering(C)Rock and Soil Engineering3、下列哪位被誉为土力学之父?(A)库仑(Coulomb) (B)朗肯(Rankine) (C)太沙基(Terzaghi)4、土力学学科正式形成是哪一年?(A)1890 (B)1925 (C)19605、土力学主要研究地基那两方面的问题?(A)变形与渗流(B)变形和稳定(C)渗流与稳定6、浙江大学曾国熙教授倡导的岩土工程学科治学方法是?(A)理论研究与工程实践相结合(B)试验研究与理论研究相结合(C)基本理论、试验研究和工程实践相结合第二章土的物理性质与工程分类1、土颗粒的大小及其级配,通常是用颗粒累积级配曲线来表示的。

级配曲线越平缓表示:(A)土粒大小较不均匀,级配良好(B)土粒大小均匀,级配良好(C)土粒大小不均匀,级配不良2、土的不均匀系数Cu越大,表示土的级配:(A)土粒大小均匀,级配良好(B)土粒大小不均匀,级配良好(C)土粒大小不均匀,级配不良3、土的三相指标包括:土粒比重、含水量、重度、孔隙比、孔隙率和饱和度,其中哪些为直接试验指标?(A)孔隙比、含水量、土粒比重(B)土粒比重、含水量、重度(C)含水量、重度、孔隙比4、测定土的液限的标准是把具有30度锥角、质量76克的平衡锥自由沉入土体,沉入多少深度时的含水量为液限?(A)18mm (B)2mm (C)10mm5、压实能量越小,则(A)最优含水量越大(B)土越容易压实(C)土的最大干密度越大6、土的液限和塑限的差值(省去%符号)称为(A)液性系数(B)塑性系数(C)液性指数(D)塑性指数7、土的含水量一般用什么测定:(A)比重瓶法(B)烘干法(C)环刀法(D)搓条法8、某土的天然含水量为42%,液限35%,塑性指数17,孔隙比1.58,则该土应定名为:(A)淤泥(B)粉质粘土(C)淤泥质粘土9、土的密度一般用什么方法测定:(A)比重瓶法(B)烘干法(C)环刀法(D)搓条法10、关于土中的结合水,下列说法正确的是:(A)强结合水能传递静水压力(B)弱结合水能传递静水压力(C)强结合水和弱结合水能传递静水压力(D)强结合水和弱结合水都不能传递静水压力11、一般来说,粗大土粒往往是岩石经过什么作用形成?(A)物理和化学风化作用(B)物理风化作用(C)化学风化作用12、粘性土的塑限一般用什么方法测定?(A)比重瓶法(B)烘干法(C)环刀法(D)搓条法13、土的液性指数越大,则:(A)土的渗透性越大(B)土的塑性指数越小(C)土质越软14、土的塑性指数越小,则:(A)土的粘性越差(B)土的渗透性越好(C)土的变形越大15、土粒比重一般用什么方法测定:(A)比重瓶法(B)烘干法(C)环刀法(D)搓条法第三章土的渗透性与渗流1、不透水岩基上有水平分布的三层土,厚度均为1m,渗透系数分别为0.5m/d、 0.001m/d、 0.02m/d,则土层等效水平渗透系数为多少?(A)0.426m/d (B)0.174m/d (C)0.028m/d2、某饱和土的含水量为40%,土粒比重为2.75,则该土发生流土的临界水力坡降为:(A)1.02 (B)0.83(C)1.203、管涌形成的条件中,除具有一定的水力条件外,还与土粒几何条件有关,下列叙述正确的是:(A)不均匀系数大于10的土比不均匀系数小于10的土更容易发生管涌(B)不均匀系数小于10的土比不均匀系数大于10的土更容易发生管涌(C)与不均匀系数没有关系4、在防治渗透变形措施中,哪些措施是在控制水力坡降?(A)溢出部位铺设反滤层(B)上游做垂直防渗帷幕或设水平铺盖(C)下游挖减压沟5、不透水岩基上有水平分布的三层土,厚度均为1m,渗透系数分别为0.4m/d、0.05m/d、 0.003m/d,则土层等效竖向渗透系数为多少?(A)0.367m/d (B)0.063m/d (C)0.008m/d6、变水头试验常用来测定哪种土的渗透系数(A)粘性土(B)砂土(C)任何土7、计算成层地基中等效渗透系数时,水平等效渗透系数的大小取决于渗透系数____的土层,而垂直等效渗透系数的大小取决于渗透系数_____的土层;(A)大小(B)大大(C)小大(D)小小8、下列哪种土样更容易发生流砂:(A)粗砂(B)粉土(C)粉砂9、下列土体中渗透系数最小的是:(A)砂(B)粘土(C)粉土10、常水头试验常用来测定哪种土的渗透系数?(A)粘性土(B)砂土(C)任何土第四章地基中的应力计算1、地下水位下降将引起:(A)自重应力减小(B)地面沉降(C)超静孔压减小2、已知宽为3m,长为6m和另一宽为6m,长为12m的矩形基础,若两基础的基底附加应力相等,则两基础角点下竖向附加应力之间有何关系?