The role type of Peking Opera
生(male roles):(1) 老生(middle-aged or old men) (2) 小生(young men) (3) 武生(men with martial skills)
旦(female roles): (1) 青衣(a woman with a strict moral code) (2) 花旦(Young girl) (3) 老旦( an elderly woman)
General treacherous court official said the types of facial makeup in operas WHITE, bad guys, such as Xu jia,Caocao
Beijing opera is a traditional fortune of our country. Though it is difficult to perform, we can enjoy it if it is reformed .
净(roles with painted faces): (1)文净(civilian type) (2)武u or clown (a comic character ): (1)文丑(civilian clown) (2)武丑(clown with martial skills)
The development of Beijing Opera
Opera Rock
Han Diao
Kunqu Opera
Beijing Opera is a comprehensive performing arts. That is, sing, read and do, fight, dance.
Huangmei Opera features folk songs that are graceful and sweet-sounding. Three types of music are used: coloratura(花腔 ), character songs and basic tunes. The 104 coloratura tunes are taken from folk songs, teapicking songs and other ditties. Since Huangmei Opera music is light and lyrical, a good performer must be skilled in performing such a style.
Huangmei Opera
Who knows the five famous operas?
1. The Shaoxing Opera(越剧)
2. Beijing Opera(京剧)
3. Pinglu(评剧) 4. Hunan Opera(豫剧) 5. Huangmei Opera(黄梅戏)
Huangmei costumes are generally
less extravagant(奢华的) compared
to the other Chinese opera branches.
There is usually a greater emphasis
on the singing than the display.
Huangmei Opera
欣赏黄梅戏经典剧目《天 仙配》中的精彩唱段,感 受其优美的旋律和深刻的 情感内涵。
聆听黄梅戏传统剧目《女 驸马》中的经典唱段,体 验其独特的艺术魅力和文 化内涵。
欣赏黄梅戏现代剧目《牛 郎织女》中的感人唱段, 了解其如何运用传统艺术 形式表现现代题材。
服饰和道具的变化往往与剧情的发展密切 相关,它们的变化能够提示观众剧情的转 折和高潮的到来。
精美的服饰和道具能够增强黄梅戏的艺术 感染力,使观众在欣赏表演的同时,也能 感受到中国传统文化的魅力。
一些电影制作公司专门拍摄黄梅戏电影,通过现代化的拍摄手法和 技巧,将黄梅戏呈现给更广泛的观众。
黄梅戏的表演艺术和影视艺术相结合,创造出具有独特魅力的影视 作品,推动黄梅戏的传承和发展。
在旅游景区开展黄梅戏演艺项目,让游客在欣赏美景的同 时,也能感受到黄梅戏的艺术魅力。
组织游客参与黄梅戏文化体验活动,如学唱黄梅戏、穿戴 黄梅戏服饰等,让游客更加深入地了解黄梅戏文化。
开发具有黄梅戏元素的旅游纪念品,如黄梅戏脸谱、黄梅 戏邮票等,让游客在旅游过程中留下美好的回忆。
Huangmei Opera(一)Huangmei Opera was formed in the 18th century, when Chinese local operas were flourishing. Originally it was a combination of local folk songs, dances and some widely spread ancient operas. Bordering on Anhui Province, Huangmei in Hubei is a count famous for its tea and tea-picking songs, from which Huangmei Opera got its original name, "tea-picking tunes" or "tea-picking opera".Before 1949, rivers and lakes often flooded, and the displaced victims had to seek refuge in neighboring provinces. Thus Hubei's Huangmei Opera was brought to Anhui by victims of flood and famine. It developed from folk tunes to short operas and complete dramas. Nowadays, the lively short operas, called "everyday shows", are still performed frequently. Even "big plays" are almost always about folk life. The performers manage to infuse simple humour into plays about the privileged, so that audiences see a down-to-earth way of life in all the 72 short plays and 36 full-length dramas that have accumulated.From the time when Huangmei Opera earned its initial popularity in the rural areas, it had a long way to go from recreational activity there to professional performances in the cities. It began as a diversion acted by and for peasants and artisans, usually at festivals and special solar times (the 24 weather-oriented divisions of the year).As time went by, seasonal, semi-professional groups appeared, and they had to perform together with troupes specializing in more popular forms like Beijing Opera and Anhui Opera. Not until 1926, 140 years after its advent, did the Huangmei Opera manage to reach Anqing, then the capital of Anhui Province. It appeared in Shanghai in 1934, but only on the cheap stages of the city's poor quarters, where it was denounced as "bawdy entertainment" and where its unfortunate performers were harried by the local authorities.Since 1949, with the support of the government, the Huangmei Opera has bloomed like a wildflower. In particular, the Anhui Provincial Huangmei Opera Troupe's "The Heavenly Maid and the Mortal" began a new epoch in its history. Though the play was a traditional favourite, the troupe revised the script, music and make up.The opera tells how the Jade Emperor of Heaven has seven daughters, the youngest of whom, the ravishingly beautiful Seventh Fairy Maiden, daringly flees down to the world in search of a love of her own choosing, and marries