在一条20m 宽的道路两侧, 分别安装了一只2kw 和一只3kw 的路灯, 它们离地面的高度分别为5m 和6m 。
在漆黑的夜晚, 当两只路灯开启时 (1)两只路灯连线的路面上最暗的点和最亮的点在哪里? (2)如果3kw 的路灯的高度可以在3m 到9m 之间变化, 如何路面上最暗点的亮度最大? (3)如果两只路灯的高度均可以在3m 到9m 之间变化, 结果又如何?解:根据题意, 建立如图模型P1=2kw P2=3kw S=20m 照度计算公式:2sin r p k I α= (k 为照度系数, 可取为1;P 为路灯的功率)(1)设Q(x,0)点为两盏路灯连线上的任意一点, 则两盏路灯在Q 点的照度分别为21111sin R p k I α= 22222sin R p k I α=22121x h R += 111sin R h =α22222)(x s h R -+= 222sin R h =αQ 点的照度:3232322222322111))20(36(18)25(10))((()(()(x x x s h h P x h h P x I -+++=-+++=要求最暗点和最亮点, 即为求函数I(x)的最大值和最小值, 所以应先求出函数的极值点5252522222522111'))20(36()20(54)25(30))(()(3)(3)(x x x x x s h x s h P x h x h P x I -+-++-=-+-++-=利用MATLAB 求得0)('=x I 时x 的值代码:s=solve('(-30*x)/((25+x^2)^(5/2))+(54*(20-x))/((36+(20-x)^2)^(5/2))'); s1=vpa(s,8); s1运行结果: s1 =19.97669581 9.338299136 8.538304309-11.61579012*i .2848997038e-1综上, x=9.33m 时, 为最暗点;x=19.97m 时, 为最亮点。
09级数模试题1. 把四只脚的连线呈长方形的椅子往不平的地面上一放,通常只有三只脚着地,放不稳,然后稍微挪动几次,就可以使四只脚同时着地,放稳了。
因此对这个问题我们假设 :(1)地面为连续曲面(2)长方形桌的四条腿长度相同(3)相对于地面的弯曲程度而言,方桌的腿是足够长的(4)方桌的腿只要有一点接触地面就算着地。
以长方桌的中心为坐标原点作直角坐标系如图所示,方桌的四条腿分别在A 、B 、C 、D 处,A 、B,C 、D的初始位置在与x 轴平行,再假设有一条在x 轴上的线ab,则ab 也与A 、B ,C 、D 平行。
当方桌绕中心0旋转时,对角线 ab 与x 轴的夹角记为θ。
为消除这一不确定性,令 ()f θ为A 、B 离地距离之和,()g θ为C 、D 离地距离之和,它们的值由θ唯一确定。
由假设(1),()f θ,()g θ均为θ的连续函数。
又由假设(3),三条腿总能同时着地, 故()f θ()g θ=0必成立(∀θ)。
不妨设(0)0f =,(0)0g >g (若(0)g 也为0,则初始时刻已四条腿着地,不必再旋转),于是问题归结为:已知()f θ,()g θ均为θ的连续函数,(0)0f =,(0)0g >且对任意θ有00()()0f g θθ=,求证存在某一0θ,使00()()0f g θθ=。
证明:当θ=π时,AB 与CD 互换位置,故()0f π>,()0g π=。
作()()()h f g θθθ=-,显然,()h θ也是θ的连续函数,(0)(0)(0)0h f g =-<而()()()0h f g πππ=->,由连续函数的取零值定理,存在0θ,00θπ<<,使得0()0h θ=,即00()()f g θθ=。
(1) ,此时本博弈的结果是乙在第一阶段不愿意借给对方,结束博弈,双方得益
(1,0),不管这时候b的值是多少;(2) ,此时博弈的结果仍然是乙在第一阶段选择不借,结束博弈,双方得益(1,0);(3) ,此时博弈的结果是乙在第一阶段选择借,甲在第二阶段选择不分,乙在第三阶段选择打,最后结果是双方得益
1 建立一个命令M 文件:求数60.70.80,权数分别为1.1,1.3,1.2的加权平均数。
在指令窗口输入指令edit ,打开空白的M 文件编辑器;里面输入s=60*1.1+70*1.3+80*1.2;ave=s/3然后保存即可2 编写函数M 文件SQRT.M;函数 x=567.889与0.0368处的近似值(保留有()f x =效数四位)在指令窗口输入指令edit ,打开空白的M 文件编辑器;里面输入syms x1 x2 s1 s2 zhi1 zhi2 x1=567.889;x2=0.368;s1=sqrt(x1);s2=sqrt(x2);zhi1=vpa(s1,4)zhi2=vpa(s2,4)然后保存并命名为SQRT.M 即可3用matlab 计算的值,其中a=2.3,b=4.89.()f x >> syms a b >> a=2.3;b=4.89;>> sqrt(a^2+b^2)/abs(a-b)ans = 2.08644用matlab 计算函数在x=处的值.()f x =3π>> syms x >> x=pi/3;>> sqrt(sin(x)+cos(x))/abs(1-x^2)ans = 12.09625用matlab 计算函数在x=1.23处的值.()arctan f x x =+>> syms x >> x=1.23;>> atan(x)+sqrt(log(x+1))ans = 1.78376 用matlab 计算函数在x=-2.1处的值.()()f x f x ==>> syms x >> x=-2.1;>> 2-3^x*log(abs(x))ans =1.92617 用蓝色.点连线.叉号绘制函数在[0,2]上步长为0.1的图像.>> syms x y>> x=0:0.2:2;y=2*sqrt(x);>> plot(x,y,'b.-')8 用紫色.叉号.实连线绘制函数在上步长为0.2的图像.ln 10y x =+[20,15]-->> syms x y>> x=-20:0.2:-15;y=log(abs(x+10));>> plot(x,y,'mx-')ln 10[20,y x =+--9 用红色.加号连线 虚线绘制函数在[-10,10]上步长为0.2的图像.sin(22x y π=->> syms x y;>> x=-10:0.2:10;y=sin(x/2-pi/2);>> plot(x,y,'r+--')10用紫红色.圆圈.点连线绘制函数在上步长为0.2的图像.sin(2)3y x π=+[0,4]πsin(2)sin()[0,4]322x y x y πππ=+=->> syms x y >> x=0:0.2:4*pi;y=sin(2*x+pi/3);>> plot(x,y,'mo-.')11 在同一坐标中,用分别青色.叉号.实连线与红色.星色.虚连线绘制y=与.y =>> syms x y1 y2>> x=0:pi/50:2*pi;y1=cos(3*sqrt(x));y2=3*cos(sqrt(x));>> plot(x,y1,'cx-',x,y2,'r*--')12 在同一坐标系中绘制函数这三条曲线的图标,并要求用两种方法加234,,y x y x y x ===各种标注.234,,y x y x y x ===>> syms x y1 y2 y3;>> x=-2:0.1:2;y1=x.^2;y2=x.^3;y3=x.^4;plot(x,y1,x,y2,x,y3);13 作曲线的3维图像2sin x t y t z t ⎧=⎪=⎨⎪=⎩>> syms x y t z >> t=0:1/50:2*pi;>> x=t.^2;y=sin(t);z=t;>> stem3(x,y,z)14 作环面在上的3维图像(1cos )cos (1cos )sin sin x u v y u v z u =+⎧⎪=+⎨⎪=⎩(0,2)(0,2)ππ⨯>> syms x y u v z>> u=0:pi/50:2*pi;v=0:pi/50:2*pi;>>x=(1+cos(u)).*cos(v);y=(1+cos(u)).*sin(v);z=sin(u);>> plot3(x,y,z)15 求极限0lim x +→0lim x +→>> syms x y >> y=sin(2^0.5*x)/sqrt(1-cos(x));>> limit(y,x,0,'right') ans = 216 求极限1201lim (3x x +→>> syms y x >> y=(1/3)^(1/(2*x));>> limit(y,x,0,'right') ans = 017求极限lim x >> syms x y >> y=(x*cos(x))/sqrt(1+x^3);>> limit(y,x,+inf) ans = 018 求极限21lim (1x x x x →+∞+->> syms x y >> y=((x+1)/(x-1))^(2*x);>> limit(y,x,+inf) ans = exp(4)19 求极限01cos 2lim sin x xx x →->> syms x y >> y=(1-cos(2*x))/(x*sin(x));>> limit(y,x,0) ans = 220 求极限 x →>> syms x y >> y=(sqrt(1+x)-sqrt(1-x))/x;>> limit(y,x,0) ans = 121 求极限2221lim 2x x x x x →+∞++-+>> syms x y >> y=(x^2+2*x+1)/(x^2-x+2);>> limit(y,x,+inf) ans = 122 求函数y=的导数5(21)arctan x x -+>> syms x y >> y=(2*x-1)^5+atan(x);>> diff(y) ans = 10*(2*x - 1)^4 + 1/(x^2 + 1)23 求函数y=的导数2tan 1x x y x=+>> syms y x>> y=(x*tan(x))/(1+x^2);>> diff(y)ans =tan(x)/(x^2 + 1) + (x*(tan(x)^2 + 1))/(x^2 + 1) - (2*x^2*tan(x))/(x^2 + 1)^224 求函数的导数3tan x y e x -=>> syms y x >> y=exp^(-3*x)*tan(x)>> y=exp(-3*x)*tan(x) y = exp(-3*x)*tan(x) >> diff(y) ans = exp(-3*x)*(tan(x)^2 + 1) - 3*exp(-3*x)*tan(x)25 求函数y=在x=1的导数22ln sin 2x x π+>> syms x y >> y=(1-x)/(1+x);>> diff(y,x,2) ans = 2/(x + 1)^2 - (2*(x - 1))/(x + 1)^3 >> syms x y >> y=2*log(x)+sin(pi*x/2)^2;>> dxdy=diff(y) dxdy = 2/x + pi*cos((pi*x)/2)*sin((pi*x)/2)zhi=subs(dxdy,1)zhi = 226 求函数y=的二阶导数01cos 2lim sin x x x x →-11x x-+>> syms x y>> y=(1-x)/(1+x);>> diff(y,x,2) ans = 2/(x + 1)^2 - (2*(x - 1))/(x + 1)^327 求函数的导数;>> syms x y >> y=((x-1)^3*(3+2*x)^2/(1+x)^4)^0.2;>> diff(y) ans = (((8*x + 12)*(x - 1)^3)/(x + 1)^4 + (3*(2*x + 3)^2*(x - 1)^2)/(x + 1)^4 - (4*(2*x + 3)^2*(x - 1)^3)/(x + 1)^5)/(5*(((2*x + 3)^2*(x - 1)^3)/(x + 1)^4)^(4/5))28在区间()内求函数的最值.,-∞+∞43()341f x x x =-+>> f='-3*x^4+4*x^3-1';>> [x,y]=fminbnd(f,-inf,inf)x =NaN y = NaN >> f='3*x^4-4*x^3+1';>> [x,y]=fminbnd(f,-inf,inf)x = NaN y = NaN29在区间(-1,5)内求函数发的最值.