热激活镍钛弓丝说明书 - 深圳市速航科技发展有限公司



性 的研究报 道较 多, 主 要对 镍钛 合金 的细胞 毒性 、致敏性 、遗传 、
毒 性 、急性 毒性 实验 、植 入 实验 等 生物 学评 价, 测 得镍 钛合 金全
能 的镍 钛 弓丝 ,又称作 第 3代 温控 型镍 钛合 金 弓丝和 热激 活型镍
钛合金 。 该类 弓丝刚 性低 、回弹 性好 ,其相 变温 度 A f在 3 5 ℃左

吸收和支抗丧失日 。
1 、 镍 钛合 金丝的 发展和 分类 :镍钛合 金 弓丝在 正畸 临床应 用 大致经 历 了以下 3个 主要 的发展 阶段 : 第 1代 ,普 通镍钛 合金 弓丝 时代 , 由 A n d r e a s e n引入正 畸临
床。其相变温度 ( a u s t e n i t e i f n a l t e mp e r a t u r e ,Af )高于口腔正常温
氏体 发生相 变 的可 逆性 。 当 弓丝受 外力 形变 时, 首先 在澳 氏体状 态 下 以弹性 方式形 变 。但 很 快 由于外 力 的诱 导作用 , 澳 氏体 相逐 渐转变 为 马 氏体 相 。这个 阶段 , 在 应力, 应变 图 中形成 一长 的平 台 区 。实 际上, 这 种相 变转变 可 能是不 彻底 的;弓丝卸 载时, 首 先应 力 有一个 衰减 期, 继 之 马 氏体相 逐渐 转变 回澳 氏体相 , 形成第 二个 平 台区 。在此 平 台区,弓丝 发生 明显 的形变 , 释 放的 力却几 乎保持 不 变, 直 至完全 恢复 到澳 氏体相 时, 应 力/ 应变又 呈现直 线关 系 ¨ 。 2 . 2 形 态记 忆效应 : 镍 钛 弓丝 在奥 氏体相 或母相 状态 时 , 经过
超 弹性 镍钛合 金 弓丝在 应 力作用 下会 发 生相变 且 具有 超弹 性 ( 又
























牙科设备镍钛合金弓丝机械性能1 镍钛合金弓丝及其机械性能牙科设备镍钛合金弓丝自20 世纪70 年代由Andreasen等[1- 2]引入正畸临床以来,以其能释放出较为持续、柔和的矫治力受到临床正畸医生的推崇。

镍钛合金弓丝在正畸临床应用大致经历了以下3 个主要的发展阶段。

第1 代,普通镍钛合金弓丝时代,由Andreasen引入正畸临床。

其相变温度(austenite finaltemperature,Af)高于口腔正常温度(37 ℃),在临床使用过程中不会发生相变,不表现出超弹性与形状记忆功能。


第2 代,超弹性镍钛合金弓丝时代,诞生于20 世纪80 年。

超弹性镍钛合金弓丝在应力作用下会发生相变且具有超弹性(又称拟弹性),其释放的力值较第1 代更柔和,也更持久。

因其相变温度Af 远低于人体温度,故在口腔正常温度下此类镍钛弓丝不会发生相变,不能在临床应用中表达形状记忆功能。

第2 代超弹性镍钛合金弓丝目前仍在临床广泛使用。

第3 代,诞生于20 世纪90 年代,是具有真正形状记忆功能的镍钛弓丝,又称作第3 代温控型镍钛合金弓丝和热激活型镍钛合金。

该类弓丝刚性低、回弹性好,其相变温度Af 在35 ℃左右,可在正常口腔温度内发生相变,从而表现出超弹性和临床所需要的形状记忆功能。

2 温度对牙科设备镍钛合金弓丝机械性能的影响人的口腔温度受体温、外界温度、口腔呼吸、摄入食物、吸烟、开闭口等因素的影响[3],并非恒定不变。


Iijima等[4]在23、37、60 ℃的恒定温度条件下检测超弹性镍钛合金方丝与温控型镍钛合金方丝的机械性能后发现,根据克劳修斯- 克拉佩隆(Clausius- Clapayron)模式,随温度的升高,镍钛合金弓丝诱导马氏体相变所需的临界应力增大;在温度由37 ℃上升至60 ℃再降回至37 ℃状态下时,以上镍钛合金弓丝在最后37 ℃的力值较最初37 ℃的力值大0.530~1.039 N。



