


21 0 1年 1 0月
湖 北 经 济学 院学 报 ( 文 社 会 科 学 版 ) 人
Ju a o u e U i r t o cnm c( u n e dS c l c ne o r l f bi nv sy f oo is mai sa oi i cs n H e i E H i t n aSe
美 国语 言 哲 学 家 G i r e于 1 6 c 9 7年提 出 了 会 话 含 义 理 论 。 他 指 出 “ 们 的交 谈 通 常 不是 由一 串无 不 相 关 的 话 语 组 成 的 . 我 否 则就 会 不 合 情 理 。它 们 常 常 是 合 作 举 动 ,至 少在 某 种 程 度 上 ; 与 者都 在 某 种 程度 上 承认 其 中有 一 个 或 一 组 共 同 目标 , 参 至少 有 一 个 彼 此都 接 受 的方 向 。”G ie 17 ) 了进 一 步 具 ( r ,95 为 c 体 说 明 C 格 莱斯 引入 了下 面 四条 准 则 : P。 ( ) 的准 则 ( em xm o u n  ̄)第 一 , 语 应 包 含 一 量 t ai f af : h q i 话

汉 语 “ 默 ” 一 个 有 多 种 意 义 的 概 念 , 源 于 英 语 的 幽 是 它
h m u , 及 到 多 个方 面 , 家 也从 文体 , 辞 , 用 等 不 同角 u o r涉 各 修 语 度 对 “ 默 ” 一语 言现 象 进 行 欣 赏 和 解读 。 幽 默在 日常 生 活 幽 这 中起 着 缓 解 压 力 , 缓情 绪 , 节 气 氛 的作 用 。在 社 会 交 际 中 舒 调 则是 人 与人 沟 通 的润 滑 剂 ,促 进 交 际 更好 地进 行 同 时彰 显 幽 默 者 的智 慧 。 由于 人 们 的 交 际 活 动 主要 是 依 赖 话 语 完 成 的 . 但 所 以 幽默 多 产 生 于话 语 当 中 。李 悦 娥 ,0 2 幽 默 的 理解 从 根 ( 20 ) 本 上说 更 是 一 个语 用 问题 , 一个 语 用 推 理 的过 程 , 及 到 对 是 涉 会话含义的理解。 本 文 从 语 用 学 角度 出发 。 从 HPG i 试 _.r e的会 话 含 义 理 论 c



第4期2018年8月No.4 August,2018近年来,美剧吸引了越来越多的中国观众,以其搞笑,自信和轻松的风格,机智讽刺的对话和独特的“美式幽默”吸引了大批的中国观众。








1 目的论的概念和原则目的论是德国学者汉斯弗米尔(Hans Vermeer )在20世纪70年代提出的,其核心概念是整体目的是翻译过程中的一个关键因素。







2 目的论指导下《生活大爆炸》中的幽默分类及推荐翻译本文将《生活大爆炸》里的幽默分为4种类型:文化相关式幽默、通用幽默、双关语幽默和科学相关类幽默。

2.1 与文化相关的幽默文化包含食品、假日、习俗、文学艺术作品、电影和卡通人物等,都呈现出多样性现象,在人们生活中随处可见。







2009年该剧获得艾美奖,该剧的成功,与其幽默的语言是不开的,主人公是四个科学极客:leonard ,sheldon,howard和raj。




































二、《生活大爆炸》概述《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)是一部美国情景喜剧,于2007年在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)首播。

该剧以轻松幽默的方式,讲述了四位天才物理学家谢尔顿(Sheldon Cooper)、莱纳德(Leonard Hofstadter)、霍华德(Howard Wolowitz)和拉杰什(Raj Koothrappali)的日常生活以及他们与邻居佩妮(Penny)之间的有趣互动。







三、会话合作原则及其违反会话合作原则(Cooperative Principle,简称CP)是由美国语言哲学家格莱斯(H. P. Grice)在20世纪70年代提出的,它是指导人们进行言语交际的基本原则。













例如在剧中sheldon cooper是一名天才理论物理学家,他常常使用缺少停顿的科学式的解释语言让别人晕头转向。










特别是所谓“合作原则”(Cooperative principle)。




在最高原则,即合作原则下,人们在交际中要遵守如下四个准则:A.量的准则(Quantity Maxim)a.所说的话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息b.所说的话不应包含超出需要的信息B.质的准则(Quality Maxim)a.不要说自知是虚假的话b.不要说缺乏足够证据的话C.关系准则(Relevant Maxim)说话要贴切,有关联D.方式准则(Manner Maxim)a.避免晦涩b.避免歧义c.避免罗嗦d.井井有条2)什么是幽默?Humor是外来词,由林语堂先生在1924最早音译为幽默。



帕尔默( 1994) 指出,“任何事物本身并不幽默,幽默只存在于接受者的认知过程”。


” 19世纪英国文人黑慈里特、梅瑞迪斯等所主张,把幽默视作绅士风度十足的含蓄诙谐,张狂,更容不得低级趣味。



智库时代 ·177·智库理论从副文本层面分析美国情景喜剧字幕翻译的注释邱 璐(四川外国语大学成都学院,四川成都 610000)摘要:近年来美剧在国内大热,尤其是一些符合年轻人节奏的情景喜剧。



关键词:副文本;字幕翻译;注释分析中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4609(2018)26-0177-002一、关于副文本这一概念的简要介绍提到副文本,可能不是所有人都特别熟悉,其实这一概念是法国学者热拉尔. 简奈特在20世纪70年代首先提出的,指的是“在正文本和读者之间起着协调作用的,用于展示作品的一切言语及非言语材料”(Genette,1997:1),或“副文本对于我们来说是正文本使其成为一本书并将其展示给它的读者或更广大的公众的一种手段” (Genette,1991:261)简奈特的研究范围包括了十三种类型的副文本,再根据所处空间将其细分为“内文本”及“外文本”。









