



The European Patent Convention (EPC)欧洲专利公约(EPC)Currently, for ICT-related inventions the two most important areas to obtain patent protection are probably the United States and West-European countries. Twenty European countries are currently member to the European Patent Convention, and it is possible to obtain patent protection in those countries through a single procedure before the European Patent Office.目前,与信息通讯技术相关的两个最重要的领域的发明,其专利的保护一般都是通过进入美国和西欧等国家获取的。


While quite a few aspects of patent law have been harmonized internationally (not in the least due to treaties like the Patent Cooperation Treaty or TRIPS), there still are many important differences between the two systems. This article discusses several of them.虽然,专利法中有相当几个方面的内容已经做了国际化的协调与统一(不完全与《专利合作条约》以及《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》相同),但美欧两个系统间仍旧存在重要的差异,本文就其差异做出以下几点概括。




在欧洲,专利侵权判定依据欧洲专利公约(European Patent Convention, EPC)以及欧洲专利法(European Patent Law)来进行,这些法律文件构成了欧洲专利的框架。























欧洲专利公约实施细则欧洲专利公约(European Patent Convention,简称EPC)是一个国际专利公约,旨在为发明家和创新者提供统一的专利申请制度。

























































European Patent Organisation (EPO) Implementing Regulations to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents (of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation of 13 December 2001) •Bibliographic Entries •TextsSelect Language▼Table of Contentshttp://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/t ext.jsp?file_id=126545/zcfg/flfg /zl/gjty/200804/t20080415_378153 .html•PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION第一部分适用于公约第一部分的条款■Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言■Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面手续中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 2Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in oral proceedings第二条在口头程序中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 3(deleted)第三条正式语言的改变■Rule 4Language of a European divisional application第四条专利分案申请的语言■Rule 5Certification of translations第五条译本的证明■Rule 6Time limits and reduction of fees 第六条期限和费用的减收■Rule 7Legal authenticity of the translation of theEuropean patent application第七条专利申请译本的法律效力■Chapter IIOrganisation of the European Patent Office第二章欧洲专利局的机构■Rule 8Patent classification第八条专利分类■Rule 9Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance 第九条一级机构的职责范围■Rule 10Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 第十条二级机构的职责范围■Rule 11Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appealand adoption of its Rules of Procedure第十一条二级机构工作程序的规定■Rule 12Administrative structure of the European Patent Office第十二条欧洲专利局管理机构•PART IIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART II OF THE CONVENTION第二部分适用本公约第二部分的条款■Chapter IProcedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitled第一章申请人或专利权人无资格的规定■Rule 13Suspension of proceedings第十三条审查程序的中止■Rule 14Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application第十四条对撤回欧洲专利申请的限制■Rule 15Filing of a new European patent applicationby the person entitled to apply 第十五条提出新的欧洲专利申请的资格■Rule 16Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision第十六条依据判决作出欧洲专利权的部分转让■Chapter IIMention of the inventor第二章发明人的署名■Rule 17Designation of the inventor第十七条发明人的指定■Rule 18Publication of the mention of the inventor第十八条指定发明人姓名的公布■Rule 19Rectification of the designation of an inventor第十九条更正发明人的指定■Chapter IIIRegistering transfers, licences and other rights第三章在登记簿上登记转让、许可和其他权利■Rule 20Registering a transfer第二十条转让登记■Rule 21Registering of licences and other rights第二十一条许可证及其他权利的登记■Rule 22Special indications for the registration of a licence第二十二条许可证的特别说明登记■Chapter IVCertification of exhibition第四章展出证明■Rule 23Certificate of exhibition第二十三条展出证明书■Chapter VPrior European applications■Rule 23aPrior application as state of the art■Chapter VIBiotechnological inventions■Rule 23bGeneral and definitions■Rule 23cPatentable biotechnological inventions■Rule 23dExceptions to patentability■Rule 23eThe human body and its elements •PART IIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART III OF THE CONVENTION第三部分适用于本公约第三部分的条款■Chapter IFiling of the European patent application第一章专利申请的提交■Rule 24General provisions第二十四条总则■Rule 25Provisions for European divisional applications第二十五条专利分案申请的提交及条件■Chapter IIProvisions governing the application第二章专利的申请■Rule 26Request for grant第二十六条专利的请求■Rule 27Content of the description第二十七条说明书的内容■Rule 27aRequirements of European patent applicationsrelating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences■Rule 28Deposit of biological material第二十八条涉及微生物的申请文件的写法■Rule 28aNew deposit of biological material 第二十八条之二微生物的重新保藏■Rule 29Form and content of claims第二十九条权利要求书内容和形式■Rule 30Unity of invention第三十条权利要求的不同类别■Rule 31Claims incurring fees第三十一条应当缴纳费用的权利要求■Rule 32Form of the drawings第三十二条附图的格式■Rule 33Form and content of the abstract 第三十三条文摘的内容和形式■Rule 34Prohibited matter第三十四条禁止内容■Rule 35General provisions governing the presentationof the application documents第三十五条关于提交申请文件的总则■Rule 36Documents filed subsequently第三十六条申请后提交的文件■Chapter IIIRenewal fees第三章年费■Rule 37Payment of renewal fees第三十七条年费的缴纳■Chapter IVPriority第四章优先权■Rule 38Declaration of priority and priority documents第三十八条优先权声明及文件■Rule 38aIssuing priority documents •PART IVIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART IV OF THE CONVENTION第四部分适用本公约第四部分的条款■Chapter IExamination by the Receiving Section第一章受理处的审查■Rule 39Communication following the examination on filing第三十九条受理审查后的通知■Rule 40Examination for certain physical requirements第四十条某些形式条件的审查■Rule 41Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents第四十一条申请文件内容的补正■Rule 42Subsequent identification of the inventor第四十二条发明人的最后指定■Rule 43Late-filed or missing drawings第四十三条附图的遗漏或迟交■Chapter IIEuropean search report第二章欧洲专利申请的检索报告■Rule 44Content of the European search report第四十四条检索报告的内容■Rule 45Incomplete search第四十五条不完全的检索■Rule 46European search report where the invention lacks unity第四十六条发明缺少单一性检索报告■Rule 47Definitive content of the abstract 第四十七条文摘的确定内容■Chapter IIIPublication of the European patent application第三章欧洲专利申请的公布■Rule 48Technical preparations for publication第四十八条公布的技术准备■Rule 49Form of the publication of European patent applicationsand European search reports第四十九条专利申请及检索报告的公开形式■Rule 50Information about publication第五十条公布的通知■Chapter IVExamination by the Examining Division第四章审查部的审查■Rule 51Examination procedure第五十一条审查程序■Rule 52Grant of the European patent to different applicants第五十二条向共同申请人批准欧洲专利■Chapter VThe European patent specification 第五章欧洲专利说明书■Rule 53Technical preparations for publicationand form of the specification of the European patent第五十三条欧洲专利说明书的形式■Rule 54Certificate for a European patent 第五十四条欧洲专利证书•PART VIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART V OF THE CONVENTION第五部分适用于本公约第五部分的条款■Rule 55Content of the notice of opposition 第五十五条异议书的内容■Rule 56Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible第五十六条不能受理的异议书的驳回■Rule 57Preparation of the examination of the opposition第五十七条异议审查的准备■Rule 57aAmendment of the European patent ■Rule 58Examination of opposition第五十八条异议审查■Rule 59Requests for documents第五十九条证明文件的提交■Rule 60Continuation of the opposition proceedingsby the European Patent Office of its own motion第六十条异议程序的自行继续■Rule 61Transfer of the European patent 第六十一条专利的转让■Rule 61aDocuments in opposition proceedings第六十一条之二异议程序中提交的文件■Rule 62Form of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings第六十二条欧洲专利新说明书在异议程序中的形式■Rule 62aNew certificate for a European patent第六十二条之二欧洲新专利证书■Rule 63Costs第六十三条费用•PART VIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VI OF THE CONVENTION第六部分适用于本公约第六部分的条款■Rule 64Content of the notice of appeal 第六十四条申诉书的内容■Rule 65Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible第六十五条不能受理的申诉书的驳回■Rule 66Examination of appeals 第六十六条上诉审查■Rule 67Reimbursement of appeal fees第六十七条上诉费的退回•PART VIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VII OF THE CONVENTION第七部分适用于本公约第七部分的条款■Chapter IDecisions and communications of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的决定和通知■Rule 68Form of decisions第六十八条决定的形式■Rule 69Noting of loss of rights第六十九条权利丧失的通知■Rule 70Signature, name, seal第七十条欧洲专利局通知书的形式■Chapter IIOral proceedings and taking of evidence第二章口头程序和审理■Rule 71Summons to oral proceedings第七十一条传讯参加口头程序■Rule 71aPreparation of oral proceedings ■Rule 72Taking of evidence by the European Patent Office第七十二条欧洲专利局的审理■Rule 73Commissioning of experts第七十三条专家委员会■Rule 74Costs of taking of evidence第七十四条审理费■Rule 75Conservation of evidence第七十五条证据的保留■Rule 76Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence第七十六条口头程序的记录和审理■Chapter IIINotifications第三章通知■Rule 77General provisions on notifications第七十七条关于通知的总则■Rule 78Notification by post第七十八条经邮局通知■Rule 79Notification by delivery by hand 第七十九条直接通知■Rule 80Public notification第八十条公布通知■Rule 81Notification to representatives 第八十一条通知代理人和代表人■Rule 82Irregularities in the notification 第八十二条通知的缺陷■Chapter IVTime limits第四章期限■Rule 83Calculation of time limits第八十三条期限的计算■Rule 84Duration of time limits第八十四条期限的长短■Rule 84aLate receipt of documents■Rule 85Extension of time limits第八十五条期限的顺延■Rule 85aPeriod of grace for payment of fees 第八十五条之一交费期限的延长■Rule 85bPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination第八十五条之二请求审查的延长期限■Chapter VAmendments and corrections第五章修改和更正■Rule 86Amendment of the European patent application第八十六条专利申请文件的修改■Rule 87Different claims, description and drawings for different States第八十七条不同国家的不同权利要求书、说明书和附图■Rule 88Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office第八十八条对申请文件中错误的修改■Rule 89Correction of errors in decisions 第八十九条对决定书中错误的修改■Chapter VIInterruption of proceedings 第六章程序的中止■Rule 90Interruption of proceedings第九十条程序的中止■Chapter VIIWaiving of enforced recovery procedures第七章放弃强制性收回■Rule 91Waiving of enforced recovery procedures第九十一条放弃强制性收回■Chapter VIIIInformation