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Analysis of cost management of Quanjude catering enterprises


The catering industry is a long history of service industry. After there form,changingwith the improvement of people's living standard and consumption mode, catering industry is entering a period of rapid development, the great vitality of the market appeared at the beginning of the diet. Due to the production of Chinese food with strong subjectivity and arbitrariness, which makes the problem of cost management more and more prominent, at present, the situation of economic globalization is more and more serious, catering industry is facing tremendous pressure of competition, in order to survive and develop in the current competitive market environment, have good judgement on product needs. Nowadays, mechanization and mechanization of the environment, increase the cost of manufacturing a The indirect cost expenditure, the traditional cost accounting method has no reaction products in the production process to clear place. It is difficult to meet the needs of scientific management of catering enterprises. And in the activity-based costing system makes cost accounting more accurate, more conducive to the correct decision-making, improve the production process, is conducive to enhancing the efficiency, gain more benefits, promote the sustainable development of enterprises.

Key words: Food beverage industry cost management activity based costing accuracy


摘要.................................................................................................................... ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... I 1绪论 0

1.1本文的研究背景和研究意义 0

1.1.1题目背景 0

1.1.2研究意义 0

1.2国内外研究现状 0

1.2.1国内研究情况 0

1.2.2国外研究情况 (1)

1.3研究思路和内容,研究方法 (1)

1.3.1研究思路 (1)

1.3.2研究方法 (2)

1.3.3研究方案 (2)

2 餐饮企业成本管理相关理论分析 (3)

2.1成本管理基本概念 (3)

2.2 作业成本法和核算过程 (3)

2.2.1作业成本法概念 (3)

2.2.2作业成本法核算过程 (5)

3 全聚德公司成本管理中存在的问题 (7)

3.1 全聚德公司简介 (7)

3.2餐饮行业成本管理特点与内容 (7)

3.2.1餐饮行业成本管理特点 (7)

3.2.2餐饮成本管理的主要内容 (7)

3.3全聚德企业成本管理现状 (8)

3.3.1全聚德企业组织结构 (8)

3.3.2无法提供准确的成本数据 (9)

3.3.3产品或合同决策困难 (9)

3.3.4存在因低效率而产生的非增值作业,影响企业效率 (9)

4 全聚德餐饮公司成本管理产生问题的原因 (10)

4.1全聚德订单成本在传统成本体系和作业成本体系的差异分析 (10)

4.2存货积压,占资金流动空间大 (11)

4.3采购环节控制机制不完善 (12)

4.4材料浪费毁损大,领料制度性不强 (12)

5 全聚德餐饮公司成本管理改进方案及建议 (13)