关键词:生活大爆炸;言语;幽默1 引言幽默是人类生活中无处不在, 可以跨越种族、文化、性别和阶级障碍,并且在不同的文化和语言中扮演一个不可或缺的作用。







2 关于幽默及其分类虽然幽默在我们每天的生活中看似普通平凡,然而却很难对它给出一个完整的定义。




”(牛津高阶词典, 1974)“幽默是一种品质可以使一些事情可笑,有趣,滑稽等;或是一种能力去感知、享受或表达有趣的、滑稽的、可笑的事情等等。

”(美国传统词典, 1980)“幽默是一些引起娱乐、欢笑等的事情,或着是识别,反应或表达一些好玩、有趣等的事情的能力。

”(朗文当代词典, 1968)除了很难定义幽默以外,自古以来人们对定义的分类也出现了激烈的讨论。



(王金玲, 2002) 根据讲话者是否有意来制造幽默,分为有意图幽默和非意图幽默。

从语用学角度分析美国情景剧 生活大爆炸 中的言语幽默

从语用学角度分析美国情景剧 生活大爆炸 中的言语幽默
从语用学角度分析美国情景剧《生活 大爆炸》中的言语幽默
01 引言
03 案例分析
02 言语幽默的分类 04 总结
《生活大爆炸》是一部美国情景喜剧,讲述了一群性格迥异的物理天才在公寓 中的日常生活。该剧以其幽默风趣的故事情节和独特的言语幽默吸引了全球众 多观众的喜爱。本次演示将从语用学的角度,对《生活大爆炸》中的言语幽默 进行深入分析。
2、比喻幽默:这种幽默方式在剧中也是相当常见,通过比喻来形象地描述人 物或事物,从而达到逗乐观众的效果。例如,在某一集中,莱纳德·霍夫斯塔 特形容自己的研究领域——弦理论,像是在一片黑暗的森林里寻找一只不存在 的小狗。这里的“小狗”既是对弦理论的生动比喻,也暗含了科学家们在研究 过程中所面临的困难和挑战。
3、文字游戏幽默:这种幽默手法主要通过玩弄文字发音、拼写等方式来制造 幽默效果。例如,在某一集中,谢尔顿·库珀因为自己的博士学位被质疑,便 激动地说:“我不是一个博士后,我是一个‘厚脸皮’!”这里的“厚脸皮” 是“博士”和“厚脸皮”两个词的音译,既强调了谢尔顿的学历,又展示了他 自嘲的能力。
1、双关语幽默:这种幽默手法在剧中频繁出现,利用词语的多重含义制造出 意想不到的效果。例如,在某一集中,谢尔顿·库珀在解释为何不喜欢吃巧克 力时说:“因为它含有咖啡因,而咖啡因是一种化学物质,会污染我纯净的血 液。”这里的“污染”既是对于咖啡因影响健康的科学描述,又带有谢尔 顿·库珀自己的主观感受。
这个案例中的言语幽默通过隐喻和夸张的手法,将科学研究中的失败比作人生 的“跌倒”,将成功比作“站起来”。这种比喻不仅让观众感到新奇和惊讶, 而且将一个较为复杂的科学概念以更直观、生动的方式传达给了观众。同时, 谢尔顿安慰莱纳德的话语也违反了合作原则中的信息量准则和质量准则,因为 他的安慰并没有提供多少实质性的信息,也没有明确表达出对莱纳德的同情和 支持。这种违反准则的行为制造出了一种反常的幽默效果。






关键词语言幽默语言学习教学资源中图分类号:J905 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/ki.kjdks.2016.01.068Appreciation of the Language Humor in US Drama "Big Bang"CHEN Xi(Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055)Abstract Humor teaching resources can improve students' interest in learning English, and enhance the power of language learning. In this paper, the US drama "Big Bang" for example, the analysis of the play in the language of humor, including language, word games, rhetorical voice and humor means semantics. By way of analysis, students can better understand the meaning of the play's humor, but also contribute to language learning.Key words language humor; language learning; teaching resources情景喜剧作为喜剧的一种表现形式,具备大量的幽默资源。



/ 2012.5 下半月
that I was wrong…to point it out. (Laughter)”(如 你 所 知 , 听者之前 构 建 的 语 境 效 果 , 这 时 听 者 意 识 到 自 己 之 前
的歉意。然而与听者假设截然不同的是,Sheldon 接下来
的话语“to point it out”完全颠覆了听者之前用最小努力 作品中,因此 ,对 于 言 语 幽 默 的 理 解 是 人 们 社 会 生 活 中
获得最大语境效果的尝试。 这时,听者必须重新做出处
一、引言 《生 活 大 爆 炸 》(The Big Bang Theory) 是 一 部 由 美 国 哥 伦 比 亚 广 播 公 司 制 作 并 于 2007 年 9 月 下 旬 开 始 在美国播出的一部情景喜剧。 该剧一经播出就获得了 巨 大 的 成 功 , 在 2009 年 获 得 喜 剧 类 最 佳 贡 献 奖 , 在 2010 年获得人民最喜爱电视剧奖。 剧中男主角 Sheldon 的 扮 演 者 更 是 以 他 出 色 的 表 演 获 得 了 2010 年 艾 美 奖 喜剧类最佳男主角称号。 该剧之所以获得如此的喜爱, 其诙谐幽默的言语及其对剧中人物性格的生动刻画都 功不可没。 因此该剧中言语幽默的解读对于该剧欣赏 就显得至关重要。 《生活大爆炸》以美国著名学府加州理工学院为故 事背景,讲述了四个在学院工作的科学天才,虽然有着 非凡的智商,然而人际交往能力却低得出奇的男主角, 其中尤以男主角之一 Sheldon 为甚,他在剧 中 大 量 言 语 幽默构成了该剧主要的幽默效果。 二、言语幽默与关联理论 幽 默 一 词 来 源 于 拉 丁 语 “humere”,原 意 是 “液 体 ”, 后来随着历史文化的发展, 它失去了原有的意思并逐 渐发展为现代意义上的幽默词义。 学者一般把幽默分 为言语幽默和情景幽默两种, 言语幽默与语言密切相 关,也是本文要讨论的幽默。 国内外关于幽默的研究已 经有很长的历史。 国外幽默研究可以追溯到柏拉图亚 里士多德时代,众多学者分别从社会心理学、语言学以 及语用学角度对幽默进行了阐述。 本文主要从认知语 用学中的关联理论为理论基础对本文所选情景喜剧中 的言语幽默进行解读。 关 联 理 论 是 由 著 名 语 言 学 家 Dan Sperber 和 Deirdre Wilson 于 1986 年 在 他 们 的 著 作 Relevance:



合作原则视角下《生活大爆炸》中的言语幽默解读作者:高晓平来源:《电影评介》2013年第17期《生活大爆炸》是 2007 年哥伦比亚广播公司推出的一部典型的美国情景喜剧。




一、理论基础美国著名语言哲学家Grice 于1967年提出了合作原则。



”(Grice, H. P. Logic and Conversation.New York: Academic Press,1975)也就是说,谈话双方为保证会话顺利进行,他们总是互相合作并遵循一定原则,在现实会话中,谈话双方都有一个共同目标或方向,这时谈话是有意义的,并且是相互理解的。











例 1:信息量过多Sheldon:“Penny,Penny,Penny.”Sheldon 是个物理天才,凡事都讲究精确,对生活中的事情也不例外。

浅析美式幽默的内在力 外在美——以情景剧《生活大爆炸》为例

浅析美式幽默的内在力 外在美——以情景剧《生活大爆炸》为例
第 1 2卷
第 5期
鸡 西 大 学 学 报
J OURNAL OFJXIUN V Ma . 0 2 v2 1
21 0 2年 5月
文 章 编 号 :6 2— 78 2 1 )5— 0 5—1 17 6 5 (0 2 0 0 9
浅 析 美 式 幽 默 的 内在 力 外 在 美
以情 景 剧 《 活 大爆 炸》 例 生 为
林 玲
摘 要: 通过分析正在热播 的美国室 内情景喜剧 《 生活大爆 炸》中的一些有代表性的典型对 白, 过其 中 透 的 内隐含 义, 来看 美式幽默的特点 , 并探析形成其 幽默文化 的原 因。 关键词 : 式幽默 ; 美 内隐含 义 ; 点 特 中 图 分 类 号 :16 3 1 . 0 文 献 标 识 码 : A

引 言
c y o d u ,u n d o tt a e g e t ce t c p t n il e r f a im t r e u o h v r a in i oe t , - r s i f a
e h u h s e wo l ae i lw, if ld ah fo r - 幽默 ( u o) 词意 为 “ hm r一 行为 、 吐 、 章 中足 以使 v n t o g h u d lt rd e a so pan u e t r m a 谈 文 it os nn . o 人逗 乐 、 笑或 消遣 的特 点 , 赏和 表达 这些 特点 的能 da in p io i g 发 欣 力 。 幽默本是滋生 于文化这 块土壤 之上 的 , ” 美式 幽默就 是这样的 ,en 就像奥本海默后悔他对原子弹 的发 Pny 是在美 国特定 的文化大 融合 的背景 下 , 因载 体 隐含 的不 明 , 我也后悔 了我的加 入至 少是 次错 误 的决 定 ,有些 错 致性或 冲突 而引人会 心一 笑的文 化元 素 , 而其 中美式 误像 居里夫人发现了镭 , 后来被证 明有很 大的研究价 值 , 情景剧是美式幽默集 中的汇 源地 , 生 活大爆 炸》 最近 尽 管 她后 来 死 于 漫 长 而 痛 苦 的 放 射 线 危 害 。 《 是 风靡全球 的美式情 景剧 的代表 , 取这 部影 片做为 分析 选 P刚搬来的时候 懒 于收拾 自己的房 间 , 有一 次有 强 是因为它是最有看 点的美 国情 景剧 , 集 中体 现 了美式 迫症 的 S给 P送东西 的时候发 现 了 P的房 间一 团糟 , 其 于 幽默最新 的与时俱进 的发展 。 是 当天晚上他 就拿 着 P的备用 钥匙 去给她 整理 房间 , 第 二 从《 生活 大爆 炸》中的特 色对 话分 析 美式 幽默 二天 L出面 向 P书面道歉 , L就举 了很多科学 家在实 验 的 特 点 中犯错但是 因祸得 福的例 子 , 体现 了美 国影视 作品一直 这是一部以” 科学 天才 ”为背景 的情景喜 剧 , 种题 以科技主义精神来 打造个 人英雄 主义 者形象 , 的这个 这 他 材 非常 罕见 , 主要 人物 有六个 :hlo opr L , 的 道 歉 信 写 的让 人 啼笑 皆非 。 SednC o e( ) 他 I Q和 E Q差值最大 , 以 Sedn是这个剧集 中笑料 最多 所 hlo 3 .文 字 幽 默 。 的人 。他 的笑 料 来 自于 自己 的率 真 : enr o t tr L oad H fa e sd 第二季 第十 四集 1 :4. 2l () L 具有较为正 常的 E 没有太 明显 的社交 障碍 : en Q, P ny P Ipi h ns : a i f e 我帮他交 了罚单 。 d si () P 女主角 , 发美 女 , 金 性感 的美 国甜 心 的形象 ; o ad H w r L D dh a o ak 他 把 钱 还 给 你 了 吗 ? : i epyyubc ? Wo wt( 此 人极 其 猥 琐 , 有 不 切 实 际 的 性 幻 想 ; l i H) o z 总 P N ,u ewl他 会 的 : o bt i h l L: d t a ’ a e n t e i h r n r dt—wot i e s An t Sb sd o h n e e tc e i h r n s h R js ot ap iR) 涩 的 印 度 小 男 孩 , 口地 道 的 a hK h p a ( 羞 e r l 一 印度英语 ; e d t ( ) o ad的女友 。 B ma ee B H w r t o pol h a rn n r a np levhc s f epew ohddu kadu nt o i ei e.这 i e o c l 1 善意 的讽刺 , . 自嘲。 还建立在 他是 个天生没信用 , 经常喝醉 , 还在警车里 小便 第一季 第 三集 3 2 :1 的人 渣 的基 础 上 善意 的讽刺 , 自嘲 。 L用了个强烈的排 比反 问 的句式 , 数 P前 男友 的 列 S P nyfr o og t 呆呆 的在想 什么呢( :en ut uhs oy h . 词语 中 种种粗劣 的行 为 , 暗示其还钱 的可能性不大 , 美式 幽默体 正好有 P ny一词 ) en 现在 了生活中的点 点滴 滴里。 R: a’ em t r WhtSt at ?怎么 回事 ? h e 4 .冷 幽 默 。 L: ’ f e , e n s f e T e g y s e i ks i g i I m n i P n y i i 。 h u h s isn s n 第二季 第一集 7 2 :9 r al n el f e yi S Wh i yul i : ydd o et h i o m?你为什么要对他撒 谎? P: d n’ n th m h n m i d o t p d l s I o t wa i t ti k la a k n fs i o — o u 我 很好 ,en 很好 , Pny 和她接吻的家伙也很好 。 H: is g wh t i d f k s i g c i s l s h s k s i , a k n o is ? h p , i ,c a e, n n p e.我 不想 让他认 为我傻 很衰啊 r