()(f x x =->> f='(x-1)*x^0.6';>> [x,y]=fminbnd(f,-1,5)x =0.3750y = -0.3470>> >> f='-(x-1)*x^0.6';>> [x,y]=fminbnd(f,-1,5)x = 4.9999y = -10.505930 求不定积分(ln 32sin )x x dx -⎰(ln 32sin )x x dx -⎰>> syms x y >> y=log(3*x)-2*sin(x);>> int(y) ans = 2*cos(x) - x + x*log(3) + x*log(x)31求不定积分2sin x e xdx ⎰>> syms x y>> y=exp(x)*sin(x)^2;>> int(y)ans =-(exp(x)*(cos(2*x) + 2*sin(2*x) - 5))/1032. 求不定积分 >> syms x y >> y=x*atan(x)/(1+x)^0.5;>> int(y)Warning: Explicit integral could not be found. ans = int((x*atan(x))/(x + 1)^(1/2), x)33.计算不定积分2(2cos )x x x e dx --⎰>> syms x y >> y=1/exp(x^2)*(2*x-cos(x));>> int(y)Warning: Explicit integral could not be found. ans = int(exp(-x^2)*(2*x - cos(x)), x)34.计算定积分10(32)xe x dx -+⎰>> syms x y >> y=exp(-x)*(3*x+2);>> int(y,0,1) ans = 5 - 8*exp(-1)10(32)x e x dx -+⎰35.计算定积分0x →120(1)cos x arc xdx+⎰>> syms y x>> y=(x^2+1)*acos(x);>> int(y,0,1)ans =11/936.计算定积分10cos ln(1)x x dx +⎰>> syms x y >> y=(cos(x)*log(x+1));>> int(y,0,1)Warning: Explicit integral could not be found. ans = int(log(x + 1)*cos(x), x == 0..1)37计算广义积分;2122x x dx +∞++-∞⎰>> syms y x >> y=(1/(x^2+2*x+2));>> int(y,-inf,inf) ans = pi 38.计算广义积分;20x dx x e +∞-⎰>> syms x y>> y=x^2*exp(-x);>> int(y,0,+inf)ans =2。
数学建模答案与解析第一章第四题1.4.1 问题分析该题是一个销售问题,目标是求最大利润。
再利用Matlab 软件,解出该题最优解即可。
1.4.2 问题假设① 在设备有效台时范围内,满负载费用平均分配给时间数,记为平均小时费用;② 每个设备在生产过程中不会出错,不产生维修;③ 生产出的所有产品都会全部卖出去; 1.4.3 符号规定①z 表示该厂的利润;②ij x 表示第i 种设备生产第j 种产品的产品数;③i f 表示第i 种设备的平均小时费用;④i m 表示第i 、k 种设备有效台时;⑤ij t 表示第i 种设备生产j 种单位产品所需时间;⑥ j p 表示生产第种产品,除去原料费之后的单位毛盈利。
1.4.4 模型的建立每种产品要求必须通过A 、B 两道工序,得5141311211x x x x x ++=+ 322212x x x =+ 4323x x =每种设备不能超过其有效台时,因此得i j ij ijm t x≤∑=3*( i =1、2、3、4、5)由于每个产品必须由A 、B 两道工序才能完成,因此经过任一工序的所有产品数与总的产品数相同。
这里选用A 工序。
故所得的最大利润为max j i j ijp xz *2131∑∑===-ii i j ij ijf t x∑∑==5131**因此,模型的简化如下:5143413231232221121165.00696.15526.015.1625.09148.13611.17753.0 15.175.0max x x x x x x x x x x z +++++++++=5141311211x x x x x ++=+ 322212x x x =+ 4323x x =i j ij ijm t x≤∑=31* ( i =1 2 3 4 5)0≥ij x1.4.5 利用Matlab 解得结果如下,源程序见附件一..t s 51732458850003245002300120051434132312322211211=== =======x x x x x x x x x x总的利润为1147元 1.4.6 问题改进在该题做的过程中,超负荷费用安排的不合理。
数学建模 建模答案.docx
programi :(1) function [accum, varargout] = CircularHough_Grd(img, radrange, varargin) %Detect circular shapes in a grayscale image. Resolve their center %positions and radii.%% [accum, circen, cirrad, dbg_LMmask] = CircularHough_Grd(% img, radrange, grdthres, fltr4LM_R, multirad, fltr4accum)% Circular Hough transform based on the gradient field of an image.% NOTE: Operates on grayscale images, NOT B/W bitmaps.% NO loops in the implementation of Circular Hough transform,% which means faster operation but at the same time larger% memory consumption.%%%%%%%%% INPUT: (img, radrange, grdthres, fltr4LM_R, multirad, fltr4accum) % % img: A 2-D grayscale image (NO B/W bitmap)%% radrange: The possible minimum and maximum radii of the circles% to be searched, in the format of% [minimum radius , maximum_radius] (unit: pixels)% **NOTE**: A smaller range saves computational time and% memory.%% grdthres: (Optional, default is 10, must be non-negative)% The algorithm is based on the gradient field of the% input image. A thresholding on the gradient magnitude% is performed before the voting process of the Circular% Hough transform to remove the Uniform intensity'% (sort-of) image background from the voting process.% In other words, pixels with gradient magnitudes smaller% than 'grdthres' are NOT considered in the computation.% **NOTE**: The default parameter value is chosen for% images with a maximum intensity close to 255. For cases% with dramatically different maximum intensities, e.g.% 10-bit bitmaps in stead of the assumed 8-bit, the default% value can NOT be used. A value of 4% to 10% of the maximum% intensity may work for general cases.%% fltr4LM_R: (Optional, default is 8, minimum is 3)% The radius of the filter used in the search of local% maxima in the accumulation array. To detect circles whose% shapes are less perfect, the radius of the filter needs% to be set larger.%% multirad: (Optional, default is 0.5)% In case of concentric circles, multiple radii may be% detected corresponding to a single center position. This% argument sets the tolerance of picking up the likely% radii values. It ranges from 0.1 to 1, where 0.1% corresponds to the largest tolerance, meaning more radii % values will be detected, and 1 corresponds to the smallest % tolerance, in which case only the "principal" radius will% be picked up.%% fltr4accum: (Optional. A default filter will be used if not given)% Filter used to smooth the accumulation array. Depending % on the image and the parameter settings, the accumulation % array built has different noise level and noise pattern% (e.g. noise frequencies). The filter should be set to an% appropriately size such that ifs able to suppress the% dominant noise frequency.%%%%%%%%% OUTPUT: [accum, circen, cirrad, dbg_LMmask]%% accum: The result accumulation array from the Circular Hough% transform. The accumulation array has the same dimension % as the input image.%% circen: (Optional)% Center positions of the circles detected. Is a N-by-2% matrix with each row contains the (x, y) positions% of a circle. For concentric circles (with the same center% position), say k of them, the same center position will% appear k times in the matrix.%% cirrad: (Optional)% Estimated radii of the circles detected. Is a N-by-1% column vector with a one-to-one correspondance to the% output tircen*. A value 0 for the radius indicates a% failed detection of the circle's radius.