Dong Yong, an honesr, kind-hearted serf, in defiance of her father. She makes the cruel landlord shorten Dong Yong's three years' indenture to 100 days, but just as they are leaving to set up their own home, the Jade Emperor has her snatched back to heaven, breaking up the happy couple. Pregnant and indignant, she writes a letter in her own blood to Dong, vowing, "When next spring comes and the flowers bloom, your son shall be yours beneath the scholar trees."The moving plot, beautiful music and excellent singing made the play a household work. It was filmed in 1956, when there were few opera films, and given 150,000 domestic showings, alsotravelling to a dozen or so places abroad, so that the obscure wildflower became a masterpiece admired by thousands. The success owed much to the work of renowned performers, among them Yan Fengying, a country girl from Luojialing in Tongcheng County, Anhui Province. A versatile performer who played a variety of roles, she died young, a great loss to the profession. Anqing City put up a statue of Yan Fengying as Seventh Fairy Maiden in one of its parks.The music of Huangmei Opera is its essential attraction. Three kinds of music are used: coloratura, character songs and basic tunes. The 104 coloratura tunes are taken from folk songs, tea-picking songs and other ditties. A short opera usually has its own features, whose name is often the title of the piece, which may owe most of its popularity to the tune. The music of Huangmei Opera is light and lyrical, so a good performer must have facility in this style. Singing is not only the main approach to characterization but also makes Huangmei Opera distinctive stylistically and musically.Huangmei Opera is easy to understand and learn, thanks to its lyrical tunes, simple words and literary tradition. Like other Chinese local operas, Huangmei Opera also used local dialect, in this case that of Huangmei and Anqing, where the opera originated and matured. The language is a mixture of northern and southern and therefore easy for others to imitate while remaining pleasant to native ears. This was conducive to the spread of Huangmei Opera. Its local flavour and folk style are most vividly revealed in its original and lively dialogue, both spoken and sung.Passion, natural and simple, is what makes Huangmei Opera an enduring drama appreciated by all.During the First China Shakespeare Festival in 1986, audiences both at home and abroad watched with respect and inteest an adaptation of Shakespeare's "Much Ado about Nothing" presented by the Anhui Provincial Huangmei Opera Troupe. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher sent a message of congratulation to Cao Yu, chairman of the Chinese Dramatists' Association, suggesting that Shakespeare would have been greatly amused by the imaginative representation.(二)Huangmei Opera is a major Chinese local opera popular in Anhui Province, dating back to some 200 years. Originally known as "Huangmei Melody" or "Tea-Picking Opera", the opera is evolved from Huangmei tea-picking tunes based folk songs and dances.The operatic tunes of Huangmei Opera are mostly lyrical, with a lingering charm, very beautiful sounding. There are two major types of tunes: ordinary tunes and florid ornamentations. Ordinary tunes are mainly used in the major sections of the opera to express emotions and tell the story in great length; florid ornamentations are mostly folk songs and tunes. Originally, the key accompaniment instrument was gaohu. Other traditional musical instruments and gongs and drums were also used to make a good effect. Later, a mixed band of Chinese and western musical instruments was introduced. In terms of the performing art of the opera, emphasis has been paid to make the opera close to daily life. The art is well positioned to get across the idea contained in the movements and to express delicate feelings of the characters, as well.There's a wide range of plays in Huangmei Opera. Some portray people airing their grievancesand looking ahead to a bright future and some depict daily rural life. Well known Huangmei Opera plays like Dongyong and Fairy, Emperor's Female Son-in-Law and The Cowherd and The Weaving Girl have been made into movies, causing great impact at home and abroad. Noted Huangmei Opera artists include Yan Fengying, Wang Shaofang, Wu Qiong and Ma Lan etc.