to the public第八章情报的公布■Rule 92Entries in the Register of European Patents第九十二条在欧洲专利局登记簿上登记■Rule 93Parts of the file not for inspection第九十三条非公开查阅文档■Rule 94Procedures for the inspection of files第九十四条公众查阅的方式■Rule 95Communication of information contained in the files第九十五条文档中有关情报的通告■Rule 95aConstitution, maintenance and preservation of files第九十五条之二文档的保存■Rule 96Additional publications by the European Patent Office第九十六条欧洲专利局的其他出版物■Chapter IXLegal and administrative co-operation第九章法律与管理的协调■Rule 97Communications between the European Patent Officeand the authorities of the Contracting States第九十七条欧洲专利局与缔约国行政当局的联系■Rule 98Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States第九十八条向缔约国法院、主管当局或其中间人查阅文档■Rule 99Procedure for letters rogatory第九十九条委托程序■Chapter XRepresentation第十章代表人■Rule 100Appointment of a common representative第一百条共同代表人的指定■Rule 101Authorisations第一百零一条委托书■Rule 102Amendment of the list of professional representatives第一百零二条登记代理人名单的修改•PART VIIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART VIII OF THE CONVENTION第八部分适用本公约第八、第十、第十一部分的条款■Rule 103Information to the public in the event of conversion第一百零三条变更的公告•PART IXIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART X OF THE CONVENTION■Rule 104The European Patent Office as a receiving Office第一百零四条欧洲专利局的受理资格■R ule 105The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority orInternational Preliminary Examining Authority第一百零五条对审查的限制■Rule 106The national fee■Rule 107The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase■Rule 108Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements■Rule 109Amendment of the application■Rule 110Claims incurring fees Consequence of non-payment■Rule 111Examination of certain formal requirementsby the European Patent Office■Rule 112Consideration of unity by the European Patent OfficeImplementing Regulations to the Conventionon the Grant of European Patents* (of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of theAdministrative Council of the European Patent Organisationof 13 December 2001)CONTENTSRulePart I: Implementing Regulations to Part I of the Convention Chapter I: Languages of the European Patent Office Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in written proceedings 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings 2 (deleted) 3Language of a European divisional application 4Certification of translations 5 Time limits and reduction of fees 6Legal authenticity of the translation of the European patent application 7Chapter II: Organisation of the European Patent OfficePatent classification 8Allocation of duties to thedepartments of the first instance 9Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 10Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appeal and adoption of its Rules of Procedure 11Administrative structure of the European Patent Office 12Part II: Implementing Regulations to Part II of the ConventionChapter I: Procedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitledSuspension of proceedings 13Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application 14Filing of a new European patent application by the person entitled to apply 15Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision 16Chapter II: Mention of the inventorDesignation of the inventor 17Publication of the mention of the inventor 18Rectification of the designation of an inventor 19Chapter III: Registering transfers, licences and other rightsRegistering a transfer 20Registering of licences and other rights 21Special indications for the registration of a licence 22 Chapter IV: Certification of exhibition Certificate of exhibition 23Chapter V: Prior European applicationsPrior application as state of the art 23aChapter VI: Biotechnological inventionsGeneral and definitions 23bPatentable biotechnological inventions 23cExceptions to patentability 23dThe human body and its elements 23ePart III: Implementing Regulations to Part III of the Convention Chapter I: Filing of the European patent applicationGeneral provisions 24Provisions for European divisional applications 25Chapter II: Provisions governing the applicationRequest for grant 26Content of the description 27Requirements of European patent applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences 27aDeposit of biological material 28New deposit of biological material 28aForm and content of claims 29Unity of invention 30Claims incurring fees 31Form of the drawings 32Form and content of the abstract 33Prohibited matter 34General provisions governing the presentation of the application documents 35Documents filed subsequently 36Chapter III: Renewal feesPayment of renewal fees 37Chapter IV: PriorityDeclaration of priority and priority documents 38Issuing priority documents 38aPart IV: Implementing Regulations to Part IV of the ConventionChapter I: Examination by the Receiving SectionCommunication following the examination on filing 39 Examination for certain physical requirements 40Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents 41 Subsequent identification of the inventor 42Late-filed or missing drawings 43Chapter II: European search reportContent of the European search report 44Incomplete search 45European search report where the invention lacks unity 46 Definitive content of the abstract 47Chapter III: Publication of the European patent application Technical preparations for publication 48 Form of the publication of European patent applications and European search reports 49Information about publication 50Chapter IV: Examination by the Examining DivisionExamination procedure 51Grant of the European patent to different applicants 52Chapter V: The European patent specificationTechnical preparations for publication and form of the specification of the European patent 53Certificate for a European patent 54Part V: Implementing Regulations to Part V of the Convention Content of the notice of opposition 55Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible 56 Preparation of the examination of the opposition 57Amendment of the European patent 57aExamination of opposition 58Requests for documents 59Continuation of the opposition proceedings by the European Patent Office of its own motion 60 Transfer of the European patent 61 Documents in opposition proceedings 61aForm of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings 62New certificate for a Europeanpatent 62aCosts 63Part VI: Implementing Regulations to Part VI of the Convention Content of the notice of appeal 64 Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible 65Examination of appeals 66 Reimbursement of appeal fees 67 Part VII: Implementing Regulations to Part VII of the Convention Chapter I: Decisions and communications of the European Patent OfficeForm of decisions 68Noting of loss of rights 69 Signature, name, seal 70Chapter II: Oral proceedings and taking of evidenceSummons to oral proceedings 71 Preparation of oral proceedings 71aTaking of evidence by the European Patent Office 72Commissioning of experts 73 Costs of taking of evidence 74 Conservation of evidence 75 Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence 76Chapter III: Notifications General provisions on notifications 77Notification by post 78 Notification by delivery by hand 79 Public notification 80Notification to representatives 81Irregularities in the notification 82Chapter IV: Time limitsCalculation of time limits 83Duration of time limits 84Late receipt of documents 84aExtension of time limits 85Period of grace for payment of fees 85aPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination 85bChapter V: Amendments and correctionsAmendment of the European patent application 86Different claims, description and drawings for different States 87Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office 88Correction of errors in decisions 89Chapter VI: Interruption of proceedingsInterruption of proceedings 90Chapter VII: Waiving of enforced recovery proceduresWaiving of enforced recovery procedures 91Chapter VIII: Information to the publicEntries in the Register of European Patents 92Parts of the file not for inspection 93Procedures for the inspection of files 94Communication of information contained in the files 95 Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files 95a Additional publications by the European Patent Office 96 Chapter IX: Legal and administrative co-operation Communications between the European Patent Office and the authorities of the Contracting States 97Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States 98Procedure for letters rogatory 99Chapter X: RepresentationAppointment of a common representative 100Authorisations 101Amendment of the list of professional representatives 102 Part VIII: Implementing Regulations to Part VIII of the ConventionInformation to the public in the event of conversion 103Part IX: Implementing Regulations to Part X of the ConventionThe European Patent Office as a receiving Office 104The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority 105The national fee 106The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase 107Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements 108 Amendment of the application 109 Claims incurring fees Consequence of non-payment 110 Examination of certain formal requirements by the European Patent Office 111Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office 112PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面程序中不使用语言的规定(1) In written proceedings before the European Patent Office any party may use any official language of the European Patent Office. The translation referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4,1 may be filed in any official language of the European Patent Office.(1)提出异议者和参加异议程序的第三者都可使用欧洲专利局一种正式语言制定的文件。