%% dbg_LMmask: (Optional, for debugging purpose)% Mask from the search of local maxima in the accumulation % array.%%%%%%%%%% EXAMPLE #0:% rawimg = imread('TestImg_CHT_a2.bmp');% tic;% [accum, circen, cirrad] = CircularHough_Grd(rawimg, [15 60]);% toe;% figure(l); imagesc(accum); axis image;% title(,Accumulation Array from Circular Hough Transfbrm,);% figure(2); imagesc(rawimg); colormap(,gray,); axis image;% hold on;% plot(circen(:,l), circen(:,2), *r+');% for k = 1 : size(circen, 1),% DrawCircle(circen(k, 1), circen(k,2), cirrad(k), 32,,b」);% end% hold off;% title([*Raw Image with Circles Detected% '(center positions and radii marked)*]);% figure(3); surf(accum, 'EdgeColoF, hone'); axis ij;% title('3-D View of the Accumulation Array*);%% COMMENTS ON EXAMPLE #0:% Kind of an easy case to handle. To detect circles in the image whose% radii range from 15 to 60. Default values for arguments 'grdthres',% 'fltr4LM_R', 'multirad* and ,fltr4accum, are used.%%%%%%%%%% EXAMPLE #1:% rawimg = imread('TestImg_CHT_a3.bmp');% tic;% [accum, circen, cirrad] = CircularHough_Grd(rawimg, [15 60], 10, 20);% toe;% figure(l); imagesc(accum); axis image;% title(,Accumulation Array from Circular Hough Transfbrm,);% figure(2); imagesc(rawimg); colormap('gray'); axis image;% hold on;% plot(circen(:,l), circen(:,2), T+');% for k = 1 : size(circen, 1),% DrawCircle(circen(k, 1), circen(k,2), cirrad(k), 32, 'b-');% end% hold off;% title([*Raw Image with Circles Detected% '(center positions and radii marked)*]);% figure(3); surf(accum, 'EdgeColoF, hone'); axis ij;% title(*3-D View of the Accumulation Array*);%% COMMENTS ON EXAMPLE #1:% The shapes in the raw image are not very good circles. As a result,% the profile of the peaks in the accumulation array are kind of% 'stumpy', which can be seen clearly from the 3-D view of the% accumulation array, (As a comparison, please see the sharp peaks in % the accumulation array in example #0) To extract the peak positions % nicely, a value of 20 (default is 8) is used for argument 'fltr4LM_R', % which is the radius of the filter used in the search of peaks.%%%%%%%%%% EXAMPLE #2:% rawimg = imread(,TestImg_CHT_b3 .bmp1);% fltr4img = [1 1 1 1 1; 1 2 2 2 1; 1 2 4 2 1; 1 2 2 2 1; 1 1 1 1 1];% fltr4img = fltr4img / sum(fltr4img(:));% imgfltrd = filter2( fltr4img , rawimg );% tic;% [accum, circen, cirrad] = CircularHough_Grd(imgfltrd, [15 80], 8, 10); % toe;% figure(l); imagesc(accum); axis image;% title(,Accumulation Array from Circular Hough Transfbrm,);% figure(2); imagesc(rawimg); colormap('gray'); axis image;% hold on;% plot(circen(:,l), circen(:,2), T+');% for k = 1 : size(circen, 1),% DrawCircle(circen(k, 1), circen(k,2), cirrad(k), 32, 'b-');% end% hold off;% title([*Raw Image with Circles Detected% '(center positions and radii marked)*]);%% COMMENTS ON EXAMPLE #2:% The circles in the raw image have small scale irregularities along % the edges, which could lead to an accumulation array that is bad for % local maxima detection. A 5-by-5 filter is used to smooth out the % small scale irregularities. A blurred image is actually good for the % algorithm implemented here which is based on the image's gradient % field.%%%%%%%%%% EXAMPLE #3:% rawimg = imread('TestImg_CHT_c3.bmp');% fltr4img = [1 1 1 1 1; 1 2 2 2 1; 1 2 4 2 1; 1 2 2 2 1; 1 1 1 1 1];% fltr4img = fltr4img / sum(fltr4img(:));% imgfltrd = filter2( fltr4img , rawimg );% tic;% [accum, circen, cirrad]=...% CircularHough_Grd(imgfltrd, [15 105], 8, 10, 0.7);% toe;% figure(l); imagesc(accum); axis image;% figure(2); imagesc(rawimg); colormap(,gray,); axis image;% hold on;% plot(circen(:,l), circen(:,2), *r+');% for k = 1 : size(circen, 1),% DrawCircle(circen(k, 1), circen(k,2), cirrad(k), 32,,b」);% end% hold off;% title([*Raw Image with Circles Detected% '(center positions and radii marked)*]);%% COMMENTS ON EXAMPLE #3:% Similar to example #2, a filtering before circle detection works for% noisy image too. 'multirad* is set to 0.7 to eliminate the false% detections of the circles* radii.%%%%%%%%%% BUG REPORT:% This is a beta version. Please send your bug reports, comments and% suggestions to pengtao@ . Thanks.%%%%%%%%%%% INTERNAL PARAMETERS:% The INPUT arguments are just part of the parameters that are used by% the circle detection algorithm implemented here. Variables in the code% with a prefix ,prm_, in the name are the parameters that control the% judging criteria and the behavior of the algorithm. Default values for% these parameters can hardly work for all circumstances. Therefore, at% occasions, the values of these INTERNAL PARAMETERS (parameters that% are NOT exposed as input arguments) need to be fine-tuned to make% the circle detection work as expected.% The following example shows how changing an internal parameter could% influence the detection result.% 1. Change the value of the internal parameter 'prm LM LoBndRa* to 0.4% (default is 0.2)% 2. Run the following matlab code:% fltr4accum = [1 2 1; 2 6 2; 1 2 1];% fltr4accum = fltr4accum / sum(fltr4accum(:));% rawimg = imread(,Frame_0_0022jportion.jpg,);% tic;% [accum, circen] = CircularHough_Grd(rawimg,...% [4 14], 10, 4, 0.5, fltr4accum);% toe;% figure(l); imagesc(accum); axis image;% title(*Accumulation Array from Circular Hough Transform*);% figure(2); imagesc(rawimg); colormap(,gray,); axis image;% hold on; plot(circen(:,l), circen(:,2), "); hold off;% title('Raw Image with Circles Detected (center positions marked)*);% 3. See how different values of the parameter 'prm LM LoBndRa* could % influence the result.