例如装置了主动悬架的法国雪铁龙桑蒂雅,该车悬架系统的中枢是一个微电脑,悬架上有5 种传感器,分别向微电脑传送车速、前轮制动压力、踏动油门踏板的速度、车身垂直方向的振幅及频率、转向盘角度及转向速度等数据。
汽车毕业实习报告参考文献汽车毕业实习报告一、参考文献1. 豪迈秋. “汽车车身涂装工艺的优化研究”[D].海南大学硕士论文, 2018.本文主要研究了汽车车身涂装工艺的优化。
2. 铃林相夫. “汽车发动机热效率提高研究”[D].东京大学博士论文, 2019.该论文探讨了如何提高汽车发动机的热效率。
3. 翟明. “电动汽车充电技术综述”[J].汽车工程师, 2017(3): 34-39.该文综述了电动汽车充电技术的发展现状和研究进展。
4. 彭丽萍. “汽车制动系统的性能分析与优化设计”[D].北京交通大学博士论文, 2016.本文研究了汽车制动系统的性能分析与优化设计。
5. 马克思. “汽车底盘悬挂系统的动力学仿真与优化设计”[J].机械科学与技术, 2018, 37(9): 155-162.该文通过动力学仿真和优化设计方法,研究了汽车底盘悬挂系统的优化设计。
6. 张云. “汽车电子控制系统的研究与开发”[D].华东理工大学硕士论文, 2017.本文主要研究了汽车电子控制系统的开发和应用。
7. 刘海洋. “汽车底盘系统设计与改进”[J].汽车工程, 2017(5): 37-43.该文通过对汽车底盘系统的设计和改进,提高了汽车的操控性和舒适性。
四、车辆安全与 pass:通过减伤技术车辆安全一直是汽车工程的重要研究方向之一,相关文献综述主要涉及车辆碰撞安全的 pass:防护设计、 pass:改善车辆结构强度、车辆安全 pass:气囊技术、主动安全系统等。
五、车辆 aerodynamics:空气动力学与降低 aerodynamics:气动阻力的研究车辆 aerodynamics:空气动力学在改善车辆性能和降低 aerodynamics:气动阻力方面起着重要的作用。
文献综述的内容主要包括车辆aerodynamics:空气动力学优化设计的方法、减少 aerodynamics:气动阻力的新技术、车辆 aerodynamics:空气动力学模拟与测试等。
在换道预警系统中,越线时间TLC 是一个重要的评价指标,TLC 可以预测驾驶人换道意图和预先告知车辆距车道线的越线时间。
这样,在换道预警系统中,假若设定一个TLC 阈值,当动态TLC 预测值小于这个阈值时,可以给驾驶人以警告,告知此时采取的是换道操作行为,这样可以避免有些驾驶人注意力不集中或者疲倦所导致的非故意车道偏离行为。
同时,TLC 指标还可以联合TTC 指标实现换道预警。
目前大部分换道预警只单纯的采用了TTC 这个指标,当驾驶人没有采取换道操作行为时,如果邻近车道出现障碍物,一旦检测到的TTC 小于设定的TTC 阈值,换道预警系统也会认定此时存在危险而出现误警的情形。
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需要联系:二、论文参考题目1 汽车膜片弹簧式离合器参数化建模研究2 汽车鼓式制动器参数化建模研究3 汽车盘式制动器参数化建模研究4 汽车主减速器参数化建模研究5 汽车变速器参数化建模研究6 汽车差速器参数化建模研究7 基于space claim的装载机有限元分析8 基于space claim的载货车车架有限元分析9 基于有限元法的汽车平顺性研究10 三轮车车架有限元分析11 行星齿轮式动态转向机构设计12 六轴汽车全轴转向系统设计13 基于EX1629的结构应变测量技术研究——温度与导线电阻补偿14 基于EX1629的结构应变测量技术研究——桥路选择与电磁屏蔽15 越障无碳小车设计——势能平稳驱动机构16 越障无碳小车设计——可调越障机构17 越障无碳小车设计——驱动越障联动机构18 DB200水稻机传动系统建模与强度分析19 DB200水稻机变速箱壳体建模与强度分析20 汽车平顺性动力学建模与仿真方法研究21 汽车操纵稳定性动力学建模与仿真方法研究22 齿轮啮合刚度与啮合应力分析23 拖拉机驾驶室室内声场分析与吸声设计24 拖拉机驾驶室室外声场分析与隔声设计25 拖拉机驾驶室声固耦合模态分析26 拖拉机散热器散热特性分析与优化27 拖拉机散热器声学特性分析与优化28 拖拉机驾驶员座椅的变刚度减振设计29 拖拉机驾驶室动力学分析与悬置优化30 虚拟危险场景的设计研究31 辅助驾驶车辆的多级碰撞预警分析----制动32 辅助驾驶车辆的多级碰撞预警分析----转向33 手机接听对驾驶安全的影响分析34 铲雪车的机构设计35 铲雪车的运动学仿真36 利用三维软件(SOLIDWORK)对悬挂杆件运动仿真及优化设计37 利用三维软件(SOLIDWORK)实现拖拉机部件三维虚拟装配38 拖拉机整体车架有限元受力分析及优化设计39 汽车整车仿真中焊点模拟方法的对比研究40 前保险杠碰撞仿真及其轻量化研究41 轿车侧面碰撞仿真及B柱轻量化研究42 基于低速碰撞的轿车后部安全性分析及其轻量化43 汽车前纵梁碰撞吸能特性及其轻量化研究44 基于行人保护的轿车前部结构优化研究45 货车后下部防护装置碰撞仿真及其轻量化研究46 汽车平顺性及其仿真47 汽车操纵稳定性及其仿真48 基于四自由度模型的汽车制动盘和摩擦片的振动特性及影响因素分析;49 汽车制动颤振的试验及数据处理;50 汽车室内噪声分析及其控制51 基于二自由度自激振动模型的汽车制动颤振的机理及影响因素分析52 汽车纵向动力学仿真及其控制53 管道有源消声的算法研究54 随机输入下汽车双质量飞轮减振器的减振隔振特性分析55 拖拉机检测试验系统在生产实际中的应用56 汽车转向梯形的优化设计(在熟悉相关知识的基础上,要建模仿真)57 计算机辅助汽车综合性能测试(已有硬件,需要编程序实现相关功能)58 xPC在电动转向试验台的应用(已有硬件,在熟悉相关知识的基础上,需要编程序实现)59 汽车齿轮齿条式转向系统设计(主要就是机械设计,要进行机械制图以及相关计算)60 汽车电动助力转向装置设计(主要就是机械设计,要进行机械制图以及相关计算)61 汽车循环球式转向器的设计(主要就是机械设计,要进行机械制图以及相关计算)62 汽车转向测试仪的结构设计(主要偏向机械设计、传感器选型,有类似实物参考)63 基于NEC单片机的转向测试仪的数据采集系统设计(主要偏向单片机和电路设计)64 基于FreeScale单片机的转向测试仪的数据采集系统设计(主要偏向单片机和电路设计)65 基于单片机的汽车综合性能实验数据采集系统设计(主要偏向单片机和电路设计)66 轿车发动机罩逆向设计及冲压成型仿真67 轿车车门逆向设计及冲压仿真分析68 轿车排气系统流畅的数值模拟69 轿车排气系统设计及分析70 轿车排气系统的声振特性研究71 轿车驻车制动脚操纵机构设计及性能分析72 轿车驻车制动手操纵机构设计及性能分析73 副车架设计分析74 车内空气质量检测及评价方法研究75 拖拉机覆盖件造型设计76 基于期望横摆角速度增益的线控转向系统可变传动比研究77 基于转向灵敏度的线控转向系统可变传动比研究78 电动助力转向系统仿真研究79 线控转向系统仿真研究80 线控转向系统路感模拟研究81 基于ADAMS的装载机前后工作装置动力学分析82 基于ADAMS的装载机前后车架动力学分析83 挖掘机工作装置有限元分析及结构优化84 叉车车架有限元分析及结构优化85 拖拉机整体车架有限元分析86 轻卡前围造型设计87 轻卡侧围设计88 轻卡前围设计89 轻卡顶盖与后围设计90 轿车后备箱设计91 轿车侧围设计92 大客车车身设计93 轿车顶盖、机罩设计94 基于VSA的前保险杠公差分配优化设计95 通过离散点云搜索指定点算法优化96 汽车保险杠设计及注塑成型的数值模拟97 含发动机舱的汽车流场数值模拟98 基于CFD的汽车外流场数值模拟及车身造型优化99 微型纯电动汽车动力性能参数匹配及仿真研究100 微型汽车混合动力系统的匹配101 汽车稳定性控制的基理分析与性能仿真(ESP控制策略研究)102 载货车制动不协调问题分析及解决103 基于点云的车身细分算法研究104 基于逆向工程的汽车驾驶室曲面逆向重构及结构设计105 四轮电动汽车曲面造型设计106 弱混合动力汽车爪极式电励磁起动发电机起动控制技术107 弱混合动力汽车四相双凸极无刷电机起动控制技术108 弱混合动力汽车皮带驱动永磁起动机及其控制109 增程式电动汽车四相双凸极无刷发电机结构设计110 电动汽车驱动用开关磁阻电机及新型控制技术111 电动汽车新型驱动电机容错技术112 汽车新型交流发电机参数设计与优化113 汽车用五相双凸极无刷发电机结构设计114 汽车新型永磁与电磁混合励磁发电机设计与仿真115 斯太尔汽车开关磁阻发电机设计及新型控制技术116 电动厢式运输车结构参数匹配设计117 电动载货汽车轻量化设计118 电动汽车永磁轮毂式驱动电机设计与有限元分析119 电动汽车用直流驱动电机参数设计与优化120 电动汽车增程器永磁与电磁混合励磁发电机设计121 汽车用双径向永磁与凸极电磁混合励磁发电装置设计122 轻型汽车用飞轮式永磁增速发电机设计与稳压控制技术研究123 汽车用离心式永磁发电机设计与稳压控制技术研究124 利用半导体温差发电装置回收汽车废气余能技术研究125 基于车载的空调系统回收车辆废气余热技术研究126 钢板弹簧对制动跑偏的影响与优化设计127 福田1036车型制动跑偏的研究与仿真128 商用车转向系统对制动跑偏的影响与模拟129 教练车副转向系统的研究与开发130 液压挖掘机工装装置的节能研究131 液压挖掘机工装装置势能利用研究132 半挂车车架的有限元分析133 工程车辆铲斗磨损研究及其改进设计134 履带底盘测功机整车试验台设计及有限元分析135 液压挖掘机动臂的有限元分析136 履带式吊管机工作装置的有限元分析137 SD320推土机液力机械传动系统匹配计算138 钻井抱杆的设计和有限元分析139 SD320推土机差速转向机构的开发140 浅海路设备的研究141 