(三)Huangmei Opera, an Enduring Folk Art of ChinaHuangmei Opera, also called Huangmei Tune or Caicha Opera, is one of the most noted traditional operas in China among Peking Opera, Shaoxing Opera, Ping Opera and Henan Opera.Huangmei Opera was originated in Huangmei County in Hubei province during the 18th century when Chinese local operas were flourishing. After Huangmei Opera was introduced to Anhui province, it became popular in Anqing County and other neighboring provinces. Nowadays, this opera has grown into a professional performance art in both rural and urban areas, and has become a recreational activity for millions of people.Origin and Development of Huangmei OperaThe Huangmei Opera was derived from the Caicha Tune, meaning tea-picking songs, a type of song that people sang while picking tea. It is a combination of local folk songs, dances, and some widespread ancient operas. As Anhui and Hubei are situated next to each other, Huangmei Opera of Hubei Province was brought to Anhui.Once performed frequently in villages and towns by small groups of local people, Huangmei Opera grew increasingly popular. It developed from folk tunes into short dramas and even completes theatrical works, which can be performed on stage and as TV series.With the support from the government, Huangmei Opera has blossomed since 1949. It has gradually developed from Chinese traditional folk tales to a more diversified opera genre incorporating other opera styles. Nowadays, the lively short operas, called everyday shows, are still performed frequently. Even "big plays" are almost always about folk life. The performers infuse simple humor into all of the 72 short plays and 36 full-length dramas about the privileged life for a down-to-earth element.Huangmei Opera has spread its fame both at home and abroad with its sweet melodies, lyrics, graceful sounds, movements, beautiful costumes and sets. Huangmei Opera’s fans can be found not only in Chinese mainland but also in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, and even Europe.Characteristics of Huangmei OperaThe costumes of Huangmei Opera contain a distinctive Chinese ancient taste. During the performing process of Huangmei Opera, artists always wear ancient-style garments. Since the contents of the opera are often varied, costumes and sets change according to the opera’s socialenvironment and customs. In some modern Huangmei Operas, artists simply wear ordinary clothes when performing the modern plays.Huangmei Opera music features folk songs that are graceful, sweet-sounding, light, and lyrical. Three types of music are used: coloratura, character songs, and basic tunes. The 104 coloratura tunes are taken from folk songs, tea-picking songs, and other types of songs. Huangmei Opera is easy to understand and learn due to its lyrical tunes, simple words, and literary tradition. Like other Chinese local operas, Huangmei Opera also adopts the local dialect. Since the language is a mixture of northern and southern styles, it is therefore easy to imitate and is pleasant to native ears. Its local flavor and folk style are most vividly revealed in its original and lively dialogue, which is both spoken and sung.Passion, simplicity and purity is what makes Huangmei Opera an enduring drama appreciated by all.。
课程内容涵盖黄梅戏历史、表演技巧、唱腔艺术等方面, 教学方法包括理论讲授、实践演出、工作坊等多种形式。
高校黄梅戏课程师资力量雄厚,多数教师具有专业背景和 丰富的教学经验。学生反馈积极,普遍认为通过学习对黄 梅戏有了更深入的了解和喜爱。
03 黄梅戏经典剧目赏析
讲述了七仙女与董永的爱情故事。七仙女私下凡尘,与董永结为夫妻,共同度 过了一段美好时光。然而,最终被玉帝拆散,七仙女被迫返回天庭,留下了一 段凄美的传说。
该剧以黄梅戏独特的唱腔和表演形式,展现了浓郁的地方特色。剧情紧凑、人 物形象鲜明,音乐旋律优美动听,表演技巧高超,是黄梅戏中的经典之作。
讲述了冯素贞与李兆廷的爱情故事。冯素贞女扮男装中状元 ,被皇家招为驸马,却深爱着李兆廷。最终,在经历一系列 波折后,二人终成眷属。
该剧以黄梅戏为载体,展现了女性在古代社会中的坚韧与智 慧。剧情跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,人物形象栩栩如生,音乐唱 腔婉转悠扬,表演技巧精湛绝伦。
黄梅戏借助数字化技术,将传统艺术与现代科技相结合,通过网络 直播、短视频等形式进行传播和推广。
黄梅戏在保持传统艺术精髓的同时,不断创新表达方式,如将传统剧 目改编为现代舞台剧、音乐剧等形式,以吸引更多年轻观众。
06 黄梅戏在校园推广与教育实践
中国传统文化传承黄 梅戏科普介绍PPT图
The legend of Xing Xiuniang
The huangmei opera TV play is based on the novel by huangmei myth writer Zhou Zhuojie ; the novel the huangmei opera first generation-with master xing niang legend" adaptation. The play on May 8, 2010-huangmei county in huangmei opera birthplace It is reported, the TV series "huangmei opera master legend" with 20 sets
Class report
Who knows the five famous operas ?