热激活镍钛弓丝和普通镍钛弓丝在正畸治疗中的效果比较陈了斐;张合城;廖武堂【摘要】目的比较热激活镍钛弓丝与普通镍钛弓丝在正畸治疗中的的疗效差异.方法选取2014年1月~2016年1月我院42例实施正畸治疗的患者,随机分为研究组和对照组,每组21例.对照组给予普通镍钛弓丝正畸治疗,研究组患者给予热激活镍钛弓丝治疗,对两组的排齐整平时间、弓丝断裂次数、托槽脱落次数、治疗总时间、视觉模拟评分法(VAS)疼痛评分情况及不良反应情况进行观察比较.结果研究组的排齐整平时间、治疗总时间分别为(18.48±2.13)w、(82.43±5.26)w,短于对照组的(24.83±2.66)w、(91.61±6.62)w(P<0.05);研究组的弓丝断裂次数、托槽脱落次数均较对照组少(P<0.05);治疗后研究组的VAS评分较对照组低(P<0.05);两组均无炎症、过敏等不良反应,耐受性好.结论热激活镍钛弓丝在正畸治疗中效果确切,可显著减少弓丝断裂次数,节省治疗时间,减轻疼痛反应,优于普通镍钛弓丝,值得临床推广.【期刊名称】《现代诊断与治疗》【年(卷),期】2017(028)014【总页数】3页(P2553-2555)【关键词】热激活;镍钛弓丝;正畸【作者】陈了斐;张合城;廖武堂【作者单位】佛山市第一人民医院禅城医院口腔科,广东佛山 528061;佛山市第一人民医院禅城医院口腔科,广东佛山 528061;佛山市第一人民医院禅城医院口腔科,广东佛山 528061【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R783.5随着口腔材料学的不断发展,应用于正畸治疗的口腔正畸材料种类越来越多,弓丝是其中的重要组成[1]。





镍钛弓丝的特性及临床效果发表时间:2014-07-03T10:16:12.343Z 来源:《中外健康文摘》2014年第9期供稿作者:刁一凯[导读] 超弹性。



刁一凯(青岛市李沧区中心医院 266300)【中图分类号】R783.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5085(2014)09-0287-02 目前市场上的各种镍钛合金弓丝是通过不同的冶金技术而获得, 大致可分为三种类型:(1)普通型镍钛合金。