1、公约简介 2、建立目的 3、发展历程 4、主要内容 5、签订影响
《 海 牙 协 定 》 是 《 工 业品外观国际备案海牙 协定》的简称。巴黎公 约成员国缔结的专门协 定之一
为缔约国的外观设计和注册人提供 程序简单、费用不高、只进行一次 国际注册即可能在指定缔约方获得 外观设计保护。
(2)旨在降低成本、简化程序、与专利法条约(PLT)协调 一致.发达国家进行PCT改革的深层次目的,在于推动建立 世界统一的专利保护体制.
(3)它主要涉及专利申请的提交,检索及审查以及其中 包括的技术信息的传播的合作性和合理性的一个条约。 PCT不对“国际专利授权”。PCT并非与巴黎公约竞争,事 实上是其补充。的确,它是在巴黎公约下只对巴黎公约成 员国开放的一个特殊协议。
作为维也纳大会的后续工作,于1878年在巴黎召开了一次有关工业产 权的国际性会议。与会代表决定请求各国政府召集一次正式的国际 (外交)会议,以便解决在工业产权领域的“统一立法”问题。会后, 法国准备了一份提议建立保护工业产权“国际联盟”的最终草案,由 法国政府分送给各有关国家,并且联带着一个有关参加1880年在巴黎 的国际会议的邀请函。那次会议采纳了一项草案公约,它大体上包含 有那些至今仍然表现为《保护工业产权巴黎公约》主要特征的实质性 条款。
1、公约简介 2、产生背景 3、发展历程 4、主要内容 5、签订影响
专利合作条约(简称为PCT)是 继保护工业产权巴黎公约之后 专利领域的最重要的国际条约, 是国际专利制度发展史上的又 一个里程碑。
(1)申请人在各方面承受较大压力 (2)专利局也面临不断增大的压力

