
• Run the simulation • Post-processing of results
G. Betti Beneventi 2
Review of basic properties of the diode
• Sentaurus Workbench setup (SWB) • Implementation of Input files
• If ������������ is the concentration of acceptors at the p-side, and ������������ is the concentration of donors art the n-side, it can be shown that, if the semiconductors are nondegenerate, the built-in potential ������0 is given by the formula (1), where the thermal voltage ������������= ������������/������= 26mV at room temperature, and where ������������ is the semiconductor intrinsic carrier density, which is a material property (depends on density of states and on band-gap) Therefore, the higher the product of the p and n doping, the higher ������������ The built-in potential is “built-in” since it is an intrinsic property of the junction. It represents the energy barrier that majority carriers (electron in n-region, holes in p-region) have to overcome in order to obtain a net current flow by diffusion


§17-1 新一代集成工艺仿真系统Sentaurus Process随着集成电路制造工艺技术的迅速发展和日趋成熟,集成电路的集成度迅速攀升,制造流程及工艺步骤也日趋复杂。
新一代集成工艺设计工具Sentaurus Process恰恰解决了纳米尺度的可制造性设计技术难题,成为当前最为先进的集成电路工艺级仿真工具。
§17-1-1 Sentaurus Process工艺级仿真工具简介[3]Sentaurus Process是Synopsys Inc.最新推出的新一代TCAD工艺级仿真工具,被业界誉为第五代集成电路制程级仿真软件,是当前最为先进的纳米级集成工艺仿真工具。
Sentaurus Process是迄今为止集成电路制程级仿真软体中最为全面、最为灵活的多维(一维、二维、三维)工艺级仿真工具。
Sentaurus Process面向当代纳米级集成电路工艺制程,全面支持小尺寸效应的仿真与模拟,用于实现甚大规模(ULSI)集成电路的工艺级虚拟设计,可显著地缩短集成电路制造工艺级设计、工艺级优化乃至晶圆芯片级产品的开发周期。
Sentaurus Process整合了Avanti的TSUPREM系列工艺级仿真工具、Taurus Process系列工艺级仿真工具及ISE的Dios系列工艺级仿真工具,将一维、两维和三维仿真集成于同一平台,在保留传统工艺级仿真工具卡命令行运行模式的基础上,又作了诸多重大改进:1.增加、设置了模型参数数据库浏览器(PDB),为用户提供修改模型参数及增加模型的方便途径;2. 增加、设置了一维模拟结果输出工具(Inspect)和二维、三维模拟结果输出工具(Tecplot SV)。
Sentaurus TCAD基本流程

双击 sprocess 打开 Open Text Area 输入 mgoals min.normal.size=5<nm> teral.size=0.1<um> normal.growth.ratio=1.2 Time 2 hour Temperature 1100 ℃ Thick 4 μm Dopant boron Concentration 1e15/cm3
165 nm
Etch_type anisotropic
Overetch 10
Etch_type anistropic 刻 蚀 类 型 各向异性,即只有纵向刻蚀, 没有横向 刻蚀效 果。Overetch 为:在达到刻蚀深度之后,再进 一步进行刻蚀的幅度,以百分比
计算,设置 10,表明要在设定 基础上,再多刻蚀 10%
Ligament Flow Editor 界面。点击 Edit——Add Process Header,得到工艺仿真的头文件。
变量和宏 工艺流程 新建宏 转换成语句 还原
点选 environment,在参数显示区修改:(双击) ◆ title 自定义名字 ◆ region 修改为 0 0 5.1 2 注:
overetch 10
81 angstr
InspectInspect is a TCAD plotting and analysis tool for xy data, such as 1D doping profiles and terminal characteristics of semiconductor devices. Its script language and library of mathematical functions allow users to compute using curve data, and to manipulate and extract data from simulations.This module is a basic introduction to the features of Inspect.Section Time1. Getting Started15 minutes2. Plotting Curves30 minutes3. Math and Scripts20 minutes4. Extracting Standard Parameters40 minutesCopyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.Inspect1. Getting Started1.1 Overview1.2 Starting Inspect1.3 Loading Datasets1.4 Saving and PrintingObjectivesTo introduce the basic features of Inspect.1.1 OverviewInspect is a versatile tool for efficient viewing of xy plots, such as doping profiles and I–V curves. Inspect extracts parameters, such as junction depth, threshold voltage, and saturation currents, from the respective xy plot. You can manipulate curves interactively by using scripts.Inspect features a large set of mathematical functions for curve manipulation, such as differentiation, integration, and find the minimum and maximum. The Inspect script language is open to Tcl and, therefore, inherits all the power and flexibility of Tcl.Use Tecplot SV to generate presentation-ready and multiframe graphics.1.2 Starting InspectTo start Inspect, at the command line, type:> inspectInspect takes the current directory as its working directory.Inspect can also be launched from within Sentaurus Workbench or Tecplot SV.When it starts, Inspect displays its main window (see Figure 1).Figure 1. Graphical user interface of Inspect. (Click image for full-size view.)The main window has several components:Menu bar and toolbar.The right pane is the plot area where plotted curves are displayed.The left pane has two group boxes: Datasets and Curves.The Datasets group box displays the loaded dataset files with their data components. The To X-Axis, To Left-Y Axis, and To Right Y-Axis buttons are used to map datasets to aparticular axis.The Curves group box displays the names of existing curves and has buttons associated with it. The New button is used to create a curve using the formula library (which is explainedlater), Edit is used to change the graphical attributes of a curve, Delete removes theselected curves, and Delete All removes all curves.The status line at the bottom of the window displays information about the current Inspectsession and the position of the pointer in the plot area.1.3 Loading DatasetsThis section explains different aspects of loading datasets.1.3.1 File FormatBefore being plotted, a data file including multiple datasets must be loaded into Inspect. The file can be in either the DF–ISE .plt format or simple columns format. The DF–ISE .plt format files are typically output of a Synopsys TCAD tool such as Sentaurus Device. An example of this type of file isn1_des.plt.For the simple columns format, Inspect requires the data file starting with a text comment line within double quotation marks, followed by two columns of data, for example:"This is a comment line."1 0.12 0.53 0.9...To continue with this module, right-click n1_des.plt and download the file.1.3.2 LoadingTo load datasets when you start Inspect from the command line, type:> inspect n1_des.pltwhere n1_des.plt is a file containing the datasets to be plotted, for example, drain current versus gate voltage. Multiple files can be loaded simultaneously by listing them after the command, for example:> inspect n1_des.plt n2_des.plt n3_des.plt ...If an Inspect session is open, you can load dataset files from the main window using File > Load Datasets or by clicking the corresponding toolbar button.As a result, Inspect opens the Load Dataset dialog box (see Figure 2) in which you can enter or select the file to be loaded. Multiple files can be loaded sequentially.Figure 2. Load Dataset dialog box.After a dataset file has been loaded, its name is displayed in the Datasets group box. The middle pane lists the names of the data groups of the selected dataset file, and the bottom pane displays the names of the datasets belonging to the group.Figure 3. Main window showing dataset information in Datasets group box. (Click image for full-size view.)1.4 Saving and PrintingInspect supports several data-saving and data-exporting options.1.4.1 Saving the Entire SessionAn entire Inspect session, including its plots, axes, titles, labels, texts, and legends, can be saved. To save an entire session:File > Save All.The session is saved with the extension .sav and can be subsequently restored using File > Restore All when performed interactively, or by executing the following command at the command prompt:> inspect [filename].sav1.4.2 Saving the Inspect SetupThe environment setups of the current Inspect session can be saved in a separate parameter file using File > Save Setup.The saved setup file can be loaded at a later time using File > Load Setup. The default extensionof the file is .par. The content of the file is everything that is in the .sav file except the actual datasets.1.4.3 Exporting Curve DataIn Inspect, the data of the selected curves can be exported in different file formats: TDR, DF–ISE, XGRAPH, XMGA, CSV (comma-separated value), and TXT (tab-delimited).To export curve data:1. File > Export.2. Select the required format.These file formats are recognizable and can be later loaded into Inspect.1.4.4 Writing PostScript FilesThe selected plot inside the plot area can be written to either an EPS or a PS file using: File > Write.1.4.5 PrintingTo print a selected plot inside the plot area:File > Print.Section 1 of 4 | back to top | next section >>Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.Inspect2. Plotting Curves2.1 Setting XY Datasets2.2 Customizing Plots2.3 Miscellaneous FeaturesObjectivesTo plot and customize a curve in Inspect.2.1 Setting XY DatasetsSince a data file can contain more than two datasets, Inspect does not try to automatically detect the xy datasets based on their locations in the file.Instead, Inspect requires the xy datasets to be specified explicitly after the data file has been loaded. The To X-Axis, To Left Y-Axis, and To Right Y-Axis buttons are designed for this purpose.For example, to set the OuterVoltage dataset of the gate data group of the n1_des data file as the x-axis of the plot:1. Select the n1_des data file from the top pane of the Datasets group box.2. Select the gate data group from the middle pane.3. Select the OuterVoltage dataset from the bottom pane.4. Click the To X-Axis button.5. The y-axes, including both left and right, can be specified in a similar manner by clicking theTo Left Y-axis and To Right Y-axis buttons. (Multiple datasets can be assigned to the same y-axis if required.)Figure 1 shows a plot that uses the OuterVoltage dataset of the gate as x-axis data and the TotalCurrent dataset of the drain as left y-axis data.Figure 1. Gate outer voltage versus total current drain. (Click image for full-size view.)2.2 Customizing PlotsWhen the xy datasets have been specified and a plot is obtained, the attributes of the plot, including the curve and its axes and legend, can be changed.2.2.1 Curve AttributesTo change the attributes of a curve:1. Select the curve from the Curves group box.2. Click the Edit button.The Curve Attributes dialog box is displayed (see Figure 2).Figure 2. Curve Attributes dialog box.This dialog box has four tabs:On the General tab, the name and the legend of the plot can be changed. By default, if the input data is a TDR format file, Inspect uses a combination of the physical quantity name(TotalCurrent) and the data group name (drain) of the y-axis to generate the name and the legend of the plot. On this tab, you can also change the mapping of the selected datasetbetween the two y-axes.On the Line tab, the attributes of the line used to plot the curve can