装载机液压系统节能研究142 SD320推土机液力变矩器闭锁装置的设计143 SD320推土机液力变矩器闭锁点优化设计144 液压挖掘机斗杆的有限元分析145 农用车悬架系统优化及减振器优化设计146 装甲车油气悬架系统的设计147 卡车钢板弹簧解析计算及优化设计方法研究148 基于多点速度特性的汽车减振器阀参数优化设计149 基于路况辨识的磁流变半主动悬架系统设计150 电动轿车悬架系统及减振器阀参数的优化设计151 卡车驾驶室悬置系统优化及减振器设计152 基于车辆参数的汽车减振器阀参数优化设计153 工程车辆座椅系统及减振器优化设计154 汽车减振器特性分段函数建模与仿真155 重型卡车关键技术的研究现状及发展趋势156 电动汽车动力系统参数匹配及优化设计157 基于CAN总线的电动汽车数字仪表设计158 基于CAN总线的电动汽车灯光控制系统设计159 电动汽车电池管理系统设计160 电动汽车驱动用开关磁阻电机控制系统设计161 电动汽车驱动用开关磁阻电机转矩脉动抑制的研究162 电动汽车驱动用交流异步电机控制系统的仿真与设计163 电动汽车ABS控制系统设计164 汽车主动悬架控制系统设计165 基于PID控制的电动汽车牵引力控制系统设计166 电动汽车智能灯光控制系统设计167 装载机传动系的优化匹配设计168 挖掘机工作装置的优化设计169 废旧汽车拆解过程关键技术研究170 低速纯电动汽车充电系统设计171 插电式混合动力汽车设计与仿真172 混合动力汽车动力系统参数匹配与仿真173 混合动力汽车再生制动控制策略分析与仿真研究174 混合动力车辆驱动系统研究与设计175 废旧汽车发动机再制造技术研究176 电动汽车电池检测系统设计177 分数阶方程减振机理研究178 悬架作动器设计179 双时滞车身减振研究180 减振参数优化研究。
车辆工程 汽车 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 汽车安全系统技术研究分析
Automotive safety systems and technologyresearch and analysisAbstract: auto parts of good and bad will directly affect the safety of the car, are directly related to the people's life safety and security in wealth. This article mainly from the car's active safety technology and passive safety technology two aspects elaborated the importance of car parts, and how to improve the safety of the car.Key words: automobile, active safety technology, passive safety technologyAs traffic tools of the modernization and absolute number increase sharply, traffic accidents are also increasing. Car accident has become severe global social issues. Undoubtedly, advanced auto safety facilities are the driving safety indispensable safeguard. So, we should start, from technology to research and development of high performance, high safety car, also want to strengthen the regular inspection in cars, so timely maintenance investigation, make cars often in good technical status, so as to improve the safety performance of the car.Here we introduced active safety technology and automobile car passive safety technology. Auto safety is according to the traffic accident happened before and after the classified. One is in a traffic accident take safety measures, especially before immediately will produce risk condition, drivers manipulate the steering wheel avoid or emergency brake to avoid traffic accidents. In the car, drive in usually to ensure the basic manipulation stability, drivers on the surrounding environment and to ensure the visual recognition sex drive the car itself, developed the basic performance ant-lock braking system (ABS), prevent slippery drive system (ASR), active suspension, power steering and four-wheel drive (4WD), four-wheel steering (4WS), lighting system, wiper, the rearview mirror, prevent from rear-end collision car alarm system and laser radar, etc. These security devices and technology, called active safety system, can also be called preventivesecurity system. On the other hand, in order to reduce traffic accidents and company by personnel directly suffer degree, ensure company take staff and pedestrian safety, says the security for passive safety, can also be called conflict safety. When after the accident, in order to prevent disasters, including prevent the expansion of fire and make crew from traffic accident can extricate the security devices and systems, called prevent disaster expand security system.One.Automobile active security technology1. ABS braking systemAnt-lock Braking System (Braking System, lock do by ABS computers as ABS), hydraulic device, the wheel speed sensors, brake hydraulic pipeline and electrical wiring etc. Their structures are shown below.ABS tasseled for the car in various driving conditions braking performance and brake safety particularly important, especially is emergency braking, can make full use of the peak between tire and road surface adhesion properties, improve performance and reduce automobile fight sideslip braking distance, give full play to the braking performance, but also increase the automobile braking process control. So as to reduce the possibility of car accidents.No installation ABS car, if the driving force trample brake pedal, wheel will rapidly lower speed, and finally wheels stop turning, but body because of inertia remains forward sliding. This phenomenon was at the wheel and