



u商业管理系统—维护系统操作手册前言一、系统管理1人员权限1) 操作组管理1、截图2、说明操作组主要反应具备类似业务管理职能的一组操作员,注意是类似而不是相同,同一组的操作员都会使用相同的功能模块,但可能管理不同课的业务,或在不同的机构; 操作组权限可设置到模块的每一个操作权限,它主要反应了企业中不同类型岗位的定义及其职责。



E、组权限可继承修改2) 收银组管理1、截图2、说明收银组主要反映具备相同收银操作职能的一组收银员,收银组贯穿所有门店,与具体应用无关。

3、操作注意事项A、收银组权限包括前台收银机操作键位的权限设置B、只能在总部设置3) 操作员管理1、截图2、说明操作员反映每种操作组中每个具体的岗位,其对应的机构权限指操作员能在那些机构对应的软件系统中登录,课别权限反映其进入系统后能看到的数据;在同类应用中,操作员只能对应一个操作组,但允许操作员在不同的应用中对应多个组;关于操作员领导设定则有特殊的意义与作用(即品类级别和管辖人员),它可以使某一操作员的上级领导在需要时接管该操作员的全部任务,即以该操作员相同的权限进行其全部权限业务处理。












本手冊中所提到的某些產品名稱僅作識別之用,這些名稱可能屬於其他公司的注冊商標或版權!目錄使用手冊閱讀導航 (4)第一章產品介紹 (5)1、產品說明 (5)2、產品規格 (5)3、產品特色 (6)4、系統需求 (7)5、硬體安裝 (7)6、安裝流程圖 (8)第二章在單機或網路中的第一部電腦上進行安裝 (9)1、在本機已經安裝作業系統情況下的安裝步驟 (11)2、在本機無作業系統或需要安裝多作業系統時的安裝 (11)3、在作業系統中安裝驅動程式 (16)4、系統的優化 (19)第三章網路安裝與網路複製 (20)1、進入網路複製 (20)2、進入接收端 (21)3、設置佔位機 (21)4、分組 (22)5、發送資料、命令和修改IP (23)6、中斷點續傳(不適用于噢易保護卡) (28)第四章設置 (30)1、密碼設定 (30)2、參數設定 (31)3、分區信息 (34)4、網路複製 (35)5、重新分區 (35)6、版本升級 (35)7、移除 (36)8、關於 (37)9.計費擴展 (38)第五章變量複製(不適用于噢易保護卡) (40)1、首先根據需要在一部機器上進行操作 (40)2、進入發射端 (41)3、部分變量和全部變量 (41)4、變量複製 (42)附錄一、LINUX安裝指南 (43)附錄二、常見問題解答 (47)使用手冊閱讀導航歡迎使用噢易科技產品,在使用產品之前,請首先閱讀本使用手冊。



1. 内部订单会计功能概述:企业在生产经营过程中,会在一段时间内发生一些专项任务或活动。




1.1 主数据维护1.1.1 创建内部订单描述创建内部订单主数据菜单路径管理会计->内部订单会计->主数据维护->创建内部订单事务代码KO01-创建内部订单双击菜单或在“命令框”中输入事务代码,回车进入“创建内部订单:初始屏幕”,屏幕如下:在“订单类型”字段中输入(或点击选择)所要创建的内部订单类型。















(图1)冲版机开机后,会出现如上屏幕(图1)表示要求按下显示屏绿色启动按钮(图2)图像的上排表示:冲版机G-86 软件版本3.05 右上角表示日期,左上角为时间。


图像下部表示:PROGRAM:程序:1 ,2 ,3 ---其中,深色背景表示现用程序,本例为程序 “1”;已冲洗的版材数:0RUN: 机器运行功能键,按下此键,则可转换至运行状态,同时显示转换成STOP , 其表示此时再按下该键,则可停止机器运转。



OFF LINE:表示机器不在工作状态。


下同) 注:目前软件版本已升级为3.09在上图(2)页面中,按下RUN 键即可显示此界面:(图3)最下一行:STOP:和ONLINE同时显示表示机器己进入运行状态,按下此键可停止机器运转, 进入OFFLINE 状态,但在冲版过程中按此键无效。




NO READY:即表示机器不能正常冲版,有某些工作状态不符合要求。

在图2界面中,按下1 键,则可得下述图片 ( 注:数秒钟后自动恢复至图3页面),表示在程序(l)中设置的内容及参数。

按下2 或3 ,同样可得到程序(2)或程序(3)中的设置内容。


程序(1)Dev Temperature :25.0 ℃显影温度25.0度Dry Temperature :50.0 ℃ 烘干温度50.0度Dip Time :25 sec 显影时间25秒Area Replenish :100ml/㎡面积补充100毫升/每平米Time Replenish :100ml 定时补充量100毫升Time Period :60 min 定时补充周期60分钟Sleep Replenish :100ml/hr 睡眠补充100毫升/每小时Off-Time Replenish : 100ml/hr 关机补充100毫升/每小时Dev-Brush Speed :100rpm 显影毛刷速度100转/分钟Wash-Brush Speed : 100rpm 水洗毛刷速度100转/分钟Gum Apply:YES 上胶有Gum-Start Advance :0 cm 预先上胶0厘米(指印版离上胶轴的距离)Gum Duration :0 sec 上胶持续时间0秒,(指补胶泵工作时间)以上参数均可在一定范围内修改、设置,但不在此页。



Document ID: UM-IT-1581-20171004Index TableModel 1581Installation, Operating and Maintenance InstructionsBlack & Webster Products Division545 Hupp Ave. P.O. Box 831, Jackson, Michigan 49204Phone: (517- 787-9444 Fax: (517) 787-7585Email:**********************2009Table of Contents Warranty (3)Table Hook-Up (3)Sequence of Operation (3)Table Adjustments (4)Maintenance (5)Tool Mounting Instructions (5)Parts List........................................................................................................6-8 Dimensions......................................................................................................9-10 Piping Schematic.. (11)Table Motion Lay out (12)Document ID: UM-IT-1581-20171004Revision: AWarrantyAir-Hydraulics, Inc. warrants to the original user that all products manufactured will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will possess the characteristics represented in writing. Claim for breach of the above warranty must be made within a period of one year from date of delivery to the user. Upon satisfactory proof of claim, we will make any necessary repairs or corrections, or at our discretion, replace defective parts at the factory, transportation charges prepaid. Charges for correcting defects will not be allowed, nor can we accept goods returned for correction unless we are notified in writing and the return or correction is authorized by Air-Hydraulics, Inc. in writing. The foregoing is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including any warranties that extend beyond the description of the product. This paragraph sets forth the extent of our liability for breach of any warranty in connection with the sale or use of our products. It is understood we will not be liable for consequential damages such as loss of profit, or expense, whether based on tort or contract. This warranty is void if the articles covered by the warranty have not been properly installed, maintained and used.Table Hook-UpAir-Hydraulics Inc. recommends that the air line supplying the table be at least 1/2” pipe or 1/2” ID hose. The maximum pressure is 110 p.s.i. Anything above this could be dangerous to the machine operator and/or other personnel.Refer to the schematic on page when plumbing controls for table hook-up. One 1/2” NPT 2-position, 4-way valve controls the index cylinder and locking cylinder. Care should be taken not to restrict flow to the table.When checking the table to operation after hook-up, make sure the table is held securely (clamped or bolted). The table can shift or jump if left loose on bench.Sequence of Operation1.The directional control valve is shifted by the pilot or solenoid signal. This causes the lockingcylinder to retract, unlocking the table. Note: The signal to the solenoid or pilot must bemaintained until the table top has completed its movement.2.With the locking cylinder clear of the index ring, the index cylinder retracts, moving the index armwhich then turns the table top.3.After the index cylinder is fully retracted, the directional control valve is shifted back which forcesthe locking cylinder forward and locks the table into position. When the locking cylinder locksthe table into place, it pushes the index pawl out of the index ring.4.With the index pawl clear of the index ring, the index cylinder moves forward until it hits the stoprod. With the stop rod adjusted properly, the index pawl is spring actuated into the next slot on the index ring and the index cycle is complete.5.The index table is now ready for the next index cycle.Note: If using a manual operation to shift the directional control valve that controls the index cylinder, insure to hold the valve fully shifted until the table stops moving as a built-in cushion for the index cylinder slows the movement of the table just before the cylinder is fully retracted. If the valve is released too soon, the locking cylinder may not be able to engage the locking ring. If the table is not locked, the table top will return to its original position.Table AdjustmentsAir-Hydraulics, Inc. index tables are built, tested and adjusted at the factory prior to shipment. After receipt of the table, you may find minor adjustments are required to meet your operational requirements.The first adjustment should be in the general speed of the table during the index. To increase the indexing speed of the table, turn the speed control on the index cylinder counter-clockwise & clockwise to decrease. Care must be taken not to set the speed of the table so high that the cushion will not be able to slow the cylinder.The second adjustment is the cushion. Turning the cushion adjustment screw in the clockwise direction increases the amount of cushioning and counter-clockwise decreases the amount of cushioning. The cushion should be set so a visible slowing of the table top occurs just prior to stopping. Do not operate the index table with the cushion not functioning. Possible damage can occur if there is insufficient cushioning of the tabletop.The third adjustment is the override stop. This stop aligns the notch in the index ring with the locking cylinder plunger. If movement in the table is detected when the locking cylinder plunger engages into the index ring, loosen the large jam nut on the override stop-bolt. Make minor changes clockwise or counter-clockwise until the movement is eliminated and then re-tighten the jam nut.Adjustment of the stop-rod should not be necessary as it has been adjusted at the factory. In the event of the table being disassembled for repair or maintenance, it may become necessary to adjust. The stop-rod is used to adjust the point where the index pawl drops into a slot in the index ring and is ready to index the table top. If the stop-rod is inadvertently moved, use the following procedure to readjust the stop-rod. Remove connections for the power source from the index table; loosen the jam nut on the stop-rod until there is approximately 1-1/2” of threads showing. Make sure the table is in position to be locked and then apply power to the back of the locking cylinder. With the signal maintained to the locking cylinder, pressurize the back of the index cylinder and slowly turn the stop-rod in a clockwise direction until the pawl drops into a slot in the ring. If the table is locked up, the stop-rod will not be able to be turned when the pawl drops in the slot. Turn the stop-rod in a counter-clockwise direction ¼ to ½ turns and tighten the jam nut. The index cylinder stroke should be correct, allowing the pawl to drop into a slot every cycle.MaintenanceIn order to extend the life of the table and achieve maximum efficiency, it is recommended that all seals and gaskets be changed on a yearly basis. When changing seals and gaskets it is also recommend that the index pawl and pawl return spring be changed at the same time. After repeated index cycles, the effectiveness of the pawl return spring is lessened.A regular lubrication schedule is recommended to maintain accuracy and reliability in the index table. Grease fittings are supplied and should be greased (1-2 pumps) with a good quality lithium grease on a weekly basis to start. Take care not to over lubricate the table. Excess grease will accumulate inside of the table and will cause internal parts to move slower due to increased friction.It is recommended that at least one complete seal kit be stocked to repair your table. Seals and gaskets are sold in complete sets only.If any problems are encountered with your table, feel free to call Air-Hydraulics, Inc., Jackson, Michigan, and someone in our service department will be glad to assist you. If a comprehensive maintenance program suited for your application is desired, we can also help you set up a program.Instructions for Mounting Tooling to Air-Hydraulics Inc. Indexer1.Mount table to the machine where the drilling, tapping, reaming, etc. is to be done. If the sub-plate has already been installed by the factory, remove it from the index table.2.Connect the power source to the table with the proper valving according to the schematic andinstructions provided.3.Index the table to insure proper operation. The table must be in the locked position prior tomachining.4.Indicate sub-plate mounting holes from the center hole of the table spindle (.750” dia.). Locate thebolt and dowel pin holes from the drawing provided by Air-Hydraulics, Inc.Caution: Holes in the table top must not break through to the table base. A maximum depth of 7/8” is recommended. Use a bottom tap for 3/8-16 UNC tapped holes.5.Install the sub-plate on the table.6.Perform the work required to install tooling, tooling nests, clamps, etc. on the sub-plate at theposition required.7.Index the table and repeat step (#6) until all tooling holes are installed.8.After all holes are drilled, tapped, reamed, etc., install tooling.9.Remove the table from the drilling machine and position on the machine where it is to be used.With the table in the locked position, locate it in the desired location for machine operation.Attach the table to the plate of the machine.Note: Air-Hydraulics, Inc. recommends that the table and fixtures be doweled in place to insure repeatability.Model 1581 Parts Drawing/List1581 Index Table Parts ListNote: When ordering replacement parts for this table, specify Model 1581 and serial number. Air-hydraulics cannot be held responsible for parts shipped in error if the model and serial number are not supplied.Continued on next page.1581 Index Table Parts List – Continued* All O-rings and gaskets and seals are sold collectively as a kit. The part number is: T1581-CS.Model 1581 DimensionsModel 1581 Dimensions ContinuedDocument ID: UM-IT-1581-20171004。