% Author: Tao Peng% Department of Mechanical Engineering% University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA% pengtao@% Version: Beta Revision: Mar. 07, 2007%%%%%%%% Arguments and parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Validation of argumentsif ndims(img)〜=2 || 〜isnumeric(img),error(*CircularHough_Grd: "img" has to be 2 dimensionaf);endif 〜all(size(img) >= 32),erro^'CircularHough Grd: "img" has to be larger than 32-by-32');endif numel(radrange)〜=2 || -isnumeric(radrange),error([*CircularHough_Grd: "radrange" has to be \ ...'a two-element vector1]);endprm_r_range = sort(max( [0,0;radrange( 1 ),radrange(2)]));% Parameters (default values)prmgrdthres = 10;prmfltrLMR = 8;prmmultirad = 0.5;funccompucen = true;funccompuradii = true;% Validation of argumentsvapgrdthres = 1;if nargin > (1 + vap_grdthres),if isnumeric(varargin{vap grdthres}) && ...varargin(vap grdthres} (1) >= 0,prm_grdthres = varargin {vapgrdthres} (1);elseerror(['CircularHough_Grd: "grdthres" has to be'a non-negative number1]);endendvap_fltr4LM = 2; % filter for the search of local maximaif nargin > (1 + vap_fltr4LM),if isnumeric(varargin{vap_fltr4LM}) && varargin{vap_fltr4LM}(1) >= 3, prmfltrLMR = varargin{vap_fltr4LM} (1);elseerror([,CircularHough_Grd: n fltr4LM_R n has to belarger than or equal to 3']);endendvap_multirad = 3;if nargin > (1 + vap multirad),if isnumeric(varargin{vap_multirad}) && ...varargin{vap multirad}(1) >= 0.1 && ...varargin {vap multirad} (1) <= 1,prmmultirad = varargin {vap_mul tirad} (1);elseerror(['CircularHough_Grd: "multirad" has to be'within the range [0.1, 1]*]);endendvap_fltr4accum = 4; % filter for smoothing the accumulation arrayif nargin > (1 + vap_fltr4accum),if isnumeric(varargin{vap_fltr4accum}) && ...ndims(varargin{vap_fltr4accum}) == 2 && ...all(size(varargin {vap_fltr4accum}) >= 3),fltr4accum = varargin {vap_fltr4accum};elseerror(['CircularHough_Grd: n fltr4accum n has to be \ ...*a 2-D matrix with a minimum size of 3-by-3']);endelse% Default filter (5-by-5)fltr4accum = ones(5,5);fltr4accum(2:4,2:4) = 2;fltr4accum(3,3) = 6;end func_compu_cen = (nargout > 1 );func_compu_radii = (nargout > 2 );% Reserved parametersdbg on = false; % debug information dbgbfigno = 4;if nargout > 3, dbg on = true; end%%%%%%%% Buildingaccumulation array %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Convert the image to single if it is not of% class float (single or double) img_is_double = isa(img, double');if ~(img_is_double || isa(img, 'single')),imgf = single(img);end% Compute the gradient and the magnitude of gradientif img_is_double,[grdx, grdy] = gradient(img);else[grdx, grdy] = gradient(imgf);endgrdmag = sqrt(grdx.A2 + grdy.A2);% Get the linear indices, as well as the subscripts, of the pixels% whose gradient magnitudes are larger than the given threshold grdmasklin = find(grdmag > prm_grdthres);[grdmask_ldxl, grdmask_IdxJ] = ind2sub(size(grdmag), grdmasklin);% Compute the linear indices (as well as the subscripts) of% all the votings to the accumulation array.% The Matlab function 'accumarray* accepts only double variable, % so all indices are forced into double at this point.% A row in matrix ,lin2accum_aJ, contains the J indices (into the % accumulation array) of all the votings that are introduced by a % same pixel in the image. Similarly with matrix linZaccum aP. rr_41inaccum = double( prm_r_range );linaccum_dr = [ (-rr_41inaccum(2) + 0.5) : -rr_41inaccum(l),... (rr_41inaccum(l) + 0.5) : rr_41inaccum(2)];lin2accum_aJ = floor(...double(grdx(grdmasklin)./grdmag(grdmasklin)) * linaccum_dr + ...repmat( double(grdmask_IdxJ)+0.5 , [ 1 ,length(linaccum_dr)])...);lin2accum_al = floor(...double(grdy(grdmasklin)./grdmag(grdmasklin)) * linaccum dr + ...repmat( double(grdmask_IdxI)+0.5 , [1 ,length(linaccum_dr)])...);% Clip the votings that are out of the accumulation arraymask_valid_a J al =...lin2accum_aJ > 0 & lin2accum_aJ < (size(grdmag,2) + 1) & ...Iin2accum_al > 0 & lin2accum_al < (size(grdmag,l) + 1);mask_valid_aJaI_reverse =〜mask_valid_aJaI;lin2accum_aJ = lin2accum_aJ .* maskvalida J al + maskvalidaJ alreverse;lin2accum_al = lin2accum_al .* mask_valid_aJaI + mask_valid_aJaI_reverse;clear mask_valid_aJ alre verse;% Linear indices (of the votings) into the accumulation arraylin2accum = sub2ind( size(grdmag), lin2accum_al, lin2accum_aJ );lin2accum_size = size( lin2accum );lin2accum = reshape( lin2accum, [numel(lin2accum),l]);clear lin2accum_al lin2accum_aJ;% Weights of the votings, currently using the gradient maginitudes% but in fact any scheme can be used (application dependent)weight4accum =...repmat( double(grdmag(grdmasklin)) , [lin2accum_size(2), 1 ]) .