知乎 欧洲国家的专利申请及欧洲专利申请介绍

知乎 欧洲国家的专利申请及欧洲专利申请介绍


欧洲专利申请则是指通过欧洲专利局(European Patent Office,简称EPO)申请的专利,也称为欧洲专利。



申请欧洲专利需要遵守欧洲专利公约(European Patent Convention,简称EPC)。

根据该公约,申请人可以通过在EPO 提交一份申请来启动欧洲专利申请程序。





















在进行欧洲专利文献检索时,需要考虑以下几个关键因素:1. 关键字搜索:使用与所需专利或技术领域相关的关键字进行搜索,以便找到相关的专利文献。

2. 分类号搜索:欧洲专利分类系统(ECLA)是对专利文献进行分类的标准。


3. 申请人/发明人搜索:如果研究人员知道某个特定的申请人或发明人,可以使用其姓名进行搜索,以找到相关专利。

4. 相关文献搜索:在找到一个重要的专利之后,可以使用其引用文献和引用该专利的文献功能,以找到相关的专利文献。


其中一些数据库包括Derwent Innovations Index,Patbase,Thomson Innovation等。














按照EPC的规定,通过在欧洲专利局(European Patent Office)提交一份统一的专利申请,申请人即可在多个签约国获得保护。





















European Patent Organisation (EPO)Implementing Regulations to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents (of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation of 13 December 2001)•Bibliograp hic Entries•TextsSelect Language▼Table of Contents.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?fil e_id=126545/zcfg/flfg/zl/gjty/20 0804/t20080415_378153.html•PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART I OF THE CONVENTION 第一部分适用于公约第一部分的条款■Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言■Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面手续中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 2Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in oral proceedings第二条在口头程序中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 3(deleted)第三条正式语言的改变■Rule 4Language of a European divisional application第四条专利分案申请的语言■Rule 5Certification of translations第五条译本的证明■Rule 6Time limits and reduction of fees 第六条期限和费用的减收■Rule 7Legal authenticity of the translation of theEuropean patent application第七条专利申请译本的法律效力■Chapter IIOrganisation of the European Patent Office第二章欧洲专利局的机构■Rule 8Patent classification第八条专利分类■Rule 9Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance 第九条一级机构的职责围■Rule 10Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 第十条二级机构的职责围■Rule 11Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appeal and adoption of its Rules of Procedure第十一条二级机构工作程序的规定■Rule 12Administrative structure of the European Patent Office第十二条欧洲专利局管理机构•PART IIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART II OF THE CONVENTION第二部分适用本公约第二部分的条款■Chapter IProcedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitled第一章申请人或专利权人无资格的规定■Rule 13Suspension of proceedings第十三条审查程序的中止■Rule 14Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application第十四条对撤回欧洲专利申请的限制■Rule 15Filing of a new European patent applicationby the person entitled to apply 第十五条提出新的欧洲专利申请的资格■Rule 16Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision第十六条依据判决作出欧洲专利权的部分转让■Chapter IIMention of the inventor第二章发明人的署名■Rule 17Designation of the inventor第十七条发明人的指定■Rule 18Publication of the mention of the inventor第十八条指定发明人的公布■Rule 19Rectification of the designation of an inventor第十九条更正发明人的指定■Chapter IIIRegistering transfers, licences and other rights第三章在登记簿上登记转让、许可和其他权利■Rule 20Registering a transfer第二十条转让登记■Rule 21Registering of licences and other rights第二十一条许可证及其他权利的登记■Rule 22Special indications for theregistration of a licence第二十二条许可证的特别说明登记■Chapter IVCertification of exhibition第四章展出证明■Rule 23Certificate of exhibition第二十三条展出证明书■Chapter VPrior European applications■Rule 23aPrior application as state of the art■Chapter VIBiotechnological inventions■Rule 23bGeneral and definitions■Rule 23cPatentable biotechnological inventions■Rule 23dExceptions to patentability■Rule 23eThe human body and its elements•PART IIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART III OF THE CONVENTION第三部分适用于本公约第三部分的条款■Chapter IFiling of the European patent application 第一章专利申请的提交■Rule 24General provisions第二十四条总则■Rule 25Provisions for European divisional applications第二十五条专利分案申请的提交及条件■Chapter IIProvisions governing the application第二章专利的申请■Rule 26Request for grant第二十六条专利的请求■Rule 27Content of the description第二十七条说明书的容■Rule 27aRequirements of European patent applicationsrelating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences■Rule 28Deposit of biological material第二十八条涉及微生物的申请文件的写法■Rule 28aNew deposit of biological material 第二十八条之二微生物的重新保藏■Rule 29Form and content of claims第二十九条权利要求书容和形式■Rule 30Unity of invention第三十条权利要求的不同类别■Rule 31Claims incurring fees第三十一条应当缴纳费用的权利要求■Rule 32Form of the drawings第三十二条附图的格式■Rule 33Form and content of the abstract 第三十三条文摘的容和形式■Rule 34Prohibited matter第三十四条禁止容■Rule 35General provisions governing the presentationof the application documents第三十五条关于提交申请文件的总则■Rule 36Documents filed subsequently第三十六条申请后提交的文件■Chapter IIIRenewal fees第三章年费■Rule 37Payment of renewal fees第三十七条年费的缴纳■Chapter IVPriority 第四章优先权■Rule 38Declaration of priority and priority documents第三十八条优先权声明及文件■Rule 38aIssuing priority documents •PART IVIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART IV OF THE CONVENTION第四部分适用本公约第四部分的条款■Cha pter IExamination by the Receiving Section第一章受理处的审查■Rule 39Communication following the examination on filing第三十九条受理审查后的通知■Rule 40Examination for certain physical requirements第四十条某些形式条件的审查■Rule 41Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents第四十一条申请文件容的补正■R ule 42Subsequent identification of the inventor第四十二条发明人的最后指定■Rule 43Late-filed or missing drawings第四十三条附图的遗漏或迟交■Chapter IIEuropean search report第二章欧洲专利申请的检索报告■Rule 44Content of the European search report第四十四条检索报告的容■Rule 45Incomplete search第四十五条不完全的检索■Rule 46European search report where the invention lacks unity第四十六条发明缺少单一性检索报告■Rule 47Definitive content of the abstract 第四十七条文摘的确定容■Chapter IIIPublication of the European patent application第三章欧洲专利申请的公布■Rule 48Technical preparations for publication第四十八条公布的技术准备■Rule 49Form of the publication of European patent applications and European search reports第四十九条专利申请及检索报告的公开形式■Rule 50Information about publication第五十条公布的通知■Chap ter IVExamination by the Examining Division第四章审查部的审查■Rule 51Examination procedure第五十一条审查程序■Rule 52Grant of the European patent to different applicants第五十二条向共同申请人批准欧洲专利■Chapter VThe European patent specification第五章欧洲专利说明书■Rule 53Technical preparations for publicationand form of the specification of the European patent第五十三条欧洲专利说明书的形式■Rule 54Certificate for a European patent 第五十四条欧洲专利证书•PART VIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART V OF THE CONVENTION第五部分适用于本公约第五部分的条款■Rule 55Content of the notice of opposition第五十五条异议书的容■Rule 56Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible第五十六条不能受理的异议书的驳回■Rule 57Preparation of the examination of the opposition第五十七条异议审查的准备■Rule 57aAmendment of the European patent■Rule 58Examination of opposition第五十八条异议审查■Rule 59Requests for documents第五十九条证明文件的提交■Rule 60Continuation of the opposition proceedingsby the European Patent Office of its own motion第六十条异议程序的自行继续■Rule 61Transfer of the European patent 第六十一条专利的转让■Rule 61aDocuments in opposition proceedings第六十一条之二异议程序中提交的文件■Rule 62Form of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings第六十二条欧洲专利新说明书在异议程序中的形式■Rule 62aNew certificate for a European patent第六十二条之二欧洲新专利证书■Rule 63Costs第六十三条费用•PART VIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TOPART VI OF THE CONVENTION 第六部分适用于本公约第六部分的条款■Rule 64Content of the notice of appeal第六十四条申诉书的容■Rule 65Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible第六十五条不能受理的申诉书的驳回■Rule 66Examination of appeals第六十六条上诉审查■Rule 67Reimbursement of appeal fees第六十七条上诉费的退回•PART VIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TOPART VII OF THE CONVENTION第七部分适用于本公约第七部分的条款■Chapter IDecisions and communications of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的决定和通知■Rule 68Form of decisions第六十八条决定的形式■Rule 69Noting of loss of rights第六十九条权利丧失的通知■Rule 70Signature, name, seal第七十条欧洲专利局通知书的形式■Chapter IIOral proceedings and taking of evidence第二章口头程序和审理■Rule 71Summons to oral proceedings第七十一条传讯参加口头程序■Rule 71aPreparation of oral proceedings ■Rule 72Taking of evidence by the European Patent Office第七十二条欧洲专利局的审理■Rule 73Commissioning of experts第七十三条专家委员会■Rule 74Costs of taking of evidence 第七十四条审理费■Rule 75Conservation of evidence第七十五条证据的保留■Rule 76Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence第七十六条口头程序的记录和审理■Chapter IIINotifications第三章通知■Rule 77General provisions on notifications第七十七条关于通知的总则■Rule 78Notification by post第七十八条经邮局通知■Rule 79Notification by delivery by hand 第七十九条直接通知■Rule 80Public notification第八十条公布通知■Rule 81Notification to representatives第八十一条通知代理人和代表人■R ule 82Irregularities in the notification 第八十二条通知的缺陷■Chapter IVTime limits第四章期限■Rule 83Calculation of time limits第八十三条期限的计算■Rule 84Duration of time limits第八十四条期限的长短■Rule 84aLate receipt of documents■Rule 85Extension of time limits第八十五条期限的顺延■Rule 85aPeriod of grace for payment of fees 第八十五条之一交费期限的延长■Rule 85bPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination第八十五条之二请求审查的延长期限■Chapter VAmendments and corrections第五章修改和更正■Rule 86Amendment of the European patent application第八十六条专利申请文件的修改■Rule 87Different claims, description and drawings for different States第八十七条不同国家的不同权利要求书、说明书和附图■Rule 88Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office 第八十八条对申请文件中错误的修改■Rule 89Correction of errors in decisions 第八十九条对决定书中错误的修改■Chapter VIInterruption of proceedings第六章程序的中止■Rule 90Interruption of proceedings第九十条程序的中止■Chapter VIIWaiving of enforced recovery procedures第七章放弃强制性收回■Rule 91Waiving of enforced recovery procedures第九十一条放弃强制性收回■Chapter VIIIInformation to the public第八章情报的公布■Rule 92Entries in the Register of European Patents第九十二条在欧洲专利局登记簿上登记■Rule 93Parts of the file not for inspection 第九十三条非公开查阅文档■Rule 94Procedures for the inspection of files第九十四条公众查阅的方式■Rule 95Communication of information contained in the