shaoxing opera (越剧) Beijing Opera (京剧) PingJu (评剧) Hunan opera(豫剧) Huangmei opera(黄梅戏)
Thank you
the winters-sweet ofJin dynasty (蔡山晋梅)
Which is located in the mountain of Cai,near the temple of Jiangxin.It is said to be plant by ZhiDun in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and now held twice a year .It is the only one in our country. It has 1660 years history since jin dynasty and is the China and the world's oldest plum flower and is one of China's four big old plum flowers, is a national treasure 值。
夫妻双双把家还 (husband and wife return home together)
树上的鸟儿成双对 With pairs of birds singing on the tree 绿水青山带笑颜 So green rivers and mounts look great
随手摘下花一朵 Picking a flower off conveniently 我与娘子戴发间 I put it in my dear’s chignon affectionately
从今再不受那奴役苦 From
now on being of enslaving-free 夫妻双双把家还 My wife and I are on the way home free
你我好比鸳鸯鸟 Couple
of us is just like that of mandarin ducks 比翼双飞在人间 Flying wing to wing in the people’s world with good luck
你耕田来我织布 You
may plough and I will make some twater you do some watering while
寒窑虽破能避风雨 Being
so humble, our house can keep out wind 夫妻恩爱苦也甜 A loving couple regards poverty as honey to drink
The Origin and History of Chinese Drama
Chinese drama has a long history, dating back to the Tang Dynasty It originated from the folk songs and dances, and later developed into various forms of drama, such as Peking Opera, Kunqu Opera, and Cantonese Opera
Sichuan Opera
Sichuan Opera is a local opera genre in Sichuan Province, China It is known for its liveliness and vivo performance style, humous dialogues, and unique local flavor
Yu Opera
Yu Opera is a local opera genre in Shandong Province, China It is known for its simple and best performance style, strong folk flavor, and unique local dialect performance
In modern times, Chinese drama has been continuously innovating and developing It not only inherits the session of traditional drama, but also integrates modern performing arts and technologies to create new forms and styles
术 语 称 黑 三 。
都 用 本 嗓 ( 真 嗓 ) 老 生
髯 口 。 老 生 主 要 扮 演
须 生 , 正 生 , 或 胡 子 生
中 国 戏 曲 三
锣 鼓 等 伴 奏 ,
腔 调 以 西 皮 、
剧 , 中 国 五
凤冠霞衣,眉目掩去,大红幔布扯开一出折子戏。听一唱三叹,观水袖纷扬,半 面妆、胭脂烫,低眉顺眼一曲浅唱婉转,一书一扇一院花草人间。
汇报人:某某某 时间:XX年XX月
顾我,我就是现代版的阿廖沙!曾近无数次,我的心, 那早已疲惫不堪的心,发出一声声忠实的劝告:累了, 就躺下来,休息,休息吧!可是我却怎么也倒不下去, 我的意志,我的信念,我的倔强,我的愤怒,我的躯体, 我的一切的一切,都绝不肯倒下! 我很小的时候便 开始缝补自己破旧的衣服,因为我知道,我那个疯子般 的的外婆不会帮助我! 我很小的时候便开始学会把 奖状藏起来,因为我知道,我那个疯子般的的外婆不会 肯定我! 我
Introduction of operas in different period
Yuan Dynasty
1、Definition: Yuan zaju(元杂剧) were poetic and musical dramas,
in four (or, occasionally, five) acts, with the "act" defined as a set of songs following and completing a certain musical modal progression The zaju featured particular specialized roles for performers, such as Dan (旦, dàn, female), Sheng (生, shēng, male), Hua (花, huā, painted-face) and Chou (丑, chŏu, clown).