此类镍钛丝释力偏大,释力过程中力的衰减较迅速;不能弯制成形,脆而易折, 目前临床使用已不多;(2)超弹性镍钛合金。

具有超弹性行为, 有良好的回弹性能;(3)温控镍钛合金。





与金属内部结构转变有关, 结果就是在一定范围的卸载过程中恒力的释放。


但很快由于外力的诱导作用, 澳氏体相逐渐转变为马氏体相。

这个阶段, 在应力/应变图中形成一长的平台区。

实际上, 这种相变转变可能是不彻底的; 弓丝卸载时, 首先应力有一个衰减期, 继之马氏体相逐渐转变回澳氏体相,形成第二个平台区。

在此平台区, 弓丝发生明显的形变,释放的力却几乎保持不变,直至完全恢复到澳氏体相时, 应力/应变又呈现直线关系。









MANUAL PROTAPER FILESC LINICALD IRECTIONS F OR U SEB ACKGROUND:ProTaper nickel titanium rotary files have patented, progressively tapered and advanced flute designs providing the flexibility and efficiency to achieve consistently successful cleaning and shaping results. Importantly, precurved manual ProTaper files are the instruments of choice for managing canals that exhibit difficult anatomy, as an example a sharp apical curve, an iatrogenic mishap, such as a ledge, or a pathological defect resulting from internal resorption.G UIDELINES FOR U SE:•Establish straightline access•Preflare the orifice(s) with the X-Gates or SX•Use #10 and #15 hand files to create a glide path and secure canals•Negotiate and secure canals with a viscous chelator•Shape canals with an aqueous intracanal reagent•Clean flutes frequently and inspect for signs of distortion•Use instruments with recommended motion•Pre-curve manual ProTaper files when there is not a smooth, reproducible glide pathT HE M ANUAL P RO T APER T ECHNIQUE:1)Fill the pulp chamber with either Glyde or Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) for all initialnegotiation procedures. Explore the coronal two-thirds of the canal with stainless steel Nos. 10 and 15 hand files, using a reciprocating back and forth motion. Work those instruments passively and progressively until they are loose.2)Start the ProTaper sequence with S1 (purple). The apical extent of S1 will passively followthe portion of the canal secured with hand files. S1 is designed to cut dentin, in a crown down manner, with its bigger, stronger and more active blades. Irrigate, recapitulate with the 10K File to break up debris, then re-irrigate.3)Manual ProTaper Handle Motion:e a clockwise motion and gently rotate the handle until it is just snug. When thehandle is snug, the flutes of the file are lightly engaging dentin.b.Cut dentin by rotating the handle clockwise while simultaneously withdrawing the file.c.If over-engaged, disengage the file by rotating the handle counterclockwise 45-90degrees while concomitantly withdrawing the instrument to prevent any given file from inadvertently advancing deeper into the canal.d.Repeat the handle motions until desired length is achieved.e.Depending on the length, curvature, and diameter of any given canal, it may require oneor more passes to carry a file to the desired depth.4)In more difficult canals, one, two or three recapitulations with S1 may be necessary to pre-enlarge the coronal two-thirds of the canal. Frequently clean the blades, then continue using this file until it reaches the depth of the 15 hand file. Irrigate, recapitulate and then re-irrigate.5)Once the pre-enlargement procedure is finished, use a precurved No. 10K File in thepresence of NaOCl or Glyde to negotiate the rest of the canal and to establish patency.Determine working length with No. 15K File.6)When a smooth glide path to the terminus is verified, sequentially carry first S1 then S2 tothe full working length. Remember to irrigate, recapitulate and re-irrigate after each ProTaper instrument.7)With the canal flooded with irrigant, work the F1 (yellow 20/07) to length in one or morepasses. If the F1 ceases to advance deeper into the canal, remove the file, clear its blades, then continue with its use until it reaches length. Irrigate, recapitulate and re-irrigate.8)Following the use of F1 to length, gauge the foramen with a 20 hand file. If the 20 hand fileis snug at length, the canal is shaped and ready to fill. If the 20 hand file is loose at length, proceed to the F2 and, when necessary, the F3, gauging after each Finisher with the 25 and30 hand files, respectively.。