The study makes a pragmatic analysis of the verbal humor in the sitcom The Big Bang Theory by some major theories in Pragmatics. Cooperative Principle, Politeness Principle and Speech Act Theory are major theories in pragmatics. The study testifies the feasibility of analyzing the verbal humor in sitcoms from the perspective of pragmatics and explores the generation mechanism of verbal humor under the pragmatic theoretical framework. On the basis of the pragmatic analysis, it is found that humor is generated by deliberately or unintentionally violating CP, PP and illocutionary act. Furthermore, the study is helpful for the viewers to get a deep understanding of the verbal humor in the sitcom The Big Bang Theory. It also does good to the second language learners for having an easier learning enviroment and arousing their learning interest. Key Words:verbal humor;pragmatic analysis;The Big Bang Theory;Sitcom



不合常理的因素 , 并加 以分析 推理 , 最后根 据相关 语境 发现
合乎常理的一面 , 对话 才会 产生预 期 的幽默效 果。事实 上 , 话 语幽默更多的是听者理解的结果 , 有时甚至在说话 者无意
幽默时 , 听者却可理解 出幽默 , 因此从 话语 理解 角度探 讨幽
默更切合实际 , 那么理所 当然 , 从语 用学 的关联理 论角 度 阐
是指在交际 中包含某种不合逻辑 、 可笑 、 荒谬 的关 系 , 听话 者
必须付 出更多努力 , 在不和谐 中发 现和谐 , 才 能理解 话语 的 幽默所在 。
S h e l d o n:W h o wa n t s t h e l a s t d u mp l i n g ?
2 0 1 5年 7月 第3 4卷 第 7期
J o u r n a l o f H e i l o n g j i a n g C o l l e g e f o E d u c a t i o n
J u 1 . 2 0 1 5
Vo 1 . 3 4 No . 7
乐 。幽默分为语言幽默 与情景 幽默 。语 言幽 默是指 利用 同
音词 、 谐音 、 多义词等形成幽默话语 ; 情景 幽默是 指在某一特 定的情境 中, 说话者 违反 常理而 产生 幽默话 语。康德认 为 : “ 在一切引起活泼 的撼人 的大笑里必须有某种荒谬悖理 的东
时, 人们通常首先会遵循最 大关联 原则 , 想要 付 出最少 的努 力获得话语含义 , 然后会发 现话语 不符 合常理 , 不 具有关 联 性, 于是听话者付出更多的努力 , 寻找最佳关联 。
二、 关 联 理 论
关联理论把交 际看 作 是一 种有 目的 、 有意 图的人 类活 动, 是一个 明示一 推理 的认 知 过程 J 。说 话者 明示 话语 信



2482018年03期总第391期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS美国情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》中的幽默运用分析文/冯佳琪【摘要】《生活大爆炸》是美国CBS电台于2007年推出的情景喜剧,以性格鲜明的喜剧人物以及独具特点的叙事内容受到了人们的欢迎。

在该剧当中,幽默的运用 可以说是其最为重要的一项特点。


【关键词】《生活大爆炸》;幽默;情景喜剧【作者简介】冯佳琪(2000.03- ),男,汉族,黑龙江哈尔滨人,哈尔滨市第六中学。








其中,谢尔顿身材瘦高,喜欢短袖以及长袖T 恤的混穿,在其穿着的T恤上,印有他喜欢的科学理论或者动漫图画,如闪电侠、脱氧核糖以及蜘蛛侠等。






2020年03月March 2020对外国情景喜剧中言语幽默的修辞分析——以美剧《生活大爆炸》第十季为例刘 希 姜 莉 刘祥海(南京林业大学…外国语学院,江苏…南京…210037)摘 要:本文基于优越论、释放论和乖讹论,对美国著名情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》第十季中的言语幽默进行分析,探讨反讽、夸张、委婉、换喻、隐喻、悖论、双关和仿拟等修辞手法在剧中产生的幽默效果,从而为言语幽默的理解和运用提供借鉴作用。

关键词:言语幽默;修辞手法;优越论;释放论;乖讹论中图分类号:H315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-9436(2020)06-0059-040…引言幽默作为人类特有的一种交际形式,不仅能够营造和谐的交流环境,还能为人们的生活增色添彩,是一个经久不衰的研究课题。