files第九十五条文档中有关情报的通告■Rule 95aConstitution, maintenance and preservation of files第九十五条之二文档的保存■Rule 96Additional publications by the European Patent Office第九十六条欧洲专利局的其他出版物■Chapter IXLegal and administrative co-operation第九章法律与管理的协调■Rule 97Communications between the European Patent Officeand the authorities of the Contracting States第九十七条欧洲专利局与缔约国行政当局的联系■Rule 98Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States第九十八条向缔约国法院、主管当局或其中间人查阅文档■Rule 99Procedure for letters rogatory第九十九条委托程序■Chapter XRepresentation第十章代表人■Rule 100Appointment of a common representative第一百条共同代表人的指定■Rule 101Authorisations第一百零一条委托书■Rule 102Amendment of the list of professional representatives第一百零二条登记代理人的修改•PART VIIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VIII OF THE CONVENTION第八部分适用本公约第八、第十、第十一部分的条款■Rule 103Information to the public in the event of conversion第一百零三条变更的公告•PART IXIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART X OF THE CONVENTION■Rule 104The European Patent Office as a receiving Office第一百零四条欧洲专利局的受理资格■Rule 105The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority orInternational Preliminary Examining Authority第一百零五条对审查的限制■Rule 106The national fee■Rule 107The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase■Rule 108Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements■Rule 109Amendment of the application■Rule 110Claims incurring fees Consequence of non-payment■Rule 111Examination of certain formal requirementsby the European Patent Office■Rule 112Consideration of unity by the European Patent OfficeImplementing Regulations to the Conventionon the Grant of European Patents*(of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisationof 13 December 2001) CONTENTS RulePart I: Implementing Regulations to Part I of the ConventionChapter I: Languages of the European Patent OfficeDerogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in written proceedings 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings 2(deleted) 3Language of a European divisional application 4Certification of translations 5Time limits and reduction of fees 6Legal authenticity of the translation of the European patent application 7Chapter II: Organisation of the European Patent OfficePatent classification 8Allocation of duties to thedepartments of the first instance 9Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 10Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appeal and adoption of its Rules of Procedure 11Administrative structure of the European Patent Office 12Part II: Implementing Regulations to Part II of the ConventionChapter I: Procedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitledSuspension of proceedings 13Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application 14Filing of a new European patent application by the person entitled to apply 15Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision 16Chapter II: Mention of the inventorDesignation of the inventor 17 Publication of the mention of the inventor 18Rectification of the designation of an inventor 19Chapter III: Registering transfers, licences and other rightsRegistering a transfer 20Registering of licences and other rights 21Special indications for the registration of a licence 22Chapter IV: Certification of exhibitionCertificate of exhibition 23Chapter V: Prior European applicationsPrior application as state of the art 23aChapter VI: Biotechnological inventionsGeneral and definitions 23bPatentable biotechnological inventions 23cExceptions to patentability 23dThe human body and its elements 23ePart III: Implementing Regulations to Part III of the ConventionChapter I: Filing of the European patent applicationGeneral provisions 24Provisions for European divisional applications 25Chapter II: Provisions governing the applicationRequest for grant 26Content of the description 27Requirements of European patent applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences 27aDeposit of biological material 28New deposit of biological material 28aForm and content of claims 29 Unity of invention 30Claims incurring fees 31Form of the drawings 32Form and content of the abstract 33Prohibited matter 34General provisions governing the presentation of the application documents 35Documents filed subsequently 36Chapter III: Renewal feesPayment of renewal fees 37Chapter IV: PriorityDeclaration of priority and priority documents 38Issuing priority documents 38aPart IV: Implementing Regulations to Part IV of the ConventionChapter I: Examination by the Receiving SectionCommunication following theexamination on filing 39Examination for certain physical requirements 40Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents 41Subsequent identification of the inventor 42Late-filed or missing drawings 43Chapter II: European search reportContent of the European search report 44Incomplete search 45European search report where the invention lacks unity 46Definitive content of the abstract 47Chapter III: Publication of the European patent applicationTechnical preparations for publication 48Form of the publication of European patent applications and European search reports 49 Information about publication 50Chapter IV: Examination by the Examining DivisionExamination procedure 51Grant of the European patent to different applicants 52Chapter V: The European patent specificationTechnical preparations for publication and form of the specification of the European patent 53Certificate for a European patent 54Part V: Implementing Regulations to Part V of the ConventionContent of the notice of opposition 55Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible 56Preparation of the examination of the opposition 57Amendment of the European patent 57aExamination of opposition 58Requests for documents 59Continuation of the opposition proceedings by the European Patent Office of its own motion 60Transfer of the European patent 61Documents in opposition proceedings 61aForm of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings 62New certificate for a European patent 62aCosts 63Part VI: Implementing Regulations to Part VI of the ConventionContent of the notice of appeal 64Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible 65Examination of appeals 66 Reimbursement of appeal fees 67 Part VII: Implementing Regulations to Part VII of the ConventionChapter I: Decisions and communications of the European Patent OfficeForm of decisions 68Noting of loss of rights 69Signature, name, seal 70Chapter II: Oral proceedings and taking of evidenceSummons to oral proceedings 71Preparation of oral proceedings 71aTaking of evidence by the European Patent Office 72Commissioning of experts 73Costs of taking of evidence 74Conservation of evidence 75Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence 76Chapter III: NotificationsGeneral provisions on notifications 77Notification by post 78Notification by delivery by hand 79Public notification 80Notification to representatives 81Irregularities in the notification 82Chapter IV: Time limitsCalculation of time limits 83Duration of time limits 84Late receipt of documents 84aExtension of time limits 85Period of grace for payment of fees 85aPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination 85bChapter V: Amendments and corrections Amendment of the European patent application 86Different claims, description and drawings for different States 87Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office 88Correction of errors in decisions 89Chapter VI: Interruption of proceedingsInterruption of proceedings 90Chapter VII: Waiving of enforced recovery proceduresWaiving of enforced recovery procedures 91Chapter VIII: Information to the publicEntries in the Register of European Patents 92Parts of the file not for inspection 93Procedures for the inspection of files 94Communication of information contained in the files 95Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files 95aAdditional publications by the European Patent Office 96Chapter IX: Legal and administrative co-operationCommunications between the European Patent Office and the authorities of the Contracting States 97Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States 98Procedure for letters rogatory 99Chapter X: RepresentationAppointment of a common representative 100Authorisations 101Amendment of the list of professional representatives 102Part VIII: Implementing Regulations to Part VIII of the ConventionInformation to the public in the event of conversion 103Part IX: Implementing Regulations to Part X of the ConventionThe European Patent Office as a receiving Office 104The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority 105The national fee 106The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase 107Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements 108Amendment of the application 109Claims incurring feesConsequence of non-payment 110Examination of certain formal requirements by the European Patent Office 111Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office 112PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART I OF THE CONVENTION Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面程序中不使用语言的规定(1) In written proceedings before the European Patent Office any party may use any official language of the European Patent Office. The translation referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4,1 may be filed in any official language of the European Patent Office. (1)提出异议者和参加异议程序的第三者都可使用欧洲专利局一种正式语言制定的文件。






