1. 直径方面。

- 镍钛合金丝的直径那可是有多种规格的。




- 也有相对粗一些的镍钛合金丝,粗的合金丝在一些需要承受较大力量的地方就很有用。


2. 长度规格。

- 长度也是多种多样的。





1. 强度。

- 镍钛合金丝的强度可不能小看。




2. 弹性模量。

- 弹性模量这个概念可能有点专业,简单来说呢,就是它在受到力的作用时变形的难易程度。

Titanium Alloys 产品说明书

Titanium Alloys 产品说明书

IntroductionTitanium (Ti) alloys are well-known superalloys due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent mechanical properties, corrosion and hightemperature resistance and biocompatibility. They are widely applied in various industries and application areas, such as biomedical, aerospace, marine and automotive industries, and in 3D-printing for implant manufacturing, with Ti-6Al-4V (also called TC4 or Ti64) being one of the most important titanium alloys. It is known that the chemical composition of alloys can influence their properties and grades. The concentrations of both the additive and impurityelements in the alloy need to be strictly controlled to ensure the material’s quality. For example, Al, V, Fe, Sn, and Cu in a Ti alloy can enhance high-temperature creep resistance, while Y and Pd can improve corrosion resistance and thermal stability.1-2 Therefore, accurate elemental analysis of Ti alloys is important in terms of metallurgy and product quality.In current national standards (e.g., ASTM E2371-13, China National Standard GB/T 4698 and industry standard HB 7716.13), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) is the specified technique for the determination of elements in the concentration range from percent to ppm in alloys due to its advantages of high matrix tolerance, wide linear range and multi-element analysis capabilities.3-5Determination of Major and Trace Elements in Titanium Alloys Using the Avio Max 550 ICP-OESA P P L I C A T I O N N O T EAUTHOR Shuli ChengPerkinElmer Shanghai, ChinaICP-Optical Emission SpectroscopyAccording to the test standard method ASTM E2371, most types of Ti alloys can be dissolved in two acid mixtures: HF-HNO 3 or HCl-HF-HNO 3, where HCl is needed especially for alloys containing Mo, Pd and Ru. To compare the effectiveness of the digestion, the samples were digested with two acid mixtures: HF+HNO 3 (5:1) and HCl+HF+HNO 3 (2:3:1).Approximately 0.5 g of Ti64 alloy samples were weighed and placed into DigiTUBE ® digestion tubes, followed by deionized (DI) water and acids, as shown in Table 2. Due to the strong reactivity, all acids should be added dropwise. The DigiTUBEs were then gently heated in the Sample Preparation Block (PerkinElmer, Shelton, Connecticut, USA), until the samples were completely dissolved, according to the program in Table 3. The samplesolutions were cooled to room temperature and diluted to 100 mL with deionized water in a polypropylene volumetric flask. In addition, 1 g of pure Ti metal was digested with HF and HNO 3 and diluted to 50 mL. This solution contains 2.0 g/L of Ti for preparing matrix-matched standard solution.However, one of the challenges of analyzing Ti alloys with ICP-OES is spectral interference caused by matrix elements: Ti, Al, V and Fe. In this application, the major and trace elements in Ti64 alloy samples were analyzed with the PerkinElmer Avio ® 550 Max fully simultaneous ICP-OES, demonstrating its excellent capability of accurate measurement of complex matrix samples.ExperimentalSample PreparationSamples consisted for NIST 173c Titanium Alloy UNS R56400 (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Bethesda, Maryland, USA) and an unknown Ti64 powder. NIST 173c was used for method development and accuracy validation; thecertified values are listed in Table 1.Calibration Standards PreparationAll the calibration standard solutions were prepared PerkinElmer single- and multi-element standard solutions, as well as theprepared 2.0 g/L Ti stock. The calibration standards were matrix-matched to the approximate levels of the major elements and contained 4500 ppm Ti, along with the analyte concentrations in Table 4, which were selected to match the expected concentrations in the Ti alloys.InstrumentationAll analyses were performed with the Avio 550 Max fullysimultaneous ICP-OES (PerkinElmer), which features a unique echelle optic and segmented-array charge coupled devicedetector (SCD)6, providing high-speed analysis and simultaneous measurements of all elements. The instrument’s proprietary Universal Data Acquisition (UDA)7 technology allows collection of all the spectral data for every sample in a single run, which provides flexibility of wavelength selection of all elements and simplifies method development. Plus, the combination of Flat Plate™ plasma technology 8 with vertical torch design enables the Avio to handle high matrix samples without large dilutions. And