be changed, including its color, width, and style.The Marker tab includes options to change the attributes of the marker, which is used to label the data points. These options include the shape and size of the marker, its outline color and width, and its fill color.The Interpolation tab is used to select the interpolation scheme, which is needed tocompute the data values of the curve outside the data points. Three options are available: lin, log, and auto.2.2.2 Plot AreaTo change the attributes associated with the plot area:Edit > Plot Area.The Plot Area dialog box is displayed (see Figure 3).Figure 3. Plot Area dialog box.This dialog box has four tabs:On the Title tab, the title of the plot and its font and size can be changed. The placement of the title can be made by justifying it either to the center, left, or right.The Legend tab is used to adjust the placement of the legend, including its font and size, its background and foreground colors, its frame styles and positioning, as well as whether todisplay the legend at all.The General tab allows you to work on the frame of the plot, including its color and showing style.The Grid tab controls the display of the grid inside the plot area, including its width, color,style, and alignment.2.2.3 Axes AttributesTo change the axes of the plot:Edit > Axes.The Axes dialog box is displayed (see Figure 4).Figure 4. Axes dialog box.Each of the three axes can be selected and changed independently:On the Patterns subtab, you can change the size and color of the selected axis, as well as select to show the axis.On the Scale subtab, you can switch between linear and logarithmic scales, and can set the maximum and minimum limits for the axis.The Title subtab controls the display of the title of the axis, including its font, size, and color.The Ticks subtab controls the placement of ticks along the axis, including their size, type, and their subdivision and placing angles.2.2.4 LabelsTo add labels to the plot:Edit > Labels > Add.The Labels dialog box is displayed (see Figure 5).Figure 5. Labels dialog box.Any valid text can be used to name the label. In addition, you can specify the font and color of the label.The added label initially resides in a place close to the middle of the plot. To move it to a different location, with the pointer on the label, click the middle mouse button and drag the label to a new location.To edit a label:1. Edit > Labels > Edit.2. Click the label.The Labels dialog box is displayed.To remove a label:1. Edit > Labels Remove.2. Click the label to be deleted.2.3 Miscellaneous FeaturesIn addition to curve-plotting functions, Inspect supports other user-friendly functions that are designed to facilitate easy viewing and inspection of data. Most curve-related functions are located under the Curve menu; view-related functions are accessible from the toolbar.2.3.1 Curve-related FeaturesThe Curve Data command displays a spreadsheet of the dataset corresponding to theselected curve. Data points can be selected and deleted from the dataset. This operation,however, only affects internal data. It does not remove any points from the input data file.Figure 6. Inspect showing Curve Data dialog box. (Click image for full-size view.)The Restore Data command performs the opposite. It restores all the data points that have been previously removed from the dataset.The Intersect X ? command calculates the value of the intersection of the selected curve with the x-axis if it exists.The Inspector command opens the Inspector dialog box (see Figure 7), which allows you to mark two points on the curve (using a drag-and-drop operation) and then to compute the coordinates of the two points and their differences. A detailed description of these commandscan be found in the Inspect User Guide.Figure 7. Inspect main window showing Inspector dialog box. (Click image for full-sizeview.)2.3.2 View-related FeaturesOn the toolbar, several buttons can be used to enhance the view of the selected curve. The set of zoom buttons have standard functions and the order buttons can change the order of the plots and, therefore, their visibility.Section 2 of 4 | back to top | << previous section | next section >>Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.Inspect3. Math and Scripts3.1 Mathematical Formulas3.2 Macros3.3 ScriptsObjectivesTo learn to use mathematical formulas, macros, and scripts in Inspect.3.1 Mathematical FormulasIn Inspect, new curves can be created based on existing curves using mathematical functions that Inspect supports:In the Curves group box, click the New button.The Create Curve dialog box is displayed (see Figure 1).Figure 1. Create Curve dialog box. (Click image for full-size view.)This dialog box has several areas. The right pane lists available formula commands (mathematical functions) along with instructions on the syntax for using these functions. Some functions are ordinary mathematical functions, while others are specifically defined for handling curve data. For a complete list of these functions and their uses, refer to the Inspect User Guide.The following examples demonstrate the uses of these functions.3.1.1 Example 1In this example, you will find the maximum and minimum values of the TotalCurrent_drain curve plotted in the previous section.Two functions from the Available Formula Command list, vecmax and vecmin, are designed to search for the maximum and minimum points of a curve.To find the maximum point:1. Enter vecmax(<TotalCurrent_drain>) in the Formula field.Note that both brackets are required for syntax correctness.2. Click the Apply button.A dialog box is displayed that shows the maximum value of the selected curve (see Figure 2). Theminimum value of the curve can be found in a similar manner using the function vecmin.Figure 2. Result dialog box. (Click image for full-size view.)3.1.2 Example 2In this example, you will calculate the derivative of the curve TotalCurrent_drain.The diff function in the Inspect formula library is especially designed for this purpose.To find the slope of the TotalCurrent_drain curve:1. Enter diff(<TotalCurrent_drain>) in the Formula field.2. Change the default name for the new curve to Diff_TotalCurrent_drain in the Name field.3. Change the Map Curve To option to Right Y-Axis.4. Click Apply.A new curve is created and added to the Curves list. It is displayed in the plot area (see Figure 3).Figure 3. New curve Diff_TotalCurrent_drain displayed in the plot area. (Click image for full-size view.)The difference between the diff function and the vecmax function is clear. Although both functions take a curve type of TotalCurrent_drain as their input, the vecmax function generates a number (a scalar) but the diff function creates another curve.All the functions in the Inspect formula library behave the same way as these two functions. Most functions take a curve or more as input, and generate either a scalar quantity or a curve.Inspect treats the two types of output differently, namely, it displays the scalar result in adialog box, but it plots the curve result in the plot area. The newly created curve can betreated like any other curve for further processing, but the calculated scalar result isdiscarded after it has been displayed.3.1.3 Example 3In this example, you will find the threshold voltage Vt of the previous TotalCurrent_drain curve using the definition of Vt as the intercept of the maximum slope line of the TotalCurrent_drain curve with the x-axis.The problem can be solved in three steps. First, find the slope of the curve, that is, its derivative. Second, locate the maximum point of the slope curve. Third, extend the tangent line with the maximum slope to the x-axis to identify the intercept.To understand these steps, look at the following command:vecvalx(tangent(<c 1>, veczero(diff(<c 1>)-vecmax(diff(<c 1>)))),0.0)where c 1 represents a curve. This command works in this way:The diff function takes the derivative of the curve.The vecmax function finds the maximum of the derivative curve.The veczero function returns the x value of a curve at the point where the curve crosses the x-axis.As a result, the inner command veczero(diff(<c 1>)-vecmax(diff(<c 1>))) returns the xvalue of the point on the TotalCurrent_drain curve with the maximum slope.The tangent function returns a curve representing the tangent line of the curve <c 1> at the maximum slope point.The function vecvalx calculates the intercept point of the tangent line with the x-axis.To find the Vt of the TotalCurrent_drain curve, replace the c 1 curve with the TotalCurrent_drain curve, enter the command into the Formula field, and click Apply. The result is shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. Threshold voltage value of the TotalCurrent_drain curve, using the definition of Vtas the intercept of the maximum slope line of the TotalCurrent_drain curve. (Click image forfull-size view.)3.2 MacrosMacros are predefined commands that can be later recalled. For example, in Inspect, there is a predefined macro, VT, which performs exactly the same threshold extraction as Example 3.To repeat the task using the VT macro, enter VT(<TotalCurrent_drain>) in the Formula field, and click Apply. Note that this gives exactly the same result but in a much simpler way (see Figure 5).Figure 5. Threshold voltage value of the TotalCurrent_drain curve using the macro VT.