pavement occur between larger "slip", appear this kind of situation, the car tires of automobile lateral spreads almost disappear, so poor force will appear the following phenomena:(1) Steering stability fall: the steering wheel is ineffective, vehicle tail manipulation of curl, serious when vehicle circles or appear folding phenomenon;(2) Handling fall: manipulate the steering wheel and short of steering requirements;(3) Braking distance extended: more than general braking distance.So, we can imagine to have installed ABS system of the car safety is very important.2.the ASR drive torque control systemABS are used to prevent car braking process wheel lock, will wheel sliding rate control in ideal range, so as to shorten the braking distance, improve automobile braking direction stability and steering control, so as to improve the safety of the car. Along with the increase of vehicle performance requirements, not only in braking process required to prevent wheel lock, and asked the driver to prevent drive roller skating turn in the process, making cars in the direction stability, driving process steering control ability and acceleration performance, so are improved by the car drive torque steering system ASR (Accelerations Regulation) Slip. ASR is the perfect complement and ABS ASR, but most alone is set with ABS combined together, commonly used ABS/ASR says, called antiskid control system.ASR is mainly used to prevent car in the beginning, accelerate the wheels, guarantee slip in the car accelerated rate and improve the stability in bad pavement drive attached conditions. It makes no difference speed in the car lock ice roads and muddy road started and to improve its capacity, also can prevent high in speed by turning cars gliding pavement and rear lateral spreads phenomenon.Anyhow, prevent the wheel because ASR slip, can maximize the engine driving moment of cars had enough, ensure the longitudinal force, lateral force and manipulation of power, make cars in starting, steering and accelerate the process, in gliding and muddy road, in a mountain area downhill process can steadily driving, guarantees the safety, reducing tire wear and fuel consumption, and improves the car driving capability.3.VDC systemABS/ASR system successfully solves the brake and the car when driven direction stability problem, but cannot solve the vehicle steering stability problem driving direction. For example when steering road, inevitably by lateral and longitudinal force, only local surface can provide full lateral and longitudinal force, the pilot can control vehicles. If the ground adhesion ability lower lateral, will damage cars driving ability predetermined direction. Rainy days cars driving, oftenhigh-speed steering lateral sliding out, it is the ground because of insufficient lateral adhesion ability. To resolve the issue, and developed countries automobile industry recently in ABS/ASR system on the basis of the development of dynamic Control system (into car Dynamics Control, the abbreviation VDC Vehicle). The system of the car brake, driving, suspension, steering, engine and so on various main assembly control system in function, structure organic ground comprehensive together, can make cars in all kinds of bad working conditions, such as ice road pavement, commuting, river bend pavement and took evasive action moving line, braking and acceleration and the downhill for different conditions, such as bearing, different type pressure and different levels of type wear all have good direction stability, to show the best driving performance. VDC applications, in braking, acceleration and steering aspects of driver's fully released request, is the car of active safety driving a new milestone.VDC of steering control system is mainly by driving for each wheel brake control and engine power output control to realize. For example, if the car turn left front wheel for steering the inadequate capacity tend to slip out of the corner, VDC system can measure imminent, just know lateral spreads left rear brake adopt appropriate measures. If at the same corner, because rear wheel tend to slip out of favor of lateral overmuch, VDC system is proper braking to front-right wheel failure, maintain the stability of the vehicle