根據 EPC 1973,如果錯過了自在先申請日起 12 個月內提交優先權請求的期限,申請人便無 法在歐洲專利申請中請求該在先申請的優先權。但經修訂的 EPC 現時規定,如果申請人能 夠證明已採取「一切所需的審慎措施」,則仍可於該 12 個月期限後,請求該在先申請的的 優先權。
根據 EPC 1973 的規定,歐洲專利申請獲頒授後在個別成員國登記時必須提供該成員國的官 方語言的譯本。倘若須於多個歐洲國家登記該歐洲專利申請,則所涉及的翻譯費用相當龐 大。
根據 EPC 1973,歐洲專利申請只能主張在《巴黎公約》成員國提出的專利申請的優先權。 EPC 2000 修訂案第 87 條則准許主張在非巴黎公約成員國或地區提出的申請申請的優先權, 但該國家或地區必須是世貿組織成員國或地區,例如台灣。
P. 2
EPC 2000 新增的第 149a(1)(c) 條提及,一旦於 2000 年 10 月倫 敦跨國會議上通過的協定獲確認和實施,則個別成員國可豁免 提供翻譯本的要求。該成員國必須以 EPO 的 3 種官方語言其中 一種作為本身的官方語言,或該歐洲專利申請是以該成員國指 定為為可接納的語言提交。這樣,申請人便可在該等成員國登 記獲頒授的歐洲專利申請時,省卻額外翻譯程序。
P. 1
根據 EPC 1973,必須以 3 種 EPC 官方語言(即英文、法文或德文)的其中一種提交歐洲專 利申請。為了符合《專利法條約》, EPC 1973 第 14(2) 條被作出修訂,EPC 2000 修訂案現 允許以該 3 種官方語言以外的語言提交歐洲專利申請,但申請人須於提交日期的兩個月內, 提供有關申請的英文、法文或德文翻譯本。因此,需要趕及在期限前主張中國優先權的歐洲 專利申請,現時可先以中文提交,之後可利用額外兩個月時間仔細做好翻譯本。
