<管理会计> 用户操作手册(财务组)V1.002012/10/31作者修订目录1月结 (3)1.1开、关物料账(物流集成) (3)1.1.1业务操作说明 (3)1.1.2操作步骤(MMPV) (3)1.1.3操作步骤(MMRV) (5)1.2开、关财务账(集团统一维护) (6)1.2.1业务操作说明 (6)1.1.2操作步骤 (7)1.3内部订单月结 (8)1.3.1业务操作说明 (8)1.3.2操作步骤(KO88单个月结) (8)1.3.3操作步骤(KO8G批量月结) (10)1.4CO生产订单月结 (12)1.4.1业务操作说明 (12)1.4.2操作步骤(KO88单个月结) (13)1.4.3操作步骤(CO88批量月结) (15)1.5计提折旧 (17)1.5.1业务操作说明 (17)1.5.2操作步骤(AFAB计提折旧) (18)1.5.3操作步骤(AFBP显示折旧日志) (21)1.6GR/IR自动清账(物流集成) (22)1.6.1业务操作说明 (22)1.6.2操作步骤 (23)1.7外币评估 (25)1.7.1业务操作说明 (25)1.7.2操作步骤(维护汇率_集团统一维护) (26)1.7.3操作步骤(外币评估) (28)1.8月结驾驶舱 (31)1.8.1业务操作说明 (31)1.8.2操作步骤 (32)2年结 (35)2.1总账余额结转 (35)2.1.1业务操作说明 (35)2.1.2操作步骤 (36)2.2应收应付余额结转 (38)2.2.1业务操作说明 (38)2.2.2操作步骤 (38)2.3打开资产新会计年度 (39)2.3.1业务操作说明 (39)2.3.2操作步骤 (40)2.4资产余额结转 (41)2.4.1业务操作说明 (41)2.4.2操作步骤 (41)1月结1.1开、关物料账(物流集成)1.1.1业务操作说明每月月底,财务需开、关物料账。