driving. In extreme cases, VDC system can also take reduce engine to reduce the power output, and to reduce the speed of the demand side adhesion ability to maintain the stability of the vehicle driving. Adopt VDC system, automobile in folio pavement or corner of pavement braking distance still can further reduce.4.CCS cars cruise control systemAuto cruise Control System (Cruiser Control System, abbreviation for CCS) is can make automobile work in engine favorable speed range, reduce driver's driving manipulate labor intensity, improve the driving comfort the automatic driving device.Car cruising system (CCS) role is required by the driver: after a normally-closed switch, no speed on the accelerator pedal can automatically keepthe speed, make the vehicle with the fixed speed. Using this device, when on the highway after a long time, the driver driving not have to control the accelerator pedal, reduce fatigue, while reducing unnecessary speed change, can reduce save fuel.Auto cruise control system is the earliest development of the automotive electronic control system. This system USES another speed sensor, will speed signal input engine control microcomputer, by microcomputer control vacuum system work. This system can make use of the server, speed control switch lever and brake pedal on vacuum lift switches etc, its function and basic system the same.In this system, electronic control device can accord change of driving resistance, automatic regulation engine throttle Angle, make the speed constant. Such not only reduce unnecessary speed change, which saves fuel, also reduced the driver's burden. The electronic cruise control system which is shown in figure 2.Two. Automobile passive safety technology1. Seat beltCar seat belt is a safety device, it can in car collision or sharp turn, make crew to keep its original position as possible without mobile and rotation, avoid collision with in-car hard parts caused damage. Seat belts and airbags, as modern cars are safety devices, but the long history of the former, popularize the scope.The seemingly simple seat belt actually not "simple". Attention has been at the forefront of traffic safety, through the analysis of general motors after a car accident found: seat belt not only makes people protect the lives, can be in more than half of the accident to reduce or even eliminate drivers, motorists are the chance of injury. Car collision or unexpected emergency braking force generated great inertia, will allow the driver and passenger and car windscreen, steering wheel, seat, collision happened objects such as secondary to drive is caused extremely easily crew serious damage, even drive occupant seats or threw the apex, seat belts can will ride in the seat. Bondage personnel When has the accident, which can effectively prevent the collision, and its buffer role can absorbs a greatdeal of kinetic energy, reduce rides personnel extent of the injuries.Fasten your seat belt airbags play our role is also an important condition. Because the airbag to maximize role for the ride in the impact of the physical location, sitting instant action have extremely strict and the requirements. Otherwise, the airbag started strong instantaneous wallops to head are fragile site, may cause serious damage, especially for children, this damage can be fatal. Even the most ordinary three belts, try a can timely in crash that lived rides the bundle, ensure the upper part of a ride in the airbag fully extended range, make the airbag most effectively play efficacy. Accordingly, must not because the car is equipped with airbags and feel carefree seat belt fastened, only to reduce or eliminate the traffic accident happen.2. The airbagWhen the front collision happened strong, because inertia, who rides the body forward fast moving, then seat belts and will try to "pull" rides on person the body, absorb some of the impact energy, while the airbag with "the eyepiece trend" inflatable and completely open; Then the rides the upper body will sink to airbags, gas also began from the vent air uniform escaping, and absorbed most of the impact energy; Subsequently, the ride back seat and return to the body. Above the whole process is almost always happens in a flash, who rides the