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A Study of Humorous Dialogues in American Sitcoms—— A Case Study of 2 Broke Girls浅析美国情景喜剧的对话幽默——以《破产姐妹》的对话为例AbstractThe cooperative principle is first proposed by Grice and it is an important principle for the analysis of discourse in linguistics which includes four criteria - the maxim of Quality, the maxim of Quantity, the maxim of Relevance and the maxim of Manner. At present, many scholars have turned to study the humor effect in violation of the cooperation principle in the actual dialogues. 2 Broke Girls is a famous American sitcom and a wealth of humorous dialogues in the play are deeply loved by the audiences. The paper takes the classic dialogues in American sitcom 2 Broke Girls for example and the cooperation principle as the theoretical basis to explore the discourse humor of the play. Through this study, it is hoped that people could have a better appreciation and understanding of this melodrama.Keywords: humor; sitcom; conversation; Cooperative Principle摘要合作原则由Grice首次提出,它是语言学中用于分析话语的一项重要原则。






关键词:幽默;情景剧;对话;合作原则Contents1. Introduction2. An Overview of Verbal Humor and American Sitcom2.1 A Brief Introduction of Verbal Humor2.1.1 Definitions of Humor2.1.2 Classifications of Humor2.2 A Brief Introduction of American Sitcom3. Pragmatic Principles3.1 Cooperative Principle3.1.1 Cooperative Principle and Its Four Maxims3.1.2 Nonobservance of the Conversational Maxims3.2 Interpretation of Humor under the Cooperative Principle4. An Interpretation of the Humorous Dialogues in 2 Broke Girls from the Cooperative Principle4.1 Non-observation of the Maxim of Quantity4.1.1 Insufficient Information4.1.2 Excessive Information4.2 Non-observation of the Maxim of Quality4.2.1 Incorrect Information4.2.2 Proofless Information4.3 Non-observation of the Maxim of Relation4.4 Non-observation of the Maxim of Manner4.4.1 Vague Expression4.4.2 Lengthy Discourse5. ConclusionReferencesAcknowledgments1. IntroductionThe universality of humor allows human beings of any nation, any race, and any culture to share something common. But what’s noticeable is that at the same times, the same elements in the different cultural background, different living conditions, and different language systems could be the possibility of invisible barriers for the transmission of humor.(Hu, 1987: 21) All those factors mentioned and even more are inevitably involved into the production and inference of humor. So, humor could be a preferential subject for cross-cultural studies. It’s complicated but full of exciting challenges. It is commonly accepted that humor plays an important role in people’s daily communication. It helps to produce the harmonious atmosphere to reduce psychological tightness and release their negative emotions. In social intercourse, it is usually handled as a beneficial strategy to build a favorable figure, gaining the necessary support from others with the evidence that there is study showing that, in all of human qualities, the sense of humor takes a crucial proportion in getting a good impression. Moreover, humor makes its contribution to arousing confidence, courage and a healthy status. Therefore a study on humor gets its significance here.In recent years, the Cooperative Principle (short for CP) enjoys a more extensive, thorough and systematic development in Western countries. It has been applied to many areas in the studies abroad since the proposal of the CP by Grice in 1967, including the linguistic perspective. American jokes are humorous and open. They can set people laughing, and at the same time they can also set people thinking. However, people in non-English speaking countries sometimes cannot completely understand English humor because of the differences between different cultures. So some scholars start to interpret the humor from the view of CP.Sitcoms like Friends,the typical sources of corpus, are repeatedly used in similar studies; however, 2 Broke Girls is quite a brand new one. 2 Broke Girls is an American comedy TV series which is of familiarity and popularity among people for its combination of visual, verbal, physical and situational humor.2 Broke Girls is a sitcom that firstly premiered on CBS in the United States in September 19, 2011. The sitcom was set in a small low-end restaurant in Brooklyn, New York City, which told the story about two complete different girls of different identities and backgrounds. Max was born in a poor family, while Caroline was born in a rich family. The Caroline’s family fortunes declined, she had to go to work to earn money in the same restaurant that Max worked. Although two girls came from different background, they eventually became good friends because of common dreams, and they discussed to raise 250,000 dollars to explore a new career jointly. This play returned to the traditional comedy route and concerned the small potatoes’ ridiculous daily life. The reason of this play’s quick popularity was characters’witty and humorous dialogue. A lot of dialogues in this play conveyed vivid and rich implication through the violation of cooperative principle, which had produced humorous effect. In order to better understand and feel its comedic function, this article would make a corresponding analysis from the angle of cooperative principle in this sitcom.However, the analyses of this sitcom from the view of pragmatics are absent. On this basis, this thesis attempts to research on the verbal humor in this movie with the view of violation of the cooperative principle. On the basis of their researching outcomes, this paperattempts to decode the mechanisms of the generation and perception of humor by applying the famous theory of pragmatics, the CP. The corpus comes from one of the recently popular American situation comedies (sitcoms) 2 Broke Girls.2. An Overview of Verbal Humor and American SitcomThe humor was not attached enough important in the past. Most people think that humorous utterance is just common. Language is a game and in order to play it well, language users have to comply with the unified rule.2.1 A Brief Introduction of Verbal HumorThe study of the humorous phenomenon is involved with plenty of disciplines, such as psychology, sociology and linguistics. It is conceivable that humor is an entity concerning such a complicated and comprehensive relationship with human communication.2.1.1 Definitions of HumorHumor prevails in everyday life. It may turn up in every occasion with sweeping subjects. Usually, people assume humor as a witty quality in personality and a light-hearted attitude towards life. Thus defining its nature and locating its features require lots of efforts.According to McGhee Paul(2005: 32), the humor does not exist in the real world, but something emerging from our mind. He also pointed out that humor is not the feature of certain events, by which we may think of jokes, comedies and funny behaviors, nor the human mood, or behavior, like laughing and smiling. Therefore, the discourse of “humor” first referred to a quality that only belongs to human beings, and that is what we call a sense of humor.Another renowned definition has it that humor as the fundamental nature of an occurrence generates laughter. Just like Berger argues that humor is everything that is actually or potentially funny and humor is