Implementing Regulations to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents (of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation of 13 December 2001)•Bibliographic Entries•TextsSelect Language▼Table of ContentsIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION第一部分适用于公约第一部分的条款■Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言■Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面手续中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 2Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in oral proceedings第二条在口头程序中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 3(deleted)第三条正式语言的改变■Rule 4Language of a European divisional application第四条专利分案申请的语言■Rule 5Certification of translations第五条译本的证明■Rule 6Time limits and reduction of fees第六条期限和费用的减收■Rule 7Legal authenticity of the translation of theEuropean patent application第七条专利申请译本的法律效力■Chapter IIOrganisation of the European Patent Office第二章欧洲专利局的机构■Rule 8Patent classification第八条专利分类■Rule 9Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance第九条一级机构的职责范围■Rule 10Presidium of the Boards of Appeal第十条二级机构的职责范围■Rule 11Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appealand adoption of its Rules of Procedure第十一条二级机构工作程序的规定■Rule 12Administrative structure of the European Patent Office第十二条欧洲专利局管理机构•PART IIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART II OF THE CONVENTION第二部分适用本公约第二部分的条款■Chapter IProcedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitled第一章申请人或专利权人无资格的规定■Rule 13Suspension of proceedings第十三条审查程序的中止■Rule 14Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application第十四条对撤回欧洲专利申请的限制■Rule 15Filing of a new European patent applicationby the person entitled to apply第十五条提出新的欧洲专利申请的资格■Rule 16Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision第十六条依据判决作出欧洲专利权的部分转让■Chapter IIMention of the inventor第二章发明人的署名■Rule 17Designation of the inventor第十七条发明人的指定■Rule 18Publication of the mention of the inventor第十八条指定发明人姓名的公布■Rule 19Rectification of the designation of an inventor第十九条更正发明人的指定■Chapter IIIRegistering transfers, licences and other rights第三章在登记簿上登记转让、许可和其他权利■Rule 20Registering a transfer 第二十条转让登记■Rule 21Registering of licences and other rights第二十一条许可证及其他权利的登记■Rule 22Special indications for the registration of a licence第二十二条许可证的特别说明登记■Chapter IVCertification of exhibition第四章展出证明■Rule 23Certificate of exhibition第二十三条展出证明书■Chapter VPrior European applications■Rule 23aPrior application as state of the art■Chapter VIBiotechnological inventions■Rule 23bGeneral and definitions■Rule 23cPatentable biotechnological inventions■Rule 23dExceptions to patentability■Rule 23eThe human body and its elements•PART IIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART III OF THE CONVENTION第三部分适用于本公约第三部分的条款■Chapter IFiling of the European patent application第一章专利申请的提交■Rule 24General provisions第二十四条总则■Rule 25Provisions for European divisional applications第二十五条专利分案申请的提交及条件■Chapter IIProvisions governing the application第二章专利的申请■Rule 26Request for grant第二十六条专利的请求■Rule 27Content of the description第二十七条说明书的内容■Rule 27aRequirements of European patent applicationsrelating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences■Rule 28Deposit of biological material第二十八条涉及微生物的申请文件的写法■Rule 28aNew deposit of biological material第二十八条之二微生物的重新保藏■Rule 29Form and content of claims第二十九条权利要求书内容和形式■Rule 30Unity of invention第三十条权利要求的不同类别■Rule 31Claims incurring fees第三十一条应当缴纳费用的权利要求■Rule 32Form of the drawings第三十二条附图的格式■Rule 33Form and content of the abstract第三十三条文摘的内容和形式■Rule 34Prohibited matter第三十四条禁止内容■Rule 35General provisions governing the presentationof the application documents第三十五条关于提交申请文件的总则■Rule 36Documents filed subsequently第三十六条申请后提交的文件■Chapter IIIRenewal fees第三章年费■Rule 37Payment of renewal fees第三十七条年费的缴纳■Chapter IVPriority第四章优先权■Rule 38Declaration of priority and priority documents第三十八条优先权声明及文件■Rule 38aIssuing priority documents•PART IVIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART IV OF THE CONVENTION第四部分适用本公约第四部分的条款■Chapter IExamination by the Receiving Section第一章受理处的审查■Rule 39Communication following the examination on filing第三十九条受理审查后的通知■Rule 40Examination for certain physical requirements第四十条某些形式条件的审查■Rule 41Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents第四十一条申请文件内容的补正■Rule 42Subsequent identification of the inventor第四十二条发明人的最后指定■Rule 43Late-filed or missing drawings第四十三条附图的遗漏或迟交■Chapter IIEuropean search report 第二章欧洲专利申请的检索报告■Rule 44Content of the European search report第四十四条检索报告的内容■Rule 45Incomplete search第四十五条不完全的检索■Rule 46European search report where the invention lacks unity第四十六条发明缺少单一性检索报告■Rule 47Definitive content of the abstract第四十七条文摘的确定内容■Chapter IIIPublication of the European patent application第三章欧洲专利申请的公布■Rule 48Technical preparations for publication第四十八条公布的技术准备■Rule 49Form of the publication of European patent applicationsand European search reports第四十九条专利申请及检索报告的公开形式■Rule 50Information about publication第五十条公布的通知■Chapter IVExamination by the Examining Division第四章审查部的审查■Rule 51Examination procedure第五十一条审查程序■Rule 52Grant of the European patent to different applicants第五十二条向共同申请人批准欧洲专利■Chapter VThe European patent specification第五章欧洲专利说明书■Rule 53Technical preparations for publicationand form of the specification of the European patent第五十三条欧洲专利说明书的形式■Rule 54Certificate for a European patent第五十四条欧洲专利证书•PART VIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART V OF THE CONVENTION第五部分适用于本公约第五部分的条款■Rule 55Content of the notice of opposition第五十五条异议书的内容■Rule 56Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible第五十六条不能受理的异议书的驳回■Rule 57Preparation of the examination of the opposition第五十七条异议审查的准备■Rule 57aAmendment of the European patent■Rule 58Examination of opposition第五十八条异议审查■Rule 59Requests for documents第五十九条证明文件的提交■Rule 60Continuation of the opposition proceedingsby the European Patent Office of its own motion第六十条异议程序的自行继续■Rule 61Transfer of the European patent第六十一条专利的转让■Rule 61aDocuments in opposition proceedings第六十一条之二异议程序中提交的文件■Rule 62Form of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings 第六十二条欧洲专利新说明书在异议程序中的形式■Rule 62aNew certificate for a European patent第六十二条之二欧洲新专利证书■Rule 63Costs第六十三条费用•PART VIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TOPART VI OF THE CONVENTION第六部分适用于本公约第六部分的条款■Rule 64Content of the notice of appeal第六十四条申诉书的内容■Rule 65Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible第六十五条不能受理的申诉书的驳回■Rule 66Examination of appeals第六十六条上诉审查■Rule 67Reimbursement of appeal fees第六十七条上诉费的退回•PART VIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TOPART VII OF THE CONVENTION第七部分适用于本公约第七部分的条款■Chapter IDecisions and communications of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的决定和通知■Rule 68Form of decisions第六十八条决定的形式■Rule 69Noting of loss of rights第六十九条权利丧失的通知■Rule 70Signature, name, seal第七十条欧洲专利局通知书的形式■Chapter IIOral proceedings and taking of evidence第二章口头程序和审理■Rule 71Summons to oral proceedings第七十一条传讯参加口头程序■Rule 71aPreparation of oral proceedings■Rule 72Taking of evidence by the European Patent Office第七十二条欧洲专利局的审理■Rule 73Commissioning of experts第七十三条专家委员会■Rule 74Costs of taking of evidence第七十四条审理费■Rule 75Conservation of evidence第七十五条证据的保留■Rule 76Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence第七十六条口头程序的记录和审理■Chapter IIINotifications第三章通知■Rule 77General provisions on notifications第七十七条关于通知的总则■Rule 78Notification by post第七十八条经邮局通知■Rule 79Notification by delivery by hand第七十九条直接通知■Rule 80Public notification第八十条公布通知■Rule 81Notification to representatives第八十一条通知代理人和代表人■Rule 82Irregularities in the notification第八十二条通知的缺陷■Chapter IV Time limits第四章期限■Rule 83Calculation of time limits第八十三条期限的计算■Rule 84Duration of time limits第八十四条期限的长短■Rule 84aLate receipt of documents■Rule 85Extension of time limits第八十五条期限的顺延■Rule 85aPeriod of grace for payment of fees第八十五条之一交费期限的延长■Rule 85bPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination第八十五条之二请求审查的延长期限■Chapter VAmendments and corrections第五章修改和更正■Rule 86Amendment of the European patent application第八十六条专利申请文件的修改■Rule 87Different claims, description and drawings for different States第八十七条不同国家的不同权利要求书、说明书和附图■Rule 88Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office第八十八条对申请文件中错误的修改■Rule 89Correction of errors in decisions第八十九条对决定书中错误的修改■Chapter VIInterruption of proceedings第六章程序的中止■Rule 90Interruption of proceedings第九十条程序的中止■Chapter VII Waiving of enforced recovery procedures第七章放弃强制性收回■Rule 91Waiving of enforced recovery procedures第九十一条放弃强制性收回■Chapter VIIIInformation to the public第八章情报的公布■Rule 92Entries in the Register of European Patents第九十二条在欧洲专利局登记簿上登记■Rule 93Parts of the file not for inspection第九十三条非公开查阅文档■Rule 94Procedures for the inspection of files第九十四条公众查阅的方式■Rule 95Communication of informationcontained in the files第九十五条文档中有关情报的通告■Rule 95aConstitution, maintenance and preservation of files第九十五条之二文档的保存■Rule 96Additional publications by the European Patent Office第九十六条欧洲专利局的其他出版物■Chapter IXLegal and administrative co-operation第九章法律与管理的协调■Rule 97Communications between the European Patent Officeand the authorities of the Contracting States第九十七条欧洲专利局与缔约国行政当局的联系■Rule 98Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States 第九十八条向缔约国法院、主管当局或其中间人查阅文档■Rule 99Procedure for letters rogatory第九十九条委托程序■Chapter XRepresentation第十章代表人■Rule 100Appointment of a common representative第一百条共同代表人的指定■Rule 101Authorisations第一百零一条委托书■Rule 102Amendment of the list of professional representatives第一百零二条登记代理人名单的修改•PART VIIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART VIII OF THE CONVENTION第八部分适用本公约第八、第十、第十一部分的条款■Rule 103Information to the public in the event of conversion第一百零三条变更的公告•PART IXIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART X OF THE CONVENTION■Rule 104The European Patent Office as a receiving Office第一百零四条欧洲专利局的受理资格■Rule 105The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority orInternational Preliminary Examining Authority第一百零五条对审查的限制■Rule 106The national fee■Rule 107The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase■Rule 108Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements■Rule 109Amendment of the application■Rule 110Claims incurring feesConsequence of non-payment■Rule 111Examination of certain formal requirementsby the European Patent Office■Rule 112Consideration of unity by the European Patent OfficeImplementing Regulations to the Conventionon the Grant of European Patents*(of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of theAdministrative Council of the European Patent Organisationof 13 December 2001)CONTENTSRulePart I: Implementing Regulations to Part I of the ConventionChapter I: Languages of the European Patent OfficeDerogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in written proceedings 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings 2(deleted) 3Language of a European divisional application 4Certification of translations 5Time limits and reduction of fees 6Legal authenticity of the translation of the European patent application 7Chapter II: Organisation of the European Patent OfficePatent classification 8Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance 9Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 10Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appeal and adoption of its Rules of Procedure 11Administrative structure of the European Patent Office 12Part II: Implementing Regulations to Part II of the ConventionChapter I: Procedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitledSuspension of proceedings 13Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application 14Filing of a new European patent application by the person entitled to apply 15Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision 16Chapter II: Mention of the inventorDesignation of the inventor 17Publication of the mention of the inventor 18Rectification of the designation of an inventor 19Chapter III: Registering transfers, licences and other rightsRegistering a transfer 20Registering of licences and other rights 21Special indications for the registration of a licence 22Chapter IV: Certification of exhibitionCertificate of exhibition 23Chapter V: Prior European applicationsPrior application as state of the art 23aChapter VI: Biotechnological inventionsGeneral and definitions 23bPatentable biotechnological inventions 23cExceptions to patentability 23dThe human body and its elements 23ePart III: Implementing Regulations to Part III of the ConventionChapter I: Filing of the European patent applicationGeneral provisions 24Provisions for European divisional applications 25Chapter II: Provisions governing the applicationRequest for grant 26Content of the description 27Requirements of European patent applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences 27a Deposit of biological material 28New deposit of biological material 28aForm and content of claims 29 Unity of invention 30Claims incurring fees 31Form of the drawings 32Form and content of the abstract 33 Prohibited matter 34General provisions governing the presentation of the application documents 35Documents filed subsequently 36 Chapter III: Renewal fees Payment of renewal fees 37Chapter IV: PriorityDeclaration of priority and priority documents 38Issuing priority documents 38aPart IV: Implementing Regulations to Part IV of the ConventionChapter I: Examination by the Receiving SectionCommunication following the examination on filing 39Examination for certain physical requirements 40Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents 41Subsequent identification of the inventor 42Late-filed or missing drawings 43Chapter II: European search report Content of the European search report 44Incomplete search 45European search report where the invention lacks unity 46Definitive content of the abstract 47Chapter III: Publication of the European patent applicationTechnical preparations for publication 48Form of the publication of European patent applications and European search reports 49Information about publication 50Chapter IV: Examination by the Examining DivisionExamination procedure 51Grant of the European patent to different applicants 52Chapter V: The European patent specificationTechnical preparations for publication and form of the specification of the European patent 53Certificate for a European patent 54Part V: Implementing Regulations to Part V of the ConventionContent of the notice of opposition 55Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible 56Preparation of the examination of the opposition 57Amendment of the European patent 57a Examination of opposition 58Requests for documents 59Continuation of the opposition proceedings by the European Patent Office of its own motion 60Transfer of the European patent 61Documents in opposition proceedings 61aForm of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings 62New certificate for a European patent 62aCosts 63Part VI: Implementing Regulations to Part VI of the ConventionContent of the notice of appeal 64 Rejection of the appeal asinadmissible 65Examination of appeals 66 Reimbursement of appeal fees 67Part VII: Implementing Regulations to Part VII of the ConventionChapter I: Decisions and communications of the European Patent OfficeForm of decisions 68Noting of loss of rights 69 Signature, name, seal 70Chapter II: Oral proceedings and taking of evidenceSummons to oral proceedings 71Preparation of oral proceedings 71aTaking of evidence by the European Patent Office 72Commissioning of experts 73Costs of taking of evidence 74 Conservation of evidence 75Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence 76Chapter III: NotificationsGeneral provisions on notifications 77Notification by post 78 Notification by delivery by hand 79 Public notification 80Notification to representatives 81Irregularities in the notification 82Chapter IV: Time limitsCalculation of time limits 83Duration of time limits 84Late receipt of documents 84aExtension of time limits 85Period of grace for payment of fees 85aPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination 85bChapter V: Amendments and correctionsAmendment of the European patent application 86Different claims, description and drawings for different States 87Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office 88Correction of errors in decisions 89Chapter VI: Interruption of proceedingsInterruption of proceedings 90Chapter VII: Waiving of enforced recovery proceduresWaiving of enforced recovery procedures 91Chapter VIII: Information to the publicEntries in the Register of European Patents 92Parts of the file not for inspection 93Procedures for the inspection of files 94Communication of information contained in the files 95Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files 95aAdditional publications by the European Patent Office 96Chapter IX: Legal and administrative co-operationCommunications between the European Patent Office and the authorities of the Contracting States 97Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States 98Procedure for letters rogatory 99Chapter X: RepresentationAppointment of a common representative 100Authorisations 101Amendment of the list of professional representatives 102Part VIII: Implementing Regulations to Part VIII of the ConventionInformation to the public in the event of conversion 103Part IX: Implementing Regulations to Part X of the ConventionThe European Patent Office as a receiving Office 104The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority 105The national fee 106The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase 107Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements 108Amendment of the application 109Claims incurring fees Consequence of non-payment 110Examination of certain formal requirements by the European Patent Office 111Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office 112PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面程序中不使用语言的规定(1) In written proceedings before the European Patent Office any party may use any official language of the European Patent Office. The translation referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4,1 may be filed in any official language of the European Patent Office.(1)提出异议者和参加异议程序的第三者都可使用欧洲专利局一种正式语言制定的文件。