completely in passive situation, in this case, the passive rely on auxiliary occupant protection system is the only option. Airbags development design is based on the protection on seat belt Co., LTD; they cooperate with each other to ride the play the auxiliary protective effect.Seat belt usage in under the condition of the crew, balloon help reduce chest, head and facial injuries in the seriousness of the collision. When car collision happened before, the first is the car to stop motion, car under the action of inertial force crews to go forward with the original speed still sport. Not wearing a seatbelt crews will and steering dish, front windscreen together, so it can be severely hurt; Wearing a seatbelt as car stop the crew can stop moving forward movement and gradually. If collision violent, crew forward movement of the seat belts, even faster in the complete stop before motion, still and in-car things together. If this fashionin steering the disk or within the popup balloon inflated dash, it can protect the occupant reduce the possibility of car together with things, more uniform dispersion head, chest, absorb the impact energy of movement, thus crew has added effect of seat belts.In addition to seat belts and airbags outside car passive safety technology includes car bumper, automobile safety glass, security body, occupant head and neck protection system (WHIPS), etc. These vehicles to improve the safety performance has very important contributionThree. Automobile active safety new technology1. Eye Car skillsEye Car technology can make each driver eyes in the same relative height, guarantee of pavement and the surrounding a six-lane unimpeded sight and best visibility. This technology can also offer a specific driving environment.Eye Car through the use of first-class motor mobile automatic will different figure driver's eyes tuned to the same height to solve the problem, meanwhile, visibility of steering dish, brake and accelerate pedals and floor and the central adjustment to constitute console to their respective driving conditions. Meanwhile to the former pillar design, will it again from drivers sights removed. Because the bus driver received the most crucial information generally have 90% from outside, acquired through the eyes observe. So, this improvement for vehicle safety is of great significance.2. Cam Car technologyCam Car technology aims to help improve the driver of perception. The technical features are:(1) Installed in the car to camera system on both sides before to make drivers can bypass the large vehicle behind a car or see ahead of pedestrians. In a typical driving situation in the crowded traffic, the pilot of the centre-left cornering could more easily view the opposite of vehicles.(2) Side after buy video camera provides broader visual profile of vision. The camera coverage than traditional rearview mirror wants wide, especially for theadjacent driveway.(3) Installed in a car, the four miniatures sectored form to decorate after a camera can obtain the car panoramic perspective. Image via electronic synthesis, has the zoom and 160 ° wide-angle ability.(4) "night eye" (Night Eye) camera can be in low illumination conditions, when the car is in reverse gear, even in a dark cases can also provide car close range after small images.Four. Automobile passive safety new technology1. Future airbags(1) It cans inflatable screen system. This is a new safety design; its basic principle is to protect in-car occupant's head, when that happens it will carry on the air, air after the tent shape is swelling.(2) Tubular inflatable structure head air sac. This system for supplement current side protection system, still stopover in protecting the chest and abdomen, brachial ministry, to head protection were insufficient. It with rigid body structure, the door body protective just beams, side air sac, can form a complete side safe defend net, this will be the future security protection trend.(3) Head support system. Head support system generally called the headrest, vehicles which the headrest, with seats, not just for comfortable fact is more important to safety. Vehicle if in an emergency brake, the body will have strong to and fro, because the principle of inertia occupant body swinging, especially neck must follow. If no head support buffer headrest, neck injury caused by damage is very surprising.