s...(L ........aes ....eAttach cups to bracket.Attach detector to bracket.Plug power cord into detector.Attach bracket towindshield.Bend bracket forcorrect detectionangle (if needed).Do not use theESD-9850 to bend bracket.Plug power cord i n to cigare t t e lighte r .Location Se l e c ting the pro p er location to mount the Co b r a ESD-9850 is ve r y impo r t a n t for optimum pe r fo r m a n c e.Both radar and laser tra n s m i s s i o n spass through glass but not through other object s .For this reason the Co b r a ESD-9850 lenses must notbe bloc k e d .The Laser Eye should have a view of therear window to take adva n tage of its 360˚ d e t e c t i o nca p a b i l i t y.It is best to locate your d e t e c tor as low on the fro n t windshield as po s s i b l e .Examples of metal in the windshield area that canblock or weaken incoming radar/laser signals:1.Windshield wiper blades.2.Mirrored sun screens.3.Regular tinted glass does not affect radarreception,although the darker tint at the top of the tinted windshield prevents laser light from penetrating.4.Heated windshields,currently available as an option for some Ford® (Instaclear) and GM®(Electriclear vehicles act as an impenetrablebarrier to radar signals).If in doubt,checkwith your dealer to see if this applies toyour vehicle.Windshield MountingLocation WindshieldMountingPlug power cordinto detector.Plug power cordi n to cigare t t e lighte r .Peel protectivepaper off one sideof hook and loopmaterial.Place on dash.Peel top paper off.Place detector on hook and loop pad.123456Rotate ON-OFF Volume Control to left (away from you).The unit will perform a self-test and the following message will appear:”…Testing…System Ready.”1Note For your convenience Display Dim,City/Highway,and Muting mode settings are retained in memory even when the power is unplugged.In both Tone and Voice Alert modes,the message “Testing...[beep,beep,beep]...System Ready”will be heard when the unit is turned on.Press and release Dim button once to selectnormal setting.Press and release Dim button a second time to select Dim setting.Press and release Dim button a third time toselect Dimmer setting.Press and release Dim button again to selectDark setting.1LED Displays NoteA four position Dim mode isprovided for dusk or nightdriving (please see Dim Button,page 10 for details).For more detailed operation instructions on display brightness,see page 10.For more detailed operation instructions on set highway/citymode,see page 12.Highway Mode Press and release City button again.HWY will be displayed for 2 seconds followed by h .A double beep confirms highway mode.Press and release City button.CTY will display while in City mode andremain on for 2 seconds.1NoteThe ESD-9850 will retain thechosen mode while O F F.Manual Muting Press and release Mute button to reduce volume while signal is in progress.MUTE will appear in the display.To Switch Between ModesPress and releaseMute Button when no signal is being received.111Plug power cord into detector.Plug power cord i n to cigaret t e lighte r .2RotateON-OFF Volume Control to the left (away from you).13For more detailedoperation instructions on setting muting mode,see page 13.The message “Testing…System Ready “ will be displayed,along with 3 beeps.The Compass directions will then be displayed.In Voice Alert,the message “Testing...System Ready”will be heard.Manual Muting of the Audio Use this operation to turn off the audio alarm atany time.Highway/City ModeTo select Highway Mode:Press and release Ci t y butto n .HWY will be displayed for 2 seconds followed by h.Press and release City button and CTY will be displayed for 2 seconds followed by c .A single beep confirms City mode.1Highway/City Mode To select City Mode:The Highway/City function is controlled by a2-s t ep butto n .Highway/City Mode Note Use City Mode in or near cities where there are many sources of false radarsignals such as microwaverelay towers and automatic door openers.This will filter out weak signals.NoteThe unit will announce“Highway”or”City”in Voice Mode.In Voice Alert,the message “Mute”will be heard.The message “Drive in 2 circles… Press City when done”will then be displayed.Drive your car in a circle twice and then pressCity.Your compass will be set.The display provides 8 primary directions;N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W and NW.NoteYour compass may not givea correct reading if you areinside any enclosure,building or close to a large metal tractor trailer,truck ortrain.Your compass will work again correctly as soon as you get away fromthese locations.There is noneed to calibrate your compass again.CalibrateCompass Calibrate Compass The compass in your ESD-9850 must be calibrated before you use it to give accurate directions.Calibration allows the compass electronics to measure and store information about the magnetic fields from your vehicle.Press City button for a minimum of 2 passis displayed.NotePushing City button for more than 2 secondsproduces a single beep confirmation tone.NoteIf you decide to re-locate your ESD-9850 to a different location in your vehicle or move it to another vehicle,it is best to recalibrate thecompass.122Selecting Manual Muting Mode In Manual Mute mode the alerts will always be heard at the set volume level.Press and release Mute Button when no signal is being received.M ut e will appear on the display for 2 seconds,then disappear.1Auto Mutewill appear in display for 2 seco nds ,then disappe a r .All future alarms will be Au t o Mu t e.Muting Press and re l e a s e Mute b u t t on when no signal is being re c e i v e d .1Selecting Auto Muting Mode In Auto Mute mode the alerts will be heard at the volume set for 3 seconds,then automatically be reduced to a lower level.In Voice Alert,the message “AutoMute”will be heard.Memory SetThis product features an automatic,internal electronic memory system.It will automatically “remember”your settings when the unit isturned off or removed from the power source up to 7 days.Memory SetVoice/Tone SettingsPress and holdMUTE button for two seconds to change between Voice and Tone Alarms.In Tone Setting,Tone will be displayed and a beep will be heard.1Tone Alarm And V oice Alert In Voice Alert setting,the message “Voice Alert”will be heard.Laser will be displayed followed by a scrolling message of “UltraLyte”,“ProLaser”or “20/20”depending on signal received.Safety Alert ®Tr a f f i c W a r n i n gSystem and Strobe Alert ™Safety Alert® Traffic Warning System and Strobe Alert ™Safety Alert® Traffic Warning System and Strobe Alert™ will alert you with the following warnings:Emergency Vehicle,Road Hazard and Train.“Emergency Vehicle”will be displayed as scrolling message.“Road Hazard”will be displayed.“Train”will be displayed.Strobe Alert ™Safety Alert®”“Emergency Vehicle”will be displayed as scrolling message.In Voice Alert,the message “Be careful—Laseralert”will be announced,followed by the UltraLyte,ProLaser,or 20/20 tone.LIDARs must have a clearline of sight to target avehicle during the entiremeasurement interval.Intervening objects such assignposts,utility poles,treebranches,etc.,will preventa valid speed reading.420-080-N-001St r a i g h t 12V Power Co r d $10.00420-080-N -002Cu r led 12V Power Co r d $10.00545-139-N -001Windshield Mo u n ting Bra c k e t $7.00Item #Description Cost Ea.Qty.AmountPlease print clearlyNameAddress (No P.O .Box)City StateZipTelephone ( )Credit Card No.Exp.DateCustomer SignatureCircle One:Visa MasterCard Discover Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.Offer valid in Continental U.S.only.For credit card orders fill out order formand fax to:1.773.622.2269or call 1.773.889.3087(Press 1 from the main menu)8:00 am - 8:00 pm,M-F,CST.Ma k e check or money order (no stamps)payable to:Cobra Electronics 6500 West Co r tland St .Ch i c a g o ,IL 60707At t n :Accessories Dept.M icrRadar/Laser Detector With Electronic Digital Compass *and Voice AlertO p e r ating Instru c tions for your Co b r a9 Band ESD 9850© 2000 Cobra Electronics Corp.Printed in ThailandPart No. 480-302-P-001If you think you need service call 1.773.889.3087“If your product should require factory service please call Cobra first before sending your unit in.This will ensure the fastest turn-around time on your repair.”You may be asked to send your unit to the Cobra factory.It will be necessary to furnish the following in order to have the product serviced and returned.1.For Warranty Repair include some form of proof-of-purchase,such as a mechanical reproduction or carbon or a sales receipt.If you send the original receipt it cannot be returned.2.Send the entire product.3.Enclose a description of what is happening with the unit.Include a typed or clearly print name and address of where the unit is to be returned.4.Pack unit securely to prevent damage in transit.If possible,use the original packing material.5.Ship prepaid and insured by way of a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS) or First Class Mail to:Cobra Factory Service,Cobra Electronics Corporation,6500 W.Cortland St.,Chicago,IL 60707.6.If the unit is in war ranty,upon receipt of your unit it will either be repaired or exchanged depending on the model.Please allow approximately 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us for status.If the unit is out of war ranty a letter will automatically be sent informing you of the repair charge or replacement charge.If you have any questions,please call 1.773.889.3087 for assistance.If Y ou Think You Need Service and Strobe Alert™Use of this product is not intend-ed to,and does not,ensure that the motorist and any passenger will not be involved in a traffic accident.It is only intended to alert the motorist that an emer-gency or service vehicle equipped with a CODE 3,Strobe (Opticom*or Tomar Preemption System) or Cobra Safety Alert Transmitter is in the area as defined by the range of the product.Please call your local Fire/Police department to verify if coverage exists in your area.Motorists are expected to exercise all due caution while using this product,and to ob-serve and follow all applicable traffic laws.Operators of emergency or service vehicles are also expected to exercise all due caution while using this product,and to observe and follow all applicable traffic laws.*Opticom is a registered trademark of 3M Corporation Nothing comes close to a Co b r a ™© 2000 Cobra Electronics Corporation6500 West Cortland StreetChicago, IL 60707Thank you for purchasing the Cobra ESD-9850 Radar/Laser Detector.Properly used,this Cobra product will give you many years of reliable service.Customer Support Should you encounter any problems with the product or not understand its many features,please refer to this owner’s manual.If,after referring to the manual,you still need help,call Cobra Customer Service at 773.889.3087.1.On/Off Volume ControlMute ButtonDim ButtonAudio Alerts SpeakerHighway/City ButtonBand/Signal Strength/Compass DirectionIndicatorsLaser EyeWindshield BracketMount12V DC Power JackAudio JackThe C o b r a line of quality prod u c ts also includes:•Ci t i z ens Band Ra d i o s •Mi c r o T a l k ™Ra d i o s •Ac c e s s o r i e s •Sa f e t y A l e r t ™Traffic Wa r ning Sys t e m sNothing comes close to a Co b r a ™。























准备工作:一、需要求PMC检查工单中的投入产出是否平衡,即对于产品已收货的订单,原材料是否已投入(COGI); - 报工时物料发放有问题的部分Tcode: co11n 二、运行程序“ZCO10”,统计期末库存中的间接费用;程序“ZCO01”,进行物料清单中各行项目成本变化的分析;** ZCO10 要排除SVC* 等仓位。

-- SM30/ZAUTH 维护三、KSV5 分配(水、电)- 可提前执行月结前需要完成四、成本评估的运行,标记需要提前进行五、运费IO 检查六、水电费用分摊检查(检查公共费用部门是否为0)七、确认FI 记帐已经完成,并已经做完外币评估、固定资产折旧、AR发票打印等工作。