(A)小尺寸基础角点下z深度处应力与大尺寸基础角点下2z深度处应力相等(B)大尺寸基础角点下z深度处应力与小尺寸基础角点下2z深度处应力相等(C)两基础角点下下z深度处竖向应力分布相同3、当地下水位从地表处下降至基底平面处,对基底附加应力有何影响?(A)不变(B)减小(C)增加4、条形均布荷载中心线下,附加应力随深度减小,其衰减速度与基础宽度有何关系?(A)基础宽度越大,衰减越慢(B)基础宽度越大,衰减越快(C)与基础宽度无关5、双层地基中上层土与下层土的变形模量之比越小,则下层土中的附加应力:(A)越小(B)不变(C)越大6、某方形基础中心点下1m处竖向附加应力为70kPa,则该基础中心点下2m处的竖向附加应力为:(A)95.2kPa (B)80.4kPa (C)56.3kPa7、在荷载作用范围外,竖向附加应力随深度的变化是:(A)竖向附加应力随深度的增加而减少(B)竖向附加应力随深度的增加,先增大,然后减小(C)竖向附加应力随深度的增加,先减小,然后增大8、对于天然地基,若土体竖向变形模量大于水平向变形模量,则与均质地基相比地基中竖向附加应力:(A)产生应力集中(B)产生应力扩散(C)没有变化9、对于均布条形荷载p作用下的附加应力为0.1p的等值线深度大约为基础宽度的几倍?(A)6;(B)3.5;(C)2;(D)1.510、在均布条形荷载作用下,最大剪应力发生在基础的什么部位?(A)基础中心(B)基础边缘(C)不确定第五章土的压缩性和固结理论1、土体压缩性e—p曲线是在何种条件下试验得到的?(A)无侧限条件(B)部分侧限条件(C)完全侧限2、从现场载荷试验p—s曲线上求得的土的模量为:(A)变形模量(B)弹性模量(C)压缩模量3、在室内压缩试验中,土样的应力状态与实际中哪一种荷载作用下土的应力状态相一致:(A)条形均布荷载(B)矩形均布荷载(C)无限均布荷载4、某地基土,已测得压缩指数为0.5,则回弹指数可能为:(A)1.0 (B)0.01 (C)0.15、某地基土,已测得压缩模量6MPa,则变形模量可能为:(A)7MPa (B)6MPa (C)5MPa6、双面排水,在土层厚度相同、性质相同的两个粘土层顶面,分别瞬时施加无限均布荷载p1=100kPa,p2=200kPa,试问经过相同时间t,两种情况的固结度有何不同?(A)p1=200kPa的固结度大(B)p2=400kPa的固结度大(C)两种情况的固结度相同7、某地基粘土层的厚度均为4m,情况1是双面排水,情况2是单面排水,当地面瞬时施加一无限均布荷载,达到同一固结度时,所对应的时间有何关系?(A)t1=4t2 (B)t1=2t2 (C)t1=t2 (D)t2=4t18、土的渗透性越好,则:(A)变形稳定越快(B)强度越小(C)有效应力增长越慢9、土的压缩性越大,则:(A)固结越快(B)固结越慢(C)与固结无关10、地基中的超静孔隙水压力产生的原因一般为?(A)地下水;(B)土自重与外加荷载;(C)地下水与外加荷载;(D)外加荷载11、某土样经压缩试验测得其在100kPa和200kPa压力作用下压缩24小时后的孔隙比分别为0.89和0.85,则该土样的:(A)压缩指数为0.25 (B)压缩模量为4.625MPa (C)压缩系数为0.4MPa-112、在固结过程中,饱和土体中的有效应力和孔隙水压力按如下规律变化:(A)有效应力减小,孔隙水压力减小(B)有效应力不变,孔隙水压力增大(C)有效应力增大,孔隙水压力减小第六章地基沉降计算1、在疏浚河道形成的新冲填土上建造建筑物,其沉降产生的原因:)(A)原地基的自重应力(B)冲填土自重(C)冲填土自重及建筑物荷载(D)建筑物荷载2、地基沉降计算深度是指:(A)主要压缩层厚度(B)主要持力层厚度(C)20倍地基宽度3、工后沉降一般是指:(A)全部的次固结沉降(B)工程完工后使用期内地基所发生的沉降(C)大部分的次固结沉降4、关于地基沉降,下列说法错误的是:(A)初始沉降的产生也需要一定的时间(B)土体固结沉降也有短时间完成的(C)将地基沉降分为三部分是从时间角度考虑的5、浙江沿海饱和软粘土地基一般情况下次固结沉降约占总沉降的:(A)40% (B)10% (C)15%6、在半无限体表面,瞬时施加一局部荷载,这时按弹性理论计算得到的应力是:(A)有效应力(B)总应力(C)孔隙压力7、初始沉降产生的原因:(A)土体体积不变,形状发生改变(B)土体体积发生变化(C)上述两种情况都有8、在常规的沉降计算方法中,地基中的应力状态是根据什么理论计算得到的?(A)线弹性理论(B)弹塑性理论(C)塑性理论9、考虑应力历史的影响时,沉降计算应采用哪种压缩曲线?