(4) The external airbags.2. Adaptive constraint technology system (ARTS)New adaptive constraint technology system (ARTS) use a series of sensors to monitor the driver seat, seat belt use, in front of the occupant take quality and location and intensity of the collision of the collisions and collision force direction, then according to the specific information such as the collision of each front airbag characteristics of the crew on regulated. The system can further reduce due toimproper airbag for crew on the damage, especially for smaller front row figure crew.3. Automobile energy-absorbing direction columnAuto absorbing in automobile direction tubing through collisions of redistribution to steering wheel wallop, would wallop path to deliver shunt quickly, making the minimum of load on the steering wheel. The steering column by hollow tubes and steering bearings form. Traditional hollow tubes and the steering column steering bearings is integral, steering shaft top and steering connections, the connecting with direction below. And suck can direction string of characteristic is will the steering column in two, divided into unblock steering column and the steering column under two parts; Inside of the steering shaft also divided into two sections, with outgoing quarter agencies between them connected. Once a collision make direction, outgoing quarter mechanism has displacement bottom tailor-made steering shaft will fold, under the steering column move on the steering column, to achieve "indented within" and thus expand space reduce damage.Five. The tire pressure monitoring systemIn a car's tyros high-speed process, all drivers fault is the most worry and the most difficult to prevent, is also sudden traffic accident happened important reasons. According to statistics, China highway in the traffic accident is caused due to 70% of a flat tire, and in the U.S. this ratio is as high as 80%. How to prevent a blowout has become an important task of safe driving. According to the national quality supervise center of rubber tires in the expert analysis, maintain the standard tire pressure driving and the timely discovery tire is to prevent leakage of key blowout. Tire Pressure and Monitoring System (TPMS) - car Tire Pressure Monitoring System will no doubt is the ideal tool. The system is mainly used in automobile driving to tire pressure real-time automatic monitoring; to a flat tire and depression are the police, in order to ensure safety.Drivers from the monitors can know each tire pressure value, when tire pressure below the club set pressure limit, monitor will automatically alarm.Anyhow, car active safety technology and passive safety technology for thesafety of automobile driving is very important, and besides, such as environmental factor, artificial factor of the vehicle safety is also very important. Therefore, we must be prepared to all aspects of requirements and technology, to ensure the safety of vehicle driving.汽车安全系统技术研究分析摘要:汽车各部件的好与坏将直接影响汽车行驶的安全性,直接关系着人们的生命安全和产财安全。
姓名:罗雪清班级:机自137 学号:1308030420车辆工程车辆工程是一个涵盖了所有与车辆和交通运输有关的专业,如果要对该专业做进一步的了解的话,可以从以下七个方面来做了解:第一·专业背景车辆工程,世界汽车经过百余年的发展,已成为改变世界的机器,全球第一大商品。
简单讲发动机就是一个能量转换机构,即将汽油( 汽车发动机柴油)或天然气的热能,通过在密封汽缸内燃烧气体膨胀时,推动活塞作功,转变为机械能,这是发动机最基本原理。
车辆工程专业的论文写什么题目比较好,求几个好写点的论文题目? -车辆工程减震技术解析摘要:本文对车辆减震技术的原理、车辆减震器的数学模型及其外部特性进行了探讨,并在该技术发展的基础上,提出了电控减震技术将成为未来发展的必然趋势。
2车辆减震器的主要数学模型及外部特性 2.t主要数学模型减震器数学模型的建立一直是汽车动力学领域中的重要研究课题。
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汽车车辆工程外文文献The Finite Element Analysis and The Optimization Design of The