PMC月结流程:一、MMPV 关闭本期物料帐期间,开启下一期间(执行时间:新期间 0 点)如关闭7月份期间,需要输入下一期间“06”。

锁定其他user直至完成虚拟入库, SU10 批量锁用户,sm04踢用户,sm37看后台作业MMRV 仍然关闭“允许前期记账”。

即暂不允许对期间05 记帐。

COGI 随时查看失败的物料移动是否还有。

3、OB52 打开新的财务期间, 帐期把第一行期间变成当期,M和S一样OB52 将期间“TO”变成“2” ,如果是结1月的帐。

第一行:+ 控制凭证抬头日期A 资产、D 应收、 K应付、 M 影响库存变化的材料、S 总帐* 步骤2、3 是为完成CK40N 释放物料价格。


6、ZCO08虚拟入库-对(订单类型SF01、非DLV和TECO: MB31/Z23/NOBL)WO 。


KODAK B2B客户版1.0用户指南说明书

KODAK B2B客户版1.0用户指南说明书

Guía del usuario para la Tienda B2B. Cliente Versión 1.0. 5 de julio de 2022ÍndicePortal del cliente de KODAK (1)Inicio de sesión único (2)Partner Place (2)Iniciar sesión (2)Selección de comprador (opcional) (2)Comprar (2)Pedido rápido (2)Carritos guardados (3)Guardar un carrito (3)Ver y restaurar carritos guardados (3)Importar carrito guardado (3)Buscar (4)Carrito y confirmar compra (4)Ver carrito (4)Confirmar compra (4)Libreta de direcciones (5)Estado del pedido (5)Facturas (5)Reemplazo de cabezales de impresión (5)Descuentos y venta directa (6)Portal del cliente de KODAKEl Portal del cliente de KODAK es su punto de acceso para hacer negocios con Kodak. Dentro del portal, puede hacer lo siguiente:•Navegar rápidamente en sus aplicaciones.•Gestionar sus aplicaciones.•Gestionar las configuraciones del usuario.Visite https://.Nota: Pueden pasar 24 horas hasta que se completen las configuraciones de las aplicaciones después de recibir la confirmación.Inicio de sesión únicoEl Portal del cliente y la Tienda B2B utilizan un inicio de sesión único proporcionado por Microsoft. Usted recibirá un enlace con la invitación por correo electrónico cuando le concedan el acceso al Portal. Partner PlaceDesde Partner Place, podrá seguir accediendo a las aplicaciones que aún no están disponibles en el Portal del cliente.Nota: Podrá acceder a la emisión de pedidos desde Partner Place durante un breve período. Iniciar sesiónDespués de establecer su inicio de sesión único, podrá iniciar sesión en el Portal del cliente de KODAK y hacer clic en la aplicación Tienda y pedidos.1.Visite https://.2.Haga clic en la aplicación Tienda y pedidos.Selección de comprador (opcional)Si su usuario está configurado para varias cuentas Comprador, se le indicará que seleccione la cuenta para la que desea comprar.1.Haga clic en el botón de selección ubicado al lado de Comprador.2.Haga clic en “Seleccionar”.ComprarExisten diferentes maneras para que el proceso de compra sea lo más rápido y sencillo posible. Pedido rápidoLa opción de Pedido rápido es un formulario de pedido simple que le permite ingresar varios números y cantidades de materiales, y agregarlos rápidamente a su carrito.Carritos guardadosCon la opción de Carritos guardados, puede procesar pedidos que emitecon frecuencia, ya que le permite guardar los materiales y las cantidadesde su carrito para usarlos en la próxima compra.Guardar un carrito1.Agregue artículos a su carrito.2.Abra el carrito.3.Haga clic en el enlace GUARDAR CARRITO.plete los campos Nombre y Descripción.5.Haga clic en Guardar.Ver y restaurar carritos guardados1.Haga clic en Mi cuenta desde la barra amarilla del menú.2.Haga clic en Carritos guardados desde el menú desplegable.3.Haga clic en el nombre del Carrito guardado que desea ver.4.Haga clic en Restaurar.5.Marque la casilla para conservar una copia de este Carrito en susCarritos guardados, así puede hacer el mismo pedido másadelante.6.Marque la casilla si no desea guardar los nuevos artículos queagregó en su Carrito para más adelante. Los artículos que ya teníaen el Carrito guardado reemplazarán a los artículos que agregórecientemente a su carrito.7.Haga clic en Restaurar.Importar carrito guardado1.Haga clic en Mi cuenta desde la barra amarilla del menú.2.Haga clic en Carritos guardados desde el menú desplegable.3.Haga clic en “Importar carrito guardado” en la parte inferior de la lista de Carritos guardados.4.Haga clic en “Elegir archivo” y seleccione el archivo de su carrito guardado.5.Haga clic “Importar”.BuscarUse el cuadro de búsqueda paraencontrar materiales. Ingrese:•Palabras clave•Números de materialCarrito y confirmar compraVer carrito1.Haga clic en el resumen del carrito en la barra superior del menú.2.Haga clic en “Confirmar compra”.3.Revise el contenido del carrito.Confirmar compraDesde el carrito1.Haga clic en “Confirmar compra”.plete la información del Tipo de pago.a.Elija el Tipo de pago (cuenta o tarjeta de crédito) si corresponde.b.Ingrese el número de P.O.c.Se pueden ingresar instrucciones especiales.d.Se puede ingresar una fecha solicitada.e.Haga clic en “Siguiente”.3.Seleccione la dirección de envío si tiene más de una.a.Haga clic en la “Libreta de direcciones” y seleccione una dirección.b.Si corresponde, ingrese una dirección de envío para entrega.c.Haga clic en “Siguiente”.4.Seleccione el método de envío.a.Seleccione el método de envío desde la lista desplegable.b.Haga clic en “Siguiente”.5.Haga clic para aceptar los Términos y condiciones.6.Haga clic en “Emitir pedido”.Libreta de direccionesSi su cuenta admite envíos para entrega, la Libreta de direcciones le permitirá guardar direcciones para usarlas en otro momento.1.Haga clic en “Mi cuenta” desde la barra superior del menú.2.Haga clic en “Libreta de direcciones” desde el menú desplegable.3.Gestione las direcciones según lo necesite.Estado del pedidoDesde el Estado del pedido, puede ver los detalles y el estado de los pedidos que se procesaron con Kodak.1.Haga clic en “Estado del pedido” desde la barra del menú.2.Ingrese el criterio de búsqueda; por ejemplo, la fecha del pedido.3.Haga clic en “Buscar”.4.Encontrará los resultados debajo del botón “Buscar”.5.Haga clic en el Número de pedido para ver los detalles específicos de ese pedido. FacturasPuede ver las facturas activas en la Tienda B2B si su cuenta de usuario está configurada para esta función.1.Haga clic en “Facturas” desde la barra del menú.2.Seleccione el pagador desde el menú desplegable.3.Haga clic en “Enviar”.4.Vea los resultados y ajuste los filtros.5.Haga clic en la fila para ver los detalles.6.Haga clic en el Número de referencia para ver la imagen de la factura. Reemplazo de cabezales de impresiónLos clientes que necesitan iniciar una devolución de cabezales de impresión pueden hacerlo desde la Tienda B2B.1.Haga clic en “Reemplazo de cabezales de impresión” desde la barra superior del menú.2.Seleccione la opción de programa.3.Ingrese el número de P.O.4.Se pueden ingresar instrucciones especiales.5.Se puede ingresar información de contacto.plete el formulario Agregar artículo.a.Seleccione el Número de artículo.b.Ingrese el Número de serie o de control.c.Ingrese las Horas de uso.d.Haga clic en “Agregar artículo”.7.Repita el paso 6 para agregar en su carrito todos los cabezales de impresión que necesite.8.Revise el Carrito de devolución de cabezales de impresión que se encuentra arriba.9.Haga clic en “Confirmar compra”.10.Haga clic para aceptar los Términos y condiciones.11.Haga clic en “Emitir pedido”.Descuentos y venta directaInicie sesión en Partner Place para acceder a las funciones de descuentos y venta directa. 。