(A)e—p曲线(B)e—logp曲线(C)上述两种均可10、规范法计算地基沉降时,采用的是哪种附加应力系数?(A)平均附加应力系数(B)附加应力系数(C)上述两种均可第七章土的抗剪强度1、饱和软粘土在不同竖向荷载p1>p2>p3作用下在直剪仪中进行快剪,所得的强度有何不同?(A)p越大,竖向荷载越大,所以强度越大(B)三者强度相同(C) p越大,孔隙水压力越大,所以强度越低2.十字板试验测得的抗剪强度相当于实验室用什么方法测得的抗剪强度?(A)不固结不排水试验(B)应力路径试验(C)固结排水试验3、直剪试验土样的破坏面在上下剪切盒之间,三轴试验土样的破坏面在什么位置上?(A)与试样顶面夹角为45(B)与试样顶面夹角为45-φ/2(C)与试样顶面夹角为45+φ/24、有一个砂样,在三轴试验时,在围压100kPa应力下,增加轴向应力使砂样破坏,已知砂样的内摩擦角为30度,则破坏时破坏面上的正应力为多少?(A)200kPa (B)180kPa (C)150kPa5、下列那个试验测试的不是土的天然抗剪强度:(A)十字板剪切试验(B)无侧限抗压强度试验(C)直接剪切试验(D)三轴不固结不排水试验6、现场原位测试土的抗剪强度的试验有:(A)十字板剪切试验(B)无侧限抗压试验(C)直接剪切试验(D)三轴压缩试验7、在做三轴试验时,加荷速率越快,则测得的:(A)抗剪强度越大(B)抗剪强度越小(C)对抗剪强度没影响8、对于蠕变,下列说法错误的是:(A)蠕变可能导致土体在没有达到抗剪强度的条件下破坏(B)随着土体蠕变,土体的粘聚力逐渐减小,直到某个限值(C)随着土体蠕变,土体的内摩擦力逐渐减小,直到某个限值9、固结不排水试验剪切阶段的总应力路径轨迹为:(A)曲线(B)直线(C)不确定10、考虑土体的各向异性,下列说法正确的是:(A)正常固结粘土的水平向土样的强度常常小于竖直向土样的强度(B)正常固结粘土的水平向土样的强度常常大于竖直向土样的强度(C)不确定第八章土压力与支档结构1、挡土墙后填土发生朗肯被动破坏,滑动面的方向如何确定?(A)与水平面夹角45+φ/2(B)与水平面夹角45-φ/2(C)与水平面夹角452、库仑土压力理论通常适用于哪种土类?(A)粘性土(B)砂性土(C)各类土3、设被动土压力和主动土压力充分发挥时所需的挡土墙水平位移分别为△1和△2,则:)(A)△1>△2 (B) △1=△2 (C)△1<△24、关于静止土压力、主动土压力、被动土压力下列说法正确的是:(A)静止土压力>主动土压力>被动土压力(B)被动土压力>静止土压力>主动土压力(C)主动土压力>静止土压力>被动土压力5、对于无粘性土,在填土面水平、墙背竖直、墙背光滑的条件下,对朗肯土压力理论和库仑土压力计算的结果比较,则:(A)库仑土压力>朗肯土压力(B)库仑土压力<朗肯土压力(C)库仑土压力=朗肯土压力6、由库仑土压力理论计算出的主动土压力,其作用方向:(A)必垂直墙背(B)不一定垂直墙背(C)一般应为水平的7、刚性挡土墙墙背铅垂光滑,墙后土体之内摩擦角为φ,挡土墙后移使墙后土体产生与水平面夹角为θ的破裂面,土楔的重量为G,则按库仑土压力理论,作用在墙上的被动土压力为:(A)Gtan(θ+φ)(B)G /tan(θ+φ)(C)Gtan(θ-φ)8、在下列公式的建立过程中,未涉及摩尔—库仑强度理论的是:(A)朗肯被动土压力(B)库仑主动土压力(C)静止土压力9、一般情况下,下列哪种土静止土压力系数最大?(A)粘性土(B)砂性土(C)粉土10、在其他条件相同的情况下,当档土结构背离填土方向移动相同的位移时,下列哪种土最可能先达到主动土压力?(A)密砂(B)松砂(C)软粘土第九章地基承载力1、地基的极限承载力是指:(A)地基中形成连续滑动面时的承载力(B)地基中开始出现塑性区时的承载力(C)地基的变形达到上部结构极限状态时的承载力2、地基的极限承载力公式时根据下列何种假设推导得到的?(A)根据建筑物的变形要求推导得到的(B)根据地基中滑动面的形状推导得到的(C)根据塑性区发展的大小得到的3、地基荷载达到某一数值后,基础的一侧到另一侧形成连续滑动面,基础四周地面隆起,基础倾斜,甚至倒塌,这种破坏模式称为:(A)整体剪切破坏(B)刺入破坏(C)局部剪切破坏4、通常,加大浅基础埋深,会使得:(A)承载力降低,沉降减小(B)承载力提高,沉降增大(C)承载力提高,沉降减小(D)承载力降低,沉降增大5、设地基为理想弹塑性体,基础为浅埋条形基础,地基的临塑荷载与下列哪项无关?