* ...mask_valid_aJ al(:);clear mask_valid_aJaI;% Build the accumulation array using Matlab function 'accumarray'accum = accumarray( lin2accum , weight4accum );accum = [ accum ; zeros( numel(grdmag) - numel(accum), 1 )];accum = reshape( accum, size(grdmag));%%%%%%%% Locating local maxima in the accumulation array %%%%%%%%%%%%% Stop if no need to locate the center positions of circlesif ~func_compu_cen,return;endclear lin2accum weight4accum;% Parameters to locate the local maxima in the accumulation array% — Segmentation of 'accum' before locating LM prmuseaoi = true;prm_aoithres_s = 2;prm aoiminsize = floor(min([ min(size(accum)) * 0.25,... prm_r_range(2) * 1.5 ]));% — Filter for searching for local maxima prmfltrLMs = 1.35;prm fltrLM r = ceil( prm fltrLM R * 0.6 );prm fltrLM npix = max([ 6, ceil((prm_fltrLM_R/2)A 1.8)]);% — Lower bound of the intensity of local maximaprm LM LoBndRa = 0.2; % minimum ratio of LM to the max of'accum'% Smooth the accumulation arrayfltr4accum = fltr4accum / sum(fltr4accum(:));accum = filter2( fltr4accum, accum );% Select a number of Areas-Of^Interest from the accumulation array if prmuseaoi, % Threshold value for 'accum1prm_llm_thresl = prm_grdthres * prm_aoithres_s;% Thresholding over the accumulation array accummask = ( accum > prm llm thres 1 );% Segmentation over the mask[accumlabel, accum nRgn] = bwlabel( accummask, 8 );% Select AOIs from segmented regionsaccumAOI = ones(0,4);for k = 1 : accum nRgn,accumrgn lin = find( accumlabel = k);[accumrgn_ldxl, accumrgn_IdxJ]=...ind2sub( size(accumlabel), accumrgn lin);rgn top = min( accumrgn ldxl);rgn bottom = max( accumrgn_ldxl);rgn left = min( accumrgn ldxJ );rgn_right = max( accumrgn ldxJ );% The AOIs selected must satisfy a minimum sizeif ((rgn_right - rgn_left + 1) >= prm_aoiminsize && ...(rgn_bottom - rgn top + 1) >= prm aoiminsize ),accumAOI = [ accumAOI;...rgn top, rgn bottom, rgn left, rgn right ];endendelse% Whole accumulation array as the one AOIaccumAOI = [1, size(accum,l), 1, size(accum,2)];end% Thresholding of 'accum' by a lower boundprm LM LoBnd = max(accum(:)) * prm LM LoBndRa;% Build the filter for searching for local maxima fltr4LM = zeros(2 * prm_fltrLM_R + 1);[mesh4fLM_x, mesh4fLM_y] = meshgrid(-prm_fltrLM_R : prm fltrLM R);mesh4fLM_r = sqrt( mesh4fLM_x.A2 + mesh4fLM_y.A2 );fltr4LM_mask =...(mesh4fLM_r > prm_fltrLM_r & mesh4fLM_r <= prm fltrLM R );fltr4LM = fltr4LMfltr4LM_mask * (prm fltrLM s / sum(fltr4LM_mask(:)));if prm_fltrLM_R >= 4,fltr4LM_mask = ( mesh4fLM_r < (prm_fltrLM_r - 1));elsefltr4LM_mask = ( mesh4fLM_r < prm fltrLM r );endfltr4LM = fltr4LM + fltr4LM mask / sum(fltr4LM_mask(:));% **** Debug code (begin)if dbg_on,dbg_LMmask = zeros(size(accum));end% **** Debug code (end)% For each of the AOIs selected, locate the local maximacircen = zeros(0,2);fbrk = 1 : size(accumAOI, 1),aoi = accumAOI(k,:); % just for referencing convenience% Thresholding of 'accum* by a lower boundaccumaoi_LBMask =...(accum(aoi(l):aoi(2), aoi(3):aoi(4)) > prm LM LoBnd );% Apply the local maxima filtercandLM = conv2( accum(aoi( 1):aoi(2), aoi(3):aoi(4)),...fltr4LM, 'same*);candLM mask = ( candLM > 0 );% Clear the margins of 'candLM mask*candLM_mask([l :prm_fltrLM_R, (end-prm_fltrLM_R+l):end], :) = 0;candLM mask(:, [l:prm_fltrLM_R, (end-prm_fltrLM_R+l):end]) = 0;% **** Debug code (begin)if dbg_on,dbg_LMmask(aoi( 1 ):aoi(2), aoi(3):aoi(4))=...dbg_LMmask(aoi( 1 ):aoi(2), aoi(3):aoi(4)) + ...accumaoi LBMask + 2 * candLM mask;end% **** Debug code (end)% Group the local maxima candidates by adjacency, compute the% centroid position for each group and take that as the center% of one circle detected[candLM label, candLM nRgn] = bwlabel( candLM_mask, 8 );fbr ilabel = 1 : candLM nRgn,% Indices (to current AOI) of the pixels in the groupcandgrp masklin = find( candLM label == ilabel);[candgrp_ldxl, candgrp_IdxJ]=...ind2sub( size(candLM label), candgrp masklin );% Indices (to 'accum') of the pixels in the groupcandgrp_ldxl = candgrp_ldxl + ( aoi(l) - 1 );candgrp IdxJ = candgrp IdxJ + ( aoi(3) - 1 );candgrp_idx2acm =...sub2ind( size(accum) , candgrp ldxl, candgrp IdxJ );% Minimum number of qulified pixels in the groupif sum(accumaoi_LBMask(candgrp_masklin)) < prm_fltrLM_npix, continue;end% Compute the centroid positioncandgrp_acmsum = sum( accum(candgrp_idx2acm));cc_x = sum( candgrp IdxJ .* accum(candgrp_idx2acm) ) / ...candgrpacmsum;cc_y = sum( candgrp_ldxl .* accum(candgrp_idx2acm) ) / ...candgrpacmsum;circen = [circen; cc_x, cc_y];endend% **** Debug code (begin)if dbg_on,figure(dbg bfigno); imagesc(dbg LMmask); axis image;title(*Generated map of local maxima1);if size(accumAOI, 1) == 1,figure(dbg_bfigno+1);surf(candLM, 'EdgeColor1, hone'); axis ij;title(,Accumulation array after local maximum filtering*);endend% **** Debug code (end)%%%%%%%% Estimation of the Radii of Circles %%%%%%%%%%%%% Stop if no need to estimate the radii of circlesif ~func_compu_radii,varargout{l} = circen;return;end% Parameters for the estimation of the radii of circlesfltr4SgnCv=[2 1 1];fltr4SgnCv = fltr4SgnCv / sum(fltr4SgnCv);% Find circle's radius using its signature curve cirrad = zeros( size(circen,l), 1 );for k = 1 : size(circen,l),% Neighborhood region of the circle for building the sgn. curve circen_round = round( circen(k,:));SCvR IO = circen_round(2) - prm_r_range(2) - 1;ifSCvR_IO<l,SCvR_I0= 1;endSCvRIl = circen_round(2) + prm_r_range(2) + 1;if SCvR Il > size(grdx,l),SCvRIl = size(grdx,l);endSCvR JO = circen round(l) - prm_r_range(2) - 1;ifSCvR_JO<l,SCvRJO = 1;endSCvRJ 1 = circenround(l) + prm_r_range(2) + 1;if SCvR Jl > size(grdx,2),SCvRJl = size(grdx,2);end% Build the sgn. curveSgnCvMat_dx = repmat( (SCvR J0:SCvR J 1) - circen(k,l),...[SCvRJl - SCvRJO +1,1]);SgnCvMat_dy = repmat( (SCvR_IO:SCvR_Il)' - circen(k,2),...[1 , SCvRJl - SCvRJO + 1]);SgnCvMat_r = sqrt( SgnCvMat dx .A2 + SgnCvMat_dy .A2 );SgnCvMatrpl = round(SgnCvMatr) + 1;f4SgnCv = abs(...double(grdx(SCvR_IO:SCvR_Il, SCvRJO:SCvRJ 1)) .* SgnCvMat_dx + ...double(grdy(SCvR_IO:SCvR Il, SCvR JO:SCvR J 1)) .* SgnCvMat dy...)