also the process by which this “funniness”occurs (Palmer, 2009: 3). This understanding refers humor to “funniness”, and considers humor as a tangible event.Likewise, the Booth-Butterfields (1991: 205) holds that the act of humor is “a ‘genus’ or derivation in culture, institutions, attitudes, beliefs, typical practices, characteristic artifacts, etc..” Thus humor in this case is regarded as an entity rather than a human quality.Humor has been defined as a quality in human personality, a characteristic of an event or occasion, a rhetoric device of expression and so on. Thus it is hardly possible to translate verbal humor under a translation consensus and there is no completed existing guideline for verbal humor translating practice.2.1.2 Classifications of HumorHumor is classified into two categories according to Koestler: verbal and situational humor (Koestler, 1993: 684). The situational humor occurs with other mediums except language, which is therefore untranslatable. While the verbal humor, enjoying its various vehicles whether rhetorically or by certain anecdotes. The humor that the author mainly concentrates on in this paper is the verbal humor, which includes both written and spokenverbal humor.As Attardo(1994: 56) concluded in his study,an analysis of the vast bibliography on humorology has led to the organization of verbal humor into three groups: universal or reality-based humor, culture-based humor, and linguistic or word-based humor. This grouping serves as a pedagogical framework for teaching humor in both language and translation classrooms. Therefore, it is more practical for humor translation and could offer the principal foundation when analyzing the humor cases. The analysis of the later chapters will apply this series of humor classification in the specific cases.As a summary, people from different nations, races and classes have different understandings towards humor. Humor is very common in life, but possesses deep cultural meaning. As an art, though humor is difficult to understand by people from another country, it should be enjoyed by all the people in world.2.2 A Brief Introduction of American SitcomSituation comedy (abbreviated as sitcom hereafter), especially American sitcom, is a successfully popular form of modern TV programs during these years and has spread all over the world. In the last two decades, people have witnessed that American sitcoms become quite popular among the world and amuse a lot of people from different cultural backgrounds. They play a significant role in transnationally cultural communication after movies and TV programs become a carrier of cultural factors and stir people’s desire to learn English.American sitcom especially attaches importance to the contents of a play and is famous for its originality, oddity and boldness of conception. American sitcom, with its dynamic American oral English, authentic American accent, vivid description of American common people’s customs and lifestyle, has not only aroused people’s viewing interests but also caught the attention of many language researchers to devote their time and energy into studying the unique charm of American sitcom from different perspectives. The present study aims to find out why American sitcoms have so much charm in the conversation between characters.In a word, the main purpose of situation comedy is to create happiness for audiences. It aims to pursue humor and entertain them, the most meaningful and valuable thing is to make audiences concerned about some problems existing in the society.(He, 2009: 17) In order to find the mechanism of the production of humor in modern American sitcoms, a currently favorable and successful sitcom 2 Broke Girls is selected to be the material to be analyzed.3. Pragmatic PrinciplesThe study of English humor should not be entirely empirical, but should be theoretically based. Cooperative principle and its maxims, proposed by Grice, can be used to analyze the formation of humor.3.1 Cooperative PrincipleThe Cooperative principle, which was first brought up by Grice in 1967, is widely appreciated for its significance in linguistic studies. The current research aims to study hownon-observation of Cooperative principle operates in dialogues and produces humorous effects.3.1.1 Cooperative Principle and Its Four MaximsThere is no any other famous philosopher can take place of H. P. Grice-- the American linguist, who puts forward the cooperative principle in the lecture named “Logic and Conversation” in Harvard University in 1967: “Make your contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged”(Grice,1975: 12). Along with Speech Act Theory, Grice’s work on the CP initiate the current interest in pragmatics, and lead to its development as a separate discipline within linguistics, and as such it is discussed by most textbooks in the area, and often cited in academic papers within pragmatics and associated disciplines. In the view of Grice, usually, people abide by this principle, that’s to say, they will make the communication meet the needs based on the actual goals. Supporting the cooperative principle are the four maxims:To be more specific, this general principle consists of four maxims, they are as follows:The Maxim of QualityTry to make your contribution one that is true, i.e.(i) Do not say what you believe to be false;(ii) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.The Maxim of Quantity(i) Make your contribution as informative as is required. (for the current purpose of the exchange);(ii) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.The Maxim of RelationBe relevant.The Maxim of MannerBe perspicuous, i.e.(i) Avoid obscurity of expression;(ii) Avoid ambiguity;(iii) Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity);(iv) Be orderly (Grice, 1975: 62-67)Actually, the Cooperative Principle has been widely used. The Cooperative Principle provides a foundation of pragmatic interpretation of humor, of which the flouting of Maxims plays a very important role. People should learn to appreciate humor from the view of the CP on the ground that people often violate the maxim of CP to achieve their purpose in conversation.3.1.2 Nonobservance of the Conversational MaximsAs it should be, if the cooperative principle is strictly used, it will be more convenient and efficient for communicators to obtain the speakers’intended meaning. In fact, while Grice offered CP as an approach to help analyze the conversational implicature, he didn’t mean to establish a standard for obeying, and that is, when people try to complete a smoothinformation exchange through a conversation, they would follow something like the CP in their mind to guide the development of the dialogue. They would like to be honest, helpful communicational partners. However, whether they are ready or not, the reality is that the CP is frequently violated, especially in humorous communication.Grice paid much attention to the conversational implicature generated by flouting the maxims. He thought that when speakers make a quite nonobservance of the maxims, the reason might be a deliberately misleading, a gentle refuse for an invitation of a public activity, or even an ill performance in linguistic knowledge. What is noticeable is the blatant flouting behavior. On this occasion, the hearer should reconsider the possibility that the speaker is using this kind of approach, seemingly failing to obey the CP to reinforce the communicative effect. Following the same pattern, humor is generated.3.2 Interpretation of Humor under the Cooperative PrincipleNon-observation of CP can lead to humorous effect, and people often employ rhetorical devices in creating humor like irony, metaphor, hyperbole, parody, punning. As part of deviation, these rhetorical devices demonstrate one important feature of humuor: being deviant.