(A)基础的埋深(B)基础的宽度(C)地基土的内摩擦角(D)地基土的粘聚力6、下列说法正确的是:(A)地基破坏时,土中都将出现延伸至地表的滑面(B)荷载—沉降曲线上由直线转为曲线时所对应的荷载为极限荷载(C)以临塑荷载作为地基的承载力通常是偏于保守的第十章土坡稳定性分析1、堤坝填筑过程中,若施工速度很快,且土体和地基的渗透系数很小,则在分析堤坝竣工时的稳定性时,应采用下述哪种分析方法:(A)总应力分析法(B)有效应力分析法(C)总应力分析法或有效应力分析法皆可2、分析土坡稳定性时,对挖方土坡最小安全系数的说法正确的是:(A)挖方结束时,安全系数最小(B)最小安全系数出现在挖方过程中某个时间(C)稳定安全系数存在一个逐渐下降的过程,直至土坡形成后很长时间才趋于常数3、等厚度无限长砂性土坡下为基岩,坡面与水平面的夹角为25.7度,砂性土的内摩擦角为30度,则土体的安全系数为:(A)1.0(B)1.2(C)1.44、无粘性土坡,内摩擦角为φ,坡角为β,其稳定安全系数为:(A)tanφ/tanβ(B)sinφ/sinβ(C)tanβ/tanφ。














(共20分)In this speciality, civil engineers plan and design structures of all types, including bridges, dams, power plants, supports for equipment, special structures for offshore projects, the United States space program, transmission towers, giant astronomical and radio telescopes, and many other kinds of projects. Using computers, structural engineers determine the forces a structure must resist: its own weight, wind and hurricane forces, temperature changes that expand or contract construction materials, and earthquakes. They also determine the combination of appropriate materials: steel, concrete, plastic, stone, asphalt, brick, aluminum, or other construction materials.1。

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沈阳建筑大学考试评分标准专用纸2007 年 春 季学期 科目 土力学(B) 适用年级、专业 土木04-9,10 ——————————————————————————————————一 Fill in the blanks (total 15 points, 1 points per blank) 1. mm d mm 2075.0≤< 2. G s , w 3.一个有效应力园 4. 水 , 孔隙. 5. 245ϕ-6. 水力梯度7, 沉降, 承载力 8, 主固结, 次固结 9, 4C 10, 40 11, 孔隙体积二、Judge the following statement right or wrong. Mark with R for the rights and W for the wrongs (total 10 points, 2 points per problem)W R R W W三、Explain the following concepts or definition(total 15 points, 3points per problem) 1. void ratio孔隙比:孔隙体积与土粒体积之比,sv v v e /=2. coefficient of curvature C c曲率系数定义为(C c )6010230d d d C c =,曲率系数C c 描写累积曲线的分布范围,反映曲线的整体形状。

3. compression modulus压缩模量:土体在完全侧限的条件下,竖向应力增量与竖向应变增量的比值4. overconsolidation土在应力历史上(固结过程中)所受到的最大有效应力,称之为前期固结应力. 前期固结应力与现有的自重应力之比大于1时,土体处于超固结状态。