Kodak Zi8 用户指南说明书

Kodak Zi8 用户指南说明书

Front viewGet the most from your camera! Download the Extended user /go/Zi8supportMicrophone(mono)HDMI™ Out5V DC-inRecording lightExternal (stereo)microphone jack,3.5 mmLens Battery compartment Infrared receiverLandscape/Macro focusA/V OutBack view* Easily access the USBSee page 3Get the most from your camera! Download the Extended user guide /go/Zi8supportPower button/ Charging lightSD/SDHC Card slotUSBSettings Delete Record/OK Record mode Review mode SpeakerUSB release*Strap post Tripod socketE Accessing the USB1231Using your camera Charging the battery1Charging light:• On = charging• Off = fully charged (approximately 2 hours)3Notched corner2Using your camera Using an (accessory) SD or SDHC Card Your camera has limited internal memory—perfect for a few practice videos/pictures. We strongly suggest that you purchase an SD or SDHC Card to store more. (Maximum supported card size is 32 GB.)CAUTION:A card can only be inserted one way; forcing it may cause damage. Inserting or removing a card when the camera is on may damage the pictures, the card, or the camera.1Turn off the camera.2Insert the card.Using your cameraTurning on the cameraSetting the date/timeOKto changecurrent fieldfor previous/next fieldOK to acceptAt the prompt, press OKUsing your cameraRecording videos, taking picturesWhen you turn on the camera, it’s ready to record.Zoom in/outStart/stop recording Change recording modes:1080p Best for viewing on an HDTV720p/60 fpsBest for sports and action720p Best for viewing on a computer, sharing on YouTube™ and FacebookWVGA Best for conserving memory card space; Web-ready StillFor 5.3 MP picturesEnter Recording mode from Review or a menuUsing your cameraPlaying videosEnter Review Previous/next video Play/Pause (Press and hold to Stop)123Volume Delete video(s)During playback:• Press• Press the Review button to play in slow motion.to fast-forward or fast-rewind 2X, 4X, 8X, 16X.While paused:• Pressto forward/reverse one frame at a time.1-up Thumbnail Timeline Press the Review button for different views:Using your cameraTransferring, editing, sharing online Make sure thebattery is charged (oruse an AC adapter topower the camera).If this is the first time you’ve connectedto this WINDOWS OS-based computer,follow the prompts to install ARCSOFTMEDIAIMPRESSION for KODAK Software.You can then transfer and share videos.2Turn off and connect the camera.*(It turns on automatically.)1Videos and pictures from the Zi8 Camera can be used with the APPLE ILIFE suite of products to edit, personalize, make DVDs, share via YouTube and APPLE Online Sharing Services (IWEB and MOBILEME), or with ITUNES for syncing with IPHONE, IPOD, or APPLE TV.Using your cameraDeleting videos/pictures231Review Locate DeleteDeletePrevious/NextCancel (without deleting)4to highlight a choice,then press OKUsing your cameraStatus iconsSee important Alert iconsSee page 14Recordin gCapture modeVideo len gth Recordi ngCard inse rtedZoomBattery lev el (or DC-In conn ected)Elapsed timeVideo/pic ture number (or direction /speed)Volume Battery lev el (or DC-In con nected)Card inser tedVideo len gth PlaybackFocus Mod e2Doing more with your camera Playing back on a TVSet TV input to match your connection.For stereo playback, use the HDMI cable.* Purchase accessories /go/Zi8accessoriesDoing more with your cameraAccessing the settings menuPress the Settingsbutton to access the Settings menu.Date/Time—Set the date/time.Video Out—Choose the setting (NTSC, PAL) for your region.Brightness—Set LCD brightness.Sounds—Turn sounds On/Off.External Microphone Gain—Choose sensitivity of an external microphone.Image Stabilization—Turn on to reduce video blur. Format Card—Erase, format the card.Face Detection—Turn face detection on/off.Camera Info—View firmware, ARCSOFT Software versions.Date/TimeBrightnessSoundsExternalMicrophoneGainFormat Card Camera InfoVideo OutImage Stabilization FaceDetection3Solving camera problemsIconSolution■Low battery. Charge the battery.■Card or internal memory is nearly full. Transfervideos/pictures to your computer.■Corrupt or unusable card. Transfer videos/pictures to yourcomputer, then format (erase) the card in the camera or card reader.■Internal memory is full. Transfer videos/pictures to yourcomputer, or use an SD/SDHC card to take more videos/pictures.■Card is full. Transfer videos/pictures to your computer oruse another card.■Unrecognized file. Transfer videos/pictures to yourcomputer.■An error has occurred. Transfer videos/pictures to yourcomputer, then format (erase) the card or internal memory.ProblemSolutionVideos are choppy or jumpy when played on a computer.■Use ARCSOFT MEDIAIMPRESSION Software for video playback.■Ensure that your computer meets system requirements. Go to /support .Solving camera problemsCamera will not turn on.■Ensure that the battery is correctly inserted.■Charge the battery.Videos are blurry.■Check the Landscape/Macro focus button.■Ensure that the lens is clean.■Ensure that the subject is at least 1 m (3.3 ft) from camera lens.■Turn on Image Stabilization (see page13).Videos do not play on a TV.■Ensure that an HDMI or AV cable is properly connected directly to the TV input (see page12).■Ensure that the TV menu settings are correct for an HDMI or AV connection.■Ensure that Video Out is set correctly (see page13).Videos are in low resolution and/or are not saved.■If no card is inserted and the camera is powered by the AC adapter, then videos are taken in low resolution and are not saved. (The camera is in Demo mode.) Insert a card or unplug the AC adapter.ARCSOFT Software issues.■Go to /support. (For other applications, go to their support sites.)Email, write, phone, or chat with Kodak(Chat not available in all languages)/go/contactGet support for your product /go/Zi8support Purchase accessories /go/Zi8accessories Get support for accessories /go/support Download the latest firmware /go/Zi8downloads Register your camera /go/registerGet information on ARCSOFT Software /support Problem Solution4AppendixFCC compliance and advisoryThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.CEHereby, Eastman Kodak Company declares that this KODAK Product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/E.MPEG-4Use of this product in any manner that complies with the MPEG-4 visualstandard is prohibited, except for use by a consumer engaging in personal and non-commercial activities.Canadian DOC statementDOC Class B Compliance—This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Observation des normes Classe B—Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Australian C-TickVCCI Class B ITEN137Appendix Korean Class B ITEChina RoHSEastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York 14650© Kodak, 2009All screen images are simulated.Kodak is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.ArcSoft and MediaImpression are trademarks of ArcSoft, Inc.Apple, iLife, iWeb, MobileMe, iTunes, iPhone, iPod, and Apple TV are trademarks of Apple, Inc.HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.Facebook and the Facebook logo are trademarks of Facebook, Inc.YouTube and the YouTube logo are trademarks of YouTube, LLC.4H6769_en。



商友kcgl手册库存管理BFV8.0操作手册-库存管理长益科技目录系统功能介绍...................................................................... ................................................................... 5 一. 调拨 ..................................................................... ........................................................................5 二. 返仓 ..................................................................... ........................................................................5 三. 转库 ..................................................................... ........................................................................5 四. 商品盘点 ..................................................................... ................................................................. 5 五. 损溢处理 ..................................................................... ................................................................. 6 六. 要货管理 ..................................................................... ................................................................. 6 系统操作方法...................................................................... ................................................................... 6 1. 调拨 ..................................................................... ........................................................................ .. 6 1.1. 调拨单处理 ..................................................................... ........................................................ 6 1.2. 查询调拨单 ..................................................................... ........................................................ 8 1.3. 打印调拨单 ..................................................................... ........................................................ 8 1.4. 销售部门调整处理 ..................................................................... ............................................ 8 1.5. 销售部门调整查询 ..................................................................... .......................................... 10 1.6. 联营/租赁商品调拨单...................................................................... ..................................... 10 1.7. 联营/租赁商品调拨单查询 ..................................................................... .............................. 11 2. 返仓 ..................................................................... ........................................................................11 2.1. 返仓单处理 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 11 2.2. 查询返仓单 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 11 2.3. 打印返仓单 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 12 3. 转库 ..................................................................... ........................................................................12 3.1. 商品转库单处理 ..................................................................... .............................................. 12 3.2. 查询商品转库单 ..................................................................... .............................................. 13 3.3. 打印商品转库单 ..................................................................... .............................................. 13 4. 盘点与损溢处理 ..................................................................... ..................................................... 13 4.1. 盘点计划设置 ..................................................................... .................................................. 13 4.2. 打印空白盘点表 ..................................................................... .............................................. 14 4.3. 录入盘点表 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 16 4.4. 编辑盘点表 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 17 4.5. 盘点表录入完成标记设定 ..................................................................... ............................... 18 4.6. 盘点表预审处理 ..................................................................... .............................................. 20 4.7. 盘点表审核 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 22 4.8. 删除盘点表 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 23 4.9. 损溢单处理 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 24 4.10. 维护部门盘点损耗率 ..................................................................... . (25)- 1 -BFV8.0操作手册-库存管理长益科技4.11. 盘点汇总表 ..................................................................... .................................................... 26 4.12. 商品盘点属性设置...................................................................... ........................................ 27 5. 盘点与损溢查询 ..................................................................... ..................................................... 28 5.1. 查阅盘点表 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 28 5.2. 盘点报告...................................................................... ......................................................... 30 5.3. 查询损溢单 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 30 5.4. 商品损溢明细表 ..................................................................... .............................................. 30 5.5. 损溢报告...................................................................... ......................................................... 30 5.6. 商品损溢分供货商汇总 ..................................................................... ................................... 30 6. 要货 ..................................................................... ........................................................................30 6.1. 要货单处理 ........................................................................................................................... 30 6.2. 查询要货单 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 31 6.3. 由要货单生成配货单 ..................................................................... ....................................... 31 6.4. 要货缺货报表查询 ..................................................................... .......................................... 32 7. 商品库存帐管理 ..................................................................... ..................................................... 32 7.1. 查询库存商品分批次帐 ..................................................................... ................................... 32 7.2. 查询库存单品三级明细帐 ..................................................................... ............................... 32 7.3. 查询部门库存余额帐 ..................................................................... ....................................... 33 7.4. 查询供货单位库存余额帐 ..................................................................... ............................... 34 7.5. 查询库存商品总帐 ..................................................................... .......................................... 34 7.6. 按往来单位汇总商品三级帐初始化数 ..................................................................... ............ 34 7.7. 按部门汇总商品三级帐初始化数 ..................................................................... .................... 34 8. 保管帐管理 ..................................................................... ............................................................. 34 8.1. 综合查询库存商品 ..................................................................... .......................................... 34 8.2. 查询库存商品保管帐 ..................................................................... ....................................... 35 8.3. 柜台商品列表 ..................................................................... .................................................. 35 8.4. 分库存地点商品列表 ..................................................................... ....................................... 35 9. 保管部门查询 ..................................................................... ......................................................... 35 9.1. 按库存地点查询商品库存数量 ..................................................................... ....................... 35 9.2. 按库存地点查询库存商品保管帐 ..................................................................... .................... 35 10. 辅助管理 ..................................................................... ............................................................... 35 10.1. 设定库存限量 ..................................................................... ................................................ 35 10.2. 删除零库存商品 ..................................................................... ............................................ 37 10.3. 库存商品保质期报警 ..................................................................... ..................................... 37 10.4. 查询重复经营商品...................................................................... ........................................ 38 10.5. 录入三级帐初始化数据 ..................................................................... ................................. 38 10.6. 查询商品库存周转...................................................................... ........................................ 39 10.7. 查询商品在途数量...................................................................... ........................................ 39 10.8. 存货跌价准备提取表 ..................................................................... . (39)- 2 -BFV8.0操作手册-库存管理长益科技10.9. 超储商品列表 ..................................................................... (39)10.10. 短缺商品列表 ................................................................................................................... 39 11. 家电送货 ..................................................................... (39)11.1. 家电送货处理 ..................................................................... (39)11.2. 家电送货查询 ..................................................................... (40)- 3 -BFV8.0操作手册-库存管理长益科技库存管理在处理商场进、销、存三个环节的工作中,库存管理主要处理柜组商品库存管理业务,同时还间接地反映了商品的销售情况。