last, but certainly not least, the instrument’s dual plasma view 9 capability allows the measurement of major and minor elements in one method by setting the radial view for the determination of major elements, while axial view is used for minor elements due to its higher sensitivity.An HF-resistant nebulizer and spray chamber were used. Theinstrument's operating parameters, the wavelengths, plasma view, and background correction are listed in Tables 5 and 6. All data processing was done with Syngistix™ for ICP software.Results and DiscussionWhen analyzing metal samples, higher dilution is generally used to decrease matrix effects and spectral interferences. However, dilution also decreases the analyte concentration, which may make measurements of low-level analytes more difficult. In this work, the Ti alloy samples were diluted 200 times for analysis of all elements, from ppm to percent levels.200ppm V4500ppm Ti10ppm F e1ppm P d1ppm R u(a)(b)Figure 1. Spectra showing interferences of (a) 200 ppm V and 4500 ppm Ti on 1 ppm Pd 340.450 and (b) 10 ppm Fe on 1 ppm Ru 240.272.No MSFNo MSFMSF MSF(a)(b)Figure 2. Spectra of (a) Pd and (b) Ru spiked at 0.1 ppm in NIST CRM 173C, with (pink) and without (blue) MSF applied.To deal with spectral interferences caused by major elements, the Multicomponent Spectral Fitting (MSF) capability (includedin Syngistix software 10) was applied to Ru and Pd. Figure 1 shows the overlayed spectra of 1 ppm of Pd and Ru and the matrix elements: 4500 ppm Ti, 200 ppm V and 10 ppm Fe. By applying MSF, as shown in Figure 2, the spectral interferences were effectively removed, yielding an interference-free spectrum (pink), allowing accurate determination of Pd and Ru at very low concentration levels (0.1 mg/L).Excellent calibrations were obtained, with regression coefficients greater than 0.999 for all elements. The method detection limits (MDLs) were determined by analyzing 10 replicates of the 4500 mg/L Ti matrix blank solution. Figure 3 shows the reporting limits (LOR) in sample calculated as 3*MDL. The LORs are far below the lower limits specified on ASTM E2371-13, demonstrating the excellent sensitivity of theAccuracyTo verify the accuracy of the results, NIST CRM 173C wasprepared with both acid mixtures and analyzed. The results from the two digestion acid mixtures are compared in Figure 4 and show that all the elements were within ± 10% of the certified values, demonstrating that both acid mixtures are suited for the that the Avio 550 Max system is capable of measuring elements at low levels by using MSF to correct for spectral interferences.Figure 4. Recoveries for the certified elements in CRM 173c sample digested with Figure 5. Recoveries for the spiked elements in NIST 173c sample.ConclusionThe results presented here demonstrate the ability of Avio 550 Max fully simultaneous ICP-OES to analyze challenging Ti alloy samples. The Flat Plate plasma technology, vertical torch design and dual view enable the Avio 550 Max to perform this analysis and obtain excellent recoveries from a wide concentration range. Multicomponent Spectral Fitting (MSF) was successfully applied for spectral interference correction, ensuring accurate results for all elements with excellent recoveries.Figure 3. LOR of analytes in Ti alloy measured (blue) and specified in LOR measured LOR specified in ASTM 2371References1. Matthew J. Donachie, Jr., Titanium, a Technical Guide, 2000.2. https:///3. A STM E2371-13, Standard Test Method for Analysis of Titanium and Titanium Alloys by Direct Current Plasma and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry.4. G B/T 4698-2019, Methods for chemical analysis of titanium sponge, titanium and titanium alloys.5. H B 7716 -2002, Spectrometric analysis of titanium alloys.6. “Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES Optical System and SCD Detector”, Technical Note, PerkinElmer, 2020.7. “Universal Data Acquisition in Syngistix Software for Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES”, Technical Note, PerkinElmer, 2020.8. “Flat Plate Plasma Technology on the Avio Max Series ICP-OES”, Technical Note, PerkinElmer, 2020.9. “Vertical Dual View on the Avio Max Series ICP-OES”, Technical Note, PerkinElmer, 2020.10. “Multicomponent Spectral Fitting”, Technical Note,PerkinElmer, 2017.Consumables UsedFor a complete listing of our global offices, visit /ContactUsCopyright ©2023, PerkinElmer U.S. LLC. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer ® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer U.S. LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PerkinElmer U.S. LLC 710 Bridgeport Ave.Shelton, CT 06484-4794 USA (+1) 855-726-9377。