5. a dditional stress由上部建筑荷载(基底附加压力)等外界因素在地基中产生的应力。

五、Answer the following questions simply(total 15 points, 5 points per problem)1.Explain the principle of effective stress.饱和土中任意点的总应力总是等于有效应力加上孔隙水压力;或有效应力总是等于总应力减去孔隙水压力。

既 u +'=σσ 或 u -='σσ2. Explain “stress in soil ”, why do we calculate “stress in soil ”?土体在自身重力,建筑物荷载,交通荷载或其他外界因素等的作用下,产生土中应力。






3. Give out the assumptions in Terzaghi ’s theory of one dimensional consolidation1.土层是均质、各向同性和完全饱和的;2.土的压缩完全是由于孔隙体积的减少,土粒和水是不可压缩的;3.水的渗流和土层的压缩仅在竖向发生;4.水的渗流遵从达西定律;5.渗透系数k 和压缩系数a 保持不变。



五. There is a sample which is got from a certain natural sand column. The water content measured by experiment is 11%, bulk density 3/70.1cm g =ρ, the minimum dry density is 3/41.1cm g =ρ, the maximum dry density is 3/75.1cm g =ρ. Please determine the sandy soil ’s dense degree (6 points)3/53.111.0170.11cm g wd =+=+=ρρ 2 points()()4.0max maxmin =--=dd d d d d Dr ρρρρρρ 2 point在1/3 至2/3 之间 ,中密 2 point六. A soil sample 10cm in diameter is placed in a tube 1m long, A constant supply of water is allowed to flow into one end of the soil at A and outflow at B is collected by a beaker. The average amount of water collected is 1cm3 for every 10 seconds. The tube is inclined as shown in the below figure. Determine the (a) hydraulic gradient, (b) flow rate, (c) average velocity, (d) coefficient of permeability. (6 points)Step 1 Define the datum position. Select the top of the table as the datum Step 2 Find the total heads at A (inflow) and B (outflow) ()()m h h H A z Ap A 211=+=+=()()m h h H Bz Bp B8.08.00=+=+=Step 3 Find the hydraulic gradient m H H H B A 2.18.02=-=-=∆ l=1m2.11/2.1==∆=lHi 2 points Step 4 Determine the flow rateVolume of water collected, Q=1cm 3, t=10sec.Q v =Q/t=1/10=0.1 cm 3/ sStep 5 Determine the average velocity q v =Av()2225.784104cm diam A =⨯==ππs cm A q v v /0013.05.781.0===2 points Step 6 Determine the coefficient of permeability. From Darcy ’s laws cm i v