(Click image for full-size view.)In Figure 5, the predefined macros are shown in the Macros list (ADD, VT, ...), which can be used in the formula like ordinary mathematical functions listed in the right pane.To define your own macros:1. Close the Create Curve dialog box.2. Edit > Define Macros.The Macro Editor is displayed (see Figure 6).Figure 6. Macro Editor. (Click image for full-size view.)To define a new macro, enter a name for the macro in the Name field. Then, enter the mathematical formula represented by the macro in the Macro field.Macros can take one or more arguments, each of them is either a curve type or a scalar type depending on the role they play in the formula. The syntax for argument placeholder specification isc n for curves and s n for scalars, where n is an integer used to distinguish between different arguments; n must start with 1 and then increase consecutively.These argument placeholders are later replaced with real curves or scalars when the macro is called. For example, if you define a macro DIFFMULT as:diff(<c 1>)+(<s 2>*<c 3>)The correct way to call the macro is the form:DIFFMULT(<CURVE>, <S>, <CURVE>)The order of the replacement curves and the scalar as they appear in the above macro-calling command must match the physical order of the arguments as they appear in themacro definition. On the other hand, the order of the integers n as they appear in the macro definition is irrelevant. For example, the following macro definition behaves identically to themacro DIFFMULT and, therefore, can be called using the same order of arguments as theabove command:diff(<c 3>)+(<s 2>*<c 1>)3.3 ScriptsIn addition to the graphical user interface (GUI), Inspect can be controlled by using a simple script language. For example, a script can load a project (data file), draw curves, and perform mathematical computations on curves. A script can be written manually or created automatically by recording actions performed interactively through the GUI.The Script menu of Inspect provides commands that can load and run a script file, write to a script file the actions that are performed using the GUI, continue the execution of a stopped script file, and abort a running script file (see Figure 7).Figure 7. Inspect main window highlighting Script menu. (Click image for full-size view.)Inspect uses the tool command language (Tcl) for its script language. For a detailed explanation of this language, visit or refer to the Tcl module.In Inspect, some commands have been added in the form of Tcl procedures to perform application-specific actions. You can create and add your own commands to the language. Most of these added commands in Inspect return a status string. A return status not equal to 1 indicates an error.If an error occurs, Inspect prints an error message to the standard error output and aborts the execution of the script. The Inspect User Guide gives detailed descriptions of all these application-specific commands, with most of them being specifically designed for handling and processing data files and their plots.3.3.1 ExampleIn this example, a simple script file is shown that loads a data file and generates an xy plot using the specified preferences. The description of each command is added in the script as a comment. This file is a command file taken from the Inspect tool embedded within a Sentaurus Workbench project. The data file loaded by this script file, n1_des.plt, is the one that has been used in the previous sections.# Inspect script.proj_load n1_des.plt n1_des# The proj_load command loads a data file# and creates a new project named after the base name of# the data file.cv_createDS NO_NAME {n1_des gate OuterVoltage} {n1_des drain eCurrent} y# The cv_createDS command creates a curve# with the given name using the specified dataset and# displays the curve in the plot area.cv_setCurveAttr eCurrent_drain eCurrent_drain red solid 2 cross 7 \defcolor 1 defcolor# The cv_setCurveAttr command sets the attributes of the selected# curve using specified curve name, curve legend, curve color,# curve style, curve width, marker shape, marker size, marker colors.gr_setAxisAttr X {Gate Voltage (V)} 14 {} {} black 1 12 0 5 0gr_setAxisAttr Y {Drain Current (A/um)} 14 {} {} black 1 12 0 5 0gr_setAxisAttr Y2 {} 12 {} {} black 1 12 0 5 0# The gr_setAxisAttr command sets the attributes of the selected# axis using specified axis title, title font, minimum and maximum# of the axis, the color and width of the axis, the font, angle,# and division of the ticks on the axis, and finally the scale# (linear or log) of the axis.To execute the script, copy the script to a file under the current Inspect working directory or right-click here to download the script using Save Target As. Then, Script > Run Script to initialize the file input dialog box. Select the script file saved and run it.The result is shown in Figure 8.Figure 8. Generating a plot in Inspect with an Inspect script. (Click image for full-size view.) Section 3 of 4 | back to top | << previous section | next section >>Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.Inspect4. Extracting Standard Parameters4.1 Overview4.2 CMOS Parameters4.3 BJT Parameters4.4 General ParametersObjectivesTo extract a range of device parameters using Inspect.4.1 OverviewParameter extractions are an integral part of device simulation. In this section, scripts for extracting standard electrical parameters based on the result of CMOS and BJT simulations are presented. These scripts can be loaded directly into Inspect and, with appropriate input data, Inspect calculates and reports the results about the required parameters.All the scripts presented here can be downloaded by following the appropriate link at the end of each subsection.To run the script from the command line, use:> inspect -f inspectScript.cmdwhere inspectScript.cmd is the name of the script file.This command opens the Inspect GUI while executing the script. The results from the extraction are sent to the standard output terminal, usually the command window in which the inspect command was invoked.To suppress the display of the Inspect GUI, run the script in batch mode as:> inspect -batch -f inspectScript.cmdThe script can also be loaded into and run from an existing Inspect GUI: Script > Run Script.For easier reading of the script, lines are color coded:Black: Comment.Blue: Standard Inspect code related to loading and plotting the curve.Red: Inspect code specific to the extraction.Green: Lines that may need to be changed before using this script in conjunction with adifferent data file (for example, to update the data file name).4.2 CMOS ParametersThis section discusses how to extract different CMOS parameters.4.2.1 Maximum gm Threshold Voltage: Vtgm# Definition: Threshold voltage defined as the intersection of# the tangent at the maximum conductance (gm) point with the# gate voltage (Vg) axis.# Required input: IdVg curve, simulated with Vd<0 and Vg=0-Vdd.# Output: Vtgm and the IdVg curve if the Inspect GUI is running.# Note: The input file for this script is IdVg_lin_des.plt. Change# it into your own file before running the script.# (The ft_scalar call is needed for the parameter extraction under# Sentaurus Workbench)# Start of the scriptset ProjectName "IdVg_Vtgm"set CurveName "IdVg"proj_load IdVg_lin_des.plt $ProjectNamecv_createDS $CurveName "$ProjectName gate OuterVoltage"\"$ProjectName drain TotalCurrent" ycv_abs $CurveName ycv_setCurveAttr $CurveName "IdVg" red solid 2 none 3 defcolor 1 defcolorgr_setAxisAttr X {Gate Voltage (V)} 12 {} {} black 1 10 0 5 0gr_setAxisAttr Y {Drain Current (A/um)} 12 {} {} black 1 10 0 5 0# Get location of maximum transconductanceset gm_index [cv_compute\"veczero(diff(<$CurveName>)-vecmax(diff(<$CurveName>)))" \A A A A ]# Create tangent on IdVg curve at max gtm pointcv_createWithFormula Tangent\"tangent(<$CurveName>,$gm_index )" A A A A# Extract Vt as zero crossing of tangentset Vtgm [cv_compute "vecvalx(<Tangent>, 0)" A A A A ]# Write extracted valuesputs "Vtgm=[format %.3f $Vtgm] V"ft_scalar Vtgm [format %.3f $Vtgm]# End of the scriptDownload the Inspect script and the corresponding data file by right-clicking the respective links and using Save Target As:Vtgm_ins.cmdIdVg_lin_des.pltRun it with:> inspect -f Vtgm_ins.cmdFigure 1. Extraction of threshold voltage using drain current versus gate voltage curve.4.2.2 Constant Current Threshold Voltage: Vti# Definition: Threshold voltage defined as the gate voltage# at which a constant drain current level is achieved.# Required input: IdVg curve, simulated with Vd<0 and Vg=0-Vdd.# Output: Vti and the IdVg curve if the Inspect GUI is running.# Note: The input file for this script is IdVg_lin_des.plt. Change# it into your own file before running the script. The constant# current level specified in the script is 0.1 uA, which can be# modified in the statement of "set CurrentLevel 1e-7".# (The ft_scalar call is needed for the parameter extraction under# Sentaurus Workbench)# Start of the scriptset CurrentLevel 1e-7set ProjectName "IdVg_Vti"set CurveName "IdVg"set LogCurveName "IdVg_log"proj_load IdVg_lin_des.plt $ProjectNamecv_createDS $CurveName "$ProjectName gate OuterVoltage" \"$ProjectName drain TotalCurrent" ycv_abs $CurveName ycv_setCurveAttr $CurveName "IdVg"\red solid 2 none 3 defcolor 1 defcolorgr_setAxisAttr X {Gate Voltage (V)} 12 {} {} black 1 10 0 5 0。

Micro-Nano Electronic Device and Intergration Research Center
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Micro-Nano Electronic Device and Intergration Research Center
¾ Sentaurus Structure Editor
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¾ Sentaurus Inspect
¾ Sentaurus Tecplot
Micro-Nano Electronic Device and Intergration Research Center
Micro-Nano Electronic Device and Intergration Research Center
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Sentaurus各模块介绍 ¾Sentaurus Workbench (SWB)
Sentaurus Process 中文介绍及使用

§17-1 新一代集成工艺仿真系统Sentaurus Process随着集成电路制造工艺技术的迅速发展和日趋成熟,集成电路的集成度迅速攀升,制造流程及工艺步骤也日趋复杂。
新一代集成工艺设计工具Sentaurus Process恰恰解决了纳米尺度的可制造性设计技术难题,成为当前最为先进的集成电路工艺级仿真工具。
§17-1-1 Sentaurus Process工艺级仿真工具简介[3]Sentaurus Process是Synopsys Inc.最新推出的新一代TCAD工艺级仿真工具,被业界誉为第五代集成电路制程级仿真软件,是当前最为先进的纳米级集成工艺仿真工具。
Sentaurus Process是迄今为止集成电路制程级仿真软体中最为全面、最为灵活的多维(一维、二维、三维)工艺级仿真工具。
Sentaurus Process面向当代纳米级集成电路工艺制程,全面支持小尺寸效应的仿真与模拟,用于实现甚大规模(ULSI)集成电路的工艺级虚拟设计,可显著地缩短集成电路制造工艺级设计、工艺级优化乃至晶圆芯片级产品的开发周期。
Sentaurus Process整合了Avanti的TSUPREM系列工艺级仿真工具、Taurus Process系列工艺级仿真工具及ISE的Dios系列工艺级仿真工具,将一维、两维和三维仿真集成于同一平台,在保留传统工艺级仿真工具卡命令行运行模式的基础上,又作了诸多重大改进:1.增加、设置了模型参数数据库浏览器(PDB),为用户提供修改模型参数及增加模型的方便途径;2. 增加、设置了一维模拟结果输出工具(Inspect)和二维、三维模拟结果输出工具(Tecplot SV)。
TCAD Sentaurus introduction 2014

Sentaurus Lithography Sentaurus Topography
Structure Editing
Sentaurus Workbench Sentaurus Structure Editor
Sentaurus Device
Device and Interconnect Simulation
• New Technology Support
– More Moore
– – FinFET, FDSOI, III-V, etc. Analog/RF, CIS, solar, power (Si, SiC, GaN), TSV, etc.