SuperJet.S 产品说明书

SuperJet.S 产品说明书

SuperJet.S.Eutalloy ®Nuevas mejoras de diseño que suponen:Flujos de gases y polvo optimizados a través de los circuitos internos del soplete. Incremento de la tasa de proyección en grandes piezas o de fuertes espesores. Mayor control de pequeños depósitos en esquinas y bordes finos.ReduzierterSobreproyección de polvo minimizada y sus costes de eliminación.Prolongación de la vida en servicio de las piezas e incrementode la productividad industrial.Soplete para realizar recubrimientos antidesgastecon las aleaciones en polvo EUTALLOY®Con el proceso Eutalloy se aplican recubrimientos deprotección en piezas de máquinas industriales sometidasa desgaste, prolongando su rendimiento en servicio. Se pue-den proyectar una amplia gama de aleaciones que se funden yunen metalúrgicamente al sustrato utilizando la última tecnologíade proyección SuperJet S. Aprobaciones independientes y extensivosensayos de campo aseguran un nuevo standard de calidad en los camposdel mantenimiento preventivo y aplicaciones de reparación.Sistema Modular, Multi-Propósito.SuperJet-S- Eutalloy es un soplete de proyección que puede ser fácilmente adap-tadopara realizar recubrimientos de superficies, reparación de superficies metáli-cas planas bordes de precisión ó piezas de rotación. Propiedades únicas del sopletemodular SuperJet-S :•Ensamblaje manual rápido de la lanzacon rota ción para soldadura toda posición.•Gama completa de lanzas, cada una con su inyector y mezclador para asegurar unaóptima alimentación de polvo para cada ajuste de llama.•Canal interno de polvo y boquillas diseñados para una máxima resistenciaaldesgaste y fiabilidad.•Todos los elementos del soplete son fácilmente accesiblespara su limpieza o reemplazamiento.•Cierre rápido para unrápido reencendido de una llamaajustada sin la necesidad de actuar sobre lasválvulas.•Diseño ergonómico para un fácil y ligero manejo. Escudo térmico deprotección orientable.Diseño Exclusivo con Mejoras de Calidad:El cuerpo de sopleteT ecnología CNC de mecanizado de precisión para asegurar unasalineación y trayectoria perfectas del paso de gases en el cuerpomonobloque permitiendo un flujo axial y uniforme de polvo, evitandoobstrucciones y paradas de mantenimiento.La palanca de accionamiento manual de polvo hasido endurecida superficialmente para incrementarsustancialmente su vida en servicio.Los asientos de las válvulas de Ox. y Acetileno han sidotratados superficialmente para una mayor seguridad enel cierre estanco del paso de gas y para una mayor vidaen servicio.Lanzas con montaje integral:A0 S para recargues puntuales de precisión.Nueva edición especial para recargues puntuales reparaciones de toque de máxima precisión y lamenor cantidad de calor aportada.Pequeñasesquinas y bordes finos susceptibles de sobrecalentamiento y oxidación.sobrecalentamiento o deformación del substrato.B3 S y B4 S lanzas intermedias standard. C5 S la lanza demayor potencia.•Micromecanizado y pulido de los canales interconectadosde polvo y boquillas para un mayor caudal de paso y velocidad de recargue.Optimización de la potencia de llama que reduce las pérdidas porsobre -proyección al mínimo y elimina los costes de la operación delimpieza.Optimización de la potencia de llama que reduce las pérdidas por sobre-proyección al mínimo y elimina los costes de la operación de limpieza.Tubos de lanzas de acero inoxidable que resisten mucho mejor el calor reflejado de la llama.Escudo térmico orientable para una óptima protección en diferentes posiciones de trabajo49991-F R -07.2020todos los accesorios necesarios para un montaje rápido y fácil,opcionalmente con todas o algunas de las lanzas y con o sin envases de aleaciones en Superjet -S- Eutalloy® Accesorios.Una lanza refrigerada denominadaKoolTip®está disponible como kit opcionalaccesorio. Este kit se recomienda cuando el SuperJet S estásometido a un factor de trabajo elevado o a prolongados reflejos de lanza refrigerada por agua facilita y agiliza el trabajo de recubrir piezasgrandes y diámetros internos. Opcionalmente, está disponible una tolva de aluminio rellenable, útil para transferir el polvo desde los grandes envases sin tener que desmontarla.Superjet -S- Eutalloy® Seguridad PrimeroEl soplete SuperJet-S- Eutalloy es fácil de utilizarpor cualquier operario reuniéndo los requerimientos de seguridad más exigentes.•El empleo de oxígeno puro como gas de transporte minimizalos riesgos de retrocesos.•Cada lanza incorpora elementos de seguridadparaprevenir los retrocesos.•Cierre de accionamiento rápido sobre los gases sinafectar a los ajustes de la llama•Escudo térmico ajustable para protrección contrala reverberación térmica.La alimentación del polvo Eutalloy se realiza a el vacío creado por el caudal de gas oxígeno en el inyector. Solamente después de este paso se permite el paso del gas acetileno a la mezcla.Procesos de Fusión Series de PolvoEutalloy® RWEutalloy®Eutalloy® SF EuTroLoyCastolin Eutectic ofrece una completa gama de polvos Eutalloy autofundentes y otras formulaciones de aleaciónen polvo, junto con sistemas de aportación apropiados para el recubrimiento de protección de herramientas industriales y com-ponentes de máquinas.El procedimiento Eutalloy®El procedimiento Eutalloy está desarrollado para aplicar recubrimientos con espesores entre 0.1-3 mm., en una sola pasada y sobre una amplia gama de piezas metálicas utilizando un soplete oxiacetilénico.Aleaciones en polvo especiales son proyectadas y fundidas para crear un anclaje fuertepor difusión, sin fundir el substrato.Una tecnología avanzada de atomización del polvo en combinación con el nuevo SuperJet facilita su empleo en la mayoría de las aplicaciones preventivas de mantenimiento y repara-ción dentro de cualquier sector industrial.CastoDyn® DS 8000El CastoDyn DS 8000 es un soplete diseñado como un sistema versátil de proyección, para la aplica-ción de los siguientes tipos de recubrimientos de protección:•Proyección “en frío” con las aleaciones RotoT ganche ProXon y los polímeros termoplásticos de la serie CastoPlast.•Proyección “en frío” de las aleaciones resistentes al calor y polvoscerámicos MetaCeram.•Aleaciones para proyección y fusión deLanzaCastoDyn® SFLa lanza CastoDyn SF Lance esun accesorio del sopleteCastoDyn DS 8000para la proyección y fusión simultáneas, con alta tasa de aportación y un excelente factor de rendimiento.Esta lanza extensión, está diseñada y optimizada para su uso exclusivo con las alea-ciones en polvoa utofundentes Eutalloy SF.muladas para realizar depósitos repetitivos de alta calidad resistentes al desgaste, con extremadamente baja dilución y distorsión.Exentos de dilución Anclaje metalúrgicoRecubrimiento Zona de Difusión Metal BaseAB CSu proveedor de soluciones para la protección, reparación y uniónP .I. de Alcobendas c/San Rafael, 6 Av.Josep Anselm Clavé, 21Felipe Serrate, 3 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) 08820 El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) 48013 Bilbao Tel. + 34 914 900 300 Tel + 34 902 193 730Tel + 34 944 420 550 Fax + 34 916 626 501Fax + 34 934 781 284Fax + 34 944 415 579*********************************************************************************。

