k /108.102.10013.04-⨯===∴ 2 points七. A saturated clay layer of thickness 10m overlays an impervious hard rock. A vertical uniform pressure p=200kPa is applied on the clay layer. The initial void ratio is 0.11=e , the compression coefficient 14105.2--⨯=kPa a , and the coefficient of permeability year cm k /0.2=. Find : (1) settlement after 1 year loading; (2) the length of time required for achieving a settlement of 20 cm. (11 points)1. Final settlement 2511=+=pH e aS 2 points year cm a e k C wv /106.1)1(251⨯=+=γ 2 points 16.02==H t C T v v 2 points=⨯=S U S t 0.45*25=11.25cm 2 points2. U=20/25=0.857.0=v T 1 points56.32==vv C H T t2 points八. Prove the Relationship s E E )121(20μμ--=between the deformation modulus 0E and the compression modulus s E . Where u is Poisson ’s ratio. (5 points)z y x K σσσ0== 1 points0==y x εε 0000=--=E E E zyxx σμσμσε 1 points()μμσσ-==1/0xz K()0021K E E E E zxyzz μσσμσμσε-=--=1 pointsUnder laterally confined condition szz E σε=1 points The relationship between the deformation modulus and the compression modulus is given ass E E )121(20μμ--== 1 points九 A frictionless retaining wall is shown in the figure. Determine the force per unit width of the Rankin ’s active state. Also find the location of the resultant and give the distribution of theactive pressure. (12 points)1 . 31)23045tan(245tan 21=-=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=ϕa K2.顶部与交界处上部主动土压力kPaK c qK p a a a 67.6)3/1(202=⨯=-=()kPaK c K q H p a a a 67.23)3/1()20317(2=⨯+⨯=-+=γ3.271.0)23545(tan 245tan 222=-=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=ϕ a K4. 交界处下部主动土压力()kPa K q H p a a 24.19271.0)20317(=⨯+⨯=+=γ 5. 底部主动土压力 6.()kPa K q H H p a a 88.33271.0)20318317(2211=⨯+⨯+⨯=++=γγ7. 全主动土压力合力m kN E a /2.125)24.1988.33(32124.193)67.667.23(32167.63=-⨯⨯+⨯+-⨯⨯+⨯=8. 作用点从底部起为X 处m E X a 66.2]3)24.1988.33(211324.195.1)67.667.23(321467.635.4[1=⨯-⨯⨯+⨯⨯+-⨯⨯⨯+⨯⨯=9.分布图———————————————————————————— 注意事项:1.请将评分标准连同考试题一并上交。