(Crawford, 2011: 74) According to this theory, the conversational participants normally communicate in a maximally efficient, rational and cooperative way. They should speak sincerely, relevantly and clearly, when providing sufficient information, thus creating four maxims of cooperative principles, i.e. the maxim of quality, the maxim of quantity, the maxim of relevance and the maxim of manner. But in daily communication, the participants often do not conform to cooperative principle and its maxims. They are not always observed in a talking exchange in order to achieve a cheerful atmosphere or to produce humorous effect; the actors or speakers always violate or flout the Cooperative Principle. In such cases, conversational implicature arises, making the formation of humor possible.4. An Interpretation of the Humorous Dialogues in 2 Broke Girls from the Cooperative PrincipleIn this chapter, an case analysis of the realization of humor on the sitcom 2 Broke Girls from the perspective of violat ing Grice’s Cooperative Principle will be analyzed, that is violating the maxim of quantity, violating the maxim of quality, violating the maxim of relevance, and violating the maxim of manner.4.1 Non-observation of the Maxim of QuantityWhen people communicate with others, they try their best to convey proper quantity of information to the addressee in order to express things clearly. Yet on occasion, in daily conversation or in the sitcom’s conversation, it is not very easy to do so. For some reason, the quantity of information may be given too little or too much. According to Grice’s elaboration, observing the maxim, one should ensure that “contribution should provide sufficient, but not too much information”. Both less and more information are provided,humorous effect can be generated. Thus non-observation of maxim of quantity can be divided into two categories: giving information less than required and giving more information than required.(Lin, 2004: 21) The following examples illustrate both cases.4.1.1 Insufficient InformationIn order to keep a conversation smooth, people should provide enough information that is needed. However, people often give less information. Providing insufficient information is another effective way of violating the maxim of quantity to make humorous effect, examples as follows:Caroline: Wait, why would anybody pay that woman so much? What is she saying she has on you?Martin: Well, she is claiming she was fired because she had insider information about the Ponzi scandal, and that we were sleeping together, which we weren’t.Caroline: Of course you weren’t. You would never sleep with someone who wore brown with black together.Max: Man, I haven’t seen this much hatred toward brown and black since the 50s.In this dialogue violates the maxim of quantity. According to the dialogue, the speaker offers insufficient information to express her purpose indirectly. In this case, the “brown and black” literately means “棕色和黑色”, but here, it has its historical background. Since the Bus Boycott in 1955, the black Americans have carried out a series of movements to gain their civil rights and to fight against the Racial Discrimination. So, here the “brown and black” doesn’t refer to someone who wears black and brown, it means the color of skin, so Max turns the topic from the woman who wore brown with black together to the Racial Discrimination, and gains the humorous effects. The audience can’t help laughing in this funny scene. There are too little primary information and too much secondary ones. The key is how to make your contribution appropriate. Compared with too much information, it is easier for speakers to mislead the hearers.4.1.2 Excessive Information“The second sub-maxim of Quantity is ‘not mak ing your contribution more infor mative than is required’.”(Hu, 2010: 159) It is obvious that providing excessive information than is required is unreasonable in a conversation. However, it does occur in conversations produced in reality and this excessive information tends to breed some humor. Examples below interpret this case.The protagonist Max in Broke Girls was the prominent figure to create humorous effect, because she was extremely good at breaking this principle. For example: in Valentine’s Day evening, Max went to visit 75 year-old Earl with other officers, Earl, a black cashier, who was ill in hospital. After some pleasantries between the two, Earl asked Max about her emotional state carefully.Earl: What about you Max? No sweetheart on Valentine'sDay.I worry about you.Be nice if you had someone special.Max: I already do.Earl: Ah,Max,I’m only going to be around another 30 or 40 years. You better widenthe net a bit.In this dialogue, Earl sincerely recommended Max to be tender to her Mr. Right if she met him, as for this concern, Max, whose bark was worse than her bite, and she was reluctant to admit that even if she met her object of affection she would not be brave and obedient to express her feeling, the she took Earl’s hand and said: “I have you already.”Obviously, Max intentionally violated the Quantity principle and didn’t provide Earl with sufficient information about her self emotion, while it made the thing interesting that Earl sincerely thought that she had told him sufficient information, therefore he said: “I only can live 30 or 40 years at the most, therefore you’d better get a bigger net.” Like irony rhetoric device is frequently used for humor caused by flouting the maxim, and hyperbole is a good choice to hit the goal. It is used to express the speaker’s strong feeling. It is obvious that the information is excessive. But it is the excessive information that makes people laugh happily. From this, it could be seen that even though the two sides violated cooperative principle, they both obey the interesting principle of polite principle, which made the oppressive atmosphere become easy and fun.Case 2:Max: Hi, what can I get you? He is obviously good drink-wise.Customer: I will have tea and turkey club.When this scene appeared, all the employees of this restaurant were staring at one pair of customers in the restaurant. This pair of customer was a mother and her child, and the boy was about 7 or 8 years old, but he still wormed himself in his mother’s cloth to drink breast milk. Max took a meal card to walk over and said to them: “What can I do for you? It’s obviously that your son is drinking now.” Arguably, the waiters only need to ask the customer what they wanted, but Max deliberately said another sentence that “your son was already drinking something.”This gave more information that was more than the communication needed, thus it produced a humorous effect.Case 3:Caroline: What is this, a student loan? Oh, my God, Max, you went to college? That wasn’t a judgment. It was just shocking…kind