IBM TRIRIGA 应用程序平台版本 3,发行版 8 后升级维护规范说明说明书

IBM TRIRIGA 应用程序平台版本 3,发行版 8 后升级维护规范说明说明书

IBM TRIRIGA Application PlatformVersion 3, Release 8Post Upgrade Maintenance SpecificationNoteBefore using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 19.This edition applies to version 3, release 8 of IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2011, 2020. All rights reserved.US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.ContentsABOUT THIS GUIDE (1)Intended Audience (1)Prerequisites (1)Support (1)1.UPGRADE PROCESS (2)2.ORACLE IBS_SPEC SCRIPT (4)3.ORACLE IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS SCRIPT (10)4.MSSQL IBS_SPEC SCRIPT (13)5.MSSQL IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS SCRIPT (17)NOTICES (19)About This GuideThis document provides scripts to accomplish an upgrade that removes unused columns from the IBS_SPEC and IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS tables in the IBM® TRIRIGA® database. These tables are the two largest and most used tables in the IBM TRIRIGA system. Removing unused columns from these tables reduces the storage space required.Intended AudienceThis guide supports system administrator personnel who are certified Database Administrators (DBAs).PrerequisitesThis guide assumes the reader has a basic understanding of IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform and the fundamental concepts required to operate the Web-based IBM TRIRIGA system.SupportIBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects, answering FAQs, and performing rediscovery. View the IBM Software Support site at /support.1. Upgrade ProcessDepending on the size of your database, this upgrade could take as long as 8 hours to complete. This is the reason IBM TRIRIGA has provided a separate upgrade process. The IBM TRIRIGA system will still function properly without applying this upgrade; however, you need to apply this upgrade. The process described in this document breaks the upgrade into two steps, which allows the work to be done on separate days.When you perform the upgrade, keep the following requirements in mind:▪The upgrade scripts in this document can only be run after your upgrade to IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.1 or later. After the scripts complete, you can use the database only with IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.1 or later.▪Make sure no IBM TRIRIGA application instances are connected to the database before you start this upgrade. Stop the services and applications at their server.▪This upgrade MUST be performed by a certified DBA.The overall goal of this upgrade is to remove unused columns from the IBS_SPEC andIBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS tables. The following table lists the columns that the scripts will remove.IBS_SPEC ▪PROPERTY_ID▪LOCKED_BY▪COMPANY_ID▪MIN_REQD_COMPLETE▪SPECIFIER_ID▪SPECIFIER_FIRST_NAME▪SPECIFIER_LAST_NAME▪TYPICAL_SPEC_ID▪APPROVAL_HISTORY▪OBJECT_COLOR▪WF_TEMPLATE_ID▪WF_NAME▪CHANGE_SYSTEM_FLAG▪HIDE_TABIBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS ▪PROPERTY_ID▪UPDATED_DATEThe upgrade process is the same for each table on each environment (Oracle or MSSQL). This process was selected for speed of upgrade.Upgrade Process StepsStep 1Create a temporary table with the same columns as the table being updated, but without the columns to be removed.Step 2Copy all rows from the original table to the temporary table.Step 3Drop the original table. This removes any indexes that were on the original table.Step 4Rename the temporary table to the original table name.Step 5Create new indexes on the new table.The remaining chapters in this guide provide scripts to perform the upgrade. You can copy the appropriate scripts from this guide:▪Oracle IBS_SPEC script▪Oracle IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS script▪Microsoft SQL Server IBS_SPEC script▪Microsoft SQL Server IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS script2. Oracle IBS_SPEC ScriptRun the following script on an Oracle system. It removes the unused columns described above. You can copy this script from this document.Replace the string $data_data_tblspace$ with your data tablespace name. It may be something like TRIDATA_DATA.Replace the string $data_index_tblspace$ with your index tablespace name. It may be something like TRIDATA_INDX.While creating indexes, Oracle requires a continuous block of free memory. This may require that you extend the size of your index tablespace.CREATE TABLE IBS_SPEC_TMP(PROJECT_ID NUMBER(20) NOT NULL,SPEC_ID NUMBER(20) NOT NULL,REVISION NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID NUMBER(20) NOT NULL,TYPE_NAME VARCHAR2(100) NULL,STATUS VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL,SPEC_NUMBER VARCHAR2(300) NULL,SPEC_NAME VARCHAR2(100) NULL,DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(300) NULL,PUBLISHED_DATE DATE NULL,UOM_TYPE_CODE NUMBER(4) NULL,UOM VARCHAR2(100) NULL,SPEC_CLASS_TYPE NUMBER(5) DEFAULT 1 NULL,OBJECT_ID NUMBER(20) NOT NULL,ROOT_FLG NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NULL,CREATED_BY NUMBER(10) NULL,CREATED_DATE DATE DEFAULT sysdate NULL,UPDATED_BY NUMBER(10) NULL,UPDATED_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) NULL,OBJECT_STATE VARCHAR2(100) NULL,LOCATION_ID NUMBER(20) DEFAULT 0 NULL,ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER(20) DEFAULT 0 NULL,GEOGRAPHY_ID NUMBER(20) DEFAULT 0 NULL,QTY NUMBER(16,4) DEFAULT 0.00 NULL,ROLLUP_FIELDS_FLAG NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NULL,SCHEDULABLE NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NULL,DELETED_FLAG NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NULL,OBJECT_PATH VARCHAR2(500) NULL,AUDIT_FLAG NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NULL,AUDIT_LEVEL VARCHAR2(20) NULL,AUDIT_COMMENT_FLAG NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NULL,AUDIT_SIGN_FLAG NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NULL,IMAGE_MAP VARCHAR2(400) NULL,CONTROL_NUMBER VARCHAR2(200) NULL,PRICE NUMBER(16,4) DEFAULT 0.00 NULL,TEMPLATE_VERSION NUMBER(10) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,SYSTEM_FLAG NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NULL,SHOW_TAB_ID NUMBER(10) DEFAULT 0 NULL,RESERVABLE_FLAG NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NULL,GUI_ID NUMBER(20) DEFAULT 0 NULL,CONVERSION_GROUP VARCHAR2(100) NULL,EXCHANGE_DATE DATE NULL,SYSTEM_STATE NUMBER(4) NULL)TABLESPACE $data_data_tblspace$PCTUSED 0PCTFREE 10INITRANS 10MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT )LOGGINGNOCACHENOPARALLEL;INSERT INTO IBS_SPEC_TMP(PROJECT_ID,SPEC_ID,REVISION,SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,TYPE_NAME,STATUS,SPEC_NUMBER,SPEC_NAME,DESCRIPTION,PUBLISHED_DATE,UOM_TYPE_CODE,UOM,SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,OBJECT_ID,ROOT_FLG,CREATED_BY,CREATED_DATE,UPDATED_BY,UPDATED_DATE,OBJECT_STATE,LOCATION_ID,ORGANIZATION_ID,GEOGRAPHY_ID,QTY,ROLLUP_FIELDS_FLAG,SCHEDULABLE,DELETED_FLAG,OBJECT_PATH,AUDIT_FLAG,AUDIT_LEVEL,AUDIT_COMMENT_FLAG,AUDIT_SIGN_FLAG,IMAGE_MAP,CONTROL_NUMBER,PRICE,TEMPLATE_VERSION,SYSTEM_FLAG,SHOW_TAB_ID,RESERVABLE_FLAG,GUI_ID,CONVERSION_GROUP,EXCHANGE_DATE,SYSTEM_STATE)(SELECTPROJECT_ID,SPEC_ID,REVISION,SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,TYPE_NAME,STATUS,SPEC_NUMBER,SPEC_NAME,DESCRIPTION,PUBLISHED_DATE,UOM_TYPE_CODE,UOM,SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,OBJECT_ID,ROOT_FLG,CREATED_BY,CREATED_DATE,UPDATED_BY,UPDATED_DATE,OBJECT_STATE,LOCATION_ID,ORGANIZATION_ID,GEOGRAPHY_ID,QTY,ROLLUP_FIELDS_FLAG,SCHEDULABLE,DELETED_FLAG,OBJECT_PATH,AUDIT_FLAG,AUDIT_LEVEL,AUDIT_COMMENT_FLAG,AUDIT_SIGN_FLAG,IMAGE_MAP,CONTROL_NUMBER,PRICE,TEMPLATE_VERSION,SYSTEM_FLAG,SHOW_TAB_ID,RESERVABLE_FLAG,GUI_ID,CONVERSION_GROUP,EXCHANGE_DATE,SYSTEM_STATEFROM IBS_SPEC);DROP TABLE IBS_SPEC;ALTER TABLE IBS_SPEC_TMP RENAME TO IBS_SPEC;ALTER TABLE IBS_SPEC ADD (CONSTRAINT PK_IBS_SPEC PRIMARY KEY (SPEC_ID, REVISION) USING INDEXTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 2MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0));CREATE INDEX IDX04_IBS_SPEC ON IBS_SPEC(SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID, SPEC_NAME, OBJECT_ID, SPEC_ID) LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 2MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT)NOPARALLEL;CREATE INDEX IDX06_IBS_SPEC ON IBS_SPEC(SPEC_CLASS_TYPE, ROOT_FLG, SPEC_ID)NOLOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 2MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT)NOPARALLEL;CREATE INDEX IDX07_IBS_SPEC ON IBS_SPEC(OBJECT_PATH)NOLOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 2MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT)NOPARALLEL;CREATE INDEX SPEC_TMPL_STATE_GEO_ORG ON IBS_SPEC(SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID, OBJECT_STATE, GEOGRAPHY_ID, ORGANIZATION_ID) LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 2MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT)NOPARALLEL;CREATE INDEX PERF01_IBS_SPEC ON IBS_SPEC(SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID, SPEC_ID, PROJECT_ID)LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 2MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT)NOPARALLEL;CREATE UNIQUE INDEX PERF02_IBS_SPEC ON IBS_SPEC(SPEC_ID, OBJECT_ID, SPEC_NAME)LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 2MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT )NOPARALLEL;CREATE UNIQUE INDEX PERF03_IBS_SPEC ON IBS_SPEC (SPEC_ID, SYSTEM_STATE)LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 2MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT )NOPARALLEL;CREATE INDEX PERF04_IBS_SPEC ON IBS_SPEC (SPEC_NAME, TYPE_NAME, SPEC_CLASS_TYPE) LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 10MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT )NOPARALLEL;CREATE INDEX PERF05_IBS_SPEC ON IBS_SPEC (SPEC_ID, SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID)LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 10MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT )NOPARALLEL;COMMIT;3. Oracle IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS ScriptRun the following script on an Oracle system. It removes the unused columns described above. You can copy this script from this document.Replace the string $data_data_tblspace$ with your data tablespace name. It may be something like TRIDATA_DATA.Replace the string $data_index_tblspace$ with your index tablespace name. It may be something like TRIDATA_INDX.While creating indexes, Oracle requires a continuous block of free memory. This may require that you extend the size of your index tablespace.CREATE TABLE IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS_TMP( SPEC_ID NUMBER(20,0),SPEC_CLASS_TYPE NUMBER(5,0) DEFAULT 1,ASS_SPEC_ID NUMBER(20,0),ASS_SPEC_CLASS_TYPE NUMBER(5,0) DEFAULT 1,ASS_TYPE VARCHAR2(100 BYTE),SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID NUMBER(20,0),ASS_SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID NUMBER(20,0),DEPENDENT_FLAG NUMBER(1,0) DEFAULT 0)TABLESPACE $data_data_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 10MAXTRANS 255STORAGE (INITIAL 2000MNEXT 200MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 10FREELISTS 2FREELIST GROUPS 1BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT)LOGGING;INSERT INTO IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS_TMP(SPEC_ID,SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,ASS_SPEC_ID,ASS_SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,ASS_TYPE,SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,ASS_SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,DEPENDENT_FLAG)(SELECT SPEC_ID,SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,ASS_SPEC_ID,ASS_SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,ASS_TYPE,SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,ASS_SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,DEPENDENT_FLAG FROM IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS);DROP TABLE IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS;ALTER TABLE IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS_TMP RENAME TO IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS;ALTER TABLE IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS ADD (CONSTRAINT PK_IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS PRIMARY KEY (SPEC_ID, ASS_SPEC_ID, ASS_TYPE)USING INDEXTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 10MAXTRANS 255COMPUTE STATISTICSSTORAGE (INITIAL 1000MNEXT 100MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 10FREELISTS 2FREELIST GROUPS 1BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT));CREATE INDEX ASS_CTYP_TMPL_SPID ON IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS (ASS_SPEC_ID, ASS_TYPE, SPEC_CLASS_TYPE, SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID, SPEC_ID)LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 10MAXTRANS 255COMPUTE STATISTICSSTORAGE (INITIAL 1000MNEXT 100MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 10FREELISTS 2FREELIST GROUPS 1BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT);CREATE INDEX IDX03_IBS_SPEC_ASSIGN ON IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS (SPEC_ID, ASS_TYPE, ASS_SPEC_CLASS_TYPE, ASS_SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID)LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 10MAXTRANS 255COMPUTE STATISTICSSTORAGE (INITIAL 1000MNEXT 100MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 10FREELISTS 2FREELIST GROUPS 1BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT);CREATE INDEX PERF01_IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS ON IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS (ASS_SPEC_ID, SPEC_ID)LOGGINGTABLESPACE $data_index_tblspace$PCTFREE 10INITRANS 10MAXTRANS 255COMPUTE STATISTICSSTORAGE (INITIAL 1000MNEXT 100MMINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS 2147483645PCTINCREASE 10FREELISTS 2FREELIST GROUPS 1BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT);COMMIT;4. MSSQL IBS_SPEC ScriptRun the following script on an MSSQL system. It removes the unused columns described above. You can copy this script from this document. Run this script from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.CREATE TABLE [IBS_SPEC_TMP] ([PROJECT_ID] [numeric](20) NOT NULL,[SPEC_ID] [numeric](20) NOT NULL,[REVISION] [numeric](10) NOT NULL,[SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID] [numeric](20) NOT NULL,[TYPE_NAME] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL, [STATUS] [varchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NOT NULL, [SPEC_NUMBER] [varchar] (300) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL, [SPEC_NAME] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL, [DESCRIPTION] [varchar] (300) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL, [PUBLISHED_DATE] [datetime] NULL,[UOM_TYPE_CODE] [numeric](4) NULL,[UOM] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL,[SPEC_CLASS_TYPE] [numeric](5) DEFAULT (1) NULL,[OBJECT_ID] [numeric](20) NOT NULL,[ROOT_FLG] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[CREATED_BY] [numeric](10) NULL,[CREATED_DATE] [datetime] DEFAULT (getdate()) NULL,[UPDATED_BY] [numeric](10) NULL,[UPDATED_DATE] [datetime] NULL,[OBJECT_STATE] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL,[LOCATION_ID] [numeric](20) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[ORGANIZATION_ID] [numeric](20) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[GEOGRAPHY_ID] [numeric](20) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[QTY] [numeric](16, 4) DEFAULT (0.00) NULL,[ROLLUP_FIELDS_FLAG] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[SCHEDULABLE] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[DELETED_FLAG] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[OBJECT_PATH] [varchar] (500) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL, [AUDIT_FLAG] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[AUDIT_LEVEL] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL, [AUDIT_COMMENT_FLAG] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[AUDIT_SIGN_FLAG] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[IMAGE_MAP] [varchar] (400) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL, [CONTROL_NUMBER] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL,[PRICE] [numeric](16, 4) DEFAULT (0.00) NULL,[TEMPLATE_VERSION] [numeric](10) DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL,[SYSTEM_FLAG] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[SHOW_TAB_ID] [numeric](10) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[RESERVABLE_FLAG] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[GUI_ID] [numeric](20) DEFAULT (0) NULL,[CONVERSION_GROUP] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL,[EXCHANGE_DATE] [datetime] NULL,[SYSTEM_STATE] [numeric](4) NULL)GOINSERT INTO IBS_SPEC_TMP(PROJECT_ID,SPEC_ID,REVISION,SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,TYPE_NAME,STATUS,SPEC_NUMBER,SPEC_NAME,DESCRIPTION,PUBLISHED_DATE,UOM_TYPE_CODE,UOM,SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,OBJECT_ID,ROOT_FLG,CREATED_BY,CREATED_DATE,UPDATED_BY,UPDATED_DATE,OBJECT_STATE,LOCATION_ID,ORGANIZATION_ID,GEOGRAPHY_ID,QTY,ROLLUP_FIELDS_FLAG,SCHEDULABLE,DELETED_FLAG,OBJECT_PATH,AUDIT_FLAG,AUDIT_LEVEL,AUDIT_COMMENT_FLAG,AUDIT_SIGN_FLAG,IMAGE_MAP,CONTROL_NUMBER,PRICE,TEMPLATE_VERSION,SYSTEM_FLAG,SHOW_TAB_ID,RESERVABLE_FLAG,GUI_ID,CONVERSION_GROUP,EXCHANGE_DATE,SYSTEM_STATE)(SELECTPROJECT_ID,SPEC_ID,REVISION,SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,TYPE_NAME,STATUS,SPEC_NUMBER,SPEC_NAME,DESCRIPTION,PUBLISHED_DATE,UOM_TYPE_CODE,UOM,SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,OBJECT_ID,ROOT_FLG,CREATED_BY,CREATED_DATE,UPDATED_BY,UPDATED_DATE,OBJECT_STATE,LOCATION_ID,ORGANIZATION_ID,GEOGRAPHY_ID,QTY,ROLLUP_FIELDS_FLAG,SCHEDULABLE,DELETED_FLAG,OBJECT_PATH,AUDIT_FLAG,AUDIT_LEVEL,AUDIT_COMMENT_FLAG,AUDIT_SIGN_FLAG,IMAGE_MAP,CONTROL_NUMBER,PRICE,TEMPLATE_VERSION,SYSTEM_FLAG,SHOW_TAB_ID,RESERVABLE_FLAG,GUI_ID,CONVERSION_GROUP,EXCHANGE_DATE,SYSTEM_STATEFROM IBS_SPEC)GODROP TABLE IBS_SPECGOEXEC sp_rename 'IBS_SPEC_TMP', 'IBS_SPEC'GOALTER TABLE [IBS_SPEC] ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_IBS_SPEC] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([SPEC_ID], [REVISION]) GOCREATE INDEX [IDX04_IBS_SPEC] ON [IBS_SPEC] ([SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID], [SPEC_NAME], [OBJECT_ID], [SPEC_ID])GOCREATE INDEX [IDX06_IBS_SPEC] ON [IBS_SPEC] ([SPEC_CLASS_TYPE], [ROOT_FLG], [SPEC_ID])GOCREATE INDEX [IDX07_IBS_SPEC] ON [IBS_SPEC] ([OBJECT_PATH])GOCREATE INDEX [PERF01_IBS_SPEC] ON [IBS_SPEC] ([SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID], [SPEC_ID], [PROJECT_ID])GOCREATE INDEX [PERF02_IBS_SPEC] ON [IBS_SPEC] ([SPEC_ID], [OBJECT_ID], [SPEC_NAME])GOCREATE INDEX [PERF03_IBS_SPEC] ON [IBS_SPEC] ([SPEC_ID], [SYSTEM_STATE]) GOCREATE INDEX [PERF04_IBS_SPEC] ON [IBS_SPEC] ([SPEC_NAME], [TYPE_NAME], [SPEC_CLASS_TYPE])GOCREATE INDEX [PERF05_IBS_SPEC] ON [IBS_SPEC] ([SPEC_ID], [SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID]) GOCREATE INDEX [SPEC_TMPL_STATE_GEO_ORG] ON [IBS_SPEC] ([SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID], [OBJECT_STATE], [GEOGRAPHY_ID], [ORGANIZATION_ID])GO5. MSSQL IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS Script Run the following script on an MSSQL system. It removes the unused columns described above. You can copy this script from this document. Run this script from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.CREATE TABLE [IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS_TMP] ([SPEC_ID] [numeric](20) NOT NULL,[SPEC_CLASS_TYPE] [numeric](5) DEFAULT (1) NULL,[ASS_SPEC_ID] [numeric](20) NOT NULL,[ASS_SPEC_CLASS_TYPE] [numeric](5) DEFAULT (1) NULL,[ASS_TYPE] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NOT NULL,[SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID] [numeric](20) NULL,[ASS_SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID] [numeric](20) NULL,[DEPENDENT_FLAG] [numeric](1) DEFAULT (0) NULL)GOINSERTINTO IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS_TMP(SPEC_ID,SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,ASS_SPEC_ID,ASS_SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,ASS_TYPE,SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,ASS_SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,DEPENDENT_FLAG)(SELECT SPEC_ID,SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,ASS_SPEC_ID,ASS_SPEC_CLASS_TYPE,ASS_TYPE,SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,ASS_SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID,DEPENDENT_FLAGFROM IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS)GODROP TABLE IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTSGOEXEC sp_rename 'IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS_TMP', 'IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS'GOALTER TABLE [IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS] ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([SPEC_ID], [ASS_SPEC_ID], [ASS_TYPE])GOCREATE INDEX [ASS_CTYP_TMPL_SPID] ON [IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS] ([ASS_SPEC_ID], [ASS_TYPE], [SPEC_CLASS_TYPE], [SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID], [SPEC_ID])GOCREATE INDEX [IDX03_IBS_SPEC_ASSIGN] ON [IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS] ([SPEC_ID], [ASS_TYPE], [ASS_SPEC_CLASS_TYPE], [ASS_SPEC_TEMPLATE_ID])GOCREATE INDEX [PERF01_IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS] ON [IBS_SPEC_ASSIGNMENTS] ([ASS_SPEC_ID], [SPEC_ID])GONoticesThis information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:IBM Director of LicensingIBM CorporationNorth Castle DriveArmonk, NY 10504-1785U.S.A.For license inquiries regarding double-byte character set (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to:Intellectual Property LicensingLegal and Intellectual Property LawIBM Japan, Ltd.19-21, Nihonbashi-Hakozakicho, Chuo-kuTokyo 103-8510, JapanThe following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact:IBM Corporation2Z4A/10111400 Burnet RoadAustin, TX 78758U.S.A.Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee.The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us.Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products.All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental.TrademarksIBM, the IBM logo, , and TRIRIGA are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at/legal/copytrade.shtml.。