The Development of Chinese Opera
Famous works: 窦娥冤(关汉 卿)、汉宫秋(马致远)
Extension phase: In Ming dynasty, Kunqu grew up on the regions south of Yangtze River(江南).
The Development of Chinese Opera
Forming stage: Primitive society (to satisfy people’s spiritual need)
Booming period: In Yuan dynasty, commercial and professional performing group emerged.
传统文化艺术黄梅戏介绍PPT课件contents •黄梅戏概述•黄梅戏表演艺术•黄梅戏经典剧目赏析•黄梅戏传承与发展现状•黄梅戏在现代社会中的影响与应用•总结与展望目录01黄梅戏概述定义与起源黄梅戏,原名黄梅调、采茶戏等,起源于湖北黄梅,发展壮大于安徽安庆。
Huangmei Opera
Huangmei Opera(or Huangmei tone) originated as a form of rural folksong and dance that has been in existence for the last 200 years and possibly longer. Huangmei opera is one of the most famous and mainstream opera in China.
Huangmei Opera features folk songs that are graceful and sweet-sounding. Three types of music are used: coloratura(花腔), character songs and basic tunes. The 104 coloratura tunes are taken from folk songs, teapicking songs and other ditties. Since Huangmei Opera music is light and lyrical, a good performer must be skilled in performing such a style.
traditional Chinese opera attire.
The classical Huangmei Opera
The classical Huangmei Opera
Current situation
Nowadays, Huangmei Opera is mainly popular in Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei provinces, and some of its famous actors and actresses include Yan Fengying, Wang Shaofang and Pan Jingli. The opera has also spread its fame both home and abroad with its sweet melodies and lyrics, graceful sounds and movements, and beautiful costumes and sets Huangmei fans can be found not only on the Chinese mainland but also inHong Kong,Macao,Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, and even Eurostumes are generally less extravagant(奢华的) compared to the other Chinese opera branches. There is usually a greater emphasis on the singing than the display. In Hong Kong there is not necessarily a requirement to wear any
黄梅戏作为中国传统戏曲的重要 组成部分,对戏曲艺术的发展做
黄梅戏作为安徽地区的代表性剧 种,对于传承和弘扬地域文化具
黄梅戏通过其独特的艺术魅力, 传递了积极向上的价值观念,对
讲述了冯素贞与李兆廷的爱情故事。冯素贞为救李兆廷而女扮男装中状元,却被皇家招为 驸马。在洞房之夜,冯素贞向公主吐露真情,最终得到公主的同情和帮助,与爱人团聚。
黄梅戏的主奏乐器是高胡,又称 “赣胡”,具有独特的音色和演 奏技巧,是黄梅戏音乐的核心。
黄梅戏乐队一般由高胡、二胡、 琵琶、扬琴、笛子等乐器组成, 根据剧目和唱腔的需要,乐队编 制会有所调整。
黄梅戏的唱腔伴奏以高胡为主,其他乐器为辅,通过丰富的和声和织体变化,为 唱腔提供有力的支持。
黄梅戏的服饰华丽多彩, 化妆注重突出人物性格和 身份特征。
黄梅戏展现了湖北、安徽等地 的地域文化特色,包括方言、
黄梅戏中蕴含着丰富的儒家思 想,如忠孝节义、仁爱礼制等
中国戏曲介绍 英文课件
Ping Opera评剧
Ping Opera is a traditional opera widely popular in Beijing, Tianjin, North and Northeast China. It is especially good at reflecting life of urban people and has gained great favor from people both in rural and urban areas. Classic plays include Flower, a Matchmaker《花为媒》and Du Shi Niang《杜十娘》, to name just a few. Representative performers are Xiao Bai Yushuang(小白玉霜)and Xin Fengxia (新风霞).