P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2 ( 2011 ) 133 – 1381878–5220 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.doi: 10.1016/j.proeps.2011.09.022Available online at The article mainly studies the YJ3128-type dump truck ÿs sub-frames, for the fatigue crack occurred in the Sub-frame witch has worked in bad condition for 3 to 5 months, the truck ÿs working conditions and the load features are researched, and ANSYS is used to analyze the stress of the sub-frame. According the deferent stress, the reason of the fatigue cracks ÿ occurring is researched too. At last an improvement and optimization to the structures of the frame is provided. For the stress of YJ3128-type dump truck there is no improved research methods and theoretical support, so the analysis in this paper and the proposed improvement scheme has important reference value.© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Society for Resources, Environment and EngineeringKeywords: dump truck, sub-frame, finite element analysis, fatigue crack134C hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2( 2011 )133 – 1380 IntroductionAs the state’s infrastructure investment increased year by year, the demand for heavy-duty trucks are also multiplying, China's annual demand of heavy-duty trucks is 95 million or more, and its annual growth rate is 15% or 20%. YJ3128-type dump truck is a Transport vehicles designed and manufactured by Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Corporation and China North Mercedes-Benz Co., Ltd. It is formed by the main-frame, sub-frame, Cab, cargo box, the hydraulic lifting mechanism, engine, and gears. The sub-frame connected the main frame and the container, and increased strength and stiffness of the main frame, and lead to the main frame ‘s distributed load force. Therefore, the designing of the sub-frame has the important influence to the main frame’s quality and service life. YJ3128-type dump truck’s sub-frame is researched by the Co. itself, but after been used for 3-5 months, there will be cracking at the right side of the square beams and the turning point of the left stringer.Figure 1 the fatigue crack of the sub-frame1 The FEM model of the sub-frame1.1 The structure of the sub-frameThe YJ3128-type dump truck’s frame is formed by the main-frame and the sub one, and they are all edge beam type. The vertical beam of the sub-frame is right up the main-frames’, and they are connected by the U-bolts. The sub-frame of the truck is developed by the Co., and it’s length is 4.7m, forth-width is 0.901m, and the back-width is 0.761m. The 8mm thick V-beam is trough, all its section is the same. There is a trough auxiliary beam flipping In it. There are six beams in the sub-frame, that are a cylindrical beam at the back of it, a square beam in the middle, and four trough beams, Which are showed in figure 2.Figure 2 structure of the sub-frameC hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2( 2011 )133 – 138 1351.2 Material properties of the sub-frameThe sub-frame material is 16 MnL, the physical properties are: modulus E=210GPa, Poissonratioμ=0.3, and density ȡ=7.8X10-3gˋmm3 ; its mechanical properties are: minimum yield strength345MPa, minimum tensile strength 510MPa, and max tensile strength 610MPa. For the poor working environments, 1.2 is taken to be the safety factor, and the material allowable stress can be inferred to be287.5MPa. The Pro / E geometric model is imported into the ANSYS for meshing, and the grid size is setto 30 according to Vice-frame’s size and analysis precision.1.3 The load case’s size and analysisThe YJ3128-type dump truck is the transport vehicle using in the field operation place such as miningetc., and Figure 3 shows the actual situation. The road is uneven, and there are many big stone on it. Thiswill result in vehicles’ one or more tires driving up and down. That is the main cause of the sub-frames’fatigue failure. So the lifting height of the frame is set for 20mm and 50mm, and the Analysis of bending moment and torque are conducted[1][2].Figure 3 the conditions of the mining roadThe load of the sub-frame is shown in the table 1.Table 1 the load and the force point of the frameName Weight˄kg˅Distance betweenfocus to front axle˄mm˅NameWeight˄kg˅Distance betweenfocus to front axle˄mm˅Assembly of front shock absorber 200 21Assembly of middleshock absorber1100 3800Assembly of front brake720 0 Assembly of rear brake1100 5250Assembly of engine 1200 -200 Assembly of rearsuspension350 4525Water tank 110 -1000 Oil tank 350 3000136C hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2 ( 2011 ) 133 – 138 2 The finite element static analysis of the sub-frame2.1 The up-rising of tire is 20mmAs is shown in figure 4, in this case, there were three relatively large stress: firstly, the maximum Von-Mises stress occurs in the final