– More than Moore
• 3D Support (FinFET, NVM, Power, SRAM, CIS)
Diffusion Model Hierarchy
• • • • • • • Constant (constant diffusion coefficient) Fermi (point defects equation not solved, defects in equilibrium) Charged Fermi (same as Fermi+total dopant flux is due to dopant-defect pairs) Pair (dopant-defects pairs are in local equilibrium with dopant and defect concentrations) Charged Pair (same as Pair+reaction rates are state charge dependent) React (incl.defects, rates are not charge state dependent) Charged React (same as React+mobile charged dopant-defects)
Sentaurus 2010安装及破解方法最新校正版

Sentaurus 2010安装方法-----------xt8843经过两天的努力,终于把sentaurus 2010弄到我的虚拟机上了,感觉走了不少弯路。
PS:回到作者我的视野,向三位前辈致敬1、虚拟机安装我用的是VM 8.0,64位系统,装的时候大家注意,可能会提示你的电脑不支持64位;这个时候需要进bios里面修改参数,此处不做过多介绍2、安装准备如果你安装的是64位系统,你需要以下几样东西1)安装scl的三件套2)安装sentaurus2010主体文件的三件套3)安装工具installer2.34)用于破解的EFALicGen0.4b、Synopsys SSS Feature Keygen5) 东西都能在网上找到。
sentaurus commonsentaurus amd64sentaurus linux把SCL三件套文件放入同一文件夹b中,作为安装scl时的源文件。
3、开始安装安装均在普通用户权限下进行1)、运行synopsys安装器$ cd /…(你放置安装文件的路径) /Installer2.3$ ./setup.sh当然很多需要用软件的人对linux操作指令都是空白的,我就是其中之一。

• 引言 • sentaurus概述 • sentaurus仿真流程及操作 • sentaurus与其他仿真软件的比
• sentaurus的安装及配置 • sentaurus的使用技巧及常见问
题处理 • 结论与展望
增强多物理场仿真能力:随着半导体 技术的不断发展,未来Sentaurus可 以进一步增强对多物理场仿真的支持 ,包括电磁场、流体动力学、温度场 等。
扩展新材料仿真:除了传统的半导体 材料外,Sentaurus还可以进一步扩 展对新型半导体材料和器件的仿真能 力,如石墨烯、碳纳米管等。
• 加强与EDA工具的集成:Sentaurus可以进一步与EDA工具进行集成,实现更高效的自动化设计和仿真流程 。
提供更完善的文档和培训: Sentaurus开发商可以提供更详细和 易懂的文档,同时提供更多的培训课 程和在线支持,帮助用户更快地掌握 和使用该工具。
sentaurus仿真流程及操 作
使用sentaurus内置的器件模板或手动创建,支持各 种半导体工艺和器件类型。
设置半导体材料属性,包括掺杂浓度、载流子类型 和迁移率等。
定义器件的物理模型,包括电流电压关系、热效应 等。
设置仿真类型、迭代次数、收敛准则等参数,根据需求选择合适 的工作模式(DC、AC、瞬态、稳定性等)。
Sentaurus 2013虚拟机安装与破解教程(修改1)

Sentaurus 2013虚拟机安装与破解教程2013-12-2虚拟机版本:VMware 10.0.1 build-1379776Linux版本:CentOS 6.5 64-bit,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 64-bitSynopsis installer版本:3.0.1Synopsis common licensing(SCL)版本:11.6Sentaurus版本:H_2013.03-SP2下面只介绍安装过程中的一些关键步骤,其余步骤均可选择默认或下一步。
1、sentaurus 主程序sentaurus_vH_2013.03-SP2_commonsentaurus_v H_2013.03-SP2_amd642、Synopsys Installer我安装的是install_v3.0.1,软件的安装程序3、SCL(用于注册软件的程序)scl_v11.6_common.tarscl_v11.6_amd64.tar4、License生成文件EFA LicGen 0.4bSynopsys SSS Feature Keygen1.虚拟机安装在此步骤中选择“Install disc image file(iso)”,采用默认配置直接进行系统安装。
sentaurus training workbench

Sentaurus WorkbenchSentaurus Workbench is the primary graphical front end that integrates TCAD Sentaurus simulation tools into one environment. It is used to design, organize, and run simulations.This module is a basic introduction to the features of Sentaurus Workbench.Section Time1. Getting Started15 minutes2. Running Projects30 minutes3. Creating Projects30 minutes4. Building Multiple Experiments30 minutes5. Miscellaneous Features20 minutesCopyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.Sentaurus Workbench1. Getting Started1.1 Overview1.2 Starting Sentaurus Workbench1.3 Attaching Project DirectoriesObjectivesTo present an overview of Sentaurus Workbench.1.1 OverviewSentaurus Workbench is the primary graphical front end that integrates TCAD Sentaurus simulation tools into one environment. It is used throughout the semiconductor industry to design, organize, and run simulations.Simulations are organized comprehensively into projects. Sentaurus Workbench automatically manages the information flow, which includes preprocessing user input files, parameterizing projects, setting up and executing tool instances, and visualizing results.Sentaurus Workbench allows you to define parameters and variables to run comprehensive parametric analyses. The resulting data can be used with statistical and spreadsheet tools.1.2 Starting Sentaurus WorkbenchBefore starting Sentaurus Workbench, you must set the STDB environment variable. This variable can be set to any directory path where you have write access. It is recommended to use a location with ample amount of disk space.In this module, a subdirectory called DB under your home directory is used as the STDB directory. To create such a directory and set the environment variable STDB, use the following UNIX commands:mkdir /home/<your_login>/DBsetenv STDB /home/<your_login>/DBor if you are using bash:mkdir /home/<your_login>/DBexport STDB=/home/<your_login>/DBThen, to start Sentaurus Workbench, type: swb &Figure 1. Main window of Sentaurus Workbench. (Click image for full-size view.)When Sentaurus Workbench is launched, it looks at the STDB environment variable and lists its contents in the Projects pane (see Figure 1, blue border). In addition, if the Sentaurus Applications Library package is installed, the Applications_Library also appears in Sentaurus Workbench (see Figure 1, red border).The Applications_Library contains various examples that illustrate how to use Sentaurus tools, as well as all examples used in this training.The Applications Library package can be downloaded and installed with Sentaurus binaries by the person administering the software installation.Valid Sentaurus Workbench projects have the icon preceding the name of the folder or project.1.3 Attaching Project DirectoriesIn addition to displaying the projects within the $STDB directory, projects located elsewhere can be attached (that is, displayed as read-only projects) to the displayed list:1. Edit > Attach Root.2. Select the required project directory.This procedure can be repeated to attach up to five project directories. Projects under any of the attached roots cannot be executed by the user; they must first be copied to a directory under the $STDB directory.To detach a project directory:1. Select the required project directory.2. Edit > Detach Root.Only attached roots can be detached. The projects in the $STDB environment cannot be detached, but they can be deleted permanently.Note that when exiting Sentaurus Workbench, all attached roots are detached automatically. If some directories need to remain always attached, use Edit > User Preferences (F12) > Miscellaneous > Attached Roots on Start Up to specify such directories.Section 1 of 5 | back to top | next section >>Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.Sentaurus Workbench2. Running Projects2.1 Opening Sentaurus Workbench Projects2.2 Understanding Node Colors2.3 Cleaning Up Project Directories2.4 Running Projects2.5 Selecting Nodes2.6 Displaying Node Information2.7 Viewing Output Results2.8 Deleting ProjectsObjectivesTo run a Sentaurus Workbench project.2.1 Opening Sentaurus Workbench ProjectsFor this part of the module, the project SWB_nmos will be used. It is in the Applications_Library under GettingStarted/SWB_nmos. Locate and select this project in the projects browser. Then, Edit > Copy (Ctrl+C) and Edit > Paste (Ctrl+V) to copy the project under the $STDB directory or a subdirectory of it.Then, double-click the copy of the project under $STDB. This opens the project and it appears in the right pane of the main window (see Figure 1).Figure 1. Main window of Sentaurus Workbench showing tool flow, parameters, andsimulation nodes (black border). (Click image for full-size view.)The tool flow refers to the sequence of simulation tools and their associated input files. In theSWB_nmos example, these are Sentaurus Process, Sentaurus Structure Editor, Sentaurus Device, and Inspect as seen in Figure 1. Below the tool flow, the corresponding simulation nodes [n1], [n2], and so on are listed. (If the node numbers are not displayed, View > Tree Options > Show Node Numbers (F9).)A complete sequence of simulation nodes (comprising all tools in the tool flow) form an experiment. In other words, an experiment is a complete horizontal line in the table view. Any number of experiments is possible for a given tool flow if parameters are used.To the right of the tool flow, there are variables and electrical extracted parameters from the simulated I d–V d characteristics: Vtgm, Vti, Id, SS, gm, Lgeff, Xj, Ygox, Tox (use the scroll bar to see them all). When the simulation is completed, the electrical extracted values appear in their respective columns.2.2 Understanding Node ColorsEvery simulation node in a project has a color associated with it that indicates its status. The color chart in the lower-right corner of the main window of Sentaurus Workbench (see Figure 2) showswhat each color indicates.Figure 2. Colors indicating different node statuses.For example, when the project SWB_nmos is opened, the nodes are yellow, indicating that the nodes were simulated previously, and blue, which gives some information about the process and devicesteps. This is because a (successfully run) project was copied from the Applications_Library.The format in which the Sentaurus Workbench project tree is displayed is very flexible and user controllable. You can display solely the tool flow, or the number the various simulation nodes, or display parameters (splits), variables, extracted values, and other details.To use this feature:From the View menu, select or clear the various options, or View > Tree Options for more features.2.3 Cleaning Up Project DirectoriesBefore running this project (SWB_nmos) from the beginning, clean up the project results from the previous run.To clean up a project:1. Project > Clean Up (Ctrl+L).2. In the Cleanup Options dialog box, select the items to be removed (see Figure 3).3. Click OK.Figure 3. Cleanup Options dialog box.Sentaurus Workbench deletes all files associated with the previous run, and the project is now ready to run. This is indicated by a change in the color of the nodes from yellow (done) to white (none). If the node numbers are not displayed at this stage, View > Tree Options > Show Node Numbers (F9).2.4 Running ProjectsTo run a project:1. Project > Run (Ctrl+R) or click the corresponding toolbar button ().The Run Project dialog box is displayed (see Figure 4), which is used to select which nodes to run (all unsimulated nodes by default) as well as which simulation queue to use (running onthe local host is the default).2. Click Run to start the simulation.Figure 4. Run Project dialog box.Sentaurus Workbench proceeds to run the project, and the Project Log dialog box is displayed (see Figure 5) with real-time updates on the status of the project.Figure 5. Project Log dialog box. (Click image for full-size view.)As the simulation runs, the nodes change status from "none" (white) to "queued" (light green) to "pending" (bright green) to "running" (blue) and finally to "done" (yellow). If a node fails, it becomes "failed" (red).To stop a running simulation:Nodes > Abort (Ctrl+T) or click the corresponding toolbar button ().After the project run is completed, all variables are extracted (Vtgm, Vti, and Id) and displayed to the right of the tool flow in the main window of Sentaurus Workbench.2.5 Selecting NodesInstead of entering which nodes to run in the Run Project dialog box, the nodes that need to run can be selected in the table (hold the Ctrl key to select multiple nodes), before clicking the Run button. For example, to run only the Sentaurus Process nodes associated with HaloEnergy=25, select nodes 10 and 13, and then click the Run button.Figure 6. Selecting nodes in table. (Click image for full-size view.)If you want to run an entire experiment (row), click the row number. Multiple rows can be selected as well.To select all nodes to the right of a certain node, in other words, to run all nodes starting with a particular one, click that node and use Nodes > Extend Selection To > Leaves. Similarly, all nodes that need to be completed before a particular node can be run are selected using Nodes > Extend Selection To > Root. Other node selection criteria