./ SgnCvMat r;SgnCv = accumarray( SgnCvMat rp 1(:) , f4SgnCv(:));SgnCv_Cnt = accumarray( SgnCvMat rp 1 (:) , ones(numel(f4SgnCv), 1));SgnCv_Cnt = SgnCv_Cnt + (SgnCv_Cnt == 0);SgnCv = SgnCv ./ SgnCv_Cnt;% Suppress the undesired entries in the sgn. curve% ― Radii that correspond to short arcsSgnCv = SgnCv .* ( SgnCv_Cnt >= (pi/4 * [O:(numel(SgnCv_Cnt)-1 )]*));% ― Radii that are out of the given rangeSgnCv( 1 : (round(prm_r_range( 1))+1) ) = 0;SgnCv( (round(prm_r_range(2))+1) : end ) = 0;% Get rid of the zero radius entry in the arraySgnCv = SgnCv(2:end);% Smooth the sgn. curveSgnCv = filtfilt( fltr4SgnCv , [1] , SgnCv );% Get the maximum value in the sgn. curveSgnCv_max = max(SgnCv);if SgnCv_max <= 0,cirrad(k) = 0;continue;end% Find the local maxima in sgn. curve by 1st order derivatives% ― Mark the ascending edges in the sgn. curve as Is and% ― descending edges as OsSgnCv AscEdg = ( SgnCv(2:end) - SgnCv(l:(end-l)) ) > 0;% ― Mark the transition (ascending to descending) regionsSgnCv LMmask = [ 0; 0; SgnCv_AscEdg(l:(end-2)) ] & (〜SgnCv_AscEdg);SgnCv LMmask = SgnCvLMmask & [ SgnCv_LMmask(2:end); 0 ];% Incorporate the minimum value requirementSgnCvLMmask = SgnCvLMmask & ...(SgnCv(l:(end-l)) >= (prm_multirad * SgnCv_max));% Get the positions of the peaksSgnCv LMPos = sort( find(SgnCv_LMmask));% Save the detected radiiif isempty(SgnCvLMPos),cirrad(k) = 0;elsecirrad(k) = SgnCvLMPos(end);for i radii = (length(SgnCv LMPos) - 1) : -1 : 1,circen = [ circen; circen(k,:)];cirrad = [ cirrad; SgnCv_LMPos(i_radii)];endendend% Outputvarargout{l} = circen;varargout{2} = cirrad;if nargout > 3,varargout{3} = dbg_LMmask;endprograms:programs:2 function DrawCircle (x, y, r, nseg, S)% Draw a circle on the current figure using ploylines%% DrawCircle (x, y, r, nseg, S)% A simple function for drawing a circle on graph.%% INPUT: (x, y, r, nseg, S)% x, y: Center of the circle% r: Radius of the circle% nseg: Number of segments for the circle% S: Colors, plot symbols and line types%% OUTPUT: None%% BUG REPORT:% Please send your bug reports, comments and suggestions to% pengtao@glue. umd. edu . Thanks.% Author: Tao Peng% Department of Mechanical Engineering% University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA % pengtao@glue. umd. edu% Version: alpha Revision: Jan. 10, 2006theta = 0 : (2 * pi / nseg) : (2 * pi);pline_x 二r * cos(theta) + x;pline_y 二r * sin(theta) + y;plot (pline_x, pline_y, S);3function testiml二imread (' image 1. jpg');% rawimg = imread(,TestImg_CHT_c3. bmp J);rawimg=rgb2gray(iml);tic;[accum, circen, cirrad] = CircularHough_Grd(rawimg, [20 30], 5,50);circentoe;figure(1) ; imagesc(accum); axis image;title (J Accumulation Array from Circular Hough Transform,); figure (2) ; imagesc (rawimg) ; colormap (J gray,) ; axis image; hold on;plot (circen(:, 1), circen(:, 2), ' r+');for k = 1 : size (circen, 1),DrawCircle (circen (k, 1), circen (k, 2), cirrad (k), 32, ' b-'); end hold off; title(f Raw Image with Circles Detected ...'(center positions and radii marked)']);figure (3); surf(accum, ' EdgeColor,, ' none5); axis ij; title (J 3-D View of the Accumulation Array');附带图像image 1. jpg直接运行test.m即可得到上方的结果!当然方法是活的,只要合理即可行。
一、教材76页第1章习题1第7题(来自高中数学课本的数学探究问题,满分10分) 表1.17是某地一年中10天的白昼时间(单位:小时),请选择合适的函数模型,并进行数据拟合.一、解:根据地理常识,某地的白昼时间是以一年为周期而变化的,以日期在一年中的序号为自变量x ,以白昼时间为因变量y ,则根据表1.17的数据可知在一年(一个周期)内,随着x 的增加,y 先增后减,y 大约在6月21日(夏至)达到最大值,在12月21日(冬至)达到最小值,在3月21日(春分)或9月21日(秋分)达到中间值。
选择正弦函数sin(2/365)y A x b πϕ=++作为函数模型。
根据表1.17的数据,推测,A b ϕ和的值,作非线性拟合得26.9022sin( 1.3712)12.385365y x π=-+,预测该地12月21日的白昼时间为5.49小时。
二、教材100页第2章习题2第1题(满分10分)继续考虑第2.2节“汽车刹车距离”案例,请问“两秒准则”和“一车长度准则”一样吗?“两秒准则”是否足够安全?对于安全车距,你有没有更好的建议?二、解:“两秒准则”表明亲厚车距D 与车速v 成正比例关系2D K v =,其中22K s =。
由221[()]d D v k v K k -=--可以计算得到当212()/54.428/v K k k km h <-=时有d D <,“两秒准则”足够安全,或者把刹车距离实测数据和“两秒准则”画在同一幅图中,根据图形指出“两秒准则”足够安全的车速范围。
用最大刹车距离除以车速,得到最大刹车距离所需要的尾随时间,并以尾随时间为依据,提出更安全的准则,如“3秒准则”,“4秒准则”或“t 秒准则”(见下图)三、教材100页第2章习题2第3题(满分10分)继续考虑第2.3节“生猪出售时机”案例,做灵敏度分析,分别考虑农场每天投入的资金对最佳出售时机和多赚的纯利润的影响.三、解:(,)2,(,)4dt c dQ x S t c S Q c dc tdcQ =∙=-=∙=-四、教材143页第3章习题3第2题(满分10分)某种山猫在较好、中等及较差的自然环境下,年平均增长率分别为 1.68%、0.55%和-4.5%. 假设开始时有100只山猫,按以下情况分别讨论山猫数量逐年变化的过程及趋势:(1) 三种自然环境下25年的变化过程,结果要列表并图示;(2) 如果每年捕获3只,山猫数量将如何变化?会灭绝吗?如果每年只捕获1只呢? (3) 在较差的自然环境下,如果要使山猫数量稳定在60只左右,每年要人工繁殖多少只?解:(1)设第k 年山猫的数量为k x ,列式得1(1)(0,1,2,k k x r x k +=+=…),用循环语句计算,并列表和作图。
假定鱼池中只有⼀种鲈鱼,并且得到8条鱼的如下数据(胸围指鱼⾝的最⼤周长):⾝长(cm)36.8 31.8 43.8 36.8 32.1 45.1 35.9 32.1重量(g)765 482 1162 737 482 1389 652 454 胸围(cm)24.8 21.3 27.9 24.8 21.6 31.8 22.9 21.6先⽤机理分析建⽴模型,再⽤数据确定参数4.⽤宽w的布条缠绕直径d的圆形管道,要求布条不重叠,问布条与管道轴线的夹⾓应多⼤(如图)。
〔2〕给出单位重量价格c与w的关系,画出它的简图,说明w越大c越小,但是随着w 的增加c减少的程度变小。
假定鱼池4.用宽w的布条缠绕直径d的圆形管道,要求布条不重叠,问布条与管道轴线的夹角 应多大〔如图〕。
数学建模协会寒假作业答案【作业一】某市有甲、乙、丙、丁四个居民区,自来水由A 、B 、C 三个水库供应。
由于地理位置的差别,自来水公司从各水库向各区送水所需付出的引水管理费不同(见表1-1,其中C 水库与丁区之间没有输水管道),其他管理费用都是450元/千吨。
问题一:该公司应如何分配供水量,才能获利最多?的最大供水量都提高一倍,问那时供水方案应如何改变?公司利润可增加到多少? (灵敏度分析) 【答案】分配供水量就是安排从三个水库向四个区送水的方案,目标是获利最多。
而从题目给出的数据看,A 、B 、C 三个水库的供水量160千吨,不超过四个区的基本生活用水量与额外用水量之和300千吨,因而总能全部卖出并获利,于是自来水公司每天的总收人是900×(50+603-50)=144000元,与送水方案无关。
很明显,决策变量为A 、B 、C 三个水库(1,2,3i =)分别向甲、乙、丙、丁四个区(1,2,3,4j =)的供水量。
设水库i 向j 区的日供水量为ij x 。
由于C 水库与丁区之间没有输水管道,即340x =,因此只有11个决策变量。
由以上分析,问题的目标可以从获利最多转化为引水费用最少,于是有:1112131421222324313233min 160130220170140130190150190200230x x x x x x x x x x x =++++++++++约束条件有两类:一类是水库的供应量限制,另一类是各区的需求量限制。
第一章10题一位探险家必须穿过一片宽度为800 km的沙漠,他仅有的交通工具是一辆每升汽油可行驶10km的吉普车.吉普车的油箱可装10升汽油。
另外吉普车上可携带8个可装5升汽油的油桶,也就是说,吉普车最多可带50升汽油(最多能在沙漠中连续行驶500 km)。
1. 问题描述假设有一座小岛,岛上有一座高度为h的灯塔,灯塔的光照范围是一个圆形区域。
请问,船上的人应该停留在哪个位置才能看到灯塔?2. 建模过程首先,我们可以根据几何知识得出,船上的人能够看到灯塔的条件是船在灯塔的光照范围内。