of like seeing a baby smoke on the Internet.Max: I love that kid.When Caroline helped Max arrange the bills she accidentally found Max’s bill of students’ loan, and she was surprised that Max had ever went to college, and Caroline was afraid that Max would misunderstand and she would laugh at Max was not like a scholar, she completed that “I was only shocked, just as surprised as seeing the children’s smoking picture online.” And Max did not want to talk about the bill, so she deliberately changed the topic and said: “I love that child so much.” And this answer had politely told Caroline that she was unwilling to talk anything about the bill, so the audience would laugh heartily because of Max’s unrelated lie. From the pragmatic perspective, it is clear that Caroline’s utterance violates the maxim of quality.4.2 Non-observation of the Maxim of QualityWhen communicators lie purposely or communicate while hiding their intentions, they violate the maxim of quality. This maxim requires us to follow these two rules: “Do not say what you believe to be false”and “Do not say that for which you lack adequateevidence”(Yin, 2011: 278). Examples would be helpful for perceiving how humor works this way.In terms of the maxim of quality, people often mock others by deliberately saying something that they do not believe is true, and two more specific maxims: “do not say what you believe to be false” and “do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.”(Zhou, 2010: 145) In this part, we will pay attention to the humorous languages in the TV series 2 Broke Girls violating the first sub-maxim of quality and the second sub-maxim of quality.4.2.1 Incorrect InformationThis sub-maxim of the maxim of quality requires the speaker should say something honest and do not tell lies. However, in real conversation, people always violate this maxim in order to reach some purposes and convey the hidden meaning and feeling of him or her. Grice points out explicitly that employment of several rhetoric devices, including irony, metaphor, hyperbole and meiosis, typically give rise to the violating of the first sub-maxim of Quality. In the show 2 Broke Girls, there are lots of dialogues display it, to express what people do not believe that is true. Cases as follows:Through exaggeration and irony with corresponding expression, the protagonist in this play violated the authenticity of the statements, thus it produced a comedic effect. Because of the leaving of the former employee, the boss wanted to employ a new person, that was rich lady Caroline who had to work because of her family’s bankruptcy, yet Max, who had been worked here for a long time, wanted to work two jobs in this chance, therefore she was not satisfied about boss’s decision.Case 1:Caroline: Mr. Lee, not to complain, but I think someone wore this uniform before me, like right before me. Is it possible I could get another one? Maybe one that’s a little less moist... I think it is better for everyone, including my immune system, if I just keep on wearing what I’m wearing, and not the apron, cause this is Chanel, so thank you and let’s waitress.Max: Whatever that is, it does not belong in this diner. It belongs in a show on Bravo.The first day when Caroline went to work, she politely said to the boss that she did not want to wear the dirty clothes of the former waiter, in the excuse of her health and her own clothes were in brand of Chanel. Seeing this scene, Max commented: “this restaurant was not suitable for her, who was rich lady, but television was.”And the conversational meaning that was produced in this sentence was: “you should fair her and let me do all the work.”Here Max did not really thought that a so artificial person was suitable for performance, therefore she violated the authenticity principle but she obeyed polite principle at the same time, preventing that if she was too frank to consider boss’s face, thus the comedic effect was produced. The meaning of her utterance is that he cannot understand the major well. This kind of long-winded and confusing talk would drive others mad in some context.4.2.2 Proofless InformationGrice observes that examples in which the second sub-maxim of quality “do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence” is not easy to find(Zhao, 2006: 60). Comparedwith the violating of the first sub-maxim, cases in the sitcom 2 Broke Girls do not occur in a large number.Case 1:Caroline: I was trying to get your T-shirt back. I wanted you to have it, because you lit up at the will when you saw it.Max: I don’t light up, okay? There’s no light inside me. What you’re seeing is probably radiation from the summer I collected uranium tubes by the train tracks. That was good money.In order to help Max re-seize the T-shirt that was robbed off in a secondhand store, she fought with others in a bar, and Max owned that T-shirt, because when Max saw it, her eyes shined. And the following all words of Max violated the Quality principle; it was the words that she even did not believe them for herself, “I will not shine in my easy, because my heart was dark and the light of hope have been put out. The light you see was maybe the left radiation when I collect uranium tube by the railway in a certain summer. And the things make me earn a lot of money.”Max was a sunny and cheerful girl but she was ashamed to show her inner heart, therefore she pretended to be dark in her heart, and also he made up the lies of collecting uranium tubes to make money. So Max’s lies was just the humorous point.Case 2:Max: What do you even have to apologize for?You must have been the easiest birth ever. She could have coughed you into a catcher’s mitt.Han, a short man who was the owner of a fast food shop, after his calling with his mother in Korean, Max and Caroline made a joke of him and said if he was flirting with his girlfriend. Han said, he was not flirting just now but making apology, and my mother was angry that I had left home and went abroad. Max said: “what are you apologizing for? When your mother is angry with you, it should be the time when you are most relaxed, when she gets a cough, she will spray you into a baseball glove”. Even if Han’s figure was so undersized, his mother was impossible to give birth by coughing. Here Max exaggerated Han’s birth and violated the Quality principle, thus the audience could feel a sense of humor from this.4.3 Non-observation of the Maxim of RelationThe relation maxim refers to both the two sides of conversation should focus on the same topic, and in the definite place, the two sides of conversation must have the common intention for realization, it should not be self-contradictory. But sometimes the speaker will follow the conversation of the opposite side and wittily uses “intention” to misunderstand, thus it violates Relation maxim and produces ambiguity, which will produce the ridiculous and humorous effect.(Tang & Zhou, 2013: 67)In a conversation, generally, speakers and listeners are supposed to speak something relevant in order to ensure the conversation could continue smoothly, that is the maxim of relevance. While conversations flout this maxim in real to contribute to the humor. In the sitcom 2 Broke Girls, some cases illustrate it:The characters in 2 Broke Girls will intentionally get ride of the current context and。