Shandong bangzi (Shandong)
Shanxi bangzi (Shanxi)
Southern (main )
Cantonese opera (Guangdong) Chaozhou opera Ganju/Yiyangqiang (Jiangxi) Huju (Shanghai) Kunqu Liyuan opera Puppet opera Shaoxing opera/Yueju (Zhejiang) Suzhou opera (Suzhou) Taiwanese opera Wuju (Jinhua)
Beijing Opera (京剧)
Beijing Opera, once called 'Peking Opera', is the most influential and representative of all operas in China and has a history of over 200 years.
Discover the power of Huaju, or spoken drama, and its significant role in Chinese theater.
Uncover the enchanting world of Chuanqi, or Daoist Opera, with its unique themes and stories.
1 Significance and Influence
Reflect on the significance and enduring influence of Chinese drama worldwide.
2 The Future
Explore the future of Chinese drama and the importance of its continued appreciation and promotion.
中国戏剧是世界上最古老、最丰富多样的戏剧形式之一。本课件将介绍中国 戏剧的发展历程、特点和具有代表性的戏剧作家及作品。
Introduction to Chinese Drama
1 Brief History
Explore the rich history of Chinese drama, from its origins to the present day.
Influence of Western Drama
Discover how We development of Huaju.
Famous Playwrights
Learn about renowned playwrights and their influential works in Huaju.
The representative works
Nu fu ma jin dian ming yuan(女驸马)
GoddessΒιβλιοθήκη Marriage (天仙配)Yan Fengying(严凤 英)
Ma Lan (马兰)
Han Zaifen(韩再 芬)
The present situation
The present situation of Huangmei Opera is not very good.Just like the other chinese opera,Huangmei opera has some troubles. Less and less young people like to enjoy the opera.And young actors are likely to change their careers because of low wages.
• Huangmei Opera was derived from "Caicha Tune", the folk ditties people sang while picking tea. It is a combination of local folk songs, dances and some widespread ancient operas. Bordering on Anhui Province, Huangmei County in Hubei Province is famous for its tea and tea-picking songs; it is also where Huangmei Opera got its original name -- "Caicha Opera" • Before 1949, rivers and lakes in Anhui Province were often flooded and the displaced victims had to seek refuge in neighboring provinces. As a result, Huangmei Opera of Hubei Province was brought to Anhui by victims of flood and famine. • Performed frequently in villages and towns by small groups of local people, Huangmei Opera grew increasingly popular. It developed from folk tunes into short dramas and even complete theatrical works, which can be performed on stage and as TV series.
Joker is a man who is always ugly and gags(插科打诨)to adjust good atmosphere.
Hualian often acts as a bad person.
Singing (唱腔)
The huangmei opera advocates the three types of singing,which are the coloratura(花 腔),chai tune(彩腔),basic tune(主 调).Huangmei opera with lyric(抒情), rich flavor,and simple,pure ,fresh, and delicate singing,has the rich expressive force,and is easy to understand and spread , for which it is deeply loved by people around.
• Character Singing Costume
Huadan acts as a girl or a young woman who is lovely and amorous.Huadan is demanded to pay attention to singing and playing equally and her voice must be sweet.
Thank you for listening.
Zhendan acts as a womon who is grave and respectful. Zhengdan’s performance should be modest and her singing is very important.
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Xiaosheng acts as a young man who often takes a folding fan(折 扇).
Zhengsheng is also called guanxu(挂 须).Zhengsheng is required that his singing should be good and his diction should be clear.
• Character Singing Costume
Huadan acts as a girl or a young woman who is lovely and amorous.Huadan is demanded to pay attention to singing and playing equally and her voice must be sweet.
Costumes in Huangmei opera are a continuation of Han nationality traditional clothing,which are generally less extravagant compared to the other Chinese opera branches but more beautiful,elegant.
Zhendan acts as a womon who is grave and respectful. Zhengdan’s performance should be modest and her singing is very important.
Old dan(老旦)
Joker is a man who is always ugly and gags(插科打诨)to adjust good atmosphere.
Hualian often acts as a bad person.
Singing (唱腔)
The huangmei opera advocates the three types of singing,which are the coloratura(花 腔),chai tune(彩腔),basic tune(主 调).Huangmei opera with lyric(抒情), rich flavor,and simple,pure ,fresh, and delicate singing,has the rich expressive force,and is easy to understand and spread , for which it is deeply loved by people around.
Thank you for listening.