13 抗 疲 劳 性 .
应力 一应变 呈现 非线 性 关 系 , 卸 载 时应 变 自动 恢 在 复 , 种现 象称 为超 弹 性_ 。马 氏体 相 变 不仅 能 被 这 4 ]
应力诱 导 , 它也 能 在温 度 改 变 的状 态 下 发 生 。由温
度 的变化 产生 的相变 , 使镍 钛合 金具备 热 弹性 : 钛 镍
南 昌大 学 学 报 ( 医学 版 )2 1 年 第 5 01 1卷 第 5期
Jun l f n h n i ri ( dcl c ne 0 1 Vo. 1No 5 o r a o c a gUnv s y Mei i c)2 1 , 15 . Na e t aSe
热 激活 镍 钛 弓丝 的性 能及 研 究进 展
丝 ; ) 2代超 弹镍钛 弓丝 ;) 3代热 激活镍 钛 弓 2第 3第
腔 温度下 能完 全激 活l 。 5 ]
1 2 生物相容 性 .
热激活镍 钛 弓丝作 为一 种形状 记忆 合 金 (h p sae me r l y S moyal , MA) 是 指 一 类具 有 一定 形 状 的合 o ,
自从 1 7 9 1年 G. .An rae _ 将 镍 钛 弓丝 F d esn1 用于 正畸 临床 开始 , 正 畸治疗过 程 中 , 在 镍钛矫 治 弓
丝扮 演 了很 重要 的 角色 , 它产 生 齐整 平 。镍 钛 弓丝发展 至今 共经 历 了 3个 阶段 :) 1代 镍 钛 弓 丝 即普 通 型 弓 1第
王希展 综述 ) 吴建 勇 ( ( , 审校 )
( 南昌大 学 a 研 究生 院 医学部 2 0 . 0 8级 ;b 附属 口腔 医院正畸科 , . 南昌 3 0 0 ) 3 0 6










浙江实用医学 2020 年 10 月第 25 卷第 5 期Zhejiang Practical Medicine October,2020,Vo1.25,No.5•323•热激活镍钛弓丝对正畸中局部组织炎症及骨质破坏的影响丁砚农(丽水市人民医院,浙江丽水323000)【摘要】目的探讨热激活镍钛弓丝用于正畸治疗对局部组织炎症反应、骨质破坏的影响。