can be found in Nodes > Select.2.6 Displaying Node InformationTo find the properties of any node, double-click the respective node. The Node Explorer is displayed (see Figure 7).Figure 7. Node Explorer for node 9. (Click image for full-size view.)The Node Explorer displays the following informationNode number.The computer on which the simulation was performed.Date and time of the simulation.Node status.Corresponding tool (Sentaurus Process in Figure 7).Corresponding parameter (HaloEnergy) with its value.Project directory.The Node Explorer also displays all input and output parameters associated with the node on the left part.The bottom part of the Node Explorer displays all files associated with the node. These can be categorized using the buttons on the left, or individual files can be selected using the file list. Text files can be viewed in the file viewer on the right.2.7 Viewing Output ResultsA given node has several input and output files associated with it. These can be viewed by right-clicking a node and selecting Visualize. All text and log files can be viewed using the text editor SEdit by selecting them.All output data files in the case of Sentaurus Process, Sentaurus Device, and Sentaurus Device Electromagnetic Wave Solver (EMW) can be viewed using Tecplot SV, or a plot of .plx and .plt files in Sentaurus Device can be viewed using Inspect.In addition, the information written to standard output, when a simulation is running, can be viewed by selecting Nodes > View Output (Ctrl+W).An alternate method of viewing output is to click the toolbar button.2.8 Deleting ProjectsTo delete the project SWB_nmos:1. Select the project in the projects browser.2. Right-click and select Delete.If an error message is displayed (see Figure 8), it means that the project must be closed before deleting it.Figure 8. Error message dialog box.In this case, click OK, and use Project > Close. (The project disappears from the main window.) Now, repeat Steps 1–2, and click Yes in the dialog box that is displayed.Section 2 of 5 | back to top | << previous section | next section >>Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.Sentaurus Workbench3. Creating Projects3.1 Setting Up the Tool Flow3.2 Saving ProjectsObjectivesTo assemble and save a new Sentaurus Workbench project.3.1 Setting Up the Tool FlowThe first step to setting up a tool flow is to create a project.To create a project:Project > New or click the corresponding toolbar button ().This creates a temporary project with a name similar to g_lnx_2879_0.tmp in the tmp folder that can be viewed in the projects browser (see Figure 1).Figure 1. Project directory showing project folder.The tools that comprise this project are Sentaurus Process, Sentaurus Structure Editor, Sentaurus Device, and Inspect, in that order.To set up a tool flow:Right-click the No Tools node under the Family Tree (see Figure 2).Figure 2. Detail of main window showing Family Tree.The Add Tool/Tool Properties dialog box is displayed (see Figure 3).Figure 3. Add Tool dialog box.Here, the Label refers to the name by which this instance of Sentaurus Process is referred. You can use any unique name you want. If you use multiple instances of the Sentaurus Process tool in a project, each instance must have a unique label, such as sprocess1, sprocess2, and so on. The Input Files and Output Files tabs list all files associated with the tool for reference.If you want to return to the Tool Properties dialog box for a tool you have already created, simply double-click the tool.Now, the command file for this tool must be created. Right-click the tool icon () and select Edit Input > Commands. The text editor opens for entering commands. The text editor to be used for editing input files can be customized using Edit > User Preferences (F12) > Binaries > Editor > text.Add the following lines to the Sentaurus Process command file with the text editor:Grid2Dselect silicon name=Boron z=1e15 storeimplant phosphorus dose=5e14 energy=40diffuse time=20 temperature=900struct tdr=n@node@ !Gas !interfacesSave the sprocess_fps.cmd command file and close the text editor.3.2 Saving ProjectsBefore running the project, it must be saved. To save a project:1. Project > Save As.2. Navigate to the folder where you want to save it under $STDB.3. Save the project as test1 or another name.You can now run the project as described in Section 2.4 Running Projects. Note that there is only one node to run for this project.Section 3 of 5 | back to top | << previous section | next section >>Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.Sentaurus Workbench4. Building Multiple Experiments4.1 Adding Parameters4.2 Setting Up Multiple Experiments4.3 Creating Scenarios4.4 Pruning Project Trees4.5 Display Options for ProjectObjectivesTo add parameters and variables.To create multiple experiments and scenarios.4.1 Adding ParametersIn Sentaurus Workbench, parameters can be defined and multiple values can be assigned to them to create splits in experiments (simulations). Each value of a parameter creates an additional experiment; therefore, for N values of a parameter, there are N experiments. For two parameters, P1 and P2, with M and N values, respectively, there are M x N possible experiments.You will now introduce parameters to the simple example created in Section 3. Creating Projects:1. Right-click the gray box immediately below the Sentaurus Process icon in the main window ofSentaurus Workbench, and select Add.2. In the Add Parameter dialog box, enter the fields as shown in Figure 1.3. Click OK.Figure 1. Add Parameter dialog box.Repeat the above procedure to create another parameter called penergy with the default value of 40. The main window of Sentaurus Workbench should now look like Figure 2. Note that Sentaurus Workbench added virtual nodes (light blue) to represent a possible future split.Figure 2. Main window of Sentaurus Workbench showing new parameters. (Click image for full-size view.)The parameter penergy is now defined but not yet used. To use the parameter, open the Sentaurus Process input file with a text editor, and replace the line:implant phosphorus dose=5e14 energy=40with:implant phosphorus dose=@pdose@ energy=@penergy@The constructs @pdose@ and @penergy@ are placeholders for the parameters in the input file. Sentaurus Workbench replaces them with the actual value of the parameters during the preprocessing stage.To preprocess the project: Project > Preprocess (Ctrl+P). Sentaurus Workbench will first want tosave the project.Figure 3. Preprocessor Log dialog box. (Click image for full-size view.)You can use the Node Explorer to view the input file for node 1 (pp1_fps.cmd) and see that the parameters have indeed been replaced by their respective values for node 1.Note that Sentaurus Workbench automatically preprocesses a project when you click the Run button. Therefore, manual preprocessing is not necessary most of the time.4.2 Setting Up Multiple ExperimentsTo set up multiple experiments:1. Experiments > Add New Experiment.2. Enter the values as shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. Add New Experiment dialog box.To add multiple values for a parameter, right-click the parameter name and select AddValues. For the parameter penergy, enter the values as shown in Figure 5.Figure 5. Add Parameter Values dialog box.After you have finished adding parameters, it is recommended to clean up the project: Project > Clean Up (Ctrl+L), and select the required options (see Figure 6).Figure 6. Cleanup Options dialog box.The main window of Sentaurus Workbench should look like Figure 7.Figure 7. Main window with experiments. (Click image for full-size view.)4.3 Creating ScenariosWith several values for the project parameters, the total number of experiments (the possible simulations for each combination of the parameter values) can become very high. You can run all of them or make subsets of the experiments called scenarios. The entire set of experiments constitutes the scenario all.In addition, you can copy sets of experiments to create several scenarios and run them individually. To illustrate this, you will create a scenario called New1 consisting of experiments 3, 7, and 9.To create a scenario:1. Scenario > Add.2. In the Add Scenario dialog box, type New1.3. Click Add (see Figure 8).Figure 8. Add Scenario dialog box.This creates a scenario called New1 with zero experiments. You can choose which scenario to display in the main window of Sentaurus Workbench by using the Scenario box (black border) in the toolbar (see Figure 9).Figure 9. Scenario box in toolbar. (Click image for full-size view.)Now you will copy experiments to the scenario New1:1. In the Scenario box, select all.2. Click experiment 3 to highlight it.3. Hold the Ctrl key and click experiment 7 and then experiment 9. All three projects should behighlighted.4. Edit > Copy.5. In the Scenario box, select New1.6. Click a cell in the table.7. Edit > Paste.The three experiments are copied to this scenario, which can be run in the usual way.The creation of different scenarios is particularly helpful when many parameters are used. The resulting experiments can be classified into separate scenarios to represent different physical situations.4.4 Pruning Project TreesOften, when many parameters are used in a project, certain combinations of parameters are not required to be simulated. In such cases, the project tree can be pruned by terminating such experiments.For example, assume that, in scenario New1, the experiments for lgate=0.18, HaloDose=1e13, HaloEnergy=25, and Vds=0.05 are not required to be simulated. Therefore, the project can be pruned at node 41 as follows:1. Select node 41.2. Node > Prune.Nodes 41 and 53 are pruned and appear gray.4.5 Display Options for ProjectSentaurus Workbench can be configured to display more or less information about a project. These options are accessed from View > Table Options. Try these options (using the SWB_nmos project) to see the effect of each option.The display of the project also can be switched between the full mode, where all nodes are displayed, and the compact mode, where only nodes with differing parameters are displayed.To switch between these two modes: View > View Mode.In addition, you can display the simulation flow from top to bottom, instead of from left to right using View > Display Simulation Flow. Figure 10 shows the SWB_nmos project displayed in vertical compact mode.Figure 10. Simulation flow in vertical mode. (Click image for full-size view.)Section 4 of 5 | back to top | << previous section | next section >>Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.Sentaurus Workbench5. Miscellaneous Features5.1 Archiving Projects5.2 UNIX Window in Project Directory5.3 Options from Command Line5.4 Exporting and Importing Scenarios5.5 Running Inspect and Tecplot SV5.6 Running Optimizer5.7 CalibrationObjectivesTo become familiar with miscellaneous features of Sentaurus Workbench.5.1 Archiving ProjectsSentaurus Workbench projects can be archived, that is, they can be copied and compressed for later use.To archive a project: Project > Export (tar).All files in the project directory are copied and compressed.To import archived projects: Project > Import (tar).In addition, projects can be saved using Project > Save Clean As, which cleans up the project before it is saved in an uncompressed format.5.2 UNIX Window in Project DirectoryOften, it is convenient to access the contents of the current project directory from the command line. In Sentaurus Workbench, you can open an Xterm in the project directory, which