end of frame, it is 331MPa, exceeding the allowable stress of the material. So cracks would appear, and especially it may break at the welding place. Secondly, the stress is about 184MPa, at the right side of the square beams which is near the elevated rear wheel. Thirdly, the stress is about 184MPa, at the turning point of the left stringer. These two stress values are less than the allowable stress [4].Figure 4 the equivalent stress contours for 20mm Figure 5 the equivalent stress contours for 50mm2.2 The up-rising of tire is 50mmAs is shown in figure 5, in this case, there were three relatively large stress: firstly, the maximum Von-Mises stress occurs in the final end of frame, it is 954MPa, exceeding the allowable tensile strength of the material. The cause shall be the frames’ irrational structures. Secondly, the stress is about 424MPa, at the right side of the square beams which is near the elevated rear wheel, and the value is also excessive. Thirdly, the stress is about 530MPa, at the turning point of the left stringer. There are also prone to be crack and even break, especially in the welds, the welding is prone to be open, leading to frame’s failure.2.3 Stress analysisBased on the above results of the sub-frames’ analysis, under the joint load, the stress concentration is the greatest at the right side of the square beams and the turning point of the left stringer, and that is the main cause of the frames’ fatigue failure. By analyzing, the following conclusions are drawn: The number of the beams the in front of the frames is small, and the one of the beams at end of the frames is large. The Assembly of cab2800 -40 Battery 180 1700 Lift cylinder 150 4400 Spare tire 250 1200load 16000 4000C hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2( 2011 )133 – 138 137 large torsional stiffness causes the uncoordinated deformation. And the stress concentration appeared inthe middle frame, and the two key points obtained by the above analysis are just in the neighborhood.They impede the generation of deformation, so the stress concentration deteriorate further. In short, theabove mainly due to the frames’ lack of torsional.3 The sub-frames’structural improvements and finite element analysis3.1 The improved structure of sub-framesFor the main reason of the crack is the lack of the sub-frame’s torsional stiffness, a beam is added tothe front of the sub-frame, as is shown in figure 6. And the upper surface of the block slope on both sidesof the circular beam is turned into inclined plane, then it and the upper surface of the longitudinal are notin the same plane[5].Figure 6 the improved sub-frame Figure 6 the equivalent stress contours for improved one3.2 The finite element static analysis of the improved frameFor the frame is damaged in the condition that it is raised 50mm, the analyzing results for the improved frame working in this condition are provided, as is shown in figure 7. Then the max Von-Misesstress is 200MPa, which is under the allowable stress of the material, and it occurs at the front beams. Thestress at the right side of the square beams and the turning point of the left stringer is also reduced greatly,and it is only 50% of allowable stress. Therefore, there is no big turning transform in the improved frames,and the torsional stiffness is enhanced. No excessive stress concentration exists, and the bearing capacityis greatly improved. Thus it meet the design and use requirements.The above analysis results show that the proposed changes to the program is reasonable. In order to verifythe reliability of the actual for the improved frame, the method is feedback to the Co., and the method is accepted.4 ConclusionsHeavy trucks is commonly used transport vehicles in the site, mining and other places, their working conditions are bad, and dynamic load is great. For the frame is their important load component, thequality of the frame is directly related to the performance of heavy trucks. In this article, the sub-frame is analyzed by ANSYS, and the reason for the cracking of the frame is found, and the improving method is138C hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2( 2011 )133 – 138 shown for the Company. 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