根据几何知识,我们可以得出光照范围的半径与灯塔的高度之间的关系:r = √(2hR)其中,R为地球半径,h为灯塔的高度。
根据三角函数的定义,我们可以得出:tan(θ) = h/d解出θ后,我们可以得到船位于距离灯塔为d的位置时,船与灯塔连线与地球表面的夹角。
3. 答案求解根据上述建模过程,我们可以得到船位于距离灯塔为d的位置时,船与灯塔连线与地球表面的夹角θ。
根据公式tan(θ) = h/d,我们可以解出θ的近似值为θ ≈ 0.0157 弧度。
4. 结论根据上述计算结果,船位于距离灯塔为d的位置时,船与灯塔连线与地球表面的夹角θ的近似值为θ ≈ 0.0157 弧度。
4、用 MATLAB 计算函数 f ( x ) 实
sin x cos x 在 x= 处的值. 2 3 1 x
5、用 MATLAB 计算函数 f ( x) arctan x ln( x 1) 在 x=1.23 处的值.
15、求极限 lim
x 0
sin 2 x 1 cos x
>> syms x y >> y=sin(2^0.5*x)/sqrt(1-cos(x)); >> limit(y,x,0,‘right’) ans =
1 21x ( ) 16、求极限 lim x 0 3
>> syms x y >> y=(1/3)^(1/(2*x)); >> limit(y,x,0,'right') ans = 0 17、求极限 xlim
y x 2 , y x3 , y x 4 这三条曲线的
x t2 13、作曲线 y sin t 的 3 维图象. z t
x (1 cos u ) cos v 14、作环面 y (1 cos u ) sin v 在 (0, 2 ) (0, 2 ) 上的 3 维图象. z sin u
19、求极限 lim
1 cos 2 x x 0 x sin x
>> syms x y >> y=(1-cos(2*x))/(x*sin(x)); >> limit(y,x,0) 过 ans = 2 20、求极限 lim
第10题解释:数学模型数学模型(Mathematical Model)是由数字、字母或者其他数学符号组成的,描述现量规律的数学公式、图形或算法.第11题词解释:一阶差分方程第3题在驾驶过程中遇到突发事件会紧急刹车,从司机决定刹车到车完全停住汽车行驶的距车距离,车速越快,刹车距离越长. 请问刹车距离与车速之间具有怎样的数量关系案:?6.第5题7.第13题8.第14题9.第6题10.第9题根据按揭贷款的等额本息还款法的算法:每月利息=本月剩余本金×贷款月利率每月本金=本月剩余本金-下月剩余本金每月月供额=每月本金+每月利息建立数学模型,并推出已知本金总额和按揭年数时月供额的计算公式.11.第12题请详细阐述正比例函数模型进行最小二乘数据拟合的原理。
16.第8题什么是灵敏性分析为什么需要做灵敏性分析哪些参数需要做灵敏性分析哪些参数不需要做灵敏性分析灵敏性(sensitivity)是指当数学模型的某个参数改变时模型解答的变化程度,变化越大,模型解答对该参数的就越灵敏.在建立数学模型解决实际问题的时候,人们自然期待模型解答对参数不算灵敏,因为在灵敏的情况下,一旦参数发生微小变化,模型的解答就会发生显着的变化,会给模型检验和模型应用带来困难. 但事实上,在科学技术各个领域广泛存在着灵敏性和临界值问题,在数学上很多数学模型也存在着灵敏性和临界值问题,当参数处于临界值附近时,模型解答会对参数高度灵敏. 人们对此非常关注又非常感兴趣. 所以不论建立什么样的数学模型,都需要仔细的做灵敏度分析.在数学建模的实践中,没必要对所有参数都进行灵敏度分析,需要对哪些参数进行灵敏度分析要从实际意义出发考虑参数的不确定程度. 有些参数实际上是稳定的,其观测值是准确可靠的;另一些参数实际上经常变动,观测、估计或预测所得的参数值往往会包含不小的误差. 显然,前一种参数没有做灵敏度分析的必要,而后一种参数的不确定性会影响模型解答的可信性,所以灵敏度分析非常有必要.17.第16题请说明MATLAB的变量名、M文件名和函数名的命名规则。
答:相邻两椅脚与地面距离之和分别定义为)()(a g a f 和。
f 和g 都是连续函数。
椅子在任何位置至少有三只脚着地,所以对于任意的a ,)()(a g a f 和中至少有一个不为零。
不妨设0)0(,0)0(g >=f 。
当椅子旋转90°后,对角线互换,0π/2)(,0)π/2(>=g f 。
就归结为证明如下的数学命题:已知a a g a f 是和)()(的连续函数,对任意0)π/2()0(,0)()(,===⋅f g a g a f a 且,0)π/2(,0)0(>>g f 。
证明存在0a ,使0)()(00==a g a f证:令0)π/2(0)0(),()()(<>-=h h a g a f a h 和则,由g f 和的连续性知h 也是连续函数。
根据连续函数的基本性质,必存在0a (0<0a <π/2)使0)(0=a h ,即0)()(00==a g a f因为0)()(00=∙a g a f ,所以0)()(00==a g a f8第二章10.用已知尺寸的矩形板材加工半径一定的圆盘,给出几种简便有效的排列方法,使加工出尽可能多的圆盘。
第三章5.根据最优定价模型 考虑成本随着销售量的增加而减少,则设kx q x q -=0)( (1)k 是产量增加一个单位时成本的降低 , 销售量x 与价格p 呈线性关系0,,>-=b a bp a x (2)收入等于销售量乘以价格p :px x f =)( (3)利润)()()(x q x f x r -= (4)将(1)(2)(3)代入(4)求出当k q b a ,,,0给定后容易求出使利润达到最大的定价*p 为6.根据最优定价模型 px x f =)( x 是销售量 p 是价格,成本q 随着时间增长,ββ,0t q q +=为增长率,0q 为边际成本(单位成本)。
《数学建模》作业参考答案一. 设储蓄所每天雇佣的全时服务员中以12:00~1:00为午餐时间的有1x 名,以1:00~2:00为午餐时间的有2x 名;半时服务员中从9:00,10:00,11:00,12:00,1:00开始工作的分别为54321,,,,y y y y y 名。
列出模型54321214040404040100100y y y y y x x Min++++++s.t. 4121≥++y x x , 32121≥+++y y x x ,432121≥++++y y y x x , 643212≥++++y y y y x , 554321≥++++y y y y x , 654321≥++++y y y x x , 85421≥+++y y x x , 8521≥++y x x ,354321≤++++y y y y y , 0,,,,,,5432121≥y y y y y x x 且为整数得到最优解1,0,2,0,0,4,35432121=======y y y y y x x ,最小费用为820元。
如果不能雇佣半时服务员,则最优解为0,0,0,0,0,6,55432121=======y y y y y x x ,最小费用为1100元,即每天至少增加1100-820=280元。
如果雇佣半时服务员的数量没有限制,则最优解为8,2,0,0,4,0,05432121=======y y y y y x x ,最小费用为560元,即每天可以减少820-560=260元。
二. 模型为Ex xN n rx x F x-==1)( ,,有2个平衡点:0=x 和rE Nex /0-=。
可证0=x 不稳定,0x 稳定(与E ,r 的大小无关)。
最大持续产量为e rN h m /=,获得m h 的e N x r E m /,0==*。
三. (1)尾数)(t n 满足0(0),(0)n n n n λλ'>==-得te n t n λ-=0)(。
数学建模答案(完整版)1 建立一个命令M 文件:求数60.70.80,权数分别为1.1,1.3,1.2的加权平均数。
在指令窗口输入指令edit ,打开空白的M 文件编辑器;里面输入s=60*1.1+70*1.3+80*1.2;ave=s/3 然后保存即可2 编写函数M 文件SQRT.M;函数()f x = x=567.889与0.0368处的近似值(保留有效数四位)在指令窗口输入指令edit ,打开空白的M 文件编辑器;里面输入syms x1 x2 s1 s2 zhi1 zhi2x1=567.889;x2=0.368; s1=sqrt(x1);s2=sqrt(x2); zhi1=vpa(s1,4) zhi2=vpa(s2,4)然后保存并命名为SQRT.M 即可3用matlab 计算()f x =的值,其中a=2.3,b=4.89.>> syms a b>> a=2.3;b=4.89;>> sqrt(a^2+b^2)/abs(a-b)ans =2.08644用matlab 计算函数()f x =在x=3π处的值. >> syms x>> x=pi/3;>> sqrt(sin(x)+cos(x))/abs(1-x^2)ans =12.09625用matlab 计算函数()arctan f x x =在x=1.23处的值. >> syms x >> x=1.23;>> atan(x)+sqrt(log(x+1))ans =1.78376 用matlab 计算函数()()f x f x ==在x=-2.1处的值. >> syms x>> x=-2.1;>> 2-3^x*log(abs(x)) ans =1.92617 用蓝色.点连线.叉号绘制函数[0,2]上步长为0.1的图像.>> syms x y>> x=0:0.2:2;y=2*sqrt(x); >> plot(x,y,'b.-')8 用紫色.叉号.实连线绘制函数ln 10y x =+在[20,15]--上步长为0.2的图像. >> syms x y>> x=-20:0.2:-15;y=log(abs(x+10)); >> plot(x,y,'mx-')ln 10[20,y x =+--9 用红色.加号连线虚线绘制函数sin()22x y π=-在[-10,10]上步长为0.2的图像. >> syms x y;>> x=-10:0.2:10;y=sin(x/2-pi/2); >> plot(x,y,'r+--')10用紫红色.圆圈.点连线绘制函数sin(2)3y x π=+在[0,4]π上步长为0.2的图像.sin(2)sin()[0,4]322x y x y πππ=+=- >> syms x y>> x=0:0.2:4*pi;y=sin(2*x+pi/3); >> plot(x,y,'mo-.')11 在同一坐标中,用分别青色.叉号.实连线与红色.星色.虚连线绘制y=与y =.>> syms x y1 y2>> x=0:pi/50:2*pi;y1=cos(3*sqrt(x));y2=3*cos(sqrt(x)); >> plot(x,y1,'cx-',x,y2,'r*--')12 在同一坐标系中绘制函数234,,y x y x y x ===这三条曲线的图标,并要求用两种方法加各种标注.234,,y x y x y x === >> syms x y1 y2 y3;>> x=-2:0.1:2;y1=x.^2;y2=x.^3;y3=x.^4;plot(x,y1,x,y2,x,y3);13 作曲线2sin x t y t z t ?=?=??=?的3维图像>> syms x y t z >> t=0:1/50:2*pi; >> x=t.^2;y=sin(t);z=t;>> stem3(x,y,z)14 作环面(1cos )cos (1cos )sin sin x u v y u v z u =+??=+??=?在(0,2)(0,2)ππ?上的3维图像>> syms x y u v z>> u=0:pi/50:2*pi;v=0:pi/50:2*pi;>>x=(1+cos(u)).*cos(v);y=(1+cos(u)).