can be used as any other UNIX window.To open a UNIX window: Edit > Command Prompt Here.5.3 Options from Command LineAll interactive operations associated with running a project can be accomplished at a UNIX prompt. The commands for submitting jobs, preprocessing, and cleaning up project directories are gsub (and gjob), spp, and gcleanup, respectively.For more information about the commands executed (at the prompt), refer to the Sentaurus Workbench User Guide or use the UNIX command:> <command> -h[elp]for example:> gsub -h5.4 Exporting and Importing ScenariosScenarios, that is, sets of parameters and variables visible in the Sentaurus Workbench main window, can be exported to a file for use with either spreadsheet applications or external editors. In addition, scenarios defined in a text editor can be imported into Sentaurus Workbench.To export a scenario:1. Experiments > Export.2. In the Export View dialog box, select Tab for the Column Delimiter (see Figure 1).3. Click OK.4. In the Save As dialog box, select Tab delimited (*.tdf) for Files of type and provide a filename (for example) test.tdf. This exports the scenario to a file.Figure 1. Export View dialog box.To read from this file:1. Experiments > Import from a File, and select the file test.tdf.The Import Experiments dialog box is displayed (see Figure 2).2. Since the column count starts from 0, lgate and HaloDose form columns 2 and 3, respectively.Make the changes as shown in Figure 2, and set the Skip First Lines to 3 to omit the text and header information.Figure 2. Import Experiments dialog box.3. Click Preview to access all of the information about the experiments (see Figure 3).Figure 3. Preview of Experiments dialog box.Now, you will read the first eight experiments:1. Set Read Experiments to 8 in a new scenario called test.2. Click OK.The eight experiments are read into the new scenario test, which appears in the main window.To create a scenario in an external text editor and import it into Sentaurus Workbench, create a table as shown in Figure 4, and save it in comma-delimited or tab-delimited format. Then, import the file.Figure 4. Table of experiments.5.5 Running Inspect and Tecplot SVTo run Inspect and Tecplot SV from Sentaurus Workbench, outside of any project:Extensions > Run Inspect.Extensions > Run Tecplot SV.5.6 Running OptimizerTo run an Optimizer project from Sentaurus Workbench:Optimization > Run.5.7 CalibrationTo create a Calibration Kit project or scenario: Calibration > Project Wizard.The Project Wizard is displayed (see Figure 5). Follow the instructions.Figure 5. Calibration Kit Project Wizard. (Click image for full-size view.)To create a short-loop experiment for Calibration Kit projects: Calibration > Process Wizard. Follow the instructions.To create a Calibration Kit project for optimizing calibration parameters: Calibration > Optimization Wizard. Follow the instructions.Section 5 of 5 | back to top | << previous section Copyright © 2010 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.。
sentaurus user manual

Calibration Kit User Guide Version C-2009.06, June 2009ii Calibration Kit User GuideC-2009.06Copyright Notice and Proprietary InformationCopyright © 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. This software and documentation contain confidential and proprietary information that is the property of Synopsys, Inc. The software and documentation are furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. No part of the software and documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Synopsys, Inc., or as expressly provided by the license agreement.Right to Copy DocumentationThe license agreement with Synopsys permits licensee to make copies of the documentation for its internal use only. Each copy shall include all copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and proprietary rights notices, if any. Licensee must assign sequential numbers to all copies. These copies shall contain the following legend on the cover page:“This document is duplicated with the permission of Synopsys, Inc., for the exclusive use of __________________________________________ and its employees. This is copy number __________.”Destination Control StatementAll technical data contained in this publication is subject to the export control laws of the United States of America. Disclosure to nationals of other countries contrary to United States law is prohibited. It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the applicable regulations and to comply with them.DisclaimerSYNOPSYS, INC., AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MA TERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A P ARTICULAR PURPOSE.Registered Trademarks (®)Synopsys, AMPS, Astro, Behavior Extracting Synthesis T echnology, Cadabra, CA TS, Certify, CHIPit, Design Compiler, DesignWare, Formality, HDL Analyst, HSIM, HSPICE, Identify, iN-Phase, Leda, MAST , ModelTools, NanoSim, OpenVera, PathMill, Physical Compiler, PrimeTime, SCOPE, Simply Better Results, SiVL, SNUG, SolvNet, Syndicated, Synplicity, the Synplicity logo, Synplify, Synplify Pro, Synthesis Constraints Optimization Environment, T etraMAX, UMRBus, VCS, Vera, and YIELDirector are registered trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.Trademarks (™)AFGen, Apollo, Astro-Rail, Astro-Xtalk, Aurora, AvanWaves, BEST, Columbia, Columbia-CE, Confirma, Cosmos, CosmosLE, CosmosScope, CRITIC, CustomSim, DC Expert, DC Professional, DC Ultra, Design Analyzer, Design Vision, DesignerHDL, DesignPower, DFTMAX, Direct Silicon Access, Discovery, Eclypse, Encore, EPIC, Galaxy, Galaxy Custom Designer, HANEX, HAPS, HapsTrak, HDL Compiler, Hercules, Hierarchical Optimization T echnology, High-performance ASIC Prototyping System, HSIM plus , i-Virtual Stepper, IICE, in-Sync, iN-Tandem, Jupiter, Jupiter-DP , JupiterXT , JupiterXT-ASIC, Liberty, Libra-Passport, Library Compiler, Magellan, Mars, Mars-Rail, Mars-Xtalk, Milkyway, ModelSource, Module Compiler, MultiPoint, Physical Analyst, Planet, Planet-PL, Polaris, Power Compiler, Raphael, Saturn, Scirocco, Scirocco-i, Star-RCXT, Star-SimXT , System Compiler, System Designer, T aurus, TotalRecall, TSUPREM-4, VCS Express, VCSi, VHDL Compiler, VirSim, and VMC are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.Service Marks (sm )MAP-in, SVP Café, and T AP-in are service marks of Synopsys, Inc.SystemC is a trademark of the Open SystemC Initiative and is used under license.ARM and AMBA are registered trademarks of ARM Limited.Saber is a registered trademark of SabreMark Limited Partnership and is used under license.All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners.ContentsAbout This Manual v Audience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vRelated Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vTypographic Conventions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viCustomer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Accessing SolvNet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viContacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viiContacting Your Local TCAD Support Team Directly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viiChapter 1 Overview of Calibration Kit1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Input Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Calibration Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Calibration Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Advanced Calibration for Sentaurus Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Calibration for Sentaurus Process Kinetic Monte Carlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Advanced Calibration for TSUPREM-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Advanced Calibration for Dios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Structure of Calibration Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Sentaurus Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8TSUPREM-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Dios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Mesh (Optional). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Sentaurus Device (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Inspect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Tecplot SV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Chapter 2 Operations Guide13 Manipulating Sentaurus Workbench Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Project Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Scenario Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Process Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Parameter Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Optimization Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Merger Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29Editing Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Calibration Kit User Guide iii C-2009.06ContentsViewers in Sentaurus Workbench. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Viewing Process Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Viewing Profile Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Viewing Layout Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Chapter 3 Reference Guide33 Experiment Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Environment Variable STCALIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33Process File Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Ligament Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34Sentaurus Process Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35TSUPREM-4 Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35Dios Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Process Searches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Syntax of QPS List File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37Database Process Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37Calibration Project Process Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Profile Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40Profile Curve Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Relative Logarithmic Square Difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41Relative Linear Square Difference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42Arithmetic Mean of Relative Error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42Quadratic Mean or Root-Mean-Square of Relative Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Confidentiality Warning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 iv Calibration Kit User GuideC-2009.06Calibration Kit User Guidev C-2009.06About This ManualThe Calibration K it is the calibration environment that is part of Sentaurus WorkbenchAdvanced. The Calibration Kit is the interface to the calibration libraries.This manual describes the functionality of the Calibration K it and outlines how to use theapplication. The main chapters are:■Chapter 1 describes the components and program modules of the Calibration Kit.■Chapter 2 provides a detailed operations guide for the graphical user interfaces.■Chapter 3 describes commands, file formats, and examples.Audience This manual is intended for users of the Calibration Kit software package.Related PublicationsFor additional information about Calibration Kit, see:■The documentation installed with the Calibration Kit software and available through the Calibration Kit Help menu.■The TCAD Sentaurus release notes, available on SolvNet (see Accessing SolvNet on page vi ).