方法选择2016 年6月-2018年6月浙江省丽水市人民医院完成正畸治疗的患者110例,经随机数表法分为热激活镍钛弓丝组、普通 镍钛丝组各55 。

均选择进口 M BT金属托及M BT直丝弓矫治技术,普通镍钛丝使用普通镍钛丝,热激活镍钛弓丝组使用热激活镍钛弓丝。

比较两组排列平整时间、总治疗时间及生物相容性、龈沟液炎症指标[髓过氧化物酶 (MPO)、可溶性细胞间黏附分子1(g ICAM-1)、白介素-6(IL-6)、白介素-8(IL-8)]、龈沟液骨吸收指标[抗酒石酸酸性磷 酸酶-5b(TRACP-5b)、!胶联降解产物(!-C TX)、I型胶原交联氨基末端肽(NTX)]水平,以及 密度的差异。



受力后24小时,热激活镍钛弓丝组龈沟液中MPO、g ICAM-1、IL-6、IL-8的水平低于普通镍钛丝组,差异有统计学 (!<0.05)。

7天,热激活镍钛弓丝组龈沟液中丁尺人匸--5b、!-C TX、N TX水平低于普通镍钛丝组,差异有统计学 (!<0.05)。


结论热激活镍钛弓丝 少正畸治疗后局部牙龈织的炎症反应且对骨质破坏较轻。

【关键词】正畸;热激活镍钛弓丝;炎症反应;骨质破坏弓丝是最基础的口腔正畸材料,其材质决定其 主要性能,临床中多根据不同需求选择不同性能的 弓丝。



镍钛矫正弓丝的弯制与加热定形文章来源: 2006-7-28 16:32:49镍钛矫正弓丝的弯制与加热定形临床口腔医学杂志 1999年第3期第15卷临床研究作者:姚森秦葵庆林朝朗单位:姚森、林朝朗361003厦门,解放军174医院口腔正畸中心;秦葵庆北京有色金属研究总院二○二研究室关键词:镍钛丝;弯制;热处理提要目的提出一种弯制镍钛丝的方法,以期对这种高弹性形状记忆钢丝重新定形、加弯制司匹氏曲度及多种微小弯曲。


结论当给镍钛丝加上比A f点高60℃以上的温度时,则相变引起的形状恢复应力超过丝材本身的屈服应力,合金形状记忆特性被部分影响。


Bending and Heat-molding of Ni-Ti Orthodontic WiresYao Sen, et al.Center of Orthodontics, 174 Hospital of PLA, Xiamen 361003,Abstract objective Aim of this paper is to introduce a bending method for Ni-Ti orthodontic wire, in roder to remold, put Spee’s curves and other micro-bends to this super-elasticity and shape memory alloy wire.Method To electrify-heat the Ni-Ti wire. with a Heat Treat Device and two Pliers which connected to the Device, in order to bend and remold the Ni-Ti wire.Conclusion When the Ni-Ti wire was heated over 60℃ than point A f, the shape recovery stress caused by the transformation is larger than the bend stress of alloy wire itself, and shape memory characteristic of the alloy was affected partly, so the Ni-Ti wire shape can be changed by the method, this will be useful to satisfying orthodontic results.Key words Ni-Ti wrie Bend Heat treatment材料与方法仪器与材料仪器:西安天隆新技术研究所研制的FS-4000齿科点焊-加热三用机(包括加热装置及热处理钳)。



1.正畸治疗中应用热激活镍钛弓丝与普通镍钛丝的效果比较 [J], 邓丽蓉
2.热激活镍钛弓丝和普通镍钛弓丝在正畸治疗中的效果比较 [J], 陈了斐;张合城;廖武堂
3.热激活镍钛弓丝与普通镍钛丝在正畸治疗中的评价 [J], 吉利;贺红;钟小龙;黄代营
4.热激活镍钛弓丝对正畸治疗患者龈沟液中炎症因子及骨质破坏的影响 [J], 贾颖颖
5.热激活镍钛弓丝对正畸治疗患者临床应用研究 [J], 张晓静;陶茜茜;张生堂

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