*sin(v);z=sin(u); >> plot3(x,y,z)15 求极限0lim x +→0lim x +→>> syms x y>> y=sin(2^0.5*x)/sqrt(1-cos(x)); >> limit(y,x,0,'right') ans = 216 求极限1201lim()3x x +→ >> syms y x>> y=(1/3)^(1/(2*x)); >> limit(y,x,0,'right') ans = 0 17求极限limx>> syms x y>> y=(x*cos(x))/sqrt(1+x^3); >> limit(y,x,+inf) ans = 0 18 求极限21lim ()1xx x x →+∞+- >> syms x y>> y=((x+1)/(x-1))^(2*x); >> limit(y,x,+inf) ans =exp(4)19 求极限01cos 2limsin x xx x→->> syms x y>> y=(1-cos(2*x))/(x*sin(x)); >> limit(y,x,0) ans = 220 求极限 0x →>> syms x y>> y=(sqrt(1+x)-sqrt(1-x))/x; >> limit(y,x,0) ans = 121 求极限2221lim 2x x x x x →+∞++-+>> syms x y>> y=(x^2+2*x+1)/(x^2-x+2); >> limit(y,x,+inf) ans = 1 22 求函数y=5(21)arctan x x -+的导数 >> syms x y>> y=(2*x-1)^5+atan(x); >> diff(y) ans =10*(2*x - 1)^4 + 1/(x^2 + 1) 23 求函数y=2tan 1x xy x=+的导数 >> syms y x>> y=(x*tan(x))/(1+x^2); >> diff(y) ans =tan(x)/(x^2 + 1) + (x*(tan(x)^2 + 1))/(x^2 + 1) - (2*x^2*tan(x))/(x^2 + 1)^224 求函数3tan x y e x -=的导数>> syms y x>> y=exp^(-3*x)*tan(x) >> y=exp(-3*x)*tan(x) y =exp(-3*x)*tan(x)>> diff(y) ans =exp(-3*x)*(tan(x)^2 + 1) - 3*exp(-3*x)*tan(x) 25 求函数y=2 2ln sin2xx π+在x=1的导数>> syms x y>> y=(1-x)/(1+x); >> diff(y,x,2) ans =2/(x + 1)^2 - (2*(x - 1))/(x + 1)^3>> syms x y>> y=2*log(x)+sin(pi*x/2)^2; >> dxdy=diff(y)dxdy =2/x + pi*cos((pi*x)/2)*sin((pi*x)/2) zhi=subs(dxdy,1)zhi =226 求函数y=01cos 2lim sin x x x x →-11xx-+的二阶导数>> syms x y>> y=(1-x)/(1+x); >> diff(y,x,2) ans =2/(x + 1)^2 - (2*(x - 1))/(x + 1)^327 求函数的导数;>> syms x y>> y=((x-1)^3*(3+2*x)^2/(1+x)^4)^0.2; >> diff(y) ans =(((8*x + 12)*(x - 1)^3)/(x + 1)^4 + (3*(2*x + 3)^2*(x - 1)^2)/(x + 1)^4 - (4*(2*x + 3)^2*(x - 1)^3)/(x + 1)^5)/(5*(((2*x + 3)^2*(x - 1)^3)/(x + 1)^4)^(4/5))28在区间(,-∞+∞)内求函数43()341f x x x =-+的最值. >> f='-3*x^4+4*x^3-1'; >> [x,y]=fminbnd(f,-inf,inf) x =NaN y =NaN>> f='3*x^4-4*x^3+1';>> [x,y]=fminbnd(f,-inf,inf) x =NaN y =NaN29在区间(-1,5)内求函数发()(f x x =-.>> f='(x-1)*x^0.6';>> [x,y]=fminbnd(f,-1,5) x =0.3750 y =-0.3470 >>>> f='-(x-1)*x^0.6';>> [x,y]=fminbnd(f,-1,5) x =4.9999 y =-10.505930 求不定积分(ln 32sin )x x dx -?(ln 32sin )x x dx -? >> syms x y>> y=log(3*x)-2*sin(x); >> int(y) ans =2*cos(x) - x + x*log(3) + x*log(x)31求不定积分2sin x e xdx ?>> syms x y>> y=exp(x)*sin(x)^2; >> int(y) ans =-(exp(x)*(cos(2*x) + 2*sin(2*x) - 5))/1032. 求不定积分>> syms x y>> y=x*atan(x)/(1+x)^0.5; >> int(y)Warning: Explicit integral could not be found. ans = int((x*atan(x))/(x + 1)^(1/2), x)33.计算不定积分2(2cos )x x x edx --?>> syms x y>> y=1/exp(x^2)*(2*x-cos(x)); >> int(y) Warning: Explicit integral could not be found. ans = int(exp(-x^2)*(2*x - cos(x)), x) 34.计算定积分1(32)xex dx -+?>> syms x y>> y=exp(-x)*(3*x+2); >> int(y,0,1) ans =5 - 8*exp(-1)1(32)x e x dx -+?35.计算定积分0limx x→120(1)cos x arc xdx +?>> syms y x>> y=(x^2+1)*acos(x); >> int(y,0,1) ans =11/936.计算定积分1cos ln(1)x x dx+?>> syms x y>> y=(cos(x)*log(x+1)); >> int(y,0,1)Warning: Explicit integral could not be found. ans = int(log(x + 1)*cos(x), x == 0..1) 37计算广义积分2122x x dx +∞++-∞?;>> syms y x>> y=(1/(x^2+2*x+2)); >> int(y,-inf,inf) ans = pi 38.计算广义积分20xdx x e+∞-?;>> syms x y>> y=x^2*exp(-x); >> int(y,0,+inf) ans = 2。
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数学建模协会寒假作业答案【作业一】某市有甲、乙、丙、丁四个居民区,自来水由A 、B 、C 三个水库供应。
由于地理位置的差别,自来水公司从各水库向各区送水所需付出的引水管理费不同(见表1-1,其中C 水库与丁区之间没有输水管道),其他管理费用都是450元/千吨。
问题一:该公司应如何分配供水量,才能获利最多?的最大供水量都提高一倍,问那时供水方案应如何改变?公司利润可增加到多少? (灵敏度分析)【答案】分配供水量就是安排从三个水库向四个区送水的方案,目标是获利最多。
而从题目给出的数据看,A 、B 、C 三个水库的供水量160千吨,不超过四个区的基本生活用水量与额外用水量之和300千吨,因而总能全部卖出并获利,于是自来水公司每天的总收人是900×(50+603-50)=144000元,与送水方案无关。
很明显,决策变量为A 、B 、C 三个水库(1,2,3i =)分别向甲、乙、丙、丁四个区(1,2,3,4j =)的供水量。
设水库i 向j 区的日供水量为ij x 。
由于C 水库与丁区之间没有输水管道,即340x =,因此只有11个决策变量。
由以上分析,问题的目标可以从获利最多转化为引水费用最少,于是有:1112131421222324313233min 160130220170140130190150190200230x x x x x x x x x x x =++++++++++约束条件有两类:一类是水库的供应量限制,另一类是各区的需求量限制。
1112131421222324313233506050x x x x x x x x x x x +++=+++=++=112131122232132333142430807014010301050x x x x x x x x x x x ≤++≤≤++≤≤++≤≤+≤LINGO 线性规划源程序如下所示:Model:min=160*x11+130*x12+220*x13+170*x14+140*x21+130*x22+190*x23+150* x24+190*x31+200*x32+230*x33;x11+x12+x13+x14=50;x21+x22+x23+x24=60;x31+x32+x33=50x11+x2l+x31>=30;x12+x22+x32>=70;x13+x14+x24>=10;x14+x24>=10;x11+x21+x3l<=80;x12+x22+x32<=140x13+x23+x33<=30:x14+x24<=50:其中第二行为目标函数,首先用max=或者min=声明求解的目标函数最大化或者最小化,然后键入目标函数。
按住Ctrl+S运行,得到运行结果如下:Global optimal solution found。
Objective value:24400.00Total solver iterations:8LINGO得到的结果与LINDO得到的结果类似,但是LINGO不支持灵敏度分析。
08,第84页某公司出口换汇成本分析对经营同一类产品出口业务的公司进行抽样调查, 被调查的13家公司,其出口换汇成本与商品流转费用率资料如下表。
设出口换汇成本为Y , 商品流转费用x(2)求2σ的无偏估计。
(3) 并估计某家公司商品流转费用率是6.5%的出口换汇成本。
【答案】令商品流转费用率为试验指标(因变量)y ,令出口换汇成本为影响因变量的因素即自变量x ,然后用回归拟合建立起二者之间的关系,且令ˆˆy abx =+,用回归模型解该方程的具体程序如下:x=[1.40,1.20,1.00,1.90,1.30,2.40,1.40,1.60,2.00,1.00,1.60,1.80,1.40]; y=[4.20,5.30,7.10,3.70,6.20,3.50,4.80,5.50,4.10,5.00,4.00,3.40,6.90]; X=[ones(size(x))',x']; %执行回归命令[b,bint,r,rint,stats]=regress(y',X,0.05)rcoplot(r,rint) %画出残差及它们的置信区间的图形 问题一参数估计:ˆˆ8.2333, 2.1667ab ==- 变量y 关于x 的线性回归方程:ˆ8.2333 2.1677yx =- 问题二2σ的无偏估计体现的是回归方程的优化程度,因此:检验:2=0.495810.8168R F =,,2R 和F 都相对较小,说明回归直线对样本数据点的拟合程度低;问题三预测:利用回归线性方程可解得商品流转费用率为 6.5%是对应的出口换汇成本的近似值,具体程序如下:y0=6.5;x0=(8.2333-y0)/2.1667;运行程序结果可得:00.800y =(人民币/美元)1、根据经验,当一种新商品投入市场后,随着人们对它的拥有量的增加,其销售量)(t s 下降的速度与)(t s 成正比。
广告宣传可给销量添加一个增长速度,它与广告费)(t a 成正比,但广告只能影响这种商品在市场上尚未饱和的部分(设饱和量为M )。
建立一个销售)(t s 的模型。
若广告宣传只进行有限时间τ,且广告费为常数a ,问)(t s 如何变化?【答案】根据经验,当一种新商品投入市场后,随着人们对它的拥有量的增加,其销售量)(t s 下降的速度与)(t s 成正比。
广告宣传可给销量添加一个增长速度,它与广告费)(t a 成正比,但广告只能影响这种商品在市场上尚未饱和的部分(设饱和量为M )。
建立一个销售)(t s 的模型。
若广告宣传只进行有限时间τ,且广告费为常数a ,问)(t s 如何变化?解:假设在没有广告宣传的情况下,销售量()s t 的模型为:1()()ds t k s t dt=- 在加入广告宣传后,销售量()s t 随时间变化的情况如下:120()()()(())t ds t k s t k a t M s x dx dt=-+-⎰ 其中0()t s x dx ⎰为0t 时间内的总销售量。
如果广告宣传只进行有限的时间τ,则上述模型变为12000100()()(())()(),t k s t k a t M s x dx t t t ds t dt k s t t t t t ττ⎧-+-≤≤+⎪=⎨-≥≥+⎪⎩⎰2、在鱼塘投放尾鱼苗,随着时间的增长,尾数将减少而每尾的质量将增加。