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根据《伦敦协议》,不以英语、德语或法语作为官方语言的缔约国应指定上述3种语言之一 一般为英语 作为欧洲专利案的官方语言,专利申请人只要向该国提供指定语言文本即可,无需像以前一样提供缔约国当地语言的译本。










这样申请人在申请欧洲专利时,就可以以其在WTO成员所提出的第一次申请案 多数就是其所属地 为基础行使优先权。


主张优先权期限的延长EPC2000对于申请人主张延长优先权期限的情形分为两种:其一,欧洲申请案的申请日在第一次申请案的申请日 即优先权日 起12个月之内的,欧洲专利案申请人可依法主张优先权。


































欧洲专利局(EPO)局长艾莉森·布赖姆洛称,EPC的修订简化了在欧洲范围内获得专利保护的程序,同时亦维持了EPO 值得信赖的组织框架及高标准的专利质量。

由于EPC是欧洲专利组织及其执行机构EPO的法律基础,EPC 各缔约国专利法及EPO的审查程序亦将因EPC的修订发生变动。


以下是EPC2000的若干主要修订及其对欧洲专利实务有可能产生的影响:一、发明可专利性EPC 2000第52.1款规定:“对于所有技术领域的任何发明,若其具有新颖性、创造性和工业实用性,授予欧洲专利。