cco8第4章 维护工具导航窗口的操作

cco8第4章 维护工具导航窗口的操作

C&C08 数字程控交换系统操作手册日常操作分册目录目录第4章维护工具导航窗口的操作............................................................................................4-14.1 系统....................................................................................................................................4-14.1.1 查询软件版本...........................................................................................................4-24.1.2 查询模块CPU占用率..............................................................................................4-34.1.3 过载控制阈查询.......................................................................................................4-44.1.4 查询半永久连接.......................................................................................................4-54.1.5 时钟板查询..............................................................................................................4-64.1.6 内存操作..................................................................................................................4-74.2 配置....................................................................................................................................4-84.2.1 硬件配置状态面板的操作.........................................................................................4-94.2.2 电路查询................................................................................................................4-134.3 跟踪..................................................................................................................................4-144.3.1 接续动态跟踪.........................................................................................................4-154.3.2 接续动态跟踪的回顾..............................................................................................4-204.3.3 数字中继信令跟踪..................................................................................................4-204.3.4 端口信令跟踪.........................................................................................................4-204.3.5 通用消息跟踪.........................................................................................................4-214.4 AM系统............................................................................................................................4-214.5 七号信令...........................................................................................................................4-244.5.1 七号信令跟踪.........................................................................................................4-244.5.2 七号信令相关状态查询..........................................................................................4-284.5.3 七号电路查询.........................................................................................................4-314.5.4 按目的信令点查询链路..........................................................................................4-314.5.5 按局向查询系统和电路状态...................................................................................4-324.6 V5接入.............................................................................................................................4-324.6.1 查询V5接口状态...................................................................................................4-334.6.2 V5控制操作...........................................................................................................4-334.6.3 LAPV5信令跟踪....................................................................................................4-33第4章维护工具导航窗口的操作C&C08交换机维护工具导航窗口直接使用内部自定义接口,其特点是操作简便、多窗口中文界面和直观友好。



sap⽉结流程序号⼦号业务处理事务代码检查点操作注意备注1 FI结帐1-1 完成当⽉所有的销售业务 VF04 确认当⽉所有需要开票的销售业务1-2 销售业务核对,主要是实际开票⾦额和系统数据⽐较检查销售收⼊、销项税额与纳税申请表的⼀致性?应收会计:外销单证组出具销售发票汇总表1-3 确认所有的⼊库存单已⼊账,发票及时交财务部与MM 组确认业务完成主管会计1-4 完成所有的发票校验检查进项税额与纳税申请表的⼀致性?应付会计:由报税员提供采购发票汇总表1-5 完成所有收发料业务当⽉的⼊库单据/领料单全部进⼊系统,尽量和实际同步,仓库所有的收发料已经完成。

MM关键⽤户确认物料管理 1-6 完成所有⽣产完⼯确认业务 "确认当⽉的⽣产报⼯已经全部完成" PP关键⽤户确认⽣产报⼯(中⼭家⽤公司每⽉末最后⼀天晚班⽣产数作为下⽉业务处理)1-7 关闭当前物料期间 MMRV 在确定当⽉的物流业务完成后关闭当⽉的物料期间主管会计1-8 打开新的会计期间 OB52/MMPV 打开下⼀个⽉的会计期间(先打开与物料相关的会计期间:M,S,+)主管会计应在⽉底打开新的会计期间1-9 预制凭证过账/删除 FBV0/SM35 确认应过帐的所有预制凭证全部过帐总帐会计:如果不希望凭证出现缺号,可将预制错误的凭证留到下⽉处理。

(可在下⽉将此凭证修改成其他业务的预制凭证再过帐)1-10 维护汇率 OB08 PEND为本⽉⽉末调汇汇率;M为本⽉执⾏汇率注意EUR汇率的维护⽅法 1号维护1-11 外币重估 FAGL_FC_VAL/SM35 外币重估,本⽉重估的汇兑损益调整到相应科⽬的外币调整户,下⽉初冲回。

会话执⾏:SM35 注意预提费⽤不选择调汇 RELEASE⼩旗⼦1-12 在建⼯程结算1-13 运⾏折旧 AFAB 资产当⽉折旧;后台执⾏,⽤SM37查询清单先测试运⾏,再选择后台执⾏年末运⾏折旧重新计算(⼯作量法)普通⽉结运⾏折旧前先维护⼯作量法(AO25)1-14 查看折旧费⽤是否进⼊相应成本中⼼ S_ALR_87013611>成本中⼼报表1-15 重分类调整 FAGLF101 运⾏客户和供应商成本⽉结操作流程与说明No. Sub No. 业务处理事务代码检查点操作注意备注1 成本中⼼结算估算⾦额并并标记(可⽉中随时运⾏)1-2 标准成本估算发布 CK24/ck40N 在新期间第⼀天未发⽣物料移动前发布当⽉价格(可选)制造费⽤相关的凭证)1-4 维修订单结算 KO8G 创建变式ZPM11-5 确认所有⽣产⼈⼯⼯资、制造费⽤都正确录⼊⽣产性成本中⼼ FAGLB03>总账余额显⽰ S_ALR_87013611>成本中⼼报表 1、确认成本中⼼报表中的⽣产性成本中⼼的制造费⽤与总账当⽉余额相等; 2、确认⽣产性成本中⼼的⽣产成本-⼯资与总账当⽉余额相等; 3、确认⽣产性成本中⼼没有营业费⽤/管理费⽤/财务费⽤等与⽣产⽆关的费⽤发⽣。

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