■Documentation on the Web, which is available through SolvNet at https:///DocsOnWeb .About This ManualTypographic ConventionsTypographic ConventionsConvention Explanation{}Braces[]Brackets()ParenthesesBlue text Identifies a cross-reference (only on the screen).Bold text Identifies a selectable icon, button, menu, or tab. It also indicates the name of a field,window, dialog box, or panel.Courier font Identifies text that is displayed on the screen or that the user must type. It identifies thenames of files, directories, paths, parameters, keywords, and variables.Italicized text Used for emphasis, the titles of books and journals, and non-English words. It alsoidentifies components of an equation or a formula, a placeholder, or an identifier.Menu > Command Indicates a menu command, for example, File > New (from the File menu, select New).NOTE Identifies important information.Customer SupportCustomer support is available through SolvNet online customer support and throughcontacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center.Accessing SolvNetSolvNet includes an electronic knowledge base of technical articles and answers to frequentlyasked questions about Synopsys tools. SolvNet also gives you access to a wide range ofSynopsys online services, which include downloading software, viewing Documentation onthe Web, and entering a call to the Support Center.To access SolvNet:1.Go to the SolvNet Web page at https://.2.If prompted, enter your user name and password. (If you do not have a Synopsys user nameand password, follow the instructions to register with SolvNet.)If you need help using SolvNet, click Help on the SolvNet menu Calibration Kit User GuideC-2009.06About This ManualCustomer SupportCalibration Kit User Guidevii C-2009.06Contacting the Synopsys Technical Support CenterIf you have problems, questions, or suggestions, you can contact the Synopsys TechnicalSupport Center in the following ways:■Open a call to your local support center from the Web by going to https:///EnterACall (Synopsys user name and password required).■Send an e-mail message to your local support center:•E-mail support_center@ from within North America. •Find other local support center e-mail addresses at/Support/GlobalSupportCenters/Pages/default.aspx .■Telephone your local support center:•Call (800) 245-8005 from within the continental United States.•Call (650) 584-4200 from Canada.•Find other local support center telephone numbers at/Support/GlobalSupportCenters/Pages/default.aspx .Contacting Your Local TCAD Support Team DirectlySend an e-mail message to:■support-tcad-us@ from within North America and South America.■support-tcad-eu@ from within Europe.■support-tcad-ap@ from within Asia Pacific (China, Taiwan, Singapore,Malaysia, India, Australia).■support-tcad-kr@ from Korea.■support-tcad-jp@ from Japan.About This ManualCustomer Supportviii Calibration Kit User GuideC-2009.06C HAPTER 1Overview of Calibration KitThis chapter presents an overview of the Calibration Kit.IntroductionAs a software package that extends the functionality of Sentaurus Workbench, the CalibrationKit assists you to perform efficient calibration of the Synopsys process simulators SentaurusProcess, Sentaurus Process Kinetic Monte Carlo, TSUPREM-4, and Dios in 1D.In combination with the calibration libraries containing secondary ion mass spectrometry(SIMS) data, the Calibration Kit gives you a fast, accurate, and reliable method of evaluatingand optimizing process conditions. It allows a predictive analysis of the influence of processequipment parameters on electrical device data. In addition, it helps you to understand thesensitivity of processes to various control parameters, enabling you to optimize equipmentoperation quickly.The Calibration Kit is the calibration environment in the Sentaurus Workbench Advanced. Itserves as a database browser, and a simulation and project manager.The framework tool Sentaurus Workbench in Sentaurus Workbench Advanced containscustomized viewers and wizards for calibration. Sentaurus Workbench is the primary graphicalfront end of Synopsys that integrates the simulation programs into one environment (see theSentaurus Workbench Us er Guide). The Calibration menu of the Sentaurus Workbenchprovides software for the specific manipulation of the simulation flow and report generation(see Chapter2 on page13 and Chapter3 on page33).The software package Optimizer, which is integrated in the Sentaurus Workbench Advanced,is used for the automatic analysis and optimization of process and calibration parameters (seethe Optimizer User Guide).The principal software are the process simulators Sentaurus Process, TSUPREM-4, and Dios.To mark up the process flows of TSUPREM-4 and Dios with the calibration parameters, theMerger software is used (see the Advanced Calibration User Guide).In addition to the analytic extraction in the process simulators, the Sentaurus Device softwarecan be integrated for electrical parameter extraction, preceded by Mesh for mesh generation.For visualization, Inspect and Tecplot SV are integrated into the Calibration Kit.Calibration Kit User Guide1 C-2009.061: Overview of Calibration KitInput Modules2Calibration Kit User Guide C-2009.06Input ModulesProcess descriptions and data, which are calibration libraries such as the Calibration Library,as well as simulator calibration such as Advanced Calibration are input to the Calibration Kit.The calibration libraries and calibration files are described here.Calibration LibrariesThe calibration libraries are experiment databases consisting of three subdirectories:processes_*, experiments , and preferences (see Environment Variable STCALIB onpage 33).In the process directory processes_*, each process file contains a recipe for wafer processingand a reference to the corresponding secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements.By default, these recipes are written in the simple process representation (SPR) syntax ofLigament and do not contain any simulator models or parameters. In this case, the directory iscalled processes_lig .The file name of the process is the same as the name of the process. The input files of theprocess simulators Sentaurus Process, TSUPREM-4, and Dios are created automatically beforesimulation by translating SPR to Sentaurus Process, TSUPREM-4, or Dios, and by calibratingthe pure recipes with simulation models. For Sentaurus Process, the calibration parameters andmodels are sourced before a process recipe is applied. In the case of TSUPREM-4 and Dios,an input file is marked up by merging the calibration parameters with a process recipe.In the process files, the SIMS measurements are represented by insert statements. Theinsert statement is translated to a SetPltList command for Sentaurus Process, a SELECTcommand for TSUPREM-4, or a 1D command for Dios. In each SetPltList , SELECT , or 1Dcommand, the measured chemical dopant species and the file name of the SIMS profile arespecified. A process file can have several SetPltList , SELECT , or 1D statements, whichcorrespond to several SIMS profiles.The experiment directory experiments contains the measured SIMS profiles in xy format.The first column is the depth [nm] and the second column is the concentration of the chemical dopant []. The file names match exactly the names specified in the 1D commands of therecipe 3–Input ModulesCalibration Kit User Guide3The preference directory preferences contains additional information. For each SIMSprofile name.sims in experiments , there is one preference file name_sims.prf inpreferences , which can specify the following (Tcl) variables:■sims_xmin and sims_xmax give the depth [nm] range for which the SIMS profile should be compared to the simulation results.■vis_xmin and vis_xmax are the preferred minimal and maximal depth [nm],respectively, to be shown in a graphical presentation of the profile.■vis_ymin and vis_ymax are the preferred minimal and maximal concentration [],respectively, to be shown in a graphical presentation of the profile.■probe_xmax gives the depth [nm] of the contact for device simulation to calculate thesheet resistance.In a project of the Sentaurus Workbench generated by the Calibration Kit, the file names of theprocess flows are changed to b@node@_mer.cmd , the SIMS profiles are namedb@node@_[profile].plx , and all preference files have the nameb@node@_[profile].prf , where @node@ is the number of a project node of SentaurusWorkbench. For more details about the project structure of the Sentaurus Workbench, seeChapter 2 on page 13.You can add your own experimental data to the measurement database or can create your owndatabase. In the latter case, it is recommended to keep the same directory structure, withprocess files, profile files, and preference files in three subdirectories (see EnvironmentVariable STCALIB on page 33).The process recipes can have the syntax of Ligament SPR, Sentaurus Process, TSUPREM-4,or Dios with specific restrictions for the Calibration Kit (see Process File Syntax on page 33).The directory experiments can contain SIMS profiles and spreading resistance profiles (SRP).Calibration FilesThe directory $STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/fabpackagelib contains text files withphysical models and parameters for Sentaurus Process, Sentaurus Process K inetic MonteCarlo, TSUPREM-4, and Dios.Advanced Calibration for Sentaurus ProcessTwo files in $STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/fabpackagelib are used for calibrated1D simulations of Sentaurus Process with the Calibration Kit: AdvCal_2009.06.fps andcalib_1d_2009.06.fps .cm 3–Input ModulesThe file AdvCal_2009.06.fps is the latest version of Advanced Calibration for SentaurusProcess. It contains a selection of physical models and parameters that are calibrated for deepsubmicron technology. It has the same contents as the file AdvCal_2009.06.fps in thedirectory $STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/floops/TclLib/AdvCal.NOTE When improvements to the model calibration are made, between featurereleases, the file in the directory fabpackagelib will contain the latestversion. The contents of the file AdvCal_2009.06.fps is explained inthe Advanced Calibration Us er Guide, which can be accessed fromSentaurus Workbench (Help > Manuals).The file calib_1d_2009.06.fps contains the information needed for simulation, whichdoes not belong to the process flow or the physical models, and includes:■The creation of a 1D simulation mesh, which is optimized for accurate 1D simulations.■ A procedure (WritePlt) definition for writing 1D profiles in plot (.plt) text format.■ A procedure (OxideThickness) definition for cap-oxide thickness extraction.■ A selection of meshing parameters.In the last lines of calib_1d_2009.06.fps, the 1D mesh is created and the fileAdvCal_2009.06.fps, which contains the physical models, is sourced.NOTE Older versions of the calibration files are also available in $STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/fabpackagelib and can be used incombination with Sentaurus Process Version C-2009.06, for example,AdvCal_2008.09.fps and calib_1d_2008.09.fps.Calibration for Sentaurus Process Kinetic Monte CarloTwo files in $STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/fabpackagelib are used for calibratedpseudo-1D simulations of Sentaurus Process Kinetic Monte Carlo with the Calibration Kit:AdvCal_KMC_2009.06.fps and calib_KMC_2009.06.fps.The file AdvCal_KMC_2009.06.fps is the latest version of Advanced Calibration forSentaurus Process K inetic Monte Carlo. It contains a selection of physical models andparameters that are calibrated for deep submicron technology. It has the same contents as thefile AdvCal_2009.06.fps in the directory $STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/floops/TclLib/AdvCal.4Calibration Kit User GuideInput ModulesCalibration Kit User Guide5The file calib_KMC_2009.06.fps contains the information needed for simulation, whichdoes not belong to the process flow or the physical models, and includes:■The creation of a 3D atomistic simulation cell and a 1D projection mesh, which is optimized for accurate pseudo-1D simulations.■ A procedure (WritePlt ) definition for writing 1D profiles in plot (.plt ) text format and for logging amorphous layer thickness.■ A selection of recording options for atomistic data.■ A selection of atomistic parameters.In the last lines of calib_KMC_2009.06.fps , the simulation cell is created, the atomisticmode is selected, and the file AdvCal_KMC_2009.06.fps , which contains the physicalmodels, is sourced.Advanced Calibration for TSUPREM-4Both calibration files for TSUPREM-4, AdvCal_1d_MC_2008.09.smr andAdvCal_1d_tables_2008.09.smr , have the format of a Merger Rules file. Merger isintegrated in the Calibration K it. With Merger, these Rules files can be used to create aTSUPREM-4 input file with calibrated models from a raw process flow. For a detaileddescription of the syntax of a Merger Rules file, refer to the Advanced Calibration User Guide .The files AdvCal_1d_MC_2008.09.smr and AdvCal_1d_tables_2008.09.smr are thelatest version of Advanced Calibration for TSUPREM-4. They contain a selection of physicalmodels and parameters that are calibrated for deep submicron technology. The fileAdvCal_1d_MC_2008.09.smr enables the Taurus Monte Carlo (MC) implant model. Thefile AdvCal_1d_tables_2008.09.smr enables the Taurus analytic implant model.Besides the implantation models, the two files have the same contents as the fileAdvCal_1d_tables_2008.09.smr in the TSUPREM-4 library. When improvements to themodel calibration are made, between feature releases, the file in the directory fabpackagelibwill contain the latest version. The contents of the file AdvCal_1d_tables_2008.09.smris explained in the Advanced Calibration User Guide .The gridblock of AdvCal_1d_MC_2008.09.smr and AdvCal_1d_tables_2008.09.smris designed for one-dimensional simulations only. (See the Advanced Calibration User Guidefor details about gridblocks.)Input ModulesNOTE AdvCal_1d_MC_2009.06.smr andAdvCal_1d_tables_2009.06.smr are not available. Older versionsof the calibration files are also available in $STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/fabpackagelib and can be used in combinationwith TSUPREM-4 and Merger Version C-2009.06, for example,AdvCal_1d_MC_2007.12.smr andAdvCal_1d_tables_2007.12.smr.Advanced Calibration for DiosBoth calibration files for Dios, AdvCal_1d_CTRIM_2005.10.dmr andAdvCal_1d_tables_2005.10.dmr, have the format of a Merger Rules file. Merger isintegrated in the Calibration Kit. With Merger, these Rules files can be used to create a Diosinput file with calibrated models from a raw process flow. For a detailed description of thesyntax of a Merger Rules file, refer to the Advanced Calibration User Guide.The Merger Rules files AdvCal_1d_CTRIM_2005.10.dmr andAdvCal_1d_tables_2005.10.dmr contain the same physical models and parameters as thefiles AdvCal_1d_CTRIM_2005.10.dmr and AdvCal_1d_tables_2005.10.dmr of Dios,which are located in:$STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/dioslib/The first Rules file specifies parameters for Monte Carlo (Crystal-TRIM) implantation, whilethe latter specifies the tables for analytic implantation. Both Rules files contain the samephysics. The Advanced Calibration parameters are documented in the Advanced CalibrationUser Guide, which can be accessed from Sentaurus Workbench (Help > Manuals).Both Merger Rules files contain a gridblock where a 1D mesh is defined, a startblock wherephysical models and parameters are set, and a list of pattern-actions that serve to insert Diosmodel switches or parameters exactly where needed, that is, at process steps for which theconditions are evaluated as true.The gridblock of AdvCal_1d_CTRIM_2005.10.dmr andAdvCal_1d_tables_2005.10.dmr is designed for one-dimensional simulations only.See the Advanced Calibration Us er Guide for details about gridblocks, startblocks, andpattern-actions.NOTE AdvCal_1d_MC_2009.06.dmr andAdvCal_1d_tables_2009.06.dmr are not available.6Calibration Kit User Guide。

Synopsys Sentaurus_vA_2008.09-SP1

在RedHat Enterprise Linux Server (Release 5.4.03)上安装Synopsys TCAD-vA_2008.09-SP1及配置1. 版本及安装环境软件:Sentaurus_vA_2008.09-SP1操作系统说明(软件可以直接安装在该操作系统下):#cat /etc/redhat –release Æ RedHat Enterprise Linux Server Release 5.4.03(Tikanga)#rpm –q redhat –release Æ Kernel:2.6.18-164.e15PAE#uname –a Æ i686 i386 IA-32 (x86);2. 工作准备(全部的软件包,包含4个辅助工具、两个synopsys安装包约为2.5Gb)a. Sentaurus软件包(包括sentaurus_vA_2008.09-SP1_common.tar和Sentaurus_vA_2008.09-SP1_linux.tar),就是common和platform,在大多数论坛、ftp上可以用emule搞到。
可在/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=164474&highlight=Tc%40d 下载b. EFA licgen0.4b, synopsys sss feature keygen, scl10.9.1d, synopsys install2.0 (注意标了版本号的一定要符合,没有标的尽量高些,这些均可在eetopBBS下载) ,安装Sentaurus TCAD软件前,最好阅读相关的【installer】、【TCAD】及【SCL】的安装说明(pdf文件中已指出需要设定STROOT、STDB和SCL的环境变量);c. RedHat Enterprise Linux AS5安装好后,在Applications->System Settings->Add/Remove Applications里,将Development Tools选上安装(这样就安装了原文里面的,需插入Redhat的安装盘。

Synopsys最新TCAD工具Sentaurus Synopsys最新TCAD工具Sentaurus vD-2010.03需要工具: EFA 0.4b, synopsys sss feature keygen,scl10.9.1d, synopsys install2.0,sentaurus-tcad安装程序包(common和platform)(大多数可以用emule,各类论坛ftp也有)操作系统: RHEL AS 4 + vmware 7.1过程:1.解压安装scl10.9.1d,在对应平台目录下找到bin/lmhostid运行,得到hostid,记下.*****************************************************是安装,不是仅仅要hostid*****************************************************2.解压缩sentaurus 的安装包(common 包和platform包),得到tgz文件放同一目录。
*****************************************************2010版本不用解压缩*****************************************************3.解压缩installer2.0,运行setup.sh图形安装sentaurus*****************************************************(我没用图形模式,直接用的installer安装的,据说更好用)*****************************************************4.生成自己的lica.打开efa licgen0.4b目录下packs 目录中sysnopsys.src文件,清空文件内容然后加上后面附录的内容.**********************************************************(注意pdf拷贝出来的格式都不对,最好拷贝完后,对着原来的src文件格式,整理一遍)*****************************************************b.运行licgen.exe 选择 sysnopsys.lpd,选中custom选项,填入上面得到的hostid,gengerate数据文件synopsys.datc.在控制台下运行进入synopsys sss feature keygen目录,运行sssverify synopsys.dat得到secret data(记下),这一步需要在windows下进行。
sentaurus build mesh语句

sentaurus build mesh语句摘要:一、引言二、sentaurus build mesh语句的概述1.功能与作用2.语法结构三、sentaurus build mesh语句的使用方法1.创建模型2.指定网格类型3.设置网格参数四、sentaurus build mesh语句的实例分析1.实例12.实例2五、总结正文:一、引言在模拟电路和电磁场设计中,Sentaurus工具被广泛应用于物理设计、建模、仿真等方面。
其中,sentaurus build mesh语句是进行网格划分的关键步骤。
本篇文章将详细介绍sentaurus build mesh语句的使用方法及其相关内容。
二、sentaurus build mesh语句的概述1.功能与作用sentaurus build mesh语句主要用于创建模型并定义网格类型和参数。
sentaurus build mesh语句就是在这种背景下应运而生的。
2.语法结构sentaurus build mesh语句的基本语法结构如下:```sentaurus_build_mesh [options] modelname```其中,options为可选参数,modelname为需要创建网格的模型名称。
三、sentaurus build mesh语句的使用方法1.创建模型在使用sentaurus build mesh语句之前,首先需要创建一个模型。
模型的创建可以使用sentaurus define_model语句实现。
例如:```sentaurus_define_model mymodel dc```其中,mymodel为模型名称,dc表示直流分析。
2.指定网格类型在创建模型之后,需要使用sentaurus build mesh语句指定网格类型。
网格类型包括:- Structured(结构化网格)- Unstructured(非结构化网格)- Meshless(无网格)例如,创建一个结构化网格,可以使用如下语句:```sentaurus_build_mesh -grid_type structured mymodel```3.设置网格参数网格参数包括网格尺寸、网格数量等。
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目录Sentaurus TCAD培训 (1)工具简介 (2)A.TCAD是什么?(10分钟) (2)A.1TCAD与半导体工业 (2)A.2工艺模拟 (2)A.3器件模拟 (2)B.TCAD包含哪些工具?(20分钟) (3)B.1Sentaurus Workbench (3)B.2Ligament (4)B.3Sentaurus Process (4)B.4Sentaurus Structure Editor(SDE) (5)B.5Mesh and Noffset3D (5)B.6Sentaurus Device (6)B.7Tecplot SV (6)B.8Inspect (7)B.9Calibration Kit (7)SWB (8)A.Getting Started(15分钟) (8)A.1概述 (8)A.2启动SWB (8)B.运行工程(30分钟) (9)B.1加载SWB工程 (9)B.2改变树的显示属性 (10)B.3清空工程目录 (10)B.4运行工程 (10)B.5查看输出结果 (11)C.创建工程(30分钟) (11)C.1设置工具流 (11)D.组装多个实验(30分钟) (12)D.1添加参数 (12)D.2设置多个实验 (13)D.4创建方案 (14)D.5裁剪工程树 (15)D.6添加变量 (15)Ligament (16)A.Getting Started10min (16)A.1简介 (16)A.2Ligament流程编辑器 (16)A.3Ligament版图编辑器 (16)A.4Ligament Translator (16)B.Ligament流程编辑器30min (16)B.1启动Ligament流程编辑器 (16)B.2开始装配一个新的工艺流程 (17)B.4改变宏调用的参数 (17)B.7用户定义的变量 (17)B.8转换和语法检查 (18)C.Ligament版图编辑器30min (19)C.1启动Ligament版图编辑器 (19)C.4保存版图 (19)C.6定义模拟区域 (19)C.7使用版图 (20)D.在SWB中运行Ligament30min (20)D.1在SWB中启动Ligament工具 (20)D.2导入Ligament文件 (20)D.5Ligament版图编辑器中的版图参数化 (21)D.6SWB中的参数化 (21)D.7Ligament工作区 (21)D.8SWB的预处理和Ligament转换 (22)Sentaurus Process (23)A.Getting Started15min (23)A.1简介 (23)A.2Sprocess使用的文件类型 (23)A.3启动Sprocess (23)B.一维工艺模拟45min (24)B.1简介 (24)B.2定义初始一维网格 (24)B.3定义初始模拟域(domain) (24)B.4初始化 (24)B.5设置MGOALS网格化策略 (24)B.6Growing Screening Oxide (24)B.7测量氧化物的厚度 (25)B.8Depositing Screening Oxide (25)B.9Tcl控制语句 (25)B.10注入 (25)B.11Saving the as-implanted Profile (26)B.12热退火,Drive-in,Activation,and Screening Oxide Strip (26)C.二维工艺模拟45min (27)C.1简介 (27)C.2定义初始的二维网格 (27)C.3模拟域与初始化 (27)C.4B的注入 (28)C.5生长栅氧 (28)C.6制作多晶硅栅 (28)C.7多晶硅重氧化 (28)C.8保存Snapshots (29)C.9在LDD和Halo注入之前进行网格重定义 (29)C.12在源/漏注入之前进行网格重定义 (30)C.13源/漏注入 (31)C.14Contact Pads (31)C.15保存整个结构 (31)C.16提取一维分布 (32)D.定义模型和指定参数30min (32)D.1属性数据库浏览器 (32)D.2在输入文件中改变参数 (33)E.采用全定制的校准文件30min (33)E.1简介 (33)E.2全局设置 (33)F.采用高级校准30min (33)F.1简介 (33)F.2激活高级校准 (33)G.工艺模拟与SWB和Ligament30min (34)G.1简介 (34)G.2参数化版图 (34)G.3定义网格 (35)H.Custom Models with Alagator45min (35)H.1简介 (35)I.Special Focus:槽刻蚀35min (36)I.1简介 (36)I.2Initialization (36)I.3生长Pad Oxide (36)I.4淀积氮化层 (37)I.5STI光刻 (37)I.6浅槽刻蚀 (37)I.7生长衬垫氧化物 (38)I.8TEOS的淀积与CMP (38)I.9氮化物的剥离/反射 (39)J.Special Focus:Meshing with MGOALS(15分钟) (39)J.1简介 (39)J.2Initialization (39)J.3MGOALS Remesh (40)J.4MGOALS网格优化框 (40)K.Special Focus:3D工艺模拟(Sprocess与sde结合)(30min) (41)K.1简介 (41)K.2各项异性刻蚀 (41)K.3各向同性淀积 (42)K.4Multimaterial Etching (43)K.5Reflect and Clip (44)SDE(结构编辑器) (46)A.Getting Started(15分钟) (46)A.4输入/输出文件类型 (46)A.5创建一个简单的结构 (47)B.生成二维边界(45分钟) (48)B.1简介 (48)B.2重新初始化SDE (48)B.3Exact Coordinates模式 (48)B.4选择材料 (48)B.5选择默认的布尔表达式 (48)B.6创建矩形区域 (49)B.7创建Single-Lumped区域 (49)B.8圆化边缘 (49)B.9定义接触 (50)B.10在已存在的边缘处设置接触 (50)B.11添加顶点 (51)B.12定义一个区域为接触 (52)B.13对区域进行重命名 (52)B.14保存模型 (52)C.生成掺杂分布(20分钟) (53)C.1定义材料的掺杂浓度为常数 (53)C.2定义区域的掺杂浓度为常数 (53)C.3定义解析的掺杂分布 (53)C.4保存模型(见图4) (54)D.生成网格(20分钟) (55)D.1简介 (55)D.2定义区域的网格化策略 (55)D.3定义优化窗口 (55)D.4定义优化窗口的网格化策略 (56)D.5在优化窗口中定义一个Multibox网格化策略 (56)D.6保存模型 (56)D.7为器件结构产生网格 (56)E.脚本和参数(30分钟) (57)E.1简介 (57)E.2Scheme基础 (57)E.3定义简单的变量和数据类型 (57)E.5数学操作符 (58)E.6数学表达式 (58)Noffset3D (59)A.Getting Started10min (59)A.1Overview (59)A.2Starting Noffset3D (59)ing Noffset3D in2D40min (59)B.1Strategies of Meshing (59)B.2Main Parameters for Meshing (59)ing Noffset3D in3D40min (60)C.1Main Algorithm (60)Sentaurus Device (61)A.基础(15分钟) (61)A.1简介 (61)A.2输入命令文件 (61)A.3参数文件 (65)B.载流子传输模型(45分钟) (65)B.1简介 (66)B.2漂移-扩散传输 (66)B.3热力学传输 (67)B.4流体力学传输 (70)B.5密度梯度传输 (72)B.6Monte Carlo传输 (74)C.混合模式模拟(45分钟) (77)C.1简介 (77)C.2混合模式模拟 (77)C.3瞬态扫描 (78)C.4小信号AC分析 (80)D.一个较复杂的例子(30分钟) (81)D.1MOSFET的击穿模拟 (81)D.2电流边界条件 (83)G.在SWB中运行SDevice(25分钟) (85)G.1简介 (85)G.2File Section (85)G.3使用SWB参数 (86)G.4算术表达式 (87)G.6参数文件的参数化 (87)Sentaurus TCAD培训1、工具简介:30分钟2、Sentaurus workbench:一个可视化的集成环境(2小时)3、Ligament:TCAD工艺模拟的一个通用接口。
)(1小时40分钟)4、Sentaurus Process:一个完整的高度灵活的多维工艺模拟器。
(5小时20分钟)5、Sentaurus Structure Editor:一个二维和三维器件编辑器以及三维工艺仿真器。
面向SentaurusDevice和Sentaurus Process等采用方框法(box method)离散技术的模拟器。
(1小时30分钟)7、Sentaurus Device:器件模拟器,用于模拟半导体器件的电、热和光特性。
)(4小时)8、Tecplot SV:用于查看模拟和实验数据的二维和三维绘图软件。